Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1879, p. 4

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-AW, Dvt;;rw 1;reou, 1 , eO",. 1> ruse,ûaw The amq$eoof I(e1we ther. de&h uteni Uset otb.rworkOauergbeet*i, Wô true; AU gsve delight wel b~gbt belore Bubl& dUitleteublQ-vaajue-mtad41 U11 . theotresaon whkh the ligner ride 1 1t4eUB4 sueriece <lures. hlm tgIes No wer cenosave hlm i one ln the Onward ie rushes, poverlese ou a ohld- lhtita rgileste rturu availlhlm nough- Nea* sud neouer 10 thé brlnk hels brought, Until, wltb ouelong-shrlek-daspalring- Wild- WIW#l raglng waters =Mady 'round him Mie aluges iu the yawnlugiulf benulli1 A Cea-enatou ln S lI the 1f. cf Plegmund 1 luideu the dielike toit by1 loa sdGerman race.- ta toi Mtuu ocodingly, lusleid ci' -to Lupuion,,pltched thm roy Morefordl, sgoaelied becausu boe afordi'serons tb. T kuown aveu-lu the Ilo<an beosao #place viiere klnaa wero gsurslliy, eowi buast*tsinod thb.nuse o upon-Tiasmes. ,Il Wus cf tote b altiuidos iwho hast Pretosethir îdhoicibthie tiie Weuuex vitan, sud- lu tic banc er cf Ibm sou or thé graudecu of Alfreda, T] beforo thmm-a lWspapare xeae. of smet vltb bie yall@ ltit lipvon with, $bras ne warArniqed iluspurpli wlîb a Saxon emord ina gi bangýlng fa-cm a jevoil ee cf Alfa-ea, from wbom, upet cf age, accorallng ta an o eusittm, bha id a.eivcd bis spean. Ou au levabea l pat saket place, sad on a stol took hie place, 1h. bottert lit.eimultitude. lHe was ne »boute of luyaiby, sud as-_ 'Cite cminnt abore h.eaest, Fur stratageni, or courage, or1 Wa ahocleuleadler."1 Thon, eievated gn a stage t was cana-led ou teIbeutul tu<.aa ; hing froin liame tu l clltuisl&sw, hussad itbetili liaey 'aira-ve a athIe iaurcb. arcliehop was standing. lilium; saidthe king, cupplorl lia-datesi, uucibliar aille aune lu tias ttips cfthie aitair, ai Ing baci'aeiaimal'for os lejrivate iayer, WhVims i iitlîisbad cpaivate duoeiet bsIOap iroccoîlcal le lc c Liacra cf IhoA .rc/aLiyl&o1u à Ltcv DUaFLIST.-A oua iclfttcd s haviug tliken plia> pulical allîcussion a-ose as hiertc, wbicb grcw raîber, ig wlalcla omoepareumal roi 111&800(1i i8ewcau Wu Young1 tum lrmaMcgrf. '1'hy loft ltae caa-dé wcrc uxcliasugea ; hat inaaziLàa traauger laulBerlinm, 0 requcbtiamg sduce mrovision Thao lutber, liowveor, feait u1 liem iter of bbc Younmg cocuiesd the .coxbraordlnan lama iersamrating bier broîbea-, la iovouldy attachcd-bbm il gain lu-ihuii bcbug morseilu Ihatai <balla lu ber. Aeu lam lier baohcr, ibm ttimeea woulili fltbtc aiecoyereai;;as - Ialiy ap. aarcal on lbe fieldl puinteu bout. The. plae kiliedl'sO ne wo or Ilîrec Tii opipuamerlt wase, mwcvi cdiviii lay tliisfaise appropa-. l mualtilonds, lbaugb williig, lantry, tl u mear tbe haia Iili hulier tornlber froue ; bi , a da udn ho obtainei Of la-t ire, leoea bis pistei aaatgurislfor a hume. Sil Ilaaweyer, liucb ; aad ho ws lieut, teire un bbc air. Tho Youanglaady camle, sud fille - cea-vous about calta5 lieri milaabtue Young mnulu th, Tho wundwiv, 1lit h e.b linte baude cf tla olc ,, owspapcrs bave gotai sento paeurs froan a panagrapilanlu acher Zifaaag. Tiir EIA It àauea.-I naiceubtly, lunl'ansf, At lb. ge Ncveu years, a female nain, Figuetiar,a w1ilow, wbose ni mouirably iluthbc miliîary $hraa o. iesenvodase a1 - hll 1tiîand O11h Ilegiments lt 82. -- $he vas keowe Iho a-uay by ltae uaine cf1 acd was ou îuucb cebteemeai1 cea-s Ibal, wboen bbc Commiti lO ic afety delea-minca ce cx WOMeU fraie tbe army, an WeU made lu ber favor. 