..m'Mx 1- : « 1 ý, 1- . - --1-.1 ý . - ý1î H H 1 G, G 1 N 8 At hie Priating Botà blL-I,,,i ut, .ýAqOX STEMET, WMTBY. A lit Toms $1 5û, par Annam, 7 1_ý î zuiunzeiL ju Noripâriel, and Priqftdl woraffu grSt ij- là -sed at'the'rate ci toute$ per.gue# larut thoughts, and unthinc ýww8wy, P , 7e- 7ý . '777-7-77 "6,oà âh aube& r peace tuent sciai Reports 0 lie$Uzip, ý,*bla, 311=06companiei;ý and mette PR OVINCE ru, or jiks, 'Ã"F ter ton osent* por Une. TB as. V0ý - D ý7MTBT '4 Ê' wlii 0, W]IITBY. in uatbé 1 Ahrce, the rà ý a sot (WZBT 07 POBT OMCÃ. CURED IRL -in thehà r rà la4uili riiimmi"K. kwy JTOSEPH A. IrAYDSZ P.OopnrsrolL ftýýRPL E IR. bal ,8usinesa-igl'.p a 0 t 0,ry, This hëune'his7i;;Jýeeaüt Mar ý . 1 1 1 .,- f 1 eý 1 e- ly ý1)siIt -ýfs itaté thst, I&T and roome iltied DÉ in, ailt-Claas ------- styr 0. ,B«tr el la on and 0 th a frëé lanc a TM- ce,, irbst di d': hi 'BANK, bîmhLaaéz Boer. itablins au e Rûlkl< "d, toý ýdf-ýtfiiw, W&Y - behe1à , hie lf'*M loin, il Re 11T'ARI 7= 1 1".. R y appearlin j lct*Uet p Wh 0-anlbïbusl, , representid WIIITBY PnANcil, on, sz ail CbçWýof n -U Zt4ýj4.. Dne k hiî4 ! The m'tWo ta four yuan an9f gouil h 812ahoâ; TabMAS Dow, CWA4zw TRUNK RAMwATýùOTzL, of age, Subracing au The e' to'weré ]ha -te fbllýictO lier blew, fille, i1t Théir eiitMiiiiiig thil best Varie# os. r lied te, *itli'bà :dnger and thuMb.ýP0L and (oppooite a.T. B. stati ;ï;"itiét no onj Wldtby. ovWîincbau"tibhSlbbmd.u, about, withoU g&yinig'-a Word., ina orý Respectfanyy w«a bo WM. O'NEILL -'P.BOPËIÊTOB. L0tý NO. 8, snd 1 YFoup nt back te bi; «-ARZWELL &i RUTLEDGE, Don. Pickering, 0 - _'U ' TUM « nin une crim years ttwao" m; Road, estonien, Whitby. r, knOw the above ta lie tmè., A IR hteý h a never beau pomte ence, ana poor. vancui, le, ARBISTERS, ATTORNEYS, -SOLI.: EverY accommodation for- BZNBY WEBTËÉIMÉÈ ported F stlA bluse l11goý, jeaà sjnôe.ý,,ý SU" . Draggist à nd'ýptay. i Mo _ýjst,. 'Boitors, Notaxion Pýcblic, and Convoy- iÈg comforta'bie, airy bedrooms, te 89 -=;kth M cer, TJWre, were tibtindaüt , zeaano why andýfý %notre. ',heure, 0 H 1, N A. _H-ý A L L eau vagra=, OC OMoo, tiret dooi o4euth of the,'Boyai Lt' The Bar fully nu lied with boat MON OF TRE.DIG j the bu -+le tom, it bas no And Xýalh4ud the4eà before Y&MI ah6ul4ýebt bave ibéews aînée, biï.sà j, Motel, Whitby. brarids of Lîquors, Wmes rendisse Cigan. fi= %ba UG (IMGZSTB a ffl eraà a, JAMES PUnBDGF,, B.A. &0- EvOrY ucCeaBU7 Çquah- It Jus noyer, talle te affect à extra, o . 1 .0. t U ong the estho 4 ges, ha; complignan- *ith À 1 li" a given ta 71' KING-ST, EA8T tOR brock, amoüïthe oeil travellerg. . - 'JO and 949qusth ta the systom de- siligit - 1 ., ges, of the j. 13. FAREWELL, L. L. B., ruiltea lýylclusue. glikoiVtîà ubaôlu _,- Bat en Good Stabling, enolooed yard, and atiten- avy., Couaty Crd" Attorney. 48 tive ostlero. -48 Fýn0y Breakfast ana Tes, sets. a ifb 0 ýe , 1FAÇ;aMustomedý ý-tO, Bay ,to,-Ier < toi 1ý-cyDinner and Dessert sets. VEGICTINE. proin the swootriensées, ana çorrow boun bf'lÃë'ýýbe. mat JAMES K.EITU GORDON, OMMBRCIAL ZIOTEL and STABLES, Fiýncy Bed-room. Soto. 01 the vane, fer #I.to-mot»lïýà 84 and 56 Ja"in-atreet, Toronto. Fancy jugs anaTespots. PUýIrIEs -TEM BLOODý And thé vaià * bd ARRISTER &ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, S Iver Plateil Knives, Forke and spoom, It, tremulin, SoUcitor In Chmcery,; Voiivayà meer, -TOHJV",ýMORAB, Zan. 18th, 1877. A "" 1 e1ý1 di Iver Plated Omets and Butter COI aie el Like -the minor abord no-prettw" Word 112' that ir ranch Notary Publie &a Office--Over Mr. Ad- (auccicuoa Ta Josw xz".r,) 8 Iver Plated Cake Baskets. Throl the Ieapjvjýi bùbbltqg fl&dýeaR ageý 1 ý 1. arase myseau in, k; 1 wal disou's stars, Froii Street, Whitby, Ont.. Theb'eetel.00-aDy B >d ra' iLuives and Forke. ýI bave been using Vegetine 1 Of Rame pas la se a reetsjý' -and; I long ýto gýuse in the te th t an of gi, cet and close )a!ra 8îý L[Lf two blocks froin the o o= Dep City, Ouly T ome tîme With the Weateet satidaetion Tili'the b 'sers-by ana, tell the in and Servers. ir ha Pa r siiddea C11ARîrýES C.ýý X"ELLER, ta the Market. The Honte bas beau newiy F'OWer. hades for Lily'e, &o., &o., and un hi% C.Touth in liée#, an&T 0 Z:Ong,_ i am- là , The, bri Fitted out, and avèry-thingyl-t-eluo. (ly-47j G assware, au descriptions. 