Whitby Chronicle, 29 Aug 1878, p. 1

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)r.XXII. *,* erc.erssê aise, muai buta ws-ithsg. WumU Busine8o Oireotory. ONTARIO' DASM, WRITý,Y BB4NOUX, THOXAS DMW Ofice esrt dosoutir of thé Royal nlotel, *htby. lAMES EBUTLDGE, B. A. J. a. FAZEWELL, L. LI B., ConyCanAttorney. do JAES -KEITKGORKDON, CHAR9LES C., KELLER1r, ATTOR"4RYAT.LAW,JOLIOITOE IN chur~oeinoor ho, Onnng. ton, Brook, 0. W LYNF ENGLIBU, L L. B,, B RISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR lN Cau Street, Oshawa. (Lite êreenwood & lLcillan.) r> ARRIBTER, ATTOMRET,- SOLIC. D-itor, Notrr Pblic, Convoyincer. Of- WhttBy, ontet, south O oat m@ RODINSON hKENT, LAt" Duooux h Ranussox.) B BETTr-AT-LAW, ATTOBX- eyS cors, Convoyanouru &a. Offie-,rovincilIAssurance Buildings, Court Street, Toronto. G# YOUNG 6UM1I, L L. B., T)~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t ARITRh c-a aLosn Oric-Over Dominion Bank, Wbltby. Jan. 22,1878, (tf-5 0380a t. JOUN HALLEZN, .A TTORNEY BoUcitor mnd Conveyincer. Money ta nd. Mortpagesboughtand uald. &agent formoeyeral Loin Co'». Ofice, over Wlghtiin's- Store, King Street CoaUlt- - ly.11ï - CA1IERON & API'ELDE, B ARRIOTERS, Atto s-st-Lmv, sud a>sollelters lu Chanes-my, Na. 4 Tas-auto ots-elt, Tas-onto. * HECTOR CAMElOt, Q. .481 - i . S. APPELSE. THORAS USTON, Ehtb. J . Mn, M. R U URGEON TP TUE COUNTY GAOL, S Blips-n Street, Whitby. Dr. W. J, BDURNoo Onc-eIdoar ta CUtOowICLE M.Oa.. or Résidence, At tise RayalifHotel, Whitby. DYaRON FJÉLD, lu. a. p HYSICIAN, bURGEON, &o., Damfne, Croek, W* - .ecDIUEN, à8.1., bI.Rcte.9 GUT'B HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., tIse oye B. O . shawa, #Ontarilo. DR. DOGART, pisysialan, Surgeen, Accouches-, Ast, &c. Wbltby, Sept. 10h, 1874. 40 W. ADAýMS, 1.80 taC, p. . nRegideee.-Cor. of Byron oe T ETH mus-ledi on ail tisa f lut est prinaiples ai tise art, &as e, iethchobpst, samegond sthe boit. TethUslled eith Goldansd Blives-. Teetb exlnacted vithoapin, by protueing local annothesia. Dental Boos-lu Cov- mu's nov block, oves- Aikian'a Drug Stor-e Ring $tract, Oshva. 85 JOXhN -RODINSON'S .II DRESBING AND SHAVIMO ILSlaon,-S-oek St., Whitby. -JOUX WOLPENDEN, ANT FO R TE CELXBRATED BAEloottîish Granite. At Mas-bis Wos-ki cf J@sthmn Woltcndeu,Dasdus Sl.,Whutby. G£EORaIE OýORXZACJK, MPBMER ANT, CAIPENTER %tently on han&.- WILLi.AJSCOOPER, BLACKSMITH, - - BROUGHAM, Soaaaas- te TisomaMidtaugb,l Mlorne shoelug s"d àaUkindu af genes-al vos-k. - y.52 C. C. $CALES, '~IlG1NIA*TOBAcCCOAGENCy V Taronta-streot, Toronto. c(1.i l eB. O'DMLL, ATHERL, Clerk Division 6Court, Tp. Cle."* -lommissluun r lu'BB. , Lent Agent, ho., &o., Atbes-Iy, Ceunty OntaiIo. Atbes-ly SePt. 2nd, 1872. 80 U 0 p MKIN-S 9 111810FURISEI)WEN DESIREl>. Somolng C9aclîy, One Thisassd. GRO. HOPIRS. Wbltby, Oct. 22, 1877. Iy-44 LAND SALT AND PLASTER- FOIR SALE, CHEAP AT LIVERPOOL MARKET. - J. H. MaCLELLAN. I4verpoi Mis-kit, Apil, '78. 1-tf FAUCHERS RESTAURANT,T ADA I'DLOKKENT STREET, - LI ND SAY, EFUSEMNO:â al, baunn-oytera 'viitways u fali. us-sa is wiiedupoi wups-ampitude sud attention. WlilTBY, ,ONTARio, Importurs, Duilurs Md mnaus-srs of iau LEA THER AND- FINDINOS,1 DUNDÂS-ST., WHITBY. ý(wEeT or POiT om.OE.) JOB$BPH A. BANDEZ, PB0PBIEM Twhi b u. bu esmmoitly bail y, A$ pl in rsý.9 elced ard 4tenivêat &"As B AND~ TtulmE RA2WAy OTEL, (oppoite G.T.E. Btati)Wiitbiy Everycommaatlon for guesto, Inaluol log comifortable, airy bedroama, ModASUaI bourg. e3' The Bar mInU mcOPPIMlih ithes brand ofLMlo, WieSBuIBndi. Cigar., ka. - Every »oimrzy <fetl i ven to Goa dStuling, onclt"d yard., sma Aten- ave astlers. .48. c ouMMEitAL HOTEL, JAMES DEWABT - PIOPIBTOI. gpcdmemmdln c OUMMROIAL HOTEL sud STABLES, &É adOô8Jas-vlu-sts-eet, Tas-auto. JOd£H CBAE ,, .PBOPUIZTOR. (9aCI988ossooTO lOisN KELLY,) The besl $1.00a Day Hanse lu th. Ciy, anly lwo bocki s omteni 3< Mthern Del'ctandaloe toa tise Market. The Hanse lia beau oewtv Pittet ont, ant& cverything P's-sl-elmss. h-h mas1. WALKEY'é TE fPEJL4NCE HOUSE, Goodacaor atan n à auble tes-ms. Boudes-s$2.60 per- veul. 45 TUE QUEEN'S HOTEL,- LTI OONINCUL,) 51a0K-inmERT, WRITE?, TAYLOR & Mc<ýAM, PROPRIETOBEr. The undes-sgned