Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jan 1879, p. 4

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Iug aloug ul lu fulI -th& MQoo&h glosam lan el 0mon. i witl apied wwe uld tain 'Ie f«oste borne, )fdanuor'or vo., Slwawltly we go, a uie liii *as im ijulck rom 'dIiè1 h*lad vi=ciPrth. Northi , bolslruî h i, Moq. e- euao5c OOJIiiikg ws oammeneed by t -i e f cPlymblit>, 040n, Mr...,, .. s:%hels worm wlftlled aul wtia kif.. Tho runuing Wbs logot. laled by a bag cf &and.- Ur. -T4rry usofi b complote lys locha and thon tart off on h'orseback for a market. Nle saonintroduced braus.momments, meitlug up aid l<tte ine$lu.. trta. as _U'arç. habtay Jrome oommenoed thebninat in 1828. - Iu 1829, a wood- ou odock'cotl $11 ; now à much baller oek conta $1.8. The . pepe laughed at Mr. Tfrryr'foi makingi 200 cloka a& at once. Durine lte lait year,. the New Haven Cioek- Compauy made 270,000O fliid movemetits. A: couinr ain,# queatlaod ,by a judge bt know Il for whem ho wu':, con. Cernetl ?" repiied :-'I am concerned, My lord, for lte lslutiff ; but I am. m. plcyed by th. de .lldint." "Cale, whist do yeti hnk is therea. d on ît9tlbhesun gees tawards the loulbiIn tie vintei.?" "lWell, I dont knOw, Mnasianniesa lhene stand the f lemcy of de Nerf, atzd aam 'blîged te go to the Souf, whore h. 'sperieuces warmer -longituide." I kilecflninsty.nlpé plWeeii. 5î-oail sO hoIi nthitg," said au aid fowler. h~ly iidu't you make it s hnndred wIile you wero about i ? " said hi. friend. Il Do yeu suppose I wauiîi tell a lie fer ene pigeon ?" vas the reply. Tiinotîlro Hook once dined, with Hlatliîett. Il Ah, Miy dear fliow," .aid Iii. lînsitleprecatingiy, Il I am sorry 10 sa- s>t, aieu'Ili noet eoleday sach a dinàor ne oar friend Tom- Moore gave -s"Cujrtainlý. nôt,"e replled Hock ;, "froin a Hatchiett eue caio etpect -nothing but a chop." Tohwccochewing men sua snuff.tak.- Ing wemen aboula nover be allowed ta -i.. aey body but oschi other. "Motiier," eclcaimed a lare oet o f four scurnierx, "llsen othie vind.p2ak- ing tusia for t11w kaVes le .ilance by." Ttî iaiié hîtiwn our faiiings i. la luiruisia ailierx wlî wapous I lat tliey * îîay lie used againît us. Thorute lîi have a good i.raverb- IlicUe llevepr eliriel),, Iwsl neyer impov. eriel,, jîrtyt i- lilîîcltcr 1ie workc. rh Tegroatèài objectiou I.. iliee Ilat tuémi wAlvi, le, Ihadt tlay îeidon i nd hiie, ocarry-ouittu- inetnhions. Yvii tneedn'lt havt sôcha a eerence foer tîit li a silvay te stand ai su awfni (ilsituco fretain h u B rock streetl u 1h. oid Fazanlup Promise%,(cearl(y opposite th. Fou whore th. are prepaed ta, execul orderlns l hir lin. wllb whlch lhey bu faved wth punclualy sud demp 7. FBBCHBTTX & C Dec. 27tb, 1878. County of HaIiburt PARM LOTS, close la a Eallwsy, sud Lots lu thi VILLAGE 0F HALIBURIi t4à. Terminus-ofhe sVictoria RslIwo TERMS., Appiy le C.3J. BLOMFILDJ Manager Canada Landi &t EmlgratlonC p 'f - î 50 y oit4.ý,Eat, Tor, or lc ALEX. NIVEN, Agent, LIVERPOOL,-.,LONDONDER, GLASGOW. (Sm-S ton, ON, uy, RY#_ Allan Line 0F ROYAL MAIL-STJIAM8AIS. Winter Service via Halifax. 270 Mlles Ocean Navigation Savedi -Shorte.t ses Paasage, sconomy, Cern- fort. Average fassige from Land ta La1. \ight Dayal1 E very Baturday front Halifax, pn arrivailotfiht rain leavlng Whl(by At .l8.10a. im. overy Thuri-day, HBTUMOH RATEs 11M MWHITIJT. Cabiu lares reduced te $68, $81 aua 891, aceording to position cf staterooiu. Lover rate for returu tickets. Interinediate, 848. Steerage at lcwe.t rates. Circasisl.sau. -Jaurrary dlii, 1879. Sarîin.n. " 111h, Polyneolan ..... 