Whitby Chronicle, 6 Feb 1879, p. 4

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WYIQ5~ lot the dge go ianei 51. Thim. y es'4one;f aceoa nlupatient, on. t busnsdl. -Thé bear> do hies pgreposslow, 14sy w.> aàd nall h btlsiklong b y 1h. t' the upr end mal în(»fro e T7b l',ngeh TbiTs ho sues 4i0o, and qnîeaîyrelon. Ing, *lu yet more aslonised loe ue a third beas in thé same, pliciai vhs, hi lbad Iho the ôtbier *wo. Againthie, lo~yer movsd,'an34 à frqçis b"rga went imtoPosition, and agala'Uu.otS look. *tl wp end f'ieqe i'r4 a frth 'grzzly o-coa loabl1itt 4o lbsthe, opening ln $b. brunliB ang wonMtboit a iusgsiand dow»'wnt'I»r'ýNoo 4. by flh[aLime thé dOlor Laed got warm. Od up and eolté'd, eud h. kept inovlng' th LIslever suil dring mb 1-h, bodies of t he boa pt l'lbthe Mixntemnshots lu ilite Miagazine- were exhansted. Meanîfrahie companions,,boariug te eliooting 1an134 préOumtug Ibe causa, mad., Ibeir way to' where thse douer rid poùn WIb t hé lliopofathssigsthi hesur, WIth (ho ',Otisers trewn gleut, s*1u~a~ hehal ud uoting l§s1Uý. ODé wae ia Itumense grizzy4,so large Lhieut-thé ha!nters ot'u&ïdI nos basldié bleu un il tbe aller Ihi O o dgood sixsed gr zlis proably about two years old, Ttelittgoffour beau. b>' on.entuu, withost aveircaaging lise poition, 'te admoeilîlug hltberto unbeard cf, aveu in lte tacet iglily.colored aunai. cf htie western wilds. 1Tùý iEN uIJETTiE or cuit Arcouot,- 2ise ta'ue justification or plcliattan cf 1h,,,, crunltiie le fonud in tIsa veut Uf. ferenoe iwlicb azisîcil bveau lte fitellJtq anu Cuetotus and. lana of feeling gif hae deys andIlîsea cfOr own ttns,,. The days cf civalry were iran da8* <ly. Wlen a prince like Edwarch woulsl go-ta a fiscdist a abhotile Country', on a portions cruqsde, bis gan. lie Elaunor muet necilesacen any lit111.Mliehon awoutlifiglt a bale, as àFttlkdliui,'te leppjm alMI taepréviens niglit, wItItîl'ine tl <fer lits iiow, on » 80ststtune mr. 'flictory $port*- cf 01t0e, days ivere tefuible. Sir Patrick (JruIstî1t, a 8trh'ttî8i ktiglil, listing ar. ri -0T1Tf tr aHN , wilm ir,îi tg) is, mplier; T, T in, li,î inifWfLu IIlilq fî'sut4on ]ng. liih kuliglîf, tîuned bto m, colirtcouily RUfIT liuljjîte'o rs wîtlîlima Ihue. enTir. tTT'T. Netit stiiritg, in tthe tiret course, thiroî,sli the ,liartfast, witli a mocrtel wowi unîd, an Iie gc lied on tise opot.- lîcli wero the fliane pastimoie cf those ilaye. Andi, naturaily anongîs, sucn dia net tliink cf. the mntilation cf a buman bodîîy, in or after dealli, willî those feel.- Ing's of leoruor wIlli whieh w. regtrti il. 11,01,ort-BrUce, wiîen dytug, 'ordelouo ites huoart 10 loe talion cul cf his body, ana- carriei!tothelin oly Lana. If aveu lins. bandî love4 a wfoelurely Edivaril loveci Iiie Ricner, yot hie directions aflar lier destiwere tie lace lier boivels lu Lin- ,,sissMinialer, lilerliseiut ini the churcli (it' ti, libiucfriars, Londoand lîe, ret ni' lTié olv In Westminster Abbey. Aftn ier 1,.atlbi.of Jdveslam, as we hiito < sreuly oil>'ue, lie blooly lissad cf Iuai S imou was deomod a fittng pros. éiIIt i lbe seuont otho home cf a- nobîle lady. IIowV can ive, thoen, apply te tîhe doecfil of tolime, tisa feplings or vue. iidiose wbtoh ara ourrent lu the iu ie. téeonîlcentury ? PRPDPics osSe POSrrEMiNe OF 7THE SE-. LI'.,uiTIrONor A PRINEo.