Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1878, p. 4

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~rmw 8fr ocI~7f N E--W PE IJ EVERYTHIIsrG AND FILESE ire vjIIiprove s, Ii ite onands, i, lua plain envelope lte ,eelt 01 mlx. cent, or Ivo IWELL MEDIOAL 00Co .........Niw d'sa LONDONDERRY, Allan Lîne 0F BI*AL MAIL 8TEANSAIPS. E ery Sattlrday frosn Quebeco en arrivai aofte trAin leavlng Whltby- et8.10 etsnM. everv Frldav, tý-* Cabin lares rsducod te 68j, 091. Return ticketso 1f, 01680., accordlng te piiohn o1 Stats room. Intermediate, f4l;return, $02. M'¶eeetge as Ioa s.lte lawet. ~iesIaafnin Quabre, .Tcîy 27t1i, 1878. 8atAiottL 9. Aug. rd . Mravian,' " l7.11 Steceag aengers are forwarded ta Lot- ddery cJ e,(llasgaw, Queenstown, Brso, rÎ,iand London at 1sanie rate "!te wsig to*tiend for thef r friendu tilî obtain iotsat Iaw rates. T'li passfages madie duîdag te Sommer ai1,77, trvm liid-ta land, averagecl abouct .e lcf dau, twîî of whiclt ars speît lunte stnoualit waters aifte St. Lawrenqu. Fdrlirkoa antd furtiter itnformation appi> 010. 13, TULE. Exp. snd Tei, Ofice, WhitlI,, Jtly 2ndl, 1878. Whb. T AilipoueTFESO DE TAKEN (Unler Orler Iu Coîtuit, dated 241h day -Jîîly, 1874.> Arrest o acd i nîlvidnal upon s- warrant ....... ............. Il50 Serving SUtatTotis or subprena... 0t25 8.Mles5ta st6 erve sanimons, soit. p (sua or warranît............. 0 10 -4. Mi[sage wlistt servies caitiut be UPou Prout of due cilligene.... O010 . Mileage ýtalla g drisoners te gaoi, eoelusiveofai dlburseilntà nec- cesstrily oxpontte l lteir cou,- Voaûti.. ... ..............10 il. Atteîtiig Justice$ ,.ot ummoary 1 lale, or uo aairiatioai o! jw sar.iaralWit crimne, for Va13Jtday Dnceeaearly emuîiuyuid ila ue or morc, cases, wtteunoua suigaenItua', tait letir itotrs., 0 7. Do, lu. wheiu ugagedintuaratiau four battrA...........0 eaiday................50 9. Mlleage rave ilng ta attî,ud As. ases, Sesians, or bolore Justices (vîtenPublie cOoveae cao hoe lalcn, aîly ctas0aldesdiebtiroe. monts tab.Illowe.) ...........10 lu. Bumoaulngury' for coroners, luinoet, bailcnpatteudlng at tiiîesl, asc ,aIl slvies fla rem. peet ter o, iteiousanie day as Jurysummouci....0 1l -Ahlctdirîg fc a on' oiitmnt *teorcaf, il uet engageti ore four hoiiri; ..................1 oo 12. Do. (do, if oogicgcd Moreottan four heurs .................... 0 1G. Servin g stumone, or subpwna te sattd before Coroner (subjeet No. 10)............. 025 14 eag rvlng gisam........... 10 1.Ehmngbaoduy r oonr warrant................200 10. Re-bîryiog maine .............200 17. Servilig distrens warrant, anS re. t Rtio ame ....... ........1;.1 g 18 tv~lig itticer distreesa war- ra........................0 19. Tratvoilizig te malte dittrecs, or ta sonavei f or gîodtim alte (dis- Irsvýiteoun nioode are fua.. O010 21AppýrLsmoineîtîs, witttb ne 0 Oroe,2 e0ts'lu tbiellar, 21 3on ttu Iq valt0o x- n0 ilend 21,Cîtiluiitisali,' ta1111 tlsci te f,011ai îr iceofo! gas. 22. Exevitttig ..r....ra.t.10 23. Servilîîg totices on eo,îîtabtes, *ho îesnlygre .... 0 E. PAIlEWELL, Ciero ea, C. O. 22 r, PORT PEURY & LINDSAY 1IAILWAY. 'N8ED TIME TABLE. et on Monay, JIYi lut, 1878, Iit.mo, c .15 7.0 ' 7a8 . =. Ita,... . 