Whitby Chronicle, 13 Feb 1879, p. 3

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lin"ad-g bilit~ fblddfn , if -possible teélhé, usrnük.-4 'y o7 04 ichoci. lTse Po vas Iligbly Not, b lit1eDptyànal-h Den&rd wffi pë,etsatl. viteby pro* pose le do luregard la lth. grouedu, B~q44Jm4cXcp 4pag tu 3fe ~ 4 71 brovya ' os~é1l, N ded by Mr, MlJi tVy, ltaI b.orÏ6 ula lion frenMur. Ueo. A. Semnervilie b., reclvedt and liaI lt.he oretsry de* cinmuciMe l0,M, . souprvi, e vwiah ciis 13a ltaI Lé shah inmake, an examleatlon of tepublic schoeisof tbis lown st ïas'.ariy SIdate au poes#b1e. lma ». b~Mr.Iavliseuedb Mr Campbell, ltai t.e airman cf -the Besr= a instructed te ceiniuni. este with théB]oardi cf Trues oef lteé Vilioogét Uxbrtegeé, rýP6er àeli e IhTw A ola Iç1sw;av javlg lte .aid; Iloardi by Iluir obarmaor etber de gales le o u- b. ference. vwith hle -chair- inuor, cher delegal!ofi bis flcar4 for the purpase cf aoucsideïing lte ad. vissbiity pi, rurosiug a ulicèMin.0sosie of fees Wo Wsparid b c ils atlending thé likh Scleoclso lb a only. Lest. Yns-7,l'Arêvell and Oautpbeil. Nays '-. Mc1liiivriy, Powell, Ring, Befors te vole vas pet a long dis. cession ou lhe sebjecl vas talien part lu by ail1lteunsuabers prérsent. Mr. ioblusau thon addressed tse Boaird au tihe subjeot, siawing tual il vas owiuig le lthélarge nunuber et bigh 1 sitoeir Md ecliekes that vere uew iru farce the-Gévèrnmen uto is ere loues to tilis 00110ol than theor eed lo be. t B3oard adjouriied.t Annuel Report cf 1h. Mfinleter of Educsuion. s Tiha report of lie. Miisler cf Bduoa-0 lon fer Ontario, for lte yoar 1877 bas ti jual boom presenled le Ije Hanecof As- I serubly. Itlas of thec nuus size, sudp conta us cmpletssaftiglicai tables anC ail sujectle oecnecled witk t he Public e: ont] Hîgit 8clropis, Normal and Moal F Slili, cerlllleales aud fuperabnuaticu of tiachers ; reportseof Inspectors sud Cqnîral examninera and ltse Ordors ine i Council fer lt4 yqsr 1877. The report fe srislsolaorily shows, nfar as possible W ltaIte vaé,îmade lu public bi edecetiüa u i ecup la, if ua tesS cf lte pragresnmade by lte Province lu2 aéther respects. The oalir6cinis fer ail publia scîrool 'w Ileurposes for 1877 atrunled la 08,428,e L 185.00, a nrsi ffl,59o irel racoipts cf 1876. Tuer. is ahir rase dE of $109,778 lu therasîrourit pniS for sal- & arien cf behci', sud a decrease cf fo 0152,872 for clles and ereclicu of scool bonnes. Thée number cf ailîdren t-e- ce parted nos £tleudiug scotais490,860 ; as ual slteudiug aey schoci, 15,074. Tite latter are belveen th.. ages cf 7 V aud 12 yesrs. Tiré average alleudauce for flita year vas 2l7,184,-iuaoe, 4,701. Sb Th Ti e rage sliry of male toachers ou wae #870 ; cf fouiaIs touchors, 6260.i re Thittal number ef oertificaled tescit- ed ors reported is 0,408 ; of vitou 250 arec' -Proy. lst lass; 1,804, Prev. 2nù lass; ' sud 8,926, 8rd clans. Tii. total nuni. acl ber cf persans vite applied for cee-ifi. en, cales lunte year vas ,288, cf vlrait l 1,502 ver. secesful ; 419 applied inuf lire oeuely cf Middlesex alan.. PH .. The Higli Sohoal Inspeators report 001 rrnpr ovsmquîilIreh g suerai statua of Pu Hligith eôlianS point culnerc&eC isli codtel. Tlrey ipeak of lte r.