Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1878, p. 4

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1W .s~r 'Oc, NEW EFM.1S ES X.J-N J£J~j i - I u ita libranchms fn jal Ooffinfi alwBYS On Iiand, rm Rearse oonstantly in re&dino CAR[RIAGES AND -BUGGIES 1 THE LÂRGEST Â*2) MOST OQà>PlxB - 0OGK 0p ~arig8 8lih and Cutter8, CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST.,-WHITBY. VERlY CEA. ALL &SETHEM. )YOUNB0ý EW AND FRESHij 'LeÀture wilEprove a boon to ut &al "ei, ua-plain envelopa, te 0Ort rqce;Ptof six ento, or two TLVBBWhLL MIIDICAL Co., 41 Aies-Sp.. Naw Youx. Box 15@6. OY-8 OTEACH I NG. FRED MUDG-E ltoulneos that,- on and alter 1Il,, 01o viii gî gve inistruction on 01t., Orandani elo<Ioon, fat Iozroeu, Coner t1ire MeIlodloozun t For rionth, MA) ON APPLICATION û v i h l i ld a oi 5 . 0 5 STITOB2 )W. RAIES! Ffi* IUU TICKE lTS, O) y ivedit IL outs, îz -'lho 'Cofýilpwood SarniaS tetanoaite,Detroit sand Milw Mi 1,,sd two 1IL1Il linonfrom Globe Tirrouglo TIchoote ueo forlBuffalo don, Sarroisa, Port Huron, Derlit- CL ant tho Wolorn aud soith.weutern S anfo)r Itocloretr, loy steanfer '"Noror ýytie 1idiglirVaIOoy Il. Il. Y>or tircoti, rnd furticer lufornrollo. Ily1tu-. 0110. 13. YULI (iraxrl Trutlo Ticket Agen~ là 1, 1878, (EXE)reotr allier,) Wl whIeby, 17.11 Ifoent d ana- aukee go. Lon- lcago, stes; n, an, 0o, biby. T ART[el' Of0FHE1110TO liE TAKEN 13 IY CONSTAIJLES, (uoir llrdOnlr lu COUrruc, dtor 241h dey .1111y, 1t71.) 4rrosl t fosent lldvilrriupon a Wsrrasît.. ý.................. si6w Sorvltrgsnrtrrto or so:bxpo ,.. o 25 il. Miloorge triserve aunuonnu,sub- rina or %or'rlait ............ 0 10 t. lllaleseihon sorvice connut ha ' itrîlouzrprou! ci dueo dlligonce. . . o 10 -Mllcagu ielon driuersi praIl, exlsv llmurtents Lec. .rsmarlly exprneltinl tIroir con. vdyaroco ... .. ....... 10 6i1 Attoliduorg Jrustices onRi naor triais, or ont erosmlnaion of Pr. ;arrers chroprti wt cr1i00, for tio irdry nerrooreriiy 0nPlode lu Ourororo pur ae, wlron irt R1gsgcil rurotioarotr Orhurs. () 7, 1Do. i . vhun ougagedol ore thon t or 1ra .or .................. 5 JI. -ÂIoudlûg A041288 or Sessoions? uei ay........ -............. 50 D.Mlouago lrrevolioog tq attruul, A.. rrhroo, Scaonrrs, or boforo Juostices- (Wlierri rlio Iccorrveoyrcc ru)hoi - akcon, orly ossorrrlet A omIuroc. muhnts; te bha sluord.) ..........0 M. Suznnnorrioe Ji for Crree Iqot ct ng rtteolirg ut lorjtrrat, srdtilailserevice irs rom- 10001 lirorool, il lidOnU sine day ljrury rltmoi......O0 l.AttorlLotg rtrch îrljolrrmeor * tîroroof, If 'ot aogrigoti uore lerItouc g................... 100 11.Do. d.r-11Ou 1 ceocinre thaîr lirhonître..................0 lU. Sttrvirrg utriionfors uflnh t atetnd botoro Coroner Inubjoct No. 10) ................... 025 14. iloage saervtn rooe .... ...1 15,:lxhulo g hool ntiyoîrer éCuroner'u ýVrrt at..................... 2i lè. 11.b'rrryltig amo ............... 