Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1879, p. 4

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mm litas" debaiefi unitaireS by ail w'hytt wltyva oy, sud-' vwe kbutin l. is ail ths go, cf counse, Spencer, tacre faus Comte about icnteetîstlitk, do Dot ex- tt lanuglt excet a bg MIlsU086spe, sbiar:ared, t repoedSi8r. oncama il lo If lrautnailiî" and- mus Thal "rbwumrightly uudarotood, Gi transcendantal I aggl," Sir, Engiand'is F ___liitei5 'Via le iwe front Engiand contlunos ltuba..4.I.fut. ljýi0r8 as 1gepejr bel. - stmprouso cof the coautry fa pase. luf awaey. Tiie Londont World asy.- iL'ery perooneoa taets in the ity li- tsbut lhe one doleful tae, wiloh is liave btid bad limes' dm,11 traf, doinM- in icteirprige andi iow (or ne) profits u3ow1for years, but 40talrs have, beeu 4oiog on from in ait leworso latoly with, aéceeirsd vsloaîly. Tbers ilaaudible' Muw, toc, a nsw lotie lunte monotcu. oarefrain-a loue of, Impatience aud irritaton, as If hangin u - o 0 uefor tliime gieutuy days wouid give- swesl atittfctlou. À palier lias juil beaon raou te subjotbefore te Mauches. tér Batsii&ial 'Soiety, flits wrîlor of, firr woking ail ueccaeary ratifications of Cliopublisbefi figurensq go tsile assureý disicorrect > esuli, Chat the- advsgae trutd(-lialanoe cf fLuglaud wasa a linfr. tid tuiiliôn sterling in 1871, âud wili bc-. 'Lmtriiolt ln 1878;1 lu 1871 it was only 'u 1 frU,tU u. in I-lwas. nu ; lu 1873l, .1iGOO<,sdfront thêncefit iats advtauced year b y year uutl ii A ge;lcteu #anl luknow, yon hu W h"wo leate aullior cf lihsfollow. itj,< tioat trplgratii, 1G i- sauppooed Go Itovi, bécuwrt&tu 4y.onoof, lita Italit writ-H of tf b,,1'h tez4ltor aitýauth CULIM1)<IYIG *Whila (aptd tMrintg no laitieisjoalouas uttir boat bita. WJilitlfor? lPar givlng up Mh iow 'ru catis, GVIo centrtvoit Guot i tutu Thi,, tiild 1t I ioulît flot have betleyeîî 1lit*,'d livu il$ WtpiitIstat nioter. illia Watttt lii aN tcccoivotfi S4taoilo iulai t littgt t t as lii mother. 'Tles ilielrone botwtea a fou, ansd a iirrris tai lte foui ipeaies iiivtout rieit',sdtatiirror rc-leetkw wih. esfrtiltucte M'ais cotîting, meul lier b0. Go()safricoî's it te cou ury Go esoape il, Aitoîr i fow tlayg ali,()receivoî1 a no de roiiin thet frjian, ayiuà ."For gocît. IllîH'ea' ske, taku YPur,,bpyae w4y atd si-li o>uug Chtutetrtiiqiltikiuicmtead." Whaltiare Youu lu lait for'?" askod a jprieinîci, vimitcir of a negm.-" For lsur'wmst tîtiîonnli, " Wlt1' tltey don't îini tîteu ln jitil for Iîorrowîttg noyi", Yn, but you soea I lia Go knoek tite tuito tilowilt'Irrsior futur Ctilîueii *tforoe e iAtii it o uit." --A iLonduon ioraiotiu ritee :-4*1 Clin ttt o r.8us a pooeitve.ol lit ati aYudi, catdila in tîrocotis of cottaliîdaticn wiîiclt hiîs for ils oo019 abject lte tîritate cf Pýl'ilcîluo fronithGîtaTurbiat Goveru- it tl dils restoratlon Goultse ea