Whitby Chronicle, 5 Sep 1878, p. 2

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-J. Thompson. « Brou. n Eegland-H 'Or. >Yalo,agonç. ,o. Baunders. W. B. Smith à olanbao Co. Agrl (n.gar-T. G0. mtled AUCTION SALES. M aedcA., -an lot1 eu Front,. Picering, on Fris b, 1878,thie praponty aji sesb Palummr. - L. Fairban sae i, uétlanoor. >f val umbis propérly ilu ci ofBeach, aI Royal 1lic U salsuiiliky, Spt. 14h 1, -bzks, Auclicier.- osloftr by, anotion, lthtyonSaturday, Se er 00. ioul- No. tet ~the 878. spt. ONLY Si 50 PER ANNUM. Whitby, Thursday, tSept. 5,-11878. Thé-Contest. -The Candidates are warilg la them woî. ah ev'rtiîo famlier rme&t- ingg for noît veek, Tilaoe dverliséd for Mu. Uleu viii be fouii la allier ccii- ie1 'V, Tlwifrusarp, suiS ery work- ilisgluis, iuid hi- 5f r. Jury. Mi. - - hlb's isnnouusoemnls have ual beau tieunt la 1110 CssbsameICLac. Of lic meel- ingtiieiédy leigi tuera le not muqfls ta bu ss wu;vo(lu Dnetlini sir affect lias I),,en la change a veo. NexI vweek wilho hlie Mosi importaunt ai tise en- vas4, huit asnuevolave alueady intinsused flCs eo slumnus, he o iat aud moal lcllItt wol£ Wl u nc by hereolsal cit asumuso siiettiion ta ltse voters' -~~~~ - uii, V ave umvor yct licov thie "biss)wig" ieduiged in at, sud- about,. - hîoqeo "atumhhséletia sueings" bteaffect YOUNCI WHIîsuiuo rUas Fusore.-It'is - îelay's vitls guuificatin-and vé alla witi priS-tiaI ve refen hte enter- -- prise anuS uccesta ai tic young eou cil Wiitby-thia boys af yostérdity wvimi vo have sain guow np and coma ta lie f ruttla liithé feroînast place.-Many af holin Insee reS tiehencuared ps- fVs'osiUS labosino succesii levyoe - nsii dadairsnit clergymen lu ciher localffies- Suani cia mve gravnuUp le lia succetsaeil husineoDiue. 1But a tliu'u places, *-imene timei thaugit lie ---- filii l fnhuorprise vas lai-gsr, havéebenu --bueited luy hou lindushxy euS good -cilicénsili i jinstend ai thia native tovu. The XceNoiss. iBossBrothers (ehose au- - h11ionCuIeait viii hé foinS in allier co - Uwans), are un exception. Tisetire. tsrllru ndev Iugh, anS Géarge, sail AU Vilby boys -ail excelent yuag mon. of timç vei-y boat reputaltlou whîa have gioPu up lu aur midet, anS by viiose continueS rosideuce tie tovu ivili bc beneftoîl sud, w. tnust, Ibens. salves rndercd piospeuimus. Théy an, vùIii knu en, uloiy ta- the gîeelnma- - .orily af the people' of tua tovu but ao la tisoseofiltuaesureundiîmg country. Business viii be oponed bytIlsosinluheii loubici store lu Walsou'e ccv hlocks ou tisa 181 huai. -Tisiy viiiopen ouI- ai large anS outirei éy nov stockc, veli seh.i actei, bougit llaiuebsBImarkiet, sud amiraaing ailinos. Thé Mlessie. 1Rais w1tv]i be fanaiS as they oiwsys hithheta imava h4004, obllig eismen, ansd vo - havaunodoulit vili i ava uothing nu1- Slosie upon Lii liarttela Ssenvo lth.e patrsnisgi cf lthe public.* We trust h1o isey sbi hilil up fu litieaeves in thua louvs it fWlitby alurge andS eueecofui Thé Vciiav Paver in th1e Soutih. lu 0t0a901[lilurti-statete opostilant coanîge lever hem héen raging tii. peett lwo eoie euSappours lu ha yél on the lneio. Ini lie cillés ai New Orleans at ti a ite u ofnatsny two iundreul ae dy vliîliatisa duallu rata Oh an, day lise isoteimod ua8 Jigli iaisoventy. Large oasutoiiehofmonoy lhaves boeaucontîlimut- -- Cd t1imiiosuat lima cousntry luirlisa mc- c lii ci-thaesk. Ausîong Mino egu'aee c hmw stuîuîliity lies imois ternible aveu l60 à pur cent ai Ihiausi lavnbau énlacaod. i - - V4LUAIuLI& FAUX ~Picoî.IITîY sl'i SALEI.f ---Attenýtion isà; irocotdtut.alieedverthee. -iutehfIcnîsi rporty uffueod fer salé c lu>' Mr-. loiukiaîs aimîn orcaiuins. 9 'l'hoTi lotsarcmoct eligly silmeled,unud. c se ghpil satu ofe ii tvaîbon, anS vili - a - s firelsesarakotet ut ls.edoor, nasý inigiht osaiS. Tii.séaid ffoe a de. tI --sirebiéotlpparlully ta I*ose vlshlng ta tl -purchîsse proiabié farelug laeds. --lu contleuieg ber rèéguier trips scîass - - lim Lake liraughuut thie entire seascu - aQSll 5 e nomchi puncîaeity ; Dane théa accommcidation eho*affoîded exur- blanlstuent oiéap rates fîroe point la r, -'point,il a asourceéoaitho grealesî publoc * - d oncnole, nual aaiy la lim' ravlen bulu bail vho désire ta 'nAm-1th. e aIos1eMva TouomvoAND Nmîci. LS.-A spaClal e epc rsitili Wilby at 7.28 thile(Tiîunsday) i or Torontco, Pasugens for b Falu viii pocoed -th noi rby ltse steamers R i or a Toronto., Tiokét good ha ré-_ the. 1.7*ISSept, ta Tamanla 75 Lô, the Falla $1,75. Oea. S., gent. Mr. 85810lenu ibas tudèxpeotly ré. <ied from the conten aNorth Vlot1od$ Thé st4p bai béén lakeu ailogoérs personal and private grounds, ware> luformed. Thon lg u ii4appoul* ment s i 13.tara aiof &ais, as il wu hdilevédthast Mr. Maoisnnan's ésnue was of the rmosi aatl.faotovy pharase.. At a large meeting ai the. Beiorzare- ai the Bldlng héld an Tnesday *'anoeue lon Fallu, arésolution vas passed ex. pressing 1tbe desest symnpatby vii Mr. magclouinl blé' midden.floheas whiéh, préenîéd bis caflhlnuing th* canvis, efms $g acaept leéonaa lion, sud pfedging the meeting a te- nanluraus suppirt, éven if h. shonld hé unable la také au active part li he contest. d g Betting on the Election. A whaiesome fear aofIth. penaltiesc the. law, wLioh Imposes bath fine aM Imprisonuent for the affenoe ,,bas son cd ta. put a chec8k upan the . bera pracùiof aibîtng at the présent clis tion. Thera are @t11t some perocsns i wauid try ta évade the law by batili -in a partionlar way. To bot on the.ma jorlty in any ane given locallty, or ta b ua b . temsjarlty o! a candidate wu flot exéeed inoh and snoh a ~u they viii asoirt linflot battlng on tle recuit of the. lection vwithia' thé means ing ai the Aot. In tht.they are 4 taken. Ait snob bots coaiewiIhi i h purview of the Act, and thase who mae them iunnth. riek aif1the penalties of the law. Ail bêta on the uleohian, noa mat- ter iiow cunningiy laid ta évade if, are violations oaithe'-statnte, and we give timely acivice ta tisose inoline'i toa Ia wagors that timey will ho ao bld by the courto. a! id ry- lep I. e e s s r Nanth Ontauri. la North Ontario lie contesl helveen. Mesîrs. Wbeier anS GibhrjËIVes evi- - denice ai beiug veiy cloué. A minute persanal canvas allihe Ridiug la béing made by hutb candidates as véli as th3e usuel public gatlierings anS speech. eakiug.' Mn. Wlmcloi beiug tic resi- dent candidate, viti lits porsouat poîuularily lun1the siding, gives ile an adeautage aven Mn. Gis. AYEui'tS Hava, Rocuîisviii. - - We ieoeannsd aur