B. Powll à - QNýLY S o PER A NN .UMÃœ. Whltby, Thutsday, JuIy 24, 1879. - 91.1 lsigt, e pisssnl.par»' esse'mbleti atitltby Itumbor la makea&trip ou the- latte, b>'tliseschooner Magdalsa, (Capt. Fareweii)., Amog thie numbes würe t-Mnie onor Jmdge Dartueli, ~lcy. Valis. as Enue, Mosurs. 0. IL Robinson, <U, Nourie, M. ODaovan, H, R Ululas, &o, &o. Tise ladies biad broughtlaal ample suppl>' af pro- vision$, anti e ver>t' aguceà blo day vas tirant. To Vary - tlito manolony tai sigli bave woigiseti ipon ail, a tiquai - Câite up lu trise aftamnooni. Thé vinti sudrsaid! lastei uo tiqdimore tisu an 'Ilcus; trise sky lien cleareti, but sthe viot i stidiei away, tise boat titi ual -reeeil tioepies' tilt e(les Cino o'eioek. A uuwnber ai-ariions friendis vore jet m tarling on trio a aeesu g Niagdra, ta -- - îupet-le ParIt'. Ail ver. s 11111. fa- -tiguet bu; soumed i îgbly>'deilgliv ili (tite tnp, anti soowmuechled ionte deciar- hrsg tise a>' was ail tho piessanuher for lii. "itlîhe gaie" - - RtlAPru T191A.-A Reapor fil a cam -off un lthe101h lai, lun flite Towaship o! Murray', lu a Very hsavy fieldi of Ryo. The folovlag machines caniueteti, viz Broawn'# Whiy lasrv-ester, Joseph -- Hall Co'a Champion. lie Newcastle Ilarveter, C'osit'a Maxwell Be!mPer, -Paris Maxweil Reaper. sud tlité New lîratîlo> liaresier. T.e Jotges matie tuitiumcine ent unesace. Brown's Wititi,>' larreaîêr, obLiaincti Oriitprize; Niltwcsaîle Ilarvester, 'second ; andtior Mixweii ls peur, hitrd. This la apeak- -- ing weli forbravr's Wihity ilarveeter. rTis 9lIiNioN OniAN Go. BANOr, nf Bo0wiltanvihie, will muluirsescondtioan tîtîtîl rexcursion b>'tlio testaer Nerse- winu, toelecieter, on Wcdnes;dsy, (lii Atsgtst, cutling a i nllteio ortit shore perlei. Fare, 81.001tu luitaniollo aitt otnel eru ilidren otnider Ivouh'e yeaee 50 cents. Tieols igod ho celuru cru rtrgular trip oifto balt4.0 Cobourg tJr1'rt hiop6 unîh io ué hi. Bloal viittau aIntWhitby larbor t 15 a-..Par itarliculare ocee postersi. * Lî'eTeL'eLvîNoA oi.-Tia numbens of tise Livireg4Iqotfor tee oome eating Jil>' 121het i l lir respectivel>', contlaitItiofeuiowing articles : Frenchu Neveis, ladtlîwoed ; trireRevival cf tise Warliîke Poovrc aiChina, - Fu-ases- Origiu anti Bogluninga of Ciriptian Philosolîh>, ParI 1l, andthte Origin e! tue oek, Lontempo-as-y ; Tio Crillo rnilIté Ileari, NincenflieU Ceuttur->; VléeLufe binteoApeunules, Cor»- -111 7;'Waterloo Wîifa, Te'mple JBar * Himpoudouil Animation, Nattrer; George Eiit' teiEliies, antiConeervativo iinras unvMitzeriauti, Slieettar, Mtre. iltntagut>, anti a uon Caca; vltlltuusrtt, Seit irdrty lfvicew - a Japon. umo vie* of Co-opralian aud confi- s rlicti, chroyabtC Slîelu& , vilhi lie con- tiuian eof Jeaunlrsgeio's "Sarai de hItmrigr" anud Mise Krary'a 'tlocsitirîg huvant ;", tl$ teîueltusiotltse Pro- 'sursNioces" Urttl ti ussuttiamoultl rtf 'oolry. t"cc furl>'.lc c h n udutmberà of ixl>' .four large itages ioaceit(or maretan ý1,000 lintgesa, year), tlitésuliseipticu iwtita(#8) le loy -vwliiisfor (.0te *piiliuorii aller hosuil anu>' uofe!trito AmrioneJttl h rtliliies or yeekhitîs vitît l'h,~l 'liti eijt fti a year, Itolht past. îtîi. LitlXi&Cot, îublihetes. Virttit.--li Isîtralunierltls hutve beoen ruatîs tejLn playtiteSyraeuio (liti, ItiI Iyrao(uet t(ins lis. 7tfiîAugnel ; ntl, iilitossfibie, viite 8I (.irrge's cinh, olf i$pw York, on lie 11h. 'lunPuritar'caT, vhicit tak«oiqpiaco -titisn tWtuuetty veailhg, aItPort Witb>', iroitison tu a'ngrsand suiocese.'rite uuloirt Ui)t r >ils.ourirs .J tini Luis. - lerr>', Xhutby Il nsotit> ifl îtughlalttsNsicttoniiio ; J.1H. iRussoll, (hilmwa ; anti W. L. CîTnnell, Part toienl irace-JotlîusWitluaît, John %Vite. Johtn Cio, W, C. Conles, J. N fut iartl W-M-41mi0,1ailcf Whilb>'. et'lIhe Town of Whiiby, acivei home -on ,V eTioaa' lut, laaking -itate anti lleast>' aflos bis trip t hIs.Narlht-West. H.c givos glovlng aceouints cf -lime M-ÂAHe'S GEM FttUniT JAn.-Sinien Fascr oflérs, aI greati>' reduceti prices, a ltarge uassorînsout ef theaabove rioti jare,. D01(i1L1ù Suuinrn.-Tvo sisîsce, Ehl- sabelis aid, Auna trowbmitigé, cf Ci.i cago, coturillet suicide on te veung ofI sf.1 bal,,b>'inging. Cause, sup- îuosed hoe be inusuit>'. - Ail (home ludebte t o Charles Penny. legiots, l cave@ots by' seltling lie - - anieliefore thesednst da>' -fiAuguat. [SLeo ativt.] *Go la WitfloeldU etileal Hall, Brock St.,, Whllby, thse loadinff Drusg Store lu lise Canal', fer everyt Dg u litthemrg hiue t :qasonabl, prices, STr-ack-Laying on thi.prince Edward (IouîîÇ-Yiailvsy basmeacheti Crrying lace> itltwihl Ibis veek eschci-Cose- emcrut ito womk le ho bé eampleîoud b>' - 9 tttuttwid'moti Jars ion fruit - '.e, &0., ,25 cents eaci, ah T. . Whii. fielil'm.- MM otaiPo1140XZD,..-Throe harae ho- nglng ta a Glocesteér farter, nmauset 'Coper, Abae bau poiaisuo ilis paris Selistwx -for fruit, &ce, at Tt G. place on Mouds>', on lie farni ofLeuter Hebbeil, wesl of Myrti. statio, b.. îwce eo Ut baroveulvrougs&- Iron Jotinstou Harveeter. sistde lu>'Messis. Tiromponu & Williame of Sîralford, and the champion, mannfaictared b>' the Joseph Hall Ma'g Co., of 00s1. awa. Tisera ver.threaj udges chouan, uasuly, Mir. Biokel, Mr. Wnu. Hoaro,~ and onio gentleman wiose namie we dia nat ge. Tho>' gave Iieir decisian lu favor ot tie, Champion, es befrg the stronâgeatsuost durabte,-imoat simple iii- constructio, anudsasdoiug'lb. lbeat Ut. Eulibliboarhitise110 bampiooa ied lafil tiematch, aud .M. Wma. Hoa;?eý, ouaof the jutiges, bougls an- favor. 1Ils reputallon for golugthroogh the hkrvest witisqnt braaklng clown, makeq il thie mesî îlsirable machine. lu the mýqrket. TcLeteller Case. Tise Globe maya ;-Notwiibsaadiug lhe rumors afloal respecting' tb. intan. lions of thbe Governor-Genecal, thsece doe not appear la be an>' casou for snpposlng that > h la&s as yetgiven an>' liut vatover ta lie course fi ntends to purons. - I nia>' le talion for grant. eti thal if tics. vbo pretend ta axpecl confidently tie diamissal cf Mr. Letel. lier b.d any good graunut for tbeit ex. pectation, lie>' would anake il kuove. Sa far sa a itproe eolbdiscerueti, liaI expeetahlan isa bagead solel> oun(lie Idies liaI the, Marquis of Lamne vil l -vonhuce la deline te advice of bis MId. laiera, and te ceteration of 1h appears ta be inspiy a part o"ut ,policy of in- titidatîce which lias been practiseel' for sainie days past, by lite oppouents of Mr Letellier. - f3em Threishcr. .Mr. Ungies, lie lnopector cf lits W7aeroo Mutual Pire- Insurance 0o., on Tneiay evening luspochedth le steanioengine manoifactured uallie Mc- Gi vnrks, for îie'joseph Hall