Whitby Chronicle, 6 Feb 1879, p. 2

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- . s w biW.log4 IIal > lite n il, -si wa vs 0foaui l,,&id é. lu Mi t Uddle 1l'el a ,w irU't te »M 6tl. f licPui,î sdtucnfiet awh1 1 iqiikt., lIt 1iuî l.or- thiii; wLrin csnc,. ho' was unds(r morne obi to 11 Mts e êli ~ford&itdilletil £M 1 carne brick 110,4 Iatu goe eta ileaver. eorge Cater ; 1I hbuîk lie sBial ôÎ4' ~tiinqey la~mrcxeaethvw, ton; I ilîsU tiirtiglitthe ll> ii«1ul-brbsngit n1Yfor (isat ho . wVsii4. ç -fr,,M ta 4nt'ixiis veuiii t v-çeà 1',tlxs'* t reo iat luse voîîî, Wlseler.. 'TIiq wailnaostA, Ovit nceast uw.shttqiaiil; liii' niob pdw.c)t ri-y C- , <,>ii in.l.WA were bat boo&'l4,,o n.. the itqsltfI ra 16 i 'oi. llSý ii-' rolar; W 0t5.ifgug,~;Irie lny w. is.l MccuI- aorrobrraLon cf 1101s. il1!L4o1Ell y mUi ;lio&LarI soi ligi>,'l WIhO li'v. oj ie 8ald onb.Ile' Il 1 av o;ion. ty i-i O --L 1ýcvto,. fGp Uî4, ia Uttilsu i gedu dotoai 1nfl>il SOI sIUP*rni l lFU i ahowsno talk un an iioeuue48411 va tion or) ifs InsoritsA aboutl gI s, i ettiagijtjat'iaÏf x ;î 4 hadce riglit teaIpuy far tMiLsal1;g, s ii1~~lrdhè?iî?r. l (I ieVL conier;i'l1a sta;Ihd clineroui 1 ' Iwean~t Ishe iid 0 ar. .eorpl (iM-.4 t owW cl0l'tifila ck dimit igl lt 's aAoe~~ksîesi. ~il c ec o u ~ belii* 6 lqàn, 'f Ir' i'tdi îTLuiI ol4rméib ltuo ,141I 4f; os." et 4se éd ~ î.ns hi àtio pll; wts)" te ing Ilw' teSbiinwMi;W t i , i e..; c lit routo,,ob» vMoigfw%"i# ed' t l W id f~te~ç i é l 4 io lî lere h riý,iti)'1tilie cliiiIiù the 6 ut e.,.1bwirkÏzlsal'wsnfc u bs4sîtsl'l~ent éa.eiedîjeliA- ~-4eesIs ~-~~-' yl te li 4estia Ltaw~ i~î ceilit; ldsusnowtusî sutclébion ku*wwhssei&e - ht'= 4 taB byi# tcilw-g6 l ti .>"1 inkl ilnt i îtlî'ftet-w8t-s fc-e thIe; tiokot I4a'3, WJoler'is ApclGibbiÏ tlVîJ4x ùlalstinedl... Ai' I îiîrîl bol me who, tivf b 1ii>tfiseisiadil, camùe ltfle nau4pp, asud wýaq u prsuatiou VY IeIo bO 1,11 l s ta nMie-toe'ilno ad eti sud;$l tuuocî4 lut- i"hVerton; lâ"It' a ballet; I irs4i>owe4 wlxre btai-hX MitIiI. 1 nb< Iwual.- fMr; elseibisli'w bw ni>tn ie(d~i It'avCaiw.érrn I%, Uf,'teeÀ~b~çiark ~G~~sd outsi Mrytoitem'" iJ, f-"h,îî"1i1 1~k iuît er bbýui.el 'smifr, t 'mkW hev viti o mdsxsud 't Wîn isins ci- 11the MIIil w'àlw i-i 'toIt héi o )e, ~no 54p fte 'Lîtiiî~i mn-F,~îtsrn-lIue nstrcoats tlise i4cilt i-sus soi iu Ibe' camese eogoln,,bovole;, bfter1hsviug ds',uli t ii ;ocîl "h lit pd lace vwisi.eo e luaqeîb 15ï, iiLch wass i7Baia. 'l Boys, l'in gping up te vote. ol 4lItisn ldw Lcosmld 'f'tiittiîat wireew.hî loft ber"Yoa, i do net who i.je g gûp te vote V" or, "egyga, In'nY 11'i'tlors., ' ai-. knoil wlîoroit Ib.d tîceùtuiît 'n-. i î e go up sud IsurMiolsy votes," 's.ph sli-'.e £itîririg fi-hid n sîilîr t 'Iiu-uîrMcCailoiîgil, ueoi - Ive yeur votles,' ci-rBsometiusiliko Ihalý; iiirîeeidftgae l hrIh'tÀ ùir.e ta frosi. Beissrèrtotiîs ;ss.-%Yêfiftkù iaMm-inYne4 resueer i helr,:Etni l4 i: sorir iiv oe ir pc-siilîsg ti y 'ors tolleng -ay iII s --liýtv7irtb John vhis i weae t liiwooing -I ýd0iiU0o ~tltils-¼>ohlJs iVsMyô q il.rCamercii'ari George IRbâ-s;' llilWasereundftneu inuteq'gti iR, whill-i wa ru'o îs~îlîîva'IîrtI1g' i-ldri- sa abâut ti es n'ckU; ' W'àî ;oinu btaisera I jue st tAa: -' lis-ed' tos, WhA4 ms0ufiig !I Pot 1 l-i-y ; T p-'it $10 orn- uB(4ertu'tto -vole thei aie Is lsym'e- ,sim Itote ailli ýi;, rt itrîiîî,; it Po1rt L'airy 'ùinii-Gyoige I;js.wàit îil îy cdn4 aç811 the 1oveuicg, ilI reatoel mqrriscaý tiu>.;1lttis i tcaîn "$lsnsîîy li fofit Ule, sinI ki siâdl o kId o te k, h iohûr ho wf&e an olea- .voli !c ýJy rsoîi;it to na ifllIointheIse ie 1 ;id Lît hllu iigo te tes- or not. Ù4 ft(sI qîl,î,lrt). i îî'-ii-ss a eîîvoh ist-aiRosm calilîtoves- again Csosxainel-Medi l tme on 'ni iî iiîtii tu I;ÊinleM fs-t, nlutise faullb6nc the lboon: tbe-treet; tbonk ry asrmnud waîkeîllu ori> t tu uiftny iîlio, te a ta; î%vtî (ioiixil ra~n ' btodtieni if tewanil e.cine's lîclel ; I Iogll1 'îî'y['tt->-usiC' nub o oi-Nelih teyw;sîo t .11tooi, < y Wife oves- te lie was goiug te sreal ; wiseu ire wans 1 1 il îîus'f >îiii i 1', .ltiel Ji. siuteves-ton lI mul i briàirte the je. albtse bar .' Moarriisn cane ai)leaiis,1 IIi fi l iii i, If 1' siitigtfor Nov illi-laird, l tii-y ld nIBietIsr.- i seul wssit ; sud, ie eiug, a cautom>r of tIse us-ps, .lk a i ý,iiiuii lsbm--le surgusi liiuiît igîtlmunI% tisa hiîatcInicg bath. 'eforo I loft ailied hile te say emàIing le lima;8arn 'iii,'suI liY.-ilYu'PtrV!, , ii lu-im'et'6iil tlzk îiaî:wscabontttus-e.net posit-ive wiîeîser Mcdiii or I paiti i !ltl»5j , trio,'iiij ii.; day ifii houir4,' ,aLt-r'. net tht-rnu ; they irîdbeil for tise- treal ; bilieve I paid for il, tiu ,; 1' luIîs i Jt IîIittstecr toitillt iiloiit îsihîiîr tllie l'oInt. ' tîsere irere seme Couses-valiveýs anonigi Ï.-; -,nii,, hoiî,rst iel a nd itilo ' (iiuureo iiie, re'e'uled-IILLOtsîî ose I treuteil in tIsemorniug ;- I liss -îl ii,¶f'tlJiii ';iîiuili1 siid o Mise- 'Jolin Ceit-i-on cuit Geoi-go e 188',net.tie lenet idea cf infdnucing tisei ili t- nr tý'î , In N:ii Ifrr, le istîii; Iirwas inti-oluced te C ao on velus by treasin t-iLsiiu A!, stciI fari u'i usi utultil t i>'eeiby OGi-ai'l3riece ; tiink I jesephi Eltiott, awoi-uA cotuple cf3 t-i4 iîtî1lQi V I'i !.itahsi iiy LOr IiIII VUIIiutîtieiutea110e.; t tue came reekg orsasebefore pollitis day James1 iiij~~ oy s îî'-iii î LwunsIii tinin m; lia-to 1i'rimate us-ding cf îny Canieron cokedtu nae I iv as going t e, 1i'u us i luî,îi> its;]-.a fi-iîls bi-Ior lhied cmnntlvole for ; I tuldhîltm I thauglit I Mighitf 1îiî, -s>î "l---Tt Wui- iikri\jf- tii linldi lfl uIiuet;n- s uoppose It, vote fer WVtsis; lise sid th a s ds - ~uit , ps- ll On ,M); %va. oa pioLuintng sy rigbt ; on ;ioîliigday Jauneen treatoslr '-lu ol i or cc (Llilaue;iii mL tilîi.Itor8* or iep, b1>1. wVsmdleii. and ti lers eai Mc-r lur'it 'î 't t~iIitisusi >;itît : t uii-s'ui li-si ýt it 1, Giai-g.;Bruce rcudl Kicioi'buioîei ; lie fsud. '"comae up boys, i li hisi uici t luin ruiiîtigl i] Iini-su Roiieîneerm thiite ;tîîsre lot qo, bave aus iàni, Rad rl i we mli l ( ' - li'y lsuti i;iui iii ic i lul' i îr-ri- ii>Olit"1iutt a l doua-i ;i L mmcm ld ] go andi iust r e -s-votes, lie sailili taI s lui li~ iittui' L mI-'-î;îI uvl- al llliijiiis.ltiîtsul ; ou-i-l, iiîis-, efereire sal thse drinik ; weut loser te ;1, ' 4i' 1 64)lul-;itid ilie 11>1 vi aLuI-n J2"pity liivain tise Ccli lishe Poiliiitis Cames-du ; coutla not gayp ll-l )JO il mitIi lii msai1irilîgIut iieîîm'sutiîn ï; tie andîl bueSqnii-e m'ri-a ltat lia vrs-treant(ime before bisat lme; l -t1t ,, pît:;uilitr-iliiî,f;uî wy î.