Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1879, p. 3

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ODD-FE L 10 CENT:S 10 EACflDOLA -ri 1---- AU GUJST E. FI?~O ST, Oddfollows' Hall. NEW ADVERTZSEMENVTS, Jorogooand NipissI1ng Rallway cog fi rjfuE ANNUAL IN1A METN etc the AboyéOoi, ,wiU blisheld at thoir offices la théeTm iP d Bank luild. iliagein the i. itY of Toronto, on TUE91).1 911-. IADay qf Seprn- ber, 187(), at thé horof twclve, cnec» for th rsé provl.lcd by the by.laws i h u01 1Cen Secret ry an.d Trmasurér. Dsted CLIAuguést, 1879a0.di J MES EVANS, LATE c? GLEN M.AJO R MLLS, IN l'UTUIlE 70aIDE NOWN iM Evansylul1e MiUsg Ont. 8I NOW .COMONCING BUSINESS on him owu acunt, sud wlll héprepar. cd te, neet thé wauts of ail hie osetoers, as t,ésetoice Re. on6w begs te tiaek hié OdO ptrané fer théir patronage.and begé te assuré t'lem tlbst le wlli Wéond on haud es osuas ta atted Le théir cres and èxe. cuLe thém wlLh panctusllty. Thé new alî, wth th.re.run01 ci en0 IsWallfittod u f5PECIALLY ýLOW ,PRIQES. WinI shortly arrive, and we must make rcom -for thlemi, look out for ba Bargais, i,& White Counterpanés, De ~,>~ Lace (Jurtis,_C àieea éin, Sheetingé, Lustres, Mrafé 141020 n, ePrints, IL MillanerY GQoode, _Pàao,&otyox..w pio0 ~"No trou1e, to s how goode. "Tc ashiQnable" JDxy000,18, add V1othiýg HIl'e ATHS MoNTH, oCleaxing ont their-entire stock cf ~rcSEJ~IN MAHIN 8 AtHalf-Price.' They-are also offerng very great bargains in Ladies' and, Ohildronsf UNDERCLOTH1rýG, Baby Idnon, &o. MILLINERY, MAN'TLE RSM~ 93"flutterick's Fail Fashioii Shoots reo'ivýdGa- atetoe re Irock.ot.,, Whitby.MINYB R.H. JAMESON CLRE TS--WIN E Cruise and Fils Freres BORDEAUX. Medoc, St. Julien, Margaux, d&c. LOIRNE HIGHLAND WHISKIEY. 1 Rye Whiskey, guaranteed in Wood. féaH.bU r. Empoite .1vWE ion AWib, ugnst 26th, 1879). ; . DO M I JoýW AREROO MS ------------ PHOTOGRA l'ORa ~~ sIi~~ P-HOTOGAPHIÇ, The.,undersgneùd hav uteevda large lot -f Colored, They are Selling Beautifuid C iored, £lllcs for "55 cents a yard. *C- Summer Dress Goods at a Gréat Reduction.- miL L INSER Y> AlClasses o'f Summ er Goods Veiry Cheap. 1Millinery, Dress-makinq 40 * e They have a Large Stock, Of Cheap Slugars and Teals just- to hand. ~'X «X 7"wEJLL 5 Summzerg il. G. . Mnl & C'o's. Champagne. -000 Yolsoit's and Carlina's A leand, n' à Sdih SEMI-ANNUAL TAT E ME NT RAVE LE R S. Ti P wvà "ýw1 up £.JVV tf[(itj ur-fjWomens Ci os and hde osadSo an wl ls ouaqulteal au.Real cétate, -' 517,20487 GraClig nt failsana g -00---- Cash on hand and in bauk, 127,904,69 Misses' Kid Boots and Shoes. Baliam P 0.Lea»n uboasd rtgragé an reaI éstalu -. - 2,250,193.18 A New and well Selected Stock.. Cali and examine. Re- Intéréit an loans, accroéd bot AUIN -K E E - L EIR ntde,6,m39 iember the wliole is offered at cost., O'KEE.FE &n cCO'S., LAGERrîty,22,100.00_______________ LIME JUICE. $1 00 FEBR DOZEN Piemulms dueand urepor.ted 051 leg~~o Lime ulcélud It prep0,75e0,1m2 Tho publie le caotioed égalint purcsé. R H J~EO' United States Geverument ?i S inta ue n t rprtos a A% O'. bondis« - - 483,420.00 F R SA LE ~Staté sud municipal boudé, 259,078,50 lureé, and are bel»ug cfêred by thé vénders - -ra tck n od, 2,180 a bstue oth linetinePgDé Bnicanad Insuranuas, tocks, 509,ý Juien. Tacesa iaeur btain gc1i oé. NAét ,55453 rew auu eke,.arg e u 0±u bo , h 06rlt Libiz FRUPIT Juxus, sudi tsprépara. Tt l Asge t Xs, 455453 eu éublic lé réquested te ses that T ùà-NT r MIZ y ABLIE.tesareko, cheap ;LreMr er lOl -111-11 bot 0 purchse, has ýiie notaiRéservé, leur per cent., Lite $100; Three Bgis e em naoet utpr 'Lua yule with thé Trade Mark cf thée fulSan o Dlamanutd~nt, chasers.sutpr label, n10né0ether ls Gnuine. 1 00 F-"J L di s nd o th ers uidé'ut Departmeut - 221,2.34_ 00 csé that yen get it. - purchase bi immense stock of MASSON GEM FRUIT duada telib- Augubt isth, '79. JARS, ta-r-at y3,3u3e,337.9s, R ie, - - - 144,50000 - Ri.E T -~ AR, t i~ea1v edce uics.atTotal Liabjljtiéé, $,3- 370 A 14 w T E D. SIMON FRASEIVS New Cash Store. -Sur ls asregarde Pelle>' e mote es IEP A Lacd wriurprfrr.- Sttîiticefor théeYétsr 1878. A ro rie rfera IFS DEPARTMIENT.H A RV E.ST TL- 1 G. stock China, and Numbraof 1ie pue r G.largerstock pf Chinarg rof Crock any ton h. 1878, Po-c-s -t. 1,080 Cade, cyhsSnihs&o.SRae Wbity, ug, 01h '~Glass-ware, at astounlding. LOW PRICES. Whclé numbér Lile Policys Crde&~yieSnih,.ols a os, Cheap at written tedate .- 30,297 HATOH & BRO. RA MNI>DOMINION FXRIDITION.clés in force, - - ,207 ID NT UN d r p e cieux, TIns AUPICcEOF 1 THE7IO %'-C 4B a oim rS8 Ç# oaLfée Iornei O ' NO rpr ai UULRatBoto PiPe. ,:Amun-Le $1,37,50.0Greonfixes them so they can't rm AgriciJtfaI Ad ASSOrlaIoii A fuli- - line of ail grades -of TEAASENTDépacuact, -*IT1,.SBuy the best and buy no other, !FOTRO at- slaughtering prices, at N'umber cf Accident Policles -And only buy from Hlrth & Brother. written lu 1878 - - 43,118 To BE'-HELQ AT OTTAWA, SIM.fOIJ7 PI?,sAin8EJ.E?. - 0775,582.51 RAT In& ]ROrrsHdw. Gain in Premiums oe*187,$0.587.09 CEI & ]3r0esHrwr. -osu-01IE. Deverell's Block, - - Brook Street Wholé numher Accident Peli. clés written, . - 517,085 Whitby, Juuo lOth, 1870. 2 22îd Io 27th1S EPTEDJJER, 1870. Numbxc>Accidnt Clu 1878,i 5ec Dominion Medais,. snd £î5,ooo N. B. -~Farmer's Produce takeon in ex1c_____________lu_____8_____________4,__60_ __________________in__________________________Amaunt.Accidént daims paid 4,6 lu 1878, - - 0284,343.23 AC. ltbrienmust hé made witlh thé ecrts-ÀTo100 EAU, or 85 W ]a, y SM O Claime paid 3,4 G- I-D C E II G S L et Toronteilauor befere ttie irmntion. t- 129aal u y eur Wo. j 3, daté, vs.: 150 Te2ad . rms.Wo-K E Wholé asueunt accident Aons oue shi