Mcanu- -facturing Co., as lailsa safet>' froni fiee.. The. construction of the engiue vas tborougly examineti in lie afiernoon lun ail ils parts, sud lunte eveninig il was trieti, a fire waa built cf dry cedlar sud hemiock, andi eveey poif- sible attempt macie ta force sparka thirougi tire sntoko stack if it cotidbc cous. Mr. IHughies prenoutteeti il per- fectly saf., anti expresesîl tie opinion ti lis wotsi<i have ne liesihatioti in usitîg il iiside a baru-Ihiat il was net as dangerous as lise habit of smoking about barns. Il is impotssiblta 10gel a a lack le pass eut o f lie seoko stock. Tie erigine in matis af lite var>' isst intit, andl tioso wio have nsel il saitetlitIil requires Iess vooti andi valer titan any otieorinie in use. Tithis l te soveult toitrmatie of lie eigitlîsby officers o01l huurauce Coin- paniee-every eue of tent liai'. pro- notineol ite ettgitts psrfeelly slafe front lire, andi ail te Instirance Cotnjîiuies tiregiviug te HllICo. a license to use lhi jr nglues about liarus wilioul in- creasitig or endangering te insurance uipon tlitbarns. Silmon )irasac offert; sugura atddtoas for Pla'tglitering price.., t bis store, l)vevoli's Block. Farinera' produce ta Cn ue.l&ngs. Pure Paris Green Itets. perr phunti, 4 Iso for $1, S. W. B. Sullî & Co. China, Giasavare anti crockery ah astonislîiingly low Prices, at Sinscu Frasers, Deverelis BLlock, Brook et., WhiiLy. 1'Ast&Ttt.'.-JUSt as vU arPUetd-LIie leforni papîers yull net eay eue word cotumondtor>' of thoetuanner in whiii Sir Leonard Tilley negotiatod.thtiwc Dominion Lan. Tiiey ivoublue os aI if tey peaiRed itlwtîs oicn rîglit on lhe oliter aide cf tiseflonse. fiîi8 ne ,wotuder liiit Ni r. lEdwartî Ileke criats oul against titis one-mlded -Party feeling, and tatie o odeavors le infiu la broati- otr anulbote'r spiri ini liipr's. Dut il woil be tite satne elor>', rcverseed, if tire tate of plilties wer tic cthier va>' If te Ieforusers vere in power. te Concervativee %vonld denounco and, a- -busce, tandti intifanl, ittiido eVorytlting in tlitir pouwer te tuaIt. il appear tuai tilI was îvr<mg wl-i it te att over te wtîy. W'eil polies 1rodnees a tp fanal. tes tlite coitiseuas reltgton, the oui>' diii' bsope cf is recover'. Hila vifs is anieo bail>' burneti. The lienge vas alog eue, with a sm"Iil sutuner kiliten nt- laclîed. The ire is tllîotgith to have liesu consedl b>'lue eliltiren ,itaving carried esint cootsg, vitcihte>' <sen tal htave baisun tehabitfi fsnîting, le bcdl wiht liten 4 Calkes Toilel Soap) for it(o eufs, aI T. G. Wiitlold'a. Lîpuv.Govrmtusut'4 Toui.- Onu tte aflernaoof te 171î, te Licuennul. Governor anti part>' lefI Coliigwood on te teamner City of iVietiplegt. Cap. ita.iwealteor vis enjoyeti, antiflicte rip un, P01iince Arthiira i.auding, vitich vas matie isel-niglitl, vas a ver>' Piease saut one. To-day tlie Lieuittîiut Gev. ornor is engage inilsvisiling places ci intereat ah lite Lautiing, ant ill ii tari vest ta inorrow. Lime Jices Cordial tmalins a icallt- fuI, eooling anti refresiting drinik. uIm- perial hIns, -lOcs. S. W. B. Smih C o. GovEtiNoior P. E. .-Seniator T. H. Havilaud's appointineul as Lieulen- aul-Gavernor cf Prince Etiwsrd Islandi, vice Sicr . llotgson, is gazestie ta 1 day. Limetta Champagne, pinta iSets. $1 f50 perdozon. Tho viiloUMcrs Dorsey, bsqtseatlhing proporl>' vorthi8250,0o0 ho Jefferson Davis. Is la bo contestoti b>'Mca Dor. seyp brother. Mlagnum Toilet Sosi, 5 labiots, loots. 20etm Per dozen. S. W. B. Smith & Ca. A correspondent ai Ronte rensil ie reportedt liaIa «soeleueul of tie tier- ences belvweeritle Vatican anîd Ger- wyid'lsear a ut i, aniflittlbefore tficudcî ti f i ek l'rîutc Lteuarrk andth lePapal Envoy' viii agrj Ias A Commission hi I-rnlappeititdtu St. Polerabui.g tae wisnter Ile rt sorcîip cf te'ituiman p-elin r.'n t e repîsoi b>' oemesyaisrtîwlieiî ili i. low grenIter latitude te tue prers, wlti:e -aI tiheswoarn um npreeevrintq Gocrtt. ment copîral. Chsarles Laudeuur, titi E40:ljfî;auter iTrtîr af tise lalu bir Etiwit L:tiecer, ia doui . coÇikUUOATIONs. Cirolar, froni Preaideul of Torozà t4 Indi4 a, Exhibiion", - king -for a Frofi thse Hlasmian Ree.ptlqa Qosu- nit, b (a hli1keeol.- OouNeILLOE EIIUTLt)DOS. P'rom councili' Rutledge8 exouig, i sabenqe nutil-firai Oolober, OU se- ouvaI of bis trip ta England._ -Rauoluiou passed gratig live af absence. EGIoNZER OFcIX 'E IENIN-5TOXEEE tr enthie ecommendation theoi.an- mille. on areo eud vater, Smith Camp- bell vasappeoted,,- ngineer.ao.ffge engisne, in placeo! H. Guemat, résigned nt salar>' a! $100. Mr. Garett a board, decliniug hoa aJept lotse hanthie Mr.tin;lg as ciairman, gave explin. atiaus, nouugtecouncil af the po- sition Of aaia, sud laigis e'i bouge on lise table. Thoe>' v as ianded to Smith Campel. Wm. EpplelI was ecammentiet ta lie retainoti, as atoker, at presieut saler>' util bute éarrangements, Vie Mayor expresueti lis opinion lu favor of tie officersa, sud bore tesiman>' ta lie officiai mauner lu while is> lied-dWsearged hbir duties. Tfie-comtpittees ou TovnuPeoport>', ou .Financa,-and ouFire and Vater, re- proi, anti reparla £dpapods 0mecn- meutiiug, eu ay oaf lie iolhowing sc- caot; ororPat $11, for returulng, offcsc; Jas. A. Campbell, 87 ; Hugh Fraser, 87.50. B>' inance comniillee. Freinilie town propert>' commilteO, Mr. Deverehi, $2; T. Marin, #l, andi John HailetI, $6.66, for sheep aihegeti la b. kîled b>' doge. By the fico anti valer comnittîse, #1.9ô, ho Wm. Eppletî for repaire, J. W. Darnes,$85.097 j Geo. Hall, 08. MR. wzRDEN'ti PitOi'05t0GRIOT MILL. Mc. erden moade explanaliaus as ta hi$ proaosoa griot miii. On motion cf Mr. Campbiell, lhe Mayor anti Meseri. Barnet. sud Cor- mack vers appinted sa special commit- lees luenquire sud report. on motian ai Mm. King, conoci ati- journeti for one moulu. Pickering Townsahip Gouneil. Monda>', l4tli Jul>', 1870. Tise 'ickering coneil met pursuant to atjoomnment, Members al preseul exeepl 1Mr. Barnardi. 'Te Reeve rend a communnicatien front C. Nourse lu reference 10 hie In- suranoe on lise VorIl cf lie Pickering Harbor Go., ahso a communication fron thie Presidont of lhe Indualcial- Exhsibition Association of Toronto. Tihe fllowing nocunuta vece ordlerai la be paiti :-Wnt. Reazin, foc putling lu tile on Postes bill, $24.64 ; Samuel Camîinaci, foc yack on aide rond lis- twveei lots 6 anti 7 in thse Stît con., $20.05;1-la> King, for building bridge in front cf lo tsintse 7thcon., $32; loeoaci Depul>' ielurning Officer, foc use cf hall aI flic. Provincial Eleotion ltae suntof $2. p, . RHIoover tmoreati aI lie sons of $30 bc granleti ta gravel anti improve lthe lowniine west hetwesu lie Sîls sud 6th con. cf Ibisý municipalit>', lie Mn- niipaut>' cf Marbiant lîavinig grantei a iks amjonnl, andti lt IHarvey' Ter- rier, John Bell. antiÉli Wilson, be Sp. pointeti cotnniisiontirs on bebahf of tuis township. Carrieti. Mr. Hoover, ec detab>'Mr. For- rester, moved ti ia .