Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1879, p. 1

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ny no ot1h0& Atlis ruinstblahlm.ni, 3UTTkit BOOK STBIET, WHITBY. Terms ( $1 50, par Annum. ___________ .Jusp riiand ... w QRg~.ne n,nsd à ents peo:tll, ach &aib»s- -ned_ IneainIffl. Over ~spécial Repoirtu ci IMeetings, y------- anoi polrcî Suaselaab F33k uiW&Y Oompanuu Ingum nrn.£ompaiie ud natter uo0î1pljM, it 01 Attulimentudescriptiona wbenplaeed among i ]go»mai.03a_ and bAttaen te. erton Cets P r ino. O I,'O H N A ~ À L 1iO A N C~ C H E A P E S T , ' t e aero or other yf e S A À O T X M O Ti~o j j ,Fozki Te ster "i.dv 6DYCakeAgentlezstT5 ?Q¶ianY.fJOrby jan» BaOFa. laBIGsbls.(R4 V alleyIon rreaky m dT a i~ ~, b s s i h r IlerfoaraSmld.on for g tuIRncind. a i l e riptou. i Dref adO ,,'ofmt )T druIN 5rlh CPubic,À a 19 On0-H bando iuoe.WT. B. lra df, Ci ers. ImpOrd,3, t.,C er. Peuint. * î ar Bil- I4,miua TheVhieM, tow'.iiihber id"ahsgu t&osceruco.anho ReryLeesar dreo gIvE n h o i.TVio cnena e »te o eld2. hu auc éý enî T u monneu Office, liet doclesnand cf teeRo aleta-elm-r-.- i.eNOat», - whi r i5it a b wd . I 20, Nhuby otIWhIb7Â~SBU EDG ou . Go tbig nisdyradatn as hitb7, Ainyl Le,, stge d Camp ane*Udue ÀNI> Did etii atnt f eVee yi o6 o 1< eh a eie; _ _ _ _ _ _ __I ll à_ _Ca n a d a ._» Y_ _ _ _ __- -_ _ W h e i lo9 0d111 1 0r . , n k , - a n tive ostpet Gieru.te -dâ Becs l rb8 = fr o - - - hei,- veAyburk eloSed Eory acodmodtion fr euerkt iooud. 01111btiffT OaSES oO! ih glîsin vl IJ. E APIELL . L. 13, 0 og oMMortOables HyOTEL aidobst alES, FIER ISuEAROE 0. - It' n S&uRaNDf U MP NY&-'a fthohlde 1 3, RIO IJo, ATTORNEYSo, SOLIi. Thr Bar full Count o! Otariu I3 A RISTR & liedN YAT-L boTit auocxesoaajo»,xsJ.. B. B LISP»n ua 1782 als a le s Publncr, aConvOoer, ta ou01.0e uoa, W nueJONAn the Cit3. oniyghta de le, TiiIs fana:b-Impurfroua trésodenernlDeas Hie bro 1 -aslieaveuwardaurnetq, Hie eespeWaj'tdbi.henr auaees st" e--d on ,i p aatsee.Noaý1'u &0h. OfieD. sSt, t Xhe Mry n e e U otfo05n n ,ve GI LE80 1 MO.ATT c o. e, FC as e posW ýwl f flDoinonGneo. o reame i eft aIead i àltetaEi u~ gt D. Pox.Mh L w1., firsoc a, W i rtrn'te.Fty.ti onC tabnsdeos.tard, ~~jAge o and W&. - ii. tahe mogeusti ticg elki ok* la1 nt ott OU BCAw. TTT ad STBLES OTOi MBu.N u beir.. 18URÀNÈai a'dY aie.~~~~sip MugoiihaL a OsoMn-LVR Y £ LoJ J e d i L flRI T o m î ' X Eom b r t , M Eig C è o u oe rndon .t reA D.OF F I C E T O , . , N À, T iir . l t i i r i tO housa, liera sud 10081N . 'oJ as iitve wu orfste hi ni oa y ov7 scr w ca o m therve ot.r 48-,aSi AGM Epni MO . NO . a sh Peid e t e omiio oe.Pres n. T eii aad, udwoitcadut umctei umeup tiers are sol&0.tOffice-Dun au an.ulic.tho . Soltcitoe lieui buxoop Wiltlay(Or 1878. f- vindre hia otilderttbd ut, amanvsrd.thogagyaina ay maownf ta 0 hnard a isrg sei, t-el . i Age ts or a n , V. P .P .