20 17. Servlorg disrerosowarrarntt, antiru. -taorlorg sure................ 16 18. Adivroriiug uUerrdiatraeas warr rî.......................0Go l.Traverll[ug teiuslerr riutrrruu, or tri suerohlo forouda ts oalcdis. - traHil "lien no goodu are fuoot.. O)JO 20. ApîrritirrOtnllt, %hother b ytoce Or 1o10lro, 2 conte lu the dollar, oit theoY11111orofo! podns 21. Crrtlîo tie to tl c u rirniArln Arr. oi lti orfy001ga.orir, .indh theoit 000Oralproduceofrotgootie. -22' l'oolliuguorrrc rl erirnt ..... 150 03I. Servlig norlier, 0 consable, lot i t ruorosly Orrved...;.. 0 I>nrhVZhsd loy ordor, Fi. FAIEWIILL, Clorlio Peaoce, C. 0. &PO PRYhLINDSAY! .1&WAY. tNTSED TIME TABLE. on M dsy, JaIY lut, 1878. ts ue Oncupa .&~ 45 mi0,, .41,. 0-55 Oi -7M8 ...10. .5 Flô5 7.00 50M ta ji l sîst ono, t ee ' et Tinse. a l ppIicatiorn lu auy Cut Iho 5r4ý r mrot TOIiecici. 'for lordi's,, Flic e lrilo, -va-- food, Gr&ahsM 0îtl 3qd5~ [!yal tna aavinig corne out safèly I have been enal Vost the total amom insurance and a large of othor Capital i of the Fire led to re-in-- lut of My in the purchase of an en- tirelynew and s- F'RESH STOCK SGBOCEI1E8, LIQUOIC, c&0, Whieh having for Cash on moat advantageous terms, 1 amn elabled to offer at 25 Rer Cent Be/o w Ordinary Pr/coR Il I I NEW G10*ODS Clothing and GentlFrnsig os Is nw spplid wth ail the newest styles cf English, Scotch, and Canadian Clothk ,Of al l nds, the Largeet and Best Stock they ever'had.' Or~Algo an excellent Sfoàk cf Gents' Furnishings, ail n.A sprcndid stock of ReaY.noad Overoats, Chcap for Cash. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Il To cash anîd prompt Paying BýuYers ait Wbolesnîle and Retail. ~ Idee itunnecessary to, en- I.I umerate the itemus in detail cf my large and -Iextensive' stock ; auy attempt to do se0c O would fill a dozen Clîtroniclcs, suf. K fice to say that it is complote in ail fr Er .4 **1 '1 ) P I M .c c m 20. I linos and that customers wi l id on the premises eveî'y article that may lue cnquired for. Ileads ef Famnilies making purchases of, riFRE 8IH GROC ERIES, Will save Money and secure a gooci article by calling. EVEIIYT1TNG IN Teas, Coffeos, Cocoas, Choco- My Liquor s, as' heretofore, are of the best brands and will be found unsurpassed in purity and cheapness. Agent for Cosgrove &Labatt's Ales. Ales, Best quality, 80 cents per gallon by the Reg. Canned Fruits, Pickles, Bisci.4s, of best quality. Oysters, Haddies, Bloaters and fiali of ail kinds, Herringe, Salmon Trout, &c., in Barnels and hall. Barrels. u c :1 MI -I 2 'I j q amn makinÙg .Suigars a specialty, and can afford to sell lbs. of -Brown. Sugar for $1.00Y lbs. of Valentia [Raisinls for $1.00, lbs. of Currants for~ TLAWLERt.j r.,Fa, ~i a~CenConiea, a~1.Ps"Odntrii R B2n MXIT 'S 'ors hava bècome ukllle$ in the, use cf machines, n growing demanti has aprung up for a Liglit, Durable, First-Ciass fleaper. Alive ta tho requirements af thse day, we bave succeeded lu inventing a ma- chins with W Wrought Inu Frame, with thse least passible -goaring-with largo, broad.faoad drive whoeeland mococautructoth iat theo ame andi table tilt at the uos tome, thereby .keeping thea pitonan always in lino with tise knife. The rakes are dnivon dircct]y froon the main shaft-there being no perceptible sida draft, andi no weighst upan the horses necks. We are confident that we b~ave uuccodd in invonting tise mont perfect Beapar, takiug it in ail ils parts, tisat bas ovor beau produced' We hava applieti for letters patent, and shall holti aur invention, for aur ownIoxlusive manufacture, sud we rospectfully supgest 10 in- tonding purchasero, that tisay should sas this machine baea givmlg Ifoir arders for tise coming harvost. 