Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1878, p. 1

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.$1 muet balsawina. Bu8ineB8 Di"reotory.- Ol<TARIO IAE W HI TB Y - BR ;0I, TRIOIAS DOW, FAREEWELL& VLD , Ofc rtdoor',scuth ci tha Royai ilot@4 *hlby. J. E. FAREWELL, L.L. B., JAMES: KEKTH ODN Notary FubIlgo " .>Cnvynar (lo11storý' rock Stre A, Whiby,.Ont. CHARLES rý. KELLZER LYMIAN.. Gl5I L . BÂ.I.TER AT ISAWSOLICITOR IN ceeSI &uce.,eneyaucer, ke.,&. i AG. MeMILLAN, (Lt. Greenwoe d k momilisu.) 13 ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLlo. Itor, NtryPublicCOeuvé ysucer. 0f. dcé-Byrcn Street, South cf PcntOffce, Wbltby, Ontarlo. ROBJINSON & KENT, (LITa DuGoîcq& BaIBNs.), T)ABRISTERS.AT-LAW, A TTORlN. .Baéys, Solicitora, Couvéyannero &c Offie--,Provlnelal -Assurance BulâIngs Court Street, Toronto. JO. RROBNiSON, N- À, HXDJ3ZET A. Fi. ]KEr. G. YOUNG SMirtif , L L. J3.9 fARITEI&C., &.-Money te Loaln Orrcz-,Ovér Dominion Bank, Whltby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf.5 GEO. St. JOHN 1HALLEN, A TTOBNBY Solicitor and Conveysucer. TMo. ey to énd, Mortpages beught and sold. Agesut for several Lomu Co'g. Office, ever Wlghtman's Sstoe, King Street, Oshawa. ly.11 CAMERON &APPELB3E,, Bl ARRISTERS, CAttrery, Ne: 4 an solicitergiucnceréaatLw n streét, Toront o: oot NETO AMERON, O, 11y4é) R. 8RAPPELBE. THIOMIAS, HUSTON, VfOWN CLER AND TnEASUIRER, J.Whltby. OiliQoé-TOWn Hal l Uurs, tfram 9 te 1 ollck. .J.GUNNý, M. il)., SUGEON TO TRB COUNTY- GAOL, S BrnStreet, Whitby. Dr. W. J. BURNS. Orrîc-Ne teAnarla CnoIcLE OMfce. alsleus t thé Rloya loHal i litby. BNYRON FIELD, 51. B. Cro, Uck. Nk.,Dfls (WEeT or PevOST ou4s EJIY tJODBFH.A. BANDBZ, PBOP.NIBTOB.saiM Ube uflko«teP= lar ~ À,,, suanodsd11. Cpin = frseh(agsr ber od stbling anaen. cloaca yard;aentive oftlre. 46 M A JOR IL =GBAND TBUUX R AILWAT ROTEZ, T. P. WHITE site .T.B Staion, V;M Hua reamed ôeti o f théeMaIorMidlla ar (apal .TR Sain)Wib.La priate puy WM. O'NEIL.PRPITOR.TEHI ES PIC jiver aecomoealon fo gue la ld., C. Every ueceaaary leçlQUI,,,von t travellero. GOOd Stabling, onclcsed yea, =ad ttený tive - stiérs. .48 ÇCOMMRRCIÂL HOTEL, OAtTWEXUuT, oN. JAMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR. Gcad accommodation ti.12 COMMERO1AL HOTEL sud STABLES, 54 sud 56 JarVis-stréat, Toronte. JýOHN McIL4E, . - - .P-8RBETOn. Thé bout $1.00 a Day Soune in thé City -ouiyi two bloaka freni the Northérn Depat, andÏelose la thé Market. Thé HanW se he en néwlv vltted out, anal évary.thlog F'rat-claes. <ly.4? TEMPEIRANCE HOUSE, .»UNBAS-STREET, WHITBT. Goad acceemadatien et réasouable terme. Boardera $2.60 per weak. -- 45 TJQ'ENII OTEL, LTE COUMZ]tCIAL,> BROOK-STREET, WRITBY, TAYLOR & ÛsCOANN, PBOPRIETOB. Thé underaogned désire te Inorm their friands snd thi publieo thatthéy havé taken thé aboyé wé e 11owB htel whlch they havé néwly fit éd namdrénovated, sud put luto thé bost cf erdér for thé accommoda., tien cf> guésts. ThéeIBar, whlch la thé hand. seméat in thé COcmty, la Wall sulppliéd wth thé funsaI braàida cf wlnea liquora, sud ci. gara.. Amnp lé énclossd shed roem and geed stabllns, bocr'atolla, &or. Detached reoma fer commercial travéllera. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. laté cf Teronto. ROALHOTEL, WH 1T BY , JAS. PRINGLE 'PROPRIETOR. Thé langesaIpd moat cammodieus hotél lu lb. tewn; hu-large samplé rooms for commercial r .elors. Tablé Wall aupplied with thé besllîcseason. Boatlhrends lquore aa algara. Enclosd Yard, nsuareen-; attentive hostie-a Chargées teauit thé limes. N. B3.-Lvéry attacheal. 27 R OSSIN H9USE.-TORONTO, ONT. Thé PalIacé2otel cf Canada Refilteal, Refurnisheal, sud Uurlvalled. New- Passen. ger Elévatar, ýuning nlght aiid-day. Thé enly firsI-casa Hoitlilu Canada wlth gradu. cl 128,ana 6d ar day. Maenbraci Clubs ana ethéra, deslriug reoma, withen bad,8 t 2erdai Fcb. 27th, 17. Prpietor. Win. KyINeMDM.. . ~A iMLL- MU 1RCHES ERN.Y (I UY'S HOSPITALLONDON, ENG 2., 8 MIà-STR - TE t .Y 'ithe ôeé I. O. Hl. L., Oshawa, Ontario*' Pnica raduccal te 1.50a Bsy.