it11sîvule forin. I'kttow, but arn not ak liberty le mention, the nains cf the siOeûetàry Of ta body:, wiiolaready Liumbors sumo very ininontial members, mn ouineauv6o irtribeoufidie wtii witiclt lte rêcrelary, tlce li main bar of te Jewîîlt rase or religiont, but, Il wvollkitown otiau, regardsete future IOtîcoas01f tse scitae ; sud Iisi. xper- touc f te worid, sa - koowiefge of motavet laiwilortaul5toc 8elgnered. -MIA Molt ExcIt. IS TA NLE iy ihiuor inir'boloi IN A FRICA Acmlt record ot 11itetalttiiifatAgal l teali explora. ~~ Gl6otte l 1eIt ut c Notller adilon caoi compare willi It for iiGtrctivene,e sud eheapuess. A(GENlt4 %uA Nl'*to seuil forfult portiolatre sud boecooiviticaîl.-or te Skye lime souS 50 its. ai once for cauvamsiugi btîok, and ata chlice cf townuships. 1'rofusety iiitstraieîl. over 7W)0Pagets, ieotl Î2.25. Adtres IýRfiEC& NSIAKINI, 18S lYcut Iifttt Street,, CININNiATi. O. GRAY'S Gîte oua nebans iterd et G R A Il woudarfi t tfects of18e ces sud Gthe ilies tu c'~rn ira . Luttg Dises... Tbs 3lIWPJ ( Utai. Murray,f s RED onthe Adiren acks, lae fa Fieroigts thety SP C eueofît0&mpt ivaptG oittGo b min whoad*ai otier itemr Go d b t Gai mfafonfls RE -, e ploét o lls. th imex Pai'cieteiy. TGlGtt & ,Ui< Sp renarly s fontir 1 lt ie i ti ttis pe - a les, n w(ýfani sUi rt, t.sa tuba a ton roperfia r pr A l - o - . li.6.bfolioiucyValuablo La - ado l..e v. : -The Sontit Hal ofLotNu r blrae, lu thé F1118 Coucesslan of Ge.Tow ii1tp et Thoraitin the county QI OnGj: ceutafuing One l10irogut. c e b.PU=caexnym 8* aIlai euh tIa.e t hsen mnceamut. W4kaon s t t mgals. For ftGbor parllcalar apply i, Torasto, Dec. 718 1878; NOTICE.* ' Uotes, WlJuin5. PTRWKM W ANTIS» Puit AMERICAN â ZBT.--Ous Hundrefi wel.f Cetol Eôîoi os, i yaar otd. Pariezaba auctto dispe of wildoWeil t tewrite once. Witby, Dec. tttb, 1878. For severai moatî t ut 1 haveusoeS Pst- Love&' COwt'ouSDntn PW POSvtu , w m -prrZs affoctloucf Gb. chest. I bava no besîta tion lin %?sitngi tbsItrauks-% foraoat amoaig rmdc i io.diseueo. -Z. X ZAUL, -M. D., St. John, N. B I strongiy racommçud Pranova' lou.; JnOUX]> SraîUr OF HxrPs'oroîarreo ail vho >a«W ytay syfrot'4sU . waisk GaeonX. B. i.factfonfacueof apiionta, vlh ta lleS "0obstate Ilurecmmedîug Feaiovs' Coss'tia Buou-or Hrt'ortuoiirmraefor, zUdaa01the luago. laI rusloorlng porions materlag frontdlph. tberoîia prostration sud coug t foUoinîg ,typhold laver - FzLLôWS' CoUrouNo. yURt- or Hrî'ounoere the Gîta elremeîly 1 or u ED I»WIN 'LAY, M. D., Pngvssb, N. 8. Amen albt. edîseaes evercome by Gb. uge of is mdy aËre flhc foiiouing Citroulu ConstIpation, Chronie Dyspopsia, Asthma, Coneumptien Chronic Laryngîiî, mlalîcboly, *Narvonis Dcbitîty FELLOWS9 CompQand. ~y~~pp Of~ , VPO-ý phoRphites. , »p e&crate.,m orob ly ,?sknow- iondgedyit le mecal faenlty lu every sec- Gio vors Il bai beco introlu ed ; sud Gb. large