Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jul 1878, p. 4

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wltb *vary ILSTOQMI NE W P-M'Is ES EVER1YTim(IJFw H MOLLLA. N AW-ND FREBH] SIC TEAOHINGy IR FRED MUDGE f c"i sucuce 1 m"'p u after àad 178,cha wlll give InsutIon ou aue-forte; Orgau sud Mlodson, (At 1 sl de -- ou. 8MS ONAÀPPLIO.ATIOY. or Gree* n- d .Jcba treeti Whltb au. te lient at 61.00,01R, ~or sil50 zIb, -17.11] -jFIR?8T GLASS FARM FOR SALE. CONTAINING 108 seras, part of lot sien cf 1 the wushlpoi Bma There are about 110 ares napler tharough" 'cuivatîcu sud nearlyiroes rom stuutps. Thore laup. -Fn hepromise sý.' ,e tory.ýwUi 1os 8x0, wthtchau l uiZ * hous l40iM ttsebed statble sud-driva- boula. 801w, bars lt6x5, shed laxftadO -good cras0lbesrlug lrt ai ssa fruiL 'The * perty ls vail laucod, and inle ituatad eon a elssdlg rond Atlles lion: the thrlvlag s'l. aga of l'art Perry, arie ni the but mark. eI fur tain prouceine.-uth1e province. * TiLllaluipu Ful. r furîber psrtibuimra * eîîiy î,u t le roniilses, or la, 3011r'; . S8MW, ~Tune lOît, ~ Port'Il'rry, 1P. O.Ont. MA N I TOBA T LOW RATES 1 rflhiiitouuu T iÇ}'JETS 8, bylîve difierist Lrouîis, via Uho(Jllngwood sud Sarlitia teatgloats, ptIrit sud Miwaukee Rï. 1Ï., sud Iwo n. lh. ias. f, rom Chicago; Tlirougli Tickets ama for iluffalu Lon. * don, Sarnia, Port Huron, Detroit, CLIC&go, andt lb Wtsteri ru adScthlwestûatStates' misa for Rooltaster, by teamer 'Norsemau,'l * litidelplitt, llimor, atntiWm}l glatn, *by 1e intîgîli aley . I. . lur tlckiht, sud itirtîtar iformrtion, Sp. Ily tue- GOO B. YULE1, titatil Trasnk TitkeLAqettey Mtcy 15, 1 iî l. xiisýIj06office') *hîtby. Fiesh Gardon Seeds I ALli XINIIS OF FLOlWER ANII VEGE1A8LE SEEfiS 1 A ago stock cf carly plants, W. 'W. WOOD. G reo nsotte, -- Ah-ît., Wlîitby. Mat-o Gi 1, 1878. ~ i1 0k lEBS TO 1111 TAKEN TA11P'eOOST A LLe 8. * (adet Ordeor lu Couitcil, daîed 941h day Jnly, 1874.) .Arrenî ni cc luidividuelilîpou a warrant..................... $1Gw Seî'ving ou tuarnotta or ,îabpoeu.... 0 25 *il. Mîleage te serv'e sunîtuo, suh. înn,,, or warrant ............ 010 4, Mlissas whu arvice raîtuot b. open iîrooi e of 0llgnc. . .. O10 U.Mleaga talcl ucdris1ters1e1g1ai exclusive cf diabursemeuts une. cosarlly expos14dll taIr cou- voyance.I............. .... ... 10 O. Attendisi« Justices an, su.amar trials, o. et att ez atitot ci iti- * setters cltsrg,'cîi th crime,, for ei-sa .y xsocomtrly employaI lttclan -or taure cases, witea ual * cgttgetn more tht tfour Itosr G0 7. De. tdo. wlaau engagea more than lerlitre.... ........ 5 al. Attendit sst s e Sssons, ,eu),ls'...................go l.Millesgà. t';;l;tsl, tîcutl A. , siz.., Sots, o ut aera Justices (vient imibli cocaveyat.oe eau ha mneut. b as1ow e C.)Y..........I Aur Seatotîgtur frCereners laqttestl at. tteitîulng at iîtquest, sud ail servîce litt ras. licecttaoreof, Ithal aitu same day ils Jury stttmmane. ... I........GO * l.AIIeudlîcg eAch sdlourument titetilI net engagea more -101tr heurs ................... 