- o els fie nystein of rulermediate ex. ainuatiens as biug exqeedingiy advurn- lsgeous. Titey oel for more attention la pitymîcal training,- sud uaintain ltaI fle curriculum fer lte naîriccialion examinstions of fite «Univernity cf To- . routa auglilte cinciede cheitontry sud dei alter be-ncbes cf pitysical science lu aui arder. l enocourgetitir study lunte sin eipper formtse Olta Hfgit Saools. Au ohi inleresling tablaeitas been peepsred fre by M. o, MarIlg, LL. , stwigc Saltto t80 10 h be-o ug binm nome selig i e lt.ear on as lelid aitt-er job} traýy, accidenîslyltî ii rmhsc -bana î teSalI tel-but puiy 04, bée, th a ýqI ThePapO e i ltly, lth& -ftegrains itJ roeathe bgrouucf pbl- S Ouly 5ut," ire gaiSa"lté Sait la up: it sel, sud, had il fallai ot.h& lrgroeud I be4levo I toclia otUive gaI toer le. H1 day; He tbsu loch ont a pockel-beok af t sud;VcteS lteftat, observing aItihe Ths patu ie tb ltI WeSshah ieëhtu tî ii wu> salial bt ave the-loge of sema b.. bloc, loyeci Cgrdlpil a doplorsbefalong." ed t. N in claysaflier, lire sad ney$ of ledti Cardinal àA1ulni's 4eahh t-*aited lte mmc Viton n ho Pape, itsudieg te coust breasidg lt ha ilnce, h, saiS. nad lteHîçIIÇ »It beau seattered ounli e oov 1)intil.la . of unrn îlla. . . - -'il. __--L 5 Of tieEncula 3ev býc 1ut 45 6arloue nder 60W 1>>yards of m *arth. Sil pra er e k111ààij su ad seveiai «è M~h bodies vers reeovsreod. ' soi Thhifipitvp ti0ois vioh verse diflsdfiy U, ty Ïci Deln a e 1 asi Us oi The remaining stipulations are &ban. doib~d in 1h. présent treaty, by whicb- "eSymenX fr bcrMaitnan c i rkrbprisouers ii b. 2.1 inta1. dt, but la not to-bebeu'cmds le,. The xminsjon f acconts ta ]o BUnSSian ovacuation cf Tnrkisb ter. Tire Pe ple Want proof. The;. isa 0'0 medicino presieribed by phynsug twldb'r~gse haï 8are snch evideOnce cf ils secos sud tupdtteôtatmge g b GuMià SR for severe Coughs, ap astgod on lhé brefant, Cousuzat k,' Or n dliluas. of 1he Titreat adLns proof cf titat fact ,!ataI auy persan -ÃŽfflict8d, cau gel a Sampie Battis for 10 entu aud try ,ias, suppelor affect b.. tosbuying 1h. reýul*ar ire a75cejits. 1 bas maeiybenlledod u is, euuîr frein Germauy, sud 'Ils wDu. d ot-uures'are astonislring 0everyone tiitllseil. Tbree, xdopl viwr1sv aase. Try il. 8'ddlay f' W.-B. amih * Ca., Whitby. Pea, iak-syed ..... P vu75 0080 Rayo........!,.....!. . .3tt 880010 1 Toodipa........... .$a0 880 0~prsv~E 0 @ 80 - 9 ......Ld~k....026 0 TÇîQdf...............018 Epp$'s Cccon.-GsvOlun atzm Ccou- wôitrZt'ya tiorcugi knovl.oSge cf the nue-ii av vici g8vuet-nle eperallons ,odîn~Oja4jtr ~, ,s»uS q bet-erse hircmaTia've uns nas>. EIaY doclorm' bills, Itlusbte judicaum esa i uai atcles cf iet listaà eonstilehian nia, be gmauali>. iltnp uti ste-ceg;enoajir to resiastev -tendena>. ta dis"Im. Hen. desc utemalnais eoating Aeound point. W ZefflM spas nu>a sfatal osif ~ute boo'an iprlélynoursiedle-ame."1 -cii Sercles Gaotis-Sold cul. l Pacirels solled - ýJaxa Et-e-a&cý A CÂRD., j5ili4end arecea li pure you, ~JiE~OHAGE. great remedy va'csosovered by a mlssionaa.y iu Sout Am terlos. Senda sel-drsedulp 10 luis lte. Joszeucù' W liratsilicso 22 -paon canno, afay iwlun-e it i8 used. M R G G A E Il lathe citespeet Miedicine cve ubide. One dose cures comman acre VALTJABLE FAIRM ! tir-al, oue bolhie bas Curea Bren-.rIN-vTir chilis. Fifly cents varh bas cued an aid slandirrgcugit. 