01 Ue bloo ýy recommend it as a pu;w Seema a ghostly voie wiilovr., , -;-- ý ý ', z ý s'rue 'Il M bite Stono ware, every kind. TC lnyblloolul th o replying : madame i ýasOti1 t ATTORN ?oYýAT-LAM, AOLICITOR IN J. L. HANAFOBD, 0ughts,ý4l1ray8 1 fèk '_Counter Chance Ilotekand Dar Qooas. u ber, (en, Brook, Cýý1V MRS. WALKEypri for of Egleston-square M. B. Church. ciaband for VreciRAW, thirtY-oue, doctor's GLOVER IIARRisox, ove, soitly sald, "thon hearert, daysý;;,,gnd ý thon," Baid DreBov' TE KBZBANCEt HO USE) importer. Nznvouoxzi;s, ana ail aorgzg ers wheireearth -hesvenieemjiearee'b; oisbe thé WO Paris >WË&t aý W'Omau of Élie L.T.»AgC&AY9 ho nervous system., are usuauj donnecteri th ta me, znjý. deurest, «Was. Oueeviiaingoheocon. -lier eyeý DUNDAS-STREET, WHITBY. with a deserted condition of the lood. 'Evenao 1 bave pledged theà mine le' TTORNEYAT-LýW, SOLICITOR ROVELTY W ORKS ili Y 18 a luqu6nt - &Ccompaniment. The site the emparer in Like the nacred Ume, that,, burning, the deaLh A in Chancery and 1ýsoIvency, Convoy. Good accommodation at rouonable terms. 3 Il thin Lighte nome opotlç#,s yià tal ëhxA-e, a - zacepX114liens., .,She,ýýWaB;AV- toi be dons le ta improve the cou. encore &o., &o. Boarders 62.50 pet week. dition of the blood, This in accom cet as Clowed ber happy'fac ' si turà Orytcz--,At the CourtUouse, Whithy. ------------ VIHI TB Y ONT. phabed .The d by ýaking Vegetine dicine Low the whispéréd, 111, Rire thine 1" OTAL IIOTEL, controlling ervera. While the bills, the clonds, the haather pariai maiesty ea ber-t &tic power over tjý With snob lm R SUBSCRIBER having purchued nertons oyitgm. Steept in suzmieît aummerwesther tbat ho 9-dgeted, -on h-i85 was net] LYDIAN ENGLISII, L L. fi-, WRITBY, 11111[ntlhe Machinery anaentire stock of Seemed ta yearu and blond tQgetheý1 Béat. sud. phýled 'h>isýliffl ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN "OAý*ued Lumber frein the Mudge and In an atmosphere divine 1 Efflule - gýal gpatoe, :but it"wg lookedrèd-bot.,,daggers. the Aýgt Chancory, Convevalacer, &0,, &0- Sim- JAS. PRINGLE, P-ROPRIETOB. Fepared tc, furnish Doors, Sash liApoloon Yar*poa Manufacturing Company, 19 now VZGETINE. ýT!he, Rumoui g9t; abroad fbas V-00 Street, Oshawa. es 'Blinda, The largest and most commodious bats, era' en, Mouidings, Base,* AreÃutraves, Dr. Ro#ingo'isPatieùto. WILL CURE ILHEUMATISM. 'MOW&Me's The in the town î bas large sample recule je, ceing, Shoetin ana everytfiing re- CrNC12ir;ATI, April 9, lf377, wao; mode. A. G. »leMULLAN, qu#e-ýd by the , et the lowest livin "Ibqtoà r,-tumii2tup hiâýeTeè, criedý-tho &mpng E commercildtravellero. Table welleupplied - traL The As a certain (Late Greenwood MoMillan.) with the boat in season. Destbrandà Uquora priées. 9 Ma. Ir. B. $,Tzvzxo:- brigtiît particular star of Aho fôwL la, %à à , to'do dpriig A , thanderb , aso , ni, andoi a. Enclosed ara au oeil turnIng Nowejs and Baluoters te Diar Siri-I bave used your Americau colony * P ' i ' ' lieve bad a sheeroom ; Medicine, in aria,, thère were ýne bas a opelondia and tt,,t""%.r- bosdors. dihl-ges ordz the Vegetiue, fior Rheumatisen with gSut Peoffle Who, did net beaitâii te doclare sborm, 11madà &0* porated 1 té nuit the -itYi-obe Pan -soi" and sedüo times. Lpmber for sale, béat qnality, lowest buccèss, and believe it ta be tee boat med. that M&à ame Itilon Yagoul ý *as 'Ibo a opportani. crust9ceo C, - N. B.-Livery Attached. ri icine for tbat complaint filera Je. 1 Allen ý=o8t bowitchinà m ourned fi, 27 P widow in th" world. Madame viooul w'se '&t'home. It The wi ilose frotte long exporiencoofand by knoçy it lis a good bliaud purifier, and ut the More. attriwtà ve m'ore skillial Ãhan fiq'.Ãl.lIa ealing to znerit a allure public Out time am using it as the boat a in the morning. and eh ,1011.N J[JALL DOsv, PQSSIN HOUSE-TORONTO, 014T. patgonage. thot I know of. I take P 9 Daloineà del Toboio,'honvei2 knows how a., was Vasoul bi ý1&ý - t ples- ARRISTER-AT-LA-.W, SOLICITOR The Palace ilotel Di Canada Rejjttedý GEO. » GMCHRIST aura In recommetiding the VogetFle.llto My -rusny strings aile baa te ber boqw iý Row onvelnPed 'U a Widded 'WriPPir Of and Doct B in Chancory, Couveyaucer, &,o. Proprietor. friends. many lovera'çvîth tinfiâtIed désirée, M' thé rO- trated th, Refurniabed, and Uzuivalied. New Passen-. H. MUND, humble subini6sion of otrgilith te ca» sombicil ajewal in ite osaket. orýâ_kitten was now Office-Deverill'a Block, Drock Street, ger Elevator, runninj nijht and day, Th On su aider coverlét. Th 'doors of the wilitby. n anadawith 0 -1 Charles Street. piles, fear of refusai and restlesa en- , a a gradu. treaty beaming from adoïlug a mAù'iO>n Beezùed te open of their MONLY TO LEND-Private Funag atua erices, viz:-$2, 