Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1879, p. 3

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AB»CEIMTMA ai5Ol' àM JiLTBrair» rDT XE!.-OD ObistMi morning, .abc o!o «.ýthe bonis e ri Mv obs 10'1 51 f M@Kllo about two mile from Dublin, wa dis coves.d ta b. on fin.. 'Thé:' uai wsauuouA"nd ythe poungest chuI, AU gt#u, Eu Ma. t~uIu aebuï lno th. bouse, followd !1 f.r sd ot y berold. 'dauter d1otbwere burned'to dsTii, 1"dÂoC or du asebsdly bmmeSa, SSbua se. died. Aller as.- log tlssr ôthn sïud iitui bilante Seaub, th. obldren b.d-te walk n.arly a mile saï40 urèsrto tMonude bous. sud vere 2 b X frogen . .O'Briàn Foun D Dutn-Mîiss HâaiciBe drias. maker an lderly maidon, lady 01 Wblt. by, vas ftnu dama "in bar lbon".-on Churitmas>dayt .A 'mmienger froua -113. , Greenwood ,vas -unable tb obtalu admissilon, Aud haing reported -th. mnater, fb. gentleman zamed of- lected au, entrave. aid fbud tii.poor -lady acrs.Dr. Oenboldoau in- queit, vwien le. core'jury returued a verdiclt of, IlD1A b>'- vluitiou of GeeS." Mxis s arn i ua vory' indus- trions vouisu sud leaveasmre pop.r- t>'. ARB. ur, at bottom, ioan coffée S. S. Nuts. es, Flalvoing-. iflet Sas aily Soaps.- w a8h Tape, TTIUsuoiL.-Mm, Henderfen, Who ks abouet etring. ou bis ixth ipeaas master cf be. Âiinr Pl lc ebol sud wbo bas beeu ver>' sucesefal lu preparlng pop10ibar, passlng the. vari- oni Cqunly Ezamistious, v0 made the. meqipiieut of à valuabi -testimonial by thoso ci bitjiplhi b ore, &bout lcaving bim teft ou tho.profession e1tiealulug. Au article of Cauà.uiau producution, anSa &veaU>' vebluabi. pmepamtson for ogi, cd, and ail throat 'afeotone' 10eâ uÂT SUu on Baen S»nuo auxi. Causdiau travaillera have airead> open. @a up a demand for ilt e England sud France, wile ou tht. Continent Il eau be met wyuL from Manitoba te Nova Scelt&,ansudrom Monîreal te New- Or. leana. Try IL. 5te adverfieeut. Foraie rp.1 Osesm e t ýfansily juiedicfne, lltcvàuu~Yrîau Ioui eaI the boaS of tus liai. If Io.cousd wyuL upreeuleted soceesa boftilinternally sud exiernally. If curca bore Thrai Bornea, d rs ie by;ýo T. G oiten Lro lýa. osin byT .Whifflold, Wifby. .LiTTLKIC Bzîxunta. - Tih. steatn wlucraiacd the 110 etftth. kelile led9 tii. pLilosoie io m d tb-utiliza iltfom man's befit. No ene dreamed fluaI1 wo ohould uew Le draggcd aleug b>' itl At he rb ate of .1six miesan Leur.1 MVion Perry Davis nmade a preparairnen for tie meffllcnal use of lue famiy, tiai>' years ago, nolîber b. uer aBD>' man lmagiued fiat if wouid nov le. salal lu ever>' landl, sud proveS te bc lie PAII-KILim Ofet fle-vorîd, I1euuyAtiDuee 'u«reaes. I3ALeess faeComîîosd ii flue mnt iucaiung beazue ana gnms. Thei. lJ4uuu, vlucls cuter intu ifs eouwî% silion vurcusued by the uafives vZc Asurica as firsi dimcovrul, aua are Cons-t blues viii otîxer