Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1879, p. 2

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lIés- Le tiSé1 lions as to, 'ioktwo le fe i tita ef In, ad Weil 5a@55i0 a rémission of Pas-lisaient leait From 3,Toai fence t aloe Atenth ropsslyl k to- thwreeit P-m Mr. Et cI tiss~ objetio i résignation 3ecds-~.'Yi-oéi: -'- i aI Doml~slou Ws~.. I P~éVâil & Ce.' I 'i 'lsltSolId'. - 'j -s wLsîWii9 nld., J.lsS. Ce. oi B. f3milleu& . 'i 'loi.- ~s-. 'Saletf *th itock, tù?ntpëIssos &O,, tieproponi 'tMr. Ttsnotliy ?inj 'au hils îrésils, ,lot lb, lu tise lidCoi,. ifl WIitily, oCM Wedssday.- AprliItb, 1879>-IL. Fairbakil, Anclioneér. 8al,1etof nuaé aul L94 itpusébold l5urIltnre, &o., et Gs-eenwogd , thé pro- purý O te 1,4Fs-éil Meu, on Wd. i llu - 7 Tssa Poucirés-, At.40 ,s-. bale of 47,m'stock, tenîsienn, &o., tilo îroîerty ot 'Mr. Tbos, Hsugglimst'i hsî premss, lot ,le I tise ud con, et Wvi'tteu, cnTssasdy, Apritl ltis, 1879J ONL.Y 8 Si J NN M Wlitîby,'hirtdaY, April 10,, 1879. Thé &stes- Holiday-. laluét wil -eiijtiiru tg-- visl egositers i i iave a respité ti tiîsslir labuosrs, tuc] tise National Pc - iulIil is-sletions ivilihave a1 -ct t vtin tuéeisalsetf Par 1sfelss. Oztics , nul mach appercl uîs-sgro-Am lias bossu inasq)iensIasivauc iie rsriltssissess or tIse fsession, Basley Saving. / sîcusehgrainmu can telle uls selvst bus-nerss lis e w éo-scW bail 'l'ise, iLglili inîurkwt, lissu 5yb, ie ih&l v ii C'lasîeciesse issu,,nov got ta i( - - lsicîllpI, insinot tise Atsiclen,c tu- iiet tcssnor tMéieséiavy grain le t wIiéit 1 ilhltIc a hsus;ig ic e. ers cmscclvýlesh. lié aubie is tini ul iccisfw. lay, rurk- sicy rita. te ,ley.Y ,t te and Mise csly =,r,and In wht~s iy ýsgs-pjeef»g. paersrnn»?'tio*ns-sbtiot, o t éd offandér eos,4plaa thecoud '6a an ejloged offnce. To MJe EdUor cf lUc.,W*4MAp Chsa. Da e t.- i -lu lbheCélsawa viA41Zic- tatiq Seing kcLowisa 9ownér sosnt or- p eet lýiemou, bCi', ont cf wprk sacw. o rucflise alioeatPolc1 mmci% 12Ç1e 4u[ttes-is simply, thua: W. have ýoine ars-dsete Isép. on, usither sud we «et o!les-s toelosp fora adlme. Thés-le nul t'j4éh,dasger' of Élime yes,ç frs on etish wlss so4 çp,4 Rces ve wil'be i Harveaf,, making**up tes-Fos-r's,'_a jWaci edo 1léase give its a place iu yens- val- gàeié andrss9ie.. Whitfy âpril ls, 17P. To lice Editor of lthe Wiib lbpGi-osi- DIrA S IR.- Ieonsistessit ls yostr vié*s jsiese unses-t tué toliowtusg;tinticé s- Cwiag lu a misuudaroîaunisg, Ms-s., ravernés--Ghae iii] net rean! luithé Ontario Ladiesi' Gaiege 1*ast Fs-iche uveniug. Bise ,Promises te do 8son l'reld véuiug, Apel istis. Ms-. Latis sl stil, snllsniqg,5t;ontau attack cf lu- lammacin oftio ugi. As ou as ha -acoves, tieket-isoldérs an! the publie generaliy, may,és-poot an evéung's ceaulings frosu lmfi. h hava ha 'houas- o remain, Your. ver-jt-sl 1 ItN AlE. Thorels Municipal Elerti6n. Tac the Editor of the, -IVicitluy Chcrosc- Dîlsu Sss - -----Wue Issu en Satums-cay iast i Wies-e se Buy. lis-ougîs sa Municipal Elecîlculies-e. - léf gratifying to kussv tuaI corne 'rue reaules'eattention f i dIs-é elesensé psevailed-theu tie man au! s tiîss sdvestiséemsunlutise 1ONoSCLs af thapartisan récélvés tise stulrages sjuricig gooudsasind tees lis gecscéies. Thèe otus ehecuors lu sun umiatakabléensa as- e ibouge, lu Wlsitby, whistsa thé noie. Mr. Bruce, who vas uonséstei on lied g accis eau hé bossgit et thé owésl.t nSila enr-bcéia év psiras. rsrh by tisé iansisorue majorlty > o ne. hundresi sud sinc votes, 109.) Hssst' <IIs ALL As IA MARET.-A - OHN SIMCOE. oqsmiutiou vasl presentesi tise Tewn - Wvosn-U REcISrTBAiSSip.-T] Cotiscilian monclay évening ta purcisasa anso ocement la 'meléthet hM Sloî,kha' 'Hall for marealpmspaseos. t Williiams, M. P P., et 'Hamilton, b baorne124 signature*s, susuy OetbthetIéaceap led lise Registres-sbip et Wvic nicnes of Lise lares& ttaaîeèesan ovstii. omstshsa li sosnoathtisétev. Tise :vojication oeti sîrkt n a caîsîralpas-t 8. W, B. liriti &-kce. ihave a fulli )fthtisétownuluse been long egitaltandesrlostîssut fail tisé popuier Asués-isi Lu isbut -amsue-e htion ut tins s, e t igiiali llmeepetbiin Itsieiéc .,Ibcslglsilg sutierf or isiés-, Tîsat birg manusi eotaining fuldirecrtions fI thcanae, suc] tise questions of su oilice thé treatccn t rcommun compiis for tisé Divisian Cosset OieS-k, firéruen's forac. hsaul, ansl engiués-noin, ausi lhe mas-e cotuviesénl oation ose uéTo*s Cierk's Pbiiip Taylor bes a spiénded lileni (111100 sud cGoisainclChasubearpressing altisrnElgin sud Slii,%allIes, bei thliîsselosjasi slow, tîi.etime iniipbhévalue lu tovu. Go ansi$0 secbigo] alfcctiieîsliy <mIllostuus for smenuring tels oigs front 81.001)up. Ihopîsisi" 15sohsétY for te puposee indi- r- ctd- t Cinbtg55 inel op tIssu Miuscsssit, Isiuisa' ASSOCIATIONc- itîl vie-asii aboust ssnotlils- a Se-lic-Th exst us eetiug ut tise Teacherm' Ai liove, Uite artuicest. Sîttiatosni lebs caction of tisa Gonty of Ontario, mvi t eoiusibe msade ,a îIeping luvesimeut bc bold et Port Perny, ou Friday cae fl*ocs'lheu suant, arond incleécitalisen ailto-saturda 6tsùi17hMy 4iIiis itoiut b il e ePu in tisé Nui'Vos.snss:AND New SLsîsL-IT icuttiresti cf tisé whl ordsporaticmn. It UUA fLieaLviyAcfrt Wb t he-tou erjirs b aVayfor gewiu tscdu-of itteVaLi bilcq 19ONeL i'iglli, idas by taksug cîsvantage orthtis volume eft tsitandard pepriocilcai. I suussrîsiuiisg irnusuitauceasnmust sau centeine Th ise leétion of Englisl tis )tcîs, if bouglitstlow, front a noce- Chas-astAr ilu nglis Art, Quacs-eriý s(iylarge expénchitssee that would Resuleet ; Au Aueiasu View of Aines bivît% tahécrmade ame dc ay for mars-ket ican Cotupelitian, Sp Edwaed Atkiss îsssrîoeeé.sou', of Bioston, Is-osu tise biortciiUlii 'l'u-; Vsi,îrylfeeiew ; su instalmeut et "A Doubtino V îtI<NC s-'Itls'.NsiRs-siWAUD. Heest,' by tlha autisos- et'Castlé Dsip; -A w atiipttilMr -amooi sTise Foli lluda evieut ; Nos fl'tit blis dolty tu rréelgu.-Ts euî tralasnus, V1a-i Mail Gazette; A Meý Ti oc il iset oflest Gonuusy, a soalto trs Ileuoivoisru-sctons for tlime Iaking cf fsrn Rlai;kwood ; Cas-nival1aI Nies tîcîst eéssiaàry steps te IClio lbvacsucy, Batcrdap lfeview, etc, etc. wic loisf . eass'se wililihé donce a e. "i ubiiee at h anuie 'riîsnatiosecf Mr-. utlédge, aoais y m~en is he ws eraele aissronuce iusutlssscl lun thèse éolssmns, lias p-cvosipan et JEAN INGELO W 1;11ubcehbu fmistaI ibt'tabie te ait classes of lise «usn humediatéiy lu Tice Lieus9 Ae s-ctsslssay4ofe wil as-c, andi tIsése Ià fs-cmnthe auhisos'. ailvence cissétus. 