Pr ot ~pt.Crk.c P.,rn E.Lyçun. mbiipTaylçr ý,wtsdse ansd Jewelry antiioaeaam U5ýH-ii-amêee Johnston. "Wid, Awsko frNovembr.- 8tatIdnert-Geo. B. Yul.. Blook noie- Do. 'aeuecig.r Tlîketg-Oeo. Yale. Th1e Triumph Burer.- Lamnpt, &-$3. W. B; Smtt. Warmnanbi, Mare, asd new berneoisfor 4 f fte.- Hlycal.oice-T. G. Wifed 54 ~rria0e, sijges,8I1ibu, Sale of fua nStock, clmplumeut, k&., lb.p poporty ýof -Mr. John Simanu, on lot. No. 8, »vokieu Front, Plckerlnigon ~/1,of IT 10. ,ade cattle, horsts, lm- tere 'i, o,lIepropcïw.y of Mr. jas. Ilou t)ey, où his e pomùioéà slut No. 28, lthoi th coc. of Whitby, n car Asli* bsrn,ôon 'Tux0ayNov. llîh, 187--L. b'lbank ,Auctioneer. S~oof fa c'stacl<, huplements, &C., t1hoîw:y jf Mr. Aloi. MoLaran, ab MOI) cot/lui No. & l1h l lse4111cou. ou Thuredlay, Oct. 8let, 1tlF~.b. ~aibaueAuctioneer. QNL.Y $1 50 PER ANNUM. Wh[thy, Thîîrsday, Oct. 31,, 1ý878. Commnercial Union vitha ske Unitedi Stats.. lIe oihst off Our comsmecnial relit- liens vilth tejUited Statos lie, off al othîtrée, tluît whiclt uîtust 11e lookoil upon b>' Canutuhistas off lits iret impîortance tu thfutIlure wfazreoff Caunada. Mcce î)tacl>'biceseinge sriinte multer ineigni- licaùitýe. boethImti sIi iuportantlfilles. lita it: fgisone tlhta bacu for a long tillac uset, intel le>'more Ihsu acire foreieng iLeaif upout thes attentiou off tiukiug ttibu. Mc. Goldwiu Sunitîs - lias eheua iseuselng ilt itît a friee peu, ntte! lus viewki are eutiuluil>' orthy off Cou'stieraiitti,-lu a leller ta thie Mon- trsuith I llierco ;le ow lie deals witlu itle ition - Isat relief shah bLiensotglîl, tise ns- îtist all nuphusticalhh>'dticieleel. Tita thîuction 1161W le, low le lItae11esosagit; willior isy ea reatiiîtony tarît!, vîuiels -wsllbîuil.tir oumeuceînl nt na à tarif! off waru or lu>'aecicaire off ceciprocit>', li-artils!or eteîre. .lîsico le eurcly net iucluhope foc us trlit ' irilT of war. 'We, ln a nîterial -eatn'tceîucraposinît off view, aratshlb wcalsec uation ; antd in tieriT vers, asein -Ol1h'tucwurî, tIls. wcaksc 'gsuueraîy staff- fers. ' Aciu ot aler Ilinge, tise Amen- t . ceate vosltî s ertal>'stop tht. transmis- iiotoff asic gottos througlit tho States in Inîe.But Isloeîbl te Ijaeebility off 1n1i1)uguuua.CitiiuüWall from éa e - Iuu-aton la Naescouver. IelaultVise îuýrilnhih>' off proenting' emuggliug iehnng Iti whuol of oublisa flin. b>' ou> susaîcwieusuîîucn îxe lgt11e e!l ot yt. Iil i le cil>' of icesi Oatraqd Brshlas has!,uiieg11eAdi e orebutea yiooms( irs potailul.a. wT h>' are.e uIsp(I prlomueunaie édiot llit i ta le fecucoil tise expehtue off moue> ol ltaommterialoimraecuuieprvihnt lui tsamaenut juwîso, sUouu teîkes! lcf l tr euCcityo l reat ion itlu lii idlvee t a irbai, xtîsnsi eîik roua gnuiteciam osuitbsaI hanîg re avben ttJ'tci n mie its u I tit co titîrtial suisio theeofftII citiasat of sîlil listatle11à ftin sitlw .eis e'll h a luire -tai i sai ouI>' accotue pralh> oftOr Commercial elbuainsli gtans! aEve ti tFil7oi minln ekn.d i bktan 11 ce vulflao Cunetous .ue!t ;Ã: Butnu1 ierhot bath aoun ries, llo %vtlit caenure s~te pnî t. ttre penne lNov lue uiflsaîst-on is wîuib I viel t tuhait te4you areibesIa comI8)el tar riain)i1uon tîstisetretaorcti-n nil e ssetinaei cv.of vîlI luenlgs> cvaiofuductlve te' ebillsof ond p pla, leam i tiesare lu 11e tuas! t , Mte omecianIl inta ueute ame, vere ta liseneoatrgglin g a ta slave Il atT, ns! Ucoslave off t} otuclnoul an juras c1 aath cma tie, b>' a tari I lise pritiotsa!eteadissoneholuto1e E întujcynasaut cf lseg anrieth e o s uaîssielucetons uswltb bawiithae Hs>' pat ta express saop ýIiaon 55 10 tî wibil cmoff i le n et ommurcccta n1 tieuacas 5, il, cltaven willtbe- off ou - Itcotelen vi tathrae ell resaursofanOur OIi lxet uD ot laOur iiis)>' ed ava (saine provineIfCatain Ocos! colea irerlà tro ip o lui lise praeta r eîielz n e sae off temaun oflOugrl k tireslI aittle* samil mrkcl ana thol Catire océ n d retest mare totmerko vu tu t clef tvahebanla s>' oui prov- wyat tea Ilpb frooo antoini onaton le caltiqe0 aulAmeian itrlu ote- 1 t irdson a Butri! tiesntfeonis wcntIn ent riselt'l frontItesulcuso luIluetome va>' aik affengctsmcalto wullîlhla iatd lpvlte lsdpatitio f.Ou Iuoleg ide li ra cm al'iuionro ad1 al fr anuf1s4actrr&vi t Oblina] old rorsy. Iatc4prcy utu liseftl$aes, apartsj'u'. rctes a canad i market, a ilnoto te auci o lei ctia ,1 a ital4t5swIlone' - seonl-a,, Butr i doeIl Detyack, bu As Lire spulsoybar.i etleaasionau4 i êAih i$ WiLtt 9u. d tangrp ospia upe wthth ndgtis o u a itG" by a recurrenceaof irlabai elfa Le lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e b.*tPlefth.beupositive- ly reue, ytseÂnrlsn», for ras- bons whieh sppaae lhkqly tbroma~in in, tils. it ' 4c4estlou, nôOob- uqh jn ýipiD iple, againelt a oowunercial union'ebi',b dore -not h usuo gOresd ;ha D isose who li.. larrangemnuswi1b arùlyo gie*tyasd t *6 lthé, "Wulty anr hip- plu"s of the eoaafab p.ple. Whethr 5 @iaWunion wt fiscl eobufilet wtl anglsuüd,le qes thon noka b. suttlid bye eobj".eloie.' lesI tab. eeladlis e-rûg"b *o w, po",bnue r 1~tôosa, very sure, Winl 6116mEIAuthe affrxft tlve,and tel! neithat Iton!>'wants elà ~I proeper, grow s rida as we cftn, pre- m~e4metb. bond of affection, and! .fford bt Engiub emigrantus agood Ihome. W It. lb.anee ohe Imporialist asto cy Wh ml>lanow i owrwl b., i uxucoofese,'pot so clear., But, aia1eveutO " Is»know ,xatly stw ie ls!. no intelligent, man doubtdi'iue*dua al acult,tlu, immense advautao tisaI would result from free trade tetween C ýnadâ and! the greas ueighboeicig. lie public. RHow Wt bring ibis about, andi how fac tise limnite ioff Belf.Govérnment with our allegisuce tothe Mother Con try permit, le lb. problem for whicis our Statesmen mugt fins! a solution. Political Notesý. Thoe nomination for Centre Huiron tok Place on Saturda>'. Hon. Mr. Cartweighl asdreses a large meeting in th1e aflerlnoon.: It ile aseertes! l t palisment will not Imest before Februar>'. '2he Mont-cil Post esys tlîseIrish Catbolies have bocun sols!, asdthaltIi.>' canuot h leaffieti unlillise>' bave en- cresasi reipresentatioù n luhesCabinet. If, il enys, 1fr. Costigan ias! uot besu an Irishs CathiolilIa.thehatuceiare Ihat lue voul have receivets!",a pçsrlfohio; andi th1e imnner in viiîlite waa treat- eti ffrnislue sesitl su-otiser illustrît- ration off the. Ilaf ecr lat leoluarnae! ta Our cequicements. Hon. £ic. Mackenzie bas asidresses! the leclors off Centra Huron lu favor off ion. I.CaclwrightL Mr. N. Y. Davin le epoken. of ae tbe Conservalive candidaute for the Local flonue iW'est Toronto. NoIITII E ssux.