s TOqx{v~ NEW EMs ES, (OONDE»RY, ýW, Lné L- Caletu lares redüued te Spl, $91. letMuru tickets,%ii, 85U 16a4.oo,,Scoording pcsitiofet aaIe recin. neme1se Siçerage as iew aothe lowebt. 9rm usbee, June i siO, 1878. iymaaian, :: hereepseugpys are f0rwaýdeS t6 LOU., Ob!~iq e, GIss4pw, CQtswn, sud Lcndon ahs ane rate tp'sud fr li end 7,folati f 1 aoume hcIwtese i t Lse,otmut.ln thie ,or ivketà eeul fuir our fiul4fb1pi * - ~ p~~iqTel; Office, IANITOBAQT LOW RATES!1 UGTI TlOKELT8, bZ Ilvu difereut te i -iaou ngwood and esuiuat DetaDtÛani Mw ukee ' twe l;; nsrenChicalga. ,11. Tisirs7is 'ntor 'Bu15it. TLon.. by the 1LelgffiValley It'lt * Àif. i Fer tickets, aCLiS furtîer Jln!aema,.oi, a;- liii, te- 0110, 1B. YULIi, Oru etd Truu ittl'cket A cscy. May 15,187:. (M x prolia offce,> Wbltby. &pesh Garden S8eeds I ATXLL KINDR O1l' FL~ RA~ VECEAILBtESEFOS I A]aurgè stock.of carly planrts. W. Wb WOOD. Greeeheiu, . Atil-st., Wliitby. T ARIFF OP , 111115 lO 13 (TARES T 3Y TOONSTABLES, *l3erricr e onneuFi dcitefi94t1e day Aofe(1113ca1ieludlividual couna warralit. ................i150 servlng eemumt eur>o "r su na.... 0 25 M1,6Milsageto serve' asunemonue, mb. * -ceest or wa4rrant.ý........ ...0 10 4, 'Mleage wlieeu service eseenuot be u!een lroncf idue dilllgeece.... 0OI10 r.Mle ttkihi drisaueere le geai, exlloii slhurmenets mnec. esLac'riy exjiebded. lit their catg. vl",'eye ............. . ...... 10 6,Attend II ilee Jues-on summuerv *~trialnenr (ine earsreieatluee fit îrl. sciiern clibCrgeti wth crime, fur OcacIe day nýee&al rnli mloyetS lutvite or cnui-rreauent, wlen ilut encgage» enore tlieu feur lcucre., u 7. Do',110. wleu enîý1ftl cd aetun laotr olrs.............. - 5 iMlenagp a rvellig tu att euS jAN- ssellsions, -or before Justees (ecuPublic couve ysuce eau bu lapouily rqmiolaes eimburse. meante te ae slowen.) .. -j 0... 10 Io. suinmeenletg JuIy for Coronersp ijznuiet, lieinng sttendimeg ut iliqlueht, salllservices iu tes. peet Ileesa, I ll ou se1 ma day a s J u r y - s me'l u 1 1 O 1 . - . . . 0 1,Atteudieug ench u ' edlaurncunt tiiue, i 9f not engagea more tuhu rs -,#.#,..,.#,1. U0 12. Doe.(Iu, if engaà geS more titan four hous...........Do 13., Bcrvie g lcommtuug iesl elîea oel utetuld lcftia C e)irouier (inbjeut Nu. 10>.............. O 25 1U c. moegesrvi ng eme.. ...O 1 là . LIIIlilneg boSy undler (joroueir'e 16,. 11ebur-ylbg ame .1............. 200X 17. Sorv1nog disrees wiarraitt, sucu ro. tariiee alio s .u.e............. 1 80 18. Adver oilg unedr dietrede wnir. 1. irvl nee , aie distre, or lu seaIt S fr gocstis lumaie cis. -trelis l lcienu e sjý0fn..0l 20. C Oli or imare, ntltelI thé.#,en nel prothuoe af geais. 99. Peeeetiscgseaxeh wpe'at..1 650 23. SerIug noties#on canetables, -*bp)eUersefelly serveS . 050 1*uisled Ichy erder, (iisrkol 'ssC.O ebu. pro. r, ire ils to~ being NEW AND FRESH Haying come müt of the- Fire safely' I have been ensabled to' re-in- veat the total amouat ofe my - of oth Or Capital i the purchit180Oof an on- tirelyl.