désire ta lufors Usels-. bMeuds and Use publie Usai thup baye takou the above vcll kuown haiel, vblcb Usuy have nevly fittei up and renovaled, sud put Ino the béat aifas-des-for Use accommoda. tion cf guete. Thie Bar, vhlah inuths bsud. somestinluthe Couu in laOeUsupplud vIbh the fis-est bs-sudsea I ines liguas-s, sud ci- gars. ~ le uucload uhud zcs- as udga alablincg,gli etmil, &o. Delmchecl rooma for commer-clitIs-vellors. J, P. TAYLOR, PHIILIP McCAMN. latioros-ato. IR OAL IHOTEL, .WXLTE?, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. The las-gestan monut commadions hotel Ln the town;, hua large #ample mooins for commercial travellers. Table wefl jpvliod wth the boutiln eson. Irent brandis quone and cigars. Enolosed yard and slsedr6oot; attentive hosties-s. Charges t suit thse Urnes. X~. B.-Livery tiahed. 97 R OSSIN HOUS.-TOIBONT0, ONT. The Paluse Hotel of Canada llefittod, Refurnished, and Unrivalled. New Fatsen. ger Elevaitor, s-nnng nigtsd du. The 0,1"o-"Hafetilu anada wtt h gradu. Pub. 27th, 1878. Proprietos-. THE CENTRBAL HO USE, (Lite Loolilsit Hanse.) C. GIFFORD - Proprieton. This hanse iu the beet lu thea Cannty. Oeil and sce t. AYERS HOTEL, 82 & 84 MILL-ST,., BOCHESTER, N. Y. Prias sediced ta f1.6O a Day. This Hotel bas scned ito le Uc thei Travelling Public ta 01.50 per day. I0tan handy ta the N. Y. Central DepaI <only a few doors Sonth), and ha rently beau se. fitteddand redurs-sed. Open night and day. The hanse in fis-t-clama iu eveny re- spect, and Canada people vil) ave moncy by golng ta the Aysrs Hotel. WILSON SPRAGUE, Proprîctor. Rochester, N. Y. Jnly 8, 1878. (Om-28 BRIlTISH AMERICAN HfOTEL, R AY '8 , (LATI BOBSON BOURZ.) WHITB Y,; ONTARIO. Hiouno newiy re*savatod and f uriished througisout, and put in firot-elaus as-der for he reeeption aipgueste. An omnibus-toamd. ram-ail trains. Pirsausimple roams.' S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, Co'0r. Kibg & York.ets., Torouto, Ont. J. A. OGRADY, .PROPRIETOR. TraNs, $1.50 Pza DAY. (lY-47) ]POST OFFICE SALOON, Tonas<To. M. McCONNEL,..-PROPRIE2TOR. 1-W TUE DEST ACCOMMODATION .os fon Ouests. (y-7 O S H A W A, Veterinary' Surgeon, Wil hc at As-mtrong's hotel, Whltby, every Tuesday, from 1 ta 4 olook, p. tu. April 25, 1877. 18 New Stage Line B) ETWEEN WHITB3Y h OSHA.WA.- &W& n hoe pt on tIses-aute o btvoeu sh- -saaa Wbtby à. cotufostable covered Stge, and solici tisé atronage af traveors mud allers. Es-esy îtentian vii be pmld ta theo consfori and conveuLunae oaippseenges5 ,yd tates ansd prompt Adelvssy 0 parada acomsltted ta my charge. Thora iiie ho astages pus- dmy euhiswmy vlr - Lemvlng Osiava sismosnig in îfnse make close connootio s witlso eWlsltby &s Lindsay Rilviy, sad t il SacIeck oac mfternon ; and Imvl4tg Wuitby £1 Il a and A m. ., aoautday. T stage viff caul Aitai btela u In avu ow, mdosdrs lait Ai mn> of Use isotlIs viiiho Attendaid la. Pas-e sudciharges moderato. J. R. ADA», Prapk~eias-. Mas-oit 27th 1878.(414 LANDS FOR SALE I Township Of somervile, .C-OUNTy Oe 'VICTORIA., 0Thefotavlng lia nth ie tavnship ai j'oturvme, Çpunly o1 Viotlauaie aftored The Wes 01Loie, lunlthe lSth coucou- doan,eaouslug af 100 mares. Fliteen mces cloue a udics.àAnuver-f&Ullg trogs croositise lot, an vhc la Is miiosItenear theîide.Oaiàa9g9d raA.Tise property si ouly amile tram aa alivay fsi on an teVi ctoria Rmivas8mlw& :e' fs-cm Use Meusrs. John Gocd mun and Danul il us-r, usîr Klnusnn, wllUshow 1the psoperý For Tes-uts ale, appîy to -erty JAS. WALKER, Mor-ay P. O. 0uta-lo, or tg Mésirs. HATON h R&.,Wblsy. FARMS. TO RENT., T umetofh o" hi i bp ize G O. TtLE, A s tOMAJOR MILL TP. WYHITE Eus rsumed icont-o~ lb.he Mjor lMlad u ispepauid to'pay THE HIGHEST. PRICE 1 dlivèed AIt the MUlID WMevae. Revini ma@ veryeffas tgveantre satilfatiou thelr GlISTuNG, of tii. Biost Quutiy, "mdaiAt'mauubl Ps-lau., vil aia b. kepi oodalantlyoa had' Notie to the Public!. NEW- 00'A L',YARD, AT, POEat wxIBY. Wearé e uliig Use WILKESBABE Eand WYrOtMCOAL, Use ist Use Amaolea markut ufaords. i Leavo ur- ostwith"Mr, . 