Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1879, p. 4

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euth LPàss. mmeuo OU M cn ti"@apo fret and fumenis eoe te o ap ma von>', Oule ud late. Tihegoodtlni - l lseing, but younovet eau n g Ood eau n ciyul. Taie. broai ir. mi$tdovn end test, snd dm*-valong bt'etb. Thon gc elmiy et Éthe kof IlUe sud do your VorkWaol!. WÃ"nîtiy of a Poemï. avouaallerof lb Blu er hé lty m siptaks bu o inari: n .- Tweod, ifareh Svd, 1879. To ClsezLe, laiWmont,Jtzr.mra:- tueu gel Bltenlof Ohanl iv Ring. la u. s una.provtdod anîhorltoasea O ure tomportryy hespilal. TuoaitsuDàvia. Us'r~ip làurry fLat ho uatuot liai' tbls bru4ftaelegrana prnted lu aI, eai il ilsoorvû (ôlbo. 11,1* (rom a <)tiois pries lu aun osituru n grlgp counI>, te ei ciizseola village in aniother part 01 bis partaol iL wfcj b Ladl besn.ropoyt. cd WM Uai uIe-pos Lad brokenouinl soerVFotugngfamilles. ,NoCàtL. ulca"s.knowu ta Leuafflicted'butt ho ruyeronli fatboi, witib a fruc Corilullan bu0atinhe b.proence -of ýroubIe, lb.- ostueas aîaetor lta AIL aliku. 1It neod oaarooly bu aaid ltai ibý Bltera. ci *Ciiarfty giadly conunted té go -on 1h158 t(lji tiou au ucan au Word W" Reuni item, but bappily il wau fannd fLuÉ (le.wia no krouud for serions appro. Jeunlon au la the diaseapresdtng. l'lie manifestatian af- brotltorly 'lave îuuset lbe graiefultle&aIl Who have regard for the wal. biug-i lbhecountry, as Weil nau tO lue Pratst 1 ul oOpie of narerar. Grip laya guid flue jealer'. g;arb to grasp tbe baud of FaihsrDavlu -mud a s 'God 'bleusaYour ruvorunco, woui.lie Ld emcre liko you lu ail lie Tho.> Brilli h Wr Dopaîtinent la ou the lpoint ai at lengtiu aoptiug var ineloa>ta loto llio land and sua services. Maovablo apparatua for-iudating and lnrulpuiuUeng military baiiôe in teb fid hie jut b.'uucouplutulilu Lb., ]Royal Arsenal, Woolioh, and boun triud with to wu eilons, speiaiiy con. lructud for miltary purpoaa. The ap- jiijuOoî coousi 0? a portabla tank,_ wotgiiug 400 lba., cautaiusug iran oliâvitjgm, tagother wllb a portable boier snd furosce. 'Tbese appliaucea cap bc uuovod about vii treopa ou tho Ibi o onvoaua e sa.Hydrogen is gonurateidby paoatng -stoemthrongb the tran (uruinga. Ao;accu as lb. ne. ceunaezyarrangomentoeenu le made lu. laàl otmplation te aund a fsw ver bliacuos ont ta Zuiujand. hir, "ilimai, of îLe Dominion FiaI llrelng_ Establshent aI Nowobaufio fidi@suecooded inluraiaiug (hI. apr*u 5,iouYounyug -wlîlt ilu, anti thua.1 have (ton or are ta u- ol et floal in out waters. Lastwvek e lahd depositod in Maîgog Lake, Q., sazuq 70,000 cf (hua., adon Satur<Iay lailo put about 200,. tM ilt i? toulîelsa, wi1u a ti ke numbor off tie,.stock et titis plcu. Thseiali wüe t(rue wuoka ahi, sund aitbough uooousasniy ubjuted ho a gcod deltcf rougit1 sage, lîuy woro ail liveiy sud lîoaiihy wu sont alleat. Il wilil taie litent abndt Ove yoara la mature luto gouul izod illh 1 butas ib lu praposed hao continue (ho practice, 'wo mu yhope (bat lu a 1ev yoara (lie ake viii be nte. ptnae iithis o at excelltfiai. a unumdortand (t ostic branabi ostab. Ilielimoul et Sandwich lias@ejobrougit Ount vre llieaantd pliétedtem ln attlacent waturs. - Kut.ne lts oa.