Z ýBB0OX STBRET, WUITBY., Terme 01 50, par Annum, ment& messured in Non trial, A" K"W' liné, *Mt sud 2 oents,7« Uno,«eh. subis- Mt iXýý . it Ilq 771.17rý à of Meetings, vo MrM M-A 1-1- c z 0 1 0 13, vm à târrO:M-'-JM i lielieve the witk à 4vartiffl W InTel, tio , - - - oui 6ro-tb'«Wl" ýîwà ù4 ilot; Uv'à 'îid *halr IDUNDA" T., W]3[ITBY. ýamà = i thewa no oy, thet you ké6w ecre, èîbéat hir tehrile Tc show hm oinwdting. 0 eh (10OT 07 POST OMO£. raybé zl"try. do, or parSpa'. "or -Sâd ÃbAt'it grOOM bad ho pmd«ce.à ud 1 AýP;P L E T ýR E E 8 1, Dmr trek two t "Doce 6 'Dan 4Y the name ofýBooký oemry to glam &AZO 1 nob name liffe wymètimoo visit Mrs, withoitont" -by evenýâ hint bouse bu beau n 171 ABO-VT *uà t4,11m oompwns, au ftyI99ý thM th of fâme, beart1glone, "Yeu, about av@ "CI an&Atted lisp là J1ý time hayé *kýM A. grog' MMý me Ou- m (&ha Weald, W@ but - 94 ýîonî --o à a-ny LUO 2ny own. iniuuL*i4'whieh iî lait five minutela toc, va gently-am lutleu'idetiý had W appe. long., For b > rw Offl dté' Ãrds bri god over tl id O'M E_ NURSEkýî' ioiýw" 1 fer, 17, élès yýa a M., i gln'ee taking the VraiTmu 1 rêst ýWé1I 0, Withorton'a fade in the 'coter of a eau. and -wêalth), hl W]IITBY B"BANCIE# and, Mi-h =y foo& Can reôcmmend the NO rý y s 'a idelo-t'royyt go ale, and the tremble»ýin every limb au Pare au Ante-z TE0XAS ;,Dow, fembfà ciJ28ýu Vmo&TMZ for what'it bu dmo for MOI, nBm "Tamm RIMVAT ROTE the boit Và «è4iès.-ý if firocide Io lmelY-Ivi nous ta bve-- ' If mmittý6n'with aguë,l would oeoùre 1 MIOR. bave gou te thfir beantifal home heard," maid the bouzakeeper in à survive hùm, el (opposits *. T.B. SITR 0. Wme above voice, after à few momeniriailence, 'of, with remai IF" X. O'Nt M*L rBorBIUTOÉfI- Lot Ný, 8, sad cm rekaigg, on xùqlw« Mai. exo M.-Viv The hioas of my boyi "'r.oashà ioyon years FAREWELL- AUTIEDGE' B*84. ostomoo, if elle hua, at laf;t takqu oonts âoula there bi And Iýstà n& te îhm 0,èr ý thoir graves ;;a Sa go to éýeà k out ber secre AIRRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, Sof,& tean. t thought--i4,I board tions. This soi - l W ' ' ' -7-, VEGETM . 'Duthbu robbed.me of every housebv,14 My cousin say, when 1 visitèd ber cutea the day .qmmo.utlon for Squatta matua Baitorw, Notades Pablic, ý"d Co 1 1 a WM béîr tutim Eý;,(snd : do fit gaza, > about ten days -&go, tbat-thât Mr. la cri£ rtablo, aftybadmuFs, Xeab Mt au 0 ýH 1 N A,'ý The match p thai Vï»mi iî m bue mlea. Te vresthe in thetpinb'a cola aiuim, Witherton-hor huobaud ý- diod--oud.! happy one'. 10 M e girl& door south et the Boiel gr ne ']air te, lied wth b,»t ÉôN'OË ix 7- jý" mu .110 tie 04 004culd ye4plaeMi bdôreý ttZbUd And 1 In their faces koop, Hôtel, *Ijtby. - . - 1 î à onle, Charlotte hâd - been tel b"do of Liquon, Wu i?,;M z Cigusé M -putifiý» tl"b, ers. mille aide by aide they calnily oleefi. as muel, fit toi JAXÉS BUTLÊDGE, B. OMMY ain stien t4, ýXýN6-8T, EAigT -'T ý* &0, Xveri ne '0,80NTqý i ;4à g m Sim orpo!mmüg continua bfre.:Jaznëoon ; I am ouâ of lis Oà Èt&iDOf a or am boÉilth ' > '71 ' tic' a Idhunojoyiotme, thât; but Ilsid tor At*, ôBee 1 could take' that réÃpèot wc Nig, nà o»a Yard, uà sttený iny kwn No âhri oath there'ý woo notbii3g'in it, boa î'regtéttcd Conaty Crown At$«.ney. have ýeà 1 61 T«,Seta. -I bu. ai. à ;îhe wodil Aneubo6lý'doceit, . &ý a . betterýheî&rted womau does Dot ori Diziner and Dçisuf Soù iti ÃŽÃŽT4, G»," 13,90tore-r.10 one haubana Beau 1 am akk of.the chapi.4 *!anas I liye than Mrs. Withertoü. lia uôthIiýg te splènd-149 m JAME8 ZBITJR GOUDON, »eerýooiù Ses agit Sn loupe Bras. Wheà ,x- elup à a claqua with leur -ià , ble -AT-LAW bd AU4 m J"Tb-ouwtt Toronto T 'fowd fileta 1 , a moincere. notblâg but religion- 1 am ifve iü'îdlirüei-i platta ]Lnives,ý Forb and spousi, Thst the ÃœeÎý BABRISTER ATTORNEY B. STEMM$ tain of it," added 'the housekeeper, 'and soetn to #aie, fi SoUcitor lu -Chancery, Çoirv sacer, rogs Silvèr Plalèd Cruets in 1rý,lM your Vzazrmmwu recommandait Por, Ch 1 1 have met aincO mý earliest -d:Butter Céolon * luth buist into tours.. *Notý7 Public &o. Office- Ad. BJIvýT Plated Cake Bâiketq. C t* moi 4 7MIdin to the pumuadÀM-e, ýcf à but bià own. 1 1 igon a etore, ýmok Street, âby, C'ut. Rmýerrse rmiv6o maiýôrke. Peu 9, Zfto try it..ý At the "a i Nou»t but treschety where I 'looked for l on will take ý jour bible-oath tbat, condition Mrs, a and Serve . - truth la t,,]EcmOO In the Citl Owy,ý Tew WaO m general ner. t submit to. Bli, "hebo'gmthe ru"mDopotan clow Tes g Ire An à tern'and cola, tliere la nothing in wha Pl' CHARLES C. KELL W,"t hl leW - mk» 7J"ý or êhsdes fer UiXyla &o., &o., vous Proftmtion, superinduc= .,cv«*oi-k a Wby, of cours ', fitammored the the bd mirafion gag t.