8tht Caspian ..... 26th. Sarmation. . ..ebruaiî i-9, Steeragepasseugera are torwardedla Lau. donderry Cifasb, Glasow, Queeustown, Bristol, Cardiff, sud Lonidon ai sainerate as le Liverpool. Parties viahiug te .send toi their triends eau obtatu ticket. at mv rate,. Paasengers taklng thie route, travel, lhrongh Canadian terrltcry, sud Iheretore evade all Cnatom BHouze sonoyancel. For tickets and turther information apply te- GEO. B. YULE. Exp. sud Tel. Ofiic Whil Whllby, Nov. 28th, 1878. e ti e0, itby. Au lin -ragae iii i'erliarneut Or Con- For seversi Menthes paît I have uaed FEL- groms, iii fArr f declaring war, nia>' !.oWII X'eaoume SYRiUa- OV n Hma' 9I-iaoSrr- bos caloid aa r-atnluptthi., -ehraule, bronchitiesud other affections of the cheit. I have ne healta. NVlîsîM le Ii ulorence botweeu a lion in slaling that il rauka ferelntit fliîîîiîed l icoCoa nti a boe.livo ? Noue aiuoug reudtie lsai sdiseases. ut aéi .1; for u.e i.sas eec talor, sud lIse Z. A. EAiIL, M. D., odie a b-holer.St. John, N. B allir a iî'-IaI<I~~.I ,trongfly reConuend 1sELLOWB' CoR- A îvag oiog a ad uti a aparty vith rouNe Synlua. OF- lYPOPUOPiTES tu al Who a ver>' lob iiecked tirest; anal bar. arma, sufer lu an>' wsy front disease or veakus î.dnirslen y ssiug 1heof tIse longe, brocial tuises, or froma gen. OCtirpeîi l ii irainb jyn eral debility. J. 11.ý W. 9COTT, M. D., ottluîtoripp(l 0,"thie wiîche hart>'. Cageton, N. B. Ai a Wedding Ctio aliter dii>, oee of FLIONY'O' Ce.mtiouin Sllriiopai'HYPaitos. lime gueste, Who ila fien s littie abSent. 1-111TES itetd -ih eXpedîtiex asud entire qat. istatie i a caseeofa1heeia, which faileif taindeti, otaijerveti gravoly,.;-"I have te yid te regniar treatnuent. ni ion remarkedti ltI liour have been S. JACOBS, M. D., Lunîuurg, N. 8. mare wonien thoan men înarried tIis No Iesitation lu reeoiumedlng PELLOW' yoar." Coxrus-vn SRP r io-HYePsPROipaamS forL An Irolînan, vmo va onggad h a- e,,ai debility or an dî,sec f the lungs. An ýriaima, wo wa tigagd s a.G. ADDV, M. D. dr-ain liîat hie iackaleeàliied lu tise air -1.rsstoriag-persous su1!igfomd jiit imsCline ckstruck Iveive, deter. theretie prostration and coughm filowlog, tuitioe) te work ne more tliiafter db- ltyphoid fever FJILLDWM, COMPiOUIND SYnvi lier, lot go tihe picknie sud loftil lîang. OPi' lYPOPLOOPiEISlals the best remnedy 1 iug Iliera i ever used. EDWIN -LAY, M. D., "I sary, Samba, deos ye know vIal Amonget the dtseasesosverceme by the inakos tho cern grav se fasl whou YOuI use of this reuiedy are e telî-stng "11 rie inantine ou i t"2" 1Ne, I -don't Chrooto Consttpation, ti'ardly- Il IlNow. lil jisl tell yau : Clirento Dympepala, wimeu dlecorn hegins hoesineli de man- Aotimai, tire, il cdon% ikii.,de 'fumery, sa il lin>- Chrouic Breuchitisi, riseseott Ob le gruinîl, agisgela up as Chrpînîiou.arh lîigh us nuisible se as net t breniho deChr-înieLc gts bd ai., Mlluncholy. S . se Chat niarnies a inu eosuse le Nervous Debiliity ta a" od i toi"iuit net be sur- FELLOV Ss priesî if lie turne eut a Lucifer. Au exobsunge, ln il. tmarket repent,'- 'Iotes Il vhi4key iri." shandu , t wobilen;-,i'. been pretty colid iateiy. The ireugesi kiîîd cf a Iliut.