friands, trou, ths side visitiîug RItcellsttel put up aI Ayon's bcitéi. It isconvouientiy siliiesou Miii shreet, lias excellent aceOioodtion sud the charges only $1.50 per day. la Lime pioprieler, Mi. spraguo, viii iic loinS a génial kindly boit, sud in Mi. Wimore, ltîo alerk, snd gênerai manager a courteous anS abliging gentleman. GRAND RECIATTA Ai T iruiOuasPOINv. -Tii, "biggest" tiing ai lie sBon viii uudoubtediy b. the Grand Regatte at Sturgesn Peint, on Fîlday euS Satur- day, loti anS 14113, imc. Tan oh hie grealeel onismen in lié vorlS vili tien compété anthe waters oai tlurgeon Lake. Tic puczes amaunt ta $1200. Grand Trunk iTrains vilI iuo ce 1h. WiLby rmail leLindeay nigit Ilîrougi Fiee Toronto. Retuin Tickets only one dollar. Thé rned is raierréd ta tise adeertisament lu othor calsîmue hon fuil panîleniars Everyhody bu luis section lias nov s chance le Eue anS vitness tue perfe. mance of tie greet oaramenl, for vili ve haiievô it le oniy fait te say %va have ta tienk tise libeneuily and affaite oflhe Manaesr sud Score tery. Tnauror oai tie.Wihimby ileway. Tuitu MIDLANli RÂSLWAY. -Mu. A.1 Hugol, sent mn-lus resignalion as uîreai- ] dont ai lie MiSionS Itailvay, lasti Fridey. A special meeting uf-lime1 Boa-S wns helS, viien Mr. G. A. Cox, of Petenhono', vas electeul - Preaigleut, and-Mi. Chmarles Percy, Manager. MIL. HONEY, oF Oshawa, imaS bias beain rnn away willi hie Monday, 261ha Auguat, aud flilitlg umdci lime vggany il passeS aven lus log, bueainig the bouea aboyé lie ankie. C IIANLAN AND O CUWi-RuiY iATi.- Great efforts as-e being maSe b7 Mon. Iresi people lu havéa113e boat inca be- tweeuIlnan anS Cone s-oweS et r, Lachinue. Il is quille likeiy thm effortsb wiil ho succeseful. tî MOms-cy Sraj.ir.-A Bue ef $211 vas stolen hrciqtle hanse ofii -. Gcinriey mn Wiliam Slrael, Cshawa. Wiieu or L; base it vau Inken lime Occupantsoaltie b, Iio cau givo no accouaI. Lu * îiossic. - A Lacrosse match ho- S, veau ltse Uîîion's ai WliLhhy and lie aS Nipisisinga ai Uxbriclg. vos îlayod at 0 LIlsidugo village lbut !'ivmeday, Tic s, WhbliuY club wonithe nmtch ilu turc. ltuaight gamine. Tins. 1-3, 17, aidsi, ninutes rcsiecivély. - rc TYustLEOAL Pitormssioï.-Two chf1w Oui towusiusen, Mu. Barclay (wse oarS eppear ni u a ler camiouns) sind Min. Kellsy passeS tisé laies Loy Exale- nlations imicielcreditahIy andl recels-éd -heur cenlufisates. -c ImNiSALY VIS. PIntNe-i'.AL131-lu.-A 'nickeltnmatchi vaslplayed outhie Il grouinSais f héPrinoe 1Albamhcik lt -S cluii, lest Satnrdey héecsnlintaI, anS Prince Albert. Thoa match vast wan by Riuisale, lu ane.'buninge viti I imiuy.sove u nss ho eparo. Soina oh the bas& mon lu the.Prince Alimert club hi woie unable ta play or Ils. gamle vund ai have basu more ciosuly contestael- FAT CATTL o mliENaLAN0.-M.l Ileury GouiS siippe l lut veek lisen. LzcvUUss aN DxLxîvAR.-.AtonIIon s clînecled ta Du. $aper's annauncemnt inalter coImua. Tisesubject lasu itihrestbuane, sud cime upan viai Dorret Information is désireS. A BY-LLW QaiADTImmicA Duusseof $25,, )0 ta aid tlbý Nipiàfsieg Beilvay1 Doepauy lu éxlépding Iheir limé Incie ahboonicto Mieden viii hé subelîhéed 111the ratepaveri oallie couzmty oai Hii mrlon ai Satuidày lcI day ai septe. Mr. ln c Cc bu suntrul ai thé ruoaSdan y of thee udnu sitneta MacDonald viii fa Sismissed The trains stoppeS fon metu lime lu the nirning, but resue. lin lie sîheinocin. Mn, C. D. Procoa, lias been -élecled Sereen foi the- West WarSaiofMan- roel, v-iceGei. Btepiem, résigned. Hohart Pacha bas gano ta Scollnu , a shooling excursion. Hé ls the nest of Lard SéalletS, at Grant Caillé. Mr. John. B. Gongi viii heginis niperanca -campalg u ngiiud bout Chrstamae tîsqe, Hé viiilS ol si firit meeting lu Mr. 1Spuigont'a !sheinaclo. ne go ai( g! sI Tai F. z - m fLsE ~LL.-Tmc Danhiues bal# mua~ émeuOf WhlîbY daea,ted lia Sti.46 n " "Wd SUZlIiIS$* last -Tlmnnsdy tai bMigô 'f" j~»gg MX9a. Danatha.291 iw- ,und foi leo oit&, Rsay, Cainpboeil, woaandiDora Minutes aofisal etin radd Théeuleevo. Mr. Harper esiteredj taok the ellairL 1 oOMMuNlIOVO. -.1 Prom J. 'P. UoMilbwu, ai Guel 8orelary ai comaitte aa'proentaî of an addréssta Lard Dufiërin, làt Q bef aoknoviédglnr recospt oaica muajoatson,,infoinsg hlm af moi passéS at tise lautmeeting ai thé c0 oil, as ta liee 0tlon Whitby eaui vould tae .la thé malter., Mi. Borns enteré& 1h. counnil ro sud tolc bis seat at the board. The. Reove osléS thisaten io oaunoil toas nulsasecenon aiofMr, W dielS'e residénose aused, uaalegea, Mi. Stane'as saughten houée.1 Stone, il vas réprîsentéd, liaS 1> spoken la ahaüI thé malter, buat rep]. h. couid koep lus slsughter lions. vhéîe lo, snd if hoe vas camelléd rèmove itl iie voni bavé la také business ouI ai lave. Thé HealIh lInpeotoi, Mi. AI Pnmglé, ivnrmed t Le coneoil ai nuIsane ln-'thé nelghbarboad of 1 Pétersuth's redmuçe, causéS hy drain from Mn. Grass scèllar. psocten or, réu. toarads Mr.. onolliy asdthée -:e ap- vhléh -hé reprmlits4, .ould i and been laduée4 to tole purt inthe-.0 -t i. tBrava travéfled byt Grad Trank snd Wiltbjy Raillay Ilph Lidsay Atthé Whtby station Monhw met . eMayer, Mr. Roue >-ui. se.véral of thé è Vn~llaa.I 0Iflù moumpanwdhlm nt nLia trip ns Du. tBrooklln and allier stations sevM ucil additions veréamde tlathé- partlls abi Part Pérry thora vas a large gathe arIngo, Wvis, reoelved Mr. 'Brown -wi luity obeers sud gavé hlm galle1 teovation. Manilia sud 1the aller at tilas gave lauge amesnions ta the pa byans i athé labtte, sation a brisahat 1f.added their notes la the loua veloî ei tendéred Mi. Brown. On thé arri no ateil hc 1 ocourue o eolamld Wt w iti a 'véy :artmroctioe. Hon.1 Mir. O.'Wood, Col. Deoon, Mayar oa in, Fa 557, Mi. Barr aithe Posi. sud mu ai thé leading ollizoer vre pieseq& griot Mi. Brovn an bis arrivai aet th ai important and tbuivieg lava. Afb tee lunchS h a 1e BiniouHanse, Mi. Dia! [ex. va; u s sorted ta thé meeting at Osj ta Wood, in thé township af Maripos its whicih il vas nnunoed' hé vauld ON ne. dras at liaIplace. There vas a lai procession ai carnages, angmented, mdifférent points &long the go&, à UP ta lie entrance ai thé v hé loge. Theré Ibère vas an imuien mIa loin out, fdags voe diîpiayed, au wei -ounde of chier. and hurrahs for t ai DoGril chieitign went up as blé ali présénce was disoovered lu thé forémoi carniage. At the town hall Ihe réac ai tion was of thée Most enthusiestiecluha ng acter. Tii. hall wa fililed la ils n :e'y Most oapecity, may beingý unablet find mare' theau(standing