îacargingnunl uIpu- ftî befoi-e pllin'g day I iras iuts-oîncetl to r o -- lintmi ii is-îitinlifoi'1î îvîut oîaîî'y ;I liad nitising la do mfls Vieies- by Brutce ; lise aqkeil me if IM mîîlîoi'l s i' -umt-i;;i-Îîoiil lsialîageuîiesnt. wonldenupport-'iir; I dianet knouw, Ib i,îî ii i iii"f i-es-i.; tVutîi iliiiuiî ('s-suuI --xisî;j1 itiîîis.. W iutaI usi 'i n'usîs It>li-- 'lii-Iuii iuîtiin ii f-iiîîie ii-n anepaeeinlliunon's ; bIinliril iras liiiice irisea 'ifiiifL, li'ti iglîl, t1iust hlit iiiwit- iiraiigili BIavarloIi, Iiav nut moenbt sokati ne ; McKinnon sn'.ved ne in- ri siu t'iii su i --iiu:-i'l S îi, ti esy iitt Iaîî iliru(o o bejuse lite n roomniis afles-we bal setttceeo ii~iiîs ii y fLui i-îwîîl iii ' 7 o'ii, sistii ; gî-siu-ifialy, wliîîi 1 susove isi-aruglisfor a wtuile lisuce ant i ietei-cim 'e in, di iis;ili. ý' i'y Hi-isllit sie i1,iri l'uitisroî I îViiîld l attl'orî-cif-etînsi,.and !sciinsîon afkel ns whab wmu euil lIr. ;suhal i gnýlJ t il os' 'toniitns uît tlii-Y mm'i>iî-l cafti iitetee ohem 1 Ibava b drinîk ;I ido rot hîsîow wmiN -' i IIii us oiî ulis> >c;sybýr(ItuI' iuii tsi- tt4 gi-iing uag, unil tiseewouitdlb. patul tor it ; John Fra-suers- t taie ; lie t-) -' it i t s t u 1 liait gui, frosu uisy isk abttîîîîî iiî lu'ctio'n, bnt ilîcse ç(ris-e liinetlpay furis-i. '- -, j (î Io n- ,isi'tttIitLhvr i;y lia îiiun iii;tî îîîke iîrrusgoiintus fui- Win. Tutus-y, s-aesled-I diianet u 1- p ti i -' i f i -"i itnt i i g4 ou144 u'sti;în. suaire tisa suggetion te go ta tisa lnI; lO I r I lu n13'i), brt ir Ilsut ;_ 5113' Gouis'guta; e4s- Àor'îs- I1 ijîosts-il ia 11net salit 10 go tabIse isiand that e;i, Ii:%'Y lt'ïyiiiejlWbei 14 l te 'eletio ;itl i sot ai diay ; 1bonglit hadni t hetis tunctiRince. Ii.,'i lit ii ; I..li- i Litt til ilii.;îstyb1Iiy te enpjîôrt lima tii I ttealec- Ties. Mentungii; ri-a-ciil-I wmie r. lu i1 loi.i i l' l, I;lii l) oAt liuiu, blit It ii hlin î11Yît t' i v iit itu iceit ta Lm in ttsu-îeI ais tha palling day by As-ciî di tI iii iiîud lo i'giL htîî fri'î,t aor KîuIîîilot,'! afui i e dye Mlcinîen, a brethsus of tise Miu tha.t tu i->"s-si~suovli -,rv fhile lîti uiois ; il',: lt I llnt i-esumb:s- ; eta:srn ;tie treabed me et lite sa j&u,]lr4 u U(Iil il ; eit n, Iroie, lo n eI rie I netw s i lGii;Giil ikit luni ii tutu tfil ii isail '-iiig ir t fise tlîing mas iiksuIy tae kuai yeb ; lia tison amiral ue le go cul gii il ;i Ltuariagmll if tie, outils go ; tliî;tt liii-,ttg iasatI u-Angug I!te- Lame a drink, andti btasokie te ti pat o îftise riuiiig ; 1 I ais idr l tîlîtîheoKlitiouti ; tiîîu-irie il uite su lot Ps vo-m-iti- fer \Vsslsucr ;ire eat lomm'nnul bo o~seîhg n b tif ut' lis-'r ; i-oil ent ;tt'y w'vu-s-tu 'ig ces-tiseIliaI cf taikeaa hiile, and lI tout Iim I aimvays WC ii iîtî-iiiisîitti lis iinin-tio it Cel isiiie, uddiffti-sirsi enaut wera lotI te veud the Cnservative ticket, andilite Pa 11Ji..uisutionsi. ufus' .18 t thouiiit ilrts p i-'pluie taire-edpnbtfuî ; I iras msud comII)uanti hîve cuetiser dinkl -'a4. IuiTù1iim.; ; I ill sot iîilerfis-su mstiî nuit aimita te ieauy persan ; tiso aieîss e bail anoltans drink, sud thon mat lès i JIiwittho l isttuiiiiiiteatî'îu i ll Iili l tjLissianst tlisa>.eeting ; 1 blilsuidaim antitaikel n Wirîle égaie;liec al tLu i diiei>îiia tiîl.s:utt wVIs- it imtn Georsge lis-lce-tisaI mewtassniig mantedime if I eul net vote fer Who- tei I-la suuiîiet t-iIîI la iiion îîîî uîtiiis-ou>.t fl is 11m boblv asid nu uetu 'do les- nel te voteaegsitsetlm ; me liaI wu lî g fulii li dIili L i ŽiîutIfti>).suil- iuylliiig ; ItobldLltîeuaI mvoalîie oî- l-urisalstogaîther. liai l'ur\uiîi"i suItI3iua'ii' iimusy meiat I cousU ; I votaI fer ývlieuur abùui t Crott-aýaeuxaiea-lI tnlu-istumod flint , j ithlisii îýs iii . îîItîî. t' sAi>k;ts>u tsu1 etaenlemnalt ra m aas i a s ",it-vili I5aalldlsiîliugit -i-.uht t.inut 1s11d1Caiaroîsit i Muliu'say came lot-a ra-cul-î- Uîsteteil hi> III net reasean- i aut ntul )iull Iins ; 1is--crws-lil iis-u'biîri-so f an tsuuîr afts-ermtn'uie ; bos-ti'-iig Eiiatt etNlcliinnon9gisolel ; ter - ts-itslisi'-'ti--i. ile d- I liuialui fore thei,- aei- i-itta Tami cuuiatautLe, uijd net treat nos- aulas-izo tim te tseab I tii ehliOnitîi ; il pt 1 sVI-i tOtii1s4-i1se bait piti uil i .'îuiied rmunIih iftsrsmîtus-or o iuînv once t Minnan's bolt. sait suuss0 e tl-' notise' hus-riot liiu-s- ma uttins- iious.; lri tiI tlnti; Cuutiius-si!n oGe-,rls-ne, t- witî as neot a a ejl, trsîsljoisbot tilIota muit-s îsuly andih M usruirn3 es-e toking tga sfus-un af pins-%' le any Iseat t a mue iVen utIle1 Utiigul ims ous tuti taulionufi-rui flium 'us a Aniguma lns-sayve round ttes-e; me Meutlt eta eJosepli Etiott ors- ey i tit, utîî s-nuuiîqiti-fiullsy ytuiiiuguuýritlutiain t Tilit a I 1oint ; t1mess gaiug fer ciny olses- persan ; -tit net ansk Eliott tisa i i.îîîslu su u-ius- fs-u>un iy îluls in, lu vots-s- ipild ogIs, anseul li- mes-e usp tus-se. 