114 ltus oiloubt -but limai lin wilis héelectoul #tory vilI hé hooakoifor witilsmachin l- -vts-y bitai7 Spyacclamuation. tesest. For fitty twa noumbéne cfi sixty-tous 'L'sosait MIIiPAL LIICTION.-Mlr. larg-pages each (or mos-o isan 1110 ls-ies,,h be St roteéctocî reéeof lice pages s péan), tic sobsesiptlon ps-lsd hîsvusîcp oeThorîns-abs Iy camajûeiuy -Ot ($8)islev w; vsiie tes- 610.5f0 lie Pub- Ili,.)vîstic. Ms, lsisc onis-oci moueasfuîiliselrs ofén 10 seuilany ene cf thé sisushes-of tics coul-it nnoudil esul isis Anseian $4 monîhiies os-meeilies setssi otîsat.boly wblhé veisonsési viths TiceLivicg Agetise a pois-, bath isy susuy friende, TIse -opposition teo potpescl Litteli & Gay, Boston, pub. ins, vwuessuret te earss, was of a pssreuy lisière. facstiose cias-sotes-. Cous-ev JniGS isCIIcsNlAL COUiT- 'vsc îî~~' ~s-i~ hé aleOn Wec]ueslay bêtas-e Z. Durnisiu, sut "qm ticis mrsspetp, ise he saer es u Jsok il.Judge, Ms-. John E. Fareeal oe wf himproort, Lse 9.1acrs n Brçk he ron. Johnu Vinrent, et the tovu- uts-luct wo-s-ékuockedi sown 1u Mrs-.,o. sis eo lres-t, labourer-, palesi dguiiy- Iltiliticgottosn las $110par sas-e. Thîe ho two cierges et petty lescéuy. sud 1,.I)aces noü(odin te s o lus teftd waR ertsircdta tvo mcitsslia ard MlomDocekeory wan ehiargos it 0lli,tiulu, os- $00 par acre. Tise blisllng ios-se-seeing lu Tisos-al, anîl vas re- 01, tise Otser lot cf iland and] on tis e dsutéi iitif Ttiseasy s-it. halîli îîsoisany vas mot coueilerecl 8s1111. ma..@ - elessl-la warrant a sala, sud t-vas loti- Use Wbltbiohdt;ceberetcipolissonin stsated iat héndera vonh Se acceecisys-up tihe atkuovss rouglis sosneiy. -fs-an parties viliig te bld. The- sale ** 4- %vos coaduélctdSpMs-. Levi Y rans, Humplis-api Ilosuopatbic Reméedias nebionse, v: ithbis ii eIl kuewsm abilitp. ful stock. S. W. B. Smniths & Go. Tisa addition cf Mr. George Ricking. balloin te Wiithy 5si acitizen viii -heoKziîsp sOR REsssasrrc.Tbe ubsérib- veiceno! SpMaily friendi, or hison haund to-day,nah ils néw store Deves-il's Block, 100 seaus cf ochoira AmosagKa OLOLANDosIAnsi; ols s 1- note-papes, 50 thissausi Seau maie cf Ois- obltuony columis tisvek ee rrs euvebopsse, au! a vos-p full(liue etfools- tho (iati ofMr.Robrt ftlgtige.cape, poil pasper.sud bilil apérs. huesbeatl c Ms. Rbest egg-Idé.Thèe goode wvés-épuscîiaed bêes-re tise 1le- vas un aIs] résident cf some ferty incréase lu !nîy, ansi are to.tlay ofeled yees-s luIhié teo sip, and si il spit- At uumssualhy 1ev ratés, Notée afév et aSie home ou thé La ke ue os-etvastisélicpeicos ;-Fcolicsp, 12 cents per- moossîiro f many fiensis. V quis-e. Fis quis-es supes-fine note pa- 1lui-cc ot geltis e exact &go cf teprwt et rpe o 5cns ttîccaesci, bi éMUthm l uss 4ce Eveer ts, 5:censapor 25ke. ns ovér 8sOvcity. eWBO akul.hundresi elpsUequaîy, 25 cli génial, wsniy dispesition Ian! a tIuéTva husadreiasd f fty en"loopes. 110 "Joisn Bull," B13cm peausgagoobriti. packagem) 50 cent». on. ttousan usè,. on cf thé e U esd vasLos-si Myor of velopes. $1. London. -- Eves-y ladyp ilsol! sointhé uév hair Goussosi1i- Thé,originel Parié=asi lido, aI T. h. WIis fieli s. Mile Fîaeesi Coespuy appoe ast Slatiouol-ry, volesale asic] rehail, J. lopil ' all, lo-usgi,(Thus-sday.y S. Roberson, Devérellîs lici, Brook Dont faisl te as. tioni. itreel Whiîby. Net îIthotandisg Mn asdidOulal dtuy Métalie Hais- Bsusics, S. W., B. cf 12j par cent ou Biètotro.pb» 0Wsré, Smith & Go. 1ifiip Tayor ashlilleé bis hmbeau "Cjul Seo bhertson's splendid inu l goocds it thé obsi price, udli. *r,5'baby éseiages, stock nov tuis séeefin, asouas p npsIlar s ever % .s malté, ahtestyht es. Price, 05.00;, 6 8.4). q «#9.50, 610.501- $11.50, $18.50 hisscn's Manchester va-in kihier, eAch %bdupwarda, J.,S. -Robertsosa, Ascertaiu destroyer et ratsle, os0ý-ci. Dvés- Oh,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~evrio «etes lus é.Pié 0osi "u i- ."Té«set iu eeto.s,. .Wt ué,sus.-~ i hté! got nou sot c f tau- Ma 1J. as. wsnftt totiilte theéon-DF. lB garnthle tthalu. . M1o.1!lokteýât n6 dri-O1OOétà,ltoéI 'Dunidas t;eetm.. Hé ceuaidés-ed li thé nsousY couldib. we - dvantà- -oal épé~o l in ta ,way, -th,-b maktng '#ëeti ral ppropritiéna. 'I tbe ahltiâ~çg enfonPlace te ptào sud otlsrerws, lie, îùo néy , ceuld i 1 opent mes-e écionmicslly. That wu lie resuli et bis expes-enue.. Mr. Ceuphel ldia net opposé Ih mlotion, but -lhé was et opinion thstj woulcl hé more oitisf"utosy te the raâts pjayes-ýýS .ô vothel amountefieI bs epedeiupon oaci sîrsét. Mr annam spgroved cf léaving lih miattér lu thé han sacf Me. '0 wlisèmanagement cf theéatrééta h cxps-éùcd lia approval, Hé did élpéel howreverb 1te s abà tatélnput cf las 'year'u olpéidiiure laid on thé table hi fàéreY'fiý'ap/ro2riations et tuis -yéa *Mr. Ba y répliesi tiâsanoubsa stal. met sad egpisecibétorsthé dona cil alrèady b.y tis éldèsk. Mr. 8it iii wa lfaoer cf keéplu, te ie éado pted lu thé pasi et défis lq héîootr h i~rprstioni. Thi~e gyor'tb6ught tiat'thé 'menéê 0Tî-Zt ç~on csa ~e aidsrlesi. Atte'rsoméýe discussion, lu wlileh Mr ýann&m stosi 0but for a lârgér asr prialiopa for thé tiéniré *&rd, sud Mr, 1Hnggatçl, Me. Çaî»pbél1 sud Mr. Binith for thé Soti *ward, thé; tollowlng ap. roritinswre agireés t,-Nortl (Vas-l, 8l1200;Contre, $250 ; South Werd, 8200. Report adopte! týith thèse figures. Mit. JAMSEsOW.'$i 5E5IONATIOid. On'oeqtion of Ms-.' Burns, secoudéç by Dr; lBogart, lie résignation c f Mr- Jaeson as counuilior for thé Northl Ward was acceépiec, sud tise Mayor aud Clos-k authorisési te take stops lc fil thé varancy.