Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jul 1879, p. 2

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Boom ud,@%oeo a coeý-M.,oll 1' Poutentiaty, fie whiIed away Lthe ime I tOI4l1orieài- 'Ha W*itM PlOl(Ii Wlte' PrryDavs' 8 &by giving a alfteil of Lis adêentures ta -of ot jue, g1vin gý acoizofe t mer f 'i t eus Lawrence. Mr. AlexanderfBruce, the Lurakey <of tpetaDakota.- Poor Pstzton!a finesdo«. ad , Rv.ot bar ont & O- 'Oau C miu &na B. Xoie T-W P ou ull SY aol, inlao Lad hl4m?' FoI~TbuXaon. m 00.wo a in ncharge. 8Pev. u o bhsebeen case ~~1~u ~~v~brltr~-. cy1w tw f WbItby. n sale b s arn at Kiusase, Pick.. isiacva. Toit and Isârdeblp, and the bis. 9"' _- ' -M 0l-*on0v. 1c5iia ât nt - o theV ' BîtliSnpilis.- O ring.,I14 1a. abouit 22 years of!&gelterDes. of pcnury, appear ta bave (allen k ydoote sud the istplay ewell 81,0W bf $1 il cOt Orasi4 ExcuriTo.Moody. Gf.,lIobi utuga, &k 0hie lot.liravely, bowaVO?, &a sUd the PPPçI&Uo 4 an 5SIÉg f. the.b*112.-M wo.U Par, 85IN "The9hanpion'-ToaephlliaHit Mftg. ligiliosiSiar, ai1not béad, locklug. oourageonaly as a frontier settler ha PaPls !qý ceditable ta thi.r teshe7. Prom Toiu a ain ppl Wattha wteleal>blip brs~ican iil M. Mrtn, eaie ffe he - examinaion théeoffice1Wfengi100 i 505 bOtWOYeats ago, while living as ùtàie tgainsaIflic fYkOwfls d PcirfBI fortne,. v, nsverl0 g TVA10. Maoro' Juneton, lie found ihat Mar- .in hswing ont a haime forisimsellaad oî,&e-pUpuls beg excellent. The ro. Jo A .yaiwocd, offori ~x Lo pî PoCaI. inwatc aboestematch neinklbo faMily OU lbhe distant prairies of lhkogL «citationo. vee Udslivered, and Ithe tsk«ull uI bage of 'lb.new Bargains-.4. S. flobort.on. possesil.n. netoM ia ieemployer that. Horei s t U sas o f5etthe land esmiâtion, taken alogetap, eia 4PreuàM, 0lOu' oo"deition of IMI Sk ci -i W, Ji, sadtti & C<o. 900w4» from bbcthe gbbOrbgod o(Brook "I have seen 0111011eofprairie land, feuob àla taof forWaTdIU u eter6 hmi u a unnmote Froc of gedal.. , sI.Uuiit& Ca and thast tlserg as a bors athia home but uowbero seaubrkeu a sb.otch of cisu 1on hepart of $hthe oiera, 14 g Ad#20pa ,ailm Pare Pis laGren-il. W. 13.«Smith &tlisatwanld exaeeîly cuit. Atteî some sitreme fortit s#eei e a.au3d>,lttle, sat e b àb. ascwc.of paide 10 oo. tIer paéloyi'lie Obtaincd Ibrn s Y~le le. No , ojy vastes noe xfugMise Doyle,andl lhesfriande cf thlb. inThoma5s; Pldr aud The Atan Lins-Ueo. B. Yale giieuî. Isava la fiàoh -lise horas, whiob ho did, alougisa, no sandy knollu, but oe u school. At the conclusl ion srtfollet caieprsgrcen-.G. Wsitlold. tmailing lis appeurance, atScarborougis brok e tsa otvordur., o l» pt . addresa " se ta $0Bo.a siet !8)IeQJii4toileI seara-T. 0. Wlslîlisld.hbis firal borte.steaiing sdvecture. vas veu thaohrl e ysdfr iply the b.Braue Band, sauku Ia Zlosssa-QT.HaI. aeomplab~d licboul bbcWbitby *luit , ve coula not but ozolaim "Beau-.11ev. 1 Z4or Kd Frind.-Ehshdbaudenea i Milesoh o a Il5' Rilway 10Lixidauw, il sde thIe latter tifolI" Leo dealared Le vould endureo 'imee, wlth hiÏ7many chinge Bîail, durhosnbeopUgingta0 Iet bwa p lce bîred a horc. and buggy fîom aalwen13limes a much1aîdsstrtumenetbs oncemrs fita thécki by, su y 41stable keeper. .Ils crove ta Dar. sach a country. Haie, sa wn Lmsa u hise ptaetybasvonv gl L isuse eigTE.000u~. out M.Les', wer a idmiles of Farga, these fieldu are ubutuilly ajoliasoembled. in exoc' olreMi ta Ounmoti6n of Mi.lUntledgs,.oe ôi~ tjib~ ~.frundc wOt ebsfore), took aais. Ibal lihe largo, sud 6buildings fine. Oui admira. Il a aoui exeroricîs, ndudgo o!our i .f.KUhbia va PER AN V M. koew w bisitOt fte field during ion is at fe¶er.hoat. We lestneal Ihat piogîsas duig th. ps aslt e ýýn tý1 nd pasasal sudlh. pil t 50 P SiANN the IiSnglitsectboe a setol;ofhanesau froua jusî lbais are tbe Cent Cheuey, Grandin vs assure y on Ihal itlai.sa gieat inosu-galion of the lame oi;dsid. Lb. stable of a neigisboriug fariner, sud Dalrymple faimse, amons for tisu. iVe la us during th. hotli a . .e senalEYR5D whiieli fittesi Leask horse, turaud 1h. tnoad acres, alnd flins ropil. are, àoquWxng knowlsdge allen very communioation o! Tho. Pinde WIitbfy, Thursay, Jaly 10, 1879. livcmy hors. mb .a awamp, bitchediOU And again: aoiull nwIa a u> u onMlhvovi um -, o bseiivrybugy ud gotof lutie " vnte woriy yau vils details. * dear parenLi,-bub alec oui friands, îwd Mr. Bntiedge anal Mi. Cormack, CropRepotenigLL lime, eoauiag round la 8carboro" * *But alle for a moment ilurn upariiular oui belevadPaxlsh Priait peclivsly, referred b stsndlugeo Cr pieorsb way of, Uxbridge sd M arkham. O u m td's ye :- WVheat, k ee, h gh before are auxîusly va&thig ur inp ivé. ee o u sreets and a n ladig conur Thle i v> utokts poflise buy(Wduad'ggy, you,uuntl your vision falsu you iu tb. ment, sud Aie issal>'te bestow liseix Ou lova proerty-Lbo chie! coni tady(WdedY), Pnb* biding il lunlise buab, sud hoie agaI distance, wbeat bshind, on every ide;-,pise upon us, wheu ve have.ualisfied bsiug autisorizea la gel lu the ir k lues viluabio reparle frein ail suar.. uew sllons ou the bora..Th'rises.no fonces i Not s lrae nor a bush lu Ilair expootations, meut. ters of Ontario îespesliug tbe condition W48 sIsld t Martin fer '375, tIse buggy sigisl ou Ibese faims i Think oui>' of l romains for yen Ibis eveuing latoiTirs o!tieoae. Tise reports are o!flise l nte esnfr00 u iebran aggeaci 20,000 soies under eul- deolals wheîbeî vs have falthfutly fui. Mr. Burus repoilsal freintheei mcol ifavorable obaracler. Itoturua useu for #la mmOudiately efioerads ivation 1 Seo the wheal lurusal ta a filad oui dulies lunlise lasI terme, or iug couaaitlee oùprintiug ecoa litov <silieu 0t 0pa eta oho left Mrin'u 'service, lpfeLoadiug golden tint (ual dingy gis>' s in sainelacl. We vould li1k. ta fesi tisaI your iug psyneuof acoonuts of Osusob £h voae pi il n~etaav iaileeltlieg 5 uiîb.places ;) ses one hunslreal-saf biudiug decision wassfavorable, sud that 1h. au Gazce. epoate average; birloy, aloa lsetsi visiing Hamsiltio, Lonsdon, St. reapers at work, and ister, sesehers-, lessaus o!fafoith, hopp -sud chsiity, o! nsid poe, aboyéthv a veaesel hms, Buffalo, &o., Emerson ruade tiserîa, orywhure, inoke sud sbsain patiauceaud pareisesauo,and liounedMR. TÂEvOa's PETITION. roatooq2 t is etabvee Raby bis va y back ta Toronto, gougIlence aacenîiug lu graceful ourle lovards a vhich Oui teacher ansude tl Ou' main e! Mi. Huggaid, ssci, aioat s'0pi ehtu' ie av.bUxbridge. Ilshiri eliolnseif ta aoa leue sky i Itle snot a Liundsrstornm lotoaur yauug mlndÈ', vii bear od ab> Mr. Smith, tise petition ofj - farminluSeul for two iniontin l Ith srdhoniug, no, oui>' Iveuty liseam-.fruit in future, yeax, anal fit us vaîf foi larvoosi vas rdered al beb.plae CUtsNlrriU OF TUEait l a et ycsitrla 1ofaît plOUngbing. isiesisero, basting ontt lie golden liem. s bigher sud certlýa l' arder scool, fils for future référence. I1i5oam'o.lis noellnpioyer, as luth vouild al p. n'ie Now, Seo, ou youder Sitting, a lu vbicla vs viii have te oea l d iis IsOELLÂNBOUS. î Ia$iis ve bQuiasenl us lu reférence peu, aiea watiteiaàhoms,-ansd in Ibis viole train of cars, loasling sud ieaviug templaliaus assailiug nus au.aIt aides. Mm. Huggeîd, secondea by lu lise conditiuo !th ilîarbor, alggEmeson saw anoilisr chsanice for isirn- dail>', for vooksoriuqbaogle udv opeIn uta csc !Bmsmvdfrh panae tiuit elle isanusil je beissg iaîîaswesîta flU - ig bis knaviedge f o! see4les ta 110- drupesbtauarkeot ilfw aiiavy ise ats oe1paii onnleculla sneasta serisinly lnîorforss uw cnt li itiic bv ! lsire Lîst ycar,tlie average ylejlwas -o! aur great Touoher, Geai, se lLat B. Mayor, Messie, Rnliedge Kinlg Qwnera e, vtaruatletaloai ii 1?