Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1879, p. 2

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tan -. ]E ~~~1 t ' 4 I - Il (i t cue oguptoru-8. W. B. 8m1à" 4tlimgcgh eran' &O rdm - Gec Books Rad Naa.s.,-10eo Bsný 1Iooas Md omo eepr &han ave,- JIohn fsouaders. Vsrm ( or "sl-Gardiner Wells, Exees Stationory and #giny gocd-lr&s. Tc Taranad aypepms3h er. gLu0sa, I I@UM eor. 8 MOIa Noitaes-ýT, G, Wblîflmld. lieU. Pùlea . WB.Blhd 'specli al oem-ts,. W. B. 8mitl IldoktAandti tlsllry-3', B. Itobartson. *No Inare&seti pnléee-,T. S.1]Robertson. Caction.- MenionaIleiwre-'hiipTaylor. AUCTiION SALES. 'rBe o! fim stock, implemento, c tise propcery of Mr. Thomais 1Emensî, aM bis premiaco, lot 85, Iliste 2nd con. Of Wiltby, eni Thursday, Merch 201h, 187».-L. Fairbanks, Anallonear, - Sale of Thrrugli.brad sud Grade catie, c>ôtwohit 0hre, mplamenla, &o.r "O4 1 "1< " arm, lat 84, in lise 4UI "con. Whilb yeon Frlday, Marai 2Stis, 1879.-L. ýalrbénks, arrciiaeer. bale ocf arm.aoc!k, Isplements, &o., lise proarty o!fli, ls" Spears, et bis promises, leo: 81 G, in lte 8rd con. of Whllby, on WPinesdsy, Mach 201h, 1879-L ,Flmbspkm, Anaîloasar. ONLY S81 ,PRRANNLJM. Wbktby, Thursda'Yi March 20,1879: - More TaxatIon, 'Phla sPreacslsey iraI Mn. Till raam Tariff amoniis ta. Mare te andi Irasier bordns naupon oevmy i Weho Iras go:a tàfmily ta support on bislusringa. Tire maîr' urus. ire 1o0ti expoas ieneètoforu amsallomed -I svenly cm eigiiy r cent of li(s iec miInmlane rer 11111e letIafteon1 S niing ton tise atitonal cool c!f c lion, clotiring, tcrniture, sogar,1 coflleasud, ail elîrretices oetdt 0011181n110 11on Puea mIcIr ne a l hiane beau laid. It mounieti o uj iipose tIret tira Qrovei ens av (lrie tIre beet in <Item powern isoeri ciclrnueces iMmiOlilisaey indtise selvets pîîccod. Tînînci as a lange, (ii in tIre revenue', cand iîle tissir (Ib ta rance onougît uscnoy <p uent tIre ao 9111011iof t he lacom)rîryrlte irise <braI useuny out hosîrobligatilons lh boSuis unurecessari!y and unwmsuy etrrd-eil are ieinutcue et stritits, auIeshifts, auti -eorrupitions3 'cr-ty -Gurenucrutî lunCuaîla-nui ire fer bu aédusilecîta e ho 40tri Addtbtiletnse tisa ytery ioereeing c Of 191iati e, cf lireicourtso; salaries, t gnriiig cost atanrUcnuicipal systems the ittîpreosiun cf trite anti businessau tienmincirtIre counyIras graaraedt hlast to yeersi, anîl jiseauilaok lq not( eîîtregiîtg fur tIra taiîing Canadien i paiyer. Wiîhrtirehe ienîhren o! taxai îvaigiling Ilium toma raUpan arery sit î ilmiieteaitaîl medr if people bop te agk it teudiee s etisar (ualmit tirunding ail tire boaslet biesseinga ai priilleos sacanat iieugis lie coal, tîrhbon undur wmiiais e lino,) aur prese dibahitofetpqlical existence la net beil madete sa ceally as le caîl fer a cae - o! soine kirati'by wmiîclirelief May - tuîîti traipamly'.mmng.tolug a- Party extravagance.' Tise'Lump! Question, 'ise njonlty cfltra coneoil, on mai ic3' uretiug, pleceli an oxtingulshien c lite Laîmip tquestiin, . We thirn tisati lii016îY hlieaflina suportafa nei laîrgo proportioin of!tise 0ratepayere. '1 take tlown the lamrpasnasmes rucor 1idilanti Peck Ilium awuy outI itig tîsuin up iratî beuoincurnec wuiiihdlbuetaking a stop iackwardtl i murit I auord mItisahe daimiq mac tur lliiIliy as e progressire tomu. ht wifflIeibis la titi) casa, thne retepeyei brave a riglit ta expeet tiret ai le encimy iii i r iretiiel ina thisahghr iiig, aud lIraI if flera' ie nom a eakag fli hiat direction it -willlire promphi A Disinguishied Canadien, - Maor John lisi latei I bs icea iapicugna gelhaulry u erte Lard Clielmaford lu Zil-laisd, a] > Iliugliro Irlis deseut, la e native bar Caatiieus, saing been bain ut Landau Orrara,wmille Iis'falirer's egimeul, tIre 121h Raas, was quartered thare J lie la nom lu camimandi o! thserNations -Vouleer contingent,Ie secout il Scont S eing Mn. LoidaIe, misas IprosLceeafa! snd ans! dering seail r luîler disatertaLeard'ntChelmsford,,' arsy. Sarving unti irluis'anetrei <anatilan, M. Bawtiee, !annerly c: Uxirnitge, a nepiscîr et l 0 . *E. ofl'liat plAOCe. fi a1n 'Major Dentuehh, altiugh' a Fourni in, bas earuet hatimls befotur l occasion, Wla10 e ter-uof lt iStis Royal Irias,'ie siéreotl afler thii SIndieln mntiny undarhBr Huglr no'se. At >thi3'tormiog o!flIre fortroesof Jissu 01inluCetral Iucia,'ise'leil lire escabeti Iilig pnrty. andthie lIaUter ieing knock- -0et ram utuden hlm, lia ciuîrg ta the mal, junrpcd- daim,, anti kept lise reueuy lah bey miti s sirnsd revolver, - util Iris man tellomuil mf.Ile mas senemehy moundter, ilmg hia loftIarum Siiebileti tram isseisy 5abre culs, lFoi Ibis lie reciredtheIr Victoria Cross eut a peneidàrli fnounsis. Ha le a neer ru aioto uhDr. Btoell9Iliîo Tuse8 car-* sehioohtohlcm o! HIia IRouerJutige l>rterllî et tilla place. ,is sister mas rtIre ita et Colonel lrnd l ulsetfTon. NEin SrrcOKOF' WriUXFSoAND JICWmgL- i.-Mir. Jaruatoralira stalrecelivet a ncw aud lar1e stock O! mîtlîrsaanti jowclry, adfinecleetro-plale' goots, rît Goldlsmith& UrllerwiihIheu s IIingr ait *markblty h1 fguresi-Ilgtsods cf inoa aille Court Prtu rOIi.ci 0i0gat tmin-r. pI>cl9 f5couet. 'W.DU'-ICo r, DOUcWISdVIOe , omaIl parte!o & Doinin aivie u-8 o!flire pasc ant i ely msnneîr n ih 8t. Srlck'i »sy lise brOUen eobrawei year -5unious lconcerts anti L ussamblÛm a t <te 'r6ulig tOo.k place o(ý4ae Mdapro4eiîlons, mit ecePtÃŽ">nf Moutreai anti cri allen ices virea Iras'.omar ctaino -sud 'processions tOcht Bat eccrymirre thireypawsme lira utznot quleluti..é, ffl enaso qbeya nts HpldusY w WU wu aI et0ndt, andtic *loa eludati a dabce anti supper. 'Tireà apeelîInvsal ses more alio H oaci J10ge Deitusih,' ax.Pilta 1. théa8t. Pàtrîck's Socety, N. WtBe - Essj.,, B40 P., anti soea, o! tira1 dsg ciions cf lts toma, flic Wo Ma or 9en.é- prasîddt, ant iM a.c l, ate s XMeulaiof!ttira . aa~'Asldresses. vèesdalivaîtl Stihs Mayor, Ur. Brairu, jnlige 1J liahe ý&erm-_abl vsry ecamplimmai Faremoil> Couely Atlajneyb daims, etidres! tire evenlugî'sopeklirg an lirfo cft, Patrlokt g(t'Iug episoti Iris liýtany, anti instances oatie cas 48114Ved by Inisis>men iratisa mlîna,as maIl s lu ail parla of marîti..HZisatîdrese iras aloquent mtty anti recaiveti ieaity applansi ti the tiremarks of tise irIer genîhot Wh mia paie upon tise occasian. Calreiliy'a fâne band supplied ex cen utM410l as nenal, andstti milo f rWigglne, mho presicl e at thlie pi crendoreti sovoral Irish, aira lu cnesý i tIonslhy 'gocIl style. Tisaemrej sOoegaad longisosnog iy Moas. I linautDunu a kITM. Lamb, af Caibariies, mhlis aditetimues le plsuing'divemeily of the ntrlinm Thne bjal was comfortably meri aud brilllantly liglitet l)y -Mr. WoJi dan, andi wee ,isndsosnely flaecor viehlaiansd matasa Mnr, Ed Walsir tud lira gentlemen ina' tise' entqrýanmaut lu cisargo dssc cnedîli lins q.