Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1878, p. 2

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QNYSi5o PER ANNUI Whitby, Tbursday, Dec. 26, 18' eibristmas corne, Lire ime of i nerr.c f LoL us hope go, Lo our resa onti a il61. ,aomrry Ciristmai, à haeppy New Yser, wa uMost Cir wisilthern; haLàLMay b. to tbr notion of gladiteasud, bakf a n miiit lathe presse, aM wel48at; of lelnd)y rauzsrrgra.. o lookb upon wirn past. Citristmnu bus brougit us boe.In front "Lb.i beentiful saow," for wl thre cilidren have beau so auziS lozàging andi wiling for, ni en&] un, aqvialiy wlLh our friends fiu north, who hame bain 86-inuoh M (aered fur soins Lime pait, to ar th. e ligirLa of lelgilng. somane wu canot lrelp feeling Lirat Chrisi -a fplersantir wiclirplenty cf snow, Lht LiL assiste Lt.eoirarmring influet of tira qMaeou whicb drawmnuC]£ togatber. and promote Rooud will ni ertit. W. seui to heur Tiren.fa Lthe twiligirt swepL oer theinso#, Borne ij the nighe.broace, tlark, b:w thre muscell sU bluste of imain hblls Utile ci CJrielme. reiis beaudlnq fortsweeauy Tre sighlng, too, bas given vin * petits to business,s evldetioad byi snp conies on Dur treets tlre laest <lays. Andi Aithogh Lhe imes.i bee ieudli, anti business depressedl,i prie.. fow, people appear tu have mi ni tliar i inis Ltu maiço tirs bat of position. arioept tiha gond that Prt douce lias sent tirelu, anud frape for1 ter fiaies after thre holidays, Bushn mon lua ur rnridst-and lbore we inch the farmers as well a.;,hlbp bsinessa prof.rssioual mari, bave littie relaxatg aniti njoy aitogetiror tro few irolida, *lu Ueistoiliog Counutry of ours. W tireux thr, lal tile Lime lofL from1 wtrrry ai' woridiy afftaira for social te orsrr .Ciîristrtas and New Yen efford the. oniy ofrportunuieeo for cul * Vathrrg the soial ririreities ;for b ru.cing tire Rcul a econte 0as t;I e thliampet twoivonuontlib and crtlug on Ifrittuti.,inri o lp. Lot tiroruta Iglrtr tCgreo cnui îrarticipaeA L fomtivitli4 ofi'tie lholiday oaeon. Dri lriga.way cr11'. for tiretnonce, etijoyi tli.. ttrk#tym, trriand î uttiuc rîtrt.jîa itd drig tirir sliar. int gowl orrirltrévditirîrrai (2iri.twrrs gain tht iristrtr.t.ttand Cirriatma ltux.rt, ttt.I trtkmijjpart inr tihefrlilo a rterry..nakingrr, Lthy WIIIconen.refron s.) mitit luuigirtirel in umimd antibc( tàrt,4. rvivets tireyoer lu jayotts beari c4trunx ivvu iirrou wiiter imL p aiof ioliglit ant i irppirica. L j AU ilyo Mo fi..warino.rtgreettrrg: none t g rtrtt, liit wtlrcttrl fflritti tr u lit(i Alitht...whio rgenrfilwortd anti klitt %Varrt totet t iilieathnc, iirrdorrla :ittmLti tof golrrueroisate trai gracionse word It Weil treiltâ thir ow, lt ic ir Oixtr.ntiî 'liti lhtîtti to tn twiol, w. efrrtfdariti ndfort - etrttrMure ACrdrli gruittirrg ter or r iyrfrrdfriuurid A ot.rry (tirintinan teVottipi mieune ai] 1i %Vtrrr.r from orr lieritire wortl puritlt colle iiw- A ittrr'ry iteîrre4t1rrl a fright New Y.t Wirerocr ti... rtrr ititeifages go, Politicai Notes. Tie Bsform Ouvention et licto irrriosyrerrominatoi Mr. Culeo - tirîkr, M1'.'.,as ilirpir candidlate fo 4i~tocel Lt.gisiature. $lit JOUX MÂCDOiLi.-Tire Fret PrmsAasys --"Wýe are advised tîrat ai tire close of tire lIrsL session of Paruea ment Sir John Macdionald wil proceeot to Eungloîid lu order toue sworu in as s Privy Concilior, and thant on hieri . turn Lira retirernent of Cbief Justice B ichreras wiil bc aunounceti, anid Sir Johun ominatuldas hiissuedessor.Tis wiii beu umivrtaaiy regard .ed nas a tinu olos. to bis long, active, eud snccessfu tpolitîcil roccupation." * cciNo«.-The proiiminary exetir. ination of* Mr. OnufcommIenceti On Monrlay. -Hnodenle thâirt irehhati floc. tionommitteeso. CAaliww' st.-Mr. Fleaher was ra. nomlnaged etLa meeting hi et -Mono -Mils on Monrlay, lunte Oouservatlva futerest. Mr. Geo. MeManua refused to b. bognd by te convention sud ex. prassed hie Intention toamnua ny wey. LiNCOLbr ELbcoriox TRnAL.-The Court of Aijppeal gabve jutigment ou monday on the pailétais ld lu ftVor O r EàAsi~T îIOTo,-MT, Morris lbas bien elacLti by a unaJority of 45 over Mr. Leys. MoNcuw.-UtatHarcourL (Iieform) bas beau aleetio by a rnajority cf 116 ever Mr.Haslip., MMINec o OIt TUE PRnNoEUS A: -Thea tbliOviug Militiaganeral ordar liai bien pblsbd : lu compilene. viLt thLie notice publieodinlu nextraof tih. Canrada Gazetef th1Lie ilirInsug,, rmou. 1 go theliiiginaral wournlg-for Lire 'Lcuseutati riath of Hemr oyal Higirnesi hoQ~ Dqpbesq of I>Srmetgsut, -thi dt*ê-e4unl uowbiadng, JuiTItn illOI«of etraruiom niiltrtO ISmoier lmbp & moum6 in enuom @m sbou40à. U*êgfoa b.adof oue a lUd glu 1@ - affl hé elbow, the~.usesA L:nae4 Tite report cf tire disehason ALt1iihbiIa 01?ovtiPM"~. ** publieomeeting, given!lu othe ui iunI * wil aupply tealarge axtemt thr.eueor. Thitiuti5bLon of pVize ionsith lai rernarka wbiiuh *e iutondedurakirng ltMrd1uMm»crw]EXM titis wesek tpon tire sa setL. Weegret spe Tl rzes_ o- P= SLiaItire linit.ed spacel at-aOur dispcaal *nve ~ a git proeats eaf(91e1«1»porL. Everi' rat.4lln payerviro enu pssi ]Y doc80souond theflIfjii oé la Th attend tire adjoumneri meeting. We regret tirmtir..ý demna s PO Our Christmas ilpay. àafull ameuuL cf Lira vefry interptJT4 PÏ - proceedings, wvic roin b th r e coo. Th Tire Orltma. display at tire-buteir- year ta a close. Th-iznse, say of: è or'@ sMelîletins season lis very flne; iu. treur vaînable -anti rÉinaomibooks, ' deeti w@ bave net seau iL snrpag.ad lun'wjII i$tMid aI the Edauoà4iô- i Witby. I - Toonoandigave vegr it.;mL M. A Lei Sorr's, rock Street, 'tire- Amonget muei tirat was exoeclugly srpanti promnises are loadeti vitln intelutlnig ve muet nai pasi by vitir. 178h. mirmght veil b. l4ed itefat 'of thne ont q spal nition, Lheb b.tiful Prias leua.nde, iric igsfre, pilireiesetPoem by Ms..Johustan,Lire rWsilng froff >Mr.W;m t:es, ofLire 0r coâ-,, 0otviîoinae grootid *ineaty &P- slati. diti fatted calf, bmd I y lr. Ëtimund net forgettling Lie gouerons, rateoiayer, Rlihardson, suridg0lcause cf avera, iviinDot feu tanotice the biiginla nding À91'sirep andtIlamber, irr by Mr. Amon of tire sirool during the yaam.