'The "Whitby Harvester" weiglis, all told, 600 pountis, but heing macle pnincipally of thebot quaiity of iran sud steel, aud from ils in- geniaus tend campgct caonstruction, il combines the streugflh sud dunbility af tise heavior machines. Al cf aur machinoi are fuliy warranted. With 'tisis list cf machinas, wo béel confident blinI we eau meet every re- quiremeut, sud wo reupectfally solicit a- triai of aur macohines, believing tisat we KIGSTRE;Ç, OSHAWA. th tBjet e t tiln- 4awaekp n stock, of thaýi frsetsdhs nthe Maklad~1F UERTORONTO PROrS. rivai.élé aia4'-hulopate upi4tWhoerates. OrdrbbyTelgtphor Léet, UPPlîd t heLOWE ST RATES, with puwctuality. AUl goods delivered to Whiutby and Bowmanville pur- eb. 27ti, 1878. G S go (am.11) Io where you can get a Well»fitting Garment :-To the W.J. REDMAN, King-St., Oshawa. TailoniG .UEstbismnto GUEIORGE TIGÙRLIE H WR A Large Stock af Flue Clthos; best, Englioh, 'Scotch anti Canaidisu weeda. I> Excellent Overcoatings and Splendid VesI Patterns. A oda fit Guaranteed. metor naaoed Oc ontroduco a mûre perfect aystem nto sa11tii de- qI MMsfcUrem addig fmot ol to mhe perfection of the. work, but al.- 2fs prncpl i wgaden â; Onseqhant reducti<on of cost., 1 hispricipe i reard neesary in a wofl oi*ulat.d establishmient imd- %blgd, ' ta , tùm ont cursnachjns with a higiier 4ogree of perfection, and ai; mc low as abscilnty iodetycompetitiou - THE JOIN. N ÉFI~IGREAPER go wcl Icnow 1 as a Single fleaper, that a word of comnoondaion wossld î Bom snpeafDo, but nas thora .are MMy claeming ta manufacture ties .e who havea adhered ttheolad original i!ohnsténâahine, Withont koep. !wth iii Improree* tisajustice ho oursolvos aud patrona require of us ethat ýehavae modified it in almot avery eusential part, and for strangth rab liyqs]tvof culà ivr oit.a d ondtinof gai;lightâess cf daeom agement-the "Johnston," as maosufatured, by no--stand. iently aead fail othar roapers. In proof cf this.osiin e pae on y OUR TRIUIMPH COMBINED MACHINES,- wiishleimrveats l hitatca o eartio aCobueJMahiaSat 'Oaur flmev!da a h ie reme nd urase n d a d oe nsy-Dii rt,17 lNEW 00(11 'IIcrw -took, of, -old-. New jet Setts, New Baby ICarniages: very cheap. ClooCkScals, Cutiery, Electro-plated GToode in,' geat variety Niokelite Forks and Spoons'; Desks; Ink- 0stands, &c,, ,&c.nss dprssoný heJO N~ew StlOck Of Silver Watohes;,, Owig o he reaiingbuinss0epe \To,elo ýPH0,06APSf HTGA.S1 arCohfrsclsmaiescnîtl almout wloly of Iran auds8el.The Cayaga ,Tr. bas a rear cut, sud thse Yonng Canada a front Onul; bath etraug, dur- aàble machines, anti uat excelled isy auy machines in thse market for quality af culdrabiiîy, ligbtness af draft, adaptability, aud ease of management. JBROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. 