Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1879, p. 2

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,gltert,- ýeste wemc ro, sadi Dl, D. Or- 8OnUth1I#Ug Dow-Rioto Brou. Nu4et-Rse lBros. Laceirk %VYenod-G. Y. Sautii. Byaesvilll MliIs-Jass, ËVanx. : For lb. TipuesatdIçIalads.-,J. Lawalar. Eduumlutnsa-4. S.ilberlsua. ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUM. -Wbitby, Thurrnay, Aug't. 21, 1879. *Tise Vîce-Rugal Visit. We aeaulle dily expectatian' o! s * * aa otliétlen cf the éEact d ay so tiloal for tise viceé-régal visîl la WhtLby. 8o fer, * v cen ouly say lin adenus, tisai vu arc ,smuue&tILwuhl Se ssriy le laise ect'htmcof Seplem b ér,res lise Gove meor- Geéerel sud! thué Priées.. Loulue pro. oeed on Ili way le Toronto. The CalsalolIit Society: arm taklug lise mal- ter le hans! anal latous! iavlng a grand Iéurt-ent n n tIse occasuion. Théi r leuilebie effoarts eonîs! dbeve tisa ssiet. scies ans!encouragémeut cf every loyal cf Whilby muke aÀ' gcod eppearenée Towu Matters. Tho eisalfaçuson on tbe chié! con- tahié's salsry and tise sorvîcas anal pay of thé tiré brigade, 41liIchsLok placce t tise Taown Couiueil, MontIayi- eveuingb_ w lIr éi)lps leers ai. IL ésh avs tisa i lIce cfameamlct aeted ina> laast'sly, andI se vs ltocal occasion, efierwarsls, tc pont ont, uicjase"lîy in tis agessé of tIse claie! con- - tabýle. l'a-cari I.tisée matepayemu wvliI uIea gitan lacw poorly tisé sérvjeés tisé illes of tise limee canpauy arc requiteil, asa i i o v euh ahano e n i ggasr îly - so mn e P13p009vîta, il ulsey lasal tul-icr own wsy, TLIa. ussecus ao! tIsé coelIecr lu gettiug las h ie ta xe , Ilu tî c se h ar ) .iiane , le ,ssmsntter pieushng feduler.ilutowu affairé. - lM,. t'imîé etilioctealt e al ate, $20 a,100, 1boîVing lee tisati 82,000, yotunupalil. Tisalareessaitt ve4 ~a biglIsole wiiiliée in aa c lic tis i co anpa ma lIve îy és osît c- cuo au, F v o ves, w é venture to MIaY, 0oatl is iasi)sasgood i ssexhibit. Anal Yfl a i-tème ra ulnéraainnnget us vue, b o. os a o tl u y v a'm e d u o io iaa y t iaair o w su tri la11ft a l s 1a 1%1a1îs o r f vaî o urlie r t aîa tiacir leimce fortonsete noiglabo me, W a î i l i i La i i s a 'aihic to r t h o mn eirt t e li i m as scm u e * " isud , ec iasip ieto lai , Saaaaarau'i'alormLI4ta, Wve use lois, aise, n'ne vasnag M ost lssalmsi8 rious îy ae ltàioagst LI"!f erm elr, o!Ut tise coun ly- cs mttietica, sarsasaîget tIse ial-ors&vivée T lai-y lasesont tiacia- à ia s p iosq to ajis g eo 1%lay aof ljj lojie, ÃŽteila iusible sîery ar!litia i tisy casasa ffar aI t e Hull tlîc g eods ohiiaI),tidsmî, .by arsiaameîreemutatione antI lmr i t ua e , h silie. s pair a iase. N o sîe)tiaîuaay iîsmY cI aY i ii hc s ee l l f er ; L a >k il t ii a g o naci aI, as al if l'a is h u a t îs é a n yl'ualaýissa îay for tliosilas lay qliais.if yoîs al s s ikas u ia c e t ia oy h sîc oî a et lié I m uid fer 4et mtil. - Alias'n.itter cf forsnt, aov- taver, lin tîscy gay, tîaey. vuli teke sn 's a le u w i a aî s u é î, T h uis t is a f isa n o e! * î ,ersali aiéeî t cg îte, iîtiro l ug îilic e f lll cas ar a! tia, vile anal daugislérs. And,. in d um ematisaso, lIais és urnu ceu tise sîsap é o tai s no0téý, Hsent faamcoletion, ttisrgîs iséil imanle or é'a,?ese of fle.. Listieis vy lima chellvyglaaalu are di4poseal Of, and l1 i iraraer îanys lwopisnice for a beal sa-lieu,, visesa a resliy gocil articeléce;ul lié obîsined fer on.-' 'l1faI!tise nioey ha-osas tih e 5'ep tsulablea au ,claant in blis liaoiglilacrlsaeal-Sitatn tIse boonou the faisée ai ! a l I mo ad ltI rs, ca sse asee r u a n al aLgé,ais ; mi0 net listson to tiseusabtail, lei tise sdvioc e voâeé it her. lC n e e r 's i'aarayi.- T liii s!y ve ée , 2N1h hnmî, lac e savuoléecal for laaîditrg tise firsrasin'u suRnatal pienia. Tuo anar- kiol grasauls yul ho niailé availeble for tise occasion ; thème ara ta lie garce amuiieanuseméouto andal svmry interentiug pnrogreacsne, isadl bacerisa is eva at- tende(s! asoisgatthianisug nmtlexcur'sions, viii )lave- an O opîantîîiy O! t uaging vIsat 'i n cen l ualan et liorne. Ve my eredil abl Itla is tahlie fimasmén ttendar tlisé ay lu provialing ceeue ,for éujoy. ing"'latia (laye abIlIomée, inetésal O! de- ecrbiug lime bownUanatlieéding tisé aseasney aet (&alitena. TiséyIsmi vu not .111Y iatoid thaugîstlfnîy, blmtihil'o sei sas, excellent exaainpîe te etisemeiilIais inettea', M r. jousisa Ns W igîat Isaaî long lastîmre a s thetPrtmI>l'ay issîers lest voék, six- c aii g h itise niu s u r Ilai iv îa le s l iai casa- tract for Spnougeg Bridlgeo SCil lat. Tisa O totîs n eotu ise ieé eun aai, a tsîoiastcal y iay la éo s iy, p îp easme, loft blia t enders ise tisélisaînas cf Mm. NVniglit, ania, Iis 00aaa)apîitleaî, Iset c job lacs Iseéi lier- îseiraieaL.' acrély, Itl uet lisc as uie- lIteta sacause ou cocucieutions asa ucue- kies-of iIiP COLnaty Caitsclicf sîcia a E t IligiaTTite Coenrant vas lotmnt 07,80011, suIaMr. Tren usini, a! Peterboroucgh, * vas thae lu oky g éntîçmusse T isai'C oes mrTY P o vre c m, D airna eare,- - Or caugovîlias lia s liocU elcoel a m Ms ise Coosnhy tamvn or thae nov eoasnly cf Du't snLi in. C etsity buildings a ra la o eroctél forthisytîs.Tiser& wililnov lie appolsxttuéutse o!éuuly offléenu. Tise aîalluccac:f eounîty julgélicevitti tise Dmnin Covoemunent, satl- cf shénrif f, m égistra y, an l otisér o lhli sîs vits tise Provincial Govermnuiet. An iiiiuly(irtotsollit uci ho theu8lal liol- lrabletagoing au ONTM'Âao Iacr'COLLEO5.-As yul bc iS en,lay annuoeeeoruent, Ibis insttîu- tio en méopns alter lIc holiday vacation, on Tiuauday, September 4tis. Thse building anal surmeunllnge are bile Most attractive ansd comploeho o!tsir Isind lu theso Dminan, sud tise facilitios fan S ssotring euperior'ciluc utîcu a t a c bc ep mêlé arc unisurpassétl. Two golmcil. alo, four silvér inealale ced over 8150 la prises vili Se offameal for caîuplilian nieaciyoar. Seul for calculer.' D IA'a Imn air JU L IA H cc. M ÂI. - M s - -J mlias Holcu cu, île Weilikno vn op énstie sabrées, lied ie LomiOuanSnulay.1 Mexcyiu Wiiliy visa knw thé family 1 * -anal tisir co nnections, chai résidenteq -lice., andl 'vbnreinèmbér juliavWhen sîme va s -Ap utIle c llld, viii regre îte liéer a!fliers' amly abats.'Tise peor8 ibcp'nlady bas! boeél11 cf jaunudioce for4 ? mida y,'( o m m m v , by steoseet - "ellle." For r'tg Mra. Jaon awser gauiira2a AD"wors oad se e by -Mr. Brown, Ây, chielly nt thé foreanen cf ýoke of îLe kinslli- latter lari lingae eislîog be. Plalinet. s tmptcyels lu thé e eAt St. occasI n W as 'lu- ,'ili Y m are sao' o ui '. th ea C iy v- Calvèrfylo Que . string band wu 'in! attendance and dioccuMil the beitof mania tbrougliout blie day. A=ther ahip Canal scheme. The Globelir orreipondont Ae a L it te iinderstood, that the Dominion, - 1 Government, bas appofintea au éogineer 1 te Oxarmin log in to the report on the prao. ýticabilityatidextimate-daost oficanal from the É&ý of Quinte thron t Trent Ittver navigation W28 t1ghtat Huron. This makes the thira schème' before the the publit for the connectiozi Z _b canal of lakes - Huron and Ã"nI he other two schemes are :-Fiëat, Mr. Citpréol'o', ro will known to'. the à people of Torunta ; and second, the Of. tawa Railway çcheme. There is another -àchemé, of wMah 1ý the correspondent appearis in be in ïg? r norance-through the County,ýf Ont. &rio to Whitby-ane for a survey and, !eport upon wljîcli 'the County Couticil 0 ineurred considerable expente. The re. port of Mr. Reefer, C.B., was mudh more favorable to tin latter than any » of the other cor templated routes. "Loi4noN Socisry." - The Meisers. Bélfords, Clarke it Co., publialiere)TOr- onto, bave rendured another greut ser. vice to Canadiau literature by.the re-is- eue of thiq popular English - magazine nt a clicap rate. 14 LONDON Socipey" is one of the moot suçcaseful magazines t publisbed, and, commanding the best, talent in literature and art, lias gained a high reputation. The July nutuber Dow before us la an exact fac-sinifle of t the original editiou, being pirinted frota a duplicato But ci plates, and in this shape will bc oontinned to bc re-insued, Including the Holiday and Cliriptmas tj numbers. - M The Caledonian Society of Whitby.