1 GO 112.1Do- do. il engaget amre tOa -foutr lcu...............50 13. Survtag ,ammeans or stipcpea le ,t4ttttt befote Coroner (nlttjeet Nu. 10), ....................0 25 14. Mlisgeservtgsstc........O 10 11. Elxhatulog- etiy under Crnr val.rrittl........... .........2 00 1 IS. Reýburyvlng sIat........ ..... 2 o 17.evidite. warrant, antd r.. * trttifl a sle ...............1Go ý1. Advvrtlàf ng îtttdur distrens war- 'rancI.... ,..... I...............o0 19, Travelingltakle distruse, or te gnarctît iorgos te inako aiI.. tromm, wOeu tte gonds are faul.. O 10 20. Allstt.aa teer h, ota oritre, 2 uonteela r, an the saloe et gacîs 21. Ctttalogue Sale sud commission sadla tvea fgc'ae,05et.. iu t h8. 0, atl n 7Ipredi oelà, g o aas. 22,.1lxeouîhinarah vwarrant..... 1 go 23. Sorlug notices an cooalhes, Wouenoa ed. O 50 Coirkaf Pesos, C. O. 22 Having corne Out of satfely I fiîLve been enabled vest the total arnnt insurance and a large arn the Fire te ne-lu-- of Mny omitH of othor Capital in the purehase of an on- --tirely new and SFRESH STOCK ORGII'CERIESf,LIQUOh8, tic, Which - having been secured S fer Cash on rnost advantageous termRn, .1 arn enabled to efl'er ut I- fully 25 Rer Cent Be/o w Ordinary Prices, To cash and prompt zBuyers at Wholesale and ~<I deem it unnecessar-, mm -urerate the items in detail of n: P-1 extensive stock; any attempt O wculd fil a dozén Ghlronic fiee te say that it iscomplet, Paying Retail. ,Y to en- uiy large and bte do se cles, suf- te in all linos and that customers will find on the premises every article that rnay be enquired for. Heads ef Farnilies ixaking ,puî'chases of, E- O o F-RESIJ ci ci Gb- ROCEIIES, WillI savei Money and scr a good article by calling. EVERYT}IING 'IN Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Clioco- My Liquors, as heretofore, are of the bea4 brands and- wil hoe found unsuxpassed in purity and chc'apness. Agent for Cosgrove & Labatt's Aies. Ales E-1 by the 4 CaCanned, S qualitt l~ Ti s, Best quality, 30 cents per gaiQa Fruits, Pickles, Biscuts, cf best ;. Oysters, Hladdies, BIoaters and Of all kiinds, HEerrings, Salmon .rout, &o., in Barrels and half- -Barnels. eau afford, te sei mon or ,luthe eOultrlo being -l'es28 the cen- Sugar for Âmeilaau .Great. a RVI CTI B R" OCK-ý ST., WHITBY. RIAP. CÂLJT,&SEE. THEM. wgjiter t Defeat -BM TUE CONTIUAL1 ' THE NEW CASH GROCEBY STORE! Simon lias; d6ogde,dA tu maki - reduc Vtioln cf locts. on the Dollar.off l h éie ledow"âp riosd <hina, Orock Éà sd Glamwer, for lard cash, te matas rcom for Spuing zârrivala!1 Every article in the Grecery lins, dccidedly cheap. ne would respictfeily Cali the atteution cf the, Ladies te varisd assertmeat cf New Besson Tees, fresh ana efrgrant, at, 80c, 400' 500 and 75e0perlb. innan Hacldiea, Whiteflsh ana Trent, Scaled Hàerringe, Labror Harrings, Bonelesa Cedfiatnd freéshOystars, centantly on band. Osîmeal Oormnes.l, Buckwheat Fleur, Grahamn Fleur; aloagent for PresI Milse Choice. amily Flour customers sup- p lied with s fine article:a lktj 8,puicel. -JuistTscived,, Wed sadaGarden sd, warranted .fresitsu truc, te, their knu hc ilb odÏ small a4vsnce on ceaI. ~ * kni hciwl osHa Apples, Potatoes, Butter,- and Eggs, taken in exehange fer Gocds. Cl, befere -purchasing elseWhere, sud securo good bargains at lte New Cash Grocery Store. FaIt. 101h, 1878. SI-MON FRASER, Ouîsrlc Eiock2 Brook-St., Whitby. NEW GOODS -c-.