1H.Log ar vlth E. W. Ar-nold, mi tb. office oa, ue laie C. Draper, Wbllby HaUrbmur thon i estiy, seAmilOthesuWho have nied it, "Th Bet Calever SOl n ARNOLD & FARIEWELL, J.Ta.92, 1878. Pont Wltltby. m ONEY TO LEND. The undesigued hse anupamautioaimou- 07 taLend upan Pasmas orvnmPropestpaî unusnaly Loy Rates of Intèreat. Loins eau bu rupamldinusuma ta suit bas-- Boyrs-ai Impved Pis-ms and WilA L"kd f 88=tmâae in MunwLclmDuben- turcs, Bank, sud other masktata-blt Stooks. For fus-ihes particules-s apply ter JAMES HOLDEN, Officia Assignue, Bs-aber, &o. lips-il Ot, 1@7.' - 1 MARTIN & WAIIÂM, HOUSE, 81ON AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. A fiue ansortnsont ai the very latent style af HALAND ROOM PAPER i Presco desiguse xccuted ou the shostest notice. MABTIN- h WAEAM, Twa doors uorth of Kingi' Tannery, Brook Street, Whitby. (y1 FRASER & CLARK, BOTTLERS O0F ALES. AND PORTER, WALT'Z LAGER BRRR, &c. MILLICHÂAMPA BUILDINGS, 29, 319 & 33 Adoliside Bgreet Eait, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Nov. 12th, 1877. (ly.47 LIVERPOOL MARKET i CASH FOR GRAIN, To bu AlivereAa a Frenchman's Bay. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN On Reami Estate, at Low Rates of Ies-oui. J. H. McCLELLAN. Jauisy Bih, 1877. tf-S '7e5,0 0 0 TOr 0LOA3C) ON FIRST-CLASS FARM LANDS, In suris of #200 amu tupvas-tset 7 per cent. PayabloeIfalf-yeas-iy. Appjy ta- GUO. B. HALLEN, Solicltorb-&cl ôshows. April 17th, 1877. 17 Of vamcfyOuthfUt heprd@ee hour deayn rils obiste,blow ftr a. NOVELTY WORKS, WHITBY ONT, T lm STJBBCEIBRR. havlnig pns-cha tise lsiainery and enline stack of seauoncd Lumbes- tram Uic Xndge and Yarvocd MAauufactnring Campany, lu naw prepared ta, furnluh Doors, Baseou Blinda, PmoMouldingo, Base, Architraves' PlorngShethin d vrythng re.~ qnire b' the tInde, Ai the lovest living Waad turning NeyaIs and Balusters ta order. Lumnber'for sale, beot quality, laveut We bale along otashare oai ne patronage. GE0. GILCHBIST, Proprletar. I LIZA MARIA CAMPBELL o! the *Town ai Whltbp, Canty ai ôntqrlo, asà ProvInce af Ontarioa, vie a01 ROBERT CAUP»ZLL, ai Use sanie paa m4sohunl, b.rsby gi-se notice thatIib m4Sta ap*p1 ta tle DomIon Pmsliameut nexl eul à'lr BII ai Divas-ce, a mania et thora, iras=y salA huaband, similis- a Use BilpusSlu my belal by the Sonate lu 1877, forduses- dion. csuellyand Us. aiSes- cause, set forth - LIZA M. CAMPBELL,. WilfbyiJuly 811, 1878. ~ m9 SO, ALE,' AT T»E GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 80,000 ltest Fineé Lumbes-, vs)! semom, Inch Boas-Sa. F lool ut016 - maple u rxwe, lui guahliy, 7lver iloImandBarer.ý DOMINION FLOIJR-&FEED STORE. ÇH tP1 mYeGiQN la sellng the FLOUR AND FE'EDI rexnirkmllb CZEAP FOR CASH. FOR, SALE CHEAPy A Goad' Hanse, Photon an Hrnuu CHAS PENNYLEIMON. WlielâY, 110,Y b,1878. APPLE TREES,' A 9 0 VT isýr, -AT TEE- HOME NURSERY, Prom tva ta four years af ageemb-aing ail Uhe bost Vas-oties. SETH C. WIeLSO Lot Na. 8, Snd Con. Pickerng,.anï' Kingston oidat OfficyWiby L IBT 011 TUEBI>IVSIO N COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOIR Tlm TEAR 1878. y tb 2 111 11Ii2 91il BrEfgisam8 2 2118 e P riP 5y I 17,21 24il 4 121427 AIlesbp... 12 1 I iai il i1 G20. IHf. DARTNELL, JunIor Jndgs Wistby, Jsuy.7t1, 1878. Second Beuuon-.Sunune- 9878. STtJRGEON ]POINT HOTEL. Tisemoat tosirable ommuner livIel. situaie ou turgeon ok, ItbOn*len mitesa lJinisy, Ont.,lu no peu for thies-eitlon o! gest. ThoRoluas la Os-t-lauinlues-es-ppasticular, beinu ittuetet abeauthfi ulnt sdake. 21o grounds are finsly voadot. Mutlaid ludrives eutw& voil apcintsuoainlteret. The Haie! commanda a ft ine -of ai thUandmtaeu vals. ernapeus lafornueie st ns .Ayîî mot vhth enerpviav ta oanstBtilltardt tubliaes-rquet, bouta, &e., an tlie prenilso. Goot hsîingjabloi n utise s-lailty. The MTCaSON PON0 T HO TEL may le reashut by tlb. tamers "Vsauturtt"r and 'Miai<le LeaM," fs-ansLindeayconuectlug vitis passengos- trains ou]M=iaont Whlb,F-os-t Theo .omer riv= hs-oe liss es cltday wllh Viuesnasrtrains an Victoria Bimiy'lFeue o-,« Boendfer tIse-table, sbevtng si sanmu tepanture ofai aondtrIsainî. .1 J.B. DVYEAM ,Paoritor0 GEORGýE BRITTON, 1<EACTICAL CA RNiAGE WAGON MA2iUFACTUBIi fa nev ampnoved- Root 8eed and Con ffDru!, Double & Single Turnip Drilla. CLAYTON'S PATBNTEDý CHIUENS, (Irnproved.) wagon, Buggies, Slelgis, aonstantly