âsaifaoîory Manner minciraillishe arrangemnents mora rli omt. - At Osheaalise day mas as ccloti eti mitfisejaspracesaian. Ras. Fat iicBrady preàeseti loquent serin aud thomo mas s large sttoatiene tise Catiselia cisurcli, D;rsOr DUNCAN MOCItAgS, M. I -Duncap ,4Malea, Mambar for Nr Victoria in tise Lagilaliva-Asseust tiie t aI s residenta, Balserer, on1 121h itMmU. Mcbae mas bore 8us-ahim, Scotlanci.lHo caes Canadla Whou yelrg, snd ireti i Iris father lu Glengarry, lirence movuti nmb Elîlon, ccnuty-of Victei about 1850. Ha carrieti on an exi siVe irusiliese as sa farmus-, melcbralita milher,-aùd as cotracter built a gr( part of!étoir esete anti Nip1881ing B way. Ho lied ireen arSun ofV ton b , ahidsettluntire Provincial Pani mont freu tire gonenal lection, of'!8 le tihe gutrorai lettian o! 1875, mli hoe mas tefeaett. Ho mas againi tnrned orrtise, 24t1r Sept. 1875, ou sittiisg mémelar bLiugn4inutDret ou1 lillois. Tire ticeneoil gentleman po tically amus e nratire. Baraey Crcp cf Canada., Frous rùturneofe Traie anti NaviM lion for tisefsclyecrundng no Jane 1878; we clip thIe fllowiug figur sisoming tisa unvement cf tise Bard cr011 of tisé Dominion, of 1877. cfl1be k tisa Mr.Ue r -the ,n nga 108 in 1 jO tir 3h Do. saithe t and- Be, -au euisl aie-f zssor ece. Mr. D tire anti ran ial. ktier. ont. meti fe. r ing rert son, 1-a- To Great.13itain (the pro. duce of Canada) ...... To Great I3ritain (flot the produceofCad. To Newfouuclland,ýý..... To DritishYWatt ldies .... To Gertnany.-............. To UnitedStates,........ Total axporteil............. Imuportod lfrom Great Britain.............. 65 Importe fromn United StAtea ...........802,082 rtraiE] 704,r) 8,1 6,498,4 6,543i,8 --802,Ot !ýet exporte ,4, ~.Epraof Barloy NMalt from Can toUited Strtteg... 6 1,1, ( n Toal of llarlay and ldoley in oMalt.......... ............7,855,8f, 'y Po E lglialî manu filturei A cidîrlato a-Fruit Drcîpa, 40 conta lier ponnd, at I e No INCitiASE IN PaîcLr-The noi atarOt regrîtationg placeaMt dotyu le Engliair andanamorieruWall palier,a I t 10 per cent aceavlorurn, or ac, advauc ae of 121 pur cent on the aid tariff. Fore le aeing anoh a miove aa; likely, our loe t"bookoecler, Mr. J. S. Robertson, "loio 'O tinie by -the forelock,' and made hi [y fullliftéhee of apring -palier, bofor, Mr. prille.y ihadprodnccd Iis Nationa polbcy. Mr. B. lutendo tIret mie pt'opi of thia county shlail have tIhe fuit bane li ft of this pitrla5e, and to-day aeaw tpwards of 4000> rola (if Englioh arW 1.American papor, ail1nrarkod at th( 1. ordinary ridtes. Priera range fron. 5 conta a rd'il uîîwarda. J. S. Rohert aon et his e1w Store, Ilevinrilî's 1310oc Brook-et, Whitby. Uoglieh inanufacture(l eChocolate 1Tablete, 40 cent@ par peîrud, at.T. 0. a AeuaaiT AIl SPiEruY PUNISHINNT OF 8 A Houari TnIEFr.-The stables of Mr. 1J. S. M. Wiilcox, J. P., werc enterad on Weduesdây ulht of last wook anda spcn of hioroca stolon, i.ie thief was traced te the Batterfiold asettlernont, iDcrltigton, on Thnraday. and thera sr. reatad wlth the horsea in hie poae8aien. le-turnecl ont to bu a yonog feurra named Jamop Perry, who bad proviona. ly been lu Mr. Hazzard Wilcox'semou ployrut. On Friday ha waa brought before hie Hoiror Judge Brrrnham, a-nd lîaviog electàal to ba tried withont e Jury wva ferr<d ,guilty and soentoncad le tire Provincial l'onnitentiary for thirc yAarLe. Mr. -lazzard Wilcox followed "ip the thiof and et1'oeoIl tire arreat humi. self, bringiîî<, hiesîriaoner back te whitby gaol. Eugliah marufactured Vanille Tai>. letd, 40 contas 'or pouni, et 'r. G. Whit. field a. Mithele elladonnaPoroua Pirater', for aches and pn,ùIjtiat received. S. W. B3. SMith C o. D. HAANriL's LrECTUrEs.-The lest lecture cf t4s, course W'ill lie dolivared ab tire Ontarlo Ladies' Collage ou Friclay evenirsq nat. It will, we are ausurad, bc th0ý ableat end Most inter. 0stiug of t a wliole eouraa-traating 1 nc. aly of ýhe constitutioni of an A1ofm~tAt,asud "Il le axparimnt. âlly illusaatI Englisis mauýufac&tred COIugDraps, 40 cents par onJc, et T. G. Wlret. âlids, iCaution. Il 'Issviug eic o ~oaur knaýrledge tiret a cetain Eluiea luCanadia bas beau auesrou*o t uisaad lhç relail dealersa ýiii ysware by giring tissusta udralandt bat t hav eatlhe Periiln Brllssnnia C's goode for sala, me take tbis mesbhiodX fýtîng thse Iraedct auir cualanrc".r parficuIer,, hsat suais geo4s, Qu1l)rug" nadlu laméridun, arcr - ipt a~rfacbrp lu.- 'r:'Pi IVp .Taylor keepo ocr be'si gooa, 1LcrVIu. byasud Oeiiwe.t Miiiîr.. Btl~.trrrÂCo. ~n rbepoî <otire1bo oI rg to say tmlIhaveatrnkatÏi t au ssaendaârd - tÀn gadsiwribn er. A eliceaned largo' usortu n u tock to sallecitýrain, -PrILT.'LOR, sir0 ~~~~, ~ ià Poarer i( for 50011, <4 Frçna WamTlromsusn d 80 Otbaer prbeyl9tirat thétowoJ tmpi ire lità neua17. . '- 1 ,Prom EÈiitsb$iItunl, &&kin*g for, rebat. cf taxste<n Ab s i oacespied b tire Lite RerMXio. Cola 1ý OCLIoba rBlow, and otisarob on be(au af Meulo es Ký a4king for a rami Rlon of taxas ' 0f G eorg Glorltj4îînafortlithe ho Iriti beu roimgi; taxa for th Nuaige &Yarwood g~~Ority, for aperlc ctrng micirtire sema e6s a4Unds tire exem ticbyia m lvlegth Mayor ansd meonbersof-tirs eorporalic0 to the. Peaks .opçsritiC&entai TES s'nun csmiex. Mr> Hannfetportet ron lire coin miltea on Ãœra alwala, hoTira rpor setfortir tiraItir0 chirTi  sd pur eliasadth ie 500 foot cf liaragon iras> erdaréti at tshelstmaelinganti aIs 100 teet dduîlcnal lied boeuorded. Palymenl cf #175-,the.usuel grant .1t tire Firl.Company, -as r recommenic aIea '$40 t te ictef engîneer. On motion et Mr- Heunam lise cour cil meit it coinmittee af tira irirb on lise report--Mn. Fax in lire cair.- Iu committearilauuam *zpair etiliaI , eolealy ta Tarant( ta arrtnge for paroiae oethélise oe whiohlo raiati satje difficulty in affect ing, aor tire aallens mnteati ta mat 'O] sema days, mblhhmenît reelt in id, dIng tisa lnareasýd dulyunder tise ne,ç tariff te tise pnice-. e Ho iserr, sne. ceoedt lu buying at 81.15 a foot, anc aflar ccnsnhîing mils allier membera ci lise cOmmitte meMbera et tise concil sud tise Mayor, cancinded ti l as bette la lake thesa adilional 100 faeî miî thiy aanld gel il at tse âme figure. gr. Caesuiall anîed aà tubier raporl ShOwing 8aIltlere ahrles paid. Explanaîlone s le lie salaries p#id tira anginear sud stoker, asketi for by Mn. Campbell, moere giren by Mr. H la Dam-and tise Mayor, slaowlng tisaI 81 à wes palth Ie eruue6r sud 0'12 ta it às Shaker yeerly tmndat. a by'hem: B]xp'ae natôs m'ae aise giren ilâletIrte dukt4es O! thase gentlemsoneni .1tise duties e. tire euie! eogineer. TIre $175 te lhe Campeny, il mas expiaineti, mes in re.cqg nition aOf tise services efthtie 15 mon forming tire fine eempeny, anti whist- includedth ie isuok anti letidr compaýy. Dr. Bogant coneiduru thie aeouiri tee lit1le, anti tisaitise company diii ot get enoIgli. Messre. Huggea'l Camp1%e ancîS mithconaider- etir $125 paititire enginet. u uuelsanti thougisîtise luttes cf lte tker, anti, of examitstng inlutooking efler the englue suce a.day mighl m eli ha performeti by one pcrson. Aller rcmerkstrous tise Mayor anti Musoru. Hanneus cuti Ray lu reply,'tîre report wes edopruti. 