-It, is beleveid tuaIt a guoup cf Ilnuutiai l3nigariau depluties ta thé eAesembly for te elac. lion of a uer aveu IBulgaria, ili pro. Ipeso au adjourumeul of te eleeton cf ai Prince, snd -a prolonga~tion cf tise I rý iithrj e uat~aScivil aSsainis. 71 trallo-n for two yaart, on account cf lte flifficnlhy hi linsing 1ilgarlaas com- petent tc exercise civil adminitrlation, asud beoaunsa of the. dangers artel ng frein a weàk Goverument atuleitîa cst. Repaorte hairebeau drawu dip b>'tIse iînalorht of tise forelgn Ldonsille for Ilîlu Oovsranneutiq,.Iliswhillsthe>' éx. prusetlîcopinuion liaI IL wauld bcelpon. siblo foau4lio Tukiels troops te return ta llunwch411ia auInd taho akans, Ua fl ta lucre in evory prospect tIsaI the future (loeuu o f Reîimelia will tmeel witil a gonoual passive ureitauco. A young lady blaving asitei a gzontlo. trian taeire cf lis nok, lia sent tia *folIowing : Tio ize-ee oy ne-l,? Tliitm remsuhcably A nck-loa clle, asou, tiroat, a huler. - -Andsnt M. o,,ouougllitti inalce as aui altos. LithNtne oiTiy anxuety chnei,, TT5he n-uth of yoîu crin whl Jungo roniîs ily biocit1 Wieo lanie gape, cuT>we lit thhir *Arprovmriate ninse fir a col4l boai&ity. If yen denlit ivîoîler te kise a puetty girl, gîta lieurlIse *befttof îlîo Soubt andi go in. -Worsb forma cf basgig.-Uuangiug 'hoebost ocunsol for plaitif aud sde- fendant.- Dcn,t go te aw. &VERPOOL, LONDONDERR, GLASGOW, OF AOYAL MAIL STIIAMS; Wintel¶ Service via ea1ifar. 270 Mlý Ocean Navigation, SureS i ShonîtesiPassage, EcioU'O,0Cm. fout. Atoe Passa1groinMLand, to La, idEghî Pays 1 Every ' Satu Iay tcmIlalifax, on arrivali cf 1rataeavin megWhltIîy sit 8,10 a a.Uor hrsia>' OmbletarairecI~oc1u468, 5o1 unit 591, 90ccrdiug 1 t ilca dsateroon. Laver At.e irsctucwcte rmr te, StO. sjry,'étb, 1879 Surdinasi ~ '11Q8, Partie vt' t senSfor letc ad rc i t u trlieador a< ppi> ,as tudToiio part" t, ad9fr ai1878.ci ().. , Tu=S, t Agan, ts-b,. Vie a i f1Wi 5 M 5*tv0 pDHRNIX FE N11A0 9 AiSTBLIIJE la1782.- Agents for Cnua' AStaroket ldm UA WhItby, AAgent, , 18'1L 1 Whitb, ApIl l A. 188, 1 D m~pit witli Dominion Gjerihont &O,. ý>torienccd Agents ~rongbout the uTjclat AeutRis îdéqiwttba187 Forumeseral mnh a e a iu pielissis elsr"ncfonehitle ýan otisar qpecttons cf1he, h t. I hiro no oita lion in statiag ut il us <or sont smiong remeises t those dise s trongy ciinndYLOrB' OXs suifes-Iu an a msdieaee or eakneus cf tiseong, 0oilitAI tubes ou rom geis suaa dsiity. s-.l;W. adO M. D., zioîrTe acted wiîis e ai and @etirs sut- istactltnn àagase a0 hlt, fc ai ta y1ete 1 guar tu nt.i S. JACOI9S; m. ID unn.oubns-g, N. S. No listatlon tancr lng FeLÎOWB' Coîo'ouXDSYX, Br gou o iv essui2me for goneral debility or c f tise langs. G V,-M. D. Iu resos-ring u s suIttrin frocsIldlà1- tlearetto pfautr n n ind allae ng typholullaveu aîs1owsg