tala leîthe otgnarute cf taettita- toîtu itiaitIt la itetS byltepublie. Thim Byrnp vili cure Pulmouay- Cou. stmplion itythe Sret-snd soemsig iii gi vo grs.G relai t polnglt l te tbirl. Il it*iirr sima-Bocif Lsryn thi'tasd Canghe. It viii cura aIl dife.1.sleî oriuting front Waltt of Musalar Actiont sudNervons Force. Do not bc-eievo b>' rensfibs bearluig s oiruitaèr name no alter preparatton tu a suli- stilate for tîdm utider an>' ircumîitancas. Laok onI fer tho usmansd adîleao. I. YEIjTrOW8', St. John, N. B., ou tbo yellow w rapglrlu atermark whleb lausau bv bolîîigtt.î'per hefore thé ligbc. Prilio:ti.lper Boattes, mi% for $7.50. gala h>' al DruIggtt. TU fL IN HNI)OfIJ[MOHEN To Ron7ewLoans already exi8t- ing, to F'ayDebts, or ta make T REl UNDEIISIGNED IS PREPARE» Lia ake aulvait-cs upoit tte îecurity cf reai asiate for perf uju ta stfGburrovere aud repUayshinl any maunor applicanie ma> Sesirîr. ite ofinet,<i, Seven,; euS Iigitt lier cer.t. uîceaî-utiug ta nîpuymeulh. Wlitii ttei iiatiefaeîjory tti oo eau lue coinptettul tutu] noiey puid o0en in Ten ~ AT>'l'O PGtllIIASI] 100D Cottveyauirea-aof utly preparefi. Office Itigelavît Diacli, Part Perry. ]Iespeetfuttty Youns, 42) T1HOMAS PAXTON. AUCTION SALES 1 BT 1GGota rue >' incere thaulu ltate J.public for te ver>' liluerat patronage beeîawed npau me in tite -pasG, anul to futimaGe lit 1 I iii bc ou hand resdy Go cauduci suy sales that I may ha enîrusted vlt. TenrmeIlibera1. Satiafactian guar- M saebock willi hafounofiat the Oua %VHli hithy. Arrangements au G0 -laisc ate, î&qt., ,tnaybmaSdeviit Mr ,to ý urthUe trilorUe litelt. Ordera ly m *ar iliraph aGeudeSo. L. FAIRBANKS, Aucioneer, Whtlty. N.B5. - Sali - Buî,ks sul F_-,u au pure yasez ovçr uneimflrams,. a avuaaj.ffUuS e w e1Wt Coma co and aIl, examine liii stock -for yourselves before purhasing aa'avhare. : 7 'j .~r ..Wishing ail mý' ÀIdifrienai. a 'eMrry, OJiima, t$ iauljmthoin>o ust faveurs, aad hopiag te hava a continuation of tIseir patronage, rînenauaIa r. Whitby China Tes Store. P.i~-i~ od f FutradOu.so&whoteeI oni$ 4nAioÀent for Tnco's 'sHâsean4at* , -S WblIb, DecmFBrlIlt,1878 o 7virtue cfa Warrat unert&bae tLf ii cf tha County of Ontario, dateS the Tblril me Go livy upon ttie lads menti oned in1 Uteron, mad ciiis, as berd e Seiu, 1 lisrby couts arasoonar pi ,1lufiil, la ocraplianosvIt u BlpuiontbeaiS a vaoro anc tta 3ANV&RY, .&,D., 1879, ai th& houief090k PICKEEI Heuse anS lot, Botte 85 BP y NorthBE. cerner, Gate& 16 i1 VM4eagLoti18 là 2 I BlockD3, jVilto.1 -Bllock B', Vil. Lot No. 2 Water La;t No. ff llrook.oti., Vil. Lot 21 pi 10 Union-st.,,Vil. ot 25 6 j 70 1os 898 Ptne 91 1578 9920 1796 Paene CLABISMONT lS ICKEEINQ. 