*teW and <*FFiESH STOCK se vred for Cash on Most advantageoua, terme, 1 ain enabled to offer ai fully 25 Per Cent Be/o w Ordinary -Prices To cash and prompt Ë .uyers ai? Wholesalean 1 deem it uhinecessarl -umuerate the items iu detail ofn oxtensive stock"; any atteuipt O 'flil 1111 a dozou i Conic, fice to Fay that it jg cSnpleti Paying RetaiL, -y to en- iy large aud to -do so cles, suf. e inail hues aud that cuistoniers ivili find, ou the prernisos overy- article' tlîat may be enquired for. Heads of -Familles mnaking purcliasos of, 0- O O GROCERIES, Will save Money and secure a good article by calling. EVERYTHING IN Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Choco- lates, &c., &c., My Liquors, as heretofore, are of the best brande îand will be found unsuxpassed in purity aun& cheapness. Agent fçir Cosgroyo*& Labatt's Aies. AsBest quulity, 80 cents per gallon E-i by the Xeg. MCauiied -Fruits, Pickles, Iisouts, of best quality. Oysters, Haddlios, Bloaters and IuI- fish of ail -kinds, Herrings, Salmon Trout, &o., lu Barrels aud haîf- Barrels. H Great Slaugtm'ter -0F -THE.M.. -BY TEE CORTINUÂL EusH, NEW CASH GROCERy .1 ;STO0-RE I Simon has deoided to make a reduotion of lots. ou the Dollar off lus alresdy low.priced China, Crockery aud Glassware, for liard Cash, to mûke room fbr Spring ,Axritals Evcritice buthe Ozocery.1 lime, decidedly cheap. lue woul4 reapeetfully- c0il 1bp attexVioý of t4a Ladies te vaiare assortment of New Sca3on Tease,.feshb ana fragrant, at 80o, 40,e0 and 75o per lb. Finnan Hadiies, Wlutefish and »Trout, ~oal&Her1ngsLab*dererrigsBonelese Codûsli. and freali Oysters, eenpêatbwy 'on,Èiýa. MIatrpal. Corneal,' :3uakh'éat Fleur, Graha.m Fleur; aiea agent for Ferrest Mille Choice Family fIlour, eustomers sup- p lied wïth Wf£ne article -at lowest price. Jà st reoeive4' Field, and Garden seede, warrante freali and - rie te their kdnds, ich will be sold at a srnall advance on ceet. ApePotatoes, Butter, and E ggs, taken iu exehange for Geee Cail, before purchasing ciscwhere, and secure good bargains at the New Cash Grocery Store. SIMON FRASER, Ontario Bledk, lreck.5t., Whitby. NE-W GOODS Clothing and Gent's Furniishing flouse' Is uow' supplied with aIl th e newest styles of English, Scotch, aud Canadian Cloths of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they ever Lad. (J0- Also an excellent stock of Gents' IPurnishings, al ecew. A. splendid stock of Ready.unade Overceats, Chicap for Cash. MoMILLÀNIS BLOCK, BROCR STILEET, . WIIITBY. FRESH FRUIT DEPOT! RING STRIEET, OSHIAWA. ýEverythingint e n Fruits, always kept -in stock, of the freulpost sud lesttinethe Market, and SOLD MNIER TOIONTO PRICES. Privats sud public parties supplied at Wholesale rates. Orders.by Telegraph or Letter, supplied at the LOWE ST «RATES, with punctuialîy. Ail goods delivered to Whitby and Bowznanvillo ptir- che. 7 ,18 . FASHJONABLE j ailoriug Est ~Ut1UHGEUUILEY, OSHAWA. W. J. REDMAN, Ring-St., Oshawa. TAILORINGI ell-fltting Garinent :-To the tablishment of A Large Stock of Fille Clothe ; best English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. t>. Excilen1t Overeoqtingrs and Splendidi Vest Patterns. A poil fit Gu«rantecd. GEORGE. GUELEY, 11119 Street, Oshawa. N-EW b S TA TlON 1E By BOO0K S TO B E AT THE EXPRtESS AND MONTP.EÂL TEL. OEFluL I3POCR ST' Geore Yule legs to anunounce thuat ho lias re-op ened hic AI ZI enry aend Book Store in 'Wliitby, whero statiocee-ycf ahi kinds, of the lest quality, will be kept en baud ; aise Schooh Books of evcry descripio,- Copy Beoks, Slatesl, Pencils9, Inks, &C., &C., ut the iowesl prices. The Daily and Weokly Fapers always ou hanid. ýSu b scriptious Solicited. Feb. 1Mt, 1878. - --a iuvi bloceaasn"Cnseruoea ,wien a speciaireferne t« the manufctutre Of Our ewn macbines-many lacIs having been made for tils, particuier purpose, and net adaptea fer other work, and oar workmen are edu. ea"Id up te the wants ana requmiementR of Our manuiactur--obta~iaja lIethr- I ugh knewledge ef the constrclnfer machines, and al@e thns e abred te$0 ob-- tain a biigher degree fsiladpdliie huihr eéa auatrn is carried on.. fsdlsdpefeec hnwecge~a infenn W e r e t h r e f r e ý>e n a b l ea a t e iln' t Y e t i n c e a m r e r e t s s0 .m l t s e partments cf manufacture, Aaing fnot only tte prfection 0f1he work, but ai- so te the rapidlty'of iMixeutien...and a cousequent reduction of cast. This prineiple je regardeS nscessary inau'vilire'ulated establishment, sud' we enabled bo turu out our machines with a higlier Sre of perfectien, and at prices s0 low as absolutely te defy competition. TFJE JOISTORSLF-RAKING RAPER- ia Dow se well known as a Single Ecaper, that %'w orS of cemmeudation would almomt seem superlueus, but as thero are mauy claiming ho manufacture this machine wbo have adhered te the old original johusten machine, withéut keep- ing up te the impravemets ; tbat justice te ourselves sud patrons -require cf ne te state lIat wc h ave modifieSil lui altimoat overy esseutial part, and for sîrengll and durabiliîy, quality üf cnt, in cvery ]idnsd condition cf grain ; lightness cf dra(I sud case of meanagsmnent...the "Je'huston," as manufactnred by us-stands pre.eminently alead cf anl other reapers. Iu proof cf Ibis position we have only to point to tire many First Prizes awarded us-at the last Provincial trial cf On. tarie, sud many couuty trials whlch have talien place ail over Canada, withln the lastfew years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, witb late impravements, ia ail that eau be desired hi a Combined Machine, sud cannot fail ta meet ail the requiremeuts of purchascre. Our Improved Cayuga Chief Jr., and ou,Young Canada Mower8 are bath first-ehues machins- caustituWedaimait wbaily cf Iron and Steel. The Cayugn Jr. bas a rear cut, andth te Young Canada a front Cut ; botl strong, dur- able machines, and net erceloed by any machines lu the market for quality of eut, dnrability, lightnescf draftadaptability, and case of management. As the country has- become better adapted to machinery, and many of aur farm. ers have become skillefilu the use of machinai, a growing demand bias sprung up for a Light, Durable, Firat-Class Beaper. Ahivc to the requirements of the day, we have succeeded in inventing a mea- chine with a Wrought Iron Frame, with the ieast possible gearing-with large broad.faced drive whèel,-and se coustructcd that the framfe aud table tilt atihe fame time, thereby keeping the pitmnan always in line with the knifé. The rakes are drivon dircctly from the main ashaft-there being no perceptible side draft, and no weight upou the herses necks. WVe are confident that w. have sncceeded lu inventing the most perject Beaper, talting it in ail ifs