-- and Stonoenritrace part otb ie dispiai'. Pssn Uxmuv amerzM- lai' Mml. Benjamine Ba4eLbc ne-Ducy-'omienon, Fred. Gdrao,EibefttVau> arn a 'Collant Lwo.yoar olti h ofr, bongint from Carson, Willam Eastwood Lue ~ rc.Mestra. Jeffrey Brou., wovoiafara, pur- Elizabethin«on th.¶ miun, Miti ZU Do chauedfrour Mr. BcbRie F an' sd M. Boss, Mari' _ Lieoua noble beatt.welgb g., trasseo, 1000 Palme, IXTEEEEDL&TE (Juwe baek Its., bongirt from omir. Gonld k MtoYne Rima, Paek sure, lary .- Knox. Alo twe Imbe, sfrm trJane Rasa, TidaPaC»UeCRMOmAsib a thMr. Funsey, sud somao vary fine jorir, John Colley, John ýwiil, Froid Hobbo breti by Mr. jameo Wilson. o tl Tiras. SeauLmuon James Harris, Mfmi rhie n. rao Mto P onr, Mary Asby%. 1 molyu Pua.Rutne- oi . rh' Mr.'Jo>sapirStan. shows,, .asucaI, letW., 58.Ormistan, gldP. 0. [ar, m'rles sema ver y suparlor baéf, inclun leif. Al. . LGnou. Formean:lg v.-lsLImalk te srs bougbt frour Mr. Westiaka, tve Masure, ed Fred Auines, Ord mnd 4Éb nonireibefara frou Tiromnas Fluar, anti sPlan. Tmylcr, H. Glhrnore, Fcvmu-I isî~R~ niai' di booves breti hi'Mr4 Joh W cosan q.Ada Brown, XatiCbaàmbes, BrdlEmma Ohnwilis nd t,,.. ".meon chas. HlEuhny, oe, >Aise soma goêd Iambe bcngirt Bousle Mmnn, Besse Anaerson, MNry Col- bey from- Ur. John Bradley,, and "primo lins, Alnle Anderson, Botta 8tîcýmey. tmas h=g bonuirt fret» Messrs. 0S.amai orum xL-1 Jrro.,Morris, ind Jarry Palmer, Brd Jessie Morcounie. Han. mentioin,Jua anti aes, Wleo crin dFoplorgli r Eatwood, George Tirwmlto, Jas. Willils. 11=111 Ur. Tanner maises à very antsolnie WaUrNo-FOMm -S' B.-V.Camion8 oser diaplmy. Ofait beef, Wiboiter, pur:Vras. Int A,. .Grass. FJrm o vurnA7 no ed frot» r. UimHall, ad fat aq. Frauk Poel# 2elonJohn uton or I en tgeenfromUr . Dunu ait.unexceptionai- L18 . OOO,2 loh uutiWl. purhiy i £ood M . Jnne Iastwe "0 1 son, Srd Bertha Webstr. Hon, Mention, purcrasti rom r. ohnFizpetrnckAmuie Morris, Idia Powell, Areelle Hobson, andi altirougb eniy eijirL mentira d, Annie Andersan. Forum c-iot Edwin At- weigiring 618 lbo., kinsan, gndl Jante Moreamire, 8rd Mary Mr. Chrarles SaoLt, ihougir lest not et s.i-5Fart .-lst B. V. Carson, Inti lemet, is se v el cAble te sirppiy iris ans- A. E. Grass. Forai rv.-Hleb Joiruîtan. temema witir a temptrng Cirriotmas din. Fon rt.-Arch. Denoan. Fac» ILz-1.L uier.Ile ira- semaebehice ireaf anti and IntI Il. Stiokue , Anuie Anderson, lm. park reiseti ant i attetiyhyiluref, sud ladC. ionWeCin n 1inakes a gooti displey.!Mary l Ele& . Fo. ston, MryAdso, the t ai tir steis tero Aret plan- loti W. E. Atkinson 8rd B. Haidan. Ban. few t y of ponîtri'. Anti novet have ve et Mention, Geo. Tirvalte. rave t hi s easein of tihe yeer, or indeed we Purîzz Pozx, lapen taemli Forms).-Bnb- aýdiniht SY t ay tirer rime i rave { et ;-Farewelte Lard anti Lady Dufeorie. sean u trys, gesse,- djks and fowl cf mip Dru&wxo.-Fcrm v.--Jas. Jobiruston. made ail knd se ahsap. AndthLirasaur obsar. Forum rv.-Frank Powell. Farm in.-lsL J. tire vaLlon appiies aise te beef anti park. B. Crone, Inti Emma Haldenlry. Fon ix 'ovi. let Chas. Heldenbyi,Indmd Pofell, Ord bat. The Whitby Hlgh Ruhool Entrance Ada' Brown, Hon. Mention Emma Bats- - Exammnct~urtMuu. FocTm -lat Oa. Thwaite, lnd W. nous E. Atklnson. 0081 - 'Mrr.rTAn Dii.-Sqnal r-Rat Jue. Col- nude The nacral ibaif'yearty exrlaniatiou feo> dntiE V. Carson, rd A. H.*Groas. and for atimissian mte tire fliglr Scirool was 11.ou2.Metion, J. C. Lairti, W. Oriiston, ýIon, ed onr Tnsday and WVeduesmlay cf Jua. Whrite. Squanil -lot Thro.Hendïr. ayo, .~t pres- M tinin Bavoat, Jun. Thmpson. ~Y~senLed tlnowselrvesý' wit n irrt suceus, CL&as Lnsl.-Founu ii-GENEEAL OI'or- .ith Miay' b. eu beiow. Ný1 . are giadti t crc-lot Lanisa Yula, Inti Emma Bate- tihe earu tiretLire papars set vore consider- maen, Ort i Wn, Green, 4tlm M&7>Collins, in- cd farir d invery vai' sutte t t teat tir Annie Anderson 6th JohnNbie tte cp lte 1tircandidates. Tira AnunTuTc.-Ïl, T.Yula, Inti Wun. XnL ara c t r uLre*~ narig chmnson, 8rui Emmua Bateman. Hon. Men. 'li-0 roüt r onhess pclet eanrionstion, Annie Anderson, Ada Brave, Wm. ultiIf te suufflOf lipis Atexamnat on Grson, M. Colites, John Thompon.i bal. IOUded otiwbiy Upon Lbe efforts ai' ALGaae.-1,ltE. Baternan, Inti B. Man na cf toucehers tireir attentiou!mighinrt lu eir ard A. Anderson. Han. Mention, W. Green case ha dlieted Le conspianons failure., M. Collins, Jas. Wirite, Juin. Wite, Frances S but nehere indiffereuca upon tira part of Les .-o lz jhoo,2n oia àke othparntsandpupls s wll s wntYula, nIrd P. Loe. Heu. Mention, E. BaLe- tIre cf ceprrcîty Le grapple witir certain euh-. man, B. Webster, B. Anderson.t ny-v jeetc ar ani'tiriug but rare, it vouiti be' ENairoi.-let L Tule led A. Andoraon, eig ahbvk.ueiy nuut te arttribrutsfallnres Lea 2rd 1B. Bateman,21on.Moeiton, M. Collins, auti gioe 'aburudaut evdeuç a Liaipupils Su'LLmr<.-lat L. Yula, luti W. Green, Lhi tiret wiil work, eau, et a comîtcretively nrd andi 4tirSil. E. Beterucu, R. Slo.kney ee, eariy âge ire talion trceesi'nly river tire Han. Meution. K. Chambers, C, AIemeb, as wlrnle ground for tire outrance exami. W. Green, A. Brown, John Thoutpsoôn, itl (4zooaArru.-lot Ef. Ilatemurc, led L. Candiriatia arîrnittoll witi tire marks Yume, grl W. lIreen. Hon. Mention, B. tir.- obtrinned are as frulones :1280 mnarin te Walrter, W. Hutchnsnsr, Jua. White,Jas, Da' peas.] ' Whîte, A. Wyatt, B. Andetrson. HISTORY.-lst W. Green, Inti H. Baie. aud mrsv otztlcrrE'Sun. CANDcIDATES. man, nrd Mary Collina, lion. Mention Jas. t ,ot. Minulmuur for lte -roiaftire outilrWhite A. Wyatti Ju White, B. Webster.f mt a rrksa, viz î280, onuetiril ui ooir ubjretl11B. Aurlerion, B. Ïfanuu. rtoandoaehalfthemars i P aaitg. OMP04ITON.IgtK. Chamnbers, lad L a a ~ ~ g Tula, r], 4tir B. Ande'rson, M. Colins. bot 'ilo ARKS )ITtr-rtrrD. WHRlErirDUCATE). io nn. MetioC. wether , A. Brown, B. Mn'.J. Browct, toer' M. Anderson, A. MeK.uy. Kiig Samnuel, 08r' -LATr, -Ici Johr Whrite. r.