-A lady iieiting s gentlemnu laseo if eue of lier linge v; illi9gOon hliuttilefinger. * iinfgIei llyât litI liiiappetite fer celtee 15 Aiways dppedueYb orle enp. Mfu f haî hoerage as i1118 served up a1 biso; iuî A barber, laviug a vas-y ftnemperate Iriman o shave on Sanda>', begge i.i te koep bisie metît îsut, as ît vsa a Pufistiabic offenos hoe open a rm.@hop * milite fSsbbati. A certain writer assena Iliat lie di- 1.01, ahi liiisiiloet Ierrer. Il if; ahli ie ha. l shioot aI, for lie neyes- gels vilhin tniiot oethtie truth. - - A iîowling vilernes.-Tlîo Barcau 1'scahoncliaiegy....Siieii onut 1 ii o f Nature.-Peppermuint. TIhe sicoilen lu a bitîasd's fhanse.- hOid-Hi. vite', skis-t. TIse meat sensible grog ration fan tonsueu t .iiitratiôu. l'lmIe lr-esîlug ofaI soickou le sbison. aille tlu proportion as iii wil.lhyniod. tIllaes a groýtt difference vhetbor glaisci arts us8eçt aven or under the Il s r thlsnet sîva>'. realired, that wnieimaset b. slready vine lu order ta love viadon.. Ii i groat Jeal btter to ay>'legs thon _ bahvat yen Ihink, thon la Ibink cul> haîf vimal yenus>y. à etIlie chould b. s pair cf anuffer.. ne Hn laon an estiunsher sud ual seldom a-thie/. -if >ou v oul.! barros-e n>hing a second1Mme, tise Iveil 1he, itstasd ne. tu 1c Il apeedil'. Sarrove are Ibe ehadavu of pasîjoya. Wlîerever àa fi han been, yau vili fin.!1*81108. A cear lanteru lIo botter Ihan a dis- ,tant star. Biohter lnu-a portion lun a vife than wiîh aà vif... -- Quarrel - illa den.! mon aud yen ven't gel hurt, y- - ai vii net find a Jeep for lu a Muel corn lial P'oily tuses ai)d ten as decens da Compound 3yrup of I-ypc phosphites. 21- Tihe paver et arresting digeases dlsplaved by tuis preparation is iîouorahly acknov- ledged yhyeI. medical facult> in every sec. tien vhere it hasbecen iutroduced ; sud the uarge isi.eIsalthe beilt arntee ofthtIe estima- tou lu vith ttftohe!l y tIse public. Thies Syrup wiil cure Pulmonary con- somption lu the fIrst sud second stages, will glve great relief sud prolang itie lunlthe Ihird. Il wilI cor, Asthris, 1roîchitis Laryn atansd Coughs. It we'llI cure aI d,22911î ' cringtram vaut ef Musculs.- Action sudNervons Porce.. Do net ho decelved hy remedlies bearlng a similar naine, no other preparsîlon is a smb. suintte for tisunuder auy cîroum,îaucee. Look oat for the nanie sud sddress J. I. rELLOWS', St. John, N. 13., on the yellov vWrapper in vatet-mark sulrih ih seen o> holding tIse paper before the ligut. Price *1.60 per Baille, six ton $7.50. Sol y slDrugglsts. LADIES, ATTENTION. Tii. celebrale.! Amorican Hait- Wcrkes-, MAX - JACOB, 130 Queon St. West Tortute, (Tht-se Doona front St. Pstrtck'a Mar-ket) 11Bta informe lhe Ladies tisaIhiit Bat9. culy GENIIINE HAIR WOBKER lu lhe Citl. Ho guaranleet &Uai lds ofI]his_ vork to le cdoue 10 -pert-eclicu, niand proer, ea.!deliver.!et thlie limý e. ested.- ~'Plesse seud your erders an,u v attend ta hoin. Conibinga dloue up la erder lu aunder time .Iraw Ihat SWITCHES, CURLS,' PRIZES, PUFPFS AND- lence s a mnaak as cf- FRONT PLAITS. ion.. Cet-lu eut et strsigbt Hair piade quai ta ustural Curli. Real hait- ivitches siwvy sa ereahure aud pai-ti>'on han.! frnmSLOU np. CAUTION. W8 mors more glor>' b> ,,euse denthomsedb'cnaer - Dcnfg cher.. prementngniy nains, as I'clymoo x but for 1lo0Ve; but se ceptinys ne ai!ca., - npo'n x bst in level>'. M XIJCOB, 1W.t Ê-rvmornn B lin 6.-coutry mptly relu1%Adý a r e .