02 50 and es ' r day. Th-.u.andswill bear testimony (and doit yos. accor 1.1VII "Dooto Moin ors of Clubs anà ethers, rç ring d te admIt the gà yonvon, Weim. lit suins up tu $8000, at -a low rate of si f3he WUS 8 fOit'Of a social Oleo atra aie ftëid." ý'oluntarily), that Vegetine fa the boat rond- P or, (ly-52 rooths, without board, $1 ta 82 a ical oýIompouud yet 2Wcd before the hua with a score 01 impasinonate Antony$. A footmu removed hie paletot i4madai MARK frouï-hi8 shouldéra and another ushered poisor,.tl Foie. 27th, 1878. fying the tu She omiled on them, ail- in turne elle 'for renavating and pun taud, Ilim intc, madarae'a boudoir without be. -Proprieter. vinge elle ROBINSON KENT, eradicating au humera; inipurities, or poi. listened ta th ir frenzied ta m "Dose i saluons )oecrotions from the syotem, invigor. ing RnDdunceâ. Ile kiesed both her (LATPt Duooà r; drove them te distraction wit "Super] atineand strengthening the system debilit. ý andeheitdid the honora of-h IIE QUEEN'S IIOTEL, ated by diseiase; it tact, it lu, as many bave o Il lier fa ; cheekq, and thon follbwed ber *ÃŽth hie- 13ARItISTl?,RS-.AT-LAW, ATTORN- T' i effable grace. roorn h in ýy or draWing a es and 'nfant'ne admiration- Bras Sud ultrat 10 Solicitors, Couveyancers, &c. (LATE COIXYRCýIAL,) called it, "The Great Ileglth BeEtorer." !B , filways a aby, na matter in whose "Thora 1 - Her youngest admirer, Viscanct 1, Oiuce-, Assurance Buildings, BROCX-ST=ET, WIIITBY, e, a lodgment- A WÃ"MSD in the Ul in, Windrash, was a seroirling, big-1 Court S rente Toronto. VEGETINE. imbed in ber boudoir . le like a work Of art ar. Ne, yrk J-0- ROMPSON, U- A, IILIIDPRTA.E.YRNT. TAYLOR& McCAIR, pROpRIETO ririglish-mau of oUO-and-twehty ;, lier tiatically sot. The baron was à pré.# te The underaigned aeaire té injorn, tilts. Licenseod A vecti leir toneer. rOR DYSPEPSIA. oldest, the Baron Von Weimar, a simp- more priel JNO. G. X£ELLEY friends and the kublie that they havé taken ABHLEY, ILL., Jan, 12,1878. eaing old Cupid of threc-and-sixty. eue èef those final passions thst finish, gangs doet 9 the jabove Weil known hotel, which they ALES proiliptl attended, -and conduct. il. It-STEvED;s:- Madame Vesoul; was'as, beautifui as the body ne Weil as the seul of an Old - "Noiii3ez TTORNE Y -AT - TiA havé new1y fitted up and renovated, aud put S edouLiberlýerms. man. Re hua made up hie ruind that the Indiau tri (;Ilallcery ail elley, Couvey- loto thé lient of ord Dear Sir,-l have bcon usinï Vcg lucarnate virtuc., let na try to describe or for the accommoda- j of their ar, Aclçlrtiie, Ç. DAWES, for Dysepédà , and find more re !cf frein it ber. Allie 1 that is impossible. It is etine ho must marry the celcbra«tedý Ameri. wiuvr, &a. Offleo-Deverlll'a Block, Brock. tien of guesta. The Bar, which fa the band- 26- Port t eau widow or perish in the attempt. Street, whitby, Ont. Rament in the Count ' Prou supplie& with Perry. han al the other médicinale I have used. certain thal; elle possemed a medtum Tbig , miniature, the finest brande orýlilùèo, liquors, and c There le nothing liko it for Dyg epola. complexion, frbecause- people said thost mOrnâg thora W84 a melân. nity. The G- YOUNG NXITII, L L. B., ile eliclose(l shed roum ber face changea fromii lit te dark like choly gars, Am 1. 2 VOWLIS. langour and ýa cesieuuuuneos,: Of and their stabling, stalls, &-o. Detaclli permenally acquainted with Mrs. A 9 mot'e ont fiboütznadame Whichoost. :kitcheu. '11, it'c,, &c.-Moncy te Loan for o au" gýaod Doinl',?Ii#on Wood Works, lier worahippers ARRINTE Ommercial travellers. owlks, and eau cortify that the abovu fi pril day ; and tered te the winde the cla > mon a Prit. 13 ou Mountains Itinuer ci Marriage Licenses. J. P. TAYLOR, PIIILIP ?dçCANX. WI-IITBY. statezeent la true. Par larly, were of issue and a6ffl denoe. Re got down on hie lean knees, are the au, Oiylçli-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. lets of Toronto. W. C. PACE, M. D. equally divided sa La whether allie were and saked'htr to'becômeýthe Brtrouesa Druggist, Ashloy, 111. à very durit blonde or a very fair brun, Von Weiner. "You jui 22,1878. OMMERCIAL MOTEL, Geo. Cormacîk, nette. R - Ut old rageai lied, a wife living, and forgotten il THovhANI)8 SPEAN.