Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1879, p. 3

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....ar......... 1aoe 80 ..........uo~i Ts'o, ............ . i,per lb..... So .......$..88 w0 60 .1... 1 ..... l75 a VS 00O New Milk. tus amase aunivsst. 11<410> BUiler. litai- N. E. and-u a "The Par. b>' Wells, B ued for iS 'nothlng lave hemled muade li Itl, the sode car. oeil tIi L Smith have It ,Pts anS ats vite be At. 'ses, aond immmcdi. kble *om 0, 3ut pass., 0o lam. KILLuIl taken tu. uitanttythe. Most ennally, it le the. worid. -Ils effeal afff- affarding relief' ' pain. Il soathes te part, and gives so sitiieror, 'I&.li L'e friseS, anS t ht wiîh hein, or loir iau t nu F0TtTxo-'oeyM a thorough kncwlego of t naturel Iawe wlhovernlte oe*i of dlee*onaud non,asud c àreI ap? cation of!-th. fine propertie. of, wel ne ected cocoa, Mr. Eppg ba. providel oc breakfasttbues. wth a delloately Bi.bure beverage wbh ay gave un. my boa doctere' bille, It in by the Judiclonu c uaitarticle. cf 51.1 thât a c=u1Lul: bc graduaIt>. toUt up until srng og ta ÃŽ"t= toudncy10odiemase. 'ui dreds fuLzaladiséareBuating rn unsready ta attackwh=evelors 9av p,oint. We May escape many a fatal oihi ykeeplng, ourselvea well fortifeS ýwi pure bloo d nàapu orlnourlshedirame. -OtilRe MeOoeI.-Sold ol>.i Packélm labelled -- "JimmiUrEs hos:Co xoiopqAtblbio h te ,London, Eug' A CA 19 0 rw le indiocrtion, !youlls, nevu whku o re eneule i frn heo wiU mseud a recel tba* wlflMnyon FRE 0 F CHARGE. ?blmgreos remedj was discovered b>. a miemlonaz>. lu Gutl Amaee. Bend a a liaddre e nvela ta lte Rav. Jouant T. IMUNs Eariae Bibleffowse, Now -York 0QUV NEW ADVERTI8EMENTS. INOHANCERY, It fid,* iftIt,,.Lot'numbr itten. îY.nine, in tise TUsrd aonceaio% ol tho lTownaiip of WhUby,jin the ,any o Ontario, aàd tite Eaut Aall of Loi ,munber tihirty, in "the a aN< TMird-conceioan of thée sai Towowhip -a/ WkWüp, and number twenty,.nino, inhoseFou rth coucomton (f the. aaid Tcnvisij*t ofaitWitbj - NT OTICE (e hsrcby gvon ltaI williami  Twccdie, at the Townsaýip c Witby, liitich Couuty ci Ontario, Yeoman; Jo'hc Tweedie, of lte same place, Yeoman; Dabifi Twccclie, of the sans place, Yeoman; and James Twoodle, of the ume Place, Yeoman;- have ma4e an application ta the Court of Chancer>. fora& certificale of titi. ta tic aboya nenticuad prcperty, under th. _"Quieting Titje's £et," sud bave produccd edeuce whcreby ltey apper té b. the owners thereof, lk fee free tra su Im m- brncees, except an annulcit$450I In favôr ci JAns Tweedle'. Wlicreiore, aso lter amoitliavlng,q prctcnding 10 bave an>. l10. orintereit la-ths eaid land or any part tcereot, ta rbç ýquired Ou orbefore T UE$8PAY the Fifteenîim Day of Dow oexl cnsutug, ta file a stalement of bit laim, vr dby Affidavit, at myCitanbers; lu Omgoodc ln latih.City af Toronlaý and laserve acapl on Measrs. Parewelr&rl Iintladge,aet theroffice Iu lh. Tom> ci Whltby, as Solicitors for th. said Williamà Twsadic, John Tysedie DavidT ce le and James-Tweede ; àudý ludefeiulever sucli dlaim will be barrcS, and lhe titis ot tuie saiS Williamn Twcedie, Tohu Tweedie; Divld Twecdie, 'and James Twcedlc, beý corne aboînte sud nd delcsibleata Law and in Ejuidyroubjet oîy ta tliceevaiod mo A 1ed. te26hSection of the sale GIIO. S. HIOLMESTuID, Ierec ot Tilles. Datai titis levcutlh day nf Mardi, 1879. ROYAL HOTEL FOR SALE BYtý A UCTIOPý 1 r1IR UNDERISIGN»b hlas rccalved iin. JTsitutions irem tIbe proprleétor, Mr.