- MAURICE CAIN'5) TAXES, Mcr. Hggard, sécondési by Mr. Fox, moyeu tisai thé prayer cf John Blow sud bihérs, respeciog tisé taxes of Meusice Cain, hé granted. Carrieci, i?111E AND WATEIS. fur "t in ,st Ld 'ho ho 3w 'i Mr. Hannrbrongtit hetiséréent ofthlie committée on Fis-e aud Weher, suicing lîsat tlséy haît réceivési tenders froci Ms-. J. T. Tiiompsosa-$250, Mr, Jt. Newbcrey $175, for ligiiting tise leva Iamps iu thé Nos-lb andi Centre Wards, ansi voulcl cecommensi the saccptacice of Ms-. Néwbes-ry'a tendes-, Thé coin. ruittee fustien repos-ted tisaI thé 000 téét of Paragon boas os-des-éd, hec] bécu receivo! aud vue arcos-ding tetlisesain. pIe. Tie couneili ent<tlto cammittecf l'mo vhloî-Mr. Bus-os lu thé chaie. Mec Hennasusheeitedth h asinol ssivéstised tes- tendes-si.he a! slmply asiési Mr. Névherey sud Me. Tborup- sou te tendes-. Hé conuideresi the tovu vas gsttissg thé vos-i cleapiy doué at 8175. Mr. Hnggsil asked ibal lie accépu- suce etftisé tenders, be laid oves- until silet meeting, sud Sp ticst tirna some new tendes-s saighît ba sent in sud thé vas-k lho «t doué for hesu meney. Mr. Casmpbel saisi ié coulci gel lis iesups Iightéd tfs- 8125 e yeaec Thé committro edopiesi tise'report sud as-ose, ansidl it e e qoeavé!ansi ap- peovesi b,'the council. CONSOLID>ATION OF THE TOWN OEi3T. Dr, Bogart, seconîloc by Me. Smith, moeed thatit i le'ezpedient to bave -the debt of the town consolidateci, andi for huITt Purpose the Finance Commlittee ares reqluetoc to lay before the couccil a fiuapeial statement of the liabiliiicq of tise towu. Mr. Haunain wce ini fîsvor of consoli- dation if it could be donc, but it lied, been trieci before and it was impossible tui calt in thse town'a debentures. Mr. Campbell cousidered, it wouid only give tihe Finance Cominittec the trouble of briuging ini the report. It would coat toc, mucll 10 consoldate it. Thé motion was carrid. usss'oaSsesOF PETIvrsIONS. Ou mnotion et Mn. Cor-mack, secousia by Mn. lias-né, tisé pétition et G. hil sbs-ish, Joa. Locke, "a! T. Fs-chslte il regardi ho taxsshbc efrré! ote ls. nance Comusitte. Cas-s-ed. si 1- n .i.1 NOTZFYZNO vTUE 0. T. 5U. COMP'ANY. Ife. IHuggard, souonded i ly br. Fox, novei tisai thé Clsrk notify thé agent of G. T. R1. Company, re repaie asd put n propér condition thé couttiniz wbérs the 0. T. R. teack cc leés Hsnry stréét n tise town cof Wbitby. Carried. HOPK5IS' sHAL.L fi 5ALL TiSE TOvs tIOt IT? ýOMr. Heunin, r.écouded, hy Mr. Ces- snacsk, movéc tisaI tbe potitien cf Me. - J. Rlichardison aud others, sskiug that lise town purchsasé Hopkins' Hall, ho I s-eferrec ta tise commutéee on tewn ps-c. Il pérty. Ms-. Campbell asked tiet 2 -or 8 otisér inembere of the concil héiesdéci, Mir. Hacnneen ldne objection te ad2os- ii cf tise etiss-mémbers et thé conucil, but if hée lait pes-miosion lie rwould withdeaw biis motion sud move oee uubmitting tise potilien te thé concil Dow sud liav-e Ltieego mb cornsitteé of theo wlole thoreon. Peemision wes given Ms-. Hannam, to witlîds-sw bis motion, andi movési lie e0ucil intu cosunittef of tisé wiioe on thé petition of Mr. Richerdieon andi Conil lu cosnmittcs of tise wiooe, Ms-. CampblsslluntIhe chair. Aftr tise cîsuncil lied resolvécl itsél! into comusitte cof tise wlioié, il succion. iy occur-esite thons tisaitlsey ha! ne data on whici te disese thé matés,- sud a et eédesultorycers.froin Me. Hlannain, it was inovoci hy Mr. Bus-ns, au! cas-rie!, tuat a cosamitteé, coinpcséd et Mayor, Itéeve, Bernés, Hanuain, Hnggard andi lie moves-, ha appointesi te lake imb conslderstion lie propsriety efthIe towu pus-chesîng, andi to procureaial thé necéssas-y figures e. latiug te thé purebase of lie sains. Tise committee then as-ose sud r.- portesi tisé rsolution wbich was receiv. esi sud adoptéd by lié council. Ms-. Hannans, soondési by Dr. Bo- gset, lieu a vote cf the propérty ewn- ors of tise town, ou th. advisahiily cf pueciasing Hopkine .Ha1lr b. usien on Monday and Tsusoday, April 141h sud lbth, lu thé Oddfellews' Hall sud liaI tie Clés-k act s Depnty Rétus-iug Officér. Ms-. Campbell asîdiUr. Rlay oppomes thé motion, asd on a division héing- cehlesilthé volé stoon!. Yean.-Masns. Burns, Bernes, Bie- geri, Corinekan! Hanuam-5 Naya - Mssss-s. Campbell, Smith, Hnitggard, Fox ansi Ray-5. c Thie Mayor décidesi in the affirsmative aud declaresi the motion cas-eei. Dr. Biogart, seconded by Me. Bus-ns, moved tis wisen tisé conucil udjonrn, lu'tan lîufdjoueneci until Tins-sday 101h Apil. Cabried. Câuncil adjouenesi. Dobbina Eléctelc oSeap. For sale by T. G. Whsiifléld, Mr-. Wrs. Irelausi, 0y Chamberlain ofKinlst<u, diesi on Snssdy aïftes- a jCourt openeci at 9,80. 5Y.UCTION. William MoGiI v8. Thomnas Klpai rick. Tii. action ln tis cs.o was brought b y tihe plaintiff, a farmér et tise township cf Beach, wlub wheus Haunai Thompsonlilvéci as servant, for tihe leis. of lier services by ber séduction by the doiefndant. Hannab Thonipson, the. principal Witness, swes-n, saici abs was 24yéaes cf age ; hhat tii. defendant, Those Kil. patrick, wic wasstbe son cf a néigihor. ùSng farmér, had been lu the habit cf vxsting ber at plaintiff's bouse, psying ber biis asdresses for about a year and a issif previona l e i.séduction. Thai ou tise 24tb cf May, 1878, shé was se. ducéci by bien under a promise cf emar- niage. That lié teck libertiés with ber lwicc tisai day, and tuat was the ouiy turne anytbsng imprprtcok place heiwéén thoém. ,Tiaroseh... a ebild lu Februsry last, sud ihat défend. aut was thé faiber, sud tisai shé neyver liil conéction wlth auy otiser man. Thsomas Kilpatrick, thé défendant, deuleil the allégation, saia i'sattésspt- od, but diia nol succeei, asid that ho bail paid be fifty cesnts. He denieci tisai b adoveprousisesi te mars-y ber. Hie admitiéd that hé bad takén Paris green, with ths intention cf pioigirsiesi, because of thé cils- grcflreport spresciahsoad. Mr. Paterson ýonducted lie case for thé plaintiff and Me. McGiliivray for the defence. ]loti gentlemen mlade ahi. sud éloquent addresses b Ithe jus-y. Verdict for #200. CRIMINAL BIDE. Thce Qeea v8. HorIop.-Frgery. Thé prisouer wuas senignoci fer foeging waehcnae recelpis for floue ounlis. W'Vhitby P. P. & Lundsay Raîiway Cem. pany. Hé pléaded net guiliy, asd was placesi upon trial. Trial gcing ou ai; wé go te ps-sas. ANr oLDuWOMAN MUaosissD.-Cathae. mue Tiompuon, agési 65, who iad beén living aloné on the 7h cee. et Mas-k- hain, was founsidean! La uer bouse on Menday, Di. Eckaedt says theeinuet have heen dean! for two or thrée sisys. Hér bond was fearfuliy cnt with asharp instrument, aud boatea witls a chai, whici was coveréd with bicesi. A box Lad boom broken opens, which conWanon! twc pussof money, eueetfwich was ésuptiési, sud théeute-,entsining $85, was left nntonchéd. It las sppsoW. thal aie was murdoresi for ber mcney. As yét Ibère le ne ciné e tiste guiity Party- .Ths .cominissionér appointél toeon. q ie ute lieoétont oifemine lu uppor Egyt, reports liaI 10,W9 )peo. ple dlod e171t aryation. Justin McCartsy*,lbisbeen élecuîsi meinhocf Parliamoul for thé e uuny et Longfosd, by thé Homo erwl- A NEW PHASE. Me. Monssan le not sstisfied with thé course resolvesi upon by tb. Govern. ment pusiy, and to.nigistlie plaeed thé ieliowingz motion ou thé notice papes- for Monda y: Réeolvd-Tiat tuis bonse i. cf the opinion tual thé tact cf submitting thé acivice cf thé Pcivy Councilof Canada te thé revléw et Her Majesty's acivisérs lu Englansi, upon questions which are pnrsly cf an administrative cierecuér under tie B.N.A. Adct f 1867, la sub- versive cf the. principlés et responsibis govérument grantési 10 Canada. Mcnday Mr. Macesnzie skeci tiat any os-déssil counoil lu reference te thé Letelliér malter b. brongit down. Sic John A. Macdonald répliéd te tic effeett lai confideutlalcmmunications made te thé Governor General and ad. Vice tendoeéd hlm wére net thé subjet cf ondes in boncil..