- Clothing and Gent's Furnishing flouse le now supplied with ail the neýwest styles -of English, Scotch, and Canadian Cloths of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they êver had. 3e-' Aiso an excellent stock of Gents' Fîîrnishings, al ucu'. A splendid stock of Ready-rnado Overcoats, Cheap for Cash. McMMILAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. MIbMIED mAN& IT FRESH FIRUIT DEPOT! KING STREET, OSHAWA. Everything ini the lino Fruit?, aiways kept in stock, of the frcshest and. bet in the Market, and SOLD UNDER TORONTO PRICE S. Private and publie parties supplied at Wholesale ratcs. Orders by Telegraph or Letter, supplied at the LOWE ST RATES, with punetuality. AUl goods delivered to Whitby atnd Bowmanvillo pur- chasers. SFieb. 27th, 1878. (Sm-il) FASHJ ONABLE W. J. REDMAN, Ring.St., Oshawa. TAIL ORINU Go where yen eau get a Weil-fltting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishmrent of GEORGE GURL*EY,' SUPElIIOR CUTTING OSHAWA. SHAPPES THE ALarge Stock cf Fine Clths ; best Engliali, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. $*- Excellent Overcoatingsanard Splendid Vcst Patterns. A good fit Guarauteed. GEORGE CGUBLEY, 61 King Street, Oshawa. N EW ST A TIO0N ER Y IB -AND- 0 0K S T O R E AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFriICE, DROCK-ST. Geerge Yule begs te annnoun'ce.that hoe lias re-opened bis Statioueîy tend Book Sleue in 'Whitby, where statiouery of ail kinds, of tbe beet. quality, will bc kept on baud ; also Sehool Books of every description, Copy Books, Sîstes, Pencils, Inks, f&e., &ce., at the lowest prices.. The Diaily and Weekly Papers always on liand.. Sub- sciptions Boicited. Musical Instruments, including a fine' assortrnent cf Vielins. - Ordeus are taken for Periodicals, Magazines and Music. Wliitby, Dec. 131h, 1870f. GEO YULE.1 51 75 & 77 YONGE-ST., TORONTO. 50 L argeSize -Box Stoves CLEA1IING OUT AT HIALF-PIRIOE.' A fresli lot of Canaries and Parrots just received. My Stock ot Is now Complete in Every Line. STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. 'Pub& &runu UPP«ess&ZIGeeiug iucbjetd oa thebsever- @0sop cres-..de$ohmachine 10*IIIomugbIy testebelo» laaving Our worka, to troq e m omplotoseaa cf svary Part, andthora la no dlflulty in pntng, 1 eMl prtion y miy peone0cfmoderate o eeaucal ability. ~Our'machnery bu been solected a4 eonstrueod with a ipecial refoems te the manufacture of our owu zaelne--mmny tools hsving basa made for this ~,ati~la mrpoeand nfot adaptoit tgr.other,,vlork, c dour workmeu are edu. eàïed tiptothu, wants sud re4:uhrjeoto-df'car ,nsnnfaeure-.LobWing abtr' ough knowledgeoef tse construction cf our machinas, andI are thua onabled tc oIt. tain a bigher dagras cf akili and proficiency huýergnramnfctig Js Oarrid on. Ia hr aea auatrn *We are therefere ensblea ,t rIodqçdamr prot rtmiio mal Ihedo- partmats cf, manufacture, adadi gnet enfj-to t e erfectionof the eik, bat A- op to te tsadity cfitos xeentlon-and a oumnequent reduelicu of ceI -This 1prmeipl eo rgûdadnÈeàesary in A ,Wal eguldetbibeb