- At rt inecting held in In the OMCG of P a D. Ormiston Eêq., ou Monday evening, ci a n ' ow Society was foraied by our a Scotch friends, nauied as -above. The following ofUcçre wemclected - R. II. Jaineson, Prosident. f: David Orruiston, ist Wp. J. IL Pringle, 2nd V. P. Jý ý3. ltiberts,)n, Treasurer. tc SI The objeci of the Society is for tle T Uncourageuiclit of the calodouian Gaines with the fininediatû objec in viow, of liaving a grand g4theriug on Il the visit of li is cxcelipucy the Gov. ornor-Goucral and H. 11. IL the Prin- 00158 Louiue,'Oarly next 1Uontbý msosasor oveejy, iseasarsi>aauwere irseely used. >lui a 1kwminutes'the Vre'nlt wérc 'béstén ba4ke leayvlng one Mau deuil, anoiiét- fatahly wouudéd, eud ceart-ylug vilitisecu 'severcll eutb hbrUîseshincahblesoncs menner. The city vasi in a utate cf consterna- ltion Ilirougloiautthe fzMlinder cf"lth day, anil appreliensesis of boshtlitlma beiug-renewes! etniglt and. thé city se Iu fiâumes wirieï ertâtnsd ontsvery eltle. Tiso- sal police forée Worm pewerless. Tise voisenleeru were, how- ever, calleil ont, sanalahticgli &depcin. 'Stratien '%Vas mails on lis'PleiÀs oa Abraliami hytIhe Frenacis, ans In Si. Johin' seubjsrbs, ostilillsw ers not rene ei. 5h11 an outhreak la fiaera ai any momenet, the consequeucos c. whicis may.be terrible. T aîc C îvie HOII >AY w e of tise ordi' oary charactér,- viih evélrytihlg qlaiet and loneseste looklug lu tavn. Tise Sabbatts Sabool ekoursion tu Victoria 1?aýk4 altiseugîs succeaifnl au regaTrds nunthere in alténdlauce, did not térmi. este agmeéably ta thé éxcumsionuts. Ths steamet- laiîed ta caîl for thous on the mehure tripjat Bye lu tise leltumnoon as igréeil tpon. Arrangements lied te be mcde for housiug the cidren and party ai thé Park, anal many'set off iu lie peîiing rein for thie city. Béivéen riicg on n oa 'cîoak thé eseamer ottandl afler highi worde andl liréateninge boteivée tle captain and lié excursion managers, thes chlîdren voersplimosi on board, andlthie party got ta Whuiby ai daîligist Tisureday noruing. Tiserc was a bill cf 840 la pay at thé Park, and 59115 for damages ar. now diecusseil, if ncl already enter- cd. Tise ehildreu bore liseir littie Mid- ai! lgit experiences udmirably.. THE CRICKET MATOU. Thé holiday wes taken ailventagé of fom on. of tIa. beut cricket matches ever Elayed ai Wlîitby. CJobourg and Whit- 'y, aid rivals et tlh. wiilow, agaàin met n thie tenteil fieldl, sud tiblu ime -vie- tory perched, upon the Wiiîy wickets. Sore of tIse piaying vas admirable. 'ho foilowving i6 thea score : acisouis.-] CT INNINGS. layalen, unetont ...................15 Dsler, h. w., bild J. Laing ......23 Jcrdiner, bid J,. Laing.............. 2 Elolienil, bld J. Laing .............. o lilI, run cul .......................o. Ki'îsuedy, bld A. Laing............. 2 Wood, bld A. Lainsg ...,. 0.~. isirbuls, bhI A . L uing. .. .. .. mineour, mun ont ............... ...2 sawiess, but. A. Laing .............. 10 ualiBbury, bld J. Laing.............I1 le. -Mm. Monkisoue givés noties hisetlie %vili et thé néxt meeting o! Ibis asouneil mové for iécvé uo introatuaté aby-iav ta appoint a coilector for bisé year 1879, visose miuhy ut sélcllie ta coliecl Muni- cipal andal al epsalalsciscol, ratées as aushorizéal by lb, Public Sciooul Aot for Ontario. Mnr. Monkisousé moyeu tisait ise cbunuil do nov siljoumu tluI Moncley., lise lOîl day cf Sépiémbér oeil. PARTY ORoAtiiu.-Tlié folînving, fnom tise PisiladelpieiaTimes a is vribrepro- duciug .1-Tise great ceusq cf tise suc- césu o! indépendént ssev!papers and tise dclinhs cf pamty organe iu lu thé faci Iliat n évspapers givé théla- eaileru lise neye !llhy sud lmpcntialiy witie ergaen muet supprese, cuoiify or give pantiran coloring la evemytbing, howvévr, lim- perlant as news, if il cen tbéréby bue maIe ta serve perhy purpoues. Ilei for ibis néeon Ibai argans ane net, anal ceunat lié nepapérs ; anal se thé in- telligence aiflIse age demandu the névé afttis day on cli subjeots, peliticai. or cîhervisé, people muet réeld inlépeu. adent and progressive joua-nais, ne mat. thon iav flen liséir pelicicel sympatibis or préjudices may lé offtndel liy feer- lésu editoniai discussion of ail important issues s liîéy are pnoeenieî. Organe are ual ta hé hlemel faim asuailiug thé névépeper, for tbs nevupapen le thé "ver prisent anal déadly foecof thé organ ; sud netise pciiticisns upon visoc tle organe nov muet msinhy dé- pend for tissir patronaegébiave thé vsmy lest neasan for isstissg tise indepéanIèub préau, tise organe eau le uno iés 'tisan pénsiatsntiy abuse tbe joumnals îiséy daxo net imitate anal viosé praèpérity 15éy caunnos hope te attein. Organe ea, tisérefore, énlibléal ho grevi. Itlel about tisé anly compesation ticey hiave for limping aloug in tise reer ch journal- iem, aud nouée bonlal give liaém nées!- issu sonmcv lu thiséinalveyutreadmil sud oftén bréalésavomIs. DIPs'MruxtA MON55T PROErSANTeS- It la a rmarkabio té, saye tise-Mou- treal Witaeaé, blet accemdiug hoatisé etet- istiesa!oftisé isealtis.- depantunuli p. tiesel e more prévelessi among lhe Protestant section cf lise cammunity than among thé Ceuisolia, analtle feci lu s aifficuli la account' for a itleisme markeblé. As fer. as our reporter eau icear, no theory lias beu pncmualael by tise médical profesuion ta accoscol fer il, and yeb tueoquestion la an. veil vomiS use conuiclsnation c! tisa lacions. Il le Dal e menriecïncidence,Duer le il cf a lémpon amy oleracler.. A stuly cf thé léaltis ètaCiatics o! -Monhroal for mev- oral yeana peet, révéels th, semé sialé of tlsiug s _ _ Tise lce'. Mm. Munson, %vho lately asionilalel a Worcestesr eongregationofe Adventiste by ehepping davu tram. hei' piaifom ansolmamryieg, isimeelf te a young vomean, le nov astanlaisalta find hiimuèl! in jail on a charge ofe!big- amay: Hoais sais! la bave a vifé anal four chuidren in Kansas. A midi gloep luisiss agiren tla hIe isir by liseuse o! BearineW>nluf4 y sélmmssa rom aise grate rome bo h M tan, expresnig hieregret et beli a uneble te Ibe.promeut.. Re gIo m@ i tionéd lettées pologlulng for àebsen a fmom Dr., Memabicu, M. P. P., and E.Bewman, ex.M. P. Thse presentation of au cil portrs b hythe Beform w orlçiogmen of (lAIt, e Hon. M m. Mui k enalé, thon teck- pla ;t tise addresa à ~'recel