<leRev, an.Jos. Mcukose,:bs apo* ted tb invealigale tie drain conpl: 4of b>' Mr. Mac- ni in Ciaremon, nd repart il allihe next nteelin cf flite council. Mr. Motbersili meveti tint lie cun- cil île nov adjoien Liii Saturda>', tise Utit day cf August next. Tie Zulu War. SUIIIIEN BER 0F? ZULUS. LATIsST PARTtiCULARS. A tispalci front Caps Town, July 4tis, sitys Gent-rai Sic Garnel Wolseeley arrivoi aI l'ont Dtrnford an Jul>' 2ntl. SavenlituntIretl Zulus witi 700 caIlle have surrendereti. Il is staledt iat lb. Gorerniunu have receiveti a telegraîn feont Natal anncuneilt tisatlie British art>' utad iteciteti Uluntîl afier s ew Bkit-ntisitee, in vitici sînal ibodles cf Zulus ivero Iillel. It vas feundth le inskral anti ail te surrounding kîrals liss ee u Itrned bb>'tle Zultia Oc-n. Cliford telegrapis le the \'ar Oilice front Pîclerîuaritzbur.g, 4iiî Jniy: -"Gme. Walrteiey ivas net able teailand aI Port Duruford because cf te surf, sud he returos (o. Durban. Ho ie ii vroceeti b> landt e Lard Chismmsford's sînutiuse. Aiotivnfreyears age it vas brougbl into Musoka, anti las every seau been iu constant usD bers, ling drave hsavil>' lasteti orer bush roatie. Il in stili staunehs eîtugh la carry a ten-itorso paver tisresslig machins, wigiling abent a lon, avec or ronds. Il viii bcsen taItie vaggcu Itan i]cu un conrstant ute for ltirI>' yenrs, turing whiebl ime il lias nI receivéti vr>' extensiv'e repairs. Thc Boapartiste. Vhs intetiug o! Bonaparlisis on Sal- urtia>' btitertuine lie polio>' la bc ppuroi in consequence cf the detisasof the Prince mpeciai vwas ieid aI lie residena af M. Renier. Il consistei of Banaparlisîs, Sanators, andi Depuhles. Nither Rouher flac Cassagnae vere preseat. Ferdinandi liscol preaiieti. Casoaux, Baron de Mackau, sud othier speakers tivol pon tise neceasil>' of l'rince Jerome N-1Lpoleou giving guar- anteces,boltsarso utman dechsring Ihat b>' lieetisof lie PrInce »Imperial Prince Jerome Napoleon becanie beati cf thi Bouspsrte famul>' vas ultinistel>' psssed, onlyr Ivo diasenting. M. Barot anti Prince Joachim Murat, flloveti b> -ictlof thosprésent, vailti upan Princo "Napalenviti tise resolutîn. Via T'irnes lusmornîngsasys it is cer- tain Rauher anti Cassagnac vonil ave appose thei recagnition of Prince Jer- orne Napoleon if tisere vero any chance cf koépiug lhe Bontipar'iat organization hogether ufider su>' obier lesder. Vie Cassgna.c organ Saye it yl nul discusag lie resoilion, but it le evideul liai noiue o!f thicgrave 4tisetciue,-pr îînnueei dilictilli..-1 ondiîuM îtesituation, vou nettieate lteueeîtg. Olser flouai. I)artist pnpertt approve theo resobstiou. flise Contihutionnel antIlits Sol6il tio. iiy tise atitnticiîy of thý repocleti ai- idresi c f Peir.co Jeromexu e le dea Forgus. Jii3' 22. -Samnel Wilson, n farmni (lG, t-rîLaxa, wts kihiedte lata> by lightti.sgariilo Ienaing isiorso te tise barn. 2i inUL. wlio vas elose by, w Ad! ~ nd t',UUtitd. Mr. Wilson baves- Airgû ..IûiY. ruira cat oau.ettu- 10 ausolii suer own sei se a tas Protustnt Separ. aIe Seboul, ponta t'Ohie lialit>' of lth. Oaioe lismjortynItrLa peroflu 1'miîsà , anauid ur wnsistek Pvinoeaoi set abouti- tudving en e WIioWwwshaht mnder Ibose Sperale Bebool monre tef- oient rallier han -wsasle,,lime ilu dobate avenlihe ativio"abl ty f Ils existence ila aur ýmidsl. TFi e1 usl ise an'" a the Hon, Minia'tlor o! Educaion, tire Sepacate Sehaol is permissive,, but vaý siesiti adth e yard "ureceulh>'" antiu tern iti a Permissive nmcessll>'. Grant- esa, lieu, tisaI lie separahe Scicol le a necossll>ta lu ls ceunIr>, tie questiaff arises, vial are lie greéâtimravius ita lI f rogreis ? 'To m> mind ieue Ivo oaîu e- Y.r>'pomineuo nsti vaul f'ýo! vipalifled -leaciema, vith thie Jack o! a I'boigcugiad naifonsu votheru O! insýpection. lae a Wrd, ve eqire a liackb2ne t4 aur systoi, sain thie lacklane lu,. vitiont deuil, e rigiti inspectian. Vioc. is no 4enyrng lise faet liaI our Separate' Scebopîa are not insqpectat. We are di'videti sahateti snd lait la ourselvas. Who, 1 aak, are ho laok afier tia intecests o!caur Se p a- aI. Sehools 2 Cais v aeominl>' laok np tea atvancemon n utise Separale Scool util vo have onenluSearaI. Sebool oducalion vicie oljeet. asi, bapo le the promnotion o! ils interasts, aud viose parui slu entirehy confineti vithin ils gravihsuantiwlfare-men via inlendtie10grov vilhitilsgrawth anti slmeugthea vitlSI lsstreugls, wvisi spirit hbrobs iu its vany structure ? W. nia>' havo individuel cases vieme tisa Separate Scolbulils9present ulate anti condition, aving o cre greaet mmnd vho meultis ils 0eatiuyt sîlains tg somewiiat of au eminençe iu oducation; but lhits occessa aI lesh cau n oilie temporar>', sud viii deparl vili lhe living euergy wiici tirsh caîhed t i bta exiatence. So long as thie question is being conlinuali>' askel, "vhy do anc. Separate Schecls nol sav wbetter e- sulîs ?" vitiaut puttiug us lu passes. sian cf lie meana l e dvalope lient, andtihiereby show botter resolse, se long wyil va romain l inte rost. Indu- vidual axortiona beau>'y, Thaugi goati in Iheniselves, vili neyer systematize eue achonus an ining tiseni in'Ipropar lino. Vie wcrk muaItlié dans cansful>' anti sIovi', an b>' barmonius action ou tise pari-lof lié Catihie Isaciers liroughouî lie Province. I viii fol assume tie task ai ccnnebling lie Cath- alic leaciers of Ontario lu lie malter of Sepanate Scioiso, but E-do venture le preditiil hal uniseaCaiolia tieugil î'niles, blondsia nt coalesees te promate tise inlereets ci lie Separale Sehacl, ils efficieno>' viii ahandi upon Itie sainia basis ton years isance as il dees la-day. It cannat isope tla atvance vithiul vork, anti vo are lerahi>' bealingthie air if ive work withoot unit>' cf pur- poseansd unil>' of action. Vie Irth isl, lie Separato Scioon islene doing tIhe vork wvil i il ighh do if investeti vihi preper hegilalbon anti osce.TVils pro- per egisation I laok upen asoui'a mahter cf lime. Il la saiti s gerni of eternsl roli neyer dies-neilier wiii jus;tice bo sufferedtiehaperisi vwils its spirit fintis a refuge in lie lireal cof liborai mankinti. I ses beforr. me a day vien enligisteneti Ontario, prouti of lise docalionai vreath vbieh binda iec lrov, points vti jusl feeling cf prietthli Separale Sceeol, andthle partIwvil itilplayat