on hn, B EPAIRING donc noatly and well ou the shortestnotc. GEO. 13RITTON, tieTwodons sonth ofthe Quecu's Hotel, BrockBts-cet........Whitby. April lOth, 1878. ly-44 GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. À NEW BEVELATION IN'THE SCIENCE OF DBESS-MARING. CORNWALL'8 SELF.kITTING WAIST & SHOULDÉR' CHART. Dresses fltod from measnnement alone withant change ci a stitc'h. For sale, vith free instrnctlgna, et MISS MeINT YRE'S »Euu-MAXcNG OOMSo , "vTBra. A genta vauteA. Lbus-m i lucemoents ta Use t rade. Whllby, Aug. 18,1874 8N LUMBER 1_LUMBER I Ç 1 JH N _ON , LUMBER MERCHANT, W H I T B Y , Huao a sd a lus-go supply oai&Uaiundi ai Bum Lumbus- Boards, sud Il noeiss.y Building Lutufsr,-.Fenolug, Sawu Timbus-, sud lSoanlllng, a large quuutlty an hand. Large ardus-s bar Long BAIl slnD, Ihld boras iiAt short notice. Doara, fsueea=4A Elnds elwmya on baud, Whtby, May 7ti, 1877. hp-BU LEVI STONE, Winiuuou Blocka, irelly Nos-lis0 Jahisnton's Fus-ure Store,l B ita anaunce ta tle inhabitinte o1 t na sd vlLcw, UsaI bhum oponet a F .LOUR,& 'FEED'STRE, lu counection viUs lis Butchlor Sbap, vhere bhovii sivm7's have an baud- . 1AÀLARGE 0T0CE 0F Cbioce Plans-, Oraked Whemî, Oamneal, Com-meal, - Omtis Peau, O~ERS ELIVEE» HABY PART OP TUE TOWN 1 AD ÂCailàis liite. -LEVI STON~EI Addres, poonsil410 a ,' 0a..- md4.0 Trains arrive as toliovs and tram tise Geos-glan Bey, Wabau- ahane, and interlàedlate points, sl 8.0, p. ms), andi 8.20, p. ns. * Far insther p articulascnse Pooket Tise- Cars, ta bbhd et mIl Stations. H. G. TAYLOR, A. HUGEIt- Superfuiendont. ps-estaent, KNflW t> astLl solscn aMWW talneoithe a ed book oves- issutdi, entltlod THYSEL epf Prm I Merroas and iysaiDàfb à ndty oh.e = Os Concomilt ast uti ie-e htrs thenree,mndontalosmaothsnOooiginmtpre. sesipe on-ceafiblaIoswerth thopsiceo flue boeLllitMabok ws witten by temastem tendre-cand prebablytlse most skllfslp-aattens InAmces-i ,oawbcmnwsawardedagcdudntjaw. elemdly teNatilMilelsAssocatoan., A Pso;blee, illatrae iet hOe vos-y Ouest. StueMar Egans.am-- HEAL vol '4a-aobents- sen 751EE ta aIL Sent fer l ai once. Attros "'ABODY MEDICA THE PARKER CUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRÃ""S WEST MERIDEN,CT. S. G. BEATTY. S. G.. BEATTY& COJ BELLEVILLE, ONTARIIO. ONJARIO 801SN[.SS COLLEOE Offors advantages for obtaining a COMMERCIAL EDUCA TION Equal ta any Institutiou lu Canada os- tle UnitietStates. Its sgaves-el depastinta are aonduatcd by theonglsly aasupaoant men, visa teach tisat wviirlitiey bave !earned by actuel business expenteuce, ond therefore ps-acttcmlly unterstant. THE PUBLICATIONS Or TtiE COLLEGE .Thse "Canaialn Accountant," "Joint Stock Comnsiy Book Keeping," "Boatty's Qusle to Elogunt Wsiting," etc., have ais- tmlned a natonal reputats-on, anutaeotise p roductions o! the Pnlnctiga 1tie Col- lege, vho as-o daily engageA, togothar vith their touchas-s, Ln tise Clase anA Lecture Roomi, Collage Bank, ands Meschat'. Mm- porinu, vIls the Stutants. TUIE COURSE IS SHORT, because the teachlng is thsongh and psa-e lical, and no pains as-s spas-d ot1 gis-c ta saab stuteut individual!y, m asl meto the varions classes, the pasouai attention of tise touchas-s. ta' The Collage Journal, aontminiug fl information s-spactiug tes-ts, nature of cous-se, boas-A, etc., mut 8)pacimcnu o! peou- mmuship. cent fs-ce ou iappsebonb Atds- S. G. BEAýTTY & 0. ai Bellev-ie, Ont. Beleville, Nov. 14, 1877. LADIES, ATTENTION. TisaeaislbratdAmin-an Hais- Wos-ker, MAX JACOB,' 230 Quocu St. West Tostta, (Thrao Dooru fsrn St. Pats-ick's Mas-ket) - B Gt in-t tform-ue the Laties tisat ho is the auly GENUINE HAIR WORXER in tise Cit..HReguarsuteas mllutand of hie vos-k ta be donc tu pes-eètton, ucat and po euad. doUves-et et the timoe-quested. lrPloso cent pour oas-dandntI vii Cambi nge doue up taos-rdes-Lu SWITCHE8, 4)URLS, FRIZES, PUFFS AND FRONT PLAITS. Curssouta!fEts-i hi Hais- mdc aquai ta naturel CurIs. Refi h mis- uitches lways on baud fsos 51.00> up. CAUTION. Pleaso don't be milsd up'auvassars s-e- psectiug uMy naine as mlynn x cept f syand utcas-t. 5Iel-o'nu i MAX J-ACOII, 2841 Qucon Bt. West. P. B,--Countny os-dessrsomptly returuea aIe My v ispne. Os-dors lait et Ms. D. Roer dreesm=er, oppesite Royal Hotel, Whit , ill be ps-omptly ttentd. ta. MUISIC TEAOHING.