- 0= P i g t s 't m . . ~-~oltl-yor.rs -- "sl tr Havuug pnrchasedt shop, I have added aE which are very cheap Orders solicited for I bave alsýo a quantity of SOHO)OL BOORÇS, -Befi' and other Oci "'o, eri prPie*~~y~ 10r Bemember théePlace-one door noithof Johnstons ,JelerStore. Whitb, Dac. l7th, 1878. Q14O4O~ENEW -00 WHITBY CHINA TEA S TOR Ef The mubseiber begs te inform ail aid Frienda- and Customners chat ho .bas now rcceived ail hi. Christmaustdock af goadi, Thi age îdBste, i~~ a 1h -àpbi;onting c f lChoie. Tea, Fmil Grceres,'rits Hecy7fpe, Tbaoo'Cigars. Faney Gd , Glswrad CoceyP ni Orieyial thenewe t Ml f hih o ow affers atepblic aprces that defycmeiin ~ O ai puchaes ae Dlaa lbueals. on ilb ioe f 'r C o u ic . n t r pastfav urd heoping a hve aconinution o h ptoae Wfubyrhin Te Stre hooeand A , ean reybisstoflor yuse and CtI!. o ucad.ehee s Whitbytb Decimaere11ht187. LAýINO *& STEWART ARE NOW OFFERIN G The wliole of thei*r stock at greatly re- ducedl priées, in order to niake îoom for 8pri importations, therefore Bargains will be Bargains will ho Bargains will be Bargains will ho Bargains will be Bargains wili be 3argains wiil be 3argains will be Bargains will ho Bargains will bo J J I I offered in DIRESS GOODS, offered in -MANTLES, offered in MILLINEDR offered in CLOTHINO offered ini GENTS' FE1 rRNISHINGS3 offerèd in FUR, CAPS, offered in FUR SETS, offéred in G-LOVES, offered in HOSIEIRY, offered in TIES 0F, ALL KINDS. Now is the time to get «excellent talue for your money, and honeet dealing ! Remraber time place, LAING & STEWART'S, Deverel's ledk, Brook-St., Whitb>'. My Stock of -Bp'E :;>Rl*N -I TCTI:?ZE Is now Complete inîýEvery Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special Induceinents to those1 STARTING, HOUSIRKEPING. UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, ColBns, and alii OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHI -NES, the necessaries in this fine. Also, . wun -!Lai m-.e-s .al-htca eysie n abae ahi, n w ci THE OLD 8STA-ND, BROOK 8 TREE T. WHI TB Y.1 'Ile generaipuviio SfCi iie Grunge are to calanV pcOur Stoo.kbefore Vurél WMTBY, ONTABIO. N.B.-Wantede any- quantity. of good F3 u, QlLryApe n oao &F. Whuhby, Jauuary itE, 1879. elsewhere. fresh roll Butter, tby, November 241h, 1875. Ni -Rels CANADAIN OIL-Only 25o per Impenial Gallen, Cash. TdsuUeb SKATES-Pleasc sec our stock and p*rices. STOVES. If yen need a Caekiug, Hall, Parlour, Diuing-room or Box steveé, uniloa HATOH à BRO., PLATED WARE-Butter Coolea-, Oruce, Farks, Spoca., te., suit"blefor presents, cheap, at CUTLERY.-Rcger's, sud othem makes, ciesp, ah RATONk& BiRO.- liAIRD)WAIRE. TPhe Itsrgest stock in the county. Prices bottom. E~ & ~RQ., - ~ *~ WI~; Look at the pricos : Gents, from $1.25 to $1.65. Ladies' from $1.10 to $1.40. 199 Ladies' flouse Slippers 25 and 50 cents, Boots and Shoos of best mako and quality at an equally low figure. Repairs promptly made us usual. Whitby, Nev. 27th, 1876. JOHN SAUNDERS, NEW GOODS1 (Jlothing and Gent'S Furni.shin-g Huse Io flOW supplied with, aà à nwet -stylei of EBngliah, Scotch,,anti ,Canadian Clothig of allingds, the 0'Allo an- excellenàt stonk of Gents' ýFurnishinge, afl àic A.plendid dStk Of IIeâd.de vuooaâ()e W orCaIi' CAIRD PICTIJRES,' CABINET tltel1ind yeÎt initrodù ced. it col art of photography., Cali at or by the New Process. * * j - CARRIM*ES AMY BUGGIES t ITijçi~ ~ THZ LÂIGE ST A». MOST COMPLF,E TSoCK 0op CaÎriages, Sleigh8 and 0Cuttr, CARRIAGE"FéCTOR Y BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VZRY CHEAP. O 'ALL & SEE TREM. HOW TO BEGIN THE NEW YEAR. By getting your Photo taken, at BEST'Se SIMCOE- STREET, OSHAWA. No Lightning humbuge ailowed with him. Everything, in 'the Busin es8 kept at BEST'8, SIMCÇOE-ST., OSHAWA. JNO. BEST, OFFICE 0F TH E 680 WN d PA TTERSON Mt 'g. Go,,i wHrJrB-Y-, - .000- TO THE PUBLIC. In preseuflng -aur Twenty.second Annual Catalogue cf Agricultnral ImpIe. meut. te the farmers cf Canada for the yeàr 1877, vo do s0 vith more than 1h. ardinsry degre. af pride sud confidence, rom tiii marked faveur sud patronage conferred upan us, sud lthe st.