-lsUtL.. no MOIrcneef iBmimy, 299 ' Yju0lrr2sd W. Greer-, Sud Ga. Waodhonae. iRuyrrald AAublo, 283 lFurracur, .-lt E. Batùman, led A t tor Mlristy Albrt, 81 Ilirirry St.Sciroci, Brown, nrd B. Webtetr. Hon. Mention, F: i t Mu. Bttwerumcr. Lee, R. Stimney, K. Chamrbers, Eliza t] rly Kerr, irr'tl, 280 *Idr .1 Jalirrton. r.-Iat M. Colinsd Inti A. An- i Lo",liorbert, Bol t t deroon, BrrR B. Mannr. Hon. Mention, A. c are D)rapr.ir, le ii t -294MeKey, Jas. Whrite, M. Andersion, C. Wetir. Cou,. Ktte, 287 Juin l St. 801,rool, erriti, A . lebRan, Jeue. Tirampomu: tîsIMeNlli'Eliabet, ~ Mr. Waodkreutte. loRue .-GF<U.r. PiROFrciECtY.-lst J. MoNillyBlJabot, 88 oparcte Scirool Palmer,l2nd Li Warren, Ord W. Hoag, ti Mises Doyle. 4tirlosie Morcombe, Stir'M. Hoiden, t h n rthllr Hfiiglitîlatt, B., 824 4Arr)riuriP . S., Gazelle Cochrane. ae Mr. Hendereon. (imunyx.-let J. Pclrnr,-2nd Jas. John-c a. îIruidesi,,0ea. f871 , L ,. tand ird W. Greon. lion. Mention, W. 0 Larwrence, John, 287 "14Hutir6nosi 1 .tr-- . r. Aort. Plu, ris. Hm.Ho.MnIo 1 M'b -is own drawtmrgo, dep1ctiirg tire MOUt Imports anti Expertset Wheat antic r. chrceite duniauiltar pirases ut Fiaur. mg btire ahi regime. IlThe Tule Club ait ge Work ,' by W. M. Laffari, doscnibos inohe Wlitby, Deoemirer iitir 1878. cf rmetirotsfantauassociation ut a rtiseaantitoi a oiiers, virose vomie speake for -iteei i To t/ce Rd/for Of thre l-5litbY Chitr f ui tire illuoLretions, wiricb inclurle drene. Cle :Lui inge hy E. A. Airiey (W tiloti mrntel- DEAtI Si e it We), W. Nt- îr.î.. ' so Sth Heving necaivedti irongl mi M so ovnînelmen, Alde Veir, Rin.m -ini Iroari, Quartiy, WVîmbidge, Laffan, athie cauntesy oaf'tire Commissroner of lug Fars, nt a ii lureiefb'ODouan Custome et Ottawa, retnmns for Lireti tirescupter. A compantian papor, Sfoqurer. irE Lirehyam emnSti of i' t,' ra cTiI.Club et Play,"' le ta appoor Saebr 88c tr0oemn ic 0 in-tiro Mitivinton nurcber, nitir elange Doietnti FleuCintoa 1ant ra et» lInami Lvanuety illt'iustrations. DmnincfCnalI raedla 1. furnisir yau witin tire foloving campai. cat renie Stocks anti Monci' Specuietons. son efthLie yem'e 1876-77 ut 1877-78. coi % - 1 Statrrment aoit e Flour andi Tideel * Tire Morîearr T/me# Ly.-Hei'n. imPorted ani exporrted rom t he Do- ir t ring-ta aur article rogandiug Lire action' 'miniaof Canada(exrclusive of Bni. p@ ut of l Burra on tire valus cf Banke t/a/ Columbia) during the Yeari as r Stocks, it la unged bhi'aecorreeponderni entding 101le Septcrrber 1877 andietc, Lirait an effective plan ta cure tuaeovil 1878.- Ti viii lie murely Le sinike ont -Lb. clause irnrmrnzur. Lirr lu iii, Banke Act, vicir enairles cn@te Ydreuding Brio, Fleur. Bus. Wheat. thei benie ta lent manoy upan tir.stoakoie et B etiP.r 1877.. 428,014 5,58r951i tb eiiers. Tirai clauae,lire cantende, on- Flcuer (g 4j bus. irer but. 1,854,857 tirs ahieti a number of beuns te ire startetiî - ford lu excoss cf 4be noqulremeuzt et baukl'mg EXO 7,, 181,808 1 iral capital 1InLire country. Tira evil cf tire@l prnoient state et affales, makiug iLtea Lie Year oudiuig Brîs. Flour. Bus. Whi.ak n lutonest Off speocuitors Le Lehi hics about nItirSept., 1877.. 220,492 8,049.885 bar allanbeig l bard " i Irel con.Fleur i@ 4jbus. peror m. 981,465 bu monieti ou lu finaucial circies, andtihLina4,681.860 Lire rîmody harsousggoatorl huis foevt ie- bot] attention cf eadinîg bankéee seinetf -.celle et imparta over Exporte. 2 -,550,426 Lire virour, iovover, do net desine tire abro- cuPRaTICI. Lire gatien aifLire lause roferne tat. Tiret Year ending Bris. Fleur. Buta. Wrea-1 WOl au nd ntuai be put to tirq 4uiquitotis Sir Sspt., 1878.. 811,188 5.198,0W pur systeur of braisera Ilselling shrt Ilae Ftour e 4i bue. per brr. 1,858,158 uat Lboy do, Lins seriacicng Lie proeorti - a2 cf Innocent poieoeg 6ee n ,548,151) 1 tiesircus Leah avetreE l evad- EXPOUTED.Ra opLît, tiret ai brokera mirst discloee Fe ending~ Brie. Flour. Bus. Wiret. H their principals mL once. Anbtirer vonld 80tir Sept., 187..563,977 9,45840 go tneyonn titis aud bave d'Il saes. je Fleur @4jbu,, per bml. 1,448,90 jecti brokosaL once transfomreti eni tIip 1, onl book@ ofthLie banis, andi a no Minal temp'- duLi' imposati OU transfèe, go as ta give E xcoas ni exporte over irurnorto,N tire Govarmrent Power- cE inspecîlon 1W77-78 ............... Bus. 5,858,147 rosi and penihmmant. Excoat' o! importe aven experts, vas * 1870-77;...................,550,458 cen, F anal Railway Accidermis1a. Excess ai surplus Wbeat crap, boni A F1A RTWT c.uEI cen 18#B~7, ovinrtai of1878.....7.08,6M5 anti Àd onATAire GrandTMu ah'rNT On, ne luaa rmer letton, I siatedti t ilu enItnugle itedoah ofl-Igh cGrgap h othe tîoyeera 1874 anti 1875 tLb. t siitgian tce d sTi.ofs Gunie r as-virat cnop oai-Canada vas a tain av- w man, 'dage c thaï; du Lires. Lwb trou 2n0411, anada A. wmé a bout 4j millionou ek&l1.Ic i hutiroig, wireà and golur tagithar, 'or l kill at offot h e0 marnlng ox';, !rg 11Mllo uae,-1 ; prou râne, ~off the . >ç.a 1 1 o, ~ mmiu uhes AtO~u ayung.i~Tb-h, ,3na«rop cf 1676, LinrnagioarrL id thL *ver- 1 haL; or 1877 Wa" the fb qqLim f va. Liiii at rup uer ssarng s eau wouru as nean bave 4ýOVa iris Dae.-asthiLcfi " wu,$ nl vrsaAati f Mm. à Glilvraày, vira, aocordingiy tock t irotif OWMm,Blow, scond Mr. Hatar, Mr. 'W. H. Hig8ina 11 appalnýed SecreLam7. 1MU. ;ohn Bongoligh beingegl. nasme upon Linî?oqnlticno, I~b caletiupc, slt h.aLtndei ort P, urae ci g.ttlug information.1 courrsidqred taastire question cof t pnrclirô cf tire habon ira ioriginat vitirth Lr atepayens tire aunai vet hava acteti bitter in leavufg îLe diapo, vitir tbam, luteasi cf assumleng tireri pousibiliti'Lineusalie., 1Mn. a. à. McMlllae ravleg bi calleti upon,aali tir. barbon 2ater m a veryasimplecoue, if lckndait <nom business point of viev nleuiie v as ani' ctirer business maLter Wh Lire axecutans cf tire Draper estate vu applyng for législation ta enaile tirs tseiltira barber, IL wau ceesidar Lirat tira tavu shoulti have semethi to 8&Y. . AÀtdéputation Wvasosnt -O C have, inistructe t bgeL Qavernient mosume te barbon if possible, anti fa iug lu tirettu geL te tovu tic aptil cf pnncitseing. IL vws staletion I] street hsrt tae dputation iration been inetructed to gaL tire ,Oovemnmel ta resurne Lirebarbon. TiraI wasiuorrer Tire faute ver. as he-(Mn. Mcli.