î .itvnt .tw; Oss,seesay.rwa; tu>ay nseis>aisdemus Warlay o! -a Fai, ta desl with the purchse a mîfusaetala cesipl o! rnigisîs fa easstise animnali tisI ouis suit his," lsariey, thay saveal ibirty, bofIogi lc uHavnCutiota uthtHpan îpry -i u visiisliosuisivas aiplacexotisr'ise of en, d ao ta n " iknspopr sraving ovri iglt est, ansi grsin buy, hiplac e a fo ale H uts -mer' tlu yieia!fully fifty ; pasonly linsusali homeofjoysandpeos teruai, sale near Mr,. .u..e.ge objeced, advisiî UroNyh wnt e lac an fr sle Hocam o tOpaphe, utsomosi lado wsil, anal lie Tisione a! tise MasI High, v ia y as better ta vail tiii afier tise pri hr ya arl usspas ave grein Trno"2 dalvorunl padCae or loasea fl wairtilsouged, are lhable ta sufer aineS - on W0. is nt a li oro' sudcan on te îp bore, Boomaslu mature bave tise sweoî- pleasureof o!seiug a l galion of te by.law. Ths moion l-8ýi on. rhis csouttScasbtro' cSuisslLyytliera about lise saine as In front Catna. oui kinal friands bore assemblod, ta lise voted dovu. 1 eo îi oon,51 ie'omntglni'isî hidigte i ntebsl veisilsM lu losdutahWi itisy,'rlieogesnî iltidig rgn iebs.AItLii; cf Outaria i potatae yieid voli. fervent prayer of ail yoiir loving cisild Dr. Bogart ekosl for furlher fiai k oiilîjr a iateriai t tM sebaikon is ena aiI putl lirtuna uerhmsteisdrau. report as talise sheep killeil byd ar!ou,4yoaoec the tnaLoefssi, Pout.Loo. ILook on tismp cl e nt Soparato Solsoal, Juiy 4h1879. He dial otkuov ithateetowr - -i i hebugy, tiirniisg elle iy Yau, uscîkesi Ihirs idsing. Tis in ei.Nw - fi-able anal belleveathe daim shanl Latwe eherse ai ri onth ie- 3fao.Ntasaloon lu bihe place, Niagara -padalplsaepalls S>'issui Aies>irr. LaIwok s ib oSon uase5ailldov e ou sutises lttro-_hisffo. om u but, no aboie, in eshort - aU. ise yr paietsa fi bis, Tso. Eazi, eeiliu l l'risrplae a iducsia frinr u lnîlliinoaubaise but yndei Noîviin san. 20,000 PPOPLE IGUTEn WITE TRE conversationaiehu ad vusMi.. Ha j -iiîg a fow salies vee f a! Vitby, seaussils, h a lvinsg tisebuggy andi Iarnese ys ii ul itn nts riis UPcvu ALn'uJrr ~sssgtisioughLi abars,, siso accdeintal. rsitii-iio raituinas, as lie said, Sxi sSii>. tiser, is hepz tise poulaoffico aussBoeaoP - itt apsàme tarnaetatel isa 1>' lisat iais' fooing, ansi fou tisrans.ia an Tise, for tliii-ccsnd Lime stolan lso8eo, gu is ipt uaei ies> ieFubsvsagi a tls eucsan iesep ssisîisliitisa> lor lissrIsstise bc. s~,is-wae80salIolatics Santt fariiss.ioun sis ai-buisiy, ni etrlpieéo ume Fue a a a iad o eul g. Mi ing thoeal rur tse ir k rival, l'or 12.<)andl îîît ioin tise0 iskil, iisiiîligVsrv ' nao1seinjuriles, ma othssrk thesepot for- spine orection, sud E xeursione came pouiing lu front alit watemconmitîse, riaoornendiag1 'is utilîilis bsu l'llîts ui-Illl FoiSotEnr;nwuil eèelaiga ldiithslt isiauga.orts'rain w st tainefareioavig, a i ~aistîi Iwork. quartera, ansiet lase Ivent>' Ihousanal meut af #9.14, *to Mm. low for oa ssilsr sivro vtt,wisulai 'Lei!l. AE]bise Bowinnvilie, aussitiscuce wsuttlnugl Tis isletise bognung, but sudslb te persona came, mai11>' dravu b>' tbe aI- Connaiîtasjoumnei. iîiîy i s',iîvalcot ucsiuycars, îlier it. Darlitig.tn niferiig Iitugeit for hiiîoand mnusaisrootu gîowts of tise Rosi River traction o! H. P. Peer, wbo proinisesi-d5s sii'i 1 2ilîl. CiilaisCarsoiof >r. axMiîîsssisgtisefariniers' isaîsoesais lacvalis'y, bisaI a description of tieso reta maeebill jump (roms the Suspension WLibby Township Council. Filîi, ilis Ii cssif;swvsi, I)tsriiti,>raus wirl1110si41. Ilai was foireil $1801 a pince six asouths Lanece, wousldal 'ab Bridge inoa ta tise Niagara River. fi4vuriiy 14 aliriîss)jacîî.year, butlise hîlîssalwitl IrM. Lattîluer recagnizesi. Juset six andlanc hai!r lie vas annosucoea ta jump ut tvu Brookli,'Juiy 711, 1871 for hes, liccatss, as bcas sy.iLr.ttiîucr milese fion New Buiffalo, ou a goenfle o'clock. Long Leoaistise eppointed Council mss purenat 10t adjou - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a l5i-iuisCuf-iu..-rlh oigabil agoositena tisI as o Lkafa fincy e o i cis r Lins boe rossi~îeh oum oowds bail aseembiesion auotismeut. Aitise iembara pîseent. wihi raiipiaa, lietr LIn>iliantli'si vucation ta." Afler worling four inontlise, ani]alsnss, 1l2x24, caise stoîey, buSh by two tsooks a!flise river, analbIe Suspension Reeve i.liste chair. Minutes Of ngiuissg liascontisnos aof Latilcuei, a! us inIlgii!eusday. IL is reaidleisosfor Bridge vas crovded. Peer caine 0onCourt a! Revisian sd tLe laset maet 8*Itllbl us]Nîscibiiat, is'Siisa Dow staffa!f Eissiiis sisimcceeales i Ilsolitaitiinguntasibetladsnosisk 1tse rdg tual>inocasi asi !tseCsclredadppos. isli~ ua ass us-liusri1 !iowsi is taus0a ltu t latisa us tiia asssibeuinîlsaisie bill'baul stands ruade lis pretminni rangeinente, Tise Roovo reau and laid uparu sris is ins PrliIas inucipasl, John ditaw 'uniS for lie anstisîr," wblnss, ut bùbciiihy bu tisaviev a! al in Nev a hacieges isscolig. but daros sot tbels eiino ansAu V'. lýirysit, AM. A. ;Siclaîsilaahiegoil, ,ive i li Birock. At LîlsisiceBsfaourvrCl' nioionlu nk i ep vn ise rov6a tabsul2e tere, iti fo a ram .fhiisiliaîaitRichsarson ;Matron, Sarah E. lie rîusesîs'aca iiicief aueruse o!f i"'hanses,.lieras growe Buffalo grass,. go isoime tsoroaeahy diagustasi. soney bu gravai lise main rossi, a -Ilîchiarssci.i lolui, lîilasiel', 8. p. St. Jabsiss aî! fBrook. ilo arraigosi lu iersaisreBuffalo vahiauve, sud Buffaho ý'-- -o!Wsib lva;a Wli4.sVc hisaliil.A.i~sîh Gssinsai !yuia iebali n licaisiys inîcsif!go' rings, taiiingtof bise munarais o!fbisa A Dîsasifl Cannibal. paying to le appoiniesi coihecor, N. Iilaireuusa. 'ise teaciig staff viii ing tas Broisr-isa of ecîsrs iliaino, li.ts rau ya !Ae.Win sscsuir ss slslssMutliseunaica nautnr !disgiosaetiseteatus One muise ava>, are lisîso Wisconsina Ut BATS 1M5IvîS WFANI) rAMILv i tbie semae, o!RL. C. Waros, ansi l>s'S-a aidCnnîsssrscuital braînche, J.ta \Viiitlsy. Meliea las saii bî a an meusaur tisorosî naigihors, ansi very-oisî,fsgrno!me>frl' IL lryast, . A asi abu. unesciuslaossubnei or îiO. ~goo]csi e.Ou evsry sideisa> a esen An Indian lias; beau emmstasi et Fait inq s sidoaa in tisevillage o! Bis ail Scieunice, 8. 