8 -64 ei on ahpionsi, sto "P 0 gen>tpte, in t hej 30TIONS,* fitit 01raoI Trctuskitail. Ktage tcr leposntî filS suId Widk, riand 4cCinua~ lla8-ving corne ont of the Fire safely I have been enabled to re-iri- vest the total' amount of My insurance and a largo amount of othor Capital in the purcha se of. an en - US SmUW tfUUQ5 WinLDe fô W by, Apri lm 6, 1978. s roi. té r ~tirelynew and SFRES-H STOCK>~ -0F- GRGICEBIES, LIQUORS, de, ILWhich having been secured for Cash on most advantageous ternis, I arn enablod to offer at fully 25 Rer Cent Below Ordinary Priées mi mi >1 gluon > ivaw Où to Pop t'O or wo ýRY# bec; 1 ding .9B781 lwn rM indo ( mer poisi the 'PIY e, ib EN 50 25 10 Io 50 50 10 00 00 50 25 10 10 50 50 LO M ;0 io Er C c c .r on' the 'promises every article that may ho onquired for, lfeads of Famiies'ïuaking purchasos of, E FRESH GROCERIES, SWill Save Money and secure. Q a good article by caling. EYERYTHING IN Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Çhoco- r Slates, &C., &C., My Liquors, as heretofore, are of the bost brande and will ho found unsurpassed in purity and cheapness. Agent for Cosgrove & Labatt's Aies. *Aies, Best quality,* 80 cents per gallon by the Keg. Canod Fruits, Pickles, 'Biscuts, of besi quiîlity. Oysters, Haddios, Bloaters and fleli of ail kinds, Herrings, Salmnon Trout, &c., in Barrels and haif- Barrels.- Q I 4rn making Sugars a- specialty, and cani amordto l for $1.00,1 20lbs. ôf Valentia Raisins for $1.00, Te LAWLER. j Amrioa Cor, Co D2fet,46tna1. Vu' c WILLI 1 iL' CABINET .FA()TORY AND!ý FURNITURE WAREROOMS 1 THE OLD 8TAND, BOO SRETI WHBY Go where you cap.not f41l to be plesdedlu maing seleotions Of good uniue Splendid leax1our, Drawing Boomi 4'd Bedroom Sots, NêWDS1~i vol voili f a asinising loy priea. Diu. Inru im$eD'Xabua 7suerer artce. ont CSmices, lammtue Fraining lu every style.Sanie fine Chromos sud Eugravings for sale. In ail its branches ; tunerals fully supplied, Alstock et elegant cas] Joflus always on hand, trhumed te suit Cîzatomars, sud lavweU appotm Reazse constantly in readineas. I CARRIAGE-S AND WM. TILL. ADBIJCGIES THE LÂRGEST AND MOST COMPLÈTE STOCK OF carria4es, Sleighs anhd M.- 0'DONOVAN'S cutter FACTORY BROCK - TWIB CALL & 8 EE THEM. r ute OUING MEN" p Ice di cot. the Nature Trent- a I uses or to the manu toou, ovn înachlnea-many 4 eugh knowledg. of the cons rcln of our rmhine tain s higherdaes Oof uil0 ~1preficlesoy bau We ue ihero e nabled t>Intreduos a more, pariments of mauufaetur, isddt~gnDot nlylte the 1 w.enabld te tutu oui- Ourmahineu wu a bige p HEs NTO 1ev-AKN asREonel edsyooptlt ni, and la slow me wonl knewnas a Sinikle flauper, Ébat &a w'ï orft emmeudaion voubi almosit sesa superfou», but a: thore, are many elsiming te maufaure ibis Machina Who have adhered tg 0b. ld original lobnstou machine, without keep. Ing apt L mrvmne ba ute te OIourslvaumpatrons requin. ef Us te state thai he emoi4e l a iamoui every essntial -pari, aud for strength sddurabiliîy,.qlualij.,cicul, 14 every klud andi sondition ef grain.; lightneis of draft and eaue et Managmentt... e"3ohnaton," as manufaetnred by na-stands -pre-emlueutly abead ef ail cthe reapers. lu proof of tbis ostion vo have enly topoinîte~~~~~~~~the mn is rzsssddn-t1.laut Provincial trial of on. tarisdmnyout riI hc hv a puace ail over Canada, withln NEW OL. laTfe eRIUMHa.IEDhAHN 'l DMW -t. thi. AA lu. Gog b. Ontario, i D. Bishop, Thoo. Poucher, S. S. Leech, D. Biehop, A. J. Ramnen, Thos. Tucker, W. M. winooz, J. M. Pattordon, Frank Dean, Jas. Digby, jr., Lu rIn Thos' Pilkey' ]El. L. Vanzant L!'Feeair'Sbpi ks,' Saml. Baird, Wm. Gordon, J. 0. Widdifield, Clement Dawes, Donald Campbell, E. EL Cemeron, Geo. mowiluam, LIST OF 1 Hector MoKinnon, Thos. Chatterson, John Finch, Joseph Jackson, Josoph Jackson, Jan. 801h, 1879. Uxbridge, Mat. 111h, " EXPIRATION. April Oth, 1878. il une lot, July 9th, Il 28th, Ang- 20th, sept.;, lot, vra, 12tli, 12th, 20tlh Id 218t, 6. 