& L ;- V .,t L o ii iva i. .20 IIt ow A O E ,D m it E T B I ÂI e I Ac r e t a e Ur n liCT us . T heu t a rs e a de s lop c a u n e m w . d Whit1 oatii iene utèee - .TBy. F Maybnto 1 ai and .L ttil. E L L E RShahMa s.1,. oshK a out th door. Solaim pcsnnueti h [20 l Cleu and is Maager Mý'. wù. C X. cnnaci A. aI l o tro A ndI ma o Sa~r PO,.TTOINE-ATLAW SOICIOR 11 AS.PRI GLE PR.P~ZET R. eo. C o r - A .ttenAna amp nyandhlncGran ati the CANA-coicW.ThReparlargti n al Am mght S ecllOqutahlas oubricksaSi 'DA inTi.'bar.waslusee; - cquesbng oreAcrsMorane . taen c illicu i g go il h ar[ - i 11 N A X c G I L I V R A Y N C -E H o u s n adsOiLo ké I a n ti Ad rinkal .a n til thenlap p ro ac a k yo fr wa u g e m a c h , "'-<I L SII. M . ' et f o rs oct ter m e ahros o na le a-atoe. eC . D A W E Soaueth eon, -kvrahii,,han dc ularg ethe collerransi ho w enh y o u'didoh ie E. W. AodeatNOateDfp ,WimlseveheA i tl e bae m trk nb c atbe h g al ava ï d Ts N te p t idemhieare chotlierrtlot do,0nro 'dIl th INCoOteDo iinRakPORce- et rA e ntD ity P - D S AgoiCnRyOtD, oept.at eîn hep o e-itl sh ci. liad m m Ansis ldoUbrde n, 2 h i nksier a es urgeroadtelac' butbr inlacuifo me obca hi h ie Beslliran Wod Wpulîq woLrs A S E T , 018787 1694. ' E x. T a B A B C J , A Y , la l .&o p e u Ym ma r rc lÜ e d a b h e l oi ltS p e n y aSa b o nebo r b i s f a u s m ea s CIZARLES C. KELLER, B curoli. t e 87. BtMr -onaoto 0. TTOIIIflI-AT-LAW, SOLICITOIN aidB . R ooloetiyardsudDoostastsudDine.n__brick___and__ _ Wood A- C hiacery Cny oyud Ioo o .nc, Canning. OLEenBUPËtlers. anges C o rmaLk ,IA ssu rne Com p a nynd Wiuds-wsjd vavosndoaso I StOThe 4Oest J a Wlhu ici t tocn, Broak, ho. ols, ad rsttammiiC'dor cviy ___________ils________ iyhie'aAdBA L foÂr ort ter Hme et COmPal aes Tii, H. o ti uo ta aeaj apooslnflsfhc ahema - lteta oaon.'P Le a e ail linCos of Tvisted Moldangs, Hi h m e y a d I s l e c , ç o v y ! a t z t y O S e . ... T O r O s t e , s O Nt t , e , F ) o E Ra n , h c e n emh a , i i g o a t s c e B i d u g , M c i n c l e i to r s sT e e p .g a e i a uawl a h i p e a s n e o f h i s a i , n d s e rN SEL, DS. I.AN NO iSN, ; TinfO.ASSrmrT O IZ OM o«pjj enc r, & 0. & . b t esawrg lua . S .g T a u in g . S C o ll."P ei oman-A the Cour, I3A tISERAT LAW , OL tb; 1OR i - ho Place Mo efCd a' 27BMaager.eei Oct.1" ThJth, 1878.ed M e t &r A ISE ATL WSOIIO IN TePlecetc. plpry gie as rcaaeî ire. - FIRE IN8URANCE C MtoYsnasa woti mn et reth mre te . * ~Chaucory,Convyoypcat,. iMa. ,Rlurn ed, ate l o aale oPasen Whihliy, Ot 6,17.C. NOUBLSE, .C M AN ,At, e ii uualcat -tru docn eti oneSret, _________________ HAD *OFFICE, HAMTN Agont, Wiiihby. AMILTON.YWicn llfe's loue.b16 4bstneohed hiedÉsus frama hie iayAnac'Mid lie fretesuif hi SPECIALTY l - -JOHN HALL DO 1V, ta. rîtes, via --$02.50,ad se~WibAcl9,17. 8AUHTzDCPTL t. Wieale ahbalNtath hagatla Shaanw froc__of_______Drille tiorsgofiiCluankndiiehelieose seemetGoatia teuquitdirechly20îo00. u co ry , -A -- A W S O L IC IT O R M co s c, o lt a rd ,$ 1 0 2.50, a i S r d ay . B sT O L E N D .h o ; r " w o d t Linim ental F r- B Anti N . ie r IS, lTeun e siIe a ;vn a o li f o . li n poiyeneaP ov n eP ire. ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ P op i t r îfpe t gD .B B .El A .L W T e an e C f u I S e o nLM no T.ho hi eRA vince. M rm urs :- "Stor ur d o ,li WN, Socdogvoya1ucec, &c. WN cdaiWhilsîty.nnuenal.ly Loy Rates et Iuterosh. egen.B etl-ilad ______nU NL "j'LN -riacFuns R Loans cen be nopalti in sumne ta suit bon s n o1agetcl ols en uru n.. ,o#800 U aJOWrae e ln rwer. ý D DXTEB, Assistant Serctac. pais cesse. Several Improvet Farme anti WiliîL BTs A Anil ratclnCmste eps' i po noetiysa oeivryatitdu (ly-5 (LAT COKEliCL1~,)ton sle-ccsp, ande ~ .., i a'o Insnsacececevo îie cforplisnlos cf ilci aste Tommtht adlbinvale of ne- ---- --- - --- -- aoOK.STBEET, WIIITny, Invostinents mateienluMunicipa eeYf i ~ao U O 'M O RE ie vl at. a mcllenliScnoiioks.a otlof ot throhi b fnre, lank ant oten ankeahale tock. . - at rates areasose teoa; ur aimu betg ta WAURA aiEonly tise deemetideTheblen-eSlangan eplacetilie etons anti Ii. "GarI thNt, 1 A R I tI T E I CS - A T - L A W , A T R . e d s a n d t h e p bi e t i ot h y b a v e b l o . I 1 L L h i k c a r r i e . v sh t g i r i t e i i o v s s c a a i B t î ' i~ 13 cynsPivas So licitors, Camveyance, &'o. t1eao wlkonhtwfe teyai ATT I(N fien ~ lllcha talnJAM.;"OL)E, *t Ima te Com --- forIons ordammacj ler PY gDe tensti (LAs Cucc,.U i tiStreet. lloinso.) Tehe aeto r deet t e t acmmoda.i4 iinskoil i s ot fsa oeulti1 ai h ucîne o. Pligf odes Chrchs, -,- 3 l~- u Vchaia liaabs.sîNo avenevy te ut ap an w encrs-atewt t put ite honeetlae opaaae taudfluecatibravillaft e tes, UquSalao andhie-ttnictohatlcoucoaleed. ), anti monut.ains, fell, ant upan tic CaLAW. OLICIORffr Commrconltdeinages.t «1e nth te UW onouhe cn.haaca(intde ai t i h n e t c ' - i n t o l i e b e s t c f a c tiCnuv e-t h c c m m a a 1 7 . 5c a c a n v e e « ,f t il e t o w e r t h oun n g g d i nh . g u e e t th e e x t a a e i g i s v a l t a t i o t l to4 m h î -l'il,, soie \Ot.... o T ro to E ARNOLD At individuelal s orn lu oete. - JGoasYO aUNGim.A, IcausmLtL.AB., r OracEtra IAle CouTy L b, l o sp1e87i9»<a tohyrert. hi ut oecl * o e fnI se uov nuepeandFax tien cf B RRIeERts&.,Tii.-MBanteLoich is ti hait. -----and-----iciesi- compte----a---frauWti anh confdria ao fo o tevalvs sb ' ~ hlii C. vines, gentquors, thantioruci- blarriag e Lieutabling, bo A RT alle , N . D o laciet, '7i-8 O W noomF F C . o y a l f s b i n h nlso.let.j> aChtu'r ondnioavnk, ' " IN U A c lhty A E E AR RP IT R ecoee a ub ko lit.?2218785]. 'a' LA, SLICTOR ortommrcil tnvelons ,,eh J. P. TAYLOR, PHILTI> ONLY. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tic c nL iai t i CaNTIaCE capanEs, -ng l anly e in e etass or r ioh ou ii mainet ec u 'sosfcti oLo é Oite aofeoncleti a ndve T r .thn engeeli kpt h isesertivoao hhdth ote ?cpy CAMILN AilMcCANL re.wilAc nOLonani - 3AIIIISTERSW Attorney. -Luya Lan THantiTR LkittiesorhUE saint.frei"Yen kuovov 9F MOsEt< r oUIU MTon LLto. , COM eBCLchrto nn, es wriTta aO Oiesssued Y "HaWlCl R 'S OF ICEt no feaenieaîenomuevrpr,: ogni feaSl T sr l'iGcnetrt, O U BA 89 rMans uraOneyl buty. an crfnutho e tran t a c neoi igisssbfr iaac rigbttw Irad-t<et - O ae-vo DainanDaa, hib . JAMES DEWABT - PIIOPI11,T1879.nkers' ook havante shooselinA -- l I . J11 7 . N N 11 . D 9P o r e r.f 8 recoferi o n end hbreel of ri e, ie e o ' stc w s eq r ci a re i i " u e li '. n y arase froma iii. beachon otreecihshoybatabinandtisaiit.nr4 RaSALEt ememaerittiennSs'omsn beastly evellarseaskmu DrlarkJ. anti Treg a 8 aas. hfeling tiha re poueustbr en pna daedilig 0vioal 18)te 82 îtA8IMILL--.,strictERTuroY.ta. uxbrfonatijh4e2212ilravale 2u yclaiug t"Dbis tWuihis'hd aunerr ofByopanIM ryeteas ats. ' 618 igq- -a l Ta'% a tic nsn le mua itYaieio 1m ra1i1-"e h S l moT n qMs fouAlefTe R IE.. . ac s........._ à -. ,c-Tsil~ oieC . AS L , LTCSnsa