400 Patumis tIetS9.5 0West j 28 1 G 61'28 80OS 54 88 PataGeS, South-wanit cornsr 4 7 5 à 17 1 os 7 10 Paisatea REACI. Block B, No. D, part 13 B. KalgbG, Pt Southt * 14 -" Cameron'a plan 209 dé d, 175 178 " "216 - a 247 Scugg.s, " part 208 Part Soutbh Broken Broken Soatb i Nor', Nort Nertht Sothtt Part Southj Part Northt Soult 1 Sanlt-vsat pI of S5 Nortith Nott 1 of Southt Northt ; of Northi Nartih là 21 18 19 21 12 South-Wîsest angle East i Nantit j of East j Centre pI IA.Bretours) 5 I1 88&W . 4961aesme TROUAIM. ô 4 445 191 686 PORT P'IfRY. I 1522 8 75 8 75 8 75 606 200 848 A 40 1278 iô 90 11428 6 195 7498 ô 100 24 84 8 200 9214 9 '100 2208 9 81 - 1790 0 100 9972 1 100 821 2 100 8247 2IO 1 3 5 28 ,2 10 a826 i 6 - 1 97 2 100 1558 i 20 15 69 B 100 1989 a 200 85 99 a 60 211Il a Gio 099 RAMA. a 100 8093 I 100 2661 B 100 1889 B 100 15589 p' 65 2556 G 50 688 G3 100 1804f H 99 22 95 K 100 205 x 100- 24 80 x 100 2857l L 100 ) 4015 L 100 89 85 m! 100 2219 ml 1i00 1824 SCOTT# a 21 7 89 a 100 8 75 8 50 1648 4 120 44 45 7 28J 8629 Treasnrar's affice, Oct. 7tb, 1878. WIb~LIA M 218 1740 1 90 à 566 190 fi65 190 5 w 196 809 186 885 202 1050 ipateuwe patenteS PatenteS Pa"teute Pateatad 21 i9 1490 Plte ,466 11889 Ptue .568 7661 Ptne 24il 9675 U mene 98U 2480 PatenteS 2186 24 "' Paentea 25260W1l- PatenteS M 85 82286 PGate 1 01 1 10229 Patente 162 2U 09 Unpat4nted 2 68 8796 Uapatemited 1 88 6 14 Patee 1 85 882 PatenteS 219 1779 MIartenteS 2 20 1789 aI=te 2299 21 68 PatenteS 270 8869 Pettatad 285 2344 PatenteS 1 98 8 91 Patenta 2 58 2 47 S19 2 88 2 82 2 41 2 89 2 81 2 79 2 86 2 18 sa 61 17 o8 28 00 8 82 20 29 25 88 2287 26 71 2596 4296 42 14 '24 55 15 87 Patented 1 Pauttod Pautete PatauGeS Patentea Unpatentod Unpatented UnpaGsnted uplitented Unpsteated Un;:'anted 199 9 88 PatenteS 2 02 10> 77 Fateata 2 21 18 64 Pitented 2 99 47857 PatenteS 2 71 89 00 PatenteS WM. LAING, Co. Tr«as, On"al TILL'S btank notes ()ABINET FACTORY AND L. F. FURNITUR.E WAREBýOOMS Valuable è 'al/ Es tate1 THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WHfITBY. TOWNSHIP 0F REAUR, 01 AE1YPIIVATL CONTIGACT No. 7, i inteeil dcirueîruiiai of the Town- siip or lisant veil stuGalîfi, gond sali tud a dweliegbotosou thi hait cf lot No. 7. Ttse e ic r 100 ainesiot tituber on tot No. 2.' Tixesproperties viii takesgood farmou. 4 sinai cash payamenit witl t,reîtuunadlte balance ho romaint ou Manhgagi ton a terni ai yaars to suit the.,iunabasen. Appi>' Go T. H. MeMillaît, BEaq., Ositava, Oui., lin Go the tutderigned, LYMAN ENGLISII, 80.ti Oshiawa, Ont. [LADIES4 ATTENTION. 1Te6ýo AércsHtrVckr MAX JACOBel 23o Qucen Si. West Torntui, l(lsam Ijors froat 8St. Patrlok's Market> ,af~i!5OrnfoîasdisLadies hat ho Io in theCity. Me guanantees an i lsa et hi& ..WellI>oibes Sane o pOein, na ansd ýprapr, anà dlilvsredl at the eîa requested. 1 'ârPleasesnd vaun ordeni anS Ivin attenS o thein,0 Combb don niGo ender in J - PIZESPt.1YI'8.AND. P RONT PLAITS. Curie ont cf straigbî Hum maSdepn G CAUTION. 