0, 90 me >r n r- ien ACCOUNTS. i-. Dr. Bogartrelier-ted ru heClý thesîttearr Town property receususeut- Po- lug paymcent of accoruts et John New- o-pont, ton moot, $141.75, E. J. Johrnson, repalring funnitantirvi tonnhaIl, $9.500. Report atioptot, Mm. Iannaus reporteil trous lIe cous- ig ornitteou pritiug rnsccementiiog pay- ga- Ment Of acenunîs ot CisanleSarney S19-401 .I 257. e ires port adotel1Higmu $50.le TIIECLAMe LrOHv QUESOrN. Mn. Fox ruportui trous tisa special cousmittue te mîrocu thisnsatIen mas re- Le.tret. Tise repors-e urltiraI 56b2 Toire rehaineti on Dundas atreet, lire tire corner osf Kent anti Duntias streuls, 144 Centre andi Duistis etruets, Bys-ou anti 76 Dutde streets, Brook aund bandes 17 sireeta, eit skating rink, aI lIre ruibmey. 50() craaing. 44 On Blrook strout, litishe coi-ner et - John sîneet, Mai-y sîruat, Dunlop treet,ý 42 ailice foot et KeitIr ereel, aitisae rail- mey bridge, attise cerner a!flBsse ine anti Brok etreel. TIret ail olirer lampae iseconitnuat, andti tthlie eommiltee an lire anti 82 maeon olleet - ue tiscontinut ampe - eut place t>sem lu tishemu Ir alfot [9, soaekeeping. TisaI the ligliting of lIre lampe Se let j9q iF contrant. 'rîrat tîre Lit ou tise southieast cor- u(4ler O! liyruu anti bondas sel-es buci-e. miovedte tahIe scutlr-woct corner, foi tIse boIctteracecommisodationr cf tira publie T. usîug the Putt Office. (in motiomntise council %veuttlut-o Commiitlee O et tra nolo thonon-Mr. w ,Srntinth le chiri. Mn nI. Fax moi-niltIre adtionr of tIre tiret clause. et fr - n.lauinr i r kedtta, misen cf e tIra omitteu asasmppointi, Il iras ho 'e 'reliant upon lIre atni8ebiîity cf tIre nuom- ,a 'borof lamupsta lii mrce leSe raeineti it ianr tire Seet places te put theus. He letisooglît lIra repart aolbt aken ista nu 'consideration as a iviseua"not aI :bnecugIiý upnclatie iy clause. le rMi. Cam<telî-Tisa commnittes waa i. iîpoiilt ta plhace 12 or 14 la mireref Va tbuyc more moal nuceeeary. la Mnr. lcuniiiré rformaet te reItitiori le %hatl le hot rnetd tIret evonitiL,. ri 'Tlinoslîctitionere, lire regrettut, i, Iati u -tiecisallai-ted tirae olortuoitî' etfIreing irirard butane lire conucil,ac e mootise Paeitioners Imo weclis ago. Ile tisun, alhlieughiis nira murradvulerse te lthep fep titionere, iras milliig îuhe soul:liree Iseard, eut cousiteredth tisIhIe saine coujrr$sy ouglîlta obu Pteoudc 0teh pi-usent putitiours. On loaking onerp ,F both tocuments,lire tount thai tisae r. amas ho' tIre iset roprentet ovrr 150,000 mentis et property, wmiito soe Quitise anli-petition 'aunutut te ouîyr i Solmeen $125,000 ancuti$180,000. in Tire Mayor coueir'ered tIret, afttr tise L, ýus elia edlout ni) nd uta grnct deal fi -f aixpensu incurri, itldoiit aeir: étrange procceîling nom ha te away e1 witlr thIeu. Al lîse mpablS etSer re - etitionot fuir troiu timu te ine.1He tIl rofretrtoîlthie gruat Senefi ithe lampa C viere 1e tîroie obligea te go ont lu tarIe tl il1-iglis ant Ioîi sopping and tjieionbus- te nus unmet and inuddly meatirer, anti cou- tutiddtisati t wmunît netbu etrbsab>le t lq Acl opon tlire lîtition ot e emnal min- Pi ority of tIre ratopayer-ani lisosu Si - mostiy outel;tlre, lunelis malter-. 'rise rconv'sîrrece aurr i ofoty efthtie grant nuaoriy et tîîe people had la bu cors-li sielîloroî.tf coure>, people coolîl tic wiîîrouî Itîe lampa, bmut in tise saieacc way it mi-lit also Ic re'giset, tîrey coulalth do mitînont siriemalîs. TImer- eirie pi, seuse ugiy spruts miore tirose lnevselling <ts ou tiark nirristur mure lu danger o! Seinigse: unijîrreil if they matie a fahse step off theno n sklomals, sud Ianps.cct hou places tce secei tIre'-corporation penhaîte frmus u actions for tieuages. Thoreaires aise oni nom on liant a barge dusntity of oit, et and tiret coulti et nl eveuhelire utibizati jus tom ligitiug tis a bmpe on Iliose tank mi aping niglîhe. Ha appoareofethlie pni 0 îse of esling ion tenture otehie 1)[ ligbting. lia Dr. Bogart seiti Ibere marc samu 830o et galbons of oi ou baud. Hopper at tise mi lewis hall conît ihe goteltaliglil lie an lumps for 8100, eut by empîoying lis h llie migbt lobcSagrester eçenm n ylu mt usi gthe. clu. le elsa sugget a tstMo timoe mnight ir eooamy practiot inrea ' uag tire mcks, as semaetftira beys mare kuomu ta bu using ihem for âs. penais. seli Mn. Bey neterredtilse, ted lttIraI sgo afler lampe hli ecen inîretincet lu Whitby, Oshsawa tallomed suit anti gaI Edi temps ela. Ana i s e m ailtisfied more lise people tirea ta, lîcuring-of the dte. col inga about tcking np lIre lumes liera, cxc: lirey mure, lie irs-toltl, r4aty tc, bu-y 'li he couic do btîlr tir e ohere-sad _Mm. Fex,( a, gentiean miros; asasi 1üentw lwtva 'b iaI-ho '84 tinpph 10 lincroase ih la -order ticqalff1ý Lms for couellern-houbd is:lçtodishale tire virole tom. Tire peopleo! Wlnîbi moult sca'rcetj. appiecis th ie servicea o! hrse gaismîen. Behher lnJbis (Ma eay';) opii>an laksepp thîe chaime. te- mft uw-etn iti luy liap the Iemps, buat gstii tire ighn4e cvàn, bes anti sirow tiré Peopleof Osiram&anu el .4er ht Witby isnot lagio baint i alstihl piogroaalng anti pros. pering. Mr. Cam~pbell rfplie tiIaitirse diffi. cully mes' inaIbis. Wea' Il atisabie toi keep tire lampsand puti on rp -more, on lIat aiu maulti ir aecceusudalar ailes? Tire ratepayema a f eue part of lire tamis meme s mucientitledti h lampa as tirase o! anoîbari anti 40 mari lampe moult le requiraci to doe euae justice. Honeuetinta deaalsas lao so lira lampe mae p ut up, aud tire amatl boel e -rtiby tarmling prapemîj tram lise lamu oxpendituma. Mr gadarguet frsrrntis ames pitovo inelanaiug thestois te fine englue anti purciséeo!f'boss as an Instance et benefil la tise ralepayars o!tIre contre of tisetamn, l insie farinera titi ual parlicipate letiste same extent. Tise Mayor anti Mn. Hanuns re- pliai ai soealenghir. Mr. Bay mavad tiraIWOir cousmittos rIs, Iltoasit again trie day six usontisa" Yeas Messie. Harper, Baey, Hannaus, Cormaock, Bernas, Brns andti egt.-7. Nsya--Measrs. Campbel,, Fox, anti Suggla-8. ' 1. TireMotien mas teehlaretcarrieti, anti ou malien et Mm. Bey ceuncil sti- journali Mr. O'Day's Cerreaporndence. - Your grand pro- gras injucetd me ta altin- tira meatin' of tise TonCauncil ou Muutay orenju'-juh forae 51, virile bisa byes mu wreimatin' retdy Hoplsiu's hall fer lise etuîbrash)un ot TIre Diy Ihut nlist. -Ta sey tise thrutS, I ',diti n't tint mocir ofttie council fun. Altisougis <Irere mime a gonditit, eboutfi-o> tisera m as nso blar6 et uloquluco. Ginîbumin 3appeti-ed te fme te munItaWbride lisuir 7light untiber a boshel as. il mare, in mautin' te pot ont tise ham pe, ant ta 1more o! Mistier Ray, misotram Iris name might bu expectudto stedsnt light aun tise ubjeci, put au extinguslser up. an tIhe bols thig. Tîrere was ne goril- le proisant te bu seen au ueylirur that irym iven bSFhtislIeovoicus froitise Bay. sud sitoger tirne aa uomutls- ing lisse a ligT pluece uf claynlrery rabout «rat progiraw. -,I1isepe ,tîre corleil ivrnut prcy yau ton print-if' il, Yen tiegusteci n' uninltnsuiifrieuri. TIM ýDAV. Mn. O'Day leton lrety iis courlecîr- iug tise 'prognrrni." Dons ire 'foi-gel lisat i ; mas St. Palrick'suigrf, andti ta tise Mayorn anti couneil bail ta perfartu et HDpkina' Hall, iliy apecial re- quasi, ? Some o! tise uemhens mure iLîso hotîsereti about tise National Policy, anti lied no otouseci for n "Irym" tirati ovuning. But thre sln- iisg lihlite oftheu conîil cannot bu Po esily put ouI by Councllon lRay, or "eny uther meu."