1îposiîiveîy cure's COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. caltairh, satimeasud croup. Fitty cents Under Paver cf Sale cculained lu a certain wortit has curaS Crick iunlthe back, and 'Indeîlcee ai Mortgage, vitici vill ba ro te naine quantity lama baek cf sigit duced a* lis lim oef sale, tisew e viii hmi. yeae staudiùg. Il cures svellod neoli- at Public Aucti b CIemot Dawes Anc- bilino, lbAlllfltjS, inralgzia, 'Con- donnier, aIte W1KR OUEhuéb traction of the.musclee, atif joints,- Village of PORT PERRY, on, sPias lu andpaie sud lsare- 'SATURDA Y, the lot MAIWJI, 1879 nesiaypart, nomalter vhere il aATvTHE ROUaIS O 'LOCE, t'. M. May s nor tram vhal cause il iMay Tic North hall cf Lot Fumier 12, lu lie tris., iei always doca ycu goad. Tye. 2ud Concession allihe Tovnship af Reach, ty-St-e cents vortit-Jas cureS baS cases ccntaiuing 100 acres, moe or loe, sud bo- ul oitrouic snd blocdy Sysentory. On. rnq the Vernon Homestead. aes-spoonfal curas colieinluà1 minutes i is a fine e-oiling lamnof eici ciay Itw c l e-oil vell vase-eS, sud l ite centre cf lvicure auycasa a! ples liai ilia s .o ran grci distict, situste on possi ble 1e cure. Six or eigbt spppli- liheugravaI e-oaS tiroa ilwes franih le ur- catianele warrncd la cure any case isiing vllage of Port P1eur. Tiers are ou exoriaicd n~les or inudamed broaet. tie poies gcd fa b Giugscniln 'ce- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c brieiFplerfîusdion 1 eamaue sD-lg',Ecue, Barc p. tbrite is aepicp lgirlfeeldieoier- Bx8O ft., anS otier ôOdieuses sud sud an up, hor is .üvr te slghtst dscoor-excellent fe-uit-bsaring Orchard. tion af lb. skie. Il stops lhe Pain cf Traira or' BAr,.-A morigage cf8,600 for, curu as moto> os applied. Cures fe-osied 6 ysars at 7J per-cent, viii be accepteS le-cm aplt, bouls, varIa, anS -cernansd lis pue-cisee. 5 per cent. of pue-crise prnos wounds of every description to maorce-uh lat lime cf sale, balance cf pue-chas. sasî.e anos mortgage, te be parS witiu80 IBEWAUE aOF IMITATIoIs.-Ask fer Dr. allihe lime af maie if desiee by tie pur- 'harnas' E Cierrîrie 011. SeoalitItirsecae 3igesturs oet8.N. 2Thomas is cu lie F -ýf"rhe iarhîol5p Xi>. . PF. rappr, td lia usna a Norhrep& atterson, Eeq., BarrsePr er;o Orraper àn th nae o Nothrp & ta D. Ormiston, Zog., Par-isîse-, Wiby, or Lyman are biawc an the hottus, anS ttheisndersiged. àke no allier. SoiS by ail] medicina FRANK S. NUGENT, leilrs. Prica 25 conts. NORTHROP Trouta, Voudor'a Saletr. tLYMAN, Tarante, OuI., Proprielora ara> lst 89 2nS or lhe Dumiýp!on. NOTr.-Elcîrio. âSeeceS sud El AGENTS, 'READ THIS. île-ied. We 'sil ayà gent. a Baise-yof $100 per -0- - taria. exenesorailov alage ccom- OTraA, Otro ventions. We men whai wns sy. Saniple 7ICTOBLIC11ErXeICr Cr'Patev Toiareô, flee. ASSe-esa SHERMAN & GO.. Geullemeu,-Caufl nigMysllme 8 m"S) Marshall, Mici, muora Ume aga, a au tuethealisfsoce ee., Utis from the use cfy ou,, CoXseoUvitsvur W 'HyPIIo.rEîvS I il l urte-liedSStiraI ssh proofe cf lie genuino isuefits ccnlsrr. d ou patients xequierung il se-e consstai>.y Omiug under ruy obervation*; jparties la rIom I bave reaoninendsd il ihave lu a 0e- lotime, vili lie deep.sItithaukmninens, kuovlsdged lie relief tie>. have expert. eedi sud lunsnime cases have aisorled liaI huad it l sies, assavie lite rlises. It ivs me murai pleasure 10 assure you liaI cusidse- ycee Bye-up, lie