Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jul 1878, p. 2

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ju1ur63d,5féw n . Ktaier, IrfAit If Dot ici -5ace ý,and 00!e UGO IL U4U8dis f Jgl4 S s$tgOieg5 On- ithont lise terrible ioting anui blond. andi expmnues hlt,. beau lken ontin i tt éani" dth lied thalisad bemn fted.Tis ayor' the face of thesêp *eiyeiiiOf d . sle freveàný i", rÏofthes SP AIXbic- ati o argé osemberof et oia cm. u ely ana dapresloas, ladolng weu-leo, béatIPublier o ie»in SouilhaOntario 8J"â ilted-Mn., il. illihoestable@ 5worn inlate c" y Lsproclama.- de.d. N wordse Cul peak more el- belngvelw rren d. a iàtgl ý ll3isssfr feL j",-.... ten,. orbldding tlb. procession, tcoil quieli]yst hcrfous nlee 1ou.~ Béýhdà atte-T.G.- hitial forco. Tise Qreusgsmaa.werc besoeti fthéismanaugement. Thse 8la4x thé %ffltO $ eba oof 1hluis , and t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d Alat4b4k2 .B eis&c.~ihoir lbait, bal a doe cf lise Iadars Bank, 1k. moet othor inuLituItonst of! VSare ple&sd tb know, thaï; they gave DiAtill! id orloUuii-T. G. Whltrl.ld. arrestei andthie procession preventei. tise kiiof, lbasgoes Irough' Ils sesson a god mcentit o on enseIvo. Ne>w luthetsaevening sa;guai.tof et e' jre oftal. -Ths-psrsent predol sii tisaIt iy bave, goi ai te tts poiw cformerl lawe linos tram tise doan eblectorsond -ils affairai,g aoba5 eurireuiuso,, *e hav~e soc onlis aînext etftisa Oronge - , anriâge@ warfsrcondition. They bad a bang,, w t o i. theywlpue wltis fling olouirs. Aradn u p, anSdlb.ecrangea siely seoke up, &lia kssowiag lil lhey appiiet Tise average ageofsthlie candidates waa, ONL il50PER AN ÛM.* plaS inlannrrages oi founsAnd-liemselves maniully tle b Iak. Thte boya4 14; girls5 a fraction loestliais14., - ony a ta Ibesîr homes. Spetsbes resuit bas beratihe favorable exiitilTise ge of tise oldesl boywae6 1-As 20; ofthe~ WVidtby, Thnrsday, JuIy 18, 1878. ot ceruRraîlation upon tise préservation given tisesnnaiâ meeting.- Confdeeoldeel girl, 17; ofel-isyousngest boy, il; afti peauo were moade, and lb. Maa bas bsen-estored; six pet cent, r. u- oatie yonngesl gil, 12. Tise &ge ai euiegised forerls toepha Ssiaken lialy paiS, le net a bat ivi'den in atise tise yonngest candidate thia passed le -, ACCOUNTS I1in tisaI direction. Three 4iôsus' iard limes llsreugis ahicis ae have il-Master James, E. -Colline, frese i'Parties havlcsg uetlesaccouatisA 0aI toinlrsrealu the Cty onder th. beau paslug, snd ne doubîil it Ùseau fenny.st. Scisool. rSdua t011100 ui.. liobliges by aîtnln eCommand oa i 8 Selby Sosili, yb. increasa ails i iiumla csei pos- Tise cisaracter o M the doeA 'tiss AtIonc. Adtional axpeas 'l1lta set, -but Ilsir servies vere net «Il. perîy of the. Bank tealshicis lie impro,- ahIlb. ean uv themarks, arascertain. be saveil by compliace itais ~re. sa5fon. Tise MaoenacteS on tise aplul-. salimas noarbefore us musî glverisè.. by, lunsnanycssnet aboaie -t a ven- i ~~~~~~~~~~of foie of tise leadng ayerls cf tsh C qy~ioeî . ae. Tise maximum nnbre ak - - ~ cil>' (tirea ai thiamprotestante), ta- wu 560, sud thonesgis lOi bglost candi- The Harbour Ari lrators. lbe Oranige erder le lloga in lise Pro. - AItiàmeeting Ofthtie &ave asociationdate ablaliet 4, iesa*igc Mr. Crupbll Opose appint»vinca ai Quabea. A pooebodagerr iobalS AItishe Qneenls Hotel, Wbttbyi oan eârly aillIse Oahheruinefan, beloa Ibis.. Mv. CO uapifi pos o is-apoit.e been ave tframt.tise Cityby lise pre. Jtiiy 11h, lise foliaarsng effleens aere Ille Suie le Master O'Day ho ilote tisaI sasen, tet rhntr~s aofa ievenlion ai s collision, ne .malter boa elected ft nlieanting year hiseobtalned 99 marks ontut o pepssible teWbo, Ata he lu 1tea. th ie-vaine ai tise bronglisî about. Whilie,hoarevar, the- Patrons, X. W. Encan, Esq., M.- P. 100 lu arltismetic, and 92 ont et a - laror ahIi etlag ofthie Town Osîholie lo nts caie tts P. ; Jas. Hoidesi, Enq., Mayor. posbl 00l sgamr. IL iegrallfy. <Joiocl ouModa evabg , Mayor praahy I- Prasideut, Lt. Cal. Wallace ; 'et icg, isaaever, ta learu tisaI,-of bale, isawsvsn faleaultle Sud a aecondcrle refi Aprely a nuthie pr'ott&tVice-President, Major O'Donevan;- 2a . bits Calilfor tiseyeas asdnays. Iinq a isa as ol e ni ntheir pplssi. Vice.P»Rident, Thoos.Lawler, BEu--q, i s enAamar-kedimprovemeul ans n tht repe't, ad ooe rgard Exéctiveofâeto t. Cl. ùtnel. i dicatin.candidatesndiatesaiy tafissa snIfyIseM11e.edmt anjlar Wion Cu. a efien, Or White sud 6 faileS absoileby, sud uantar woh. -- ndngMs- (ato1mel'efutile 'nelia, Tlisemoderate - inuci bols sides anaeCop. ntiadge. tain-S tise maximunm. Mioabeibof thlie conneil aaly diS juetiec dîseseelte la lisewhoalemotte eiaMahjoe ce dimos'd a eorohesry sudateTressuWhien, Mar Complainl le mode tsaI thse questions * eso, r. 'a lletllecesu one ta oblivlan ss napidiy as possible. Medicai Oocse, Dr. Bogart anS propos-adby thec.Cents-ai Commitlee are ~oap, Mn Caa moteion$leian f carr - Tisonarers e verai, sorimmages on tisa Bnlus. tee sevene,*especliiy lu aritismetie. cd, wersilined hSîS aee4 Cliste cor- trs îrst abus di dl lpartane et Exeaiva comlltee, John P. Tay. Toua il le tisaI the Meut ceuspieucus poratienadpo'd f. b n a__soS le Uford N ta s e ]r, Samueli Bay, Sergt. Dnnu, John isiltarea bavobeen ilu tisaIsubject, andi pootraiu oîloWislt Ltb arc#O -oti-sses uen ed. N ia rsueLawder, John Tareedie; Whb,tbZ apt. ioalilIuoslglt lnsotbu, rhwver, eprtS.J- J. Smith, Oshawa, Capt. MoGllivra>'i ok s fsmtsugaeeoie - eftw ilIh fue a eliepbc meat- 0 - . Dawreu, Part Penny, Serg$. Major' ahen beys sud ginls cf 14 ansi 15 foil ta toge tie reabnleo l~'s~dlu avarai arts Onorl. Oisisolse, J. B. Biekeil, Broeklii, B. chIala a sisngle marik. We propose le Pulluibalig- psovderi tbo pice was i. - EWÊERNMNAE Plank, Uxbnidge, Ca I. Heiclifelden, puhbliitisae aho'~papemeset nathl ita usaotufa.îry-tise deptlatîlon senot t aaassaroei sosossa. Cannicen, Arthsur Johnson, Green.ea oltw hS e . îslalOnAd ctf' aroCea ps. Davidson, Beaverton. !nmsation, andSAllow aur resSers ta P4lasl Attisa adjoucn'O stiag Oflise Be. Tise association baving gel lb. range judge. NazI weè;k are wa give aur p~*dena tisa satbjoot, andi ait lise ex. forma Ceuvention et Norths Ontario, lunfis-at cloe Sn tend bavlng a final luslalmenlý-penhaps al aif these. 