Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1879, p. 4

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leSlie wÈtltvof ef "4yng cboor, thoir lui I.U It out. nId bave foIS dispos. brulicé tb tht. one: f0 incoril barcOUdAre sad vengeace lu hor' wleu ber berces die., ira, not for thosa $bu Ibo"Oio Duine5 the winter monthe lho aud mi'cCOmPatilnuare Chaaëd by(1 1i11111 legs l l u t cbauidng I e1he tro Park, New York. Iioatowalu,i tili te arrivai of Empeoa, wuss p rile cf ail tic femaI. oelepbauts,à Clypuespeoiuily IOVej tO carcss %vI.t IQ ir goutta trnuk. ýBel BosIs9i doea. eritlilbutont er puuiiubmeinî front flint heur ha.lest iâ place inu lîrat cf lits aghoclates-, and Gypsy tri laýtrrd lier blandislîoneÛwtete l - 'uthaivice ai cirons mon fur puei lig t»ujîîîîacruel. Te theo i uii tle ailiIl ai fre lastenotl trong P - Iyi, wilici are attaolied 10 luvers. a migiial làe legs are ilrawn assuni, arn i tue animnal stuku'(down, a mass orm, aroiod wittL lonclubs, s Pp<roîi unI) beatiftla on tua e s08 sud bottei of f iic fett. Ti eehaut -drurn t piiileiuion oula %istruck beboe liîii i'jil çloor tao uyou 1 Ur afi hliîîugu sby go lelîns, bu thé kee tirs uiîy rl iga n igen lophant oiit beUcn fus uosîljlet trIes ý,oct, wbi latter id a loken cf scàbùi8sion and euîîîîorcolspirit. 13ôat*,Mai ried oc aîîd was iover lagain gauliy of offent isîiperour, bowever, bas slood tIbiste rIbele pnnulsboeneuveal times-aed wi sueh eertraordluary nervo that thie ier - r erssgairail of bhlm .ne is Vicie and whoàever a ý missile comus wit bLt;îeacl ha cisehargos il at lb. nun est koopor stralgblway. Ou a rucoet Monday nigbt Empo., walood oi ol -theuattendants Who ho partloularîy.ilielîkus. Il Was bie linsoittndle.Mau wass naklng aval thtIng suug when Emporor seidenl turruod on atm suid knooked him dowi Tho koopor jcresunod as Emporor wi a sbrillery off rege wat ou lb.épointd sraggng lltt bsuesh bis fuesl an stmig l o dealb. HeIp os: aud lb. euopamrwasss*yod, a sud lb. wau dsterm:ded tilaI-Eniperov shoul senfler for wliat ho bat] doue.' Tho. attendants Ipeli lhe long iro lioker-wuvîtti Iutîhie Lres are mnie and Ibis Ihuy heatedil eblia. Emupo ôr was thion boud ilutho fauliten lb lias lio doseibsi, and whle one. thie keepors hold hts truck, lhe clii ratu li ri bot, poker op loto il. Th Ravage pifbntshent u.arly blinde EmPoror butîholiedinot sqneal. a looksi sullouly'aIlise lime aIbis k..l cri.s, Sthlon thei etephant bas bee -unable1toi st, sud stands ab u, a agileon, slapptng lits lorrlbly tilttate trlieliwtjerever tlîe#o la s cool spot i the shod# The iue caRl tbts thelie treme pupilsbwonî, and May hht Il ha neyer beau applted bafoer lib tis COUD try. Il woo noS strong anougb b seab A Colosdo Snake Siery. Two old hanIers sd udigi mlI cther dlay lu Donvor, Col., sud oee thtiamtoRd ltae following sIoî'y luinl liesrtng f a nows reporter :-Jirùmani I starled oct ini themoutatus carlj eue tuoruteg lifter