Whitby Chronicle, 13 Feb 1879, p. 4

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of . e,M, «corde more. Aie Oak. ii,80e1'tieWI b~ricks oonm 2100M,000 -cotaof Wood, or what would over with (erest ' abouit 00,00actai of-land. Telegwsyh poes ixaaeasly np reprosant 800,MU tracs, sund thir annai napairs couatme 80O morti~. Tho lias os 1h. U .raliroadi consuma auuuslly lhuty yeai-' Powh of78,000 ,as, sud 10 eina, $W,O0wO0, wllh a yaarly 6expendltugs Of #15,0M,000 for tapait.. Thieecaa rne eofthebcwayî lu whleh - gelu- &t ELPar.-]ecphant i arasol up. esoed, genoalaly, te hava uy partien., 1 vlu zopttotowvianbut thaï have a. Lrc.lle s 19y wlhlnthé.- ast t'rnty yesaf lu lodlàaiauWall n in COylon sua Arina, that îLey ao«f -ting compaxitabl a sosie0, aa gaI.l ceutoqa"nse., * MPrOvng K ,ara, lu *stips hava ben taken raeanîly tuac.o climnatisa tbe Indian ciléphlant Ïo the ragian ef aquatorial Atines, sud il la - net Improbable that the ucsa of bbc expenlment li that eeântry May lasd tu oea iuity cf loomotion, &lb#iaok of whloh ba.s lway4 beain thémain eh. t ii tz0ouilup, Thé market' for elephauts la advauelng, as niay ha atu afraim thetact Ibat aàliard et165 vilaI Indien lephauita captures! lu en dlay, brooght on tha spot, net long ago. 020,000, or abaouI 0879 eaoh. The aie. M~rou Who Il e pubhiahau! lb. habita of theanal b1~ave coma tb tha cou. eluaiin that heolobchelion, Io th. truc klig cf biauW - Th age cf tb. al@. P1laitt 16M41tila ludispute ; but thébbai cAtlîontles agréé lu the opinloplpn that uniler favorable conditions, ha lIvas 150 y a.Tho queoetloù, <'WIst becoea f I.eleiphanl ?"- laeatill unnnswerod. N'- mn u ppcara to have soeenan e- 11 1îit(naît a lmil a Isatural doath. A lluuctsUENg L Lva.-A ressarkabla elaaiîiale of silcoasse tlrougii paraavar., aua1ca,. PetrCoojior, of >New York City ,sgasll 0 osr, hale ni vigorone, worlb twsî millions, lirsI leared ltae Iras!.of atlaitter, but nci auoodlu nu that lina, naît xýweuî inîd eoaols.maklng. Feiiing III ibisq, lie naîttIril tha greory huasi. and sifailing ragain vas maI teudis. asasrasgeil. îBot at liaisperiod laa was Mlas lisove of a brîglaler dau. hMa moca,.le, ha had sotieo4 lh. inferlor laaity of the,,-glue uaad, and with s pot w,îîî iai Ih lelnaieies, avril hrongb it vassansbleal b Rive il,.ciîy ae-«Cao. palaaltnltte,iï wnitlla hro quartera of. sa uiliaui. Seldans lias flic lssginning 01ILt bîîislraaeans liseu tkiaéit.lneîaie. loia, Ral esîonalias tIe ancee .of an 4slisrIta satqiles veaithi -beaonu lane ciiaa l<ajî.Aimy As> l>oiunîsaa.--Wben va inîi i sîecursiontinluSnutliern Utahi ul lcig amo wc wire liplpiably enter. ti aitiIay t-i.àuriiaan biehîatihd. aii'ý. fis wai a scttcnlîus, asial liai Ijàla-n raIîîglis1ail rimid Pr,., lyterian. ia, Iciwelt, cai lach, Illey lhiink il! et me ,at houi('fuar lisitiilig usy religion luiit tissai wase aiy brother Aleek wiso taaslsil isissl tu heurat. Havea on lie tttay tu Cailfarnia, sud turnes! off lise ruaitl ait la ea me, anal te try sud hInag nmae ack Imb tIhe folal, WIen lia guaitaira lie oepeu t liai wole evan'ng lun lcol-aritig ta ame, eund then-vent to bau, listhéIln rni 1 gavelinthie bhast lassasaifastet iiCountary couidsiafrs- éveo iutanl ralle, rout, beaf sud venieon tiik, analcel ike. i>oor Alîchi I la. Inaoed alf o4a.r lIaitable. anal then luttais tupori lis sortsiwfi lface, bluries! out, "Oh, Jataslsu, ilon1I Jamia, minat ai 1 ves* tiink il woald.caîase ta Ibis ? 