VOIL. X=* T PROVI.NCe F *X; =Pa" a" tut$M ci liké 2_1 #40 el _ýA A 1;1 ter t«U 00AM fier gný Y, Rouas. .,wu loy th WIIM Y., 04 M 0 f 0 9 4 #y" rata ditloontin» adverümmuate déý lier la ii, wed male APPLE «TI -R E ESyr J, Mg# house 144,bug, rocently infit Ili f à -net ci, M4: , «04 -Wb il mà a-, VW up in Ani7cu iý 1'. 1ýi -i il 19 lin -AT rm- Ilm 'OP ma heu y tLsýtbl)éd-" bet*éei ëolr 1116.4 «, rA le Io, ýaA'e 'LUI= =it, H'O,'X>E'ýýli-U R-SE R Yy_ Le WU IT B Y BAý1__ TIW allé S AND,»uNXý BAMIWAT BOTZ rýi ïhIý e t"m Vaud«. et ý, Il - a DOW$ 01 baye eeý been à ughtý,' mort -tho ILà 't1i' lpî il and'eeddy" certain eh@ wà &, on th" (OPPUI ýto-a"?,. .ý ý 1 11-fý _ ft 1 - ' ' U teý 0. T.B.,Stagçm,) Wbitlyrl _04T41 P. WILSON, 2, il ý "tu, "NO darlin -my oim darlicgi, mol, bëIý el"'4 bled çxpno_à pýd I er,,ý" , 70 9 es, re- WU O'NEML nOPRU _gl ' , î TOB. Lot liait Cou Pickerin tou, mut V«yihiüg.ka» must bel Quai owïï,, "'Soma misýake, somewhore.l" elle, Yýone" f th ethe 00 AREWELL ý_RVTLBDGEq ,, , . "Oà ",' 'b - "' Whitbýi- ; ii, ' ý' ' or Other a y: ô oth And you and yourmother-mu Thora Mi Borne 14t4 hitôh li ta iýéîi'bf wiy E BARBUTIRS, ATTORNEY% SOLI. ix I dais ýsay, thet, the, P a' el t batûr É.' tion- or ýn«ts baud' P; Véry wcoà 1 > 1 la 1 ý - _- '404fi',i , 1- - 1 - ý and eony"- ln moil, â;ust Utakeiý se *'êto"«Dl"to r, ter te h"dl(liiot ôwh6wÉý f Il 9 -tnble,ýéIr7 belli leu M iiii c rr, it ilJýýigh L Lly My = Ã"rse lilà Ilaw ne, 4er 1 . Jýiy Biufis do' féllow 1, arion a (for 0", &11106 i0or South -lot the Royal Ilir1he Bù 1 witî"ýeoî OWXiD" 1"'Bze Ob 'And, *el 90 ta thut téogner? thfý of thatý sort. j , am _11 uotel, WMM7.-ýý 'a L= ý 1 î bteon brandi of Liquors,, soi BUTLIBDGEý, B.A. -&o. ýEVO'X7 neoe"âry take from you ?'l o rop ln a fi'., 1 Yý!In97 ïO*eà tpý 71, e4sr TORQJYTO, W'M" IliemeZim be eà îw Seo w 'o il 6 &,,B rg et-- tienLIv o Hill tollmole à d or, iiïd half lf él1îýi oocty Pro À tpmey. d8 41ve coller#. Bote, en "4ý travallarla. lassa ydre, and attim- trxci nQý 1, ;th, Id 1 P'Abje, 'Mik9 il 'lees, (hé 'h" o 'a éMýkir Good Btablià g, ou un g;' wý or wn COY713U&kb# Md Tu an iQ j*, Or D«à mt, Se". T W!lï o w am, a ýýtke afi dor va a') alià hAvný, a littl dii d be biij- t au ing n _fýiM J ýýYo chat *i ýOMà RBC1AL no ST4»L#ý, Ba-40M Som, 1 1), ifiat clever "lady like jAince misituý,, (ioRDONt eIr 1 soif inùdý'rgtc STIOD., - 0 ai lxarvis Pot eeý11Melf -0 fjr , B ARBISTBR * ATTOMMr-AT-IjAW, , -d « - ., b andin- muet bèda'ne, on Il W"sýFà nîrx sud spoou& oh, came 84 am tboug4t _ ii#f&Lâà d Biltbar ex un Eu, of: ttà ,ýé±cePt hý in,% voitië rei ÃTORS moliAs, ýrsopan?« be. ëOlià cup of -wa ta tilis dïid lowiÉ pýi in berîoWOquy"ý and ',ýra4, rèall Ire COVOCIUMOZ TO Io= moi y a vol ce., M erceptibly, hie' feelii2,gB of aud ;nù11aéýf âppré0iAteýîý!,dè 9à vour sâm rhtic d'likiÙg'for Marion deep-i Mîi. ý Lrip 'ti, îirzk, otroop, WhMlly, ont. lsaci Furka. tâbë wali a thoron kmi2molmetýr in 9,a, 1 -g irou" la the 04.v gi luto wardl, Pas-, your-sou ai 6" blSks hot»4weL= a M èmý the, ýdrà nk it.,Lwaabut do te lom- Ré 1 hâd bot býéîr'Ã6--« w'«h ý,me yëà U bals Oïr batiks muât, nue -cilAïLiM Ce ýXBLLE9, te the Uwk@t- -Tho. Roue ripaoim. tu #lte ýpd. ý,eve ýeýè> sa',onreleiëe fbe iirr » pause arf ra h, out. ne bad wiited bis d it, yitted out a1 11 01111-7 en o eà thlîà toýep -700 TOR"Y.Àw.z£w, SOLIC -"9 e Whitté = ývm, avery kind-, 'ý preu, ;rit èhrinkingýfrorn the tiaré' tnabed again HOMI sna Ba Gonds. After Many Tiarise '1ý ogmfDiWdý4ese Il >, t ' A , AL J"d I:hübiw siii, lait lit of a îefulèal until'he hall went Chaise« fortgoi . ag refi3à Il cri, Brook, tio.no. 8 lie ";r ava 9 ha believed, that hie, foelingt% Ilsurlély ho coi Importer. sà -jýýIîîérY: elailignirl -- IL 1 à d: iliet 8 ta al TEMPERANCE ý,ISEt h 0; Aispoi _n, t 0. e o la pave you a It was a allait bâilla evemug Mý readèlè mà ý.perh ta, o, romar bquà t lo6hý- à il ' 'f J'à onll' W, triflit Le Te BARCLAY9 DUNDAIýS ET, T»Y'. ý ý? P' , ave ëI il o ra, 1 a : TUE Sommer, Sud ÃŽL cla lwy SM at' the bobni4 o., eau iiiiifý,it "bersolf toi Ãti )né, Iýnd, pajÃr ý!OT a :Ln , ilf- arlien betwee TTORNILY-ÀT,-LIW. SOLICITOB bi', ta A in Chutai *Dît Lmolvëuo d at, ble terme. R 9411me open window ci lm abady drawing- Y, Convey- Gýoo rellisona 'THE PARIR qxu o room, knitting pouefuUylmd w2joying -;, i6 tasily. l"She býd_ is, sapg= bà tfýexpre*t"sd'd arion: "No," repli ancers 4001 &Q, Boarders 92.00 per week. 46 poùà Qgý théà , ind à hé 'Wap to ar, as w ln âs'obe the inih aveniïg air. The whole aune ;Ive , ý - ; , . 