-Mr. Soloinuou White, (Coneervative) lise been elccted for thse Local Legilatnrs by over 100 rnsjority. SOUTII SimcorE.-The leeticu te 1111 Vite vacaney causecl luy tIhe reslination of Hiou. Win. MeDougalbas reeultedl i the election of Mlr. i'arkhull by a majority of 238 over Mi. Wilson. VcWLSTELOIN-The lReformere have elected Mr. McLawe by a îuajority of 212. The trial for the Jacques Cartier election fraude stli progresses. The. evidence of fraus! in stufflung tl4e ballot box at No. 2 poil ie ovf-rwhelcning. flou. Mlr. Tiibaudeau wiUl conteet the clection of Mr. Caron for Quiebe coutity, on the grounds of bribery' and! corruption. Mrc. Tîjoisî White, M.P., will re. ceive ii pou ifolisaou theo noxt Govein. ment suffle. Hiou. John OCounora er.-election le not 10 bo oppossd in ]Russell. -T'h. latest cumour je that Hon. Mr. Baby ijeté be appinted tb the Sonate, thora buing no Quebec motfuber of the Cabinlet in that body. Sutiden Desîk off Mr. George Hopkins, Mc. George Ilopkine, a promincut aud well-ksaowu citizen off Wbilb>', dieti rallier enudeul>', at bis residlence. on Saturda>' ening. Rliel!besin ailing for a couple af* days pravianel>', but hie; iMuses vaR regardes! as off s leunîorar>' charscer, sud as likel>'ta pse off vithoul ïreîuIting in set-buas couse- quencos. Belveen lbree antd four o'. clock ha vas walkin'g about hie coomi. A few'ionre auierwardi b. wae a corpe Itai eleath vas sutiden sud unoxpactasi, ans! isluucb regrettes! b>'a large corld off frienîls. Mc. lHopkins bcaves surviv- Iug bitas a vidow anti fotr yosîng ebiltiren, ans! Iwo older ehildî'eu, a boy and girl, b-y a former inarriegoe. Tise fanerai Looklelace u QIloula>' aIter- noues, ta Ail Saints' Clîurcb, vhere 1h. huirilse-rvicç offlthe Churcli off EctIghtnsl vas reaul b>' lv. Mr. Vieller, atîs! Ihence thIle Union hurilgrounti, evître tIe, roumain-s ve nithrrd witis Maeouic cercuuoehes-lhe beau- lifill srvice off thui Ùrdcr n -ug reas! b>' te W- M. off Coopsile Lotige, Ilco. Chaarles Ring. Mc.*lopeine vas a P. M. off the Lotige, andth Ie braîlîren, as veli as s lange numbPr off tisa Lratîsreu frou Oeshawa, Brookli, snd neiglior- ing _odgeo, altild 'theiAinecal. Tise mourufful procesiotvkssisacesib>' lie OsIdfellove' Baud, pla>'lng t11e Doas! MercinesSeul. Mc. Hopkine v as lb. -oI>' ou off tise laIe Heur>' Hopksins, visa. esili book place 0sosadaon>'a couple off years ago. Tise deaceasesi vas eu>' fforty-tvo Yeats off à ige; h. vas off su amiable, hinildispcosition, andi veil regardes! lu>'ail lIa lsw hlm. fHop. kins' Music all--ne aI tisa baud. somesi edîfices of 1the kind lia Ithe "Lroviue-vae builI -lu>"hlm, as!d ce- msine a mémorial of lia euteaPu'ie as a verts>' citizen off Wlitby.- Dou't torget the great sale b>' nction of Cardages, DuggIes, Sleighs, cutters,1 &oc., st M. O'Donovan's Caralago Fac.1 tory' Brook et. Wbitby, ou Seturda>-, N'ov. 2usI, ah oue o'cloek, p. mu. Tisa1 largeel sud beel manuffasclureti stocki avec o.feres! ta lispublic Ilsudavor>'1 article ivill lbe varranesi. Parties in1 wanI off a go<fd erviceable *article1 would do Weil ho attend, s lisra vili tua ioresenve. A hlOuu vo TvnC Puste.-Arrauge. zite have beaun effactes! witis. lthe G~randl Tenk sud Great Western Bail. wsys viarb>' mambers off tih. Con- dIan Ps-es,, Areoion eau produro t tickaIs ta travel b>' Ilice lunes 4& an>' time dnning the yeac. aI a raie of tva cents persuile - W.bve tei tluk Brsthep cliz$aop t vou-thy seoiretly, fer aur c'irt(flo t .4azv*î ocr Loan 'Dpi sju.-X»dJ >uacuarrives!aIat 4à o,4aaay,î , Monda>', ýnd vas oel ,ee$t Qvi e heiceces asd reeolleolls'- L hoir native lIa n',sd icosi tis.0c time doinge and! traditions whieh Dei loue tIir oba:» nd In$ç.i. t off thé observances ounBitlowsen4 w 'beéci11d d Wbaitliaitë't *d'Û the. ki thle @off bine y&a; tIli Ingi brn spplýibetori tlb. looIing.e1s canMujîa bau ,an4 ring bà fma. yeur omjgw e.pnio'apu ing over yôur theilder; the sowlug"a harrovingïof t1ehe oibceedi ap4 l001 liug over the loft chemisier J b at persan invoked .pnlllug hthe p- teUn h. lina ewïi ripelan, susprtlnsa .4 auring lt.ebSrn es! goitrp theattilnde off winowing tiaiu goingunnotiod, W tise beau*etoks lends wo.lev sud dippling 1h. lunt céi eleeve! ýrângung lIa. P'Urew luggwà e th. brhetitâà è," an', how ivsh- "Iliued theïr nites and poU'd thelrstoc wiù111 liéMIremecubered and! repeateý over I1ufat tbwtnichia" An& if; la riehi gudé-willîe wanebt' be ludulges! iu, h. wÇould bo er who ICI à uo jo inutise duicinag tise ,land!.-of Ithe uxountalu saud ti flods." ' The1.ebhabytriuqasirulclji aedus m'Os plsay. ix4dùgea lu lsy lhe c> adin jveus-sehas, dluplaelnÊ signe, Pullug down gâtes,'s&Dardestroy. ing*eabbaie yarde, Lave'no iprdeaplace tu tïae sports off' 1' lloweeu. Thon sedis. play$ have à touchiof lhe rowdy fe. mont.snd, fat from beIug encouraged, chants! b. put down. Sueis practicem are uimply vliioumnoees sud downrigl misconduet ouly s!aeervlngtse aetion off the Constable. But h> no moins let th. aid innoccut amusements, avec if thée' do partake of charme ns! pelu, b. forgotten. 'uTais GaouN-D HOG.Y-We do Dot Menu the~ ittle animal off tbe marmoi fsmaily, popularly caties! "grons! og" lu Canada, ans! hnowu as lise wood- chue], lu New Englaud. Ont remarks bave 1-efersuce 10 one off the equine kin a notes! horse la tact, whose- "lShouidece. bodly, thighe eund manq are equine"- and for' man>' yesrs wcll known In Whulby by this gatliez remarkable came [for a horse]. Tisa "Grounn Hog" le elill alivo, and! now, lunliis 841 year, looks as If h. were gond foranothar quarter of a century 1 H. wae foaled lu 1844, ans! bced by Mr. John Bowles of tise 4111 concession, Esut Wisitby. Whsu six yeare aId lha became th. pro. perty of Mr. Jacobs Bryanu; sud in the daye when tise présent higis Constable practices o efficicntly behind tise bac, what racer or trotter lun11hi locality waesRo notes! as lb. "Oconus! Hog?" In teé records of 1h. turf, outeide the county ot Ontario, il le truc tisai lits Dame May not fins! a promineut place. But notwithstanding that, the came andi perforwances off tise 