Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1879, p. 1

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réfE WHIrBY OMNICLE r JX V Et 8 DA Y M X 1 ri G:f" sir 5 At big Priating sotabliolâment, TOMs par Anftum, LE 'ADVEBTlàl@uzxTo.- Ail Adyoraga. F 1 =enta m«sured in Noupariel, =a With CRIm Printed words, treat thoughts, and un . iting iùdustry, *0 '&dvo' o harged atthe rate of 8 conte, par a", firet cats asertion, and 2 Progreu, XuQýw4d9à4 Brothérboo4 contsper lige, euh sub». .1110lât Insertion. Spécial Refort& of meetings, ]?Inýnew 13tatements o Banks, Railway VOL a NX III6 WHITBY c Insurance Compoujoi, and mattgn. ai lik&- PROVINCE OF ONTAIRIO TFrURSDAY MAY descriptjou when placca Among Newo mat, ter ton cents par lino. TBY HOUSE. t3POeWoontracte made with saverùgm C ROICE At the Gate. Jý9he-year, orotherwin., W EI formedme thst ho V34 the. yonnger dame il Ord0rà to diicontinlie adv*rÙoeiaenti DUNDAS-ST., WRITBY. GOn ýof a noble family, but hâla the ad-. She too And wherre were you-just now'Mabal ? vantage ovor mont younger sono, of in- ad; thai URED IIEB. Whore have you beïn go I= mustbelawriting. (WZBT air POST OfflCE.) c -enta" and fine for-, notes, a The nicou in 'ana AU th heriting a country rosspir A, BANDEZ, Psop.8132,01H. B" Tulj Kyi Have guniz = Main e g. tune fwra bis - motler ; and h Di. IL 13. Sýwms - 1 , ý - e 1 down 9ptt, &vin enoe At I saw you loltering soeu plântYý of active service a hu Ile 1 Business Director This bouse bu beau récently bunt 10 A P PL E', T. R EZ 'SýJ Duar Sir,-I- minet 9" thst yow'yop- 80 lonoir and go latoo now rétired -en hie , h Y, A BeýUT 76,M0 B a the vill and lil" buâh, lamie, and @ho bis ?lac lar'ge and room ma fitteil up ili fint--Us tine deserves ta be,,$*Ued a *&I"ble IiI&Z thonght would talte a wila and roule talking- style, Beà w es, Liquoro ýnd Cigau; purifier# Irenovatoir ma ýinvigorator down tg a -AT T= 01 the bio by the gate. 0 Il T A R 10 BANK, fresh Lager Beer. Good stabBag ana lm. wbole ayotem. 'My wite suffezed ý for ýui8t haine liie. She sàid strain. cloaca yard; attentive entiers. da HOM E NU R-SER Yy il.ngtà of "a with a sel-ofuta sers on the z love te bear the birds, mother, thils soi significantly, that I coula ouly. rupted 1 WHITBY BRANCH, g. She took, several bbt" of thé Vega- And ose the risins moon bouctude that ber danghter was hie donIt ti From tyro te fouryom Di ageeinbruing&U tffie. The résulte ware olirpeoing; it oured And, oh 1 the suinnier air fi sweet choice ; -and yet, as I looked At him, I me quit TIIOMAS DOW, RAND TRUNE'RàÛWAY IIOTBL# the béat Vozigtiag, ber, while -e the formWremedies logea ta Beneath the sky of -Jung. . 6 coula" sireely thiàk such a niau wouid CT Satisfaction. 1 ra,)tbeï' My cow la mgkedo-my bons are cooped, (opposite G. T. B. Stationj Whitby. SETH 0.'WMsoN, Respeeffally, And washod are cup andatoi Howagiappar-,lu4nàfnc Lot lqô.»8,2nd Con. Pie Te F. TRICK. Ana sa Iwandered ont a w ently about loity, and though noir.poi- wanIt 'o FAREWELL là RUTLEDGE, WU. O'NEILL PROPRIETOR. k-mngl 0" Mage" 1 know the above te lie truc. Ta bang uponth*gate. itivaly Mlu'ul 9o-ad, est OMoe,'Whitýj-. em«e, in hie ý &ce, and bu ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, 8 Bvery'40commodation for gueste, includ- EB"y WERTHEIMER, The gâte is by the-road, Mabe4 Oble sud aristo M of Druggist and Apthy., 189 Monmouth St. And-ime foleào W, soldier-liké and oo=mal2clingý-inhis tall, repleté; 13citors, Notarfos Public, and -Coàv>OY- ing comfQrtable, Airy bedrooms, Moab ait all 0 H 1 N A H A L L thé glanes lino ligure., ý The expression of hie aider she-sang heure. eraëlicating allimpurities Of OV07. otran kna firot door south of the Royal frora the oystem, iý bu no Besicles tI - office tâC The Bar fully ouîfhed with béat SiCkS OF TUi BtG JUG (BEGIBT]CazD) of the blood rger eye, blno eyes wu fràùkýo - OpÏn,ý and the Auto au, [loýplj hitby. brande of Liquoro, Wineo mailles, Cigare. bu never fallait ta effect a cure, n un ,,j rothu faw a cap-, lines of bis mouth . firm and - dMded, myseif, JAMES BUTLEDGE, B. A. &o. Every necesovyWiction givoiq ta 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. ",u,',. t.It Sa ton =a Who vu With, Yeu, child, ne and strength tu the syotem, de. yontadamate; with a touch of, utire e. île wu polite treït oh u J. i.-PAREWELL, L. L. > traýVe1lero. - riliý:Ld by dioea». and attentive to ail ie ladies, and if pleued, B., Good Stabling, enclosed yard, and atten- Just lumging et the gate rather.more sa ta L avin& than ee net, amile,-w County Crown Attorney. 48 tive ostlers. _dS Pa;noy Breakfut and Ton, Bots. -- - - ---------- Fancy Dinner and D New yoù know just as Wall, mother, it Wou apparently bècauoa; ohedrow it Rer Offii essart Sets. VIMETINE. 