> hi stateti. Boti r . Macksenzie anti E John A. Mactionell tLId Lire deput Lion Lirat thene vas ne chance cf au Govermmnt ne.nming Lire barbon. TI situatioun e.ta be accepteti andti)t députation tithie neit beat Liring tir, couand sutirtetifor tire Lovu t] option of pnrchaeing in Lire Act tir iat been passeti. The barbon v bcnglirtbyMn. Dra pin for $85,150 18U4. For thie firstfav yaars tire vai scanceli' ani oxpouditune byhi'i cu lurprovements. AlLer tomne fi tire eitendon vas7fatienmsona tinegugtien.. Pl1 » '5linr a onidsrmhbrone lu tr oupape aven Lie stata cf Lbe barbon. A metie luati hoon matie la tiraflouse fer n turus, anti Mn. Draper saut tiovu son enormons figures. (M. Wmtso-'Haar as expendituri upon lurprovornont Tis ira beau pointatont Wtir te art trataa The grat pcint befoe ti latter vas tire revenue-tre soie obje being La fidouton viaL tire barber vu vertb. Tiney ba placeti hefoeei a largo numbor of documents. Iu or retur» Mn. Draper beti given a irvit expeudet in one yeer #817,000 fer dredi ing. Tire anbitrators teck tira figurt ton viraL tir o ee orti, anti eviden hi' frour Lie ewerd givon dît net plat unriai meliauce upon tireur. Mn. Mi Mille» întered inta a cemparîscu tire figzure., giving wirat mppeared te b tire trie figures oE expentiturs anti Al lectitions retaina madie hi'Mn. Dnq4ner mirowiug, emorgat ethnr desorepiqoi r tat Lire emout expendeti fan dredfi ing vas eniy 88768, cm mceordiug tLe Mm Nlunson's reaeipts, $2480, instoati c 117,000. ýTire question hetone tira rate payera *as- I. 882,000 tac, largo a sur o beadbth twu forLire vomie it ratf bé1eni'ccrtended belon. tire arhi tratons tiret tire construction cf tir Nipising anti Midiaut railvays eut of Frnclnmau'a Bay' harbor iead, depre ciatei tire' veine cf Lirepropnti'i Whiitby barbon, antin ne iubtt i..arbi trters teck Lirat fullyi' m ooý-nt ii ueing thirnawari. But Ltre 'e> va as sirovu hi' Lre ntumna, tiret tire oeipts were a great deal les betore tbir lince tire oporatien oatie Midland six' Nippissing. Frnchmnen's Bayer Pick ring herber ne toubt brougit devn thera ncets et Wiritby tire past Lvi Vear#,-andtihie short crops vihin ti mmne p'lniatitentietilargeli' to a thi rductiesR cf tLirenvenue of tira barbon But notwitirstanding aIltLis Liaeevas 'r the finst ton mouthp cf '1878 or oveu P400 retgived, ais &gainât somo 88,00 yoar np Le 1874. Tire griatast amen»)l ) revenue that hani beau roceiveti fron: 64 np to '72 wus frein Lires toi foui houseuti dollars. Anti yet, viti aIl] me adverse influences et vomis, and tiu ris bard yean cf shotironps Lire receipta mm p, Leking the wviole yeer, tc 1000. IL vas plain tiret Wbitby hanr. ion vas eble ta, boIt its evu. lu 64 te herber cosî 884,150. Iu 1878, vitb creasoet moyenne, ILeau ba hati for 02,000. Ha calieti upc» Lbern ae rsoiuess men ta loaieaat tris mattor lut s resines. iigirt, aut net ioed tire imegin- -y nonsense viriir tiey lisard vis- rred et street cornera. If tire barber ouit be geL vithont casting aaytbing, nild tirey not trust Lireiselves ta mon- ,go ut-? Theyimd ttrLust tirs manage- eut of the corporation affaire to tire .".Ai], v i' not Lins9 Wiy Lb .-c r tov lirat nctbeen Enli' placeote. re theo natepayers. Lot tira eru re tino facts anti figures heni' yanti ýrmaI sot before tireu. Speekinglor oelf, ire vas ires ta admit tiretire id eliysrapposedthLie railwmy bouses,, ýt re ia nov Lu acimovietige Lirat e pecple cf thne towu vers rneeiviug b1 direat sind indirect banefita <nom t invastinent. If, aften geiug into efigures, iL vas faundt Liat throre )nid ba a bouefit Le tire tavu frour Lie reirese cf Lire barbon, people sircUlt t b. gaing against tiroir kuoetge d janigmon: in sncb a MoLter, Mir. J. H. Lcng suggested tiraI M. arper be oacrd. Mir. Camnpbell anti Mn. Hannaur ch. et, ani vanteth ie discussion te hî afluedtiL tire action cf tire Tcwn Mr. Long vai et epinion tinat tire isou for tira action cf Lb. gentlemen a Lirat tbey vantedti tageL luta tire anail, ne maLter viratirr tire barbon nefitoti1te- tovu or not.i (Citeers il langht4r.) Mn. Draper taiti hlm ru Lire bpu of 020,000 vas voteti the nail*àyý tiat takt dati 820,000 tho valui of thée iarbar. ,Anti if tir. Fn vas going Lo geL hache. auytir in ita largo nsllwav boucs I vas lr Liroughi. tir., barbon, sud thusi nild Dot' loi. te' chance. Hi ni itti tira b. Lavw- M s ucai d. md ntiLiri sX tltieou-Loatinar inTir. Mayor wua alioveti to go ou, lot and ommenedetib tafing tiret not one Liii- ont ci ton of te heors unneratcthie, ni. question.. Ha wasnot *proseu atireé d-meetng of Lira c6ursial infir action ~ braibeau lakeuu, and biarinmo notice tiret aimaLterd Ë& ranach, importance vanit b. brougbit forvar, for -'aitirougi i et b iii a é' Sotiabave matie an'cf. frt to b. p#eahî , Rs referrsti taitir. avtlcolons la viri Mr. Hannamirati J8i picturadthéir cILles of Qnébec anti To- 1e ronto&aaheing ban 9, s;îLvaàVon- thé tiraItraioeciles coulti continue ti &- 0* iest AU inîire face ofhe ,opinion of e thé gentleman 0 c f uinal bili'anti etskill cf conclllor Hanusm. <of&Wittby. il.! (eheens anti laugirter.) Tire tibenumnas ual' of tihe city of Toronta veore sellncg aI 55 par. ut shat tel eteMr.. Hanumur, iainoting ta do viti tire pumaiase' ba of tire larbor ; no more than tire Lai ra about rings anna iiway me» lu tire 'a elty cf Toronto. Tire Reevae state. ai'. meut about tire Siriff havlng ticcu. aen mentari' evideea s tarinigt vashelai nra np ta ridicuie, andtheir Mayor pasceti ui ou recapituleting Lb. &tops&Latwhad etia heen talion iu the barbon maLter np ta thg tprésent ime.Haeplutase xL tr rasarvetion l in h reintiucounci, te sbewiug titat