- This Hotel lbes reduccal ils price le the AR DB. Travellilng P ublie te #1.llo pi-n day. Il in DR*BOfATw eliors Southi), and bas recent y been ré. Physclan Sugéon Acieucar,&c.,k,,day. Thé bouse la firut-clame lu every ne- Whltby, Sept. 801h, 1874: 40 spact, anlal Canada pe0pla aili save money by goingltothe Aycrs oHal. 'W . ADAMS, WISNSPAUPreprieter. fl 1F ~ I T B RIT.IH AMERICAN HOTEL, ]3DOOMS- OVER R. H. JAMESON'S R A Y 's , .uGoeyStore, Bundaosa., Whithy LT OBO OS. O- ffice hocrs rom il .m. te 12 ni., anal frc<iS aas Os. 1.80 te ,P. m. Ilesldénce-Con. cf Byron W HITBE Y, ONTARIO. anal ilber ~trets.Romme newly renovatesa aA furnicheal Cg N.VARS L. . S. throughent, anal put lu dirst-claes order for C, N.VARS L. . S. hé reception cf gueste. An omnibus te anal EE nHlucrtéal on aIl the rom ail trains. Pirat-clas. aample reomm. astpinoiplas et the art, se the ohsapoot, and Rs8geoasthe SHAKE SPEAIIE HOTEL, bt. eeqth dfledivith Gela suAd SIlver " Cor. Kiug & York-as., Toronte, Ont. -Tééth ezîractéal vthout pan,.by preduclug local sumtheela. Dental Boum-lu Gev- A4.O'GRA DY, - PROPRIEiTOR. anas néw blockc, ovec- AtldnBou's Drag Store, Truua, $1.50 PEli Dàv. (y-47) yang Street, Oahaa; JOHN i RODINSONYSa OST OFFICE- SALOON, ToBoNTO. JJTAIR DRESSING AN4D SHAVING SJ alcen, Break St., Whllhy. M coNjL RPuTR JôÃ"IIIIWOLFENDlEN, SW THE BEST ACCOMMODATION, M AG~N FORTim CELEBRATE- for Ouests. ty7 A cottieh Granité, At Marblé Worhe Of JeuethanWolfenden'uua t.,Whitby. [ONSORIAL iARTIST, Fractîcal Hein- Ti Cutter &kc-Frank Baclle, date et GEORE CRDIAIRP thé Bassin iousé,) nov cf thé WINDSOE GEORa CORilACl, - OTEL, Torentlhe et artiat lu hie Une T UMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTE] IlJ eut.Taner, Green Street, Whltby.à large quanmtlty of ali kinals cf.lumber cau hlnly nad. WILLIAN COOPER, DZA'4OSMITE, - )RouGHAAI (succeesor te Thcmas. MidAmugli) Herse shoéing andal a kinde et geneni ,wonk. *ly.81 CC. @CALES, V TIRIINà TO.BACCO AGENOT VTcroutc-atrééb, Toronto, (ly-1l ATHERLY, *Clerk DivIsIon Court, Tp., Clerk, Cammiseloinerlu B. R., '.jauc Agent, &o., ka., Athenly, Couuly Ontario, Alherly SupI. 2na, 1872. S NE W-M USIG HA LL, MUSICOFUlINI8EItDW}IEN B1iSIItB. « OSeatîng Capacity, Oua Thouenda. 030. YHOPINS. Whitby, Oct. 22, 1877.. Iy.44 LAND. SALT AND PLASTER FOR SALE, CIIEýAl' AT LIVEBPOOL MAR3KET'., J. H. McCLELLAN. Liverpool Market, Apnil, '78. 15f FAUCHERS REtf TURANT, ADAMS' BLOCK, i(N-T STREET, L LI NDS .AY, -Opposila ltontrcaJ Tegrap4 Office. RYDEFESHMENTS at ail honte--oyators Jialws a rash. Guet ast el upon Vi'wtb preompttude anA attention. K IG BROTERS, - ONTARIO, Importers, Deiesmad Manufacturera aIfaa LEATHER AND. FINDINOS, Csab peai for IASUel, uar dLéatih., --*Léthr tretcbd, -. -1 .ELTING MADE TO'ORDER ON SHORT NOTION, FOR AN ART TGLOVER RBBSN W E1~ .A. T, DÃ"MINION n-e,,v - ~ t o v utre gaJsdcti FLOUR & FEEI) STORE te thaae wb may, thée111MillS PENYiGIt e E .ln h FLOUE ANO FEED bs uUt f "ln h etf thé BéaoultysdaiReonbFLOUR' AND FEED J,,iéel ut, wIée .kp oataycnd et e W ral4E4 ,3 À Wbltevale, Ot 017.4 FOR ALECHEAP, Notice' to thel*Public! A oo1Hra, huto ud Hrueea <uearly néw). PENL IN NEW COA.L, YARD.,Vwiithy, may ï1h, 1878. AT PORT WRITBY. 9 éae ein the WILKESBARK. sud YOIGCO AL, thé best lMe AMereUI= éavé aur ordéru wlth Mr. j . R.Log,__ orJLhî .ALomat teAP TRofUïe Ot . Draper, Whitbîy HarbouLr.PL 0wur me LDae-n=d Col. xcu Win thénleatlfy, as aIl ethera Vho bavé ema il, that Il la "The Beet Coal ever sold ln Whltby," ARNOLD & FAREWELL, Jsu. 22,1878. Port Wiltb7. m ONET TO LEND. Thé underaigned bei s u aunt af Mon- eY te Léud upon Fein r Ut an prcperty, aI unnoualy Low Iate af nterst. Leasa osubérépald in anme -te sui bar.' Sévéral Improvéal Fermsansu Wild Lande InreteuBmie lu MunicialeBen. turca# Banka, sud ether markettatle Stocka. Fer further pantlbrepply te JAMES HOLD)EN, O015c18l Asigitée, Broker, &o. Bpril 9th, 1@72. 1 MARTIN & WARtAM, B HOUSE, SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. .FRESCOING A SPEOL4LTY., A dueo ascertment 0.1 thé ver labeat style cf HALL AND ROOM PAPER 1 Freaco deaigna éxeontea ou the morteat notice. MARTIN k WARAM, Twa doore north ci Kinga', Tannery, Break Street, Whitby. «lY-18 FRASER & CLARK, BOTTLERS 0F ALES AND PORTER, WALT'Z LAGER BEER, kc. MHLLICHAMPS BUILDIGS, 20, 31, & 33 Adéinide Street East, TORONTO, ONTÀRIQi Nov. 121h, 1877. - (y.47 L IVERPOOL MAREET 1 CASHI FOR GRAIN, Frenchman's Bay.I1CARRi'/IAE WAGGONIInî1 iinn ABOU VT 75,0()o, HOME NUR'SERy,- Fr=om ttefont yeare af &go, scbraclug au thé béat Vanile. BETH C. WON, LoI NO. 8,2und Con. Pickering, au Klngaton Road, et Offie, Whiy. LIST 0F TEE DIVISIONCOURTS or \TàE COUNTY 0F ONT-ARLO, FOR TEE TZAR 1878. 