1 pense sud OfTorI inoçe, lise coloucil whicho met ah Cauninglon oun Monaay, grand epeulug match abouit tise 121h [~isesfi aseg 8) as - issisirfisetaimsartia ri.AI Mn. George Wlsler, reeve ai Urbrimigs Au nsst, twicIs s captai programme o1aîda mee8 ~ ~ f~ wh'rl tO IJtriur Popety' otid, bille o lise cemmitte..reiyiq3g eme'd n e.ýý bjce, and'n. evinlois lse lianimr ps-openî wanld - e village, gel tIse nomination for ls nls eseethé~oîilalas euf fte ak orprar ue affreSfo soe ITode aeolîel Cmmos.Tisa vole aras talien hyfriands iluth. counuy, la easSi. haeta tiolr.J loîhiag sîfLcmrssiais e expensa tist aIlliiballot wiîisosî auy formai nomination -carry onit flirintention cof Oferng thlie AbetrarMdlcioWhby bJen inesîcrrati andi trouble taoonud lu Sing maSo1 ionth ug arlseg oves-y dole- best ps-jas Hot aver affered in ity et Un. Jas. Bs-eau, heacier-al3lmarks. 80 issiPrtaut a ilalter I A. sihrearoulgoto lea vote fortIsle man a oi hies a rille match.JaeCilsHny-ratcso, WbitbY, M. Boerrman, teaaee-SOt mu cf Iae i$s,,l m spal lht 1egsin is omî-a lo rcemarks. iamet av iis Jmdgenî s fadlY frlet ballal sisacvd tisaItisae coulait la>' TiaFrl'anklin Dole, Brooklil, Mr. Cienke, warot t like suiamouamsse, sitisar as bolwoera Mn. Wliseer; Mn. Cisarles TeWiiby Crnial Club Surlng tise .acher-418 marks. I a privaIs cititets or as a mamber ai théIsalbnauaevotn r nJspast week, buias S a trely gama., WlimGotBokPMs.Ca-e eareralon Srah', l wlllislim iigoow, of Pont Pas-t Pers-y. Thic n abols aifaisicb l i as uccessfeî. tercier-822 marks, uclouagis ta ini fAilisti, Ou bject arbierachoicesfinauy feil upan M. Wiseies-, aoîa v.rrcy oa0cSCIO siase amiltoni io. 12, Pickerning, the vatio o. theharbu proprty j - Nvuâc DOiDAtin wastheraftes-.llChas.T M11M.)Ur. has.cicms--teachr- markss tise raisn ai ise sisnios- ropost>' s aisso nminaton aas Iisenoflormamieranka R50i'E. Fnan Hethen, rook Mr. M-. Canke maSd- knowu by thso orbits-ators. To nnanisuaos-. Tiismatc-hwaas piayed aetliseFairtolacer-882 marks. abject in r0alce, wait t kul knwiug grounois, Whitby, lait Ticureday, aud John O'Day, Broaklu, Mr. Cles-ko, -wisaît t igtiras as-e, ij e set, tlegayTimîsis AND Noxsous Wacscs.- resultoS in basos-cf lise Wiby club, by Ieacier-444 marks. t4mloatunraeaaby. f i l foud Persanes hersmit tisisîlos ansi nex- 610 s-nus. Iu tisa letaI uiags Wi Js. W. Pbilp, Duffin' CrosS, Ms-. tlsê leet-, lionssoablv. f il i faLnSN. Smith, loaclisr-hO7 marks. - idit lis. arand ai îhe satbite-atoms fixes in reel grow up in tiscir lots, seoreil 75 ; iunlih, second 99. Total Cisas. Hl. PuS.>', No. 12, Pickering, et tlse vailso nI tee'hisa prioo, tmien, but antis ail tise vigor astiis lýsoIiic se 174. Trinily Collage scunssl 851 1heMs-. MeMain, .eon-2t8 marks. L I 'so-saI L aisu lme te oppiamia sou, and lte einjnmy of tîseir neigîs.. filet anS 79 tiese scondi. Toali114. -Albaert Powell, No. li, Pickering, Mn. p îlina irchiaso.Tise Barncofaithes as-i. boe' prapont>', aili havet otaak Fur Wiitby scores wareemaS. by 8. qedaro ecer-859 marse. traors asapuialy poviea u tlo ot t oce nd bat ths iestructiu-' nuni- Boy 851 (uoleut) sud 24; Jackson 18 wM. BobRoea, Houasy-st., Whstby, e- <ra igton e Basoie, ii ovj.l d lestiseonsauif as s udaa e cse Lrlad7 ahio n r un .Boarsman, 287 marks. o t owniuTgrtue sais, ibave teBaytnel ti s su if te roîd s o fcate Il a 10 sud 71M. sia ndO;D. u-s Herbent Webster, Union No. 1, Pick. si tîma. Tsa oteayas bve bissoy~ lii eenl'y lie peceiliogeai eev 10anSering, Ms-. Jua. Gaie, teacisan-02 le ite alsatiser isie sah take il or bave iî Counoil tisaItise aid of te lea stelie rl'os-Trliîy Collego Sool, Saundere mars..a w11811îbseOciieut tîso priesnaatie invokei upea tisa subjeet. 0 aud 28 ; Joues 10 anSd8; Wood 1 Fr-ank Wililon, tnian 14o. 1, Pier- t1v)pro3rt inhéii. iti taarrvé t ad 1 ; ampell4 ad 7Mooe 0iug, Ms-. Jao. Gais, haacher-rlISi marks. lie roost> i ltll.]~atteasrie I m ant 18; Cmpbei 4 antta; Mene aWilliam Wiiiis, Jahn-stresî, WiitSy, te luis latter point, tise aonitîhtionmuemsîtsmnCo8ps-jîfr eo- aic ansd 2.vens tise prncipal scores. Mn. Woodisouso, leacer-284 marks5 bo IInsOU0somiî ilîs,* ceouenaos ana making sati havoc afInl bowling for tise selsool the fis-st BobI. Walks, Bs-ooklin, Mn. Cles-ke,, tise ùl nteo te sitire hiht e a sîke. Pbanke are hsoken anud inuigo, Hoarard gaI 4 aicets lu 10 thess-407 mark@,. si w ]' tar, ea t o-n t e i hise ito io a m e over bo ne t i u m n >' places, ta th l i .Sou v ers ; W ood 1 ai k et , v n ; C m - E m m a B a sc a >, N o. 12, P i k er n ia' avisa tsa s-, atîributiss MmCa ulpbahh's ger of life ansdilimis. Iu case oalan se- belli 2 aiets, ' overs; Mooamp'8M. lain a ekaIraokimnark ce 'ut s o elive, n ual motivas.1 Tisat, ~ iearm uscue iecorporatian, aieketa nloavarevr. Ibihesasend toficher-809i marks. - '0e wus mre t oe , t cnran aifjudm and1soSosItise awner Of tle coce', (evea if 1121111198 Woodt 5 w aicinets i 18avers;. Jane E. Diron, Duffin's Crack, Ms-r.ic ais~~~~~~~ ar1ai1e0 uts vrs ili u cauhd hie found orot) would b. liale Mecs-e 8 aiekete in il avers ; sud Smithi, lsachen-864 marks. ofti cofuTeeiisug I(l fecelu fa or ey'domages, .. Newa sîole. tiseCasmpbell 1 wicket inal5-ovene. S' n.B-aataies-2 oine T s i s ic h v e soU lo o D Oe»c ite r, t hl m , em os s n e b c o i g s o e , F ar W iit y M a t ie o n g at i nlut lie lu t L iz z i a M iller , N o . 1 2 , P ic k e r in g , M . e il saiscio nini Ir l i tl cu e nu la tI n ts Itie gardons are raille S b >'t e is o ui- ni nige, 7 ai kets in 19 ovae s andi M eM ain, t ache - 8 2 narks. - lu ijiaitbi~ M-.Siîusly.moaulallwcml ho n lise sîmeatEi. Mas Laing 1)armkets lu 18 oves. l Iseh RateO Cnnor, Union No.- 1, PiSes--ai crop rospct3. et (ie tmo arivei for robiitin secod ilningsLaiingtsixm.ckGalea lsacr.iGle, --ac4e-8 mentar.