VrcTOart Hypa- HOSPIriES,th lienet preparation icihbas ome undermnice for -DebiRtii> sd ail rmlmonar>. aanpiaiuis, BronchIli, cougin ýcbleigthcs, I cousanty recomnena Vee- truiycr Pise-maceutical Cidmiet. For sale by T. G. Whiieid, Wiby. 4 Oeltle Hier. .Iu aur style cf climat, vilhit is sud. en Chauges ef lemperailuee-raie, vinS Sd seneieoflen interruingled iu a ngle rlay,-il la ne vonder liaI Our- ldrenui Mnde sud relatives are se quenlytalion feemýtun by ne lected Id,1hal lirhe deatirs resuitingdirecll7 ,cn titis cause.AÀbottle of Bahee s ut-in Syrup Icept abuu yoer home )r itetedlate cse vil! protlserions. cknesn, a largo dacîer'm ill, sud peor. apn deali, by the nusfeb ires ot-tour seos. Foret- uring Cousuinptice, Hem- ritages, Pueumania, Severe Congbs, roep, or an>. disease cf lite Titroat at- LUe, ites ucces s aimpi>. vonder-ful, yaer dçnggit vil tell yoe. Gerinu e-up is nov solS lne otery towlavesd Hage an ltis continent. Satmple bat- es fpr.t le-li o; regu>eaýsmir, 75o. Tic iridusys are subjeol toa nvarlely cf xgeeous aud painîc i Sises, srsiug. au varions causes. By lie Judilious use V'Crcaara ucuuSndUva Uner, lisse al- tions nia y b. auneS. DrlgiI'm isease, abelsi, satil lemnale coniplalels, are suc- sflyconibaled 1 .this popular renieS> Ic ufor sale b>. al demiere. *PrioeO riotls. 'For sale b>. T. G. WiSeld, ritby. For public speaker~s or singero, ray's Bye-up cf B.d Spruce Oum viii ,fueS invaleable lu preveuliug ths 'nos cf lie meuh Uad lte-oat cem- luneS of by'ltase wvie bave useS lire miary cgl,î cîsues e9 r -trochrem. ce cSnv, sq. Pofeser of H-El ion, Mu r é vsrark. i taI-il bas n of essernîlmW .te' hiséigèf, 'and lte o as on umaoisione uced blic sinn l a ,wbobhavsevnar- U&. thpvsedIrulves -elgte 1 1h effeotn upon the volée. 4W-.8 aru=ât heslng bal»ai nS guns. 'cn, yern ,oùed b>. I h o ntives Viený inca vas 6e-st diecovered, sud are ccxc- es viti otier vegoisa e oico, se bleud- togethr, lti IoIsaspafo fr SU ai- [euns afxliethrosan sd lungsi Thaou- do ol bellies are useS anully, sudfi 'a ' idereÈ1 ane cf lie standard p seatoas ut-au. purpasaof a fimirly meiiglne. eT-as owOn, 10 althebheada01thP .tina. wtada»'nsl5uci TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. TT2TIL IIURTEU NOTICýE THE ~.Oflceof the Town Cirk and -Tres urer will b. lu the. ODDPELLOWS' HALL. THOMAS HUSTON, Town Cierk, Whftby. Whitby, Feb. 11, 1879. tf-8 ITOTICE.-Public notice in hereby given that ail maniee sud scaunts due ta me for the services cf ;the Entire Horse, "lTime O'Day," for the seasan cf 1878, have been an front and after this date duiy as- signed ta George Roche, of the Township cf Piokering, who alan. in entitled tao oIieot iu lhe lame aud whoee rboeipt only wiil be a full disoharge therefor; and I hereby varn ail persoas gsinst paying auy cf the said manies or aceounts toanay one but the said George Roche, under pain cf having to psy the samne again. Dated at Whitby, this 8th day cf Feb- muary, A.D., 1879. Wm. THOMSON. lu connection willi tie abovep. I hiby require ail persoas ndebted ta me, as sdore- ssid, under the said assigument, ta psy me tire'came 4t once either personaiiy or by registered lette dirscted to me Dufflus' ..Cgfek, Pickaerinrg P. 0., Ont. His GEORGE M R OCHE. mark. Whitby, Feb'y, 1879. (Smn-S MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COi