-Aud me have il an cuthrority, tiret tisane is air ontiroly new play ta bu piaot.d on lIre hourds,, inm m5icb Mýr. Fox mlii' appoes' nas- "A LAD IN THE 'ODRU LAMP." anti thoen itll hob seau misether our correosicuit, anthise roml,ill hanve cause le compiain of tIre fu, flerminibu Parliausent. TIre voie on tLise rotiocensîsning Mmr. Lutéllien, tise Lieutenant Gorernur of Quoeecastalkon on Tlruretay nigist etter a prolougeti discussiois, anrd car. rîetI-Yces, 1860;uscys, 51. Frudiey oenig tisa Buigyt %uns hroughJ dam as promirerI y Mi-. TkI- hey andtihie Nationail Pohicy diecursseet et iougtlr. Icondey heicîg SI. Patricksf Day, bittis butsiness mas toue, lise lane edjouru-1 ing et six oncîock.i Tosday tise discussion ounlise l3ci- get rs coistimuss, ant is e iiily to o i ors fuir somo tume.s In tise Sunetu r Mi Causîibell's poti-1 <unr rias nefurI-er te tise coinmuittee ono standing en-dure E egliair manufactureti Eîertion Tut- feu, 41< ceuts lier pounti, et T. G. Wliut- I Tise G-ieau Pcdeatrien Match. This competition finiohied on Satur- lay nighit, in Gilmour'e gardon, New Y~ork, ltowell makcing 500 milea et 8:57 P.M., and takziug thea Irat. Ho8 conid eaaiiy have Ibeaten the record had ha ,oroerorecl. Enuis welked on to 10:02 r. La., wheu lha marIa 475 miles. lier. 'imen umade 450 muiles. Aftar peyiug exponaea ].towell will -recuive about 620,000, Ennia #12,00)0, Harriman $8,- 000. Itowoll grcatly encooragod IHar- iman and coachod hlm, or <30 would Lave probably faib>) to inake 450 miles. liy lisa generosity Rowoll posibly acii. ceod $10,000, for by Hlarriman cover- ig450)miles hoe (Rowell) onI5 raooivad no-Iraif luteal of three fourtba of tho roecipte. Tirese amotiuted te 851,00() sfe axpousea ara aotitneted et $10,000 'Leýary goto 61,000 by agreemnt that fiis soin was to faîl to whoer'er faileci ro make 450 imale. Uitchellu Court l'l'ster ýVliite t-eh, ?ink, Black and Green. S. W. B. 3mith & Co. Mlir. Tirumsx&s VWHIT, V. P., je a par- iawcntary acluioition on whieh thie ,orîsorvatiro party axcaptimg elwrcys hOSe leaders ' who will hiave to givo dae toeIrilru, rnay weH cougretulate treîf. Mr. Wlrite takes Iris lon,-,aoughit eatin tihe counclri of thea nation nt a ivico, but a 'frdl-dodge(l parliairruii. rian, who will probably sooti renk in s party neat th ita leader. lis riret- rical aud lîrtîrlfectual= pow fr as4ljaplay d l inabisfrreti parliameutary ý3pp9eh, idgod by the Uazettu's report of it, ril ccrtainb, r4tuk hlim ahead of d'ie oesent aeknowledged leaders of the rmtMr WJitei's uttarrmnees lu Par. metwl obtesice bs irreepon. ble and more ýocrupulous <lienti th6ea îth wisicb buoias credited alcwhere, *d so long as lhe sticks to hies tory ae akuows how to do, and doeDot feul ct euy giarlpg inconsisteocies,Do ,re will bu axýected of biim..-Mons). Roiman PndsÃŽ"Piaulera, Sirofor Je hy T. G. Wbuitfie1d, WIihby. Sole rut for Onlariýcunty. Thse London cý,orrespond-ent of the dinbnrgh Scobtèmntasn s*ù Me. Glad. uae wae net itivited te t hea Dua of )nnaugit's iweAdiuig. This amisso ited inrch coicrment lu politicai.cir. ars LordH Gianville anrd Hartîng. n both receivc4tinvititiono. Mie tIre bust known coirgi rt'uoiy, Iitidb u' C<cc>rted Puln<ouio Syrup), e- oir:otia hbu broliu.qout 1 the rnuship of Clou lberland. 'Mèr. !Jàsres innogrui, bo t fuornuimale etwec rnilnr cf' itc.ses lu tii' To#jîlip r reps-t w 1 le sufferin a frooi i, h - mi. al eiare snlrnely mportsd, lire ati- In -houai tex la hie to th o)asus i lU.&Mounnt 't to over6190-,on tis i$m ou, à id Bige lli4 Oum, Jait ilufficent t'O psy ie. id terp lioaaSuirof 825,000, it'als pu cenlutinst î1(cou the Gle.) O uavrlbarâe maJorlly of articles 'Y theoe leaal ieaa, ýOn sème tirs au" la meutaion lafi notta, anàcitheraredue- '. tiens are smýblIlu uninirer, Inlulllesa lu asunat5 alati ai ustars Wl hIWini Smoesly givé Iariat proiato o rasaalrm..-' nnm@e mUtcr. Srates unltedhy amainute o40 pr Cent. Ounlise value-; sud -aimait aiate viia bave hitherlo paiti117 paroit. naw paY 20,25, 80,- anti 85 pr cent. SManufacturera of!Cotton, si;k vol, emon, mccd, ertirnaumre, anti aIrer d materll are enormously taeot, to tire )f inuy 'ailîbleusso! consumera, more 0 aliulrly tise faiméri tise tImbor- man, tise meciranie, anti tisslabourer. Tise Premier' promissath ie marlklngmeu eo! Tarante a1 cisesp breakfast hablls, but th dtirezlesautee ani anger are .raisi, whl virh eir taais are taxedti rrty per cent. 1 Fifty cents a ton are inspasot o n ceai, antfirmaite as mall as bitumin. oe, anti an enormous burton Iposet an naiiwaya anufacturas, anti tie rosi. 5dents et toeiand ivlllages, illaut i tiing euy goo t l Nova Scol. e. ovy cduties are aise laid upan irreagtuà fiso ail kinde. Wiiatise tles mil h ava DO approcialive effeol ou thse puoese reaiet by Ontario fermera tiley mil diarauga Iede ira th isagseru Provin. ces, sertousby injure <be trafia ou nrail. w aya anti leu d rivrivoseis, sud -theo export tradeocf Moulmeel sud Que. bac, b lire greai £avantage oet Ami. eau paorti. hit mlI endaugar Britishr connioohon; il Wil excite tise ire o! Our nelgrburs ecrosa lire linos, anti causa a grea dim- inution lu tIre trade me carry auon t tireus; ant i ili diegnal large aectýoDus et tire peophe of tler Mariime, Provinces mith Ceufoderaîlon. lu every parI cf tira country il mIll stimuiae exotie in- dustries et tire exponse a! tire cousum. er, b ira foledet iy over-meanfactur. ing, anti demande for issereaseti protea. lion. The dramirack fealure la intro- tiureetin lu abbatefubuesa. If Alls tarIff becousa humCanadiens mil hrsr- afttr hure to 'psy e barge part o! tire cool of tise production o! suda manufta- tores cear-e soldt ta oreigners.1 Mr. Tilley professes tisaIiei tariff rlieciminateo lu faveur cf Britein, but tise tatument la untirely orroneoue. It le true tisat many etftisa articles on i whicli very heary duties are cIrarged( are importeti Iargeiy troustise States,1 but vuny large quentile efthtie sumo,f anti of otisun articles equebly highhyc taxeti. coins trous lintain. Woolan1 goode, for examplu, wiiîs e importc from Britain, anti not trolutisa States1 at ail, are ro ha ralse tieîffieienthy tla alîogethsiOxcliirle thre fitb4cs imaie o! t connue wooîs. Tise increasî of taxation i on cuttqu gooda <e aiîo a direct bloir etr tire i3itiaîr usorchanl ; antýo iLsiriîtisea dutios on-rmenufacturus o! mron, brasa,n coppor, etc. Tliracfeet, ofecourse, will i bu ta <ufliot a aurions bowen Britishi traie, cudto cause otson Campirulie <o esk misther lise cenneclien mitis Cane tia lajentIr prosurving. Tis tariff etarte us on a cereer o!fmbich ne one cen îram eue tIraanti. If cor doacent la mot cîreeketi, ne thlie misteaélerisheti o! 