vogîfablo tentes, se blend. ed feguiher, fluatitIfle a apecillo for ail ai- fectiofehe thîlefuransd lungs. Thon- seulsof et oles areunsed anually, sud lfinf consfulered ousetitthe standard preaain of lhe day. Fer sale by T. G., 'tl .0 Wllecping Cougl a is uccese!ully i trnateS b>' ssparatiig th thle patients baond besring distaunce of eacgh cher, t and by thîe ompiopueni ef Felicivs' liypoplxosphlilea. lhoepiug Cougluta a nervon.s isease et sa îympathetio a nature, liaI a paroxisme -ýmaîy bLe pro- *duceS Iu onq susceplable bysimp1; bearlng ithe cugi ýo! another- persan. Th lus aboenaineS trealuieuif ho.beeu louaut singulari>' effective. Theélidueys are subjecite a vazlety of (langeronsansd paluful diseaesarisiug froni varions causes. fly fie Indicunsuse c6f VCT041AflUCUt and Uva Unsz, lues. ai- fectIons ma jb. cureS, Brght'# diaease, adiubties, aÏaul fuinals complaintei, ais sue. cessfnily eombafed ily til populaxriemedy wihin f for sale by ail dealers. Frice, j*l par baffle. For sale by T. G. Wluffeld, Buclens Arnica Salve. Tho Bssr SAu.vtin' tbevoaiStomfor Culs, Bmuisea, Hoes, Ulcera, Sait Eiieuni, Teiler, Cbapped Hanu, Chil. LMains, Coma, sund ail kindae ciokin te suuptous. This Salve la ýusranteusS0 ta give perfect satisfactiou lu every case or moue>' refunded. prie 25 cents p rM box. Fer sais by S. W. B. Bruite Ce., Wluifby. OTTAWA, Ontario. VECT013ZA Cuzusicu. foîuràxy, Toaewre,T Geiilemenf-fonfninsy staturnunt a shonrt fIie go, as b _flue atmsatory nTe- - nuitsfs rous thleuse citpay ont cîzuxrrsynup. US' llhl'u>'JlUSINIIT5;5 1 vilI futiler add tlu5t trîsiu pros of fils geunino beneis couftrr. ni cd ou patients requfnlng fi are censtanfly la coing under nsy observaion; parties te W wlsem I haye receomonded if ha.va fnuaai short finie, vîflu fle denpout. tbînkfunn, bi acinovledgud fthe relief fIe>' have expurf- èeced, sud un sonie cases have asserted fIat if, sud if Banuc, ha. savud thI liuifvos. If I givus une nmch ;leasure ta assure yen bilai 1 çonsiccr ypur Syrtup, file VICTORIA Erre- F'itOMPUTi,,tfli.bLet preparatfen wilich lu comae under MYy uotice for DebiliUty and a&l llm arcolints, llronchitis, conghi tl 'e,,blieving fi,1 eOnsiauîly recerumend il lieforu every ofluer LCompound. lh}armseentfnielCiluslt.- lor sale by T. G. WiuitfieIl, Whftby. Ppps's Cocoli.-GXÂTMP,sJLAUS cea.- OIuITXO-."Bya tiloi-oUgh lsnovledge odfie liaînrs a sa hfcigoveruabthe eperafleus 01 di esion sud nutrition, and ysà rareful stiîltç.atioi etIo fnepropoerfies cf Wall. 'eleeted cocos, Mrs. Eppi se provfded Ous' ireaat tables viflu a deslicaiey SgavQured levuirage whfti snay gave Us manyheav siecuors billl, if s inlthejudieloni nuesoo stucltuarficîs e0f1iet tt a acousfIiutfo o h ad&ybult up until stronu neog% gtadaemslly f7euilencuy ta disteuse Huan. drd isb.