OCEAN CAB LES. Theopublic are iuformed that tie connec- tions cfthe Montroal Telegraph Company witi the Atlantic 'Cables are cf lhe mcml direct sud reliabie oharacter. The Anglo- Ameican Cabie Company, with vblch con- noctian is made, having thrce separate sud distinct osbies,-ta a guarautes affainst &ny possible interr'uption cf traffio, and the vicie service cf- bot oampspanioi#vel nqtailed. Registration cf' c pher -d dresses made vithoui charge, anS availbi sains day. i .:wGET s.) Sept. DOMINION FLOU R & FEED STORE. whhhoIose At lthe lorecah pi. CONFEOTIONERy -&roèE in6ueton vili lie 5fou- anS lue mar ghith>', P.b. 101h, 187. T. MOOD Y tg R. BRADFORD r tp NI BN frCN I e LEUVRED A PICKRING Ir OR (latý of 2, 4, anaé,ý, Ki4'îlr +, INEW STUD3G. Tht 1 latye of Ia4r ÇHIDREN A SPEOIAVÇY! kWtin to cthé faç Lhat I s50 sampies. Wilklusn's Block. BrockS. '1ATRONZE HOME -COMPÂNIES. STANDAIRD F/RE INSURANCE COMPANY, IIEAD 0FMCi, lu Or4N. A UTàiÃ"TJIZBDJ(L4P1¶ L, - WtiOO Gaverumeul Deposil. 026,000. Businsn-eniined taý-Ibis Prav*ucee< - D. IB. OHISHOLM, H. T, CRAWFORD, Presideut. -Secy-Treas. D. DZXTER, Assistant Secrecsxy. EQurrABLr IN RATîEs.-&ll Uappliticus for Inseuce receivo iiè closeul aor'hrtihl, sud-cniy thase daemeitdeairablo sud st ade. quste i-IeM aea l; aur sam inlg ta mair,iothe lu osai case proparlicn2ate tb lie rlskcarred. PaaFAIS îîrceî-veyCIllinmaSo upan the 'ComVauy fer loss or' amago is carellyijnvestrgaled, sud witile tiose lound to be haneal are pe-mptiy mcd cieàrlully risal u 1 attempte at frauS are ÀmSdever wMi ietutly resited. ' E. W. ARNOLD, Aent, târ, nsurance ellsaIeS aI loweat rates in tha beet Roglan sd Canadien Campauxes. B. W. AIINOLD, e b , 1 7 . G en erb i In su r m ce A en t, chsig or rsgacxitiuga joint note of hanS ýmASe hy &..Lynde'mcd Sylvester Lynde, in favor of IPimothy Caffey, for lis sntof #140, dateS Pebrua>, 1878, anS payable Iwe'eemonthaisardate. TIMO0THY.COPFEY. Aiso-à cala maSo 'debYDeunis Cocuor in laver of Jolhn Cofey, f or lie seinof $20, macle imuNav., 1877, sud payable 12 mentis TIMOTEIY COFFEY. Wcilby, Janea-y 17, 1879. (lin-S RDOPE FOUND.-Foun ed leeu Wiitby Ilsud Drooklin, a cocc-mkin robe, liceS. bis ovuer-can have the sme by proving pe-cperly sud psying expeeses, by cai u at luis office.(S- The Inte*rmediate Exam'ination. 'Higi Spiool STTJDENTS &ud tie rEXUEEs 'cfcountry -sciools lu lie asligihorfloco f Wbitbypep orgteei nexl Intemedats orTe C xamia lice andnuly doSacient lu eitbe- Eagish,- Maîkoniatios, ce- lie Sciences, vill Sud il gresgti>.t lie- dvaelage ta taire a course cf privt-at.leseons froni s gentlemian via is practieally acquainled-vili lise voirk e- quired l i hssubjecîs. Lessous glvec alier lu lie et-eIng or an Salurday. B. gin trou, Refereco indi p ftted iy tlie HeaS Master aoflisHeig Scicol,Whly Ecquir.peribnU a Iis office,ce- RENT Bas hal ciLot No. Addrees T, J. LASKEY, ParI Union F.O. Januar. 221h, 1879. (8iu-7 TAFNTED1 upils forci a French WV Glass, ru Ladie suad gentle- men1 taugil l e e isguago qelckly hy a nev nielio Au e nienced teacien; low terme, e-es, rTtFRENCH TEA R,e. Jan. Ù, 1879. OlaiLde' ee Aýf DAY TO AGHFTS.-Sometbiug V nov. Oulfl t e. ASSies,RiDE- %T& GO., Box 110 ioutrenl, Q 6- TRIaI NavraiT- Co., MIltale-s, P.Q.>S, F 'UN.