1 âd,., voici-At thé-Court Honte, Whitby. in a' à à ith-' frOm th b 0 t'a ý *i0he -fPr Ça", I0!2.ýW, o ma en yTefterve which ho ad- TAL HOTEL, would 1ave made a pretty,,picture, ana Ooj,âOý -, t y uïý pplug 0 mquire top aurions o luýhe* sa fddébý' badý', rës#iýüded, low. berself ta LYMAN ENGLISH, &Le B,,, thé old lady woula Dot bavé boeu-84 ail, intîè the solidity, of the argumen 8 y bon' li' evuy- -b ýtâ hie' advinceil T w en cértainly tolil cuit of keeping with ý the Éumundiug& which the wýE reAched it., AS foî,wilte thii ho thà ùkbt, ripe fér set labo ABRISTBR AT LAW, SOLICrrOX IN > r's 1 %wasý se Bult, Iffiri wu &ýpretty bouse abîma Oz' %ý fiefta remark atout ý thé 'inà poïoibfiity iOýJ Ilthere in saint 13 Sim- JAS. PRINGLY, PROM BT liýwnià the atakirtn2,of ý& -quiet htUe7 -of bis avoir ha4 My dehr, jdà 000 Street, Oshawa. towi, -lulaironsbire. Rer-d The jugent mi> mont commodicus rawlog' man ý'whè had lote wilh:jliâi ëdd,à bèêdz ïoe, 1aaý w"ritté'n ;Ini in the town; b" I&M sample romna onýlî reffised h B commercial trovellers. Tablé won for. foomwas a -donifottablehomelike and Leigh A. G. MeMILLANI, -able ýat gut'ôf ber, cà IýùIat1onS' tokarfon', Sonfeïo,;r hé,týoeghkýit 'yflu h9vegout with the besLin sollison. BestbruitsVp"-yléf élégant apartmont and: thora ber à i,üùWoithy bf,"donsiders. would bc essier ta write thau, ta pesk. nicel (Latin Greanwood & NoUillan.) quart -t and Mo and ru. Fitiolond yard and shebîom 005 > . ' log, o bow-window, , 100k« tion. Walterbein soi ARRISTBR,-ý ATTORNEY, SOLIC. PARKER BR satýi' the ichearftid ga, mai, of écorne B deii,'didaberëfnoe him(thogghbf mien ana wo Cire hostlers. Charges >to suit the attentv, ont ripou ber well-kept lawn, with found a hie angér in that ha bolieved thora -was buV' the te; contrlary-m--bnt Biber, Noi Public. Convoyancer. Of. "es. w E ST- MERIDENoy. iti abrutis and ilower-beds, ha noedles etrong and hasty là npagç. motest fur ) afin 2 Il but ý ta irrité. f à in -a way,'ÃŽhat fice-Byron Street, South of Font 0200, K. B.-LIVM attachéd. 27 MOVIDIL op and down, op ý and It la a' morcy, -, thouglit the Iiiii in ânswer ta t letter', and ho have Wâ1ter, Whitby, Ontario. ... .. .. down, bersoftwhit-ohands withthe good, jadyl with simple ' est- -,wéuld spara bimself and ber thé pain girting-dreai 30iliq BALL DOW, ]ROSSIN HOuSE._TORONýTq, ONT. rlogul&Éty of «clock-word. She was a nestoeus, *1 thatit iiever goes beyand' Of intrnding upou her:à gain. ' are not'a 2irt MABTIN WABAX, Vary nies-lookinR old lady, dresseil thât with him ; nor- it né ver clid with 'But no snob answer came ; and 1ak- that. Wliat ,&BlalaTBIt-AT-liAW, SOLICITOR The Palme Ilotel of ýCà xà d& Roi 801.18rh SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. quii in a dark gown ana a pretty bis dear fà ýher ai B is Chancory, Convoyancer, &o. Refurnhhed, and Unirivallad. ý biew PRill ther. Soma of them" ipg ber silence, as1le'had told ber ho bas lie offélii omce_1ýjvèrijjlà Bleuir, BWk Street, ger Blevator, rucidn lit aââ day. The Have Just reiloiveil a new $" ,Of cap ý wM brýight. ribbons. She had -( like Miâ'o Majoribanke, Mille. Leighlw Whouýd do, for, consent, -ha bad gone op thiug yon -wou Whibby. ci first-OWB Hotelledansilà lirith gradu. géode blue eyer, and a quantity of thora ', stol for the male eux gener- ta the Hill 'believing himeelf tu, be a I grices, vis -02, 02-50, and ta M day. glossyýgraiy1lair emoothed away under MONBY TO LEND-Privâte Fondu - stea î o W A LL P A P E R 8 soma of them take it ont in bnpy, accepted laver. ]le saw ý ber, --Thora lis ni in aumeup ta 880w, Rit a low rate )f Fa. Moi ers of Clubs and others, éiirlig ai èsp, and abc Ici)ked good and sweet Id 01 Y.