o Swhuo, $i5r 00Mnymatémoe" A comme» tabauco IVIIEN fer Total Lasses palO, bath Dé- hometry îipi mcas wllsmor n. C ainnpéid $4.13,080-80o -F- Arturai Auguét ino. t, on or bfaré sa.thsé amooint statéd aboié. No onée nonbail thé sème price prmus 433098 tragsia 2u te muée mené>' fast. An>' coeeau do thé rsiet dlads. Mciery anté nufacturegenes-. su heur by devotlug your evenings n ucai glJheJ ïieNav? G. F. DAVIS, Viaé-Présidént. laaIa e.o a aéfo 0cnst 2 co' h u40JS .SATROPesla. Q T AN ~ S O S asUYe our Isafre Saturdaty, Augliat 0tî. opère ime to the business. IL o sts natis- II RODNEY DENNIS, Sécréttr>. llOrtleulLuir,,ji reduute Ladies' Wo k, ing ta ry the business. Nothinglike iLfor S JOHEME RIs, Assis tua ec?>'. I'InuArt,, etc., on or babor'é SaLurajs> ert _ men'mking ever offéréd boxfera. flusi-SEGOR E LL ,Atur. mflisés plesant sud .trietly honorable. Beadér g.... . EnwAnn V. Vas M.<4 0 th lé»o i k Fo ýOOtaeméoféeheakecg pèying business beforé thé publie. sénd us7 rctadc * talArelua a, iriut yeur addré6s.sud ws will sénd yje itull c. P~. RUSSELL, Agent, Prav. Ont. ai Scéle081A cu uchland,.s' ititues particulars sud privéte terme fre; sémples IN GTILT LETTERS, Office, 83 Adiléede, East, Toronto. th-P lclue'Ilflltsot r ieIrs;yueuto a Is now prepared to soil ail is Stock of New Boots and Ou;10u h r.jin ,cAGz yanr mind iaryoursolU. Addréss GGE E O 0N E AC0H P 1, U G -C.NOUSAgent, -h -A ADwuîtby.,a AotonPicsia JONR RI, STINSON & C., Portland, Maine. IY-82C*SosAT NDU ER OTaAutn riss ; Agiétlitti 0 rs s.Trot. Ilamiiten, May>,'79. m-22 BO S W NE oi opeiled to make arrangements for a new store. MONTH guara.teed. $12 - vrtigi h oI n heln nStockwl idy t ihaine made b>' thé A WEEX ta yaur owu bcwnGo ae a omd ycletu naOstlcs. Capital not ré- adnocpta ise.Yuau séipping horna te us. pstvl be cleared off at a sacrifice. g!ie en, w sn, oss u il give thé business a trial witheut flags îoaned. Prompt remittauce. Fer .. malte moue>' féster ét wark for no; th a a xetsé$Th6be t appo rtunt'frher pérticulars adOrésesisae ii'î. anythh.g lse. The worlc lé ligit and> plait- Ye éold fr uthos iuélé n te PETER RB. LAND & Gce,, hie immense stock. The greatest bargains ever given in the Town of aT ansewhas awlée co 150 thîsno .yOU ses c rse htyo cn dc at thée nenutaccîurerp, Whitby Miay be exPeccd. 'No troubla to show goocis. Thu woar 1o hobusbo o c iCness w e.N om eepanhr.TORONTO. r, te-mm ies deatéNal vou send us tcils- ddrésceat once sudosée fer Tou cau w er o ro ueplt èe thémselves. Cestiy auLfiLtsud tre eýSae M aea ostiseor cul>'your Uy2a169COE NE -AL 1 Now lé thé tîme. Those tîrosd>' at worl prkiét thé business, sud malae great 625OOIEON arelylgularg unse aéi drés ei r évery hour that you work. Womné 5CM~AL ,Zngu lre uo f oey '. a s omach a# mou. Sendfor fer ciai . DamiJOlaus sand QUartrdeMhts.b T Io,,Agse aié 72pIate terme sud particulars, whiè e Iprihuî mails. 