é nalitllesarans doating arousud eh 'so eady taeQ~aciî vierever liste fs a vs'al lin.W. nia8Y escaspeusny a fatal sluaft li il'y lîteeplnu vseulves vsl» oteud ifh th 81a.pallta. qloi*Y 7 ............ 0p5 Duk, 00C OhU.u prper 80 101 sol me d caioqFétiu aTb leals o th ua ysim forwhicleesutlna- notbeued, witil erfect safety, se fiamdoent uixs.it ii.ae and rlbe, au 11w .11 Ing cYNldeo wmlsw;-',;*1 1 ÈtEV. 0. T. WALKEK SAYS: oUowtp-a uu3ChIÎ ed tei ud etairo-i sont ul$ttid lu 1ZV B.. raue b. deinse rnilii'o 50 bonl ma f t operusVIfSthe ueor YZOMVM n tt'aB.W ",i.Walker'faoilly, vlo novprodneeif vuv»ble. Provfdu&.IL I, lu Transit Street, Y-l 'tee b o ' 0«pgSffl itil My signature file higli velue 1 Place UponYoeux B MI My tsnly havie ui I feo fie lartt fojers lai narrons dability ilt laluaie, Il»- omu i oail Who =ay need an nvlgIrat. lng, eotn fouie. Permsrly Pasior-cf Bowdein-s7narocfilrcil, Boston. A- WALKÎNO MIRACLE. S S. . avgus., i Si,--Thongil a stranger. I vaut *0 lu- nat Cbrlsimai Soroftla made its appear. apfe lunrMy system,-a.ge runnn l iers p-. oer nceoume.,s lolles -eue ou eah of My iri;o.on My lilgililàlsettudodt'Ofile se*f 0000 q. i = ' il ie t o the mm4uli'bo. one eeon My Ieftlt WhlbCarne se lad filaï f vo Pilyslean. Dame te ampýutai. fhimb tilengluupîn consmultation conclnded net ta do go, aumMy v ebd w ulo berofous; $iey deeomd f1 ïv"le ontlhe Bore, fý Welli a lsful iluy eudascription, and thoera vas a quart ef mauter mn hot tilla TI âphset Il gave ru p te die, and Raid they coulil do no more for-me. loietofe My le gs veto druvo up te oy uIs iva tlgitt1dluO gdf ýup g1ZWould be a elpi p lor lite. ý w Wonlu tuis condition 1 aav Vyozîynsxad. verflspd, sud uomsoer.ed taktng ff f-in Match, anS follOv on ou iiilfutill Ilbadnsed aixteen boutles; sud 11s.Mornlnig I am golugto plougil ceaoin l ma Alm towanuen $my Iftel amIaclle sas ome rond valklng sud vork- in en onelusion 1 viiiadd, Whoun1IWvas endnr. ing snob greai anffering hem tilafdreadii diumue, SaroUraysd, tofile Lord abova ta taIse re ouf i oIfl ed; but as VuexTuma has rua*0red tu me tic blessingu of iealtil, 1 demire morethan oeur *0 live, ihat I May b. of noe servie oWte aU ewvmed *sad 1I kuevef lebt 'rOa 0 a nfousrng bnnanity fan te elote Wyntilatfment oetMy case, vifil mn emus lptsyen viii publiab It, sud I ifU i»uor ipleasuru te repli' te suy cer- sonlcafiou vilcil 1 snay receive tilerefroin. 1 ara, sir, vety res FATE.y Avery, lierrien Ce,, Ifuh., Juuiy 10,18M2. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. Dia.K. - . f Bîzvîu lieut Bir....lwfl most checriully add rny tes. imîouy w thle great numnilr yOU have alreaey receved flu lavor et your pgran d îaod ineil- flac. VPGxiTuu, for 1 do net tflnk eneugil can bu,ffaid Inits praio; for 1 vue troubled for over tliriyyearf wlith thai dreadfuil disie, Cattarril, and lied aui lad coughfng spell filet It would secim as tilougil 1 couiui neyer brOatile anY ilure, and VnaTz u hicured sou: ;sud 1 do fuel tô thank Ood &Il the time that thern in ticgood a medicine ne VxEaiusx; and 1 &190 think ila ou eofth bolat medcincu ler coug@s ud weak, slukfng feelings atfthe stomach, andud tvlseeverytody le tale fthe Vv.GBevno, for 1 cmassalure tilem if la Une cf the boit uuudieines that muer vue. 1Bb8 L. GOBE,- Corner magazine aud Walnut Strecte Caînbzidie, lia.s. VEGETINE' Vegein:ics 8SOtdbyail ùruggists. c OUXTY AGRICULTUAL SOCIETY OF BOUTE ONTABlO, ANNUAL MEETING. Th, ALUnal Meetin15of t1é"akye Society .vinl b. helaon WEP,'NE8DA Y, 151hî JAN' Y, 1879), at Ono e'clock, p. mn., at the. TOWN HALL, WHSITBY. The Anouti Report wviU then 11e mnbmit. ted, and the eleefion ei Offinurs for the. însuing year vul take place. THOMAS LAWLEB, lVhitby, Duo. 101, 1878. Sectatary. ]3LA CKSMITH 8110?1 The undersigue beg te inti;m the publie fluaithey have epenud -À GENERAL 13LACKBMITH AND on Brook ltet n the. old Fannlng Mli "remises,(nal opposite the. Foundry,) where tiley are, prepared te èxecufe aul ordera in their nlin.yvilwicli they may be favered wlfh punctnality and deapatel. T. iTRECHIETTE & CO. Dec. 27ih,l1,878. (Sm-2 D ELLAR TO BENT -A large cellar suifable for sfering purposis, under Lhe Express Office, to let. Apply te GEOY. B. TULE, Express Office. 1/E DAIL Y GLO E, 1879 / -N0W Ie8 TuE TIME TO SU SCR1UDE Mailed frài oy Oe' fil Mt Dcqeniber, 1879, 'for BIII DOLLARS, PostygPree i Full Tele#apbiNw p eymornlng from sU pa1ws tle WQrld/SpeclulCible Progress01 'tip E.I T*ioBbh dly Lhrouicled, und tpAl¶ oWr. Te coing es on ftheDominion Par. lament. Pu ldebq 1'nhr;ige the N. P. The coïinug Sesa f tet Ontario aud üther PruvincfaW aeblies. Full daily Thue comiug Optarle P vinclal Elecfion. Progresae oft h se nfut. aily-reportu. Expected T r eoftthe G ernor-.General. nill reporta progréa. Mark t, wcourts, Yach ugBoatlog, Cricket, L se s, outc., 'BND O R iDRES,. AT 110E I r er.df*0 re dPostai .Moulué.2, "'i 'OEPRINTING .ciýse TOBONTO.ý Floee, Plate, snd-800 11mrtliciu with' 'ecsiptipnm of tue boit Flowem pd ýeget- bles, au&. how te ro# îilem f Ail -for a Vive Cent Sýamp,, n ûEngl=u.r Gemma. Tiie FLOVoe Yz» lirÀ i~Gau, 15 Pages 11h Co çred Pae, ma y am S l:uïdi.ngravn. ForWcoenlupaper :vef ;t s ta h u IGermon Q Pages, a Colored mb ad MADY * 5 .kr .Fivee FARM LOTS§ alose o a Ellwaysu inLt. ut É<LLAZ f OÊ èMLIBURÉI4ý thé TpmlsxuuM th0,V>atoda Ealwyi, FOB SALE, ON -BEÂSONASLE g!Canada Ln ~Eîgainc. 50 Frout-St., Baut, Toronto, or ta ÀLBx.inIVEN, Agent, C. L. 2 . Co'y., 47-1ralbrtn jTHE ELECTORS OF TIM T\NorWHITDY. for th.eo-00"fgyear 4ke thseppotb l of publie! eeiÇ hî ofa01 ucnmyea a idiadîate foi tIte importun o.,bellvgthst mi ter servbo ofs At the 'ounnfl Poa I aalrcl ýrarn, import. Ynutruly, JAMES EOWE ?I ' Whltby, Nov. M, tb,17s. JT O THE ELEFCTORS OF TEm l (X WN 0OwHTY Ati.