-Acquaintanoxaud EsorI Carde- iRiaitheet tbing cul. Il yoe vaut le have fun, buylisni,--Sb fer 25 cents;901cor 10 ceets. BIEVENS & GO., P. O. Box 742 Mautreal, Que. 8. 'CONDENBED TMlL TABLE.' Takng effect ce TusdaFoi. 4li, 1879. Leave Wihy5 5s m, 5pr Port OWa.11.1 6.J5 38 Aire cLinSs>... . 110noce 93.5 Iseave Lmdaay-. a;,9M.,4.0pm - aasi 4,-0 5'46, par tiare at otie- station», s"e Poakel Tus'. rable, to ho liad an application to an>.oaItle - COll1ÇEObONS, oer ail pirsatm4àl mdUxlidge. lAmÂvz.-For S#lntdlel4 euS Wlck. £emocsa-Fcrakvcc.ItttO 1-ltef, V16. antis audPorl Eceve. sUr 'i UXX*Iàseofptoperly, oxcept sucir s are speci1y~ Iap~rqos,,rj 't,5 aî4e. icvesl aSsec fttioui'nnbridk - L vSd dwelln Gredu anS cher produce cover A BSTRÂCT 0F RETURN maSeo n Ti Inlrie -ivery Acco',unt----------------t of 01044iO. A ùenceob .... #M.. Gin Mu'ner..my.............l..y,2Ibis Bill dOay c Fbmr, .D: 1879......:. 67 Joem àoi...H....FERRY, 07 Voter' ioa Rend ciuing........ r7 CAPITAL,'_ 9 Ooo LIVERPOOL MARKET BRANCH The usual bauklng business trausacled. coiIeolions maSo sud Draits !soued payable ta pol in Canada, United States sud UGreal Prtaiu.- SAVINGE PANK DEPARTMENT. Intereel aItlieerate cf Four per coul. viii ie savoeS ce anlsums tram Oas Dollar and cpwvaids front date cf deposit-re~pable wsthaut notice. J. ]H. HORSEY, HOTEL OHANO F,0 SAE.TlrEkRO nIOTEr, rors; I leadia cIl1u inte ccly lavin ci ha prapriece- givinfr cp lie businees, t -pijeaose o obtainedl JAME SJRNLE, -or, C. OUBE, GRA PBI 0F ZEPOIRTED Cotewold Sheep, Short-HBorn Cattie, and Berkshire Pigsà Sbesp lie praperof iWn. M. Miller, Echo Bank r n, Claremoul Ontarioa. Sioe-t-iorusmuSndBerksihire Piga, tiere- perly cf John Miller, d'ThisilelHa'.',. Praugin, Ontario. The sais vinl taire place aI '-iiTi"e Ha'" lie residenco of MR. JOHN MILLER, Oanmsenciug 5112 c'alock, nmon, ou Wednesday, Peb. 26th 1879, Tne PaLavîtea STOCx WILL ouZ SOLDu' W0 ImporteS Cclewcld BEssin Lamib ta " «NortlesiChhamo."I 40 Yearling Eves anS Eve Lambm, bred le-rn ImporteS Stock. 7 Young Short-bore Heoifers. 7 'Young Siorl-hore Pulls. ise a unimber cd Young EBerkshire Pige. bis above stock le ail dret-casm le ever>. LZuch vill ho prcvided for thaseaîttend. iug lie sale, at Il c'ciock. Bale camnieno- eng ai 12 o'clcck. Fa reese-vo viatever. TBîies.-Eigit mantia' cesiI on. good psper, boariug S pet coul. mIse-sl, or Sper ceut. savoeS far caih. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Acioneer. Teama vill mesi partis at Dcffn'e Cresir Station nigil befors sud moening af sale. WILLIAM MILLER, JOHN MILLER, Claremeeut. Brougham. sTauaM 241h, 18iS. (id-6 7 7 in ce st 'W Je Tuesday, Feb'y 27th. 1879. IMPORTANT CREDIT BALE IMPORTED DURHAM HEIPERS AND PULLS, PURE-BRED BERKEIRE SOWB & POARS IMPORD AND CANADIAN PtiRR-PBED COTS- WOLD ]MES, LAMES & RAMO. lis sehacriber hu re-eeived instructionm froln PETER. WAKEM, To seil b>.Public Anclion, vilichil reset-t-v, allihe Fait- Urounds, lu BROORKLIN, Ont., THURBDAY, .FEB'Y , 27t1a, 1879, T= uFOLLOvINO t-ALUÀBLE Osîcx, vii: S Piiat-clans mo SDutiem Heifers. 1 etid BeRl Cmli. 4 Pure-bee sekahire Sovm. 5 Pure.hrsd Berkshire Sav Piga. 8 Pee-bed Perkshire Pose- Pega. 10 ImporteS ColsycîS Evea, lu laini ta im- 20 Byee ambe, ocf ImporteS Rvem. 25 Puck Larnis, le-m Iniporled Byes. 20 Canaaian-bred Eves, in lamb. 12 Shearliug Eves, lu ismb. 45 Bye Laniba. 