ý The Xou» bu bleu new1îý Ita et (lyi (ýý An 1841!nth.419rti.lesol.lotold. yttted out, Md évery-thjau Ir"" . dose ptioýq; &Sud arhi tre, wbman, flushing jflame ; Ilwby, of-ôf. tOý parade, 88 it IN White Stone ware, avez, kind. en cl curâtivâ ImPudOi I»met tô 1 am weszy 1 the world. ha& *oy fur me, course, nothing in Mr., Withorton hav- te, ber by a Zl- Chanoery. Conveyancer,.ýc.,canaing. Ilotil and Bar Gobai. My_ debilitâted systemfrom the fint No shrine for my heartle idlnýiry 1 ton, Bmek, ;iIIJOVEZ HARRIS à oie, éïa under Its peroiatest une- X ing dfod a oudden or even a violent fiaune the flati ON, idl the object, in b TEMIDBRANCE HOUSE 6rter.'. ne La Ta BARCLAY, I-P r g mon thaz annal h tz Ob".h. 'oid il,. in th. wri&.i..,, that Ur. Withortoù utterly repreb« arla-gébla "Ung. Since thon net When every hope from, the haut han îo.? It ie quite truè hèdt&W toi give VZOBTM; =y ùnw,- What in lame te theWandorer here, a ad a and DlUNDAS-OTBBXT, don and violent desth. The at flimes malade quffled Indorsement u beiùg a a, When the smille is dimm!d by affections mode of death wa TTORNEY-ITý-LAW, AOLICITOR a thst by whioh-Efiza believe-lu fact .tL In Chanoory sad Imolvewy, Convey. Md powe1w agent in promo tour èood accomnastion At rem»iblïtems. 'f Grimwood poriehod, with the difierécoe strict inýestigi ancer, &o., *c. Boarders $2.50 par week. THE PARKER-CUNe .1 , ng theýw"44d Oystein te a and When the brain is crazed-when the form Orricz-At the Court Bonne Whitby. x, ýs the ëuý ni that Mr. Witherton died by: bis Own stances of' the a as M au I live I noyer t te When the eyes grow dim, and pole the L a." OTAL ROTEL, an trophe mourrai LYMAN ENGLIBU, L La B-eg Tours, cheek- "Blessed ha God for* that 1" exclaim- had been poiiti W. H. The world'a cola praise eau bring no j.)y JOARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN a 1 T B Ir, ad the housekeeper with a burit. Ili husband. Her 120 Monterey street, AU eny, Pa. Te the breaking heurt of the pootboy. don't mean thst you know," the added have beau a Co jZ& pBNaj.1.ga pRopsll)TOÉ. tamwaaryl-thewarldhaon J forme, quickly-Ilmerely thst I ý sui o 1 nothi 000 Street, Oubawik VEGETINE, 1-1 ejoy vqrjoyed ing. more, The largest ana mont commoaiou - No ahrine for my heurt'& iaoiâtry 1 te bear-to be made, hôtel The following letter. from Rov. 0. W. aite sure that- that came in ho A. G. Mo«ILLAlf, in the town . han lame oample, rotins for nÉlIela, rl uter-of"the Methgct Sometimes in my arasais a forni Il sec, that-but I nover really felt a doubt on only dia it 311 a coinmoirew travellerir Talà é weil ïupp-- 91acsiLAR Bp A fairy form thst in-dear te me; th6 inatter. Had I doue go, thie houpe the alighteit rep (Late Greenwood & MoMillan.) wirlebestiasséson. Bestbran liquors sent as 0 1 L must convince eve She hu-dark deop es, and raven-hair; ObOuld net have beld me another bour whose lip-homa TTORNBY, SOILIC. su. 'PARKER BR ami.Bacloiedzard and L p 0ÉO o bis letter of the wonderrig And ber brow in big and very fair. for all the gold in- London. times. : ,c=tive qualities of'VzozTmz as a thorongh Rer voice scanda oft dlow te me, itor, Notary Publie, Cogyeyancer. of. aften va nt'=.' Charges te nuit the '.The coroner and jury felt no doubt One B-ookfiff Onteri South of Pont Office,.. WEST MERIDÉK*CT. cleanser.and puriffier of the blooa: . As the murmuring winds c'or the mooulit 0. N. B.-Livery Attaché& 27 Hyde Park, Mus., Feb. 15, 1876. ses ; in the matter," gaid I. "Their unani. was the man al Ifs. H,-B. ËTZVEIKO - When I wake she's no longer by my aide, mous iterdiet W&8 felo do se, or. suicide.' o piciono were Ddlà tSir,-Abouttenyemagomyheslth ButIknow'twao the ferai. of my angel. us JOUX BALL ElOSSIN ROUBE.