>. Abacholor1 tlroppud lu the alter ovoning tlasude a iiarntod fnienel whaae wife w&Osaay tram home on a..prolongud visit. Heà fonetel ui smoking desaratoiy et a ci;ar cntaràafoot -long. "Why,"gasp. eut fiobreathIsesy, "ivboréonoueartL dielje got suai. a prepasteoua cigar ba , Cbat' u 2" "Haduif bulit. by l etraot vas ll &rompouac. "Foouu0,' coutlnuod lie amokur uxplalorily, I .promlaodm iny vif.le ho sc eul away-bleas leuart 1i-li1aI 1 vaulti ual snake mori tien aii cigare a day. Promiises Io' a wife are oaared, yau l.uow, -and I meànu to koup mine if I1 have la got oign selong as a iamp. Co 'fliti E DITÃ"JI. -bah Bllinga sayâ -a "Il nYiidy bau bard vor ta p loa. F muoat people, Il la au o dilor. If bu owit.unytbing Lo liez>'. If bu poaks ts af thinga sa (boy are, people get engry. ml If lis glosaei aver or sn.>atats davu the rougIt pointa, Lo lu.-britbd. If buoeals la thinga by thuir propur naines. lie l de- - - - Alavyur-eneaosîýaides ountry*aable la a @rnOdkfrQOe, Wvia vus u ao. D au~ 0n ilon athe 'itueui#box:.' are for, I<C -telllng uulruUiePl" 10-U "L.#tn yon mi»," wons le wply to.juvoulu lu , a1 n a macefoc k tac 'r- F Th~og~o f Lonlalns vii nounê 11>10 @Omon ta 15,000 hogd. G. baudor,000,WO POudsj výorlu <o 80,w100bpZlrl, Worth 08,oeeo. jauit r b o r the cton o f'su#ar waa ýofW troun lsO0e,000 poundo, sud limaI c f ruaolaaaein Proportion. lu nIver la 5iakusposretu connu- fofo e Dame .henlire cîpbulu Aio suy é brefitu Fa,ye ,anlltn 1111 Mn",wbuel W or y bapplooî- MOT duoa ,Ys ê&'tre D oom4mân The bout rellglon-4o bat whlch vill n=4es a n ait down sud est c6rn bsoid.bfo spper, knovlag ai lhe dams lime limai a noighbor hau fat chiceoa eài Bodosiutheyni Oiy wait 1111 Otvayo moulua Kik- tvyo he.chief ofithe Amorleaumulés il lu oor goba nature sud not Uin furulimire liai makes homo attractive. But irhen ail fhe bed.alate fail ont of place, and wakun you up witL a crub about midilgit, what becomus cf your gpod natue. EMULSIONý SPURE OD LOVER Oit WITN H1YPOHSOFfTESOFLE&5ogfj ken rtaddty 1bceu ntad me., .,nahf v vimtteàfha amia. àtefiat ft aid mediele o eered te ehe weaie auddobMrat. ted =ate :re.toe. febbî dtgett., nice te A" b iee. dd Slandi .reigth and for Con. auntiin and &a alunons cf tic ulroat Bcrofeia Rhue.attnai diceden ot th..£nà= Mi Gkeomuijiebthet. ne ntdy hm ebei,, oued te <qu lle. la saplendld spedite for Coighsuand, C Y.d " Ymlby aliDrugiglgaaefsperbou,. 1For ,aule by T. G. Wbitflild7-Whitby, TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. J TML FURTEER NOTICE TUE Office af the Town Clerk ui Trasa. uror will bu lu thu ODDFELLOWS' 1HALL. THOMAS HUSTON, _Townu lirk, Whitby. Whiltby, Feb. 1l, 1879. tf.5 ONTARIO BANK. DIVIDEND N.O. 44. Notice ta hereby given fiat a dividesil of linos pur cent uoath te Capital atocke ol tlia IàstitutIon las fila day bsondels-uS, for thecurrent iall-year, sud fiat the saint viii b. payable ut te Bank and ita urunci- os an ud alLer MONDAI', LIn 2nd, dzy ai Jue nexl. The Tranafur Banks viii bu cloiefi fruit te i7fi La fhe 8sut May, bof i dayae 11b. sive. Nate lamla given that Tho Annual Generïd1 Meeting 0f lie Stocleicîdera, fan fie electian ni Dîructara fan fie enaunngveux, vili bu boiS -at chie Danling Houae, lf tia City, ou Tuesday, lie 171b Day of Jan@ Next. 