5 ontfit Ire. Dou'fi compîsin ~BOKS. HTY -AT- - Strayed, cf iard timsh ubv such a chance. MURRAY& LANmAN'S ADEVflLJLS BLOCK, RCKS.WETY Addres JE, JO., T Partlaid, 011 TITE PpEMISES 0F TEE Mainue. I-2Clbae R, H. dAM ESON ', ros hootFRCcWhjiby, aOas-k1-8Ccertd ________________________ on her legé; haatar a m o . Anyn hlgii BALYWEAPASgl!gafsma tnuerlxO ésmlaby1 ICOAL 1Fbria OM E AND SEE US BALY HAroaddA eholding îueh &cew CIEVEK 1IUNDRED TONS Steve and WVater. AD UYCHAP Thtuimlirélxîcl as ceéve lisbsu ltern w. bGDproeéuted, aecordi C e Nut Coal, qualit>', A-1-well sereéneél, ha eeas-iitur n it-frsalé cieap for Cash, st Pielkertng Har-Th aies, ot M5 éss .1.LATTIEWs &ÂCpply .82 - . e iast, moteGOIN RY cf il K ds & Ce ~~puEVST MObor. pl te W. C. Allison, Liverpool frun nte N E Sarcy Fai héa, paug îcî,J. B. MeCLELLAN. . icateoofÀ11perfumés s Bieckcye Pesé, Smail Peas, Farrn for Sale. Ju> 3,189 aéékercbîct', aithéb Toilet and la thé Rye, &c,, &c. AT FBath, élhfulsdheslthuminluthé Ail to bé dllvoréd at tu th a ievat(4a75 C15 LW A fEsquPAR- bHuse for Sale, or ta Let., sorom,relléveswealcnéss,bfatiu, , - A. F. V .RW OOD MA Pckrng DAYrC., baI n of w iLstn - sbé boue.n -- SOE WELING ON PE. cuLfar cOjtérfelts, slways ask for thé aigbuh h uies fM.J'.MDual ro MA' BY ,%rewnnht tneeailg e-klnýA ryd DWEL ;o 'lorida Water peae ytesole pro-ebsns fMJ G cDual ro lilJs-acc ;eat Llng - aiseroomîpgwhîetr Msr. Lauman & Keihp, New Street, Whitby, Io now prepared tao suply overything ini theléofon I up io'ceon Farinera thue gréat >'ung oschas-O, hsst cf fruit-trees ci'&o iedéhédenoaut ra,p ce im io r saleia ibgIlyr nc igtabés-rilatficerh s, Duégadn f qaté srs roarsaéndrumrs mthofSé odbD arie, ttStorclkt ats orotibly leaiiiig ileir monvng tobearbandtedthletbosai L'r Las y a c ag otion thrugh r:dte (uelph, fsozia whih it ià AppI>' te JOSEPH A. âANDI)Z, andIt».,>'Goodu Desers. r mgaeo s aI the ver lwast "les ompS ton.]l i âasbeWf e aI Sa-butirelluw sultalé forol Ofie. lDAVI2S.S ONREAE, propare o supior maerantd efiecptis tio.hvr ow Mwas b lcI)caîl>'n ycar Cîiadiai'¶iarey witl; *arwo umirflosîtbo alé, Or . ,S & BREAD, willbe aupliedi s hretoforo. gelOril tudh«. k LDLltr:teol i o> dwbl anPrcé e >'20- a 0re qred FRTC AS . For salé b>' T. G. Whutfield, Obem4let,' A cail and trial he féele satiefieti,wilanhm atr e, nd t 1OiDérl sigterfînumtévigeo-us. Api'LL.D EWN, 'A I Whltby.e thémimé wüll piy JUs oustomers. a interntsrin othi and ELa1 sheehiPeepabcomP ., s-der ltssct brin sgit Ee> Ot ]M ~R AEPIPES, CIGÂRS -and TOB .ACOOS, oft hé best brande, Oheap. TIIdiOy aî l nSen uir u > 1 8 9 ha. A M T . MJEYIJII', all kinds, and eeasonable, kopt on hana, and wl bo sold at *o TiepolMrk OSA . MOO.dYBl IBYRUB FIRST.QIJASS FARM, 0F 160 iNOMPOSED 0F 100 ACRES BRING astouIdngl>' Low pruces, nt