'ta i 1,li u13'i'eialsu-ttutî toor iuiij% Lt thiat goiiig ta look uaI btsG land;ul I itI Dot on chsargt-s 'idsul 6, reatugte tof-l'es-i iiio otdurts inm-te l Xuas f $111, tdut à im iî(ussaiasMurray again tilI I ga rsfaeof mcnay, Ns-. McCas-ihy caiel1P. ULia u- l'mi s-inaoi e a-s, doit 512 (nu$14f;tIo usbü-ltbu Bliteriton ; Eplih Mcoliougi, A. Ltus-J, wmeitlatel--Ihune-limeillun Pixt 11it kimtm wýiiltuubiuîs'thî mm'it iccutiact mm-luisvii miring aI Mile Peint, ladPort l'es-sy osuar 50 yapsa ; una iîsac'sid 113Y sîmuiiss itil5;i tue-Itus-ill iss il e y ilg -i l aslgene becir, iing aelles-t>'nul eolicitor ; hae-oIk- nen- ruîr l-s- ; timvsu' u itîllulh >a.i; si)yul,- . lt mss-u a ic i mliiTom Wars-en iuenun suactivaei-rt in tIse peltiics for 35 hmev ,-îueiîî~s~tili ms-q i ls a iii iusîlui. hisbo iut smt' wCîsuarous mlien 1 guI vs-uts-e; sine-Ciuifs-ils-stioui audîîiî ta macs it.as- tsu hîîîu4aiousstiliuitisa rflus-uts m t bîcir ba llcîaeton, asiresu tuinwmises-e tii.las oleetion I1tiare ouppos-rtedthe acce. ientati t l nî; fti)Iuuiî i sutinuinsiIte iMns-s-iy ras, andl ise sadlieh bal sent Causes-vaisa psrty. aieý Vltos-bst I uhonglus- bluetif t tmp. Iishu -for lii. ceaI, cul lue ias afs-aLulise Quuauon-Wtat inuecî 3'oiite il hiiistsuullus s nens mmuusîîivole l'ers- is-tsayfisg iseolong, tIsaI hao'sonîl uoi chanuge yemr ali-gisuite fi-cm ouse çasty 1si hiiîiu gotil utin iutimo tu vote,anul conne- te te tetîus. -nLe i Ibms-uuuiuluusta ai ul spokan h>toqeantly lut Ii i tîcre ; suhîam I outi Thuauint-eý,s id ItisaI by auemeriîg af>.es Nemilliitabtolit cousln mate -et orWta- Aus-s-y mas lafiesora 1preponc ivme tbissquestionliîe migist compromise cd Dn liii- anîtla titt llitut shîl sot kniowir ite- siioil go aou bat.. tîim rigisl oves- ; bhimeaif ; hatherefore aced raI es ces-- lu I i luus lieantui ci-ormiuuusilnet, îsit if uie Camas-on saul I starlal te go. anul met ifloate. abat sit lnut> ihl nuit conse unIeds.lue iras thon mse imalhim comiug bacir. Jus3tice Au-moîis sait] lue liad e riglît Ha s tisa>. foi. George Bruce, sirsn-I suppertel te a certifucate if lie lisetosel oves-y- me Mr-.siCsltî - this>k tuuaîs-s-iicno M1r. Wlieles-, mie Secrebns-y cf tise îiug, but ho coutti net gise it tealim Paxi evi.lcpce blat M-.W'beîes- it-a ie is-erncli Ilefou-m Asocitienu; We have titt lie bail doncsas. moul rih os- pail lis exîlses. bat] ne Presidulut since Jolin GranbtliIed Mr-. NcCarthy-NsVa(4 timlcuhange tise Onte Jnîitsc Amtour-Ne, I t>.iti~î lest eboultire yen-e eaga:.mie have lîs o nersaI>. of auy uegotiatio#. ie wa?. use ü%Ievudi-cm"f(liat. regulir smeetinge aince lha lied ; I et- Ansmer-Il eves. a WVitlui coitiuiei-.-Isisisul tiiinIc ts-lcl-%Whiiler's convention frein Ijetu- Tht' mjîneps ma lieai- louel tea Vth lieit-'smîî IutLetitu Vtsctîus tîand Vertou ; Ilsupnpoe tIsebusiness cf tIse stand asile ts-mporas-iiy. ringi suug mtuiî "imsosuis rix emtilt sikgatei-lise AtiRoittio im le pi-oiiolte tection P. A. Hurd, attor-ney, Port Petry, tiser: wtît utsi tît'IboseContventionm. , cfbise caudilats-t iinmos ; n feirof us-ira. catueul onthue charsge of bribiug iîy Ho si 'TCllous-i ntjilti-elI tilt L -1mas-- bal a 1mo-ing once a i- bmie bu'lok reepoitlenl litrongisJ. McClalan anudiandîi s-cs-sno-nuîg - oves-tIsa voters'-liale; ; I rond cul tIse T: Paxton. île sail :-I bave lei Ccl nemea;,lises-e ire-eo50pastiesa ulciflûtl ut l'os-I Pesry sacs-s-fl(ty yeare. lisse pay3 Jothn Carnes-ou, sirn-t tid net et- ttirty.fise yeurs. Since Ceufeles-atie 'mes-c itutin ch)îui't ' i t'itlmy;J 10 n su air ted onnýCly t o lieeeotes-e artin ta ltR Iûeton:u its as-geiveepos es-miai IL-11ai , l ld irig.ai-i aitegition ta ltp lIse appeliucuuuîof leusej'tes bu thesuCona- cf ttseConmarvaILiepas-t>. AIls-assaI ne e:. 011rt0ei WlliiuMus-s- vnyms-s. !fimjîlvs-îbitintIsaInomnalad WIsler ; novrs- ns-inge frequsutivpeitical or otlmer- abeat tae;yfrein tlîe pol nt i-lislina its tutlongsI ate Itefovm Association ; mtte. Snip,euWhes- aut this clu-a-afier' iîstitil bts-v t; sthe flis-sI otie in. n% sa cs te-- eucecingat l'.tKicnon's tion. Slîpoi-h ibbCuss Iîing the gain. VetultgîtcrL. uhon tîcre wmo. nfous electo-s pi-e- ths-ee priresacctions. tioes Wliis 'u lurii-y, wos-u-1 lvtira uset up clairs luabise sitteng s-use. ; I A disctîssion eusued ase teexctadiig meutI rio vîa;mie a Vter et Bs-vrtes-be ;u ms-t tises-eas a Iefos-mes- ;Whetes- sdd tIse s-ponilent, mîicti resultsil intahie me $i tlis la-_ ûIelection ; ou thelxs-Oînug ofI ccl invite me te gui : thi-y' mes-o lk- responuloal beiug callel. ires tlisst day Johin Camnes-cc gle.ta my 'ing oses- bue pi-espu-ote cf thse campainn Itospbudocb-Ranom P. A. Huis-.It. We balise sud Espoke te Me ablst 'életion at tihameeticg ; tbes-a*.woe 'votes- ste is a nprominent main, lieadure-eci 'McCl afuaiss; tofI hi 1 Wnmss gic'g' te o ie bIe-e;1lied net the-rvobera s ut a i m neetinîges hns-ti>- afîui my becomita. notionf on the Gibbs' miue ; -lie s'as geeseg te tIse tiho um aiag bi, , lton ;thu- ewattcandidate. is. axton anti ctîers fi-cm hi-sp1 1laJnl,"ad'aslstsed, lMc te go mib htim;-,ne aauriunathat>I kmmm cf ; 1 lenet Porst Parys-ipoire alncut as-gotieaiSs ent sî tOlu ItsiM l' nee11ttoî cf 'gclig 'te rocoîleettt sutTkel nnybo4rl>, te vote mitl tuis-I. *go i-it lue Sud es-eu moes the ellut>"day ; he said 1 wouîit lfs- Wliler;-mises> if wmssrequis-elI lins--ivisa bel hlm ha mooid dppese Scott: b ha cktiù:n'ceugh te vote; T tbimm alwayb tout partilci lis'rss tIse best Gibbs asd thlima Nional Poliet,- ThintitGéol t'él%~$ ~ 1 l'g l»binau a mftc, I had a POP tboule ý,Itis me.e an ilwas on -thét-lmpres cfhT'1jtiLey lh»- t oci' Rot, Wh 0=8te iy Lose I1wassgetsg user leIUli Iandfor sôoe mout- Heard belon, fs-cm lu4se Vas-s-leWbelq - vmisno<.rrw, l4 tf fûtRetr>dsugit 1e ibeefr.d. - .'âlfi mec su tc panses.là,b>Viv als-oas desiA. t ï,ag ï-~ hav-t, iu ' i nddgsmw~~ i càj epepss . abe itheuf d .#Si e s.n uig.Fs-nis lu i-loie we'pa'nfed. ý»id g.tsati il1 hli MéclelIn. Did uôti tol*u. f-opea >Isd brite autgo el 114 is>: exu nt hi st Set. e spolia letas114agaip '.about usxponse UnI'.erasbod bisaI 1 hIxuio lepsy 41bisr biaup. He saia L w> 'eul tl Ie-ersmet tia J M tuuss ai ia bhail souM <tnsie-t4 clients lue, bal l Jtsett with ziit' i ididuot ssay bis Persan.i suxtieuso. iuàight ho tibes-al sud aaylhir abuep 1uigllt be psitt hy saiee e l tMfCoellàu:s Danme ires not meutidneu Ml aisu> 8tipPo-Qfot mn.Ho lis], tlssi os-six ancotunge-9e -eaune te pi lieuse oùýý'uç4XslY Si'Seéielibi- tîto tise -Scoîl meetiug. liard Speke et Car nînglon et a joint mneahiug. liesti ti0- hoIlha m ot: nougîi mens-y usu ho asirel for $2 s- $3 te Psy for 1; lie, I girve iPta bhlm. Nove gaýi 1dmw au>- mo-si. 