u wa enabled te tara ont car machines witIt a Iigher degrecf perfection, and ea. #ieocl mas bolutely te dafy competitlen.. THE JOHNST-OIq--SELF-RAKING- KREAPER rý àa now so veil known as a Single Beaper, that a word cf commandatien wculd alincet aeem superfinous, but astera are msny climlng te manufactura Ibis niaebluo whc have sdhtered te the oltI origfinal ohnetojimachina, v ithout keep- ing up toe l mprevements ; that justice te oursalvas sud patrona-require cf us 4tata that we have modibied il fa almost evary esential part, and for trength snd durabiiity, qumaitv cf cut, ia cvsrykind sud condition cf grain ; lightuesa cf draft sud oasof sa akte"cntn"as manuf"cierd-by us-stands pra.emiueutly ahea faiolter rempare, In proUftef bsposition va have culy to point te lb.e many Firsî Prizes awarded na,-at the hast Provincial trial cf Ou- tarie, sud'many eunnty trials which hava taken place aIl over Canada, within the last fsw yssrs. OUR TRIUMIPH COMBINED MACHINES, with lis im prevemenle, fa li tha t eau ha dasired fa a Combinad IMachine, sud cannot fail to meet aIlltae raquirements cf purchasers. Our Improved Cayuga Chief Jr., and our Young Canada Mowers are beth llrst-class machines- ceujtituted aimoml whcilly cf Irou sud Steel. The Cayaga Jr. bas a rear cut, sud the Young Canada a front Cul ; bcth strcug, dur- able machines, sud net axcelled by &Dy machinas ia the marktlfer quali ty cf out, dnrability, lightness cf draft, sdaptability, sud asse cf management. OUR NEW WHITBY As the country bas become better adapted to machinery, and ni.any of our farm- ers have baceme skillid in the use of machines, a grcwing demand bas sprung up for a Liglit, Durable, First.Llass Ramper. Abe te tbe' requirements cf the day, we have snoceeded inivnting a ma- china with a Wronght, Iron Frame, with the lest possible g g- 'th large, broad.faced drive whel,-and se constructedl that the frame and table tilt at the samne lime, thereby keeping the pitman always in Jine with the knife. The rakes are driven directly from the main shaft-thaeabaing ne perceptible side draft, and ne weighit upon the herses necks. We ara confident that we have succeeded in inventiug the muet perlect Ileaper, taking il ini al its parts, that bas evcr beau producod. WVe have applied for letters patezit, aud shahl hold our invention, for our own exclusive manufacture, and we respectfully suggest te in- tending purchasers, that tbey should sec this machina before gtving their ordars] for the coming harvest. The "Whiitby Harvester" weighms, ail told, 000 pounds, but being made principally cf the beat quality cf iron and steel, and fromn its in- punions tud ompact conotruction, il combines the strangîli aud durability pf the heavier machines. Al cf our machines ara fnlly warrantad. With tbis liat cf machines, wa feel confident taI vs can moût every re. qnireincnt, aud we respectfnhlly soicil a trial of aur machinebï' bclieving that we eau furnmh a botter machine for the money than cau b. obtained alsewhere. Respectfulily Yonrs, BIROWN & PA.TTBIRSON MF'G. 00, Whitby, Ontario, Fabruary, 1877. LIST OF AUCTIONÉERS Licensed for t