22na, oct. lith, 66 18th, Dec. 8rd, do 18th, do 218t, j3u- '5th, 1879. rdo 218t, do 1 ab. 28th, do ONTARIO. AprIl 25th, 1878. 3une 26th, il JâD. 80th, 1879- Mar. Ilth, Il COMBINATION fias mucli Pleasure in announcing that lie has now lu Stock a Complete Assortment of ail kinds of Famuly Groceries suitable for the Holidays or any time, ineluding the followin&, viz.: Novw Valoulis Raisins, A Chaico lot Of Mollo Guipsand Saucera "Layer " for Xms. Bu Bset Fancy Teys for Xmas. - London " Fancy Caudies for Xmas. Ctovu "Jolieo, Miaudae,.- Curtanîs "Pckesalmn, Lobeshets, Leman Pool, Sardinos, Whl Fmi, Orange PoolSaimon Trut, "Citron Peel, Fauu ansd Oystera rec'eivod AU lnds af Spices. dsiiy. Nuls, auilaKnds.* Pipes, Tobacc9, Comba, Extrais cof al intis. Brushes, uveo, A&c. Have you seen the New Illurninator. No Ohimney ro- quirod. 1 Ligil equal te 8 of lie old kind; once ttied alvays used. sole agent for WhitLy. Ctockery sud Glaaswaro ina great vaniety, cieap. cash paid for Aples, Poatoes., Butter, Eggs ad Poulry. Whilby, Dec. 111h, 1877. à ¶lov'Bildns Vick's Flower and Vegetable Seeds, Lawn GrassSeed, Tubei'ose Bl3ubs, OxaHlGladiolIus, &c., &C. NEW CANNED' FRUITS@ California. Plumbs, Peachs 1-4 Pears,: Turkish, Prurnes.,E String l3eans, IlEma roffllosSvy0roWUU@bugo &., &a.,-wmi mafl 12p, CHEA? FORUOCAM ain 1k.lAITEBT 8TYJ 'Gentlenmen furuishing their own Cloth, eau have fiont and no"e.. uttUng done prompily. itby, June, 7th, 1878. HG BOOT AN]) 5110E Haig been removed from Brook Street to D first door west of Armeton'0' Hotel,1 where ho has a, j.D'unclas Stieet, firet store West Of wHotel. eu bethe pl7e.. F XATTKEW Wbitby, Julne 124h, 1878,. MCROSSON < THIE LAIRGE ST STOCK* 0F' FIRS Côoo., FINE F EVER BROWN IN CANADA.i -00---A FUR TRIMMINGoS CUT TO OIUYER. BEAU ROBIES. ASTEêACHAN SACQUES WOLI? ROBES, BUoSSiAN LAMB SACQU4ES, BACOON ROBES, .. .EAL SACQUES, YAK ROBES, PERSIAN LAIME SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES,- MOOX BMMNE ACAUES, M1NK CAPS, MINK SETTS > S. S. SEAL CAPS,. S. S. OEAL, 8ETTS, OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, ERMINE SETT8,, PEESIAN LAMP CAPS, PEESIAJE LAMB SETTS, BALTIC SEAI, CAPS, ASTRACELAN 8ETT8 CONEY CAPS, B3LACE SABLE BTtES, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONBY SETTS, le dé- : lit AI- , and ad st 0 this Of ups, 3ngth Bas of Lands Only and vers The dur-. [ty of ,rang ý Ma- arge, t tue The side bave that lur 0 ln* ,-dors Md@, s in- the re. ,/0. of .1. M. of go au ra; liv Pe Be at ro Alteration& NEW STATIONER-Y &BOO0K, STORE, ATiD W.TID É P T NEW J.G.MDEPOT, Begs to announce to his customers and the-publie lu general that ho lbas opend a Stationery, cShool uok aud.News depot îu conection vith hus Confectioncry & Baking business, in bis old- stand souti Brock Strcet, whoro evotything te the lUne dan Le lad ai vcry 1ev rates. The Daily and Weekly Papers al*ays ën band, and de- livered to subscribers ina ai parts ofthle lown. Ordors promptly fililed for Periodicals, Miagazines aud Music. A.lso, a veilasrled lot of Mettocs, Berlin Wools, and Faucy Goods, on hand, at low prices. The public will find it to« their advantage t o take a peep, at ont stock before purchasing eiscyhere.