1 couaisihan forgi'tu yeA ' ysn polco. gaiy, bailhaaaa, pe gion up par par- e ilb ! " ' A 115INTFO lstiaas-SomO lima ago 011 tirliCs!1I&agentlemen of indolent liatits lu Sussez, vIsa mde il a bisai. Iiaee- ln *intor seeson ta viit lis friands -teueis-aly. Aller waarsng oultlula Wallonie lunlis fmmediata vicinity, lia tiosigisîlia voulal visil an ols! Quaker friandone twanîy mailes evsay, vWho lîad bcota a aod aeboal iow of bha. On -liaiaietlie vas earditlly reaived btlaoQuaker, las tbinkiug hie visitor 'ule aie fi le trnt:ed hie friand vith 9.rot atenionandpolitanea's for aaver. ai ayé An asliediii net osea any signe of Ilea leaviug, ha buiuame uneay, lisehobore il, villa patience MI t he moas»IIIngof tis.yat day vlin eu iesais! Hp Myfriand, l'auafraisi llea will ilie Vervisit Ie igi" Il 011, pesi, 1alall,' sais!thie'visiter. 1- ibacco oeil Lly Nvieil ca snda, I sitileliialy oens. gaisi.' Nay,* eau1tlIau Quaker, IlI1Ilinhi PoaaeWill neor vieitil aii.- a ~ ViîsI akos Yaiu tliiasi I ili uî(V- C-a a0ueagusisa?'" .a.dcii tiseietor. If tiits slues [ast tcrlai"cls lIaiQuaakear. A iaw aasa tsumu '0ItCA llavoi'alaîsi.-Tiiii conies -fio ais» eVlaforal, Lond<sisCoucaay, Vin. -Aoitas uaatinu *s alately balli iu lIis place, et whieh thesasttanalauce vas 1'r actel owo h dei eput il ciiltyedtedo tbutbeng aterslow lînialailer, pick il up <lde Lors! won't lat Itlîset Juiiassaio, witilsfailli in lue amsturance, saizes! tissahonIpipe, andl of cattesiaa indhi.. lianala blialeri. He sîrOPPaiil àvilla lb. uatppnoîrateiré- Maiarku, <le afsil heic.îoa'i 1Il il vs mt ai1111. hsvyl'or Iiis,- - Iditons sraver, IluIar)er's Magazine A MILLION FOIIt CîSIEU,.-ll la au- noniaUeal lu diplomatie cîrcles thal Eniz- Isand!Int4ndîta e punobase Cyprua te Mavils!COMPlIeioluafron the anouinual eoisînnene of b. ioctatnly lhbli Sulltan, ýA mUilionu plnts bas been of1trea,vbich l tsaSultan vil! probably - aceept. lergYman, Ilboy eau I bailttain up- bx~ioy lu tihe vsy bh- bonîs! *0 r, ,y goln9 that vap poursaîf,' lasas! - y tpes 2thé Boy* .^ D. - A tuas vIhe las! ,nst boss dioliarges! coral froin 1a lunRal spsan ent dl. rectly taWaahlngton beesose', neashb sels!, «Idon't aant 10 make tbe chan ge of ssoclal.. too andalan." AÀIints! friand cLouta lias manried ~ ladly vhoac velght verges. cîocy UÏn po 1100îicuda-<~Dear," asy' tah as, 46 aIibhlp y6u aven tho lance 2", "Ne,"oasysahi.le, ohlm, <heîp t1h. -Mr. HapRais! l a s Mynken lallov, oillathe voodàansd hsng nrJl. Tht' asivanva.: y oaz lu my pîsîslh yen couidu'ié Ithcnî. Wbat sua a lb.teuot daosvlng 7- tla ssaga. I othe a kad truth," sai ashep tb lin tocgor. ."aarr falui, 'ta-e SPuisdaad tbe laauîhin, tths Wasla bar. "Fetl2pey, wbyle à Joutuap rtaidit doeîs' aX~etIyCeAPPanv oacmtiîaîîea et~I58j~fwô caes." « ell di, I a l *.tIl bava e t i ou -~isu- dmi ~esiAn of 82 ONTARIO FARME3tB' Mutuel InSirance 0oý. HEAI) OFFICIE, ilROcK.8.,WET rHSCOMPANY maures Farm Build. .L gg, outry Churoll, Sohool atho»i1se o ya 411lipIhe inu 3anada. J.B1.IIKELL, JH IL8 C. NOIIRSE, Sîcmxre.ý P RIX FIEERISURANCB 00., Lombsd St. *&ni- Chariug Cross,@ Londmn ZITAILISURD INi1789.- GILLESPIE, 7MOFFÂTT &_00., Agents for canada. * B. W. TYfIRE > AGENOX EST&BLISHED IN CANA.- ail DAinb. t nldea, sd IiabUty cW C. FOURBE, r Agent, Whtby. Whitby, April 9M, 1878. 1 IBITIE A BRIA INCORPORATED- x833. 