'T cf' ber campaigus wu@ publi . er owe dlctatlou, ln 181'2. ber mililabry caneer aý Toi huIport wau biselgea by lth iu 1708Uilo e as thor.Pt& rotbyCmandlant 130051 aielay of twen .leMinumes lamg àan or.er. meyoans ae ber' olal ommander hbiec Consul, lic sent for bbc lrag Genes1tuSI. Clouai, anal after lier aIlo9dW service Pension Salls Genseremale in lusot' A foppieli fllov said le N other day: Itle very, sIc ideas &vuelinta Myhéad.tt- don," taid Nibbleu,'$"Natuïe .aouu." - lainai <Il 41wcetitrsbo about the six. 01,a vlio&lfîjcal tim, w!in dusuclved lun botvw capital seup.* Juilgos proamola "Ihtie fkol for su. J -Aioymone 'argfiâ es ~ili i, baby vas loft onlista ront.dot Au 111t.umvorad, oa-d and oa-m alike ilu:lbat, viien ee Ihey canuot lie rccalled, 0dm e liteeto My,îaîî,.' Jo- ne-ba tbutuPOd hig apÉe ho loor. &&Y$eima. a e bt rai doos a- rat gunîihloan w. I;uce.tl4oy are. ,ij- canimôt alvaye kâep- Il 1,00io bo ro wàpPd n h.le co- -uof w. have al- the- Teuton- wu. Athel- 4 pooeedig raI, camp aI M hhere vau hames, vel imes. Thii. 0b tesaxon rnei, anal lb >( Kingston. o&&y acceus figbt nuder L dvard sud 'ie kingestocal 1man, thlrty ýw bain boau.- tae of gelai. le veulmont, golden bah n is ccaing id 'Feuboulo s oielil sud Ifor n iuheb ue seat, ho ceiveai wi ciaareu sa rw. iewith an. omic ng and balls," hi upread the coulent. of hi. vallet oui thâ gronnal, and taipp.dhlm. oif't te hvîst. :He was s aur hin f.low, Wiio aemed icmn& fer = 1them effeets cf tie rick. hio perfcrmod.t Ho Oris of a~spolike for abâ~t ire minutes with ail l ae teubllity of- ChaÊu!àsat- thbeou, *vidently usayig simiblg wltly, fortIaopeople, round. laughed heartlly. Ju Ibm midile cf laju haran- gue, ho*ever, ho vwie umlaed>with ïa î it cf cboking, ~ 4d afler an effort cf 171. Dg to gel ucpaethlng out ci bis throab dro toothplek, thon ancbbsr sud, anoîhr; thon ho O~sdWOsuad oeut1h. y'Came froua bies noterls, thon, fa-cm bieymu, until ho cpmpleted tl, umbor of thirty- -neveu, laj maklug oeesaribalf.wsy 'ont of e.ch orifice as t o anime lmo, and thontbmvth1 otheIbmgrund foi any one to examine. H. nexitecok Ibrée gise.balle,-abeut, su inch lu dl- moutb, sudd mvallovedfiast a rmd eue, thon a bine, sud laut cf ail a white one; beré. wia ltlm Interlude cf toctbpicka sud baing, allier vhleh hé valked gravely round Ibm ring, tôpplng four 'imes;, each lime h. gave himuelf a siake and a Jump, vhou bthe balle vere dlatinctly heard 10 jingle Inside hlm. On completing is re î i, after uevcral efforts, lie apal; the balle oul upon *Ibh geund lu tfb. ame order he badl aval- loved tIhem-hered i ret, tbm white lait, He thcu look tvo more balle, oe Of paiabeid emie, about Ibm sze of a hens cgg, sud suother of glass, Ibm same size . These be, fia-t let fail on lb. greuna, tc, show tbey vere seli, tben, placiamg tIbt weeu bis lips vaallowcd liam.nlike bbe samaller eues, but wilth difficalty, thie all swelling bhe blraat as il vent down ; -ber. more tolpiclis sntl blking, wbile ho Pr.. pactwo swords, about an inch vide, anl bvcnty lo,,very like polished lîoop-irou, claubieai tiam togetbea- 10o ebo. lhey vere real, sand pasbed bath davu lai.tliroaî ai once, unlil Ibey erucli the balle villa anusaileîclick ; vlthdravlng Ibese, h. placed hie bande be41nd hlm, and, alter neverai appar. eiy Painfultrials, each bal arose lu tb. Ibreat, sud feil from lis mouîh te Ibm ground witb a besvy tbump. Otb- er ricks heolli, only suited- to a Ciuso audience, whieb 1 cannaI beH yau of ; but afler bis exerbianu h. appeared quite saabiefied vilia the trille esch Ihrev hilm. fer slreugtb, CamUarSiIa'INiE ovr.