Ontario, NAME, D. hliehop, Thos. Poucher, S. S. Leecb, D. Biahop' A. J. Hasrrin2gtoa, Tho@s. Tuokar, W. M.,Willcox, J. M. Patraun, Frank Dean, Jas. Digby, jr., Thes. Pilkey, Albert Spring, L. Fairbanks, H. L. Vàuzant, Samal. Baird, Wm. Gordon, J. C. Widdifield, Clamant Dawe, Donald Camupbell, E. H. Cameren, Geo. McWillismn, Heatar MoKinnon, Tocs. Citattarson, John Flac»i, Joseph Jackson, NO TQronlto, Depc 8, 1877. kfE NE 00 NEW G0008P Neýw Stock cf Gl ace, - ______ - New tock cf Silver WO1tohes. New Coloured Gold Jeweilery, New Jet -Setts, New Baby Carniages : very, cheap. Clooke Spectacles, Cutlery,' Electro-plated Goods ini great variety, Niekelite Forks and Spoons; Deekein stands, &c., &c. -Owing te the prevailing btîsiness depressien, the low puices ef New Gooa will bo found a great i-duýceme;ït te Cash purchasers. New Briglt -GeM. Jewelery, PHO 7 OCRA PH8, PI-TOGR4PHS8l JOIINSTON-, Mr. ]3arrett is selling. out his -entfe Stock and le 110w taking pictures at- haif-pice, re' i geing te the Paris Exhibition. Now is the time to get a good picture cheap. [Sec Supplement.] Clever young men whd want to learn the business,' iùstructed in a few lessons .ini the newest Methods. A fine mare, Harnoss and buggy fer sale. A BARIRETIP, Photographer. THE PARIS EXHIBflT[ON' Y L'" Opposite Ontario Bafnk, Whitby. NkW STAT.IONERY & BOOK STORE, AZ THE WHITBY SOHOOL ]30K AND thO* South iRiding of Ontarie, North IRiding of N W an4 separato Munioipalities ini the latter. RESmEDNCE. Oshiawa, Belford, Sundearland, Oshawa, Port Ferry, Leaiikdaie, Port Ferry, Bloominglon, Orillis, Claremout, %Vexford, Muskoku, Wlitby, Stoulfvilie, Sunderlandi, Uxbridge, Port Parry, Whitby, Beaverton, PEDLERS FOR THIE Co. MUNICII'ALITY. Hach, Umbridge, Brook, S. Ridiug, Reach, Scott, N. Bhling, Mars, N. & S. Rliding. Uxbridge, IBeach,* Uxbrldge, Brook, Uxbrilge, W. Ridiag, Brook, Thorah, Nen-Besideul, Tovn Whilby, Thorah, Umbridge, 1 herse, -EXPIRATION. April O1h, 1878. Jane lat, July PIb, Il28th, Aug. 201h, Sept. lot, 410, 121h, 121h, 201h, 2lot, 22nd, Oct. 111h, di151h, Dec. Drd, 18th, " 218t, t Jan. 131h, 1879. lé 218t, F ab. 281h, ONTARIO. April 21310, 1878. Jue 201h, l Jani. 301h, 1879. Mar. 1110, I COMBINATION -:00: PE TER S MIT H, lias mucli Pleasure in announeing that ho has now in Stock a Complete Assortment of all kinds of Family Groceries suitable for the Holidays or any time, including the following, viz.:" u New Valentia Raisins, A Choice lot of Motte Cupe and Saucera Layer for Xmas. Basket Fancy Toys fer Xmas. London Fancy Candies for Xina, Crowu Jeilies, Marýnalade, Carrante Pickles, Salmon, Lobesters, - Lean Peel, Sardines, Wbhite Fisb, Orange Peai, Salmon Trout, Citron Peel, Finausu HadJici and Oystcrs icocived AUl Kinde cf spices. daily. Nute, ail Kinds. Pipas, Tobacces, Cembs, Extracta cf sîl Kinda. lirushas, Rjiiveii, &c. A FULL ASSORTMENT IN EVEBY LUNE. Have you seen the New. Illumiuatoi:. No Chimnoy r6- quired. 