'The chairvill Le tutten et 2- oelsck, uson, precituiy. -13y order of lielBoardl. - Genursi Manager. OuItBanke, Toronto, 4pril 18,1879. 18- 10AU[ IN NIEO0F MONFYI To Renew Loans a/ready ex/st- ing, ta Pagy Debts, or ta make Improvements, T IB.NDaSINLI)ISPREPARED 01 r« eette fe pe otesuit bairau-ena anti repaYbu, iuany tuanner applicanta ms'y deaira. liste af luteneef, 8ix, Seven, anS Elgil par cent. accoindlng ta repaymenfu. Wion ttle in aati$faceonytho ban cao bu compiatud tend eaauoy paid ovein lTone, Day#, W- WANT13D TO PUUCIIASqE GOOD MORTGAGES, Canvoyancus cenefuily prepareti. Office Bigelowlas IîOCb, Potfret-n. Respectfnluy Yolirsi, 42) THOMAS PAXTON. 'PROT-EÇTION i" HO0ME GIROWN SEEDS. T IS N ESTBLISHD fathlat S. mai-tv rçpopula- fi-om jeate a ean. Tha publie they vaut thern, fie rnerch à t 0' tey kep lem, s tiuy are sure ho gi-av uS give en atisfifactin. FLOWER BERDS A SPECIALTY 1 Ai souda meut b>" mail tro i-ofpostago. uir Use Bravai', Indian Liniment. For ale by Seulers generati,'. S. C. BRIOWN, Soedmnan, 1- WhItby, Ont. R. SNOW, AKER -& COHFCT10N[RYI 0 .Put-onufiat ihoinasagait aCen is LO SIANO UN OIINOAS STREET# stui occupied by W. P. Wllck olen 0 Wl bu happy ta seo aU is l ad menS. ad vili eonusaufy Ceep Iluthoka nsÉ atoie of ONFECTIONERY, &nl, &O., &ce 'E8Ii OYS'1ERS,. FRUIT of ail linds in Sraon, 80D.4 IATER and GINGER BEER. Brosi duliveroid daily and ail odr mptly uttnded to. Dinnorus ad Support auppUied nt reson. ol ratefa. kor,'t targui the addresa, R. SNOW9 t) Dundes.Strouf, Wltby. pou BALE, AT ras EIEN MAJOR MILLS 1 000o lout Plue Lumb»,eu or na cai Bourils. wf uun~ Ploorlng.1 2 m 4 L"ou1ng, 2.lnoh Piaule, FcngBourda, P 0ul fout of 0ù $q00 t ~u" Tlmber, Wl01 wlciiw9llbe uolobeaép for cash. la eula "uce to siy tint tii. GrIst oPfo Onô0days tn thuweel, for overy B. or thé lAUl«i A escwy invio4 10IbiS t5unaàiâm. pte --- stort, Od"fullvo'&i. --- 716 o0m in»Mà Ali orderis'for Magazines and Pîés promp j t~t1éi to. Dsâisd weely pepur always on hana sna subscriptrom rc ta Shoot Muée apl on uhortuat notice. s'R[AT Ci[kgRINft*SAL[[ot '0F BOOTS nOs Hl JOH N"S AUN D ER Sy. TIR, WHCIIE, STOCKop_ i" îded aveu ek-51 j BOOTS AMOUNTING TO OVER $8,O00, WILL BE OPPEEED AT --I A SMALL ADVANCE- ON9,COST PFRICEI TÈe Stock i8 ail new, ad prased, from the b ous- es in the trade. No oulisor old fauioned wh6olcalc tok. If you do not see what you want woe-wül imanufacture an tl !boots or shoos you may reqit.,rryo satislflactionl>*r ýon.sd guarantcu 1Whifby, April 161i, 1870. CANADA AMTi Otu-]D -'SIJl ~~ JOH N .SAU NDEÈRS, A1 gent. [WhitbYt 4piil4th, 1879. TIN0 1t5 WM Next Doo 8oith ta James Johnston's s "oldsmithis Hi - ai.u 'ined bisiess ii thei bov; preiniseo -and is- r