-Laeî aulueit fcr ail, a Yoiug lady loft Dundece, Scotlanai, fou Alexandrie, 10 viil relatiens resideni r larget, le l inmaI ity. As Ibe passeugere ver. dca-s chi ls laradingat Alexandria, a ricbly atlia-ca mce, in thaia-Turk silvanceal te lok ab thearriaias. e air, uilland scomed iniîbautly tualbe itruck vitm Hor thc e he bc harma f cflamaserffa-m l"honnie - o roecive Dai.."' Re approache ierbsnsd rWeîk by Iwe rtiîldcniy fdong a - Sring of figet about ber ,pa-oceei ecck. le atain cf tlime Sip came aMd paosrat fea-vard, anal Informellits bewildered loetime lu îaasecger Ibal tric Tnrk's gifI vas s te king lbad bicu of esîceman sd affection. Tbme mo, lie rcb- mater speeaily bocani. serions. orouasîin- t - Througb s mediumn cf an tuterpreter, cf canter-- lia Tua-k caierca i mbaconverataion wilh tiomecaptalu anal inquircai bbc suie for whicla ho wenld lhe wilimg tu oeili the ions fact la ladly. Holied rine wives alrmady, ho .00 at Bca-in.sRad *,hut, coula ibe posses hile aew bat itY, ara fuhY, s1ae cionilbc lima que andi t tbe table "ligimb uf is8 harem." Tlime captain *fan wanan, dur. tbc cala.ochatjike replicil thatit er paice mj.arias vere was 610000 placIers (abameL $2,600o). The monî billion.Tua-k gruantail alllieenoa-mousdemaed. )bable, anal lbvas jusl double, he saai, wbaî lie 1 tae ycung palal fortiao mosî iadeeme Ciriaciaicu, <cul a latter- Ocorgise aor Miega-lisu ecrrbreughlltu of pistole. tbe Aiexsudrisai market. The caplala' teb banals Ioweven, tuck ho ise pice ; anal se lbe man, wbe parties separateil. But, on the fellcv- y notion cf ring maa-niug, wbcu tiocasptain vas' en- tu im sho coaticg tha lady te bbc remidence oh ber ies cf dan. relations, lhe Tunk again made bis a p supporlabi p'ca-sc, anal browiamg anotiier fig ueok- le very 11km lrea-rounud tb cladys eccl, intimiateil lb, îruî ht h. vo as prepareml tu give lb. roquir. aid eh.o se- cd suan. Iere vas a dilemma!1 But lutIth ap. Ibm captain sceau clearcil himecif. .1efecing "Faimti"sai lie; "you're ocae b.:1 ik.lday wss sciai lier yesterraay for salioucanai Piast- ycars ego~. res incae ;5ocyim'vc Ioct lier." Trii. 'or, net aie- saine yaamcg lady was inarical the allier tion cf the day in Dundee. oct oh gai. il ue, anal Tut E 5ARa.-TIic bollcw hall ou 110 bo teck wlicli vO rive corîlains wltlin itscîf the )i lb.. righ l ements ofhlils ov easruction. Wibim- 1 at lle ais r ila- e . uber cruel-Ilie cool tempera. he didalDot, taire ohfviicli supporta animal anal ia hrod ',-ah vegetmaimie lifo, andal olidifies the SIoe, tua-n oftbe caa, anal metsllic0ca-es so imperantutc vas novise aur vell-heieg-îlcrc oexisesamass of rigbls, sud laial igaicous malter. Soaefi' Iis te sheulder. matter occasionaliy escapes biîougb 0malter is thbcmntsouacf a ', voloaco, or makies ils 0;analtlime pa-asence fort hy au eanbqnake ; but if ih, au ap- Citîmer tria aarthquake nom- tbe volcano rie Kolmiui. are necesssry te prave triatfine exista in ibe conter of bbc osrth. As w, des- cend heucabb trio csuaface thec boat Treo ici, gnadusuly said steadily inca-cases. AI aof eility- die d.pti oh 2,480 yards vaten vil hoit; ial Therese liamor acts at trii. deplia oh 8,401o yards. &Mo figua-es Tberc lna areal beat ah tbe deptllmoc annelaehofseveui miles, said if voe dopb lime tom- dragoon in peraînres as ctîculaleai farn Morveus 3frena 179>8 cornecoel sosie cf Welgerlia'Il pyre- 1timaogout meber, va final