by Mr. 3o] y IIay, a Galt worhlaogmai3, whi'o sf1 r. Blake, ' h p rsa t 1 m M i,. laki -là wohi, execuied, and la Ibm wor o! t] bf late Adam Kayp, o! Gaîl, a vemypromi i ng y afln g crtiel. . - - 4 Mr. Maeekenale, ln commencing 1 I -reply, vas m eceiveelwilh ldud epplaul f visicis ehowed-tise estimation il- visi hie blionssy andl abîlilt"<ýblel by ti Beformners of Sonuth Waterloo. B after thanking thé workingmcn'cf Gi for their presentalsen, ahlnded le tl defeat of' ladt 1epiember, andl cntras cdsatise brilliant pretttises btf lncrea* a prices.fer farcu produce, larger wag ansd flourishing, industries, wiih ti *present sîcie cf affaire ; the greaiera groe cf tise depression, the unmemoi bankmuptcies of thé peut six mentI iansd the geneel vaut ocfconufidence le wiih commercial oh-oies. In hie refa oceu te, lihe Lots lhior malter, ho' saias1 voulal oct discusasthé wiadomcf IM *Lelellier's action cf dlsmissing hie ai visers. Thé people of Qqebec.ied se, Slied thst, andl the interfemence cf il Dominion Govéement. lu dismie;ir bu ,fracu office *à *, mosi nnwarrai tablé. The diemisesal front office wei referreal te briefiy, aud the curious mei nuer lu wbtcis, ln a lcrqe numberg cases w)sicliheo iteà, lb. .l'ory (lover: ment lied reweriléd tiseir. friende. -'TE Pacifia RailwaT, Mr. Tilley's lan, et allier calatters were refeoreal ta lufi, ting terme. Âfter au ahlei. peetis cf c heur and c bal£ Mm. Mmckenzie look hi seat amidut prolongea! applanse. Mm. Blake ýwes thon- preeentied vil a very complimentary addlroesufiocu Il wo.rkiugmen, aceompenisal by e poi irait cf huiscîf. Mm. Blake waeg greeteil witb the nunu enihupiescu whichh leoeIals forth. Hi speech, coutained c large amounuc malter which Mr. Blake bas uel use in any previdus speech. Hie remasi were lergely direoteil taeIlie working mnîc. Aller speakiug for a long time th.elion. gentlemen teck biescsat, ami lonil clicering. Shôrt speeches wers made. by othu Feutiemen-preseul, andl 1he proceci ingu were brought ta a close wilh cheéx for th. Qeeen sud 1h. Eaun. Messrs Mackseuzie anal Blake aud tise Reforn Party. Pickiering Township Council. NStturdey, fille AnguRt,. 1879. The Pickering counciil met pursueni toe djouroumeni. Members ail preseni tihé Reeve mintishechair. Minutes c lest meeting rcad and approvédl. Applications receivéal frocu thé var ions ScLacol Sections, requiring lbi conucil ta levy-enil colleet ceriair amnuts for sebool purpose fcr lb. préý sent yeem. Thse tollowing accountu were orderci telie peid :-Elies Ifiee, for teamini roed ashovcis from Flpury's ta Brough. am, $8, 1e Mm. Shanglmuessy for vomI ou Qud cen., 81 ; Jamesg Linion, for me. pairing bridge ou hird con., $10.78 : R. T. Hoover, fer éxpénucu going ta To. route, $4.50; Dr. Freel, for medical at. tendance on Samu Allen, 010. The sun cf $8 was greuteil ta Cherlés Gillespie, for clothing lie beiug lu vcry indigent circunsetences. Mr.fBarnand intmoiluceil e by.law wisich wae read bliree eevemal tmes and passel, tea csées thé several Sicho Sections in the idnnicipatity for schocl pur poes. iMm. Hoover iniroiluceal a by.law tc ussese tihe township of Pickering for providing fuuds for thse impruvement cf moade anal bridges ilséréin, and for the payment cf salaries and the géneral expenues cf thse corporation for the yeaa 1870. The by-law was recil lbree eev. crel limes andl passeil, the Ileeve aigu- iugthlisaneie andl ceusing thé oseaicf tise corporation ho bu ai atacaheil tisie' Mr. King said that would ho coverej col by the aiter procaedinge ; ho intended fiet Riviulz a notice wbich would Meet with (s£ Mr. Foxi-viewo, and allow the com. gla mittee te rise. thi Committeerose accordingly, and Mr. liez King gave notice that lie would et the life next meeting of the couticil inove for Sel Icave to introduce a by-law tb amend r by-law with refèrence te salary of chief st., Constable. STREETS. se. 1 Mr. Burns read hie statement with mil refèrence te expenditure, on streets, but do, net having 811 the returne, the matter was deferred for a complets report at 1 next meeting. ted PAYMENT OY TAXES. pra M r. Foi made inquiry upon this sub. Mr. Pirie, collecter, being in atten. aUl dance, stated that bu liait collectea, hie 020,100, Icaving a balance of 82000 yet 131119 uncouecteil. .> 9 Mr. Fox moye4 a rosolution wilioh nos would bave the effect of compelang the ràil collecter te diotrMu fýi&rTqar9 due and th& coinplate hie i6turc. ' , , obt T49 àfAyor' AU4 'àfeo#p, Asy, Fàç vît, li GiAo e>liu EIAXE Ir. byMr.BRemnes, Ibe councoil vent luto ésoOfliflkttmé «ithe commuication from thé thé Pire BrIXade. Us. A!tere long, pause ans!, tlo cuber momber raeo#ibg.' hi 1 Mm. Ring roes eyiog, inexuci seashé ve as châirnman o!lire anal vetr fhé é- ch poches! sete one"eleI ý,te move iluthie i.e malter. The gr'mt askéd for vus a Le, 'triling imaiter. flé dis! aoi memezichér It tise a grant bas! éver béeuaiekd for ýbu before hy lise Fine Company for a~cir ,et. picula. Tfieir services acuerveel la h édý approciates,ans! It vas o ui>' iglist isai ès m ém itere e!th ée coun éil uo asls reeo - î àe olce tissus- nt forth .e eocf tise tra- 1 ls. Býing mOuact, but 7becaesa Il va a pro- 1 ýus par hhing », dc.'1 ho, Mm. Fox opposes! ans! complialeil cf1 'eît the ceai cf tise Bregade. He va nted te r. ba lais! thé liguréeof tisé yécrly coul. hoe Mma By-Il ouils only lake a fev fi -minutes ta ga ta thé TroascIree' booku k. anal sée. Mémbers, ouhaide thé offices, et. get notbing for tiseir services. Tise few lié dollarus &* ealfor eleoulal net b. mefuseal, 9 4 il veuld hé cnly giviug proper encour-1 e-' agemént ta thé mon.1 iré Mm. King aIse réplied, Mr. Fol ln- eboultl kne>w tisaIth é ccst oc!tIbmlire 1 cf dépemimeut, vau uct for tise beùeaft of! -a. thé men. Tisé mon.y 'val net Spèni ha for lhiser primate use, Sut ta proteet thé ail pr -o prty e>! ishe to vn. A il tiséy mqcivé it au $rper iseail, per yeam-notenifficiént In îo pey tisé aleage doué théir clotiig liu e aiey o een l'mé. T is Bru deparm omet cf Whiiby vas tise clisapeit managés!- th cf any lu any cihér tavu in Canada.1 he Re bSemétéelumony ta tisé- effiaiéncy cf 1 r- thes mon, wbc vere alvayu reedy anal0 on lise alerî.i caI T h é M ay or c m e o e s i a c ris fallen fracu r. Ring. Thé-,85 mon1 o! gel 0176 ; tlise actual numbér ai ment al nov,, lé believeil, vas 83. Esels man, E ka oui of bis $5, Seug it hiu avu shbIrt, cap c g. anal bell, anal isou-key. They bela e, tlaéir annuel picuice herciofomepeying r id thein way thisècsves. Na mèmben cf J tisé company coul eupply isimsesf fore ar th8kamaili amount ulloveil by bise tovu. 8 il H . vas as Breman isim uel!, sud thse caut f re cf boots andl ubees analdamagei l clah- 8. îng. ut eue fine, came ta $12. Otherv n lovus lied ho lmui thé mon vils cictises, antI pay tsein. Dr. fBogart ail nol iîîink thé men voerssufficienii ty pail. Afier some fnrtisem remerku froan mnembers, il vas movcd by Mm. Ray, secondéal hy Mm. King, ihet ils. suas cf0 8t 40 lis grante lthelis, ima brugade, in ase- I !t cardance wvus lb. prayer cf Ibeir péli- i aftion. BeSolution reparteil and! aiopteil. 