Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1879, p. 4

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me fr-an aalvnto me;Ibi $roc r>'. tbe pMOistey Who was euftudovujlail belon. tb. saaulgét up, slipped lus baù u fai hlp Jrolcot' Suiowona est ivét> bon lb h& Wes7U six shooter, aud laid oni dollaran d~nbefore thé "Tisim Ilaail ugt'remarked Uic juil a,'but yona&1e most b. iau I uW leth tatoir"'1 -1 At 1sf., suosier atténe>' itm lauîediutaly lafroni of the Jnagé, go$ up afildnad-sing ont àa mmli Colt'. revolver, laid l and $1 on tb. sta. < -tTbis lu iglil agin,'l said thé Judee, but ou are othin's1 atof*I Tenreupon a a,$rgo îuajcet oùtaide- 0f1lise bar. vaiked ;aronu, rn l band fntnblbIsbosme ýa .dsifg ont s lange olS are>' pistol, 'laid lsuà $* on thse stsaudý , "I dclir," xcîm aelthe jaîge, 'If tlaisdon'$ boat ail; jeu haiedMue riglt, but y on are not ilie usaImivt villa lis.pietl Tbf m pioceau vcnt on u unl inuten t putois and #19) voesliug on tiseà UjdR's eamnd. 2Zhen 11re wvasa pauset and lt appeaeedtasiii 11.erow van.èe prOY erll eldîrmed, at lent if thsrl -iftlhe erè e au>'5. 6 mplatels la ie bouïse, Ibein avueré,déd net cm dia- pomelte «v. Iean il>,-n "bore aunoimteeu pensous vWho have -acteI litsDinca tu thfslbusnu, but tise mon1 a I Mtv-vtis-ispistel bas mot c0010 up etand îow,"' eoutlued ho, léoaklng loward tbà1f#r ,!ids of the court bouse, 1"I vili give, bfnz ont Min- utelo acocer é>' roula anifS ho - il m tFat tii , I vilii4 p oint ie ouitgote shésriff sud orlon hian te taits hlmnb usto ne'. tà£adtiately Ivé usu $roe bbc baok part of eles ouse begaulée=O"mov. -II yards thé judgoes taudý Oué s .>' a stoPppaIblohed 0 capis her, msuDI thou, eoîlug siovi>' !rvard,lafd dova E tieînplotate.s ti ndollar. -As 1lb ( turuol te Isave the'julge said: 1i min Wvts the bisec viakersla tise oas tisat I nav vlis the pitoVl.-""c Thcu irdgo Leter gave a màort ju lecture on lb. covsrdiy, foollsh sud' - wlokmd babil of oosnrbgct ooebed vespoum, sud usuredibisaudiencee that the lav voula debtl>'«Info bc. Tbe court prooecded vitblsie. ngalar I businessansd l elaceleio te a&d that s t u tisai conoty' ,lths habit of esaylng pîstelmsmb$brokenuDp. RaUOIîaaoF014 Tac W",ni o-A gooil $ior>' le-telS oa veulnt one wiîo-was s aasenger lna araiiroad ex. prèsstrinl, amd biceme tlbitoiy,' "Wbeoe'e tubeaI reo- by vltb tbe waer eau 2" ho iuquired cof hie naet Ho bu Roe.feasrd Ithelbbggage ver, I.up cée, va@ lise nepl>'. g bersal, n@ s 'poeeI lin go$ hie: ba e - 4Cenlaloly," Mid l ,-chien, "'sud h. ndoddel tevard the bellimo thaI$ra aboyaitlbir bande. No fooer salisshondoue.. Éore. s u>' ocoul pn.vent il, Baille bal oisiS tii. h aund gave l a Iremiend- - nus tes.