*Oreqnee« et a uumber of the tuduneutial ratepsy 1 ' tfisb ava, I have beau indued f t ys iacaddt fte50offiec asie chomintMun 1 l lections. I have cnly te afd ei i ff letdIvU deayçe5 té serve yen as fal Il, thlufilefu 'tu i" in the.Pst, ani lt ui m very Lest titon viiib e guven to the iqueat is. harge of file Sulles. I have file louer *0 b., Geuflemau1 Your Obedieuf Servanit, MAJOR IHARPER. Whitby, Nov. 2f1k8lm. 5w rJ! 5THE ELECTORS 0F Tgge TOWN OP WHIfBY. I *55v tila ppoti ~of pulily anuoun&fg.myselt ai a Caat. fer the iug yesr. S Tour obedîcuf adavnt, -~NATRANIEL ES£Y. WIitby, fisc. Otfl, 1878. iCI> - LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLA860W. All-an- Lino 0F ROYAL MAILAMBTEAMBAIPB. Winter Service via Halffaz. 270 Mlles Ocean Navigatien. saved 1 Silonfeat SeW Passage, Eccncmy, Coni- f ort Aeage Passage from Land tLandsight Dayul1 Eiver>' Saturd.ay from Hailux, on anti val efthle train leavlug Wlitby Mi 8.10 a. m. ever>' hu &dY. TIMOnU a&ZTRinox visITUi. Cabin tares reduosd te 5#89 #81 and 091, accordlng to position of staterooru. Lower rate for returu tickets. Intermediate, 846. Staeragu at lovuaf rates. Cincassselon .... .Jauuary 4*1, 1879. Soirdinian .. . o- lîtil " Polynusian .... 1thl Cups..........-26t1 "- Steurage paseungurs are torvaidedto Lon- dondery,Buellas., Glasgov, Queenstowu,- Biritol, Cardiff, unS London ah same rate ase te Livurpocol. Parties vsilg te senS for tileir fiendi eau ebtain ticeuts af 1ev rates. Pasoeu ger. tidng 'tilarente, travel through Canadlan titer>', sud tierufore evade ail Custons House. snoyances. For ticketsansd furtier information apply te- GEO, B. TULE. Exp. and Tel. Offics, Wbitby, Nov. 28ih, 1978. it-8 IN CHANCERY. SALE 0F Plaoiog and Shingla factoq. EDWARDS 8, vs.. N PDURSUANT te the Domro anS Final .Order for Sale ruade lu tis cause, tIers vil l e solS with f1.apprbatine George H. DartneIlaEs ie, Mater etit Court ut ie Tovu el t itEnfe Connty ci Ontario, Ly Samuel Bai, aneflooee, at thieQUEEN'S HOTEL, lu tle VILLA&GE 0F CANNINGTON, lu tise Townshilp efBrook, it fueCeuni>' cf Ontarfe, on Z'UE'8DAY, the 141hu day of NU - ARY, '1879,' ' - - Thé followlng vluableipe'yluaIs Ville of'Canluglon -:-Yllae4Lot. Nu- bers iie sud 1Tei motnlg ou Munie "d' Bafuf ,John streute iu lue Village of Can- nlge, sua sontsln.iu bail-an-acte et lsud,ereor leois. LoiUtimber Nine lau erecteounfia Frame Pisnlng asudOinlgi Factsn'y, 26x4t1oeeand s ait stor>' hugI, Wltk Oi fme addition atiuOhe4, 1482, oe aS ï-balstory higi, viiha' t, ,ôof;yalto a itone onglue-hense attacheS te the main building,14x22, ou. anS a-bail item>' bii, i-iihare attache lue f oliovl ssal màehinsry anSd fxhu =s:-n.tue >81- or,50.hor.e