ý Thé débat. ou thé tarif was résumed. ~-Mr. Mfackeuzié ceucluded an able speech hy saying liai hé helievési lie opération of thé tarif wouid hé anch as te éïusb thé geowissg ixpori amanu- fsctueing business cf thé counts-y. Thé departure cf Canadàsfrein wiat migil l.î calleid thé teaditicusi policy et the Empire could net contributé uo lié streéuglieuia cf lie lies belweeu Cana. da audftise Mothér Lanil. Ho nievesi. thé foilowing am.neneit-- " 11That lie resointicu ho net uow concurred inL, but tiat il hé rosoivési liai whiie luis Houese leprepaires te maak ample provision for -thé - réquira. mutàcf liéepblic evc u i us.rtc cof thé public crédit, il réT. Ras-us tise 91 m.us.e i:w u1ndéconoldéra. lion as calcniated te diuteibuto unéqual. ll sMd thes-oloeunjusllyjthé beus jor eues J lie se -l -menuise 'poli ion A.u~ sri an M1ol- on'du, rond bel~ elODioés .~5J c' j~ Samuel eon.s, D' 'Ises ~onu6~ Jas.Lôask ~ Daul.bo~bo~, ' ex.Uc1n Otl W_ bsJ. j[obsu %fwbs- I éogéGbua Oéôo SÉlro" 1Y loa .'yIr that-,àpore tie aeno» opf forgezd te Andsi wib regard te:;tiatL, pasicitl crime, thep- wonld ho aj «prohéadi ë,~ case "érb the ms*latalatio pris e radaitttef ioîlguiilt. l éi'Ih îbsieily expIainsd Whist ocstittd 1tl et cs-lnz&of forgés-yansi tie; duly of it 0. grand ;üssy as le fluding a truc bill, rtise evidenés satiafiesi thoni lu dolng 0 pbeàapeaeeles hébu Uispi-sn a on han l1Olsaigésiwitls' péiquryi, lié Ob .asising eut o! ie licous. law-;, bis lesr siip isad met wiih liaI klud'ofet case ig hlg former circuit, andi wluh oeu nth] it coquiresi two wituees, or the cors-c oratien of on. wlttsem by othserludire ,y elcuimtâaes te establis lieths-las- d Tliey wouid aise boas -, iinds tli pedhtry intuét héa tméMés ahateilalj ý lhe maties- cf enquity betie.ltse-cotir r;Anotheï person appoaàrsd 'teb. chas-ge >. witibau indécent assanît. A. diffccult lu i the casé wss that lie offence appes: b esi ta hé cmruttid -utl Octobor, as ). thé charge wuaouly madi uJaunai h1879; Ihat wuau.an nunsual ciron stansce. When parties feu tbéhy hi béen ossîragen tisey -uaually' hroug] such charges q1uckly wiile thaie te legsweré810 ed'nis Lordahip el plainesi low indéeont assaulîs were puî I Ishesinl a différent way free commc, - asaulta ; pas-sens fdui guilly may i figgd,-cne -cf thé moc't repéllas flmde, c pnnlýment, and whérever ih ftes i hsitise efisci cf putting an on te tisai sort cf crme. The triaisc sncb chargés wére nol, howévér, aiway in thé intérésts cf mos-ality, sud ho di net hésitais te tell grand jus-lés te lu f nos-e the bill whéré tie circusuistance wrreauted. Oue othér case lied bséi brongist te thé notice cf thé court, lis tof a peran making awav wti goosis t ps-évent séizure by lie shériff; thé faci andi evidencé woflld hé laid before ti hy tisé Ceow4 Cottusél. Hlie lordahi] *as sSci 5*aire cfnuny otiér matter ti briug hefore thé grand jury, étôepi -lis usuel dniy performési by grand jurie of visiting thé gacl ansi présénting sucl mater. as may Coceur te them lu Ils disciarge et théir dutis. Thé grand jus-y heu retiréd. CIVIL BIDE. Thé followlug are thé cases on tlb civil dookel. Haqérmasa va. Hage-saei :-W. E Billinga tes- plaintif ; J. Rutiéigé tei défendant. Ovandell va. Noit :-N. G. Bigelovi for plaintif ; N. F. Pattes-son for- de. fendant.- MoGill e.XKilpietrie :-N. F. PalIer. son for plaintif; J. Biiiings fer défen. dent. Porier vs. McLeass :-N. F. Patter. sou for piainif ; D. J. Molntyre for défendant. Hinde ius, Poeir s-R. Miefor plaintif ; C. H. Rtebié fer défendant. Olaicfersoss va, Dominioun Baiakl: JK. Gordon foc plaintiff; R. Moes for défendant. Bell va. Morrick :-H. M. HoweiJ for plaintif ; E. C. Campbsell for défen- dant. Bauniler8 vs. Dehart :-J. S. Ewart for plaintiff; W. H. 13iiigs foe def".i dent. Non Jury liai. Undefencles isses. E wccsds Vs Gicîs :-L. English for plaintif: R. McGee for defeudant. l)etonded lsues. <oopcr V8. Todd :-E. Camupbell for plintif; ý H. M. Doweli for defondant. Dom. Bankc va. Hazeldine :-B. Me. Gea for plaintiff; W. M. Cochrame for déendant.- Hagcrmasî Vs. Hagcrman :-Verdict for plaintiff for $801. Imméediate exs- cution ordéreci. J. A. MoGillivray op- peseasi sa cenusél tes-plaintiff. SECOND DAY. Thé fruit crop tirougieut thé South- ofC ès-n States bas beenmecidamagési by il tie sévèero ut.of thé lait tew deys. T. t Mrs. liéeo. Crawford, wldow oethoecati Hon. et. Crawford, diési ab Brockvllé tai Fi y. Cc thi foi he Ki pei mi Pei eà fes th, tis Wh Wh the bril ai toI a&yo - mol the deaision of. thé,present -ee *oaid sïe éforsthaelfuture.thé wèIads bat)VMù t h. Dominiioindcéea Lieuténant.Gavernors was concernedi au tiu thotirofera hé dMemed ltak 5iný, pedisut te ubillthe -asvico tUes-éëd' th-O WiIithéewhele -ecae,. le R1@x Maj i ty ph: 0overinî tfor eonsidora&ie d lu-' I' 1 Tihé aisnonneameus wau recolv)cTwith s-hisses l Ù luow ar a 1 4olîerýqlà! a lors. 2nésc Fotiis'lasevti 5M- Luh satwai'doveloett& lq âfp otgewho ters$et. d - in he - Ma. Ultibee ô outniiel reésrr1t'o bo liow th. élections Iwaýéré con su JéW' rd. Beunswiék, -ond at ,lutatIéa.t tiahle oupeople oet laI Proviuce hai béeeî se- la;duced intoedotlsion by lieesidvéry ib-. tangue cf theéproent Finance Mi te sce At tuis point Demyile, 'hVie iii- hW 4attrenll excaime 'IRahe5r,' sud- -ta . isosroute ~oyf l'vec- 'it -té iasit osu~r ed anaoldpet- ad ,tenalhîtterus btéeshi hlou. ge- [t tiémén, ansi thé lut lime l appé érd sr-. iu Parliamént was wheu Mr. Dom ville. nal s-étés-ré!snéesiugly te Ms-. Gilme ras s-p à- bauks-upt. Thé wioie ciecuenstance n. soéma te havé fiasse! lapon Ms-. 0111- ad mous-, as hé imme!iisiey chas-ged'k thé ýt hou. gentleman.