48SEBTS, 9110,87 9. P. A. BAIL Innnamei f.oted st thé lovreit ourrent ratei on DuildingMerchandiui, and ther property, a i aor damage byfire. Agent, Whltby., Whitby, April 911., 1878. la Deposit with Dominion Governittt $0,. 000. Rxparlaucetd Ageuts throughout tha Fir6 Bies vfluntten Lai Adequais Raie#. Whltby, April oll, .1878. Agent, Wbitb ré For severid moi4he paâltI bave useS Fxl.- ýOLeWaCox>'.-,ae DSýiUP eF TYPUPHiOSPIttTee lu s pbh c hrouic1 brouchitie andi othar affectiege e01tIi, cliasl. I have ne besita- toien let"siai th t rl ank s foremiost ZA.EBARL, M. D., Il St. John, N. B3 i alrongly rûcommený FELLew' cii- POUiN Sxîs' IIi' OFyl(PipîioPJiIEB te a1l Who sasSer ila tepway troua isease etrweaklnesa ofth5e lýiîige, breciiil tub.<,c-' e1 'go eral deletiity. .. LW. SCTT,.D, Gegaoîîn, N. B. F eq.iuiw, CctapaasueSynni OFi- Hymoirce. PHIiTE Aacteai wilh expedition sud antira sat- lefactien lu a cale of aphonie, vblch talleS te yiîld tt.ieglr treelmeut. S. JACOIIS, ?4. D., Lunnienbnrg, N. S. *Ne hegillalon in reOenMMedlug PFELLOeVe' CesOMPOUND S1cr P 4.YptelneaPHleslot gen<îtal dahliIy oet swy dussea etftise lnngs. , 1G. ADDV, M. D. Iu reetering personesntlferlni troua dipb Iberatte presiràtien anl ceugba tolow ng typheld fever Figw'CcmOUiascuSîi a eOF livs-eî-iaosITt-rail tIbe beat remedy 1 ever nieed. EDWIN 'LÀY,1 M.*D., Pngwasb, N. S. Amenast tl ise leeeiereeme by the ne o eth151.remedy ae th. efolowiog Cbtollic Constipation, Clîrenic Dyspepus, Aslhma, Cistonie Ilouchitis, Conenîa p ion, chrono Darthoes, Chreisic Larngiti,, Melenchely Narvous Debillty FELLOWS' Compound Sy-rup of Hypo- -phosphites, "28-lg thesy ianedîcai faculty fl a verysetc. t;e. ,,hec il hag euain itreukus-lsud; nl te "Ir"" sale t. thse brut -'arne ufthlIe estime- Moian luwhaclc b i ul byhp e public. This Syrup vIs> mire Pniaoeuary Ceu- sausplicullIith1)retanas econd stages, wiU gîvu grmaI relief ansid prolong life lu the Ihird. It will custe Atithie, Ilgonîbis, L&ryngll1afidilCeglîs. It wi]ll cure al daicasees rgu&tieg Item vaut et muecoie Action mias!NervoussForce, Do nu$ bc deceived lay nmladies bearissg a slvnmrne; ne «tSar preparetîce <N su. stitubt or biis unuaer any circumeatancea. - Look onul for Ilue naite eas! eidresJ. 1 PELLOWS'. St. John, N. B., on te pellow wrapper lu wstermarls wia-ti leu cnby holding-lbhetiaper belote Itie Ult. Price $1.50 Paet Betile, six for 87.50. Sold by &Il Bruggiele. tl,-dded ýptices, ibomrew o in importations, thi IBargains wil L e offered ini DREI Bgrgains Bargains- Bargaina Bargains Bargains Bargal will Le offered iu CLOTHING, will be offered in PUR CAPS, will Le offered in FUR SETS, * 'will be ,.offereil iii (OLOVS-83 ivil Le offered lu HgosiERY> wilbe- dm** ddiû,lu s iSaor,'I~IN Now *s the time geeI9p yi roxmny ana honest daaing i lWemernber théplce LAING &STEWART'8, Devereil'a Block, Brock-St., Whitby. AND OONF 0~~~,T~ -BROOK-87,, I WH ITBY, thêent~es~ok q3.G. Mcflougail's shop,rhav<èadi8 à supeffor 131 o? vëry choice Candies, whioh are very cbeap and of suporior qiality. Orders'solicited for Wéddings. PASTRY AND OTHER CAKES. i hv a, aquantit fSCHOOIL BO0KS,>ý BeatieO' aud allier Copy Booka, Berln Wool Blipper-Patterns, Fauey Gooda, &o. j;ý Reineinber the pace-one door north of Johnston's Jcwellery Storel Whitby, Dac. l7th, 1878. CHOICE.