-Veirtine la acknow. Her eyes resembled the oyat the "I have; UMBEIý MERCHANT et- DUILDER. ledged and recommended y physicians and, Madime, was perfectly cognizant of the m, hop, th CAMERON & APPELBE, -A large âuîply of Boudera Furnisfi- apothocaries ta bc :posta bave raved about-they wore facjr.7ý , the boat purifier and' deeply, darkly beautiful-not blue,,nor -and Mot ARRISTERS, Attorneys-at-Law and CARTWRIOUT, ONT. ingsand ail kijl i of Twisted Moldings, cleauserof the blood yet discovered and fflglaced ber plume little band on ha 'ary ]il B Solicitors ln Cliancery, No. 4 Týroutô Docte, Sash and Blinda. thoueands eak in it8 praise who 'havé black ; but probably a sort of royal hie bal pate, and fbu led him airefly. not tell 0, atreet, Toronto. JAMESDEWART - PRopitILTon. LUMB 1 ER wholesole and retail, or by bék, retorolfto health. pulpla color. i y il ' 'Çý eloquent'; elle listoued with lent gentle, itECTOUAMERON, Q.C. (lY48) R, S. APPELRE. 000d accommodation V EGETINE r ; for it saoul re do m ËZ1, were dear i tj.ýj2 by the car load. lier hair L Thore again ber admire no tililidityp and Ilaning, Mouldings of every descrip- differed as te its colo ad J- GUNN, DI. D., fi Flgring, Shcetiug, Shelving, Re- Propared by no bauge, and ta take ite hue go vaucli seemed divinely unconscions of the "Sisters le THE CENTRAL HoUsiF, e Il. It STE o ardor of the old Don juen. Site suffer. "Precisel URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, sawing, Shaping, Turning. Scroll-work, de VENS, Boston, Ma!.@. froin cireurristances. ad Ilini ta apply ta lier au the Damée Byron Street, Wijitby, (Lato Lockhart Ilouse.) etc , etc. But ber!iti 1 There was no differ. 'Ab, i hy all 1 rUgg[StS. once of opinion about with which love eau inspire a man, but were preà an Whitby, Oct. l6th, 1678, -48 Vegetin - is thom ; nor tlie elle never once forgot ta cali him Mon- Dr. %y. je BURNS. menthe itself, which with its cleft cherry sieur le Baron. lest time. Rosi(leiico-Con regationul Church Pros C. 0-IFFORD proprietor. ONEY TO LEND, lusciougneso puraped the moisture te carda, docte 11) t(,ýrýt Coruer fi u m the surface of every masculine lip that 'et am in debt-deeply in debt, Mon. The Docti yroix a d Mary îîtruet's This li-ouse in the best il, the Couret'y. sieur la Barozi," she said, while lie still People W INSURANCE. came within flic peaking distance of remained groveling on hie marrow Y. Cali and sec it. The unclerfiigile(l lias allz amonut Di Mon- tender bli, vaisoule in 1 it. The coin of the (log-rose bons,,. ey ta Lend upon Farm or Bown Property, at sa Btrangely BYRON PIELII, el. B. unusually Low liates of Ilit(iretit. sfbpt on lier charming cheek. Her nose "Take my fortune," cried the tranil. Loaris can bc rcleaid in Bon'$ ta suit bar ONTARIO FARMERs, was neither acquiline, lier Grecian, nor ported Baron. the happ!*est JIYSICIAN, SURGEON, etc., D11111115, AYERS HOTEL, rowerg. retrousse ; but a sort of combination She appeared te fall into à catint Windi 82 & 84 MILL-ST., .-ROCIIESTEIt, N. Y. Soveral linproved Paruis and Wilà Lands Rutual Insurance co'y, Dose that exprossed scorn, approval, reverie. profound rupt a moi for sale chenil. ambition, pereeverance, energy, and a nuptîalo, aw Price reduced te jl,50 a Day. InvuKtMO"tfi made in Municipal Deben. hIlUdred thousand francs 1" elle te falicitate 1 UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., uced fte price ta _ffiü turcs, Bank, and other markstatable Stocks. HEAD OFFICE, large quantum. of that indefinÃble un. said. with a deAn_ÉTrkwý Ã.P. the aya lt. 0. Il. ravellilla Publi. f1ý F- Ir r 7ýýIiMffl Ict =00 *nd we wvï,ýkli»tIà P, tant hesa of thf " Il-knovu ýârrcrývf wi At, îtreete. dini,-,âiic in wu Bu-littf-n par love.- Tlleyd yonng in:in a"e tr- Air it'.1qli qnièùyý,A- a' peif, and wheri »Vil able' ttà rt oli hiâ, ;0,;- thé ý- 4swUL"lç t'O tairly out-i 41 Ji 1 ý fuluese lie turlied i;aék un 'Itý 'Br"er und- together t A uiciet iai-- office of-týe cl,,rk f jý9, ira, à i.,rià idë 1-à ýpii.,ý,j, _,for a liceukw. 180 BefOrA the %i/k'kO jésU 1 ed, Mr tal- WIný,.j Bjkýop, i biùt-hvr-ielkvý,, o« th 1*7 Sm yonng rrinds fafhûý,-* âp, alice, and "further proctýedingA W'pï.e iW.