1"rons Hog' deserve la be recordes!, aud indeed they will nleyer b. forgotten, b>' mauy of the, sarlier résidents oi 1the Couuty Town. WVho off our cachier citizeuso wilil havé forgotten the flaming banner with tthe nuotto- "Stand bace, liere coese ielue tauaach seeti, Tihe bornesfac boltous strenglia sud spees"-- snder vh'ich the11e "rons! og", vitls s grand lonrieli ans! ions! lunraisen-a tares! ou tb, Wbilby track, or eppearesi on 1the ice at lte Bs>' vîten rs-ciug vie somelluiug like raciug in WViiby 2 Wluo nov living Ytisat vituesses! the clabrat- ai muatch on theiselce ailisMc. loin Wateon's "Flying Giraffe" vil forget lis performance upon that occasiou 2 TIse inalcis vas one af mucis inlereet. Tise ovuiers vere ful off cousait off aud pride lu 15cir caIll., aud lias! the ani- mals la training for e long lime foc Ibis mnatch. Tlic day came, big vush expectatian off tise ceel, ans! lob a>' vas cravles! witb speclators te wiluess lIse eveul. Speculatien ansi belting rau higi, aud lise sympaîbies cf fa.- lions nt bath sisles vere raIser varml>' eulisteti in proclamingIlse meoits cf tîmeir favorite. The "Flylng Girsife" vas hrcughtlate eau. b>' the ovuer; thea "Grounil Hog" lu>'a -certain news- paper cousu, andi thé elant mas!. amidet great excitemant. lb. beel lwo ouI off tice ea sas vas laeclecide lise race.. thue ronunt off th tcach vas usade, but' tic drivers dis! not stop ta have a lest decharecl. Anctiser round 'vas made, autil another, ands anolluer, Tie>' races! andi lise>'races! vithout stop or .18>' or cling a bhl, uxes!b>' thue vildesl pîsuidits off lir respedlive friende, luoth hotues goiug aM if tIhe epirci ffdamons bad Iakcu possession oft tiemp sud 1the race naiglit have gons on tutorminabl>" but for au accideant vhicis ver>' near>' put su eus!dtiste career off tise 1"rounti Hog" and! bis driver. A "Gcrrila" rau la stop thue pan>', vhich so frigbt- enas! tisalatter liaI lie lurnesiloff lise truckleasd rau lavard a geping isola la the ie. Tise erows! shoules! "Stop I stop 1" "Yon 'ne hast." Tise danger vas soau, lie olti "Grous! og" put au bis motle, sud 111e chasua in the ice cleer- cd aI a bons. Tise aonisbing leat euceceles!in iavlng Ytise race decide! la favor off tie "Grouns! Hog" lu>'tise ac- clamnations off tIi.multitude Wv isa il masses! the psiltu escape ans! tIi gay»ceseauplayodthe b.litîle bonse. Th11eis iv tent>' tva years &go, luefore tisera vwu a bothenm'g Dunhin Aot, sud visen our ols! fnieus!, Mc. Josephs Pior. son, cculti carry on bis "1gone-dalu- sioxm" under tlilunue off lie "flua- latie pover," ans! vbcu Iarmei'c gai better prises for tiseir grain. W.!!, lise "Grouns! Hog" ta s tili ta th1e gocal. Afler man>' charges ans! viciositulees, lie bas nov beccua. the prapecl>' off Mn. opper, tisa Townabaill heeper. Hlieaven atili lochs gay' sud lclsky, lu île green ols! âge,sud s e grazes ounlise 6reen ivard arotathe11 Town hall, rasalla man>' reminiscaac.c off bYgorue ae>.Ans! ve me'asiti tisat h li lao longer iscared ti athe iigbt off-ia aId, ols! frlons!, tise "Gorille." Ba'uambsc lb. great cale by inctin off Crieages Buggies Selghs, Cutera, &c. et M. O'Dcuavau' cardiage, factor>' Brock 1, Wluilb>', oi Salurda>' Nov. 2ud aI oua p.m.ë '2h. PIaguo Abattni. îhe tiaI is Leez'usuqrc t aatlng - e"her po t~ u Tum ()n&Wt Ici .-?eoy1a, lb. rouer, bau b@#ý foiind 4 l 0$t 'Id e a'ô, ,be. w1 D.WaJ hberc ý Ine appa :1 Use Witfleld'c Tootiseaongum, And.!ci Pulmonia cyrup. s! Boox Novîoz.-Gr-eee and Te-utA ir tender twelvse differenn aspect, b>' Dr. -o W. P. Mookiy, of Hall, EnglanoalAI Tveual>'siitlu edilion. Prica 25 centa.13 Tih. Britishs Eyaugeliet, edlites! by lis.. came, Mental>', subsuiption 85 cente.OGa. B. YuIe, Sialioner ans!d Bookeeller. Ti ifa Use Wisitliald's loolisache .guu, »aalBi Pulmonie syanp. 0 Foc paseengarraies s ud' llckebla40 Sariua, Port Humo, Detroitý and p<nuatoi iu Michigans, Wisconsin, l#liuohc,' Iun. diana, Ohilo ane ail is. Wtstern suai Sentis WeslertiStates-aa1 Manitoba th aply té <1.0.B. Yul., lRai*y Ticket ce ognt, Wbiiby. Bu iter *iatéd In 'ex"'nfofocultovas To -ueêns me ~ ê ~ osaa~ saola tc, tud>'ot<unlal.14i n th. r à t ruat ou Adrisnolesera- D ow transpfred tisaItronjà Yg"IauI f0rfoe.*asiouneantrated '1h. EcBkbara fronlier unt!lb.heclos M f1lear Congreuc un readlneas talgsy Affghani. S'A Viana dea~ptch c .pEnlnsha - almdaslaprotest to adga4b ,, e o-Zecuti or t ltee, al>'off The211 Ti,"e8 vbile admittheg "tsItbb eo lima bas corne *housoe-aeumutl 2.' b. 'taken, tiblki lise colectivea etape. seultatlcu off tb. Poveca inili b. mciià effectuai, sud bolieves Virceu, Ausicîs, el sud &crnan>' vilnei baital. le unité t lb Euglsud ln protsetiug lis! pro. tg visions off 1h. Berln Treal>'. Tue Tci oxOEF asa.Ashort t.ime cge0 a farinter purobasasl vasi vas ri. presutei asuca lb-packageoff 75 cent tea, fer 60 onta a pound. After lb.e departuce of t1he pedlar the tas *as ve wigLes!, -snd vas fons! W be cousis!. -arebl>' short Off lie vaight represcules!. SFurtiser euquiry lad 10 the fael thsatisa@ tasbas! beau purobases!Atai atcleil n townAt 80 centsepoe ILh 0' S'Uz xeaMze.a Buoaccî.-loisuDe Vey's siingle milI, at Linday,->'vas )l burneti davu ou Fria'niglut. Loosi OU$,00; ineurance, 61,000. I_ EAML Durrzitn's OnATiozs.-'2ise ra Nev York Wanldsys, a collection1 off s! Lard Dufferiu'a Cansadiin Speechses -careful>' ans! inteiligentl>' mas!e, vouls! 'e, bcai papular book ou beIb aides off lb. Alleullo. Mc. *Geerge Stewart Jrt's nbock on "'2he Earl off Dufferin'a Ad- ministration lu Canada," publisisas lu> il Tise Bosa-Belford Pnbîisbing Company.. SToronto, yull have a fl collection, rbi.tlly revises! lu>'Lord Dufforua hlm. ýdself. Tise book vilIlue anis! êdver>' won: Saffler ia SExcelac>"edepartuace, ans! vilI couhalu bis faroeel addrsss. A few first-olase Agents vantes!. aAut IND'EcSDESIT JoumAu n uToronte rei spoken off, ta takre the pl".of tisa y defunet Leader. e Pliilip Taylor bas a splendid stock cf eElgin andi Waltham Watchcs lu 2, 2j. eus! 8 oz. cases ; the boit value avec. showu lan Vhitby. Suî'roszn Suioxn.-A yonng man Snîmes! Burnley, latl>'[roma Englans!, je supposes! la have commiltes! suici de vhihe stsying At Sauts Oshsawa. e BIFROLAEY AT CAEWqINOTON' - Tise. bouse off Mc. Dunoon off Cauninglon, h vas enlecesi b>'burglau-s,viso carnes! off a vatch ans! a smali amounu offj mone.' CoaRECveOee.