030. iH. BAUTÊEL,, Wlitby, i t,17. Junior Jualga Second Sesan--Summer éi8.ý8 STURGEON POIT ]HOTE]L. ne T U'GON POINT HOTLgàdy hé rachéd by thé cleaméra "(VsaIerbll sud 'Ma>leLea~.famLindsea,, cennemptli~gwth Railvman.d Wh1t .Port ernà ~ athréetiae cl day ith 8aans traine on Victoria Rmilwey at Fana- gar Sensa for time-tables hevng arrivai sud de0parture cf béatesandb trains. J. E. DUNEAM, Propneter, 54-i Llndsy, ont. GEORGE BRITTON, CE CO. & 00., acro, AiiJsud, intérin points, Itai Wfàr., 0a. ." P.lm., sud fo.tetbGeorl is banibéne, sud intrmeaat p1Lî 01 a M., sud 10, a.m. 'Traies errïeraua fclowg FROId Lindsay, Poerbôoansd Lake. et 8.2Db. M., 8.60 p. m., sud 6.20 l sud frm thé Georgisu Bey, Vau oPéche-a Card s e, t ph bockeIlSttins H. G. TAYLOR, A. HUGEL Supérinteudént. Preél uiaue l, at it î-,book ever 5,usentth Fencaltet tasud citeal msr he ét corncomanMiandtaelmo rethan e egt. ouri or uewblcblsawortb the Pliése tbe:kn»Iýeowaswrltten bytbémoasz. lsnatve and probalythomta knMP Iesés nAnce womwseawarsledu adià- elled meaby theNlnasecisejio, Aaihsillustraîewtwhhe, tory fincal 5ra ns mr er aces.Addreas PEABODY MEDiCAL I,.E IN5TITUTE Xe. 4 Be.I K U inch st.. Bouton, Muas. uaaa'wm THE PARKERCUNa I SEISO STAMP FOR CiRCULAS PARKER BRÃ"" WEST MER1DEN,CT. h'ome-Grown Seeds 1 GoRlALeGOSE e SoeG PLEASE CLLON PETER SMITH, or SIMlON FRASE: Who ara avenraady te ASSIST HOME INDUS TRY And by halping othans bal p théemuelyi CAnsing ne al l e l.pléascd with IHon Gros-n Sééds3. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL FOIR SALE. MONEY 'TO LOAN On Real EsIae, at Low Rates of Intereal,. J. H. McCLELLAIi, Januany 11h, 1877. tf-S 0759 000. TÃ"r ILO & A-I ON FIRST-CLASS FARM LANDS, bu suma ef 1200 sud ~warda, aI 7pe cent. Payable Half-ye7arly.pe Apply le- 030. S. a-ALLEN, saliaiter&o., April l7th, 1877. ôhv17 MANUFACTURER cf a ne'w improvéal -Root 8éed and Corn Drill, Double & Single Turnip >1118,s CLATor'S PATENTEB CHUENS, (Improeéa.) Wago, Bnggiaa, Slaigbs, eonsaatly on IIEPAIINO doue neatly anal wallon thé ahartestunotice. 030. BRITTON, leTwodcoors seutholfthé Quaan's Rotai, Break StresI,--------ty; -April 101h, 1878. y4 GYOOB NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. À NEW REVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKING. CORNWALL>S SELF-/aITTING Qzsuu~LkAT .rapid, easy an' eaifu ad rtJ, C. NOURSE . lu Cnd.Héivia ia freud A " 00» Dresses fttted frem meagurement aoe totatahrwl-fu h uDcaAgent, 'Çhitby A. publiete ohlm arcal! 17., Y-8wltbeut change cf a stitch. abus wintbeuateahr, wIl luf thé GUare b a mWMîby, April 9th, 1878. c.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~voi -eOnf MrYot, 88. (y-8t Ofl mruee. Par ga, witb frac instructiong, at 11 aa hifci r tates bugn théD--_____________ turé decay, nervaus dbnt, ir, av»rtlz at J.H1MN sa~~YsuaIaî .fu~MSS 'c~N~ 's Ilcenogséef a séries cf Ccropsy R V eeuhwllnyztblfuwtfee ovezient izé for practiaing hic ceLER 0HAA &. . RIE as 4 abMet. DREég-rcÂscn« con. A,~ IlREEVE, Chatam N.Y. eeMB,, WBTBY. tain copie. begzinning with dgeIrat prn cîpleliansd gradually prerssing te thé LllPE ÂND ACCIDENT -Veterinaî'y SrenAenta wanted. iLibéral inducamenta te mont élégant plein and ernaménta wriY (nm, n S >i'eoNOVELTY WORKS, Texrda. ln8urance Cmpny e Villi a rm hteow1iby eey htb, u.-81874. 84lug fsd nurahnOrnamental Létter. PhityM. 8ry4__________ ____________ rcishflirde, &c0. Tuesdyfrom 1 > 4 leck, p e WHI TB Y ON T, W~t~Ag8 _____ BoeK ep 560 P-kozs with ulanlos andin- 0F HARTFORD, CONN. Ap - 2,11 1 - Farm to Rent. atruction, and a beutifully engraved cage IM SUBSCRIBER having purchaseate contain thé wholé. Cs 8't, $,1,0 Ne tage Line T theUBSORIery a ng r tchaofgedM.