$ Oa 1np ropcso s i tilieas-c ndfrpoobtu eod mnneLigglsxa Ilt ii Tersa Iedsien, Duffin'a Cresk, ûM n ý'titil pomisesb ta runcul ssopincal etheaouran lmrosagis 28 avers andi Prozton 2 aiekets ia 14 Smith, Iescesr-297 mars-u5l - ['si is-mie aiennseus s-lo si lsre nee faiuanimportntoullwn iSe - ecre, slnus Woodicuse, Jebuà-al,, Wliitby, eu year tîmouglomt tisae outi-y is in A faim whitby ? WCoshouitiga>' e. coîevv.Mrosva . Wooniisusao, leae)oes-819 marksa M waty ai biag u-aliceiNoves-lisas tua oes-icg, m. aleVIS.ss-TOROis-S.O. curthi buailthis soutioen teenieul ails TiLCooccruuin aid of tisaudSe ai thlis. match piayed - on thse Foi is- HaMr.naisWleu, Union No ak. 1 Pc li elimcli susatlos,-Al Saint'.s onis, avhich o tok piaons atgreutile st Solos-Sa>', WVitby again tiltsMsnun.a A alok b>' Mr. Mayor ladon,à lopkiras' Ilail, au Fnidoty oveufeg, a, imne-c'victoriens.. Beatiu« lise City hIoissst Campbsell, Model Sehool, s-el iirnleonan s fixty.aco fitras-e amay O o arWeil alondad. Thsa oaîasiainumsu club 26rs-tn. Tise fis-stiboingi Whily Whitsyt Ari sage foiI>' astoniehsti dus aI leise jous-i. gave m2iseS eatitatfou-tll adies 1uS Mode 6 te eond 101 runs. Win. Haliay, ]Jnaaklii. the amnecfemrytiismg. Tis e sr a t gentlemen taking part ia il bming Tstal, 167. Toronto goI 40 tisa fret Chas. Harding, Ilersy-st., Wliby. hal innn.s nd97theseon.Hlarm B. Poweall, NMotiaiSaisea. atI àpsiugalieiktiimssoeal la seooliar i-elsasiiy appaàumilemi anS iucos-ed. Dr. nineaS7leecd. Toal 141. SsaiAmnUinN.1 iSs.p JacsonO aaS 13 Bougs OanS1 SarCas Lse, Unon No. 1, Picker pot yt'r î ssbil[lins làJ1 is-yhnes fe, îî aroni Oi. ojtecrdFoorhi a that rneBssa gtel 10 sud 88 ; Peing.- a couxUIodatiouss aumi reqnisiteS for foîni>' "ON.-.Mr. Moadys grand excur-sion an celebralesi tis adoira Clasemout. Tino Slep, Liii>' Wilis, James Wilson, hum, -Camios-t,, sarit is So anîl Coilaster Thuonssa>', 201h, psomises te b e imi. gatlhrnug aras not'lar-ge. Josisua Smiths, Chasles Atkioson, George sav Salis sYROM, 111eli esfelt. Bîittlae io eSdi>' the excns-sion of ties easnsn. 'The In Tes-entaolisecelebratian passesi off 1Bieisosdsou, Clos-n Whenes-, Lena Aihin, galhh wehaInaiituiju f xenig armoî - nsagaetehaebenqniety. About 2,000 book pas-lin telii. crsl, ihr ino.sl wu"110Itnino x-nig u otcomploearnet a vebenpr,'eeesion. Young Bs-Itons sud 'Ps-eu-Wiioas>'RcsadPnn.al Yeinrin madfoth'1ev CLASS.-erbenh Bourke, Ciayton s reinî~Ot' 1111100l, ass en i ogan, md us i.domfort andS aoaymonl cf lice Boys daclineilte lako an>' pas-t Se- Stoareli, Fr-ank Atkirsan, Georgo Xli îoying auYthing usonsehtin su ar-mb etairsiein lala..caus aitise action ai- tisa District son, Roua Thompeen, Miriam Kemp, Lotige in refèence te flise Monts-cal Neli>' Ticmpsou, Maggis Senîhavali. TI abolit tise earnng Sauustifo a navoul ails TnE "EvENsea POme," tise noeaMon- trembles. - vsseProidoco as o bessd Iea nili>, f, ae aa maisplesedte No accidents or dislns-hances waree Ta Paose ASSaCIvAIO. -Tise an- ofte ýhlaind, fnmkn-rpdporssi ulerepas-led hoalis, police',anti er 'ayittieal meetingai tise Canadiasa Proe mat fiaS maiugnapd popoe u pulicdrunkaunese. na o L, NaWMNuurs- au'Q-aueuslq'e LL(lt. ofves-. Ilsareli arittan artiIles anS Tise Anniverea-y aiflise hattle of tisa Asoolsion teck plaee oh Guelph on cors e as-eini make u as a uearpapen are BatIlOf ai le Boyrse passeS off quieti>' Tuasda>', lOîb. Tisese-union aasa fora Prliv i. ncipaul Qs-aut, ai Qnsau'sCoi. u otpssn nsdlc eoto div loge, praecodin Saint Andnaas as-lis>' Ofoever>' support anS encans-. inu melonS. stpeanoendhercti nû Cliurebi, Wbsftby, onsTensl> liagencent. Upen Irishs Catisolies ail ALn F- oucc-T tIeGa th ie auhoioitios in the higlist boa. Tie ey. ruslpi ra ssas l bsovar Ibis Douminion, anhoso canesasnua dKiin ii alts ilsi - ogSae. complimnneaon. Aceardiug tlansd The ocey a Pinsecia aime e u ns i mes-ast in on aspacial mannes- il 1de- FXlulr Kau s. aitOe brike@in asî ,tis ataements oai eaoa ur bs-chcsen bru'i ltgeuo asen1fl aerO ai ' ol ntw ors n- rc wl as sudseald oojo h pie 4oeuolrcuesO b.Prsîbyerinondsm tisa Eeces/eg Poet Sos a pas-a- abioie season. Ps-be ten cents.. aiaae-easidfacj> iepie body. A local eeonitteo'was appoint. atna l csai ta ustAntlul support. S. W. B. SnnIU & Ce. lege ai Seing prasejot, lise ceunI>' sud bis adsfr Manaes-t iln, S Thomo---------soc **- Â_ -la Mt--s---- aucouncilu, lise neidont memhiens oaih ohma Door Ibisstck sectonAujas lt,3n,' lIoGSFosoz, angisaces- ai tisaDe. Ils. Dominion and Local Legisatane, forc- tie. h obal bamSa Te.1784a eoS a-gis 0t ingel a prtmeul of Publie Wctks, OlIarâ, aiElis.heGovesumentan tsd Ies- local officiais, bis1 tirrTlq ict ibs~~ltlusai-asi> tseaa'airmiatsaS být cf lise he ol Pickering isonhor te-Sa>', Tisos. tb. educabionai guas-ians o e t obn * sumi UP Over 01,500. Thoe 118t te sedeS S>' lot" sud seou. The 1en sauts off tise Sa>, te look ales- the axpanditure oai an ighbcsosoci, vieS antis each allies-tisas sbyip Mn1hssbr a n aala oa-l i hn alcu eom- lise 15,000 graul voteS b>' Panliamnul inpap'ig a tribute ai neseeoîta oCana-.the sube nspoaf 0j' 00 ecd. Mn. DavidSbail>' disposeS. 0f course lise. lueos ia journahisse, anSdln gsing ils sep- comI 8. Dow lu .made.tleseysyliserai sub. nfrte Eî. Frst. 055Felloas' Hall. Lïses Ftuir Juîcieoon LOsrsTv COa. reseueotlves sara-ari eicome. Tise T OSIfIIIOla- usia. -.-.. ~guesesaiftise occasion ware e se~ T h mo cLo f 81,000. OppaSilo hie - e.DIAL, acool1andti reîsiug bevenago, feal th lbsaectienaiflisis yaar'sseu- onde: Of lte 8$150,000 ssndorIukon te be rais. BASeomoshnasss.-.Theiscse ua pleai(1 arranlesi poise, de-vans aras otartuate aise, aa lisai ed lu oui4 D1rD. Grantl, abiscrl90,000 aIsve groarttiis yaar. Tisa Sers-sosare ai S. W. B. SUvadI Ca. tli eanlerlainens ais-e peusesses of utmi b~o u~w obss-bas, LaI ar allian xchIet uall>'an tie uaisa THE Q!icoosa PARo.sÂsEN.-TisQue. ai quick intelligence, ,raat euergand ale Mr. Dowr for smbcrllise'namos. vos-y ps-olic. sema aroadeflll e c hs uvsiTiOvsIc idi aesBIs pi is DntiibaaSrs Legislatro aili, il le expectied, b. liberal11progressividiots. rance SisSaes, LsomIlss garos-So eIfs- ., ~ pnrcgriecltiss aok. Te- ' niir heofies l e o b Reeto lteBiihplenipoten. P*4vqil, have ibeon bell aIt isis office.qtiaeunug>er Pesdnl.Mss e - -T6EXouasorov..Sea adverthue. Jas. Shaonnon, cilice Rigstaa News - SiPec i.a,~»aeu-tadan is l -Boaz RflCE -A boal race on lTi(iby 'Ment-WhiîbY, Port Penny & Lindsa>' 10I Vioe-Ps-esidsnh, Prof. GobLavîn-Il il 0 allsblsryarrivaS ta e DMrqufs-a b oy, haî stilil>'belareen 11f. lîryso Iisailaay. 8mils ; liaSVice-Presidaul ; Mn. Johna T: 00n Tesf arivoiy, T Difoise>and Mrl Gouioiux, bath oet abei verbe B. brayes, oi lhe Pont Hope Timses; Mrr.Ilon l e tnerfor *10a N»Bai aailSponean>'Trasurar, Mn. Win plan preiontMn, Kiesgauaddoues an, tuda,1 CouXs AN* nîn orfritijars atChizol* 9 0atie earmanvible Btateisrn;rr;tOy pneont WlIaoa ii.is.î a t etaas on b>' Erpan.. - aune. Freneis Seaiag Wax ins Pousnd ssvScniayM. C. BlacketBob.ara WIia hd 5ltliu~*lcrcoîlnen - .0 ______ _ -ýbloceks 25 ouate.insn, aiflis.Tenante Prsbterszeu;;tisab I~*l àe't'v~ aILandu. P- - Cài.~r Oa.-Beveral parties boive 8 .B auszdC. Exeeuîtive (lommiîttee, Mesurs. E. D. Ca f ne nô h ý e tise Wlltb>',Pot-t Pos-r>'Bars-riftise LinSsA3>' Poït; N. alug.