&S moi withont board, el of the latest désigne and-patterns. mpored-wldoh able wu-and por. a and are very wilil and dreadiul an elle iefused, ineultinglyrefused hîm. la quiokly. turent. t, t) âItoÃýther ; but dear Walter may. lie Bille ý would give hira no eicplanation' My. eigh,,, MAB]rlrýieÃŽHP l FRESCOING À SPECIALTY. Feb. 27th, -1878. Proprietor. el 6 a little stupid-which the wu toc, trustea. , If never goeo beyohil a great, of h« past conduct ; elle Woula not "But yon Io 0131SEON & KENT, Promet désigne exSuted. on the si leu ber kind heart 1 a iortest dent. of smoking and a little-a y lit. even1ell him why elle hall not merci. ola ladyl sim] (LATz Duooà i; & Bojinçuax.) ROTEL, notice. Pieuntly -elle heardthe garden galbe tle-swearing with him, and vtebrat of fully written tolilin, and told him of The elle RISTBRS-AT-LAW, ÀTýro-nii. THE- QuBB"'O MARTIN & WABAM, ébat with à bang, - and thon a 1 k course is belli, but tlien it mîgh t be sa hie fate. She wOuld nOt admit Ébat grasped the lis B"Be a,- BoHoitorg, Conveyancers, &o. (Là ,-ru eox=RCUL,) Two dolors morth 01 Ring's Tannery, Brook Stop came la the gardon walk, au the much worse. Tc lie sure, ho bas noir. allie was acting under constraint; in. elle etood an tl ofllee-.;,Vovinew Assurance Buildingh, 13ROCK-STBEIC-T, W.UITJ3Yt Street, Whitby. ly-di OUT lady se *2 ta herself, with a astisfied or been no hardly tried before," allie re- deed!«Walter dismisseil thst ides se ab. fromfalliulz. Court Street, Toronto. -_ nod., Il That'a Walter." elle put ber flecteat with a Sudden pang of alarm, nord almost as sono as it occurred ta signe, and lier J.G.BojllNSONX.À. TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPRIBTORS. knitting down in ber lap, ana waited which, however, elle dioinised again him ; ho knew Mr. Carr would illever, again at once. The underoîgned désire ta Worm their NOVELTY W ORKSJ with a bright smile of expectancy for immadiately, as arguing au unjustifi- force hie dangbter'e inclinations in snob Il What can friende and the publie that they have taken Walter ta came op stairs and iota the able want of confidence in ber bo, M the above Wou 1mown hotel, which. they WHI TB Y ONT. y. a matter; and although ohé grèw pale allé questioned have newly fitted up ana renovated, and put drswing-room, which ho did ahnost ira. Certainly, since ho liait loft the wild. and trembled when Walter taxed her clever, you ki Intel the béat of order for the accommode- mediately. Re was a tall, handoome, Dose of modicalstudentshipbellind him, with lier duplicitv, elle made no at- you wont ove, tionotgueste, TheBarwhichiothohand. HE SUBSCRIBER having purchued dark-baired, - dark-eyed you g fellow nom T the Machinery and entire Stock of thi4 Valter Leigb, of eight. 13 Walter Leigh hall justified hie mother'a tempt ta défend Éerself from the change or rive me a cý est, in the Court, in well supplied with 0 and.tWe]2tY triligt in hie steadiness. He hurled one fierce sentence nt ber finest brande o wines, -Equors, and ci- d -surely yeur the >11 sessoued Lumber Irom the Mudge an or thoreabout Re walked atreight op le came home that evening from. fram, botween bis pale lips se lie lot% the 1 know lie 11, G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., gare. Ample enclose &cd room and gooli Yarwood Manulacturing Company, la now stabling, box stalle, &o. Detached routine pareil ta furnieh Doors, Bulles Blinda, ta hie mother, and said, quietly, di Itle hie long ride, looking tired and pale,, but room--Il Heartless flirt and iiit 1 do and the boy is ARRISTER, &o., &c.-Money ta Loan Vre.1les, Mouldinge, Bue, Ar.Litraves, all et an end, mother." for commercial travellers. quiet and unexcited. He gratified bis not think yon shall have the satisfac. well, thank G B Issuer ci Maniage Licensea. J. P. TAYLOR, Flooring, sheeting, and everythIng re- Walter 1 what do you menu 2 You mother by making a beaxty enough tion of seeing au honest man pîning for. would bebettE PEMIP McCANN. quired by the trade, st the lowest living mean that the romance of the court, Oyytcz-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. laits of Toronto. rl a meal off the tempting little supper she your sake. I despise you too much ta your papa ; si Tan, 22,1878. P M il turaing Newela and Balusterg ta. :hip lis &Il avoir, and thst overything 1ý hall ordored for him, and couverseil mourn your loss." And then lie lait likee the ides l (ti-5 OMMERCIAL HOTEL, order. ettted. That'a what you misant je lit with ber plouantly on indifférent eub. the bouse, florcoly vowing lie wôuld dare Say ; but CAMERON & AU-PELBE, Lumber for sale, béat quality, lowest not, dear P" uked the old lady entreat. jecte. never enter its doors again. close Still, yl: ingly, à 1most als though the nature' of At laist the mother retired ta ber ii And yet I love ber,-oh Heaven, going sway fr( ARRISTBBS, Atto=oyo-stm-Law, and CAIITWUIGHT, ONT. front long expérience and bY hersons answer, depended o Solicitors ln Chaucer No. 4 TDrouto ocaling