iL vas teé usuel rneova- i. tien ai tire rtgbto of tira Crovu in chr- on tera, deedde, anti aI sucir public an- hoe monte. Mm. Klngaforti's report ba i"' heon mis-steteti. IL vas untrue tL ayi nit tiret Mr. Kingsforti's report estimatoti ciLt. tierepaira et 852,000. Wirat il t ivas ad Lirat for920 festet a ditionlpler vor lir fiLvonidt ake tiretsan. Bnutit v as W. net for repaira tetaeLb.rer. It vas r' for eularging Lire iarbon-mairing lb l re' fast a barbon of refuge. So vitir Lin he est.iumteti cooL cf tiretiging. Mn. Kinga. ey. farti's report inentiedtins mdtitional reý 920 Eaot betveon tira piers, anti not Lire etý prasent barbon. lRe (tire Mayor))bilt as tie oIl nion cf Mn. Sitanlai', tirat ta lu tiretigo an atiditional deptir of oui foot ne savon incires, voniti euh' cost $8000. [mn Mr. Draper paiti 885,150 for tire bar- iv bon, anti hadt teLs.tire rosaibeaitias -eh 810,000 morea; ireaiao paiti 815.- ne 000 Le Lire railvai' (andtihie railwai' a cf etrurse sMn. Drapor 1mev, killeti nsaLire reati) making in al 860,000 palti on hi' Mr Draper fonrLire barber propenti'.j re Tire tavu bati nov thre optiou ta tae re Lire barber at 882,000, vitirLie atidi-t ") Licuai faat bofore Lirai, as show» lu s. Lteovitence befo re e rbitratons, tiret i. tire iarbar vas lu a better state ta-dayj he tiran vian Mn Draper geL iL, andti tire ict tire earuinigs bireilcreasedtieL about is docuble. Thono had beau a cri' naisati na tiret if tire tovu bougit Lire iarber tiraf e Bailvai' Co. vouit vaut a rédetcion cf- g tallai. Tira toila hâdatimîeadi' boeenn.- g.- duceti ; Lie, vere rotinetilest year hi' es Mr. Fisher-bi'tire exeentara cf tire- t- Draper estete-umr om er25 Le 15 es tente anti ceai frour 84 ta 25 cents.. c- Tirat vas ailthtie Railvai' Ca. ira asie of oti for, sud ho vas neatiy ta give e bond1 ea tiretLire Companyi' ven nver hiree . afLer saiefon any greeter retincticu freur r, Lire tavu. Iu spite of Lire depression- so cf tire feot tiret tirr. as oui' a hait a' ra pcf grain Lhit yean, tiret lumber r.* coult net ire irougit in for shipueut, f 'beirig a dmg lu Lie market-there n- t- ceiptsetftire barbonamunutotito 86,- ii 000. lie estimaterd tire intereet cn tir. purcirase anti mnnulng axpensos ai 08e- i.000 anti couteudeti thet t i mon woulaibire e a clean revenue cf 68,000 ta tire tovu. a - Tirse veno Lire plein facts vitin tiral )- comprehenaien of aIR. Let people ex- e n amine Lirouranti p raveoLl.m andti e i- 4aeenLato e ook-and-brull etorios ne- r teiloti t tire strtet corners in viricirnn i-theo viole case vas mieepresentei. lx i- Heneyer hiraeni' conversation vitira' r iis riiway psirtuers upen tire subject of i i Lire puncirsecrf Lire barborn, l viaL W :- hoe id irehoacteti&0as eprivate citizen vire W a irati a large cLaie. in the tavu, anti an n3 o intereot lu common vilir tire rosi cf tira11 Il ratepayons. Tisvas Lire exat trutir, mu r sud sse muai fer the LaIs about ringstc -suýad uocumoutari' ovitionce. lis vas s.pleaset te iroar Mn. Ourson admit tiren r hecrefits fnomn Lhe railvai', anti ha batl el D heti roason tLo mv it irt gontie- n t man ;nov regrottedti uahviug' actei bc r uponr'iis ove jutigment atLire finitta ingtsofatiasloving hmnutE ta b. Svey- t 1 eti b' Lire opinions cf otiene, at Lire ti i Lime. Tire mon vbo wve muakiug t-be0c0 tI greetest fuaenov vero Lire saue vireOa r gave 060.000 cf Lie tawn'e moesi for Y( - buiding 18 miles cf railvai' te Pt. Penny. ei t 'Fat moeai'vassqemndoreti by thc olti si iComnpani', upportoihi' Dm. Gunu anti . Lite Sioriff. The preseuL Companyi'Fv 9 nover raceivoti but tire lest #20,000, anti m b vitiont tire mounlunLire prosont Coc»- th an irolti cf iL anti paying tLire c »Sbe muting La ovon 8200,000 tire te r. rend wculti have pasaetiinte ether au irantis-the Mitilanti Co. stooti nearli'ta P1 Laki,L anti taise p thir c, 'andthie Wv oy ulebt emoeto e#95,150; to-day n Iit ati et 862,000. -Asmnof 0885,000 cel .,f Lire debentume et i btbeen Pbad e t'bey bai been paying princie niwS intenest wvinaicame irard, sut1 l y a tire interest bat La hopai th ie taxe. Pha vculd he uucr lgbter, He dtonoet vs Lié en on in tire face cf tirose <acto ira anti -figures songil ta mun dovu hetero O cbarater of anti staninrg cf tirs tovu ira' eavo cnedut for iravrng Lie affaira or Lire 85( tinnWvalmanageti, amui xpresset irisW, *Lillingness ta haeona of a Company-tga montth Lirebrxasd pai tire Lown tan H per cent. upemi Lie investurent, so ai vs tiret tire Lov volt bave Lire irnien free etthLieanti of 20 ycara. IHe &hogea 5mrmended tire appoinLinant cf a Or a rmmitteeof ctLiree b hi' Lina g ot thui an equal numuben of tire Towne t douil ta go inta ail tir. <acte sud IL i evise anti repart viraLvas beit ta, be Oit 0iim for tire tovn's interest. - tirs dis] Mn. Long secontiotiMn. Holtien's tow ufotie n luaefew sensible remarie, pro viriihrfer oent thetraofforts being t.0 mIe 0 La a va't-be trade <nom Lire o Lôvu, refsmrng ta viral Pnckeninoe hm v abnefor ranhmonis Byi iivaiff ex i tiôn fo Fnnciran.. Dy, tivitî ludei] IL) 888,000, anti ativieti union Siiàigét c__ tc Po01opi f Lb. Low lu tire matteir. cor Dr. Gunia, osasoude by Mn. G. C. toi Gos, novidthe tir ào*@iupn ont»-. or ccot T of irisuptonad uirai iai aken plae lin e conu,. ne Hiatino1tgo Ia- imeé malter thçngbtlassly ; ýit led b.eaub». fore Lb.he îpayens ai ummor. Hi toa the ratopayeis-liraI bfe lbg cogucîl bowiht tir, barbon reosboulai go 'in for suburltting ILta'ta wvote, of Ltha people-: but irela eiti osai tiret b. veufd -igo ýta cônsuit the people if Lina saunail refuseil ta purcaas. Mn. Munson bat ativisecth ie Lovainet L mi' If tiroy ba teLpai' aven #101000 for Lins barber. <Ail thîey worm ta gst -wu tire vwharf, tire -ireahevater, sud ' tre vater u in-e basin. ParLias cvel»g isuti 'coulti projeet elevetors anyvirere on tire virer.Et coulti not figureait uploa makitILpai'.,Ha bat taken flue trauble ta mneaste tire vostaru pien te4 font Loult tes42,900 fEsa of t iber, at, 14 conte par foot, wfriýîd came -th 86,0. -Tirecost cf labor aud iran veuiti ho abcr tirhe sains amount 'Tirs tredging, ire voultiput dov» *1 88000. Tire tata;, expeese cf napams anti tirotging voulti ie taire»in round muumbera $19,800, wviai aouiti have La ire atiete th ie puncirase c f 882,000. Tis, et six per cent, voniti mais. $8078 par anner, mudd 81000 fer man- agement, anti enother 8150&d'per au. for repaira, anti what vas thraelaft aI tir. M6000revenueé Oui' nmee$420 for iinking fend andtietapai,'0off prie- cipal. Ho arguodtttheLion cidntt h. enengr revenue ta mieL Lire annuel reen.Mn.' Harpelresortatiltoaa oube f very sma1.l-4nbi es anti bain- Spiitîings seLateIestoutaide parties ira saiti, anti'at biis ovu actions, tienylng tiret lë ie been ineonsihurut. As Le iisacticn in tire coumrcii, that vas net for eu,electiou detige ; if ani' cue tirougirt incira tbing cf irha ediatia vent tierta vota for mim. Hie ti net lai' tiret nineteenti-tventietbs aof Lire ratopayers vare oppoeteLotire puroiese, ire an!' "id nine-tentre Ji v as hesiegedt hLue topeyms ail entmmer to kili cffiaheting. No onu irat a rigit to accnse ii of untior- irantiet pirpese. ,AÀpublic meeting vas net Liera igit! course ta taise; If tire paop le of tire tawu vene net seLla- fiet viti tire action cf tire ceunjil, il *as tirair duti' La geL up a peLition La tire cneil Le iheve tire matter mecan- sidered. M. Levtier, ani Mr. J. J. Boas ciel- langeth iee aceai'of Mn. Harper's Rugaio, anti asserting tiret tirey vwere aîtagether oven-stateti as taeLire mou-. oncuront sud price cf Limben, &.-in Tact double Lira quanhiLi' evez Ercin Mn. Rlarper'o point of vie W. Louti celle vene hrm matie fan Mr. Penny, vire taak tire piatfarr; calls uere aise, maie for M. Hauneur, vio adivanced monacingiy belons Mn. Penny on the pletformn anti entievouretet put rix» aside. Cireers ani confusion en- oued anti expressions cf indignation et ire coursecf Haunaur, virae arien- rdti testand eside b' Lire ciairman. MIr. HElnnaur etl keeping tire deon Mir. McGi vrai' rase freur theo chair and inu nmistakeeble Lanos cehleti Mn.- ielnnamta t ordlen. Mn. Fergusen un. isotei tiret Mr. Hepnam sioulti spegis. Mrn. McGillvray in a vaice cf Lirunden .mpheizirg iL h i' n»ging clown iris flot cn tiretiesis, &ainudoolaet irt Mr. Pemny hedth ie fleer, eut aailet fanrcire- dieue Loeiris tiecisioti or tiret he vomît tare tire chair. Thasheti tire desineti effect. Anti Mn. Penny precoedeti. IHa t. nonuet the ettompt tirat batil beeni made Le stitle publié. discussion b' tire action cf tire Townedonnci], Tire con- i auaL et Mr. Haunur juat baioeatirex»1 was a loir illustraticn cf Lire manner in J rblirh tee muai et tire peopie'. huai- J ios bra bee ti mnsaite. IL vas tire t niLe Lime le forti' ieau rbis nesitance J inWiritby Lt Lirte attompt vas- manie -1 tecyt hm ë ff e Publie platfanmin lu1 fire Loy» et Wiitby. Abus, cf one's t ieigirbers, as thene: bat heen lu Lins se ire vas sori ta sai', vas ne angu. ment agaluat Lire purairase cf Lire ber- i onr. "Rings,'p.ivete rrori', ant i ànation" vene Litrellarias reisetilwireu t teq hbar vas poisen of. WVas Liat 1 re ironeat anti intelligent wey ta dia- i eso Liije question ? Hati ve ne oagiE )f tiret Smnticf tiring in the past 25 i cars ?lie trustot irt tire prejudie- i sougirto e hoaleti oulti be eest t sito, andtihir maLter discrussotilun an iiablo spinit tram, a Levu point cf rev. IL vas La ho regmettedti tiaLLien natter sboulti have been hekien ont of ne hante ef tire mýtepai'ers b hiLre r nuneil. Tire question nov vas net as oviretier Lire itoiroulai purcise à )r net ; people cacît ovote as tbei' . Leaseti on Lirat question. But home it 'aise to virotier Lire peopleo simonî lve a rigirî Le dociteviraL siroulai ho ue eutne&thtie coniui termine lie ntLer fer thein. Dm.GOnan vouit nuL -us tirLey olLi -j tg-Mm Hrper- mpete»ei'.'Tire irbor telle voee18 fliecteti on viraLi vaut oven t-ieSIl ater anti net vraL vas on tire S2 md, so tiat Lire ides cf a tr tece La pile lumbor and tiore oaI 06, as ahI nonsense, A barbon Company e, aduc rigit to ecti toile for Lire lat. Di S.Mr. Draper set Lire velue cf tire ei mrer et $75,000 ; lie iratieen offeoi à. 5,000, viicirhoireefusoil ta taie. 55 ras tire avarti of tire arbitrators ai Du asenable value 9-tiret vas tire question*.Il f. e cuntaeit ir as, and that tire cul y ay ta profit b' our bonne ta -tiera i. a1 ay was La purcrase Lire barbeÎ and io it thie revenue. Wirat vas Dr. rO rns argu-ment anthLe arguments cf lai Coxgnteen on ttai alyybonusF.hbç vase tiraI iL voulti ha hlefitdIUtâ uolougod tee* prive individuel anti ulît belsng bLa tirehave. Tiret vas r grea reretLie, tretthe' herber' s i not belouirLa Lire tavn. NovwLireES ru hath ie upportuuii' '-àWc shoili ttlht hi il. -lie-wntoserLirhe figures sircwtire cvinn : vijcbAîm Baid nild bre fenthernr A&s.ed ibe rmil ension an-ue r Conoetiorrn, mied tirat tireewàéý &y feu' efle sling tir. Lave taxm, 'but on tr mLraryt tir e raui . oJ thelg ic Reevesirip. sud Came ont to oppoeLhei Town purcbauinrg LtneHarbour, anud sa 1 &m laatiafieâ now tha ire I onit baa -banitit Lo Lthe Town to purcirae Ltne 1 vonîti not ire doln& jus ie to the gentlemen Who proni 'CI me Lhair aid, ln electing nieor tinmnelin lu ppos. lng Lire beat i àtoret 0Lrawou. I have seeu811ince reMeeting laut ulgrL, a gentlemen freur Port Hopel. wia iras satiafied4 me traLtineir irarbor, unstea o fa&.loss to Lire tovu, iras atideti larely to tire funuis cf Liratown, no I 'vill uct ire àandidaLe at the eleotiou. Yours Lmniy, ROBERT OAMPBELL. TheAfghnuWar. A telegramu frorn Lord Lyttou, Vie. roy cf Iudio4- saysa-Major Cavaguari' irringi neya. that t he Auzeer of Afghan. -istan u rsied frour Cabul ta Turkestan.