1. Ilsivis, 13. A. ; IustO onan ti'sachissge, ais oui tndors are al. claiî sisatîrs, 12X12, eoîjelîucaever- Saskîatchsewan, noa i dmanton, for lin, aiea applications frein scioola jigliail iidssilittlicunatiem, Lydia N. rssauy awais', liiia a reisi, Irisai ansi euSbuit fteuser open, Aubelopes uaiae ouidericg and al eiig Lis vif ansd four lions. No. 2, 3, 4, 5, i9, ?, fGi ievying l,irinusi ; àMaihomn Larînagas, An- sentencesi. witlaiu siglis, but ara ver>'es'y. Tair-i. labiaren. Tisa MountealPolice faunalarI u si ! adeoial bsilîiaitai ilserlus.lu tesliiîg hiss lc l lft Wlaiîliy, afe toi>' suipe, dock, ussi ciiciseu, arc tise bis oues anal skulîs, vbicis hal lbeaumono>'tb defisy lise axpanees o! ma - seiliisgtliliiss, Eumersons wau quite principal garnis. boiladsudanlthe flash b on off. Te taining bisa publie c sbal un assis o! Guiîîssi le5iulai5oN. - Mr.lThomnas facetiasa, cescribiugis on. las drausk ansi No crops Lave yet beersaitsitisakulis varo smasisd analtise brans ex. saisi sections, tise pieosent yar. Msoiy Sas nons uakinJ isarrangems iltraiatsci ai Ray', isu joksa witla San," ssverai miles. Lut saine are graving tractesi. On motion o! Mr. A. Orvia, second 1bais' liai sto~ppe al Mr. ONsill's, aitlias and al itsaDaîrynspis in lusumiauce. b> m.J L unlsaLyiv a fuiisi iuinssa ganî 'lcaiast ieu- ran Tînî, iui t r a inausas ey. Tisa saliis (roser, bas a gentte roll, Tise Mouimeal Murder. troduoesi sud pased, bo aoesa, iavy i tis.aI - ucsa " Iiu s 't11'hînrilay, iiug sesatîsais, sud heli taerivitiawitis saune lmsuone asid gravel, sud-cohlcetirtsopniemas .5itSs iiel, Afijheissaasîliitueasi uibai h e. viich iseic'sntîiued "3!"As thai promsse oerta ieuuelvl TEEIlNSMs sea. pa aî>,in tis evahseionsh o!e h'u'ic'i, iiial LIkîîciw thiait)aispaisise viii tratu in issssiai lic gnt aus, asiiîiîg gel olas !ls clbneivi".Ner-bvcspo ist uriemu> is paîsl>Me . os' yuarisuia nugatiht aitheaistation, aild payiisg Valley' City, sauna tvanty miles west, Attise inquet lâst vaicis bisafoilev. defia'lise expoaea o!funaiitainiog fi)lastsansssssîieco aussiCootofi'bis unu hiisil tise cars. At 'Torousto lis lil la ispotild9t0i lus. o!fviseal on 2. isg'criusiualcary videace vas givcu r public sciosuin lu aci of telle sid a gisiaile. toppdislsh sCouple ne i andmiilet) sue. acres, ase, 102 bus, &o., but tisearne Elien Burk, living lu tise apsarbnte, -tiens, lise praseul yaam. -- - -isiies in iFlsiikiig bs vay nantla aextavagant figuras, sud 1 ewsii more givos evidence vr lmg utte OnmioofM.. cksAo l'iuus-ess iaui.v 5{-ki5saua -The Alnlkls, wii, e lcn*siglitod sitoctivesrasiabiai aata. Brad acres aie bsing cause o! Mis. lIfarl, Wbaovas in tise d b>' Mr. J. Burns, a bylev wasi ysaîîîly-iy uîs'tiîag <a be l Hocly o!f 3irmoseWho nwaa isiacasi0aisetisai niaituInn er naiusxt soason's arop ;Coi. isonea vus bus. Coni>' ien sisa vas Iroilucedan sd passesi, appainling W i',rimuilm, whiliai'isc l'lyated y ChisfBiryn, îsfVilibby, piehîsi iaui isis, un uns biook 1,000 aores, anothior murdareri. IL eeomns tisaI lero vas au Wicietb, coihector, anl fixing siesasai <ruai icîîiiuiai iaugoi silesiasunid, nitilbrosigit hi s aren tea i01180i. pèrsan, isissanaome I fargat, a stlii ad grucige bebveen Mia. Meurs andl aI $100 for lise praseu yeer. srllih.ailii itass'y lutsasainge sus Risucsi iioastis tuai iclai ais uas rger suuml'au -1Itiinis I ina>'safel>' Mrs..Corly, ansi tise viless beard Mis. On motion o! Mr.Burnns, secondt adisilandsîsib>' suwsroilss sIssahgiteas rutisciis n-s $55 ' Ihie salUtcfioisas, estitraste 10,000, ail wiii've nmise o! Moani ra m en Mis. Cou> nty egoeav b>' Mr. J. L. Smitis, resoiveal tiat eI frnisa uvEusgil ainsti aheovora ilun* udsi tissaI issaîl lasiissîu sîsuîciDha Nse isffaia." oeniog visan lisemurdar touk place. Tise aus of$75 Le expensionoutise Kiz tli Ullit Staos, wits bisuglt at ua lia i hastil" (cIf sa tioiisuausi dollars, oni -[Mr. Paxton piis uto continue f6ruser vas et tIhe vinsow în4linging in elou roai, vesI o! Wliiby lu-fer, ai olusa ou Thsune-iisy. tise rsslscatiou of nlil iehicmi-uslclhie correspondae. e. allhaithobapleas. druusn yelis, and vison tLe deceaeed bisaIMr. Onvis sud Jaunes Alusaisc1 LI. '---a. -losoigMssi1,iî li icsu Posd tu otain faillies'partieniare from remos al witliebr aib osiLd eaub appainteil tao xpoîsiltise saine. l . 'iiit 114iu suis usci-k of Elgin -bis iscu concaming tisaintecestisg Cotin- go avay or ebe wouid kueck lbar braite Ou muation of Mn. A. Omis, seconde nuisi WaW,'i» ii,1Th rv(f li-hlaimal t thesipoîl Maiincitllbaieeboomvetilin iia lie facu,- epecteuîlu o xemesse an>' svas stiog iu Quebso Ibere ie au ON PUBLIC Sc'EÂsu.-Il rua>'par- Misuisslinîîuunlscst auîlcuuihhiuis,,, vauer,,,nicusil>' alla.i, nsiio jissi spatcial guaiaiansibp o si ven blis pa'so o iaddn edc aeh !u alss niu eh dippa ib, ansi rine a aîale liaoas-îii-paruon. Tise cousît, hovever, g088eun againul an individuai as a cesr-creoaost nwta rmsm cais tisa lpart ai tissupeopleieo! ths iacuiiî3u, v sn is cilan af lise hiuda. la ceunre Lieut. Cirai> for pnacecding Lefoma or aftem a murdar. a sc caryouse oanatois l kovtisl a (r ouis iiiLie onsqleno. lewllfl)( t ri s aiit a riy ta uscl luie aii alsssi u ponu lis recunncuiuance vilsoust a f. ncause eotoniunaosb ahe speas of us isecosecqlese. iiw Siîuk ~sui!, ui]hlave io îistu, wiaîcs-sus, but licasul eusant, ans i haiing anuS dis. A LÂaeE tLa-z STOCK SHIPPEL1r..'.î cinl> a n> os b iîa tl)n(el r Ad n xpcedbrnc )f1 il b i-utd vii elll nuuuuing o uangenrîs h yadk b ar gument, but lousa it knuw- tisa0lsiperisîl, iil tucis lavisi. sariiuesc, t l abs geaass sleitli -icis boînn-esia dspionehî!a vaut o! Blocus Farta, Prescottins emivesi - - - - " -- - -~tise ~ tisa;s!of tisaluilo iu'a n~tauy uuililuis>'pruîdenrce. ThoacurtminIgretm bouse <nain Europe. Hne silai Ma>'I Lave ceeu ibis occam, îa>'e a writeî YîisaiA.Mt. anasetmsaess', yto 11h nls tausspCl'a!Lnas n o!ofoui Engl isis contomporaries, -vutive CoudiaSaîs,- lias beu rsiirusosllis n'riSa, of cliscsr aussiconsolation, o! Care-y tas mmlyi>' iqesoerti and] ta cou.anal thtisivessai caîriesi aut for i hm 600 orvilis. san a!houiomuet ey peuad wasexpctd. heulaorty hus83,inrliiels ioiissu slili>'alarsal iiise-l,aufrot tise ens-us>. Afler tise-court oa!lisasitlo!fat cetle, 145lisorge, snd 70 aurw agues. Wsen it ipns utise>' ra vît execlsi. Tis auajoli> o!112, ias kinsi banse oa!ossi vort5y uiniisr. enq ir>', us cnurl'îuartiah vas ongausiza icsep, tisa grateat a nout o!î ivo- steck a fv g ue geonea lizaîb oantbeu aSoiamber, lias brsuglist alovus tu17f3. - .1 __ -. -î_ " ' Liut. Cane>', uandl af;steulu e-rer sent acrosistise Atlantic ibu one bisougite crne bacS to tteunrsudeeise Tise isalogeulase suaigus liitî lie N-.P. 01îulILossasio On Salais day cea onvio liseiamsersaihei. Lieut. sLip. On tise Cybele, a litîla latar, 800 Utiseair bacS again inltereis. 