'Twas only Harry Gray. forth. AtdinuerIbadenopportu called al JAMES KEITiF CORDON, OMMERCIAL ROTEL and STABLES Fancy Bed-room Seti. PURIFIES TRB BLOOD. He ope Famcy Juge and Toupets. ke such wordo ta me to-night, ailobserving the zest of< the camp Ipoked, q c bd aizd 66 Jarvis-street, Toronto. , ' I knew net what ta jay; "Y. ABRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Silver Plated Rnivao, Forke and Spooni. BOOTON, MAss., Jan. 18thi 1877- And, mother, oh 1 Io 4u M88 White and paiteil, fi B Solicitor In Chancorye Conve car: JOHN XCBAE, PBOPBIETOB. Silver Plated Ornate sud Butter Coolers. Mu, H. B,-STE < Tb@re wire"wo 2stera' Notary Publie, &o. Office--Over gr",Ad. (auccicoso» ",Mgx j Ionly 1ýd , bita waft-, racer sak Miss Bella WhÃŽté ;; the . elder_â, nolny, , Frým, , êilyor Plateil C&WIriaketï. -I have been using Vegetine 1 and tell him now lisori's atore, Bropk Street, Whitby, Ont. lqtoden'Knives and Forks. v-etïr Oh, a ngmg et rather vulgar woman, Who nl"e fun land woi The boat $1.00 a Day Rouge in the City, only -Les T'rays and ServeTs. for soins time-with the greatoot satisfaction, thelaté. of overy.ane in a good-temperedýâOri of My affec twô blocks train the 14orthern Depot, and close and can hey recommend it as a purifler m CHARLE.4 C. KELLER, te the Market. The Rouge bas beau newly Plower Shades for Lilys, &o., &ow, and laughed long and 1oùdly et ad mysi Fitted out and overy-tWngrrpt-ciase. ay-47( Glusware, Ali descriptions. of the blooa. TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN White Stone ware, every kind. J. L. RANAFORD, A Romancé in a Boardifig House. ber own joke ' o, which éometimes went friendshi Rotel and Bar Goodo. Pastor of Egleston-oquare M. B. Church. home, too severely ta bi% enjoyed by those of i tý4)ti, Brook, C-YV GLOVER HARBISON, a A- Chaucer Conveyancer, &o., Canning- DiRs. WA A few years aga, on my roturn from those againat whom, théy were directed; mine wai TE31-PEl?.4NOE HO USE, Importer- Nznvous-;zss, and AU dérangements of India, I was pérplexed wbere ta locate the younger sister was quieter, and warm lik L. T. »A»CLAYI thenervoussystem, are usuail connecteil myself for the winter monthsý. I did pretended ta be shockee st Fan'a out- glad ta h DUNDAS-STREET, WEITBY. with a deuerteil condition of ilood. De- net at Ail relish the idea of entering a burets, but ohé was more objectionable She tel TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOIL NOVELTY W OR bilityis a-frequent accompta1n1ý1ment. The A in Chancery and Insolvency, Convey. Good accommodation at reasonable terme. 1 % 'ýjY firpt thing te bc doue le ta improve the cou. new bouse at such an unfavorable ses- with lier affeotation and over-atteniptir was, hâd arirer, &o., &o. Boarders $2.50 par week. VIHITSYLONT, dition of the bllood. This in aec son; go my frionds advised ine ta ta ha a lady thau the other with ber trials au OFricz-At the Court Rouge, Whitby. by taking Vegetine. It in a nerv dicie ' board sonoewhere till the spring'of the nuise sud coarsoneos. There Was a bad, as OYAL ROTEL, and passasses a controlling pu over the coming year, and in the meantime 1 quiet old lady Who did net talk much, ofatarvai RE SUBSCRIBER having purchamed nervous system. could look about me, and arrange and took averything and everybody just had culy 'LYDIAN ENGLISII, Li. Bop R T the Machinery and entire stock of My WHITBY, seasoned Lumber from the Mudge and future plans. I resolved ta follow thié " she faund them. A thin, tall, aider- Bo thet w -'jý>ARRT3TER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Yarwood Manufacturing Company, is now VzGETIN:E. advice, and if was aveu. suggësted ta ly city gentleman look the hottom, of the burde .1.j ChanceryConveyancer,&c.,&o. Sim- JAS. PRINGLE, -PROPRIETOB. krepared to furnish Doors, Sashes Blinda, WILL CURE RIIEU31ATISM. my mind, thst if I fauta thia style of the t8Ë6 ; ho wore a rusty black tell- lonelinesE joo Street, Oshawa, rrames, Mouldinge, Base, Arck-'trve. living agreeable, I miglit continue it coat, à stiff white nockeloth, and bigh élis coula The largest and most com dious hotel Flooring, Sheeting, and everythin OFliCINNATI, April 9,1877. for the whole year that muet o ghirt-oollars ; bis manner wu grave self, and, A. G. lUcMILLAI'i, iuthe tOwn, hall large saruip, ole routes for quired by the trade, st the lowest iil.ýe- lapse bc- commercigl travellers. . Table Wall suppli Ing Mil. H. B. STEVENs fera my liusband joined me, in prefer. and imPressive, sud ha dignified every little, but Bestbrandaliquore Dear Sir,-I have used your médicinal suce ta burdeuing myself while siens, lady With the SPPOIlstiOu Of Mum and a î yless J (Late Greenwood & MeMillan.) with the best in scason. P lz a turning Newela and Balusters te the Vegetine, for Rheumatzam With tried ta bc particularly civil ta le el- et Y, andelffars. Encloseil jvard and shedýoom; order. a grest with the respozsibitity of a bouse of my jý3ARRISTER, AT17ORNE SOLIC attentive hostlers. Charges te suit the !