1 Light equal to 8 of te old kind, once triod always used. Sole agent for Whitby. Crockery and Glass'ware in groat varicty, cheap. Cash paid foi' Apples, Potatees, Butter, Egg8 and Poultry. PETER SMITH, Wlby, Dec. 11t0, 1877. Oddfellows' Buildings. FRESH SEE»-DS! Vick's Flower and Vedetable, ,-,.Sëeds, Lawn Grâss Seed, Tuberose -Bulbs, Oxalis, Gladiolus, &C., &C. NEW ýCANNEDFRUJITS, Pahes Lima -Beans, String Béeans,ý Tomatoes, Corn, Pears', J- J..McDOIJGALL -- Begs te, announce te bis customers and the publie in general that ho bas epenod a Stationery, S'choel BueIt' sud News- depct in cennection witb bis Confectioeary & Balaing business, in bis cld stand. seuth Brook Street, wbere cverything in lte lme cn e a daey o Th ayand Weekly Papers always on hand, and de- livered to subseribers in ail parts cf lbe tovn. Orders promùpfly filed fou Periodficals, Magazines sud Mugie. Also, a well-assorted lot of Mottees, Berlin Wools, sud Fancy Goo&s, on baud, at lqw ïphees. The public wM ifld Aitot their advantage te take a peep at eur stock before purehasing elsiewheue. Whiîby, Mardi 4th, 1378. SeulIt Bucok Street. G J. G. McDOLJ'3ALL, W'ith all orders of Photos, at BES*T's GALLERY Cheice of the fbowing persons: SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, BEY. MR. LAIRD, HON. T. N..GIflES, FATIIER McCANN, or EDWARD CkBBWELL. December 241h, 1877. -AV-' DUNJYAS STREET, - - WBITBY, ONTABIO. SADDLERY AN» HARNE SS. WILLIAM TH'OMPSON-" liegs te direct attention te hie larg e ana superier.steck, cemprising every- thing, in the, Saddlery snd HarnaifsLina, alte Leather Valises and Saratoga Tf-unks1 ~ALOT OF. WIýby, Ontario. ROBINSON & TBABTEISAL at ie07'sclielas, C -Court 8tre4Toronto. G. YOIUN G SIMIT, Orricx-Oýver Doilc Jan. 22,1878. GEO. St. JOE2N ATTOEIIEY, Solicitor A lMomy to lsd. Mer sld. Agent forseveral L over WIgýttman's ston Oshawa. <CANERON & AI SoîlinluChance etreet, Tarox HE T HIO, QG fly- T0wWtty. O£Kâce-Toi 'trous O tel e'eleck. RJ. GUNN, * MU1GEON TO TEC 0 BrnStreet, Whitby Dr. W. J. Du1 OYrnc-Next door to C Mreieoe IH. LeW] BYRON FIEL! pHYSICIAN SURGEC p roek. Wau. JICBRIEN, M'el G HOSPITAL, LI the eyc B. 0. HL.,( Physicisu, Snrga&eAcco Wlitby, Sept. 30tt.iý 18741. W. A. Il OOMS OVElI13. H 1.30 te 6, P. ta. Resldace- asud Gilibert streats. cT N. YARS, 1 TEETH lascif 1latest princij ne cheap as ltae cheapesl, am b eat eth 1111.1ili GC Teetitexlrscla-withouîtm local =ssiiLsDcntslf &Wa nov block, over Atkinso King sIreel, Ousaa. *JOHN ROIINI fl AIRDRESSING AM JUB alcon, Brcok SI., Wl JOHN WOLFEI AGENT FOR TEE c MSoottialiGranite. AI of Teusthau Wolfudeu, Dun GEORCIE ORI sîsntly ou baud. - WILL[AA 000O (Succeasser te Thomas i * Hrse ahcelng as u i <i work. CO Ce.3bALIE IGUiNATOBACCC -V Troo-sree, Trz H BE O!DELL, *Clerk- Division Court, CemmlaÉelur in B. Il., Lai &oe., Atherly, County Ontario Alberiy Saxvt. ld, 1872. NEW MUSIC. MUSIC FURNISH1ED WEE Scaalug Capaclty, One GEC Whilby, Oct. 21., l1877. LANDX BALT AND FOR SALE, CEA LIVERPOOL M.i J. H.IcL Livorpeol Markat, April, '78. FAUCIIERS RESTA ADAMS' BLOCK, KENT L IN D SA Y, Oppesate Plontreal TclegFt J.L%,sivays fraàh. Gula ii "11h prompttude sud attentiez KINGBOTEEBS, 1 New Gem Rýngs, Whitby, April. 16th, 1878. HARVESTERS)j WORK ! 1 ý Whitby, Marcli 4th, 1878. Simcoe-St., Oshawa. 0 1 and iticular ati ýGOING TO D E P'O-T :1 V£ N' A'Y

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