- t/OX!&cr 100 b 9Sciso. theBoio-a i eues> eltaoyi ta spuod a m- Pa.aou liste many plosîsut o$iaDs-i90ut#,H ogia ea se. kf. icfi0no 0th l~ ~ lit~nd l coupl'e of e#k8 "camping onl",ab th, -peoissur nig tise Lake as-o noarNauane m ac nstmsa hs VN r h CttitoqOaetts bÃ") p '-s0 andi ~ Wrd ;.acksn etse back laokerieu. iMuÏi ndthefauttise Guelphi >fotr.. Te Hacctire heu osa li. ses - ~ ~ 4-~CommiamWitfi-x the place fan liaiS-cet tu 0 m&£g'B '*'Tho e tnd, -s HOssu'- rO SBi'DEws SOna»LUsAs D ths4 MnaalWaer thse mexitacn uo.e uog, sud, ailt Fa terbrO Q ,aa9 ..[ "IlannomntT. G. Wbil Wilitioy, - eolSe on tise atoof et ursjoi À Most1 wut4ýfiflt sv,0 isîs7 r Pny ieda' laflaesl, o. s paihe Mlodle(P4 an5, ails - - suant t;h Mn. Blow lnlredned o by-iow fà the appeinîrnent of ienoe-viewers whlels veceived Ibrea sevaral readingi and ýýwas paes. The, feuce.viewei appointlaiare, Wm. Darnes, chas Scott andSi amuel Jackson, On motion aio Mr. Harper, secondei by Mr. O'Donovani Frank Shanley Eeq., 0. E., ai the, city ai Tenanto, wai oppoinlesil rbitrater Osaý beisoif ai ti loolutise arbilnotion wiîh lb.e Drap. er asIate se lathe vaine ai tis a abor I3eiore the motion wae declareý car. Mn. Camspblal ssked whather il woE imperalive upen 4h. concl te make tÊ a o-pointmant,îànd whal aras likely ta: ha -thse expeuse ai tise anbitrator. H. diti net thlnk -tise natepayers wene in favar oai pnrcisosing the barber. Mr. IHarpes.-rplied thot the appoint- meut. ai the arbitroton aras randaee naceseary. Wheu lise award aa made, evaulsi betisa lime ion tha rate. payera la say whhet iey cvould se- cepM ilor noté' Mn. Camnpbell rose ta spaak avgain Wisau br. Rey noiseS the point ai onde that Mr. Campball hod airoady stpokea. Mn. Hannam aras in laver ai Mr. Campbelaîspeaklug anS geulia ohe information ha could. Mn. Campbell onkosi for tise yens andnays ou motion, but cov'Id not focd a seconder. 1Mr. Harper go-vo notice tisaI bc W-ouad at tbxo next meeting ma-vo foi ceave ho intrgQdnoo a by-laov ta contirin tisa appolalmentofai a abitrator n uc- safofmi tise town. te appose t oue men 9n se ea. as ly mnISTLESs, &iC. Ms-. Blocs'menliorct ic ueuan>' cem- plainte tIs a dS ben mode oan lie subjeet. Saves-al parbleu oarring loIs âiloara t tîesta bhaveennumn aithshiit- es ; linaasked tise Mayon Ast-o tise proparaa> te praceed, anti ahetien thic bawncould senS parties thontul Ls itîca logdoau anS cange lia exponne o bise aauneru. le anicu lnt aIths bhief constable bo dis-ce-te look aller Ina maltles. bishe Mayor s-desrrsi tise causcil tae the Act speciai>' dis-ceSAgainel pen- nîtîiug lise groatn ai Canjada tipeles. Mr. lanese Co iplained oai lie man- ies- ira wrihilithne green noS isad been Inlipped off lice.sideof aas-tre, injicsing th rosas>' andi heac-ia ies afor tise 'ropagation oai tle. [14)cnisiesi cal sas-I ai llcing pot an crwd ta. - Ms-. Campbell mentionasi thie epreati i tisa gronts of iccustard ms; a gni',v- Ince ; il aras armse-avers tiamu isthoisi - ce. [f tOuhiscestion eea boierar a t il tinjîr sisentgo iuata it geauhy. lis. Vicks, ciai-maa as-tice commlit- me an reliaf, 0eperled lin lovai- aifpo>'- Dg the falioaing :-E. J. Johoniston, S1 ; J. A.' Bandohi, $3.25 ; Rl. IL umWeson, $15.50) Peler Smiths,81; %a. Bannes, $2 ;Ms-s. Staffes-c, $i ý7.430 ta lDr. Bogart ira fuofai a se moit ior îl$5). -lois eaomitteu aoo;lS tit s-ncascrnd payma utof aiaccout ýfcoi. 'ilace for s-cuLi shsanse oc- iipi6cl b>' the Arnmis-roug ciidrcn, but ilt thesraoutor in tIn hiauof ailic Aller s;ome iliecucion, in coîuoniîteu f he abiole, in waish â M. Ilaan uS lis. 13Blase oiitiatisaecouuecih ws', smuci nresperasibl-es-orthsei-eut as e>' acre ionrlise focS iS Iclnpynion ppiied the Arnsterang ,fsonilv, msnd r, Wickns totiug sisal Col. Walhace ad issent a dînîcess and p ohld tise bob nl'iurnitore, wile tIse iamiiy acre ina le balise, aile- Ars-sssongr lied hoft, ad aIse usal lice cammnitem Isatifonnd cipis fer $7, paid Coh. Wallace b>' cnustroag, tie part aifltse elause aI' o report lcaving ise oustter ira thes rde ai tise eoiranl, ws aImaS ont, tise instanae ai Ms-. llampi, anti ra- nIt aclOîsted as assenuled. Ms-. Joveniill stateul ticîci tualwn es in no evay iiubhe tfs- lie scout. Mes. liapen reporteS franc tise fis- ics cemmitîse, rseaormcnding a grnu '$20 ho îaid Col. 'iaIloscc fon Irans- rt ni vaitonloors. Report adopteS. OiL ANDi LAMPeS. Mir. O'Donovi n meimos-Iti from lise amilîc onaufine andi aaten, recon- r unding payruenl of $25 tealIr. Blow y cah, and tise lul5ing doasaofai n îp aI h ls utis-weoit mornofnaiByr-on ho h Gilbeart streat, -araSonthe rne-ai' I mIne sud Glbert sîrcuot. Il lO motiomnai Mr.-.O'DenovoLn thcb Hector asallowed ieue imott ta te- ni lois rolh. Fmom tise stalemeat Sae, il alipoane VisaI ai $22,000 taxes ly $1130> remain scollected, ansid t tisa gncabcn portion oai bm m- ca nora-rosident baxs andr exemp-mi ira motion ai Mn. lZa>', couicoil ad- I ireS ta inet Mondaý ovoosiug nexl. a - -»--lu r)STILLr: 1' PTUoaLmUTsr, lIne nea N iig Iluisi, Moncy, Tisat-, said Labor y nSd b>' uoing il. Pnice 8.5 cte. purP ou or 5al onse for 'e41.50. Fos- üb>' T. G. WIIITFIEtLD, T Soie Agent for Wiiby. o1r hlie New Yank Exanteros s a 1B s->'matne-ansi lsoukeepem munI ai n set so foail>' piysician ina lIe I a>' ilnesssuad accidentsltisaI 0ce .r among cildrenand uervants. w ma ouf a Il'ecases I Inave msea 'Vs PAIN KIu.nuî, ansi cousider il an ; sapcosable article iratisa medicine ce, t.ù Asuonrss, itlibns beua180saSvc 1affecteS ens-es. For cente and M son, 111eý invatueble. at t s ne ianjeron -idle Sremam os- on tsting ta affis-setisat Feiloas' Ãœlypo. ta spiles, aherein as-e united iccufiu-Ce ead -ce,ý arii sîenghan monaumandmake tir life uaetauJ>' endurable, but spas-ki- Pt ailS rude anS joyame isaib; is;his -St are recammensi arismn vitality jlaonau aone, anoricara tise aganiase be- se aes enfeebied. M seo average iSmratian of iife iicreuglaeat lis glober s hit-lyhs-.syears. Andin juaIt nrfo hati sîou iis age, mny are comliell tIl mpnoctica thli ais oai henhlla ailstise Lst cane, parlienini>' feains, su--ho ine' lois iability ta uaccde te eun-y,ropos-ai losterfening antis the lmmediaté sub- maission te lise Britlish ar'làment of papera relative la tiesa sterns seuîle. ment 1h. motion - as tlirown cont. Thse -proceadiÏngàla61 ihe Cangreessarere conciuded on Baturday siiglst ails a Stato banquet given loy.tisa Oroara P>rince, aI arich lo lIsehéEnropean rep. resentaîivee, ailS the eadoption ai Prince IGortasehakof .and Eani flea. consliaid, arare pressaIt. ,Ilte sUnder-, stooathalt lt1h.Englisli and Raselan dipiamals: ho-vocame ta on agreemant apon tis apoulor au Ângio-Busian nnldnsrtadiag, aaAnsIria leà soid t ho nagotlatirg on arrangement wilh tho tise Porte similar la tise Angio.Tankieh Convention, antis a viow taelise main- tenance o et isnltagnity ai Enropean Tnrkey.