Inluadacning, mer- 'ail>' as voli as iutllecîuauly, lie minde cf a greal people. I oses befere in aa day vien wvshsal knev saclis cher lu. thets alter of educalion as educaters, not religioniets ; vian ever>' vestige ai bîgoîr>' siral have been svepl ma>', anti Caliohies anti Protestants, peseesa. ing eqîsai facilîties sud stivantages, wil vie viti eachu othser in adding tethie beaul>' anti grace of an aireati>'aimost p efescchîol sytent. But befoce this halo of encca ligbts up our paihs tiare is vork aiseadinb lte Separale Scinel. W. mnuaI ppsa vec the saine ugged reati b>' viiclithe Publie Scioci lise renahet ils preseul state cf effloiene>'. Vise saine labor must elb exerleti an its beisahf. Vise samne indicîments muaI be fiieti agsinst IL. W. muai arraigu ils vanta befoce lise bac cf a commillea af real anti crest educalionios. Wa muaIseeak for baller teaciers, s better support froni aur Catholie people, anti a thorougi anti uniforni sysieni ni super- vision foreery e-parale Scisool in lie Province. Il is viîhs rehuclance liatII ea>' ieretatmhI ins rrpection cf lie Sep- traIs Scoonl b>' Our'Higi Soi lu-n especters anionrsitlat nolising. I do net, hovover, ly ha'Iis at thiir feet sas sde- reliolion of dut>', for lie>' are nat ex- pecîti, I bleieve, la inspect cur Separ. rte Scicoesilutle true seuse o!flise word, but cahier report tieni-hauce tire yack-doue, Iu ovar>' organizalian thera muaI ha s ioad, sud upen every Such Menow.ovauomasaerisars o! ourhmo Saera. canh a sncbupenrviseaif o more oneys la-rnti enu Sap arala Sehoni efficenteulin a egioa cf lame ativecahesa amativihithie peu. Net au ame ntmenh paîseti reoenlly lu faveofthie Separale Sciool but i f pro- perl>' ulilizet i viiibear fruit s ion tret folel. The Croîholie Modal Scisool lu an eslpecial manner vil yel prove mare tissuil desd lbIter lu Sepamale Sohoal legisishion. Tiere eau b. no hune o! dentaoalian belveon 1h. Cathlie Mod- al Scionl andthle Count>' Modal Scio'oi as lie candidates for oaci muat unan- ga tié sanie non-profasabanai examina- lion, anti I deuil ual lia sanie proies. abonni axamination loa. Tierefore tiare can be na exqling Catiolic teaciers trained inlu-atholle Model Scicals from. leecbing lu Publie Scicols-savo lireligh su intaieraca hilci prevais botut itle. Il 15 proper organizaticu anti legiahation ve vaut te iniherthie inlereats cf our Sepsrala Schclî, anti thie latter, if vo sî'ek, I feol sure vo shah oblain. Tise r m moeo han IvonI>' tovuein Ontario situe visera lia 'ceanurces of Caîliolica ivili comptar-e fvorably cilihthèse ai te Protestant elenment in proportion. la Itir nambera, anti yet aur Separale Schsoals l inte se t ovasare ual on a PjIarallel witîs lie Public Scicohe. Wiy ta bile se? 2A<rin, b>' rececu Separale Sehînel egisîstion We are entitle te la 'athion utle Board ci Examiner. in cerhtain places. Ver>' gooti i Wece it nt tti ts eparabe Scicol np la Muas",isPe, Crde D'fmk nt-, aria andi Algoma. Bellevlie.--To Compris lieCity'Oo! Belleville, and Ocanhles Ofciéoulons Durbam,, Northumberlandi, PelembOr- ýOUigHeugu., and Prince Bdward. S1Kinguln.-Tc comprIse lireel' o! Kington, Caa ec o! LËenuox,lacusne- lau,:fmltenà ce, Leedu anti OenvIllo Towvuofflsockvillet Caunties a! Don- des, Gleugammy sud Town a! Comuval. Oihà vwa.-ToCocmprise th. cil y Of Ottavwamal Canis i ofPreseat, EÃUS- set, Carlehi, Lauerk, Beufroa asthlu Canalles i-Otava maaPonti" ac5 m- ding City>' c HoU, lu thie Province o!. Snccees o! tic Wimbledonu Teani. AT WIMB3LEDON, ON SATUBDAX. CRADIAN 0ADEUT O nsEuaLowzndaO- Colonel Gihion cammeti off 'lhe Prince o! Walec' prixze, cousiating af £100 anti s badge. HRe soroti94 pointseaettroe ranges, O! tvaf ivet i si iutnaci yards, lie iigiaah possible score being 105 pointa. Tie score, nazI la Coi. Gibson vas 81. Corparal gray,, viti a scoreofaigo points, vins a £5 prizo. Iu thie 8h. George's prizai Lieutenant HlunIer, viti e icone a! 51 points, vins £8; - Âà ibalnt-Surgion Aikets, 27 paois, £2. Iu lie last sertes o! extra primea Pnivate Ogg anti Assistent-Suc- gean Aikon, vili a score af 88 pomins, look lie- thirleenthisud foureenli *iles respeetively. On al ides 1h. COanadiens are cangraluleet. Col. Gibsau' cose i aver>' pronounceti. Hfis scare ih a remsrkisbl> goati one. ViTe Doke af Cambiditge visiheti tis camip to-day. Sir Leanarti Tille>', Sic John Boese, Ladies Wiarneliffe anti Mscdonald vece sniong liose presant. The Duko inspectedth le Canadisu leani, sud expressei greal pleasure st îeeing lient upon winuiemg lie Prince cf Waes' prile, lia second Miost imper- tant conlestet alliaMeeting. Engiauti, lia sasii, iint grîmîge lIre Canadians lie bonour lie>' van, for lie>' formi part o! lie sanie epire, engaget inl lie sanie-dol>' falefence. Hleconchuti- eti b>' as-uriag thieCanadians liaI lia>' veulti be alysys veleonte hece. Sic Michael EHiocks-Beach laletiin lie cangratlations affareti b>' iGrae lhe Duke oi Cambridige, sud expresseti lie plesînre il afforda i hm te ses lie teani again engageai in thie conleat. Ha tank Ils. oppertunit>'ofa! auouncing liaI in future a certain proportion cf cadets frani lie Militar>' Acadent>'oa Kingstcn vaulti lia lloyati annoali>' le lake Commissionsiluthie British art>'. Tuesaa>, Jul>'22, 1879. Ah Wimblledon ta-day lhé vealter vas doll, andt ters vas a straug vint. Sergeaul Croit sud Cal. Gibson acoreti 88 esci, anti secureti £5 apiaca lu lie 800 yardls range. Iu lie Albert Prize Corporal Gra>' von £10, sud Lieuten- ant Evan £5. Iu lhe Grand Aggre- gate Lieutenant Atiams lies seveneean alliera for ABS. Vie Pigeon Prize.ni £90 vaa tilvideti, anti Privahes Morris arti Bell ceceiveti £2 eaci. Tiue leants bava baen selecheti for lie Kolapoce Challenge Cup. Vie Canadiessasre represenhet b>' Col. Gilisen, Lieutenant Rynu, Privalea Mille anti Bell, Lient. Hunier, Sergesul CruilI, PrivaIs Ogg, anti Corporal Gra>'. Spreati of tic Yelov Foyer. Moemphils, Jol>' 2let, noon-Fliîeeu cases vers rapoeleti semacuing. A- mong lise moal promnineul are W. C. Coppenger andtife, J. C. Harris, tise velh-kuovn deuliet, Charles Piilmol anti vifs, Goncrai Nal sud tva Misses Raja. Tvo etieshave occured-Dr. J. C. Harerisud W. C. Coppengen. Tise exedus of cilizens la lu fuill pro- grem. Business ie almet imal>' sus- pantati. Tisa genersi oulook la gleani>. St. Louis, Mo., Jnly 21.