11h18 10s tfavar, ev;elui"gîîstasi as' ofliofianai the (fC-y aseut)nia is usovu sefenuue liantiseasi o! Mr. Wiser's catîle vont uver, Tae ls aei t xemp rai>' oolgseriuo lis vas uaetlus charage o! flise pas 1>'visonaussi800,mure in tisa Baltimore. Tise>' ac- oeloecelb'Ioevs lihtsITA.-A rguuta e anauela i ~iailhy Ets-icut, Nao. Mi, 1.0.0,1e., teprince vas kiiieul, ands the evisieuce ailbounsi aureasi>eiin bisa foroigu valais bern ver>' closol>'. Au boox- butHalas pl-ace gat 5ilWit ayon lus G wrosaus - or itre D voie b>'lac otslart istrictn tli epusl>', fai m lauttedsi ecneviat cisars markets. perienceti speaker, ineleasi o! doiug GrntPatirelî, JinInLb.Beyan. isiun o! tise change a!couvandice. this, pauses, gels confasesi,asu e 2ilial bat. Mr. Fenneli, o! tise Grand Tlie!eolioving are tIseOlcans fur i la --es STEAssIAoT COLLISIOc.-Om Satuurda>' dowu la daspair. Aneliser geral mis- Tuuk, ile bse lOtet(try.Lréiuroransi nFCusuing terre. ILî sa uruoiresi aI Berlintisattbisa ateîaoon, about aio'clockn wie bise baha of bndding speakers, anal indeou of coder Lis ochargjeaisi aui slicleat coin. Pet, Vbliaisî Wîahs8, c. P. Gavennuent wii gLranl.an aunsuryitalusteaimer Rathssa>'as shntîe' sngman>' vhoare buinfulIlaomn, is ta issiteve are usI>' yto 'have 5a55i551ai55- Alex. Jaffon>', ù. P. a cansiderali unaber -of! Calisolia bise dack aI Niagara,,sihe vae uio I a isouS uquickli>. A persan vWhu luI regatta at tise La.'tension Haâle, cribe. priests punisised unucen tba FaiS hav, Ly tise steamer Cit>' a! Tarante, wWieis uises ba Le isearsi eau isardly speak - -9 1c,,tl.l' 1 . P .I . .Cro ' scribe, ansi pardon ai laauaaa18il ai oposed Iradt a fav miutes iler coume duv tisa foc sluvly. RHa sionld pranaunca usaI TTE. itV NRcvA,,MPs,P . .ug soe, T 'aurrbislaops anal permit tlise r t rnuta river. Thé tra o! tise Cit>' crashea l i> se word, bule-rer>' syliabie o! o!flcarbor', is expectil ta dispesîsa tisa-John Littlo, Sr. 'aasmais»: beiueces. iutise atl guaisi a! tise Ratissa>', cut. mcowrddricl>.M.Brgs ae Secremeot o! tise Lords Stapparinlust. " Wsn. lioliansii, Jr. 'uVae.è-r -- iag ava>'about four feesta!fiser main s ad tisai nOtisng "na cast Lbm mr Hden l Nu-isrsa faoa sdc aijaurn ubs a trouble tissu ta leama ba, speak alavl>'. Audreve cinrcis baie, nSunay> sext, P. C. P. Gonge Huyie,- lipspnaiva îscnisucAi loun ansi lrnicnae lseiiad amisun hîe rea s atof 1luth lmet. Tise prepsiator>' service ta te Quand Encaropunanut. liaytudreomadlurcn h ais aisatrdago lest., dahiherale uleranc a!fc-rer>' las lueid utn Tildaeoveniug. -0Il . passeal avar the nailisese parI o! tisis piece o! the Wood vork, sud a portion syllable, vils pauses ta mark tisa stops Thue Wimsblcdon Teaus. lao, daing coaeidcîabio damage teo!oftise promenade deck. Tisoîs vas a nt tliseand of a! as sentence, doues liai SUsIauOLEXAÀIUuR NrO.....Exasina. . propeib3' anal craps Tisîse Lamas Le. arruv escepe fran sbas o! life Tise produce tbe-effact o! bediounese, but -tions lu the lovna seboaletaesplace UCShIssUL IN LOCAL.n M~A iai lngiog ta JusephsHBil vera bl'ilvamalter las uow tise subjeet e! itigation, bisareverse. - this veS, Rutran -ce 0 iintaf abedunl - sao, aussientait a hese a! about $2,000. CapI. Mill>', oa-this0ty Leing iselal lu A Nzw REzra.-Tise Loadon Ad. bueIbs cioo ;tie amitlatista lisoGrbA îsy is Ses'enai otiser Laine, incluiniona ha-. bonde,.coi-iseralvocabes tise passing e! a Liii auun:îouausi aam 'teln o exan;Canadian Bille Tentas ara pnactiing liuging tbuL. dovereiga, vera cerried -.~-.... - b>' the Ontario Legisiaturo makiug pai. alls iugiOw gand eag iai 'nftil, llui Thys alach blt tels'ot wee itisout bjnring lise A NUBU As siiafrmNb ish~ao 71-a .lmeateryeng or otespain par- t"fo eucersitisel.patin.2--- IleIs.----Aprii 22, 1879, to the Landau Timea, aud making il incninuloupou aven>' 1AV hua b viii ude orq. tvuty mous au idu. Tis e iîtien %vas P ' nofeoîbie lIe igis b ug sdans ~rurae Paria Greens, 805c peru1L. B. W. doscribes tishe r againal lise Zulue as man holding tis fanfschise ta cîs-icise farablvei.thelîa Caisishiadavoieavi . Smilh. as "mast unuigbteoua anal uuneceasam>-Il. Fer nîta d hsapuesio! îî,tarions b' 11) aluTh 'lhe lan eauhie.e .W .Sntssil ls-ia ie- u,'hcsbsLenfreieh'bs ko o ht l od odrS.WB.Sil eb Ici Isosieai IahiThoc. pule>' o! ichbse ii ausissieoner, lue iceta, B. go taion by120poins. he ancslj*,* OSNGEDELIxTusON.-Messrs. Wns. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~he ~ i lib. 'iu ni 5sag as, isluiugta nsooufr2 ala i ici îady 10,000 h oa u Lbaines9 Joisusîs, of Balykilbeg, and Hunt Q aseau pnlzlnau of uvo yi tre ca.O. A' 11tY5S0t;EAh-Dthfllus'CrosS goasipe -_6.._-1--Acorresponsdent aI Beloul inias a ahave beon killed-2,500 un our ij tais e W. isaors, iseiofhseobin l fissasa eruinavA p>'a mataisRi go '-,,y tise Nofithesîs, te ie vi îcnd,50 n fas ofythe ops ;anliehave anrivesi in Monîreal. ion Match to ascsspy liseur A:oDosia luto! igib aa arsi 1ithe ihial!iste alio of thewhiî s u ,sOOoc asI Mayt o! lise Z thas e TuejtConlo!isOra, attsai L)eaiiatCoîlasvcîy citlsap, S. oWIaII9I li'the raivages o! tiss corn- 'iecietar>' o! state bas ialesfsre iniutlie A youug vuman nausasiMair>'Bale>' Smlu ois. aia. h tsonseîso! roubles interasaoe!peouce, viii bo cariiesi, no universaul>' esiecuncl, casmitteal eus. m(II r1aY (j, se pico fouauciul S. LBîui'ii, G. ilLy acbu 4 rýI ý %prateal la exlerinaîe daubt, to iebitter sud,' involving the aideet Lononburg, N. Btiissmrning )VB.sih âi latsesrgt it( ruljý tlalte:.--- sheiadapnPl1 ,cars a'i aîcîpî. Sisiansila: uOilet cen 0 atts eruer lu a àfresh>' elateal boeon audulfuitis eto. alsse Jort th lai h ilin, fi ns il ce ibu Sp-n iiL _ - _ c , ci . . W l sf '- ýý 4 0- igis antherity, o e!a î mi ili on an dls ast r MiJ ousdznora - ai!Tba aGh.t ba mllinsgainesa! cricket vas playesi yeati 4Ptlion. Dasvereii'a Blac,. croq.W.uetmoo>'J.e EH.iliday balveen lise fret elevon of tise Pe. -~ ~ nAveueiarArque..-IItoviea Dr. MoCaul o essex Oounb-y, in hlti~il5 uai~ ~t et . ~. lsU,,42t$s. >. 