îaom, an numiiers crowded around thé doors ai windows unable ta find admissiong yal]. The iailowing address, read b by- Mr. Cameron, was presented MI' he Brown : B. To thee Honorable George .Brown, Sn y, stor of the Dominion of Canada SI,-We, lbe Reformers of the han fier Township of Mariposa, cordial, ail velcome you here to-dey. We havý îg long wîîth pride sud admiration marks( )ut yourcereer as a publicemau, as s jonr in nalist sud as a citizen ai Ibis country e. and we have 10 caugratulate you on Ilý do feclthhat et fia lime lu your eventfa )M ani prosperous career have yon enjay rk ed the confidence, th, respect and thl on gratitude ai the, Reform parîy mort Lr than et thé present lime. ,. W. are pionS ai the meny distiz id uishcd statesmen wham we have ir Canada. We acknowledge their greai silit and many valuableseve A bihhey have reudered us, but wE ut bebeve we echo the. sentiments ai tii large majarity ai the people- ai &hie .0 Domainion viien ve stat. that you have y doue mare tl&an any other eau-toada. m vaucée he sî interees soa the people ci ;ta hie country. or Whule tbanking you for Ibis youx rn first vieilt t hs sectian for thé pur. Pose ai dlécussing lhe more importat te affairsaiflie country, we venture ta s express a bopé liaI yau viii carry awa: with you pléasant reminiscences of your visit ta Ibis township, sud liii il1 il will ual e hé ie luit lime we abau d. have th3e pleasure ai wîlcamiug you-to o1 the loyal and prosperaus county ofi Vie. in tarie. We trust yciu esy b. long spex. sd ta advocate snd maintain thase lib- erel, jul sud èuligbîeuèd principles A which have elways been held by the -d Roicre peîty, sud ai vhich you have [ybeau an ahi. and sucoeîsfi éxponeul. SOn hehali ai the. Reformer.aif1he t Township ai Meriposa. 3f ARCHIBALD CAMElION, le Pron. N. Meriposa Reicre Ass'n. JIOHN SAlLES, Pies. S. Mariposa Relaie Ass'n. 5JOHIF F. CUNNINGS, 1. Près. S. Victoria Rle Ass'n. c Mr. Brown, who vas received witi, t.herty appause, relurued thbeke very ilcordially, observiug that suob marks af Skindly reemrreuee anS »eocgnition wera thé besl rewaîd a politicien could have for auy services hé mighi have rondereà ta bis country, sud that snob a mark ai recognition could not ho amoré grafying b hiefromany o&é- nSiS AN LD U5Eszoxzs. Mi. Blowv broughtin lulimarepart th3e Finance sud Ass"emenlaaemihtt 1mcommeding payeent ta Aig eringle iqr7'bsrrelé cil lime, $4.2 labour 75 cents. Thé lime vas nieS caver Up a nuisance, anS lb. 75 ce: vas lai the lebor lu applying lthe lic Repart adapteSl. SPEÇJCIÂL cITimTEE. MiRing, secondeS hy -Mn. Dur maved that Mesure. Harper, Re Déveroli, Campbell anS tie moyen, e speciol cammiltélta luvesîlgate à lia nuisances ropartéd, sud bavi-pav la lake smchistepe loi thé removai lia saeéas, timy mey cansidér ho CannieS. Mr-. Wioke, bîciugiit in the. report limé coînmillee an relief, reomeendil paymet ciltme accarint ai Mis. Wohk $1, for meaes aînisied- Mis. Littiejol aud ici ldren, hast Décémbér. Il poil adoptéS. Council edjouruedl at 8.80. For peséngers rates sud tickets] lia Grand Trank Railway anS ils col ciecîfous lu lie Eaerni Provinces, 1] sîateu5 sud Manitoba, apphy la Cao.1 Yul., Grand Trunk Ticket Agéne Brook St. Wbitby. The passages Imae by thé Mo Sloneailips ai tisa Allen Lin. Surit lime cuiner cil 1877 avèraged abal elgit deys tva ai wiihare- paieS tise auooti waters aiflimeb. Lavrenc Theé Allen Lin. mail Steassipesi mot carry catie. Ail ather lUnes ira] Quehe anS eauy ircie Nev No: taefom Ice150 la 400 head ofcilcttié each steamner. Steerage pesengersae bocikod ta or fr-osa Deiry, Belfast, Gis gev, Qneenslova, Landau, Bristol as Cardiff et samne rate as ta Liverpool. CIIFAP ExcusiONsîO oMONIIEhiL.-, special excureisiItuain o'ihh oeil z Wiitby, an Tuesday Sept. lOti et 9.1 a. e2. for Montreal. Tiokets ta go b excursion train ouiy anS la relus witbin cime veée 84.50. Excursionist viii have lie privilege of shopping ave aI intsreediate points on lie relur trip vithin lime above perlaS. For inrîher informatioan sdtieket ePPIY-th o a. B. Ynié. agent, Expréa Office Whltby. Gea. B. yul, 1'eu a large sud wvo eissartéS stock of. slationcry on biand He keaIeso e full stock of scias ssuPpýIiios, including tue books uséS il the Higi and Coimon seheois. Dmesm'EîRzc ATPArT er rSamCmoxE.-J. Montreal merchaul uneed Adelar( Recicol, fired fmve shole loto ble bad- in altemptiug te Commit suicide, las Fniday eveniug. There le a chance a bis recavering frci e eaffects of tbg seounde. ONTAsioRI iait AsasCrmOm.-TiE alnunai match aif1t3e Ontario Rifle As. sociation, imélS in Toronto last veel vas Muost satismuctory. Cupt. A. Fothi igil,' aiofOshawa, vea succeefusl competilcir, carrying cffa feuaim haaia tho hures. itemaember tual enties cloea for the Sonthl Ontario Agiloullurai Scietl' Exhibition, cn Saturdey, 141h Septe- set. Foie af atry, au epplicatior oa Directurs or Secrétary. Rmnioniber tisaI entrioes cci foc lis South Ontario Agîlealturai Saciety's Exhmibition, on Satsirday, 14L1 Soptem- ber. "orlueofo! nlry, on applcation DitsnwÀnu AND uTS PropLu.-D-. aopor, wili on Fîriday eveeing. next, oelivernaisdresan Delovate. Mr. Orvis lias been inviteS ta attend. [Bec lIIcLNsLEuiiGAT.-In thé 1roles 3onat racé', et 1Inlahes regatts, aI To- rmut, lest Friday, Marris wise 1the 'inr;llaiseldsecond ; RliishiSd. Ris-a 11is1 Vinegar fun labilé uae or isking. T.,C0, Whiiotd. A 13Ai %vsenssean u limtevililge aifBob- ,yg.juanlal week. :1e" sec fuelt page for prize liât af îe8 Casîely Agriculînira! Society of anlti Ontario. -, bl i ud at l5juticae té he iailue plia thal 04gLi bave been ,thoughl noeés.- 1h. sary. bai Mr. Brava "ooaouded Ise ddieso Md abonlhahi.pui sI, l.va s an sino. lr. liii rsviv aif lime paliticl hllony ai rite thé country, sud vas listeaid lavtoi wt an lhe 4e ploil atteutian. Hé ipake villi sta. éaergy aud vigar, Uas0hlita vaut, and ry, same :éloquent passagea vere delivéréd ud wlth ait theéait fi. vimiaimarked lits ,me sllér Pariiameatary spéehes. Mï.ý ýv Bravanbas doue gaod vork in South on. Vicoralfor Mr. Camnly. lo. The Piague.strlcken South. ici OVER Ã"NE THOUSAI<D DEATHO AT S. NEW ORLEANS. i. HORRIBLE SCENES. My- t' New 'Orien, Sept. 2.