-Tbe ril pri z. foc Idranglut yearliug f11>' vas taken il lise IWbithy ansi Est Whilby Union fair lu> Mr. J. S. Thomson, ans!tise second b>' Mc. Haueock, insteas! offsas printas!t lu the. liet lutIveak.- j haPvi. FATHER STAFRD.- B eys!. Fahher Stafford deleeres! a lecture ou temperaentuhe .Catisoli, Catisedral,t Londou, ou Mouds>' evcniug, befor. a arge audience. Piip Ts>lor'i spectacles are ackncw.F lesiges! b>' aIl visahave ues! tim, hor 3beclise Lest aid ta feiling sighî. Risd stock -'la complela in gels! ands!teela frames. Tuutoua Ti iCKEs.-TbcougbW ticket@ to Manitoba, tise principal cies lu the Unites! States, ans! siso to ail parle. ofa Europe are issues! snd sols! At lovesi raies lu>' Mr. E. Stepheanson, DominionA '2elegreph Office, Whitby. [Sec adel.] t Scový-Sunîlay ansi Mouds>' o bas!1 flurries off suaow in Ibis localit>'aeus! a colai change bas sot in. A gale accoun- partie d b>' euovappaire ta hava swept avec 1the Proviuce on Sunda>' aveuiug. Tur Tatumsuu Buseeue lais e best vili fil au>' lsrnp fer sale ca>lu>' ki. W. B. '2Hz CLYDE SipI'iFs5 LMTREz5-A, GLONY TLooK-OUT - Tise Nev Yack Herald'a cable despatelues innonce ageneral etrike smouag tb. iran esip- mildors on Ils. Clyde. A deeop glaom l scttling over the commercial untareses of Glasgow, sud 1h. HerasZ correspcn. deut predicle tise destruction cf 111e iron aisip buuilsding intaceste off hat vi- Dr. Rings Discaver>' and Bucklens &ruie&sSalve jmet ceiveti for cale osaI> by S. W. B. Smxith e Co. (Iseo Av.,) COUSuvaRauv CAIALN BYiLLs are ireulating iu Port Huron, Michsigan. '11e denaninaliona are DomiDion Bank tue, Canadien Bank fiveoand Ontaioe Bank teus. The merachaut. have ce- solvete Wrefuse &a illita Icderet cf tise Pluove descriptions. HoL mAce Liver Pas! Cireulesirand estisuonials contaiuing aIllparticules.,, KM. B. Smiths & Ce. Tise Ontario Bank dçcîanes ils fart>' airs! cividandst at111erate cf lire. pair 3et for tha af yeac. 1For chappetiisanda L ips dcWhsite Rose Croam la usiquallel. S--. W.-'. Tiie abapUI Mic idtravelling litg. lu oralar bmkbtaadsa Call aI anc Dcug Store aud gel a trial botîle off Dr. Ring's Newv Discov- ery, free of c7cargi, if yau ara sufftsring vith a Congb, Colt!, Aathsme, Brandhi- lis, Ha> Fauter, Cousumption, loas off vo ctickhinin n lutise Iroît, an any afsfection cf lise Thanoal or Lunge. Tiss ta lhe grestliemel>'that ta cansiug0 mueh bexcitamoul b>' ile man>' vouder- fui curea, ouring tisousanda off bopelesi cases. Over oua million luottica off Da. Ruxie'. Ncw Dseoousav bave beau uses! the lait yeac,' andI bave given perfect satisfaction in every instance. Wu caca ubesilalingIi>' .a isithis le casily tise oui>' sucre c ucre for tiscosl'aud lung allections, sucd cau cheenfuil>' accoua- menti iltteaail. Cà îl aud gel sa trial bIltle free of chearge, or a rognlir size fon #1.00. S. WV. B. SemIS & Co., Whiiby. PHEPAI1ÂTiIOO FOR TEEOP, aivzs 0F 'UE MÂsQII oLRE.-It le un- tienctoos! iba theb.Biecutiva Commiltea -off Recesption off tIse Marquis off Lamae ansd Princes. bave sisiclsedte taabandon tis, bail on tise Suggestion 'Of Genenal MeoDoiigail, ovlng la tb.unoortanil>' off lb.' date of tis arrival. Tisa cbief offlceracff thue diffoeet Societies vil!luec acomümunieaied wiîis. and invites! le, take parbiui thei-Proession teaaceompan>' lb. Vice-Begtlparty frorn lb. landing to t 10h. Goverzimrnt 7House. Tise vrm il! aise arequoieste ulat. ia gaettiug uj&_c -hoz'hllgbh prjcýoesion' and i lluminallon. Ga.pAD. ro azTaiex Pszsicst.-A eltw 4 Bon ay w Kqî4 -ton féoOf the.df 4 te ws vil,"inmn a b dhe elsaver ,vbn No bosile weca vsibleoit -dk 0K1e'v il p- liareuîl7 as aaatuoad'Aie 1>' tise erev ere 1o4 The Lenduà ~ bad rongis vwiier ce te b.passage ni tbrse off l i 'env wsr vsbesiover- bp.Thse, mon à 4 à anace s a, "il'her liai but"ouagÉed ta'keep afical until sà ved. At Cape MyIJl.eofi cf tisa Stock- tonHli 130 . Houe, Coupais Hal),anal es' otel were part>' blowuava>' a batela ans! ot- tege 1 s redasg.sevacr ese"MOI wece daniges!. - >l _ -_TE£ ;LOOS0F TE KPE5. Tise following lae .accuai oet llx los off the steamer Emprasi: "Thse Bm prose loftBaltimnore. as p.m. wlta fragbt ans! pacuangirs tot pointu ou. the( 'tom4co Aboqt Mid.- n%ht1*0*kà dvins! *eshaneand continUes! ta 'increase. Tise wvsbroka dlean avec th. qpp*r adock. About 1.80 tise joluer wcrk bagan givin i vansd ef- forts were matie toJaaadforthe choc. The starm vai so furions tisatitil as inapossibat stand agaiust it, ans!tisa rolliug off tisa bost praventes! tise an. Se w orklng fit nough' 'b leeepý eteersaay' n,, er. Il vwu evident tisI tise upper ;-deck vas faut giving va>', sud il vas deernasiasvisabla ta let go the anobors ta bring bar beas! Wa tise vins! lu lb. hope off riding ouitiab gala. '21e chains parlas! as soon as she broachas!ta, ans!the' steamer vent ,&drift nmanageable. At fiee o'clock, vils a cercile. crAh, th1e joiner *ôrk stades! from tis taucisione. '21e pas. sengeresud crcw .'ba!hard>' lima to cealize visaI bas! occurreul before a wave tara the salon dock like sa mucis peper work, sud the following billow evept il off tessa, andtI ltl. lneagr> &Il oh board. Ail ou board bas! Pro- curas! preserveci at ts alesîet peres! off tisa gale. Sema off thé officece trie! ta secure lb. basts, but tise>' ere wesbeswyavn'sd iscoken. A moment haler tbe upper deà k wv a ceas!aa>, tise huit colies! ovec sud sunk botîcua- npwards. Tiso#e cf the passengere andi crew Ihat coulsi rasch portions off lIa wreck dn eug horaem but a beavy ses wasses agiu, snd lu tse hreaking siavu cul>' elgisIporsons coulé! lue seau. Tise, as vell as coulil be madIe ont wore Capt. Baker, Quarterutec, Douglas, sud a colore! passonger. Some distance off on suoliser portion off th1e vrack, vare t11e pureer, the colore! cook,' aud the baggage master. Tise vere piea!b>' a boat from t11e steamer Shirley, vhich isa siore higs snd dry. Tise captain aud luis companions vece pickes!uap lu tise afteruocu b>' su oysler Tise'Emprase lias! a crow off tweuty. oue, aud, s;fac st knowu. ,eigist pas- senger@. I111e suppose! fulI> fiffty lives ee lest. The crewwvece Captain Baker ; firet oficer, L. J. Howard ; second ofieer, James Hava>' ; cluief oua- geneer, Charles W. Balle>' ; second en- inrEdvard Pcijou ; ck, F.> J. Stn;quartermacters, Jeohn Douglase eus! 