-NEW OOODS -AT THEE- W ýIITB Y', CliINA TEA STORE. .The submsribcr begs to inforia al aid Fribmds- and Customerti that lie ha uow received ail his ClîristroAs td-ock ofioodti. The Largest and Best ever offered ta tfie public, ýônàisting of Choie Teas, Family Groceries, Fruits, Hone,Y Pipes, Tobaccu, Cigars. Fanoy Goods, Olamsware, and Crockery iv ndless variety, in ail the ucwest desigras. Malaga 6Grapes, Oranges4aemiea, and Oyeteri;. A large stock of Fresli Candies (or Santa Ciaus. Ail of whicli le now offers ta 'tÊe public at prices that defy competition. 9:ýr On ail purchases aver 1 ne Dollar, a iibelta Diacaunýt will be allowed fur Gisai. I Corne one and ail, oxax"'e his stock for yourses before purchasing elsewliere. Wighinug al My oidfrends a "dMerry Chrietina,' thanking thaîn for past favaurs, and haring ta have a continuation of their patronage, I remain, yaure &C', W. J. GIBsON, Whitby China Tes Store. P.S.-Mil kinds of Fruit and Oysters eoid whoiesale, and -always ou baud. Also, Agenit for Tnorîcys Horse aud Cattie Food. Wbitb;y, Decembar 111h, 1878. My Stock of FE'II R2SrTI TYRE?..: Is now Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON@ Very Special Inducements to STARTING IHOU SEKE EPING. UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and -al the neoessaries in this Une, -Also, A WELL-APPOINTED HEEARSE. 1Wlîitby, October 10th, 1877. WI L LIA M CABINET FACTOR'( T ILL' S AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS - - - THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. -Go where you cannot fail * to be p1oased in making selections of good furniture. llplendid ?utrlour, Drawinig Boom and Bedroom Sets,' Nev Designsvwel vortby of inspection. at aetoniehiug 1ev prices. Din- ing.room Extension Tables-a very superior article. Gui Cornice, Picture Framiasg lu oves-y style. Soîne fiue Chromos sud Engravinga for sale. TiUl-n « -RTÂX -K 1IIIT-, lu ail ils branches;- funerals fuily suppied, À stock of elegant easekete. - . Coffins always on baud, tries! b suit Onstomiers, sud a voil appointes! LADIES, ATTENTION. The caiebgated Amarican Hait Worker, MAX JACO B, u3o Quseu St. West Tortugo, (TbroDouora from St. Patrlck' arkthet) BESto, Informe th. Laies that ho la Etha eýulp GENUN E HAIEWOIERR lu th.eClip- Ha guarsutees ail kluds ot bis vans to De doua te perfectioin, ast euS su ad delivereat e thlimeraqnastod. wPiess senS pour ardersansd-I vill attend ta than. Cembluga doue n p te order Iu BWITOH95, CURLS, FRIZES, PUFF8 AND SFRONT PLAITS. Calouto et atragihHait mada aqual te ualursi Ourla. Rami hair uwiiclaei siway* oul bsau from In 8-caop. -,11CAUTION. -plaaaa dou's ha uulslaulby «-auvasers r.. pvasantlng uMy naine, a4I Om'Plty lin@aex- capt mytell îaus! carS. ' MAX JACOR)B 2115> Q ssea0 = i ft 9î. l a n .aD. WM. TILL. r-hitby. Novembar 241h, 1875. AMERICAN COAL QIL!1 No om6kcey ehimneys 1 Only 80o Izuperiaî Gallon, Caah. Wh eaaldl sud Raim, e '~ . ATCH BRO. CANADAIN QIL-Ohly 25oe por Imperial Gallon, Cash. Tr ge upplied by ýj \ \ ýTCH &BRO. ýSKATES-P ase see our stock and pi es. STOVE. If yon nead s Cooking,"HaLll, lor, i igroom or Box Stoe., eaU on HATCH h BRO. PLÂTEID WARE.-Butter Cool rnaIs, Forke, Spoota, &o., initabla for isants, eheap, aI x HATCH h PO. CUTLERY.-Rogar'spud ihar mikei, esp, 5 at1&TOH hBBO. »HA]IWAE. The 1er st stock inithe oolint Y.p es bottom. The, general public and ihe Grange 8are ta oeil and inspeo ur stock befàre p=bo WHTBY$ ONT4MEI irçck Street,l N.B. -Wand, âny, quanitity of Polod freeh roll Beitt-i~ Eggsi, Pou1try,,4pp1es and Potatoes. .?Ë.