atri ConresporiâeIice Reapectfnlly Soliciteti.Arive Wihttta.n 8.30 ~FELT & PITCaEo ut U Ojc W .H 1 I T B Y , N T A B 1 0 O. I EB . B A R B E R , Arch itecte & c., Ta o , t tot h at ionsppl cean t a y im e ltich iJ I d fi h Osiaoia, Ont. CampeunsaAlonIe. TA R & G RAVE Lof ghting theia an iase itiothe "olyun iiay atc-l- Baaa am neaciy ta - ~ iii uieo~iblolic atoutpLadcinhapp!lhcetatntianouiaulsaet put coinnetndiaseenter fo Itasopoat, oatd tdoirns goCNNE TINSati e th W oliel, t iwee Rta! enanfen f cot, sd bueet hp nil o deeiOshsaitaloont;.wiy 'Ivuit f il pinienstlu CONNECTiONS Wiolcsaîe, or Lovese Rat e obacc o iei esnt viii the tl oehaualti athrIhv u bgnt uc M o oxr hk t. ;ietht il dwltttGob i om iltraius. Finet.claseesamupis aamus. D M N O WcP n urCmw..lb a tekR al-.alvr or-ra i anle i oto t ue sde sa II cttl ctt oh hîo I d UGltnt i nonDOM NIOawa feaittiatn osf ndgestDER$10 An omnibusradle aladeantite unir I'nitLYte e r 5otage forfrosai o aci i WOYietrcu itluaLLIb poujýa xriiaaig e oscOffi eIM-U n e Run 81and1 CASHs - ' osSooonsfi it r - fD....-.m'ut telocal autnicotla. iDen o i enake hck wvadsliehagatvasvii ge A.rraneumntstne a- neSblockAovESPEkiARE MOT Eg toL,,FLOUR & FEED STORE. i. Utia Oftcc.slndLodîo Et. h a s Soiomou'e fwret teuha 1,vyvoi aenh ~ he s' loeo ye made wotel - -- a.or, Ring & Yack-es., Toronto, Ont. -MARIm'Ac...For Oakwooti, et t itana oftu lte.le tiadPort Hoover.LcI Biaa,"'May lOtb, 1879. 4m-.22 siso ;bah enolier ides enose, at .bni l i arnu. Md' etnt pli atededtu o cl ~ R hl o ' . J.A. 'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. C AS. PENNYLEGION hou reci.ive a LiNDSÀY.-W t ictloiaalway ar Minen, eu "Avbi offunîlha co tB RsJ IE IINS N9ine pile y fFl o Ct il'cas,&o, b{alasrton lhc Free Grant Tenitory, tandtheco ýtIo»eür, A~~~)III itiSING AND SIIVINO . $1.60 VraI Dit. (y47) novsusB vgu telws as aoiFula adConay1BFretwti ld IYLIET o1EsLB vrado eon huh I bleuis notez, J3aIbt lilade.St, WhLlesmHome al, strtlubroolst t Peterke,, asu. 2 fu etsua i llonenP OSTlbyOFFICEn, SALOON,, Wmity. ' T -. aia aWay o dvîîe, C vîli meod, ortorst TLIE 8TO IlOCthe pevisi, h est ortakowh aven, .t seconFIhougtiie cn. "bhr diru an'antheliF'oen."rant vitnld" oa e E L ,u g eT B i o n e t o w t i t h e u r a e e 5 1 i u in d s l ie d c l nandi h e . d . , . t m . U t T iekatr-ae d b o n o ar iy a il A t a s o fc - o lc attiloe d b i u u s 'NTFvayTIIfor 'LBRAED 'V'M'iONdared ilan moreandR tas oloman tool.o . i'yfe -Ai --- - -d- --Dut-idaST OFFICE SALOOfo Tosoi(l-1 CT K'o. s l .il. & 1,n11,hOneat0a-ashia as ore it as son ucpa --Oith-bPoiTUBaIiIîiED-Af OCNRL,- PORITR.liranoLian..1.ili hie hamac abit fomonbaiote aeuthas a Throu ' li, - tîTOaliNYAt MonimotbY ttce 3tecl.JAE S cue O S M N Wlkennwht oac a UBTOGIIAMe Q ;j113 UR CHA PENSt.,agWl Dtlect.ri noomicotaul( nt do)wCAhoS. [ il ( S I C u c ki m o r t o T I W ] ii t ý' , F r o o e t h 1 7 8 . W -nS b o n d, Ae « c a tir e ,ic ut a d o y a i t i ct o Wh fom-lbicn adankud 1 enaa y 8taAriw eut by vettoanegboii hmîz foIInra I ot. hr L uw h oreo ouond1' TableI' Liuta aI sttîntandseee igi diectsusicineaNewl itetage'ilgiv yo ltp'ips mit"becom ena for p cg charIo moratei.uram7r80,uaaond-Po-rt "'""' hm, i l vtodasd soe imgan e reSl. "oli',-sy ooon iaig vg sy uthes ic l a l i I - -tien.