- M4. FRED MUDGE sespectfnhly mnnoanceu that, ouand mter Apsil 22nd, 1878, le vill gis-o instruction on tIse Plana-farte, Osgin mud Meladean, (et Popils,'Rosidoncu. TERnMSONAPPLICATION: -' Comrnusresenaunsd John stroola, Whltby, Meladeaus -ta Reut at 51.00,501.25, as- 1.50. par month. 17-tf 18, OPEMINQOp NAVIGA&TION. 1878 Toronto, Niagara, & DfeSteam.n boni Lina, comprissng the 8W T AGNIPICNT STEA=ERS City ~f Toronto -'and (Rots, Ceanad S"outhesoEm las PAID. ~WlziiY, prll bib, 1878. .16 P HRhx FPRE INSIJEANCE Co,, Lombar St. sud Clsorliag Cross, Londan. suABLIEICD u u1782. - GILLESPIE, MOBFÂATT &- CO., * Agents for <iadà., B. 1.W.. TI'RE, C., MO;« UiSE, Agent, Whitbý', Wbl.tby, April BIh, 1878. 1 A88urance - Company. iiqCORPORAuTED 1833. A SSEBTS8, 01,101,87o 94. F. A. BALL, Manager. Insus-amies efetodl at the laweut ours-eut rates on Buidigs, Meschandlae, and other 9s-operty, against loue os- damage by line. C. NOUiSE, Agdnt, Whitby. Whitby-, April GOl, 1878. 16 "RE HARTFORD H1ARTFORD, CONN. CHARTERED i8oa (JASII CAPITAL, $1,25,0,0.0 Cash Aésets, dan. 1,18178, $ 8;292e913;49. Managad b y ukilful Und.enrstes-e, and for Bizt7-ElgtYcars one o! bhIcbad- îug pluanciai Instituttis of tise Cao-us-y. Cash Iudmnity Disbitssd mo Puitrons. Over 21j000,000.00 1,- gW' Ailbusiness Trausatet an Princîples of Commercial Houer. C.NUR , Agenît, Withy Witby, April 9th, 1878. 16 WESTERN ASSURANCE. COMPANY. luOOBOItroATED 1001. CAPITAL, . - S00,000, (With poverta macease te 1,000,000.) PIRE AND M~ARINE. Head Office. Toronto, Ont, Prscalent. HON. 1O1IN MemuRRICH. BERNMARD HALDAN, Muiagi ig Direct or .. J. KENNY, - '. - Secretar-y. JAMES PDINGLB, - - General Agent. I.a Issssanes flccdtadt tise lowest cnr- scnt sates an Siuildingo, MMchandise, sud otises prepes-ty, against lois or damage by C. NOURSE, Agent, Whitby. WIsitby, Apriltitis, 1878. 10 Doposit with Dominion Goves-nuent #W0,. 000. Expes-ioncadl Agente ths-oughont the Dominion. Fi-e Risie, writfen ai Adequate Rafies. C. NOURSE - Agent, NW'htby. Whitby, April BIh, 1818. 16 IRA VELERS' ,LIFE AND-ACCIDENT Insura nCe Company, 0F HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assetej- $4,316O0O Boat ai Sacusity. Loy Cash Rui'eu. Liberai lie. Strict Management. An Untas-isished Recard. Salid au a Rack. Lue and -ýndowînet'nîPOUIcte O! ail saie andi dosirable tarin,, ou tisa Loy- Rate Cash Plan. Cauts-at plain eutd efi- ulte, sud vslild daims pros-s-silRmlA Whiby, A-l ib, 1878. AentWbitby. TMPERIAL LOAS ANb IXV~EST-' A. MENT COMPANY. CAPITAL, 5000,000. BoRa Office, Iniperwu Buildings, Tarante. PESSID1INT s- ANKRi NON. ALEX. .OAMPSELL. ROYAL CAMADIAN BANK. 60Ls-05T051 -G. D'Aroy Boultan. MONEY TO LOAN on Improveil Parmi, si Loy RaIonsoainteroat. Applyta>- C. MOUiSE, -A_ E..KEIiMi DManagr, Tas-ato. 0001, monTGAGEB BOUGHT. April POUi, 6l 16 TNTCTION ON, THE.PUjO. FPORTE AND ORGAIi. TI ....... ......... AgeA ram---------------....... 8 -Shcarllug ram-------------8..... Ram lamb----------------... .... -Tva aged awes-------------..8#11 Tva sisearliig eves---------8.... 3 Tvaove lns-bs-------------....3 SOUTHDOWN SHEEP. AgeA s-m------------------...... 8 SBearîing ram---------------8... Ram l.mmb----------------....... Tva ageA oves-........-... Tva ubearlinges............. Pais- fat shièep, auy breed..... SWINED, LARGE BREED. AgeA boas----------------.......$8 AgeA îov----------------.......8 Sav of 1878-----------------... 0 Boas- ai 1878.................... 8 SWINE, SMALL BREED. AgeA boas-...................$8 Agea Sov--------------....... Boy ai 1878 .................8 Boas- ai 1878-----------------8 .... POULTRY. Pair ai ganse fovîs -5....... 1 Pair ai Spanisb favîs., .......i Pair ai Darkiugs----------.....1 Pas-lsidge Cocis.............1 Buif Cooblus--------------......1 liraismas, ligisl------------.....i Braismau, dus-k------------i..... Pais- of Houdans, bearded .i. Pais- ai Legsos-us............. Pais- ai Bantans............ Tuiks-kaucosmon ...........1 Gese, large bs-ced---------i... Geese,,umuali bs-eA'........... Chine gesse--------------1..... i)uoks, Aylesbury----------.....i Duckc, common...............1 BesI selection ai iowle..... 