- difGctiOUý , î [in. Tho hiver-4 were Dot- Co be Lie- liew"t-,rï Tho,-' ahor"ý'_,uf Keilluckv' .1. weie ýiUv'itiDgly a . ûd lier Qfhciai8 re . are proverbiully kind io fugitivpF. fron., ip- Parental! >' 'hutenea acrose, ne_ýýnxI Iffile-, seîiéttuiréd -by the C'f law, difficulty ý fià ýroèuring À MahAon wns calle(l edo abü ii7 the presence of the blerk -H'La ail Iff at;,si6tzntýtlie two *ýr&tinitAd_ TIi(jý li' vi-ry oeil ibly employed the provition hin thrit Ithd 1 l,ýetq'i mude for the Eurup-ILII ,ill trip in j;eltil3t, tbemqelv(.s houschcitiiii,, a, il] Govin,ýtGnI where- they are il ow en- !t, joying il e dùliý-JitA nf inarried lift.. of %ve7.1iave ziot'ýhrard of eny Fvrious dp- ke, Luongtrat unýôfdirplonsure on ilir. Pait ý'd 'of tLeý 04 ent4 -sinos the tuaýreýiag(,, tind à r k 'is, :pr4lb"le that the -latlier and ci ýîuother'bkve concluded to uit:k-- tho m Iëst of'tle' situation, forgive and rp- à Do , ive the 'erratit pýair tigain irito tii(-I'é le good grAcea. d SUIfférýng Egypt. y le -A writs; in ti'. tonà ôn Tint-cà 4avin latej'y returtied from a litnit journèy' jUpber Egypt;_ 1 can ýtpFrtiry tlï4t;ýcto-. orâ -are litron- enough tu lm 5Iiý 4er miAery of' flic ffilla: (if thoLf;eplleg 1 piragilail witiiessed. I scarcely et'tir approachel avillage ovithout bearfin, ýthe abrillý.iies of the %vowen over thM î who, died 1 of sturvation. Maltifti4li of the atili living men, -women and DL*>Idren er-0 inere skelctocie, 'and triany wertévîreà with sorps, the 14w) frequent agnIt -of Starçation. Iii Liiil ,t4JWD Of- a W I SaW tWD Mon, thd ont) j ola, 4he tit Ar in the pritne--of life; Iving fathe open Street, and -lietnally and ote týr ýhocliiDg soenes Cook pl;lèb withiu 0' one- of the large Fug$Lr ' ig4 t of" factorieg, Io Whieh trqin6 of calui-le were coavýyint,,rt.be rich ci»np8 for tiiii Kliedive ci, -bis E uropcau crodiiýirk;.. 1 rop-Euatea,.y 'SW eoplo ici the litet of eLnaciati.on si SUg in thu itilft Pickiný-f inýiiviJ lai graiuts ' Ur dourlia eoru;l ', Cho dtat. fitile Witt], exprtýi;gion : of the - poople's f4cýs thoirittteiluatadi forinti witi fialitit iii-i for yéar". ' '110 ýf&e" iï thut tht amant effort i DÉ the two belipviblelit scotcjigentléwýeînwfiowerc Pîckeà *ýrtf) at Sliepli eard'a. Io tel and sent-Itii 1 l'i Ln'Xof L a n i Cho ïNile in ii, Xlieilivlà steamer were blit a.peirtial and féeble >attempt Co obut the stable door whé-U the fitecd was -slk)len. > Thoiliiaiitlýi liail dÃŽeýi offistuine býfore tljey ticarle-1 fro dat'ýro, and wilon they dîd slart Ll djil tint visit at, 411 the ininuil which lie bzickfrôni the Nile. Itwuù..d- hé-interestinq fo the public il il. Itivers %Vilsou ýwould coridebeeuti L'à _:I - publiNfi a 41etailetl'accouut of the Giâil thege gentleinr-ii took in their Silo jourliev fronfi- Sio'ù* t CO LeSnehýP- aria a libt of thi ýl:Iceà whièh they visite4l and at - 'hicli C'A established centrépot re-, lier. Iftilyis wers doue, 140 adequacy of Cite nous Used CO alleviýttFi the dirtreiî'iiý,w-ould at once be npp-trtit. r4e fact à Chat the eystolit of g(ivtiril. ment illustrated by the celc-brate-1 moi )f the Klieilive't)ý, thnt he OUUI-1 siot, y0vern Eg3ýpt if lie - allowed the fel Ili--- jeen te fià výý, cnorlki than -- ý-! __ _ __ 1 ... uvà £"Ulcrloll 01 Zuo Angel of 0 le Chaise, te the teint; Of Fame 1,, th C4PITAL, 81,oooooo 00 BITISII AME41CA ]gelo'se- Aok them wbat ' There was no use denying thst the kt y Q l 1 EE N'S HOTEL, - VICTO IB y 0,,, r, aec o vi JOHN %VOLFENDEN, ffieworIld wouldbewithont Love-and t , os HARBOUB, 'A eauty ft famous American widow swent through, solo into it for L VERPOOL MA RýKE T BRA Noli, Assuýance- Company, B hem à good 1 GENT FOR THE CELEBRATED 8 the. Ilearts, and purses 'of two.tllirdg of . "or hand, bort, ber lovero in the saine aperient.medi. IL Svýottinli (irallite. At Marble Works JAS. eACKEY, - PROPRIE, TOR. 9 werc perhapà rather short stood the art of applying the repe ton osoinmgo. te a hiýgh WoIf(ýititeriDtindiLé; St., Mlitby. lie The usual baiiýing business transacted. INCORPORATEb symmetrical, Audelusion féot, and 8 aime fAubion. She thorougbly under. fighela of you 'l'able, Liquors, aud Cigars. Fi COII('cti(iliti made and Drafts insued payable 1833. ering fingers, and well shaped mails a& ta tbluie; Wohnidte.891ilvecrry'fowoittýhwpalsttmtpheangd top. mentum of a magie look, a voluptuous à lwitthleen yon si stabling uni évery necessary accommlo-41 at al, points lu canada, United States and F. A. BALL, med* da- ASSETS, $1,101,876 94. 