- u-.l C K S. ji'j- 1 R Û G I A Q H N S' E E Y L E GI O N V - ointb y, in. actaitrain fr on h a t s o m e o c nît n a n d i i oa i. e n. "al i t v l a a a 0 W i u m t eeiâ 'Ilbilio IJ 'I lilimaputioattmatieteabpuarcias., anti Deini ls ieatlanti raoingthotdrivaandvMyrtiecoeteweeng anigthe preve ________ (W. SiiratwoonEboxeTin.refore, insteati"o! going and ire liw Lieg. vtmRochesterioor aglho sussiinide ffi fi lire te st S ~ t oitag aî IN E c a al G a olU M e , L Uors Bau RC!an Staie g e, a d - Sc t ep tage oL inae le - do n o kA î N T t e N G.p ssbl nie Stc a tesln . M tv i at, b y ati t a n eghbor i la eW i, oo ov " s t o o a Ian e n h ti im le t e Aute iers, 0sI lnd- y.&l sttaibiag au.joliy nroissnyWacommda.e mRCES.he r n eave, Cha te ot o e laei e lukoe h i oreofsb , trtvhrtaeligams i ilheeo oac nal liýut.iL avtegeCaaaI 7andtanti Pont Hoperemiti shoptmptatopokiagfanti ssunapiug anti8.'avp.sm.,'frosi;rtutnindeet ; atenuiwiere hal aas ail ilW1114,yBrutI1.a'. ' l. b- 1lion. ly-s4i WIIit tBï t y 1- SIargceht) ont vIIIpiilto iitiu it la eede!ehi fi o l i if o n _li t_ _ _ 1 u v 1_21 h ,t8!) wnl, b cm cisa - s ar l a r g e w y , v i .T a t si n , S o c kn e c t i v l h el l ai i h e ov ahyn e e , a n p r a scleiitl. Thels5 FyJItCAUlC, ____ ME11CHANTYn te entbAvnd o e. MRyTIN ' & nctilWARA1,i a tA0eup e cymobanganditsy ~e calak i s hostik aim baud s aoot h lt auttvi lvsmas vsqieiee at Leavng âbali ach morirg n t me o ceanng oueon t e S ortst EtstI. ap m cfÏieciaroteoenes a L ida aiwy n t 3 ocok cce A L W R U raNtio , Fchat erinormhiny l te " i. sOine ut h k ye a si esoth i a rel aln do ' b litihilis tireoh aI -A H anti Barreca. EBoards and annec B.STEPHE SONlAgntmuaitTota IL 1 t r t t l r - "pif;o n tgo 11, ticf p T a e s t a e lef r n o on e t as e -i L W B T a sb ieUst t to st eau n , n e li it su d nlelare i t a i i e e h r ; s d G t le e y o , e o e v e i 1'BICES. Rounniug, icaes Charlott (Pont aihe- coller. e Inocl;cthgain, bel ny cf if ye'llCilicenv lu e hi-t. o' bre. n aire! delgitopen-" cil.s sar rp l- ivi i,n C u tT ,C gr , adS ( l3, ag qatt on ad ant 'mîLt sin eat pownplnd rder h.ir ecOt. 8.00 LO LargeuoniassbforsLaIg3.4l, p. mu., fforePorttiuteavalofaid fadingaid vvaelsileelatt ha'puye,'MaymaIe hie879anDepanlaseganta"Weilbis i tlaem ch.eLcgo&dATeton..# ron Mile it hortnotce.Farian, Ii vouidu'trat. Llue ciiantor gvitg "Yon'lI. st nover, tttad grsai i, u n-ti k o , 1 e; t h.u C o ll t y O L U M I o r 3 S s e s a Md li d Fa a w y n IJ, t A A I Rn P o i e t A n i r . Mii g A R n ctTI &u s . W A R A M " S acl t n t ~ :f r e , " Da e s,an p n o o i e d D s n v "a t itbians ici-o - 182.86 band,~ sm n FuîgSw Tiab r cl u toh f ,-4TodosnrhofKn' aiey R -RE -CTWL HF i oswk h eto h a Wi b er Boarde,177. antStretp. ty. -micp A Dday.SHREaeGSstage vheucusoofnae Man uatînyait J-A.TIl ERL Y em hmalnoet.y alrno;snANev, opil~e la.a.E TEE N OAeuDm a e n. Tativhe n yre a îeep iirhe ugteni i rn vaelt anisr î'bnya a 830 .n., ~ lak Dvison Cout, p.Clak, ans Ecnciug a one qanttyan iet. eU a abi t n EcaR ESinSua CO ns JLtii.rnee M ait d lic besteWonkad lpuOfcWlibonCp.Sinot towur ea"' dntihie"sasteh"epgirletri sm.