-N.Pricé $1 00, Post Pold.CahAet,- -$31O théewhlnry stek f HE FARM latell eccupied .b1f.N Adrs aeaaened Lumber frcm thé MuaIge sud j. Bay, Lot 26, Ord con., Whitb. Con- 8.GBETY&C Cash Surplus, - - 1121410Ã"0 T)ETWBEN WHJITBY & OSHAWA.- Yerweod Msuufactuig Company, lenew laina 190 mres-iSO clearéd, and uder 5.taG.Busines& COléc B I> have 'pul on thé route betwéen Osh. prérd te furnlsh Deera, Sehe Blinda, euivation.-Geed ý Hanse and buildings, OnaiBunesZ etf crty aw cad Wh.itiu' a comcfortable cevered. Prames, Mouldings, Base, AraLitrave», lar Orchard, &o. Eligiblygait ta mBelavele, Ont. atcSeriy Stage, sud selit: thé patronaeéocf Iravéleru Plooring, Sheetlng, sud evrythinf ,re- meLetely cul sid. thé limita cf the ce or- aAgents wanted. LwCstRctMgeme and ethera. Evsty attention wi b.pald to e ld by thé trede, al thé loweat n tien. Apply te- 0, 4. th .nîr nonvenlsucé ofpaseg FPe . B. GIBBS, __________Libéral Dealing. an otesudurf assomt énlgra rca ________________LDEAn Untarnishsd Record. suîe h auurll-__pomp d lvrya aWodturning Newélgsud ]3alusters te Sept. 26,187.7. (.0 aaaO t "mIR oI parcels cemmittéf te my charge. There crder. .L, On- LIL11 TTNION. 1î eeaseaRock. wIllI bc twe tages per day eahb way, vlz.c Lumbér fer sala, beat quelity, lo'weetTTM 'DI TM~D - Leavlng Osawa sacb mornlng In tiue te prices. LU BE 1LFJ.IA.JA 1. hé clebreted American Hair Wcrker, Lire and ndîjwmet Foi~os, maka alose connésýtenB wlth thé Whitby & We hope from long experience and by A7 Liafla;ad and tlbat 8'l c a m psqar lnag meril a sharé efpublic J 01H N s5'o N ,M AX. JACOB ,i~< 0f al éia a.îildedirablé formé, on thé Lew- afeun evg Whtb a l .mptrng.R ate Cash Plan. Coitraet plaiu and dafi- ada m.ofeach day. T sag0wff0E. GILCHRIST, 230 Qucen St. West Tortnto, nil., and voild clalme prom tlvi. (alAtý-oteâ ncah town, sud erdéra Preprieter. LUMBER MEROHANT - c. IWOtIBl, lait ut any cf thé hetels wM hob attendéd te. WHiT-13 (Threé or from St. Patrlck's Market) Agent, Whitby. Faroa nd chargeasXmoderato. WyH * EtS te informe thé Ladies that hé is Whitby, April DILi1878. J. ,i. ADAIR, Preprietor.. T Z MARIA OAMPRELL cof thé Mmaon hand a large éupply of ail klnds cfia> hée nly GENUINE HAIR WORKER - Mach21h188 (14~ Towc f Whltby, County cf ôntarlo, Dam Lumbér Boardsan sd au l nécéssaay in thé citeg. égaranlesa al hinds of hi&a MPERIAL LOAN AND INVEST- Mach27h.188.(-4 àPrcvince cf Ontario, wlfe cf ROBEET BaUding Lumf>é. sncing, Smwn Timbér, work tc9e.e doné te perfection, neat sud METCMA. CAMPBELL, of thé semé pao, merchant, sud î8cantling, a large quantlly on bsud. propirasd déhivered at thé timé raquéated. METCPAY 1878. OPENflqG OF NAvIGATION. 1878 bereby glze notice that I intend te appîy t Largeordere for Zong Bil S tuff, led Pieuse seuf ycur ordérsansd 1 wil Toronto, &Blbl ca. thé Dominion Parliament nért sessioin for a fremoin iml t short notice, attend te them. CA PI TAL, #600,000. Niaga u ra, D ill cI Divorce, ac menae hor iar, emmy Deers, Seshéao dBineelesf~ botit Liée, compriseng té sl ubad ie théhétBlB pus'sd lu hsud. my behuband, bymthé SénatheBll lu 177 frdaer 17. AaCembluga doué u te erder in Head Office, Impérial Buildings, Toronte. tien. aruélty, sud thée thér causes, set fo - - ly-20 SWITOHES, CUBR lu gala Bill. - - FRIZES, PtTFFS AND PREN T nma ELIZA M. CAMPBELL. LV T NE ul n~ FRONT PLAITS. NON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. SWIIT, MAaNIFICENT STEAMEEis atrazght Hair 1878.dé equLEVI 'TON cîourl u-G.lit'ArcymaeBeulten. Wbilbyf July SUc, 1878. (6m.2, Wilkinson fBlock, directly, North o lnatural Curie. =Beaar swtcbaa elways1' Cityof orotORad SAhsE,, Johnston'a Furnituré Store, on hand from 81it00 up. iOINEY TO ZOAN on Improvad Ferms, lu Ceunaection 'wîth tha New York centralisOR SALEsof . C s. U~,Aalaé Fn aaaSuhr ]alas TTESOUTH BROOK-ST., - WHITBV Plaé antCAUTION. atLow Rates aI Aplyer SPRICnad SutARÃŽÃŽn Bailway. A E tlunu e oinhebilante ;a e o' be mleead b asuvasacra ré. IBhy = *a otbWtby, ont. The INteam r RA G ME T GLE N M AJOR M ILLS 1 i tW yeadinity îht oh peel o Pg ntg Y oau I mploy noué ex. CT01 OIiiéi , cept myse R7EED Ahd JACORR. iH. KETLAE'D, TManger, Toronte. aboya lain wll on cécucTFLOU* f théSTORE oQué 111h iévln YegéRtreet Whal coso uhaBtbr hp .S-Cutadrc uci t 7 m. iii., reuqluNin 280 Q00 000feat.PWest.ubar, wll seaened, ouneecon wdI Lîéarýat .0a ,W,0 etFn-ubr el es d i uce'So;P .