~ Jamois 1ringls, te oSfer for sale b7 &notion SATUflDAy, 12th AFRIL, liaI flrtI-class bolel tnd proe nlnua THZ ROYAL HÃ"TEL, IitleleSon Brocoe alceel, lu 1h. lovu ci Wbitby. The Royal laolteauleangbotal of te lovu, conthaineom 4 ppr mnete, factuS. 11g large Slnlng and simple nnoms; vel filleSi up bar, enclomad yard'enS raam>. stables. Tents esy-to be naSe Imovu ai sale. * Anetineur. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT., L Ã"T NO, 9Oon tic rS Cocession Pick. ..Jenlng, 160 acre mostlycîsared, GooS Swellng aS -ooîbâldiugs, Ilirse runulng Wpiluge, 8 Wollo vitit pumpa,- oeecistaru. Wltlii ve miles ai counnly lav ai Wiitby anS Iv. an4 a half niles ao Dufins' Crack; ans af theltasl grain andstaocke larme lu lbe towtishi Pickleing. Tai-ns easy. Il ntctsolS liciare lot April, vould lic retnteS ta s good rallable tenat Por lui-lier particulars a 1) ~ Otet troolalin. WM. TI[OMSON on lie pi-anises. Mai- t11h, 1870. Bn LIVEfi'Y ILIERY .1 r Eundaoiiguad sipply Lvrpgo r.LlloseanS cle ontortabla vobiiclca atit ttentl'snotice. Ail ci-ers attendid lu vili strictpunelualît>.. Terma loy. TiLlirry Niables bat Royal halai. -A. &J.-C. PRINGLE.- whilby Macrh 111h, 1878. -12-ti TAXESI TAXES I1I N lii brhâ1 a a pi-acceS. N liing s b1e t a once foi-th Tisis' ia i Rnt cai. Whllley, Mach oi 8 Collecton. Pure Berkshire Pigs For 8sale. Aîîn1yta Wm. Goodvin, LoI , i aa ou Wlilaýy, oralsi tse CitoNItcuaoffice. ý'AU M lo SAL. -4OGrat Bai-galin l JTtaip cf Equeuing Lo,'5lt Con, luate ýowUbp f lgg4min q cf >.looi, M7 acres 47 "edcman In= u tttatln 1,(!4 hartiwood bumtOlbrick bau, cth 'stat: UtigonilSar, youug bearng oreiard, 1w chantce.fruit lite.., ucrin ek-stonite'Gi T. &'c. price 8,l0w,p S~ bauJaon, atp tai-mal0.YOM, Ifl alolS acoci wll teci-eut. the Mi ni. or uSd n. - --r .nt . -aablelV a &ev. l teala84 na ubjeclJia o ~ae mem eabella 16k Licombe #l, ayable 7th lt Septeniber, 187â; a satsain- -cf the t aMount dub upc. temmo irtgagmoN ik ciopal ma intereet witl U pra-ucedon Iteý 2 Souhi 12 acres of lot se, in said finhi cancession ai the Townsmhip cf Witby- henown.as Hopkins' Haniestea. Titis pi-a. poey isin a good state af cuition, aMd 'r Sticleared bÙta&bout W acres. Titoreilaa SOM ' wln itepaoe, it i b am tables, anS OU e ths #" i ,whid y#distant froni 'n --i yj=0.TL. pareil viiibu mlS ube e ot 1et h@ acoantant cf kleèrest st8 per cent., SaleS ot nS paybls an Iltit Juns, 1M8. Aima mobjeat te, a ottme, la (Jtl'opher ]BatI'. lamew. "cure =01anS luterest eaI8Spar cent. SaleS 111h YebrtjrIM78 p bl q oh iïte Foi); L ruai-y1881. odaaasubjdeat-la-Imabella Liscanibe's mertage on paraeeo. 1. Lite ststenienta v ab.producedua.for parel Na. 1. 8. .Belng campasud cf49J acre. cf that ~rof lot6iluthe finit conc cai the avlua p i Wiitby, yig of o:te Grand Trut kRalway exaepl ian acr *é awnsd b>. 1h.-laIe Mrs. Grant ,and mare mu>. deectbed: ina DeSfroni t6i.Court Of t- itsncery la Ihe gala GeorgeHopkins. teThislanisina bigli data ai ultivaîlan, C anS well isucea andS al leared. Titure las, jd Dwelllg Hanse, barn, anS sheads an Ibis Portion, neari>. ucw, And slu l>.a short )t dian-ce irani lie Grand Trunik Railwy>. satioln, Wbitby0 Tti. parcal wilU bu solS subci1 w mortgages te one W. O'NAilIfo 1,300 anSw 80 rétevl lte irtpayable on th loveniber 189,anS lie Sudon1tDe a cember, l7U ko teoa mo on l7et Sthe. I oes for 80, payable on te1 ay o cent. à siatenient miewiug th. aMount0 due pon itesmar$ es l bproduced at te"tinte ao al.f ii av l stiasu1 ject laelt.e marlgagc a1i iablkeLiscombe upan lb.eallier partiels. 