'James Donglase ; look-out man, Filmare flic. ; stewart, Tisomas Car- ringlan ; vaiters, Nat Cecringlan ans! Geo. Wslker ; chambermai!, Matilde (coloures!) ; Wilihe Barker aud five dock bandr,, Robert Huuvine ans! Davis! Wyalle. Tise paiseugere vera Mrs. Mucon, Mns. Jonas, sud Dr. Burch, off St. Mary&s count>'; H. Ulirnan, off Bal- limoeansd tiscea or four celoures!. James Douglase, viseaman, who wae rescuesi, vas badl>' burt 11e beiug etruck' b>' timbers. Tise valus of tise wcacked steamer Empreis ansi ber cargo is as- timate! at $80.000. Trul>' Ridiculous. Tise part>' papere are coutiuuiug ta pursue a"1tmniy ridiculous" eourse vush refereuice ta 1the Minsior>'. Sema off our Freno Canadiean coutenaporaries are dsasfies! vits "tiseir" representalion, ans! soeof OUTenEnglis coulempo- caries appear ta lbuk tlat, lu oua or Ivo casas, bettec men onîs! have been selecte', as "iseir" beacen lighî lilte uev Gavecument. Thisie la"tuli clid- ioulons" sud wve l"lertlyde ' en sci a polie>'. Wby shbonîs! tere be rench Canadien or Englisis r.proientalives at eh? Wby canuot tise. besl men 11e takeon irrespeclive off tiseir religion or nationalit> ? Tise preoenî sîste off af- faire le a preminua on demegaguisua. [t encourages maxi to talk andi erite about 'religione andi national suuheets, wbien sucla subjeots ihouls! nol 11e al.. Loves! mt pclitUcsl lite st aIL Il is 'dirul> ridiculni." ',fori. nlUe filtiu ve sud the Amoeluaii ecretary'cf Stia. bThformr ksoeh rygh tou, sud! e ver strcscouutabiliy ounlb 1 Prunelja ,ô ,Own nthé' uesioôn off neniralyScoretar>' Evt'preae- ceis eauitw sq'rcçoivc4 formai sanction ia t Iuree Ùles» adopted b>' lb. 3oint ýCommiselon et Ganeva. T2h. Survivor off Cabul. 'islutha",lrue stot- r othbce eg o D.Bryýdcùi the one Man of 4tbae' g lisb srmy whoeapes!' deitrelon la ilib, abu1, eogs. Âunùong. lta ýsurvivors > odsIlcus f îUic ulaugiater was his-nalvaêsstathocaungBry. don tW hlm, sais!: " Doo 'tor, caisib, I onifflt oibly «cape ; I sus l.q yog r 1oMý00ris c lincr; aemy . pou>' aud, do tis. but yca eau for youtcelf." Br>Édon trw té <O nâoà ïsge lis,, hw o ùsiusaajug tisai ho wae ai4î ffyinký, hatook 11. ouy dss!tircughi lb. confusion force le wsy te Z;e front. 'Tise.le founs! a emali group off offleers, wbo, knewing tha lise y were just et thseundof tbe pae, whore, il opens out on tisa plain ou whleh Jea- Isbas! stands, bas! datarminas! -to make a PU0b Ibrila. Seeing Brydon on tbis wrebbéd-balf.trad pou>', lb.>' de. laces!tise>' couls! not possibi>' wsît for hlm, ands! a>'deas> migiat cause their ntaer destruction. Ounlb,>' weut, leav. lag Brydon slowly loiling after tbeux. Tisa Af7ghans saw tis gronp apllroacis. Ing met aud sîew- eveur' man; thoen, Lbiking noon.e.s was:comlng, weut bsok'to th. bille. Juet tisen Burydon paues!. Â ellba,.br ewu 'off Elpbluestou's force wac anxiouel>'loock. es! for, st evcning ou.e man, eîowly aid- mug a woaua.ont pou>', wae desoribes! aI *lbe 1en1ià uée off thepaso. 2cm. cavaI- r>' were seul le bring hlm la. Lt waa 1Brydon. As he entaes! 1the g ste hg feu senseleee froua fatigue. Whos'unhh came te isel! luis first question wae about 1the pou>' thsut bai gaveds! hi l!; it waq desul. Brydo'n wae wilh Sale s!uring the gallant defence off Lucknow. Au Afghan sabre-eut~ glaueiug from as bookise bas! lu hie forage-cap, sacre away a piece cf bis ekuli so tisaI a fin- couls! b. places! lu thiewounsl. H10oocte o Te C ANAItÂN WÙXcSe-, sioNEats. - Hon. Mr. Pelletier, Pres- ident, ans! IMr. Keeffer, amember of th1e Canadien Commission at Paris have, it ie understoos antIhe poesnal roquest of tisa Prince off Wales, beau decorates! wiih tb. Cross off tb. Order off St. Michael sud St. George foc their ser- vices durhug 1the Exhibition. TEEt CHIPERFOL SiD.-As a nation, Canadiens are, boooming richer ever>' year, luspite off commercial dioseters, whhch are as th1e ripple ou the surface at the. water undisturbes! boueath. It le weilla look et lise ciseerful gis!. off thinge sometimes ; for moodinese me>' briug édespair, ans! exclusive attention te, one set off facta whiie otiiers are left unheedes!, wl cortainly create a wcong sud injurions impression. Ln tise large sene., il le not Iruc that Canada is a nation of bankcupts: il 18 rallîcr a country un whuîis weeltlu, widely dis- tributes!, le consteutlyiucsit. Monetarg Tintes. TuSÂT LAss 'a Lowcie'e - (Scibuer Sous, New York).-We have receives! a bauds;nmely bouns edition off hile pop- ular navel which bas secures! fame for ils faranuat. anthor, Mrs. Frances Hoslgson Buruett. Lt bas placed ber et once amoug lIhs front rank of writers off fiction, ans!tise honaurs awsrdcd ber. are well-desecved, tocr1the stocy is bealîisfal ans! its influence te ,nnoblung. The ue;nal machiner>'off the noveliet le haus!led with skill, ansd the style je en- tertaiuiug sud felicitons. Thece le no- tbiug wearisome about the volume, wiih is put forts lu a Most attractive style off tise book-publiuber's art. A stocy entîlls Iawortiss, isy 1h. ame author. bas been commences! in Scrib- ner e Magazine, andi will be a principal attraction off the uew volume. Titi Scuiooa BMDuioE.-Lt may be la. terecting te some f'cf cuir ceaders te know that thse work off coustructing tise east eus! je appcoachiug completion as rapidl>' as possible. Tiser. are sîrcas!> u85 feet of tise roadway timiieresi sud coveres! wilis acli, ansi 11e itringere properly laid tereoive tise fenang ans! the gravel. Tise remainder off lb. tim-. ber, for th1e culvert sas! the filling is on thue groun, asd wihi be put in im- mediatel>'. Th1e whole ie being mas!. a fIcst-cilss jOb, and will b. completes! in e 3few week.-Siandard. MARA AGItausvustAL SOCîITY.-At a meeting off tise Directors off lhe Mars Branch Agicuitural Societ>', leldst a Dow Drop Inn, Ablîec>, ou Saluiss> lest, Ivioisoff Ibanke vera pasetMr. iThiomes aîla, M.P.P., for prèesua off a gang piougb'; ta Smth& dCo,, 1esver- taxi fer a geupral purpose phougle; b lise, Orilli Monda ansi&Il ailiers -vho s0 hindi>' sud l;bealIy assistad ta mako up t11e prixeH, lIflatisthe utigos, for imupaMtalit>' and 1the genorusi est- indacliou- lwtiseu r ysg 'gave'. ThDi-11 rcetars ëgraut is uiza to Mcc. A. P. MofDonal!, fot lisee cystel pinting recmmaendes! lu>'tise jtïdge.