-Vie icI- lowing quscanline ragulalicus ver. put lu force haro to-day :-No fceighl le ai- lovedtotabe brougil froni Mempiss 1 au>' point vitiu a lumit of St. Louis ; n vaer ersil nor cailva>' train cant- iug direel> froni Meniphis shahlisb allovedte10landiuallie viarf, or dia- charge freight or pasengecm vitiu lie limile of St. Louis, vilinul a permit franithliealhsoffica ; n vatec crafî coniing front, or liraI louciedetis Memi- pia, or tIsailandeti on ilier sida cf the river wvbhiiu s mile ai Memphis, sialh ibcsavedti lalandi attise wharf or diacharge freiglil or paaaeugera viths luth limhiseofthuis Cil>' villula permibt issueti allie quaranline station, five miles seti o! lie cil>'.-An>' per. soon o au>'vater crsft ieuud aoffering frmni eliow fever, or sopposeti >ellaw gays :-"lSince nine o'clock yesierday mocniug, 19 cassoc yellov fever bava lseen ceparleti anti 7 detie occurreti. 29 csses isti beenprevianal>' reporteti anti 6 dealis occurmeti. Vie lever is îpeadiug." CHILD ATTACEED DYs A STRANGE REr'- TILE.-A strauge alec>' isreparteti frcrs Waymouli, lirree miles front Caniten, N. Y. Tise chilt of Jameos snd Mar- garet Wileon heamo exlremehy rail- legs on Sahurde>' nigit lait. Via p.- reulte iti verything in theirpowern b celieve ilss infecinge, buI vitiaut avail. Tie dootor vas aummoueti, sud ardar- oath le infant ta be nudresset. It s lien tilacoveredti lia elarge green Wrrmhati faitened ti l ol!tahle bresl ai thiebaIse, anti eeten out avec Iva square ies o!tieesi. Vie physiciens experienceti cousidereble difflculi>' in remaviug lie reptile, lie fauge of vbicli vera deeph>' sel in tha body>'oa!tho cbilti. Uxbiitge, Juiy '21.-Ear-ly tuis mac- niog lie ictel knavn as Streetonville lions., about tva miles froni Ibis place-, vas tolail>' dastroyeti by lira. Los aheu.t 81,200 ; insureel far $800. Tise building wusa unoccupieti. Vhs cause allith ire la unlenocu. Tva coloreti chiltiren living on Col. Lotibelham's plantation, near Wadsebe. ro, N. C., dieti seau aiter eallng anake eggs, vliioi he>'founotin utise vada anti cooked, enpposiug luenu la b. par. tridge esgge. lun itie vossel. - wyea mtlies *esr the yacht hialeft te lre the lrea".- 17.1 steamer St. Anlaine (Capt. Berger. au) sheemeti ont tlathe streani on lia va>' la Ibis City'.-Very sutdeni>', vile the yachit was about luriug on a teck, lier melaere caugit -b>'apgut of vinti, viiciséeamot ta place tire veséel mi- metibael>' leyoal 'the conai aiofiber erov, antiaasire couldib iiei sud la lie barman o o ie.on board as vail as coflth. people sirora andi pas- iengemab>'th.steamer, lie yacht keol- eti complets]>'avec, liaw nto hule river lise viol. of ia living froig it. Ai thoà momenl ai *tire acclent lia yacbt vas near lIme middtle aiftire SI. Lavrence,, abdut a milefrani th- village anti s aultIle more tien irai! hal dis. tance tram lha steamer SI. Antoine. Hia a moment ai lime been uselessl>' vesteti sI tua lanctore thi.108lois ,iife vonîti have beori gresher than il 19. Withoau ninsaet's dola>' CapI. Bec- geron ciangedth le couraeoc!his steam-. er anti made tilcecîl>' for lie sceeo of lue disashes. Hic example vas fallov- eti b>' liosaonlise viarf, vho sel ont ln several hsto ta rentier assistance. Amongîl lheecacliesi upon lie seene fram lie village vasthie vorti>' parlis p*iet, 11ev. Valiser. Boussean, vho ricked lie dangers cf lth. gale, sud ccl ouI imnietiahel>' in à saial boat for lia ftal spot. A steamer arrivei some lime, isovever, before an>' on. Irons lb. vilage, anti ountiesing lie spot lhrev ont s nomiier o!tiei, anti overadttv bats. CapI. Bergeren acteti tirougi- ou' viti greal t iom, and discrelion, anti it is principal1>' oving la ia cnt- meudable couduot liaI an>' o! lieso on beardtihle yacht wvessaveti iccm s vaher>' grave. His son, bon, acteti viti greel baroistu, anti asisteti materiail>' in rescng lie almaIt exisaustetisuc- vivora o!thie catastrapho, cria vare foonti upon lie vesael's arrivai floating upon lie surface of lia vater. Thé yacht isaving completel>' avar- torneti ant i flalei ava>, tisera vas notiing tohoblti on b>', snd nonea crc able ta mainlain Ibeir avu veigil but thosvia vere pratletiev immera, excepling, periape, Mima Elmira Malte, a yong lady ai Paote aux Trembles, wbo vas iselti ainvo water b>' a geulle- man avimnmor, bath lieing rescuat b>' lie crew aiflIre t8. Antoine, ouI>' juel in tinte ta aave Ivo ives. Seven of lte fifleen vere succesafull>' taken front the water b>' aleanier's boala, antidcou- veyed ou board, vhence lie>' ver. lakan asîsane lu aier boaseoau lie ar- rivai of lie latter iron ttie viarf. Aniongel lie seven tlins rescueti fremthle jacre o! deati are :-Mis E. Miulte, Mn. Octave Delile, tie >'acht's ovner, is irclier, Mn. Alhrenase De- hla, Mc. Gauvraýu, duggis t oltie cil>', Mm. Jean Lâtrhe, o! Pointe aux Tremblhes, anti anolluer or Ivo. Tise liaI cf tiesti h ss foilovu :-Mrs. Octave Dahiale, of tuas cit>', vue of tli y>aclmt's ovuen, anti but s year an Ivo marrîsti. This lady wv8as a tsgiter ni lia Mc. Garneau sergeant-al-annis lu lie legla- Istive assembi>' ni Qusise ; Mlcs Entihe Lamue, ageti 21, daugiter cf lie seign- eur ai Peinte aux Tremblas, a ver>' ce- flueti sud edacateti yonng lad>', anti ce- latedti a sevanal vell kuovu famiiies lu bhie cil>' ; Louis Lefebvre, scicol esacier, sged fraint 6 ta 40 yeara, tan- nieti anti father o!fonrciildren ; Mn. Lefeivre cras beati masher af lie vil- lage acadeor> ; anti Louis Lefebvre, jr., hie on, s atidcf about 14 yearî ; Louis Gsuvin, cf tisa sante place, a gentle- man agetishout 48, anti vie vas living upon hia priraho meaus. He leavesas wïdow, but no ohiltren ; Xavier Gar- neau, ageti 29, numarrieti, a masler blacksmili af Pointe aux Trembles Ferdinand Biais, o!thie saine place, aailing master cf tlîe yacht, ageti 26, anti utntarristi; Dr. Ernest Dehishe, th. village piysician, a pro niiaing >'onng doctor of 02 yeare, vho leavesa widav, farmerl>' Mise Larue, sud Ivo cildreni. The oul>'teatid>'odycecavar- cdi lasI nigil vas limaI ai tie sciani heacien. Mr. Lefebvre, ich vas fount ilcating aun lie vater allihe acene afllié accident. Tic Prince o! Wales and tic Irish. (Londotn V AI, ,ly 90t.) Vie Prince of Wales neyer titi a viser, muore paptilan, or pole iiing tirîn ou Sahurda>' hast, vien liereeceir- .d thé 050 Irish tenant-fermera, vho led b>' Canon Bagai, iaviug came avec foc lie Agienitunal shov, ihave been "déoiug" lhe ié issoaiLotdon untier lie experieucei guidance cf Lord Povers- court anti Capîsin Kbng-Hacntan. Previaus la thirainating, Canon Bagot hati telagrapiedt laI cf&a h ie sigils lu London lIre iast grateful ho lia fart- ors vaulti be tisaI af lie Princess ai Wales, and ti o ne 'clcck on Salunda>' lié>' entereAthli, aardepn aI Marihir- Canon flagol, nectar; of Fonîstowu, Canul>' Kildara, anti Mr. Janica Rob- ertson, tvo ai tIsa mail active ment- liera of the council cf lIse