- - e ["DO@ oueanc visaioneo. bal s doasa braeioen rau tote ir pos, uIndthe trainu-caune to a, taul- oeil[ it -l bàssudîeuneas litaItartîcd h1if lise psabeagena wIth sateishit, tu isolet Il sud b7onot an sd se. vbs vas the MAltIr- lu aàe fwiaonuuc. lb. onadaton, reI Ii -and cîcîlted, cameo foamU!g n» 1h. car eknov vhêeÈuucd thaï lUai. "Re*r., mIs Ian, iIs vy, n'etle 8he euhu- n..r, ravfng i ait ?' on iseeodétn W* liS jeu do IlefoT2" "lo 1,vauted uoîe vater.", "Waut. moneWater P' i "Berlin; I vsmlad 'livatcn.béy af1 ->' parduer boesluibmthesstsiL I'd boller a'for»fi i' U the do ae ' $nq 0 aaeit o. mataS miaeb 'vilS ~a!on. ~: bmIl if **y knov to c uh tcdotbls, - . aud b-Y hlwtMmntheyrefah aual for vomen poomnuly tg puri" lm in vat. W. livé nl u saop c ia*gdevlpwmte, bowiver, fr ldu 0tir b at l eorwin0j8 te 087e sorl o mbo fth ceuemy, a uu4 Ib , nl mecd sud saveu Rb$ eMi MMe vas ehot dead,aOd'$&a mu"boffl go ed throoy h esadin Of àbýýodc! L feou bon *Oem, vbe eaear eeyb theu149rsez " vhot1rvhm sévrblv..u th@ 4ýJaErao b. Br» 'lib go"meluth. ereo= tb at th@ latté, veuld motamue pon SliýmNoth. log like lb bainen rld by hWs ,=r é s t. h# mémorable f dayi tva Mbuadsx hundredYoean go, vhim th. Ishiewoms 0 iohad heafor. c">ly Wed by"Ë lue iadýd bisa. Itqentiï and w.re the osais of a van, urflied dévIa frco UicPajaUne fUSI vllb *dlmevell.d hairisid, tbrovingr thewsclvw botv«.etheir R9mau hum baude -anO Ibhéir Babine hiuncul. aceïd 6 pew,$be made, vhlch t.udio In te uion f te to racée. Buuxuz> Oîrèà.-:From i, te ti. vs béernof marypleus tonles céacr. lmg - bmnlsd olti... Récent rerehes mode on the, order& of tihe grest dosert of Gobi, in,dealrsi Asi&, prove that cIifqs of greal importancncece 00occupfid the pls.. nov céverîd by barrea vutda of mamd. 1Thc désert. gond@ ave p tou. yard and ewadfv il ei E P, vcything vas uia1nst i ever-incoeain,îacumulstion. The in- habItants of t1h. ciîleied before thc reelsîleso inrader, iaud now, aller man>' cetuules have eI.psed, oure'xplorero are dlcovertng tb. ruine of pùt g«bries --*l1ad sf0 lîver ornaments, coins, ebiýs, potterL , opper, vasas,land other treasurci, wvh a sow thst Peopleot only lnh&blted- Ibose alies, but tha" tbey woe a aqualilted, vilh the srW.' In Soie cases il vonld sscix th&# thei lahahflants failed 10oes*p c An t"a, fur thei!r skfletous h V eane ,fcd lnu naarthed houmes, *ith their Lpps-ii and furnîature Intact spd ubm. porc.Tie "dunes" formel IT>' the "nftng a aeune uPlaces More, $hast ancý hunîrcd lfin bhî, rend ,the mande are movlug onvard' b make frosh lonqueste. .r Granddaulhter-"'Bnî jou.viii gpcte lb. funensl ofyour old frlend, grandes f Coaogenaran-"'Ob, I don,i kn#v. Don%'tlktomeo4 ' fnrsaîa. Ifchj as @ver I shail be able go gel th îy owa."f BEOITA?%oK ]NiMILvoN1.4-rof-.oo roi nisuember, min, sny éther pass in yonr remding viser. the Levisîhan la nieulîoued ?" Nobis> Junior (a fnl;ue D. »).)-"Yeo, sir; It fi Mentionnad -in soly Beniptnre se fwallowing Jèb. (Blue lghts.) Puof-(tnalating s clause frý:n Plmti) ehat i4 au m, you a ra "Mr., ÂL-(whose.e te 14v Juit aroused hieseli): "Dia yon épiait ome, Professor 2 A r tgutca May cheant>in esut ïnàe if - h.olke, îbat hoe lno 'enîlemen" il hàeesté pasvth ak4fi. Four maie by T. G. WiÏlIfld, WbItb7. lreRPOOLt- LONbONDERRiY, k-IanLinbàý bF ROYAL IIMILSTXMSrnps.