-Dr. Jones lir bais- isoovered lunlthe blood ai iva févor ý l patiena eieaonlie keovu as baoteria. S I ie sopinion these minute organises va origleaté enlov lever. sic. Nov éssés, 195; déaths, 76. es, Thé distilleyesterdsy incluSe 20 chu. ad.Aenu nier 7 yèari anS ta-day 19. A despatoh ircie Balan Rouge reports rge il deaths froe fever lier. iocihlb.lst et twen.tyionr bouis. Msuy an. Sovu msa, eock sud aIl business iléslapped. Thé vl. oity's finsecial resouroils are insufflaient ha relievé thé distneigsuanSthé peaple aise asicthé country la aidlie. nd Thé voahîn vascloudy tuis eftér. ;h mn, tbrèalening rein. Fnam noon ta ai Op. em. tweuty deatis vèré réportèd ta- s imte; Board ai Heaitb. Thé total nue- me e ideshhe from fever ta date is 1,091, e. ieiuing 461 cidréu undér éleve r- yeers ai age. Thé new cases incluSe rit Wiilis K. Wolf sud Robent Persan of 1he telegrapi office, anS J. M. Walpole, î orgmerly.aif1the Picayune. Very Uev. id Joseph Millet, Vicai.Geuerai ai thé id Aridiicege ai New Orleans, died ai ah yélav flever ihis évéuing. byAt Mephis, Rev. Ga. Harris, Dean Er. ok. Mary's Episcopal Cathedrai, is I.sc.A voman vimo cailed tasoeoure Dr. Hodge'oserèvioes au opéuiug tié m- doàn found hie lying heiplese ircie z : levi. But for ti discovèiy hé, vouid 11haVe diod vithaut attention. Tva ny casés have braken ont aI Fatber Mathev y i ai p six miles iom thé ity, one A Ànumhén o( cases are. aiso reporteS et 79Piclceiing, vhich ha. heen exempt irom setheéepideémia silice 1857, wlm:n lie fever Yl tira! possessionoaithie ity sud suburbe. 2e Visitais continue ta repart findinR dead habdlies. Oue vas faund yésterday iun the uppei~ story ai thé Library building se decompcised liaI il vas impassible ta aûsoeilain wviter 1the vielle vas vt hite or black. Tii. sew milis anS Balumber doalers bavlng cicised, il is; e thougît 1the Mayor wrill press al thec intluber ta hé faund sud bavé it couvert.t edsainta ittacoffins <or thé pauper SenS.1 reThé impression prevails tint ail thé 1 ÃŽ_vhites lu Memphis vill h. attaeked. ofIf týie lever- makes as greal drafts ami the: voîking arganizetions during thé 9 Ir coeiug ton days as it bas iu lie pasî r-tendsys n yod héllbelait to directi i th!efforts aiflimé nurses or ovensée lthe aitu ionofsupplies. Doctors, lur- f >ses,' undertakers, sud aveu grave.dig. )f gen, are broken dovu. It is a comeonc occurrence ion Ivo or thrée dead bodies ta bs foad in thé saze lbeuse. Il is si ,0 hcCýmmmg iffiol taemaintainu ereia 3. se ug thffieah ut thé relief offices, anS 0 suppl ies arco neeîly exhausted. 9 AtGceeivile,n6rth ai Vicksburg, the lawvs isopanic stricken. -20 casésofai ýe lever are i<prted, aithoughitil as t striqliy quarantsued, vsth evéry rond Sguatded nigit sud day. f Éor amur son, Mise., Sept. 2.-There P ar Iou undred cases sud fiity-five Seatfis. OuI ai five hundréd fity ré. maiý ilu tovu. About 1,200 have liéS. Thé;distiéss le very gieat. Tha sick a Oingwiti no eue ta give lienaT drin4 oai vatér. Same nuises are ou t thée 7y rom New Orleans anS Chico. w go.-i, Heip anS iunds are SeeSeS. w ~.Austrie anS thé Porte, ni AiVienne despatch says 1the iueur- a( rection at Trebinje vas causeS hy 1the a( knawledge lhpt the Turkish régniars fa intenSdeS ta suinéndén lbe Citadel ta hz 2the Austrians. fil 1rICoustaulinopié cispatob o! Aug. n 301h, saye :-Accoaiug toanathentia in- in formuiation direct lfroe l3oenia sud Her. ci zegaoWna, thé Anstrians are acting vith si grea¶ eneiay but withi moderatian sud ar péildet discipline. Neveithhleas ré. lu p rti are ciculsting Ihatthelimé ny of hi occupation bas béén guiiîy of many cn mxceses. Timeee accusations beer a pi roikingean. a The clîsirmean inviteiS nuy pariles la mci vielsed la maie sny commente on gr r. Jury's remarke la do se, and celleS bu Ir. Gibson. l Mr. B. Gibson had not camle ta meke a speech, h.oliadome a te lsen ta Mir. cry. Ho hed anise belon. la carrect me, niosaatement, ualta omakis e speech..ag LouS oeilse vre mad. for Mi. lien, , ho an coeing fanvard'vas réeivéd tie îth enthnsiestic oheeru Mi. Olen thi 3oké hriefly, anisanncing liaI i. vould shi sali ah longlhinureviéw ai thé "Na. S Ouai Policy", qumestion in the course ai se v.ék, hé moved a vote ofl thauks Mr. MoMillan, lu a fév appropriate -AI marks, secondeS tii. motian, vici on as carnieS uuanimansiy,thc audienceoun aing. a A vote ai hhauks vasaaso passeS lie w isîran. è- li Tie proceeeSugs vouelirauglit to a s I ose t v tihrce iers for tie Quecu enq id Mi. Glen. lat NG Lvàrclmn DFou AS &BSAULT zut À YOUNGo Wurram WossÂv.-Oti Tueu- ala ky Milcé Green, a colonneS ecmaea cee )Out 85, cammitteS s revoiîing SIsnî s Youug wvile vonian lu Prince ilue @orge cony. The sume day lie vas as eS et Mariano. Early Mginday va oruin about 25 men entered thé goil cf:ý i haciged Graen toa stree on thepubh- ES iighv a short distance -Lrie thé va A SaCRI~NmsCLIEaeyXà..-Tb. e. '1 e tn -into e iéo heov va ka v0ti hen lMn. Jury vas&et ui 08kiq buSurte, njVoue prisenit vouS haye an OartuOr" tela 'piy aor euh a nY rm dsili. an thé qués. Mi. Jury, béfore going inla lie Tariff Question menlionèd iee ai lie ne. faims houefllaita the vorklng mon passeS by thé preseal gavere ment. Hé rèfenied ta the sol passed 1 aholihbing praperhyqualfiation as 'cei$"saryIc a seat lu Paritamént. Il, -he con. aideraS a méasuré Vary b4nfloial la varklng eau. l nloved vorldng mén to eleot s iéhlow voricean! luParjj&.ý minI. The nexI vas -thé esnéndlng cf vliat vas Icuovu as the Crimlual Law Amoadmént Act, sa as ta sÏllc more fréédoan ta the vorklng af Tradés, Unions, Thé amèndaxent of heé Mach ers asdServants Act hoe aisoontended aS beau doué la givé justice totah1e varigem,.The aletraton ai 113e Govrun eutrant syste, recjumrng e canînactar la give security, that lie woulS poifore thé vork contracteS for, va sgréaI advautsgé la thé vorking. eau. It preveutad cautnaàotors. inae ahscoudlug aliS leavlng tisé orking- een vitiant insane ta gel tmsir psy. Hée proceédéd ta give an tsutace in Pointloallie abscoudîeg oai tiltontreai cautractor, viiose sédurity was takée anS the aîkîngeen paid lice tise proceeds théreai, vien hée vas inter- rupted by Mi, B. Gibîcin, wio saiS il Ivas ual thé cauliactar but 1h. e uh-cou. traclor vho absconSeS. -Cousiderabh, noie euSconfusion vas cenheS hy tha, vienthe chairean pointeS out,tbat thcie vho lound auything ta abject té lu Mr. Jury'c îesrkeeallient7 ta repiy vien i. lieS finisied. Mn. Jury continueS seyinà il vas na différence viséhen il vas thé contrec- ton or suh.oonrsmtor whviald acaudel,' lie varinlgeen vaîe paiS. - Anohr ncl hen6ficial totahie vonkingean was thé Lien Act, wviicprévenléd e0- ployera frein abscouding .leavinzg Iheir vorilgeen uupaid. - Mr. Jury tien took up thé question ai