ýccess, and believe il ta lie ÏË best Med- "Itor, Notary Publie, Couveyancer. Gf. times. Lumber for sale, boat qpaUty, lowest icine fo - r that complaint there in. I aise own. dest Mise White, There was aloo a Lavina Ave-Byron Street, South of Poit Office, N. B.-Livery attachod. 27 prices. know it is a good blood purifier, and at the According ta furtber instructions from atout stockbroker, wha wora a short ly, for obi Wliftby, Ontario. We hope -frora long experîence and b present time am using it as the best spring Obligiûg friends, I caused an advertise- eut-away cost and a coloured iiecktie, attraction square dealing to merit a share ofpubli., medicine that I know of. I take great plea- ment ta be inserteil in the &Timo,,," ta blotchy face and etraight brown hair, and obe si jOUN BALL DOW, OSSIN lýpUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. patronage. . sure in recommending the Vegetine te my b never looked ofr bis plate (except in every v R GEO. GILCIMIST the effect IlThat a lady just roturned ARRISTE B-AT-LAW, SOLIC1TOR The Palace Ilotel of Canada Itelittea, Propriet ýr. friands. froiÙ India -required board and rosi- ta a1tresa Miss Bella White), and kept minded. B in Channery, Convoyancer, &-o. Refurnisbed, and Unrivalled. New Passen. H. MUND Charles ýtret. dence, where zhe wonld have pleasant one in a s4te of alarin lent ha sbould, vations lu Office-Deverill'e Block, Brook Street, ger Elevator, running lit and day. The and select society, and a comfortable have a fit Of RPOPIOXY- cied that whitby. ouly firât-class.Uotel ioýîanada with gradu- jLý_ . MONEY TO LEND-Private Funds- ated erices, $2.50, and #3 ýpr %ë À& j9k i;,'* Thousands wiU beur testimony (and do if home, in rqturn for liberal renumera. Remarks upon the faire at table were da, but eh low rate ci in- Mem erg ci Clubs ana others, esiriug fil sumo up te 8&W, at a voluntarily), thst Vegetine is the best méd- tien." prett freely malile on all sides, and I ragement, Cy moins, without board, $1 ta 82 par (lay. ical componna yet placed belore th blic _52 % 1 os rie.ci, 1 was pos'tively inundated with an- wassurprised ta find how coolly our lie flirted for renovating and purifying th swers. Soma fruit lidies who 11morely hosteffl listened ta theva (they would whom it 9 MARK N. IRISH eradicatingall humors, impurities, orpoi- ROBINSON & RENT, Peb. 27th, 1878. Propriet.r. sonous scèretions irom the system, in r- received a fow ininates into thoir home have beauin $noirs diffèrent strain had cars a atra ating and strengthening the týy!;tem dvI lit- circle for the saké of society,", but who the company beau *visitoiýs' instead of troduced t ebi (LATS; Duoomx & IZoijiNsox.) IIE QUEEN'S IIOTEL, ated by disense; it fact, if is, as many have quite repudiated the notion of keeping 'boar4lers'). Mrs. Stacey camplained of verriations 'BABRIS TERSýAT-LAW, ATTOnN. T 4 and kept enumeratingthe broach thE eys, Solicitgra, Couvoyancers, &o. (LAT£ COMXEILCIAL,) ul ý1 called it, "The Great Health Restorer.'l a "boarding bouse." Soma from. the 8verYtIl OrFICE.-In Victoria Chambois, No. widows of professional men, who were things 1 1 was sure muet bc in season, ýOne moi IJROCX-STBEET, WJnTBY, ;& and lquite reasonable,'. and wonde ing 9, Victoria Street. VEOETINE- compelled, through the death of thoir ri the coin= TAYLOR &- McCANN, PROPRMTORS FOIL DYSPEPSIA. oimented parfum, te &ad ta tlieir lim- that Mr8. Wilson did net ses about theln; lier bouge The undersigned désire te inforin their itçd incomes by admitting strangers in. 9 - Licensed A uctioneép stilisliemanagecito makeavery ceci I was an 0 friends and the publie that they have taken ASELEY, ILL., Jan, 12,1878. ta the besoin of their families but dinner, and partock of every dish- with into my r JNO. G. KELLEY, the above well known hotel, whieh they ALES proinptly attended, and condut- IL Il. STEMENS vpýy few who seemed ta pridethera- the aircif a martyr. tell me the TTOR"V-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR have new1y fitted up and renovated, and put s ed on Liber! Terius. Dear Sir,-I have been u ing ve9ctille selves upon Alieir -old e8tablisbed The fair Lavinia's appétite was sucli ta lesve a in ChaneM and Irisolvency Conve into the best of order for the accommoda- -Address, C. DAWES, for Dysep8ia, and find moresrelief from it bouses," thé excellent table kept, the as might bc expeeted from the delicate Miss Ma: iiiieLr, &o. OfUre-Deverill'a Bloc ýI j3r.