2 Cmuos-y bird.................... S BOOTS AND VEGETABLES. Twvee urnipu .. .......... 1 75 Tvelve mangolds---------....I176 Twveocas-rots...............1 75 Three beade oi colos-y.....75 50 Ths-aî headu cahbage,vhie.. 75 50 Tisreo scada oebhmge, -id-..... 50 Peck ai onlans............... 76 60 Three panpkina,ý............ 75 50- Tva headu ai caniBaoeru.75 50 Pack ai boanu................ 750 Tysîve beets-----------.. 75 50. Three is-ongtý........ 6..... 16 80 Titre paonAs. ai Sapa...75 50 Ths-e sqaaslic............75 54> T>s-oîveeas-s of cas-n ...... 7650 Peck tonsatoos............... 75 50 Tissea oiesracon......75 50 Tbs-e muui Me0la13a....... .75 60i Boi bmg oas-bppofatoou Ms-. W,0 Taylor, C #es-yvoti 12 u e bat poaes....1 7651 12 sumes- table apple0a.i 175 12 fl table appbes.... .-i 7ô0 12 foîl caaking opples. i ...176, -12vlintos table applo. .1 76 12 vints- oïolkiâg pple ...1 75 Vuristp -of Applus, six binAs, dm of esch.................1 75ý VmZelzof - mpeoh, -ev kiùls .iio 175 as- msuvv.. ............... Tva-yeur ols i lip.......B *One.yoar oldShfiy... ........ 8 - ps-iug ontiro oel...... ... ..8 gTeam lu brnous, J., H. Mé. o Lellmu, Lises-pool- Mus-kel, vil 10e . .. . .. . . Single orgse in harnais . B :. -Saddie hos-se .................. 8 GE NERAL, PURPOSE. Brood mas-o, (Sam@' conditions se above)....... . ..........68- Tva-peur aid filhy............. a Ono-peas- aid filly............ 8 Spriug fllly ................8 Sps-iug entire colt............ 8 Matahad tbai ip narnos, Hou. T. N., Gibbis viii gis-e a higli. ly finiabed sideboas-%amluod.80 11=ndDoniel Farsylii, Clusmnt, will give-a aplaw, valua, #ý20'............... H IEIVY DRAUGULT HORS: Broaf ma, (immue conditions ms abave).................. 08 Twa.-yoan aà id By. ..........3 Onc.year aid Slip...........8 Spring Bly . ................8., Tva-yens- aid antis-e colt ....::8 Ono.poar aid emire colt.... 8 -rpnug cutis-a colt .........**"8 Mtoead tean ubas-urss ... 8 F. W. GMon, Esq.,. vill gis-e a bighly fnluied Champion Mayas-, s-aud ai 90, for tha boit Bye fouis of 1878, gai by ac liosse cf auy bs-oA, bbcfamis ta ho froin Cana. * Aan-bs-sA mas-as, noaaoa visicls thal -o epuro-lireti C'Y dasdalcs or Bloade, One dou as r rfoai of au ou- trancece vill b? <lhasged on tise Ioala for Mi.* Giau'm pris-e. Tisomas Chinn. Erq., viii gis-o tihe follaving prizes for famss af 1878, by bis importedl Bluck Comot ............. o CANADIAN DRAUGHT. Bs-oaA mare, (îlema conditions ase abave) .....;............. t Two.year aId filly ....;....... a Oua-puas- old fllly............o Spriug filllp................... s Two-yems- old. antis-e colt..... 8 Oue.yamr aid cutis-e colt ...... Sp ring cutis-a colt ............8 Maloised teans iu bas-nos..8 THOROUGH.BRED DURI CATTLE. (lzni)un3noa rawîoagisa EtoUIsix Cow giving milk or inlu .... 48 Tine.year aid lieues- giviug milri as-l cuit .............8 Tvo.yeas- o](1boier.........8 Ona-yyrs-old licifer...........8 Hoes- rcl ..................8 Bull cal£..f.................. GRIDE CATTLE. Cav giviug mik as- lu caîf .sa Thse-eyear aId belfes- giviug miik or lu cii .............3 Tva-yeurs- ahI hues-...... 8 oneer cu iif............8 HeFeca£.............8cat Cov or toer----------.... 1 ç -o--P - .. ....... ........1- --OC Hut w bo..........-. 50 25 OC 25 Lady'su ndes-aioiling.... 1 75 .OpC U5 WmX'sbëo........;..........50 2500 .........id............. 50 25-OC #1 .......v............500 Feru vos-k..................50 26OC Genl'm scas-..........5i50 60ituatia vo-i..... .......... 50 250 ~50 2500 ........nti .......... 75 50 (0 SLadys b, h1 t............ ....... 75 0 00 Tit e............... 5025O0 go alg ilippers... i. ... ......i..0 25 CO' Boo oiwlbeg,..............i 76 50 00 50 pei....i of.plain. - i ui h steamer front lber paugs 2~ ~~t I ehoe abecome Use 2ne the l~rpfbdono-. 2ad 2 u 8r. ... 21,5 fi eft - ....o............. '1 2 1 Agsoitnment af îhoezm'kes-'s io .................2 set toaml has-nesa, hemvy...2 l1. 8 2 sSttteana harnais, ligisi-8..2.. 2 1 1 2 1 MACHINES, FAilliIMPLE- ?dENTS, &ho ,-: B6it pumsp ...................02.00Q1.4 Bû8twmsbiug m .c.in ..1.50 1.0 2 1I èo he u a-n ............... .5 . 