-ory orde mptly roturedApril Mt, 18'18. 16 an tu t 100 i. ic t con- Inch Boards., eehé MMwi hv nbu e )cnep 02 Odr éte ~1g ._______________ New Xork Bosto>n BuI~o ffaoRhserEn,a br alyat.,ic thé New York Central sud Canada Socutheezn b, vill ION ON omiPIANO. alan ttig, kave& ., NI.1 e RI. PI, Ni, Cracked Wh at, a~~ aa alt11a,.nM., aud arrIvlng et Teronla at Péolng Boards, Oatm Ma, tA h For tiaketsansdT a ermatn lla at o ] euial fR Ael B. MILLOT, aple for ile, lit quielty, Omia, am ION 88AGI _________ Agent.15,000 1*. Square Tlnîber, ORDERS DELIVBEDEI IN ANT PABT* VZEUJn and iMLGEJEE . WGGN8 BA. 1 , -1cieaîq ,. . B ' t6teaeutlhaob*wm 1unaftttI FIRST.CLAgeBRICK STOPE TO OPic .FTElTOWN 1A n~to fIml nleortanlmplle~plojé ,e Village of ighbnumFor termieâ n o agbe mn t e se s a wibtheatd éni partlcular, apply t rnlgai euni ?ul SSlotd ~ teIýry plar oemu . im MARAKR WLSO, op lle daY I tùie,j Apply,. màraIc t lé~ e LEVI ýTONE, J.N, f ALT Va1wàWlkC. JBlu -OH.i ~ L N SO Seedman, - - Whlib March 141h, 1178. (If-; ýT o LET I Pasture for Cows. Appiy et îLe CHIIONICLE OFFICE j'z -o k 00. rén DAi B Lin1804. un1iUiitait ibil OUi the Steclhoblera, sud large Re Fonda, Moderat, ratéez cf Faiuw. O. NOURSE, Agent, Wi whitby, April 11hf 1878. BR7 1 suAMRA A88ùrance Compai INCORPORÃŽATED x833. AS SETS, 01,101,6766d4. F.A. BALL, mana lusurancea eféected aI thé loVeal oui ratés on Buildings, Merehandigé, sudc Prcperty, agninet lIen or damage, by lir O. NOURSE, Agent, Wli WhIIhy, April 91h, 1878. r['HE HARTFORD Fire Insurance Go HARTFORD, CONN. CHARTERJID s8îo CASI[ CAPITAL, $1,250,000. Cash Assets, dan. 1, 1871 (IXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL EXHIBITI $ 8;292,91 3,4ý( Msuagoà hyckilbUndérwnitare, sud Sîfxty EhtYarso escfthé icead *mgFnauciàl Inatitutions cf the Country. Cash Iudemniîy Blsburaed to Patro Over 21,000,000.00 1 W Ail businees Transactel on Pnincil of Commercial Houer. C. NOURSE, Agenmt, Whit Whithy, April 111h, 1878. WESTERN A.SSURANCE COMPAN' 'APITAL, - - -- Sa, (With power te lucrease te 11,000,000.) 'IRE AND MARINI Yead Office - - Toronto. On President. HON. JOHN McMURRICH-. EIINARD HALDAN, Meuaging Direct J. KENNY, « . . deata AMES' PEINGLE, - - Genecraf Agî ar lusurancéeseffscted et thé lowéel ce ut rates, au Buildings, Marchandise, si thn propanty, aEi&inet base on damage1 re. 0. NOURSE, Agent, Whil hObby, Apnil 111h, 1878.1 re 'i A Complete Seif-Instructor in Plain and Ornamental PE-NMANSHI1P. Dépeait wllh Dominion Govéramaut #w, ). Experisuceal Agents threughonî lh, antatter ils béant iearcAnAwhae e t éd 'éc u u kido InmUnhe d rn ont. k femau heuhoea succeentaff ein aivh n Wteck og a rnof auibèet, ohéy Alin but onaly luoreplugelé, whnga si- etheL higswae zcng n îu stéerknà ut 01 treel te h uli affection tfies olest Rmu t band te gron igthée r'ten loer eea»iMot Vbecebavfi n-g csI-etmbineretatppg u as thé dparnf es ut irea e-.cheffesallen atshe ffidbootls Uinsrsptsdhe iulouthéfirs beog baeeu aabe o ina r t do on mriaém éebr tat I uncdta othe par 0f LOI f e e l i n g t e m o i e d i f e r e n t ul e m e h e i s â . m l t e V 5 w i 2 ~ M ~ A d r e r t l oéeptg aPositionin whoh hur nature ana wlthcnt ca P'tnhs nteretinS Th caïmt bu dcerioatea bu V ie. o-narrative offaétish ie rw cm e t at w orse tain g I iaqu a é 0 m ha Q i i e t an uGdal failue," adonietio mure. isto aVomiaîi; and while the fermer.g wonka cUr thé wand, thé latter worka np wa0 There ie obé&ia to 9U' harmore -thé Vaarohé.Ma yl4lf th lltéilrt6cecnaormVlsee>. Aenersal reduction linlthe ausi~ne 4f . M .- C R'Wku uilmar. publiefe ellebas eu rh'nlra, 3 Moe,6,o ýle* ndffr- Cuba.