0 CSKIEF CONSTAeLE's 5ALABY. f le On motion cf Mm. Huggamd, secouded l n by Mmr. Cormack, tise cifco!cestahlé a i 3.pétition vas cojasidoeméi in ccmmitteé cf thce viole. Tise petition steteal Ihat il tise clii.! cenetablé bail béén six years g in oilice ; tîcet thee mattér cf lussaelery t i- sud em o îunînnte lied lécu b mecgist p t e vitsoul easy notice ta bini, sud sttel- w l. m énism ede et variance. itisftié factoe L as; to icifées. Tise petitian vas sc- a] l* ecuipanied Wiîh a stutem ènt éhe viug F b. bth t, nfter dednctiug éxpenees. tisé te- n tel am aunnicf income, Ircas lava nsd F ccunly, anal frein fées, vas only $415,- fi bt 50, instesil cf tveîve os!t îcirteén bain- r drel dollars, as lld bée émmcneansly 0 v stateil.il I Tise Mayor Look occasion to explain d d tisa i, au t htis, lim é tis a iary vas u tcul I dovu,hb. isati no ilonit every momber SI c!flise coauceil laboreil under a misteke.c a H é dial se, hé admiilod-througisBo.a- r cepiing tisé figurscf thé county -couac- P ail vitisont looking io ta em. TIse.. r.Mayar'u baak, for instance, for 1878, ly wovulal show &bout 8500 ; lb. démIs of re rthé Pesce's metumna vers nexi takén ; ja add $ 800 fmom tisé tovu, 8150 fmom tis b, county, a Suit of olotif'se, taxes, &c., f anal hère iuis ov thé grosu amouint vas; madlé up. But it aboula lhé bonne Ilui minI tisat every case h.fcre tise Mayor vas duplicaeléinlule office cf the Clemk ahof bise Pecs. Tisey fangot &IuO la take ni cff bers. bure cud personal expènsus, so M tisai in6eheelof Ivélve or lisirtéen isun- j dreal dollars; tisé chie! conutahié'e actuel qu émoluments vèré conuil.rebly lèsu tissu t r aneé lai!tisaIsucu. Thé doinge oa!t eblé i eoLUuty COUnc0il, Wvi0mais ers sométimes Mi c f a peculiar cela etr, ssoaaint ]i ulleveal ta-govern tise Teva ectanoil indo deeling vitis their chie! acoustabnle.inu b msply ta Mm. King, îiles Mayor &IBO ex- b prèsseil himueif ausisig5ly pleaseil vitis el tise m euner ie viulthéeaclief constableé h liseherged iebisdutiés ; hae lid found ta liai alvays on hendl, anal vien cocca.tl sionu booIs ii avay lie providéil s sub: utituté ai bis o vu expeosé. a Mr. Cormack considemeil tiaiil wee ne part o! the businesu cf tisé council la euquime wvisaItise chie! constablé's in.c lied J. ý ait# A C A IL 1) 0 all %vLo arc suffering from Mie errors au(l iudircretions of 3-outb, nervotis weakliens, carly ilecuy, loge of n)allboud,&C., I wil 1 mend a réceite that will ýure you, FREE OF CHARGE - Uiia great mme'l was Clibuevered l'y a nduiollary in S02 Anierira. Setid, a, euvelope to the Rxv. JosÊpu T. li;m&x,-Staticnt D, jjibid HO"tl Nelv YOI-1. City. soi rt toý.*"deop-ies" aZor'à'40.0ne if theludai skilful m tare that ever Ilskipped a oh!È" out of New York harbor., The, attààmýoùt botween fathei "sud dàugh. or wso, in this instance, all the etrong.' or ýbéè'A'1i se ý ci the infrequencir. of the ýînééting, between thé ý bronzea' ose dog udhiaboiutiful:offl. Parbapait*u thé raitût ci this" iffiitign t4t ýMis@ Armstrong Who Wài sdmb6l M* '0' éé à for lier boling 'and accompliilb' te, retically u good a navigator as her-fà.ý -ther.awayonthehigh.zoasi Afierthe oailing of t4e, olroady ' moroly kricken Templar frôla Rio for 8 aiü' Fianciocoi the yellow faver' attacké& odéýhaff the crew, together with Ca t. ArJýQ6U=g, bis wife, and hie asugeter. Uoit of those of ihe:crèw attacked, and the Cap- 'tain'a wifé, lùwtilyolipp- id blthi È!ghtànédý këràýdýi ýý of the p a comp emen téihe isa kna'&W- fui eof the oeik. dapt.ýArmstrong-, the -criait of the lever hs4 passed amained alive, lay, du.ring all, the weary weeks ci, the fqner1a1ý unies, between lifé and'death, and uttgrly unable to grup the terrible'situation or, command what'should, be do'në." The firet mate bail qouaied, the terrible mal. ady, Me was-au expenonced audbra#e oflicer, but bis beart failed hira et last, se, with hie capý4n, hglpleoi. below, seaman after seamau was leaded an& plunged7 férever in the dreary waste of waters. At lest lie gave erdors thst the ehip should. bc beadea for the motith of the Bio de la Plat&, Mise < Armstrong had been atttickea bý the disease, but she bail lived through if, and, though etili as week and holpless in body as ber' father in the adjacent birth, lier heart was stout, and;she ie- _solved that the ship commanded by lier father shotild eail ite cruise into the harbor of San Francied-o-. Convalescent according te medical thoory, but still in fact helpleasly week in body, ehe gathered from the conversation of those who attended upon lier the design of the mate te- reach the nearest port. Slie obtained lier fatber'a consent te command the ship, and by ber orders the first mate was relieved of bis com- mand- and the second înatA put in hie placoi The second mate wae also an experienceil seaman, and '.lie whole sumofeducatiénthat of beingtruein inthetime of danger, but alightlyto fault in this, that affer the bearings werr, takea, lie could net tell by secon- dary arid necessary calculation whether lie was off the coast of Affics, South America, Australia, Patterson, N. J., or the Farallones. - But giBs Arm. strong could. She put the second mate in cominand, and in pursuance te ber orders ho again headed, the Toinplar on lier Cafifornian course, and st bigb noon lie took the mechanical bearings of the vessel, and Pubmitted tbern to the girl for ber calculation and com- mande. If would bc an endless -story how each dey abc figured ont whore the hopeless hulk lay on the merciless waste or was diiven into still more merciless calme. Tliroucyb the winter months, through the spring menthe, throuah, the fulluess of the euininer time, she stepre(l the Tcmplar into the waters of San Francisco Bay. Mise Armstrong is now aboard the Templar. anchored in quarantine waters aff Fort Point, and will bc thore-for seine time, lest she sliall teint the air of San Francisco with the fearful scourge. The first mate, whon relieved from bis corn- niand, was allowed the fullest froodom of the ship. But lie was none the less ill dt ease. One dey, wlien the direful desort of southern waters was disap- pouring in the wake, lie went into a sloop on hie chair by the the ship's side on the quarter-deck. It did never dis. turb that lasting sloop that thore was presently a cry from the mau on watch "Man overboard 1" The boat was swift- ly lowered, the first mate's dead body recovered, and given reverent ses-bur. ial in the waters from whieh it liad been captdred. A PROPER RECOMMENDATION.- The Elamilton Timc8 tenders the following -and it is to be approveil :-If events, however, shouhl se transpire that by means of bribery or other artifice, Mr. Joly is se wcakened that if becomes a question whether lie will bc able te g'et through safély, we hope that ho will Bieze tlfe dilemma by the horns, recom- mend the dissolution of the Logialature %nd an appeal te the country. If lie Je that, one of two things must happen. Either lie will ho sustained or ho will be deféated. If the former will ho the result, lie will no doubt bave a mlliority 1at cannot lie trified with. If be sus- àin a reverse, tbere will be an end of ffie matter, and CODE ti tutionalibt and ýiberal thât lie is, lie will uumàrLuur. ýngly accept the verdict of the people denIy cleared awà%y, and the flaines on oit'hçr èide' of-'the mail inorcaeed in etrangth se rapidly that tbey almoit, roastid thë'Ë'àwýthoroughjy frightetned. travoUersý. Seoiiig,,thst if they did net r empe-vory soon the entire arty would 1 bé burned to- death, Mr. UZIer tried tô' i 1c(tgéýthe herses te a gallop, but'the poot 1 animale were Èô frighunea thàt >1 they haraly moved, and at last canas to -a etandeffil, , an cl began backing off the road., Fearing that the w , aggon would be pushed into the Bri, Ur. Ufféer jumped out, and,-, taking the horses bv the.,bits, managed td quiet thélu, uitil.he found a goed, stout stick. Thon, ordering hie wifé te take thd proceeded te belabôtr the- tilitbey etruck a 'gàIIoÈ'ý -sud d"bed along the iroad into the very i beart of the fire. Uffner suceiaea in clambeiing. inté the wàggon aà the horses-ian, and taking the lines from hie wife'urged thern au a<t lhe top of bis voice. The race was continue over the rough mountain roaa for sev.