Protection. Hé 515 not thiuk lu a country, vheîe fiee immigratian vas alloved, il vas possible Ici prateot tié vorkiugmen. They might proteet thé poêls, make lié pricés cil hem higier, but lie vaîkingeen voie ual solling thé goods,they voie sehhing lie labour vhich maS. thé geads. Labour ventS b, juat s piéuifuh under a pratective tai SB nov, anS therefare juBIsas eheap. Il vouid hé necesssry la put a pratective tariff an labour sud kocp lime fereigu labour culaif lie country. He vent throug i viiitliéProtection Paiiey of limé UnitéS States aud point- eS aut lse il had been a failure. Hav aI présent 1the surplus labeur population ofiii. United Stetée8vas largér lien lbe toal labour population ai Canada. ]E. eiiawed iow gréaI must ho lie de- pression luth. Staes e xn Congres haS appointeS a committée ta enquire unta ita censé. Hé conteuSeS tthe groat lbing vili voîkingeen vas not high vages, but viiol vas lie purchas- ng1 paver oiea wéek's labour. To make the purchesing paver of a veek's labour lie greahést vas -vhat wvorkingmen wanteS. Hé celleS altentioiita the in- consicteucy aof1the Opposition leaders ici advacating protection, sud -tihe utter in- iincerety -ai Ihesélves lu viat thé7 udeocatéd. Il vas anly an slieumn ory. Paseiug in îeviev thé great pro- gre5s saue lu thé couditiôuoultmei coikingmeu in Gr-est Britafà sBincelie ahoisheenl aiflime Protective syste c lien., lie crilizéd thé arguments ai srotectioniste and thé Phipp's pamph- et. They promiséd thé fermera,nder proitection, a higien pnuce for their pro. duce anS ab the, saine fiieplacing liemi in a position ta buy chbaper goods ;1 ile tathei. oikingwen th.7 promiseS i higier vages sud cheaper produce. That vas n connudrue viich hé put to liem.Thé higi vages wvici wére prévailing in thé U. S. ump ta '78 wre Sue ta atiér causes than Protec- ion as hoe pointeS ont-tmeir lote inter-. neaine ver hsing ciné, viici took 250,- 900 men from thé fielS oflasir. Cen. Sda being au Agricuhînrol country lie Sevocatéd 1h. building up ofi a large 1 areing population sud- tie menuise-t ires vouid soon followýý He quciled 5gures ta show thé faliacyeofthlie, sate-0 ment thet 1the UnitédS Blutes vas heat- a mg England in he- owu zuaikets. Thec ,ry about "siaugiter îmirIcets" vas Ïmply an eppeel ta their pejdcs in be for ciné conteuSeS oloie ytt io iuy bis gaads viere ho chas,. Ift ies neiglihar thougit Sifféréntliylhé 5uid punchase hic supplies aIigier eices- irom vhamsôeVer hée liceS, but n ie (Mi. Jury) dénieS the nigil of het a jeighbar la indicetewviere hé should -t - - - 1. M. . - l- Ék t MnREmIucaî-Hss CGRANSONSUEns'CT- .-SUudaly munulig Mirs. Claver, life ofaI erespectable aiS larmer r i-oi. 2g neer Detroit, veut mia lier hue- uSd's ician t a aaken unsa, shon sho slnd hie iuurdtied, Lisekuli bi-aken, md s hioody axe lying near by. Chris- )peu Jrieustéinbuck, aged 17, Lis enudaon, vie siept in theseme rootsa ltis nov nMisiung viti $40 ehici lime Id min liaS, is suspealod. - Thiai Is l certif7 tiet My vif e, having BOU troubleS foc s ieogîh cf limo vih itma anS genecra nes-vaus delhuty), anS aving béen tieat.d by medical men anS Bed mamy preparations, isuail trioS a but- eoh Victoa l pephoiphites, and reilized emcml seiate anS permanent bsnefl ie ver î1ot fiee auy 'rovioes mdsicie. e feit 1I. e a 0ev poison. t.caci, Norfolk Co. Ycuce hroly, RG.Scsamuoosz. TuuaEz Yeuse Lsris Disovie.- sont hall eaelozen young ladies vent it ethiag aI Lover losen Penbrose, 2SatnrdaY cvouing ehaout 7.00 p.m., Sd aller rcmnaining a vile lu the lai, Sehereined ta vaSa onu. lurtmer u lie7ivere, sud for Ibis parpose ce preoautioneiy méeasurcoak baud af mih aliéna hanS, Tisey had ual gasie , bovéver, ivien foran e éedisap. mreS nden th. valer, iimeing get at a lieep bole. ,Tiseeliot ecré srea& nemed limaI lie7 vilh i lcmlty sue- SoeS lu getimg one of lia four outin mcii drowned condition. Ticromain-, - hres vere dravued beforoe ny as- tance could arrive. Ticir namnes or Maggie snd Lizîlé Lee, Seugiiers 'Mi. Thos. Lee, caîpsuher, anS Ada ywards, dangiter ai Mn. J.-* H., ES. ýrds. The. bodies vend reooverej -HE B v Doi. -Foloing thé m. aîeioc. ... - 'T 28 7 ToalGôverneeul Majority ...l16 The Governeent organe, an lie eau- lnaiy, asset'it lipositivénéss Ihat IMn. Maokenzie's prosent majonily vili hé éncrésd, vile thé Opposition papeo claie liaI tho Gavéramînl majonlly viii b, viped ont. Thé ulgil ai Tues- day wéèk vill tel lite tle. Disater on thé- Thames, SIX HUNDRED LIVES LOST 1 b'Téeelias heen s terrible disaster on th. Thamés, ceusing alJoas ai soins six huandred lives. The excursion steaer Prince,,s Alice lu returnieg fromn Grave. senS la Landau, Tuesday éveniug, vitb about éigbt bundréd paiséngers v as ru wno a.-.ancing, sh6utaighý, a'clcl, by a sorev steamer. -Iî is ré, ponteS liaI betvéen five sud six in dreS pensons véne drovued. MmxmoHrT-Tié Princes## Alice was îtruck @amiduhipi, anS sank aleosl ie- mediately. Thé numbér af persoa drovuedi. i variousiy éstimated et 500 ta 650. Theé igier estimaI. ie thme laees, euS is given hy thé Landou hiteammoat Company, the avuers cil tie Princes, .Alice. The Coepauy's vwharf lu heieged by cîovds, anxious ta bénir ai relatives euS frieuds via vere pas- seugers ou lie il-fateShoat. FÂuEas S AD MEOCHÂNIO.-Pnovide youreif vitli s bathie ai Paiu.Xilier et luis season ai lhe yeer, vien sume complinte are e prevaent ; il is a Prompt, salé and sure curé. It eay savé, y a S oaisickmless, anS 700 viii einS il la more veluabie tban golS. Be esure you by thé génniné Pérry Devis' Pain-Killer euS tàke noothen mixture. Paver ai Speaking.Restored. NoivîsH, ONT., D. C. Match 80, '70. JOaST FriTEeaîLL, Wviles f-Scie tva montis ega ey son lait bis vaica. Noua ai lie Physiciens cauld do hie auy igoad. T-vo haurs eftei teking th3e second dose oi Feliova' Hypapboepbites hie paver cil speakiug vas peîiectly né. tore. A StubbornPFact. Dr. Fcwleî's Extreet cf Wild Strawerry lu, vithout a doubl, the 8aféet anSdicat ce- hiable remedy in existence, fer diarrhma, dysentrychoiera machos, Bouc stomaeh, ee.ikeaneu aillsommer complainte. [taneslikea oharm. Ils éffeete are marlel. ous-reief instantaneaus, cure speedy. Physiciens and ail who ueil recommend il. It shauld be képt lu evecy home et ibis seasan, for uss lu cases of emergeney. For sale hy ail dealers. Miibun, Bentiey& Peacson, Pcopcietocs, Taoonto. An Undeniahie Tmuth. You Seseive ta suiffer, anS if yau leaS a moleerable, nnsatisfnctory lufe in Ibis beautiful