ouCo S's-l on- Hyporîîu IIlit h leu .isst medy 1 even uned. EPWIN -'LAY, D., Pcg'wasN . Amnigstthlie dt1saeesovercoma b tIhe use cf 1h11 uensedy areclise foIlowlng t- Cisronic Constipation, huonte D fuool t, Cois umpti, C ,uic tin ls raoile Las-y itisT Mel anel Y, Nvons Debility F'ELL si Cornpound 8 of h'ypo- p sph 6, gThopowen amsnuettin cases dlapiaved fit-iy r epo attesiin lien bly acknow. ledgcd y uediosi fasI eveuy sec- tion wie ilha$ heen intuo a dansitise large e o le onet gusisnîecoolise estimas- Ilî Istisil le hg"lTy lthe p lic. ài 13yjss viii cure Pîslinon ry Con. shimiiton tInte iret asisi econust 'ce,wil gv re-t 'if and prsiong 5fe Iu the thr.It 'wliicue Asthma, Buoncisilli Laryngit t d iîlie Il viii canaeail disease orlgî.tlogg fs-n asisst of Muspniar Action X4d Nervasîs ;Force. Do ne u ledoetels y reiislis-ibearlng s slmmlar nin e <Tls-iTulTLs-ticTn ln a suls- tîtute fulst isCu îsyrcursstsnlcee. Look isont for tise tatn uT, ss d iTresJ. I. ILLOWS', St. Jolin, N. il.,aistise yeliow wuapjees-!'1i wsterueark whl is'l s ten by holding tise aper iefor tiseliglit. Puice $111) er BaIlle, six for $7.60. SoiS by ail D rîggicts. LADIES, ATTENTION. The clebruted Ameelcan HfaluWonler, m î iýe,.asWe 'rn> hThreeDccrs trom eh. Fatrlck'u Market) B%6 o inormetheLadistus tho iel vark to ; cn to perfectiou, neat andi prapor, cudit ereshe teliaserested. Plee senS your orderauni1Iwe attenditotethea. FRIZES, PUFFS AND FRONT -PLAITS, Ourle oui of straghî Hle ntateequal t. natueci Caris. 'Real hale ciitce a lvaye ou' bandSrtrm 54111up. CAUTION. Pliesse don'l b. nuleuatb>'caurasuors m cpma nt s>Dam as e, pn~lo>nou*ex- W$AX JACOB,- uiAt M. B. " » " tcao e oial Rctal pbwfi om 'r ttess4 e. Bargamne-wi11 be offereà Iii MMILES, 'Bag~i41Jeoq.%n ~ >»~ Bargaiswil be offered in OLOTHING, Bargains wil be offered in4ENTS' F'UBNI8EINfGS, Bargains -wll'b keà [GLOVE~, 4 ~i~1~1$be offfred, in HOSmBB,- Bargamn ~f1be offered in TUE r 0F Mm& Now is the tinie oeexcellent Y4Iuef AND CONFECTIONERY STORE, BROOK-ST, A-' W IFY EAST 8D' ~' Having purohased the entire'etôéok of J. G; MeDougIl's hoI have addqd a superior 1qý ,of very ohoice Onie whiche every7cheap and of superior quality. Oai dîr, à 6 ie d;fo r- We d ding PAS~YAND âOTHER CAKES. beaU s Deverel *BIook~ ';' Ejgp,TPoýty, Ap1l and Potatoeu 'Whutby, Za siar 1,,9 FA~R BO ,WjTBY.: VERY OHEÂIP.OCA] &SEE M HOW -TO5,BEGIN' jH'E NEW YER 'c.- I&o~k Str~e~, od f~é~h toll Butter, 8,F. BEST'S, SIMCOE $REOSHAWA. Ihave also'ýa quantity ô SOHOOL BOOKS, Beatie s No Lightning humbugs ailowed witfi hi>n. ad other eçpy>r Bocks, Berlin.Woi lipper-Patterns, Fancy Goonds, Sic. 0T'. ez m n Wlstby, Déa, I,17. -CHOICE ta'1emember the plce-one door north of Jonto'j Everything in the B 118/ne88kp t ET8 -AT TH~- WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE.1 Tho subecribi r begs te' inforin el old Friends and Cuetomers that he has now received ail bis Christmuas Etock of goods. The Largest anda Best ever offered to tho public, consiuting of Ohoice Teas, Family Grocerieg, Fiuits, Hnney, Pipes, Tobacoo, Cigars. I'anoy