1,~1same LP~5eb>lr 1oeplm>'e ramre.1 lé ex. Go where you cannot fait to be pleased in making s'elections cf gpod furnitu.re. Splendid Pàr1our, Drawing Room and Bcdroom Sets, New Designs waIl worthy cf inspection, at astonishing iow pricu, Dm-. iotg-room Extension Tables-aà very superior article. Gilt Comnices, -Pictura Franiing un avary style. Sema fline ChIromos sud Engravingi for sala. Iu ail ita branchas ; funarals fuuly supplied, A stock of alagant caskats. Cofflus always On hand, trimmed te sait CueitomaîsB, ana a weil appointe& Hoarse eoneiantly in readfinase. WM. TILL. Whihby, November 24th, 1875. AMERICAN GOAL QIL' l'o etnokey chfineys 1 OnIy 80e Iniperial Gallon, Cash. Wholieansd BReteil, aI HÂTCH & BRO. CANADAIN OIL-Only 25o per Imaperiai Galoa, Cuit. Tràde supplle by HÂTO H&hBBO. SKATES-Please sec our stock and prices.- - STOVES. 1(f yen neefi a Coeiig, Hall, Parlour, Diuing.room or Bex Stove, eau on RH &h 30 PLATE» WABE.-Butler Coodera, Cruels, Forks, Spoons, &o., suitable fog presents, cbeap, ai HLATOH m& 133. 1 -CUJTLEBY.-Itger's, and, other makes, ohoap, atIUHTCH i &1330. -[ARDWARBE. The largest stock in the cou.nty. Prices bottom, -ImportaiuHrudwart, mie, Whitby. FaAJJaLOÂBLE TA ILOR INGI Go where, you eau ,ge e-itii amn-To the. GEORGE -GURLEY,,.O094AWA.- SUPEMIRCUTTING SHAPES, TI1Jf 1lrll' farour bcmlieau n& me. the argains wé are offermg m* LAING & TEWART. OPPERS THE FOLLOWING ADVAIITAGES: lit. The Saisi bufidiap ai gpo" nlaCanda. davoiA bt h hebr ducatiouof -Yoeagladies. SUd, ra oyomplais sd ofasai taf of lastrutors. Provision la rmade for athorough pouadlag ila Znglab, Me liii irasfouadationalf àr aSaluud sducation. Thei. fast sl.mnUmt bjsaae mai vslooksde& biplamys aisi pisv"ýlo«WlUh advaagesu a ovure age. ud fanaay stage cf advao.emeai. IPsOWaifa4311115 ariffurdid for aaqulrlag a uubrough aMd praclaikuowlsdge of asace. The music deparimani, undarii the aa"ga zasa of Y. H. Torringica, Esq., Coaductor of thé Phuamoalo So«y cf Toroato, la in th* bigiiest stais cf sfficieaay. Freachad Germaitare Iangbi ly an acaomplisbed lady, loré, MUbshmatlas, Dra;lug, Painting, &o., aueanghtinlatGe. most uiec"talvemaaner. Brd. Weil. regulaiàd o«"Uinl wadklg, cslluhac, marlag wholesome and nuGtitlons di; comfortabu. sud 'Wefl veneilzooms, &o. 4Gb. A larg» mambur of honore obeb competefi for. Twc modal. tremBas Excollency Lâord DutSerin; gelS d i reia las. Paiteraca, Esu., of Torouto; a obolarsbip frora Albert Teskay, Bsq., cf Applen, saS more than 9160.00vot cf prisos. Mt. IFofteffl per cent. rea4if $ o f ho.,wao pay in aafvace for oua gear'a board anS Guiton. To tbes. hopay by ithe isrm :-Por second ternicf ailsadano., l5ve percent. osf aul billa; for thWr terza, ten per cent, off; and for fourth tarin, fiten psr cent. wll bc dednct.d. TUITION FEES. TO THOS&EB PAY IN AIVANOE P4EE XEAE.-DOABD h TUITON. proparatory Dspartmsnt, per tan...4 00 lu preparatorD"prmeat-..... .