126 môvemeutýupon the owner of weaIth , twist yý Gr-eat Britain. . iopen your moi WILLIAN Cool»Eft, lion. delighted to show it. Sb@ was lum- Like the insatiable osa, she took baud. Bide, shet the eý 11LACESJUITII, - - BROUGHAM, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Manager. sizod, and plump, likober test and somely et esch adorer'o haud. lu vain a trille, and the (ý;Iwcemior torllotnllfl )ificlduugll,) Iiitorest ut the rate of Pour per (!ent. will bande. The waist was rather ton r - the victien Wh J. HINMAN, Insurances eflocteil a stantial for a societfair Q. mlýniiiiig and uil kinils of genoral w é bc allowed on all surns froin One Dollar and rates cri Buildings, M c allilige, and other ;y, the arme struggled with destiny. a was in lise When the p 1-I A w A , lipwards froni date of (Iel)i)oit-ropayuble proporty, against lues unto the blank' were rather flesby, t a dimples rather way with bis or damage by fire. net-in the toile of the ac i 'ut 'Lot'ce, C. NOURSE deep-too much embonpoint, lady crite fowler-and whon ho escaapDemdýleswheads Veterinary Surgeon, w't" J. H. ilonsuy, F ics said ; but it was the dainty ambon- moetly dry-plucked like a Philadelphia bof Your ilote b Agent. Agient, whitby. point of a partridge or a ilnail-the sa- chicken,. Yet no One could Impugn lark leaf was OFEICIAI, j1- S 8 1 G N EjE . TwuiollndbacynllrAortimi olttr(o)lldg'on'elllooetkcl,'I)Wlmli.tl)y'ovcry vory roundness Of 8 ripe P@Rcb-the ber character for virtue. Of course body to pasa thE April 25, 1877. 18 ARCHITECTURE embonpoint of Dudu, the ha rem houri, there were whispers and whispers; and and you watch L--ý* OFFICE 0111,081TL TRE ROYAL pTJUF,-13'RED COTSWOLD SHEE of whom Byron eaid it was notorious that no ladies. were and lIcitel, 111-ocl(-St., whitby. New Stage Line DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION AND BERKSHIRE PIGS. 'I'Twould puzzle to saywhere ever numbered among ber gue@tsý* If anybody ta' OF It would net opoil soma separate charm'ta Meantime the young Vicouat Wind. greqa,3bun and ý%'Ijitl)y, Mareh 26th, 1879. ETWEEN WHITDT & OSHAWA.- WM. M. MILLER, pare." rush was being subjected to what eau tice 'of it, that's 1 B I have put 011 the route between Osh- B U 1 L D I N CT S Echo Bank Faro, Claremont P-O-p Ontario. Certain consorious Americans wore only adequately be described a lively' gigglo, and you, Rwa and whitby a comfortable covered accustomed to speak of bladame Vaeoul course of apronts. sel. The prou Stage, and solicit the patrouage of travolers Prujuptly prepared with, view te Ecouoiuy Braeaer and Importer of Cotswo](1 Shee A T Il E R L Y , aildothers. E-vory attention will bepaidto in Constructiou, and pure - bred Berkshire Pigs. as the consolable widow of à huaband In a Büssiau bath room whon the thing to yaii b the comfort and convellieuce of passellgf-.rs, CHURCH AND SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE A bouglit and sold on commission. no one bail ever oeen." This wso as patient quits a lȈ ted stove-room, hie quire.. If von 1 and te the sucuri and prompt dolivoi-T 0 Pickering, Nov. 80, 1878. Iv-W ill-natured as it was untrue. Doctor body accustomed to a bigh temperature went into the qu Olork Division Court, TI), Clerk, parcels committelli tu my charge. T iere SPECIALTY, IL parently knew an 'the blood rush*&, rapidly tbrough the ton-you ought 1 (j -n illignit)lltýi- in Il Il., Land Agent, &-c., will l'o two stages per day cach way, viz. : Correspondence Respectfully Solicited. Ovingo' who sp ter now. &a., Atherly, County* Ontario. Leaving Oshawa escla in time to ppN(;. about madame loy douche 'a antecodents, told ail veine, ha is P1048d in, au make close connections with the whitby & H. B. BARBER, Architect, &o., GRISTING & CHO which chilla bina to, the.boues. The Don'& forget to morilli? bis best-pa ing patients in the mont 'M4-1)t. 2iid, 1872. 86 Americau ýwidow m Lindsay Ilailway, and at 3 o'clock each Oshawa, Ont. sacred conildence that as a girl Holan tresteil Windrnah investoil fa %vaii.st. st afternoon and leaving whitb At Il a. m. riatin*g, Choppin and general Cni't'm MOGOulgal was one of th bright, par the same WaY. Se 'Wu, the wget.1tor A Pà ziouately ontli. aeh s otage w'll BLACKSMITH SH IlLakOOfi.irtuiieisevreym callatadhotle in a town, and orders OPI quotry. ý ne ocks and at 6 ip., ni each day. « Vork At ticular clerks in à "dOllor store" on the Most exasperating Book sont fre-0 exP'a'uiDg loft at any of the hotels will bc attended te. Broadway, New York. One day a WILOwsrmèd amil chilled, owlded--,Nid Paul ýEmiIq ilV(llý,)'tltî1ig. Affilyong BAXTER & Co Faro and charges moderate. The undersigned beg te inform the publie SMALL'S MILL, CEDAR bALE. Frenchman, off a long unies, eauntered caressèd. Every time ho lait thý house rofessor at the 4t-ly) Bankers, 17 Wall-9t., N. Y. J. IL ADAIR, Proprietor. tuat they have opened into the store. Ile thouRbt that Ilgleu ho swore ho iýoùId never retum Next ri ING 13110 , TUERS, March 27th 1878. A GENERAL BLACKSMITII AND RICRARI) MOTHERSILL. for with ienewed énergy. li hodid nonneed a short looked like bis bolovo4 France in