ý oral btindred,-yaido', -,withltheý,flaiiies 'réarins on both idée âna, iiyriaaè ci sparks falling in, and about the waggon.- Mrs. Uffner's dressi caught lire, and ber huaband, drop.ped ýthereins to'moist ber in extinguishing it, wlien ohé fainteil in hie àrme. While heý wàà endeavouritig te brins bis wifi b.aàk,, to conoctouoneus the horses were teariug alons ai break- neck speed, and the waggir, swerved, jolted and swung 5around 1 anything but a comfortable rnanner. Mri. Uffner became conscionq in a few se- coude, however, and just then'hér bus- band saw a eloud of dense black smoke enveloping the roaa and knew tbat they ha& reached the o'utskirtB of the fire and were safe. ' The travellers were ail alightly burned. - Some ides of the terrible boat they passeil through may bc had when it is stated thst the point on the waggon was burned entirely off, and the borega' hair wifs scorcheil in bundreds of places by the clouds of sparkB that fell on them. FIRE AT CA-2iNINtOTOli.-Wednesday morning, about 6 o'clock, as the girl got up to light the fire in the bouse own- ed by Mr. Hnrd, sud occupied by the Rov. Joseph Elliott, formerly of Mcmt- real, she discovered saloirs coming in frorn a stable net used by Mr. Elliott, and in a fow minutes the house. was on fire and totally destroyed, with nearly allthesurniture. The cause is suppos- ed te lie -by tramps. Mr. Hurd's loss is 8 1,500 ; insured for $700. Mr. Elliott's loss is el,000 ; Do insurance. --------- 90-9- Six youpg women are spending Aug- unt in six tente, near Northwood, N. H. Only one raan is toleratea in the camp, and lie is à servant. For diversion, they fish, row ride ' shoot at a merk, play games, read, fr.li,. Th. camp is called Gumpton, and cach of the party is I'Gump 1," or "Gump 2," and so on. A SoRE LEe oz UN YE,&Rs cureil af- ter all remedies save failed. My right leg from the kuree te the ankle was like a piece of raw beef. The itching and burning indescribablé. I spent a for. tune au it, visiterl doctor after doctor, no benefit ; it seemed te grow worse ; a thin, transparent yellow flui4 k-opt oo7iný froin it. Dr. Giles applied bis LiniýÏont lodffle Ammonia with a fea- ther, the itchin.- and burning disappear. ed immediately, and in three davs the redness and soreneps liad gone, aÙd the leg was well. MRS. SAME HANLON. 340 E. 88rd St., New York. Sold by S. W. B. Sinitù & Co., Whit- by. Send for pamphlet. Da. GILES, 12O.West Broadway, N. Y. Trial size 25 cents. Power of Speaking Restored. Newash, Ontafio, D. C., Marcli 30, 1870. JOIZAT FOTIIERINGILL., writes Some two menthe ago My son lost bis voice. 'j.ýone of the physiciana could do him any good. Two hours after takirig the second dose of Fellows' Hy- pophosphites bis power of speaking was perfectly restored. Buelenle Arnicà Salve. The ýBËiT Sim in the wdrld for Tettérý Bheuzn, : Chapped*, Hando; lÙhi -f blaiuo,. Corne, :azidý ill, kinds of skiw ýèruptioui. ý This. Salve is.,guàrantee&, tcý ëivë,pWoot oat!Widtion in ever'y case orbioneyiàfunded. Price2boontaper box. For âji hy ý 8, W. B. Smith Co., Whitby.ýý Enjoý Life'. *bat airuly be . autiful worlît we live' in 1'lNature a ne grandeur of moun-ý 'tiiiýs,,glen 1 a oceaus, ana tho anae' a Ce ne of means of objoyment. - We can de.: sire no botter when in perfect hes.1th ;, but how often do the jiýsjority of peo- ple feel like giving it ùp diBheartene'd, discouraged findworriéd ý dut with dis- gags, whon there is no occasion for this feeling, às'every suffèrer can.ëaoily Ob.. tain Ratilqfftctnryý-prcof thât Greenle Au. gust* Flowerwilf make tbem «B fige, from. disesse se Whou born. pi& and Liver Complaint is thasire3pet bauge of seventy-five per cent of sucL maladies as billiouBuees, Indigestion, Siok Readache, CoBtiveness, Nervoui Prostratiou, Dizzinesa of thor bond, pal- pitation of the hoart, and other àistrei*1ý, ing symptoms. Thrce doses, of Auguet Flower will improve provo its Wonder.' ful effect. Sample bottlés, 10 cénta.', Try it. For sale by S. W. B. Smith Co. Whitby. IMPORTANT Te OWNFR's Op HORSES.- Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia.-We bave sold quantities of it. In no casé bas it failed te give satisfaction. Every one i;peaks of ita praise. Lameness, bunches, curbe, blood spavin. No sta- ble should be without it. C. M. MOBEKAN & BRO., ri ine Harness, 114 Chambeas St., N. Y. sold by S. W. B. Smith & Co., Whit. by. Send for pamphlet. Du. GiEEs, 120 West Broadway, N. Y. Trial bèttles 25 cents. la Pope Leo'8 gardon, n the middlo of à large gravelled squa , ho Las had 110produced by a deeign in ung box- 1110.a, carefnlly trimmed, the arme of, the Pope. He bas ordered all the - ta- pestries in the Vatican to be placeil in chronological order and according te the schools te whieh they belong. In mavy W-ays lie shows teste in things net ecclesiastical. t:L7," Noticc8 of Birlhg, Marriage8, and Dealhs charged 50 ceiz18 eack. BI ILTHS . GREENWOOD.-At Spencer House -Henry street, Whitby, on Tuesday, the 19th inFt., thG wife of John Ilamer Greenwood of a daughter. DEATHS. HILLARY-On the let inst., of fe- ver, after eleven days illness, at Ken. sham, W.I., Eliza, Grace, second daug4. ter of the late Michael Hillary, solicitor, Dublin, and sister of R. W. Hillary, M. D., Aurora, Ont., Canada. Modern Materia Medioa neludes rnaziyvaluableremedies for afflie- tions, it is a matter of certaitty that in au cases where the animal vitality in failing, Phusfozone is decidedly superior, It -will work effeets such as nothing elsé' Wili Pro- duce, and possesses the great advaýtage of not causing, when. its use is relinquisheil, the slightest reaction or depressio ' n'. Sold by all druggiâts. Price one Dollar per Bottle. -FOR-- aorfflithe &Md-lot thon north, 88,-de. -1= ,ýweit 5 chains anâ - 95 links more or ou upon the Baia limit of raid ' than upon the saine limit, north 15 degréesi, West 15 chainop more ôr-lésé to the ùuMuü Jimit of Baia lot, thence'u n, the, said limit north 1 ý >- 1 t , 4ohký 1 > 1 1 1 74 de 0, eu 91ý more' or es$ te, Elengtk of the- tama'-- lot-< thon &onth 16 de ut 20.:chaino- more or lesoto oâ ý7 ing, roservin th the p ý9 ý 0 Pm- ile a baokthe water of thë ýmJl1>', pond on mu -ai ta the distance '01 net exceeculig 8 feet in a westerlydireetion frèm. the wesU- erly Uinitý-oi ý the - aforeskid; itàieyed roua. 