-* -- TIse Boumanisa Govmermnt bs de- cidesi ta accepî tise Dobrudseha ta ex. change for Bessarabia, aad te accepîý tise decisiaus-ai tise 'Janugrees relative ta tisa J aw s.. 0 The Brillai GovenmeutlleengageS in parfeoting arrangements for tise mil. itorY and adtnmistrative go-enment ai Cyphis. Ilaiiways arà tb be lItra. SuceS lu thse leland, a suimarine cable laid ta Alexandnia, tisus eecnniug direct communication aila E ngianî, aud a emoieme for tise ceesînuction ofaimpis. rotes volley nailway le on féot, wihstisa Dake ai Sutheanaotite isead. HÂsîtP£11'8MA&GAZINEFPouAsrausv, a number which lhasnenver been sn passed in tise intorest of its readin suatter, and tise beauty and si oitie eý celience of ite illstsrations. Tho opeuing article, by F. Keppe le qavot ed te "Tise Golden Age aif]Et gra'.iag,"e a fil subject for -a Numbc wiih may fsirly be saici ta bo the bei represenation o-ver givon of tise ocii vornente nf i bm art. This paperi esmsbelisloed witm thirtean illustrationi repreeenting tise gr-_sýt masters of eu glaving-Gandoi, Durer, Itembraus (two ai whose atohings are reprdoced' Selmongoumir, EdmIpincis, Viscier, Willý Drevet, Deenovers. Bervie, and Sisarr Life at tise White Sulpisur Springs tise subjoot af an interestiog papor b: Jon Esten Cookeo, withis wenty fin illuetrastionsof cisaraeter and eceucry Clara F. More, tise autisor of "dilue] lItsrs," joint puiilsesi in liarper's L' braiy of Awerieou Fiction, conIribute a beautifuliy iliîaetrate'I aoudnmtertii in z article on Tunliriâge W ls, a i "Otdi-fosluionetl Spa" lis Kent. Thý literary fansi Iistorical associations c thse place are very interesiog. Amn tihso illustrations are fine piotlurcesc Dem-ad,t-tio oeildnae ai Princedi Leuie aandtihie kiorquis ai Lorne Hever Caetie tise residence oi AniaE Bolfiyh ;and Pienshurst, lise home c the Sidnoys. - - Notiîing coufldle mare iseautiful, oi betteor suiÃŽtetathe iisutmmen season, tisan Mrs. Canants6 paper, an "BirdE ftud Plumage," with sixteen suipe.-i illustrations by Gibson. Tirc soccllent short stances orr ozioen, ocdisoaiwhici han o opacîiluin terest. , Thaomas Knox coutributes a romant- able piper entitieti "John Coliipra,.or, giviug oun juside iîew ai ChineRe mer- contilo Mie, nat ouly ina China, bot alec iu ailier coiintrise,R, ad cxpecing the ms'tis, ivwich the Chiriese hoava gainnd iniitise cosupotition with foreign noecnhan te. Tise Nusaber constainas re Poontes «'Shipwrock," by Z.I). "l'Wo lKnows,' by Aiuîs C. Bracisett "Inu a Chaud.i rt," by Sl7icy .Lancom; "A Sominer Day," by C. E . Brooks ; end "lTe Cliffs mnt Newport," by ILuth Doua. 'rue ss'iai etories -Wiiaii Ms jaclm's 'MIacoofD aiDons"anadTomnas Ilardy's 'Thse litnyu ni tie Native," arc coutisi- necl cvi tIiuss-timotot inters-t. Indian Fraude. WII<)ESA IW ILOBIEi'Y0F IN- 1 ) L\N 3. Tisi -imaiK. UMA &ILLA. A.lorieli iroin Fort Tiosiepqon, Datcots, dssted tisae1E12, 5Os ldion ssoomsessc'ner HItdroppesi on thse Crow Ageniey on tsaI ilote witholit notice. lIn ablainesi tse bookr, anti spores of Indian Issepactor Hiloda, util discovenoti fraude andi jobbery un. icarl of, evn in ludion Ageanais. Dr. Liviu-qton le agent aI Crow Crechi, andi e oud Agent Crayon, at Ciseym-nne, nitl Gregory, ot Lovior BruIe, harve bcis conepiristors togotlier. lise rob- borles ofi Indiaus are troosi back te- 1870. Thpse e heives a uit oaIsetel nt hovortimpt'expouse, anti cuppiieti il 'jus beei, pototos, suilk, grain, andi [iny frona tihe Geveramet warboiso. Livingetoe cias a îsartner wite an In- lin trodler, Hudson, wW'»nlho snpplieti 'ith Inoîian geode, wisih eiswso siila [nisons. lie drew pay aorsatious for fires hisudrcd suera ludiona thon c-ers it his agoucy. Liciagiston ocvns a con- roiiug intprcet inra ire silver misaca ia eývaîlo. about aIl tise roal lrapenty in Vankton, ansdl ias grotifi-s his piety by ýrsonting etained glase wintlows unil sarble ironIs ta chlurcie. Ilia agence' sq woil a tao te e, hava been siz es. lie rng tlsrccten loMunond's 111 e fr cpoain.-lisein. Gara. flimond haq nipeneuesi tise agoenis nt Crace Crcm',, 3rie, oui Ciicycnne by anmay officese. Waeiing-ton, Jorfly 11.-Jahu .Smiths, osaIt, sosys noue ai tise Worni Spring os(iao are witi tise hostiles, andti iey muent ba inicosi teilit sIgoinst tise hlitei. San Francisco, July 15.-A wValls- Valia deepateli giestue iolowing se. *uint ai tise figlît attse Usialilia roser. ation :-Tse oews mendieS Coloneil files, cvlo wae et lise reaervation. Hie ,once etantesi for tisa scene with 3100 guionsg. Aiter oasasareis of about six iles, sudevhsen wîthin la short dis. une of Cayuse Station, loe encourater- * betwecn four huudrod and i ve iura res wannians. Uetting hit; meu jute sBillon, Col. Miles openes irfie on tise ostiies, who retunnes it. The Iudions astainasi coneiderabie las, tho--e pro- Pnt estimnting Ihoir deasi aI fifteen. To ,judge by tlis.SI. Louis report, r Seaasu nstrok. cisiéfiy occurra aong lisase Waise e eable te souppi lsensselves __'ith -ttisso clSd inis aric cihosiS Se cuder a ban. BoiMFR naCOXPAINzTas oO aaoÂIOZ sm--PAU- Tu!,3t-Tsls fearul comsplluan rWisîlil carryingto09tise Idnfasalu hi chi enly lb thamisauds nt thua asof, ai- i .yaas- Cam alafissnrely liens-reS b yDr. Pealens Evt a!~ ~ ~ ~1 neSt-aa.,.lisuverUUled te r'vi relief lunlise mail sere caues. 