'p unr instituîtions cus iracousitiereti ste a for e single ytiar. t (Fren thre Mafi . Feyrsai quenters ceuésecaonda o! 0 app robation of tira uow tatiff. Exper. tr ioncetimon oay tisaI Mr. 'hlhey's tariE C0 la tIre fineet 1instance cf taif.making i lu otîr public history. Eren tIse sherpeat criticra fail le finti e aubstantiai case e!f inconaiatency or incongruity in lb, andtie tise chsorusa of opposition ila;generai de. 01 precicîfon ouly and cisarges of bigh re pnies. TlIreforelgu gouthîman, Whoe fuel tisaItiseir expores 10 Canada are lu P' langer, cliicoutont thonreelvoes ils of tîru hope tire thlieGo vrnor-nGen oralin wilîl veto tbse tariff. TIre:i Opposition D are se cotiupluteiy diaappýinted tbal of tlroy isnrtly know mIel t aod. Ca One looks in vain for ~asingle ean. douce theat coneumnera wore tobe ban. efitod in eny shape by the tariff. Near. <y or'ory change tlkat had býen made is in favor efthtIe manufacturre. Where dutieii have been talion off':or raduced, it lias bonis doue in almoèt avery in. stance te enable the manufacturera ta buy tlrair raw material e 'e'sply abroad and selh their produets deelly et home. This wa Mr. Till,,y'a guidir g princîple, an,) well lias lie carnied it ont. Indeed ho lia carried ilt :-og well that his legalized robhpry-" from tIra cenaum. ors' atandpoint, liga uot a single relir. ing featuire. -1 "Wbatever opinon Maey oblain as to soume of the dete!is on tise taeriff, aud il ie woudarful if some cf tlreal details dîd not challenge adivér8e riticism,'aIl par. tios wili bu fondte, admit that thre Goverumeut lhave bouestly ýnd loyally fnlfilled their plecjges ta the country. Tire anawer to thre miserabla attaeka wilr lbave hbeumade UPok6 them in tira Opposition organs o) public opiniion waa made laet nîglrt by t4eAMnister of Finance, and trou ona end eof Can- acla te tira other thia çaornrng thora wil.l le a usenly recoguitien pf thse bon. est performance hy tire Goverument et tbe work they wart "lactefi tbr perform. <Frein thea Leîcton .tIvarcliar.) _Nve Bay thre injury cf ail. by tire new Protec.tive Tariff la real aud'tangible; while tire "benefile" are, ictillous. Lat us teai it : Coai, liffuraut thinge lu iron have alrcedy gene up iu price. But thre farmer, who wao bold tisai "Prote tiorr"..wouldl increase tire pries cf bis wisect, file that lie dceua net gel eny iigir pnie than beloire Mn. Tiub7 made bis speech. Tise farmars will soon Enud out their reirard for- bslieving John A. Macdonald la increàsed cost of living. (Frein tih erîotreel PWe.) Canairitlino proehcituecd cemmercial war ou tise worlid, ' Sis hras taen tnp the ganrîtlet, auf in lu f-defence, iras granted, Protection IeolIre industries o! lier peopsle. TIre ?rutectivo iTariff la an oliou ulclareîion tîsel for Canadiens it iii Canjada above '.al, and tIraI whun Irle intereRseOetCannicdiàeoashîcîr il tise intereste. cf othrars, il is tise duey et "1re ruhig powera ta stand by sud la figlit for, tbeir omis people. Tis la iriai tise Côneerretive :arty lies pro. muiaed, ant is s <a rt haeOnservek. tira partir bas ironorebby caminencad. It promisad Protection, ;ênd Prolaction il t giron, fabtirfiily nid mail. (Montruel Star-.) Mr'. TÏiiey'a finauc4i lstetemient andi ilecierelion e! fiscoal,'poliay mas ea bolti andi comprreonsire effair ; Wnd we rlonir net4 tiraet tise first opporbuuity, Sir. George Cempirei or sema aOtixar nuomber of tire BritMIs Hnse o! Cons. ous, mill cal lire attentioni ef thre lioue authoritiu tg tire. direction in iriicheis auy ual unnislnrally suppose wu are drifting, riz.,'tirai of teaiffi; an. tagonistic te thre it.ieresîs o!! rilIsh masnufacturera, and.o! conntrýs itir rîrich Bnitain bail f4ored tripaty re. lciiono. le Canada mc b' ave long faIt Ireý cuionrlone position lunmuiir we rave beau ipad, and tisatit lac for te talc action for ouroclres, -90 malter whbrt section snd individuel migît, @&y. (OttnLwa e prerss.)i M, aurc pcenaded - niII largly u- ,rrttI he c ouiusorce c, f tue ýouulry, c-dh'e wniil bunefit, for a ~iwe trýérIsepkr urr-iiarrtctruooOn<11rio .and 'Que- rce, blut wlsich muet fri'tefrnttrûs,. Malhe e7urytiig' doàicrt for'lro éýn.- 'umnera lu every Pro >i'ýf thep1Dousiit lon., It ie lisuh tiii of uin. ýqlsils ojIha TarE.bnonidonwt oi' Tlbt es ria41 nqs lslaupon irlir lira:ýprissent GOV muent appe:aladti latir onhya Tise F10>048 iuHungary. 5ilFNMiIYO 0F =19 uioAMeAuiTS. À l arge portion of tire snbnîbi Szegedin -arebeIow lira 6rdinary o! Ila River Tirels Inçtead of or ihouri whlch Il mwscalaea flooti mouat ttapreeti thirough tom, areely an hour as> ashaif p id. Borne hope la sulariaine tai r acount eft è timlily eIaim tirs lo lit iru net -bJeu very1 great, but iitimsmuaetire numbareti by hindi if net trolulaude, znom la tire havas AOlOWedoda dm11 Scanda Ieard ilaIl11directions, iudicshing feUl cfSuacessive buildings. Tira p aor classes,'mare exlrmely anvlil abandon tir bomes. luI n y e farce baid te hacnid. Ail comm, tis vie mth is saabehr lansndlug1 Viions aud openlng thair bouse le uga.anti aemparltâveiy fev s trmsIheives or the"blaieroffer.1 varleng tissea eeally prafer ai iug~ ~ ~~gr yth neeese.spot lu te- TIse luanse encampet ou b emniankmouls. Ta lot the mater tram aboya anti hindthé lire lau n luto lire river front conît le lmperfeetly done. L ' TER. Tire lomeel estimaI e nom cuir fixes lirenuber o! dramuet aI 2, anti many p6rsons oera ve4,000 b perisbrd e th ie gale prevente this jomity of tire luliabitents tram irea tire fret abarru. 9,700 irouseh beau undermintil anti feilen ta pie, Soeaoattre argesl hanses felI an. E nrday. One is sait tahave ovarmre] eti eiglît familiesandntisuher 56r sous. Te.uigisl rny people arcE on tise roof9of otmoues ant inlu r Diptlreria bas broken eut among fugitives. Iu Szogeti 16,000 herses î caitie, anti 90,000 sIreep haro been bc Tise mater talla vary slowly, onby ceding three incises on Selurtiay nig Tise trost la caueiug greai eniferi Fearful taies are bld of indliridual trusa. Women on boerd tire reaceý steamers refuse te part mil tirohir ehi run ; tise retugees on tire embankus are Cairig acoticrn b antiacecon usants cicu.r un hoata Rnd ou ruile Prince Edward Ilandut. vicE PLAvFreoseOr vax NEW MaITRIa Tire nom Minietry will eppeel ta Peapie on tire falloming issues :-] abolition of lire, Legielelive Couuci Ire àltime-te curlailment cf tire Hot if Arably; tire consolidation e! ci tev e; rameudmeut cf tire Reg tration andi Ballai Act, miti tire vif if rendaring ils moriringa lau expeusi cudti ilmpoisions more easily comj id vils lireamesameut cf tira Bd ahainai Act, la erder tiret,wmit i terfariug milS tire non.Seclearian pri ciple ostabliselit, ils mecsinemy usay1 rendereti boss cumbrous and Jasa expe: sie, a>nd tisai tacla may lieatlis positions irmpraved ; tise amelgamatic Of tise Prince e! Wales Colege anti Ni sel Scisool ; tire emeudmeut of tl testa anti Bridges Act ; tise airchitic Of imnprieenýnent tamrtiebt,'oxeept oases mire intenlionai frauti is provei Neya Scotia. Aceendiug to tise raturne-suirmitr ' tise Local