2 1 piough af auy kind-.......2.00 -1.0 21Gaie ilongb-------........... 00 1.0 21Grain urili............ .....8.00 2,. 2 1 3raonecasf,,sooder, aor cambin- ed seedes- and s- 8..00 2.01 Iran- barrravi...............2.00 1.a Boit lanniug mi.I--------2.00 1.e aidouble turnip drii 2.00 1.4 Boastva-bas-rse sal . 2.00 1.01 20 a Bout turnil? souffler-........2.00'1.01 E, Boat borse ruke ............. 2.00 1.0 Bout utsav cuttes-.. . ... 200.1.01 SiBoit Inuber vnggon, (maker i oniy taeho cxlîibito ..n-...8.00 2.0 1 Bccl sps-ing waggau, (cuakes- 1 auly te ho cîbibits->.. 00 a.o2,0j 2 1 Boat buggy, (open).'.......8.00 2.01 2 1 Bout buggy, (top)- .......... 8.00 2.01 2 1 Boaet rme... ....... 2.00 1.( *2 1 Best mauring ILmac e ......2.00 1.0( Boit cuttes-.................. 2.00 1.4 Bost pair bab-sleighs .......2.00 1.01 Boat îowing machine.; ....2.00 1.0( Bout tus-hp sUces-............ 1.50 1.(x Boul cabinet argan .....Diploni DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. 10 yds Union flannel, home matie.....;................. $1 V 10 yds Union flannel, facory tmade......................1 7 10 y4ufull clotb, faclory Madea., 1 79 lu yds fuil clatis, home made. 1. l' 10 yde tiuott, fat-y mdc, 1 7à 10 yde satinette, home made. 1 75 o410 yds tweed, haone mmde..,1 70 104 > Oyds vhitea Banne), fadas-y made..................... 1 10 yds white filmnel, haine 2 1 mtado----------------.........1 2 1 5 yda calas-cA fiannte), homo 2 1 macle... - ................1 50 2 1 5 yds colos-ad plaid flanne), 2 1 factary madei....1........ 1- 50 2 1 10 yds wonlon cas-pet, home 2 1 Maede.. .............. 2 2 1 10 ydîs-mg cas-pet, cotton LM w5Tpi home madea.......2 I 10 ydîs-mg cas-pet, voolon svarp,lhome made....2 1 D) Pair of blankete,........... 2, 1 2 1 Pair ai lias s lakoîs.......2 i Caves-lut, ligisi ...........2 1 2 1 Coverlet, lseavy ............. 2 1 2 1 Quilted QuilI------------......2 1. 2 1 1'icca vos-k quilt ............2-1 2 1 Crochet bcd caver ......... .2 1 2 1 Whlite »ps-eati................ ïa '50 Log cabîn qlt.........2 'l 2 1 Sleigli robe .................. 1 Mc' anti boy:s clathing... 2 2 1 Sisephord's p laid ............ 1 2 1 Pais- of woalen stoekings.....50 25 2 1 Paie' of vuoleu îacks-.......50 25 2 1 Pair of catton sooki. ......... 50' 25 1 Wooleuisniita-------------......50 25 2 s koins of yaru faatary made. 50 25 2 &keins of yas-n, homeu made 50. 25 2 Tlîsee boaves bs-ed........ .2 1 2 Driodfr suit .................. 75 50J 2 Canoet fs-uit.................. 75 50 2 Jelly ......................... 75 50 it 2 Prscsvas..................... 75 50 -2 Pickles- ..................... 75 50 Wiuc of any kind ........... 1 75 5o 2Piekied peans................. 50 25 2 Catsup ....................... 50 25 2 Coufectoncry................2 1 2 Red pepper-................. 50 25 -2 Becuvax ..................... 50 25 2 FINE ARTS - -2 Water éolar painting.....01.50 1 75 011 painting ................. 1.50 1 76 2 Cryctai painting ............ 1.50.1 75 2 Vols-et painting ............. 1.50 1,75 2 Crayon drawîug............. 1.50 1 75 2 Pouah dsawsug ............. 1.50 1 75 -Collection ai phiotographeu, photographe ta bave becu 2 tàkon by the exhibitor ..2.00 1 2 LADiES DEPARTMENT. 2 2 Faucy kuitting.............. 1 75 50 Fauoy kuitting lu voal ....1 75 50 SCrochet vas-k................ 1 75 50 75Embs-oides-y ail silk ......1 75 50 tuEbs-aides-y on net ......1 75 50 75 Embs-aides-y on muelini....1 75 50 75 Einbrosdes-y ou cotton ....1 75 50 75 Fauav ueîtîug............... 1 75 50 75~ Gerznau saisu vas-k ....1 75 50 75 llmised Beslin v-k....... 1 75-50 75 Fiai Bes-lin vas-k....... .... 1 75 50 75 Ornamental-needl o os-k..1 75 50 75 Silver vis-e Baver . ......... 1 75 50 75 Papes- Bavesi............... 1 75 50 75- Beslin fBavera ...............1 75 50 75 Zonhphys- I as -.....1 - 79 50 ; 4 '. i - i [euhaosrsu uiametanDp s-elitgion. 