'wp auîtehie sbonoe Dc tIe 1001îtsOiobs'ur taIta blt cf.el lieuses frein hlm., l ob ses hisa didtt ul bt4ain. I loft mord fus- hil sonta e bt-Iiim lte ms-Lb and sendl il Sau Lis jounQg9&t son. lie essailhi mantodLume te soc bis faîber. Sam Puuatn lmesalue 'sy. Nevts- spoi tÇ Youngflurd al'Tut l l. Saý Young Lins-I et huie fithsoffcrne. sellai=t t muet go tuie.. fle dia net sus> hiE farele- abote ec e m, and tihmmaE impos-tant fer me tlesec Lim. -1boa-i iathieg about a protes. lIes-e. I lia not say '*Tait yans fatiser I must lu-ne thie tiig cf bis îith ufasur bisps-aIst. Theies iiitisanul anotlusi-thiumg ni es-tii I asi cfr;ýil oi'I">I dne>. su ise s-o gai hLs fatsas-to maire nu îp- ioiusiu. Denti-ameuiers- ayieg, "l'in goiug tu Tos-onto on Moniiay to aire > q.'i-itday, anIdeut-y îy aterai-Lst se coulanucet." lns-il ms-a;ta tia uc-fos-e ttîît. IlearI tat lr uisisil liaI ail 1 gi-au-Ita gico til u tino ioant dllas. tanlis troubla. Gel no can. iluuicaisI-onufrin'axton. Huard ci use fro a sxton te Crosby ise esme a>- il iras s-setited. liCuir (lue ausme- [set mes sent. I inoi E. Muly. Neer metaemesstsgeby hlm u taPmx- sun os- îles-I tisaI I monlbe ose- ns-l teek, becanso I LiaI e malter te close ip msiîb HUs-I hulîsI usas hluttinga ai us- fi-ar ni us pruilst.a 'Tlu ilîneps mas net cri-oa-exaiiuns. P. A. UsIrs-tcauucdI-Ngotisttione -&anetuced miblu Tlac. Paixton imme- lIael>- aies- Whll-ereination. NVe aliaI aboutishe Nntionjal Polis-y, anti tiit ildat ca-sy tue counIs-y. I salI didltkuom tuat W'sVleesLad aechance. saId lu a joke, thuel if Wiscle mentI ve acli oftuit $1,O000 me ould alct dm. I saiI I conual mai-wk fus- ary- 1>- untosi pail fer ut. 1 enil if lie luuid. gise me $1,000 1 couilla doil. uxubon suil. 11I botiove ls- mouil tic. uieu'b tiink h iss a.mclchanceun- s8 ie ls nycu-suppo-b-' 1 tissube- ime ses-ions. HoiaisiIl'ill sec." Ha Alu e afs-u-seeinig sama peupla Ilua>- ruts ik tia te ecure my sos-vices. I Id seo-at conveersations. He gare ja oumlesstecrl thît I mes menta ri lise qluestsion meuaesia ewi muai wul amt snb. SoMoîiuiug, massaid but a Lisird îîus-y ta ucgetiuste. s-mïb>-'.nnee smuentenel. I ilui t umeut hlm. On 25th .lnly. I meut 'racroubo oce lusuip-ousgIndua. Sais uCleltu ansd liscussel tise eloclion. I 11 NVieIi-r coa netct o -auuale, bat eu men in Nos-ilsOnris-o migisb oleuil lu. Otiarîsise lie Ilnil no cthence. -Clelieii sais i te mîuîildira toahoîsau ils thes Gibbus' ont fer tIse es-y îuîey sued about Luie bai-ber. MeCtellan raid unea goying ta e"-sWhrle- ansd lue nuld tii-sui-as in North Ontario nexl s-k. Mulelaancamc le my office A sai.Il. I buse seon Whiotar ani luise coul i-t-bsse ta mcmi as-sange- nua for youî ho support 'uVisulas-. Vu'e aIt lice va.' lHe seul, 51NhJoLl, îsi- adiiajsvc alasecure >teu if lhe IL Inlutsco fou' biai. NVa tiar tia np ans- minIs ba psyy >'us expen- and thaI hîbes-liy-say fiedluas ia- Ties mbl reiscmtisant- te 'îly is-tiugsuans] 'mo miii gise yen te fifLean lues-las a meetiug, anti if s as- s nceesfut ce silI maire it botter lu tiat. lH ie î.ulNobol>-iueirs aLes cul if anytling tus-neunp wiItei - 1 yI aecsa -'e cm be us-le." î l'aaî1 IIInett cltbab. il Raid, "WVho meulil Yen select te met c ibis-Id Part>- belirosnuns ?"', 1sait P e6 minuWiseo umnec*' rsotes-. h te lMeCtethme. 'Ho in nue>- fromai riding anulnone ewiiu suspeclt i." o0 sail, 111 accopi yens- Proposition," p: we er-ingel btiscil ec e. c- ln. lie ssiI, ',i1suppose 1 eau four pas-sonat aeaecce." He saiI mona>- mutd te paiti, ced if lis N theeeulbIabalance moultue ni Ihe blsn soIe LIcClulten. T gmt nc lu>iras-. 1ars-anugea lt Wiseles-ec isoth cenipaigsi. 1 dam IsIaCIpllsu n-susdeandt taîkoil ebui bue bais--et - Ha knemv aillabout ihibutnluinu-gc ti lise bers-u -e'm. Ho al e Iilu la meet lue ait Godmmeod, sud giva M 1h0 on accouet l. H a sal]<t;us-a l seo mistasie aboutit, il mas ail rie--t, th lIes-esadIssu aiatalir absut aauto. cO sîhaIin Saitt I liait tes-gise bin a a m fuis $100rceas toe tcss-il pnpsd hi bian aIt i2uht wuthWheas-. 1 di hiu a noes'sud au-vus-cet the ;mi ey- T sair Wlx-tas-sfies-mvss-dai Ï L T ulful s-ot tmet ellan etitut ,Wood, und gel neotueemey. î spett îir up tg Ibis btau î aséirel ci i-s- for moes>-te kOv hbexes' Hl Po o-0 nrubhis t *Gw«tb Oxliili br>J' aienthe. Ipout ion Mo it ""a*-p'u 1w4a a d1aont it. r i a4M~ s~fbI ,04 ta leSe", al:Iiup, , ~ 1' >e altos'met, U»14 tbienforaç. i ru-I aUtbozized bin aspus-son. :,Itwl wToe.-PsxtoD. Ilt ho lisail--couId ge lIte mno>- ;for intfes-mation. Tolilt ~qnatss,4w' sge oh moe>-freux Gibbs irf wobl s> its. I bail nc ommnm , lcablicp s ~*Gihbbs,., Heard-tbiat Gibbs 'ladaI p1 Id $1.000 for3 My,-heei lbsgie gua a 9Y Wbeets riws nsealel. Rev. -s- Yeung, Portl Pus-sy, bul nabit hoh ,n act, heliemoa mos-I af il. lan idrangement, mitlu Gibsabout tliu weirnt te Lindsay, ou. theg opeci4gîna the eAssices. Saw r ts., Qamrnab ' thts. lV)Ien, I, mes cqaves-ingw in hian, Piaxton camne m4P 8sad westop) x-talkiag. Mr-.Cme-ntau l n rus misat my pesitlea was. Cama iol the tiswent haair berc zuexl day au lit -'no. Sas' Hecto- Cames-a u sel O iiu eue.-queetioa, vin., If. Whe w pi-apasoul lepsy Me siscald'i sou Q Lt ?" , Holuisi aie tb ask m a n>-c olc iR sel. I sus-ma. loI ef Cuitse src, w ni e-c s-al>- tair e cb>- ie sthui ebotulat il. Dil net ses Ms-. GibbnhI lsabomut tube ;mntus-. lI-us-l4hoN- Is tes-e. HeanI Sa use gaingtle ps-e IdI tsar. ctted blînt I huas-I tisaI a ai 'e cf $1.000 as- $1000 cash bail beau t np for nme b>- aim Couses-valises, bal dîon'î betiore il. Uuavs e n ecolluelt k of syluse ttint Gubbis coqId not s581 1- pa>- lueb$1,000 till t fer- tisatrial. It unI bruN, I »liitoceassus-ane fi- auy onotuat any, suci menas-lt>- os-p -misses'il mile foi- me. jX have stet se. Tis eseon I state so0 is tas fait sol. A goal mac>- of My oeem d ir-oaugising ae t lbocausie I mes-I bas-ilsud geluotting, sud I wantIaI fshow stut I1iras net se hal>- cl lIshe>- theagiî. Witt not ciras- bisa dId net say Mn. Camss-on bell an n fer me. Suais a ramons-a a>-h as-issu hacanse 1 bell nM>-brobe- 1 hm tput tho papies-s laMs-. Csmes-ea's bar sud 1 led timta uudes-tauî batise ires lIeoetîtiIand iras seurs. 