- His sou, Ymkoob KReaniras bue» rela. ead frcrn confinement aud loft at Cabul. Tih Arneer bnatil at neariy ail contrai, at tiret plaue, sud hie soldiors vome deserting. Au Ailahabai despateir says- i le me portail tiaL Amoar ShreoAli sud bis ferniiy -are jounanying toverds. Baikr vit LbLie retiring Bussisu mission. Complets amarchi p reveils l ir e Conne Lry batween Jeliaiabad and Cebul. Tire Ameer'a flight viii probably eondifighL. mng. - À Kurnum despatcir of Bec. 16 say5 iL is repertet in Afgiran anti Wall Mo- hemeti la near Shutargarden Paso wirh elevan regiments of iufeuntry and a farce of cavairi'. He will scarceli' venture te cross tire Pas. tis season. IL la mepemtad, tiratLire Znkkam Kirais, lu KRhyber Valley, escapet thieMon. tains befere Lira arrivai cf Lire Britishr. Tireir taoro sud dwelliugs voie des- trcyed. A Quetteir deapatcir says Lira Gover- uer cf Candahar iraedetimmned'on me.' aistance. Geneaes Stewart andi Bid-. dulpir have exammned Lire positions of Lira regimeuts on tire Candahar side cf Lire Khejuk Peau. Tire Ameer's master cf herse, Eng- and'& greatest euemy, is ill. Pickering Township Counril. Saturday Decemirr 4tb, 1878. Tire Pickering concil met pursuant ta adjournuraut. Members aIl proeut. I4iutes af lest meeting reati and ap- proed.> Mr. Hoover introduaed a% by.lav, viricir vas read three several Limes andi passeti, ppeinting Lire place for reeeiv- ing Lire nominations for Lire office of Reeve, Depnty-meevas and cennoillor, anti tire place for holding Lire Municipal Electieus, and Returning' officers to preside Lirereat. Tlïë fellowing accunts vere ordereti to bo paiti :-Ei Wilson, for careocf pauper and use of ironse for holding in- quaesi, &a., 010.85 ; Henry BoLir, for coffin fer paupar, $5 ; Wm. Binniei' for bytgpeuper, 01.50 ; JanMes Dundes fo etssuppiied ta.M jlleablind mran, 815 ; W. H, B r tirnier for cuverte, 920.44; Brittoz, for ii and labor ounLo West, $2.50; T.-L. Palmer, fdr Aluin te huril $2.51 ; John Mco for repairiug bil et lot 20, con. 2nd, 65 ; John Thorn, for oleening dituir, front cf lot 27, con. 2nd, 8; Fred' Hilta. for re- pairing amirankueut et Dixie bilI, 12.. 20 Eneoir Kester, for mapairing bridge on western tevuline,8150 Fred Hilts, repaire et Fomest .Mille. 846.50; Dr. Freel, fer attending peuper, 82 ; J. Dl. Spleen, for piank, 812.88; J. Sildon for access to gravai, 82 ; Michael Byron, for gravei, 08 ; Davidi Reid, for irevel, 6; Josephr Moore, for gravai, 02.50:; J. L. Spink, for vater-lime for cinivei, 08.80 ; Michael Kennedy, bal. rn coutreot on basa une, $28.50 ; Wm. lVark, for coder and vork opposite lots 8, con. 9, 827 ; J. Winnicot, for vcrk rn Kingston saat, 817 ; Fenceviewers, $6l; Y. W. Brown, for cedar timuber, 08; Johnu Bourter, for work on side. 'ail batweemi lots 4 andi 5, B. F. con., 015 ; John Devitt, fer womk on De7iLL's hili. $8. The foliacflng persans vere ordereti to o paiti for sheep kilieti by doge 0. Long, 010.65 ; F. Hilte, $9,88. Mr. Barnard moved tiret J. S. Pal. mer ire epyintetil ommissioner ta me- asir Lire bridge between lots 20 anti 21 Il Lire 2udl cou. Carrieti. Mr. Hoover moyenrtaLire council tijeuru until Setnrday, Lire iltr day cf jauery next . Cencil. Whiîby 'ownairip Council. Brooieliu, Dec. 14Lir, 1878. Coeino aLpurasut tLa etjeun- ment. Ail tire memlrers present Reeve itheo chair. Minutes efthie lest meet- rg rend anti epproveti. 'Fie -eeve rest eut laid upon the table tire poLi. ion cf Andrene Ceins preyiug for rmoief u au indigent, cf Cira. Paynue, praying fon 'retunti cf tog tex, cf EHonnil. Duths, pnayiug tLira bis properti lu tire Toevniiip of Wuitby '1b. tetiaire frour te Towrn of Wiri$bi' for scicol pumpee- es. On moctian cf Mn. A. Irvi,, second.- i b>' Mn. Jairu Devidean, a iy.ley wàs peasset, fon eetablisiring pohhing laces antiapainting Deputi' Betnmning Defers ton tIe Municipal eReations cf 879. Tho folioving ececruts vere rdomoni ta o epeit, Wm. White, vors inreas, $1.50j D. Fitciet, vomie on usdo, 5Oc., A. Wilson, vonie on moads, 11)00, Gee. Biciscîl, vers on roatie, .0,Wm. Duincan, vomie ou rends, B000 . Bryan, vare on roatis, 826.. J, ea. Fnankis), work on ronde, 6.00, Josephn Kemp, vare ou roati., 0.00, Chas. Payne refunti et tog Lax, 4.00, A. F. Darlingtaut, itatianery, $.20, Hart & Ravlinscn, stationeni' 8.90, B. MaQuai', anti to indigents, .00, Wm. Hart, coffins for indigente, 28.00, Stepien Medieuti, rrieep de. uyt bi' doge, $4.00, J. B. Biceal, nvinres asBeevo anti noati Commission. y,845.00, M. MoTaggart, services as sputi' Boove, $40,00, H. Bicisie, er- ueo a. Councilor, $40.00, A Irvis, sen- i05e. ascouncilan, $40.00, Jolie David.- e, services s;cundlan, $40.00, Il. mnhirrgtou, salami' as tesuner, $80.00, H. Wilson, caeiratàeisof graea pit, &»0, H. T. Haniseu, salarno as eme, iklng ont votera' liet snd CherS of otrs' lish finality Court ievying sebodh ges, #172,00, Josephr Kemnp, Constahle tir. Court ef Bevision, 81.50, anti n tolowicg. eraof 'tire Reeve vas nfned, La Jas. «'Bue, repairin; irmidge 6t9r con., 815M5, Aie%. Macib, vomie reade, 880.00, R. T. Harrison on ami $50.00, J. ýMoaro, raimeeti fane Sidigents, 25e., anti B. T; Hanison. a anLirize o taperchas.e at cad f etd for Wtov -Cooper indigen. , i» mot1io f Mr'. PiTaggart, sec. yoib Mr-. Irais, tire Cenucil resut»- ecominittee cf Lime viole, on Lie iev ta regfflaia tirs unning At-large thgé, 1» Li. euip cf Wiitby,i avcuinirte chair.Coin. ât.. romi sud rrt. ébat tire irv.is Qf -aneso DevereII'8, New, BIok, fale otc WITH A PBFSà- LOT'OF- habit cfi ob% let"ofastocks.on jStock Excl u'ei~U4/~'iuvenonéarli'tire il 5 ' 'Fisma - 'Ulaware' bscni havefor sor SUITABLE FOR. TUE ppgofn XMAS SEASON, As FOLLOWS: Fine Dehesie Raisins, London Latyers, Loose Muscateile, Sultanas, ?flid finest Vale$t Raisins, SFne ,45 lus for $1.00. Currants, 25 lbs for $1,1 TEAS. Fine Young Hyson, 25o to 40o per lb. Extrai fine, 50e to 75c, worth 90c. COFFEES Freoli Coffee, ground tç order. eh Rte and Cocoas. SU'L G AE. Ail grades Sugur, at bottom priCes, American Ooffée -Stigar, l3lbs for $1. Cross Blackwel's Pickles, uusomted, Sauces, &c. - Pure good Baking Powder. Oranges, Marînalade, Shelled tAlmond, S. S. AI. monda, Filberts, and Brazil Nuts. Fancy. Candies, Flavoring' Extracts,. Toilet Soaps, Brown Family Soaps. Pails, Broomu, Wash Tups,1 CROCKERY WARE. Granite Teà Sets, China Tea Sets,' Toilet -Sets, Fanoy Pitchers in Sets, Toy Sets and Mugg. A large aflfortmeflt of. Glass- ware of evcry description, and very cheap. Apples, Potutoes, Butter,1 Eggs and Poultny tuken in excha.nge for goods. . *50 S. P. deoire te tenter luis aincene these stobis friendu and customers for peu faveurs, iaundthapes in iiui New St-ore 10 mot accntixnuanco of tire saure, wishing yen ahi the Complimente of tho Soason -and bottler timce, Yeurit çespsctfuly, eiove sne1r aa 'aýi si nons un ain fer iroaltier position thon Lbey inave. hie» for years put. 