ýý_ý tien ci quests. The Bar,,Whieh in the band- 26- Fort Ferry. than al the other medicines I have used. Street, Whitby, Ont. moment in the County, in Weil oupplied with There ils ngthing like it for Dy eprlia pfttronage of distinguisbed foreigners, mature ber mother boa described ber away ; ail the finest brande ci wines, liquors, and ci. MRS. M. E. VOWLRS. and sociable wbist eveniage," and ta to'be ; but as I afterwards found tbat dosigning ---- gars. Ample enclosed shed rouit and good I am Perfisnallv acquainted with Mr$ nous of these latter unes woulfi my she made an early tes in ber own main manner w _G. YOUNG NXITH, LL. 1.9 stabling, box etaUs, &o. Dotached r Dominion Wood Work Fowlks, and cail cert.ily that the abové friends hear of my going ; thongh, for oom et five o'clock, I was no longer surpris- ward And 1 ARRISTER, &c., te Lo,, fer commercial trà.vellers. 1 statement à true. my part, 1 scarcely likednthe idée, of in- ad- But sho seemed tu think that lier 111 Dant Iiiiiiieroi âlarriagelicenses. J. P. TAYLOIL, PHILIP McCANN. WHITBY. W, 0. PACE, M. D. truding uponkny of those Ilotriatly pri- noighbour, the Captait, onght col ta pa ors, no Oi,-jýýtcE-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. late -of Toronto. Druggist, Ashley, Ill. vais familias," who avidantly thought bc hungry either, for she pliait hini y Jan. 22,1878. Geo. Cormack, Tuousiý;D Con- girl amoul (tf-5 --ýOMMERCIAL IIOTEL, s Sl'É.U.-Vogotine is ach-noV- the privilege a; great one, and nained tinually with questions, and allowed donIt think E R. ledged and recommended by physicians and UMBER MERCHANT & BUILD' the rentimeration they would kindly hitu little time for eating. élis contint CA-»IlPltON ARIPELBE, L -A large suýplyofBuilder0Furnisli- 'fothecariez to,-be the best purifler and accept at a proportionally high rate. After we bail roturned ta the drawing Mrs. Cela, CARTWRIGHT, ONT. and all kiu s o£ Twisted Moldings, c eanser el the blood yet discovered, and After useless and innumerable inter. rOOM, the éldcst Miss White Bat bY M6 without M ARRISTERS, Attoýrnoysat-Law, and Ding."rs, Sash and Bilnds. thousands speak in its praise who have views, besiaes a host of lettersl[be. and entered into conversation, and kept things the B Soliciforti in 'Chnncery, Ne. 4 Toronto been restored te heslth. Street, Torouto. JAMES DEWART - FROPRIETOR. LUX BER wholesole and retail, or by came thoroughly stupid and bewilder- mû en what is called Ithorns by the here.' HECTOR CAMERON, Q.0, (1)'-18) il. S. APPÈLBE. Good accommodation ti-12 by the car load. V EGETIN E ad ; and liaving arrived at thig point remarks ohé made about everyone in "Tell IÈ Planing, Mouldings of every descrip- P 1 rcpjïred by fell an'easy prey ta -one Who evidently ber land key. She informed me that ter that yi tien, Plooring, Shectiug, Shelving, Re- undersfood the business most thorough- Captain Vernon had beau te Mre. Wil- with tbeir R. J. GUNIV, M. D., THE CENTRAL HOUSE, sawing, Shaping, Turning. Scroll-work, IL. NI'EVIFNS, Boston, ma%§. ly. Mrg. Wilson, m ptor took great seuls four years running, and tbat --for 1 URGEON TO TRE COUNTY GAOL, (Laie Lockliart House.) etc , etc. >rÃŽth the fact that vinia Primrose and ber motber we Byron Street, Whitby. Vegetin.- Is Sold by all 1 ruggists. P"" ta 'mPress n'a re ly unfound Whitby, Oct. 16th, 1878. -43 ber conneetions were most "genteel," trYing bard te catch him, as ha was land have Ur- %V. J. BURNS. and, thorefore, "aile never took any one Worth having that it was Ali Vary fine shall accoci into her bouse but ppople of the high- of Airs. Primrose ta ape the grand lady -self, I do ri Coligrogatiolial Clitireli pros e C. GIrFORD Proprietor. ONEY TO LEND. est respectability for shè had fou DOW, but that she could remember the beautiful -byter ùornür of Byron and Mary titreeto This bouse is the béat in the Coujjtý. M INSURA NCE mueb regard for the memory ofthe finie, uùt sa very far ha Wliitr'Y. Gall and sec fi. 0 Il ek either, when needlesaly The undersigueil has any amount of M,011- late Mr. Wilson ta act therwise. Mrs. Priturose had kapt the 'Green tua many 1 cy te Lend upoti Parin or Town Property, at ONTARIO FARMERS' Iler bouse was rituated in a nice part Dragon'in Ciioapoide, and that Lavi, vantage of 3 »YltO,-i FIELD, M. B. unusually Low Raies of Interest. of Dayswater : it wag well furnished, nia's fortune was net anything worth Lavinia is. 1J11YSICIAN, 'jURGEON, &o., Duilliie' AYERS . HOTEL, Loans eau ha repaid in sums te suit ber. and well managea by the clever widow, making a fusa over ; then she laughed duet is-imt ýL Creuli. 82 & 84 MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N. y, Miitii,91 Inviennno In'il alarmions of mu lover el& ie&hnr W, hi4ù-À"," "Hilds, f ity own-darli", nie inapité il ' (,Yýen-r, 4ýeéîi, now that 1 kno k»otüe' 01 ague ' 11-ffliaty+mý,my-reeera must --àO juil a-nI Iii6i-ile,,114-n-bl e egntege, ,ýtb4 *tý, this deeply oh withont, and w8 . whisper their mutpAl tale, ofdquiltis ýbd mi fear$,-hopoaud;happineus as',.Luy'fac'e glnedî iégai ' n- àt the as- other plia of 1 the rootil, I so!jRhý. te, (lis. , a tingnieh dusky figureiwho wc-re tigead- je' ing thé-ir wîký tlt*roujzb,,the ot lookinlg streets on tfiçA ilrearýy >oýYêm4r n., night. tbý ers arc tire inost Wfisb, amnstires in tbfý.