4. The Narlh.baives ci LOts1 -,.Il anS 4., lunlte lot Tier cf the Sud DanAl Range, Rast ai Brook Elisqtin lis Town f aiIt. b>., as laid Ont bir As.i Wesdcn. Titis pro. perY is inltesntre ci th. Town uon whioh la erected te vaînale Buflding kuavu as ths Hopkins' Hall, dîtteS up as -a Theatre anS Concert Hall, witb graa un- dsrnealb. Tite vhole fu7 equippd,'anS Mpitd witit gas, anS Sltinge. lsoahot fâmce unS6rei-stit. 'Aieatwc stores occupied b>. William Titi, as furuitons warercama, a store.icuss lau'lie rea;a0 atwomlory dwslliog houte, *itlstbe ansdsS, sbjsd to acetg infanyrf Un. Till, tla maure #600 wthi intorusl aI mpercent., $800 paable on Me h i'cv., 187, anS$§0M026bh ov, 1881, siatementa as te wbieli vil be proSaceS at-1h. dlay of ale. Possession ci stores anS promiss ce. eupiedbyTill, given au lat Jo!usîlez, th. bainc-oproperty on balance ci purcitase The Vendors' ssll 1nIt be bounuStaero duce au>. aller titie Seeds or copies afitille deed. titan lias. lu their possession, or for. k nisli an>.abstract caye a Riàegll raabstract,, or a cap> thereof, cor prove an>. 'absîract cf a tille or tle alter blian b>. the titis daads lu t their posaession. Tiare vil boa regerve th bld on caci parcal fixeS b>.lte Master. The porcliasr sitell pa>. Sowu au day' cisaleaa Daposit of Ton per cent. upon ha purcise c moncy, ltae bsuaucesuinsnemonti there. C aller witiout lotereat anS Maci parcel wlll- bc solS sobjeet telita mortgages subeisting RAY'8 HOTEL. TOWN OZ. WIITBT -TliUR8DA Y, the Third Day ol Apl, 1879, Thel, vnglands and premolses, lu fou L Thé souau t mm71 aarés 61 lot 1, in the lot cm, it h.é'Township of Whitby l fi-c lb. Court Bonne, lu thé Tcofa Wht>.a l"a d nau jc.aea se s 2,M2,-sud lulerat, et eW Mpe cent., payabla ou 'the ?1h Jl>, 1082; a abject taeo à tgee James cnbet>la muore thie ai i h WaSti lnb Kt$8 e On1 piyeuat lite pureliase noneytli pWrchasan yu il bc entitled ta convoyancem a b. e1.1 mb possession. The otier condtions are thee atandtij cnditions of lia Court a1 Chantier>. excep as abo'évaried. - Thee anlsianding persona] piO-ny belonge gta daceased consistins ai uture îk Hopkina' Hal, Booklebell Mortgages, notes, anS accaunns, will be offareS or sale as ane lime. Far furtieiarticulai-s anS conditions af sale, applY la W. H.Billings, Vendoce' Sa- licitoi-, anS Messie.. Farewel & RutIselge, Whlhb>.. Mesou. --AMibel ol a Oigdan, anS Jobuhn s uQ. C., Tarant., an h jdrin d>sde ftpCourt. siguel. ý Il . BILLINGÉ, G. I. D4RTNELL, Vcndor's Solicitors~. Memin 1 lfishmen's Assem /yl ANi AxiNviR ma33M WY in ho H1OPKINS, USIC HLL -Day, 1870i, Ta vieitcordial invitation Ž,tn. monc e l t oot t p iktSc Rlrastn ta viii b. provi7dcd irirem . Are T et, for e ai e aI Whtfl;iS'sc store. 11)ED. A AL tuas- FLST CLAN S FAIM TO IlINT IN -RP!itilng, Lat14 Si-Scon Ou.lin. dreS arcs;,egotdbuilding.,, oratar and von watercd ~.i9E LADIES, ATTENTION.- The caîttrated iAmer1àa1 ü iWorei, MAX 7ýJACOB, 330 Qucan St. Wemst 1Prtnto, (Tii-ce Doors ~O tPll~~~frtt ltheliou glyGNrI;IfbfAl wtti mei * Pra~~r. doSePii attend 10 Ihem., ?RONT 1'IÂITS I liavea .adred a mahitue 11411will make Oer>. h"iri- stagil, vitit theo cots 0alloua va>.. Theo nhy machine c idiSl, lt * CAUJTION4,t:_ --P~aQSnF tlie mWùdYl ail Ite o i ..i-ro..4..T... tl.ga*.... '1a-;B~. lkelL iColecor .... thence along maiS liiasoulli bhfty. Our degree s et fivuebalus nS dseventy ltiles, Ihene goutit savent>. wo dgees camî lwo ebaine and tblzy-uight lin es bah.place id b iig, be bte sane'mor or lto. The sai parmil coulaiuiug b>' admieasuresnn une statutsasresoaSd txty.twc oiSîeli oflan acre. Tii. selS PartWlitby Harbonilate!. triucfthé Whltby, Part iPer, a »Ydsaniwaya»d rafi6 cf aha RailwasuadSlai-gsi>. 