LlepWEalé,Ag 1 '9 4u8 ~HTYHUE A..Aères,,-baing part cf Lot No. 9, in -sý part cf Lot Na. 4, lu thée M Conces- The Diyanaed 'papgasreceived i . Sainr naoh. L 's- ~~~~~~~~~thé Srd. Con. et Pickering. Wel iatereél sicantof Pickeing, flytiiiles fscm thé tcwn BcsDiy WesySainr 010 I lOR SLT0 IN.DUNDAS..ST., -WHITBY. wlth living oprlsg cm,éek; tirée wellsof ofWhit,ii e ocdt eto o f cultiva- fallni ilgodTncnslsthu n te trthé i Tbr'oflekrerii iLtN o. 1, Ilu-thé,.2,d. . POBIE.TOD hebndsome dwelll nsd goba outbolàdl g, orchard, &o. Fialter9 îescy5î[ c oû etalnlng 160 accès, --.Two dwelllugs fer barm hauds. ÀAsplenduél id crop in taken oft Ibi nal ud posseusion eoe u n ornn c od n ul 0adj 505éanti ?ood l ,out. Superla acomdation s.t modoerate stock and grain fanta ;-cloeéta good muir- lit Mérch nIIt. ets ,nr CýTeHgee ~hPiepi~oE-B eut>' chared.ges. stabing sud onclaseél yard. M~h. WII lieha ldchéap, ou easy teri. For'particatars, apply O he-nr A 1l0t - W. 'IL.CLENDITRN, MM Agent idr,-W WlmuLogeyinB ttl -. . - o-VA.PwanraS ontpenlise or 1mtbyi:p.i0 Otb5 - -w *ý7 vv lmi Will seil seli for 30 days AT COST! 3U RN S, Womens' K idla oots and Shes I Speiai nducenent to heàds o t f-Df Imilles, duxing the sàmmer months. Farilýùies oonsisting of ýtâ four Persons, and'upWards, by ordierm*ng one dozeni photos., o egch)' will be ýpoented with a beautifuîl photographgop of the family,, fUil ize, for fratn'ing. o MédoIl Sati sfaction guaranteed. Priices- to - e"ti QILDÀEN A, SPEOIALTy. Fra'mingin ail its branches a' rie which defy obmipetition. '4ens fo Canda taiied àass ork, cal an Js t fil'- IWIILKINSON'S ]3L00K, - BOOK-T WIIITBY. CA25 TULy$E5A0 IT yF CRL&T WESTERN WB -LL A UGExR WB XUAN IT, and are propared to demoustrate the fuot. [3D0UR AUGERS are operated entirely by HORSE POWER, and i GUARANTEED to bore at the rate of 10 to 15 fEET PER HOURI T1iy BlIo hm3 to 6 Footi infl ial r, and AMHY EPTHÏR&ind~o1 Irhey are WARRANTED TO BORE SUCCESSFULLY IN- Att KINDS 0F EARTfH, S0F]? SAND, and LIMESTONE; BITUMI- NOUS STONE COAL, SLATE, and HARDPAN, and make the BEST 0F WELLS in QUICKSAND, GRAVEL, and CAVY EARTHS. Théy are Easiiy Op7eratod, fsimple in contru.tié, s, nirable 2 Thé Chéaapcut andi M[ost PractciLe,..-- ilise Woril 5er MANUFACTURED AT. OUR OWN WORKS, fromn the Very Bcst cf Material, b>' Skilled and Practical WVorkrncn. GOOD ACTIVE AGIENTS Wanted in Every Count in the United States and Canada, to whom wc offer liberal inducements. Snd for out [llustrated Catalogue, Prices, Terms, &c., proving our advcrtisernent 6ona fia'e. ADDRESS aREAT WESTERN W'ELL ÂUGRR WORXM Ç:70t5.f btP&prycus St. Louis, Mo, OHN JSAUNCIVDER IIS. HOTANDJUST E EIVD TOR E OTH G ASOMEN8TOPE LANDTIE'LANDE ASSTEN 0 ' L ADES N ISS LIPGRPE RS& SHOES.E i~ HAPEJOHAN SEVEII.. Agent «nty of Hia//burton, Fairm to Rent., FARM ATtW& flU2NDRaED AOEE8, -I3EING d Sy0.5f 100 acres 'hothbl 1s of aLot'ya oLos~ h c . ,l théer cn.slo f eloe t a WIwy, nd otsin he Whltby, and 100 acre, north-hs. f c lot onI, in thé 8rd concession cf Plckérn, ad- ,JAG£- 0F HALIBLIR.'WN; j n &bonxt. 