- ýd world, and I wight liavýti ýkePt, my BU. la, tion all nigh'. for aught thuy car Bd ; go er 1 coufl:ontf-,d atifi reqw-à&ýld -tlw y Captain to make'hiq adieux. BcU lie- fore I could get rid of the tires;owe foi- low he vroold wake rue ail sorte of se pretty spftelies, çvbich etilly little - flilda-- 81 echoed. At last ha went, Aud 1 iusisteri 3t Upon the Ïxèited girl,.sl]§Lrirg my lied çvitli roi, i Usýtead of returning to, ber d OWLI allie. il At au early liour the neit inoriiiug. itý Mra. and . Miss Prinirose decaLupéd. faYing they oould not possibly rewi-tiul,- 0 anotber day in a bouéeýwbere encli pro- ýo ceelings weris allowod. Mrs. Wilson 1, waa consoled by-their los@ by th(. Cap; 7- tairr's assurance- tixati as hý was tile cause, E4110 shonld Liot W any t-ufferer -, là and I siiàppct sbe w"s, 011 the eGutrilry, véry cocéiii ljerable gainer. -1 Christmas Day cam(ý jn cleai unil 0 fra$jiy, ýanil very j)IeflsýlBtfy WB spelit iti having ýÎùù,tàwoýISIy agreüd to refuin4j 'à ail i6vitationm. Atter dimier, under ýt the protection of a piece of luistletoc, e the Oziptain ventured in kiae tire ladivii f-ý ail round, begianing with Mr@;, Colouel 1 Stacy (who receieved Élia iialute jnofn è graciouiily, coiniug Loin militaryllipr!, i and'endiug, last but not leabt; witli bis; 1 fair-batrdthed. A little later, under tsiv t exiiiierating ililinenee of whigkey puiicli Ilip-ssra., Jones and, Brown intimààted that they aboula likewige avait thé-m- selves of the privüege of the sc-asorr;ý î Ibutas the proposal was not onctsurageil wag jatisfied with payiug hiéi delicàtd atiktion to bis cliarmitiq -Bell» ; and Brown commenceil aliii endesi with the buxom Iloste-88, who waa much gratified, and would Ioril)t- legs have beau more no lind Mims %Vijitfe appeareI at alljoslotw. On New Year's Day 1 dre8ïetl-ilinr Hilda inhër bridai robef and vécry, Ilean*tifuv8lie locke(L Ahe'*had mad& obj'ectio ne, il 001 string that-Ellé wastoo poor and huiubIL to, wed with anc wiilt' born aud rich ;-but' he remiiiiied her that aile was a Iddy, and tbat wax ait bis friends cared abo-ut, and that Ale, possessiril -bis -jeepen affection aisd gave him bers in rotiirn, and that was ail he l2ared about. The ouly point hu would yield wasi tô have the -wedd.ing quite priýatb. Every oùe its the hovse presenti,ýlýtýo bride with soma little-parting gift. Mrm, Stacy, always gra * oïl, es-tr-.tcted frùm the deptils of.à. bdge client & viýry band- Borne b94 antiquated 'Indian scar ' F. As a poor, toitinâ, striving, 1.nlI-ýié -1histrerg. au - li ý orphon and ùuknowU in the wor 1; Hildâ M.Ritiaul raët with no from the per1le wlia suéjdenly týviùcFfl the warmest riendihip for Éer w'lie,-n elle was about ýo beeojjïe' a Irich nuit happy wife, antl. néed- ed it not. Mr. Jones fallowed the gënzl exar--i- ple, and bronght big courts;hip ta aý speeay conelusion ; 60 -mi-48 Bnllii White became Mrs. Jones, and tjPI14.ý py couple went to reside at The city gentleman, (Mr. Browu) fail- ing in bis -attempts to induce, Miâs Whiýte to sacrifice ber freedoui, târnell his'attenfiou to wi-jow WilàStin. waa not snch is bad specrilation after ail sud they very'ffliortly after uuited their ijicon2cs au-1 interests in tho bonde, ot matrirnony-îhe widov.À-declariàg that 'elier tata &monte'il lîùeba'nci wotild rest more qùietly inIis grave if lie knew élis, fiad found'ânothoi protector." My husband, returçed sème wrjtjtljs*' > eàrlier than 1 anticipated, sa wA s@ttlîld in a borne of Dur own, nad -Iava siffler' had tain an(I.Mrr,. Vernon and ilieir infaisk Teeth extracted wi in - , - by prodüc 1 ing (lýATZ ILOMON BOUSE.) z51=11J 114 CANA- lancies (not a few), anct consulted lier 1 reUý,nable whims and - fancies. knoj,'; ri.-,_"ý 1804- Unlimited liability of taste iný tue choies of Viande, &o., a a 9 Pa il a Young &in thug -the door o nod, time 1 was local aliresthosin. DIt-ranooms-in Cow- 0. 0 erate rates of premium. MI rs. St' cy took good Cane to keep upi asel2eà Illeu, kliolders, and large R,,,rv, a le Chatt dy, whom I had not yet ha Captain 1 an% nov block; over Atkinson'a Drug Store, WEI T B X 0 N T A B 10. mis feeling, and DI entered. Her beauty could net cause." liJug Street, Oshawa. 85 Ilouse new1y renovated and furnirilleil net only Mrs. Wilson. but themi bpire N 0 UR SE, Dallage, Dor inà fail te attract instant attention ; lier "Quito se," throughout, aýd put in first-class order for Agent, Whitby. mates of the establishment, wi a car- feat hore(,eptionoiguestB. Anomaibustoancl Whitby, April Oth, 1878. 