ý Whitby, auavy 7h, 1879. - CA]PRAG,-ES AND, B-1GGIES! TEE LA.EGEST AND MNOS T CMLESTOCK 0P CarNags,81e1.gh hid Ctter8 M. OD. NOVA N'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WH.ITBY. VERY CHIEAP.ý CALL& SEE THEM.' HOW TO BEGIN THE NEW YEAR. By getting your Photo tàken, at BEST S, SIMCOE STREET, No Lightning bumbugs allowed witli ('IWAW iravr. euling àt-an immçnse sacrifice. CA]BINE!p"TO Th~ workb tx1eew Pro ess1i~ superic th iîdyet introduced, B coïý teiy n SOf ..torah. Calt at 0nead< ~4R. JOHN. W OIUI omz -,th e I DJ AM W ?Y àt Èiot tes taàke i 8 sa J 24J T REGIrSI I -.L publIe lot I bèUcvad ape ]3~ADYMAE dOMIN - Inciuding a large stock a f OVEIRCOATS. EXCELLENT GENT S made uýp lu the Latest Stylea.- GI~ SUITS, Buffalo' Roeis, a great number. -Ai Everyvthing in the Business kept at BEIST'8, Ot aI 88 SIMCOE-ST., 'OSHAWA. JNO. BE ST, OFFICE 0F THE 680 WN d PA TTEB8ON M/g. Go., WIaITBY, 0OM.TrA&-RI1o. -.000:-- TO THE PUBLIC. lu preaauting ont Tweuty.aacond Annusl Catalogue oL* Agrienlînral ImpIe. maente lt te farmars cf Canada for the pear 1877, va do so wilh more Ifren 1h.e ordiuar degrea of pnide sud confidence, froin tb. markeal favour sud patronage cosfarred upon ns, sud ltse stesily sud iucreaaing demanal froin pear la year of ont nov celebuiled Pari Impiemenîs. W. 13haîl continue as haretofere, s manufacturera, to moike a specialty of Agriculture! Machinery-the Jolinalen Selt*raking RBeaer, Ithe Triuimph Coin. bined Ieaper sud Foyer, the Capuga Mower, th. Young Canada Foyer, sud our nev Wbitbp Harvester, elaiming a lange ahane of onrtlime and! attention. For lb. laI Twenty-tvo peasa v have given our most icareful sudunudivis!. sa attention to the manufacture ans! operation of 1h. varions machinasinl use, siffiug ont lthe hast points, ramadying daela, modifping sud eorrecling arroru, strangthening vaak points, sdapling sud proportioning every parI as our mecris. as! experience hba sa4 n. We employ onip t' hast mechanical skili, sud ont machines pseo undar th. Most earefuiesupervision n seutinp-everydatail beiug unljected 10 the aaver- est erilicien-ans! esel machine is tberougiy testas! belore ieaving our vonki, tsi provo thé eaanpleîeuesa of îvery part, ans! there le no diMeulty lu pnîting lhemx in operation hp auy persan of modersa -mechanical abiiity., Ont mnaehinery babeau aaleeted and! cnstrueted vils a apocial reference le the manufactura cf ont ovu maohinea-many bools having beau made for tbis partieular purpose, sud not sdapted for ollier vork, sud our varkin are edu- estes! np ta tb. vantsansd requiramante cf ont mannfatre-obtaining a thor- ongh knovîedge of lh. conatruction cf our macshines, ans! are thua enablad la oh- tain s higlaan degrea of ekill ans! proficiency Ihian vhere general mennfaoturing la carnies!on. W. are therefora anablas! to iutroduàa a1 more perfect upatein into aIllb.hede- partIants cf manufactura, sdding net only ho the perfection et tha verk, but aI- so to the rapidilp cf lia exeetien-anai a conaequent rednction of ceai. Tis pninciple la regardas naceasry in a, veil regulated esealishment, and! va anahies! to tmm ont our machines 'ailh a ligher degrea cf perfection, aud aI pnicease loy as sbsolutely to datp compatition. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER la nov 'o vell kuovu as a Single Beaper, tisat a vord ef comnnendatieu veuls! simost seem superfinona, but as theta ara mauy claiming to manufactura Ibis machine who hava adharad te tb. ol inla Jobuaton machine, vithoul kaep. ing up to thé improvements ; that justice ta oursalves sud patrons require of ns* to etate tIsaI ve have imodifies! ilu in mait overyesentiel part, sud for strenglh and! dirability, qnality ai ont, in avery lind ans!condition cf pgain ; ightness cf draft sud eeaof managament-tha «Johuaon," smanfacturas! hp ns-stands pra.eminenîly ahead of ail other reapere. Iu proof et thie peilio vahavaeony to p oint bo the many Firet Prizau swarded ns-sattIhe lait Provincial trial of On- tarlo, sud many counnl trials vhioh have tlioan place aIl. over Canada, vithin the lest few peste. OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, willi laIe improvemeuls, la aIl thast eau hadeaireal lu a Combines! Machina, snd cannaI fail to meet al the requiremeuta cf purehasers. Oup Improved Cayaga Oh/el Jdr., and out" Young Canada Mowera are both firtelaes macines-consliînted almest vhoUp aif Iron sud Steel. The Cayuga Jr. bas s test cul, ans! tb. Young Canada a front Ot ; both strong, dur. ahle machines, sud not excelles! bp anp machines lu tise market for qualiîy cf eut, dntabililp, lighlneas of draft, adaplabiliîy, ans! ease cf management. OUR NEW "WHITBY Au the eountry has become batter adapted ta machinery, sud many oif aur farin. ers liave become skilled in the use of machines, a grcwiug demand lis sprng up for a Liglit, Durable, !Firit-Csaeper. Ali o thlb.requiremanta of the day, we have auceeedad in iuventing a ma- chine with a Wrought Itou Framie, with the least possible gaaring-with large, broad*faced drive wheel,-snd so oonaîructed that the frame aud table tilt at th. »ms inatre, thereb;y keeping the pitin uaiwaya in lina with the knîfe. The rakea are driven directly from the main ahaft--thare being no perceptible aide draft, snd noi= aiupon the horses neoki. We are confdent Iliat we have snccéeded laauin g 1th. moit parfect Basper, taking it in 61l ita parts, thst heu aras. beaeu produeed. We havea pphied for lattera patent, sud shail hold our invention, for our owu exclusive manufacture,'sad we respactfnlly augest tO in* tending purchasers, that they ahould se@ th" machine beLon givTbig thair ordera for the ooming liervest. The "Whitby Harvester" weighs, alil la, 600 poundi, but being mada principslly of the boat quality of Iron sud ateal, and from ite iu- Renions ând compact construction, il comubinas the ulrangth sud dnrebility of the heavior machines. Ail of Our machinas sae lly wsrrsnled. Witli hue liaI of Machines, w@ feel COufidant th& wae au meîevery re. quiremnent, aud wa reapetfnily solieta trial of our machiues, believinug that we eau furnish a botter machine for the money than cen ha obtsined elsewhere. Rîcpectfuilly Youna, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontarlo, FebruSry, 1877. SEE A LARGE STOCK 0F OVERSHOES 0F EVESY DESCRIPTION, BELLIN CEAP FOR CASH. Look at the prices: Gents, from $1.25 to $1.65. Ladies' from $1.10 to $1.40. 8ýa Ladies' flouse Slippera 25 and 50 cents. Boots ind -Sboes.