00.. ititby, Ontario, Febnràry, 1,877. :1: T J. i GEORGE GURLEY, %ig Street, OahaWoë. NEW STA.T'IO-N'E[ 0 O K S T O0FR E r THE EXPRESS AN]) MONTEEAL TEL. OEFICE, BROCK-ST. E AT des vv.'u Ufanor<N The a- -andSub £y Th Dil adWeekly Papes always on hand. Su-.NJ U UIVIINATION 1 Musical Instruments, includingý a fine assortment of* ÉPE T E [B S M IT 11, Violins. Orders are taken for eioicals, magazines sd Music. For WhibyDei. itis 186.GEO YULE. fias nvch Pýleasure in announeingABEUI L( WhtbDe.18h,176 1 that ho has now in Stock a Complete Assortiment of aliABATIU r kinds cf Family Grocenies suitable for the Holidays or any time, including the following, viz.:Coc ft New Valeutia Raisins, A Choice lot cf Motta Cuposud Saucera - Coc ft Layer Ir fer Xmaa. S ONA fCOAD MIy Stock' 'oBasketFancy Toyao for XmaL 11JO N A AC O A D ____ 'Crown Jies, Mssmalade, * EY. MR. LAIRD), "Curranlts Pickles, Salmon, Labootere, ma 'zLéson Peel, -sardines, VWhi: Fisis, .orEDWA Is11W omieeinEvryLie.- Citron Peol, dun iaae à Oyeters rercoved IsnwCmpeei veyLn, AIl Kindsocf Spices. daiy. BE SIS, Nuls, alluido. Pipes, Tabacoos, Combe;, E J O N S N Exîracto o all Kindo. 'Bruahes, Kuives, D &c. 4t,187 A FULL A8SORTMENT IN EVERY UNE. Dcme 4h 87 -00 -- Have you seen the New Illumiiaator. No Chinney re- ~- u' Very Special Inducemüents to those agent for'itb. r kr adGlassworoin great variety, dhoftp. ~.JuiE RS STARING H0US~EEiNG Cash paid for Apples, Potatoe, Butter, Eggs and Poultry. W h iî y , e c . l l t , 1 7 7 .P E T E R - S M I T H ) N 000 hitb, De. 11h, 177.Oddfolîowâ' Buildings. U NDE RT AUKINO À 14Large Assorti Full Stock of-Ca skets,déoffinsandal F R E S H 'SEB George Yuýle begs te anunounceý that hé has re-opened Sttoery anid lok Store in 'Whitby, lirere statiouery af ail kindo, the best quality, mjIl be kept ou hand;- also Semail Books o! every LIST'O0F AIJCTJONE E[RS Liconsed for the South Riding of Ontario, Nor th Riding 'of Ontario, and separate Muinicipalities in the latter. NAME.. BE.IDENCE. MUNICIPALITY. EXPIRATION. D. Bieop, Oshiawa, Beach, April Clii, 1878. rbas. Pouchor, Bollard, Uxhridge, June lot, I S. S. Lech, Sunderland, Brook, Jnly Olis, D. Blishop, Oshaowa, S. Ridiuig, Il 281h, A.. J. Harriosgtan, Part Porry, Boschi, Aug. 2Oth, T'lie. Tncker, Loaokdaho, Scott' Sept4Z -laI, WV. M. Wilcexz, ort'Perry, N. lifting, . 8a r. M. Pattersan, Blaemaiugtan, 6.66.trd Frank Dean, Orilila, Mars, 16 121h, Tas. Digby, jr., Claremont, N. & S. lliding, 121h, ' 'isos. Pilkey, Wexfard, Uxbridg*e, "2th, Llberl Spring, - Muikoka, Beacho,21t à. Fairbanks,.N Wiby, " 2lt, " 5u ~erland, Pea-rt rr, Saoul. Baird, Win. Gardon, J. C. Widdifiahd, Clemant Dawes, Donald Campbele E. H. Cameran, Oea. McWihiain, Mareb. 