-im J. G. MODOUGALL, Whiîby, Match 41h, 1878. SonîL Brook Street. iVEN AW resofPooAY BEST'S GALLERY, A BEAUTIFUL CABINET PORTRAIT! Choice of the To.on pISs BEV. MR. LAIRD, Decembor 24th, 1877. HON.T. N B MSN or EDWARD CARS WELL. OUTTECRS BGES A Large Assortmeut of Cutters and Buggies *OPnicx-Over DOMIa Jan. 22, 1878: GEO. St. JOH ATTorNSEY, Soliet, _ZLMoneyto land.3 soiti. Agent for ficycra over Wightmns Sý Oshava. CÂMKERO!N street, Tc HECTOR CAM ERON, Q. i THIOMAS j Twml1, ffce- R. J. GUY: SURGEON TO TE BPfyron Street, WMî Dr. W. J. Ri~e-esidcucs, at the I BYTRON FIE 'DHYSICIAN, SURG .1 Crack. Wm. iMcBRIEÇ, -t 13R. 1Boa Phiysician, Surgeon, Ai Wbltby, Sept. 80th, 1874 W.AD ofieo l u9aâ. 1l a 6, P. nM. 'Ilasder sudOGibert streas. C, N. VAItul, as ceip as the ceapeit, best. Tccth fihlod with Testh extractetl vithou± local aniestieeta. Denta anIs usw block,, aver Atiri King Street, Oshsva. ME RDRESSING S .. alcon, Brook Stz, JOHN .WOLI A ENT F0RTE Ao.Scottisit Granite. LUMB ER MEP.C1L%--2 <Soocessor ta Tho=u Heorse shraeing sud al * ork. r C. C. SCA * VIToronto-strectT fiE, O'DELL, Olerk DIvisIqn COLi & o., Alterly, Cotîty Ontu A tharly 86Pt. 2u5, 187, H KI TOMS &NEWPORT'S- ALT ANI SALE. CH Uarrzage SDUD tBT,. T DUN SA Bogo L-eE .LiAM wl Bege te directsn Leather n ý -TTA1 CÂRRIAGE VTE1Y CHEA?. c net NEW GYOODIS l/othing and Gent's Furnishing Rous Is now supplied with ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Clotho of ;ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they éver had. 01> Also an excellent stock of Gents' Furnishings, & w. A splendid stock of lleady-made Overcont8, Chcap for Cash. MILNSBLOCK, BROOK STREET, WEHITB) FPESH FRUIT DEPOT I RING STREET, OSHAWA. Everything in thelo Fruits, alwayâ kept in stock, of lhe froshestan sd est in tie Market, and SOLfl UNDER TORONTO PRICE S. Private sud public parties supplied al Wholesale rtls. Orders by Telegrapli or Letter, supplied at the LOWE ST BÂTE S, viti punnctuaiy. Ail gooda delivered to Whitby and Bowmanville pût- cissetis. FoL F Go su Tw( gooi Fis b27th, 1878. (8m.11) 'ASHJONABLE W. J. -REDMAN, King.St., Oshawî TAI0ORNG0 3where you can got a Well-fitting Garunent :-To the I. GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. JPElIIOR CUTTING SHIAPES THIE WORtK L Large Stock of Fine Clothos; beat English, Scotch sudCi anadian oede. 0-. Excellent Overcoalingsansd Splendid Vest Patterns, A d lit Gnsrsuteed. GEOXIGE GURLEY, Ring Street, Oshava. My Stock ofi P-l 2ITI r RO M 110nW Complete -in Every Line. IneE. J. JtO hsN ery Special STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. UN DE RT AKING aii Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries lu this lino. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED HEARSE. Whitby, October 1OLh, 1877. 