Goods, Glassware, and Croekery in endieus variety, in al l e newest designs. Malaga Grapes, Oranges. Lernons, ad Oysters. A large stock of Freeli Candiet; for Santa Claus. Ail of whichbcli now offeris t the publie at ppuces that defy competition. ga On ail purchases over One Dollar, a liberal Discouint wiil be allowed fur (Jasi.. Corne one and ail, examina hie stock for yonrselves before purchasing -esewhcre. Wishing al rny old frionds Ia "Merry Christmas," thanking -thern for paut favoure, auJ hoping tà have a continuation of their patronage, I remain, yours &o., W. J. GIBSON, Whutby China Tea Store. P.S.-kll kinds of Fruit and Oysters sold wholesale, and alwaya -on hand. Also, Agent for Tnorley's Horse aud Cattie Food. Wlîitby, Decesuber 111h, 1878. My- Stock of mi0T R2SrIh 11 wTI?.,EM Is now Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAKINOI. Full Stock of Caskets, -Coffins, and al the necessaries ini this line. AJso, A WELL-APPOINTED HREAIRSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42. WIL.LIAM CABINET FACTORY TILL 'S FURITREWAREROOMS TH/E OLD STAND, BROOK STREET,WHTY Go where you cannot fail to be. pleased i making selections of good furniture. Splendid' Parlour, Drayving Boom and Bedroom Sets, New Deuignu well worthy of ins pection, astutonishing low pricea. Dmn. iug.coom Extension Table-a ver>' auperior article. Git Comices, Pioture Framing lu evor>' stylo. Sous. fnue Chromos ana Engravingi for sale. In ail ils branches ; funeraIs fuly supplied, A stock of alegmnt cauketu,. Coffins always- ou hand- trimtned to suit Cetomêrs, mds vil weappoieutd Hearse constantl>' in reaitinous. 1 Whitby. November 241h. 1875. WM. TILL. AMERICAN (JOAL OIL No smo eblineys i Only Soc Impuuil Galion, Cash, lisaisand Retail, aIOD - HAO "hBE& CANADAIN O Iy 25o per Imperial Gallo, Cu.a sh. ed b90 SKATES-Pie- see our stock and ices. If you noeoi a Ccoking, ÈHl,1 PLÂTED WARE.-lBnîter C preent, hesp, nI OUTLEBY.-Bogor'u, suit oo or Box Stos, eU on HATOH & BEC. s,. Spoone, &o., sutablo for RATME à BEC. HATOHI & BEC. - The largest Impotera ~au4ware, WIuItby. SIMCOE-ST.) JNO. BEST, OSHAWA. - Oshawa, De.. 251h, 1878. BIIQWN if PATTEI?80N MIj'g. Co. OSHAWA. EÂ8Â,~4VYSTOQK: Pr WAIST& 1 For sale, 40, en aresOkof OVEROATS. M' :000,~.i de up in th L at sS ye. 4obes, < great numhber . Al enOHN Favrxfice, J DNFRu&q,exeYty mai selling at. an i'mmi Oct. isi, 1878. Dundas.Str~eî, Whitby. WI~ITBY, O2SITAR:?,IO. - .000- Iu proesuing our Twenty.useoncl Annuel Catalogue cf AÀ-»cultural Impie- "moule go the farmers of Canada for te peur 1877, vu da o uibismore -than the ordinar>' degroe ai priSe aud cnfidonce, from tise marked favour cuit patronage conferr.d upon nu. sud the sla.ady and tneraming demand from y>eur ho y.ar cf ou nov eelebrebed Parm Implements. -W. shali continue s Séretciare, s manufacturera,ho make a speciait>' cf Agrieultural Maehnery-Lhe ilhoiuton Self-raktug Beuper, the Triumph (iot- bineS Beaper and Mower, the Cujuga Maver, the Young Canada Mcwer, sud os ew ov'Wlby