ta merit a share of publie upon himoolf. lotirely room after a fond good-iiight ta lier how 1 love hcr 1" groaned the « Young and tallk ta E nitrent, Toron JAMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR. patronage. son ; and feeling more at oase about man as ha leant bis aching bead on lier She balf ro OBO. GILCHRIST yes, mother," ho answenugg him, and confident at any rate of the bot bandit that night, aud'thought of marioll etood 1 IIECTORCAIAERONQ>C. (1Y-Ilà ) R.8-APPELBE, Good accommodation ti-12 Proprictur. throwing himself dlown ripou a chah good luck allie was ta bring ta him on the past year of hie life, whieh love of and eyeg &Il a,« o posite hors, and speakinq in a bard the morrow, elle was Scola placidly as. ber bad made sa sweet. Re closeil hie ,Will Yeu à il. J. GUNN, K. D.. -THE -CENTRAL HO USE, M ONET TO LBN*D'. rpvoice; "It'salleettledcertainly jeep. 3 window with a fierce bang, and turned elle exclaimed. URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL,' not exutly in the W&Y you sup- Meanwhile thé Young doctor, in ta try and forget lier in sloop. ta My father.- S Byron Street, Whitby. (L lits Lockhart îouse.) pose. The romance of the courtabip, dressing-gown and alippers, was seated Re did not know-and tlierc wae with thia, and The underaignetl bu any amonnt of Mon- as you call it, in decidedly . ab au end, et the opened window of bis bed-room; none ta tell'him-that a Young ý heurt am using iny Dr* W, Je BURNS, ay ta Lend upon Farm or Town Property, at for-Marion Carr bu refusait me. smoking fiercely, and deep in bitter al- was breakin- for him theu, and that ter. yoil lilial unusually Lcw Rates ci Interest. The light faded out of Mrs. L « 11113 Mont rnatlÉlening thought'-he lied sa Marion Carr ives moaning out as elle have refuseil Oyricz-Noit door te CRIZONICLE Cilles. C. GIFFOIZD" Proprictor. Luttait can be repaid in sums te sait ber- eyeF, and ber lipe began ta trembeige. MW Résidence, et the Royal -Hotel, Whitby. C This house is the best in the couuty. royers. Il My dear," she said, ai you eau loved this Marion Carr 1 Ile was not tossed wearily on lier 4ed, 1«Oh, Wal. that enough all and ose it. Several Improyed Farine and Wila Lands one of those men who, all though their ter, my love 1 my own ouly lave 1- muet I tell yot - for sale obéi mean tbat. Thora muet be soma mis- lives have imitations, more or less ear- what have I dune that this bas came nevèr marry BYRON FIELD, M. B. Investmouts made in Municipal Deben. tà lke. Marion love@ you, Walter. ove Il' tures, Bank and ciller marketatable Stockq. Il She never loved me." ho answored, nest, of the gréait passion ; who flirt upon me 2 Oh my love, my 1 peated, her v6 HYSICIAN, bURGEON, &o., Duilius, AYERS - HOTEL, For further particulars apply ta fiercely : Id ghe is * an accomplielled and maille lové ta one girl, meaning all CHÀPTPn Il. hystérie laugli' P Creek. that they Say, after a fashion, and at 62 & 84 MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N.Y. JAMES ROLDEN, flirt and coquette; and poor, simple the time it le said, but who when cir- Il Mrs. Leiali felt, quite Marion peo le like you and me, are no match culustances opeful next morning with the prospect Once. Wm. MeDRIEN, N.R.CS., Price reauced ta il.60 a Day. 0111cial Assignée, Broker,,to. fo! e bat make it inconVerlient, or efère ber of clearing up that little mis. acting of lier o UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON ENG,, This Hotelbureduced lits price ta the April Oth, 1@72. is b r, that'a all. Mistake 1 W dangerous, or simply tireSOiýe ta pur- d tanding which ber wilful Walter Walter Leigi mistake can thora be ? 1 wrote ta ber, nue that flirtation, can turn 1 un ers whether one CY theuyell.0.1î.t.,onhawalontaxio. Travelling Publie ta #1.50 per day. It is as y ung handy ta the N. Y. Central Depot (only a OR SALE, 0 another lind taken np so'hotly. She saw him ou know, yesterday,"-the yo direction and go through the whole lew douro South), and bas recently been re- F man etopped hors for an instant ta business over again. set off on bis round of visite, and wish. eu0ugIl ta sa c B 1). fitted and re-turnishod. Open night and Strugglewithsomotbing in bis t ' edhim good-bye with such a cheery touched the g AT THE hroat IN o ; Walter Leigh was not and could couritena ce, that Walter thought lier quick. Wouni dey. The bouse in first-elus in every -re- --ý"to-dsy I went op ta the Hillempect n DU; BOGART, spect, and Canada peo le wM Save money GLEN MAJOR MILLS .1 ing the réception which-gôod Hoav: Devoir be a flirt. Re bail never troubl. radier ùnfeeHug ; thon, with a new. simple dignity Phy8ician, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &o. by going ta *o Ayers Xotel. one 1-which 1 surely had. a right ta- ex ad himselfmuch about women until born cyniciam, the rýsult of yesterday's, ly, 111 am scrrý lately. He hall been kind and graci- YOU in this wa, WILSON SPRAGUE, Proprictor. pect. Marion saw me, and-.