Royal Agni- cultural Societ>' o! Irélanti. About 850 men ca-ma avec, representatives of nian>' difféearilcounieo,-Reacamnton, Sîg, Karry, Cork, Galway' anti Wick- loy. Vhs>'ver. muce iînkb> i show, sud one of lient rcnarketi, 'Ilvi>, ve are ahialaep in Icelanti1 h at no ides cf tuis kind ocf liing. IILard Pavenscaurl, Captain Kinog-Harman Mr. Hlugi Law anti char gentlenten, devolet muci valuabla limeftathie ser- vice of their tenanh fMende. Vie correspondentl ni lie London Timeu aI Pariea sys liaI lie Boaspart-, iii canons on Salorda>' setîhedthi nig. Oui>' 54 Bouaparliel Senahors andtiDr'p- ohies, eut toi 115, vei'lupr'eenî, sud liose sesemîtieti ver. b>'no ne eanuu- animons. M. Caesaagnac't; laper, Le J'zyo, reproacie Prince Jermetoivh enlertaining thie fear of exille, nhsci dol-era biitram reoiviug a manifesta. His gaeAchiiiap Lynch yl heave ff5a Rame on Manda>' nexti. He -wiI! be absntfor ftvé nontha. A Berlin correspondenoos>'j i aI lIre Duko.of ]3mnsvick.la sanional>' W. Vie bliestion o! aucrassion is being tilacu>s- Gdi. <1ToXonto, b y iva gestemen, tsu l 4 a- anti>' i.d hem - ichange, Bj.aut-bye, doîpite lhe requeseofc! hase secam- pauylng hec, - he ldy began la do- nonine tionu, sîahpg thial a ns ai them (viaosihervanda turneti out ho b. Dm. MeCanneil, ai Taonl uo) bhabeen gnil>' of an atrociaus crime, sanie aigil yeari sga, ant t e éboliulai b, bu prison 'foc Il nov. She burtiser infocusti tii' . a saugera liaI aie vac bosng oouveyo lat lie MIMILTON LUNATIO ABYLIIX againsh lier wieo suantinotwithshsndt iug tiat shée vas' pol>' sne. Ih- planhng si la goti ae>' ,friiber el-- tendante, sueémaiie vas an oùAmemican citizen ; liaI sire original>' belauget o Montreal ; tÉliseant i r Io alaters ver. poasesoti of a ver>' extensive pro, perty >'uMontreal, sud liaisic she'at bson enticedt leeve lîjto tIse charge o! lier frietis anti come la VoonoInl that cil>' ber fais. frieands refoset l do anytiig for ier, anti on bier lireAten- iug hbem vils a legal actieu, mie vas kitinappeti awsy hoesatdéserteibons., sud lièe r imgged. Wilstinua islp- les stale papans lesIifyingto lier 'luas- c>' ver. prapareti, at lie instance af ber attending phsysician (vieni aie pro- viüusby denoonceti) ant tvaoier moti- ical men, vWho matie ver>' Utile enqui>' int bier case, or lie>' voulti have font thaI sie vas ,cioheoa anti in hien rigit mina.' Suai a circunislautial narra. hive, recitati viii greal patios b>' lie lady, via vas avidénl>' val detieteti anti an adroit anti shnewtitaîker. yack- et op lie sympathiies aiflIse passengers in lie car la snob au estent liat it ce- quireti but ansenioviug spirit la lake 1h. initiative, andtihle sppaeOhiy-uchO vrongeti venan vaulti have been set irse b>' aheer force. Meanvi7ile, tie attqndanl ar i le lady kept strict guarti avecbaer, ast iret ratier curti>' assumng thae-conboardi vho heedeti hem protes- talions liaI lie veman vas marine, anti lîtdedti tlihec ineani>' vas dol>' certifiet l lefere a magistrats aud by TUBER TORtONTO PHYSItJIANS. Vhs passengere. hoveven, synipaliet vili the ontan, ieingisdati b>' tva Amerieso gentlenten, crere ver>' natur- ail>' vilsbier vIsent le>' regardeti as a tecrib>' oulcageti ceuntr>' Vioman. Via ulmoal excitentent prevaileti on lie cars aslise train drecr np aI Hamil- ton tepet ; ou ceaciing vici Mn. R. W. Higgins, an Amerioso gentlemanr oi mous>', travelling tirougi Canada, tirev np lie foilaviug stataneut On lic- hai! ai tisa passengers, viihihabchaand- sel te Hou. Mr. Lelanti, U. S. Consul- "A lady leacier fronu San Francisco vas talion b>' forefrotultise cil>' o! Toronto, vioc. mie came ho vieil fionde, ant ila nev in lIse lunallic as>'- lura mntlii Cil>'. Thaviole mahler seeme ebreudeti in a myster>', altieugi aie vaa commilteil hy lie writlen cein- mitintof aitire. doctfore, vho, ve (lie passengers cf lie train) tliink, wre in sente va>'inducet teaigu, lhs commfit- ment. Sie languitshol (lie Grant- ntschema, lsaehing French, music, etc..) asud la agraduaIs ai MeGihi Col- loge, Monîceal . Vie suspicions cfthe passengeca vere greati>' arrousedti laI @ontetiag vas vrLong, anti cansequeul- 1>' I, la cempan>' vilh satiLen gentle- mn a avhier b inote asylunt. If yen eau luahilule an enquir>' tial see rapro- perhy visera ase is, il vml greal>' cein- fort aur tuintis." Suob a requesi, nf course, Mr. Luhanti vas nul prepareti ho pesa lighlly over. Ho according>' cepairet 1thle Asylunt for tIse Insane au lie ninunlain, sud ield au interviev viti Dr. Wallace, lie Medicai Superin. tendent. Vliat gentleman recoiveti Mn. Lehanti ninalcourleensiY, anti asaureti bli taI tiers was mieltlise ligitsîsa ticui thaI t THiE LAOT îs OF UNSOUND INe, anti liaI hem insanit>' is lealifieti teb>' at leasttw1cmodicai men in Toranto of undouiteti standing,.lin. Lehauti aIse iled an iuterview viti lie lady, and sa>'e be is hard>' surprieed ilial alie-ising of more tian ordinar>' intel- ligence anti su excellent conversation- aliet-shtulti have an imprese tlis. via inlerealeti thentsilvealuin lie- isif. Suisequent i=quria ersaleti lise fohioving fade :fî. ay'sriant. la Mcc. Rossai, ber maiden naine beiug Miss Freel. Si. la a native ai Montre- ai. About ton yeasaaga aso removoti ta lie Stale ni Illinois antiaulisquent- 1>' ta California, visera aie vas cnt- playeti ai a leacher in a public acinol. Latlleni' me reaitiet in Menîrcal, anti aubsequeulinluTorcnto. Her or>' about bain liinapcdantitmggetisla pure freak of lie poor woman'@ imagi- nation, ais aIse hem allegation o!flie- ing 1vealli>', boti aie anti bsn moîher, vitir vis acielivet, lieing ver>' poar. Sîlill, sai. l ier aler>' 50o xceedingl>' Well sud sluck ho il vili sucb per8se- moe>.