* 112i (0 800 .dItional charges viiidopsud uyonth Sebhool 10cm tandhincidentaI oxponses n m ng01 e , t tékeai cf wa Ipiras. vu erm....Z.. . ...... ...............I Ovl Sgkn fpyment b. mas aad V Use of Llbrary.....................a 2S for a vbola rear. CALENDAR. DOARDING EXPENSES Tti.Ccnagiate vair la divkiSe to four Germ, oftnwesabh; os ne anod A-bau b.- Bcard, -wtuh tfUrbod rom, Per voo]L... 02 73 fore Christmus, and twoandsaS .b afier. - Puti ligbts, anSdvaablng, pur veak ....E00 BicT» , e bt ht~ o'liovemberiath. Siagle bed, or rocu tinS ndstorey, extra, VACATION, trom Dcm rI o 'Iy pur eek.. ..........., ...... T D TauFebruary 7tb Go April 11Gb. par ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~2 va.............Founn Trm, Apnfli 19Gb o lne 27Gb. For further parlieulara, sac Calendar, fnrnished on application to Brv. J. B. 8MNDEBSON, M. A., or, BEY. J. J. RARE, B., A. Governor. Pricipal. Whitby, JnIy fird, 1878. 284L. My Stock of Is 0W Complete ini Every Line. E. J. JOUNSON. VeySpecial Inducements t'o those STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. U ND E R TAKI NG. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries in this lin. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED- HEAIRSE. Whitby, Octeher lOth, 1877. 42 BEST'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, SIMCOE STREET, OSHIAWA. OBEAT BEDUCTION IN~ PRICES UNTIL lst 0F JANUABY.- Card Pictures front $2 par dozen, upwards. This is a chance te gat first-class work ai haItits valua. Don't fail te improva alie opportunity. N.B.-New Sceaery laialy introduced at __ 1Ner. 19th, 1878. lyth w~'Pr~c~ss.. I-li MB. OHNFJ1 RA.S A HEAVtY STOCK,,,.O IàE.ADY-MADE CLOTHING1J Includmng a large -stock cd OVERCOATS. EXCE~LLENT GENT-S' SUITS, made, up in tÈe latest Styles. BuffaloRobes, e great mimber. Al selling at an immense sacrifice. JOHN FERGUSON,- Dnnda.Streat, Whitby. 1Oct, lot, 1878; WM. BUBNSY fIas just received, direct from the Manu.facturers, -a good assortment of Ladies aid" Gentlamen's, Marsard, Enipress, and ~Americau-. Also, eacific Bags, Cheap for Cash. Four more of 5Oc, 65c, 75e and $1.00 Frunella Boots. cases1 -LIST 0F AUCTIONEER S Liconsied for Gh. SeuthItliding of Ontario, Norlh Riafig cf Ontarno, and separate Municipalitie's lu e latter. SAN£E. Wm. Gardon, 3. C. WlddfSelS, Ghtamet Davs, Donald Canmpbell, E. B. Camaron, -Gec. mcWihliani Titos. Pencher, Donald Ros, D. Bieitop, Thou. Tuoeor, L. Fairbanks, I. M. Paltren, Jobn A. Ducsht, labaulcu Browu, Wm. J. Maicnsy, M. G. Sullivan, CharlesE. Hoeet, R. Majors, Thos. Poucher, RESIDENCE. Sunderland,. Uxbridge, Part Pamry, Whitby, Beaverton, Toronto, Beifard, Beaverton, Oshtawa, WMitby' Bboinglon, Beaverthn, Uxbrldge, Brechea, Brecbsa, Breciten, -Port Parry, Belford, 4UMICIPALITY. Brook, TNorhlidig Brock, South BiSiag, Thorahu Sentit iding, Northt iM go