'AJiothàt-put of the easterlî threë uarte of lot'numbér one 'in"the ý b, - , q ro; 1 9 concession of 1he oaM TownaM'p Ofum."bridgénotincludedý in 'parcel I. T'me parcel containi 'about, 175 acres, of whieh aboue- IM, are cléüe& and the Ulàuci Io "deored, *ÃŽth bard Wood timber. The buildingocondotý-oi a large fraine bu= ind'ikame ohidâ'ààd stables. PARcEZ nr.ýý.pârt of iotýniimual 2, in th. 7th concession of the Towtiohip of lUx- bridge consisting of -the Min, site - and the GriotÏffi thereon oiected,.together'*ith the m!Uýda= anclýltho-rkht ta back wàtër pp té'the Si*-Mill (hereffiafter meâtiônèd, in ]Paièél IV), and" àbout 4 and 87-100 acres ot.Imd-, according, ta la possession QI the' unders a, will be produced on the 'Zy ofisale; The- above ta a ûM claos -, Griot min, containing two run of ' stones andio renteil for §600 par annum. PARCEL IV. Part of lot nuniber 2, in the 7th concession of the Township of Ux- bridge, lyin east of the, presenttravelled rosa thra sala lot,, containing about 10 acres and the Saw Mill dam thercon erect- ed, and the min dam noed'therewith, se- cording to the said plan which will ha pro. duced on the day of sale. 'The saw mili is capable of cuttin bout OM fast of lumber par day, ana is Even, by one of the best water powers in Ontario. PAROBL V. All that put of lot nnmber 2, in the 7th concession of Uxbridge, con- taining li acres, on which is aituateil a large boardinghouse, ana being bounded on the front by a travelleil road, on the east by the mill dam, on the soath by a fence, ahd on the north by the réad leaiding ta the Saw Mill. Th6amd boarding bonze is *eIl adapted for a countr> hotel. PARCEL VI. The north half of lot nuin- bey 15 in the Oth concessson of the Town. ghip 01 Beach, cogtaining 100 acres more or legs. PARCEL VIT. Lot Lumber 15 in the 7th COnCeSSiOn Of thé Township of Iteach, con-- tailling 198 acres more or less. On'this lot there zo a oeil frame, barn and a clearing of about 29 acres. PAROL VM; Lot iiumber 81, in the 10th concession of the said township of Beach, containing 200 acres more or lais, excepting theroout 50 acres off the south eaut, or qusr. ter sold and conveyed ta J. ý B., Campbell, and-10 acres west of Simece Street, and west of and adfoinini the land sold te said Camp. bellwhichsai 10 acres have been-sold and pisea ta one Town. CEL IX. Lot number'21, in the 12th concession of the said Township of Beach, containing 200 acres more or less. PARCEL X. Part of lot number 7, in the 2ud concession ci Uxbrid a, dents* about'à acre, (now ocoupied %y one according te said plan which will bc pro. duced on the day 01 sale. TERMS OF SALE :-The parchaser of each parcel will bc required ta pay a deposit of teli par cent of bis purchase money. ut the time of sale, and the further suin of fifteen per cent of his ýurcka9e,, money in one month iliercafterp ana the balànee in two equal instalmentg in three ana six months froin the day of sale with interest ut 8 par cent par annum. . For plans and further particulars apply io E. Major, Esq., ut PortPerry, and ta the undersigued, ut Toronto. * - WM. MULOCK. Vendors' Solicitor. Dated thié llth day of August, A. D., 1879. 86-td C 0 A Lî ! - Fre8h ffom the Mine AT LOIVEST FIGURES. Leave Orders ut ,KIN.C2 c%.BROS.. Having made arrangements with the Coal Mining Co. ut the pit, we are in & josition ta onpply the trade, as well as fill orders for private use, ut lowest rates. Supplied ut the Harbor or dolivered. L:ýÉ' Special inancements te partios hi Ûle Trade. parties alonq the Line of thÃŽ Whitby, Port Perry.& Lindsay Railway eau bc sup- plieý direct, withont extra chargejýunder- apecial arrangements made with the Rai1ý' way Company, by KING & BÈOTIIE liS. L'ý_- Two Carters constautly on the mail delivering orderl;. Ohtario Ladies College Odiffellow NEW ADVERTISEIM Tolonio and Nipissing Rah TRE 111,11111 GENERAT M ai th. 12com their offices iu the Irc' inga, in the City of Tcronto TUESDA l'y ehe 9ili Day ?i ber, 1879, at-the hour of twelve, nooii, for flit provided by the by-lawe àf the i pany- JOSEPH GRAY, Secretary and Tri Dated 5th August, 1879. 9 EVANS, LATE GP GLEN MAJOR M' IN FUI U F, To DE ýoWN Àf F-vansville Mills y B NOW G.OMMENCING BE on his own, âceonnt, and wiR 1 ed to Meet the wants of SU bis ci as heretofore. > Re -ni5w begs ta, f old patrons for tbeir patronage an assure them that ho will bc fo;lýa q6s, usual to attend to thiir orders ente theinwith. punetÙaUty. The i ith thr«-run of'iito;!éa is weil and will be fouid equal to aU caUjs, Gristing nt éli times. .-Balsam P. AU T 10 N. c L I M IE J u The public is cautioned against ing Liane ý aice and its proparatioi of which consist of-most dèleterié- tu res, ana are being offerea by th' substitutes for the genuine jLjmf Juice. To engum the obtùning 01 seratt Limp Fnurr jUICE and ita'] tions, th ublic is re uestea to -1 "ery, bc si pure e bas the cn nie i e Trade Mark mo-pýlIBE T Co.' Il it, jas well aE label, 210 à or' enuine. - lac sure you ask for 4ffontmerri Seo that-you. get if, 18tb,,!79. Wl. TE.Pth aw 7éoccl writer pr &- YO B. Ba Whi C 13AND Dob ON EXHIBI CEPICES OP.T=. OF ONTARIO,* TO BE HELD' AT 0M -,ON THE-ýr 22ad toi 27th -'SEPTEDIBEII, 5100 Dominion, MedaIs. 'and offered in -Premiums. Butries must bc made with'the Sec at Torojat1ý, ail or before'the underme Horses, - Cattie sheepp Swinc, PC ALnieulturàilim i entoo on oý befoi turday;-August Grain, pielaRoots, ana other Par= ductS. UMhinm-and Manufactures ý 811Y, on or before Saturday, Auguet so IlOrti-cultUÉal- Products, Ladies' 1 1%8 Arts, etc., on or before Saturday, otil, 2zi28 Lists -cl Blank Forins iýr ru the entn*ùo2uon can bis obtainea « thi Agrieultural and Hortici a, Societi a Macbaujes, Iàbti through.,et"theanpi.ovlnce. 1 -30RN R Agileurtural & Arts La., Toi A, R E. 1, IMPERIAL FRENCH VINE D'ernijohns and Quatt'er-demijohi A Li St TuE BAICILIF Itl4eGATrà.-At the Bar- rie rügatta on blonklay, which was well itttüniliý(1, tho double soull raea 1.08uttud lu favor of the Collitigw-oud crew- Pe. torborough won the four-oared raee, the Torontoa' giving thom a hard pull for ît. Total ................ ýi .................... 71 Oider, et Trousdell, bld A.-Laing .... 1 ILII, bld J. Laing ........................ 1 Hayclen, blé] J. Laing ................... 0 Gardiner, b](1 A. Laing .................. 2 Holland, bid J: Laing'*»«"** .......... ;-- 9 .Kennedy, bla A. Laing ................. 10 WOOd, rUP OIIL ............................. 7 Fairbanks, bld J. Laing ................. 5 Armour, et Ray, bld A. Laing ........ 1 Sitlirbtiry, bld J. Laing .............. ... 2 Lawlff;f;, not out .......................... t) Extras ....... ...................... 14 Total ......... ................... ...... 52 WIIITIJY.-IST INNINGS. Bay, bid Kennedy ........................ 24 Jaclison, et Ilill, bld OsIer ............ 4 Laing, J. b Gardiner, c Fairbanks ... 46 Trouêidell, bl(j W ood ..................... 2 Laing, A. et Kennedy, bt Holland ... 15 Garrett, run out ........................... 1 Matlieson, Mil Oaier ...................... 10 LIcYnolds, bltl Wood ..................... 7 ILORFI, not out .............................. 8 Ray, a. bla Oaler ... .................... 0 perry, bld Wood .......................... 0 Ex.trae ... .............................. 