-~~~' Ladies, 0 - - C and pA Lrge enclre las ongatestaff, ilbetiames ah acy i il,,-and,)Imparteii ofalteidtito Sb Port Hopenbl i Ont. Dehe ffceel womh be en an ingbis seadgtlg o" vi'iasvs"rz" ie1 .'btb.vd; lu. Alic , Cmîîîy ntaio. , ic, fc tî ils a sion.noice ae atndaiirruregra- na rui bs i eci n ereprauct Eca ar w' laa, Sar, tiemdty, rofil1 tu4 T'.lie. - EXP *1musspreseaolivlima- 4 7Do 4r0 Sasis1aid Blnde eiays ou J ftilill il . eADvaIXi, PofrpnieroigNoTI.&8WB1M878TW,_L W -- "Scre ,ani D e abl, kb i h Wi, l' eoc, seu;'J , Attri 2 -5,tl7. lau, --, - Thau t. May 7h. 1877 . 8 27ae rerte)1a1878. -i- th- (.1 T va tonsdantiobseng'fbsneny Brou pU E-B ED K ffl Bo Esia ehby, .. _ 7M 1 .--- îelWitbB.ER oihoaae h ee fooe ii omotInoou SM e peIxtrtyn antiil ,1 lviis'r. - o.t IllIIEMAN, -sN O I C sicever0 ge t, i Atoo' P ______FrM'n_____________________ 1 F ff IT dea s b. ens.toi hi e or eL nl ftos iebc fii ami WA: M. MILLERuiiii haittimual; bi afier mah15î1u.7o1lia daîzit iheir lagiag eyes anti t "on ta hlak aibier. CA AIA R non etiiatile oteaat h isl amu #seuotP'C O nou' We forg an th*e srig alue O'u e ree oefuereoemtipaei ir h a h eilaspp Vet riiar S rge n CODI-oti:i IMETA5LE P NT im ai iîn«auo itlaceîe Sotin taesfo sae h 1v ate ly- ant pre nt Imerer t ateali aai 'asmiset atiors lsngrlwii gant le Avauaie hae fos plntgswî' t Anmmîlrîîî,' W -ast Tf" .-...,,,tsu. tttabco ~B. TU E, elcsllne ~hatibeen iancf. yia, e. Soomor cal nti aspec aitiaa bacc, ani vi 'e b bis rllLa eanti ge'flhi f @idingn 1 1 1 1 v L t4 _1 1 0 . JL isn î u oft L a e o n r o t i i I y i e r idt 1 hib P l c s e c"o c .o a W l m e n ' m l Rory. ý.N10T V'hied pluntie anifaus oUor vsfains Rgn nt ole, . auoi 0gre as oa at po ic oasif.,sin-' a i i .-) AaulthlbW ee JI Fie1bar E1ail, paons Ho batfun les leala., tciu hlmueome hvonedeeretntcou.e1 T- lut o. 7 FAR Svihblateiiecl u v ns ppe disord6 sey sv le bngl bi mthteilen L t'l t' AN ýp AND FiNED prac -'n loit.No.aîor 4mai V , r ±- " io eoits -ycfrel5sir', il' dirkîn t quu hi i !Mi .ite e p)iivdeî W*c-*knîtý*aivOF en l asraîot, hor e iagni he ite-sai h Li rr iTi'Vil.n:,cy4î.01 eW -alrî -uii Tru ir laIct-ra r hei l. irail î, u t Pagd huais. idalarl a D elke ~ vin c nit Tri 1' h as ' cl J orda'n- h o i- " h a s sd y c l h h "a ' - Vns n i c usa o! li eg pr't Prties al itaply iti ut r 11Otitrit t - db o . an ît a bîgui, ; tiea -01 R ory oM oe,"si ea -i abraftt i evSlo o ee e ci~ ~~ hie To t4r- iiili- obisî îîîbii ur îr- nt t he fflA nof i-lor î004' Acco cf î:ct ftrsalirait vlU ho E R L Y 4 ON AION URSEas oon as ie Job l'ean forev ldy oeil teItIt e1 i l ] t b i 8i7 9 , 1 7ii i J o r d a n S t u ei n t i < le , d m e l o y s c o ? i f e n kb a n c h 'no, nt ton o aii, s s snsohysmoimu&raè,dhe h th Mi n -i nbe h'rlTihier élem vue wgiv tt iO~y b coti vila- bi Tolutea thoaeaam t li a t ea.,lr iea kEp hu aI sudbtsbmeakfst Me4nti , - C. rs Fo - i fr you,' a i W hoît l e 'tas-h e ic f r hu i h h!y; "hIbut ît's remarkaed aTPlhe rttisi I<aod 'ni=h i osi-'im a e ae j," Weh" i e sit, -- aVe s iu eot ...