Seotni RDag, North BiSfng, NottRiding, Ubridge, ExpinAilxaI. Dec. SrS, 1878 Dec. 18Gbh178 Jan. 5Gb, 1879. Ian. 2bG, .179. Peb. 251h, 187. April Sra, 1879. luine 4Gb, 1879. Âng. 25th, 1879. Sept. 10G, 1879. Sept. 20Gb, 1879. se-P. 7Glm87. Ocir. 5G, 879 0dmr. Uli, 1879. Octr. iltî, 1879. OcGm. 121h, 187. Octr. 28Gb, 1879. Nov. 18Gb, 1879 LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THE COUNTY ONTARIO. Jobn Fiacb, Titeril, JO"ept aclîsen, Uxbridga, Peter O. Maioney, Toronto, Tiios. E. Cealen, Toronto, ~ÂTTIIEW 1 hersa. i bore. 2 hors«,. 2 bonsss. Ootr. 22n5, 1879. Ian. 80Gb, 1878. Mar. 111h, 1879, OcIr, 22n5, 1879. BOOT AND 5110E STOIRE fias been removed froni Brook Street to Dundas Street, first deor west cf Armstrong's Hotel, where ie lias a splendid stock of, the RIGUT FIT AND MAKE, and cf the hast styles of Boots and Shoca. Ail orders promptly attended to. Bepairs naatly donc. Wv. ]undas Street, first store west of Armstrong's Hotel. Bemamber the place. gE 1Whitby, Yune 12th, 1878. XÂTTHEW COLLINS. (Sonq -2 91 King Street, - TUIE LARGEST STOCIK 0F FUJlS EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. Toronto,1 I12È.FINE FURS A SPECIALTY. -W SIMOE-ST., OSHAWA. SEE A LAR GE STOCK 0F OVERSHOES 0F RVERY DESCRIPTION, SELLINGCHEAP FOR CASH. Look at the prices : Gents, from $1.25 to $.5 Ladies' from $1.10 to $1.40. 1:2 Ladies' flouse Slippers 25 and 50 ceiits. Boots and Shoes of best make and quality at an. equally low figurer. Repuirs promptly made us usual. SWhitby, Nov. 27th, 1878. JOHN SAUNDERS,r CAIRRIAGES AND BUGGIES!l -O0 THE LÂRGE8T AND MOST COMPXiME STOCK 0FP Carriages, 8leigh8 and Cutte r, M.. O'DO0NO VA N'S, CAkRRIAGE- -FACTORY' BROCK- ST-., " WHITBY. 1. VERY CEA. C&L&SES- THEM. NSEW GGOD$ t Çlothing..and Gent's Fù'ïi»sih ItôÙHose ha now stniîlied with aul-the. newst styles_ôf ]flnalms. FUR TRIMMINGS C0 UT TO ORDER., BEAR ROBES. ASTllACHAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, BUSSIAI< LAMB SACQUES, RACOON RO>BES, S. 8. IIAL SACQUES, - YAK ROBES., PERSIAIS LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOCK BRMNE SACAUE5, M1NK CAPS, MINK SETTSa S. . SEA CAPS, S. S. SISAL SETTS, OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, BRUINE SETTS, PERSIÂN LÂMP CAPS. PERSIAN LAMB 5RTT5, BALTIC SISAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN 8ETTS CONISY CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETkS, GREY LAMB' CAPS CONZT SETTS, GERMIN MINE CAX>, 1GRISY LAIdS SETTS, Particular attention given to ail orders. specially attended te. Teronte, Dec. 8, 1877.1 OCUTTERS, Alterations ly50 BUGGS AND ,CARRIAGES. A Large Asso-tmýent of Cutters ýand >Buggies FOR SALE., CHEAP, -AT- DUNDÂS STREET, <WE actr«TBYONTABlO. iknzmloabaira 1 STBA.W AND E IY Go gira custoerar0 WilbNov,80, 187 main at ASls Licensed A uctioneer0 Addrss, . DÂWES, Port Psrry. B N DAN WLN M T1 Fàr saluab>' dealar genarMly. What we take the- IeadIi motdparts, Sprains ho. FOBR1HOBSES Alt» OÂTTLE.