IHarvester, aiming a large shure fcaoui ime anit attention. For lte lait Twenhy.two 'eur e w have given ose most careini andteendirit. eS attention te the manufacture and aperation -of lhe varions machinee lu use, sifing ont lbhebut points, remedying defects, modifytug and ccerecting ermars, utrengbhentug veak points, aduptng sud propcrtiouing ever> part us aur tucreas. oS exporieno. liasusggesled. We emprle>' ouiytise bout rmabanical ekili, sud aur machines pause undar Ilh. meut caref superviin and uersliny-evee detail boin5 subjected ta ths sver-- est aitieim--and oais machins lu Ihorcughl>' testeS isiore Ieuvtng car womks, le prove the compiebeneis of evr>' part, aud Ihere le ne diffianît>' tn pultng thesai in opecatian le>' n>' persan cfrumiterato meebaulcal ahilit>'. Our i"bacier>' iss bon soiected sud constmuahed wilisa speciai roference la, the mantdfeaînrof cac ov mahines- .-many bools having beau made for tIbs partîieiar purpose, sud ual adapted for other work, sud eue workmen ýare edu. eaed5up le lbe vantsansd roquiremeutsof'ci r manufaeîuure-oblaîning a Ihor- ougit Inovledge -of th. construtio f oumachines, sud are Ilium enubied ta ah. tain a bigler dogegrof ansd prodaciena>' thon -wissuo enerul maniufahuring lu caridi n We arn thcrefcrc enabled la intraduce a more perfoot e>'item int ait the de- parlumlu cf manuacture, adinntiuoçloui' athe perfection ci lb. work, bul ai- so to the capidityo f Iru ebeouton-aud a aonsqent reduetion cf cccl. Thie prsnaiplo te regardeS neeeseary lu s well rogulated establishsment, aud vo enablod to turis onteu machines wilh a higlier iteguoecof perfeaticn. snd at- prtee no low aseabsolnbely ha Sai>'conupsitios. THE JOHNSTON SELF-R KING REAPER lu nov sa veil known'as à Singe Beaper, thut a word cf comnaduian wculd almosl seom superfinous, but s here are mais> elaining la manuacture tbis machine vho bave sdhore oholad original Jcisuon nmaehines, iibont keep- lng o it o eImpovemeute ; that; jalice la cursoivesansd patrons requiruofin la stale tisaI vodaemodifieS il in almosi overy euuenliaipart, sud fac atrenéth &-cd durabilll>', qualil>' ci cnl, lu erer>' kind sud condition cf grain ; lighisscf drail anS eaue cf management-the "Johushon," as manulacînrod hy ne-stands pce.eminonîly aheuit cfaI allier reapors. In prcoof f Iis position wa bave oui>' tc point ho lb. mais> FirsI Pîizcs aviardeit ne-at the Iase Provincial trial cf Ou. huno, sud many Scunby trialsa whieb have taken place ail orer Caisada, wihhin thé luit faw yaare. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINE D MACHINES, vltb late improvements, le a&H ths a beb.cesired lu a Combinesi Machine, sud esnal fail la meet aIl the requiremeuls of purebseru. Our lmprovod Cayuga Chief Gr,, and aur Young Canada Mariers are bolb drul-clasimachines -aonutitnta imost vIsal>' ai Iroan d Steel. The Ca uga Jr. bas a resu eul, and lte Young Canada s front Cut ; bath strong, dur- abs. machines, sud ual excellait 1>' n>' machine, lu the market for quality ci cul, Surabilit>', igisnes a idraft, adeptahilt>, sud case