1: .nul s-coltceb saying oves- ba- Cibl coult mob saIsi>- psy cashs but cou] gise s noIe. Nover ha-Il psmm fs-cm Gis befure. 1 séd I i ul eupport Gibus aetim stectioe ou psý sonat gi-andst. 1 Id I oI Itik bupebelis Cousas-vabiverie LnIs me I mautel Wr-ighst le be secs-st aboi tise puieket hocause 1 hId cet maut att te tomns eut. lise beldlts buat* 1 gai nu>-mous>- 1 mouldh.isatisflu Diti not s>-if 1 gel an>- xpaes! tis I: mentI drop this, lafois la't th poir-tetii-p it. 1î ment iehasatisfi if 1 gaI nyîiag nom aile- aIl Il bs-cuite. Noees- ld peossngiaoef Il ps-olest bisaItishes-e mentI h.ne probesi 1 tltIpople sanytig bbabsa iteti n iseane1 hues' liera eseea lotI spies shbsu me.. sud 1 ausmeeI tie acces-ding le their cisaacberm. Ms-. E Cames-n oubll me lue bal insîructinas t 111e a ptîsesl Iefone lho aven bars-Ibs-a mu-. WYler, mas the ont>-pusso aae as-rangs-meute mitîs, exepl as fs as IlocC1ellau bldanytbiug t 10 e il] IL 1 retieil en WNVbes. s-hoaghb 1:o mss hoorbes-ienouglu teaun>-. Neo o but Wiselss- and MeCteltan aae sen ps-omise ta-e . Psxton neye-pi-omis aI nue anylbing. 1 have most desIii 1- muade lhe stabeanut that Wbet.i ps-emisesl te psy amiswaI 1î bave sais 1do e suot ms'mles-re elette-mané statemnts sac thl seut Ms-. Casa o-u. tiatus-luy, FoIs. lmb. Tis eais-iion casa mcm continueil thtm Enipis Hurd, swmi-u, stabel iine]l tb tuebie son ofl11. M. linul ail a cicrk in hlis office. lis asidenco as la- as il mon>., mas maiaty ces-roberalise cf his fsathos-'s beelimea>. Ha statel that ci one occasion site- Lb. oleclion, miseu Ms-. Wbels-s-cama teaeechlbimbuates-at hie fsîhuer's office, Ius-iug hbi fîiser's abeuce, tue uaid te mitueus, "6Teil yenr fathen tuat I meut tsim le ]enve tisa mate- cf unu tilt altos- the liwe fer tis prolaut, snd theru Lt anoluas- hing uî Weshe sa inre -tntel- supote unce ; Se saIdtisI hoe ail aev.r em- sîcyeI Hurd, bub he eagisî lebchaiu bis hogat cxpssm ; I tltIMeCleltan lieut bic meairs ago that 'Mn. lias- augit ta have been pail if lb>-eux-m Pl',yin hl;Mcouaulin saLId haongsb to Sac-le lboon pail ; tue ssiu t iougist eo squae t ac oom. Cr-ossn-exmnatiuu - Wicu Ms-. Vhluessailiei.hal net seen lia-I uýes-steel bit lemean LktisaIoe li aItmaIs au>- saab ars-sngement abomut ctnplo>-ingiim. Edwîs-sIMant>, nmorn-Am publisb- rof bise Port Por->-Stumad - ulis- elt some bls-fci-meetings in fssa-of [r. Whctcs psintel aI an>-office; Ms-. Wbsle- hIdnet ea, a message b>- me ýHarst sud Paxten, os- te ehîhe- cf sAnc, tu tise effeot that lise muld, he s-or n u tIe nexi icoir tcclose up a tes- witi Ms-.liard lIst Im bad suen puttiase off fo er of a protena ;. lil ibateli ard tue ljid; Wbeteu tuuh base tll me te delissu a mes- ttsiuuply tiatho moalI be oves- tbé lez& wek. For the i-feue. Joseph H. Me- Ishtan, -emos-», matel-I live aI Liven. 0001 Markt, iuthe South idi ingeOf >Oumf ; natitP. àA gm da O 1> n les i ba oèýf i; Ilwpul4 slt lbeughf eiaum l;üa,àandlAi ipl9î,po~pem outId he about niglal for hie çua ies; ix. msd h ol ett tixlu , 'Ëè aiu]il i, i 1w udles Fil' thon tld hlm tw 'ibe te mi. Who him, and SIts qghli a ho bpilaa'-éidli;ia Vp iQ mysaif an a pesitipu: milt,- ay uI lOa' if 11yfimb sor -'rtbghtbum.Ai'euId paey p4ytag'teq dear feoltan' -whtte -te t4e the mtAItd-iôý; ïdtlnot aus etuts hiu iItr,laçÇca'p7ie 1 tispuglh b>- naiNu th iughlb1 Would"ba Iettiug 'th, m& cuIt ds-op ; 1 had malde s > ura ru-m ent aboal psying 4h0iIea ti181 mttsdelas -Sittes- lird ail he moull 's aculXç i Wel- ~met him', a a' ê'l Mn. te bell-'lmiflsst meetip nt Port Pei 3dil on Monda'y. Hali 'l s~ 5s-i cive M'y ' latter 2"V àafpý - a - ~ Wsl," e sII"lIa>-agreèd ole >-ftes-ms;" î aid, "Whoe 2" iiosi miooat "Whetr-aud Paxteex ;"liehéthen mi vitIs editebas-nom a tasudrîlai o f.,'a ýpdliho aidho Wa bard- ap ; 1 lolhta usaI ceid nhIlcua ae bthae, ,day; ans Wa j coal4,'snuen tui -a iflutiàne v; il blasa struck nieILb i-Id il lae gave-oÏe lais nota T'mi gbl lisceu îelsnr la and guI hlm. tIse mge n - uil;T, ,. iupl huim Tî mugit etitilon lus note; anI un-ti saI ' "Il eil t a ilote ont to yon vise 1 tisensai]ugain, "Nom, Hard, as-eY reat sas-e thal Whlrauaed-at. Ibis 2" a soe tue sid, 'Ilaux;" 1 asirel iim hc ir55 Wiseles- bnci misaI mAs luthe lettes- Lest. me ; sud ha satd Se 1ma scap> cf cIte anulbâlishema il te Wbeer ts 1 Put (linrs-') office ; ho ssiI, l'Yeu usaI i nt I bs-lu n djus>:- larms4 about thi; Lin kaewMmy man; 1 bava gel himE sI>- rigIsI; T h1ud an>-sou2 anleidaafILIt It s ber se haoul'bear every mord Il cm passel betieu neus;',s laidl t t th so- ime cemmunicatel lbshecontents cf ILI baltles- tenu>-eue. tICroseexîuine-I hId col dise.i 2iS5 willi Wtiles- ioir mach ho wmentIbhi ie'l te psy lins- ; I sail I IhougIsI ta moul'be fais- and legaltebope>- hlu r a" Wlislei- satl h. titInet kuair about bis, t I tid neititllsian I ircalse mi îlte Iusd'e tesrus more, baltisaI waswmi mis lu ain>- mipmul; issu I sas tise le aI ber aboutthue lionsaul dollars I us sîs sus-prsld ilbthe aMeunaI; I ihonglîl te- as sas-a le upset 1 an>- election De ihaugbb it l ent aps-att>-bas-It tise pros-c bist liu½,l's ses-sitems-sert ý a ibeousaul dollars; I meapt Iiait t "s bunds-clltess I iutsalel g's Lliug t imbý lini-'s note sheuld ha pal out cf th es-~ ibousaudl last-hat mes ngreed upor ilhg- uefè Igel home, sItes- promaieiagt Lf.gttenote dlscoountd, I uleteruOjue ut bisat Hus-l sould net have tîxe money t f ecinue Ibisouglat froua hie telttng n if tîthbe l al abis sou lisîeuing tlb il. Se miglit be tating au ntIsaI aise: at btha agreement baeaguhum snd Who Lie les-; I dId net ps-omise Paxboa Ibat ed moulî psy liard ; tbeIlmuluat friand' ho te mhom Ms-. Paxtoni nefer ta bis lot me tur te liard mbca hal Baye, "I 1sairoet t. malual fs-iaud a Whibby yesturlsty ; lit na premiscd te pi>- it bure this mask1, ai mut be mcm. disesr natuSifriait ;, lu I bll Paxton I bal raceivel s lettu ELfs-oui lard, sud tIsaIil appssred NWhs. bm les- bal huen lnesliug ilhimand M ur lias-hly, sud tiat. if I sas' Wialez I î ouldtl 11hlm