vanSd, il is énlireiy your ovu fauiI sud timere le cinly ciné excuse for yoau,-your unreesouabie préjudice sud ukepticise, which has killeS tiionsands. PerBonel knaviedgé anS comeon seuse reasauing yul soon show you liat Green's August Flaver will cure you ai Livor CuIshunt, ar Dyspépsia, viti tillils miserimie eltece, suci - as sick seadlacié, palpitation of tie henît, cour stomadi, habituel eosliveness, Sizziueee of lie head, nerveus prostration, 1ev spirits, &o. Ifs sale nov reaci every avun on the Western Continent and mol a lrigs ut vili tell you 13111s eon rfu cu es. Y ue aucon uy a Sa i. îi,5oti for te, cents. Tire. doses cl reliée. y eu. SolS by S. W. B. Stmîth & Co., Whitby. Elcctricity. TIIOMAS' EXCELSIOR ECLEC. TRIO CIL. Vorth Ten Tirnea 1Ù8 Wcîgmt is Gold -pain cecnnot 8tay where iili8e nîed. Il is the cheapest medicino ever naSe. -Oue dose cures coamnnBore broat. One baIlle has aured Bron. hlitis. l7ifty cents worth lins cureS au 15d standing congh. Itpasitielycnres eatarîh, estime. sud croup. Fifty coie worili hasecurod crick lu tise bock, sud me Baane quanlity lainé back af éigit yenîs' standing. Il cures eelod ueek tmais, ilieumalîm, nous'slgia,» con. traction o! tie isuscies, stiff joints, spinni .S ifficulios, ansi pain sud sore- ése lu auy part, no malter wiere il may hée, nor irem sehet couse it mny TicE OTTAWA COUTisEFzrmTEns.-L. Boyle anS Ticia. Cieckley voe brougil behora- is Houar JuSgo Boss et Ottawa, Fridey morning, lie former ciergeS viti nttoring aounterloit Dom- inion notés, anS the latter vits having liens in is possession. Mi. Walker appoared for thé Cuovu, sud Mn. Mue- grae for the cieleuco. Mr. Walkén asiced for a Icinlier ne. mend for o veok, as SergI. Cannons iead heen iii, sud vas unable ta complet. 1the evidence in lie came. Tiere voe alier parties implicateil, anS in lie ini- lorosl cf tiie Crovu il wes Sésiuebha liai lié rmmeuSshould Lte,,place. A SemonSd had heen mado for the extra- dlition cf John Choekly vio was heiS et Milwaukee, sud ho vilh miorlly ar- rive hore, vien ailt lreceases vil be proceeded vih. The Crovu baS en- gageS experts et a greet expenue ta ex- amine tie notes anS hae visiéd la have ail lise cases triéS et ance. - Mr. Mosgiave diS not abject la a romand in lioyle's, but lie conucil Ion lise Crown uitdshowu no e raaouvhy Tiios. Cieclyshould noit ho admihled la bail. Hé wns a respectable fermer anS vas eereiy cherged viti receiving counlerfeit bis fions hies brother, ta vhom lie hleninsed mociny. Thème vos notiing lu tisa depositione bafoue lime Court, ta ceunect hie lun aey vay ithl thmo IronS anSdhalietosugit hiB lianour soîsid accepl bail. Allai soîna isurîlsandiscsîmsion Mi. Wusiker agýreed tus lia acoplene ai hail, ti. prironer lu. $10,000 amiS four esuruhius in $1,2501 oaci. I-is IHouioime mine easieider la admitlthe prisumor ta hait. Tue case stands îsdjournai foi a veok. A Triisnuul- Fîu,..- A carpenter, siauliul Alfucildatobs, wviie orking oms thesÇong"reutiumai Ciurclm, Bond Stricý(t, Tarante, lest luis balance and eul %, udistance ai neariy 7O-fecI. When Imichued up hae vas hieoding profi-oiy* fram awovund inii iiearin. lustriking time Iboor Vihu one ibiesu rcibke, auS lt 1aiofit w-v o eced lurougi an inci io5is. Il is hanlay possible tIsaIi. îuay reoeé, but as limera is na Souit bhat hie huas susteined internali -bjumnies, the hiopethai baoivili live le but sligit. It is miraculeus limai bc 515 ual meét insant d5mh. IL. I. IL. lia Dachose of Edinugh liaa hen ciereof ila daugliter. A vumari, Tovie DF.MOnmSnsuI.--The C 'ngarintaen cil Miiklog (Mis. iciiez ), viIh us population aI 20.000, sas been demoliabed hy tiie- stores; Jour hmudred peans o eied. Duffeneseiled fiee Quehec loi Eng. lanS leet Satuudoy, in lie Allen mail The Qucen'e ineomé is fixed ah £885,. 000, but about £17,000 la deductéd Irom thie lac lie Civil LisI pensions. Dr. Foviers ExRinao iWl StSiav- iariy- Thuis preparalion ataudis Peerlees as e romedy f oral aummer camp inIs, 11ae. Yen diarrhSae? Il viii pesitivel>' cure yen. 'Iiavu Yen choiera mos-bus ? Il vzllposilivc- iy cure Yeu. Have You calia nu cramape ini tise stomari ? Il is-ii pofitivaly cura Yeu, te vaur stunsasi saur ? Il viii poîilivaly cur, yen. Arayou gaing on a seus voyage ? Be simca, anS talle a baille, of the strav- berry lnue-r haversaek, for mime in sea-slek- neas, eombting, anS etier irritations ai lie stouneci anS bovels ; - i il l posilively cure yen. Every one ashigbly of il. I ha-rve Oheollsuey lu recoumendiaeg Dr. hi'WWe's lirhrct qsfWiliStrawsbenu,"--G. W. Eànn, lit. Catharmnes. I vonld &dasie suy cne suffering huom sumeer cemplaints ta gve Dr. Powetu-' a ct cf Wil4h iraue- bmW-syaefair 9ll, Goumtb . Sce-a, M. D., Castieton, 49?r FomelorBz&tSc Wvilul Btruusberrg give peést a ticlbo. -Taoxsa Dou4,ambrsay ecomn it à il ki hi £0 D la st èar. Thon, toa, il musIt13e néeae- fâred liaI thati bis -asurplus piadu lion. Il Lai beau aeamned ~pro- duceris iter earnlng liv.lho o thoraielvei and familias, sud paylag1 thse'eaéc h oî igvrma and IUnir praportiôu aithé. hundens oai Saciety. ft voula requié,' thon, thé lahor ai 100,000 mon for ivwauy yearu la replace by surplus production -this annual Ion.a Il le ua lny 0 mucli ' veaiti cubsîmected'fromthe resaurcéu aI 1he country, but il is *the lois ai thé productive paer oaigo muci capital. 1 Affairse ite :Easl. lu Vienne very littié hope la enter. laineS ofaeconvention helveen Anahnie sud Turkéy bheing arra.iiged. The r.. moal ai Ruasion Iracipa froe liee noigi.- banhoad ai Stazubôn iascbeen suspend. ,Sd until lie vitidiavaet athé British fle.'. itlhn% are vniunteeriug u iS -ÃŽ cf lié Bosnien lusuigénte.- The Csbi- net criais lu Servis, is aven, limé- laIe j Ministers resuuing office. The Aise.