à ailk d4Y b8 hutOnOd to bis lovelY tormen- III Paris, and Cedar Dale, Pab. 4th, 1879. (ti-7 gown. Re took ber back to Paris and love of bis art to i WHITBY, ONTARIO, HORSE-SHOEING SHOP - put ber in a little store in au out-of-the. mot appear At bis uoual hour, muhnie b « GE ORGE BRITTON, onDrock street, in the old Fanning MM 1:)AILWAT TICKETS te Sarnia, Port way street. Rowont backto sesto sent ber carriage after him, and ho wa# efg consulted Luporters, Dealers and Manufacturera of all premiges, (ucarly apposite, the Foundrm JL FL Hurpn, DeWot, atd the Western and slave and tO ecODOmize- Sb$'begau to delivered ab ber door in a transport of "go by a Mau whc PRACT;CAL ing froin noms ac Kiùtlg of whero they are prepared te execute Southern States, for sale et low rate& by- teach Parisiens what sort of à woman a sus, ha looked AI ordors in their litie with which they may If the truth muet be told, , obe bad LEA THER AND FINDINOS, bc favored with punctuality and despatch. GEO. B. YULE, Broadway abg girl was whon ahe sets, made up bar mina to, marry Wi thon, se a otrange CARRM GE WA GIGON 2-) Ticket Agent, Whitby. bermind on rJoing. ndruh ýasIi vaid for Hides, Barû, and Lèatbor. T. FRECIEJETTE & CO. Every tlme that poor Vasoul rotum. for the oski of bis old Norman Po éye, ha exclaimed Loatlier etretcheil, ZVL Dec. 27th, 1878. ber cro iég ambi-00 ilExtraordinary Le4' BELTING ý MADE TO ORDE Il ON store nearer to the Louvre and Palais tiOu tO Out  figure GEORGE AYERS' *" ' avoyage ho found ]ffeleb's s"dtitle' Itw à ffl 1 N b à yknew exactlyhowsbe presonted in court- in London- S11011T NOTicr... MANUFACTUREý of a noir Improve, The stutled t LUMBER !-LTJMBER 1 cys . to testèh adow- it was à Ilbaïcs May, 1872. __ 22 1?oot Soed and Corn Dri/t, - New Blacksmith 8hopl madcher moncy; butthere Weretwo agers cf Brit&in la thing or two. III ratber think or three bankrupte who might have At lait the day was named, and -Doctor. '«Youre Valtittble 1,'Ilrlil-for Selle. Double & Single Turnip DrIlls, ce J 0 Il N S 0 N been able to furnièh a eluo. Tongues Windrush W&B in a piroxysm of beAtifil jewish leprosy-tl. The vndersifned begs te iriforTn hie friende waggéd - about bai dresses and her fur.' A(Ilites.-Sf LOT ý3, IN F)tlj CON. - (Improve(l.) blackomitii shop te the premisoq lat CLAYTON'S PATENTED cHums, LUMBElî AlErtCHANTy and the Pu 'l'o that ho ha niture, but no, one Oould Pronounce "Ati1imiîrisýnew tbat Worth intended tient. a rernoved hie "Xon Dieu'i" 100 1111CXLIZING. 15 ïIeres cleure'l- W H 1 T 13 y pied by Messrs. Toms & N' ositively about her conduct. By and te surpaos himself in the fortlicoming beecli and wignils, Buggies, Sleiglim, colistantly Mn Ilas on liand IL large supply Of all kinds Of as seau on the Bois - trousseau of thefamed Amoricau widow. the professo; ; lit, fý-r t1lu wood tilritio-iti very valunl)l,) ,,Y raisea Snobin 'l'iliq in a very deairiAn Pr-pert h.nit, Barn Lntnber, ljuards, alidaU necessaxy WEST OF THE POST-OFFIC£ 1 The Emperor had I*privatoly" gent dious tht we ha %vilineariv puy tise pur REVAIRING don>o nently and weil cil the Building Luniber. Felleilig, Savm Timber dustthât thowits spokeofber*aethe. ber a diamobd nookIm. had entirely disep] tIJýý jitjtutj,ý)ji of tlle lot hune moncy, whil, id Ecantling, a large qunntity on hand. DUÈDAS STREET, Yankee Queen of Blieba. Detor Rovigno wu calléd ýn a fltItU£ient guar. borteet du lifth have fonnéf it ag 1 13 notice. Large orders ter Long Bill Stuff filled Where bels prep alituo fur the land- GEO. URITTON, 9 _arecl te do all work in hie The Y0121M really doin from. Mille at short notice. gu One day poor ý'asou1 drppped in on iiie ' to prescribe- for 'Midua é, -parties. Là -Two doors eauth of the Queen's Hotel, Docrii, Sasbes and Blinda always on ta bis cuotomers. . sea. Re had been fiýe years absent on cumber. .17ertn8 liberal tu ii.-Iiiil)lo line as usual, and ta' arantes satisfaction ber with hie trunko and bis odoi of the little brute's nose waa au cool as a cu, and I a= delighteil P. O..Box 202, WLItby April 10th, i878. 144Y. widtby, May 7Lk. 1877. ly-20 whitby, It is only fair to A. A. IIOST ùrock Strect,. - - - . Wbitby. band. - Feb. 26, 1879- GEO. 4TEPS. a Chiasse statio», The poor devU gr. 'She told the Vrgdelgt o9tor about . 