-ady sud iucreasitig demaed rom year ta year of aur nov celebraîed Fan. Impiements. W. shali continues heretofore, a. manufacturera, ta make a specialty cf Agricultnrai Macohinery-the Johustan Self-raking Beaper, the Triumph Con.- bined Reaper sud Mower, the Cayuga Mower, lhe Young Canada Mover, sud onreeiw Whitby Harvoster, clsiming s large share of aur lime sud attention. For 1h. lut Twenty.two years we have given aur moat careful sud undivid- ed attention tle the muanufacture sud eperatian of 1h. varions machines in nie, siftiag cultlIhe best paint., remedyiug defeots, modifying sud carrectiug errera, slrougtlheuing weak points, adspling sud properliening every part as aur increaso. od oxperience has anggeated. W. omploy only the boit mechaniical sklll, sud aur machine, p aisunuder tire meal careful upervio sud scrtiny-every detail beiug snbjected la lime sever- est citicism-and each machine i. thoronghly lested before'leaving aur warks, ta prove the cempietenes. cf every part, sud there io ne difflculty lu puttiug thom in opezalien by any persan cf moderate mechanical abilily. Our macineryba. beau selected sud ceuatrucled with a special reference tg the manufacture cf Our owu maehines-msny -toe having been made fer 1h.s parlicular purpose, sud net adapted fer ather vork, sudcar varkmen are edu- cated up la the vanîs sud noquiremeuls of cur manufacure-abtainiug a thor- cngh kuovledgeocf 1h. construction cf our machines, and are thus enabled ta ah- tain s high.r dogrob cf akill sud prcficiency than vhere general mannfaeturiug is carried on. W. are therefore enabled ta intreduce a mare perfect systen. bita ahi th. do- partmeuts cf manufacture, addiug nat ocul> ta1he perfection cf lime vark, but ah- se ta time rapidity of ils ereenion-and a censequent reduction of coit. This principle i. regmrded uece.aary in a veil regnlated establishment, sud ve euabled ta luru eut aur machines wîlh a higher degrea cf purfsation. sud aI prices se 1ev uasboluteiy go defy eempelitlen. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER la Dow m Boîel kuovnu a aSingle Beapor, limaI a Word cf commeudation vauld sîmeat aem superfinos, but sia'- here are mauy* claiming ta - manufacture this machine who have adhered tclime aId original Johuston machine, vithout keep- ing np ta thim .rovemets ; timat justice ta ourselvesud patrons require cf us ta, state that vo have medif.d il lu almaît every essential part, sud for itreugtm snd durabilit>', quality oif cul, lu evor kiud sud condition cf grain ; liglituese cf draft sud eue cf management-the "Johustan," sa. mannfaclured b>' us-stands pne-ewiuently ahead cf ail ather rcapers. Iu p.roof cf tis position ve have euîy te, pint te, the inu Fit-st Prires swarded us-sat the lait Provincial triai cf On- tariesud inu>'cenI>' trials viicit have taken place ahi aver Canada, vithmin Cannet fail ta meet ail the requiremnentu cf purchasers. Our Improved.Cayuga Chief dr., and ou,' Young Canada Mowers are bath first-cloas