10 bts revenu. et the alS Harbaur CompnM. q 1WîitI the exception cf th. western break. water aili tsesaiS property ta kian il etteofreod,.udwell ited for i ul The said Port WfVitty Harbourpoet. wll be solS mubjsat ta lt-'e balance stii"due te, the Governient af Canad~ase balance of purohaamaueoyasu j M l uiti debetturealea îb. ltesidrrt Wittby Eambout Comny. Teams :-One.tird aiflte purciae mon. e>. af bot or eltier parcels I. o be p aid kn cashtathe time of-thesae,,nd the blance 11 six equal annuel instalmenîs, wit4 inter- est thereon nt six par cent. per anun, pay.- utble at sans time a.i the saiS lusitalments on the unpaid balance, lisesaiS balauce ta ta b. sutureS 101th. satsfactlan aiflte said execotors.- The nature ai sàiS seurily im la lie mmntilainLthestmalStender. Tenders for parcel noimber on. -or two sepsrately, ai- bathparcels togetiter, are 10 bu addresmad ta DaviS Fisiter, Rsq.,'Toron. toe, up ta the Firit Sa>. cf April, 1879. Tieighest nor an>. tender ual necessarl. 1. accepteS. Alithe partieu3ars and conditions may b. nbtained tram G. Young, Rsq., Wlutby, Vendora' Solicitor, or troa ltae theunder. signe. D.&VID FIBRE t DateS ab Whltby Ibis 7Mliday ofi Mardi, '7j. Begsta kform his numerous friands and _____________________ patron.s thaIlie ha. again laken bis 7M2 W.00 752t.04 Dec. 81s1, Cas on ba d ....... :f78.28 Dec. 81.1, Due Ochool Seci ... 9.21 U T coUfl ........ 146.) - . .. . . .14 " 00alancemet& pver la ~blliam 0.....~. pU.8 Wè, tho nndereigned Auditors' for the corporation of the. Townihip of" Whitby,; hereby crtify, that the, foregoingïs a. correct abstritct ofthe Be- per Treasurer'e booko,,for the yoar cndihg, December 8914,:1878.' Bigned, W. T. GOLDSBRO', 'os Brooklin, Mardi Brd, 1879.e~ FLINIBEDHALLTO RENTI T0 OLET-Thes lurnisitea Hall aboya lb. A.Exrema Offce, konovm a.tle Y4,M. Ç.' Hal. Until itluita prnansnly baker., parties ensi-rage te rantIilt by lie niglit. -GRO. B. VULE, 11.)Express Office. F OR SALE, AT TE GLEN MAJOR MILLS I- 6000feul Plus Lumber, veil umaneS. ImcliBoards. Floorioig, 2x4scantllng, 2.it hPlante, Fenckng Boards, 1>90,000 faut cif04, Maple ici-aeiltsbquahil," Banssyod, 15,000 Il. Square Tlibe, AU0 aio wiyl bu solà cieap 1crash.- H. wcuid aimabe>. toay> hllt ie Mlil la runnnn 10oufntclavne Cio gin ou ay u i te RSNOW, Seed Wheat. 3 oIUSHELS Anecta, good anSd cean 30seSfor sle. Apply ta ALEX WADDELL. Lot11, glt con. Piclrsning, 12.11 Claremoul P. O. EMULSION PUIRE -COD LIER OIL WITH H'YPOPHOSPI4ITES OFLIME& SODA cd ~ ~ ~ « hainbrte,,tal ieem. cribc idIaeamaesm, and i i qtc l'e OleSfood 'nmeaIdiciy. c r oedy las bw , touai ta. qalt. Io aioa asplendid speciic for Caitthaind F.atds For sale by all Dracgista at $% per batul. S YRUP 0F RED ~PRUCE GUM ( I FOR SCaugits, Colda, Lama af Voica, Hoarse. e noea, Branchial and Thi-oat Affections. ýf Theo Gin viici exudas tram icheRed pnc tr lei, ittaeutdoabl,tho malt valuable native Gunt for Medlual purposes. In emai-kabla power lu relicving certain i-a te oirmetf.routibitis asdLieelmboot 4s8salfiecaffect Itn suring obuinate tacktng (langis, leis nnov el ln ot