îb . oblrg - va am cl ateîcaaot erue in a nt ron e i h cf oail - "N ov, ofat; ye f w ic , ouh vga t At suswai vtc he nf th-t l ,ia- l eJ'hotdrm th 1i dTatheii ara's Says P5 man, a0 eolsioIsa dou hiriteY nr asA..ewàkibngsr e ireao "Sure aegg na reafat ale tup lns aiin iraÀ lie liati lorseitaven.n' aid 1 thmv " procoa t e a i ahaa, F uitye, dsrMs ba ho fo-rg e sore hoî i. Wi y, co hn tasa. - Y 're aaeta, frit- t.i lepite m cet. go, fortcta b. -b a t i.sta the~ I h i vfr e s, i saili 't hi a h sce imu, ,ed, 50 sethon ju ono -bt h ii'o hywn ueapt, Wh am e o lfo t 'id txe- A &nt, elg a t es cr owdes) itli b t., b oa l d- r ýi y o vo tai e vonat l gratesno Cveu(s;f Ou tla un lien te luni' lnohoterCohea"mbU aileti fon arec ie'a ii sefUn aatgiiga'." Sean. d a lvatyev 7-as tr ail 'emuli; l'aa ace. -h unsito Cacgoland aei-cla ho utayse;" upns Mae io;te4ta i gae lmefis the .began ile h erm. lo v yta ginlh fesitlnema by tic ovc iotheotoati. hieraobeco Iirc e uM aanhfe' eotsgu heo et frtihee as licti oîry 1.alu1 ha . On d telta se nse iemtui boegn-es'Andmîkng c he Tuileagnris îa-172 .aI thfo, -Wiie Sit e nti. onamaaent i-nnap ! i F1 a forekkymntea" na -evuinTie lAUOTh-Tcui, t u e sMi hati gdfoieea, sy f Luis XIV. by h esode f icsba. job.r shoiatibstn beina, le170. Ti. lti,- J nti OrJliY sa ie gotý m close a lis it u uu attolaro fian' o Y? Pad;i yâ oldteur rod's grMeuz, ii 870,bis20 my~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~8, pot nimgl e inl eeret Orne,.. st 9 in-te. i got a bar;o hie8raCoivmrsy cf on fronretes soit fo'nehoosfor ten, fore91) ete ia 118 O rhe aSloio! - Angfsoi10 1, Guu asi Atio l defeT. iDber P er o tle-av cd hiexploîhitueofialon ceat illg acih abaklya" ait Sol-Oacuatt ofî teohti,aipradmrClic! 1 e say iSookt evns Gu. Sonaianxico. 18e4. Buavethci il.8 atial, hévOautto e tint a aU lowtgitle famanetiytii , o phoppi; iandere eutbcotrofn eti liaivtearevoiuet xe-fi aidstg, "W do ython culim of tiiohetii pl-ofti, WII'CIU' tenen' tb ?11 srehi eormci C-hnci chiant (1560 hie tieligite isonna'uotii. ebrth ear b hi, Savon ii'Wne, 10 Smith bail i (1750);aw afvouil as btiedfet of s geehIs mate. Blo"sandSoano.-(7580>. e in 1nThecf Sir W8an.- 91olt es hie utiecle bidu- (1771);.the ihrbaioo!le ofVbnissia the81iths n4iyfi slvean ah lgersby LodEaoi' a u 'l h e e h e e lt o b a d m ot hee i e p l a e,1 8 ), a t 'eltlîeye, 0va aru ae eaven u ie sa. of Oeafliernîtaj i )MAnin." aiti Sao, Tii. grgretlisy pvetrioeshiJ't M112ionýt-i ye Jenteofn pin 2luhec andthe cIa-nce ligain2 iti iyoecatu ethntgg poen-twe ohevayot-lL set0 mentoeforinthe hioe 'rea of pon,81.liegnrato uti,~~~ lie ismsehf8no vrceshae a ucoodolu tafa u e a owr i'W gOdtheir trltory aginet hhegra 0d S it he. u B i ncfti sniet forcesof ciili t i sud Solman wlo kev efiemet ITioiarts fh l o napp . anagea aky s iaivalo-reetucuae ba nnthe apclai- tndal beoe hm, nsoa i b ie btoalltetscf he ge aes CUie. aoing o ubà~ver han ntiuon ofheanVi ho ledte su 1e ford 9let dûlcos eoof ptronSott,@esiaanroMisGlnyi ý glo et Brillaih subtashmnt toa ten'tchofSamn, ne e eo eCimsf Son& l immortl thfo dltia pam f on- ;atefinges;oft heSa shut lean- %u - Branaga y (175yi ; ams wef Raclthe,Dof i-goan-.t ýo en ayte ne stubla, ti on e o7 havf, e dorl nft Icean" ehauhing he175.6),t hem bînh fSir WviL - sma ns thry qadist atan-(71teeceragionoasheChitan utnilae ohInaslahoen out> lirs byShord -Grop. - ediimuv n naui tthhpacea(81),an *~~~~ i.a mi ufortab wiut up So lie lisi vitt - nheutithekiovities f"Jeat"an ua,. and an Aroio, le ofout tar hie a ran he Iipa vsrpoenba s~~cvrc gooti nougifor 115 ho6,000; vueti uaoryl ric.i