ý-refused one ta 8ach of the other sex as came in expérience, lie decided that womeu bore titiller Wliitby-, sept. aoth, 1871. de Rochester, N. Y. July 8, 1878, -fflul-28 OW,000 fout Pine Lumber, weu isoutinea. me. Vary sorry ta wound my were incompréhensible, the whole lot 'elli]298 bis way, and bail admired female beau- fancied yon we RITISH AMERICAN ROTBL, Inch Boards. -vM sorry thât ber manner abould ty from a calm, artistic point of view of them ; and presently lie was bard ait W ;- ADAMS, have mieled me-sensible of the bon work in bis every-day figlit witli disease making yours B or all bis life; but ho hall never corail, about some tril R A le ' 8 2 x 4 Scantling, i boa done ber, and sa forth-but muet nor, as lie used ta say, wanted ta cars and desth, and for the time being for- explained awal gýt bis own troubles in the misery by M 1 il 14 TI ru i s rz 2-inch Plank, politely and firmly beg ta décline the for any woruan but bis dear old mother f- h-, (LATZ BOBSON l[OUSIC.1 jvipR7ià ' the - 'Jïkù'e'ý - .-,-ïïe- î ý_« nz'- with, ý Z, e,_ ý ý"_ ar lie Wa_ -iý11aReç1 nt là xtýia rpgà in.: hý, ce Jttu il lige Paw- hý 4' Ãà clýât last, in-&>-fafil't'.' à "eY, à dithe liorrid igomw e a à - , iWP*. Let na travoi, or, do ?an t jfîîý-to ou âall go, -&W&Y,ý-Inyidqoie answored herý 4f wili be the liait ýibtâk e Etea t&e The Rirl nd more rèstlea -titan -usual, 6fýjaj" Ã"n'i Yen thifik en Poôr man,ý ý bu 1 à Wd ' Ù' e'v'er, fel t. blq arental 1 weiRb_- 'o.ýn> envil-Y on him b-efôreý an .ýth*ey iIja Inow. 1 "YOP-, papR,'ý- a'usw',Ared- MiËon, rigerly, lit will indesl 16 the 'béit ýiinR for both of ne. Aütï 'if ÉîtÀ of," going t fint, don't A-Vre, into ber. km will onyben momer. an' w au. Carr noil(lea a"rnýýà ùj would aveýenterei1 on-the le tii>ù o 1 1 whero üd wlipn at on ce Tut" his dangliter 1 'eqIsted waiting LU tle,..Inorrow., «I hive a headi "hi' ii"ýv' Un', f.lérfather kisseil ber effitate ur)ou the jncomprebeugi- Et a said little or 1 o iing w en ber ýthpr snggesteil tljk% ravellingplan 1 to er, lint abe came into. lier sister's jqm on the evening of the day On rhich lie liad doue so, aInd said, barKh- r, as site sented, hersait on a low the window, l'This is your oing, I knomw." "YeR." said Marion, sadly, lit-iB wy aing.-- You have sentenced ML te Bâth, Fitta ; st least let me (lie peuce. nôt raake tue -&L" on- here, dolly torture, Your wilfl Iney *W_ n , lave 1 ri Oh Etta, I know it Bver il lie realized. Will you not t Ùle.spç!ak now, aîthe elâanth liour. rill ýou net at least let me clear Luy- ilf 66And ýXrIlt ý me 1" shrielcad Binjq go he fise , ber face glowing with tasion. "Io this the way y6à keep )ur promise 7 the way you-,, "Oh, spare me, spais yoursolf this, fta. I will bc silent, Only promise e that Yeu' will let my father rilke na )th awny froin here," cried hf arion, ý toues of qQiet,ý inournfuU entréaty. fiicÉ formed* a singulist contras& tu tr sister'o.excitement. , - Etis îullenly ' withdrew, withviit ving the reqnired pramise, but ëhu &de nô opposition in the end to lier ther'a echemes, and the whole fitillily on left the Hill, and were travnlligi--,: 'Oroign parts,' as the good people of ,.bà m said vaguely, The, littlo exl- Lement which -the qnarrel' and etin- quant departura' of the Carrs hail noed -Lzoon died ont,- and 'by titIurpom ýople bëgau tu forget them, and thoir =eo were solitom mentioned in tbe Uo town. .(Coiicl.iided nex.t week.) A CONTI tFTYe[P.';.-There are some range stories toid ýof those sublirbail stricts around Lonà on wharec'otitrne- is run up long blocks of huiitlîn.