190' acres oléaréd Sub- ,TMnsfino 0fthq Victoria R&iay, drgrouna cela- c. cuthdid nilliin stream cf water through thé land. Posées- À BMoNÂBLE sion -cf the Pikérna100 sres cn fiait ýefI0ctoýr nitý nxlofuzeéWhithy 200 sacrÈs on le. t'A&r,1880. Tenant 'ssilzvé p4vi- &APPIY toO.C,%T BLp0X'IELD, log f b t6 u~na «Or&&"Ln E agtnCo. eýD. Gù,mje TEE In cempoééd of Ingrédients indenitical witl theff, Which constitute fléslth, loocd, Muscl sud 1NerVG sud Drain Suibétince, jwhilst liit tél!lé directly dépendent up- eo sne oéf them. B>' ls union wlth thé bload fdtaLs llect UPOn the rMuscles, ré-ertàblighutsg thé oue and-ten1ng thé athée, it-is capable cf effet- luigthé followng résuts. It will diéplacé or-wash out-tuberuatlbus atter, sud thus cure ConsumN4oti. 17incréaeing. Nérvous aad Muécul,r Vigor, Witll curé *Dygpepla,fieblé or h- terrupted action cf thée 1esrt and Palpita- 0t in, Wealtness of Intellect causcd by grief, Worry, ertar or irregular habits, lira»- chiLis, Ac»te or Chrême Congestion of thé Lungé; eine»luthé meét alarling tagea. It cures Àstiima, Lôss of Value, Neuralgia St. Vite Dance, Epieptie Fit,Wopn Ceagi. Nervauseeé, and li a moét wouder- i ajanet te othér rémidle s in oustai»itig lue, during theé pr0ceus cf Diptheric. Au endes chai» of geod efforts is !orn.edl hy FELLOW9, CO MPOUND SYRUP ' OLa, HYPOPHOSPHITES. aud'wcarc aé in éayliig5tram >a joug a*- périéncé lu médecine, iLs virtues at'à itui t'selIy anp tyhtr consinaUo, as the IT IWACCEPTAB La tpalatu and etcmach. SUFFICIENTLY VOTENT 'Èta ted. cidsd bunefit, yut harmiess, howseuveýr ibng its usé maa> hécautinuci. Thié haroctur- ifiic isgoséééd by no other remcly. IT SIT DIGETION aaéiasnila. tien. IT VITALIZES TE,]LOOD, supply- inf, asichi iredieuts as inaybe rcqu.rcul. iTREMSTO1ÉMToôlt thîo eryoé. IT GIVES POW.É%3,,eéndlueanéé sand of concentration to thse mind. IT PROMOTES VIGOJI lus thc rgarlé whieh dépendl for heslth on-thé involuutary musular action,' via,: thé Livér, Longé, Ëeart Stoniach and Géniitals. AUd unles afltictéd witaisemée diséase in- Volvang Âé5OLUTE eltOAatlC LOOS# it Wilî SUS- tain thé éystem util iL reaclios théeaa'e ai- Iloted lu man by a bensfcient Creator.' NO PEItSON wilb iam nedn ecfectof FELLOWS HYPO 'iOSPRmTES wio rigg!dly follow thé diecujoa,. Tho oxperimouts 4,icn prcfeclcl tlule prépasation ocuupiéoïl sau>' moî,ths, sud wero lustituLcO wsth a vicw cf curiag liat inéldious diséasé, TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION. sudinu arder télsuppl>' thé- deficienuicéin, Hypophesphités slresd>'inla use; for, si- thoug théir nature was, correct nas t ié- es-y, their préparations