1118 000' ashin tliseao-oash e amoI o noet fait tla"gIvaîlt-oia l 1 Se phae.e anthis i hsmlag offnt' s. SaS ayu ,Dmnggists sud Saalem n e a cies. England in lise -EseS. SPEtIOLÂqONS ONLORD E OACON5P5ELDS' Lord Beacouefieid sud tise British proheetorote bis bas mustatailisisoc oves- Asjalic Tus-Se>' ose lIse mubjcee ao s note sent te lise SBisb>' a yenng Mas4 abo bas beau stesdyiug yesterdsy'i neas. - bie substance.of tise Young man'a speemoatienases>'ý be pnesoagtça tisas: feacouefisid le a Jear ; Deacene- fili d as ueg-olitsd-hi e usapretecto- mole ; Syrie, hanaisicis Palstine ond Jonusalesemas-e locateS, le one aifliai Tunkis provinces lisat as-e placeSnSes the BriIisi prolectos-he ; scias-ding te tins termes of tise prolectânate, tise ai'- ernossoa Tus-esh provinces tisaI ae te ho appoel wtantishe approvai ai tise Britishs GOernmdht, of iicicBoocons- field te lise Premier; lise appolulmautt ailS.e Govarumeut of Syria, in ahicis are Paiestina ansi Jerusalese, aiilSe unden tise coutrel ai Doaçouefiaid ; Beacoustield arili, tise-en, Se tise nul- ing powrs-taIJcsusobaem oer ancest Palestine ; haieril place a Jea la tise office of Go-ses-nos-: lis ewas aiii àgsiu rase te powrnMatise seaÃŽ ai tiseir an- cieul glas->' ; the iars ai Moues andth ie aiS Jiis syatem a ill hareetoed; amaS thun ae may diseoves- lie Se>' of Boacousflht's Eastenpolie>', and, ba- isaiS fus aousummistion ai bis Joaish )y Terrible Denth, y. A MIrNER FsALLS nOcUmRsoE n UNRotiotE m E . i. AItone o'clock yeserday ailes-noon 98 C. F. Germanra shift Sons ibine a- Calerais mines, fol laethe ibottoea o n lise sisefî, a distance ai 1,4110 fte, anti ie wasria tas-n as-lsd. W. B. MeRs>', mi Ges-mano an asotisas- mou, liad Seen ïg Sauata lIse 700-oot sation 1e chsange if a pump doduk. Ha-ring campisssi Ibis as vonS tise>' sanl tisecage Soan taelise 1,l'out)ho-vol. At that point- lise assat- e anul as landeS sud MeRa>' sud Gos- )f moan aated for tise surfasce. The toolas ini iotibeen raseS lu eliaang- r ing te leiack wareeonbine cage sud iGommaru anin iais ia anci a piece oi as planS soea aihtearafeel ia langlis, b armich lie aras tokiug a lise surface. 1le hosdtise piank nSes- one os-m snd lieli tus Ihe enoseban aIflise cage aitls on an su. Ms-. Mcay aras hsolding hai tise cros,ýL: -, sud alt acut asîl ts ametoti' l tIse cage aras aillaju 150 fiel t lc op oethlsesiimt. bisa cage -tison gava a seSsion bouS, tlisoaring s àl MKa>'11P ogainat lise bonnet, il]- ejnuighiq iip andsi aie. Widen ideliaS iq coilected lois ceuses anS bookasi about a Mr. ?l fonneesîltisut .Germann aras gecandcil- Suese '.tisa e mshall bialln ta tisa boîlof het tsaal, bie plouk suas aiso gone. Undoubtedly lime euS affics plouk esuglol muSes- tIe wal- -plaIe ai thie sisait ansi tisea Gemmonn I n iaiiiug le lise bottolu ai tbe siasi iGegoîsanu'a boul>'uppcas-s t a lsva tesocled iron side te aide, atrlking ainot liuste liihcrs, anti aas huetoa Lù iragsuamcls. Tisa sad anas les-n aff, alslc badsasd andi feel, aniStise as-ms and legs woeeaiippesi la pieiccu, leav- iug peoniions ai flesi anS fragments ai onesaoîng Sean tise aisan su colIes- .il aouan theasbottoin, bie brunS cris e Isia siaspaiespuipy mass. Tisa romains acre soued np iii a biaukel anS aviner iougltta tiseligil la>' juL-s heoji licolboreaveny itllroesrbboco te thes bodS>'faia urnus eing. bise bsodiof ainawlio fou suei a disansce are genes-ali>' lcmnibhy manglod, but in this instance lha disinembenînent sud ronudinu - ta ices acre imuaisgreahes- tlcileussesl> sceau. Liver in King.N 'lie L]aiaxlutiseimpes-iloa-ngora atlie aIisl human systoni, as it contrais fle lite, iseallo ant i iappineas ai mou. we ieri hadistumbed ira Ie praper action,E sOI Sinuls aI ailments orseIthe natunsi s-e- sac. Tino digestion aifool, bise mae'e-E monts oai tisa heurt ansi bloosi, tise ac- t tioncofithe bnin and n use-us Ecysiese, e are ail iîumediatshy eanuecledantis tisa h acorkinge of lise Lives-. Il lias beenV snecssfuciIy ps-oveS tisaI Gseeu'e Augistat Fioceen leunequalled ina curnug ail pen- a sons aflieled ailS Dyspepsia or Liven, Campisint, andal line numes-ane sye. Il ploueicol nt esult frein an uun eali>' tc cousition of fie Lives- aud Sîonsogi. e Somple botlletaeIn>', 10)cents. Pas- n itiveiy sohd su al la-wna ou tise Western ? Continent. Inmos- doses ailps-eCs tisaI il is juet wasyon arant.n A suanttlinse fga, a Yeung lad ami play. bi ing about tise Replonoile, iusTes-ente, aises, p b>' soea aroeioess, he gel luis foot seveza- s hy isjured-intied, tise heel aras ahnaIt bonil eh. AU tise areall cf 9a ReliciilS could l thave8asved fbisaI footfranc omlpu. laliera, in ilseif ; but tise Iisaeiy application sef ltagyar's IclisaOu n01s-noveS the ai»o if iîy magie, sud jîs f anISers- e eiteci s- BuAC'ONeSFItsDA, NIn GL.ADSONE.- Lmcl Beacorasielti antihie greal oppama- ut ha-vs falieus a ps-o>'ta the moakassoa anagnanis, arisabave discovos-edti iaI 'i)ienracii" 'znaJees #JI lad,is," aSd "Gbodtoue "G osSu oa." Dis. reeli" sud- "Beaconsfieldas-re alltise rage for to-vers asigm n Landau, sud tise big "Alexaudes-" : bic Houl bau Secu recinistenad "Tie sa onefield." lIAtrnOLFUi vo TvusQusioseOF' SPÂro. -King Aifoneaa ilbuild s million niellas- umiurcis neor tise Royal Paisses, centaining o spieudid 'aosoicuse ja mesees-'oaitise Quoeu. Tisa nassein arlicihle Siad S le l e lat nhoncisesi . ira bissaame s-ocm ha as bhem. Lord Itosebyn, aise represoetd tisa Qmaeo aI lise w 'eddingiail Janeany, hSas arittan anS pnbbisiec a oonel i odpeue Ho0W TAO SUM.si oFPR î'nssoÂa FlEacZ». -Thmo Shahiofai aalof at teaenhy-flve ai lus tisiniy.asix cashetsocigolui ant Pais ariera Se sponl 8$W0,000. Hise epen. ses attise Grand Hotli are 8G80 a (la>'. Extrs.ec ron iosisjateti bibi at Fontainebleauas-e pabliahoc. Ha ase ecasgei 880)iur leWe-s,812 ton a melon,,61 ton s cigas-, 6160ion thirais crriage drives, anS 84 eobi i or taenl>' ciiens ; bisemiars-asel doavn aa 010 a do>' es ireboxaesoi clisrcltes ceet $10, 8800 arme ias-getifor foarars, #2. apledo for a dozo e iabbe. He ni.- ocivedldus-mughlis s aItaI-Paris 5,400- baggig lettars, aek ng aome aryinagt froma N1 francs o floff,00,00francs, the aggregale oiouat sogisl Seieg aai Pi,000,QptIfraci a eecaud hisnea-ifr Majulennce;" JUI- tice -MeRs>'roieS tisai th. action coulS net ha saustained, ou tise grounti MoisIa divorce granltai uie United ibaes aras ot legainutisa Dominmion, att'Sl tsaI coàèe4ntl> Ma-s. IHayosuwaào not lagail>3ý' narried , ta the man aise colleS bsnr second hnsband. This jsdg-- meut ile iielti>'tprove a vas-ynpleas- ont reveisîlon te mon>' living la Con-, adla, fan ihéeaare,- ne Soubl,ocsany casas 4nu Canada similar ta o ai iof te nr- tunale Mru. Hayses. Man>' ancdotes are baiS ai the late ,John Mas-risse>', ex-prize figiston, Sena- tes-, etc. H1eaasan iboas-S an excursion boat lasI aummat aben a aroai on et 'or aras rohhed of seveulytsree dollars. As soon as lie ciréumàntances are Suoaras, Mos-risse>' teeS eut a $20 ibill sud turuiug ta hie comapaimieus saiS, lC1sip lu geutlemen," aud lu five sniuc. tes, lido aramnaS lier- purs. refilleS. AnBOLITOoze or -vaQuzxaLEGosOA- Tvrvs CeoNm.