Legialalura lise financesi se Province are in annpramisii mndui-lon. Total income beot yeer se mutaIl te 6775,275,24 ant lseexpani ire t,) $808,806.91, iucbudiug a deûic tt lst Januery, 1878, o! $147,928.82. Win discussion couses up in Asen )ye-n tire abolition efthlie Legielahiv ,oulncil, le nderatoat lira.in îy, o! Yarmouths, mil move an amont aundment praviding. forsednctiou nembara cf Asaemirîy 10 Oue a lf tIr «sent number giring oee nember tý acli county, insteed of tImaias a pr nI, abti alec rcdnOiug lise UUMber i ogisiahive Councillore, tbereby abir in ha Couneil anti cantinuing li 'oen number et memabers of LAssoem AuMONGTs UF CONEereS of tise Apri rScaîntcEe mwli bc illusçrated 'papense' "lActore and Actr'essos cf New.Yirk,' i JlohnuEricssou" (a sketch of remarhi able iintereat antd frasirneas)."eurj Bergh iud bis Work," "H1.M.'S. Pin aforo for Amateurs," "The Stiakeer River aud bis Glaciers," "The ussuri cf a mcn" (by William Page), and "'I a Suailery," and other peperâ on "lTis Tendeilcy cf Modern Thouglita as See£ in Romaniera and Ratiouabiem, and "A Journey ta a Polilical Convention,' togetiser itis siciies, poelry, and aic Index of Volume XVII. As theo arr two volumes ta tise year, SOaRINsIR à uow eigîrt and a half years oahi. HsARtrea's MA4AZINR FOR AMI'L, 1870. -Iu Harpera Magazine for April, the> nom series cf papca by S. 0. IW. Ben. jamin on American Art ra conliuued -ire subjeet Ibis mentis beirsg Ameri cen Sculpture, witis wcuderfully fine ungravinga, representing works by Powera, Crawford, Randoîpis Rogers, llouid, Ward, Stery, Simmous, Rine. hart, Mies Hasmer, Palm6r,, O'Dooo- van, Thompassn, John Rogers, and Hart- iey. Pomers je represented by hie "Ere before the Feu ; " Ward by bisi moat recent andi nobeleol work, tise statue cf Washington; and O'Donovan, ana cfOr ycungest scuiptare%, by iris bust of Page. DESTIcUCTV rîvx RîE INMINDEiN- Monday' aftenmoou tire entira business portiou of Minden mas burueti domu. A ciean sweep was ruade frans Wis. mer'. Hlplel tla Stone's Hotli oe sida cftire main: street, sud )rom Bnck's Hatlila'lIse footfthlireli ou tisa alier sIda, tige. boteis -siens atsap. ing. Tira fira Ã"riginated iu Pearce's storehouse about four o'cicck. Thea toi. iawing la a bust cf plaees deairoyed : W. Gainr> shap, rraonupld ; I. Esat- man, ganeral store, dwsllingi store- homeansd stock';,, MoIntosir, store aund tin #hoap; 3.SB. Yourng, ,generai store, dWe Iiing, andi storeirouse;i J.- H.- Dalamer., double genersi setore, store- bouse, sand Stock;- ýM. Scoî, - biu, shop; Jas.iWrightl, grocory., dweiling, aud stück; Xi, 'itegeriti, Cromu Laund Office; Dr.,erLrry,stpre and past. office;, Ji B. Cu*, ,drng stock aud Montreal Taiegrapi office- 3. Peare, ganeral Atcre, dwaliig, tinotp, and warahomsa; T. Dumant, watch-malîer. Il la imposible ta farm an estimate of tbc3 asat present. Amrig rsba abràaurged bu- twecn M'. 'Ens'taçe.Balfiour »0 dLadly Franc Camnpbell' fifti daugirlqrof tire, Due fiËralîl tase -placeJ. Airil. Mr. Flaif, i.rlthen 1< ci ou tu Co nsý us sei ish )te stwi. T's. as vVis :a oin ,~t telle vaÇ"s s OU latby pita Mr. Fareel, chiruman o tcf 1 . - lion 9at 'os at lie i- d'm ou b.d milleosoi .scirool meuagement, -report- ,re n - 4 r». qlak e, l ace a n d es x ro id ery it- s i i o e m e tin g u e ¶ i w i a i a ilso pasdu a tiretnu. POT- tir. Restth eririis dys, taire charge oet tie, trait cf Ihs Pninceas Laulsa Margie t, divisin<tàugit by Ur. Bawerman te - yVorAgobi ; osclmaby tirstable t c iscHerystreat scirool, anti aulrorix. etjho. TeBusn gave a lmngi t-e rulttias 10 ýengage a mar asI diamant tiers 'mils- rillianîs tlug tIre th coruhol i ti rkling. p akl ns place of . Wuli,sAtfiaary siotaxe- tirs cute-a mist *raf irmUit, aise 0 0*iPer on ne. je of per niduno enett l Mi. arimes eétalti tirt, by tisapro- leè ldAls te al Order af Victoria petarenrueîasvlg !80a San sus!iP-n matiain a! tie Q u e sepQd rmuhdeneft', Avngaeto n a Cqar wrt, anti ejemel o! An tiractio I tie' à d P no *ei O rdêr nd a - natf t e d een ransa i ly M r. M cGilliv ry t méra Lire 6f tire Crama a! India îiiaî lire tranaer ifMi. Wuli ltireth 1er sma,,'tesiys-r Byaianti Irpeiâél4e Hsry sîreet scirool, et thre sala fe '~ c ip h r; a nB s d l ," la d ia m a n ln a a H gi ci o o t s o r , tex o nis1 sdlasoas ufc y~I00, PAU is As a i Ire atebr aI of 1 1 ~~~~wôhnitiraIs ise e salarys',tematr tl tire rd",set 1 mur earls. eut suimoant, 'Henry sleat cscil rorm six ta seven' retis tira ým mcal Cromia jemellati ant ihuidrei dallera lu future, but irola' ird y nAt êe lgîbin e odia- colors, attacireti la mdrtodtiraI, lumucas tsepo rare o ie wiri a'éola.r onedgdvilla' f r.Willis mas an excaptlanai, wore . Qe, n fuureteibrrcoult aie ativa'nh. lirhe ; nglativauehe laces a âgéofhe inmoe. Mr.FareweUlssiti ir cor 2:i.ný f Ir te fraoal poducto oattire h ,drtotts:a omnpoîote monitor Fgt lantiers, su"mltfor fer elti ùd ob. ne"agentleman misa. g dresses. Tire Princesa ai Wales g ave b~ad Isen engegetinl teacilg. aUs a ring sel ils atone Isuomusa cets.aye. M.Cm'eleus. d ta tei Lun Tire.P>'inee cf Waiea gave a greal ruix- i spelsppst'ie ier pro lut us oxnlion, Wmas le mplay e monitor fô a; rat-. m~> lvê- ~»~ short lime utlhe momk alrnady cutl valebony Iihti. Tire*Cromu rncosetof it w mes îtiGîmau ies.fu ilplîng1 a bss iy the Midourumer, heor hyant.'aTisrnecls paintice, lyoidays. Me atriseti lirai ouiy a lam- a obaer o asr Tiir rainmigirea tyle. -0prary arrangement ha matie.* kbid a amelacuerd inthebigentstye. Dr. Gun consitiera ttira tlie re- mn3. Tse Due et T1aub, ae sappirié ipva1 cf Mr.. Wihlis ta iris olti pbeAtaI nig a d irûysolitaire. 'u e4ôiea ft Henry atreel sahl iel'Ie very 1 e'. Cambridge, sit hbntisoea ntieus. smb-acceptable ta lire people a! tire toma r nver apoona, Thre Grand Du oen o! gBnerslly, anaut moult do g oc tot- tire Mecklenberg-StreliIz, flair abîce anti sairob. With regard la Ire ompîoy.- fark, in aisea sit elaboretion 10 fil tram mont amonitor; visile l iroir cr f. forer royal tabla. Tire Heredilar3'eanmyt rosraî01r0'r srryt re ul G ran t ý D ake o ! M ckle nlburg-Streitz, îd eu ay le an oIrai vulti i ppeiir tir 000w a ciarat jug. Prince Christian, a pair 'e'Èciencyeof ise Igis scirol, anti moult rave a! Moernm Englimir cendiesticirs. The ler've tire rutentien cf a monitor satire- mu- Primns Louise anti Marquis o! Lamne, Ivlts et atr 9in tm0a8eroe9esics i deig . 'Mm Powell sait tir.