were, cwing ta théir impérbeet ergals-étion, bau iwsuting Luc practicé. Whilà the>' caussd thé formation cf fat sud géusrstsd hoat, the>' diél not imprave thé blood. Thé %onie eSsaIt upon thé nérvès sud muscles 'was circuméeribéd sud 0wngta their dllutèd' stèLe, iavalvlng larg doses, thé>' wéré aise teo expènéive. P hé desiderata sanght b>' Mr, Felle'wn, wére: A couvéniont, palétable riedy; 'Unélterablé b>' tune ; Héranlés, thoogi uééd centinuon'al>', yct might be dieeoatinued at any ime withaat an>RIii ffect; Which would indues au appetité Streuguhen digestion; Prompts assimilation; Croate heàlthy blepd ; Strengthsu thé ncrvésand musclés; Enabls tisésubjet ta soeeesefuly com- bat disuses; ,And auMiintl>' ecanomlèsi for ail. AU thé has e béé» aisputbya ttaincd. Thé sucese cf thé rsk is complète ; sud Felloa' Hypophosphites, stands foemost smongét thé remedies for circula organie diéeses, oýsessing-properties té which no othér meé.icines hés ever apis-ed. ABSTRACT.EFFECTS. Féllows' HypEophesphitos, on betag in- troduce& it t tis tmach, unités witls the fcod, sud immediatéîy dailersthe circulé.-, tien; and, bèta pérfécîl>' miécibîs with bis lecod, spéedd ypérvades evér>' partcf thé sysem. Ité eifèrtet are fîrit dcclamad b>' s puisésllght>lyieaucs&l ifulluess, sud srengli, a général exaltation of thé os-gaule fonctions, sud exhillraticu cf thé intellectusi Poliers. -Its spécifie iluence is on thé brain sud nerveus substance, ln. crsaslng thé éctl's-ty cf thse ebserbénts, sud renewing thé bleoo, thu cuslng thé béae> musenlar formation sa nècéssar>'In réstar- lng thé functians ci thé previotsl>' wenket edr0ea.' Ilelig thon, a toule for the nés-vous sud clreulator>' ïystem,-ut -fallowé that, 'shéu- thére lé a- demsud for extraordlnary axés- .- tien, ës use lé luvaluable, 1aines iL supplies thé wasta lis-ouhthé circulation, asus-, tins théegpueraieystem. At ne poriod of B1lé swatcbifnl cars avér thé funotions oi thé brein more requlsité than dos-ing thé soqoilîtlca ci knowledge b>' théeycuth ;"plodding,P-reésving slnd>' requis-es aa tore cof-rigorona nervouz force, créichild may sncnndertfaomental tol. .Sterunécessit>' m& cosupol thé atudéntr ta itrssn bas pcers ,bandlthe dictâtes cf Prudence, an the ts-I promise cf excel-. lenceMaybe blightedtrey Te snch wo reccmmén Veo~ ypo- phosphites il aiRnot cul>' reitore th6 sinklig patiéent, but It AIlenablé thé toi- ing- tudnt ta preera bis mental and nerivaus ét4ia«&ardithoutdetr*ment. Ncra.-flésuspicilas c01prsons a-ho ré. czommél s yota nortcl s.anas essnd5' thmsaim boas-tac a ,imflas- nso Nova feifadu bas pro amen lu récomu Pr; leé rond (ege c PAtILI. HOTUIIRS ý 1 'l STUDIO IY ýF,,R "D E P 0 il. FIL 0 co- -et itbY, June 10th, 187f). Aý'T .0- -0 ýS-lr,- Ta4' 1 lo"ring,- 1 t'O---oýder.j [ An siîo.Ese 1

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