20' "tWilaleo - -""~ Tihtt3~s mlBlsih - . s (ja an0Osait acioli ~sd Prof. (lroft, oaiToronîçi Untversity, lu the ale<et-ça! PBsex tWney-t aby - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,ýo -o -10 .,,ug- ,a4o1bo1 .pv3t k k' W bay!belL aMd, vhlcb ve have mot $eau-* t h cais se. o! Lieu tenant'Gàvsrner Lt to h lier bas arrayesi the Frenchs leaders s bras tise Blues against hum, anal places ne là hi vesiy aot, no maLter boy hoae under a suiler lnleipebablon wvi seodspeake omtîn u lbo edjinnoistion.E Ivwe s ht source o!fvaaneus aud t] renda tatotàtiaI M. Jol> lea à ma! ofhou romul- virile bis oppousul la LbuItea polilic bIackleg-allsgations o! vise. ruli kuav u oting- Quebse la, as viil air anal sean inmediatly, lest ta ltse Causer- lieu2 of tives., Onlario.i. esrtîaiuiy gone -goi k, ras. beesuseofo!tbie blunderiug vwiieLcor )innit- meuces inluthis ntoxication o! ncoa nittes sud vent au vilisethelusanit>' vii stable franues tise Cabinuet. in ail tisis à ustru. John osees bise sandwriing on tise v -analtihcs dadthé asaimdsuew, ahmawd anal expéeeapoliliclsn,v.is. stand. up hie orseular comnatb>'insistim usual. that Sur Johnu, seiug tb.elanse tej )NIOLE pîing abapl hig cars, lias aleîermned retire frein lb.e omng starmta a pgo t ion o!fihonarable.ese1' sundea ----- 0l - A. r,. Large Deliver>' af Chamupion Reaper edou sud Mowers at Barrie. Toaftse Editor offlhe Reformer:. Mi. DzàaeS,- A of a The people of oui gaad tbas îL te voeever>'sunc s astanisiseil'on Satur asd day tbc 28th uit., over an event wvii iflisa viii be e! intlesta ta bis. ciizens e! Osh ave. The JosphsHall Maufaeini ag lb _Company' o! your tavu, who bave Leat Oun. -manufacturiug tise champion eapu: sà vas anal Muvar dune ilvas firel intruduosi - inta canada fivo yaais- aga (ansi vi as ta bave lise exclusive rigist-o! manufac dogs. turing il for tisa Donsiun), made ti 2 vas lagesb delivery o! raapiug anal mevin§ Id Le machines anar inade lu the tovu sý Barrie, thiangis Mr. James Ruse, thise un~genorai agent in biis Motlion. Mr, :allaI, Rues Las repreaabed tise Eali Co. foi t Mr. lise-pasi 18 yeaîs e. a hl th isa i Lad Champion 1874 ; ii year Le bas al seady eciveal 102 machines aI Barrie sud alu0ae Als-lsons bm ave besu alhinsi pa-tealaise uetomere, but, un tisa 28tb uit., i. lise grendeet deliver>' o! ail laok place. 26 mechines ver. loadas i mIatis ar.a me ra vaggunc, drawa up in a position on -tisa markat square, anal a photo. grapi laan a! tise uceneb>' Mi. Se 1. pioseuofa Barrie. Tise Chsampionsvane. nia- bouse vas canasedsibirougisout tise day, Tis an aa'beiusg pressaI visaovuwed Chan btse Pisansaspeakiag af tise machines bu 3ngtlisa iglîessibruns. Iu tisssection ithe .Cisampton rauke final as a strichi>' fine: lise clasu neaper anad moyen, being nulaplea mnd, to ahl couduiins o! grass ansi graisn, andi a! o auspaint o! durabilit>' anal freeoon (roi. ,Veet accidient in the baîveel fielsi, il aixcahis lott, ever>' ulber mach «ina. Fermera visc fur bave a guail Mover, bu>'tise Chamupion. for Siughe Iheaper, sud tisose viso have s 15gaod Ileaper bus>'aeChampions Single tu.Mover, l'ut ,those viso requira bohuIaa ouk- s eapsi anda smoyeu, Lu>' thesCombines] sec. pascbiuo. As tis a Laveet le jusel casn of sug oun utiis ýsection, Mr. Rose viii re- ,as qie-a groa inu>'more machines lu aun. suppliste deusausi. We Laliava bisai tise mure champions viii Le solul lu Ibis sesction tiis eason tisan o! ail aliser ,diasinmal o! reapers ansi motvars. Tbe bu- maie tise f4rmera Lessoue aisqusaintesi antd witi tise Champions, lb. bottairbisa>'liSe ble it, ansi aitiougisnet tisa loveal pnicesi thîs innoiine in bisa market, ih leundoalal- ta 0.11>'the suieapeel. Long lire tise tisa Chsampion i ec- - ouns IraI>', SJatte BRADFRDa. sisi. Baîrie, 3uly 16t, 1870. in. rm FEARFUL DauoiNsssiNaACÇcoEue'.-At a LaSe Quinsigausunsi, oaithi Jul>', as lise sheauner Isaso Davis came 1a tise ced visaif, a tisonsâas people on ansi naa lie tiso laudiusg ail struggied lu gel on lias ag. Davis betore aise Ssci ru ouI bier phauk. nul Tisaeevore 200 passeagore oun oard, be 100 ens lie isuricoise bock, anal nu op- portunil>' 1a gel off. Othors rushsosi on asjti e lie urricane dock, andals eise>'sau ha lise Davis careenesi ovor ava>' (rom tisa 0,. visar!, ansi cînssaltise crovul bu rus rel tiasaIede, ansi tisravtIesa truggiing 3k m in lshes waler. As tise boul gave ha va>' tisa ruo!liste uppor dock cama crasbiug dowa un tisa englue ansi braSe ,- off bisa safet>' valve, visicb causuesitisa it- stoans ta rush ouI, bisa (sarful noise ad- ,- ing nov Isror. Tise Luit rolietl over s more, aatchuiug ibe gunvale on tIsa s. pia, becaue fasel, analtisa great veigisl hcaesithse supports c!fltsa iurricane aI. dock lu givo va>', sudltse visotaestruc- iu tara, siovusta tise vatai lins cîsasi la.i 1.ta tIse vatar, et Ilais paint e-rer ton (set1 lie deep, Hn'avsatnla tise sisar or la tisa wharf, Ivent>' faoI dioau, oulisi si iseis on la bise wrecked lisai, saine bu odatissg rua!. Bodlas suuus reco-rno. 2 r~ Liat a! kitiesi-Jobu Caliihalauss t o! poaoe. Tise Govouisnant's labtu- . formation vas containeul ti e teegnauni e fins Lord Chselunsford ta Sir Barîhe& t Fiera, datasi Jane 615i, ebalino tisat 81 (COeayu'a messugar hsal beiisent t bacS vits e massage tisat Celavaya Il muet give proofa uf hie sineeril>' -auci ll a thsurenser e! tise tvu canoncap. th Inrads t leaudaanausigiving isoslsge, Po sud also b>' seadiug -s Ztiu regimeul iel la tise British camp to ha>' dama tioir th aime as a prou! o! enhtiision. Lord ili Chselmsford lufarusealSur Baille Frero A' tisaI poudiug Cetevayo's eusvor tbisaist voalsi Le nu militai>' operations, aud tr vLan Catsvayu Lad given tise proule Gc requireal tisa cessationof o! seiilies Wl vonlal bo ordereal peudiug lise aiscnsei. 'et oa o!fbisa final terma a! peaco. Tise ai Govarument on tise 201is o! Matchs sent 101 a despalois ta Lord Ciseimefoîsi anal Sir P Bartil Fraie e stlng forth tLe basis on I visii eesmuat ha negotiabod. Pol Tise hope Lava cuanmencau¶ icada- tIl -rance frum Fort Penne on ha Funt Wh Chselmsford; aad a junction~ bae;beau Ri effecîssi vUis Col. Wood, visa is alan tli sdvausciug. oa! A1 reliabieï nieslcins je liSe a hrue friand, vison naceds, il lu ainayas an1 hansi, aud vlseun tci Iis s eeri(sunsi ha- w.nting. Sucis precisel>' u isaecisara.sus ton o! Bristol'a Sarsaparihîn ana lei, aný tise>' ne-ridoceira ; tisyoe>'u asti>' iss vlmal le cîsmmesi forisns, analbie>' pio cure diseaevisere doctora prescriptions lies andall otîser medicimies (ail. Felieve' Syinp ofH>'ypophospliiîes Lut suýpplies inatter -faor' Loue.a.nsd foodi, -ses vu 0 ersieuuthestreuchadte wagons, but liov efbéu dlo lias ' majerity - ofPeo- eg the ires ;ere -lgiteal ta prepare the pso el iks glviug il up cdhsheazjied, icis svoning meal sud IL. coolie. vere seen s-!soeuraged sud vcviied eut villa dus- Be.ý1 Luail>' euployed coosverting txehaon en asc, viacu there labo ocaio or Ibis lise luto 'soup anal slav', sud makiug the feeling, a esmerysffsrer eau ssil>' eL. i,- saidiera' hiaoin!m ataufiagisat tain satllastdiý roof that Green'. Au- ical lea ansi coffées. dan't ballea m a n u ssl loyer vili insu.thornas free veeauPesibiy appreeabse 'the vaine aof ri ieg swe on ypp ha les, or iba perfection o! fanair, ntil, o ps ad ieo s veu ain.Dethe iect y& udrnk.,iL, bisckanal stesming, ouI osuse ol soveul .five per caul cof suoh sue o! a ia painikai , ilstise Iigisl <ci!asmaladlies as b louspess, lIndigestion, mcamp-fic reveahiithbie intense 8astis- Sic ie Hauho, Cosbinaneas. Neivous 9'faction vils viaicl his friendls enjo>' 1h. Piastisllqu. Dizziuess e!flise bond, pal. inclseering drauglit.. Wbeu uathing bel. pitation af tise haut, asid atier ds~tres- Sur rai le la Le Lad, tes is supremoly' goos.i. sg symptoans. - Thre6é dases o! Augual ral -But you dou't sit long o-rer,,suîg gs or 'Fiower viii improve tgmnoilsoader.