isôpbli large. luitis Syrup learefully prepenuS jet icv empeatue>, onlinin alarge. quantit>. ci lb. Eincorplekea Gnm lu completésoslutian, i P11 t1h. Taule Ex p ctoa-tt alsanlo anS Anti. Bpasndie effeelm ai the. tadSpi-uce <5untare y ut> proervad. For sae aI ail Drug Stores. Pnrice, 25 cents per batla. (1.0 'SALIE 0F LAN6! ET~ R aSd b>.virtneof a ipoweï ai sale LJbp aildil a mai-geeimaS. b>. Joeeph sope, SafaulI t ariog beei maSs lu payment bitr-cf vii li c soiS Xy PUBLIC \AUCTION on JVJDNJ?'S,;D.Y, marc, 19lth, 1879. ait1SZo'lock, npou, aI SAUND'H'TEL" VILLAGE Oý,GOODWOOD. Part ai hli or44 quarlai- of lot No. 10 lu tlt 51Coneoioupl tic Tovnship ai Umbridqo. 88 iBerca n reor legs..Cia>. loam mil, vWe il iraIed.TEItMS:2 pl i ad"nl.dyi 'ale aS a bcblneaiallafvli ton'de>.stllralelebalace\Lu cash ori mortgae alle apIi othte ];or thar parltiuans, appi.tý CUERAIt & MUE Vaudor.' Slcloa amli A GREAT- OFFER. Fou $10-50 anS TRE FORTNIGHTLY REVI11W for -anesyar. Bele4l pri-id Worceser$ Dlition. #07, #12.00j$-aliaeMrgon price par anonni ortuihtlyll 0*, aiil1 give. an i WORCESTER'S DICT'IONARY far'llve (51 Ïiearl>.a-bmidlAw ns tal>'ý ' TEFORTNIGHTLY BEVIEW, le ortur, 4)Yerly msbcnibera laýTg<a AGENTS W'4«Éta tchin *Qavu pa> a good commission ta canvas temi lcalit>. Fcr'- panticulars, andrji4,. speelmen copies, rcý' 04SreamltepbMis, 11.1 ¶5Yoaik St., TORONTO. i tu . L0 E doray8Cka nn ag t' NcYrICE 1' 010L STAND. ON OUNOAS SIREETI Lalel> ocoupied b>. W. P. Wilcack vitere lis vi b. lhappy te sea a bi SIrienda, anS vil cousalt>.keep in atock a a teh Sstock cr CONFECTIONERY, CAKE S, PASTRY, &i,&C.,&C FRESH OYSTIWRS, FR UIT of all kinde ini Seaaon, SODA WATýER and ;" GINGER DJEIL- Bread Sliverd aS S al> nS all ci-Sers promptl>. attendeS la. Dinuars anS Suppars supplicd aI reasan- able rates. Don't lorgel tho aSSi-ess, R. SNOW, 10-I) Dundas-Street, Whiiby. AGENTS, READ TRIS. We vilj pay Agents a Salai,>.oci0100 par nantit nS aipnsea, oai aoi, a large con. mission btsali aur nsw anS vonderfll lu- ventions. We mean wbat vea m>.. Sample Ires. Addreas SHERMAN & CO., 8M-8) Marsall, Midi MRS. mAýiu.LLJN Hu ramaveul frcm har nId place la the ODDFELLOW8' HALL, vitero ait vil leeep -on lienS constanti>. well-selscletVat.ck ai SCHOOIL-BOOKS, STATIONERY, &o., AT LOWEBTT RI 9E8 I Ahmo a futi asaci-Iment o! WOOLS, 1 OTTOMANS, SLZPPERB, anS a valiet>. aiFANCY WOR. AU ci-Sera for MAGAZINES Sud paperas pronpt>. attendeS ta. Deil> anS Waek>. al rre lvsaon band;, aIma SH1ET M~.tlresMoqtllydliits 1he paltain. cr f ba a riens, anS tnpa. b>. slric a tentiori la business ta gel mnan> nev oucé, aS t o lslI theineatoa' Site respeSiti>' begu lae & atâlbthelos aSd trouble sit. bas hâd ta ncounter since@ Uic unforasuma firs, bas .-coderaS bei-mare thean ever depeèmant npan a t inS support of ber friende." D RESS -M AKINOG. in latention af Ladies la invited ta lti. nLew dertnsnt opened et her nev pians, Odfclav'a HaU1, by Mis. Afi. Ai-el laa .SiesaaSmantis maker. Ail orders evèculedwvfb prompt attention, ]lespecilfnly, MES. ALLIN. Whilby, Pcb. 51h,1879. (~ ýWmtard. i basîard. Pasa. j E xp tI xp. 'sa. 0.47 0.0 Lpr.. S? 81 11.49. 5 Ilm GrandERapis 10 i ant 4; 10,0e0M 110 .Lumnu.2.25 OA - 2.12 Ctarot ACCOMMOdti trins ve'Port Euniqu CHAS. 0. PC H IENRY FUNNEL4 W. E. DAVIS, *GEO1UGE, YERS' N'e w Blacksmith 89hopI1 blacltemi a sop t. theprnises lately accu-, pied by Mes^r e. o&s NuvrouTr, WEST 0F THE POST-OFFICE, DUNDÂS. STUBT,ý ýWbsre hinluprepared, t4 do mAU work in his neauuaand t4i guarstee sataton t. lita ctmers. Whitby, Pe. 26, 18;q. e ABS DOMINION FIIQUR &FED TORE, new supplyof Flour, OatsP.,&. whlch he in segilg at the lowest cashPic.