-LuIncoe yemic 800 ejedtienla hava een servet iniiMayo shone, sud Ibis aI au average cf six 10 oaci istil>', makesasto1t1a! of4,800 pensons matie iontelesi lu ans ceunIr>' ause. Vtüe Lauti Adt la poveuleas hoeBave tise peo- pl. for 100 nian>' ai lie landiortis bava fat-cadtihle tenants 10 sigu loases wvie make the adI abortive. Dsrk chauds hang over ths lanti, sud tia peoplehnurn vitS vistful langinga la lisein frienda acrose lthe mcan. If lie>' vsntl help thsy viii gel il, anti gel il vili ne uig- gart ihaut. freel>' anti chueeriuliy the Irish people au thIs continent vil, va are sure, reapont lehir calh, if cail her. lie. bleîanwvie w. vender limat Arcibishop MeHale lias; 001apaken, for tie Irish abroati orsi>'avait on< o rd frein the grcat andl beloveot ad man le Vt cblitîce of rîpiniou n tîEîttiand inchnu o u o cjsaofipocti>' necvilis thec Zulus. Forts Cicusueforl udni Oce- Iorl< ive beeut -iandcuned andti teir -grrrieonr, are atrcogptheicng tise ativan- Ce. A le"telrsueisauti says tisat the plianogmapis esimnp>'a machine tint Il t1k. back " antil ho isbail anc cf flisI i-h)u1 -l,1bis bouu ovor aluca he Sw4inLl1., Iram'iesaes vien 0cm. ÂIyaJsep. pie anti Liver Complaint, i. lbedirect cause a! ievent-tfve per cent ai auci males-as bahlionsns, Inigestion,* Sick Headlacre, Costivenesà , Nervous Proalraîion, Dizzineass citireirest, pal- pitation a! tu.eireart, anti dtier disîres- mng syînplams. Tir]re taceaës"f Augnst Ployer viii improw 'provois vonden- fnl effoch. Sample bahtliem 10 cents. Vy i. For saelsby S. W. B. Smith l Ca. Willy. Ho Ratier Liketi If. Oua- of aur vaîllkuovu cltizonS vas sihîing luiluis parlona lhe. alias eveuing aurmaundet b>' Ihis vif. anti ciiltien virenthe conversation lomnot upot lices a-ntidd4lices, ant tste sud Ilavor o uo vai«sondimenIs. Oua pacson p a reem t is, another- Ibat, vben e fi111. blueaeyet, !oom.year.olti ipoke n p antid sah. nation liketi Castor, 011. This cemeti singular ; but itlasnat cor- prising, vhen ve knov liaI sise liaI ver>' maruingisati been lakiuig some of Scattlu Bowna'e Palalable Cator Oul. Fer sale b>' V. G. Wulfleld. Price- 25 cents. 4i4-27 Baa-iceMessrs. Pemm>' Davis &uSon commenceth le maufacturei of Bearlue, lie Canada Irapper bas. founti a lucrative business in capturiug alti Ebru. Messrs. Davis lu Son psy a geoti pricefor the 8rsase, santhels.kina are elwsys songih afler. Messrs. Davis lu Son have s mode of reftning lié grease, pénftimiug 1h, luç., ialdng il superiai la an>' chers ve havsesi'er Seen. Foc sale b>' T. G. Wifield, ciemisi, Wiitiy. Vie perfume cf au bemispiene.- Ticeughocula ares occupiet b>' mare tha ne u.bntreti millions of civilizeti baings, rMurry & Lanman's *FIantes Waler is to-ta>'the standard perfume lu Socialty. tian Era, writes : 'i have nsed Davis' Pain-Killer for many years in my faIm- 1>' with miucli satisfaction." TUIE GREAT BLO PUnîrcIEits.- Bristol'% Sarsaparilla and Bristol's Sugar.Coated Pilla are a sure remedy> for ever>' forra of Scrotula. Hundreels cf cases ti se emed beyond hope bave been permanenîl>' and eompletelY cor- ed by Ihem" For sale by T_. G. Whilfleld, ciemnist, Whitby. Il la remarquable Itat -the ative in- gredients cf Fellows' Hypopiospbites are aikaloitis front.trees wbiclî attain tu very great ages, laken in oonnecîiôn witb lie facî liaI Ibis preparation will increase the longevity of lhe human family is a sosnewbat singular coinci- douce. Readth le following :-Salt Ilbonen Crd.-I had SalI Rieuru on My baud for two years ; I lried ever>' doctor 1 could hear of. The salves, olulmanîs and sos witliout number ; notbing benefllled me. A 50e. inItIe cf Giles' Linuiment Iodide Ammonia cnred me in lesIlhon a week. A. ROMAINE, 162 W. 23d St., New York. Soîti b> S. W. B. Smith & Go., Wiltby. Senti for pamphlet. DiR. GILES, 120 West Broadway, N. Y. Trial suze 25 cents. Frenî IVilkes' Spirit of the 2Times, rit». 5 '78. GILEs' LINIMEFNT-Dr. W. M. Giles, 451 Sixîli Avenue, this city, is lhe-pt8o prielor of lie celebratei Liniment Iodide Ammonia, which occupies a high position in the estimation cf horsemen. Dr. ailes offers te cure, free cf cosî, lame and siek bore.. pro. nonueti incurable, tins giving a re tical test cf the valus of bis preparalion. Il is sold b>' ail drnggists, and is bigbly recommontied b>' ths enlire velerinar>' commtinity. Sold b;' S. W. B3. Smith $ Co., Wbitby. Senti for pamphlet. DiR. Gîits, 120 West Broadway, N. Y. Trial size 25 cents. A New York lady writee: "If I conld bave my own way, every smoker aionld marry a smnker or live alone for ever." A negro man in Union Springs (Mla,) recentI>' dieti fromn the effects of eating tln'rteen harti-boileti eggs wiile inloxi- 9:e' Notices of l3irths,, Marriage8, and Deatha clarged 5Q. cents each. flIRTHS. O'CONNORZ. - At Whitby, on lb. 25tn June, lis vif. of Mr. John O'Con- nor, cf a son. PALMER-At Clarensont on tho 151h imat., lhe wife of S. B. Palmer, of a son. WHITBY MARKE TS. OnnoNîcLE oGicrz, Jul>' Urd, 1879. ,liour, pur brl .......... Q4 0@ 896U eu4 seal............1 OU0@&l lu Sprtstg Wheal ........... 0 Ugo $1 00 llsrley, Noli........... SU 0ÈD90 @$ 5 id 2,......... 0 00 @ 0 00 do 8,.:......... 8t1vu1ü8t0W Bye .................... 40 @45 'eas,.................. tu ta Pes, black-eyed......$0 70 8 0 72 Oas ................... 40 @ 4 Cernt................. 9e107@(6) liay.................. e7 Ce 0 Apples........... O0 U5 @ 0 75 Polatees, new...........$1 Out)@ si$125 Eggs ................. 12 10 15e Butter ...............lue 1e 18 Cheesie.........::...... 08e<à 10 Wood ......... .... .... 83 o U@$U000 Beef, (<md quarter ....$5 tg) (,Z $5 96 Iteef, fore quarter. -*** 4 (Ni(07 b4 10 Sheepakittes..............0 75 @ & 0 80 aides............ )01@ $9 90 Park percewt .......... $00 675 50 LamLa ............... $2 SU0 8$3( calves.............. 81@8 onions............... $ 0 0 j1 1)0 Tunips.............. .. 000 Carrots .................19e0c@ OU Chiees, per pair.... 4 @ 6U0 Dceksi per lie............ 8c @ 600 GeeF4e per lb.............. 7 00 Turkeyp,,lier t ..... 8 10 Cilover ........ ....... $9 83SU0@ 880 Timothy .............. $1 75 @ $2 1)0 Wooî, innwascd.0 19 0 i10 washi...... ... 18. 20 POR T PERRBY MABIF, TB. Port Ferry, Jul>' gSrd, 1879. Wheât, fanil.................0 100 Whc.at, sprinl .............0 80 $0 95 Fleur ..................... 600 W1< litrley.............. 0 50'O 0 Pean........... ( 4(1 fi rio Oats............. u 3 0 40 corl ..................... 45 4) 56 Pol............ -...... 90XI0 00 Jnocleds rny và uab1e'remelIes for a&Mol- tiloais aniatWeof certalnty »iat ii ail casesWhere tii4anlmgl vltallty la faillng, Phiofo zane ,laideldediy m à uperlior; -Il vii work affectasnob chas -uotbing cise viiipr&- duce, and poseseti great adysustage ofi ual èauslug, vieie suse la relluqulahed.. lthe slghtesi reation or idapression. -5old by, AUldruggigta. Priceone DeU&v Per BoIte. A A laÂID. T 0 11 who are "ferlug from the rro anad laooeallauuof yolhnervous weakuos, OarIydom ' Iolo49 o! manhood,&c., IM1 viiend >A",recette liaIviiiure yona, YFE0F CHA.R"Ge . e'hIdagreat remedy wua lsovered by a, iiouary la South America. î- ond a self-addreaaed euvelope lo the Rzv. JoBEpà T. InKÂN, Btat<cn D, Bible Hous, New Yorke City. NEW ADVERTIEMENTS. AUl parties inabted to the unndersigncd are requested to aaa d ettie the osme iby the fint day of Auguat, sund save conts;a aui ccounla flot settied by liaI date wi bô placedin Court, for colleétion. - CHAS. PENI4YLEGION. WhlIby, July 21st, 1879.,.9 Farm to Rent. fOMPOSED o! 150 acres. baing lot No. J11 Broken Front, Pickecugy, al dea- ecd, gooti orchâûti nti ldusrgs. For particuý= &dc., apply taelihe prpri- ehor. JOHN J. FOTERGILL. 