ý Sdinuet' table in laager. At haifpast 8, fnl cffecl. Samupie btl 10 cente. ide aslise bugiesounda, ait igisîs are pot Tri il. ,Forsale b>' S. W. B. Smithi& Ing ont, ail fires exîluguisiseali ail tangues :Ce. WLilLy. ýP- aileucesi, tSar mwhisperl.ng), sud tisa-Bol. to allais lie liSe au ais>' o! muintes, Dr., Kinge Colîfornia Golden Ceus- ai.vispad clasel>' in biseir bleuisels, et - pans. tise asie e! tise sise ed trenchi. ? Is a stricly vebabie preparalion, cars vho* ina>' b.indisposeil for eseop ud viii positivel>' cure Dyspepos, iS (thngb afler s long clay'a marohS bisa is - HeadacbeAcrnyo Soah ila eîdom ranch reluetauo8 s0 colsmî na. ~5u g! asyftrab ur 'a s veet restorr n ajo >'in g ro u p sa a c i s, L o S i ls i li nusu e., o st - social pipeunucer tie vagos, sud Pao.s eh oSprtBiou.s, nt. ily somo gooi, jsl sd benanohot pation, Jaundice, Liveî Complaint r- ia run an>' L foual vo La aomtb D au f sfectian o! tise Slomach or Liver, i i n a b a I l e , o ! v i ho S a v e a d r o p d o s aei o t o t l m p s i l.1e r Do om'~~ as e b@oame, evein aa lianotasasaltabuy'unlil yuu kuav vLat m ag.c Batail ightlong tel alioet y na resic goting. T b r or, as y n siene s aitane, xcptam gtise valua yonr eitne d e alte go malnllar r npoe, o airuelunad ta yeux Drnggist, S. W. B. Smith & Ca. unr irroua roervs oi!rni u anal gel a trial baIlle Ireo of charge, m die c eoiatiser l is e isuguage o!fvisieh l iii asav visa rsgragular .ana ed marinea, anal exohauga nshticai com- dallai botle vil do. AiS for, Dr. a0 pliments. Tisese gonal feliova inast b La ?'5 CALIroaNI GOLDEN" CÃ"MPDusND, g. beuglil (sud 1f ear tise>' viiifinsi tise K 20 essn seeie oe) ha th dscili analtaike no ether. S. W. B. Smits ig w'iicb enjoins silence in lise camp b>' if nigbt ha boa necespar>' for tise safet>' o! He Rather Likefi It. ur h opa lute eevadeal viisinspuaiby. r., Agaubinsa heZain, who oroagsbisionRb One o! oui veil kuavu citizene vas D i t L hé uIo g is s, n si sh u lia s b e a u it b n g lu b is p a rl ora t isa al L ai e v e n in g st Sowuope L iltvtsnefvsrrouadoal b>'ie s ife anal chilshien urysdeo ootlyussg piokate, tiese on. when tis, conversation taînedl upon je îry musat Le on tise abert, villau ansr ikes sud dieikas, snd bta aussiflÀnor ýdquiok luto teel tisa faintast noise, as a! -rions condiments. Oaa persan ;. vilis an aye inleut la panebrate lise preferreal Ibis,- anather tisat, 1wisoue B.gieom. Witis lself.e.dozeu roaing uitIle binaeyoýd, foar.yaar.aid spuke up r.troupe lu camp, tlise anîry'a ears-migzlit end.enalidse ratisar likeal Castor Qil. n La fig iease fai an>' ue tise>' eau Le. Tisa esnsod sisgulai ; Lut il is ual sur- *Auss sa ail uigist eveîytisiog 19lu e xa. piiug, vhssu veknuv tistaIbscetisat -cept fan tise occauiouai chlaleage o! tise ver>' nîing, 1usd beau laklag soins o! -sentinal, andul lie er>'"i'y eli ci oue Palalabia Castor Oul. -passiug Isour b>' Iour, frepotpat buFor sale l'y T. G. Wiifieid. Prie 25 puai. An Saur Lofore lise sarliest davu ceats. 4in-27- a tise neneilis rnmgusocgi lie camp, sud thoen one adusires tise parfcct sis- Patrick fDensa, a neident a! Kingstons, jcipti-fth ie rogulai soîlicr. la legs wsuldovueu b>' felîiag off a Large aI i ime nîruost tisun il taes to vnlte tisa Kingston mille yestemdlay. w oîde, tise linos o! racimbeul mucm- Ab.e rnig0,0 on s m i ca are l h stir. N o w ord is pok n , t s t r -alfu ri anal rn R2,000 b on u Ca., 9 n u n ise a i u atl e to n d e , b a l t n ce , va s tca r fri >au d nHu o n a n ote a ) la lIe li ukling e! an ey , lie tronchse a Be a rr .9 y a u a i o e i ere lin e il it is m en , a ian a v r >' rifle i lu o e r -graqpeal lu banal resal>'fur tisaenens>, Tise litle bSatbUncle Sem, sehiol ahionillise enein>'bLadisposeait teti>' lefIHalifax e veek aga, fouraEgianal, -bia arenglis again witis an intience ailaivei aI Causso yesleiday. Ceplain farce. On u Baay niglit vas occupiesi Goldamilis'a vife Las euffered vemy a usv ais ager, the vagons of! un couvu>'tucis rom sea.ickusess. l'sing braugst c-rie tuxuicharge. Iu Liord Beauuanefielsi lu suifferiug (rom a4 lise efterusuau, tise SSti anal Baff e vea eeeaattak a! gant. biard aI var i viltbisaspada diggiug tise tronchs ; Lut iLs>' vorkes snîrl>, TEE LETELLIER CA&SE. -Il la claimasi aussitise thiug vas eoon dune. For tisaI tisa Eughiis Cabinet sent ibsans- soae rasaus, ta an outsider, iusecrnt-a ver butae Marquis o! Laine un lise eLle, tIse officer viso selectasi lie aile - Labaihier refareusce ons Thureda>' andi for tise isger, chose tise apper part o! a tisatitI dechines tu interfère lu tLe mat. iý s hpe a! s basin, (rnnsthIe us or anun. ter, it eig a con tiutional question mil o!fvlîicis au n eau>'canlacommundss i viio ean Le muet fi bliagi>'deAht vils tisiasidos o! the an sger, ah a distuasceviserai originatais-in Canada. This o! about ivent>' yarse, vilisut beiag viiktiruw tisa onus ounbise Marquis' exposes] lu fime. O! course, nso ensuys>' elndens o! nojeciug Lis Minister's ail. seau expecesi tisaI uightb; or, eeisg vice, vhsichlasliecannaI vor>' vehibelp tisaI ve sas] a force on Bacaciide o! tise s]ong in vbew o! tise snunifest epprovat river, (tisa 571isli a-ring arivei rom by bbc Province o! Quebeco!f Mr. Lob. Chselmsford.bus tise eflernuonh, lunusidi. aSier's set. lion ta the garrioun o! tise furt, pnscao. Wc use a large nuuber o! herses sund lion vas reaxsed. But if tlsee semules i u uies;n ûeylas an>' rausun fui unmiusglanager aI ahi, ever bive ushSins;ctnu reuatilias tgi-ram as tise satisfaction hast Gihea' thure as rsuo fo famig i lsu-Liniusent laduie Amuonia Lbas. For pari>';ansieo unucis dapeudas upon viosigalis, puffe, avellinge, cubýa, sda abil itait is important on ait occas- lmneuinotieBIb, io 7d.ao ions lta aka senis pseationseai;oulsi limosen cues gis(nons saderor ci ho nacessur>' ou occaeions o! reai peril. hans, ' pranouno e is e mosi valuabia But enougis o! hlager. Asenti-. rooi>'tist bas aven coins ansier - ns> ment ýeclagss in ils full Bouge b>' mati>' bservation. a Bitiish o ar visa, 'haviug corne tae H. 0. JESTEEY, - tisa Zuhu var Lupiusg for tise glonioue Manag-er Galvestun Cieal Ca., Taxas. experieuse uf a campaigu anal oppaîlu. Saisi yS>8. W. Bi. Smih & <Jo, nites o! distinction, la sicheaiusg viti Wlailby. Seusi loi panspislet. thua vear>' saccossion o! cenvo>' daie, Da. Gimufs, braisen ami>' b>'tise vearier eameniess o! 120 WVest Brosadway, N. Y. camp lifa in tise peelileustial ainse sial- Trial sica 25 cents. 