-TORONTO, ONT. t 'Thank iGod 1 Thank God 1" èobbed what this Book] ARRISTBIL-AT-LAW, SOLIRTOR à sof MARTIN WARAM, lailed through the depleting effect bride. ho woman. "Poor dear lady 1 1t'a ait knew, except th B in Chancery, Convoyancer, &o. The Palme- Uotel of Cusds. Bolitted PeP"' neail sur inter I wu tt"lrd I am weary 1 the world han no joy for me, plain to me. She bu never recovered late bours, boas Retornishod, tué! Unrivalled. New 1puoen, HOUSE; SIGN'AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTE by-tYPýýQid foyers lu its worst ferla, it settled No abrine for my beart's idolatry 1 the Obock ; and, I understand now acquaînted witl Office-Deverill'a, Block, Bro'ck Street, gag Blevator, rannin lit and da ' Th Xýýve just rouived a xe' ý in =y back and took the terni of a 1 about suddeq death, murder, and life the ariatocracy, Whitby. dee>séated abscess, which, ýçrà o MONBY TO LEND-Privâte Fands- 02-60, and 68 r.dýy. menthe in gathering. I bad tffo,, surgipal eternal 1 Slie believes tbat her haubana sufficient regu 0'eiferoc W A LL PA PE R S Recollections of a London Detective. in gens te perdition, and refuses to be tavern, where fi in sumo up te 88000, et a low rate of lui sui toinng pentiono by the bout skill Lu the state, but turent. Cy-52 rooms, without board, el te la "r of A;he latest aosigni auli patterns. recelveil no permanent cure. 1 suffored comforted 1 Oh, what an ungrateful lord'a marniage, 1WA K ir îSýff y-RBSÇOINe A 5p4 great pain et times, and W-au congta8ýGy Nus. wrrmEitTON. wretch, was I te speak as I dia of the nient abode. H ROBINBON RXâT, Feb. 27th, 1878. pro. a r. CIALTY. weakenud by a profuse digeborge 1 . I ilso Prom) assigne executea On the ohortest ] " lent âmau pieces of bons et . different I had beau absent from duty on sick- faUiugs, the excusable ffiffings, of the but one of the v (TiAT» DuaeAx Bo»Lioox.) notice. times. leave for some three or four weokB prier kindest mistress in the worid 1 1 am ing bullies I lis, BARRISTEUS-AT-LAW, A TTORN. T m QuBZN'S ROTEL, MARTIN & WARAM, Matters ran on thus about o 'y.. te the etill nuavenged murder of Eliza ashainecl, thoroughly ashamed, of my- witherton was j eys, Solicitors Conveyiancers, ke, Two doors north of Ring's Tânnery, Bro k yi 1874,when a friand reconnu" dea Grimwood self. Yeu, yes," * went on the bouse- there was no Oso&-,Provincial Laurante Buil 0, (Lirs COXMBCUL,) Ç me go te your o ce ana ta - with you me, -a tragie incident in the do. keeper, continuing te eob and pace te, been te a certai .Lý -OTBEET, W Street, Whitby. utile history of London, which I have Court Street, Toronto. 13ROCE RIT"$ IY 41: ofthe a of Vzoic z. no doubt dwella freshly as over in the and fro with 'excitement, l'yen, it is ail mind by tbe p By *bat I sa and boa I gansa nome TA-YLOR & McCANN, PROpRiliToits. confidence in Vu 2. minds of thousands. When the news plain, tel plain now-even lier frantie Iriadvertently o, The undersigned desire te hdorm their NOVELTY W 0RKS,,ý ý I eornmenceditaking it acon after, but fait reached me, I was, convalescent, unfit weeping ait Right of ber child. He re- expressions wliii JIYO. G. KELLEY, friands and the Public that they have taken w0rae frein its affects; Btill I persevereil iýnd for active duty ; y minds lier of the father-of the lo8i diced apprehons the sbove well known hôtel, whicýL they et, se powerfully did re soon felt it was benefitting me m other ye- father, as able believes. Poor broken- ing TTORNEY - AT - LAW, SOLICITOR have nowly Ûtted up and renovated, ed put VéHi TB Y ONT o c a the resulte I denir. the barbarous deed, its sickeaing de- liope or ei Zl in Chancery and Insolvency, Con Into the boat of 'order for the accoiù=oaa- Us t. Tet I dia not se tails, and the mystery whieh shrouded bearted lady 1 And I, eonceitelà fool 1 that her-husbani &o. Oflice-Deverill'a Block, B,11111r , till I hall taken it faithfally for liffle could dari- suspect, since what I heard fèver of jealousy sueur, ro. - ti.ýtoignesto. The Bar, which in the hand- IIE SUBSCRIBER having purchased more than a year, when its perpetration, interest and excite me Ot'elt,'Whitby, Ont. the difficulty in i;he foinest in the County, la Wall iiuppllïd with T the Machinery and tintire stock of back wu curedll, ana for nine menthe I hiwe that I dotermined to make inquirles from Charlotte, that those were tears of drying up the op thdânoist brandi 01 wines, liquoro, à nd ci. seuoned Lumber from, the Mudge Md enjuyed the boit of health. : forthwith et the acener 'of the murder. guilt l', day, and that n( G. YOUNG SIKITM, L L. JIS., gard. A--ple enclosed shed rooin and gocà Yarwood Manulacturing Ocimpany, in Dow I have in thst time gainea twentyfýve AS I ghoUla aet Withont pa I rose te go sway, but was sharply euable.herfo ce g, box stalle, &o. Detachea'rooms ýprepared te lm-niohDooraSühez Blind#, y rticular ARRISTER &o, &c.