81-81n wiIby, P. 0. John Dundlas.-- -UORMBBY oflte C1@nly -o! luerman- F0ahIrend, vas killat i nilie Géant>' ef Ontario, b>'the. lslliug of a Ire.,, a fev years aga. If ies vidocv r, on'eeon hem bhalt, vili rommunicale vili Mx. Thomas me- Nasi8ilan of the tevu of Coborg, -Barzts - tee, informiaion cr111 bogirsu liaI vili bb et great adysutage tte ie vdanasudchilti of tIe scd John Dondas. THOMAS McNAlUGHVAN. Cobourg, Juil>' lOl, 1879. _ 8-2lU TENDERS. S EALED SEPAR&ATE TENDERS ADS- LDdresseatel J. L. Upiuk, Daffns' Creele, Ont., yieré dravinge. &a., mima>' lié es, are cequesstia for the erectian et a Canada Meilsodial Ciurci Building ai Bufins' Creek, aud viii hé receiveti LUiiALGUST lot, Intu, foc lie Stone vork, Érick do., Lathinq anti Platering,- Carpeuter verke anti Paintinug anatiGaziug. I>rawiugs sud speclticatiens sua>'also hum aeen aI 1h. office of 1h. Archileci, Oshava. Vie lovest or au>' tender miel necessarit>' actuepteti. - - H. R.. BARBER, Ar lin-tOshwl w ATED. - A TE A CH ER, Hoelding a 2nd or Brd cliasa Certificate, for School Section No. 2, Whitby. Apply immediately, to ADAIoMUSLOP, Sc.' Whitby, P. O. Ju1y 101h, '79. 12iis-80 FARM TO REN.. niOMPOSED OF 100 ACRES, 13<ING %J part of Lot No. 4, in the 4th Conces- sion of Pickering, five miles from tie town of Wiblby, -unde)r a goed stale of cultiva- tien, wei watered, good buildings, and flne erehard, dec. Pilon hie a bedons aitt-r 9rop je taken où dis ?ia, udpossession Kst March next. For particulars, apply te the ewner. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Utica, P. 0. July lUth, 1879- tf-SU R ICEMLIBU &. ONTARIIO qAV. (CO. ROYAL MAIL LUNE, Quebe, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto aud Hamiilton, DAILY. Favorite route 10 Charlottetown, P. E. I., Halifax, N. B., St. Johns, N. B., sn u 11points in the Maritime Pro- vinces, via Gulf-of St. Lawrence, with ail lits majestic and picturesque scenery. Single audRETUR Tickets, reading Bowmanville, Toronto, or Hamilîton le Montreal, Beau Canal, Cornwall, Vil- Ieamsburg, Matilda, - Prescoît, ]3rock- ville, Gananoque, Kingst on, Cobourg, Port Hope, and ail points in the Mari- lime Provinces. For tickets anîd further information, appiy, ta E. STEPHENSON,' Dominion Telegrapb Co. & Genoral Ticket Office, Wbutby.1 Jnly 16, 1879. *3in.ll0 GOAL, GOAL, GOALI -Those who wisb b pnrcbase Iheir next wiuter's stock of Coal, cain do e0 at very reasonable prices. A -club, raising an oreler for 100 tons or more, eau bave il aI a special low rate, for, cash, during the present mouth. Choice can b.e b.d for weighing, oither at Har. bour or Town scules. ' The coal is of the beat qnalify and Mnay be inispected .1 Harboiir, wbero 1000 tons arc nov unloadad. - ~JOHN BLOW WVbitby, Jul>' 16, '79. - 2in30 Executors' Notice, N OCTICE 19 IREiJY GIVEN THIAT the. Creditors of George Brown, laIe of lhs Township of Pickering, in lhe Couuty ef Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about lt.eItighteenth day ef June, A. 1). 1879, are, on or beforo the Thirty-first day of tngnst, next, to senfi, by poist, pre-paid, te Ruphemia Milus. or Donald R. heston, ]3roueham lPest Office-er to J. B5. Dow, Solicitor. Deverels' Block, Whuhhy, tîzeir Christian namesa su surnametr, addresses sud descriptiens, - hu fail partieniars oi hheir claims, a statement ef their acconule sud lhe nature of the security Oif any) helti by them, sud that on and afler lie said Thîrty.flrst ef August neit, lhe Executors viii bo at liberty te distribute lhe assets of lhs decaseod amenget the partes entilled tiierelo, having regard only ta t ee daims et which notice ahall have beeni received-; sud the. uudersigned Executors wiii net be liable for the assoIs se distribu ed, or sny part hhereof, ta any peracu wl ose claims, shaîl net have been- received ly lemaI lhe lime ef such distribution of!the. nid amese, or any part thereof, as the case may be. Tbis notice is given pursuant te Chapler 107, o! the Revised Statutes ofOtarie. Dsl-d nit Whltby, this 171h Jnly, 1870. ÉlU'UeMIE MILN1 E ctr. jI)QNALD R. BEATON, j J 3B. 1DOW, 9olicitor for Excecoore. 2iii.80 DOMINION IHÃ"TEL. OSHAWA, ONT. À good bouse, a geod m8n, sud everY. Ihîng in beeping - ýBeer-Llqnie'ransadCiosrs. OCal il it sei 4, 10 cents off 4urinýg July. A discount oi aRlowed during, We don't waîf tomer to-ask fo. --tion, but the toaken off the au bull, wlietlier or petit it, and w .E'ierybody sex Imperfihable1 ýe- /,-~- M aosuaeuignat. u a slek nQom, relieves vealas Irition, senycuineas anti ouI for coumierfeits, -al Vlida Walem prepareti nrelo0ru, Mess.L at York.- ta' Far sale b>' Per! sud Fane>' Galuda Diealers PERRY DAVIS& SON i For sal, b>' T. G. Wi wlsitly.- BONES WA Goti vages eau b. ni sind ahipping hornaLlo mi - Bsgs hoancti. Prompt fartier.pacticulan adaitres PETER R. LAI -Juil>' 2nt, 1879. Do ypu Wanté Ofic, a i frcoe Whitl>, Yuhy9lM, '79. The Great Blood, GYUnantee t o ba an iim Scefnha lu ils crarst f deep-saledil icers Sypiat condax>', sud terliar>'; 'j Eraptuuag, Ohd iotesq, anti ahi-iseases or qeres p bleond or humtors. BRISTOL'sS Sgar-Cc 1 UE ALL LIVER Co tý-For sala lýy ail Drugg lu Medicines. .PERIIY DAVIS & SON & 29-. - - Agents 1For sale b>' TTU. Wtii wbltby.> IN CHANI KEJISLAKE .K pUISANT to ia hDeci JLi hscause, and heart day cf Merci, A, . -1m7, i wili- lhe approbation of Boeard, Esqusre. Master a )Tdtc, > Fabn a tEY HTL in lie' b>', aI of er t12 on lie 25th Day -of JU: Ahsund singular, liai cE turset of landi lying in ilit Pickerimng, in lie Courut>' a heing composeiof!Part of L iu lie Third -couofethleBssi Pickeoring, eontalsissg li-ttl listhe sanie more or leus, am th-li osaI iy landti lning0 'w ncv or latel>' ieleuging le AI Tier s eoree oti onthe. su tcc'elhiog lisuse, s-ithaillte dîtioia et sale tric elst liens e! thé Caurtoo! Cince, Further psrticu!s'na Meaara. JIlelciqr de FinI. 1 Woedstock, on A. G7-MeMMI rister c, Whithy. Daleti ah Woasock, tit ta>' cf Jué, 1879. in-27 M aster -FARM FOR T IAT EXCELLNT F£ T9vnaiip oi Beach Cour Ownedls>' Charles B1acL. hait le l4ti Con, la allertifor Ua ie siluateti ons-hai a nile fu erave Station on'lie W. P. antiefgit milesfjrOin port Pt eut te -sehools, cherches anti are 162 Acres, ef vîici 120 is - lirat-ohase state o! cultîvation sud1 atere iti h. balance ]j vooti huai.- GOOti rame Dvelng hou Stables, TII11MS, EASY. Venteras Forpricla", apri>' te théeÉ presniaes, or tathie underalgut A.LEX. July 23rù, 1879.