ha bal ongit to pa airIbeux hotu ; Ms-. Paxton ssiI, "I le net th cas-e about mysel, but lias- ougist - bÃ" 10 ho pail ;" I easdtIIe>- eaglt te gel it; le I neyer bll Paxton tIsa ifilWhstes- Iid 'Y- cet set ap te his bangauin-1moll ps- '~test tis e aleettionrus anytbiug te tIssu >eLleet ; I Liinir I bise sîpresseil M>- erself te bbheaffect bisseif Mr. Wisete a.made tisat agreement : ad mas actiung idasil ires setabel h. mas acting, oe ms acting vos-y hal>; t1luIdnuasa>t if lins- had net sqnealed toe scon bu moull av isse hie es>; I may havi given Rahoson te nadesstaul Ibat lins- mal bave isse setîlel mibis if tht: Ssuit bal net beau brocghl, John Noît, siror-n-ti betllme ns If bis office about thse 25tlu of Noverahiai ,k that iMeCtellau ndalpremiseil te pay t him s tiosnol lass[for hie services; isha neyes- Iclmtis tai Wbalcs Slas- xn ha sudte ibateor promiseu te pay itlb cee ai that if tic gai pail for bis sosv- es tue coul aibisur be tise menrsa o: NVbetar gettiug his suit os-isnlostug il- s- Geco-ge Cas-nie, siroru-flurd bll me kt hoiea baunpsomisel'some moue>- by NVbelerad axpecesilte gel fifty>-os sixt>- dollars frorn him, -bal bail her Plisappoi utes ; b. ail hhadIbssn ps-o- - cfnms801s"00 met Ms-. MuaI>- aleer Ibis sifais- be- came notes-tous ai Pont Pers-y, sud Mimy aI> ssiI iM Ihýt ha ( MunI>-) hal bell Ms-. Puixten t tell.1 him (liard) thatlhs (MunI>-) bal sec Ms-. Wiseler, sual tIsaI Wbalcsbal IbId iîirn tellci Itnes that ho woal4 b. oves- bisa cut meek ; MunI>- saIdthstin tahIe couver- satien mils Ms-. Whsle tise latter stat- aI tIsha tulaI gotel vssybinag settled np lunbuse nldieg but Ibis malter cf li-l' s, misicb ise hau heu» as-aid te tenuhfor Issu cf a, protust. Onulise chsarge milS negard te tuhe biriug ef teamr. Chas-les MeKenzie, re-cîltal ea be- hallalf the rempondunt,- prolucel bis bookis, anI statel tbab, ou cousidena- lieu cf lie mabtes- since ho a sipnasi- ouml>- e» 'miiel, lhe bal cerne t. lbe cosucluelea tisai he-iiad ne, recllieatiou of P. A. Buns-I oraesng tl isez chas-gel te Luther liard - uhèn rugi mare or- les-el hy P. A. ittrdaeorlon liee initiais "P. A. H." mare .piii pposite lthe usmas cf the periosane taIIiugthci, sud tue conveyiiuce got b>- LuttirBurd mca- o se makel - miloase 'II net 1' iw!411. 1; 1 uns. Stxsan bol uap,o siteshort-cou- eles-, ~ ~ le vo-ale,6.r'.. ae 'bii rtmg luxaginel s- maso ppcauM n sasgel him unies$aelloent foiz l ?u bo bia1 self; ie-shltuiswclgihu li a aig sud esle 1'éàieo'dos'u"'fonita h 1o on Sauddà, s'ontsud seiu'6d >,lai Crawford- Zbç woa l e br have s ig lai.- on Ssmnlay , ami1 a alIs ïï yes"r; 1 îuî ver- uel suppose auyoue irol have t. psy 1.1r fou il s- d uxe have sauldes-sîsa- nge. ing tq b ~ l.ha sund , ru î4, ï nelt't.e' 8>- au>- Fise lhiag te Iim ; 1dî a"t'ÃŽroLehIsepou bull m ibihm. oing Cros-sexasinatio-lt w'ae almayî ts-,Y> udtessîod lalC-ramýford's Iten>- s re- fs-oeau laco t imes ;ihal i. btera- i-. sou j thougbht s-sheait uidt haveto ps>- m n>-aytîîing :s-rs-bis rig ; s m Dont np- stpoitel crîtýçeer b>- any oee hat s u ni-sa am s-cf ne-; 'um. 1Su-Ii'mytâ-ý I iasMs-. n 'I Wbsler'odiaaaii lei ýat- u- Uxi-lîge; 'ail util tftý'ithe olectiîdu ; 1 tiik thure ýhat mas n nagatar>- appeiniel Caumittec ; iuI 1 luidualt elong te il: s-ausemain- slI limes ne sbep in a fes'antiites in the lae eveuinge aller me clomal ap; j s'a eux Il', ploe-clin Ms-. Baîbou'splaeof îhusiis, Yen simd lIse Cemmittea met ia the marne, sud *Qi9î"ng ,istoagibt lusoinS votes-s' on Os' tise pell6 iugly-; s-do-kn hua- mio te requestel me te o la t ; ut ian as-- lt raugel tise iiglal befere tisaI lý mionl bis go for s pas-tieclas- lot of votes-s; I mon- net ioed bisaI Ibere mas cruspas-b>- liaI ;' mec ucireil, mlffltatI If haeacamscul att ho moilI requi-sa coee-l ig, sel Ms-. tis a wfr Osslo-enles-ulme a 'zig ýte biig xab tisat pas-b> in ; 1 lhave learueldimae 1 heCame hure Ibat Craîford has chas-gel the me for il., Cross- examiuatiou-- aalenslool 189 flimatMs-. Cs-amford's tives->- oull ho vu att free, biset la>-;,s'beu s-spoke about il bise sik man, Os-nues-I vaiuneas-a M; bis s-ig. ýa; Fer tise beeegiainet tlise chas-ge. suit Geos-ga Whesler-ns-m-Mn. Smytis ist mas appointaIan>- funintif alsgunt on et- s-eeeipt cf a lattser fs-cm liesersiff ; -1 ri thjak bise date cf il iras lise 27uis of itSeptebees. IOn charge 15, te Thsomas Fise>-, sirsn-I mas depul>- 1h s-sauicg offices- st No. 8 Prlting Piacis; bue D. M. Carl usacting ansonartiaces- ou anI ngenb fus-Ms-. Wisaeltusse;lise be Is-sabedth ie pol des-k, inyself, sud au- in; oises- te mhtclkey oÙ 'tiiepotIiig dsqy ; te I mas ont-a veles- aItbaI etectien ;'amn id1 nui certain misatxen bisaeutes-man -b. >-' treatel bal a votse r-net ; tha peit ne les-k diI net votetises-e. [nt Cros-examinasioc-Tha trusut mss Li eut oiea peeket fiasei; tise otisas-pas- mou mie mas tuestel hia, avote lu No. I2 ; Seos'as a brother cf manes-, l migi 1"be tuaon 'clcchihen thé lseatiug tok tplace; bise poil l aes-h itInet vobe Iat îs- day ; ha dId net get s ceftillente ; it taias long belon. lunch that Ibis eccur- rai sc; Cas-I mas tisase & aill>. Ms-. Kerrn, atishe cenalusiesr of tise ns- svileuce, aI>- aiiresisel the, Cous-I on1 e- blalf oethlie respouleul, sud mas flt Id lowul by Ms- McCas-tby mho couctulel 3rs- headdresshort>- aibus- es c'ock en ýY SaLarIa>- eveuicg.Ia t Hie Lorlmhip ssiI hie siscal lihsa te Ohear Ms-. Kerr-(irboid tbo hase b>- tise asenuug tbs-negciug mest,> ou thse cases cf reatiug on elestieti ha>-. s-n sephy te Ms-. Spraggea SDI miCi -iug la hein Mn. Kerr an>- lime is s-a-4 - spscbteta echarges ai- unlarfal Oseat- s- icg on eteciioe Imy. 9 HIie Lordehip allaI. s- shaît alloue e1 caseis lu ho put lu for isoth partise. I bt lou'î mai misen 1 eau lix e lime forn egivieg julgameul. T'rure-e ea50 8pages cifuliosthand notes te a irrible a( cul. as 1 bmave ne lonht in tise malles- ex- c cep' as btiste peusonet charges againsl ai Ih, tise neaeu. s- ît fi, at prael, s r Wendcia>, 121h Februa->-aI Osgoode I yHall et tonu ctocir. si -Ontar-io Fermes-s' Matuil Insus-suce w Company. pi - re >f The sepori of tise Dis-ectors, suismitt- s, ed t1e tis a nnual meeting,hSd at in aWhib>, ou Tues>-y, gises a ver>- atin- si r sater>- axîibit cf bhs affair-saifcf the Compîn>y. Tue lîabilibies as-a' cul>- v $2092 agaiem assusts $11, 495. Tise fa t faiomiag geatemen more slecbaî lis-uc. i bers :-J. B. Bicirchh, Gao. MscGillivs-a>-, 1As-tIsas-Jehasîca, Johnu Wîltts, J.