ýMoney te L ounds, I# flash, being hesvier than lever pe- in- osa for o ellers. î rames, Mouldings, 1 1 etructions, my interférence would et9l)ped by the hongekeeper with- age much more B Issuer of Ãt;;ýago Liconses. . ommercial trav laffli, À,rcL'traves, Orb in InI Me. And I was never more aple lie J. XI. TA Flocridg, Sheeting, and everything. re- te perfoFin labor than now., During the officions rather than officialf but n "One moment, if-yon pleage. What first. The irrev Oirriez-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. late of Torontoý ' ýýd by the trade, nt the ýlowst- living put fewiweeks I hall a serofùlolu a ilin the legs for that would be considered of that Mr. Bookliffe tlement terriblj Jan. 22,1878. go lsrgQý&» my flot asther on aneths We Il commendable by the authorities if re- "What of that Mr. Bookliffe ?"' I ton'i Jealous fui Woodturning 1;ewels audý Balusters te nry boav. I took Vzçà zTmu fait v n warded by saccage. echoed, hardly determined what au- and &gain told a CAÀMEROX lâ APPELBE, C, Lumber for, sale, best qiWity, lowest It renioved it loyal wi£h the surface in ý la The distance froin! my dwelling wag Oliver te make. Il Wall, of Bookliffe I that the marriaj pricels. nionth.' 1 think 1 should have béen urea more thon, a mile ; bat 1 bad net pro. have te Bay that if Yeu eau manage, the with Booktiffe, ARRISTERS, Attornayi-st-Law, ana e'nYûltin trouble gooner if 1 haa laIen Solicitoroin Çhsncerý,NoA Toronto OA117ý1VRIGRI, ONT. Wveh* a from long, experience and.by larger*0es, after having becolme cceautom. ceeded half-way wherýI found that My next time lie visite libre, te have him aboula have pl atreet,-Turonto.' JAI 1 MS DEWART - PIIOPR ;quare Esling te meHt a ohare of publié ad to its biffects. strength was feebler tban my will, and 150cretly dogged te his lair, I shali bc meaus of revoir] IETOIL eatronage. Lot your patrons troublea With 80rofula I was compelled te ýrest. mysolf in a obliged." HECTOR CAIAERON, Q.C. (IY48) R. S. APPELBE. Goba accominodation GEO. GMCEMIST, or Iddut by day- and bill Pro , T disea4el unaeratand -that 't tj' tavern for a considerable time befère 111 will take care that shall be clone," times unscating prietor. time toý cure chronte disesses, and if tE y couldrecover sufficien't âtrongth tore- said Mrs. Jameson: f impotent rage il. J. GUNN, ÃŽ. Da@ WHI pâtiOntly take VEGETMZ,'It WUI, in my brià f ý,isits 1 need dweil E TIJE CENTRAL HO(J Judgénant, cure tbem. With g»atý obUga- turn home. meant te ask was whv bis URGEON TO TRE COVNTY GAOL, &E, M ONET TrÃ" LEND. tiens, 1 am, yours vM truly, During my absence, which coula, should se distrais Mr; Withorton 2" tien of the non S Byron Street, Whitby. > (Late Lockhart Bouse.) ' ' 1 G. W. MANSPIELD scarcely have exceeded an heur and a 'II alniost wish you bad net sokeil again Withorton Dr. W. J. »URNtJ;ý The uùdersieeci bas any- amount of mon. Putor of the Methodist F,*» Chirýh. half, a pressing message had been re- the question, but as net te anower it lie would destroi &y te Lend upon Farm or Tb" Proporty, et - ceived from Mrs. Witherton, of Queen wOuld fill your mind with doubt and the tenth montÈ V EGETIN E square, relquestin i W - e ficts, se known to saieidal drpoge tionilý.Church Pres C. GIFFORD Proprietor. afinounEy Low Bâtes of Intérest. _g to osa me imme- ouspie on, hu th p byte corner of Byron and ýMary atreets Loanecom be repaid in sanis te suit ber. Prepared by diately. I was in no, cindition te per- that I v me could net warrant, and as it ig, for chanced This bouse in the boat in the County. ïowers. - CsWand ses it. Il Ra STEVENS, Boston,: Dfagil. gcn&lly obey the gnuýMong ; and as no several reasons, desirable that Mrs. sens in the'cham Saveral Improved Par= and Wild Lands especial circumetance necessitating ex- Witlierten shduld stand as Wall as pos- discavery was m BYRON FIELD'ý, M. B. £or sale cheap. boa sible in you IUvestmento made in Münicipal Deben. Vegetint- Is Sold by all -j)ru * r esteem, I will tell you 311 This occurred ggiStS- trame baste was stated, I despate YERS HOTEL, 1 knoiv of Rockliffe's connection with a duil, wi RYSICIAN, DulDne' ýA tures, Bank, and other marketatable Stocks. Io- an answer te the ef1ýct ýhat I could not n ery Crcek. For further particulars apply te wait upon lier till the-néxt day but one à cath. The unfortunate was a very early - - 182 4 84 MILL-ST., ROOM TER, N.Y. JA e ROLDEN, ait the earliest, and if the affair was ur- suicide had conceived a jeealousy-a pearance having Win- DICURIEN, 1 N S U R A N C È gent able hd botter, therofère, apply furious - but, as