1 GooS De-iviug Hors., &o., &o., &o. lie above Stock 'In ail Fist-aius, aud ise issu relocd*'ty Mr Wakeni viti greai cai. Puyers mn>reel>. upan geg I ltuhs sale valushie ad tinle leir utockr, hi al~~e.ecommence at Ivelve o'clock, econ, siarp. .Tzame.-Sevan mentis'oedeit ou approt- ed paper, luloremt aI 6 pet- cent. pet- annuin 0 pet- cout. per mununi o! for cash. L. FAIRBANKS, Aeaticeeer. Whllby, Jan. 20li, 1878.' N.B.-Broaklln la siluleS on tho Wbllby Port Pery7 là=BdnaRlva>., Five miles North cthi.e-aSTe-unirStation af Wirilîy.(i- REFORM MEETING 1 'rlro'xeuai meetIng cf-let ie-am Anoccla- lieofciSauleOntario vil be heIS alie inlitebovuaof WM BY, on THIURSDAY, REB. lBîh, 1879, -. th ho1euine cf.Tve e'clock p.. As 'tir. eloltio f aoSn forliseaiS association for lte ensuin-g Yeu Mr v b. tàieln uiS, as vell-as other imurtautL- ~h'~ h /L!47~ Whitby China Tea, te, liby February 11th, 1879. ALENTINEw~. choice a soïËmËù!-*,opuTr pricesý» ýENGOUGH'SIGBOK- & NEWS STORE, BROOK STREgET, WHITBY. H. -UMMER: 1- P.S.-W a1 your special attention to our BRISTOL BOART) 19- WING-B'OO1rSe and othèrgodSihGI we argxlrpored to.sell at:wo1 pries.~ . R.H JAMES 0N- Freali Cod »Fish- Fresh Haddock. Fresh Brook Trout. Fresh Ocean Hlerrings. Smoked Salmon. - Finnan lladdies. Yarmouth Bloaters Red Herrings. Sait Héerrin gs. Boneless Cod' Fish., Buckwheat Flour, Graham. Flour, Crackod Wheiat, Corn Meal, Oat eaty Flour, &c. Whitby, January 22nd, 1879. GOI DSMITH'S RHAL L.[ GREAT BARGAINS PREVIOUS TO STOGK-TAKING. Watclies, Clocks, jewellery, C utlery, Electmo-plated Goo dse Lamps, &cr., &o., ai largely red'ucedprice8 1 Sonie linos to be cleared out at cost. Practical Watchimaker. Brook tilt-set, WiIby, Jan. iSh, 1879. DÃ"MINION WAREROOMS LOWES & POWELL HAVE A LARGUE STOCK 0F, FURS & MJLLINERY, whioh they are selling very cheap. They -have reoerid largeâaditions- to their DRY GOODS stock. Alse, GIIOCERJE S a t reduced prices. Dress xuaking to, order.- LOWES &POWELL. ~cq~JÉL x. lus Y RA MOVBD" TO' WHE lm luA 'i v * -A-uEEBsa-.~Al lie. Towutoip* Hall, A~C-At th. Township }Hall, Man- Scuao-At Tiroe-ner's Hall. -SCOTT-AIt the Tovwnshrip Hall. Trcna-Àît theTowns]rtp Hall0 Péaver- UXBIrsEno-.AIlie Tcv".bip HaIU Gnd Wood,. GO WBRTYý-At he iTeIls. EAST WI[ITEY-At -La tp *oolslî, î Colùmbus. Forthie Town'of Wrîr'rsv-At lie Town Hadl, Whitby. b OsffAWA -At thc Tevu B41~, oshis -Fiir lie villages Oqi i Paav PExRY-Al-lihe TO*ir11411, port la Ferry. sn UxearorE-À,t the Town Hs1uL Uxhrilge. V - aXNraGOîcwAî lis ,Town 'Hall' cen- ninglon.'J N county Clsrk Outari. GRAY's SPECIEJO 'MEDICINE. failla g cure for Séminal Spermatorr ( boa, Inmpc- *eoy etudsl seqsecae uÂlbue as laosfeone0> nees df.Vis lez Prm bars rSge, sud many othir Dtsssa iaI 1usd la Wlnaoly ar cic- semphc n rmateeGae-I a ParhouareluOur perplet, vwrici -we ,r tseS Iebymailtev o.. vhB)ei o ororetll'orsaor THE-G+RAY MEDICFE c., Windsor, Ont, Causda. trbdinWilby il aUde-gglste, anS bu' lu sule ad relail Sragest everyvriore InCý3asisd th. lit--etteE BLACKMITHSHQP I bTe uderbigned beg le lirlorr lie publie tliaI lioy have. opemed A GIENBAL BLAGKSMIT.H A.D i ORSE-SHOEING SHOP arn Brook steet l inte oad Pnning Miii Pr-oies, learly opposite ths Foune->., 111eli are p e-p a ed t a ex ec te ail cors iruthem in vie ib',icir ey nisy is favored