tîstthle. aa-lb le fluicl ah Sans Oence bcd.pbi cf onc hucaîrcilmiles. by bier ofli- Lte oh Pnb- Trio nanas oh tii. ZnuiK ing bas heen :lnaing ail s saîbjeet oh dilscussion te London. Tbe n exception cml grammar of eRo. Lewis Grant ritae ustaa-Y 4pele il Ketcliw&yo, as a traslation oh liShoal fa-cm &bunative Uilevsyo, said bbc besl Eeg. Sho began Iieh representatlon cftric pa-opea- pro. ulin, wlioa inauciation. Ilb le eplaine t ituaIime o0 Englisa, ' c" le porenoal pncx, analfle ia Il 1upaer an- flac dental clicli, madie by placing lb. arte, for a $p o hes ongue inmly againshtthe ap- aiea exeent- ;r front teilla, lightiy toucbicg tbm fbor,. vhou . noer Icebli aIse, saidlImon wllhalrav- =ome 'Firetlmil sualclely wlbh' a strong suolion. mous Sans 10 Tbe second îuay te made by a Liutre- veaids gare p eau ta attnset the atteunton cf a pet n af 200f. iimel, an h bbc foidliug mothmer ta iesrcemake lber infant raille, lakiug cane amly dth bPuts e thpe Ib brquesemil hfrouItIebia ucrilia 0 te in Dccltrio.lips.", prioner ofi r Taîk about spentanéens combustion I ) remaineai The fclloiig kerocéne cammos froan acrs hvleay hautauqua oouuby: A faner nameil a-mmes dhla FerdinnduilGontesh i, four or five U, 'on ac-milesnuorlb of Siivea- breek-was severe- io. vime and perhape hatally njua-c i n a sagu. andt 8h.e farmanner yeaoray. lie isai been i1 tbe laIe Ikinig noverai doses of kenoene cil for 0addition aoa-e Ibaosana san hly sar swallov- meprs. ig some wout ta bhc élave le - ix lime e u-s. lr.Tie vapon from t bis brealli vas miilaren le elaanged viîb gas faoi the.cil taken, Icg a base suaitis oomiumg lu coneait telu bia-c, iber fiii expladeai, burning bis moulb anal thrana al u nsahcrrible manner. 'H. ie naw in s critical condtlion, bul tmay survive. - anons iof iA hunglar va n cea Çaigheneai eut o) hanu le aa bis ebme cf nohibery' h ytlime sweît r otuh siuipliaily cf a solihary spinaber, wlme' yclhing ber uigbb-citppiji beai euh Ofhtbe mmuaa inalav, excamieal':-,iGo away!i ain't lO Tlmoy have a nov way cf haiohing chialkens lu lb. West,_ b vhicb a single Ilm stiÉP' mterlAll ti- 'madle 'M detheaId nty cf a-ng io b unlned. Tbçy,1111 s banrl vli "No wan- dgs, ÃŽLied PlSasbon 'orer- the bumé- aablicre salhors. ce - 4ii yseelugz a drunken man L~*xtDoor 8outh -to dames othn8t#n's ,ioolda8mith>'Hal, Ha opened bniness i the 1àbvp premses and is 1no rumingifulblat, weroeye~ythingp~ertaiingl$oT, Sh"eef;r or Gs2aud on ris d'nuf"t ina wôrknan.. like manner, on SHORT NOICE and at reasonàblè kats;- ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS 0of SUP ýIOR QUALITY. Ail ind ti !aaiidTi, aa8~i#.'roz wa.7'ôasalkp tek REPAIRING done cheqply ind neatlyv, Ail work guar~ Amerioan and Canadian GOAL OIL, Lamp Chim4eyý, Wieks, Buruers, &ô. 1Whitby, Fcby. 21hl, 1879. JW. BIS BROCR-STREEi?, WHITBY. 1H E MISS8ES) MoINTYRE heg to announce tô tI4ê Ladies of Whîtby and vicinty Uibat they have removed to thelr newv premises, netdor (iouth) tO Messrý. Hamilton & Harrcwer'i whi they are prepared te receive orders from ail Who Will -be Pleasetofavcr, them with their patronage. Dress and Mantie making ini lateet styles and fashions. Ladies' auid, Children's underclathing. W BABY ;LINEN A SPECIÂLTY. Vy CORNWALL5 PATTF11148ÂND CRUT.-Dresses fitied from measurement alone without change of a stitch.- Agents wantéd. -Instruction free-.