-T1e foiovlng' tees omitteal frou tise prize lItt as pubîtlibçi lait vek:.Fanc needlewonk7-1cl, J. Butherforsi; 2u bu te1ýb8 laacndiscove»tal ow UMr. W.' Eraington!o's ban, ur 'ybin e vibl o W pobaanc e re ltbe,re- KIrenca Btlleîsa and pursuejot' hc e- ï e so Wifewus50;yearc of &ge. Ths e twosO sonarF)aPk and John, ages! respective- a43 1>' 16'anz 4' yiare, -w arastout, bout to- iooking ieilaaeva. ~fcPve,~cpu ha"~een arrestes! on suUi6ÉV of of là 45 yesrs off aet wJbè, ebâ ioQu isundresi aud fifty ppnds,_ Uaca non h peà ,ally mursierç--,luis epr!tà n&tia aquiet, cMu!hok. "Hee n bacs-a strenger izr-'ebruarî- lasttus! lb ail anmdol H . é1ae 111 u speake no Engliuh. - a eys Ihathe T by là s i lt là "!È eB, aiavMfur by or fiv ' mnu tcngmingwith'iUs j5n. mates. H. imr a laelIY Jnope- out acf ; a'wiudowans! rau 10, 4ngenieBriietl sbri bouse, baîf a mile distant, ansi inforux- sý hic wife, sou,- ans!' neibor; accompana- cd by Provost retur»e4 to Vqcles alle ~papûi-~niqa~itg dà rV et) Zc re~iaing t6.ere at 5 c'clacukcear..'a fo bsout-aftec Prdvogt-rýacbed Où uttw 'tns!, th£ selg lIse opn!I0Ui 4f f fairf, lmme!i- m atel>' despetise! a meseuger Wtis.he mu sbeclffL Provost aud tise tevo boys oc- u cupie! oue acoun, lie boys, sleeping ou a isigis Led sud Provost ou a ità dlebes!, tse ols! man sud bis vife occupying anotiser room, wbich wacas! as ao kitcben, Th1e tisird maim, a emaîl one, 5 wausee as a iumbet.coom. bec vas ret TEREZ AXES AiND A PRSING-FOiti. Fse were fonsd is.theroome,,ail-'výils ilooul pin ou them; but ouI>' one axe bora avi- Th sIeurs off laving beeuuses! in tih. bloo!> prc massacre. Illia! blooi sud bair on it; Se thie'only lias! blocs! on the aidies, he ual on th1e eige or pole. Tise two boys at, were disoovecesi on thhebd, tiseir bisedasis horrlblycrushes!ansi gashes. Tisera -"g seemete t have beau no struggle. Vs- Th calot vae Iying lu lthedppr iseîwen tise rai two roomi, evideu2tly iaviou g-'spi axaitu TqZ ASSASsIEpri s lue diepatces!d bis two firet victimein antI has come in lautee whst tise trouble r-e vao. Thore la. vas met b>' tise mur. u derer. Hie Sos!> prceanted 'a fearful on ens! sickcung appearance. Tiser. were B nine gashee on bis boss! ans! face and i tiscea ou hies cmi, soider sund brest. Ca Tisera baî evideutly beau a severe M struggîa. Tho ols! lady was in lier bas!, with five ghastly cule ou lier face sud toc isea! sud one serass t-oal, sever- bY ing t11e jugular velu seai if b>' a kuiffe. ini 811e bas! evidenl>' nat movecl wbila 1the bo4 struggle ws goicg ou belwcen lier bue- off bans! sud the murderer. Th1e whole vi ecen. wne enougistb make the heurt ofTh2 the elouteet man quake with terror, sudý jud cause the most hardenasl ta shes! a dà tear. ,l-ib The floor rau vilh blooa ; the bas! off cloîhes wveasoake! tith il, sud thé- Ce; wahe ans! cciling vere spattered i vil bloo! sud brame. Il lookas! hiku a sîsugliterhîouSe. Am chi NATIOSIALITY 0F THfE CAsuINL.--All off fIic membece offlthe Dominion Cabinet b>' are native boru Canadisus except tIi. tre Hon. Mackenzie Bowelh, wliosa native bu, place was Sufffnlk, ]E ngland,the floa. tls Alexander Camlbell, vho was bou n i the East P: .;ing of Yockehîire, an! who " came te Canadla i lesch'yonlh, ans! tIe i. Hon. John O'Connor, who was bocu il ga Boston, Off Irisl Cathilopareutage. aný Sic John A. Macdonnd ans! 11e Houa. liA James Macdonald are off Scotch ances-"-Tl Ir>'. TIselion. S. L, Tilhay aud lb. Wl Houa. Chuarlces Tpper are descendas. ill hî off th. C, E- Loyahisis. The Hon. L.F. Rl. Masson ws orn hi Terreboune, the lion. Hector Laug-evin lu Quebec an! the Hou. Mr. Baby lu Montreal, ELn are of Frenchi snceetry. The lon. J.. 'la! C. Popcns!tisa Hou. Alex. Campbelllt1 are'o Eugliesh ocigin, and! Hn. J. . O d9 Aikene, sud,s aireas!>' elatedi Hou '-J gai' O'Conor off Irishs. Th1e Hon. Johin lad. Heur>'-Pope vas boru in the Townshsip, ana nis is, we beliave, a descendant off the 611u U. E. Loyalise. mei fins sa Pou eysI she puai nsl se. proi Poo; CAnituNee FeaxAtss.-Thesae instrusc- tions fram the "Forest sud Streamx" vili be goosi ho folîov, aveu if you tbtuk it isu'l losileti. Don't point >'oua gun at yourselff. Dou't point >'ota gun at an>' one aise. Dan't carry youn gumu so that is range inclue lal yaur isunting companlous. Don't Ir>' ta fins! ont vbetbcr yonn guti is loades! or ual b>' sbnttiugou. a>'. ans! laoking doÇvn th1e harrel vils ti. olhier. Dou't lise yoar- gsu for a vslkiuag stick. Don't cîimb aven a tance aud pull youc guin tisncngb inuzzla foremost. Dou't lbrow youc guint ab sboat 50Ilthstthe lrigger vill catch oun111e seat antd depositIihe cliarge mb oyouc ttomaci41 Donuna yourgu fora a leulge liammer. Don'l carry your gaun full coches!. Dou't cana>' youc gusa vitb 111e Iammer dovu. Dou't be a fool. Don'l you forgel it 1" A NEW USE tFOR CÂuss.-Out in Brassebridge lb.>' stenteti a otal lb. allier day, andi, as a malter of course, il vas necesar>' to number the ronu. tbsrc vas uoaspaînter in tise tvu anti ual so muais as a pieceo of cisslk coulai b. founs arodudnth ie bouse. Atllait a happy ides pasesed tise landlonti. Tshiug s pack off carde sud a paper Off teks-he bagavti111iaa ludcontanu- as'ud h Itekig umbLueig tise do6o lu s1oe u nicl'oiia mauner, If it ever becomes neccessar>' ta mahe seldilicnal numbers for extra roo-ma the suit mna>' luechanges!, sud s0, continue0 up la iffI>' tv, b>' viici ime a.painter may>'bts importes! for the purposeocf ex-, tcutliug tb. figures, Until tises lis dlerk avilIb. compîllesitb îpaak off "the muaxinlu . Ire>' off laarte," or Ilthe- lady iu No. deuce off elube." Necees-i i> tethe imothea Off invention. AF INCIDENT OF THE.s GsASoOW IANE F.tAsUS.-Oue -off the -incidents offtlb. 'fainare off t1e Cil>' off Glaigov Bank ta relates! in lhe case cff lie Bey. bMn. Speuce, off Galaoeiaelso. Ile bads!t maclatepatniman>' inveetes!iu tise siseveoff tis ank, aud bas! resignes! bis charge for lise purpose off takiug bis vif. te Ital>'- for thb. benefil ai her husaltis; lu fiel, hati sent ber Iluece andi vas pnepariug to follav. lusI slhe bas! given np luis lacome froux bis pan. tis, bis exti*JÃRa maivoe e wpti aa> b>' tise falure, leaving bina lu sau avk. vans! prodicamunt,, fcom wvilci ie peaile nenieves! hlm aus fac- a tlev.vil cousilu>'y reiisgsaiug hlm as thair pas- ton. WIEcsan vAYIv "GoceEVzEaas."