machines-onsotituted aimait wholly cf Iran and Steel. The Cayaga Jr. ha. a rear cut, and the Young Canada a front Ct ; bath strong, dur- able machines, and net excelled by any machines in the market for quality of ont, dnrabiity, lightness of draft, adaptability, and case of management. OUR NEW "ýWHITBY -HARVESTER."; As th. country bu beceme better adapted ta machinery, and many af aur farm. ors have became skilled in the noe cf machines, a grcwing demand has sprung up for a Lighl, Durable, FirutClau Beaper. Alive ta the requirements cf the day, w. have succeeded iu inventing a ma- chine with a Wrought Iran Frame, with the least paisible gerngwt large, broad-faced drive wheel,-and se construcled that t he frame and table tilt at the sames lime, thoreby keeping the pilman alwaysi lin. with the knife. The rakes are driven directly from the main shaft-there being no perceptible aide draft, adn egh pntehos.ncsuW r fdentnoat &a succeeded i neln h otpefc epr igi in i l atsta h. àever beenau ue.W aeapie e etr aenadsalhi ur invention, for aranecuiemnfcue u ersslui ugs ain- tending purchasrta h sal e hsmciebfr im hi rers for th. coming ava.Te"htyHretr egs hll,60pude, but being mdnri iai f1. otqaiyc rnad teadfa l n genians a ndcompact onusîrclionilCombine. the ilrengthand durabiiity cf the heavier machines.< kl of aur MIc iues are fully warranled. With tkis listôfifiachines, we feel confident that we cau meet every re- quiremeul, snd w. respeclfuliy solil a trial of cur machines, believing that we eau furni.h a better machine for ths money Ihan cau be ehtaiued olsowhere. Beipeetfuily Ycurs, BROWN & PATTfERSO N MF'G. 00. Whltby, Ontario, February. 1877. 1piel Go where you cannot fail eased in making selections of good furniture. to be Splendid Parlour, Drawing BRoom and Bedroom Sets, New Designs vdil wortlmy cf inspection, at astonishing 1ev price. Dmn- ing-room Extension Trables-a ver>' superiar article. Gilt Comnices,'icture Frarng in ever>' style. Sont. fine Chromoa and Engraviugs for sale.- lu a i il branches;- fnnerals mnU> snpplied, A stock cf elegant casketa. -coffins alvays en han.!, trimme.! ta suit Cuetomers, an.! à vei appointe.! Hearse censtantl>' iu readliness. WM. TILL. 1148. A HEKVY. STQOX 0F READY-MADE CLOTHING, Including a large stock of OVE.RCOýTS. EXCELLENT GTENTS' SIJITS, - made up in the Latest Styles. Butffalo Robes, a great number. Ail selhing at an immense sacrifice. JOHN FERGUSON, WM. BURNS,' fias just received, direct £rom the Manufacturers, a goodl assortment of Ladies and Gentlamen's -Marsard, Empress, and American -Aso, Pacifie Baga, Cheap for Cash. Four more *LIST 0F AUCTIONEEIRS Licensed for the South Riding of Ontario, North Bîding ai Ontario, au-d separate Municipalities in the latter. NAKE. Wm. Gardon, J. C. Widdifield, Ciement Dawes, Donald Campbell, B. H. Camneron, Oea. IMcWilliam, Thos, Poncher, Donald Boas, D. Bashop, Thas. Tueker, -L. Fairbanks, J. M. Pattersen, John A. Ducett, Johstn Brown, Wm. J. Malouey, M. G. Snimvau, Charles BE Hewett,- E. Majors,, Thos. Poncher, Sunderland, Uxbridge, Port Peu-y, Whitby, Iteaverton, Terouto, » Belfcrd, Beaverten, Oshawa, Leaskdale, Whitby,- Bîcemingtou, Beaverton, Uxi>ridge, Brechen, Brechen, ]3rechen, Port Pes-ry, Forth Itiding, Belford, Uxbridge, -cee - LIST 0F PEDLER~ FOR THE COUNTY ONTABIO. MUNICIPALITY. Broc', rýdfiing, Brock, Tharali Brook, South mRiig, Thorais, South Iliding, Northi Riding, SonuthItidiog, North Eidiug, Thorah, North Eiding, Mar", MarsRdig UMar, EXPIRATION. De. rd, 1878. Dec. 151h, 1878. Dec. Suet, 1878. Jao. Sth, 1879. - Jan. 218t, 1879. Peh. 581h, 187. AprQ MSr, 1879. 