ý tnien lassés ici hakiug accupation cf Boa- nia do nai .xc.eS 1,500. Thé gréater part aifIthe Herzegovins bas beau subju-- tated. Thé Czar, lu îeply ta a tels-i grap m thce eSultan, expresseS bis1 sorav ah lb. anarchy lu Roumnelia, sud slateS Ibat i. iad givén aideni la piévent sud punlis aourages upon Mussuheans. FENlA S îoNES na v BERELEÂSED. -Correspondance helveén U. S.. Min- istar Weieh sud Lord Salisbury, lum re- gard la Condon, th. canvicted Fenian,a is published. ,Welhh viles, August he E BIh, neeinding LordSaliisbury liaI Ian- mer aas fan the. rehesie ai Condan hieS bn réfuseS, but aine thon, aotioin ai lie British Governeent bas broughit1 #5gomucm hanon Its ho (Welshi)t thougil lie moeent eigbit possibiy bc a perticuienhy agreeshie one for thé ex- orcise ai clemeney, especially lnu nusver te a prayer of a friendly Goverumeénl, vhieh lias shovu so dep an interest lum lié case as la havea aready cîieferrea thé, pîay,î thne timos, an ýwouid- danbles continue ta do so, but alvsys mash respectfuiiy,unutil il a isuhaned. Tic bohief lu lie UnitéS States le liat Condun, an ardent Iiuhman, *ho îerv. eS muet ionorahly lu thé Amenigen ver, vas lie victie ai cirouesatences lu hie vroug-Suiug, anS -having been elev- ou yenrs lu prison, anS leernéd visdici,t may b. veil restared ta is iamiinu lime United States. Mm-. Welsh con- cludes by saying tint 1ie believea lime rcioes of ohCndon voulu h. regardeS by tihe Proident anS Congcres of thé VuiteS States as a eciet frieudly ae- lion. Undedate Sléof Augustthlié lti, Lord Salisbury repliesa tthle Cabinet hba careiully considered 113e request. of - Minister Walsh, sud Cie lad lihaI Con. - Sen's bealh is suifecing serieusly, ansi bae been strongiy muved ta look upon the application in th ii. ast- favorable ligit, in cansequence afitis heing on. ta viich lie Presideut -sud Congres attaci great importance. TheI CJabinet viii tierelcir, rocommeudnaI -a Her Majcaty remit the reesindén cil lie sentence ofi Coudan, anS, as s necésu- ary consequoncé, the reesinden ai lié sentence ai Méosy, vimo viiicamelot- PS cil tic anme ofaiea ndin suaii cn- ditions as Hec Majesty esy ha ploaseil la prescribe,onue oai vichi viiibce i residence cif thé reieased prisoneis oui- side'o thlie Britishi dominions for lic re. maindér of lime sentence, or for suci -AT- STURGEON- POINT,« 1 Vil op Il; Oe FRIDAY AN4D SATLJRDAY, Sept. 13thr and l4th. $1,200: -IN-PREMIUMS. $1.200. 10 of the Greatest Oarsmen Iu the Worhd ivili compoe, as %vitnessitlue iallon-lng liat of éne-Gea. H. Hoesme,s Bostonu, Mess.. vinner ai Hamilton cogetta; Frenclî Johunson, Boston, Maoss, inuer cf Silver Leke regato, Aug. 15, 1878, vien he defeated Chas. E Courtuey ; WallaceBoue, St.,John, N. B., ltme cèlebrated coarsinan cf tise Kenuebeccesis; Even Marrie, Fithsburg, Pa., ex.Chîmupion of America; Iraruy Ceai- iei. Pittsbur, Fa.1ex-Chasmpionfat-Aemeni- ca; Pied. PlaisteSl, FoutinS, Me., veh kiiown tà lame;, Edverd Ras$, St. ïJebu, H. B., winner of Niagara regetta;-Wm. licHen, F. A. Eliahi, Toronto : Pal. Luther, l'uts- buîrg, Fa. FIBST DAY. Great Frohosaionoi Race. Purése, 0073. 4 mile vil a lurns-open ta ail; lai, $30; 2ud, $200; rd,,$100. - Amateur Single Scull, 18 il. iap-streak skiff, opeon tu ail, 2 miles straigit avay. Prime, ilegaut Siiveî Cup. Double Cna.oc Racé, open tualah, 2 miles wiii a tom-n. Pue-ie, $17.bl $10 2ud $7. Ladies' R ace, single seuil, 18 ft lep.stieek skiff open le ail, 1 mile atraiàht away, Ledlue'eloigent Silver Toliet Set. Lacal Double Scull, Amaeur, forea Silver C urad tii.ChamplonsMsi fShorgeon La 2 milasvii 'a tomn. SECOND DAY. Grand Conacialion'Race, Pus-e $185, for prahessienals vima diS net vin lot day ; 4 miles viti a tus-n . lut $73, 2ed $80, linS 811,4th $25. Single Cane., open taualU, 2 miles vili e lutun. Fores,$14; laI $#7, 2nd $5, 5rd 82. Proessionai Double Skiff Race, open ta ail, 28 fit inngged h#lp.shreak skiffà, 2 miles str sgi avy. Puse 70; islot-$0, Se $20, Fatla lfe'acsen, utoasllvéighlug aven 215 hbi 18 il inriged -la ptsre a k 1 miles iaig aay;p élégat sver lce Piloher. - - RAILWAY MARRANGEMENTS-,etc. Grand Ts-nnk ReihveyFacs efole iug painteta StuigeonPiîaSnte, Ktnirton 62.00, Colins' Bsay$2.80, Rieder- ut #$2, Npanee $1.95, Tyendiag botwý,ýItnonvue $.6F. ee mail peints blen Bellevihle sud Toronto, vie 'Wllt. by, Part Ferry & Llidsà yRaUvay , tu gtur- gecon P-oint anS ireluir, $180.-Prom WbI-ý byand points betweezi-WMhby and Part Peury, $1. Fiee Paît Ferry sud points moti, 75c. Ail tickets geed la Returu ou Monday, Sept. 15eti. -- All trains aliéh Whltby, 'Po Partansd Lindsay Reiivay viii rua Ibrengi vertie Vlbtocia Railvay tu Fenielon Flla vithool chaenge ;- thence pauseng ens will bec cnvey- ed by boett6 ta ui eauPoint.G.T . trains viilalse run thîogh vithout change. Victoria Rsihvay trains viii ion belveen jàindssy. sud Foenu Falls suS canneet wIhiboat for Bhuigegz Point éVer!,Icum- Ch"" ..... 1.6 ....... 10012 ,Wood **»»** -- s50@400 Boef, hlnd qurter .. $8560 ( 0 00 Baéf, fore quarter .... 450 0 #0 0 . .ee . k .n:::::$V4010 05 0 cid........ 00a es0 On lns .........o 0 9001W Ttrnips .. 140 Caft ros .. 1600001 Oboken, perpair ..... 45 50o Dpoperj .. ......80a @60c Turkeys, pr lb... ....o 10 PORT P1,ERY MABKETV. port Perry, optoi4h, 1878. Wieatsrn 05 $8 wheatfân.00 1008. F l o u r. ...500 00 " 7l y . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 00 Pe..............000 000 Qato .......... ......... 085 085 Co u. . . . .. . . . .... 0 W -l-eâze.........à8 00 s8 W patataes .......... .......O0 O06 es......... 0,40 060 0 ............0;00 000 Pork............... 450 500 Butter ................... 010 0 vr _ Eggo ................-... ... 10 0 12 Ray, ad .................. 10 00 10 00 Henew- .............. 700 700 Bei .... 50 800 Wod............200 800 Wol ......i............. 018 020 Epp s' (oco.-GeÂu rICUn Axo cou. voarino-"By a.thorougr knawledge af thé. natorâl laws wij« ovem ;ýthe - perations ofi digestion and nutrition, sud by a careful aplfa duoft e eprcpertes af veill se eeted cocoq, Mr.,,Zppu ba provided aur breakfast tables witb a delicatyély avoured beverage whlch nay save fiun 'heav aoctors' bina, It s by thre juaii seo such articles of dietlitha osttto be gradualy bult up util Mrg n cgi . ta resist every tendencyta isa= . Hun- dreda of subtié maladies hire, doating arounn& us ready ta attack wherever thera maa weak- point. We May escape msny a fatal shait, e; keeplng ourselves weUl fortifiefi with> pore bload asu a È.roperIynaurishedfrsme.'" r-Oie lServicé GauUei.-Sald anly :lu Paekets labeiled - "3»oes Brs & Ca., Eomoeoopathlio ChemnltiLonden, Eng," A c ARaU rflO all who are suffering hem thé errars -1 sud iuisoretions o61 yooth, nervona weakness, e&'1y decay, Ioss cf rnaniiood&c.- E will sendl a receitehat villiS cueyn, FREE 0F CHA GB. Muiiu greet remed was discoverea by a missienary in Bout Imerice. senS a sef-adressed envelope to thé Bzv. JOBEpH T. IExÂN, 5Station D, Bible Hoîue, New York COit. NfEW ADVERTISEMNTS«. SOUTH ONTARiIO, M[R. ALFRED JURY wil address mneetings ný the interest of the Peo. Ple's Candidate, MIR. F.1 W. GLEN, )uffino' Oreek, Wdnesday, Sept.. 11113, aI 7.80, p. m. Braoklin, Thuirsday,- Sept. l2th et 7.80, p. m. Claremont, Frday, Sept. 131h, et 7.80p.r. 