16 Àî rires yvere- regular, lier complexion elle did net i JOHN ILOBINIýOws rom all trains. First-class sample roonts. tain amount of awe tow ýener. Sile that peculiar waxy pink and white, lier sation. did not receive me with, rauch cordial- eYes a clear truG blue, and ber hair, one ý evenju .IIAIR DRESSING AND SHAVING DOMINION BANi4, B ITISII AMERIcA ity, and I think it was because elle lied which was perfectly golden, -waa Primrose add Salooup Brook St., Whitby. SIIAXESPEARE' IIOTEL, Cor. King& Yorlc-sto., Toronto, Ont. a kind of idea that I.might try to usýrp drawn in wavy luxuriance off lier broad toile from th, JORIN WOLFENDEN, CAPITAL, $1,0P0,000 00 Assurance compa nY, lier place, on the strength of comi 9 forehead, and gathered et the back into saying ; J. A. O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. from India ; but elle wis Blightly rose. a massive bow. Elbe was tall - t '2 , with a IISO you GENT FOR THE, CELEBRATED - sured when elle board that my huaband figure of rounded emportions, and aven A Sc.ofii8li Granite. At Marble Works TEit)is, 01,50 PEit Dý%y. Cy-47) LI VERPOOL IdAReîFT BRA NOH, INCORPÃ"RATED 1833, this afternoori ,il JoliLtt4jtll Wolfondeu, Dituditu St., Whitby. only hold a civil appoiniment. Mrs. and in lier dress of plain black alpaca, and 1 bowea, and The nette ýc transacted. ASSETS, 81,101,87694. Miss Prim-rose, on the oontrary, over- simple linen coller and"cuffs, elle look- hana.,, NVILLIAN COOPER, POST OFFICE SzILLOON, TORONTO. Collections made and Dra ts isgued yable wlielmed me with civilities, and miglit cd styli h and lady-like.: never sa lit ail Points in CanadaýpUiiited Sta 8 and P. A. BALL, o is thst lovely girl ?" I asked Great Britalli. s elle replied. I]LACKSIIITIr, BROUGIL4,11, M, McC(ONNE, LL, PROPRIE TO R. Manager. bave known me for yenre. The former "Wh bore the romains of good looks, and eagerly of Mise White. alkipg quick] tu Thomas Middaugli) taw" TrIE DEST ACCOMMODATION SAVINGS 'BANK Dr, PARTÙ r ENT. Insurances effecteà nt the lowest eurrent was attired in the deepest of widow's "Oh 1 tbat. is Mise Maitland. Ile 'wý"No, net ai Ilorme sh(iving and ail kilide of g.lieral rates cil Buildings, Merchandise, and other weeds, a style of dre8a which became father was a poor curate, who died 81ýMifica12tIy. for Guesta. (ly-47) Iliterent at the rate of Four per cent. will property, against loge or damage by lire. ly-52 be allowed on all RUMB from One Dollar and . ber, and was for this reason still wora ; from overwork and etarvation, and bis, in the p rk ltwards frota date of deposit-repayable C. NOURSE, for lier husbana, i îouna, hala been de. wife scon followed, leaving tbis girl bl L. letiltuANli.s, UERN'S IIOTEL, - VICT without liotiec. Q, --IIAIIIiOUII OR'A Agent, W12itby, funet many years. Still elle never alone without a relation in the world auto 'n'y 'ear, J- Il- IIORSEY, Wliitby, April 9th, 1878. 16 ruade any allusions te, hizù without so Bhe turned ber musical tallents, te Coulpanio Bis OrilýICIAL- - ASSIGNEE. Agent. att'l'ntliln.ll i 8 JAS. MACKEY, PI,ýOPIeIl,,TOIt, beartrending sighe, and aven applica. acconnt, and gives lassons all day. Mrs. you soon 2" tions to ber eyes of a deeply black bor- Wilson knayr somathing of lier, I fancy, "It isp't fair Le" OFI-1ICE 011POSITE TIIL ROYAIr Good Table, Liquors, and Cigars. Flue P111-11ED COTSWOLD SHEEp bered cambric pocket-hankerchief; and and elle bas been bore for the last two way before ai stabling an.1 every riecebsûry accommoda- ARCHI1 ECTURF- 1 AND BERKSHIRE pIeS. liotel, Brock-St., Wbitby: tion. ly-41 elle fastened lier collar with a funeral yearo, helping to amuse the boarders, vinia, with as -NV]litl)Y, Mareh Wth, 1879. > 14-ly DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION WM. M. MILLER,' broccli eontaining hie hair. and paying some very trifling suin for Maitland will b ------ - - Lavinin Primtose was a gushing, a home. fille plays and singe very time. ý But I i WDLLL, LUMBER ! LUMBER 1 OF Echo Bank Farm, ClaremOnt P.O,, Ontario. sentilental Young lady (of savon or wèll, as you--will hear presontly ; but trying tc, look a fi o . - B U 1 L D I N G S Breeder and Impoi 1 t r of Cotswold Sh Il oight-and-twerty I should bave said, until Mrs. Stacey bas finished bar nap sly about it." A T 1-1 2. R L Y-. JOHNSON, nd pure - bred Berkshire. Pigs. - Sý,j bad lier mother t told me that elle the piano is not allowed te lie touched. Eâlda binshi C. Promptly prepared with, view te Economy b1lought and sold cri commission. was just ninete8ln) 0 She W&B attired in "'Mise Maitland looks sad," I remark. Clork-Division Court, Tp, Clerk, -in Construction. Pickering, Nov. 30, 1878, iv-5o light muslin and fiat-tering ribbons, and ed. elle replied;. pi LUMBER MEIRCHANT, understand you R., Land Agent. te», CHURCH AND SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE A thOugh Dot bad-looking elle spoilt lier. «Oh, as for tbat," elle replied, "elle catching Ca , ýts kii., Athorly, ýlý)ttnty Ontario. W HITBY, SPECIALTY. self by an nnmeaning simper, and a won't be friéndly with any one, but iits npon ber with AthorIv SI I)t.2tiil,1872. 