- liberal inducements. Ail kinde of Trimmings in lateet styles. .000:- SEWING MACHINES of the Beet Manufacturçrs, (Warrantcd,) Customers attended with promptitude, and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders by mail carefully attended to. WANTED by let April, a competeut mantie and dress-maker. THE MISSES MoINTYRE, Feb. 24th, 1879. Brook-st., WIitby.11 LAING &STEWART Have just'received a large portion of their E W G3-OODSl --FOR THE--- SPRIN.G TR-A D,!, and are prepured te offer te ail intending purchlasers. Na înotly Bankrurt Stock to di8poae of; but fine fashiOýn- able geods ut very low prices; partictilaris in an early issue: of this puper. Ilespectfully yours, Wlîithy, Feba-uar"y 18tb, 1879. LAING & STEWART.], GOLDSMITH'S IH,Â'LL. GRIEAT ]3ARGAINS PREVIQUSTO STOCE-TAING. Watchotts, Clocks, Jewel1e'y,ýCut1ory, Electro-plated Goods, Laumps, , &c ai làsgely reduced price8 I Sonie line8 te bc 1oarod out nt cost. Brou Street, W1itby, Jan. 151h, lE Practicaýi atchmakerý 8791. Mfy Stock of FTJ RaI IITI w TR M Is n'ow Complete ini Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special J-nducemellts to - those STAIRTING HOUSEKEEPiNG. UNDERtTAKIN&z. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries i this fine. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED HàEARSE,. .Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 WILLIAM T ILL4S QABINET FACTORY AND,...,. FURJNITURE--WAý*RRôMS I THE'OLP STAND, BROOK S7i TEUWHJTBY Go w* iere you cannot ,ilto 'be pleased i making sélections of good friue Splendtid Parloiur, Drawin'g Room and; B'9$hkCpnI &ti- New Desigus weil worthy of inspection, iltonsig Ëv rias D ing-room Extension Tables--a very superior article. Gàt Conices, Picture Framing in every style. 8cm. ýfine Obrom. tnd Engravings for sale. in ail its branches; funers fly spplida see c e t;ta 1cffiýi always on hb1nd, tine , utOsorers, sudi wel appointe4 UIoarse eoustautly Iu readinees,. fWhlby, <ovmer 91hu,75,ITL wHO1~ BAU ~u AUPID -TOR; G001 Buttée gsý Pou1trylAp1es,:Red,ànd - A1éfikeClover Seed - W.. il.GIBSON, - Whitby, Febmary 11tý, 1879. t' T~Y4S K. !i TEAS t!TE4S p'large conSignpneýit ofesh new goaBoi on, Con4gous'!ai Apan, which wÃ" are wtio on -GrangèýP!ès, as fOlws: y,&,a 'ces 50e to r lb.., fot 80e ta o o ir Ita. it', 0to 500 .Worth - otto 15Ã" pŽrlib ufth i fm BReANT Se 25 bs for ý$1~ Abe Grce èýgreatly.reduced in pile.; UÉRY & L SWABEe, VERY çH1JAÉ., N..anted, any Eggs, oultry, Aïpesa w itby, JannàyU ti 1879 . ed the G~ge are respectfull invited stock b'e o~purchasing élesw4ere.ý UT~Y 0NTIO. Brook Street, quantity o f good fres]Ž ioll Butter, and Potatoes. E OFFICE B/W WN A PA, TTE?<qON Mt g, Gof P4SRY-AND Ã"THER CAKES., Ihava1s~ ~ uanity ofSCHOOL BOOKS, Béatio's suId ether Ccpy Bocks, Berlin Woo1tlippôrPaitto-aas, Psahey 0dà,&c taýrthe plaoe->--one doOr zlort1i of Johnsto's' rr BB>tOVED :T FNE ASSORTM N 0F B TB 8 AD SHOIESe Ladies snd geptIexne, n be-supplied wlth Bmree, handeorneeët aadj5!o .wrk in Boota su aeee aYrdl tby. ~ aeeo~gtmre tbing good by eallinft the Dew store. Ordered wok an qsr wi 0 eumual promptitude. ;Whltby, ;Ta th, 1879.XA1TE OLN. maT W81'Z'ErY OTA2E~IQ. TO THE PUBLIC. In pnscntiug our Twenby'.secoud Anna Catalogue of Agicultural ImpIe. Meule ta the fanniens cf Osa&d fer the yean 187-7, vo do se vithmore than the oadinary degre.etfpridasd 'ouideuce, hrom lb3 mankedcifaveur anal patronage coufarreai upen ns, said the ct.raay aima incneasing demanai froan year 10 year ef aun ueclebrabeif Paru? Implemenîs. We shahl continue às ieriotofore, as maufacturera, ta make a Specialby of Agnculural Msciury--Iio