I firmly balieve, a whon it was 1 Fidee reduced te il-5-0 a Day. Ofilcial, Assignee, Broker, &o. UY'S HOSPITAL, LONPO.N, EN at Scotland Yard for the services of au- gronndles jealousy of Bookliffe, whieh could be obtainei q., This Hôtel bu reduced its price te the April Ãœth, 1872. passionate distraction it was that arm- ing and bawling the laye B. 0. H. L., Oabiwi, Ontano-. Tra ouingrabUe te 81.60 per dey. It iý ether officer. haCy te the N. Y. Central Depot (only a ONTARIO PARMERSI I haa a alight profesbional acquain- ed. the unhappy husband'a bond against was burst open. few Dors Southl. and has rAPAniiv 1,amý tancé% with thift ladv- kni;w mnra nf lint- bis own life Ilt vresonted itselL rie zi, rem, ýý la > .01 Ve! W mi.',want »ofUrther,_th"-tlýtý 'rixe "Epf hý hnabà uiai;ýy c own à â Fëa7ï-d-ë a Wh à ià i,ýetl ed Le- r à the itl&roý41à '0Tïýýf hé" i odui sense., blwd ýkcffl fs#. rinlL;tbuè -t"»Onth'of ber WUaW.» ni a",,",,- W, ber S"i permen - wbich, wern"-,Iic. eful ireg»udoi-, tof MOne : 1 Wheré. y ab6li«fw. #lie baydlý itiýlùw,"ei à p t the muet have, ý in--itôme sort un, lent tewper of the-m»il, *MI OfAlle éogeequèneea ýMise, »4biý.h&vu' uêti theýfrom hail fie)Mn 'PÃývok. coà pled with. a h1ýmbfing cou# fflius. i that she. had, te si certain oitent a ci hemlf with Min.' The 9,f_ nedý a new ViM& of lire eé r'.197- the Ef'Oviiiig F n @hé filef6r'Wcýokm ta iliten- X ' " -L - ùîht il ý se e1d taveri btiiiiié",- and came ttî réside ýUéeGS4qSr6, with -tue re*01ution of UR [ afaithfulà teww of thpýfather's sitiiidr hie éhild, and for thst obiJila ,e no longer subinlit ta jýoük«é,s ex. Lion. EnraRed by the - mokmie of leubplien, PSkHffe,-beg= throwinq out hintg in big Jetters respeeng i -adamantine ohain ý" whiaii Ubked go6d'and evil ber fate mith: hip.ý A sequent letter sneèred at the miser. 5 f B of ber pretentied, belief thut of blood ould be diuolved eTnowuo womin'ai guly tearg. - 1 . -by 'the shà dcïwy,ý formiefis bers prettenteil te ber morbid imagi* ion' ý Mrs. Witherton nt length elon.- ted te xxee Bookliffe, lie- refusing to inorg explicit in writing Il for both Ir sakés." ýcxokliffécame punctually se the sp- ited tîme, and, to the unotterable tzeiiient and borror of the voting ow'i oharged ber with eomplicity à hým"lf in the taking away of lier band'alîfe. Naýy,,,thatabehadfirot' gitied the crigne, and uýqéd ils nom- 1Oýîý une, certainly. by direct word a; ýd he himaelf admit îjà dimet &lit waq by hie. Rëok1iffeýS, d thït Witherton perisbed. Tlw- h, hoviever, was ýnOt for that théi a trath in bath aises. Il Did -you tà adrà me," the eallotis sconndrel ý oh tel say, *1 did you net confide - ne !the conèternation Yeu telt at inR thst Withprtoù wu about te orlgerty an lie tpro emigrate to-4 ? Digl yeu bot L'ay, 1 e beggared, raineti, if he be per- ,ed.to do. that, 2" Dit] net yow tone look sugges-t fliat -wesbould be ù, ;mii3edi if hie purpose could not rustrated 2 and did Yeu no& lament- , eicept au a consequence of hie 'h, »Cre was no chance for-i<to Iras- twu stricken dumb,- sobbetl birs, heà 6à , se the stgge oir ber confess. ..ýýîhe liaWlof my lieail stocxl up., il seemed that iny flesh wu turn- Là tone 1 Yet I could-not but te- Lizeý'a. kind of -distorted tru*th.in h that-he DiO Yeu notl' con'tinued Roôkliffe, à y o*u bat, Bcon after the conversa- , naît me for the key of my bed- 2, whieli yon rémà rked filied (lie ýr door olyoiÃr hutbaÃŽdÃÃŽ chainber, :h ý waà . locked and the proper key aid or lent ? , hé excuse framed by our tougue was that Yeu wiobeil tu in pmosession of a pardoniar jetter ybur buaband bal -intercepWd. but whai dici pur iye, whiât ditl mocking sipile that played about ýliosau,-gest?-xiay, desperate as k ciroumatancer, to bel te illain was &ilentý-qnite satisfied, Dubi, *ith- the impression- lie bail B. In saine degree- recovering lier 30agession, and remembering thm i e aiienions Ëëid found in the bed- il Mrs. W-Uhertbn faintly asserteil 3eljef 11 that Bookliffe was nue, 1 êtbe the diabolical assaspiu lie ýndçd, that lie was, much lem thlit ter#elf liad-" ýook JOIIN WO UBENS BOT EL, - VIOTO Funds. Moderato ratés ofp-rèn-upu-mp-.----.-- poisible, LFENt)Ext ý The unal banking business transactea alwsYs OPOkOn of ber mistreos'in the il' COuld it bc that Charles self, wbohad n'A GENT FOR THE CV eRATEI) Collections made and Drate issued payable NOURSE, biglieetterme. It was plein thatih, Withorton'a death wu iaentical wilb- Perved him his tr A ScottishGranite At' aiOIGWorks JAU. MA CHE Y, nts in Canada, United States and Agent, Whit * wýS much excited and dis PBOPBIBTOB. 