èh Hie han sh n sta nd a ee OQNFOTIOERY8TORE 19 conneotion with the flour and fend, and kiepai ontatly onad a god eupplyc CAÂNDISUT B AIINS, ÂD Giv hlmi a eaUl. CHLAS PENNYLEGIO4. Whitby, Fcb. 10th, 1878. SPIN -JA--Laetsyeada bottom.prices. Auninspection solicitedf JOINýFERG4USON, March 1oth, 1870. Dundas 8treet, Whitby ÀABSWRACT "-,-STATIEM NT* THE ThEAa UR.ER'S ACOQUNT EITH THIE COIPOIA 7 h7{ OF IKEPING *F0O 1. f78 Tg Balance tram 87...,$ 74'- Ta Taies 1878...t............ 1607a Ta 'lnuilaiîe lid 1 .17 To received from Dominion Bank................... 78.59. To ýPnoce.ds cf Debenture No. 1 Pie eng Hanrai- To iouIs of '1'woiHall.... 4.00 To Cash refondeS.......... ' .0 To Fines ......6.00 * DIISBURBSEMEN'TS. 'B t.appropiaions con roade ' ' sîd bridgfes...........$ »ey reI4f t. indigent persona B>. Sabtl T-naees rates. By appi-a'Rri.tiai4 of Muniol. By p i D ~ dion B ank....i By hidtfebo\reNo, 2 for Harbor!,Boku& ....... ySalaries....\...... Bysbu.p killid by\dag .. i By xp ee s cl* f V oI Liai Court ........... By legal expenmes aS1eg. istralico feus....... 'B y Ins ce n* Town Hâll, B'Prfnting, Adveriing and B>. .....i.s. Ta Balance....... Wa certify thaI tie above is a correct Abstract of'île Beceipte -and Due- bursements of the Corporation of the Townshiip of Pickering, for thé. ycar 1878. 2822.18 906.60 4714-71 108.49 6717.00 1126.00 6744 -84.50 94.00 0855 12.50 222.51ýj 11.0062 Piokering, Maroh, 1879. l2-lin THOMÂS DUNN, )Acios LEVI MACKEY, Autos XVIBPORT & ~LINDSAY CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Taking effecî on Tuease>, Fab. 411>, 1879. TRAINSGOnINO NaRra. Leav btby 845 a. m., <6.45 p.m. Poi-I Ferry. 1.90- Il doI Manilia......11.5 -- 5.35 Arrive Lindmay..... 1 00 un 11.18 Lcave L dsay .7.00 a. n., 4.80 pn .au .la, 7 .40 5.15 PortFei-ry,..30BO 8.1() Arrive Wititby.0.... .335 7.25 For limae at er stations. ss oc oalTins. Tabla, le bu bail an application ta an>.aiflte Compauv'e Agents. CONNECTIONS. Wmrxrr Juciox.-Wilb crand Truit Rail- va>. fer alt pointa cast anS vaut. Pour Paoin.-Wllb astage ici-rEpsom, Ulica anS Uxbridge, SEÂoitvx-For Saluldaiel and Wiele, MlLL.L-Foi- Sunderland anS Cannington. htàupog.-For Catevead, Little Britalu, Va- leulia autilPortEvIl-. LxiesÂr-Wi hVidaim Raillye>for Miniden; baliburtan, lte Frac Grant Tearftor>. anS lb. E n lia i L anil C o r y ' . P = - p. ty v bIt id _l lnR alleyfor B lmee. silbrook Pelar- borongi Wccodvilio. iloavarton Onlll, Waub0. shena-.canncciing at Orilialli the Nortitero Raivay baorlBsrrie, Collingvcoel, Graveoubral Bracobridge, anS the Frac Grant Lands af Muskoka. Titron iTicets ara issued by cal Agente ef thc . P..P. & L. R 'y loi-Tai-ont. anS b>. G. T. R. Ticket Aget, oronta, for-21 stations onW..P&L 1NO Issirchargea- JAMES IHOLDEN, Wiiby, Jan. ot '70. Managlng Dire no. DrawIng, Paîn1ting, 6 y 01. mf iss MAIIi ARNES le prapaned te Iii.I gie lsso'lns lule abave aItlier rosidsuce, fi-ock Street, WhiIby. Particu- lai-s can1o balaled iran Miss M ciatyra- Drese.maker, Brook.sl.. Wbilby, Jan. Si, 1879. (if.SO DOMINION, WAREROOMS LOWES & POWELL AIRE RECEl VING SFRING GOO0DS This Weck, whieh tliey ivili sou at BOTTOM PRICES! LOWES &,POWELL.' NEW TIN SHO?. LIVERPOOL, LQNDOND.ERRY, Allan Lino. 0F? ROYAL MAILTT =" W yS. Witer Service via HalÏifax.