& - - lý ,jThiiùi n,5lual.being, rnhalt thon go -The mO liarl harcu wble oeam -to ay 11 ITo mix ferever with tIce elcmeuta .Oiuau Who flot ouby ba taken te mer é5é7e T bo broherte hé nsenibl tek - nagé as a Méalle af ivéillhodo but Wh. Ana te thé aluggisb cled, which the rudé kuews tbat le ebat 'doue 50, la thet hi h , T urn s w ith hi e hare, sud tread e pon. T h ée ?o u t ov r a e n ln e, M usuor 16 - oak man, Who enteras On a worty oefics Shial send hi. rooteaebroad, sud piercé thy fromt an unwcrtby motive, il la thé iuould. a avour cf cousiclous yet now cewpuleory- Tol nat te thy etémnal restiug-plae hypocrisy helàieefortîh chngîug tb thé Shait thon retiré alane, net coldet thon mmnd evec n u ifrànukest, impulse; lia cuh mr auicu.To h li lthé grcwing Stéadily down tram thé' V down.béat eue cauld havé been toie bebét With patriarche cf thé infant wrld-with, eue msy hé witlcthle ait-trouble which T oewra fteerhtewgteovertakes nny persen wlie embraces Thgewru cohderhth ietéagainat« aaorilciug profasajen fer théil Pir frm , sd hoary seerc f ages p at, sake f ts m atrial adv eu'taged. AU In oue mighty cépuichré. Tbh ils -A CHcOICcEOr WivEs. vaRerhhsudaceta téanta Thé womeu who, uinrrying for mnar- other trethingin penive quielues a twen: a é are rluctant as b thé man are e. Tévnrbewosrvr htmy much rare-and lia are oflen higher .umjcy, and the cemplsining breoks naué-hutoé lcsluefsdi bib.That. maeéoiadowc green, sud, ponréd ens heurteartem teook on an'y nman as îithy round'aîlanageal cesr. oamrie 1 6 Ol d e a ' s g r a y a n d l m l u c h o l y w a t é - a g e n c é t r e s m r i g Are but thé olem u dcorations with him . Th s, -latter havé îLe hst 0f thé gréat temb aI an. Thé geldén sun, prospect ne0t Oniy e théir owu sert cf Thé pleneta, cli indunite heet et heavan, ha ppines Ifor themeeolves as wivee but Are sitting on the Banl abodles oet déth cf bain8 aomfontebbé wivee b théir bus. ) V T h r e g th eé atil îilap s ef m g e s. -à U th a t tr éa d b n d I f n m n m r J) Th globe are but a lindiui ta th tribes ba d . Il a ares xpecting Th'at alucber in its besoin. Talc thée w' thé grwh iu marriagé f lnger nd 0f morniug, traversa Barca'a disert sdi tenderer sympathies anad comploter lu. Or lse thself in thé continuons wode telectual confidence btwen him adt W h rc rla th é Oregon, and haran e onn , bhis ife thau th é su nhino cf ourteip t Bave bis own dashinge, yét the deadarcnIa ould éxpauci, if hi'det téuipj theré. 0 e daoth npil ).00. And millions lu thoe solitudés, sincaflIrat cf a, cmpaninieslip, sud hie idea cf thé Thé fiighl cf yeers hegan, have laid thain affetiou la cf a eteadily widening end down deepeuinig pléasuré lu é ach other aud8 Iu their lest leep-the déad rcigii thair respect frein,. acol te esaeh as mian te Se shalttileu rail, and what if thon with- wmanuand wonau te man, l, lu short, 9 draw hée w nts what la far moer than il nad Iu silence fren th living, anduao friand bc the xcpinral pmelctnasa etmer a k s n o t e o f t h y d p l u r e ? A iU t h a t ni a g , a e c n f ol r t a b l e ' u i f e f t h s s > , il fr braetdcnhee a iI wili hé uttérly sud helplécsly discem- WÙ1shao hy esiny Th gy wllaugh fenîing, sud thé béat1hiu htct W h u th o n at g n e, th é al m u b roo d f ib in a care adhappén toi tlbmm bolliwill hé Ihat lhét Pled on, a ach oees efora will, chasa ahould promptly recover from hie lové P men. Bs favorite phanteni; yat ail thèse ehal for her, ce as toe éubiéd te take ber i icave for grauted andl bu tolèrent.. But. ferc Their oirîli sud théir anipîcymauts, aud sncb a maen tLe cbaoé c f vs l *.- ipe nsaelcocue Vies ipe lAdmaeétheir hedlwiia Uce. As thé îeng ta, andi, toe hésuýe et makdigne mis- train tickélihé ight hav é longer t e seek, sud- P tb 0 f agca Élides away, th é ons f men- more w rily, Ibm u co t me caré te do. l, SThé yonth inlifé'a green cpring, andhai who Fera man-chooa0g as mot -mien do1 16 goasdcosé,a il eaprodn r i inl the ful atrength cf years, arnadcosndvtno up-riay maid, idal of marid lire, Jbiere.-might hé And the wet babeand thé gray aird wrsEo icli than b hiii upon eueof de mhan'eu-y u h-hdt tocie tlous-an4 of pleant, propérly urought [Y.Shll neby nebeaahrea t th si a pgi«esWho, witlc the chance cf mer-1 Bythose whe lu thaîr turu shailfo Ow them niage for aIl théir future- prea;pets, wi"in( Se livé, tlcat when thy sunamoné3 cornes te ncept litua mensof livéliboodi froni Thé1 lncyone andl loeahlm jute the bargisu. th lu. heinumerable caravan, Vhich moyeu TIrea f no partieccler miforne téï Tthat mystericus reelcu, wherc éach ahail socb'gùqs in thcc, déend Ttakc ig crdlinig upen mur- a i e cham b r u the sil nt halls f d cth. r