-, "Prisoner ati the ban,"ý sais! th, juelge, "js tisane auyliaing yen vielhto esy bd.t fore sentence as passes! on you ?I" Thoe -prisoner lochas! v isîfusl>' tovaid tlb. doan, aud nemakes! Ibai h. o(ua!like 't sa>' "goos! evenius"I, f 1h,- 'vulsib agneeable te tIu Compan>'. But Ibe>' vOulalu't 1.1 hlm. ~TseDuka off Ohmbirhuns!bas reigu bù is daims ha lis. trone of HSnOvC; as .& ondtWito f bis miair vil DEWAEI signaturec anus tathiiïnatter «' musl be:arzp'- sud immediatel>' presse!r.pon -la. tention offhermajoil'uGcassin y thée Unites tate Gbuvermeüh. 'Tî .>'over tise m:on. y ordereal uas!r tisa wr eli ta a als!itsoul -effeciuah> saking dovu 111e conenution of, Lord allelsn-y as ta thoe» offetaces vliýut m'Uite! Stste in 's &iu.s positoci, ad serionul>' embarraiseliseir dîploma-, ecidedly uncomfortà lle'itiile paît~ t* deys, sud- tise ooerîdooudnleou s subjeet belveen lba l wc ,Gavera- teuti bas nieume!à a serions chi- M. Deats off Cardinal Culcua. cardinal Cullen dios!ra$iser suddeuiy D'nbîiu ou th. 25th last.Hos! sun lu déelicate heailliaver aine bie ucu frôm ïnthe conclave atBRnae laist luruer>'. On Wedn.sda>ýo' e dom- aines!of pains in th1e cheet, anud an hursâs>' moruiug lie mala!>' vas ronounce! serions but not dangeo.'U'. îddeuîy lu. begin ta siuk. Ha spolite a respoues s is te prayers foc tise dyuug b. lhe sotmoment suddeluook haude lIa bis' privat. secretary- Ha sai! ýoas! bye"' wilbout pain ans!d iot. i~sope lu tise vicint>' off tiseCathe!.. I are. closes! sud avec>" mairk offre' pet shovu. '2he bas!>' ill lie iutise, rivate ebapel 1111 Saturda>', and'ti sîétat lia, tbe'Cathéedral. -A soian, & we~t ilil be celebrates! ou Monda> s!teburial l is te cathédral vault a Tuesula).ý Dr. MeCalua, oadjuter 4shop; le likel>' te succeaims. '21e arffinai heeves salarge fortune. '2h. atholic citizone offDululin viii eear 2ouruing ntil tise moutb's eund. THE FuNEnÀ.-Tse fuuealV wblch )ok place ou tise 27111, vie -vituesesi '060,000 people, visite 10,000 tock part tise cérémonie& sud processioný Tise s!>' vas conveyed from lb. residence fthe decaees te1the pro-cat.hedral sere it vill romain until Tuesiay>., ue Lord Mayor an! Corporalion, five tges, Dr. Ieiac Butt aud about a ézen oliser menuluers of Pailiament, indrede of priesîs sud s large numbar -scisol ebildren seistes! u is, hpre- W\VEozAWAIIi FOIR NOV., 1878--Wide ,ake for Ncvember gives auae off ils iief attractions 111e patisetie aid stor>' r"ITbe lnbos lu tIhe "Wood," versified yMrs. Clara Dol>' Bates, andilmus. ates! cismiug> b>' Mary A. Lalu- r>'. Il im safe te gay tisaI noue c le modierna chyme-etores wîll ever vin s immonrtalit>' that belouge b Ibhesa fJassies offilabylans!,". Anotsar gem, tis a beanhiful llustration, le Mar- tel 'J. Preetou'e art.poem off "Glotte s! biesShaap." Mise Plymptan 'aIe0 is an amnung bit of ilinetrale! verse', rite Grovn-up Clack." Mcc. L; C. Ititon ns!Howard Ghydon &acobave testraed. poems. Tliere are several nesing atonies. %VacO WANTS HEn ?-Tse Calcutta ng4i8ehmaut menious tisat a yonug y off Gosaibaeadoptas! s novai va>' procure sajsusbaud. Il 11e lias post- al tIse municipal chambe r at Mac. 6m an snncement tisaI a youug, jyof18 years'of prty goos! apposa.- se0, sud baviyi an annuel ;eincamte of' eau isundre! xerefius, wvleoste cc>' a in under 80 >'eara of aga à o eau comman! ana tisusgind xcca- is yeariy income ; iu addition, lue nild utideratan tse English and )rînguse lauguages, ansitise malecial stem of accounts. On-111e 2511 mat. e voul! pase at nstbrougs lb,' alie streets off Marganus vits a grecn abrella ans! b.he uadkoeriief offtise se color lu ber left han!, after vhich e oulti receive guitare vils tiseïr 'posais, aud cisoosa ane freim.lhem «ssing 1th.e tipuliteti qualifications."I A lady, caîher inclines! b flirt, aaye.Mcst men arc like a cals!, ver'essi>' ciuigis, but vesy hardbtugel nid -et. Il us tise asleit malter iu thse vorbi la get ris! of a caldL Use Hagyars!s Pectoral iaIson, lise gr Cana- daisrouies!>, ftacolcis, ccuglua, sarseneas, brouchitis, ans! ai silseases offthtisa lscio hungo. Fan sale b>' ai sdeas Feverisbnes la chîiren les aunes!lu>' ea- man's Worm Povdsrs. Nz.w Doscusiace Novzs.-'2bhe Ottava Free Pi-eau ays là In cousequeuca off numecous lorgeriee, tie. Dominion Govarumeul seme lime ago<dacidesi ta cal luth11e l sus! $2 Dominion notas, andi make 's uew tinu.We under- stand Ibal lb.hev ewnotas are aslmcst reaet> for circulation, ant i e cf ia'- ceeelingly elegaul adesign, hsving 'oun ailiser s!da vignettes off Lord n-l~y ui)nferin-beatiffull>' engraves!nus]ex- cellent likenegseee. Thsis -la saihappy' Iribute la thein Exoelleiucoa, as!d:vill eneble the people cf tisa Dominion',ta iteep lu tbeis- pochets visaItliey slneasi> bave iu tiair iseata-tie Image offhe mosi poplar neprescutativee off r*yat>' itst . Canada isu aecbeau blesses! Andrev Jackson sais! Naeoleou s ilee alane lha mau cf his limes, sud Ibat il voulsibcle v.buuudres! >ears belonsie theis pretuces bhis equal. ,I viE aiselb.'fie iundie!years beforelb.esuats produccu a linienats e tE agyanid'a e YeavOiL. Frb re ises; yoi, &o., il .cinnot b. nivallesi. In, risemUmu, neurlgs, spinal complainti ec.', i proves a messen- ger et merey Yenr sale b>' il dealers. Nation4.Pill8 puni>' tise ver>' feuintain off lite. BAstE B uÂaxÃ.-'2beManliattan Banke, at New York,wvsbuiglacisati cx aitiser Ostoîdsy niglil ar ',arly on Sun- day, moung, off no lees a Oum, lu moe d n!boude tissu Ibrea nmillions o I TJ aeI'h11e gigantie robusy un a causes!a profons!sensation iu buai- nes circles eus!' up te anOur ig l presno intelligence bai beau icceives! off tibece being au>' elue I t Ui* perpet- Tise Australian' team bhuaI lie Cali- fornian Criekelere 1M4rans. Saskatcewan gaIs! miners *a>'tisey hiave beeu makint 815 a day during th1e Newe fretua Bulgarie a Wta be affect tisaI e moVomentle being organizot l 'extcnmlnate lieé!ufobammedas. . ta MeAUsstvINUEquxuv sI OtiAwA bas been adjourues! le to-day, ('thuic- Vaeec -dicle a bard viutec. Tgz MoNvaTaL GaseU.-Mpiace ecized.