'Gtrèa'lt Itain. ýy- turbed in that Of the Unfortunate girl not ouly in The apothocary's Whitby, Apru Oth, 1878. 18 mina. Shahadinvitedmei*ntoairan't mode, but in the agency which affecteil described Wither Gooa Table, Liquors,' ana Cigars. Fine apartment, and no oooner bail we en- it---murder, namoly-was the saine 2 tified th o corpse i SAVINGS BANK DBPARTMENT. -nBITISE AMERICA terea it than abc industrionsly set about the suspiciaii-was à very horrible one hâd. served with WILLIAà eoojpleit, fitabl;ng ani avery necessary Accommoda- ' tion., ly-il Intererît At the rate of-Four per cent. willý dusting the dustless'chairs with- à fea. -so horrible tbat 1 would fain have pally, he admitte, BLACESMITE, lie aUowtiçlon AU ouma from One Dollar and ùlwarda' froon date 01 cloposit--repayable A ssurance Company, ther brush, for na other purpoge than shaken it off, but could not. It f4sten- the thick and r (Successor to Thomas M'iddanghâ J. HINMAN, Vithout 4ýotice. to conceal from m!B, as much as possi. cd itsolf on znyý mina with iswiftly-iu- whiskers. A si liurBO EhOeillg And 411 kiudo of général w o J.H. ROBSEY, ble, ber pallid face, and réd, tear-swol. cregsing tenac!tY as I mentally revoW was that un nu work. ly-52 0 B IrA w A , 67 INCORPORATED 1833. len eyes. cd anterior circumstances in the do- deceued's handw «'It in very odd," said I, -that a le of the Withertous, And vie*- a dressing-table, -T-I 13. ODELL, Voterinary Sprgeon, ASSETS, by the lurid light of the Young traitreos," Ida wil JL Young widow in capital circumatances A T H E R L WiU,;ýo At, Armstrone botelWliitby, overy BLACKSMIT11 SIIOP 1 F. A. BALL, should bc subject to snob nervous ter- Widows frenzioa fanaticiam, and ap- exultingly -intior CIO Tues4gy, trôm 1 to 4 o1clock, p. m. Manag rors." parently remoreeful despair. A brief apoken te, cach et The undersigned beg to iodorno the pubIfý glance at whose cotintenance in liere tant ho haa at laf rk Divlsion Court, Clerk, April 25, 18". 18 that they have opened Insurancou effected at the loweiit ourreat 110L dear, no-not et AU 1" she rejoin. rates OU Buildings, Meichandise, and other cd "A yonng widow in, capital cir. 60 utial deléating ber ani COmmisoilonor In B. R., Laud Agent. &o., Mew Stage Line A GBNBRAL BLACESMITE AND PrOPertY, âgRinst 1089 or damne by fire. M rs Woodward wais a third or fanions hopes &O-P AthOrlY, County Ontarid. cnýnstances in joint the sort that the fourth-rate actrose and dancer nt a reý- and- Atherlv 8-,l)t. 2nd, 1872. - MORSE-SHOEING SHOp 0. NOURSE, rayingpeople get bold of firat, and 86 ITBY &'OSHAWA.- Eld on like grim death whieh they eotable.London thester. Tastes diffir Here the note i B 1 haVe put on the route between oali. en Brook, strect in the ola Fsnning Mill Agent, whitby. are always worrying or tormetiting Une I do not think many persons would sufficiènt interpr I"vOgte(l In Stocke awà , -,antl«.Whitby a comfortable covered ire:rugeo, (Dearïy opposite the Fgej Whitby, April Oth, 1878. 18 handsoine inakoofortuanlievroyinonth. Stagèý and solicit the patrouffl ci travelers th . t4y are prepared to execute about. You know very well that Mrs. have held lier to bc etrictly by evidence thst Isouk sent troc expluinini and o»m. Fivery attention wili bc paid tg orders Ili th& Une with >whieh they may Witherton turned deadly serions before in face. Her figure was, howevgr, il the previous everýtlillig, Adtlrogf4 11AXTr"i,,t (-0., et, ber manneris 0 ma 44-IY Bankers, ii the cènofoit ana.donývenienée Of pisoengers, 118 favOrna with panctuahty and despatch. I enteied ber service, and now sho% perle engaging, and ber n intention-10 and to the Rmcy!ýity and prompt dolin7 of & CO. IR-'BRFD COTSWOLD SEEEP getting worse and worse every day ; ballad-SiDging charming by its expreë- eosed, and emigra roëls èo 'T T. FRECIIETTB âND BBURSEM PIG& - Il nieutted to my ebà Mfi, ÃŽT or, Doo. 27th, 1878. pokes about te all the churchqs and sivo "lm licity rather thau by qualify yet more diata n be two atffla. per day êmhw* &Y Vliz ï. ý (8m.2 moroover, pro LJJ« '-n e.Osbowa euli nie 7 ýiZ iý - - - 9 obapels in the nsighborhood, partieu- Of voici vea NEW M USIC 5eA N t WX. M. MILLER r, LLý 'maký,elos fouAe«ýqà ,with Wbttby EchoBank Farm, elaretiont pO'. ontalib. larly w.hen thera's any uncommon 1o . This dangerous 0 persona at- Mau had Only the ri aler's death called Lin4ay aza, Kt ai, O'clook each rors h a grand victu goingon suç -as ýlùneist, sermons ý'tended iuonsed - vi CîF.