cf management. As the country' lia become botter adapteS ta machiner>', sud mauy af aur farta. oe bave b.camrile Id ith b e Mcf01machines, s grcwiug demand lis sprnsg up for a LigLI, Duruble, Firàt.Clas Beaper. Alive tte the requtromoisl of thoeSu>', vo have succeoed in luinronîtg amal chine wiit a Wrougbl Iron Frame, wîh theo leasIposible goaÉng-witl large, broaitiaeed drive wbel,-anit ne cnumcWe lIt te frame asuit able LMlt aI the came lime, therebT kesptug lthe pitmcn clvcyu mn lins wilh the kuife. The cakes are driron iccti>' from Lbe main uliait-ttoma boiug no porceptible Bide dratý , n O'.eijht open tha eos»a neeku. W.are confident thaï w. have auceeeda i l ienetin the mest perfect Reuper, taking ii l l- iite prte, Ihat lia ovr been lSodne. W. have appliod for lattera patent, snd s4hah lioldcr inveution, for co o exclusnive mansufacture, aud we rea;pectinl> u ggeoîte oiu- teuding purehasers, tisaI Ils.> should tis u machine be ore givluehobir cederu for th.e oming harveut; The aWhltby Harvoster wetgle, aIl bld', M0 pounits, but beiisg made prineipall>' cf lisboul qualil>' of iroand steel, sud irasa ils in- eniom chacompact cnstruction, il combines the utreugthasuitdurubilil>' ci lbe Ail o! aur machines are fui!>' arrahoch. Wtth this etIof machines, wu fool confident tbul vs eau moot erer>' ce- quirmen, ad w repe.doUsolil s trial of our machines, bleingtstw eau firomeboter maieTor thelbmono>' Ihan eau bc ahlainedaewhti e. Respeclffslly Youro, WhltIby, Ontario, Pebruary, 1877. SEE A LARGE STOCK 0F OVERSHOES 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION, SELLIKG CHEAP FORUCASH. Look at the prices: Gents, from $1.25 to $1.65. Ladies' from $1.10 to $1.40-. ge Ladies' House' Slippers 25 and 50 cents. Boots and Shoûos of best niake and quality at au equa4ly low figure. Repairs promptly made us usual. JOHN SAUNDERS,, Whitby, Nov. 27th, 1878. Agent. NIEW GOODS1 -pR1;bI frT.Gi lE's Clothing and Gent's IFurnishing House Is now snpplied -with -ail the nîTI*rst stylés of Engàliâh, Scotch, . nd Caian ,Clotlisof ral Idndst,'the LargestadBetSokheevrhad ( ~ - I. o a n e x e i ù t s o k f G n s u n s h in g , a i MoMMIa1,B'BLOOK,BOOK STREET, "-e WHITY, WM. BSUR'NS, Has just recived, diroct from ý the Manufaàcturera,ý a god assortment -of Ladies and Gentlamen's Marsard,, Enipress, and American Also, Pacifie ]3ags;Cheap for Cash. -Four more Lioenaed for thlb. tih idiug of Ontario, North Rtidlig of Ontario, end separate NANS IRES NCE. RUJNICIPALITY. E N. WM. Gardon, SunderBokisc rd 88 J. C. Wîddlileld, Uxbrldge ULre, Dec, Ot, 1878. Olement Dawes, Port Ferry, UNorh 9Pde.21,188 Donald Camnpbell, Whitby, Bo -DeJa. St, 17. 3 . H. <laieron, Ileaverton, aJan. M1si, 1879. Gea. MeWilliant, Toronto, rock, Peb. 28t8,1879. Thos. Faucher, l3elford, th Ricling, April 8rd, 1879. Donald Bous, Beaverton, Th , 'lune 4tl1879. D.Bhap, Oshawa, souh ing, Ang. 25th, 1879. Thos.,Tucker, Laskdaie No Rthi * sept. 101,1879. L. Fairbanks, Whlth Sonh Ridi Sept. 10h 1879. J. M. Fatteruon, MIo ngton, No RBi lg, sept. l0h m17. John A. Duceti, B eriçon, Thorlà Ode.. lm,17. Jahnston Brown, £r4 ,North idngt Ocir.. h,1879. Wm. J. Mulaney, ,0 Brechenr, Ir. 11hm17. M. G. Sulli 0-n Brechen,Mrs o . 