blaok.Sitold deo: Wu, Lad ne lupk op te noce, sud lier foutu otiruelves on the. sida cf a preoit. iousm ounlain. The trisuwàa wide a il plfain, uand w. acon came te spriug thatliadt butst eout o ef lo rock. lier. we bolli shopped lte gel drink, I csed thie cap finul sud thon laedil tb Jim. Ha drauk and stüvopasoldae taesàalookadowu thb m ida cf lhiu onutatu sud lu the Valley. Au hiùoW too l tfsshoulons reaclie lu.,a levaiul i h96aoîf cf thé rock whicl liroiooteldfonward soealittho distance o)va.r Ilia il. As I rose up fnem the upjrLni 8uotiobtngstraotod my alten. t ion te Ibise rooky uboîf, whiob wass nly s fev inobes.brm Jim's nocli, aud ex. actl 'ou a laveR therewitb. Teuiy bier- rer Ïssw tiîar.on an immense rallIe suake. The horrible reptile wascoeiled, bise yes wore auappig, hits forked Iqu- g uo protrudlng asud erythiug titdoat. .lg u mtimdiate, sprtng.jibm stocc porfectRy sold snu nletly, nconscioni cf the, pllglilsidanger, Â ýny motion ounbshie e ve lb. U teslot, I hue,, wotld bliie ntly fatal Wbaît e ,do I could noSt tik. I daredot calI or- sltgot. Everythtug depeudedeupon lii remaling prfacly ttslil. Âferi sec. ond's furt1bsgrefeaUioâ Idroppai sofly down te é tib m- db. of the, Sio p. sieto id Bretblsmsley .,watcbsci him fthzùwoetid make somo qlfghl moyemetoff. $40 ho" or bLustac uypmoltOnI usoi iflan 8 ,u bof lSh&lTeéula get a firm hoel Wtthonl Anolbor ihoeght or tbesIlght. est wordl or wsknlag 1thon gaspaî hl-aken place i t eqàcunr orôwd'ed, the leopard, which aipeard o4.Two.o ltem broko, an lb. ant M .lalllghwd4ruo4, at thefleg peo. plé. '-The vuldbasota' umor.andle aitanta threw hemuelveos non tle' ildtdbea"t wiIklr4 *olzts ,&Cid i &e opoini - but ,bfo're -tihy coùd t.6 bu , Ipru aniuogld. oe" "d1 te l hv*'tahen place -bofore iu Iravol- llmenagerios.b, *b itwbal wskoi lb a osrenarb able one ial&Ut the. bats of ex aewr~ pnoaminantin fo tunhohave ea 0 dearly IIhrongh 80 *togive Wa&"Wýhsuaer the leopard ohbtseeorî bis strenglb. One of th. *lnalibas boen arrestsd, and 4b Iigod Wi Iolg b. aXUthor f Ib!s iàola' c fmisohivf.>l sooo'M a(t &having been warned sevorq l limes un é~cder notice, of disujtolsu il ast l, hth out ithe bars in a b hoIllinois Hotise of fleprouenta- his a ubi1býàvota cf 87 ta '48.. Il ne- pu*%1 qer; o usbsenild, en~~*o t. i* l,fertebn ygars ; ge the Two wotiiuinVermoult, mrs...Iîèav. sud tus and UrassPost, vworm tbiis4 pring btm oIseai o thé ofieeof Tnwnsîbip CIçrk. vaie Me's. Pol ta a loTownsbip' Troasror.. rus. puns PURE 000LUVIER CIL Of WIH:HPOSPFUUeÃ"ËLMSODA wthouîtienrikh.cmt ausea. lut, ti, etfeoul -and Medicine e er oei tôte sweak op esbflita. the teil client h reseras feeble dIgetion. enichai ta er ed.rdds cl. d .tresgî and fer Con- be q ahll aseiplenid .peific orCouchsand lob~ ~ ~~~~~ta$ C9d.,ïrasyalDiga:zperbottie. ' ~ For sale0Ry T. G. Wlfili, Whitby. LADI,ïES, ATE 1 The cetobratui Amiea Ha Ir arr bMAX J AC B 233oQuecu St. West 'lort 0c, ýron (Threofloorsfrarn St. Patrick'(Mark4) od B G no rm h Ladies4fhath l~lu lu ltheoit Hio guarantees ah kinds oba workt'Oi oe 40 pefBaIl o, lied ud pr o iliveriahb e ss1 i Please uni jour ord ru anieluoo off attend hot um.a [e Cambinguaone up ocrier-ujn il BWITCHES, CRLS 1h FRIZES, U FS AND ONT 1PLAI S. ou Ihave saonnda im n lusýtiaIwill n#e d, every bai- sratgbt, l h 1e moats aIl bue or.; way The onl ua ina ofbu heai *2 tndi boa off C TIO. xr ,ho Ploage do't bu iuled by auvaseers i-oe. ýe presentlng My o e, as I e loy noue ex- E4 cept myse lansd ard. p. AX JACO su 280 Qnee Sî) Wi nd P-i 5,-Couac.Ordersdiromp rtoetnxu aid tmy onx se. Ordors left Mr Df. lu Rgers, 4remssakerlocu~oite lic 1 HalI, in Witby wil pro pZattendi ta. ýu .TOW CLERK'SOF U rNTI FURTHER NOTICE IRE V ge fthIe Tow4 Clark asu Cals. ci-or will hbu n te 0OD PELLOWS' 11A of TIIOMAS HUSTON, hoWh Town Clark, WVhi ~ L. ERPOOL, ONDON ERIY, GLA GOW. lAIa L Un e 0FF ROYAL M STE ites, ~ intergervice vi Halifax. 270 Mikee Onf an Naviga ion sav@d I So henlest Bei a seage, EÈÇnomy, Com. e fort. Avenae passag> lrom Landi * te Land, EightfDays I y Evary-BSaturday ~om Halifax,l C au arrivai et the tr-ain1eaving WViiîby At 8.10 a. tu. ove Thuneiay. ] TouaauOAT5 PlMuWITBY. J e abx s reduaced a 8118,9#81 anîl 91 *accordilug o0uBition a taturooni.Lower rate or tinntickeuts Intermediate, #940.13 8tSeerago lowest rate . a Cire Stan. .. eh201h, 1870. 5cr u.b..n.A pril 510, Ste p oue are torwande4.to Lon-. r- doudo Belias, Iaow, .Qneenaîowu, a Bristol,,sn 8, an LOnion at saute rate as te Lt ereo Partbe wlhing t seui for tbut- fri-lous osla a tickets a low rate s. PassuRri ,Ibis - reuteili trie. 0 térrtorY, and theratare I vae Culbt»on Ose innoyaneas. c t For tickets anid hiuniufamatlo apply ls rG , B. YULE. Whlhy, 012.10,Exp. sud Toi. Ofie, Whity, Fb. 4h, j7g. WbltbY. 1146 FOïAL,. AUl ordèise-for M d'pespromptly attended to.. Daly snd weekly ps a d an&gt.y owltons- roe. ved ~~~. ,i , TÂ M IS; TWheto'uk i eo.tc~~. ~ o.Çsff4hoquIfAL. s Whftt y Illa~a~,p an .ut 1 Jlbota -sIo 'unAT -içe 'Whutby, April 10hot 69 CANADAUEIAiT LôN PfAID UP CAPITAL, $2oOOOOO 4u TOTAL ÀSSETýS, - $63(,000OO. DsonsU9VTcNbuil bo use or To buy unore land for yusle rfrpi os obl in.o t barn ? To feuce, clcar, ondedâin, ôfêisa imý'=prove ycur land? Tops of Mrgage or otherdil r 1fr -sircps. ýIf yondoô.th'rad ucea cs6leCXA?.P ENT1O1 LanDAiNGi . OMIibY ý;* rn.i esyeýentnt.-~Uespiqenrh Lonuo lettlat-I&;àu U X Tpvne<<S M T -SIXa&'àI.siLFxýçY Ian l *y amheta b abu psipase ildvsi"yi cltor'8 So ther tee& rctabnud ont of *the Joan. OfSBmusWhàen WeZ ~...no soli Ot-'You soeunrs the triotestt iv«as to yani. affairé, in yonr own netghborhood, àra n re3 subJerta 1the Mercy or Caprice of auj14a1*say,.to apu 0021 Wra gageeemon, n osfleltoreuttan OPPruesYu o I naprI)Opart.*Meut jour en. loth.-Toupnn ui2gwtb. %*ouby bo e -to4"'jlong tandIvci~sr.