ý Vinter Siervice via IHsillfax. crtent Soeu Passage, IEaomy, Cozi- luIt. Averge Paseag'e fio n d >,u b Lani,5gb: Osys t vor> Satiirday >lrorn Ilas, narrivai of lithéinlea'nWhbliy AIt 8.10 a. n. acry Thurea>. f uDyas. ]RATS*Mon ~WnînnZY. ~bli lares reducel te S5, foi anS 091, trdlug tapollo A lteroon. Lor for reé= tckts rasge et îovesî raies. ItroAbi Miuc<ingli,1870 ....Apufl 51k, É,ue"escugrae foi-OrIeo1<>1 gto moâ.a tcr h Mods robel I aet e~ t rute rv niai ~ #r Caai "lefegad uiiMj eail customza H oua 4aohanme.« T' GUO. 3. Y=L. ~0s. pê$. Exp. sud Tei. mfie, Ajry Pb 1h 89 EgS-A whL fo Pu Lw ý. ïnrlm. IiêI~,@une. o f AKloinIP. ube ellaafoa& I s don But ast OSur PI liaI it -,7 1; Zoye an&- GIlsp e il bootis and sboes imitable for thé i done. Wlýitby, April 4tii,11.- PWOUM. w, CLOTHIN.G CHEAPER THAN'«E VER 'I' NO #918E IN PRIOE ON ACCMUN T 0F' THE -NATIONAL POLIGCy i Gente' Spniug S1ite, 04346Y Y, qhap 'A iarge iok o! faue Ganm.mta eut in "slouable etyVe. Aul11hàrance orflim T garmenti Ah'vloye~tmc* amb Mrh241h, 187' lb rAUD.BAVIJGB CMANTOIRNTO PADUP cAPITÂl , - TOTAL lSSËTI TO FARMERS A»LMjDOWNERs. Db YOU WANT ,TO;BORROW MdRNEYVtp To buymore lan fr -euruior fcw lours - orM à barn? ofnecM narri, or otheiwm jay! opay offaàMortgage orother de!4,jg Ic g "'O s ~If Yol1do, thé regnc&1 %àrma o! he AKÂBM'èN-Aj -THE SINkTING FUPÙeD SYSTeM n P l 4 otoudnowmrsIv adwnglo~nudrn1uele4~ iu tliiiProvince cf Onlsrfo, on lb. above 5751cm, »dLa .d l e " an as o ert re ial rnfor sy erm you ho, lot exccn mti AnadsFclr n tleufbrercgy« ofe ankrs uic f hage I~ Oo b uhbno 5&*» Âenslee ni mony. ilrenAiencs Illl' bcno legiby Pe.euplemged by ic Premt Md &1.Yncmirpy the lom b eerlyor "bIY à Acar abea imuite yonr onveni- knwn 7th.-Raving tb psy off Your ModelésbMyg~l ict,îa~iloIlrmnA Vcummt lermyourennualsymrn fornprthe pelpin interes m biile Utile morethenws nvll aeb a o neelaoe ilb.-Thou urlb bS IMM (oruag Um, aociin01to bou jort» m nL"go11oZbiOmm4.8Shoy mals 1-a t Ilmenundue sdrmme o ou» i t oersu, l,&"yemr inano l .f...moe U6:Y be for any lermoptogéyar, repayable sccordlng tothefOflowlng&bie:.. INTLENTRQUlftgEOTO REPAY A LOAN 0100 THE aFOl.LWîNpgaOo*-: 2 aui Trs.4r. à r. uTr. ym.y19cT Trié Tm" Te.' lit V_ Theu etlmueut., payable ab tb. eud 0f1a metyonié ItY$cPaM inSm - IEHIGME8T FRICE PAID OR 00>MORTOAGEI A&Ppralse, opposlbe *Chronlcle'Omoe, WmAI iby. GRO3I, *~RSHIlT EA S, Wine8 and R. H. JAMESON'S,l Liquor8, Brandies, At le DUNDA.$ STREET, WHITBY. Liebig's Extract of Beef. ,Craw*ford's Amylaceou58 9. I,~o-Irish Olrry Powder, PnSIpared Carrots, Prépared Barley, Pýa Flour, Bonga1 - .Chutuey.- Strâssburg Meat, FRpiEsHl PC OYSTEB Corn Flour.' Potted Ham, "Potted -Tongule, Pottd Hm~ andChioken, Potted Gaine, -- Pàtted .Anehovy Fste - Potted Pate and' Ùiable," )tted Deviled -Hami. SWhitby, Marci i9th, 1879. R. H.JAMESON4.1 G COD S SPRING, ~large and ,select !to~ fSrn f ~~Tweed. jutt hnd a SJO H N IF:;E',RGýS ho, ýfor prices osud:stylé. (JANNOT BBRPAs bel, Alga rm enta »>ade pii h iATEST STYLES AIIN Ind at the LOWBST LIVNiâ liÂTES Il béttom prices. An inspection eojloited. A LAMIE STO "' InnÀ~ G~S ~4~SEn AD O1~é ,AT TaIIENEW STOaE or D VïEÙTLL$BLOOCK, ROwf'y Oongreu ~site r, h * dieÉ, and faney 84ippers; .31 #~Ys~at1hMdl 79, JL&s.LTIC THE- GIWA T ï -The- md fibjus.Ladies w r ont d.