111h,1879. Chares E.- uID-t, Brechen r, Oct 1,1879. E. Majo â*" Fort Ferry, North Ridiýg, Octr.th 1879. Thou. PÂcher, -Belford, Uxbridge, Nov. 181h 89 LIST 0F. PEDLERS FOR THE COUNTY ONTA2RIO. Jceeph'0Jacson, Ptr 0. Mlie' Thos. E. Coulen. #Shorieî. Tarante, Sboruas. Tharais, Uxbridge, Toronto, 1 horse. àorscze. Jan, 801h, 1876. Mar. 111h, 187. Octe, 22nd, 1879. Octr. S2ndl,,1879. McýCRêéSON & Co., 91 King .*t1'eet, - - Toront, THE LARGE ST STOCK 0F FURS EVER SH-OWN IN CANADA. FUR~ TRIMMINGS CUT TO ORDEîR. 1BAR ROBES. ASTRACIIAN SACQUES, WOLIF ROBES, IIUSSIAN LAMB SAcQUES, RACOON ROBES, S. S. EIEAL SACQUES, YAKt ROBES, 1 PEESIAN LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO RODES, MOCK ERMINE SACAUES, MiNE CAPS, MINE SETTS, S. . SEAL CAPS, B. S. SEI)J SETTS, OTTERI AND SEAL SETTS, MINE SETT8, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PEIRSIAN LAMB SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTS, CONE'Y CAPS, B3LACK SABLE SETTS, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONEY SETTS, GERMÂN MINE CAP'S, GREY LAMB SETTS, Particular attention gyiven to ail orders. Toronlo, Dec. 8, 1877. specially attendcd to. ly.50 OUTTERS, TV,T W latsi 1abiV., Lioes~dAvotioneer~ SALES ront, atle de4aiSondact- AdieesC',DAWES, 28ý -Port Pery. aiu the otuSî lib cases BNROW tNME8 For saleis,' dealers generally. What ýéWe take the -Iead ln l Chü" osted pre FOR RORSES,ÀND CATL-Prm tj ta oua baIlle le vir t aer, vilicure Mast iteranai, decungumaentscauzoi b>' over buet- WHAT T lià PEOPLE SAY, A sK > 'TREM ? Ws the underslgneit bave necSBro'wn'a Indieu Liniment for snsetins.ana ecu cheenfülly macaenmeud iltfoc publie nu. B hraim Ma, Pine Orchard, Ont. pes s b o r a , jW tl b , Il Hiramu Brown, Andrev Orvis, ' J. Daiva, Bok J. K. Mulbeyeon, 5 Seth Hubble, 'Asbnm, SC.BROIM PFristor, 8 8 .) W h stJ Y , o n t . TBY, PORT IPERT hLWSDSÀ«Y NDýENSED TIM TABLE. Taci ffect on Monda>', l i 11,me. uffle o îe Non=.,/ y ve . &5.....l.Spea *«r s 7oZe oue> Pt' ,..&2 " 7M0 Arrve hlt.... e' 5.ac"ime Table, tais. ba S sppic ttau lan> cf tise Companv's Ag (3 CS!IONqS, WMvPT ruNiItO~i~W Grand Trnnk Bail- vu>' for al pointue0 s et. --POaR Fanayy- l age for EpsomuPicas sudl anbrlds. 8EÂoatv.-Pr adkisud Wck, -on Kmur,~-For u 1usdfnd Cnnin , ientlT aandrtthe, LxoeÂv-Wt au tlwfrheMd- isorag1soo 0, inuv éeaokPeter-. e ne e.,Wanbe- .. un thth een "Cilay fGravenbhns, Bruesbild , and ie ra t Lundi Or TisougsTickets ara issueS i anl Agente oi thse wP.P. & L. n"f.,1r nta and Sey 0. T. lTlkAgteTorceîd sltations, oW. p .iW.No r eCharge- Whlby.', . Sf1;i ; AXMES LDEK, Dominon aWod iractor WHITBY. Geo. dCorrnaek, 1ERCHANT& BUILDER. Daces, Saab anS ]Bilndo. LUMBER wholcsoalit retail, euh>' b>' the car lad. 1 -1 '. .1 Pîuuing, Meisldingis cf aveirdescrip- tion, Flootnig, sëectiu ' Shcving, Re- auwing, Shuping, TaraigSBcroll.wark, etc., etc. 