13 'l'o t a 1 .................. . ....... . ..... 184 EDUCATIONAL.- J. S. Bobertson'a j For tho bin."Ie octili vrofebsioual, thi entries werv.-Alex. Elliott, Toronto plit-eud in shore ; Frank Gaudaur, Ath 'Irloy, second ; Jolin A. Kennedy, Port 1 land, third ; Jas. '11. itîiey, Saratoga fourfli; G. II. Ilo8mer,, Boston, fifth Frod. A. Pluýi;teti, SiteciLmill)a, sixtli Edward Raclai), Toronto, soventil Witt. NIcICein, Toronto, eightli ; Iloberi 1 Berry, Toronto, -ninth ; Jack Maillai) 1 Toronto, tetith ; and Paul Ilittttillo Toronto, ouiiido. Tliere %vas it piirmo of 11050, betivecti- t1joso %vho obtained flrst, sec. ond, fourth place8. Tho con. teHL fur tilo flirst place Was a keeu ouf" between the champion H-anlau aud Ri- lev' At the eloeu it was claimed tliat lianlau won by lialf à length. The judges wore divided in opinion, aud the roforoo det3ided a deuil hcat. The racti là tn bc rowed over aggaiu to.(la3,f\ýled. nesday) Kittnody was third, Gaudatir, fourth, Tiiiie 127-12, flic fasteRt on rüc. ord. 1. 0. 0. 1,'.-Tiiioq year Liie 8evercijztl Grand liodge, of the 1. 0. 0. F., will nioct nt the City of Baltimore 011 Mon. JaY, 15LI, SePtcrijl)or, and wili Continue it8 daily -sessions througliont the %VL'Gh-. ltoProsentativoi; will bc preeent from each State and Territory in the United Stàtng;. The Lower Proviucon, Quebee, Ontario and British Columbia of the Dominion of Causda, and frein chili, l'cru, Germauy and Australia. Onta- rio, sends froin tho Grand Eucatnl,. mOut-,T- flam Perrn of Whitby, and Jolin Gilyson, of Stratford, and from the (1raud Lodge - James Woodgate, of Brantford, atid Dr. CI. T. C-c..p'beil, of London. PAINFUL AcciDi,,NT.-On Sattirdity af. tertioon, 118 a yoiing mau named Wiii. Morris was engage( in oiling tho rnu. ning gear of a flireshing min, %voi-kiug ou the Éarni' of Mr. Stanicy, a few nifles WeRt of -Whitby, on the lalco shore, lie unforttitintolý, etitangled his Clothing in the inachinory, and hefore lie coulil be e.Ittricatel ha;l hIs riglit itrin tprribly lacerntpýl. DE'ATH 01-1 MRS. liBli Illig wûok, lu obituary collinins, (in the form in ývÉiUIi.it lias boen sont us as a paid notice,) the annotincement of the doath of Mrs. Watkis, wito of jýjr, J. L. Watkis, bailiff of Lits third ilivi. sien court,, Port Perry. The deccaseci 'n'y had niany friends in this locality, Who will tleuply regret to licar of lier e-arly (lent Il. Ilis HoNoit Jnilge Dartuell and Ctiuli. ly returned frotu a holidny trip on the baok lakee ou datnrilay. STEWART TfiE MIIlýl()XAIItU'm ljc)L)y, whicli war3 stolon frow the Cew1ýeteTy near New York Bonio time ago, was, it ie allogud, couvoyed tu Montreal. The dotectives arc. now so reporting the luatter and giviug rea9ons for cthoir suspicion$. It wili be found te bc one Of those cunuingly devised plans te make moncy. WHITBY MARKETS. CIMONICLE Opricp, Aug. 20th, 187Q. Flour, per brl ............ Si 50 e5 50 FaIl Whoat .............. 61 00 01 10 Spring 'Ç%%eat ......... 0 90 $1 00 Barley, Nol. .. 0 50 Ca 50 55 2,..:::*.'.*.*.*.': 50 oO @ eo 00 ........... 1, 00 'et $0 00 ........... 40 45 .......... 50 58 PeaB, black-eyed ......... 60 70 @ #0 72 Oats .................... 40 @ 45 Corn .................... 65c @ 60 Ilay .................... V Cit 59 - ............. 0 65 @ 0 75 ............. si 00 @ 01 25 Eggs .................... 12e to 15e Butter .................. 10e @ 18 Cheose ................... 08o à 10 Wood .............. .... es 50 @ $0 00 Beef, hina quarter ........ e5 00 @ 85 50 Beef, fore quarter ........ $4 00 @ $4 50 SheepskinS ................ $0 75 @ 80 80 Rides ......... * ......... i. 65 00 @ 85 50 Pork, per ewt ............ :05 Go à 85 Go Lambo .................. 62 50 es 00 Calves .................... $4 @ 85 Onious ........ ............ &0 90 @ 1 00 Turnips .................... 000 Carrots .................... 15e @ 00 ChîckenFi, perpair ........ 45 @ 50e Diicks per pr ............. 800 @ GOC Gee5e per lb ................. 7c 00 TurkeyE, per lh .......... 8c 10 Clover .................. 68 60 (« $8 60 Timothy ................. $1 75 $2 00 Wool, unwaglied ......... $0 09 10 di wasbed ......... ... 18 20 PORT PERRY MARKETS. Port Perry, Aug. 20th, 1879. Wheat, fall ................... 90 100 Whoat, spring ............... &0 80 eo 95 Flour . ....................... 5 00 00 Barley ................ ...... 0 50 ýo 60 1jeas ......................... 0 55 0 60 Oats ......................... 0 88 0 40 Corn ........................ 45 0 bri Clover Seed ................... M 3 rio Potatnes .............. ...... 0 50 0 60 Apples, j)er bus ............... 1 N 2 00 Rides ......................... 4 DO 0 00 Pork ....................... * * 5 00 0 00 Butter ....................... 008 0 il Eggs .................... .... 0 10 000 Ray .......................... 7 00 9-00 Beef .. ...................... 5 50 6 00 W ood ......................... 2 00 3 00 Checse ............ ......... o io 012 W ool .............. : ......... 0 20 0 22 Lard ......................... 0 10 0 11 catalogue of sellool and college text books is new rently, and will be mailed frec of charge to ail who Rend their name and P. 0. address. It will bc -found valuable to teacherstrustees and parents, as embrading the names suit =of ail aüthM;oed publie and high books. Prorn an cepecial ar. rangement made with the leadjug school book publisbers-Mr. Robertson is in a position to 8upply the trade with SCI1001 books, and all school reqUisites at publishers' own iates, and te ail collegi- ate and educational institutes offers the itiost liberal terras. Address all orders to J. S. Robertson, Deverell's Block, Brock-9t. whitby. N i, w CHURC11 DUILDING.-Mapous arc ongagoil fil laying the founciation of tho ucw Methodist church building, nt Duilitis' Creek. . -40- Qumn-ýc LEOISLATURE.-It iS OXPOCt- ed that the session of the Quebec Lé;gis- lature will close this week. CRICKET.-The International match played a, Ottava, betwûOU the 'Ameri. CRU and Catiadiail tonnas, rà%ultéd in favor of the Amoricaus by fiva wickets. Fixip.-On Thursday ovouing a smail shop and stable on Dundas street, the proparty Cf Mr. Thomas Elliott wore de8troyed by tire. The fire brigade were carly on the spot and extinguisbed the flames. Thero was a Fmall insurance of $100. AT nik; PosT.-The reeve, Mr. Ray, took bis old place at the Town conneil on Monday oveuing-the first meeting since his return from the North-West. RESIGNATION OF TRE GENERAL MAN-* AGER OF TUE BANK OF MOlqTUEAL.