-Intecd.) fB o .t., , Li, 4 and FOR~ SALE AT TUE - IC' I MN Sock WHIBYCHNATE SORE,I 'TO -IrIl-rjR1 lantin"the 1 ~ith the N. - P W 4538.A ~8V pBernof W. G, Tee Setsth6 r iTea a rte tock of aU grades, unusnuly heap. Sn à àt o4pnices. 8-111 m'iotIon aoulafg=mot f lI e fine i Qrnsto, 25 Ml0 , fé.rzoo. Gàraard u é1ûei 4s on baud ana ho arrive. The Geea ûioare respet ý«fuilmin'itêd t aU and seoure good Bargains beor le ewTaifcmpel 1d n iiprice. WANTE. 1Any quatityý of frsh Roi Butter, Dried AppleS, ren Apples, oaosf. Yonre Bespeolfull>', MYBrostockreef ERASIfltreet- PLASTE R, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL. ButteEgs, Pàultry, APples, -Red and ç Aisike Clover Seed. WifY Fimr - lh 89 Vl~iiy, Fbrur>'OFh,187E W. J. IBSON, BRO WN d PA TTER80N Mt 'g WIilTB~1, TO .H OiBTTÂp., umin t lb!nengo Cnda1J nua-(llgue of fuicultural Impie. 440 te laiiersof Uicae jeei,1877, ve do no, hmmre han lise ort~furP Oufillpuce, froalà te marted favour anS patronage o4dfinrjd'uPon OS, sud lb. mIldy lad lucreaaing demnfi bouijeyan te jar of 011u40 m4oaelqud Paru Im2pbMeçte.- Wb islcuin s irtfra manuÙfeeturrs, té make Àaspociaît>' of 4rlnilraMaclury...îb.Joustn Blfuksi Bepc,) iW Triumph Con. Fort. lst vauyto jen. a hve.givf on moi c7~fansd undivid. edatcIlo~é hamnufctuead oeralono! b. arinsmachine. innnu, d cxeneieabu auggesed. tîWeem qui ylqbejag#a Ohint É fehnes unuder lMe e. dae u e = uMSmcrti7coiji otoithe sever- set!cI lfebdI-liid ieiWmOqLi Iâ b orü» elédbeônsJeainguourvrts, te broya tbee oaipl.enes. cfavc r Part,-p, Ib finodliBlcaulê>'iluputting -lum i uppaleebrs>'prmonlo oeul4 meébaleosi abIJi. i 0w chner>'bas bien selecleld e d i "fiàtd lisis»Pp- W férneenace tee manufactureof our ovu-machines-mnc' tools havlng humali for Ibis psstfu4tptp d 4M i otuwt.& r Snvont, and Our vunkmee mn.eda., ma-o 01éur manfulatm'e-obtafnin, tbion. on4 kaow dgof the constrnetlouof oun mâchInes, sud aeUsozslte -oh. laia -hg -e d areof sili sud proflfec>'hait vhore- ooral uusnafeélurimg W. uns therefor. enablod to futroduce smre.ree y tem1bal- the. d.- paltanaeof mnufature,,addlng no;cal>' lé ts. perection 0f the vont, bul ai. ané te tii. isdljo!f is exeoton-aud a onecqueul reduction of coît. T~s sluli.Icegr-Ineecs wlaav ~rgItlestablfsiînl, aud ve'euabled t lasn oou Wmachines vyihbna. bIlrdgof Prwo.ad 0< Is now Complete in*Every ie - E. J.JOHN SON. 1 VeySpecialInducements to thos *UNýDERTAKING- Full Stock of Caskets, Coiflns, and al 1Ià A WELL-APPOINTED IIEAlISE. ore. 'j, Tagl-JffH,$TONý SELF-RAKING REAPER oia owâel nvseain. lsoUaawro1ommendâtion wonld maebue~wo bae adersd to Uic old 0!W IjzM Johustou maichine, without keep. vamenlaihaà t in àcl o rslyi udrotm require of lis lo~aLbs ~~~odv ldfiu 17et' w, i iieusPr, and for strcngtb ,&ddunsbility, qua iÎy out, iu cvery kfid an eoudtioliaof grain;.