poyer; one egne6, .'mse 20-herse pover - on0co mled lanr;on.' siùlow. sd edger vithtwoo sea; one Ci-loh bnttfog sav;- one drag sw v rippig avaws rnei;nmn4 machin; oun eatert; one adisw tvovs;dune lina ili 26 foot long, ton reTs ,aadabut»5oe Worth is oling. sae&'achIer>' i lu-fimst-clUescon,. TIe vender $hll not Le tanS toprduce any otiler titI. deedu then thcse-1ls.py- sesion Or turulasu>' abstract ame a Siss- trg rusdtatscn tthIh-u tu ~SE A D vESRTISÉM8E*mNTS. CUTTRSOÊËt EENEi TflE E. St BOO)g, CFANOI rOfiE NIN .Im COUNTY. G ODS, WE SELL,: Sehool BoVk, Purses, MciseellanebusBooks Pocket Books, Prize Books- Viýiting G.ardis, Children's B Oks, Playing Cards, Note P aper, \ Dominoes,: Letter Pa'pers; Cheàs-inen,, Foolscaps, Cheekers, Papertriesi Card Gamies, Envelopes, \ Berlin Wools, Inks, . \Silks, Pens, Filloseli, Pencils, Day Books, Journals, Cash Books, Ledgers,. Bill Books' Pass Books, Memno. »ooks, Violin Strings, \Fingerîng Yarns, \\G014 lPaper,. 'fPilver Paper, U~n Foil, Crlochet llooks, Fries Wall'Papers, W-idow -Blind' s, S. M.,Needies-, And a Thotbyand and One other articles whioh want of space w/Il not enable ma to state. EYERYTHING FROM A NEEPLE TO AN ANCHOR! Prices Lowest in the" Gounty.,ý J ' ~ f *se AT RO.,B E RT SiUN HIIS- NEW"-- STORE,- DEVERELL S ]3LOaRg 131100K-ST., WHt1B LAIO &SIEW'ART fARE -NOW OFFERING Th wzhple of their stock -atý, greatly. d .cd rcs, ?iâ order to make ýrbooÊufo r'Spifing importations, therefore Bargains will be offered Bargains will be -offered Bargains wil ho offered Bargains wil be offered Bargains -N&Ve ffre Bargeaims will be offered Bargins wll be offered Bargains wMllbe ,'offered re-j - DRESS GOODpS, MANTLES, MILLINEIRY, CLOTHING, GHNTS' FURNISHINOS, FUIR CAPS, 'ÜÉ FUR -SETS, in IIOSIERY, lin TIES 0F ALL ýKINDS. Nowïig thet ime to «get excelleuj 1 v LAING & STEWAiRT'S, Dover'.' Block, Brook-St., Whitby. ýQTBAYED.--Came lubo bhé preMifes Of J th#soibd4,ton or sbcut g1b dajýÀo avnin l rquested-fo or utprove pro, peri>', psy exp.nuf uait*4. ber Avay - If net clalmeS, se'ii~ehi'atIheia directs. JOHN GEAHAM 14in TovuhiW p e P0lemn 'NNUAL: MË5F'Jffâ ég' the*1 Wiiithuy soiEasmt y UNION IGAHICLU!/ tfigyi W5z8EE LVI :jS TON-E the olA place next doir te the montreul GET A GOOD JOINT AND '*g a "eLe0t annonete the. inhalai Md.c.jiib u vlcfnty, that ho ai oped a 2ELOUR &EEDSTORE lu connetion withbisaliutelter Sliop, wllere~ ho -M Alays Caff on hlid 9»kriyng, Nef. 80, 1878. yO ;STORE4TO LET. ql 4,iCMODIOUPS BHOP STORE Posesionfronirst Januaty. Appîy *0.,, P110TOG R APHRY i- (lie et 2, 4jsnd 6, Klng.gt. veat, Toontô",> SNEW STUDIO. JUST BECEZYRD a large msort ment of BIRTIIDAY CARDS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, NEW YBAR'S CARDS, MOTTOBS,. CHROMOS, :FRAME£S,&c. Fira.cias Card sud CabInet P ortraits ai moderuta.priceu. fihildren a specialfy. Phot apb liisbe plin nlndisiL A. È.LYN 40.