&S. y pon a ý 1 r of C wold Blien the like. O'Nothing," aaaea mrs. ecavizig whitby At 11:£. ni Music Instruction., Breeder ana Importe and iree ana ball, whether'piofà iiLon"ail" inve practice for t] MUSIC FURNIBRED WHÉN DES an At 6'p. m., of esch day; The ÃŽÃ& bred Berkshire %o. Stoc (1, when ornot, in the firet part of the eve'nm'g, pertieg,"iiïld giveil IRED se ;hl ana pure cip 1 Jameson, Ildoes -ber real goo c&Uà t&U:b«els lu obeh to*uluderdori' bouglÃŽt and sold on commission. she's in one of ber traggidy tantrions I do net know ; but -wheà Seating 4pacity, One Tho 1 ùaand, left fêli my of the hotels, ýwffle,âtîoSded ýto.> daicingcom- advertis0 the Pare and charges :moderato. MR. FRED MUEiGE Pickuing,.Nov, 80, 1878. IV-$O but heg child, Mid the> spwtuoua oitimu, meuped she was amongot the ganeril loue, Ana miRiral Whitby, Oct. 22, 187-.. ly-41 ÀD4#, lent. I >ve spokein of, Wfiich, eh 1 è bas 0011spany, and soon attracted , and fixed Strange- ýûW th Il TEACIIER OF THE the,,admiration of Charles Withoiton. avidence seemed 1 ING BROTHERS, Mareâ 27th 1878. GRISTING & CROP.IyING latoly,,-taken',to., The child makes ber PIANO-FORTE, OR94N AND wiép,, on4t;oob bersolf jo ejeep ; and, This Young mati-he was about six. WitbëWW9 mibi brà ndyj the same, elroct In p9r. and-twenty jean 4,f-j4re-- ut tim ' ' ' - Iëtel WHITBY, ONTÃŽR10, bad, abc -Y GFjORGE BRITTION, fifoiodô P 117, ustein hapokloostime.<, twel*e Mouths At Moi PUMOBU oîýonè - do Sk ',Wou, bui could'not to a-ciýy tnverà b>4ii44i by the feyerish ci Importer o. Dealers ua MukoturoRre of au fflOrn- 'o your mistreiz of wlifieh W,«.» &AId te finally, thst the w zinds ci V"CTICAL have Hope to beaeatqneral sermon in , , fi 13MS on appli Ation. Baimim $4fALL'Si'MILL, OEDAR PALE. the Middle of the tiý itho ' il LEATHER mach "Vert 78, 1 John oîtreeti, whitby. y belon Yester- caââ a par annuon. troyed himoeff dui AND Él'NDINL oremi6à dIl -the jet profitlis CA ýRR/A GE WA, ÛON Malodocus to rent, At el, #I.u "A 81.60, Cash PAU for 13U«, Barjr. %»d ténothoor. or day. an cul ihild, ho hadsloici inher Bc it >4 uheu Le"er "Cortainlynot, et a chapel", was the , cd, the Who a i4bé perionà hl which 4pt. W, 1878. 87.1y Codar Dale, Feb.'ith, 1879. (tt7 oibut st somawhire sodunt.edi in ci- b,'Iý a largels no I ýa bé juick reply, 8 UM. W BBLTIUG MAbE T ON 1 ý 1 1 à - oal w0me. , Yoi, ".of ý, cloume. ý know," Charles Wiüà ýrton; wai, thèrefore, In ' l sitently îlI0&îýn arn continusa blro. ,Jshuoon,> ber sharp respect te weà 4h, a capital ý catch for ýthôügbl should ii May, 1872. Huron, Detriot, imil the We and SHORT NOTICE. MîN1à ý TURXÃŽ O MBER 1 LUMBER 1 î Sontheri- States, for At low rates by- ý voice oinking and, triinbHng.withý oyiii. 'ÃŽlMoit &DY nÙM6-olm girli and bO,1ý ficult, il net impol Root Seedûnd Corn, ýD1r/11f pathetie %we ; "you,,of course Imow ail linfiüitoly monji te 1aurma odwardo reasèn for thît dfi Valuable ria TiekM Agent, WUtb,, trou murder of flint un. ý wWie net emo thé Year aAwzid door to rm for Sale. Doùble & 8 le Turnlp - Dr/11&,ý il about the barb luments, takin Ing fortunate bar-mâid.ý Weu ý*bAt, of througbi,,did"zLot -porbaps, exceedtwo bedioom, whichw IQO ACffl .-Si LOT a; IN ith - PATENTED tUMBE-B allthings muîît Mrs. WÃŽthoit6n'-tuke pouû"dsiorweok.'ýNo one, thon, eau could bc eüna'ý PICKERING CON. MERLORAN111 TOWN, CLERK'Sý OFF, ICE. iroto hr.-hà à to do, after 'rëadlog the blame for puttin 15 fort.ý ail ber bcoù noiaolisoly 61 roinsi Rider Weil timbore' a tilf ibé locked fiko à ùhost;, thAu chams ana Émus for t o effotuai en aoor, *Éüst the j onclitlY lieech aua 1 1 i paper o inapte). Th in a Véry Jeairable -P,.,nert7ý 'Waious, j3uggîejý Sieiglis, coozga4y on 1ýAs D=CEý Tm 'F on hà na Aiarg, auppi7 of sa kimb of TUq FIMTEMB have a hack bronglit to thé'dWý, ana thtaliùg ô£ no desirablo a ùà ptive, and thd by uny one thatý hl vory:, valuable ana Baru Lumber"Boudo And AU M" ce of the Town Clerk: atia Traî4ý ýcrdor the ëogcb'j will ne& =n to drive ber to, ýre&ù1t was th4t:ýthoý ouscéptibl- ýr 1wraelf ci the ki te pay the eurchage Mouey, while .1, BuildingLumtiT, FÃ;dn 8, ena"Y UeB.Pý2ÈÃNû donc neatly and well on th g, &wu Tîmbai nrer *M bé1n the elf ý ouce. 0 and seantiiit, S'IAM wutri eue woula, of cou] the situa on ci the t in à #Umoieît Il qumtity o], bina, wIý1jre the body was to bc senti. î Yen, ýiavéîn-keo>r found hima &Rotée for thé land- Lar MR eh a 'to sce it, to a a ýW1ïir1cd ont of his heart and nonnes coaled aîter > -1 Termi libéral to re GEO» IBRITTON, stuff, ftIl&âjýÃ"DDýrELL0W s"ý R'ATIÉL. ddtt 0 managei ô ; and n re 00 liable shè go onlrlinb i;l-.c earne back z1mont hefore he know they wore in the ontaide. Still aool;li, Eouth of the A-4 FOIST Brook Stma Dqoý&j always 'THOMAS ]EIUSTON Ëbont ýêsth,; Murder anddverlý8ting an roal dangcr. peg In han- à o hot Topm Clork,'iMfiby. fin 1 She's P. oi n1nýù'qurù "the. thola 34Y 7ý-. 