ýligbîénsOf lmsasgent--the 6"Johuen,"Semanu"aetnr4 by -sOtands pre.emnculti fabead ct wi hr repes.lu proo fof thi. ofio M haeol ~ôu élu Dy PFiniPrises awarded 11-aàt tl Ju yp lairal.On and u mny çounty ù"ils hlch !have takn ilace ail ovar 0a"a$, vifL&l OUR ýTRIUMPH OCOMBINED MAOC-IINES, wiShla lls*'tbproventl, blail11that eau be dcercd u omu.dMa ohine, snd Ca45 008cl mshms stttudý*iast wholy»e Tu '"BiL The aut durUtJgteafrat dpaff~,an a.omnge r 0V R 'N "~VMITBY, i-IARVESTER. '!MLns is s et aad l-Deo weil. 'a.Tu âud ew pur 5TO5PU4fol$i.~su4éfolt t«M IlR b".r -b, elemahin, aIT' r 04 Th "ltby, fresW we 010,000i pends, à-ýpy--«the bs.iqualisyof roa ud ste..andfro0ni ils lu.jh ge~~11Pat cosfrutlo~i& ombAe. O. clcugh and durlbiffty of Utc AUlof oui m"cioges arefuly vrald WikIslaic'ubuv eooUn that vseau0" M"vryne qnf.~ieu, udw. e.eefal>~ ulieêstral f unmachines, bolwcinqtaîw bili-m a chie for thé. mo uey Ibth" n hiobtain ed eb w.erh 187W7.T IS0 -". 0 Whitby, Ootobe7 lOth, 1877. '42 WILLIAM AILND fACTR A .OM THE OD FUNTBROKWREROOMSBY, Go where you cannot, fail to. be loeased in making sélections of good furniture.- Splendid Parlour, Drawing Boom and Bedroom, Sets, ,e Désigne veil worthy of inspection, at astonishing loy prices. Din. îg-room Extension Tablau-s vary superior article. GUI (Joruices, Pioturé Framing iu érer>' style. Some fine Chromos Pl Ne an Iù ail its branché,s;, fumerais fûUly suppliéS, A stock of élégant essketa. Coffimi always on baud, tuiuméed to suit Customérs, sud a well appointe& hf b>'b. November Dlii. 1875, w -j' WM TLL L2 ~r r CALD PICTIUIEÉS, $1.0o PER The work by the New Process is superior to anything o1 thé kind yet introduced. - Ii coinpletely revolntionize-8 thé art of photography.. Ca»l atý once and get piotures taken by thé Néw Procesa. ,,s jdist received, direct~ from the Manufacturers, a~ assortment of Ladies *and Gentilmnen's Marsard, Empress, and Amerjéan àiso, Paiflie Bags, Chep' for Cash ormr ae OUTTRE BUGG'ES,I AND 'CARRIAGES ý.ý9are Assortment of C3utters and 'Bugg-ies- FOR ALE ÇH-EAP,5 good spc.el opcsoe ,dc OMtbibI.bu B1ELFORDU OLARKE-t o. 11-11) 60 York St., TORONTO. THE MAJOR MILLS, AT WHTEVALEý, Halve remetil ben 511*1 vith machine"~ isp6ifalIa for' >-G31 i ST iIVN G, And -Oe a toas u dfed to mals 8 A IÂLTY. 'The patrons of teMUic n mytireforo f001 assureS thét Ihiir GEBIN G VIII 'h don. inthci beat possible -manuor, euS Wih Uh i uloit despatah. - FLOUR sud l ail kinds of MMiUPeeI cou- Steu*ly on baud ana for Bale AItboireet CABH FOR WHÂT Atau al imas. T. P. WHITE. Whlbotvale, 80h sept., 1@78. 