n i g lu fan I'bla st, w here e verything p r ai i g t Sheet, or Galvanized Iron is rnanufaotured ina workn EU-êmaneo SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable ra ELECTRZ-pLATED GOODÙS of SIJPERIOR QUALU! REPAIRINO doue cheaply and neatly. AmericanI-and Canadian GOAL OIL; Lamp Chimue 1Whitby, Peby. 24th, 1879.' FORJ.AW. AT THE PERMANENT LOANjWHITBY CHINA. TEA $TOR] FAID UP CAPITAL, TOTAL ASSETB, ç ,000eo TO FARMERS -AND LANDOWNE RS. )0- )00. DO YOU WANT TO BORROW -MON-EYP To boy mono land! for younselves on for youn sons 1 To build"a houa. on a barnuP To fonce, clean, -undondraiu, on otiorwise improve your land? To puy ocf aM-Iontgago or olien debîs ? Or for any other purpse ? Ifyon do. tie rcduced lerms of the CANADA PERMANENT LOAN A ND SAVieGs COMPANY afford supenlon faililies for cffecllng the Loan a tie lowest nae, sud <or ils cs>' repayment. THE -SINKING FUND SYSTEM, la guleuo-ly admnl o bu lte boit and arait udS chaioat ,uou'odovlad fi-provid. ing fan thu puymont afMIablHif Iies a aloptufbvevoi-m.ut. b uIplil by tie Motoa sproatns =d progresaive laedoweess l iotl n Erco tdAi-l. - Tue. CAIeAMA PînneÂmEmNeLotAu»oSivuts Citti-ln a noe n Bul iitate aItute Inotie Prinveo f Ocuto on tie aboiesmttm sud affordo fie tollowIng faclultluu sua advan- le -Tonu eau obtan y aum yon roqaïea, ut sunimu, for gany em yoa Choue, not exceedistg ta yeuratnduei emoderato rate of inturuui. __-T Uti mount aif ti.Loan laadvauoe& no idéduction buieg maRofoi- omiaulson, puy., mont. lu &dvancu, ai-if do01-uS, for ualbotcr's foma andSéohetr extm& ,naa. Brd.-You ose, rcetve yur otsy ~frain-the Ceîmpsny, and puy il back firougi tie Agaucbamief the Company% an e 0 fre fchar-go. ThaefConîuyu eAgents oroit1fn 1000e>'. Al it utanem vOl be akn' ed4bote'Lnba n Manager, aco. pdge jr ptg.Sb-Y f> radu dtil.-Yau cao i-0pay tie Loaaubearl rî a- ealy1qIiît, éat asulfo yqu oeno-i once, auddiav the tint inulaenot aIauj flue 'Itbin e gtoI5îIi o ttut. 5ti-Yo an asy bacC an>' com yen teume te advenue af lie régulât Inetalmunfu, ud Interesat ut six pur cent. par annam ili eaitovud for uvey clea. manth. Inafimant nef puiS utien due, aoesjece foucliare of an@ cent ln thle doulai- pur mintitillipald. itl.-You cau pa>' off "ni- Mortgage l&efuit, if non doine, wlIahut notice, upon fuir sud eqult- ablt uims, and as fie Company hunas B oiccatian, fie place for paymeot ila lvaya 7fh'-Haviug ta puy off Y' oCYaiaeb'aaiisamna u o -i flirasdt yeuo ovo ue, you av.Id ai:lifing af rpropurty, ai-af iavlg faboraoiagate to pay ohffthe ioan. Il>'takteg lthu longet terin jour snna a mentfor prtecipal and itestefM iIbc Uttle mai-e thaci vatanuvwotl tUve te puy for Intereat alono, 8tit-The necessa %exiennes ari-eaxu, sud iher tian tlou. usually chiargue. Ttî y ab lc included tel l ttî?agage, tend palSback vith the insaltsizf,viu tèeWIcnoSU eitee's or éther féesa otabud ont 0ff tue. ev=,u osaI olit-Tut, auonre téfie teta rlvucy asata joie 51*1-is, lu yonr o"wuuelgioi-ilid, sud a-e net sobjeet fa fie Mercy or cai-eaIauj iiudivduai;*and sas fi.Coitpsu,' cannai *n i-ual ostate, if eau ihave no possibletu utorin luoppi-aesteg Yeu ifunupiupured ta muet joui- un- lotieToustire deating vIlS, a vuaiti> corporaftonof long standteg, wvibhaiia aiesYmadlej 1110oeagelus amount4iig to about forteun millions of dollarsa, and te no lune - t lisi aoniuu daneageeuof Ila entomer... Ila ict year &a a lliecte more Loan may buobLanu fran> terraoptoIcyears, repayabl .odn obotooisal. INSTALMENT ilEQUIRED TO REPAY A LOAN 0F 81000 ir< iii FoLLOwiNe PERnucua, 2YsJYe.dr.s 19uraIYLuTagWlOX 2 1alîTa Tieqo testauitouta, pC&eayabthe aieeof eael>-yeanpsy-cff qutire,4qb$i,Tnlu4pa1aelaeml . THE HIGHEST PRICg PAID FOR OOD, MOÉircAGES tte FOR PURiTHER iIFORMATION -APPLY TO C. NOURSE, A3prtarapacite ýciircaulp 'OMMe, WWtily. FRESHI- GROCEIRIEIB, t1~' FR Best Winesi and Liquor8, Brandies,.iel R. H. J AME SON'S, -DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. r Liebig's Extract of Beef. Crawford'Es Amylaceous- Food, or Irish - - Corn Flour., 'curry Powder, Potted Ham, Pýepared Carrots, Potted Tongue, P' eared Barley, Potted 'Ram 'and Chioken, Pd~ Flour, Potted Game, Bt gal Chutney..- Potted Azicho.vy.paite, Stssburg Meat, Potted Fate" and Diable, - Potted De-iled Rlam.- 1Whiiby, Mardi lt, 1870. A ag nd,,select stock. 0,OHN FGUSON' Who~ o prie isye C" NOT' BE SÙRP' i D Ml grents madé -Up u h LATEST STYLES 0 FFSIN and at the.,LOWE8T LIVI NGRgATES 1 R. H. JAM ESONý. O-D S! ofSpring- ~PING HIAts-Latest styl, es, n at bott m prices.. An inspection solicited.- JOHN FERGUBON, i:ow Tin, tes. TY. iock. uar- eys, E; id ore. PLASTER, PLASTEI WHIOLE SALE AND IRETAIL. Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, iRed an Alsike Clover Seed. Wlîilhy China Tea SU ~fltitby, Fobruan>' 111h, 1879. Bh'OWN dPA TTERSON M'fg, Ct W. J. GIBSON,. wEITirrB-Y, Iu prementig aur Tvonty.aecand Aunnuai Calalogneo f Agicoltorai Impe. moente tfahe îLe(rera af Canada for thebe or 1877, vo do go vili more f ban lie ondinarj degrueecf pid. sud confidence, fi-ouilime markod (atout uS patronage oufeI t pn usuad lie steâ ad dlneesing deman fi-cm jour fa jean of cor no 1uurlt 'ai-m Implemna!' We shail continno aa ieretofère, as manufacturera, te maie a ipucialty cf Agnlenîtural Macbinery-tme Iclinton Self-rakin.- leaper, fie Triumph 0cm- binut iv an sd Movur, tho CaYoga Mover, tLe Young Caqnada Movor, und aur uev Wilby Haveshur, claimlug -s largo obare af cur lime and attention. o t Fo la st Twenty-tvo jeans vo bave given aur moat careful tend ondivid- acitàtenflau te t.manufacture andi operation ai thbe varions macinesmiluose, uiffiug out, héeLest pil,-rm dyi fehm, moiifylug ani corrocling error, shrungfhening veak pointa, sdapting anti propotoigeeypr sotices ed xprieueeasmggesld.potnlgei>'araucrnru- Wq umploy onliy the beml mechanical mii, au nmachuines paus onder the mit Waefolupê. ,lson ani acrufinj--evry deheil buing sobjec oro the lie moen- sut criiim-aud esch macine la liorougiljfetuS boforo leaving ont varia, eo provis- tLé omplotenema cf every part, andti tire lunenodiffionltj ln u ning them in o-peration by