Johusten Self-raking Bespen,- lie Ta-umpiCoan. blueil Rosper sud Movwr, lbe Osynga Moyen, lbe Young canada Movem, sud aur nov Wiby Harves$cr, cisiming a large shaze cf our lime and atlenln. For the lait Tvenly tvo yfare ve have girmia oua- meut caréful sud urdiviai. ad attention to 1h. manufacture aud operallon oif Ibm varions machines lu use; eifing out th. beat poits, reoDÏodying defeclo, modlliying sud c)rrecting rir treubeniug wmalc poluns, sdaptlug sud proponioning overy part as ena- iacrcAusý ad miponlence bas nuggesbed. W mfI idy tesbot ancahanical nkill, »pd oua- machinai psosunder the montpare au sd urtny-eveaye;-y eg suntoctedtth ere ost cilciam-ad eaeh ~acbine i. thcroughle besteai before loavîng cur venke, te provo tbo oempleten ci oe oypart, sud there ls ne dlffil nll upulling thoann uopershion lay any pemsoe oeaonMebuolaii Our maebineny bas beon ueleted sud onelrneloed i vlI a apecial refence' ta Ibm manufacture of onu- ove macines-mauy tools having been made for liii. parlie-ular 'purpose, said aet admptsd fan alher wîrkansd our verlamen are ode-' cealup toth b eelns sud requirements cf eun ananniactre-eobbsieing s -hon-- oug 'knovleaigm cf the camiebuction cf our elseblues, aendlan. thua enableai th ob-< tain a higher ilegro. cf ukili sad proflciency bian vhcre general mnanf-tuning. We are therefore enabled tû introduce a mors perfect systena mb aal Ibm de- partir enta cf mauacturq dig Dot ouly te the perfection cf the work, but al-- Me th herapidity of is e e cutie~-and a consequesnb réduction of coct. This principle is reg rde recessaryiun weil regulated establishment, and we enabled to tunuot otr machines . th a ' ier degree cf pëý1ection. aud aI prices-o se 1e as absolutely te defy compétition. ,,THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REÂPER - la nlow so veli kuovu as a Single Reaper, Ihat! a word cf commandaîlon wonid almont sein supergious,' but sa there are mauy olaimiug 10 manufacture Ibis machin: whc have s.dherèd tb the old -original :dhnslon machine, without keep- ing UPA t h. imprcvemenits ; that justice to cursolves and patrons requiro of ns 'te atate that we bave mcdlfied il lu almoat every esautlal part, atul, for etrmngt and dorabillty, qualitv of ýnb, lu every klud and condition of grain ; lghtneýigicf draft 4nd mase of management--the "Johnotôa,V as mautifaotnreid by us-stands ,pre.e!inlently ahead cfaU other reapers. In p,4oof cf thia position vo have oènly to point ta 1h. many Fint Prizes sarded ns-41 Ibm lest Provincdial trial cof On- tarie, aud mauy eounty trials whleh bave takeu place il over Osuada, withlu Ihe last few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINÈD MACHINES, villi laIe lmprovemeuto,'l iel that eu be désirid lu a Combiued Machine, sud cannot fanl ta meet ail tbe req*frmento of purehasers. OrImproved Cayugq Chief dr., and oor Young Canada MHowers are botii firit-cias. mach»ýa-coosttted almcat 'vholly cf Imon agd Steel. The Qa' 0 nug Jr. bas a rear cut, and the Young (' anado a front Out ; bqsh trong, dur- 'bmachines, and not ejoelled by auy machines lu tb. market for qnaliîy* of ont, dnerability, liglibese cf draft, adaptablity, sud maue cf management. OUR NEW ý"WHITBY HARVESTER." às tbm country bau become botter~ adapîed to maebluM, sud mqmxby of our Mrm-, ors bave. becomç skilled in tihe use of machines, a growing deuland bas sprug âp for s Light, Durable, Firet-Claos Resper. -Aliv o t 0lb. ée 0' reme sof the Clay, ve bayq sncceedd lu inuvenîing a