3r, Ilas cil hand a large supp 1 ly of all kinds of GRISTIING & CHOPPING. profusion of féathery ringlets that made like a statute,, without speaking. Last nd p a, Barii Lumber, Doards, and ull necessaiy Correspondence Respectfully Solicited. a sur ris BliiltlingLiiniber. IeuciligSawi 1 Timber, 1 . . - ber liead look véry much liko a mop. winter I fancied the Captain was 8truck without anothe, IlLvoéituýl in N%,LLIIýïst. Stoclis and Seantling, a large quantity oit band. B. BARBER, Architect, &c., Gristing, Chopping and gelleral Custom Mr& Primroso was4ùite confidential, with ber pretty face, but elle tossed ber rimrosi iiiiýltut4fortuiioso.7eyniolith Large orders tor Long Bill Stuff, filled Oshawa, Ont. Work at and during the little time we Waitea lisait at him, and gave herself as though Misi P Ilook bont frue cxl)I&iUijlý- front Mîlfs nt short notice. ber objectý--mom t)%*Lj-ý-tlii;ig. BAY'TEL, & CO for dinner, elle Jold me the,& elle had to she had beau à Young woman, Of for. bad ever dared 4 1-ly Bunkers, 17 %Vall-ýt., N. Y. Doors, Sasbes and Blinds always en 8MALLS MILL, CEDAR DALE make many sacrifices for lier dear giri's tuile, instead of a. pour niusia-teacher 'Vernon, ungem J. HINMAN, 9 W . RICHARD MOTHERSILL. h-ealthwhicheaa very delicate. _She tramping the streets of I»udon,, and be, W&S fully im I-NG BROTIIERS, Wliitljy, May 7tb. 1877. ly-20 OSHAWA, boa given up à, perfect mansion nesr going from bouse te bouse, wet or fine - that Mda was i X. Cedar Dale, Feb. 4th, 1879, (ti-7 town, because the air was not cousidýr. for half-a-crowzi an hour." destinely, and l WHITBY, ONTARIO, G«ti 0"RGE BRITTON, Veterinary Surgeon, ed go good ; ana elle submitted to, the I'Yoor girl," I said, compassionately. manner of disd Importers, Dealerh and Mautifacturers of ail Will bc ait Armstrong's hotel, Whitby, every RAILWAT TICKETS to Sarnia, Port discOmforts Of à bOârdiDg bouse that 'Ilt is a sad position for one boru a more confirmed Kînds Di PRACTICU - Tuesday, frein 1 to 4 o'clock, Il. m. Huron, Detriot, aLd the Western and elle might ho ready to start -for Itsly at lady, and endowed with beauty and reallyo if ho fi& 87- Southern States, for sale et low rates by- the elightest appearance of à change la own April 25,1 7. 18 GEO. B. YÙLE for the worge,, for the dear el, elle talents." over in h» ' LEATHER AND FINDINGS, CA RRIA GE WAGGON 2-) Tioket Agent, Whýtby. "Wall, go it is," said Miss White ; diqcoveréd thât Cash paid for 1-Iides, Barx. and Leatber. 1 fenred, was consumptive, and of such a 0land that ie why I Bay there is nothilig control, her act Loather stretched. New Stage Une - no, flnel'c-wrcught nature, that like a good trade Now =y father rose neededand ifs] Le- BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON ETWEEN WHI rA.- elle required tie most tender caje. from a more TBY' & OSIIAI% GEORGE AYERS' shopbOys but ho managea elle coula be go 9110l'T ND'l [CE. MAlNITJIeACTUREi R of ÊL new improved I have housand pounds ho- nw mut en the route batween Osh r, or my own part I coula not &o. to leave twenty il To mein priv May, 1672. a un', ý litby a cumfortabla caverra cover ony thing particularly delicate in bina him ; and, witbotit, seeking it I was a fabiiestio 22 Root Soed and' Corn Drill, Stage, and solicit the patronaec of travcleýq Ne w Blacksmith, Shon 1 the rourid face tici rptiler toô piump L me, ige re rerpect and attention, because even been in the I- figure of the ybulig laay go I Ventu al.111 5'011ble tk 7*llrJ7ip Drills, the contfort ulici ûouvollielice of paol;ozlgnrs, r. 1 ara' indepezïdegit, ýthan the clergy. me ta- Bay nôthil ()l sale, and tu tbe and proijipt ýjulivM ci! The in(lersifiied Legs to irfoi sucgcàt that elle would 1 man's daughter, who probably congrât. me beeaùàë elle parecls committec tu j£y charge. Tliera' 9nýI tiýe Pulic thaý ho lirz rer1cred hi, 1, IV drea - rr 11M acil eymptoms and ulates heraelf Ùpon having no relations berself and my fr -Si LOT 3, 1:4 il,0j CON will im ' %,,-o a-,agc r,: 1 black--initii shop to tbtpre=iscslatelyoccu. that ovcu ýcw A short time a l'lu h acre ý< -lu, '1bLýL,à thly encli ivay, viz. * 1 pied by Messrs. Toms & Nrwroz-tT, 1 coula Dot pay ber or 1 friends À-'l ýrade." ýi ('leiiri-fi- 1 Lea,. ,, C -a c CI! rrortiu2n tilao to the bad compliment to r, y r'. nial W izcils, coiigtituily on trialze Clolný c:ol-u(,ctiýýnB wit WhitLy &- a ne looked a àRrs. Siacey now made ber re-appear- non went into i Thi, i i a Liridfia> and tt 3 ),cloc«ý'L fach WE8T OF THE POaT-OFFICE nce, and I noticeil that îlle 'gave the the day and hoi ivowl a1rmitl b vory vahlabIL., aud d,):Ic lieat'y -ýtnd %VCI) C', tLo Uftcrlwcu ; and leki-ving t Il a w. rie for ray Young 113118101M a pilýtrouizing châe of liqughingly Baia 1, wlÂto and &t G P. M., of Lach, , fia7,, T a DUNDAS STREET, byropatl)y -m-'th hpr bilnilkercbief raiseil hand, and as soon as sattled in bor me him bac! thu:;iLn ôf the lut i8 a 6L _1. stage *1ýïfl tje wallon, -ilicient guar. enll, at all hotels in elle" 'Own, and orders to lier ' 5, ýdîle,1 thftot de L' bc ù prc-parcà to do a,,, p in hi-, coml),OXIýz vas 80 brillifint il ar IV dear1 CLO. 1;r.ITT0ý;, -arn,,,,Iw calleil out, I-Now thcp, my ' Tho day of bis ýi'ill bc *ttended to. US Lit at ally CI tile Ilot lime Pa usua4 and to bat it ý1e one of your nd Gbeeeý te him a0tp au-limnt-ee fiatitirction wan Po 1 otty gongs.', !,*a4 Dot till the 0 A. Z19M. opta. BLi) the tîàc,ý1Qrc= advu 11g it, ýAP4T- t poicteil C-ap tito le4d hor ýéOr4q,- hot ag'n tir,, o à puà ft mA Ita hMrdý lit tir 4 ýhp î-, -7. 