~ aal 13,000 M00tga toc about1c n00n ~ niPn eu 1235 Ra~mUlonslonzr tl2aD 9.0000loanu. mr Loanu may bu obtamned for any termupto2Oyearurpayabte acordlng tathu fOfowingtable r Byr. t.u.1 4vm 1r. 87ms.IOrr.SY.lra5y9IYI 60t1 1~s iOe FOR0 FUBTHIE1 INFORMALTION APPLY TO F REBHS 41-Fi-t'ES Il 'TEAS,elè pest R. Wines adLqo8 rnis and Prtersa Aie1 H. -J A'MErS<ON'S, DUNDAS .STIREET,, WITBY. Liebig's Extra;ct ofBef <Amylaceous -.Food, ori Corn Flour. Curry Powder, Prepared Ca-rots, ?repared Banley, ?ea For 3engal Cuey Strassburg Meat, Potted e'IESfl OYSTERS. ,Vhitby, Mardi lUth, 1879. 3PR ~large Potted Potted Potted -Potted Potted« Deviled Hal and se le't ,st JOHNFEHUSON'S, ýho, for prices and stYle C4ê14NOT -BE' SURPAS&BD 1 t - Ailgarnientsmade up iù the - LJATEST STYLrES' 0F FASEJON, and at the,,.O<EST IIG ATS SPIN H TS-Latest styles, and at, ottom priCes. An iispeetion solieited, jOHN FÉRGUSON, Lara lOir01870. .Dnnsa.tres,Whitby' Crawford's 1Irilsh 1 Ham> Ham and Chioken, Game, Pute' and Diable,: H JA ,S, - IQkOf Spring .J6 1 -6U YV ..L LLf,2JJ.Lljd/ rt 7 (plfrry Ra.,openedîess n tesjov, xs4 sf eling ' Per É3ng-tO -Tin, e*où~f Shoo, calvige ~xn i-m gi4aturec&in a workupan- .stopk th ~Af kiki dLT~.n~ iï,a~ IeelïIton wsre constsnhly k >'tA k ýok Ib> jtee atisa oro epsy. Aè~~~aOandi0 GA LÃ". LampOhmes WH-i TBY CH INA TE -SORE, PLASTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAJL. Bu.terEgsPoutry Apples, Red and Full Stock ofu Ca~ - Alsike Clover Seed. the necessaries L ~ Yenrý Betfn>ly DeerllsMÉok - TesaUrge îthùk{of4w ds:nal~<l ai ld.rios. .8111 nohr oexsgnmntof* those fiue Cen f o , $ * U ; > G a d e s d l l d - S e i & s 'ô r i . d 2 h i at -s I M T ~.Pulioorooa~etfq1~ n~rtedo cei ana secure.good ]Barý ho new Téif p~1s de iêv n prbce. Deverell'g Blook, o- i C 0IMP Very, Special In TT STR-1NW M Whitby China Tas Store. ,Whihby, Fclimuary 111h, 1879. BWWN c& PA TTEh'SON Mt 'g. W. J. GIBSON, WEITB-:sy, OfrTTAI~IÇ. TO THE PUBLIC. Iu prosentug cen Twenty.second Aunusi Catalogue of Agriculturai Implo. monts ho the farmera cf, Canada sfor the year 1877, w. o loc witbh more than the ouldinany dogre off pnide pad'ioecfiioènce, from the mankai favour sud patronage oonfannei5unpounno, snd ti balrand iooraasing demani frcm year ho yeocf ogrnowooblebait4 FîinO inl mients. W.pall contineas. banetofcre, s ne ufactinersB lamake a specialti off àAgi;21urc Mahlnery-bba Ipohualcu SeIof'raking hlcapen , -the Triumph Ccm- Sinoiea per.'aui Mower, Une Cayngc Mower, the Youg canais Mowen, aud oun uow Whitby HRarvoshen, olafining a large ahane cf our lime aoi attention, 'Fer 1e las Twen y-to ois w. bava e Vn cenmoat careful ani endivid.