-Pronr j Go oua boGGIe in varm wstter, wIlcure àlcat Interai ealuaiaents q.nsdclby oerrhea<- WHAT THEÈ PEOPLE SAY, ASEx THh udrsgEMjav? mdBow W. G.andi-eor ne av imeS' andoa cbeerfully reommaind 1h for -publiceuse. Ce1aîInfMa Pin. Orchard,"Ont. s. mp bom, Wbitby, E Hfiram Broyna, i g Andrew Orna', " I. Dawa, Brcoclia, J. I. Mahevion, $ Setht Bble, -Aabbura, A. Bl. Beîderan, i rdo S. C0. BROWN; Prepristor,. 88-) Wbitby, Ont, VBTYPORT PERRY h LINDSÂy BiT" AIWÂY. CONDENSE» TMR TABLE.- Taking affectouM dsuIl,18. dePtRAUN oc.e0run « maniD .1088- sa8 A-rive idaay-.... as 8.391U ArrI.ve Witbv ...... 8.05f For tnai e Obr stationa, ses Pocitet Tiras. Table, Go b. baS on application Go an>' of Gbe Compffar'.Agents.- WmT»y r lWcTiei,WIGb Grand Truak Bail- vav fori lutg t s d aSWest. . Pcav Pmn.- ithstage for Epgot, Utica "SicÂnsU.P Ba iihd anS Wick, MaitxanL-Fer Sundarlaud anS Cinnlnetn. Màmzpos.-Per Oakçwood, IL4tlGia Bilava- lantia anS Port Ecovsr. Lieas&n-witb victorta a eivaylor inden, aiu theGb.Fr.. Grant.Tertorysud the boroughi Woealrilloesaiverton Orfllia,.Waubo- Gah sogaa.an a Gso¶aa Bay Bracebridge, anS Gb. ]?Z".. Grant LadaOf- Titrauglu Ticketsare issned byai.floof Gbs W.-P. P. hL '.1rTar- eana by, on W. P. P. &L. 13r. No raniter cbarges- Bagescbckad Grougb. lAMES HOLDEN,- Wbitby. Ap.MBtb'78. - maagag Dirsotor. WHITBY.- Geo. Cormack, Tr UMBEl MBROHÂNT hBUILDER. .-8- laàrg upy c f uld rI? urnuis Door,Sbau In Blda. edMoldiaga,- LujlEgR holeiole and ratai], cm by by the car los&,- ,Planlung, Muldiriga cf every descrip- tion, Flooring, Sbeetlug, Shelilng, Re-. iawig, Sbapfig, Turnug. Bcmdfl-wonk, tcG , etc. WbiGby, Ct. 10G,1p78. -4 ParlAmontary Notice, 1OTICE la HEBERY GIVHN-TH.& Ésiîatt gMa xta.s lon h. ex"iedng G tira. fzàfor cSatu -àa Branait cf t.ealway Go IUxb="dg. 'aln to Bea*arioaewuthue Comay to geW ]xtemalon Eailway Company. and for sucs ohar a=eadms t G heir Acta la-, may b. e oemed.ad<vlabie, IWILLJ&X MULOOX, SoUlitor forer Gb. Wbby. Port Parry and Lfaday Balwa Copny Dec. Ord, 1878. -- Bn5 TETORONTO Turki8h & Vapn tr Baith&, Tltaaabaiba are natful l Ein alaa .Naulisl, Coab,5l <5 , irewitlby, out G. YOUNG 8 Ornx-veDc Tan.2M, 1878. GEO. mc. JO ? A TTORNEY Soli r~saiS. Agent fer io enar Wighimanai AMSERÎ< -B Solcitorsin C SlEOTOR CAMEBON, 0d. THOMAS QURGEON TO T. jBYRONI F Wm. lKeBRIEN, C pbyglalan, Snkgeon, Wbitby, Sept. W04b,1 anSd beIstreetG. C, N. VA] bl bito a] lit la na tae Tui SADDLERY AND HARNESS.> WILLIAM THOMPSON.. Begs te direct attention te lis large, anparienor stoeki aomprîsmg every. iltlag lu theSaddery and Karneea Lneaiso Leather Vàlifxes and Saratogra 'Irunks 1 BBOCK STBEET, WHITBY, , 1 ý-k à 8-% à & à -- - . --- -- - - - - - 1 l 1

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