- 270 Mes Oca1aiato ae Shortest Sea Passage, Beconom>e, Coin- fort.- Avarige Passage' bain Land, ho La'iS, ElRghtDays I Eivcry Saturday fi-rn mHalittix, onai-rivalocfthu train laavingWittby AI 8.10 a. t. uver>.T ndY. Ceaifaes reduiced ta $68, $81 aSd 91, according ta pasitian ai aleteract. 'Laver rate for ri-dom tickets. Intermedlate, $fi Stearage .1 loweal rates. Nava Sooliaa..... Fa3s. SM, lm. Peruvian .......... e15th, 9 Polynesin Ma-ch 1.1, Sarm ation ,. . S0 tit, Stecrage emaengers are fanvai-SuSta Lau. donderry eallaub, Glasgow, Qneanstown, Bris toi, Cardi#, ~s iLandau aI amiirte motaLiverpaai. -- -- Parties vlshing ta sanS fonrtemi lcinds eu obtain leeteag a at, tthrangit Caal.territoxy, eudS. ltai-mi- For tickets and fui-ber. Infrmaalionappl>. -Gg.B.YTu=- . t Exp. anS Tel. Offidé Wiib>. Fei. 1b,187e:. ~COMPAN Y., SEAD OFFIC, AIMLTON, CANADA. ment, 5OO69,ý John Hnrvoy.namntlon Iras.Simpson ifKain T. Caverbit, montréaL j R.IL .Or"ane W~M BAE L Next DPqr o«th! tp .èpadhao' '8IàIh8II, HasQpne~j~~s intpe above pr'emises and is, new riuing 10 e r-il&s herèëeverything petaining to Tin, S8heet, or Galvanized ion is manufactured in a workman- like mariner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ELECTRO-PLÂTE» 0GOODS ofSUPERIOR QUÀLITY. AUl kinds of Japaned Tin, and S.heet-Iron ware conataxýtly kept in stack. REAIIN d~ haply and n'eatly. g1ui ar- antced uaýtiofa*try or no pay. .&merfoan and Çaýadian OOQ.L (OIL Lamp Chimney8,' Wikr 'urners, &c Wiiitby,ÇFoby. 21h 1879 J.W.-BARES 'Portraits enlarged ta mu>. sise,, finiase -plain or lu- Caler. Frames, Chromas Mottoes, Pancy Carde, d.alaeon tad 1 beg o caiattention 10 lite lsd tAI!1 amn ic, appointeS Agent cite canada Stain lss Worko'ocfTorontà.Caland sec san A.Fi. YUN 43.1y)-n, ineDock. Brook-St. LIVERPOOL MARKET 1 T. MOOD Y d Re BRADFORD th 5h11 im Markui. paylng cash for WÙEAT, PEAS, AND BARLEY 11I d DELVE RE» AT PIOKEiNca HARBOR. if ma GIRA 98 EUCýiic iigoilNË- is Sitollucure for einai h.., Iau. Befare Tkly ?o £.as ftuenaking sequ.ee f lf.bueas lam cf eor>. Unvesai uitune,.PFain Ln ltsBak, Dt ncss cf Visio, Premature clet age, anS man>. aber Diseameas t1.1 ta Insanit>ori-Co- sumplon-and a Pramature Grave - y ul %aeniars in cur',Nap.nt, bicb va Sesire lsent frea byma ttav e. Thes ciieficie Medicie là ole malS b>.e uah Oîpur ae. or six packages fcr M5, r vin bu sent trc b>.mail an reeil' it lb.hemosey bysa- drssioig TEE GRAY MIEDICINE CO., Windsor, Ont,, Canada. &&r SoiS in Wbitby bv all Srngias, anS by ail viiolesale and relaildrugelet sveryyhmere inCatnailda maSUnited etia.s «Y-4 FARM LOTS, close ta à% Bailva>., and LoI.sln thc VILLAGE 0F HALIBLIRRON, the Terminus aifte Victoria Raila, TEJBMS. Appi>. ta C. J. BLOMFIELD, Manager Canada Land & Ezulgratlon Ca., M0 Fronet-S. italt, Toronto. or tu AIJEX. EIYIIN, Agent, C. L. & B. Coly., 47-ly Haliburton. p TRONIZE HOME COMPANIS. STANDARID FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. AUTIIoTIZED CAPITA4L, -831000,000. Goverment Deposit. $20,000. Itusiliesa eonllned ta Ibis Province._ n. B. CHISHOLM, H. T. CRAWFORD, Fresident. Saoy-Trea. D. DEXTER, Assistant Sorslay. EQUITAIILE MilRÀTE.-AlI appllcationm for Insuranca receive the closest scrurtin>., and ouInl tais Scemed dasirable-anS stad&e- quaItte ae asoecpWe; ur atm belug te maks ths rate lu each case proportionata 10 the risk carnied.,, FAmIN i AJusroXZN.