'June 4th, 1879. Ang. 25th 1879. Sept. 1111h, 1879. Sept, lotis, 1879. Sept. 2otis, 1879. OcIr. 71h, 1879. Octr. 81h, 1879. Octr. Ilth, 1879. Octr. 111h, 1879. Ocîr. 121h, 1879. Octr. 251h, 1879. Nov. 151h, 1879. John FiuchI, Thcrh J.7ph Jacksone, Toirnto, Pters O. CMeu, Toronto, -2 herses. Thos. E. Conlen, Toronto, OcIr, SSud, 1879. 2 horses. Ocîr. Slnd, 1879v 1 horse. i herse. Jan, 801h,2876. Man. 111h, 1879. MoCROSSON &C. ARE NOW SHOWING ,l THE LAIRGEST STOCK OP FURS EVEB EHOWN IN CANADA. --00- A- SECALy0 PUR TRIMMINGS CUT TO 0ORDE IL BEAR BOBES. ASTEACHAN SACQUES, WOLF BOBES, iIUSSIÂN LAMB SAcQUES, RACOON ROBES, S. S. SEAL -SACQUES, YAK BOBES, - PEESIAN LAMB SACQUES) BUPYÂLO ]ROBES, MOCE BRUMNE SACAUES, MIN .K CAPS, MINK SETTS, S. . SEAL CAPS,- S. S. SEAL SETTS, OTTER AND SEAL SETYS, ERMINE SETTS, PERSIAN LÂMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRÂdHAN SETTS CONEY CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETýgS, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONEY SETTS, GERMAIt MINE CAPS, GBEY LAMB SETTS, Partieular attention jgiven to' ail - orders. speciaily atteiided to. Torouta, Dec. 8, 1877. Alterations1 BUGGIES, ANI)_-CAR RIAGES. ALarge Assortment of Cutters and Buggies FOR SALE, CHEAP, -AT- TOMS & NEWJORT'S DUNDÂS Carrnage Facto-y, DUDSSTBE ET, - - HITBY, -ONTARIO. * OONWALL' OL-1-'TI WAIST &'BH POULDE.R -CHART. *DressaI 111.5 frcmmeaaurement aIone uoho nsf in gh. s' TForsale, wht"LWUn,Ï MISSI MeINT YRE'8. DRs'AauG aRONE, wmrasi. -Agento wle. Liberal luducemanla ta, MlgcIuhyrevil lakin la dera for Mn. .bnllýo shaaa r &aI iddà of - STRÂW A"» PEYJT WOEtK, whioh viii . mmd.by ,Mm..T. in &IL the lateat fùheons, vlth pmmctiude audilu a way.to glve cualomers sat fcin. Whlby, Nov. 6, 1878 46 Licensed ,Aùcetioneer a gjr xrm'e sud adconduct- 2-Addreis,' C. DAWES, 26- Port Ferry. INDIAN .LINIMENT!1 ]For mâle by dd«irsgeanfly.- What we Jtake the Iead mlo - r.t'd parts, Sprisc FORBIlSESAIiCATTLE.PFrom te eue batilu ar vatter, vilicure moat internai deragemeut. caused by over heat- WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, ASIC Wae h.ndrsigned have ns..! Bown's Indàan Liniment fer nome, lime sud can cheerfufly recemmenid 11fcr public us..- Ephrlm ay, Pine Orchard, Ont. Cha, Hempthorn,Whiy, Hirain Brovu Andrew OZvi, " J. Davi, - Brookliu, J. K. Malhevacu, d Sethunbble, Â.hbnru, A. H. Heuderson, Uxbridge, S. C. BOWN, ;,roretor 88-) Wlutby, 0111, w HITBY, PORT PER! & LINDSÂy CO R&SE IAY. iL]E Taking effeot on Monday, ýJnlo lt, 1878._ Leave Wiiil1ý7........M5 ni ., 8.45 p.. PrFerry. 9M .Id AfieLinda....11M5 9.15 -. Manillois..... 75 do 8.14 Fort Ferry, .... &25 a, 7M1 Arrive Wity 9.285 8.0 For lima. at otier stationss.c Peeket Timas- Table, tlabo haîtou application to, an> etflthe Ccmpauvu Agents. CONNECTIONS.- WMTr xJUNiccroucWiah Grandi Trànit Bail. way for ail point. es"an sd vesi. FORT PFB a,1-Wlth. stage, for Epiain, Ulica 0neÂx-o Salntfteld sud Wick, MsuNILI.-For Sunderland sud Canulglc. MÂAETC&L-For cakvoô&Lilt~e Brt-a i,, V- LnsIÂv.,--Wîth Victoria Rtailwa for Midse,, Haliburton, the Fres Grant T=orsuad lth. EngisiLand Conian'srp -anvtiMd- 'edBa .y orOaseM burook Peter- booni WedliBaverton rliWu- siiene, Penetaiusmenead oria Bey ffeWotheroi BraoebmTdge, sud the, Frée Grant Lande or Muakoka. Through Tickets are Isaneifby asB Agents et the. W. P. P. & LlL. E'y, lor Torontoa md'by G. T. I. Ticket Ants, Toronto,.foruailBstiona ou W. P. F. & L.E'. No transPac charges.