8. Russasanal Rame. l'i ruauy yeare puaI nu bull ou cm- cychicl o! tisa Pope bs beau permitta la Le publihiled lunblaePohisis provinceis a1 Rusgie, mviiare inliebitasi ly lRa. mas Catlisc. Tise nihpgsgrounsi a! prohbition vas tisat ansag lise l'alish res'olutiooiste viso touS ap arma ageinsi lise Raissian Goverunainlu1808 s-rare man>' Calisulit puleels, ansi thaltishese prisets vera encourage inbustise revoit b>' Pins IX. Wseu tise Pahls iasurrec- bion vas crs-nes, tisa Pope vas foriis dais direct communication villatise Poles. But timies anal cicmosmtances have nov cisangeci, ansi te Czar bise-. self- vilS tise Goneranent,- is endanger- ouI. 'Neoolitione voie openeal sume lime egu Lalveen lise Curnt of St. Petersburg and tlie Vabican, sur tisa rassit ias been s risborabiou o! lis friendî>' relabian oin asa etisaCzar ansi lise Pope. Nuw tLs Cnluîohics o! Po. landS do net masal lu seoure tise aid ai suusggisrei, as îLe>' iasi hudu in lust yaas. Tise puiviiegaa o!tha Vatian avero i.shonaid pous lie conduiion isat the cdeug>' elsa s enonusce lise samjasus of tise Niiiei6s as oppusesi te tise, BItanssd la religion. Theno usei iabsai>'beous pulhislie inlutise Paa srPulsion, auss repnblisisai in lise stisas Foiajouneus, au eplile o!fbIse Siaces>, Iansmitliug lue cacs o! thor a cap>' o!fltse sucyclical c! bisa -l>'Fa- bher, Lasa XIII., dlatesi Docember 28, 878. Thse Aîciisihop says tisaI Ibis oci vorils>'ansi important sdocumuent Lhomisi be known uel oul>' ute he lr"-v -ut aieo tu tise f aitisîni lait>', h5 ioalalSe lufurineal e!ils contents, anal sus La prateclasi fris tisa dangaroue lu- fenca o! paînicous doctrine. FailLer, tia Priauts area asvisesi ta expaund ffus sfe l>'Seriptumes lise .rigissoa!pro-. aert>', tihe famil>' question, tise prupar elatiossoa serveuant aiasiers, antid sfe accesui>' o! obeiince t ho ie uulir. Lies. Tise publication a! tIse episîle o! nareilisisup Boîkevitois vas grocte] ly se ilassien seanhar juînahe au tise riuaupii o! religions toleration, anudtlies -aol, saisi -"Rigiouefi oIsraîioa, ai. ays anal evcr>'vsaieriis lise eursîeei igu d moral deveopemnent ani of poîîtical mi national gruss'tb ; ansi for tiis a an va ývelcunsa tLe publication uf tise aputl En2OyaliCal in RaSaula."' Buti lie ulssejanireligious organe regret tise mev sue>' o t isaCzar, sebo lathe usens o! ai Ortisodox churou, in (as-or o! RameI isicis is the paseerful casmapeitor a!f uiissaWoitlodoxy. la caneequrueas!of air lluage on liais enubjeot,> sonei ftise nelugiaaejorsihiavs 5551>' r.i eived officiailsearnaiseý Tiss placié are cacIiciejolagmainst lii- iass a tish aiKier5asite se apiecius o! pensons viso rncsisaienal- ay alLer arilei as "1Juet neugoosi"; 'an>' o!,lue"" e> 'VMaik n it o ire ifit apU s u ilii aan quahi. -Tise Ùiteit States Consul ut Hans:- ug roports 15mat rigal naicruecop lui- su iction of ail rmonta, -Laus, aile., fions mu Uniteil Slatesi is Boy nieely tLe FATAL RSILSvun ACCruET- A. H. Green, o! Coibdlea ovnaisip, vas kilt- cd hast seek l'y a limnber falissgfrina barn (me ho aes eiping a naighibour ta put up. Lard Lavrence, hale Vicarnof !In- dia, is deasi. Harvard lat Yale in lise boat-race b>' 20 iengliss. fLý" Noticesa of Bu-flue, Marisges, and Deefas ailarge-d 50 >coesah. MA RRI E D.- HARVE Y-ROBSON.-AI ltharosi- alence o! tise brides' <aussi, un Wednes. daY, - Jal>'2os], b>'tise Rend, W. H9. Lasisi, Mr. FranS Milton Hane>' te. Aanna Lanlea, oldeal daugblor o! *Mr. George Bubeun, ahi cf WhilLy.-' WHITRY AL4RHJJS. CICsiuîLZ 0Or'cz, Jn1y CIL, 1879a. Fleurn, per l'i........... 4 50 u@f5 5Go FOI1 Wbhtiaî .............asan CV si10a .3pring WLeal ........... ,ii', 1 a u Baise>', Noli........... 0 50 @ v80 il t i........... &u @ooa 0 S,........... o 00 euS00 Rye............... 40 La 45 L'cas. . . . 1)au @iii S'esacba.ed . 0 70u@ $0 72 OMBh................... 40N45 coutn ..................650 60ii LIAY ..................7(a 9 Aluples ................. 6 5 @ 075 valatoosi, nov............ $1 010 @ 61 25 lugs............ic ta l3C j .00 (â13 1 .io..... » ....0(e us10 t Waasl .............. ... 88 50 80 a Beef, Lins] quarter..-... iti 00 85 50 Bl, feue qusarter ...$ 4 00 &i 4 30 SOseukas .... ..........a$075 sogsa80 Hides ................... 85iG (4 $560 Park, per cyl ....... ....85 10 @ 8$5 0 Larmbe................ 2 60 $11 00 Cusives.................. $ @e Onins ...............a8 90 @ 0 Tumnipa ............... .. oc Garrotsa................uN 100 POBT PERRY-MARKJJTS. Pan-t Par>', Jul>' Obi, Wisml fanil................. 0 Wiseet, sîsîjus..............00 85 loui.'....... ............. ô an Barle>' ............... ..... an Peas. .................... au5 )abe.................. as8 C.orn................ as045 Chavasesi..............300 Patos .................. 0 5 A ls~IP5,lper Lus ............. 100 iïdes..................... 4ri Pari...................... 5 00 Buttler ....................0119 tggs ................. .... 0 9 us>'......................00 Modern Mater/a Medica' Fclhdeo snssy sîaseeeJt ram- Ltioni t la a ratter of ertaissty thsst ln iu cases wbcre thse sanimal vitsslity te fa!iig, husOfsne in ceciddly siperor, It Nifi work effete ?ue) "as notlsing eciao wtt pro- duce, andssd OSOOsIStihe great advacitagje of lot. causdeng, whenil s use is rellniquislsad, Aie lightet eaction or depression. Soldby tll (ruffsts.11*ce m el 18-79. ; 000 0550 8 60 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 12 O 10 9500 wusrsas i viilroquire tis suin 0f 3leveu huidra dollars, lo e erasea snusu>', --b>' ïeaisi. rate aon-thevisulo ralsable proper> of tse said Muusleiptlity, fer tipsyma an ai Ithe sild smn etTan bisonual Deilsi, anal lhe listerest lisarec a I the rate of six per ealus -par annus, pyable ihf-yearly; anal Whaeas, tieamaunt o! tise viola rateable p î a p e r t y o ! 1 5e s a l a i M u n i e lp a h t > , a c - cordisig té lisehart revissai assssinent railIs eing fer lise year anselisausanal, 'lgst hundrea snd sennt>' elgtini l toass ioussual, seven isndred _ansi iIyslx dollars ; anal Whoieas, lise amount utoflise exit~iug dabl 1,i îtsi a Munlipaty ais te suis o1 Sixtyaix lisausnal, finshuiidreai anal ft>' douis, i&prncipal, anal bisre ha no pait cf tle saai principal or intbois tseroon, bu arais; andl Wiereas, an innuai sapeelal rate 0a!oeeill esaid.tventy-slxhundrecle of a iu le dollar upon tsa vlioe xateablo pro-' riOt> of tisead Town siitby, vii fumansd fco n t foîpsyu ie piuci paloft besi d< à a e¶ere * CMated sitrin teeitahof e5a5 ecr5 ta lise pro 0 0bonsaitie ltt u t behah =&ssde ansi proýi&êa. Be il tissraiora enacteal b>'tse Municipal- Council 0515e Co ar>iatO ion tisaTown ai Wiby, anal aIus is'rebyaaobod L. TisaI isal], anal =&y halavofor tsb -said Mnncipsty aiflise Corporationi of tsaTaownai Wiliy, ta ,purcisa. lise lands anal pienses isaisunhfare 'par- ticularly, describea, anal lie t imînture ini lie Hall erectea tieon, knovn- as Hophains"Munsl H, ait or for ts aaid p ric, or suoaiNina lisansa, fes issndiei Dollars. 