- witi having saii0s. T. Tomaké lil wee-e,MMn. Deinviis calusi ~.ont, "wus it net tcue." Ms-. Ghumour a-dési liti, sud sîsted ilâht hé hsai.a Cu paisi 100 cents ou thé doues-, sud'that 60 wes more lien ho couic] uey. (A Ire- r. méndueus uproar camé frein thé Min- n- lseénal Bouches.) Ms-. Gilimone cou- id tiune! iat a groae cowaîd névés- osf stoosi ou thie floos- et Peeltaiént ; aiso, y@a financial fs-auI, aud a politicalfcaud, id continuons siproas- greesi almoslévey, 9. sentence,, but Ms-. Gilîmaour coutinuési es again, tls hob bad acsiéci Douville et- ln tiat tinte wby lhé ratés-s-d te bini as a et bankrupt, ana tisat ha (Desuvilié) lied ta tlsreatened te tak-off iei coat. Dam- te ville oslled ont a réply, -Wes it net n true," and Gilîmous- said liaItishe hou. l, gentlemen bai botter gét a siing for liétheotics- as-enit hé *as goiog tohirs le tou hisuegein, sud cries oet "Crdee V' es aud "Sheme 1" cama ansi coutinnesi for ,h saine moments frein tis Miuieeialists. Mr. Gilimone sièclae-d, amici thé up- s-cas-, liaI hobé asneyer hésu libéral --with cther people's money, sud Dom- vilse tien creeseilthé doas- et tise House ansi taok a chiale uar hie essailant. le Ms-. Gilîmour tis-nési ho hm, ansi saisi, 0.1 «azé, ansi as I look, thé wender grews iow oee siail hussi coulci sport s- sncb a noie." Again lise ChausSés- rang witi laugites- sud hissés, Il cou- stinussi for soeturne longes-, sud Oui-i 3- meus-réasued hie seat. Ms-. Domvilé heci «ans loto thé lobby aud sent a -note into Me. Gilîmous- wiieis eead I -wouid ic tea se you lu the lobby foc a tew moments.-Jas.Domville." -- Ms-. Gileneur dii net gaont, Sut tiseré rin tisé lobby stooi Dornviloe waitiug tes- the chaiieuged ta Ica came ont. Theé r membére gel round hlm ud triécl to quiet iim. Ctheei weutin uansi pro. 1 -véuteil Ms-. Gilimour fsrn going out.0 IMs-. DI estas-teci te go lu ansi ai- teck hiin uthe Cisambes- but was g stopp es, snd Heu. Me. Tiliey came suda -trié e tojuiet thé hou. geutléma3, butt but for nes-hp hait au heurthie lobbies t wes-e crowded Sy tiiese wlsohec] gorié v ont ta sec tsa excitéménu. Domvilie jý declares tiset ise wiil threeh Me. G0111- s suons- before înos-ing, ansi one of tise a niost promineul mescilies staâte ILtIa ho would tlissi benaco. Whiie thie wae going ou lu tii. lobby, Me. Flem- ming was spéssiing au thé question et A tié tariff, ansi reaiiy made a capital sppélcii. Me. Bunstér s-épilé!te Mr. ilrour, suni atrongiy coudemnesi that gentheman for iaving seit Ial British D Colsîmbia wss thi uuas-eséncé ofthébis Doinuion." b The Speaker cf thé Commons ha!l al ilén réprésenue! in thé chair by Ms-. ti Brooks, dnriug telié imens-.Domviiie Z 'crcse-firing, an! on hi. returu te liesPp position, just sMs-. Fleainsg was s-ai suming hiei seat, Hon). Ms-. Tiliey direct- cl esi hiseattention te thé tact liaI lie M momies- ferChaslotte <Glîmour) hsi 2 been guilty cf a hréach et the privilegéa gc cf tho nte by usiug unpas-laméntary w languege. Mr. Mackens-ie, luns-pi,, Li shah! lise moeaes forKlngs (Dominvlleý ai ha! PrIee tise attaci. A goos i c ec cf général discussion was ludulge! su or Sp the esadérs cf bath Bides, Who final- tuý ly suggestéd lieu bath parties shoulsi w wtid eaw them unipariiamsntsry Ian- guaga. Me. Ghumasse sud seafis-st, sud oc attes-werds Mr. Dcmvile, lu Seing tien ah memiteîgecf $'Ro 'blgmi allentioî te thisé uq»Hbds- o'ts a§ kv.g iDennàrribMl6 -clm uneior Blake àSi4eel1ngùiïif li th ZgeUob Çfiuob l nd aýToqi haslt menti. kbiide vas, usesi, ý,#kiug forsaeesailProtesatl aen. Ison.agaitusî pevqry sa n tesy ni asokq4 thXMiuterof Jûai'lI itys a1- tentiou-hâ4 Isen calecl -to.it. Ré-sup., poeé!9 liiiceNkU.byquotineý tlie-casé et Ms-. Johnson, tinBnglapid,whô *âe wa imprope- mu au o lélâl. Tic Min- ishe c f Justice pointe! Qut,41hiat lie ciasé of Vicé-Cianseflor"Maker vasdit- fireént frein liaI : cf Me. i Joinson, -au!n suid liaI tisse vwas only, oee ap cf impeachiug a jucginlutht. ceuns-yan thal vas Sp vote cf ieth 11osiise, ef Perîjiant. More tha'hapl, l iolî ual -ho praps fr Wbim, te sey.- Ho tus- liée comment vas maie enise enioujedt. Sis- John- ýA.. Macdonald, - iii the authoity of lié Governor.Génerab,,cau- ts-adictéd a pacagrapi whichi appeare! iu thé Globe et Mcssztay,, gbasging thé Ps-émie- witls ts-ékcièsy ani,,ovardice loas-ishiseBs-céiigzscy lunlié-Létéhion mette-. Thé debahe on tIsé- tariffwvs thén coutinnési untih pasu miduniglîl vian il vas fus-the- adjouns-éc. Pi.:kering Township Ceuncil. Town Hall Broughiam,' April 2ud. Thé aboyé council enetjureaut ta edjonruenu. Présent, Jo u Mill er, Reévé, P. R. Hoover sud Win. Ferrée- tés-, deputp.reéves. Minutés cf lst eeéting s-és4 snd apyssovéd. Ms-. Hoover- introduced ào by-hav viîich vas s-ed llssee sevéral limés and pesseil, te alter- thé boundaries of U. S. S. Nos. 1 sud 5 cf Pickering aid Whit- Sp- Ms-. Hoaver enovési tiat ail acceunts présenté! ths day hé laid ovér tili nexu meeting oet tii. cpuncil. Ms-. Fors-ester ints-oduced a Sy-lsw vies &veés!thréee everal timées aud pasas, antitasi a Sy-iaw te appoint township offices-s. Mr. Hoover moyeuIt lItte >ee ondéertIse tressurér le pey hecegeihul- ips tis mm of $120, Ihies alsy scollec- ter cf tax-es for thé pea- 1878, aIse ta pssy Chas. W. Msthvs $1.50 for se-- vices renude-éd se couetaile aI hié Judgie's Cons-t tocrsevising votéesa' liet for 1878. Me. Hoover moves thsat tise Reevé liét insteuctesi to get sdvice %iom thé Ceuuty t Jucige, cf tuis ccunty,: linrétéeéucé ho Lise foncé, viéwéesa' uivrd. on tisé King- <ion recul, opposite lots ls'as. Il sud 12, aud eport ta tuis couneil ut ils nés-I cmeeting.t Ms-. For-este-, sécouc]ed bp Mer. Hoo- P ver movées,liai tua ceuncil do nov adi-e ans-n ansteandl djourué! tliiMondep, P thé ôui day iay ep ést, et 10 o'riock 8. M. Thse Zulu Wsr. e ANisTH5ilD5ISASTRtI sUmTI5H 005<VOYà - DFERATED reytin I3 niovess the vess tel au! ès srylhiug nlectesary tes-aU.té S.-éw,<oi iid wis séiectéd frortisé U.S. uvy ore id wiil hé pain byofth Gov-e.uin Stmhét undr. conet fthésvysDé.as I [aumeuwt M-.henédti o. as far as 51 [Isie ak forath hexpédiion. stmsppfa id hér taeffor tiré e mpers'éis-e, i Ieryeffortwil ha en'ade 1 dis- éds .5 ha. not yet Seen diseoveresi, A duspatci freen Laor-e reports that 0as-rival cf lie Brilliq agent et Oshul, rw siys ago, hasil s tvonrabie in. mc, sunce on lie negetiations. Pcyo Theé ship IBlack Prince, tram RieoJe-, Wit rio, is au Patiige Islaund, N. B., lu afiî aeaî4iué. Twc men diési on thé gi sange, il le saisi tressafève-. My Sir Staford Nos-theose infos-mesi theise i usie ef Commous, ou Friday, thet wsu gotiations were nctivéiyppsoceeédiug Ii bh Ysktb Khan. sea Ion. Méss. Gladstlone, Olsilders nie d Goocien are te atlack tisé finaneisl wlu Ltcinulmade te thé British Homa e cemmois by BIs- Staffer! Nos-ticté. ws It ies Léen définiitoly'learnea that ýA. Z, Stéwart's body le net as pét lu in te yot Lhedral at Gardena-Cipy, but wiil Le yct unthecwln lie lwo sas-cophagi put in position.