ýi m, iefly for.the accommodation of newly- arried conples. Tlieige barrackm, at; a le, show nu différence whatever lie: Fc 'n tile lieuses, eX0eýt, the numbi-r' id that during the ni e il; is invisible. IPY Bay, forinRtg6not., that the tenant one of ttinge, lieuses, a yonng. lina- nd of littie experience in donteRtic iRes, hall sndilenly at ileAd of nîgllt, flyfor a doctor. Sn finstereil in returning with bis scientific frievil at lie omitted te look at the nýinher- the lieuse, 'knockéýd -at the *wroný or, flaslied-past the Porêou wlin op- Pil it, (auothý yoting huü;bantl, in extrome of jiniré whoSe , , sol ppened tu lie q»l% Zé 1), and ditl iiot icover Iiis-mietake n fil ho and tbu cior had entered the principal ini, aud totind there, iustead, of a tient, his neiglibonr's wifé. Unfortu. tely, aise, £he noiglibour treated the ttter asian i nipertinont jolie, and was thrali ing them batli Du the spot. 1 pnor woman, whë had attended ?eral confirmations, was at lêngth wguized by the bishop. "Pray,. bave toi: oeen.yon hére before V' eaid his dship. "Yef;," replied the womani, get tue confirmed u'oftoù-as I eau ; iy tell, me it iFi gond fer the rheuinat- , lady who was.deaperately addictL-d play wu coufessing herseIL The est among other arguments te dis- take coula -in any W&Y &rue __ Miter auvering long Derlween lue ana jet be'h'a-o-t-y- and' hurty -ber,- po-or-adgaêà in-r-. 1 "1 don't knoi in the Mat' death, et length, olowpleylorsoaolôyvelrleegatr;oybeudt Y, Bat downto Il ' obsaicakptoooMrMarrios.n Veterinary Surgeon, ter. Betterviewitaoldot motberit lier eyesight wu ho i dAaerothaaaaye tWhaolutegrlitdoiddttbeautnyedoterday 'l Will bc et Armstrong% hotelt Whitby, every ]BLACKSMITA SHOP 1 will 9've you a des' of bother- And, by the disease, and the pretty child wu Mrs. Leigh resolutel gonc. 11n'Egitherr A T H B R L Y, Tnesday, from. 1 te 4 ololock, p. m. rjignea beg to intorm the pub come what May ir the way of expia. qounesa blind for lifé. Eve ana argued herself into tranquility ha- " 'th' April 25,1877. is lie nation, do Yen suppose I w3ula ever ro 00, and The unde that they have opened = p te uk again a woman who had pitied or and fate,---evei7 one lavisbed fore elle quittea the home ; but, in in that Cierk DIyision Court TPi Cierk, à GENERAL BLACKS]nTII AND once refusa me ? Never 1" &Il possible sym athy upon lier; and Cc)inmiosioner in B. Il., Land Agent, &o., i spite of ber best effort@, ber bout began you, or you ha - New Stage Une when re. ed, lier laù rognant ýand*eevtgIrb1ody), &a., Atherly, Connty Ontario. Well, never mind, dear," sala Mrs. te best very quickly, and ber bande to wil 86 nETWBI'ýN WHITBY & OSHAWA.- IIORSE-8110BING SEOP Leigh, laying ber band on lier son'a was the beseeching one that lier bus. shake again a little, as elle pushed open . Atherly 85pt. 2ud, 1872. band and Marion would make poor ion ? If von du, I have put on the route botween Osh- on Brock street, in the old Fonning Mill ehoulder with a caressing touch, and the iron gâtes wbioh gave admittanoe stacle there m&,ý Invo ted In Wall-St. Stocks awa and Whitby a comfortable coverea ce, (nearly opposite th. Foundry!ý making a ludicroualy mal-a-propoit ait. Etta thoir firat care and thoir first ob. te the grounds about the Hill. illaC, fortunes avraynionth. stage, ana Reliait the pationagé of travelers pre-la ject in life. Both promised solemnly ever it be," ni wh. they are prépared ta execute au tempt at consolation. - Comev nowi Mr. Cares wae a handeome house, $10 to $1000 orders In thoir Une witb whîch iijll find. it oui Bookescut Irae explaining and others. Every attention will bc paid te . hey may and have noms tea." to do se ; and both being conscientious withont any uncomfortable pretensions the comfort and convenience of passengers be favored with punctuality and despatch. îeopletecarried out that promise in it's te grandeur, and the gardons And abrub. Yeu, with yOur o%,critiiiiig. Adùroo@i BAXTEB & CO., and ta the sucuriY and prompt deliv 1 66 Tes, 1" echoea the young man, ulle xte 44-ly Dankere, 17 Wall-Et., N. Y. T. FRECHETTE & 00. nt, according to their separ- berries about it were well and tas ine, and witho parcels committe te My charge. Werol, baratingintc, a hosrae-laugh. 14 That'a tefully Il 0 p K 1 N 8 will be two stages per day esch way; viz. : Dec. 27th, les. (8m-2 your cure for everything, isn't it, moth. ate lights. ârranged. The whole place looked yOur duty tO 8aý Leavinf Oshawa esch morning in time ta or ? No,-this will suit me botter," lie Etta-was not without &;certain beau. pa ' ticularl pretty on this bright June clever woman, 1 NE4 W M USIC HAILl make o ose connections with the Whitby added presently, se ho hutily opéned ty of ber own. She had a slight lithe morni nt Mrs. Leigh for once was thîçg to make 1 Lindsay liadway, And at 3 o'clock each o Music In s truc tion, and rasa, a note which a servant st thât figure, and an euy grâce of motion, love him, Maric C>.