'Fhe business of- forn»g is cf course u einrstiailui camiparlson wIi tintst of put years--but iL in meahr mare carofaliy andi economi- calli' doue, anti veaothi'saMr.. Intios oftiépenion hile the. pro-' sent, IL ieÈ edrngy tbclue gttul tut mon siculi bave il luntireir- povsr te make rnattens verse hi' sxcitlng danit andti mpidtion <cm e rni iug purpoesa virnsconfidene anti firmnes, are .prcstvanted.> -IL le ta Lb. iropoti thal tre Banks viEseut tiroir faces unlteili' agaitt Lbse syMtietl anti npninpleti aàsaulti on Lb. credut cf institutions ovidentiyunankatiday». fcm attahe eue aften the oinar. IL is nôt agame tebe looksdq=ielli tbi even th@ -atrongeat ch aur Ba 2e, ui legs ,fastbrei hi' tir-aid. IL ongirt ta b. meprassed vitr e fin bandi. Pnb- Mio confidence-is a delicata Plant; a nas broken iL lu diffiouIt ta restons. Mo 8n uiPtoca'. Prcpbece. Carniages vitrant inorses mai g c Anti accidents fihi tire vorl it vt os. Arannd the vorlit Lragits eball fi' In -tire tvuiking'o! an sys. - Waters sire» more'vonders do,' Flow strenge yet bey truc. Tirrougr tirh ilans halride, ,Anti ne ore ibet bic ýalto. Untor vaten mon shal valk, 8iraH ride, shah ableep, anti tal. Iu Lire arnairir ai irbe ueon, In vite, in bleehe, in green. Ire» c» vater.aailash As easily as a ontienbhat.- Golti shah ho founti anti siravu in e lentdtiret je novtuninonov. 'Fine aud veter uirail vanions do, Euglenti shah eat lust admit a Jev. Anti tire vomito an endi shaH come Iu eigbtecnn utnsti d deigirti'ons. Tia.exrmy ncxàAAIL A & ~n-Ou Lie eagt.hound train on tirs Grand Trunk Bailmoati, noar Bitigevwai, Midi., on- Tirnaa' igint, a passenger naures Walter Stama vasatteeketi hi'a <oi. lov.pauaungn vbile standing on tns reàn cf the platforur cf Lie rear car, vire eut is tincet, roiheti hnurcf 8600, anti Liron banhet i m frau tire moving car. Storm strualeilua snov-bamk 'sud araviedti La efarmmr's bouse, vien. surgical aid vas anmnronsd. H a sema ilant us e gamben naunet- Crabbe, anti it is suepa'ctet irt Stormiesle bis bai, anti tiret tire ttack vas Lb, mesult cfaà querrel aven thirr poile., Storurs cen bath' recoven. Tire Scireci TmusLeocf tirs township of Herîsi' discirergei their scbool, tcci or hi' sending iimLire folloving lacnia opiatie t-" hanIoy Oct, 29, 78.- Ale:- entier me Mcpem.cu, Wce Lire Trustees notefi i'cn-To lbave ~niAmentr as Weo anc disfitie" - sse Notices oc'r/' #o 1, a-ies andi Deates cta-g/f 50 cemeno/e. D E A T H ' XÇCANN.-Aê Anale/ton j8undtiai, tire 2212d inst., TbewagtMcCann, egeti 79 yeana. 'Fie decossetilvas an ci1 anti respect. et mositent cf th. tovesip cf Picleer.- ing. A' soieun RequIer mass vas sait for tLira repose eof biaseu00lu tire Catraie CurirWhitb hk s1 ti 'Fetier McE»teassisteti"N;rsvd Fetirer :Beoimg, of DUfflS' Crâbko tram vinence tLire rmains vere.Laken anti interret inutir, nov CamliiU goure- Lery front f Sirticnd ao~ iVHITBy .AfABÈBT. CElailcLa z uaDe 241n, 1878. Flour erhl--------4000400 Vall 1ma......80 70 80 8 spring WbesL------.0000 Naty o II--- ..-----0 65010 0 80ý 64 :---------80050 80,w 8P'-S...........O80 ()0cg 0 4 aye-------------------...45 @00 Peao................500@ 6 Peso, hlack.ieti.:- 1 0 70 @10 85 Data------------------... 5080 ýggrn ..17.. . .. . . I . M ta 5 Bis......... .........0e 0 Il. Vod................ 0040 8'oo.lé.................17o 00 Buttrndurer .... ........80 08012 îheepài...... '.........00> e <> 7 Wood ...................810 $4 00 Woalea-----------------.80 0 o f, for----------------84 0 0000 Jireese..n................ 0 OOc.0 7 aRraes.................8@0 0 Jlokeusperpair.......4si5o 050e iiens ..e....n.......----8000 1 00 NEW ADVERTISExENT5. ANNUAL' MEETING ofe bii.Wtb7 sd anEat Wirtby UNION ACIIICULIORAL SOCIEIYI !WML BE ErID.&ATaTE CROWN INN, - OLUMBUS# WEDNED4YJanSus,1879, 1F or tihe purpob >e of, electfrrg Offtra for- the esigyear1 sud other mbuu- neoed wl11thib. th ezy Tirhrsn iers su Directors auro- qrreated ta mt lO0,'clock, a. rm. BDy order. JORN WILLIS, Beceetary M [EUTINGS SOIt CHlRlSTI9XS. There be 1heb. ben NEW YA ,Ut§1 DAY, conveya»ce and Poo aftie CoulaiofChar Fuuiror- particui Mero. Movet, Me: enta, anti O. C. Kell - Dated lst dayo01 GI C. C. K<ELLER, Vertdor's Solicit STRAM' -arr r eember, 1878,'e cynor in requeate&t ponti', pay expensea mut citreti, sire m direct. * JOI 1-3M - lNA FRICj No otirer: edition e -attrectlvenese anti c *WÂNTEDLaosend bo convinceti. or ta -et once ior c&nvýacal of tawnships.* .Pmufi 700 Pagea, Pries cr 188 WestLFM tir t TJLBVI Remavea-th 'Leon Lire ni1pla. -tx GET- A" 000 - JUICy He aiea begs toanu enta af WIuitby- anti ope FLOUR & 1 ini connection vltir h ire vxll alvai's have>1 A LARGE Choice Fleur, Oaimeal, Oati, Ps, S Orders deiivoe r A catis miiteti 1Dc 7th, 1878. Stane. Water-pavel Appli' peraanJilya vu 0000, Weil vat I 69 cou. Pica T REFOIRM à inuthtie oa h tL Seittrday, 2811 Akg ireholdn i nateacand14tr in'tiroLocal gintatî sideratian, a fun att anti - fo ors genou D. ISTOrg AUCTIOI VALUABLtE tinter anti hi'vftu, containtd in a certainr beproduceti e'time ai deftlauijmyment hr viibesahniatthe-Ha village ai Beaverton, e Satun-day, t/le Fou, At 12m,0 P. IL, the Landseanti-Premmes Miaiu afLot Ninniiorî Coucesion ofLire Tavý tire Counti' ef Ontan] r' un rtAcrssni - Foifrtem srtlcnz - Toronto, Dec. 7t1t 1878. application viii ho mat Ifiofinnhr,,r Y. M.

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