- business o!flise ave Tise Deeof Teck, a cautdilabra anti 'oarci mss te appoint a teacisai ta lces. clackin laplis tili aur ormobu. Ma. U1enry streal sciscol, lu place cf Mr. mut- larejuis Dhuiep fingir,asivet gilt tes,!1Bqmermen. Wby ualtadoseo itisoni ýlm- serrica afthtirelii;of George III. Tire g tgloayrnteatmy.Trr per. Houaeisold gare a plateau cf silse3; 'mots aresebulipj ou 1the booke limiting euhl tire EcrIo! Beeecnsfield, a silver gila ý alr fthtie master luera te 8000. ýees reouse pltea wih os hose;the irîey mautedti tasenti Mn. Willie liree tbe Marquis of-Salibuny, a massive ailver g'ighm80,Ib nymst a anti tankarti ; Colonel' Stanley, tmc silven sW anti sescind île $600 resobutien. [Oal. gilîldeserI iromis, oeeoetthera cîder Tiat appearet te hlm la e b îlte nu- tIran Hal Mark qI tise Riuga Ireati, cuti sraigIrtuorwarti mey af doing il. gbl. tIre cIrer iate match lu 1785 ; Lord r-Mm. Campbielilihongisttram lise first ing. Naplun o! Magdalp, tua service lu sil- ti4aI il mas a toolisb more te taku Mr. dils- ver, ricisby chaseod ; Lady Bruaaîhane, Willie trous tIre Henry etrelet ciool. jing a large1 album,'mitir monOgrau O!flire Tire objucl Iben mas ta increase- bis lit- Prineesa andi Dtmlc upon tise cever. serlary, bunt as tise money- camae out of' let Tisere is e fine sJe8uui milSplaces frthesm oclemgta elbv ci- pbotogrepis. - Major-Generai Dill or ýtis e poe , u igirsib ta îtbae 'ray sed oteib-us n aclg lt, enry. Haeilpproved ofrumeving hblu i matinl Indue, fer pouning libations of, brick anti et nesoinding tisa oIt rusobu-i mater ta idole, but lu Engiandtale ire l. filleti milS ciaret. Lard Cuonmeb, a 'Mn. MeGilivray-Tisat monîtlire un- ilivar box. Col tannesluy, a breasl. ueceeaary, s bumue enby going beck n. pin, mitls sapphiru iii tiiemonda. Thse n i enm. under'he repart. gentlemen et PrIfce Lecpolti's brouse- ýMn. Farewell explaineti the tilleul. tise Irelî, a mnirnor in ýilvr trames, Lisuten- tige aginet micis tb commîltea batl re ant-General Park>, ae dock ou tripodt beprevids. If Mx. Willis gel 8700 us a il ; et throu' ehlientuska ; Ibese area E Hry street eclioil eacer, tise beat u s e a f e m af t t i e m o a l n o t e m o r t i r y l u a l o n g m a s e s e i e a l e r s l o b e i i 5 vii liaI cf curions anti beautiful thinga pro- alise aeking for aui increase. gils- sentet by mensuera efthtIe uobiIity and t tir. Gaun titi uallook upon Ibis an- em~~~~~~~~~ dulnnseislin u ain, arrangement mitb Mr. Wilis s set'xing lire Tire procession tram Windsor Casîle iré saîary ah Hanrysîreel at $700.» Mi. >1- taSt. George's Chapol mas diviteienl- Wilhis long services aulilati iis ta to- c lrrea perlions ;-tire final, conveying exceptional, favoutalie e ndftis er mem bers cillhe Royal Houseirobt lefI 'Boardi. ru- tis a Cesîe, conductet i Iy tire L'art -Afttr some furthei observations tram ire Chramberlain anti Master o! tisa Horse, membena on tina point, sud on tira soi- n- anti escorteti IF a tetecirment o! the jeal et appainîiug a monitor for a lira- eir Royai Heorse Guards. AI a quarter ta ilet perieti, Mr. Camupbell matie an un- aun Imulve tire Lsrd ' Stewart and ti ter àulceseful moticn la amendth Ie report rr- members cf Ithéaneebroiti, wmisa it a1that a monitor sIraulti anlbhoen-- ,ire ual take ýpartin Luli> procession, asseu- gageai until lIre mideummar iroitiys- ýn bled lis e Clapai. Tise Arcisbisbop tisa repart mas adeptuti, Ieaving tIra lu of Ogbenburyeanzd t'lise Bioiope o! Lou- malter l ise liands cf the cossilte a n. toc, Wincirestor ant Oxfor~d, anti other onr-schooi management. e PrOJutes, officilt, sund- tIreceenoy - MONEY WANvED. boo plcemilsii lrenaie t trealtr. Ou motion cf Mn. Powell, secondeti On tise arriva 'p thtie Royal fumily, they l mil mue eesat lîy' tire Lord Steward anti iy Mr. Pose, a resobutren passeti tirec- o!Vica-Ciramieriain anti contuctet up coiportioniarthman poqela tre b m9 teeCiapel lu 'pracesebanai ortier latenprtonatselw lc(lr u c-arsts upon th-b« dais. lier Majasty's of$1500 tiste credit cf lIre Board. h t rumpoters annunucd ber arrivaI bya BOOKsS'FOn THcE BOARD. a it dlonniaiso! trumjpets. TIra Queen's pro. ler. Camspbell, secoudet by Mr. Pcm- ti cession lafi Hem 'MIejy's entramice to el, mnovedtilat tise secrelary bacii- thler cathe set noi. l pmpiaet iîres strrctedti tapr-avide e copy o! tir abaaî 'a carriageo, lu tir iaI o! mhicir, s landau raei Scool Ac tamoreaclimembor o! ot 12 trame ryfour Ionemre Hem Ma- lse-Boarti.M a- jealy, the 'Princ '*es eBotirice agdî Prince Y;'r. McGilbiray auggosted an amont- in OfAlbert Victon, of Wales. TIre fieldi ment, iret ouby cee copylbe got for lise eo oi c àe' crt et! Royal Herse Guartoebchirman, sud tirai isoe Smog <in Iris atellunteth ie pnrceaaion. Tise cheik cf pociret fon thre useofetltie other meus- B Stire Royal Cirapel, mareiral, equerries bure,.t of of hsiegrios, anti riaitis o! lienor met Irr. Camrpbell saiit wams juel as ne- Pl 1- tise Queuimseethlie shipel, misere Hon cessai-y for each memberof tIre board la cr Majeaty mse reivet by tire grat ci-rethliraAdt as tise cirmn.-I cure anti mascaniducelt tolire tais by They gaI no puy, auist was a amal thea Lord ,Ciambgeriain, Mendelssohn'% ualler..? -pu Merch in lu1Athalie" belug playeti on Tise motion mas tiecleret cumiet. dt il e liergan. A querler iaur .afttlie -ACeOUNTa. sa detiparlurae! of e Mrîjesty fica tise cas- Mr-. Powel reportati i tramluec6u- irel tle, lie brideg, bm, accarpaniat mîte-eometugpyuuîats Iris supportera,, : procoeedt vllalisir floigaclns:Gos&Gagr Y e8peetiiefsutOsjýn - tira Qnea'a car- flmn cans:Gos&Gagroi' ilugs, tram týtir Ll-eilet8. GrgeAr 82.48 ; Taylor & Barnard, repairlb' n 109 71 60 87 8644. HlallelujàzisCI ônns," anti Menrielo- otiso ngagûmentý sathlirusaea ime, iaem solru'aIl WecldingMai-ch " peaieti toi-tirbuit moult liea.s suitairla a1 ui4ituto,, son as tireirrité anti Jbridougroom loft the apprareti et by lire Etucalian Dp1) parl- -cisapel, mile ina îleLong! Walk a se- ment, seulnt Iris eo0euso - Thês emre het 1ute o! gues eur9ounoeathetsatermina- ueualy loft tise <ctacient c f tira! 1gb Mr. lieo tie oerem-6cy. Tise royal tamuly Scisools for anti guaste eft tIr-sichpel lu tise rev-ers- ,Dr. Guun uragiltbr 'mutia aurr et orer, ludmiiciirehy enteret. Aht i8Appalulmnt ifi Oo Ispectr titi nt1 the rayai personiskas returnedte tahie attend personalhy ebî tire.axamiiations;la Quees',d Entrae v0 iaCeee, hreru Tisa rsaîtour'pps3lutbg Mmr. 'Soruha tIre registry ut majrriage'.mss- signet uin errille mas reterrati ta.Tire rueobera tir Qea's retrg-roem, anti duby et- cf-lise-Board eppacet t agfe ra leelet iry lime Queotuanti etier diatin-. Mr. Some'rvià!Ws ssni leetucea anc guis.et e èanangj,. sttlie exssmidtions mes a malter aI Iu the terneun tira bride ore a little conequeei,io lo sebng isi, altebiel m i tell e d r e s l a 'lm m r e t d r m y r t l e î*t h' u l t i u l ' e , p a i t i m s p p o n l t i s t et d a t r e r s i a n d i a 1 6 5 4 t a i , a b d t h e r i e . - 0 O n m o i au n l M 4 F ar a e e i , s c o un d e i f L o o malt mor e!flify lr'.Te by âM. Pol, tirs B9rd djurned'. do Queeu oen 4s c;e ilk tiioas, tr r eiib m b i-a eA âk 'and t Iim m e t, a -à ,'ur tas . IDrigffl ts ay the Pain p i, m uhte -veil a irs! iai etdiam on ts, mth K ilbem-Bslle i e _b oat, f aL m n e4 ine C au s c l o k e f B a yý a i e itttnu ul i e a n d i i n s ig u l a a ! i so fk a p ;- tu sr e i g t i e a r d ' lm s e s o ! mr e s tirs esrter. ýTé"- Prncee e Wiestis Ast yi a m, I);wo me osne m ap r e a - S a c k r asi s I im m o t mit S v iit , lo c a p o r t o p sy t io r Il q u a lr ~ o r s and i ra f diam oi. T e' D k a >of b atlla f tiss indiip