'Wbitby, Oct. 1618, 1878. .4 _1BHTORONTO Turk!8h ctg Vapor Baqth8. Thoue bathî ara nietaln lehumiattm, Neuroaioi, ou 8, colacgston, liammutiajn., liuses a " aAfor guitar>' Purpoies. thv b- eal aopaltulsil>' applica. b is Siues.s,ose - -lm il su nowv u urly ccnceetaIt1a'L> ot tho Turksh anduit apr Balhs.are1th est Praisrvatlveofht ea vti the b.reachof mnedicai experts anditnlecoaplunclienwith- mediéul trealmÏeut tise pattlu- more uap.- idl C - ýesfnuytrateéd. gaaruonozMbr habut 'the vcniddrom roet ovu th ie poorsst tWaTsie Tsi ai att isethse ont>' osurs Ot>' et Toronto. tram th. bout medicai ad cepîtiz> sut b cri fies lu ail colntries. - HOUES--Gentleman,?7 ho f8,0 a.mSt 9 pi. .-Salma uýdanILPin. Ladies, 10 ans, te 1.80 p.nM. PBICES-m-Tu*iilbe ee lcaA51 12 tickes, t,,VpBAthecoe ; 12 tickets. 856 57.5 QUEEN.5Te WEST. Stiltul uni t atentivo' Maleu&nit fensle J.0e.uts 18. DIAMOND, MD., 591' Superlutendaut. Výalu-a b/e Beal E8tate ta ruO-s EA IL F OR SA=E BypRIVATE, CONTEAOT No. 7. iseSud concessions of the Town- Alterations BUGGIES, AND - CARRIAGES. A Large FOR TOMDS E' SADDLERY AND llARNESS--ý WILLIAM: THOMPSdN Begs to direct attention to bis large and superior stock, comprising every. tbiug in the Sacldlery and Hamoeu Lino, alec Leather Valise.s . and Saratoga 'l runks 1 A LOT 0F CHILDREN'S CARRIAC«ES, Very handuone and ChEap. At te old establishment. WILLIAM THOMPSON, Âpril 111hBrook Street, Whilr Assortment, of Cutters and Buggies SAECHAP &N'EW PO1-RT'S Carriage Factoir'y, Go where yen can get- a Weil-fittig' Garment :-To the, Taîloring Establishmeùnt cf GEORGE GURL.EY , OHAWA. SUPEBIOR CUTTING 'SHAPES, THEE WORK 1 À Large Stock of Fine Olots ; bot Egiah, Scoth s anadians Tweeds, tlm. Excelent Qpv'erootings sud Splendid Veut Patterais. A 51 RKing stt C iA,. ton, Brok, ië -L.TeA uncer, &,a., &o - Osezcz-At the eut LYANINGI ece Street, Oh&wa. (at" irenwoo 'iàr ou Publi Whitby, Ontario. JOHN B&J * Office-Deverll'o -B Whltby. MONEY TO LENI fuAinsp to 580, i Cduert Sireet,Toto. aicer, &ae- Office-Dei Street, 'Whily, ont. G- Y UN Macz vr ii -TA. 92,1878, GRO. st. JORJ T vec eihlntana ,B.Si srtriaI, Tc HECTOR OAUEON4. f T130MAS i R. J. GUNI4 "UG ON T O THE Siy.Street, Wbi Qmecz-NezI dccc t( sàBidece, At Lhe B BYRON FIE B. 0. ILau1 DR. 130G Phyielian, Surgeon, Ai Wbntb, Sept,sothi 187 W'.AAD 1DOOMS OVER B. XLSiGrocery Stars, Di Offilce hamrm 9 u.m. la ube tet laI tesben t ube.' as ftis heet local Aumustisua. Dente unsà nev blacl, avec AhId JOHN ifROB] -L1AIM DEESSING aUl Snon, Beack SI., JOHN WOLF kENT FOR TEE Icottimh OriniWa 4 3ailn suWaleienDj WILLIÂAN t (Succesear te Tbamea Hersa ssoalng sud ali T E. ODELi, A T-I E R f lerk Division .Oou ha ., Atheri>',Coauuty Onti eeyting.Adita" 1AXI 44.i,? auke IR-A, GOR.E;DOIV. Inducements to those 1 pet. lot, 1878.. ý JA, OSHAWA. ý BBOCK STREET,, W,,HITBY,. LI j!;ý ira OFFICE, TO THE U B L 1'0j. 01 ARE Now PHOWING ý $:Fs- FI N E FURS' A SPECIALTY. MI AND BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. CO. 1 ALAi IL OBING J-PASIFIONABLE

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