- eid attention ho tRia manefcctueansd operahicuof the varices mechines iu use, sftieig ouitho Reat-,pointo,, renlodyiug defechs, moiifyiug aud coractiug errons, srttbibhuig wosk peints, sdaptiug sud propcrtieulng evary. part as oun bnceis. ed xpérience b#a uggotsd. W. amploy culy Sihe bail mechgnical eki, aud cen macines paau unier the most osrefuý supervision sud porutiuy-every détail beiug sebjected la the sover- est crîticiseuabes nmachine le thcrcegly't.stod befoe lesviug cen wonko, t'O' prove bacmphies. if very * pari,. ced jbere la no iiffioelty lu peltiug titloumn uoperatioi hy auy, peoon ô o deratoe maobanical ability. ."Ouri ahiluy'onybein solected sund ocotrgced witb aàspecial réference te lth ufacloeeoff ce on cumschius--msny tcôlla viog been maie fIbish Particular perpase, sud noS sdapted for othen work, aud cn oi, ktnen are edu- osil np teo -he wgasud nequirementa.of- oui miuufactne--obtaiuing a Ibor- ércgb knoWladg off tbhe ôùstnùchieu of'our- machines, sud are Ibes anabîci to ob. tain a higlier degnes o! okill and prolloiency Iban whieie géneral mauefseleniug lacnidon. - - WaiehaÈrenoablei ho lutrodece s more perfect syshem inho ail tho de. pcntmonte cf manufacture, sdding not oolY te lb. perfection of the werk, but ai- se te the rapidity cf is exection-ani s cousaquant réduction cf ceaI. - This principlo la regsniei uecesananyluswelI regulatei otablishuxeut-, soi wo onabled: g oin cut cen machines witb a bigbei degrés off perfection, sud aI pricos se Iow as absoluely to dofy compelilion. col, la now se wefl linun-w as a Single Beaper, Unat a wora cfoocemnendation weuld sîmoat seeni upenfinLons, but su thon. ana msny climiug ho manufacture Ibis machine wIlishve aihene ohéOUe li Original Jolinston machine,, withhenî kep. ing ep lb lb. t,piov=4eots ; ltaIjustice ho censolvus sud lpatrons requirecf u toiltaitb ts e hae modifledit lualmnost evei'y essapýtWalPart, sud fer streogtb aEd deîsblly, qnalitty of cnt, lu every kini aud condition of giain ; ligliluce cf fti neu osiof management-the t'Jobuatou, as mýnfactuned Riy us-stands pre-emiu.nly'alicaioff *1 tbor reapeis. lu pnoo f off thislposition we have ooly ta point lo'tbe mauy Firat Prites awarded uns-at the lat Pinotal triailoffOu- laie, sud mauy coeutyWlis vblob bave laken place ail oven, Canais, wilhin lh. last fow years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINEb MACHINES, with labo improvoments, la ail tiraI aulie iesire nedausCcmhlued Machina, and -onot fail to e et al lb.henequiremouta off puiohasers. O<ir lmproved Cayuga Chief Jr., and aur Young Canada Mowers fLntelmmmbnescontittedalmst holý o Irsuad Steel. The C4yfl J.,h a earont endtbeToqfrot Ot ;bell mtnong, dur. c e macbiàes,. byis* in the unanhelt;on quslity of eur elrbllélgtep fda t aliliy, and easéoff naemeul. OU--ýNW'HITBY ARVETER As the ç(bepýy basbeçeme better adaptai te maebin.ry, sud many of oui faim. Mn bave beaie â intlh1e useî cfneo, sgrowlu-g demand bas spiung u ora tb, Dunab4o, is-Clais Be&per.-; - Aivio b.gouirmats ! it da, ebavesacceditii lueelingasjus-. alia.*ita noubllio Fam , il e 1.551-os 2W eaigwilana., broa-fsed rIv whel,~ndse-c0&rsslnoed ihisi the frme'snd table tiltasItiue sia. lma larbykeptg tUapilfa .awy l .itith e kutte. Tha drat, ud na lgl Pôna iredoies uecks. - W. s&Mconfident Itlitwe have aucea I lventing thIr ost peoeRi Bsotakiu<g it ila. -its site, liraI bas ever bhotu produi..