115i7, týhèoourse stimulant of d4ink." à 0curnent baving been aigned, Withertôn, wbose factitions eh-*ojiebbingrîpidly, mumtir-- Ncýw, theui1et justice be doue on' of ne Il' sud fainted. ýzniua1ju@tice could have nothin- ý_W'hèr, as the confession exoner- 1eýsé1ffrom the âUeged compli- ,à hýýer busbèneà m- arder, could on- :re(ýlv6d-ia a whôle. Therc- wu ýex, enougb in it to wmant the ý of Bookliffé ; ana à was with moconcem 1 beard that' ho had 1 whilet wo were engaged nestairs, 1" 1'iry m to what -was go Kou, ia rl as to who wore with Mrsi- uýhbd roceiveil Ench angwer > garrulous bousemaid toulil give ýuîéied sway. - IS4 been goue full balf-an-hotLr, 'ýheù I reached Iii». lodginu the ras flown. Vainly wu indefati- ourch ma& for him, sud'a, larRe' mmeatrewme offéred for hie sp- vu nakto 1» found. doëm wu ý,pQctgà nëd- Three imý nication Ãu reoeived, from Udicial fanctionary at Brümlo, du ibrpapér,;dmwn up in the v4-*ng. of q tigUmu, who in 1Mýhaa ýg'on,é-'lly- 'the, name of sion. another, been 1 týpd -,of barg1sryýý 4pL_ murder-- in Une. giîà te& ý 1Méý éve lors ho Yà oiflS, * ' ntn ho MP; . A 'VIde.;Ohorýly the'1ýh a 1, Wither- Fi t the> in Aý or com- of Sny ýne; ' "d thst the ýWithe wà t, whouy si ý6ftheý aime. Do ouly in the -diedi , iýVerâImonthç tbù gofu ý,excuJpstor ý dffl, toached',, F,»glaa4, i T711a; flerY of remd M h&&ý dom thoir, work » te and MM fat ex- Th , desth ý a ber k0y; 0 - her, 0 thé, Wb[ etty Girro -U %loue. P. WHITE, ?Aplt Co, B LES. K. P. DWIGHT, supi, STOINEP, èil.EBý - 1 A GOOD JOINT AND JUICY STEAK 1 to annoufice to the inliabit- tby sud viciniey, tbat bc bas opened a 1 IR & FEED STORE tion wi th hà Butcher Shop, where ways bave on band À LARGE STOCK OF rlour, Cracked Wheat, moi, Cornmeal, [tu, Peso, abortoi ac., ac. dolivertid in â»y part el tÉs to*nl ellaited. LEVI STON£l Ontario 13lock, Whitbyýý ,1878. TION SALES.* 1 Lo roturn rny mincere tb"s to the ,c for the very 1iber&1ý, strgna e ,lupon me in the psor,' and tu ý.t 1 will b. n band ready té ny rialeis thut 1 niay bu çutrunted irma liberal, Satisfaction guat. bnok wlll bc found- at the tel Whitby.. Arrangements an &C., Inay Le mode with, lio . the )r0prietor of the Rotel. by ljit&JC)r telograph attenaed te., L. FAIRBANKS, ,AuctioueorWliltby, -Sale , Bouks and blank notes 13 AL w 95. 791éd .-Auot-lon-per' promp* attendait, aid conduct. l'il't'il 'retint, C. DAWBO B R 0 W-N'S- IAN LINIMENT î or wale by dealers 8eneraIIý' we take the ý lead in i Fromted part Burns, MISES AND CATTLB.-Prom ettlu lu warin watter, will cure post derangements cittineti by over bent- THÉ ÈE0PLE aAY, ABK THEM mitleraigned bave ugeoi Brown's Liniment for sumo tiline ana caù Y recommend ik for publie tige, rn, Whitby, 9. 'M Pitie Orchard, Ont 1 1 -pt id w Om1ý"'- do roi, Brooklin, Ashburu, S. 0. BROWN, Proprietor, whitby, OLtjý inion Wood-Worksil WHITBY, Deo. Cormack, là 1t MERCHANil & ýÉUILDPla large 8%ply of Builders'FurnÃŽth' 1 ail kin( m of Twisteil- Moldingoi &ah ana Bilnds. ana wholemole and retail, or by', ig, MotldinÈs of every descrap"i Poring Shectiug, Shelvingp Roc-', Shapiýg, Turning. Sçrà ll-,worki Oct.-16tli, 1878. -49 --THE-TORONTO 'ish & vapor Bath.s'! biffloi ai-m uneful lii Mieurnatis a, , ou lis, colds, Cou Wic Skiu Dise scojalllui ý0n1q. Biliatisnteil, leev rd, and for kilor I)fttlifs Mý0 particulaily ý Skiii cliet times, copcclally' Syli lilini W 1111iersAlly ciiilcc.(Io(l ibut both âh aild Vapoi, Datlia arc tlà o best tives of lioalth witllin the retch-ol vxl)rrts aud fil compunetjon with trvai inent the patient in Dio» rip. mueile treuteil. hwol lient the world from tlo pnorest man. Thosi biLthli are the ovy ciipi in the City ta. aile aild befft vieffical ajid fianitary authori. 7 ta 8.80 gbm.,Z t(Y 4turday uiatà I Il pm. Ladies, 10 :S- ýu;kish Bathp, al] e ticketo $1 &oc cach ; Id M QUEEN-ST. IVEST. Allit'attentive male and lenisla S. DIAMOND, M.D.1 Superintendant. Real f8tate .P OF REA019.