42 WM. BURNS, Has just, recoived,,dlrct from the Manjfraoturers8, a good asormet fLadies and Gentlameu"sMferd, Empresa, and Amerieitný I Particular attention givon to ail orderà. wlth lais improvemants, lil 11tat eau bc desired in a Combined machine, snd tannaI tatilte meet ail the. requiemeute of purchaers. O)ur Improved Cayuga CIhfef dr., and'our Young Canada Mowers are bath, first-olas machines- <4ustituted ainiosi vboily et Itou and SWIe. The Jaà?uga Jr. lbasa roar cut, and 4h. Tonui Canada a front Ont; bath strong, dur- able achies, nnot exceilei y su> machines in lthe market for quality of o z To cash and prompt Paying fluyers at Wholesale and Retail. I deem it unnecessary to en- umerate the items in detail of My large and extensive stock; any attempt to do so c -would fil a dozen C7îronicle8, 'suf- *fiee' toBsay that it is complete in all linos and that customers wîi finde o o H- 13 lb-s. of Brown Sugar 20 lbs.o of Currants for 'PaCto7eHITBY, - , --$1.00. OUR* NEW "£4fHITBY HARVEST.ER."i As tLe country hai become bett*~ adapteti to machiuery, sud mauy of our fam. ors have bocome ekilleti in lte #se of machinas, a growing domand hLas Prung up for a LigLi, Durable, First.ls Baper. Aliv o te .roquiremente o bth day o have succoeded in iuvonting a ma- chine vith a Wrougbt Iron Fraino, witth e 1eas possibe gearing-vith large, broad-faced drive vheet-and e conutructoti that th.etrame sud table tilt at tho same dîne, therob7 Looping the pitman always iu line with th. kuife. The rakes are driven dtrectly tronm thxe main shaft -- uhere being no perceptible side draft, sud no eih upon theh. oraes necks. W. are confident that vo have succeeded in iuv9uth e moat perfect Beaper, takiug ilt inail ils parts, liaI has over been producod. We havre applied for letters patent, sud shallhold aur invention, for our ovu exclusive manufacturo, sud ve reso fully suggest le in- teonding purcaes iite hoîi50ti ahneL igtorodr but beIng1o h"cmmd ruial fteLs ult fia u tosdfa l u haie or machines are ' o sregthairduabiittcfli With thua liaI of machines,! vo feel confident liat vo can moesievery re. quiremont, sud ve rospectfully solicit a trial of our machines, believing thal vo eau furuish s botter machine for the money titan can ho obtsinod elýowhere. BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. Co. WLitby, November 241h, 1875. -1 1 1 rhitby, Ontario, Fobruary, l877ýý ti l ai et SpoCially attended to. Toronto, Dec. 3, 1877. wi la a . 1 1 1 l l ýj -20- Licensed for the Southi Xiding of Ontario, North Riding of Onaiand separate Municipalities lu the latter. NA=. Rze13DENCE. MUNICIPALITy. EXIAON D. Bishop, Oshava,î Beach, ArlOh 88 Tho. Puchr, Boiford, Uxbridgo, iunlo S. S. each, Snnderland, Brook, l th D. ielop, Osbasvs, . 5. Biding, I 8h A. J. amnenPort Porryý_ Beach, g-W, Thos Tucer, Lenakdale, i "0Oat, sp.,lt W.M.wiloz, Port Porry, N. Riding, va J. M.Pattosoup Bîcominglob. diÉ,h Frn Da, Orillia, Mars, 1ti Jas Dgby j., Ciaremout, N. & 8. Rhding. 2, k Wexford, Uxbridgo, 0h bertSLr-n Mnskoka, .Beach,28t L! Firbi no,' Whitby, 9 Stoufiviloe, Uxbridgoi c. lh Saml. Baird, Brok, 6 8h Wm. Gordon, Sunderlandi, e.8d J. . wddfied, Umbridge, Uxbridge, d 8h Clemnt Dwes, Port Perry, N. Riduîtg, d 1t Donad CmpbllWhitby, Brook, Jn 5h 89 E. ntaem ro, evro, T oa d 21 Ge.AolE. Trno, .--ro, b 8h PEDLER$ FOR TME Co. Non-Besident, 1hors., Town Whiby, 6 Thora, di MATTR> EW --ARE NOW BiloWIN.G SPECIAL-T.Y. W 1 Toronto, Dec. 3, - 187'7. AT THE WRITBY SCHOâ BOOK AND ID m ýA MT S G. MODOUGALLI. South Brook Street. Whitby, March 4tb, 1878. TA-ILOBING M Choièè of the followiug persons - SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, -AT- e4rriage DUNDAS STIREET, American Corn cou Whieh having been LIST OF'- ATJCTIONEE.RS G 1 P E T E SMITH5 For One Month, ý BE-STYS> E. J JOHNSON. CUTTERS, B Gi UG ES- FRESH SE E D, S:'! CHEAP,

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