-- We hava applled for laeonspatent, sud sItaR oli 00e beng p cameshhutb.y>aleni setht.machin.éItfore' nng their criera for b-cm flavet. Ta"Whioby- HRuvesten" veigh, iloli, 60 pound, but betugmada prîioipally off 0 eh6 qsiyc ru0 u tesd ru u eaviei'machria e.à-r- Aiof cen machines ara fnly 1warratai.. With'tkt Hotaofo! mches, w. ýfe.l'confident Ibsi w, eau -moot .very ne- quiroment, sud w. rnsectfdly solctilstrial cf cen macinue, believing Ibat wa ca funuiir x boler machina teb.mcney Unan .oabe' ebtsined elaewbera. - espeo1fely Yoens, * -1BROWN & FATTERSON MF'G. CO. .3 :BooiSet; Etock-o E.. J.JOHNSON.ý ucmnts to>,those- TUEKEPA G CoAKinsan A WELL-APPOILNTED' HEAIRSE. Whitby, Oictober lOth, 1877. W ABiLLIT- A M.Rý THIE OLD STAND, 8400K STREET, WHITBYO Go where, yo4 cannot fail- tor' be pleased u inlaking seleotionf of gdt-od furnituýe. Splendid Panlour, Draw * L Boom anld ]3edroom Setsi New Desigus wel wrthy f inspe tion, at aistonishing low prias. Dim. ing-room Extansion Tabl&a er enrer article. Gui Cornices, Picture Framig iii var-y stylo. Some fine Chromos sud Engnavings for sale..- Iu ail ils branches ; funcrals fully'snppliad, A stock of elegant caskcts. Ceffins alwsys ou hand, tnimmcd le suit Customors, sud s weil ppointed TILL 'OS Whitby. Novembur 24th, 187. WM. TTLL. R.Z R. il, w i CAIRD PIC TIJRES, $Ï-00 ER DOZ. CABINET ' $ 2.00 The wOrk by the New P4ocess is supeiior to anytlung of- the kind yet introduced. I - completely revolutionizes the art of photography. Cail ab once and get 'picturstae 6y the New Process. Hais just received,, direct fr m -the Manufacturers, a good' assortment of Ladies alnd Gentlamen's Ma'd, Empress,and Amerioaal-arad WM. - ttbuRNS,- Also, Pacifie Bags, Cheap of 0e, 55e, 75e and $1,00 I cases runella Boots. - OUTTE R.S Assortm nùt of. Cutters> Bu glies SAL CHEI -ALarge FORM'S for ,Cash. Four 'more BUGG-A'EIS, H E M'e2l1y *The patrons feel assrud thal cloue lu the.best the 1-m4 l es -. - T. -P. WRITE. WbitevaRe, 80th Sept., 10e78. * 741 M TREAL TEL EGRàP co. O;0C N CA LES. Tbg.peubUansr' fo e& hlatthe conue. fi 'or athlb.Mou Telagrapb Company 'sWilO the Atlantieles'arua010e meut irt an sd »a e.TOe Amglo- AÃŽnezican (JabI -1oP » Wt*hVblh on.au neclion la ,sbvjg. tseanosd distinct caO l s à -a"nt pcssibla e f- an CItOc -:Ooli e cf Ulb -ormp esllnively aq 6. Rgitralion oaip id. drsemaie 'sithoul cOurge, sud s ' ble y- 8H.-P. DWIG 8- . , SpI. BUTOBIERY Remevei le the Outazbo- Block,'Breck.