- E l'h. BaswS.ti -in ca8a orv a io ores,éerd i Datu ill, na I LsuUoSs %ýxU5IUi* May havé ascQpy:ir e-&readlugs ori aufficié»t' proot - e- eéd -of the lin arlibrtilbé, maýppiwy. ia ié ha4lo ftgs- oalnset i spiIlià ýamissésiosn lie séccis! s-adng' ethe ;iia1Bi1, if ltsHeouié plieulfi think<fit. ,eiative tethé drstlon audgs-44i"b, Robe-t CeipbeilancIte thicier,,ana tst terthinuthe sais i ll.'- Thïs motion wïo agreési- laoua dlv -Thées-rdos-cf thé day beiug- cead foi- lhe reading thé ýPetition cf B-a z&Mai-l Campbell, plrayinsg fi t 'pssing cfaÀ Bill similai te that pais,; yl~Sj, aMe lu 1878, provlding;tee ise sépar a- tion ais tàI-ban d boa-sifrein her bus- )býauAd4jb»sfflCamppbél , rTién James IÇéith Gos-don, cf tht' t6wa ofetîbtithy,,ii inte--Ceunîty eo "O- tls bas- et thé Hanse, sud baiug swo-no wpexaminési as fellowS -.Wisat le yonw namé, place cf busi- nes ansioccupation 2., A. JamesKéiti Gos-don, oflie tews et Whlttb~, iu thé counly - cf Ontario, BaýWts a ,a Q.Do you ,k now.Boset Campbel , et tié towu tif WVhitby, Lu thé aanumty et 'Ontario eï, érl 4rsud hewlong-lave yen known bics'? - A. I kg-iq.4octbet Campbell, of thé low etWbsbyluthé couuty of On- - tanlo, mes-chant. I bave kuown hlm intimately tes- over, tweuty, yeers lest past. -- Dcou-lentowEBi-s Maris asis pbail,; foer1y B is AMariaslIpsne, sud iow long baveyen known ber, sud havé yon known her iutimâtely ?2 A. I know Eus-a Maris Camnpbell, formuerly Eli7àe Maria Byrue. -'I havé knowçn lies- intimately. ovés- wenly yéers isut pat. Q. Look on Ibisýpper -menkeci "A." APPL.ICATION TO PARLIAMENT. 1, Ehiza Merle Camnpbel, et thé towu of Wiltty, couuty eftauls-o. sud Province et Ontai-, wife et Robés-t Campbelli, cf thé saine place, suéschant, lceseby givo notice tissu I inteucite up- piy 10 thé Dominion. Pas-hument nexu Session, for a Bill et Divorce, a inen8sa et thoro trom.eny saisi huebausi, simiier 10 thé Bull passés in my beasî by thé Senate of 1877, tee désertion, cs-uéity, sud ether causs set forth lu sais ill11. ELIZA M. CAMPBELL. Wisitby, July Sti, 1878. Did yen serve a copy of thé semée on Robes-t Camnpbell ; sud if se et whiah tiace. and in wbat pulace, aud undar what cirerstenees ? A. 1 servéci a tue copy lu wriiing of said notice, maes-é A, ou Robe-t Carn- pbiell, of thé towu of Wbitby, iu thé couuîy et Cntario, Mérrisant. I ssrvéd hlm liséréwits et is offie os- place of buainées et thé sai towu af Wbitsy, on tise its day of July, A. D., 1878, by cl-iivés-ing to suc] léaving cvitb hlmLises-est Snelb copy, astd] t thé lime of Sncbl ses-viré I és-plainési to hlm the natns-a aud pus-port -et suri notice. Thé saici James Kéitb Gos-don wae lis-ortei to wilhdraw. Tise Honorable Mr-. Reesor movesi, céconded by tise Hon. Me. Finut, Tiat lié pétition ixofEllîs Mes-la Campbell, srayug or:te psiug et a 13i11simies- -o that passeci Y the Senato in 1877, seriiug tor ber séparation as b bced andi boa-i, trem e hérinbani Robert CauspbpeIi, benow s-end and recéivesi, Whicha beissg objeclesi to, Thé question of concur-rence wes put liéreon, andi thé soe was ou e divis- iou, resoivéci in lbe affirnutivé, sud The pétition cf Eliza Mars a mpbeéll c-as tben reasi au! receivedi. Gredat Fi-e in Philadelpii. Cn sundsy enung a fis-e broké ont th immense building ai t-hé ne-ti-éast corne- of Cs-own andI Racé sts-eeis, ce- oupiési by Jamess Seilî & Oo.'s mna. biné bus-ring werks. The building cot $220,000, ansi was coenplelely des- royeci. A sirong wind wss prévsiiing- ind the laines spee rppidiy toe ti aorth cf Crewu atreel, whés-e steosi sev- s-ai sinall fs-aine buildings, whici woes- insumesi, tic occupants béing cihigéci ýmake a bus-rie! exiat. To lic easî )f tIse Phioadoiphia machine wos-ks was al alacliéciou Fous-hi atreet Ob large five I toréy building belenglng te the Harri- n su, estaté. Thé fis-e wenh tirengh il lu rn cst fivé mninutés. By ti.lime thé S mid wes blowing a gaie sud spa-kes nountei highin thé air aud we bue. ft éd oer the roofs et thé adjoiuing W îAfiding- ---y-etIrîcI wéré et wocd..1.,1 * -4mtin l Crale Titis ia au estabhieési ac.t, althongi tapie as-e dylng évés-y day with tiuj ibtié diséase. 8o tiéy are witi Ty. îoid fèves-, Pneumonie, sud ether dis. sees. But M-e helievé wc as-c waes-ani-. '] lu making tise stateenut that mine lt O, ofue li thé viotiens cf this dis- sésivo sxiaiedy ccn be nréd, if tréatesi l ime, by the use cf SCOoT's EssoLU- io op CoD issvxs CIL with tise Hvrc- seOsPi'n-eS op LIME ÂI<E SODA, lubas I virtues cfthbose most vaînable rein- lién- lu a pérfectably pilatable tes-m. 15-4in -MILLIIBIDOE. F.O., Tuncaî, ONTr. MEiSSRS MILBUEN, BEUTLEY & PEAB- ).-Sirs, I féal it eny duty le jutertu 'n tIsatissst spring I blostny isariug - lb -éesa-sd tuis tal -'IhoistLe 'aag cf thé othes- ,.aise, se tiet I wus said I wonhi névés- hé able te iséar -Smi, I trieci everytiing 10 hiug- bacit îy hséaiog I couic] thini et, but founsi aIl lu vâin. At h ast I Miade up.my ci o lsy soma et thé Yellow Cil, as- rubésa i 1e ru thé aulidé ýof MY s-s two os- lime timés a day, Andi every [gt andi mcs-ing. I wet ',soe wool Ils tisecol, sud képtit iun y cas-s, sued eue week's im2e 1 cossldlber as wel 1 éver- couhi, but SURîlreuhon thé cil hé: tih e ethiésacoin!, andi I koep col Alec lu My cars. I write tus te 'n liaI yen might kuow thé worli of )uYéiiow Cil. -YainratruI Pos- sale by T.-.0. Whitlehl. Wlsitby, DRYDEN .-On MOndav, 7th inst., ai MaplO Slisdé, Walter[rwin., only SOn cf Me. 'John Dryden, aged two years, il menthe and 10 days. dREENWOOD.