5he sus-tic and e< nliniasotlify devotod ta bier oountfy 0anA failli,wemstise yumak (s-ail> ansd (0 is sas bravese a h. h fais. Ailhe o- 00 giuing af Ue as, vthout auappr- 00 s-ons nuncement , ohé rsode luto the 0 camp ofGjaz1 mouktar ,Paseba" tise où> fis-st tise Tarloh Gouliane-l cecliued ta- -< tccep r h e rs svices, b u t as ab cs e pa s ued 00end ho leand ,litiase liam greit lu- Booencomi Bmgde<l, ho gave ber com.s 00 oand o tli.force eie asi broughl 0 ndnéoaajobs ber rauki. At Ibis lime Do ca> é gs-ov oold, sud. great vire the Do privations madiutfes-ings af tis a amplu DO ltai mauntancaus anA elevateil rs-iou. 0ý Mail f tb. batlo ve fougt on DOfrzen gand, and. among the snw 30 cas-as-ad oslesen the As-ai sange. 8h. lid a tant, but h afta-dcd 11111. oh-sielter againsitise tmonsaslofasnov anA sheel. Tise patieuce sise exhihited under ssees-i mfo-iug ansiber bas-dl- 75 hoodsouined ta nos-vu thse Turkiah sol- Aiesiand ta make thons mù ore is-et- r5 of titi privations ta vhieh ihep vase r5 iubaocted. rb Hes-greatest fenlt- wau -bis- rooklsia Sb courage. 5h. vis lites-aHlytbe brus-est ro af tise bs-ave. Whsau lie wvos-carsge Sô was given, -nolbing coula restraîn lien. She vas off ike a sls-oak ai Ulihlng, io and it vas often accouais-pta ond s-e- inios-camonts ta relemue lies- irastha ÃŽO dense mise aienemies hy vliom sha vos surrondd. Hes- scimedas-£[bau W like a thuilarbolt on aii sidas, anA ber troopu, suimatesi by ber dlaing, faùght ;0 liko dcviii. Bse tank part lu th.e s-mte aud sigos af Bayazid, Krui, As-amban and Horuns, anA au tva aoccusions vas ievcs-i11ly waunded.- 0f ber fBfty.S'ix mon, tvinty vina taken prisaners, six- boen killed muA tvinty. bosutdnAuns cannled for,- Sue won, the, rania cf Licuicuant mud vas doos-ated witi lb. os-des- of tise M adijidle for bas-e exploits.Tise minuster ai Wor lias ro- cois-ad bas- as a ges. -TIhe Sultanmui cent vas-A that ihe deîired ta usake lies aqulaintance, and ta ps-osent ber ta ltae Sultana madladies aI tise.Iperial b as-cm miVildin KiasA. She lua band- saine vaman, se for au ane -can jedga of lier femlnras ibrougi lies- dispaplous pnilimak, vali propas-tioned, oe-ct ilu 0statuto, madoidedlp mar-tial -lines- 5 hcas-ing. 5 Aitisougb the TurksIsola vomen iu 5coultenpt-ibr tiscir pisysia and mos-ai 5iuflrmitp, tUse-i ue npeople waare 5masauWeekto their influences, or- aver vishons vmen lizent snob ebsaluste swap. Ps-eLty mach mii thaesevaiutions lu the ouisi have- beau abus-ted. in the Sul- ta aharem, mandthaisese ras-ely e min- ) uteali osls vhlis bus ualtia origin ) in tbosa iacod prooluots. ,Il lu n )vandos-that Adîle Has-uns found suob )-ready ana boid faliavers, an thal ahi iided suais influence. oves--lise as-ra vhcu tise facto arc takei- luto con. sideraiops. Siso h a Meliomeclan ai itihe aid scisool, anA as zealaus las- the ipropagation ai tihe faitS se Patina, tisa u - fôai tise propisat, iesef. Cunadian Wos-kmonship ut Pas. Botîs Canada ad Amarica, daman. usrate, by- Ibeis-exhsibition oa idolul. lus-ai toolu, tis immense supes-iasity ai tii- os-amelnoves- Usose, ai EuLrope. A veil-knavu Fs-snob manuifacturer talA Ms-. Paeul, lb. Canadian Cons. misiones-, tisibis men coula-nal las-n out such vos-k au tise pitchiforias, ra.kes? moyers, sapibes,, otc, exhibited hi tranu-atlautia people. Ho coula giva no reou tas- slé"The- ongisita obe .mbio ta malte suais steel,' hoasait, "bu~t tbey as-i ual." A pitchiorik uncisasw. uhov-one visichads atines Usai visen cps-uug autis-ely ont,,cf place vii ual' break as- ho ruined in auy mannes-, but vii s rng baci-caunot be fauncl lu muyEunapaan uxhibil. -Tise sanume' tus-es-bte thoir tilé i ilchagsin, anti endeavos- ta faIson tise riason. Soine- Urnes tisep gaIUs te anaver vbich an Amos-ican exisibilos- gmvoeaa yas- two, mgo a mGos-min vbo vis pra lb.th reaity'vonderful cstings wbitlb to-day as-e applied totahUs.o-namentaion of stores su America. "Nov,", said the Gos-mon, III dôu<t nM vby -wocaUnoi niake tise.eatlugu I onlyrknovibui vu bavé n9iyei ucce*id-m oiug ot. Tbey ae -siply -perfection, but va ongblta opossa imare astilo sitiliIbm poui do, andtlhave just na chus-es- uoold es-s. I casi dcrstd.". - thel asilb mer-lama, moolesll "pou se.po n baveu'i gai Uhse r oa a lGes-many Usai vu pots in »Amer- "TYeo, but vu eau buy Usai,' "Thon pou Jsmvu'i gai sncb geasi ý Fipe. Insuiance co'y, 1 l

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