auj purson of moclorate meolesoloal ability, - Our mcmineej huanbeou selected iiS canmtrnohed viii sapoola useforonce to the munoficluruaiofon avu tuachlnes-a-nynjols havlng been mado for thm particnlai Purpcs, sud nef siaàptel for.other vare, andi anto- rmen are eau- caft np tte e ants anti requiroments aif cor manufaoturechtuiiga lihon- dugi knowledge cf fte construction cf or machines, tend are thus enabled ta ah. tain e highor dogru. cf eki]I antiprofloienc>' han vhure gonenal manuetnnLng * carnieS on. We ai-ethoruforu enablut t infroduce a more perfect ayatum intoaail tLe do- pantuonte of manofectnro, ei!ing net cnly le fi. perfection aif te van, but al- ao to lie rajddil it ofisemuotion-ani a conacqueut rudoohion ai cosl.' Ttispninoiple ib regandoti neceuma>' lu a vuillregulatedti uabiammunt, tend ru unableto tla fuint ontaumachines vi aaigior Segree cf perfection, anti at THE. ac H ST ' loy-AKN aueseuel a e>'cmpllin i i P sg im p Tsvw if-E -OHN a Sn SeLFr, htaKING RfcomEnAPER w ieos no a ei uarnoas, uasinglo ~otfare&DvcaS ci commenufature voul maosl eem unpà ,ýoerfued , eold l iera are uan>'cum ma n ut reefil mine to hie-o adenctei;tlusieceSoriia outlvsend mahn e vîhousp ing op ( fi mpit e ielm ia injat e a o uees sudpal-,and reqriro cf nu a sha fi o ave znçdoi e illu almand everdeioun lofgpart, sud for strof draft anSeauge cf managment-the "Johoalcun,"as mannfseonéd b>' uses tands préemlueu$ly ahosel ai ail olienreapea. In pi-ac f of lIais poigli u vobave yu> té point té, îLe man> Plit Pnizus avîrdeti na-aI the basf Prlovincia trial ofOn-. .tànme, sud, =&Dy conntj trials vhioh have takon place altl.oven Canada, vtiin OUR TRIUMPH OCOMBINED, MACHINES, with 1sf. ImÙprovemonts, lu ail thai cen Le deaired in a CoMbincd Machine, und Our, ImprQYed OiRazg'hlef Jf',, and Our Young Canada Mowers are bouth &flraf,s-ouM'aaci)1n- coht'à falmout whoUy of Iron as toul. Thu OsiouqaJr. bau a rour ont, md ithe Young Canada a fru(ni ou; botLh srong, -oîr ab ý=*hniosud flot uzuild by *Dy machinés-ln lb.. murket lot quality of cOU, -u lIf, lhNeu fd f,>uFW H ItY, ndY s munuoeniE. Au thu eomuybas becemu 4uter adspled lomùaoblnïory, and rmmny cf ouif&m. or6hv 1eome a=hU ,uoo mciegrewing dumaûd bau usring Ah,. th -there5uItmolteotUIo da1 ,w. bve auecedesalu nventing a ma- chiewitmaW tru± b loaipoauibrie geariig-with large, bru.a eadfr wbao,-at . ou truid thai the (rame and table tilt eit te, ~mo4tboe~ koon-the.pitmna awu"'in -lin. 'vithibo -Inife. The, iiesïi Mindictly <rom the m4$n puite being no perCOpilbl. Bide' aràf, sma no welgbt upon tho hOmuoaneoka.W. arecnfident ibat wuo-bave iuccuoad n invatingAh. lMost Perfect Boa"w, taking it in &II if. paria, limai bau oeWIibâérdéoJý" Wé bave aiPýlied fomlitternpatent, snd shalh bold 6oui I nv e nto , f r o ur cw n .x ol pi y e m an uf c ue" a d' er p o f il n g uî t u tenin preueruibt b.' boilduo iluMandc v çcflngfholr ordur (or, ÉLu comImrest. Thei "Whljby Harvealer" .wciglus, aI told,600poundo, b ., olngudeprincipally of 1h. bout qualt>' of trou steecl, and (rom if. iu. gunlona