2th, ý PEDLRS FR TG Co -aARO a- M, ani 4tis, 1878 .W : - -.thy,-mý BEaveoRto FR HECo U zoriroge, Brook, Uxbridge, N. Bidin", Oct. 111h, 181h, Dec. 8rd, 'r 21et, Jan. 11h, " ds21st, PON 7 QÛATHE, POOGR APH Mr. l3arrett is selling *-out his ontire Stock and is now taking pictures at hiaif-pnice, previons te> going to the Paris Exhibition. Now is the tîne to get a good picture- cheap. [See Supplement.]Fie 6 Clever young men who want to learnl the business instructed in a few lessons in the newest methods. A fine mare0, Iarness and buggy forsale. - A BAJfl3TT3, Photographer. LW' Opposite -Ontario Bank, WhitbY. ,le- NEW STATIONERy. & BOOKTOE AT THE' THTYSHO OXA] J., G. MCDOUGALL Begs to announce to bis custcimers and the public in genoral that ho hs opeued a Statianery, Schael Buok andi News depot, lu crunoction witis his confectianery -& Baking business, lunlbis old Stand Sauth Brook Street, where everythizg lu the lina can u e lad at veïy loir rates. The Daily and Weekly Fapers- always on Iban&t and de- livere te t subscriluers in ail parts a! the towns. Orders proniptly fieti for Periodicals, Magazines aud Music; Also, a well-assarted lot of Mattoca, Berlin Woole, rond Fancy Goode, an hanti, at low pi-ices. Thepubic iilfin itto hei adantge o ae apee ahIautockaèl bropu1h878. leiic J.W .MDALLY Vick's F1ower and Vegetable Seeds, TO S &' EW Ot Lawn Grass SeedTubrs~îs-T Oxals, Gadious,&., &. - Carrnage Factory,- NEW Ci4.NNED FRUITS., DUNDAS STIEE T, .- WHITBY, ONTARIO, California Plü.nbs Lima i3eans, S D > E Y N D H R E S eaprcts TrlgleasWILLIAM THOMPSON Peat~h~s,~o T o m ato esBeg 1 drc attention ta o i lag and suprior stock, e mp ei ge e - Pears, Corn, Pears, odetlon ntseSdU~anHreo.ne, aise0 Turksh rutes, Frenc h -Peas', &o. Lete Valisés nd Saratoga Tu k Suga-r, aËles'ýA LOT 0F MaleSu ar M p Yrup, - -PCHILT A i2'qv Q l AWELL-APPOITED RHEA[RS-E. Nil! itby, October ' lOth, 1877. BROOK S8 E, ~ WITBY, Hais just received, direct from'the 4anmfaeturerg, a g assortment cf Ladies and Gn1e~ asld 'npesand Aréqn 16f 6 ,lers ýof Photos, at One Month, CABINET PORTRAIT]1 te foilowing Persons HION. t N. GIBBs, 33ATHER McGANN, kil-] CAIISWELL. SicoGS,, Osa A[R[RIAGE S. WhuitbyOnftari.. ROBINSON <I*axz DUocÂs- Court Street, Toronto. G. YOTJNG SM] Qmcz-Over Donoin Jan. 22,1878» GEO. St. JOB] ATTOREY,,Soicit ovor ghtnsS lt fARBISTERS, Attc street, To: flEOTOR OAMERON, .- (j THJOMAS f .J.GUM? TO TEEN T k3-yrn SretWhit Dr. W. -J. i Orc-etdoor t aBoidnc t hie Be BYJiN Fiel 6YIIN URGI - Cree.. Wno; MOBRIBr<, m 1-l UTS HOSPITAL, DR. 1ROGÀ Physician, Surgeon, Ac Wliitby, Sept. SOthi, 1874, W.D RooGms OVER B. Office houm urom 9 nL 1.80 ta 6,O.. m. esideu audaGibert streets. C, N. -VARS,_ as oheap us thse oheapest,i bout. Tootis- fiIed wlth Teotis extratawtht local amtes et unWu new block, ovor Ati cigSret, Ouès-3. JO HN-WOLPI A GENT FOR THEE ,-a cottisis Granite.' cf Jenathan, Wolfouden, Di GrfOR(<iE- COI litsntly o an a. JWILLIAJI ,Co BLAICXBZ1fTH, - - <Succesuor ta Thosnau Hlorseauhoeing at i work. -.C. SCAL UIGINIA TOBACC VTorsstosreet, Tor A T li E p, CIerk DiVision 0 0Our &o., &thorly,Coaunty-Ontar AtlocrlY lept. 2ud, 1872. NEW Music MU&ÎC FUNISEiDWi Seatiug Capacity, one G) WhltbY, Oct. 22, 1877. LAND .SALT AND rnbre o.eij 1 ; . 1 ; . Il 1 ýl. . a .1 1 ý 1 1 1 1 Wx. TUL. [ciejiéý -, wMore mj ý e 1 .. -DUY y -MIJKII. 4ujuý lt3ïtF. A 1%T been secured PASHiON-ABLE ýq7 A ý.&£xILOBINCT OSHAWA. ýl 1 1-ý 66 di il 66 66 1879. di 86 -AND- H'( ) i-ýl -Q. F 1 NE-W -EXHIBITION EWS i , wmw- BUR, W'

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