'And diseuse the sobject af the e"Hational Poicy," aud otmer public questions. The. Hon. T. N. GIB3BS W s cordMisn- u vited ta attend i.b will bo given ample Dppartnnity toa ecdreesBail the. meetings. EXECUTOI _S' 1NOTICE 1 ALL persans heving claims against the. A. Estata cf the lote S. J. Green, Esq., )fGreenwood, wiil please farward the gme io the Execuors, Greenwood, P. U., for ijustment. And ail persons indebted ta le Baia estate will please meke imumed ie ittiement. W. H. BILLINGE, Solicitorifor-Execotors. Dated, Sep. 2, 1878. 87- '.he GFandest Of 1hern Ail I1" )PEN TO TEE WORLD. EVENT OF TEZ YEAB. Luincheon -and- Dining Fon Ladlies and Gezlen GENTS'I READING AND SMOKI Ho.80,KIG-i.WEST, ---- - - -- - - Farms for Sa 874d)> Music Instr yMR. FRED 1~ TEACHER CF "PIANO-FORT OR Moi b de c T B a n application. TEer Green and John su Meledeans ta rent et $1, per menti. Sept. 2nd,-1878. DISSOLUIOH OFFPA Noaie iereby given L nersbiphbeiStoiore eisting eesa clmde thé die ai & ihanbeen thi3 Tih. businesavili hociC samn preznissby r. Tari izeidta déc asetie and by elis. sidco-partueis -ness viii saheretafoce bei aigemnent ah Mn. Barnard, 1 SauteS ai e lot. f9r=uare pasyment ta hie. WVituess m Fr11 W. H. GpIANGEII. j OMI -A TR-EA T FOR A FIRST GRAND DIST vr 1000 Elegant, amS Ornamental Articles -m limue snd place to b. appui due ucitice vili ho given ilu Ticxzrs cime dollari sud:50 Persoas lving ut a dista iorwsa dfull -pont oce ii numeén aitickets reqnired, foi saine. Poisons nuable.ta attend eau bavre theirî articles helS faneor sent them. AUL persans holding Tieku tilleS ici an article for every ThdérewMol:ýeiab.li tickets, an eariy application Tickets and évery informma -taiued cif MR . THOMPSOH, M.J.B. RCBERTSOk, T. G. WHITFIELD 87-2in - DELEWARE FA -:-LECTUIr TV. OPER viii spakc ..L.Pepe, black an fi si Prospects for, Chsap Parie ODDFELLOWS'I TRIDAIt EVENIN ADMSSICH FE PSAninvitation has bE ME. ORVIS ta ho présent. MORTGAGE TTIIER -ANDJ-Y VIR' - .)Power cf Sale contaisi Mortgage vhicli tiili b. p time cf sale -andSlaponvWI been MeS., Ibocé vill be AT RA-Y'S E IH-THE TOWN CF On- SJTU-PJXIî; th Septiailer, 2sý At the hour Of'2 o'clock 1p In rpry i:-5o are ed te Suth-East Quarte lu tise Oh <ouceseicin oai u U b ridg e. , 1 - Timer, are on thme pcemseea elsc a news-log bain. Tieré erabié tfunier an tli penmi himri.eSOftbe viUage of Gis Miles oh thé vilage cf Uxbii Fer furtimer piiuas p Solicitar, Wh pticosap itby. G. Ri Wiiitby, Se-pi. 8r5, 1878. Lý. T. BARCLi .CioChnceiy and Insumi nnem-,&e., &c. -Oyici-Aijie Courit Iou AUCTION -oie- VALUABLE PR< IN TE -TOWN8uIp 0r i wrong-at lime liseadai affaire, wihb Mr. Sicotte as a colleague. On hie atiîlce, a dissolution vas applied ior, and in thie Dw Paîliameant lie (Mr. Brown) moved lfoi s comeittea ta enquiré into lima relations between Upper eud Low. or Canada, wliieb mation, te theefiston. isliment cof lbe House, vas cerrlod. Thé deliberatians ai thé Comomite weri pîlvae, but s repart vas bronghî in in lavai ai constîtutionai changes, sud thé adaption af lhé faderai prie. ciple. That report vas signeS by évèry.body éxcopt John Aloxandor Mac. donald, John SandfielS Maconald, suad Mi. Scobel, ail af vham protésted- againat 1the proposeSl change. Tii. nigbt ai lie day lihe report vas hnbught lu th3e Gaverumeut vas deféstéd sud s Coalition vas then foreed, lu vhichiti vas agreStuaIlie sud ?Mi. Mowst simauld lIa y until their vieve voie se. cured. They didsetay le il, buitîhey aftévards leit it, aud after Iheir cippon- ente gaI the crîdit for 1the uè,èieary legiuishion ici folioved. Juet eleven years haîd psssedl since timat constitian vas adopteS, sud he vai caepellèd ta ray timat under il the oounty vas pros- perons sud notwithitandlng ail liaI, wse sald abaut eîsery sud decsy, thon vas ual s more prasperous people in thc vanSd. than 113e Canadiane. The ides ai protection ta emaufactures sud agrculture vas a -piae.oait> morant tisaithat vas aver imsgined., Thse dépression lisbée braugit about hé. causeaIb is potéotion, thirough viich the makets baS héen overloacied asu hecause speculatari liaS impoited large quantitiés ai manufactureit goodesud sent theu d rummers around lae et ai wèkyoung mon via imagineS th1e selvés tea hé morobunta, lia baugit iaîgely sud boaS beeu ruineS. Protec. tion coula nl c ure .utat. Hi nov viahe& tlasay ta his Roman Oaihoio fienda tiaI thé figit vblch the Ré- iomeîs hRadviti hhe atliioe, vas not vfth th~e Catholica cf Upper Cen. ada but.vith -the Catholios aiLowem, Canada. , Il vas théter WhaOs«Vieil the whale -or à d hogl thée ré. 1 ' 1 TiUE MONTRnxcI, 8SMLL Pox HOSPITALr.- ett At eamaceting ai the Montréal Board ai cit Helth Co Thuisdey Dr. Kennedy re- th, veaied soed sîartling l'acte vhicb alye came tais kuaviéedgé régarding th rF. phrleéîOtlaIe aiOflie internaI affairsaofi y té ci$csiie l IPo% bospital. né show- vC eS liaI théeiospitli as sometimues 8 ovriadd iti patients, aud liaI vi cos etly -Paients viose condition M, vas lsî srion tien eim of others M, vere InjureS, anS in lad tiseir lives vèné ëudangérèd hy 1the fetid aimas- , phere4 He dileS the case ai a eau JUI vho i ras takén inta lime lospital eilSiy ~ aflIictýd viti 113e digsse.Who vas seiz- éd vi là severe vôie ing oniWéduèsday vi lait rpm tila a litai he vas placeS le vil 1the sainée ro v ith anahher man vho c Pad tii. diseas, li is most maligueut op type andS vas literiy aue mass ofcilcr- tic, rupliomi., Ho vas couvineed timtat ethe léssl 25 ver cent aif1the faal casés in ta the hospîtal résulteS lroe lihe vaut af piopîr realeent. ré, Ma.1 Luaxx Beove, longsa nesidént airi Wlithbyasd nov ai Girard, Kansas, is thel epublicon CandiSalé, lu thé cie Counî$' licict,.for Represénîativé 89th13 Dislnid..Fine thé Girard Fre.-eee cli véla4 thé ipiloving :-Loren Brava, ani lié eatidâdte for represeetalivé in the 801h d4strit, is ane ai lie leaSing bus- busine~ mon o! Girard, sud bas alvayso nl Mauidaé a great ivteréin lual mat- da3 tors of pblicinteree He le bouest, ahi ïear le sansd possessed aofceslderable on abiii R H enaudéfeadieehi upon Ge( th3e eht or with lié peu. Aé a leglé- gac latalr viitalcea16praminî tposition moi in theé oen ouée, viené Le vin héand loueS dvos1lg WUtia vl auailmes*- licj niésM Wobuiee ta bhenlgil sad hlghmI. a ing tuhé hehéllévista ha vrang. ga ,,2 ie3aTrk BSn recaunts the job

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