2. TisaI for thse prse aforeaial, tse Mayor a isof alMnistt ftse avail of Witb>', asai camuse Dehea- r' tufea ai bieCorporation ai tis&-Tovus af Wisitby ta ho mades té tise sison netaIexceellsg bis te e-iole, lise mmusof' Ten tsoussai dollars, sach Deeure, te La for no smlsuàbashan Oaae hsnaireal dollars, visicseai Debenînreas sil lie sseaif3 vilStse seal ai tseCorporation, -anal signeal l>' the Mayor of the saisi Misipaiby, or is>'-euclipersane as ma>' Le auliorizea b>'tse sasi Cauncil tu sign-tsaue, anal sisail be ceuuster- aigneai b>'tse Treaassrer ai tise saii 8. TisaI tsesaisi Debenuees ai Uebc ase payabla in Ivon>' peaï fions the day ieicinaîlar mentioneal, for liais jiy-lav ta tare afisdt,-at ts a flsisor Ageno>' of tie Ontsrio Bani , thle Tovn ci Witly, ana ssai Lave allacse t'o tsens coupons, for lise paymenl af interest at tserate -anallu tise sauner isereinaber msutianad. t. TisaI tise said. Deisentursessail bsa- lobereat aI, analaltler iserate ofai xper canttons per annuns, front t,ts date- tseisof, vhics interestasail l e payable - ialf->'aarly, ou tse tisirly-firsl issoa tsa monts af Janna>' sudt Jul>', lus eacL yer, t tie sais tie Ontario Bank in lise sait Tovn ai Wisitsy. 5. Tia for tse purpoeofcf iering a aimaS- ing fand, for paynent i tie said Be. Wgnsustes, analtisa inlaiest tsereos, at tse rate aferesaid, an eqal i pecisi rate ai oeemiii ansi twenly-six isundreda ai a mtl l iseBDollar, sisalin badidition la 91i ciLer rates,bL a ised, laviosi anal c lectos i nu e s y ar, upo r a il ishe rateabe praprty iastise s+d Muict. peut>', aurinig tise sasi teins i ovawnt>' years, iron liecesstgiato efsect ef thielýy-lase,sinIses suc' BDebenînrea sai beaouner paid. 0.Tia-t tlssBy-Lsv sisalllta esfstus, fii isud naaller tse tirty.flrst-fia>'oe J u l > ', O n a li s u ss a u s , e ig i at au d r e a na s s .TisaItishe tveny-egitbi day oi June, one tisonsani, eigsI LuaIre]au andsovu- l>'nin, attisa office of tLe Clerir of tie s a id M u n i s li p si t y , a I t i s a dC la - J > e l l e v e ' Hall, lu ILs saisi Town i-Wiitby, aI tse hour ai Tveis>e o'chocr, nase, te hemebv appaluleal as tise tlnas sud place forthea paintssnt b>' lie >Mayor of tesi nc>ialty of pesona teab- tenaItishe varaoue pohiing places, assit tie final sun n ng up ai tisa v ote a on ieialf aitie persoa n aeresteainbuanal prmraling or oppasing itaB-lv raispoctivel _ t'.B-lw L TislaTisiriday of Issi>, ,one tssus- aud, igisb imisicisaianal evenlynua, attse saisi iossianal placeluise-rSi> appaintel as tise lime andl ce.lai tsai susming up, b>'tise Cisîkof tise saisi Mncipaity-,, ai tsa asuser ai votes- oisous leianal againt lie By.aw. e- epectivi>'-. Anda it ifa isiber etractesi, b>'tise saisi Gasincti tisaItse-rotes et tse electoru ai tisaid MunstripalaiOftsehavis o! Wisby, sal L e takesu on tie pro- posdBy-lav an Mnde>,-tisa tiirtietis Sia>' oiJane, une liseusan], eigisi Ls <led anal evny-nin, ýfr tie Nonsh %Vard, attise Oda.eowa al l; for Centre Wars, atishe Town Hall1sfr Sentis Waid, authliebuilting Imovu as -Mme. Rove'e atone atorsi. Bracok Street. 0TisaItisae-raies aiflise electors ssail bi takeai on bisis By-îaw, on Manda', ltha tirtiets a>'of Juns, onea toussosd eigst isunaliejianal eventy-nina, camus- mnssueng aI tisehison uine u'choek in tse mantng, andl osing aibitseisaur a i f i ne o 'c l o c k i n f l ue f t e r ci a ; au s s tise Ralurning -hcers ior lakmig flue - esisi votes, aseil1 Lu fer Noiths Waii. HughFrase; fan Ceutre Wad, James A. Camupbell ; fr Seutis W ard, Jrdain Post, Sm..; omnet Cisaibsi, Wbtby, Jains 2usd, 1879. h .2-t1 Pauseal 715 a! Jul>', 1875- HUSTO.Lijn5N, Town Cloîs. NOTICE. - '1AIÇE NOTICE, Ibal lise alsovo jea atruc Co y fn a pnssusoed iiy.bv, visIeha vOll Se Ceasis et tie Corpsatiosaofae Tnaiownsai WiIiy, afer na mnlis rons tise Sit publi- cationa tiseainlatisa WVitby 15'IoxCns sowSsaper, pubasiui th e own etOWisity, andi i-issesirs dpubilication vas an Tssuiraday, tha COflis a>' o! Juse, 18t,s]and tiste isur, 5ty auîsl sacaes SxeaOsaifo s-ade c vte sraof the eectoîa. tie pelle wilisusels. ýTHOMAS HUSTON, Wilbys>, Jurie Sti, 179.Cheik NO0TI CE. Tie aboae I ins te èp> aira B - 1 sses y lie ,M ,u n i etpa i C o u n o i l ise T o iw s. o f W'iîlib, lin tse C;snt ofo! nlaria, aisthse- sevetb ay o Juy-,1875 u assi-ail peressa 3are serais>' mquireal te taka notice lisal anyuse isiniaus o! sppîying t aaessobb -iv, or a s y p a t t i se m e o i r q nu e i se d , m u et m a s s a p s a l catian far tiaI uraet n 5 a e,5ty's bucsia our t ô!CousnLair. ut cae, fre ts endof tse Teinisof lie Oad SisPerlr- Courts, sisa, ater tise apaial rmulngatio omlsreo!, b>'tie puisiaon o! is n o t ice Lu h 5r e c d n s s ou it e n e sisie ra o Cf . the foilowing nevessiapens.- vus. - ILs Wiits k5l5 asi Wii th) 'Gazebte,' omise .ii ac tee late taie issausi in tiaI beara La ie notice tiasI ucis te ris coe n eo s on lie L't day o! August nexl.i / A-C ARD. rI'0allwho are suffering from the rrurs Iand indîooretions of youth, nervous weaknes, early decay, 1085 of mazshood,&c., I will send i&rceite that wil rre yos, FRLEL 0 F CHARGE. Tisias groat remedy was iecovered by a xsssionary ie Souths Amaerca. Sesd asLaslcudssce to th e IiE v. ,~ c s h s T . Ii w ui S tcsJlu > BIible llossse, Nxs1os liy Buclen's Arnica Salve, BV~ isT SALVE ili the world sir C u t>ý , lini es, S tres, U l eor&e, InL Rhuuwm, Tettr, Chappd Eands, Clii- blaSinR, Corng, Ansi al hkinda of ehkin erpticza. Tbis Salve ta guaranteed -bd 9o 1 Tio We don'f tomer to-at tion, -but taken off th bill, wheth4 peot it, an demanding0 Everyld C rewas.orsaea Price 25 coula. Th Tisa tChmi celebistoif ail ave cul>' for tzai -bal for the excelle Berge the organis -aneasisin l is e ai emtuent surgeons, Giles' Linimnent Ia hlm. Soisi b>'S. 'M Senti for pamphlet 120 Wes Trial slze 25 cen Bx-AaRIE.-Iî la Parxei ana in ever>' -dres; bat ib is wel ash1e Publie have vanl o! a heeItbfi anal pleasant Sali. Drn'ggias. -A lansahiolsi Peu 1>' eble ta apprea: piese affisîdea bi Lanjuun's Fleuida Msts delig&lful anal flagrant Waters. NEW ADVEI G-RA EXCÛF THE ST ]Ernpress Win r=snau Ex NEWCASTL, -BOWI WA, ansd WHITBy t Cailing et TOIONTO-, luire pia ThUrSday, Jui: TiesetSeamer wTi j e a. ns.; BOvmanvjîiîo o 'Wliilh>', 7.W5, 5i.ri-rmg e Z . n,anal at LernmaeParý Teeha lste aiçun frons ToLate Park Li .-ens, duiia ie aftcrisasl o a t k 6 -'jRe lssi n g , vi ii lei nua six LouIi teown Parik. itis yi>, anc TICKETS, 5o Cents &iappi>' tu STiss, Tlluvisos, jBa Hs.rxzelvoosi Osawa JUIl>' Dus, '79. C Imperishable -1 lkaicief. attse T ,dcellguful ns] 5l cira, rellevea veahue 1, srvmsesansi r ouiterfeft5 als b Watem pnepares For sala Lv Periu no>' Gansis Dealers. Ry. DAVIS -& -SON-&i Agentb, GOOD MILC sîbeuge fuir a gesi] e. ire et liseOffice. you Wa1'it a as w-nlug ta reisl aSsIs resialenca ta ta ciS nlexantu s he ofie caR1 j ue&eeoral -Jul>' eu, '79. àbw 8 Rhiuo r ,

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