-Davy, àt Ga.Hickîugbmtoa, Anlrsw Aunis, au John licu, James -Galoma>-. oe AI as sequeul meeting cf tiseai- th etecePresiel, Daici eusBs-sut- Tordn, icruet, an H. Nsue. Bar. Taesule. Secs-sIe>- bsTandur. M-.Ia JoaedGile, T. N. ihiss sud W. H.ee te vieil Ottawa in the flouring lutereste, -1 relative le the tsniff. Mn. Silvusten ct Neelen of SI. Onliserines mas appointel m ta risit tise empitli rspectlngbile grind. si' en cf Ame-Losu misal, sud Mn. J. WiIlan, Dulas, mas spiet u -ap- renant theu catmeai ines-ens. IE BEreoeueu.'cBoax AND >NEWs STORE le attracliug s large siare of public aI- cfI tention on accouaI cf bis vas-lanul cheapuese, anulexcellence ef tha gools. su Cail sud sec. The velentines as-e ver>-ui ahouce. Ds-awiag books sud other C goals at uholesale -pnies. Go mies-e yen wMligel 1hi,banb value. Cre ccio -Roms Bs-ebesl casimeesa ares-e . kixoilogel b>- ever>-oue tg be Ibm baut nvuin uTowu5 - fi ~ale f4~r~ stok, îiptpnwt. 4m, ëlepO Néy6. l in athhi1 B3nieW otllit 7'iW94he, 2md con. ";vsat;s. 41879 Wltby, hisiFfb>180 No Was-Ie'sSmppes- 1 0 Ms-. Qrihsm, mrefrls-1879, nsfuseule-sea- sept the grant af #1010 votadib>- the Ca&nt>- Cannait m for.d1sus-crnntsf, Il lise reurinteo116ensima te jPpeu tbe No, Wardun's Sipport ,Ne losele or- eee1 ý e t ; plaeutg yuniný#g overs- >aers and mineansd lt r e 1.er. as, at theue "fasI cf neasen 'suitlie flem cf coul t"i Ah! .Ms-.. James- Gualusan uhre as your Is-isha heart? ~Whbru tisaI vunîusual os1nli4y chias-actçs-tic cf >'earcotumts->-? Wlxab cotsld' hava cern ojes- yenu n efuiug'to tik li't u 8100 anti givýing tisa mexubens thc usuel "sprela" -sund the &ppestahity (uhlch sein. cf them neyer hase) of spreadiug tîsemeelven ? Ah! Ms-. Was-Ien, yca bae.mncis b suswur Ion. Yen haye mals an inntion apoma an houoed social custoin. There le hlsappoint- menh-lisappeinlmenl mli round,, from tisa hungry membaeste "mine host" iho llesomeolitup onisoccasions sud Innuishel bise supplies. .Yen have seut s belexemple. Ecouemyt1 Ecea- cm>-, aud bas- I mes, sud bigla taxes, anul net ieing falir te tise'ratepayans 2 Ail vas-y consile-abe, a-nI mlight hava coma malt from a Seotchuxan. Bat 'urio oves- hua-s au Irsuiman tahin about econoan>- in' sucli n case?2 And iho oves- beerd hefora cf à sensible Un=in ob 1 juctht la Ie a huaIs-el dollars, or e gool dinour, at the expuuss cf lise peo. ple 1 Ms-. Grahaamn ira fel asiieo f yan, ans aIellom ceuntryman!1 -Canunty- Cauncl items3. Tisas-aare 8a imemsers-,-about fa or fuva limes Ion mann>. Cent-cf mfnniuigthe coucfl, ebo #100 per- bey. Tule session lasIet iei Speuding laye ove- a tire-dollar as- ceuntIsecousiduseIe cn>- t Iis I Camant>- Ctcil eaonomy, Tise mon mie muss mast bizue- and moue>-n lu eîing ere-(iI yau bsmlievje blîisuelves)-tlîc great econemies. Mamiese he charge double anuleage are also smongsl tise etanomlats. -Ms-. Brethour, oeeof tse depuly--eees of Bs-och, gel paih fos- 70 miles travul, finm lue townuship lc' Whitsy. Ms-. Gullespie, lise neeve, cul>-citas-gel les- 42 miles. Bett illéuî in ttue saieti-n. DiI BruItour charge the extra Iniloaga fs- perambnlnîing bisa cars bahim-its and ici-mard lnnisig the journe>-? lu soi tisa mool question i Tise botltameutâts-sisal autisal.les-o 3ouauy pas-poses is soana Ibi-tt>Ihens- unI dollars, s- t luirs ls'uaby lisn no1czucillors, an>- number cf camuxittes, ad speam coanailteas, tiro auditers, a cont- treas-rer sand ceunI>- clos-k la oki afts tise management af bila omt fana. The thist-t.iree geulle- usen taire s session eofsseelaye t. ho rork hs tis li-e pnaltaal mou coula tes-foim (bette-) in Lie laye. Tii. 'auulb is Ibal a large penosulageocf the amen Ise unecesati>- fritters-eair> in payaintboai aemberis ad Ibei- mile- age, andi otiser services anasequeut upon te assemblage of so la-go a bel>-. liavung titte orn nebiing te do iu tise s-e> cf prectical s'ask, lise restlenssuad uult-findicg spirite direct their allen- tion t. aIl soesof aSe- subjeate, and thceaneel issu-ilproc.ediags are inîalg. Id in. Benolutiaus to ' supereestbce Rtatats las', la oves-s-ae lsgal Ieoieions, la i s-egzanî of bis usquireuxa Df the lau cf tise land, as-e net smougst Lie lemnl cf lise prnus cf membeus of Lie caut- couacil. mhoiseccouxiug lowc te Wisib>as caut- laglilatons uve te Iistiaguisb tbemsevem. Ceun>- mucils are gs-eming bu b. a cumbrous cd expeasive bol>- ; bse>- havacu&- 1 romn Its-rumefailueis, anid a change s tbc Municipal tam, rssts-iaîiag lb. lprosentation, ors-isa'>-su pers- ulicg saci s ces-poar-alas sogether, u 5dumanuel u iste ilos-este cf the u axpayers.1 SOUTHt ONTAIOeSuUNAY SceeOu. AS- 1 >cuvTiNu.-Tha meeting olt tiis Asso- iâtlen oenel nI the Friands' Meeting casge, Dafflus' Creoir, ou Tuesis>. lie session continues te-la-fW.ebnem- îy). Thora is n large attendante. PICvUanus.-A vieil bu the studio of 's-, Lyon, Wilhineou's Blockr, miial i epy tihs cisibus-. Mn. Lyonu laa os-ogh arlint, smia- hajulgul freru t Is esulfctl>- finilalel picînros. [Secs IcI.]b Les-goe sues-tmenl of Gi-nie Furs-i 2gs Nes-m >-ai liesBs-as. DcaiNîuoN B. LIvRaseL-mÀunîE-. Thea ustal baulclug hustuena is trans- I etel a bis Aguna>-.' Thuru is alto s P aitgs Deparunenit. 0 ur )ut lût1 Punis-su ARURsniuTO 5iy ViOEuOY or CELAIID.-II ig agalu annouced tbat ie Dtre cf Cenauugut le lo be -vice-e> New' pattes'ix Tweeds,' priees te it thu limai ab BossBs-o. Ceaauaua. .-, DrPMlhIof DuZàWs reeh, bas beep' appaintel ceuzit- GIUIsTINe aasudcitom wcrc at smaU'e ui, Cédsz Dii.,bý Us ModuuIhê I sn cfemautiao n etahmlfsu Ibue s oé t n uy t oae inuad blia- exingens thÏuselwcvemnvar-t h lit effeot. upon the voice. 