tnd compact coük=rcdionIî combinua the airengti and durability cf the AkIl of our machine$u areffdly.wasmniteal. Wit fi 1.1 f achne, v <ol obldui bat vou 0aumueut over>'ru-, quiemefsudv.ro.ecfely. abli tralcf nrmachinea, belle ngthi vu can arnalia butermacinefor Le onu ÉL n eb bained eluuwhru. BBtOWN & _PATTERSON MF'G.Co. Marci MI, 1879. THE GREA T DOJ The White Elephant in the Notwitl-staditg thej new Teari:ff of 80 per cent,, we are Sclling White Granite Tes SAts <or $2.00 ana $2.50> peaf.t, ûIl lUnes cf Croker>', Chinsa, sud oswvMc, oquali>' low, cfivimich vu bave a- large t oc ké t o a ri*v o iu pa f<cv d y s.f A no& p ter u of W . G . T e s S ets, -th e Cypu. oaulfnly hssd. adis cl! and see them. New Teas, aUlrge st ek of ail grades iinusuaily chleap. mL Sugars at o14 pnie. Sli1a 'oher oouigmcnt cf thcs. fine Currants, or 25; ibm;ý for $1.00;' Garden su l.doed9, on iand and tb srnive.I The Foý General Publie are ze upueflfy iuvilea to ala and -aucure good Bsa1 gains -e befone, the ncv Tarif ýempd9 aî avsc l1p e.' WANTED.-Auy qiatiyof freali Rol. Butter, Driéd Apples, Green -Applos, Ptt4es, &C.»ae Youns Reapect4dlly,B S .0100K, - - FIRE PRýOOF SAFES.O Is doing justice ieither to himself or ilis creditors if lie does without a safe to proteot lis IBooks, Noteg, a.or ohrvaahl ape.N Wl0 has deeds, notes i or money in the house, ougît to have a Safe to -guard both against Burglary and Firée.l A Safe is always a Géod Asset - as it- not only preserves its coulonîs, but Iceeps ils ovni valuea as.weil, for aller passing timougi a- fine a umal Onhlay viil maie lit as pol as nev, \and il canalvays be sold for neanlitis first cosl. J. & J. TA&YLOR hbaveturned out about 20,000 safes in lie Iteet 24 yeans, and! noue cf ~em bias failee ini trial. Farmenu tend Mon- chants, tfis ije i nd of"IlProtection" und! somefiing i,,at tic Tariff cun'l give.- Go le the Toronto Safe Wonlcs ani!- gel a Safe. Twen+MY! Stockce. u of JTALO 1R.y2Stock f -rrTT R Is now Complete in Every Line.1, E. J. JOHNSON.' VeySpeeal INd- .HUSemePNt STARTIOHOSKEIN to tho'e Full Stock of Caý kets, Coflinsaud al the necessaries iu this line. Also, A WELL-APPQJNTED ITEARSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. -~ 42 EB R~EJ~V~IX CAIRD PICTIJiES, $1,00 PER DOZ. The %vork by the New Proccss is superior to anything of the kind yet introducod. It cornpletely rovolutionizes the art of photography. Cail at once aud get pictures- taken by the Ne Procees OMNIBUS-ES TO» AND PROM &LL RAI LWAY TRAI N S To and framn G.T.R3. Station. .... ..20a. To and tram Whtiy, P. P. &e Lindaay - .'.Staio ................. e. Thoae cofrnoyunceu are sao and comforf- able, un n l chage of cunuful drivera;- Al blaggage ebeceeland carefly icokeel after. LOUIS SEBERT, LEVI ,STO'N Ey ]BUTOER, lemoved to fie Onfunlo Block, Brook-St., lie aid place, next Suerftii.heMoutrual Teiograph Office. The place ta GET A OOOD JOINT AND >JUICY STEAK i Re sacbega fa annauncu fa fheie lhabit- nta of Wifiysud vicinlhy, fiat ho bas - openeaa FLOUR & FEED STORE lu connection vith hi