-The Bill respeclisg thes abolition ci tie Leqitive -Ooneail pasecith second raading in tise.Qnebee Assembi>ycelserdy, upn tie ude-- standing tisolt bth o -discussien , uoulul taSeplace aI a subsequeut stage. Nurcniee»DÈot-s Fri nOX' HeAv. --Thera iwre fifty-four dai front, nstsokein St. Louis ou Monda>' iss the hat ifs linapauttwr oasha.s eau sa in2tense'liat a e'lrtnal suospeusian-oai business laale place. Numereus Sealhe f sr m ti h e o a r se a s e mepo ste t r ase aIder la-gucilles ithie UmitadStates. Moan, mto Lo'oeiqEso oEo'cvoaCons- XImmxa.-Ms- Moar, tisef-suIates-S Lie- ense Inspactot aise> tired aI a creart aWho aseailed imsein the o sacharge ai bis dut>' aI Scolaud, huasbson comamit- ed far triai, hall Sing oecepld in tare lisousian dallas.- be - alleel bah>' atasy yet le liais 'Caria (Ill.) eciecial letisa oCincinnati Commercial :- biss-e e s alady living aI Frt Jeffersons *ho rceti>' gave bis-li ta triplets. Tasofthens a-aas awhite as tie moller,aud mais la acke as an>' negno." FuNon FOR Ks5IN* A MIRRIEonoe- mAîéc.- Laoudoniardarersmarchant aas fines $20 anti cota aon-Mondla>,tasr illegali>' issing a -- mssrieSarwoma8n ariose ho met au the as-cal lu Lners East, osa Snda>' veumg. Sa-. JOie, N. f.-AI a meeting of- lie L iSesai C an ee va tive e ai- f St. John,. fr. B., lat xening, Messrs. Palmes- sud -ex-AQotas-na'Geuorai Ringware-- nominta a s canditates lu pposition ao Hoi. M. fuspe oanS M. Wedon fo s- tise sep res a t i en cf lise C o n t >' o i Tise eomtug elactions. It is rumored that Dr., rouse, M. P., ie about ta be appointed tte oi e. An additionai number of 'men bave been employed to- wrk on the fortifi- cations aI Quebe.- P ussn XAr 's W o usosP ow xi US sare. a& pe ifo against Worms, If given lin time.'i ELECTSIOITY 1 THaraAs' ExoELsIOR E aCLEw UCOsaiL 1WoisvaTUN Toxs ITS WscîoorrIN Gaaa.-Pain cannaI stay whiere it ie ned. It le the hep- est medicine ey r made. (>ne dose cures common Bore hroat. One bottle lias cured bronhitis. Pffty cents' Worth bas cured an ad standing ongb. It pobitively cues catarâ', asthme, and croup. Fifty cents Worth bas-Cxrd Crick in the bak and 'bthe au. quan. ty lame daek a1 eighî yeere't.taing. The foilowing are extrate ftrm a few of the may letters that have beeu v- ceived from different, parts, ot"Çia,, whih, we thing, hosld be sufficient ta- atify the osot scepticl : J. CoaIrc of Spart, Ont.ý,' *rites, "Sena me 9- dozen Dr. Thamas' Ecectoic 01, bave sod, al I hiad from ye, sad want mre ow, its cures are trly. wnderff."- Wmx' McC*ire, aof Franklin write, 111 have sld al theragent Ioft. il acte 1ke acharm-It was slow at tiret, but takes spendidly now."11H. Coie, of Ina, writes, 'iileaoefrwrd 0 dozoq Thiomas' Eclectric 011, 1 arn nearly out nothing equals it. Il je highly recar- mnded by thoso, who have usd i." J. Bopird, Thamsville, writes, "Bond al once- a further supply of Eoiectrio Oil, I have oly aie baIle loft. I ov or saw nythiug ella well and give such generai cEatiifaCtion" J. Thowp- son, Wodfrd,-write, ',ànd me $Ooi more Eclecrie 01. I have sldetire., ly out.- Nothing takes lik. il." Miler & Raid, Ulvertan, P.- Q., wrjtes,,"Thje hEclccriq 011 je gotting, a great eputo. jioiiherd, and je daily called fr.. Bond us afurther supply wilhaut dolay." J3EwVAssE 0F IMITATIOLSs.-Ask fer Dr. T'homas' Eclectrie ,011. Seo that tise sign ature of S. N. Thoia je an wrap- oer, and the naàmes'of Northrop & Ly mau are blawn, laî the btti, and 2aLc no atler. Saisi by ail Medicine deal. nr. Pries 25, ets. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Tront, Ont., lraprietrs fr th Dominion. NaOT.-Eclectrio-Sleced and El. o0trized. .Motheres souid use Fraoman's Worm ewdalrs for.thein cljdrn. N .elc0s of .Bfrthe, Maarùgo, zncl Deaila chargeél 50 cente eau. WHI2'BY -MARK1liPB. iassnr ormn....... 5 00~ (l prli........... sas...............oo @ 0o as, blackeyed .... go Ou a 0 (X Ms ............... dô5.@ 85 ppie.................. Nna. lotatees,............. 40,CC 46b efl................. le e 1J atterN .............. 20 @ 14c ed .. . . . ... 0 840ou 'oo.L- .. 20 21, e!,ind uarter~. 85OW0 60O0 vnnE .UEAD OCE ai Toneo, aON Wsiooco 1878. bui as -e is s-- ng E- U. an e. -s 7,uigu-,unoroxo .n -i ua5ea si wot eoj-y le a mas-slinlaise bnsting thos MHlie- dock tIse itizane sua Isange-e, otop. Toaswtis tse cadamie abicletes is'h rtxl, but aissuned> ails tise 1sum ie S tis e O b je e l u e b I s o -i than t.Se asn.< And tise ladies gabe- isa tish e~e -0rsre lu innumbers oasacoal. -1>' inn.asugü,, and tise "kuerlgo0 :have remarked tisaIlise declneIns lu 51 ,il iA U 0 4qienLo ts qPportj boasbeen lesdil>'ueepSlngPace araSa enr -ini tise namber of spectatots. «, Thii year "lise proverbial stars iu 4tIheir cousss" raa canler te iasia ta demicans'. fsival.. Il aras te hava -came off the Taesday anS ÏWeduesday inl Wisiten eek (ft ril absorba tar ahea ays), bSalit raineS se tuniaus>' tisaI postpenemaut aras inevitabla, and tse actual. cehebratien came off st Mondaa>sd Tuesda>'. f-ut, ails ti ril is quila pncaesasy la troubla oms- Dsalves. Tise es-owaaas greal-seme taren yfva thonsaud, il aras oaiS-ice sports aV1reeproperional>' beloar Ibi aver-age ; -he ladies' dresses arare, no SoosSI, as muahisns la mode as tei- fasiies conuld sceomplis. Tics reol linoest aisici leliksli>lemoka thesoc- essieu memnosabie beianga ta tise uht,- ual lalis. Sa>', anS ut alhesacollage park, bullte anatiser part ai the ada- demie ps-scindes.