- Baggage checked tLhri. JAMES ]HOLDEN, Whitby, Ap. 801h '7M Mauaging Director. -WISITBY. Gea. Cormack,ý L -.l MEECHANT 4- BUILDEB, inga, and allýi Ti stceje- Flnl Deors,, Suan d Bilnde. Mîins LUMDER vholeeoie sud retail, or by by the car la.. Planing, Mus'ldingueof evëry desinsp- tien, Floarnug, Sheuîiug, Shelving, Re- savtng, Shsping, Tnrning. Scr-ohl-verk1-, etc., etc. Whitby, Oct. 151h, 1878. -43 ParIiami-ntary-Notlce.' N TCP SEBFBY GIVN THÂT lature et Ontario; at ls netulsolua, Whltby, Port Ferryad Linda >Esla> Company for au Ait reduclug sudl restrang. iug thse Mortgage DebI of the Comupany, exlending the lime, forcnsuls Brandcf 1 w EsZilvy ta xblgean!ta Beaverton, ev.rig tise CorniD"y-to geon Eixteumicu Eailvsy Conipsu , and for suci other amndmeuts.1ta theirActe au WILLIAM MULOCK, Solicitor toraths Whitby. Port Pory-sud Lindsay ealway Company>. Dec. Brd, 1978. ene THE TORONTO Turkish f Vapor B6at hs. These baths are nseful luaEeRh lm Neuralgis, Cougis, Colas Cngestion, Brucsile, Set-omSu km Disea, i n- flammatIons.* Bllicueness, Foer., susl for snltaiy pots.- Tho vapor baths are parliculialy appIa. hIle te sal in disesses, espcclaflyByp lulja Il i. ncv muivereally cancede.! tint boti tho Turkisis sud Vapor.Pallia are aherbest preservalivci, cf heallis vitilnthe reah ai- medical experte &anlucompuuotlau vih méedical trestnient the patient lluore rap. idly n su eueesaully truste.. Paît-cuirs. hrougisaut the worldProm royalty dovu le ah.hepoorat inia,,. Theme Tnrieh bahsare the oui> eues ilu 1h. Cil> Qeolationîad recem muendaious are i u lt-cm thé.Lest meedical sud anmitar steti ties lw u lcountnies. EOUB-Getlnon,7 la 8.80 a.=., 8Ste !p ni. Sturday mnil il hp.m. Ladies, 10 .2m. 10 1.80 P. M. PItICE;-Turkixh BstIus, oue ticket, 41 12 tickets. SI&. Vapar Balisa, S0c saab; tickets. 88. 233 QuiJEEN4T. WEST, Bkilfnl sud attentive nmâl. a( ftmalp' ' WILLIAM THOMPSON - Begs ta direct attention te hi. large and superior stock, coamprisiug. every- tiig in lb. Saddhery aud Haruesi Line, alto Leather Valises and Saratoga 'l runks I 1A LOT 0F Ver>' handsoue an.! Cheap. At he lId establishmment. WILLIAM TEOMPSON, Brook Strpet, Whutby-. PASHJ ONABLE *TAIL ORINU l Go where you ca~n get a W41ll-fitting. Garmént :-To the Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GREO$HIAW.A. UPEBIOIR 0UTTING SH[APES TE WR A Lare Stock of F'ine Clotho ;boat Englisi, Scotch &Rd OGaudis»n T e e d . t ' E c o l o i 4 v e r o ~ i g s p d Sp l en d i d V e s i P à 4 pt n a. A GEORGE GUULJiFY, 'àisf~I~ sa u il -lit Coa suî c OBI MlEC L WELL-APPOINTED ]HEARSE. ïhitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 WILLIAM TILL'S PBINET FACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS 1 01 Wi puy 055e ---Um an.! S An a: xing AMERICAN COAL QIL!1 Io smakey chimneys i Oniy80o Imperial Gallon, Cash. Wheewe and ail, At RIATONII àBRO. SEE A LARGE STOCK 0F OVERSHOESIsDDEYADHRES Ac Hors. -q. Ahtisi Co POUND C>w 0 i ýooj - - ýý# 0ý- 1 - Il 1- - 1 i 1 il 1 1 1- 1 1 Oct. lot, 1878. 6 OSHAWA. 1 BROOK STREET-,ý WHITBY, 0111.T.rr-&I:;bio- cases ý 91 King Street, Toronto,, ý 1 1 ly-50 Ti 1%-T. ID :m mb rr & -T< 1 ý"j*%T (3r Aprîl 17th, 11 RATCH 1:ý' FINE FURS A SP ECIALTY. ýOUTTERS,

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