Btebur Siop, vitero Le vO l elaja bave on isa A LARGE, STOCe-OF 'ébice Flour, Cruoked Wheat, Oatuicul, -Comme.!, Oata, Peu, S horts3, &C., &Cc. Onde-s doliverod lu auj iarl a01ftho Lown. cal oinla slicited. :LEV.I STONE, Dec. iTI87. SA LS l TBEG te rctnnn my eocero flaneatfolie t ub1îc'for fie vej tulierai patr-onage bestovud upan me lu thepait, sud tu inlimete fit I'viil bu on band rad>'ta conduet auj maies tint I May bo outruÏfed wlit. Tei-mm tibensi. Satisaction goan. anteed. My saulebookle iilectounS f the Ontaria Ho tel, Whllbj. Arragemen s gm te da a of suie, &.,- May bo c va t M.ason,feth ro nefarofft. enfui 0nders by matiortelegrat tnded to Ainctioneur, <Vittbj. .B.-Sale Boules anS blaule note. THÉ TORONTO Turkishtf Valpor Bathsi Theme bathe arc omefol inu henmutlm, Neunaîgla, 0onugt, ColS Congestion, Suulfeny purposes. Tho vapo6r bti.are partiucnaziy epplica. hie tealal SCin disaes, espeoilily Syphini, Il la now v noaîllj conceded timaboah theoTuriimianS Vaorp-onha po tie bot. preaurvâtivea cf ieulth vitiinfio ea -euebo medical uxpertsansd lu compncnob iLle medîdal lruatmont fie patiuntisuMOre rap. ndi suauccomsfnly freated. Pýati-onized tiroogiani tic vonidfi-oui rojaltujdovu Oth fe poareaf mati- Tioe Tuieîlibatha an. fie oiil ena lu the City of-Toronto. Quotufbonsaend rocommomidatio.>A are given frointhfe beat niadli n aanbtaay anhhonl. tics lu al countnlus., HOURS--Gentleman,- 7 ta 8.80a"m,'84ta 9 p.n a uaiday util Il p.m. LaSiem, 10 &.M. te 1lm0P. im. PEICES--Tuin.ld e afi,one ticieet, #1; I Blilful, aud attentive mâl. and tomai. Vufiondualnto.t TO0WNSIIIP 0F REACH. e Has just received, 'direct from the Manufactur~er, a good assortment of Ladies and GentlamnsMrad Eznpress, and American -Also, Paciiec ano' Chea'p for Cash. Fiour more cases of 60c,55o, 75o ad-$1.O ?runella Boots. OUTTERýSI, BUGGIÉS, AN]) CARRIAGES. 'Assoi tment o Ctes -SL >",CHE-APj &NEWPORT[ ofCutEr~and1 ALarge FTOR - 1 vST C rriage nonsi PJES. BROOK STREET, WRITBY, 1 IN-TUE 70 THE PUBLIC. *ý7T-FRESII TEAS ' ' - -- ---- d--- -- ---j §ýwv 1 1 of 'Cutters and Brock Sireiet, L 41 MM Have recunlly been litled ,uihmachinerj And, fie pa r hlon ide m e lEBIGa ÀSPEOIALTY. The patrons of the. Mill aytuherefarc feul auaured fiaI fleur GMjTG 'ill b, - dan. lu thé buaf possibleu muLnurandw-itlï the. utmoaf demaull. FLOUE and, ail kindo of Min;lFeud con- utunily an hand and for sale at loves CASHE FOR WHEA&T at ail tlmem.- 1 9 1 iý : 1 r AI so. cil ton, Broc' actur, dcc t, 'LYM. 0 e-n e- :tieroe N OFFICE Street, Wlii lan. 22,1871 -- HECTOR CAMER Ret illeu --im. sIliB Whiby, sept. OM Of tfice hurs fi lm80 f06, p. m. and Gilbent at aChei, ate * Teefli extracte, au's nov aocle, King Street, O1 JOUI HAIR DRI JOUX! BL4CKsAfIý (Succensor Hanese oeingr 1 1 j 1 1 . 1 1 1, - 1 1 . 1 . .. 1 . 1 1 W- 1 - 1 All work gu TF 'HE 1 A, T. J.'W. BARNEE CASH PAID FOR GOOD .LUEUUW,.apni zuLii, itqu. Whitby, February Ilth, 1879. OFFICE OF IrHE olTrDAI:Zio- Very Speclial . Inducements i l ' tpdw.vu OYSTE lý

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