Vig, 1povitl éd l bcn'y do m arry ; th é bc E. Theu go not liké thé qnerry-slavce t light, Micsery c! thatao0 nany cf théna muet a Scourgd te is dungeon, but antaincan sd perforce romain ingle sd hé coenr or 1 ooth d Iter lefte provid o for them slv s, l n t. RB . an u ufaltring trust, apprach thy gra e w ighcçl down, n t o ny by li c a e sla Lîké one who wrepc thé drapary of l ifià. ie iilai conch flute ntorway sud their owu o About hm sd lis cown te plasant incom enéecé le underak éany fary n drçams. remncrativ a lor cf a "1net mataI" i 'fer 1__________________ description, but by thé depremelug sensé 8 iry. thut providence bas deait atarnly with i ni.Settied in Lita. thon i On rétsing thémi thécr eue fittin lo r-m e n s f liv lih o e e , m a trim e y , g P ad AIIIAGE CONSIDERED AS A MLANS OFrw by LIvELIHcen. Feale Nunaco, iiu ýby. It wonid hé pléasant, cf cours, le bca \Vo wulil enter a mii,! preteétiIV 16 abile osey thet youug women neyer do egaust t#e londcney t parc down nil - consider marniage in au unwhoeome féminine Christian un ncaute insig- practical menuer, anda, lulled iu maiden nificant diminutives. Il is inanférebleBa méditation, feuey free, they wait as un- that the nobleéune Mary, thé aigu cf pri censciaumly ns thé Sléap!ng Beauty in ail thallie, tender sud grand cu wemnn-fo ber enehantell palace for thé lover who hood, Shold havé ite placé naurpeal by M e awakans thém te thé tulae cf lieé, thé wretched snbatftute Poliy ; thal and that ne chance corner ever ligLîs Margaret, théPerl, aheuld become upn oeueof them wondriugý who will Mggié ; theisoft-sonding Wgei W arrive tei fetch bier and quité ready le Aggié, end 8"reli thé prioceas, Selué. te satr with whoever it lsléon the jour- By tbis minifying proceas quéenby Car. bul ney te wheréver héoniay hé going te o ierbivae nt Carrie,-in case cf Wrt taek lier , providé lihe au py thé trav- twins Fth andl arie would béeau ii elling teas. But, though, tairly élégant lealc; Bore-ou. cf thé fiuest- euougb, thé position of ont multitude cf nantis, withérs mb B olly, sud évén LU et frah nunpréméeditetiug girbs wilh neonnnaunmiug Susas degenerates - ute. sbc particular effice lu lité 'excepyte hébcSosie or la dégraie,! jute Sué. Source3- air, marriegeeblle, mey ho likénealto that 1yauy ef thé sweet déar osmes escape ehl p-the epeil-benalprnccés walllog, Iisdétérioration. Emily-thé very wer fjwerned yet uueonaciaualy excepl lincame len poeen-is Emmy, and Elira. dr -ra bar uabeud, il is net possible bethlisl twlatéd and tortureal jute Lizrié- 0',- te a a~rt. thal lu ail mamrages MLe bridéeuad Liz Bésale and Bas, Betty and mni ~ébeliaeve thet ber bnldegroem, lsa eBel. Cathanine, whlh racks with hie6 ri prince There are wcmen wlio merry Mary ana lizabethi in hiatorical 1sug. eut! **fer posi au ; thora are, téVer probsbly, gesîcveness3, sharés with pusa thé Con. cdt Wh marry for money. But these are témptiblé ceguomen Kitby, sud Gei. wa Ythé groe cases-cases which, if tee gins lias the beydeniah subsîlbule Geer. Pare fi tréquéntly, areyét happily ce e tw gcy. Frances, a fine am, hecocuas >S - y compariscu as te hé ?xceptiealý rFanoy, or wcrse alb, Feu; Harriet le men ansudthéy nésalne criticisi. Théy are conalénséal lute Hattie, anal furthér ais- crimes, end Ibère lsanauend ofet i. sagnacréal mb Hat. Gértié lekes -thé ît W W hat is to e hérésiy depbred lu thé place et Gertrude. lahlla, n fnd bééu number et Vomén whe marry 10 h familier lips beçoemés Bella, whiah if thét mannied, tobe l"settleal lulif.," have athé preéas lacouaiatently. carnled' eut -br Ihome sd b. hougt as semebady sd will hé worsé in due tim. here ara mort ho tahen Care of anal Lever hé calléd- an soe othér names which, have thé di- ll malal," sud, abeoyail, notbhavé la, minubive tonna as a rlglit ou thé graund " inlch sud pine sud perbaps 51577e aI et eupheny, Nellie, Annie, Amy, Mluuie ce 'lest in a etruggié wlth thé wenld tor andl a téw others. Mamie hbu nething IOEv w ihich theT' bave no sert oftpreparetin. le recomménal il; sud aiwayes uggesîs banS Marniege la fer them e mésaaet liveli. an atm Inia sliug oer' p air et crotbse.s"46 hecdan ad any marriage baller then Other came have