-of besi m ake and quality ai, an equally low figure. Repairs promptly made us usual. Whitby, Nov. 27th, 1878. JOHN SAUNDERS, NEW GOOIYS1 Clothing and Gent's Furninshiiig.flouse 1s now supplied with ail the newest ýstyles of English, Scotch, ana Canaan, Cloths of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock thiey ever had. Also an excellent stock of Gents' Fnrnishings, al iu à ued a sS,.s of RaaI.mndlCa mtai.,..lL ... f..i JOHN FERGU.SON, WM. BUR-NS, Rasjus reeieddiectfrm the Manufacturers, a gaod assortment, of Ladies and Gentlamen'gr Marsard, -Empress, and American Also, Pacifio-Bags, Oheap for Cash. Four more JST 0F AUCTIONEERS Lieneed for e Southa Biding of Ontario, North Iiding ot Ontario, and separpre Muuicipaliîiee iu'the lattar. siANE RE I EN E UNICI iÂLITY. 5 9IR TION. Wm. Gordon, uaaderland, Brook, #"De8d 88 J. C. W\iddifleld, bridge, xrde !lt, 1878. Clément Dawes, P PeryNortla Eiding,," Dec. 213t; 188. Donald Cimpbell, W Y, Broc.k 1 Jan. ôth, 1879. E. H. Cameton, Bea n, Thora1, Jan. 218t' 1879. Gea. MoWiiliam, Toront BrookPea 21, 89. Thou. Poucher, Deltord, Soiith Riding, April Ord, 1879. D o n a ld R o s , B e a v e rt o an T i l e o e t , 1 7 . D. Bhehop, oehawa, ,,outh inig, Ang. 2dth, 1879. Thos. ~ ~ ~ ,e Tea, eadac * North Riding. Sept. 101h, 1879. L. Fairbanks, Whitby, \ South Riding, Sept. 101, 1879. J. M. Patterson, llloomington, â< Northa Eidiug, Sept. 2Oh-1879. John A. Ducett, Ileaverton, , Thorsa, Octr. 7la 1879. Jolanaton Brown, Uxbridge, 4 Northa Riding, Octr. 8th 1879. Wm. J. Maleney, Brechen, ~ ~ r, Octr. 111h 1879. M. G. Sufivau, flreehe / xara, Octr. 111h 1879. Charles E. Hewett, BrecbjaM rOctr. 121, 187. E. Majore, Po erry, N.ri Riding, Octr. ML1, 1879. Thboa. Pencher, ord, Uxade, Nov. 18th, 1879. a a t PLI 0F PEDLERS FOR THE -COUNTY' ONTARIO. John Fi , Thorala, 1 horse. Jan, 801, 1876. Joîep bion, Uzxbridge, 1 hors. Mar. 111h, 1879. ea . Msioney, Toronto, 2 horees. Octr, 22nd, 1879. T . B. Conlen, Toronto, 2 horees. Ocfti.22ud, 1879. MoCROSSON # -Co., ARE NOW 81HOWING THE LARGE ST STOCK 0F FUIRS* ]EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. U:e' FINE FURS FUR TRIMMINGS CUT TO ORDER. RACOON ROB)ES, S . S. MIAL SACQUES, YAK ROBES, PERSIAN LAMB SACQ'UES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOOX EZIMINE SACAUES, MINX CAPS, MINE SETTS, S. . SEAL CAPS S. B. SEAL SRTTS, OTTER AN]) SEAt. SETTS, RMNE BETTS, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAME SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTEACHAN OETTS CONET CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETlI?, GREY LAMB CAPS, COINEY SEBS GERMAN BMINE CAPS, GIREY LAIU SEUTS, Particulr attCnion DRfen'SSTTS, rdr Portoca,187att enton giveno ailod. Toronto, Dec. 8,1877. specially attended to. lp.50 OUTTERSI, Alterationas BUGGIES, Assortment -of Cutters and 'Buggies SALE, OHEAP, - AT- & N EW P0 R T'S Carrnage Factoîry, A Large FOR TO0M S SADDLERY AND IE[ARNESS. WILLIAM THOMPS-ON Begs tb direct attention te bis large and superior stock, comprieing every. thing in tihe Secdlery aind Harnese Lins, alo Leather Valises and Saratoga 'l runks1 A LOT 0F Verp hansoue sud Olaeap. At th>e ols! astabllamaul. WILLIAM THOMPSON,. L87 Brook Street, Wlallbj., 1AIN BL 171k,.I G Il Go where you eau get a Weil-fltting Garment I-To the TRilacÉng Establishmient af GEORGE GUR.LEY, -OS'HAWA.- SUPEBIOR -CUTTING SH[APES THIE WORK - A Large Stock of Fine Clotho ; best Engliah, Scotèh and! Canadian Tweeds. t>s Excellent Overcostinge sund Splendid Verni Patterns,, A Évl A I Iâv" 51 - Y. B. - Ode Boqki. sud blasiinotai - frniibad frac. s. Toneefon uln idat 18ý W 1111h Streaet -Orxaczn, O GOÃ"D NEWPÃ"R TEE LADIES.