- Among the pretty' enelome s i i have groa uUp arcond lias animal sn;- us-noastisaI ai ofthiatudauts giving fauppen pas-lies in tliis- s-caeonthe bast evautng. Tise faie- tasmsaiofcnes- tien ailen graca tisese galiseringu, sud it muet be aavucd Iîmat, if ticeir prs-ces tends ta augment tisa scadesela >' et>', it aise lempans, snd aen fer lice lime conee, lise academie rougsuesa. On tisis occsion lisese fas--oeing people, arisaare aise site- inse-eveut isave not- cd that mou>' af thse geutler- semeut evas unps-eeedeaîtdly Seficieul ia mony af lido s-unions. Vae il Ihoo the ladies biaS beaunoic mthlisescs-et oai aria aras geiug la happen 9 on tisaIliosesî-, dents feas-et ieir ps-essuie migist have its nouai affects, sud subbimaîo ttso mazur-ka andtihie araltz fan tise l'an différent Slnd ai douce tise>'ane ps-- paring for tue collage aulisonilies? iloareve- thjs migpit have been, about seidnigil hastesuad guss sailieni fos-Ih frein thseir quarte-s andi aésenahied, as if b>' previaus concert, iraonaeaiflice quasisangles namod ini collage sang *Ba a>'y>." Hare bugles, eat.ealîs, ina warles anti shodtiug inauguraleS, tise revois. Som aifnise olumni as-e sportsmen anS Siandy>'uaItise rifle. Sisovurse iraS anti erakeorseex. planied, arnica oin-tne silence aiflido nigict cansesidoslofniug neves-berations. Preseatly soe active miaisters ai mis- cisief collecteS fra tise park the sass and hunuilea eviih hasi beu useti aI the sports dumiug tise pneeeding tiaye. bine>' balethncm la "Batan>' Day," pil. aS thmein o confui-eS inap, ansi set fine ta Ihacm. Tins homes s-ase Isigis above tise roofs ai tise odjoiaicag build.o ings, araS lie Sdenes in tise neigcbo-1 lug sîneels vwere terrifiaS at direovering 1 "let -a t>' ana thi 82.000to thal pua-po -- noLiced l isetheaatemnt Thse visaisbusiness cI bean thorongbly inspecti found tebe Sound and i Tisa Direatars- havei pcnting the centinnad efficene>' of th isaaeseoi AUl ahicis erespeetfi -THOS. b PROITmAND LO5SS A Blance os- ploait andSlogo se .caried IomrarulfImm sutIe Ps-alita for yea ain îoa= lm7, afler dedaetbg sarmeus -- tersI, sOc, tquai te sl8i1 uniCapitai)............. DivîSenS Nooi, eaSd Susd an'y, Dhetdaueno,lnayaimmlîma Ainouu iovalten off for lm c -doubtuniaccaisla issau=cocana-led braaS:: - Notes utthe Paaz ,lu circulaI Debosite banOe etes-ast.. aIOB nduceltathr Bum -- Canana_ ors, *C.c....... ..... voul labilStfna te tise put <lasitai raid up ........ Former iviedendie upiL. DiviSent SNO. 5, C552nSa Balceod t aes-aras-ml t nilnmotaI, Osgai tenders. Notes ofan md eooteË Siaose 05s-om-uîllien Saisi issionees due. srom daneins ga - LURMns u unly edcotal E cf atiier bonis nnd i,.,smses L0auon ntis Beens-if bosnds Sabenusises, etc. ..... WàI moeItely >ariOsbe Mtse onls-soi astate, bona e ab seu.... . -......._ - 14iidi usi, as-advanci dio s ..... na.... . cnrs-su- Notass iS blllooe s-dLaau Nases andSbills arsdus b(no 005ce ises asnd funuoe Olisr am o tsne tbne mdie bIe Presideul havingt ' taSsas the chais-, -ead Vise aftensomne remaries on tisa prospecteai tise BanS,. me - dby W. F. C orý,5eM Fq Seul, lTisaI the rpa o u --noaaread Se adopteSai distribution sinkpgh1e -ý 0nadb>' A. J. Somes-clie, Vhs thanesofthesomcating: te the Presideut, Vice-Ps Directoa-ifr lesVis-valus) Snrbisgltme pal Yeus." MoveS b>' Johnu Kers, Es b>' B. IL Burgees, Es4, thauka of tise meeting 1a;6 cotelier, inspacter, agents, albi. rsotlie Boul,for Il Sischarge aiflisais reepelia - MayaS S>' R.1H. Temùpl on1deS b>' J. F . 'iseson, 1 lie poil be novi opéena, . epen iII taroclock Iis na cecticu cf Dis-actons, tise p, Sisosuil five minutes ihave aI eut a vole Seing tendes-e, Msr.,E. B. OuIlcr anS NI Soacst Ua cutineers. - Tiese ectbineers preaen "STA-sRD osBAooeà. CAX. Tes-enta, lI "J. fL. Eiroso Esq., Casie j"sn4-..We5lise uoasSrsig, us8ens, appaluled aI lise gens eoflb.essarcoadens oai tis Boule ai Canada, haIS Ibis di by>' eelaa lice tollowing Soiy aleeted Dis-sclos-s for t - Has. T. N. Gnons, 3 IV7. F. CoarAr, Esq. -"A. T. TaDD, Esq - :.W. w a eeelýeulFa-eau. A large band led S>' a .master lu tise stsatagy aiofemisouce, proceedesi t ao sida gale-apaniug imoBfrunsarick street. bI]se>'- ooseti tisapa-one, abo iy ntil lice adjoiing iodge, sud eidon mise te open il, Hie refusai- se js-sitahesi tnaem Ihat tlis-menaces mode lIcen- fonbnuate mouns-un for bis bite. Soaun tisan areuloff 10teîtoecas-pentems-ohep for bois ta fos-cobie gale. Inadjain. 'ig aseSdlise>'fauadnsomselimube-, amieStia>'bas-e aaray le fecci lIe pyre lu tise "Boy." lubisaconfuioin tise campa nte-s' wos-btsliap ilseli bocASrie, ansi liais brougsliseth fine brigade osa lis seene. Meaarlilo tise goto aras forcea, anS a nope aras alttehetil10ticsheneareel ets-sel lump. A perfor-mance mimiek- iug bine "lug aiofar ason brongcllis te lamp taelime ground. biss precees avantS probab>' Savs heaa repeaesi wibid atlls ampe Sut fanrlise mppear tocs aiflise fins brigade. a-oit DEAN AND Ta-sOit lN. - bide Junior "Doan," aceampanieti e' me-vos-ah parlera, came ca->'ou tin sceue ; but ina soon sa tisItishe nase- be- ai nioIes-qmatie il hopoeasa e t- tepI a capture. W idiishoa as ng." ed necannoit-iso' bie attacS an collage proprieties a fea loîrmouleus spirite wont off b lbis oavnmre, cas-rieS- lea>' a pianafo-te amd ati rsmonums, sand, taking laisemte a mas-e quiet quati- rougie, seau galisereatisound lhmem a oarge anS sytuatntie iesoaS. As lise conces-t, eeiiedaas aI ance imprevie- Sd, iras ual a cisosical cisarocte-, oit1 consieled excinsivel>' ai iigd>'ppuos morceaux, lIce refrains oaiolais r- ShauteS whavls ah ie vigor ef lips>'<sa- icabuosa, tise nps-anbecaoe remend- on,. bise Dean icas-ied la aseprtain, She nahîsme of lisia near onîbreak, antiosa ueuetnubing lise anraundiug min g recog- sized ta luis So-nors- aeown beiaved-su tsumente iu tise Sonde ai tise vandale. vHE IREBIstouGADE o OOLSO. ', fnl pes-iapa lise most cnas-actestie1 bil bas yet ho corne. bise fis-c brigsade altaclmeul sel-about exhinguisiiing bise mers, anS eso jaoinefib>' a fea os endy tudentu, aine ars-eS -awilS sarlî silos an arnaziopi>' sport jules-val bise ýapîsinaio tise brigade Siacavs-es ta iS idignant vexation, tbisaevorai ai bis a man w-voss nsune. Tise>'laiSbeu nuietl i>'arhdnrn S>' yhe '"stcai> snd. - an" lunarnal bathesnanS Sbe-ail>' Inaestes." Fos-tunaîni',ls, aoui>' dan- eas-n £rs-, thal ha thse cas-pente.s' 'orkehop, aras casi>' SeaIt aith b>' lie ioben boucle.p B> this im e tIsa m en ng ligbt'W a5 Usa i g -e vryting seo ison r that the - &entilcation oi some aI les f t he - woaS cf sentinsers aras au eau'osytS, n eoxt Sa>' the Collage baa s-so in se. iraI council te conaider tise mailton- cidabhe auIs-area wsieis-,aS-IslapponeS linug.veîy mon>' ycars. ,Tarey -eara ýo, ase; on-tdis oeçaiou eofthe annuely pors, sema, titucsbancis iati accu-seSl, P ot ou noliofa tis aahe ofcl8InTca- '] s>' nîgist. bisouslhe boa-S arioeunfcat Y buaboulalices-e Se an>' repebtitioaet P, ueh sesoues tise>' aruld refsOe the tise Ç) 'bisae College 2ank fà thlisase'anmal C parts.- T'qhe dacision ai tseBoas-il he tol yet bsenu anaouueed, but i& la gen- 1 ra>' ndes-eal.bttae helisetatmoe -t we yess-s mimce wiii Se inexioanal>' ca-B i, out. WlsIntfurise- -puaniebisent W i>' be lu store lorthIbs--chief i/eo<osm- -'W q e em du af 1 ci i au bu tIi in 0 1 1

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