4 OO*E.AN CABLES. wtlohnlte of lsMorelTegit4e ostan direct id relîb cbufs.The Angwo noafoui mIelualag aseparaf a nd dIsint ablafsgur~mlo afsésl tauj possble u~sm~ioftre, zand tii. drssi al vthout chaigo, aud avalable smo lay. - - -H. P. DWIGHT, 8-> ' -- supI. LEVI STONE, BOUemord ta fisc Ontario Block, Break-St., lhe olS place, Buit er te lthe Montreai TclcgraplioMc. The place te GET A OOOD - JOINT AND S UICY -STEAK 1 Me aima boga ta announce toi lb. lubabit. eut. of WIdtby. and violaity, thât ho bas FLOUR-&, FEED STORE in connecîlon vith bis Butcbe hp,*ee ho vilivwasihave o obu Sovir A-&ARGESTOCK 0F CkciccFlar, Cuscked Wboat, Osîmeal,-' Omis, Pe >as; S horts, ffc., Ac. Ourdelfëvercd lu auj part of lbe tovu'. Acauina ollalleS. -LEVI STONE, - -Ontario Block, WMt»îl, Dec. 1iti, 1878. - - (fS AUOTIONSALES 1 y BEG té returu =y alucere thanirs té tie _L ' Publia for thc ver>'liberal patronage beaoviji -upoon iaeAnicheputl,and 10 fllunmatelthîviji b. on bau& rezdj ta conu naI ujmae-lla-I Ina>' be'ntruilcda yilh. ,Toume lboe. Saislaion puar. My- - ale book viii be founda t the y ùoRtl htymiemdeviliau Mr. «son, theuoritor of teRtl * Auctlonoer, <.vbllby. N. B. - Sale Boikoeand blauk nus TIHE TORONTO, Tics. latbs are usoful la Eh- umatlai, Nanralgie, Cou, Colle, Congestion, Bronchi.i, Sera Skiui Deuue, au lu- flaunuations. BiHonmem ernauio aiiay uoes. - Iao,7aha are psnlicnlailyaplits- bIc t an ii diaoecss, cspaulSyils Et la nov univoral>' coneodod thatbotÏh tie TurAah sud Vsapou Balias are thue boat presorvstvm of hatwlhu ,roai suclical exportuaud EnSlacuuuelovt uicltuostmnthUic1 p titlamore rnp.ý ily and suaaosfully tuce. Patronized lirougbouîtithe vorld boni roya ' dvnté the preit =ni. Tisas- Traiukshath. are thc 0131Y ouin teit of Toronta. - -l i i> quasionsanS reormndati&us suc gironx 'zain lie bcebtmodlcal ans anit7authori. lies lwu i outris. - MOU5-euuomu,7 te 8.80 &.ni, alo 9 p.m. gaturdsy until il p.ni. Ladies, 10 S.Mi. tbl i.. ni. 1 RX1QB5-Trjejh Matie, onellickst, #1 12ctt~o ' afonBath,D60c," 12,I 233 QITEN.5T. WàIT, SiIfi anS attentive âni'and uSfenisie- -J. 8, DIAQOND, )ÀD.' 89) -,' SnperlalenUdat. k'aluabfe Real E8ta te T!OWNSHIP OF BEACH. S &NEWP LYMAN (flate ai whitbyOntdu B ARRISTE in Chant ?OllEY TC suaeup 10 teret. (LiT i Officcr vi Court Streot, T, ancero.O Strcejî whitb, GYOUN DÂRIISTEI B >Ianer ai OyycE-Over -fan. 523,1878. Et] HECTOR OAIIERO,î SUJiGEON T( SByron Stuc Dr. IV coerner 0 BYE DHYSICI t ':o 1 C A lB D Phyaiolan, surge, wbf bby, sept. 801v T> OOMS OVE] J-b, Grocery Stc Offce houre froin 1 'l Of6, P. M. 1 -d Glbert mtrette T EET 4 Teeth oztriotcd vi local menthca. an'. now block, avc Ring Street, Ombai, T-lAIR DRESSJ, J-J..saloon, Broc AGENT POII AScottish Grai of Jonathuan Wolfcnr WILLIi {Sncccaeor tau U -.' orse Ehoeing gsud L.FA OFFICIAL - 4.' maý OFFICE opp Motli, Brnc .WVMtbY, Mardi 261h T E. O'DELI Clark Division Comiioncu in B. Ma', FRESH BROOK ý STREET, VerY Special - Inducements to . thos . e. WILLIAH CABINET , 'F .. WM. F3URNSY" 1 RY 1 1 9 iý ' 1 1- ý - Deverell's elock, 'l 1 1 L e IL F. m 1 4éa""iAh 11 Whitby, Potober 10tho 1877. -. 1 < ta l TILL'S* oi*-T4r.VAI:;b:rc>. WM. TILL. - ts., iéi V'fid.uv ti p lx rc T fi tfi WýpàTBY,

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