&JB. aftercoou ; and esving Wbitby nt 11 a. m not atnýoiswe tu admireît, and ne she Sei te wol and nt 6 phm The stage moment enteredthe room te band him, which woo.all, the more remarkable in followed the servant intc, the obeerful rIl oZof esch day. one go afflicted as Ille was. Shi bail dr-awing.room, it May bc questioned thug" 'traight MUSIO FURNISHIýPD WIIEN DEBIILBD. cali et si la in each town, and orders a good bard ride to, Lymobridge loft et any of the hotela will lie attenaed te. MR. FRED MUDGE, n ack, and a amoke, wili ho ho au unugnal quantity of dark gloosy hair, whether Blin saw anything except - lie- fast and loud - i Scating Capacity, One Thousand. Pare and charges m erate. a ab tter andherfestureswarasmall ana régu., intly -excle oa for me in my present mood than te&. son'a face an it 1%d looked when ho hâd Preul Whitby, Out. 22, 1877. ly-44 J. ýR. ADAIR, Propriebor. TBACHER OF TRB The old follow there bu had another lâr, while thOre wu DOthiDg tmightlY tome in te lier the eveninibefore and ont, Of tho WiId __878. ok, I ose." in ber cloua eyeo, -oversbadowed m tola lier thst 311 wu at au end be;Ween 'the gardon. , I ING BROTHERS, PIANO-FORTE, OR04N AND 'Stt'a they were by tboir thick silky lasbes. himsoif ana Marion Lot me ask lier Jaculatéd Mrs. Iieigh, Poor man 1" e She wu. a wayward, capricious sort of, The room "No," iuterpo drawing upon thst general stock of wu émpty -wheh lfri, WHITBY, ONTARIO, GE, Ã"RGE BRITTON, Malodeon. pity whieb the kept bj, ber for the bon. arcature, capable of deep Affection, but Leigh ebtered, of which elle wu rathe; thon in a coli Importero, Dealers and Manufacturera of &U l PRACTICAL ifit of humbet7 at arge. Thon, ber wîth a fierce- si2d esoily *roused tom glad, as It gave ber time to recovir ber. DOvOr IslWrOll, ERMS on application. Renidencecorn- vo!Irs xinds ci T er Green and John tbouchte revertirig imme&ately tc, ber eerd Rer fatherýshe waa very fond of, self, and try té jet back the trânquflH1Yý OIE to uun street Wbitby. me ry of ýLeigh. I do na LEA THER AND * FINDINOSP OARRIAGE WAGGON pemrmeloodueons ta rent et 819- #lm soif 01-50, don, iilio Addedy hastilyt 66 But Yeu, ana she 'dofisea the me lier Wbich'iho>wssoo,à ciù, to reserve th. Wà ItýryoU muet have something te mother. - As for lier aister, &ha acce t- in the o door "Thon Ilesve Cash paid for Mdes, Bart. and Leafflr. Sept. 2nd, 1878. 87-ly est before yen etart on snob a ride. ta all, thedevotion which Marion omr- openea resently, and Mien Carr, fdr Carr 1" said'Mi Leather stretcliod. ed ber ais ber right, and treatea ber Ju 9 Couldn't, motherll'he whom a o liait uked, elo*lY enteroci. slow, solemu, ni r-zu- 13BZTiNG MADE TO ORI)BR ON fi would choke me. Wait tin IýcoMé roturn with a sort of quiet toleration, marlou. iookea paie, hoà iýr»eyea, ana left the room au SELORT NOTICE. MANUFACTUREB of à new improved LUMBER ! LUMBER 1 back, and Ill manage it perbaps. Don't which woundod Marion som6tim6se but troubleil, and Mrg.,Leigha kind bout bail aient thé du May, 1872. 22 Root Secd anci Corn Drill, fret, old lady," lie went on, in a kinder which aile never attempted tp rosent. wiîrMed towgras lier nt once. iijlut se barnoody, thon torie than ho boa yet natal as ho êaw Etta bad Do talent which was a great I thought,"she said, hastily to herself, than ho hâd dot Valtiable ]ý1ani1 for Sale. Double & S/âgIe Turnip Dri/là , Ce j 0 11 N 8 ON tean in bis mothér'a Byte rin not blessing te ber in lier aarkened existén. not without a little innocent trium Il never willingly i CLAYTONIS IIATBNTUD CHURNS, LUMtER MERCHANT, :,Ing to break my beart bocauee a loci. ce- She bail a wonderfal genius for at bçr own sagacity, Iýust u I thongtt. Mrs. Leigh te ACRES.