0060W a curef iurwaru, jerxing e trunk ires of the hooks and p it Ont before h4m like a ý -bayonet, ring through the yard with the wag- 1 et hie hoelo,,iicittering the affrigbt. BPëctatOrO in every direction. lie téozing dingoially-acrose the joug ,d; taking in a ik Of tent-pèles in course and MlLug straiiht fur the in the loweir oorner of the enclos- - As bearaggea the Wëggo, ver Pliecf timber aýPftrtY of hall a doz- Who had ietreated there for ea:fety, for ý their lives, i OnG maný tried to P AýBix-Igà t Wâil and, fell baok te ground, white U & alleet. *Nvhoýil : ooked up and êaw the wà ggou a Plats wrock, nop tan feet fYom hitnt ?Id Chief with the - broken harcess bodyp Wýudi4 wedgéd 'n'29 to t1m BtWeen t 0 cornýsr of the wall and corner of th" stable. 'lie und âgd out the whole -Corner Of the le, ocattering Mrty or fifty bricks the gound at bis fast. , After -a deal of trouble, the keepera suc- Pd in backing him Out of bis tight ion, nid ho wai sent« backý te tho e, étill inorting end deliant. No ýrAt9 catimate will cover tilo iniof punishmint Chief W ill bave »ive lisfore he ýp reduced' te sub. à rmer at collainei"N: Y.,, named vick some littlé 1 time ago', test hid and. being a,ý devoà t spiritulist. tiily*,waitecl fýr a messagofrom mt nous caine.' The idée, that bis ,akîng ' off wao near Ã9 hand took mien of hÃŽm. WU -this solerün ht in bis beadhe conhmtéà with on of the cemetery te dig his grave - Il out #10 fer the ]aber. QJ20 day oekhe made a trip te the noirest taker, and on payiDg down #90 .Sn SgrOéti2Otit With that perSon- y inter bis bones. ý On BostWick fell from bis. il ddied, and on Friday-last bà ried. otýngers 'entered the Illinois 7reuury Department gt sprin- Il.,'Wedne8day, and whilà ajý change for large bille secured a a for 0-6,000. Mw loss wam'not until cIoà o,ýof bnéinois for ?Ys arc noyer esten ip freeh obina, wbim takeq froni tfic 4 axe pluil.ged , into - boiling t1l, exposed in the gm 'mtif bly dried. ][)ý such condition mil to rétain their delicmy 'or for a long time. =ection with the ilour amil leed, -à P1BSý yjT8ý BAj6jNBý pp conotantl n hand a goM av ýe him à cau. PAS PENNYLEGI01i. ýy, Feb, IM, 1878. inty of HaliburtOA FARM LOTS, Due te a Reway, and Loti in the AE OF HALIBURRON Terminua of tha Victoda nailway, SALE, ON REASONABLE TERMS. AI)IJIYtO C- J- BLOMELD, ýer Canaila Land & Emigration C'o., 1 50 Ilront-Ot., Xutý Toron;ý am. NI-VEN, agent, E. Coy,, 11aliburton. GREAT OeFER; --FOR $10-60 à wend you bouna in full eh'eop an Un, qd WOROBSTEB'S DICTIONARY rE lOBTýsloUTLy Bxvl'uw foi tr. 11etailerice Worcenter'oDloUou, 2 00. s 1 tion-price per annuzq, unabtidged' boilid In alleep, CESTER'S DICTIIONARY r five (5) yearly oubooriptiont to FORTNIOZITLY-- REVIEW tour (4) yearly aubocribers to Tnx :GuTtY Rzvmw, ve viu a Co" ý fArnoum work, bond laveo voro-.,- ýmatural Rellgjon.ll e,141*8 W4NTEi)to-w.bomwowili,, good'commintion te auvas their r. yor Pgrticultu, order booko, Du coP1û9ý &e., Addreso the publlohero, ý'F.ORDS CUIRRE & Co'. 60'york St., TORONTO. E MAJOR. MILLSI ff WHITEVALE, b.contlyl)een gtted wjtb Mschinery DOP ciallY adokpted for Ej I S rr i ii-isF ,ý,r1otor hnm derided te ake J NO A-SPECIALTY. mtrotin of the Mill n% therefôýe arml tbat tlloit (JJJJST G will be the bemt PommÃble mauxierj and with oqt JÉ Aiffl ali kindm of mill Food pon. 011 ha"d aud for à alle at lowest 1 FOR W1111AT at offl tiMoo. T. P'. WIRTE. Jo, UÃœtl' Solit., 1878. ý'TELE0R4PH1., 00, EAN CABLES. ïb)iu are infOrIne(l that the connec. t)lu Montreal Tologroph company Atlatitie Câbles are ci. the jmost id reliable chargeur The Angle. ý Cable compan;rl wjih which-con. 1 made, liavillir:tarce oopérate and ýRblt'o, la a gustantea Assinst joterrutt'op Of - trogne, and. 'Vico 01 eth nogintrtin 0 Plier a lade wit)lcut ellarge, and available P. DWIGHT, Supt. VI STONE,, BUTCHERý. to tllu ()"tarlu J31nok, Placo, iiext door te the blontroal grai)], Office. The place te GOOD J0114T AND JUICY STEAK 1 '99 (0 1111110unce in the fi illabit. j1itbý aild vieinity, thst lie han opened a RI & PEED STORE 101, wl 11, his 13 titchur Silop, whore 'ays have 011 liud LARGH STOCK-o-P bur, - Cracked . Wheat, 'HE TORONTO Vapor Ba, the, lintjul lu Iule" et);ji4h". c'id'; Coü'g"ëutlolj, Viseaneh, sol in. lever#, And for CMI)ecîajly Syp Jilin, COIIC!É,d d that, both Ilatlia,99ro the boot A lien th mitliiii the reach -01 ýrta and 111 --Ut)rnpunetion witl, ýmvnt th ý jýýJtjeJtJt je Mure rap. ,t.hsftilly ti-cittré?. , . tlit'olipliolit the %Vcjrld -from to MAfi. Those, M tro t y in.tho City r eRiveu ry Authori- 7 tu 9.80 &.m., a tu WLY uL'til Il P-m. Ladies, 10 Urk 1811 Bathm, one tivkat, #1 - ù0c eà ch ; Id (jrýEN-ST. WEST. attentive niais aud fectale Real -Estate -11P OF lt;EACIU. 1431 ' Emil, ked,