- Friday moraing financial circles were rather-taken by surprise by the ann. Onnoement that Mr. B. B. Angus, Gen. oral Manager of the Rank of Montreal, liad tondored bis resignation, whiolà liait been accepted. Various surtnises wore at once made as to the cause for this 8tep, whicli wae rowarded at flrst thought as almost a Calamitys lu Conse. quence of the unflualified admiration for and confidence in, Mr. Angu as a bunker andilie manager of une of tho largest banks in the world. Mr. Augus tendurod his rcsignation of his 0WU volitiou, in Construcince of hie desîro for a change and reet from his ardnous duties as general Manag'er of the Dank- We bolieve Mr. Angus is te remove to St. l'aul, Minnesota. where lie will bc cOUnýCted with tlie manago- ment et-the St. Paul, Minnesota 'and Manitoba Pailwgy, of wLich, Mr. George Stephen, ýPresîdeut; of tlw Bank of Mon. treal, is aise President. It io Dow gssýred tact that the Victoria'RiPef;,» of Molitzeai, will visit Toronto** àt the ôpoài" pf the Indusi trial E illibitilou.' AnAa Dickindon ýy>i,4 makM j% second au actreés ne*Xtmq>,th, op. earIq hi Satl W-AU0,18cot im,' "a pttýy of PY gwfaw , Éïtipg. -9 ý In BRISTOl'S SAUSAPIELILLA, We -have the most potent and reliable of all purifiera and rogulators, and in Brig. tol's Sugar-Coated Ve.getable Pille we bave the best purgiCtive and regulator of the bowals and liver that bis, thug far, been discovered by the medical fac. ulty. It remove8 wrikles and softens the skin. The regular use of Murray &- Larjwan's Florida Water at the toilet tends te prevent sud remove wrinkles, the softness of the skia produced by it taking away the natural inclination of the cuticle te form iuto ridgee and fur. rows. DiarrhS and DyBentery are perhaps the n2ost common of onr évery day ills, and every person nearly lias seine special cure of their -own. Onra is Perry Davis' Pain-Killer, and having noed it for many years we eau confi- dently recommend it. At Lurgan, Ireland, on Saturday, the rival inobs fired at eaeh other witli rifle@. Two liundred police charged with fixed bayoneLF, but wEre driven back. Great dawage lias been (loue by the the lioavy raine in England. Railway, traffle lias been interfèred witli, sud low lying lands are flooded. In roule sec. tions the wheat is gradually rotting, and the standing crops wili net pay fcr cutting. France and Italy will inrist on the Porte carrying ont the provisions of the Treaty of Berlin in se far as the Greco- Turkili frontier is concerned. The Mexicau borde'r Je more -peace. ful than any titne witbin fifteen yéars, in consequence of prompt dealing with the raiders by the Atuericau Gevern- ment. WZITBY, ONTARIO. ELEGANT BUILDINGS, SUPERIOR L"DUCATIONAL FACILI. ties. SIRCIAL COURSES OP - LECTURES frora Dr. HaRnel and others. ATTENTION PAID TO TUE REFINE- ment of maunere, &o. i THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT, UNDE, R Mr. Torringtoui in the the highest sta o of efficiency. FIFTEKN PER CENT REDUCT40N on Usual. low torms, to thofie who ar- range for a whole year. Colloge ro-opens SEPT. 4th- For Calondar ivith full particulars, ap- ply to RBV. J. J. HARE, M. A., Principal. IL 13. TATLOR, B. A., Treasurer. 3011N RICE, EsQ., Secretary. Whitby, Aug. 14th, 1879. -85 To be Let. Ç)00 ACRES, WELL ADAPTED FOR iQ keeping Stock, beinM of 15, and j offl, the &th Conceanion Pickering. Tu a suitaüe tenffnt reasonable terme will be given. Any improvement neces- sary will bu all'owed. Apply to IIENny IIOWELL. Whitby, August Igth, 170. »Bin-35 ST. Un Fri Aukust 15th. b v lt le vi g honra of 2 au 'elock, ÊS 1 ý K.t'w'ý1 ýW - Y. cülors- dark gret - Ur Ile, with narrow g r urt th. Un eý x e4l tripe. er il le revarded en el.-k, c- 11, 19,avihfý it the nu ned, et Vice. ýý1. >.q, Whit<b 111 _y. ýR. H. JAMESÃ"NI ---------- BARLEY, ...WHEA T,- PEAS e e'Ieseg Ws to Purch-G ai'n unliïnited quanLity 01 2'reyf Fail Wheat, Spring Whe Blackeyë Smal, pcasý Rýe, &c. AU to bc delivered at the Steam Elevato, the ]P'CkBri-9 Harbor C--f- FRENC 1 MâNs BAY. - - -otild impreils ýpon FarIýers the g*rI lmportance ci thorougbly cleaning thý liarley tiliÉs ýe&r. Last ycar ý large the, B f forti ar ey purebaséd here ha, * to cloaned over before $hiPI)ing or sellir. The PreIIený Yvar Canadial, Barley - generany be dark in COJOI, ý wi ýf r: th only ho SlIt JOUX A. MACDONALD lias been oworn, in a Privy Councillor, aud dined with lier Maiesty nt Osborne, >10 IMPEUIAL GUARRANTBE FOR THF C. IP. R. Sir Michael llièks-Beaeb, bc. fore the prorogation of tho HotIso of Commua, aunzuneed that thero was no prôsent probabilty of un JWporial guAranteo being gratited for tho build. ing of the Ç. P. Il. COAL.-Sce ativertis(ilnent'of M008re. King Brothers, and tako a(tyantagç of thoir offer te Icave orflers in time. Througli them town n"d country can bc suPplied with boat quality coal at lowest rates. SELECTIONS FOIZ AUTOGRAI-11 .1ýLBUyS, -Tho Toronto News Co. have sont us a cOPY Of chOiQQ -selections, corupri8ing *'Original snd-selelected, friendly, affec. tiOcutee huniorous and dôdicatory,, verses, suitable for in6criptîonB. FXUE AW COBOËOVE's Bnswlelty.- NyOduOlsdlY night a fire 6roke out in Coegrove!o brewerY, Toronto. it wag under w'týý rain ý_a 1 by jpoq !u lu ti r£ THE EDITOR 'OF SCRI13NEIL baS nOt «U surprised at the favorable recop- ion which bas &reeted Mrs. blary Hall. ,ck Foote's first venýure in the field of ýctiOn-"Priond Bartou'à 40oncern' 11 Scribner for July), Many will bc ýlad to, learn that a second story by bis writer i@, to, appear in the Septem. ýer -unmber, dealing with Californis fé. and entitled "À Story of- the Dry The terw of a couvieL in the Il.linois Latû prition wa3 ijot to tixpire uutil ;Uptetnber ; btit, in - order that ho iiglit*get to Sweeden in tâne to ellaru I the division of au astate ho wa-q par. ûned on the lai inat- We are born in hope ; we pasB our childhood in hOPe ; wü are governed by hope throngh the whole course of our lives ; and in our laot moments Ilope is flattering, to us, aud not till the beating of the liqart gliall coage will its benigu influence leave us. The proposal of the lltoiident of tile Great Westerri lZuilvay tu the Grand Truuk Je Iliat all compatitive trainc shalibe Pouled ut rates tc, be agreed upon. onea on tue ist inst. He who is pasBionate and hAsty is J. M. The body of a Jew has been crenia. generallY honcEt- It is Your olil dis. NEW ADVERTISEN'ENTS. ýd at Gotha, in Germany, wliere the sembling hypocrite of whom you ehould Farm to Rent. ractice is becoming comtuon, under be aware. Thore's no deception in a ý%RTS OF LOTS 9 AND 10, IN TIIB ifluantial encouragement.. bull-dog, It 16 only a èur t-hat sueaks M OD EL SCHOOL. ii contianing 100 up and bites yon wheu your back is 5th Cou. ci Pickering, acre ax1y all cleared. Good franle Nusbaum, a Missouri wife murdérer, turned. im, winTBY COUNTY IàODE Li d_. bani and outbuildingo fa= well- ttempted to kill -himself - by cuttiniz T schbol opons on is throat, but failed. He completed When we are young wewaste a groat Quafter of a mile I;otjý the vîl- licide by golug five days witliolit food. deai of timo in finagining what we F B I. D A Y, 29th IýYST.' lage of Greenvuod. The privilege of doing FaIl Ploughilig The petitions againstJulës FM's E d- shall do when we grow ' older, and when at 9.80, a. zn. AU who passed the late aiter lat September; po*eeesbiun lot Nov. nation Bill bave beeniignedbyài-xteen we-are,,old we wÏste an SMOunt Of dîne _Interzaddiate and Third-eluss Examipations Àpply to ifie propnetor. in wondering why we *aIted* ao long are entitled to present themselves for ad. IiIIIODO'd Fienehmèn, but it is Stated A. MRITTRIOX, before we began to do ý au ything. On the preraiBes. -the à a leen D. PRIUSTON, or to , J. R, MONTGOMERY# ztýM0èdnYOf'q4fair A'pure heart is the groW;i pf aU beau. .8 T, (ireçpWood P. 0. îea py tifni OÃŽ998. W41thy, AU, j?. 18791 1 nc, in unison. , - TROS. MQODY. Aug. '79. ýLE OU ILENT.

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