-St. the aid place, nuitdosi- o b 0eMontrest Telegrapix OMfce. The pIaia ta GE <T A-, GOOD - - JOINT AND ----JIIICY STEAK I. Heoo i so az uounce o ti nhabit. sumt. cf Wbtby and vicimily, Ibat ha Oas oponed a FUR& FEED STORE lu'coznechion 'uit10bisEButcbr ho 00, vora ho will always ýhava conbaud A4.LARGE STOCK 0F Cheice Fleur, -Cnacked Wlneat, Oatmieai, Corumoal, Oabs, Pcas,ý Shorts, &G., &C. OÏiers deliveciiu aujpart cf 10e lown. A call lasalicitcd. - LEVI'STONE, AUCTION_ SALES 1 t pulc eo Ib veon-lhunl atong villi.TurYms lbenal.SSllatyifaction guar. My- sale bock wilîl bchoun a athe Ontario Rotai'Wbtby. Arrangements as te isdys cf sale, &C., niay b. madu 'slt Mi. Maison, 10 ropriehor.cf 10e, HaLai Oriera by malcr tclegiab tî de o L. FAIRBANKS, -Anct ioneer, ÏWbitOy. N. B. - Sale Bauku ani - blanli noiês fernisheafroc. THE TORoNTO- Turkish c Vapor.Baths, -Thesu halOs are naclul in Bheematlrm, Nenralqia, co~ Colis, Congestion, Broochitis, Bcra&, Skin- Diseascs, ail In- flammnations. ,Bilieuna, -Pevers, sud for Thvpr ats-ra-parficulgzly applica. blo hto ail tUtu iiseasps, especially Syphwei, il n . uow-unînevr.iT'concëedsi lItaI h the Turkiso i dVa por Bathsanarthe. hest preservatives af heslhb wilbl the reacb cf reî8icai expert l sd lu campunollan vith meëltrealmeufthe .Patient ilsmore rap. ilUy sud suceessfnlly hnaea.- Fatrc nizei tbrouglicut 1h. vorli frein royaltY dowu tho upooret imin. -These Turkish bath. are thc aniy euels lu it cf TorocnLa.- Ib ly Qntatios ndresecuationsa" gi-run trams t0e lest medicil ani sanihany a5010cm- lies Iu aIl casnutues. HOURS-Geuitiermau,7 ho 8.80 a.m., 8te 9m.Satnndaüy natail p-m. Ladies, 10 ;ILM. te 1M .8. P910E5-mTurkisb BatOson. licetl; - 12 tickets; 910.*'Vipor Bath., 500a ci; 12 tickets. 8 - - -233 QUBEN-ET. WEST. BliUWful m attientive maie and foutais Attendants. -. J., S. DIA MOND, Mai.' s 89) Supurintaudant. Valuabile Reail LE&tlte IN TE8 anid Na; 7, ith1e t-iconcesa T1t slip a1 Reacb ; veli situî SThera la ver 100 acrcet0 ][ARRISTER-Mk Office-Devernl' Vrhitby. MONEY TO LE 0 ROBINSO -(L.&Tx fDU004 BARERISTEES.A' - eja, Ballaita> - OFFICE.-In Vit 9, Victoria Street. ROG.BIaNSONi, r. A. ATTOBEET..TT -, aucer, &cr. Ofrineo-f Street, 'Wbitby, Ont. - G. YOUNG 4s3 OPPIC-Over Domi s h.22, 1878. nr nCAMEO .0 R. J- Gi S URGEON TO TH Byron Stret, W] Eegidenea--Cong-eg btrcorner cf Byri Whty. BYRIONeFil p HYSICIAN, SURf( Wm. IRIN UGY'8 HOPTA, CT the oye R. o. H. 1 C A RD .. - OR. flOG Phy6ician, Surgeon, A Wliilby, Sept. SOlbi, 1874 R 00ms OVER R. -:-u tffice heu o . » -1.30 te S, p. n2- Reider and Glibort slreehs. cN. VARS, ST EETH imo aseepasthe cheapuat, Tacîli extraeled wilhont l ocal ascetheeja. Dents. au's new block, ovéiAeidj King Strect, Oeh2swa. T IRDRESSINtG nLLSlon, BhockSt5.,' JOHN WOLF, PBLACiKBMIT, - - (Socceemni- ta Thomai Hor-se ahoeing and eh- 1 1L. FAIRIIAI OFFICILhAI Le OFFICE OPPOSITI * Hoell, Brack-Sh., 1 -Wiltby, Mar<,h t, 18m9. H . E. O'DELL, -A T H E R 1 Clerk Division 0fl' ou BAXTE' tEES, Y', ONT CONTEACT ha., f Lt.~ Carril I - - - e 1 1 Il 1 , -CASH, PAID FOIR G00Dý Wlutby,- r, obruary llth, 1870. ý 1. -1 '- TIÈL > 8- OFFICE OF THE -.000,. Èitocx ITBY, cases .AND IR 1-w- 'À, WI L L I.J à AND ý FURNItURE, ýi BUGGIES

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