1 bý raising their -arme above, the &Ler, the unbuoyed weight of whicti ipresses the - hend. 'Other anituate wo neither motion nor- ability to: aet a similar mannier, . and thèreforti rirî!atura4- . When a man falls -ili- deepý water lie wilLrise to'.the sur- oe, and will remain there Ù lie - does 4 elevate hie bands. If be moves bis inds under the ivater in any way lie Bases, bis ficad will jùe ao high as to low L'im free liberty to, breathe j and he will use bis legs as in, the act or LUcing- or rather w&Wng up stsirt'fý t shôulders wfil rise. above the water-, that ho may use the less 0ýlortiWît L4 bis bande, or use, them for other rppiýeii. These plain aixectionsarc *mmended ta tile reéellection- Of )se who have net lëarned to swim en young, as, they may- be tonna. fily advantageoui in Preeekving life., Cwo joval yonng--meii in Kentucky ated ta call the same--girl thoir dear &Y ',Ëo after some talk- they agreeil a walk, tg settWý whický9uitor was 4Y- The Mau Who-could walk or , longéat, the plucklest man ý or the M906t, W80 ta get this fvÀr pearl in 8h8Pe Of a RÙL and of aR the elles thie wae the tlirý,ongent. The ,ng was both lithsome and shady, , waîchea mosare. Brown ana o,- dY ; butwhile"they wearüy ébank- 4r.a road that was planked, a d agiter eloped with the lady. ourt trains, are very long aid square Ycârt-antl-,.more fully trimmed than 1ýused ta 4, the borber '8onietimes g balf a yard deep. àe, latter part of a wige )nanla lits is n in caring the foffi8o, prein- false opinigas lie hadcontrac. Rthe former. îs our-goo& nature, and net OUC turni.turethat makes home'attiae- New York Ncwg. But when ail ýed sinteýiali ont of plsaëiand wakr; )a up 'With a crash abotit midnight' beeomes of yorr poil nature. al - estate lias Blilru'n'g ao baàly în klyn, N. Y., and taxes- are se high parcel after parcel of landje abaný 1 to the' cit7 on Unplid assésis, ;,and tbo ci ' ty can Lot dispose of roporty for L'Il îough ta, Pay thé ortrait, said to be the inis5ing one %ke"are, bas been discovered- at by. It- bas bean de6patohed to mil, in'ourea for $25'Oieý lnq=' y inta Irish endowéd schools fficiteil the fact that ia 1816 a CHAS PENNYLEGIO19, of Halibuitoï7i ,RM LOTS, a Rallwjiy, amil Lotelu the OF HALIBUflROko- ýUus of tho Victoria Railway, E,,;ON EtASONABLE, TERMS. ply to C. J. BLOMFIELD, iada Lanil &- Emigratfon Ce., 60 Pr0zt-stý' East, TorcnK NrVEN, Agent, Co'y. ,EAT OFF..ER., FOR $10-50 )u bourid infilll Rhee a111U1ý1 )ýCESTE1VS DICTTÃŽN"Yý, - DIRTNIGETLY ItEVIFW foi, ýetail price Würceliter's Diction 4' subsol ion prlec per animai 1 t?'W or! wu will Kivu 4ý 1 eci, blý).àlid in sheep, r.ER'S DICT'IONARYý (51 yearly-oubmeriptinno to RTNIGIITLY REVIÉW,ý: bers to TjtÏ! Duit work, bouilli TUV 2 ai Religion." 1 lVkNTEDtoiyhomwowill cornimismion te canvas thejr ?or particularo, order bocks, )iemý &c., adt1redo the RDS CLA RRE & Co-" 60 York St,, TORONTO.iý MAJOR IMILL WHITEVALE, y been fitted with maclilnery] Vùcially Udiil)têtl for 'Ïrietor llhfi acé tu malcu,, ]i of the Mill m% therefore-i 1at tlj(,Ir GIUSTI 'G wîli bc! ,efft i,ýimHitýle manner, and with id RII kirids of Mill V-ee(Icntl.! larld and for paie at lowelO at aU tîntes. T. P. WHITE. ffli .41 NIBUSES AND PROM ALL (AY TRA[NS 1P :LTAL, 20C. ,Vjiitiy, 1'. 1'. Lliidsay lyancem are fialo ail 1 comfort large of eLrruftll driverm til and carclully LOMS SEBERèr, (ly-10 STONE4>ý i UTC11ER 'ü ý'j mxt (luar to t1w montroal Office. Tlielj)ilcotu 1300D JOINT AND MY STEAM 1 1411101111ro tf) the ixillabit.- aud vi c illity, t1lat 110 hall upi-lied a î FEED STORE, î0l lii913utelierSitop,'Wbero lave un ()p Commeal, !as, Shorts, &c., &C. iýla, Shiii I)iseiLs4ýs' aeil fur Fil I- " p SAI)l !lino L" iliiit lil>tlt Patliti lire the ll(,Bt witllin tile reilà, ni ÉLL in il ý' lllitit-lit iti more ra> 1 tri atef], Ille wurlil from n'fin, .rllogo oily ollis in the City mre giveii i ýicjLI to b.30 4."" a tô p'm. 10 D a thm, clie ticket 0 por lluthm-' 500 euelà 12 elitive mftle lied lawale S. DIAMONI), M.D., Real Estat IN TJIL 4 p OF' PEACH. 1'PlVA'1Pý SufflIl ji&jjý Ut Jýct of the Town- "aLt:d, auod oeil sild q., 00):

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