witbaateod this mini- seidi noue. tylng ténduuéy, Edllbi Maud, sud Ada, isai t.DOE STanO AIL I1IE. or exam ple. Our reest, we saI et nt;e i "Jý- Mfasé May aU viaerius in n1I55ly ovOry match, Yorkshiré béiîcg anotable écpanandl bcvlng dielictgui8heal th.. isve by showiug lhéhr- greaI upe>rorty -ven the bat Playrs f Englanri. A Herse'. Splenidid Swim. * iV.dwc.ds cf the flshiug samaek 1,ni C a reporte that Whou off Skunct, au théeIRhodeo riand ehere, oue day lest weék, ha diernéd an objeot aVIna- Ming off hie baw wbich ho finally mae e ,ut te hooe herse. Hé omadéeBal, but coubd'net ovénhaul the animal, wbich, was naaking despérte efforts te réach thé main baud ibree miles awey. At rimés ho Veull diieppoar fronaaigl lui ,thé waevém hleh broko over lmlua-the sea wnsiruuniug vory bliga at the time -but e moment later Voulal neappear lanal Vilia anduAnuet sud ae bas et the hésal ahaké off thé weter trom bis eara snd eyes, anal thon rénev, his trugglé. At lasI ho-made lie shore, and, with- out pausing a moment, alasheal np thé beach, bis long taiE sud curling moue 1boating ontward iu the winil. QUfTE i FEwW IVES.-Uneasy liée îb<bcoad thal wéats s crowu applica particnîatly, eue might thluk, te. the Kiog et Siama, Vhoheas, et Led, 6c)(0 .onamiasianed wivas- anal 2,41)0 wlvéa brevet, ail et thécu living lu one veet palae et Ba2gkek. Mostl-men Voulal ethér rélinqulah aIl power anal reyai. authority than hé quite go mucli mat- 'led ; but, wé preaumé, thé pelygamone sovéraigu bas gel accueleméa te hMe suporabuodant conubiality.IHé if, caiii be al amiable and énlighteuéd Prnce, And le hé sufficientîy navancési et te iireva over thé néceat dealh et the whbite éléphanbt, a macrea baal anang thé Budathisté. Ho prohnhiy thnka hie 8,000 wivas élophent éneugif âr hlm without beoneerning blmsoif Lent théesaluai qoadaupel. 1Hémust be analablo enreiy, tu gelauon aeothli aa e i ala tedo with 8,OOd wemeu, Ill et wlom are naputéaule k.anal - staém bina. -We wondér how hé man- ies. Thern muet ho seié nehîble sec. il in il wVIMC11thé Western .wenld.haa évar sevîneal. Why closn'l ho giva, is viows ue thé Women Question, so cucitisaee!of laIe, bis mublifar ous éxperionoo bas énapowcred hlm te pénk lutailigeuty, an~d hie 'pien Foulal hate weight. It woeld hé very atorestigi te kuew bmow eue mien cen [ve comfàrtably willi 8,000_ women, hain go mnny men final il very bard tu rée comterlebly Vibli one-womau. Wliy de prntlrs uel aucaéd lu theý %me axtant as bnoere ?- Becuse rinters wank for thé haad anal hnéwers )r thé stomeait; sud whceelwenty oun have stommabe but oee as braimE. III wisba yen wonild -not givé me'iliont iglt Ion ýpy miouy," saa scuaoeir a gracar Whio hed nu outétunding 11 egaluet Iin. "Anal I wlab -yen 'nîldn't givé ina sncb long tiait fer ,né," neapoodeal the grocar. 'A tep teck e seat lusa relreadtear bé- àd s yonog Ia.ly, bol, on percéiving se L&d s dog, lie moveal off wltL an ' of trapidiein. I"Ban'l hé., atreid,-" i sead, W'ith taaciitclng tbue ; Jip on't bite yen ; hé deu'tlike veal." ICePlein, wé iaeénbireiy eut et ami- unition," saA sun ordérly sérgéant to commander an afiéldday.ý - "IWLet tirely ont-et a=munition ?" exclaim- thé Captein. - "1Yen, enlirely eut," sa thé neply. "Thon case firing," reniptorliy, Bia thé Captain. Sidney S mitIs- once -aia that clergy- an niglit hé divided iâmb thréé clase- -imireda, ramid and fishingradi.- was net a beal pgm ,but il bas onheaeén ihy a a maL, Who says it railwuys -ire built ou Ibree gangée tomA geuge, uerrow geugu, sud )rtgege. 'There 1thaI éxplains where my bées lino .welita l e éximled an 'ea Wemen as sh tounA ber bubanl iging in thé stable.- 'This la hot eountersib, I hope," s alever,la liétoed cvilhiei aeet- rI'g band. '"The boat wsy te final 1s4 tu ringi " vae thé reply.- in geong freculà gurners, as hef Ied anido n a peoe et be, anal eaptued. This le Vbiet nay b, Bdr stéra justice. 'I0V uicey thé corn papa t" selid a [gman.vbe was eitting wltli bia *thoart 1, iete fire. "Tee," ah, ?onlel, aemccréiy, '"1's gel aven be-n green." -San Fraucaco, the otiier night, )astag* 1.11 uider lt.eweight af ma 1 - 1 1 1 a. U. ij±LUWB

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