-Si LOT II, IN 8th CON, (Improyed.) h girl bas refused me. IM be a jouy munie ; She would improvise molodice she hu boon awà ke, and orylag about lier morning'à 100 PICKLltIN(l. ira acres elcared- w H i T B y Idbacholor, and live to at the piano by the hour togother; and him &il niglitil, naît] to him. wii remainder well timbéreil Inostly hasch ana W à , Buggies, Sleighs, couatantly on Ras on band a large supply of an kinai 01 stars yet for this lucky ený;:kfrlonmý ohe lied a swect, riait, pasaionate Volco. Walter'o mother got up to moet the gather in the oi maple). This id averyiçsirabloproporty b""r Barn Lumber Boards, ana au umenuy Matrimony. Marion toc, sang sweedy, and it wa4 girl, and thrýd*ing ber armoiround ber, care» tostay in t inr the wond Mont id very valiiable Building Lumter. l',Oteing, Sawn Timber, lie made a pSr attempt at a care. this musical talent of the dstors , which atiâ REPAIRM G doue nestly and weil on the ana Scantling, embraced ber warmly, and wbiepered, I fast.' will near pay the pnrolialie mnney, while abortestnotice. Il large quantity on band. lus langh as lie -said-- this, kiued bis boa been the, bond of union nt firet bt%- -My dear daugbkr," '&,My deur mc 01 the lot la a saillaient guar. OZU. UBITTON, Large orders for Long Bill Istugp jilled strode ont of the room. twoo 'thom and the Young couragmi au a -sort of en. auto$ for the land- front Mme et short notice. Mothé _a a n doctor. - q proInde te conversation. litilo impatient Temqlboral tu toliablo padan, tâý,Two docrit oouth ci the Queenlo Hotel# Docroi Subes and Blinda alwà rs M retired, and Marion disengaged hersolf hutily from supposerwould roor lýn.nLelgh watohod him from the 'Whou olà -Dr. Graham POSTI Brook Street, Wbitby, hand. window with eyëo thèt were dim with this elover Young mai], woli-born and the Old lady'o arme, and retristed a futerfere with toast and thok Wopý do'ýPot*W for well-bred, with, Bôme moue DE h. OW4, 0top or two, 0%4aimedî, whilst ber got*g ou vory 'n then replied-.ýllApple8 1 acyli6 zht know 9T are à foreigner-th ein IMOVIUG m> TUF MATT]ýR.,ýýA gen. man reuiding mear Bpgton drew the ention of- the b6wn council te a agli in the road sa a nuisance, but notice was taken of IL Oie day hô nd, te fils aà 3noement, that twe à icillors lïad walked into it by acci. it, and. were iloundering 'about in mirai wLeu he- addressed them a :--Gentlem- en of the town, coun.- of Bogton, I have- often petîtioned yo.ur honourable body against thig igh, but I nover bail aij attention a te My petition, 11 now come forth ,xpreýs my délight te se' yoù,at last ving in the matfer. Inmum-.nbu urchin unequui. ly perpetra"d-si grest joke- st the ýenu of hi& tescher in an Americau ool the other day. The lady wae ioùncing to her pupils the-holiday on 22nd of Fébrawy âzýd uking %hem ie questions concerning ité obBerv- e"anïonî others, why the birthday Wisbibe6ný à houlil be celebrated re thââ thst of any one else 2 liy," obe added, 11more than miLine 2 1 i#sy tell me," the Baid te a litile )iëýortoomplain. "Becanm,"he laimed, with grent vivacitY, "be or told a lie." theolo student, Supposëa to ieddoneuggmentiù the course- 3,0 'exuninatlon, was aaked W a Fessor, 'Pray, Mr. B., how woold diseover a foci 2' By thd qués- à hé would uk,' said Mr, E. &y élear,' etija an auxious matron Dg ojýje t= wrong for ee uehler, lit 1 ý to bc g kisses nt 0r.ý 'Why 00, Mamm I'm they dontt hurt, aven, If they do lie dominicË latta 4; cathouo ocun, look, Brook-St., ý the montmal 1) plue tg )INT AND R 1 to the lnubit- ýy' thst be bse ) STORE ier Stiop, whertb 1, &C., &a. ' the towar, u guer- M the IR LADIBB. IN TUE LDER CHART. zn@aâýxemà nt &Ions tch. 1 instrùctfono, At N T Y R E "S )Oum, WEIrDy. 5ml 'BLT WORK, Urs. T. in all the ,rolnptitudo and lu a -- qmm à $ and coiidtmb- DAWES, Port Perry. INIMENT 1 the tead in 1 partm, Scaldn. Bunim, 1 Spralus &0. D CATTLE.-Prain J watter, will cure trlost caused by over boat. ,OPLE SAY, ASK ýd have used Brown'a r ouine time and cou à it for publie use. Plue Orchaxd, Ont. Whitby, 44, BrookUn, 00 Vibriýlge, il . ýROWN, Proprietor, whitby, ont. Vood-Works, :)rmackt MAINT & IIUIII)Blt. y of Duildern'Furnieli- 3, . Twimted Moldings; Io. &010 and retall, ci by go of every descrsp- etiu Shelving, Re- Urnfýg. scroll-work, DRONTO rÉi in apor Batha, eful in Blicumatisin, Culdx, Congeâtion, Skin Dimetuem, iLlI lu. ucus, Fovcra, And lor e partiéUlally applica. s, elipecially SypbWo,. i voiiepded illat both )r Bath g arc the boat hwitilin tbe reachof- fil cobllillllf'tioh wlth o pstient in more rap. trente(]. iuut the werld from poorviit ruau. Tbete culy clien fil file City- imen(lAtione an and saultary authori- il, 7 te 8*80 A.M * 0 a to P.M. Ladi.8, 10 llathe, Clio ticket, $1 r J34tho, Due esch; la -ST. WEST. vô tualu and lantale Eatà te BEACH.