-Of inammatioli cf thé heaiii, ai the résidence cf hie father, Sencer House, Henry St. Whitby, on th 4th Aprl, Arurs-Hareington, youngésî sou cf John Ramée andi Char. lotte Greeéuwood, agesi i yeae 8 menths and 1 day. HALL - At hi. residéncé, nese llrooklu, ou tise Sth inst., Mr. WhWi well Hall, aged 61 Years. Thé décès. was a native cf Yorkshiré, Englaad ; -he caime te luis counutry about forty yeaes ago, résida lu; a Drlington foc néarly thirty yeaeo, wiéeoihé acquiles a fine propérty by -induetry andi sohel- > ety ; about eight years- ago ho came to .reside lu thé township of Wbftby, wheree opischaseci tié jsopecty tee- merly owuéd by Mr. Calvin Campbell,- and wbere bis kindly ý cnial mnannes- sud upeigbt couduot, gasued hirm many frieda. Hé was a goosi Chriig.au, faithfslin l hi. friendahips and-in evéry relation cf lite a celiable ansi houest A C AR D,. "Oall who are suférins from tisémerer ansd inidscretioustcf yeutls, weakuess, early décay, losge 0 mauhoeod,&c.5 I will senia àrécotée that -Wil n U»yo, FILER 0F, CHARGE.-"hie gméaIrémédy wau dlsccvéid by e m.issiy lnuSenti Asuerica. ' Bondi a sélf-addresséd, nvélopé te thé Rzy - Josursi T. Imuxem SteUon D, lJibZo Bouse, &ssé Yes-lc Clip - C0ME ANI COMPCOSED ID RY ,tg~ gise pers-soc s aiüin évory casé ý-- ---- L2u&uknu i.. - s o u ma5me os- mcney ýrefunee. Prim. 25 cents liésý signatIuire of 8. N. TisOsaa s on the box. Fr saléy S. W. B 1.Smlth & p5l"ad thle b ishèé f'Nortlirp k -Cp., Wmithy&- -- an-axe blowii on lise blîléansd e desiealrs. - P ri e 2 6 e tms - 1 IO R T E1B O P -AiTA 5ýoTKyaENE5s, ' k -»ýf&LjYMAIfe Tos-duto, Ont., PrQprietors so many trcubles' Lowueos etSpirite, t-li o in Dizzinésa ettlie ead, lesOfet menslOrY;- 1NoT.-Eclciri*. Bhléee Sud !El- -iigs ion ltté, belng ib lie eets-iz. iceet, néeo ss, ail - liQo msté hure l'ais.a-ile#'Gerhie IteL t s - Dntie ehan o es of ~itorinss-î in en -'-120 Wei$ Bii6adwiay, KY. sizsglo <ly-4e lt ic 0Wonder liai Ouir Trial ise,25ci, --- y clidren,-ino rnda sud &'Olaiis are se - fréquéntly laitén frein ni y negléctoil Ptss(KIcna is apsisly Vhgt&éil cds, blaithlie,!.éidii -sesultg irectly -preparation, pafel ecp sud te use lu frein Ibis c Aiî-iibbhellé Ïf Rochoe's. -every fiil.Thee slpcilyAttend. Ges-man SyruP kep' bout-yobr home iug its, use, begethér wlh- tIé eaI foir mmiditla-eusé-MMlips-évent serions variehy cf diseaesstanay b. énlfrs y scinése, 0a large doctes-'s bill,1, au! peto- anadiatesi Sp il, sud thé gréat amouni liq ps dealh, by thé lise: of tirée or-for ofe pain sud snfénng timaIcanbhé alé- ÎdissFor cus-ing Consnmption,Hem.- viotesi Ibronghiliteuse,, maie il impéra. orriaeé, Piucuionia, Boas-cCongia, alsvé npon ove pacson te supply Croup, or-any diacase cf-, tue Throat or lienséivès L 'valuabie, cémédy, Lncngs, l ss nceésa à, zsply wondtfs- sud kéep it alwais near ah baud. - as 1yens- drùg e iitell pou1. (iýezuoa - --.---.....Syrnp le nov moiiLu everp town andi Oaoum.-Tie diseasé le causai by villgeontsctie.«a leel lies ftes- l hiz.,750, lishe formation cf a taise memicané-iu e«ý's ing spd vinsi-pipé, eand bsirtindg tué, - - - pw passage cf thé ait, ans i .kuovu by lie Xarts1 ThaýW caw shill, croup-seundingi --cugh sud ratti.- lu u h broat. Ti. membrane ;nase ufrngwtasès- muet b.- raievs p -epetteraien coghclièol, astima, broucitis, casa- Tale adoule oseet llis'L - aisptien, 1cse cf vqice, tickllni lu thé -Beae ov es-y seoff lelin ung iet, ce sny afeotien o!liélest nor, wcba Ti. tnorffe i ntes, luugs, we know set i. IKing's -New, ýrihwil reducie iée 50te tak1 5a ev Discovery wilf giveo-pen immediaté cc- 1does. TeBaisain will, sud base av*lot .Wc cw f .ihndrs cietcases ési the iivae fthusanssof cLiisicn ut- boa noweéycrdan htwbr., hacied witb Croup, visées h lias bienualohs éicné a!fu! ec useién ueasan. ,lohreda-ehdaie.-oh -- as-. remédy eau show one bhfaits inu permanent cures. Nov te givé yen Me. Feuiows ie deiiy lu réccipt of lai- setisfactoryp ps-ce thal Du. KitsNirv tes et enquis-y, fs-cm variaus parts,r- -DisseovpRsy silLcuresyenpoufetAsthsia, epecliug lis lis-up of HypopioepliiteF. Bronchilie, Hep Fèves-, Odcunaphlon, One s-écenîhy receivesi, léade tto tie be- sevee cougis aud cahls, Hoarsens, or hiat tliscl tia public mislake liéencean- eany Ths-oaî ce Luug diséae, if ycuvil tog lu référence ho ils affect lu imparu- call aI S. W. fl.Smiti &-Co. ing auperioe éuesgy la the mind.-.o --.- - -- Wliéré thé intellect lias beau impaires Hsgi Psired Butter. hp ovér work os- by kindresi causes, thé usa cf tho Syrup, logathes- viti ppe- Ms-. A. W. CseEEiRy, Editor< N. E. precautiosie iu uis use cf faod, ciothmig, Fermerowue a fluédais-y sud getae éxercise sud resu, yl restos-a full p?w- hig i ps-r as-fcy printe. Iu au ès- lee s.bs-m ansi flévés. Supacios- editorial Nov. 2d, hao id «"ThéPar ity cf génini consisté of «s-est capkLcity fécléil Butter Celor lidébyWells,- cf bs-ai for sssimilating matériel front Richiardcson & Ca,,. vé bave usési for every quarte,snd a devoioping lu ps-o- sèves-el yeaanc.ý làvé found nothiug portion, but as Sp fer thé gréatér uen- equalling lu, althbdugi vé beavéetestedi bas as-e net well édowad Sp nature, about éyerylhing ot lihe km! suade in censequénîiy Iackiug this capacitp, it tuis os- théeCisi Countr-y. It. la lie -vould Sa quité impossible te flusi cran- itrosigest, chéanest, pureet.ansi cheapest inu spire for mates-ih nuecésseep te buttes- colering-we have évérlfund, ansi constituta thé brilliint génlus. -Hausé, for aIl wé cansa so, it le aiselitel pen- sîthougi she Sysup wIil ssiel lu re é- t, It shouid enis-éy supércedo car-' sîas-ing Ié m=im.d wbicl isla]est, il cen- ros tar colas-lng buttes-, andi aise al lie not change n naturel boru idiot into an prapas-atieue of Aunatto." Farinésiflb intlligent man. tumeur buttes- is white do net failto tely ____ Iia splendid préparaîlon.- For ll INe Tin CIs-YOF- MONTREAL, CANADA, pasticulars inquiré cf S. W. B. Simith noue stand more dcsés-vadiy hlgi tien & Co., ds-uggists, Wiby, vie have i tIsé bouse-et Picanul & Go., Plias-ms- for sale, se oll i asail'dcuggis sud cites. They saw we use Gilsts Lini- masciauls géuea-aly. - (8n-101 mnent Iodide Amocria, aise séil it for-.» Peins, Gent, iunsseiu, Wéak A Tarss.