- NB IIE YELATION INITE SOCIENCE OP DEESSMAK1NG. - O0RNWALL's RFklw WAST & SHfOULDER CUR T. Dresses ftteid rc=aM msas=meht %loue, wi±ont changa o sstitch.ý For as", with fi ntr"ucilnaat: miss mcIN-TeB'E's Agentwântea. Libea induoemauts toe Miis MeIntyre 'ahitakin u rderu forMUri. Trenuum,.of Oehswa, for al kinds of- STRAW AND. FELT WORK,' which w iib e niad a by Mr. T. iu al tha iteit fashions, 'ila pàompttu"e and in a way te give enitomeri asati on.- Whitby, Nov. 0# 1878 46 Licensged A uctioneeri 5ALEBPempbIyalten a ud ondnt., Address, c. D 1AwtSý BROW NI Pr sale hy aas gsureiy. What we take the Iead in 1 Chilblpraina ste. FOR HORSES AN]) OATTLE-Fram le oue hottle it'aarm watter, hi cure mont internal deageets eanseil by' cer heat- ing, éte. WHAT THF,$PEOPLE SAY, A8K THEMI We the nersigned haye useti Érown'I Indian Liniment for sema tiine snd cau elaeerfufly recomueud Il tir public nue. C=02 ]A~Pin. Orchard, Ont. mWhitby, d Hirami Brownu g A drew orvo"s, i, J. Dsws, Brooklinu J. IL .b athew mo n, 4 Bth Hubble, Ahbrn, A. H. Henderson, Uxbridge, S.. C. BROWN, Pby, t, Dominion WQod Worpks, WZI-ITBY. Geo., Corrack,> L UMBBB ERCHANT & BUIDER: Doos,âBeshadllnda.f wited Moldingu, LUMBER 'ahoiesole sud retal, or'by by 1h. car lesd. Pleuing, Mouldinga of every descrip-. tion, Plooring, Sheeîlug, Shelving, Re- @swing, Shaping, Turuing. ScroIl-work,. Wlaltby, Oct. 101h,, 1878. .43 THE TORONT0 TurkiIl Vapor Ba th8, These aths areunefl lu heuintii, NeuralgLa, Cougbu, Cold Cogsin irn c l , S r I ..1', k nB " n s loà . fIemmaticus. ZBilcUsuens,Paeanfo fTh Is now unlvarl e aed ths a es 1h. Turklah sud, Vape r Datha are the hast presarvatlves cf heailla 'ithin tha reacla e1 Madical experte sud in compunction with mbdlcal trusaiment the patient la more rap. i diy su éncesfuily trested. Ptreuiza throuegbo, tthe wrdfrein royalty dewn letc, te pooreat insu. Thae Turkah batha asra the OVly eues lu the <City et Toronto. Qnotstlousaudrecommendatîons araegvola frein the hast medicsi and sanstary puthorl. tiesn aiSUcountrie,. HOURS-.Gatleian, 7VIeM5.0 sm, 8t- 9 pým. Ssturdsy util U p.m. Ladie, 10 &.m. to lm1. . . ]PEICES-Turdah Baîlas, eune ticket, 91; 12 tickets, $10., Vapor Bath#, 60e euh; 12 W QUEBN.t§T. WEST.. SkiUsaI i anattentive mae sund fanala attenants. J., . DIMOND, M.DY, SOI Suparlutenduant. Valualble Real, E8tate TOWNSHIP OF REACH. FOÃ"; , E EVTEONRC an ta fAlihal17 o IL.Ir. DAZ acrh Seyan BLARBISTER AT LA ieue t &Rwa. G. nm. UhARRISTER,1,1,T Whitby, Ontario.' Ofifie-DavarM's Mi XORET TO LEND- inlus uap ta9#0M, et terest. -Offlelnrvinial Ais court Streat, Totouta. J.G:. Bïunsoit, M. A. M -L1 nChaueery andi sucer, <&o.'Offlea-Deve Street, Whitbp, Ont. G, YOUTNG UNIi Jan. 22,18378.. ever g ltmau'a SteC Caha CANEROf & BT-lE ~ eiiosChan - treet, Toi EJ. GUNA S URGEON TO tE BrnStreet, Whif Dr. W. J. 1 OrneaB-Fext door tç la-Re-sidence, et the Re uYlSON ]Fiel WM. eBRumrc, 1'u ('UYS HOSPITAL, -~the ayo R. O. Ri. L SARBD. 1_lylcan, _Surgéon, As Whilhy, Sept. 801h, 1874, W.AD j1DOOMS- VBB t)ffieheu r m 9 &.ms. i 1.50 aoop.=i.l Heaidais a âbùtotreU a eMt'ocheepeet, bet. eUalled illait Tes'th a rctéd ithont lu" 1 ausalhes. Douta nev blocks oveir AtId g Streets, Oshawa. JOHN fWoLP MNT FOR TuE S hala hGranite. etof thnWlfue, April 17tà,l Il OSHAWA* BBOCE STREET, WHITBY, 1- ý cases 1 191 King Stree, 1 - 1 Toronto., 1 those 1 HARVESTER.Pi IY.501 AND CARIRIAGES. 1 n.q.wàwù,l - -il A SPECIALTY. MI

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