marai' iutlype pepaillapid tiocrasti an-de neg. ig h samerlvohyyoaans no1,500e,-ae ai 11 OIIi' 0 epoko Inisi b-oonl. h s lo eau niti titi or not. bcounanirn. Mer. lie laid hoîtu TheYounug folle vero lallcing Abott ife, anti bammer, naietabos in ra atsip vileUncle job off lie poinite e! bcd r a in-if1h.etieclansrathLt joof anc pul ofhene vas net any suvihbing, for," saitl n d pulgl oave b e " n2o iaty 9 e an m ke s any m istakes gac'Wothmnlioning la eannisiip. Ih'e tvghe x-lamýttvo'naltar lie coantobip's ever eudthie lovea 11 liaveo enmacrieti thet theiclurifll ble off the ehinît. mistalee hegin" Weil, aidle," sit eue o! ie ispreihy niocos, "vlaat'etlia td the Smith. moral o! ail liai ?" "The moral 1" ex- if the bighlly po . climot Uncie Joh. «Whavt'hle mon- ras 50 near hcinsy.qsel 2 WiY, I e'poelie moral la-I kca liug liee sith's a n cortin',J 1"l v, illascao!of Pione aid lady :"Juet thiral Bose, bet SOi t hle auly f vo misienenies hote, rnt7 lin- td puig svsY anti canzibaiu 1"IlKtnti-beertet niece: the o li lil- IGotneue I The pon cannibale wili aht th. perfumo starvo to deati ai ual rfota;«"- eti. vas engageci in "Wbin-Ado yoz latendteh go bzibe, teforgs, 13o1_ Mile?2 " suletoaa exile cf otvtiien.- bugege the noî o! "If I live liii 1daye, anti oct libye le liesiof ci - whvbea illornut, I iraiendto tavîit tuceaeeci i, 'anti onhd Ir&ant enco more. abefare I lavq oa Icettbes, ho thie country." blev lb. bell- "Oh, yee," saisi a gnnmbling beggan, bele bostadthtic "folle aI'say e lcpe hIsoanse dtiocet in ai- vork viii any fheu,. Wly, tioro's -ligihaura'.:11 ýg, as lie Smith cau't get d tohohe «round faut sa-' ble wack. eugi ail by iteoif, au' yih folîe s laal iho is e rab iligillmea alin' up rots for iW le slidc 'Branagan agisi, tova on."hi 'esii îî Smila. A bnlgbttiitle lareo.,erot hî "sai th Slmatihonbermotion vas lryig la gel ber ta vîtd foo as: sleep, becaes ihecestet lu seule ont. e, lud tuuli'stnoise. 5,vstI iIi a ne vo grov, iî. auseti by'a cricket,, vhon ssbornsvagoly l' e growatheloue smerved- "a aI hinaole gh Pu.soonen " 5a ehd laie te miati, goot lady via, on thie desti af her inebenimarniet hio brother, has e Said Soloman; porirait of the former hanging la ber Andi so uay. dining roGna. One day--a visiter, re- gain Efen lihe marking on lie panting asketi, le ihng Isin goat. biaf a member of yanr family ta" "Oh, baving, s8ýouredti t's my pon bnothsn.in-Iaw," vas ra liew ol aif lie lagenaana îreply.- t b. vas ov omnkoihwmc ofr openoùou' round, b annvihwmahaafi - persan can bake umoiglu b.d unuil tsi~ ~ ~ he e!ta iy i.bave ilit hanti calleel car-îlîo on of tat balïç ine depanhiioni. airet,an Abaut-the guilliest-iaalAng pople in - - eOappiug- hielias l-ahte-areeman acasutiof a îj for Bjrans.- crme ai whici -he ia iruceiht and a uiwly marnicti couple tryig ho Pers ad) - for veterauas, Iltaklccca s. musLa ta rU uai qrirly lier huoshaut, 'hioug a sfortlune. g - giC4!letenoy"' A PeunriaaYbcdniven5 bul't hie- peîil tees boat wvlaoitinl leati. <'lac, vhon Lie We'vo nevan biarti of Cordage gel. ye', goes andti lg fdrunk, btiyoU'VO sil bojirtio! a - usn't. tight rope. hl mothevu ha-y WhaI th e ~lr aseyotoi 1h. -lno h. io aln d nIcoller is "W l'land il iuvariah1'

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