~' Il ;V'Youtr, ùfè Wortha 1CkO 'YSlcnieisprevala-e erer, 'at everybody complains oft' sotia.' s!lsuiýo duriug lamir 1f. WMon sick, la. ob- ject ttage weflnoutocà plei Ibal uê peroný'laib tis worldl"t z suffering vltb1DyslÃppsa, Liver -Cein. plaint ans!Raleaffect., sncb- 'as' Indigos- lion,, ietlvGnasà Sî B lokadiolie, Saur stomecis, Heurt Buca. palpitation off lise Heart' Depacssaei-'Spit, 1 B lloue- nais, etc., cmn *»sGmmaEi sAueuav Fw.wzm v wibeul' gcttiutg zclid4 a eure. If yen doul is , go <o -your i)rdgglts S. W., B. Smitha & Co., and gai a Sanle .BaIla'for, 10 -centsansd - try il., Begniar - lze 75, cents. '2*o doses viiillevyon. IfL the seiwru<otasivensil>' vhtle Around ycu visea t avel>' ycnrsef: -eriscps tisa tva viltes me>' make maos!>'. If yen fal nladisteuî ta exartion, wseà k ner- vas painll"&'el,'ketc,'or areafflictas! prevstes!eieveeew as! sreuins lise veakenes! sua 4abilftated sarer> organe. For sala by kilere. il.pur Netlulng no geod ta kili orme utn lidraui sa reensaWorm'-Povere. TitisINDIANs.,Aodordlag tc Cp]4 Mallon>', tb. notionIt stlb. Indiaurýof lisa continent are graduail> fadig awa'blotae tise advauoe af' 1h. vhite Men bas liltle, if an>', foundalioa lain fact. Ha cudeavori taeslucv liat offi- 'ciai rat s-ni off the birtlau!dais h rata cf a large nuinler cf the Iribos ovea vhlcisinlacacordanc, vith lroe thelb Uitas! States <iernmout'exereigs "OMOe measuce off conlrol, ludicat,* au à Xcees off blatis, ans! Ibis iss gene on foc s long perlas!, goe isatsome Iu4fans, tise Sioux Confeders> ' foc luùsîsuqe isave quadruples! Ibeir aumbor- la ,140 >'eare, sund more lisai doubles!in lb. lait80 ycars. Accordiug ta tiis ai tisocil>', lieraee nearl>', if ual quute, as man>' In 'diens living ou lii conti- nent noalli off lhs American border novW as thoae vre living in lise'samie' terriý tory attise time off Coluim u; vwiile, if those vise have s mixes! but pacliall>' Indian anceita>' vea ken mb 'sac- count,tise number -toild-b.conesider- all'langer nov than il vas 400 year ,,,o. Cal. Mallor>' elimates tise num- ber off Indiaut noctis offthlb ieGrande River at about 500.000 soula, sud etates that lisis amount ouls! b. a liluersl computation even for precolonial tisys. Ln computaliene off Ibis kins!, the. lad thal tise Iuciausluave te à a large-extent intarminglti vils Ilue visite racesis toc much lest elgbt off.InuMeio, for instance, thsore lu cul>'y a email por- tion off tisepplton visicahaiunet aboriginil blooU'ti a Ibir' veine. Tise sauettiig ma>' l ueasoff ollier cn- tries'bere tis acie i ualquite. secevi-- dent. Tue VecTousA Hlypos'sospiesrze is ai- tically s nerve 'focs!; ceeloalng tavia ferce, sus! rainvigeriting all tise functicuil processes of f ie-Il iheulul b.e tiprmpl- i y au 'ever> esue cf Ira cf'nervens ferce an eenért.l tebilit>', tram viatever danie. Il us elso tiue offtic,, iost pewa'rfnl tauies sud blocs! genaraterehavan. 61 Var bottie. ErTresiladiet Iu nl'nu see-liAtiong "Aivs&ys ehoot quail on lb. thge sys a eportingicurual. But vhaù veW go guruing ve are ual paticule viseller vo shoot 'cm on tise ving or on lb. beasi. A pactndga abat on the hea s tajuet as goos! as oua shot ou tise vlag. -Paicos are baoming iu Buenos Ayres.: The Buenos Ayras Hera1d,'e sicki>' là t. tic six-columu nevepaper, circulates aI a'-dallac s eep>', or thirt>'dollars 's montia. Among ils ade la one offering suit. off clotises at 6700, villa a- ebolca lino of nov eravati aki the' atenisbiuug loy prica ai 6100 escis, rsueiaespu J4 Peu, bre-ios! pp.......... Plc,......... S Wood ... Beet, bias!quartel Beet, fore quarter Pork par wt .. cilvea,..... Onions. e , Turnipi - ... :~Chiekens, perpais y Duakâ per1pr. - - '2urkeys, per lb.. Wiseat, ipitag.- .. t41 Whist, fail.. 4 Floua. ... -e- Bley ...... peu- ......... --' ..... aorn..... CloverSe . Pecsk........... ........... Lcs!.jw........ rcuuxz........ natil lave vus of igestion sud nm sipplicatleio ftise liesece!coéoqà s[r bce&Usssltabiew doctoral bis, It sueùcbarticles of di ue graduik4y built yint. 'Weaa bykeeping 'ou-s pure bl c!&na z " ~ Paekets .labelle! Hoaoeocpathic Ch. - ~ ~ i veaknube, e4iny de I viii coud a nec S FRitE OF CHAhs vas discovere! b] Amerlos. Senil a t ta lefxv. Jaai uibl.Ha&usse, lewe C.HANCI IRkTCLIFI T]rDanew, Court at Wluitiu', -day of Nevemer i tha ffolloviig valu PARCEL No. 1 '--ersaof Lot lNa. l '2cvnbi f fnal off Ontaeo, contl Tislanits eund ae6 is, bstIfacm Tuj: s s a n builez ng m Br To ipnitheer cf mes ameknut. c~This. alcelît di n>' htilloae ue T e y,' esdor ne-Is!> yFaceW DAMAQtES AGAscosT A C1UeLOeeELDES Foa SEDucreOI.-At' lisa Miduilesex Full Asizes, visics ppenpd et London on Mouds>',111e csse cf DMovuet vs Cow- an, for seduction, vas tries!. Tise plaintif isa'orc vidov. vho Placs ber daugister, ageti seveuteen, in tise service in lise famil>'off James Covan, hardware nmerdhant, ns!latel>' a Churcis eIder. Wisile 8o employesl lhe girl vas balcayeandsus lias! a chil!. '2he cluil livid oui>' Ibrea manlus snd ulue ilsys. Tisaeevas no defance. Tise jury returue! a verdict off $1,000 dama. gea. Lous ButAcouesceucu.-Lor! Beaconu- fiels! bas lad an epitlsmie altack, sud Loundon le full off rumors tltereaunl- amoug tisa cest, th1e ver>' improbable one, that 1the cabinet Sas been eum- monedte 10concert suas messureg as might b. nascasar>' lu 11e event off lis Lordship's dents. Bil>'st accoulis a bulletin bas! bacu lis aeîutiouuciug tisaI bteis ealîli iati improve!. A F&TAL Kuiss.-Jacob Demin viso vagshot b>' Es!. Erismau, le deuil. -Damin rtaceutl>' dîsooverecl b>' Kcnis- muan athempling tb hiessltheformsr'e vile seeal>', whica so enrage! lier bue- baud] that ha separateil at onceefroin ber, look la drink, sud fial>' atîcuspl- as! la hilI Kruiemsn. Thie latter clcew a-revolver sud lire! lb. fatal shol. Souvvyaueas Fnom Lotu DuFrruns.- Lacs! Dufferin vliaua akiug bis ticuarl- tire freuxCanadx, left lelt item -fs a large numbar af intoaestiug souvenirs. Hlie Grae. b, Archbishop of Qucbc vas lthe rescipicual froua hie Exeîleno>' of a ver>' artisticall>' boune cap>' ai bis voch, "Lattons froma High Latituds," translate! sud prlnlcd in Paris. This magnificeut volume le bons in full whîite morcieco extra lu tise iigliest style off th. art, sud bears upou its eover lise armeaof bis Grace 1the Aci. birlaop. beaulifuil>' illuminaeeli luas as!d clours. nLio lii Ilis snearl>' as passible perfect, ansi ci lb. ecroill vrk ie ceall>' enquisite. A similar volume ho lise aboute, except tIsaI itlaleiluraed eoracco ingeof a white', sud boie t1e arme sud malte of th. Universit>' inesi csf tIieArcb- bisliop's, vas presenleci b>' lis Excehîcu- z>' ta LavaI Univarsity'. Il