ma- china vlbh a Wronght IranPrame, with tbe least possible gearlnk-witli large, $roadfac.ed d . ve wbselad me coustructed that 1h e frame aud ti>ble tilt st the dame time, tereby e t~a he pimýan alwv in linuewith1h. kuife. The iakes are drivmp d* etlyfrmthq main shaft-there bel*g nepGaceptible, îide &raft, sud no weight- upený the horsms neoku. We are confident that we have iucoeeàd"din luenblug thé meut perfect Reaper, takdng il u il Its parts, ilhaî bas ever been prcdnced. We bhave applie. for Imtrs patent, sud thail hold ýOur invention, for our-owrl exclisie manufacture, and we respcctfully ?suigest te in- taeuding purchaseru, that th0y sbould ss.thus- machine bforo givmn-qthelai orders for the ccmiug harveel. Te btb Harveuter>, veighu, al bol,!, 600peudo b'ut bemng made principall f Imbs nlt fio u tel, âsud from its in- goabions 'tnd compacet ceiasbrhcbie, il couibinea tlie strmugth and durahiliby cf the heavior machines. Ail of oua mq.ebiues are fully varranted, With Ibhis Hot qf mach ýnes, vo fesel confident that vo can meet svery re- quiremcnt, sud w. respectf~i ly sellait a trial of our machines, belicving Ibal v e eau fnrnish a beter machinpý for th. money than eau b. obtained elsewhere. Bespect,ýally Tours, BROWN &PATTERSON MF'G. CO0- Wbitby, Ontario, Febr.uary, 1877. SEE ALAR STOCK OF 0V Rffi-IOES Look at the prices: Ge fro 1.$25 to $1.6&, Ladies' fi-om $1.10 te $1.40i ý es' House Slippers 25 and. 50 cents. Boots and Sbh of be ake and quality iat aný equally low figure.i -RpispromÈwymadt' us,-usua14[ JOHN SAU R8 wVhitby, NpV. 27t1a, 18M'e0d NE: Clothing and Ge Is lnbw supplied 4Tth Largest 'f Or3= Als an eeleî staok of Gents"] CARD PICTURES, $1.00 TER »Poz. CABINET " $2.00 The work by the New Precess is superior to anything of the kind yet introduced. It eompletely revolntionizcs the art of photography., Cail atonce and get picturesa taken by the New Proçess. WM. BURNS, Has just received, direct from t'ho Manufaôturers, à good assortment of Ladies and Gentlamen's, Marsard, Simpress, and American Aise, Pacifie Bags, Chea0 for Cash. Foii or ae of 50e, 55e, 75e and $1.00 Prunella Bopts. cYICROSSON#cC. 01 KX g Street, - - Toronto, ARLE NOW- SHOWING TIRE L GE ST STOCK 0F11.FU-US EVEII SHOWN EN CANADA. -00--- ~FI NE F RS A SPEGIALTy.,,,m FUR TBIMMI 8 CUT TO ORDER. BEÂR ROBIES. ASTIICRAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, RUaIA ;LMSACQUES, RACOON ROBES,-S.SABl CQEs, YAK ROBES, ENEABSCUS BUFFALO -ROBES, "KB IN SACAUBS, MiNK CA", M SET 8, 8. '. SE AL CAPS S.9. EALSE'TS,' OTTER AND SU'At 5ETTS, ERM S T95 PEIISIAN LAMY CAPSl, PEBS LMB.8TTS, BALTIO SAT4 CAPS, ASTtAO aETS CONEY CAPS, BLACE SA SET 8, - GREY LAMB3 CAPS, C0NIEYSE8,f GEEMAN MIIIK CAPS, GReY LAMB eTTS, CHILDBEN'S SETTS. Particular attention given to ail orders. Alterations -« specially attendýd te.> 'Tcroio, Dec. 8, 1877. C'UTTrERS, U0E- -AND CARRIAGEtS. -A Large 'Assortment of Cutters and ]ýuggie$ FOR SALE,, CH:IAP -AT- TOMS & N. DUNDAS Carnage DUDSSTREÉT, E W PO RT'1S FdctoI- - àIY,ONTARIO. SADIDLERY ANDi H1,ARNESS., WILLIAM THO.ýMF'ISoNI Begi- to direct fattention te Lis large and suÈerioi stàclr, ampnising evecry- ing in the Sa dl ery in d a pe.Lin ., aloù, Le ather Valises and .sàîatogâà 'r nks A LOT OF'. CHILDR$' CRL4$ m Very handsoiae ýnd Cheap, 4t h Et mente Go were you can get a Wel-fitt: ng Garent -To é týe Taalon:g Est;l1shlent (f, GEORGE ,PURtàEY, OSHAWAi SUPEJLRi-R CUTT l- G UAPES' THfE WORti ! tÀàh Iagbtc fFn loîh es>ot Ea lsh, Scptob suai' Canad I T ee4. b Ex eiln~ Qvecroatinge aud Spbud 4lîYVest pàtterDS1'A Kin gâ-. O" M. P. DWIGHT, LÉVI ,STON E, tBUTCflER, Bmoýd the mntuao Bock Bxock-SL' t" " e o l l c e t o r l t ie e u r e l ~eigrali ffie.Thélae taé l GE-T A QO JOINT ANDý JtUICY STEAK H. also l e a sunin e. ibm aaill- auboeollby sud viclaatty, liaI hoalias FL9UR & FEED STORE lui cnnoction vllh his Bucimr8bop.