vili punciuslity sud despatri. T. PRECHETTE &CO. Dec. 271i, 1878. (Sm-2 FARM -LOTS, close toa s ailvay, sud Lots ini lie 'VILLAGE 0 F HALIBURRON, tire Terminus allia Victoria Railway, F01R SALE, ON 1IEASONABLE Apply-to C. J. BLOMPILD, Manager Canada Land & Emigrationi Ce., 150 Front-St.; Hast, Te-cule. or t'o ALEX. NIVEN, AgonI, C. L. & E. Ca'>., 47.1>. Haliburton. L ST 0F THE DIVSION COURTS aF Tms COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TTi BR 18i79. UxbrI g. 4 9 0 5159 GEO,17.11DAT1lil,2 STORE TO LET. T ST COMMOD IOU 51&01? SO RE sud p emiseslael>yooupled b>.W. J. Hiciie & Ca., on Bie.kifree4, Wii. Pceoufron rt 1Janea>. Aipply te' D. ORISTON, 51-0sole-., Wbithy. VEGETINE~ Pe rr etiby VegetUn Is iWod by il DIruggilsts. 'LLAR TO RENT -A large ceilar J suilable for slse-ins pue-poses, u-ndor LI. Express Office, ta ile.- Apply to * GEO. B. YCLE, - Express Office-. P OICEO CEDUSintTO 0F « bis ceeditors cf ERa iln, Isto ,'f liii Town of Wliitiy, luths Coud>. ci Oijîshri, sud Province of Ontsario, wio SioS un or about lie 251h day of December, 1178. se-s zeguired ou or belore tl1eue- orMAni, A:D., 1879, asn oi pe-br1.to J. HIAM11ERGrEfWOOD, Soirtur, 1Pont OfficeDe-aven Na. 11 Tave of Wiby, or ta leave vith unr at bis loy cilie-; tiroir Chie-stian and Sue-usmes. ssldresses. sud- description cf liefMI p articulais cf ti-c1aiem, a staleent cfthbeir socunhts, sud lhie nature cftheescurities (if su>.) ield be yem againat ber eslste;or l in elsoîl IerOoi liey vil s perempicnil>. exeiuded le-rS i he boeS ftolite testal-ix' assals,'cr snyparltereof0.as upoua&distribuion tif lie sanie, amougel lie pie-lies eatillesi tirretu the execalor cf, bon Wili viii oui>.hav,, re- gard le cc scisiWmi of ýhich hie'4rsiiu nlolice sdiil ntbe lhable fortinssete, or sud part liereof no0.diatribuied, le au>. perec c icscîin ors ciad .ucr allihe lime. cf aech. disribnion.ý1isme-uanf fa the os.tt f Ont., chap. 107, sec. 34. J. RAMER GRENVFOOD, Solicitor for JA.MES ALMOND, Esquire, Sole Exs,-utar. Whilby, Bib Jsu'y, 1879. (ni The-Great Forth Anioriosu RaeS>' f or COUGW'S, COLDS, A8THMA, 1PRON- hi Gray'&Syrup ofRHud Spruce Gum solS by ailRespectable Chemisits sud Geners] Dealers. Cccghs sud ColS, Gray's Syrup cres SorsTircat sud Hoarso.. Gray's Syrcp il theot remedyfrÀsthme. Giray's Symcp relieves Croqi sud Whooping GrysSyrup is su exclAn6t palliative iu consumptian. Gray's Syruflieves slaffecions cf Tiroat, Lcngs sud Choit. Gray fsSyrupissuperor toauay mene= PRICE 25 CENTS. Jan-. 7, '79. ~i- I) URE-BED COTSWOLD SHEET) AND IBERKSHIRE PIGS. L WM. M. MIL-LER, eho Blank Perm ,Ciaremont-P.O., Ontario, Breeder anS Importer cf OChoisoShcep - sud pure - bred -Berkshire. Pige. - Stock bouglit sud scid on commission. PlkeioNo. 01978. lV.E GRISTING & CHO0PPINýG Griating, Chcppin1fand genersl Castoms SMALL'8 MILL, CEDAR DALE' lalLIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, - GLASGOW, A Alla n Lîn e OF EOYAL KAH ' TBAmmrsp. RSWintrBervice via Rlalifax, fort. 10. AL IiN NEOîFmoi To Rew Loans .already N wititcrow ail by Me. absîsu v.en inces me Ibas 41lh, perte.- have su inua. Lord Duffêrla tg of te preg- suich iliibe a be multipli. humen by tho e lsI vill aa n, pro- b rit. SALE 1 Junior Juage Whitby, Jany. 7tÉ, IM. MANAGER.

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