-ly)Wht . WHY SMOKE - cnsuon tebscco WAEN for filesme price You cal got the MldIo Naïl? ,W7E> A ne assort 'y Ladies' Ties, Plain and -Brocadcd. I.Beos, new ana, novél. Hikr'Ornmnt, SelHatesudn caps. f iMik li Sbawls and. Mantdes. us -Jnd«we Besides the- aboyve xnentioned' arâticles, we have' a .good assortrnent of ]Jress Guods, Ulster Clotho, Tweeds, 0veèr.c'da, Uleters, -&c., &c. Remember these goods. are ail new and deéirable. No old shop-womn Bankrnpt Stock arogthem, and. warranted perfect in every. respect. 1 ATSON'S BLOCEK, BEOCK-ST.#, WHITBY. ýR'EMO0V EDI1 Wbitby Dry Gonds Enipoitumn. REMOV-ED H Bookseller and Stationer, lias removed to, lis New Store,ý- DEVE1{ELL'S ILO0C K, Second Door fromn Armstrong's Hotel, IN GILT G RSMAGINJFCENT HninNevý1B, 1878. Bru-id -CHRISTMAS GOODS1 RH HJAMESON'8. 0:0 A Choice assortment of. Fruit, Spioces, Sweets for Ofrristmias. FiÙest Valentia Raisins, Loose Muscatel, and London Layers. 50 box lot of London Layera,$225perý box. Patrass Currants.,, iwA.j4 ts, S,,.Almgnds,, l3lanched Almonds; Bitter Al-monds, Choice Ja-va and MocaCoffée of .t4e finest quality, grou4nd toor4e. Fin-est Essenées of Lemon,- Manilla, Ratify, &c. -Finest Whole Select Cloves. Finest'«V A, AFULL ;4SSORTMENWP OF Pa4try, Flour, . Wheat, FlourlO. eal, *&c5 Hàm, acon, Tnus PRPICE List '0F' TEAS. Thse linest Green Tes, î Extra Ch",e Grecn Tes,; very, AfuI recsen(reeommendell), ine re Ts(peily reconnucled), ,.,Fine Medium Greent,- 'So9und Greeën Tes,- - - Vhole 1Go San- 80 cents. -70 " - 40 c" PRICE i LIST 0F' BLACK TEAS. The, fucat Black Tes <m'bjI5 Lý rta4iui , 280 cents. Extra fine Bisou Tes, (Englieh Breakfast), - 75 d VéryFiile ~IqTai - - - 60 Fine B1=c1ftes esf 4 remnudd 0 DISPLAY BROCK-ST., 0F NEW GOODS WHITBY. NEW -A D VERIL 1'I8PM EN'I'S. - If -DOMINION- WAREROOMS' LOWES & POWELL HAVE A LARGE STOCK 0F FURS &MILLINERY,, which they are selling- very cheap. The haive received large additions to tLIir DRY GOOPS stock,- Mso,- XMAS GRPOCERJES! -at reduced prices. Milhinery, Tailoring and Dress-making to order. LOWIES,,& POWRLL. STATIONEJLfY, FANCY GOODS, AND, CONFECTIONEBY STORE, 1 BROOK-ST,1 EAS BDE ,WHITBY, Havig purchasedthe entire stock of J. G. McDougall's §hop, I have dded a superior lot of very choice candies, which are very oheap iand oôf suporior,quiality. Orders solieited for Weddings. - - PASTRY AND OTHER CARES. I have -alo a quautity, of SOHOOL BOOKS, Beatie's sud etiser Copy Books, Barlin Wool Blipper-Patterns, Fane>' (*odl, -. Si e nemb-er the place-one door north of Johnston's Jewellery Store.- - Whitby, Dac. 171,, 1m978, -EM;. ',.&C NEW - S. Extra fine à 90c. Li Cocoas. s Pickles, Powder. 'AIRE Toy of Glass- r OM481

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