-vher* io viii alvayu balve un baud' ÂABiE BSTOCK OF Choit.Fleur, -Crgcke4 'Whist, 0 tmeali Çor ael, Osîs, Peau, Shorts, &c., &c. ord nidelivered în muy part cf 1h. lovu. Âcailis solid. - ' LEVI STONE, Dec. i7ti, 1878.,<t-. AUCTION BALES L la toreluu m=y sloee gtanks to lhe - IP4bllo for th.ey*'Ilerai patrona- bcitow.d Upan me lu the pasl,ianalté. lulaiate liat i lilibe - on #and rçady luo ôoudUaýt auysaeijat I ma1 »y ho entrusts4 vltm. Ternis libécral. Satlsfaoétion -gnstr.- My oule voký'i1Iib. fonnd ai Ibm -Outaria Hatl]Whitby. Arrangemnts as' "' JIsso sale, [&a., !may-lie mao viti M15 the prepnaècý-of i bethe âl.- Or grs by mailor telegraph sîbeudefi le. - A "ctiaeer, Whitby. N. B. -Sali Baaks -oin ilamk notes Lioensed Auctioner,. ad onLibrld. sd oum 26- t Port Pc-y INDIAN LINMIMEN',T 1I What we take theý lead inI Frasteai jmA&ci j FOR HOBSES AN]) CA, TLE-From la ou. ol iolavrm an tti-,!viii cure m=ist lunai dolramgemns casusealby over ua-. WHAT TÈÉPO~L SAY, ASIC TREM? Wc lb. nndensIlguéd havap nacai B ravn' Indian Liniment for scme lime sud tanu cheehnhly rOcccmmond Mtoi puhlla use.'î cez He& orn, Pin.t~ ad Hiram Drovu, - J. Davs, Brocklini J. K. Mtiewian;-ý:,;* Seth Huble, -ýAsib dén A. H. Medrson, xirfeged S. C.BOWF, lrr t.tr 8 3 . ) W l t b y , O u , Dominiè'oWood Works, WHITBY.1 iuA Glu-esjPiy fluilerinih. Doos, uisu dnlinda.wie ýMldnâ LUMEER holeuoqle aua retll, or by tion, loonng, Sheetlug, Sevng, Re- sawlng, SEliplg, ,Turnig, Screll-work, etc., etc. Whltby, &t. 161h, 1878- .43 THe TORON'To, Turki'sh Li aprBa/s These bathe are narfal lu hemtls, Neursilt, Cou, hà, ' oldiiCongestion, BrüchiioScrful, 5kinIMsanes, aIn. & -anm ations. B ih iaaasess, P v e» n u d u- Sa ni't ry PU roses. fo The vapriTatla are partlculaly ïapla. bic 1 toail 5km 2dlsaes, especW ly Syp u, s tin 1. niov uaiversafly onzceded th aI'boýh the T ark lh sud Vaor B ath . a - t .. liat preervatives i heslth wthiù lb. reaci 6g medical experts sd ii couap.tntiôn with rndical treamet the patient la mre rap. » n ucewsfufly lreated.' i Patronized throughouî lb. wrld heom royalty down la the pooreof MAnU,.l'h... Turklshbh lsuar e' 1l of Tarott. olyaelub.11 Qutation. ad Yeoqanendaiozn are vcj froanIthe let medical sd sanitary autuOri. ties lu ail countries.' HOURS-Geutlemaa, 7 ta8.80 &.in., 9 lu - 13RbCEllTur.maBath., one. icket, fi; 1 9 tickilg , @10.- V p r lath o,iOIk cad; 12 tickets. f5. -,233 QUBEXN-IT. WEST. Bklfl l sd at$eutiie maie and femsaje' aants. J.'g8.DIA31M I D. 8l ua l ja, Erht a t . lu TE I? 0F eEACH. TOWNSEfl: Scatmng C -Whltliy, Oct. WHI tImpolrt.ers, De -1 LEATHER' - ah paid fo 'NLestier sIre May, 1872. -,Va&uab' an ors Ofkoc, 1 IMoIsi, Whi JANI Noasry Pu f - Char ian, Brook, sucer, &e;, Omcu- LYDKA N liste Whitby, Ci Whlbby. * - MONZY terest. X( Court Str.. J.G. Banno, BIssue CAM! 'iETR CAME B Btesidenci DHYÉItI Wua. Me] %_T .Jthe ey Physoiis, Wlmatly, Sol -Dom JLi Grocoi Office hours 1.80 ta, 6, p. 1 sud Gilbient Ascbe"uli l'eil. extrac local anasëth an's nuavhlo Kinug sref1t X J HÂ8u1L OF THE BROOK STREET,

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