-EVery CdaioM oea upon thé Company for laso or damage is cgrefuly inveslgatad, and whila thoos found 10 ha itonest are pramptl>. and cheerfuldi ia auattempts at fradare and aver wl estaut>.ei-siseS. - 1. R. W. ARNOLD, gÀ t MeInsurance eSseS edAt lovest rates kn the best Rogiaitsad canad"anConpanlen. E. -W. ARNOLD,- *General Ins.urAce Aent, Fcla'5r, 1879. Ivhbitby- C LLAR, TO RNTm-A large cellar sultable for storing purpsos, under. the Express Oflice, t. leI. AppI>. la 2- c»,TU e LIST OF TE DIVIION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARIO$ FOR W-TE" Alm87. bruhm8 8 2 a12 a PcrtPerry 14I71721180 I41144û27 Ulbridge. 6141-21201W G il m GEOH,.DABTNRLL, Jnui-r udge STORE TIO LET. om ecslaa irop S-t 'anary.' *'v Apply to a. F ' D. OR IST O iE . i ss m a s r fi n é a i na werr, aertx o iragiLar haiatas, Bron- obitim, Aculs or Citranie Congestion of te Luiige, aven Lu lta mont alarming alages. Il cures Aallima Lama ai Volte, Nenralgia Cougit. Nervoame, eud is a imotit w-o<>tr-- fnl ainett ho ter remniSes lu susaliig' Iffeduriq th pr cf aiDipthsria. Au endlm haicLnof gaod e essufoi-ceS b>. FELLOWS' C0MPO0ÙiD SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES, aeuoe nmedeclua, un vannaes'art net p a e s o i b u a n y otai e , - c o m b tt< r U o a , a s l t h e I~l W n idemnutrale. T 5ACCEPTABLE te palate ant' stamacit. SUFFICIRNTLY POTENT ta mabure dle- ciScS benafil, ysl itarniless, bowscver long iaeune Mna>. bc ontlnued. This char ter- itie Is posasedbt>.outa lier ri-eta. IT' ASSITS DIGESTION anS assgimila- tion. IT VITALIZES TfE BLOOD, suppl>.. ingmBuchinredleta sua. me>.b.reqaired. ITEESTORES TONE ttheliuaret,. IT GIVS POWER oftendirsoice amaSof concentration tthelb.mind. IT PIZOMOTZS VIGOR in, lb. organe vitici Sepmnd tonritealtan tlb. luvaluîitary mucoular 'action, vis.-; te Liver, Longs, Heart: Stomrecit anS Genita. Wdunteas £Iadh.îtehvnoeoncdise,,, - 1 vaoig&ii A-aSLUTZ OROAIc LcOS, la wili eus-- tain lie 8781cm m tl iilracheth lbage ai- lotteS ta man hi> a bcllcient Ci-ca t. r NO PEBStiN viU b. disappinte li lte sFcfLLOWS HYPOPHOSPITuuS' INCRPTION. ' Thte expanimenla ivbicjj pi-sitctedillis pi-apaalion accupied îtomamuls, aUd vene inOtlttild wtt a viewov ai ng Ihttt inaldlons Sigage, TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION.: anSi lucidur l u supyhy be sctdt i Hlypopliosplits1 arîin usé; fui-, al- thoug t bain natnre vas correc-ca s t, ihc- or>, their preparations vene, owing t4e uir amparlaci Olganizaticn, faon : vanting lu Wlila lla caseSIheformationa'ut fat anS go., lad tllte.diS nul imîtruvi lie blocS. The taule elYectlüpoth"lie nerves anS musclas vas circumsc * P, tu tvin- tahein Sdiluiod alate, euvciviltg coisthy ertcatuexpDnoive. t desierat, soghtb> . - ellose, Acnoin palatable rcmcdy; Unalterabi b>. lime ; Hai-miess, ticugit usaS contiaiuuuiy, yt miglit b. dIscontinueS aI an>. lime wjthuut !V chwobdi' nducean appetite; StrenigItaxa igaltacu; Promots assimiflation;, Create healîhl> inaS Strugten Uieuiirvais anS muscles; econaomici fer ail. n indispntabhy aLtaimuaS. %vork tà complete ; anS 'epbitcs alands icirenoat dua. ior obranie aigule « Èkaperties ta vbici na a citer aspmrpd. C.T EFFECTS. amnt dasases ather mi troducW tocd, au lion ; ai th. blocl .uuv musas vmapatasge. Dros ie e =416g indF~ louewto cageofa sUth.ý Ageutê-' -#218-55.62 1 Pickering, March, 1879. world foi- a4AS00,W.'ý ý , ý ýlj. ' el, -11 e- --f- 1 1 Il- - , -, 1 , 7

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