4ii.3 The bldnsym are mulject o le \veîty of mgeroui and painhul dlus armM.!' ) Vàionsuumiw. B1Ythe luideonsUi t ai s, of op, Le i 't bi ert or bol Co. ri o] Pla l 3ut nit I b fi 01 es - g queue VI duty.-. siace last By Mr. ci bt' Dr,-Arec .ferrelief -'oI cunt> - coni Aine fracx tepravixi the .".î 1 "UIn - - t i_oi , 1 hày2OtheIco5t iUitionà!i :,2ing that. during . the fifty4tbeeiawl have > devotedia -teh service of Mny coiuntry, eihi Caisoldi. er r~acitzen Ihave never been guid- ed by seutw6ent éter' - han of honor anidnfday amidabiolute. devojiou te, rny *country- -1-, Ir ust you to communicate iny deetjontatire Chambers. "(Signed), MÂOY2BON, 'TIAetb. £Jnge£s for th.election cof Prosiden± oyen hnndred ana tiÃŽtienà Senators and Deputies were' present, of whom 670 voted. The absolute major. ity reqniréd Wms 88ô, -,. t Jules (Grevy obtained 556 votes, sud Gen. iDecl.z 9pr .. Grevy was dcclared qiec& ad proclairmed President for sieven yeafl.ý Wh!tbý F. P. & Lipdsay Railway. Tii. report eubniitagd ist tlb.annual mpeeting -beldýon Satnrday last g'ave lb rossreipti' aiut 872,450.4à,, au- incressoecf #18,25.0.04,- or 22 -per-cent. c'ver 1877. The. 'net reibue arnouni- ed to 827,687.42, sufficient te psy the inferest upon, th. fini mortgae bondi of 810,000- per mile - ' -Thé'. roipeets for a large imarse of trafie é thâ prèment pear are higiily encouraging, ctùacte haYing been alrcady made for -the caragke of large quantitios of luimber, timber;"ad - raü. way ties, pnd morne' 81à500QPcords cf Wood foi tdozècnfo. The" tràmfiowith Toronto 'is belngrapidiy devoiopsd, à"d muet in,, linmrasme, 10 large proportions. The extension of the Victoria By. contributes largeiy -b ihe traffle cf ths Wbitby Elue, and ÃŽ'aseonti.p YOUNG Trnsvzëý-Two youngmters cf nine sud'tan years of age,- respectively,, were bronght befora bis Vorship, Mayor Harper on Wednesday, charg- ed with the theft of goodi frcm a hait door. The goodi, it appearo, Werd de- livered trorn a store in town au& left at the door, frora which they were talien away by the boys. Chice- constable Bryau gel as erch warrant aud baund ti geeds secreted in. the boueef th.'mother cf the boy. The, articles were valued at between #e. and $0, andobeing tas4orid, the. Pros- ecution was abancionad, the -Mayor, on account of ibtanldar years cf the boys, letting tbem off with a c aution. CO]aRiCox.-We bave,,receivedaa letter from, B rscsbridge, migned 0. Grimacu, satýing'thl the. aunounce- ment cf marriage in lasi we's Omioz. ICLE, betWeen1 Mr. J. W. Blow a*.d 0. Grimion, is quit. nntrae, asud asking that marne should ho Contnadicted. JUVENILE CÂENIVL.- grand julv. emile caraival was hold ast the Victoria skating nink, Whitby, on Tuesday lait. T!hote wss quite a number ofohidren nasked, and in ail, the altendance- vas pretly good. Thq,' ddfllow's Brass baud vas in -atténdance, and furnished lhe akaters with oorne very lively musia.- Legimiature cf Ontario. The Qnestion cf th. duration cf lhe Legislature was lhe principal item cf discussion during 1h. paît waek. The aeusiderstioa of- th. Drainage Act, snd a reoinltien rcmpeoting tb. Poultry 'Amebttion, coccup lad the Eoume in comxnittee cf the. whoie for à Bient binie on 31.cndsy. - -Tueiday, Hfoný Mr. Wood moved the [camse mb ccgmuiittes on the Bail. way aid resolutoïon whiah. was ciarrisd àd reportedl. There was but a short sslon, the Honse adjourniug ai six- d'cock. MoNsTEii AucTicw SALE 0r LUmBER. -Attention le directed te the monstcr iction sale cf lumiber.anncouncad ln )hcr.colmue, The- sale takes place oThursday, Febry. 131h, at the în.iU ofJos. E. Gould, 4bb con. FJxlridge. VALESIcruE'S.-Paxxg & CO'S, Chuto od beaubifuldsgnare the niceat; Pecimeffs of valentine WC bave seen.- uld. ut J, S. Robertson, MEETn«. <OF, PRovNIçî.LzîEGIBLAvU-> s.-7It l8e XýPected that the Prince Ed-' .ihlsnke uJuugeig On motion of Ms-. b>- Mn. O'Leary, etructel te la>- thc thc table,Ifor lie pu: sama axamnismalas bise seceaities. Ou molien cf Mn. onlel 1»- Mr-. Jtnt milte a ms appoix Messrs. l3ldksll, Smitla, (Scott,) Feu the moyen, te b ah.' the petilicu cf,,Dr mîbers numpesublng Bc -Olimotion rf M- den left tbe chair t'il Concil met ul.tu joarnel iihoultuta nass te 7 p.rn.- [T . . ,g bleir altenlii Initl.]- - Ceaucil resarnel Wùnin luheb-chair. Mr. Wright-ps-amez titien, aleptel b>- Il Tes-ente, pnaying le -hie Iliums>- st, sere appoinimment cf a Pt etouer, cenjoinîtly w'il vincial, Gove-rnmenlu sas>-liedeemel 'éêxpu -- poeocf bahiaigeidex tess elating ta lislin ira>-compati«es asI- ne le cempaniesoavar- ohI cempaniies luimaiW The pelibion mas& el ta bo siguel sud, s lad te bbcQoveruos-*-( noâAie AND Ms-. Rowlanud broui snd on- motion lb. cmiittte sscen', thme chair, sud s-iperte Xii fla ue nicipalf Ci %Counf>- of Ontrtf 'i.Standing Con ;and bridges, eften cars îhcg heave, bu report as 1. Yeus-committee bbc report of UMn I -sioner, Narro sBs-t11 bhea unt expande siace lIstl session -cf b"-een $29-29 in excans theu graubel, sudtha: fus-thon grant cf $50, e $76.29. ,Tour comm]i uhat mail imoant he aos-poraticl o tecample mail lbiduge, sud te lis at bbe ufes-esail camus- billon Ihat the touait>- a likramoant.- 12.- -'Tour cemmittea t os- about the 8015 of -t bise Narrais bs-ige. us anienat af about $20, Emily May. islriiing'et cf said bridge,- sud Ms-. Baulte, commi ceunI>-, do licaj 'carebaken on comnaiemie of Simce, roqueul lie cf mail steamar te puy: r especbivea1counties. daîxuaga doue lo aclid th6laerm1of-kethis coapon -' Boaitcn to thul -lIcct. 8. 'Tous- cemamittele, I the. petition of tbbc cesp prayiug ler-su epprcp- centisa rond paseiug ahi- sip!0te .Mn*cha cemmtenl' th. Cotancul prayer cf said poiliont, onacondition ltaitthe te gramat- alike amient.* 4.:Your comnmittes ccusidered tisa petition tics-andl M2 cers, prsau balance of Scugeg briai maneait roadway, sui rcmly vmida, yeas ceai Mxeul that Ai preLzenbt]t -neoaltoien ltheatten. 5. 'Tous- oommitteé r Wzn.epahloxxbe pull h foeriaces as cemmis tu oms bridge fon th. yesa- A -6. Your cornmitteeuta ,' thal Reuhen Stilîmeil be

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