snsa le fai rily im edi- Cnnagis wre uifoma ef ile Bi. cDe. ' -A - gae, tise PtnecoWalcsunifrru -fa Azxmm'oLuxa BAuAu-Is rp'nedntan, F i a itd M e s bl a d t ir e D u k e "'d i e t l . t e b t e à k u p tli r u s o s tro u il ue se Itrud g ir bugIs laI 0-an Àaml. l sin i dtbesrillmTriis ine0 er it m thaïlIen is' BaliaimuO L A s - Y s à a - T h r e a r t f t M . G r e . f o e ýrwr l m l , g u t r p t i an , C o ng l i , C ( ) a i t s > em, tir' a Diii~'Xu'uts,'shwstis>A-lr'-aCroup, &p. - numl4cr % vin arLeo IF rail fan Man- W 'ben c c nsier tiai Falowo r itýba ,to ha %lols FrinOnaro, om.rn Syrup ofHypopÉh tsbv 8 i 8 2 7 ; r. u e ý e o , - 9 1 5 ; N o m - B r u n s n i c k -' .p e s -th e ,;i i e . . . . . u n-. . . l t. . & T i parliaa' rop.ssng li' sala rosatater Ire- sait iIst sy aof M ay sirll be idics e. Carnie. By-isw vas passes!' ming- allais- tiens l irn dileiec!of8. S. Nas. 5, 6 aa< 10, asper' motion pîàsa Iatu meeting, snti unitîng kls Noïsa' 2. asud 8 lu, lire 4tr con,'te Union S. 8.10arden eued M ars. : r Ou :nstilo! ofMr. Boulto, scoesua by Mi. Sulivan, tiie clerk Twinelsuct. edt-la notly Mr. ennon, ERoàdCou- ruilorraër, la repaur cu1vert por f Mr. Eesgaeu's Clearing ina tire GIrcon, an c e a t re r oa t. - Tira Beepre granieti'chevuet 'er tli tlloig amounits. Mssrs. liat & Bem*liusor, 186;, Hale, Beo.,j#11.76, r uln mAutobr'a rùêpbm. Toar W "bs, indigt, $É, on condition liahlpsveult m r au roàd in, tir s um m ei r s i ansunt, anis! an ordr on Mi.v, Peter Theaupson ta give Mr. DennisCoigan, indigent, snoir nqeiarieaaasirs causidr. et hlm luenet cita tie asmount et 85. -Counoîclleiaumoetil o ee&<on lire lus aturidy la Aril. - Armsn tro birIr o!f my bebe, oesoa my llmbs baecama feartufly emollan. >Giea' Iailil Ammonia, afler aill 1i K. Bremu r redîo fiaiet4 cffçclet ýa <rapit cnre. Sold by S. W WB. Smithr, Whitby. Mrs. .L45L Sat 160 Ras)6&A Si., N. Y. TazCArTieR T<Dr.-n coadndlg a ltter on -the catlla trstme t Mnt- real, Dr. McEclrn, lise Govonnusout vetriuary seurgean, rerked ai se ta miaIlie Govanusaul liatentes! tolngf lu tIre metter etf proiibili iutiraIt e quareutine zmoult la maiîset in lirrugir defeieimy, anti ain teasnleats eut sîrpe carrying s tpck-rr6ulta le in- speteti iefore allug te prieovecrr. cremting, eut te 'ensume pîopeý venti- lation and i cluiùasa. Qusirlry re- parla moult lé eacelrafraru aIll Agri. cultural Socieies lu the Dçmuîo, a! tise unurbe.r tsmd ireali 0of ir e stock, anti al enbreake et courîsaglcue diseaës muaI bu immdiately 'eporAeti ta the Deparîmani cf Agriculture. Lose OF Fismeuse FLEET.- TIre Capet-imn A dertiés- confirma:lire bu- lief tisatIrhe thirteen vascise! oftse Gloucester fisiing del mWetemwn iu lu tIe' February gales it*ý 148 men, leVin2g 53 mtidomeanti 1817lalirebse ciiltren. Soue f theso vessele bave been asent ie t ' ix moat, 'ant ifor ther safay-,tire eau scecely le a gound of hope. The othea hava ben g o n e a airartie i se . ' T ire v e sse Ii vir se recent saie arrivl ôe'xcite t ea I l pe limai tira C hler m issing crefl rigi yei retura ? rve uaeta ohave beau n tn garous locality. Subarptions bave t eaustet- et on th isa entmaanti rpbancs.- I laveliat m*ucr -experia~e ;amone alireetic,ý bal' players, gymnast, etc., anti enu stify te tir. virtues c! Gilca' odide.Awnmoia Iaknimesb jfor iscol- ratiaa Bruise, anti srnesa et tie Muscles anti Crda afttr vièiaiÏt exer-, cise. a.eneMMHN oibAàvenlue, cor. Botmi . .Y. Sabti by S. W. B. Smuth & c.,WIsiL- by. - - DEspERATE, Ari.- A.desperaha aud mIsaI is tisougil mill prove À atal îlalblug affrWy accurrat lu Mdenrickriile betea t-wo.bratbera auseý Thoms înrý Jases Mussel, rasidanta lo thebcvil- lagp. Theý parties 'gaI inIo ýa dispute irait a trivial affair mhicr finàlly ,lot ta, blo' s.",.Andth rerele micir follom- ici; Thomes tram s'ife simd jtarbet ris braIser nne tises, tie laîe's face aud ireasî bing terribly imuitlseti IF thu m!oueds. Tire nigît luno àthe iu- junet men-wmatpiercedt hree (luse sud ris1 condition Wisucnas ttno irapes are untertainet a!- isis recovery..1 Thomaa Mnssei mas ai once arraaled aid is nom injail. Bitisseamer Severn, tram Laotien. fr Quebec, riu dama off ]Jýungeu]ess, a pil cuter, mlir teerapilta Lut a mev o! aighL , Teu piloteasimd lira a! l8 er o e v e ar s i o u e . 1 The Cat1scZiý TLgra.pl, Aîciriishop rurcaUl'a ofici4l rgan, deelsiresA 1e lehî o! tieiese mut le pit uiifusll, a the Ramant Celirolle Clurcr neyer Tiré polinig lu Prince Etirtifor <le W th ropeal ? tire> Dunkl Act hue is8ultet, vili.Pue pislaiteac trarm n a majorily, cf 510 for lire repeaL A requisition te M.ý N. F.j Darlus eing!pasasti otron'ti ITaranto, ta mcomie a Cousaivtivfcantitate 'fer ' est T oits-uta ni à i eý lection f er tire L e - The Quebea ý4overumet auiginee Xe- se-idto havâ diecoverea s ost fev- abie place foÏbirildig.a rdge ait the saiuire, mirera the mater inhot imore, b a n l a u .fe e t - d d a p et an y p aiu $. The iclbieps iad 'Biaibopa f tira nuied Site hava reuàpndsd ýto Arc- hpp Pureei'a oel te ssit iis appeat Dr assiaeuco te-mipe eut ia delit, sd r active cem aign. miII bgin afer P in to,'tie Pnrt ngue aa explo rer,, m1b o Beenly Arriveel. t tie Cape, wvas oblig. le tfigîl iris ay lthroughs the native- hies li te sontiî c -f Africa. ,Drï Oiendeu,{ ata irueiop of-Met- W' las been epponiate otie vicay~age r.lackin)gto>n, pur Cantaerbury, 3ug- 4d, -jI e 1 50 a ye r an dp r. mage. -t Miss Marie Jtstiu Lea, secound daigi- cof lie Poatrnesoter.G>eral, on. LrAangvi, lnd mio bas be9 mii ý.four waeks, <lied et Qnebac on iSet- ley malirning 3om I elve ô r fofirteen oftlioe coun. f it û.e t l e B ank o L-C oisi erce ra ýbeudiscovereti in London.' Tire intinÉilaeceltent, and a;close cpy lie gouplune,' uttie papier ila ury Mr."BDneey,-Myor of Prescott, ,wiii und f ortie Z e e representa to ai of eaa anui!-Greiivihle' sau Indaesen- Mr. Bm dgaé irasbeau eeËnitely ap. ojteti Goveejr o f tie IHdqou Bey nspauy ,t uv e t Ir é o n . D . A .1 S m ihi lgziWdeer, was ianget. At Concord# Newm HapeLire, Pirk- m, tie New Drbriam murderler, wafs ee. Washington Lewis, foui guW.- àtleCieoeWerviio Curt Hanse31 V., af 'rdaning Ahi '-b 11 igetion pd ~ 5i. r 1i- maec cnne> oient tirai The E Coatet P tire mat lias et tire edin Po evar lut - mrks Ikr sumption persan i h tbeire streetls-a tIre vdice tiroir lùn te yen!r irotie'for doses il sizoe ely Scottn3t E metlcal t: makdemir meticine 11l. CiU lIray âccaj Who l-a, -: Castoy Ol arîlo andi thisesfeir peneretien e Bownei'e J r in ev'rry 11(4in.) Swýct It issu: Iran thre c fev ralut the ateti. lIre ecean. -' courmy if tieu lu ti remedy, i 011 anti E Soda, as antithon' as ameet e oalljrirypi Agod pc derngeuse ergans, eus mîthtie e. troubleos,e Iy 01cit, eut edtrialnue WlîlflolBi Rihade Feermer, c thigir ps- adorai wI lOect I Ba paliciario forualelsi barenaes theisatio fusel h sole bfar co daiCo, dr Por sale, ai Cf is,Br tliseteisoC te gveuper or zsDe b i -~ (Front the Monireai Ga*eite.) 1 1 1 1 -7-7 ý Creil 1 1 . 1

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