-Oouîlani grnding aI lis Back, Vasrosé Veine. hitii et miii cf lité, perpétuell cs cf vital fonce; réllable aud valualîle-emecly w ' kow wiidé osrgsim .tleds; ot. it ls masalfest, théraforé, uhet lie ap.. Sl Sp S. W. 1B. Smith & Go. Bonduin n)s st hé iept suppiiesi wilh a due for pamphletsinon oftoxydizailé phbo.piorrs. Thé, Dis. hiLES, plerentelsud mosi paisteile va,' lu 120 Wet Bro-adway, N. Y, wiich 1h eau ha inis-ecuces i mb lie Trial aize 25 cents. epsten is Sp lie use of Victoria Hypo- * ~ piesphites, whici le the gréatstri ss, MAssureoe eaEsasoiemu thing-a choicé bloc dan! nervé ee!o uintic: worid. -For tes- life ; Se cas-étul in thé cîoesing. sale Sp ail deales. Mibburn, Béully s renedy for teenehe compiaints. Bie & Péarsosa, Ps-oprietors, Tes-ente. eus-e te asi pour dealer for Victoria SaiOMciWin tp by T. G. Witfield. Beossirasd UVA Usa. It is noïïès--x téusively préscribed Sp aIl respectable Kik Notices cf Bi-ls-, AIarriiigéa, E bysicians. Bsight's disease et thée andi Deàtiis ciécs-gecf 50 cents ecc. deps, diabotes, etc., enap hé over -_________________ sain Sp tie Burin if taien ilu lie D Fer saleS aldsir.Saisi Sp T. G.MAR IED Wiitfisîsi. deles.JCNES-GIBBS-At lise nésidénce cf tisa inde', ýfahhe,, Prospect Place, If yen as-e sufféring witb a coi!, do Cshawa, onsa héSe! lst., by tli e o. no eu t hep Ragpa-c's Pectoral Bal. J. S. Clark,J. -D. Jon,, Esq., M. D.,. sa1n 11hàdaiirelieving lis hundrésis cf Cincinnati, Ohie,'to Edith Béatrice, thsougheul eus- Dominion. It1jepies. -tue! dinghes et W. R. Gis, Esq. sent an! palatablé. Fer sale Sp T. 0. D E ATUHs - Wiitfiéld. Whitby. MUOGBIDGE.-At "i reaidence ou ý- Iî aîwaye gives us pleasure te sinsw thé Lakc shsore, WiIy; on thé moi-n. attention te as-lichés viich as-e !ceev. lg «ctthé Pl ma.,-Ier. RBert Mug ng et public pais-onsage. Prohaily grisige. io article évés- efasési te thé public bas HALL-At. lot 85. lu tue ý2nd cou. mat witis lIe saine succése as Grsy's Wbitiy, on tic 4th !net., Franklin John, lprnp cf Bec] Spruce hum. Pesseaily san cf Mr. John Hall, agesi 8 mosiuis we can spea ihg fi t ls value as ud 18 dopa. W tb,7hApril, '79 Parties isavig ais lacs Wlllplease presem tise day ed asie, sud ti reqeqnsted te pay ai 'MILITIA Trim ait tise Royal Hotél, W] 2id May isext, for thé iig tise prepriety eSall Rgiment prevsdissg tI apel ùisents'as te dan fos-e, in vsew eof3rigai tabllibed, for -tieseua Active Force sud INr Hélafi Quartes, 34th Apeli, 1879. H HRB lUru. GRfOBS 'L' & Pat4os-on mf'g MI-Li EDWAR CDDFEi NO 6'00D8 t Wiitsy, Apri 8thj WHITBI CJ3RSIaszCC Flanc, pes-i... '21.. a'. 'Yoa-- :.-.- Pesa......... Peas, lslak-yd. Cet . -... .... Cocu ... ï..... Ray .......... Apples .....i.. Polalcés, nev.. Chease..... . Wood ...... Béét, imilquartér Bcef,las-a quarte. Calvs ....... Cisiciiens, perpeir. Dueks.per pr. Tnky, psi Me... MM , ........ PO RT E-R Wheat,spi . Whésst eI Péasly .......... -Cas-n........ -,Olovér liesi.... Potatos ....... es, per bs Buttrk........ BuUe .......... Ra.. ....... Béea.......... Lard........... NEW ÂADV[ The SHOWN&Pi p-aiy çiwibé liaI! a - W i i 2'HURSDAY, f1 Fer thé purpase et s tas-lie transactian c mnéctèsi witi the ccml F. N. W. BROWN, 16-) Sécretai 'IR [SERVE 0 'Vla l -ui Vl A NDe -fou 1A convov of suppliés proceecling from Derby, in tise Londini District, to Lune- burg, on the Pongola River, éscorted by 104 mou of the 8Oth Régiment, was attacked aitciaybeak ùoa Marcb412tson te banks cf Intombe 'River by 4,000 Zulus under Umbelinil Owing to a rievious alaren the British were und r ares, but were noer*helmed by the mormnus force of the enemy. Capt. Moelas-lty and 40 mnuwere kiiied,:and 20 are missing. The fate cf thse wag. îo drivéeras I.uunown.Lient. Har- 'occi, witb 40 mon, sueceeded in reach- Lunebnrg. On. hundred and llfty men )ftii. 9PO Rogimont subsequently pro- 5edeed to the icune of tbe figbt, recov- reci a quantity cf eockots snd ammuni- Ion, andl buriesi the deasi. Twveuty 'aagons ccuiaining supplies were ls. Tihe relief columu for'Ekowe started )n Mardi 2Otb. A paety cf volunieera visitefi tIi sttie-field of Isaudula, aud found thé oins6 bad left 100 waggons there, but ld removési ile.guns andi amiuni- ion. The miail steamer which arrived ai t. Vincent to-day brings the oac ilutel- ieuce tîst Col. Pearson, no doublinl seiperation ai tiecrcitical situation in bhieh lhe fouud hienself, macle au et- empt to ont bis way out. He organ. nela sortie andl Macu the attémpt. 'h Zuins attackéd the sortie party in test force, sud tisé figbtingà was des- oraie. To add to the misfortune of oe Englisis, a ieavy and donse fog ame on, and uheir acivancé became ewilipec. Tii. resuli was tha tithe ellie was ropulseci, uéarly ail thé igisis roopa in thé party being killoci. 1 w particulars of the affair have as et arrived, but il appears certain tisai >1l. Pearsonsa situation is now vs-ry lruing, sud thai bis destruction with Il hi. commandisi. nevitable unies. ie relieving force bas reacbéd hum ho. 'e lis. Il is éven tiought probable ia ore reinfoecemeuts eau roach bien awill bave beau destroyed, and tbat ing Cetewayc willt heu attack and robahly tieféat the advaxsclug régi. leut. in déetail. Afghaniatan Affaira. A déspaicis- from, Jelialabad gives, a ici more favorable accounàt of the r.ce prospects thon previousiy report- L I ia- stateci lhat. Yskoob EKian, aring the jeaiousy cf' aspirants for thé oue, sud net bêiug ablé te repose su- s confidence ln gaveral of tise tribes ho have promised hlm ubeir assiutance now désirons cf a peecetnl solution t bt the Britishi power-. 9 Trr OirosD.CwAMBwIOP 13Pn,.sÂcIC. LMume cf the Oxford- Cambridge race, n. 18mo. Cambrlige led feom atart. ford haci lhe chaiscf the water, ère was qome surf ilu Corey ny ech, bich slackened *the pace cfthliso. i Oxford might have corne up but 1 cs-éw appared exhansted. Cam. r idge Towlnpgsteaduiy malulauéc thsé ç ranutage, aud quickenlng her steoke 8 in thé lasi quarter, on y six or x 1 1 1 Lr IEUT. COL. WJ as: to break uz hm Publie Andtin, witic douce, cornés- et Broc WHIT Tte whieé iblaHa Ri] effets. -Censing. Booms, ied Roer n c A 'very ne toneca and ,orees Piano, 7j been butas short lime Oe& is anew,slo ig cit, negt wiic eiuire' worcs s i Soientifie ansi ThceoloM 12fi :cr ainoes-eParti Catalogués. ; *ertiol Y Mr. Rii Famssy cougiereoiy, isevsng used il nitis grent bénefit. Thé sale cf -Ihie iticle bas assunesi enormous ps-o. 'ostiens. Onradvire t10 lié publcnt urge is to try it. vistues if they sh1oulsi ufoetunetely coutraci eltier rougis or cuisg. -14 A Mevofe the Peiod. If sexy eue bilsisaid, éveneailiort ime ago ibsi Castor- Cil conisi hé made ie to take, lia would probably bavé wen regas-deil aassfit subjeet for a Inn. tic aeylumn ; yet tîsat sathe tact to- ay. SCOTT & BROWNc havéeMnUufac- urec e teetlis Castor Oil witis Glycer. se, wii is mené iké creani Issu the bominebié dosé that wae thé horror f eus- ciildhood aundtise dreci of eider ean. SCOTT- & Binowr's PALATAJILE ,ASSOiS CIL-25 cents a bottie-is a -eau instesci cf a répugnancé te thé siate. 15-4iu

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