parts, thât bias ever bocn produeed. We have appliod for Jetters patent, and £hall hold Our invention, for aur ownwcxclusive manufacture, and we respeotfuily suggest tei- tonding purchasers, that tbey sbonld sec this machine before giving their orders for the coming harvest. The "Whitby Hlarvester" weighs, al laIod, 600 ptunds, but bcbng iade principally cf the best quality cf iran and steel, aud fram its in. genious bnd compact construction, il combines the strcngfh aud durabiity-of the heaviùr mciD.1nes. Al cf onr machines are fully warrantedl. WVitlî Ibis list cf machines, we feel confident that ws eau meet every re- quirement, and we respectfülly solicit a trial cf aur machines, believing that we can furnishi a better machine for the money than eau be obtained clsewhere. .iespectfnlly Yours, BROWN & PATTEIRS0N MP'G. C0. Whithy, Ontario, Fcbrnary, 1877. LIST 0F AUCTIONEERS Licensed for the South Ri. Ontario,î NAME. D. fishop, TIcs. Foucher, S. S. Lecel, D. lisbop, A. J. Ilarringîet, Thos. Tueker, W. M. Willcox, J. M. Pattnrson, Frank Dean, Jas. Digby, jr., Vics. Pilkoy, Albtert Spring, L. Facirbeanks, H. L. Veczaut, Saml. Baird, Wm. Gordou, J. C. Widdifiold, Clemnenl Dawes, Donald Campbell, E. H. Carrecron, Gea. mceVilliate, LIST 0F1 liector lMeinnon, TIcs. Clattereore, JoIe» Fincle, Joceple Jackson, Jeu. 8011e, 1879. Urbridge, Mat. 111h, NO l 1 ui ca Instruments, incliiding a fine assortme-,nt of 4 Vfoins.Orderut are takien les Poriodjeals, Itagazinef and Music. Whitby, Dec. lOtie, 1876. IlI A 1IPlj , - 75 & 77 YONGE-ST., Q I rmakiug Suigars a spe C*ialty, and canl affordto sel 18 llbs. of GEO YULE.1 ;51 1FIpF E Il, 50 Large Size ]Box Stoves -CLEARING OUT AT HALF-PIIE. A fresh lot of Canaries and, Parrots just receiyed, My Stock of Is 110W Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Brown Sugar for $1.00, 20 lbs. of Vallentia -Raisins for $1,00, -2 bof Currants. for l $100. T. LAWLER. - ?a Pasd Very- Special Inducements to STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. those1 NDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets,. Coffn n i j~necessaries lu this * lin,. Ùsot-'" - A 1i.ÂJA,ýPPOiNT D'zIfARSE and separat 'e RESmDENCE. Oshawa,> Belford, Sunderland, Oshawa, Port Ferry, Leaskdale, Port Perry, Bloominglon, Orillia, Clareont, WVcxford, Muekaka, Whitby, sîcuirville, Sîunderland, Uxbridg«e, P'ort 1Ferry, WVhiLby, fleavertcer, PEDLERS F01R TEE Co. A Large Stock of CobieGroceries, T eas andt C' ffee'. Sugars, from 10 to 14 lbs. for $1.00. First-Class Early Rose Potatoes,385 0. Per B sh L -'-,ý;_ Ail kinds of Crookery and Glswar', Kt 'TJMOTHY AND-.OLÃ"VER S'EEIDý PLABTER AND, *WATER-LIME, .&T BOrTTOMEEICs AUl of which wffile sold cheaper than: ever for one month, for Cash. Cali and se W. J. GIBBONe -WIIITBY CHlINA TPEA STORE. WANTEI) AT ONCE,-A qut -yOf good Apples, Potatees, Beans, Butter su gs o hc h ighest market- price Milarc dhj88 PHOTOGRAPHSJ PHO-TOGIMpH8 I -00HE PAIS-X,-----TON- GOING~~n TOpHE.ARS EHIITIN Mr. Barrett is sellindg- out his entire Stock and is now taking piotures at hai-price, previous to going to the Paris Exhibition, Now is the lime to get a. good picturte cheap. [See Supplement.] Clever young me ho want to leaïrn the busines i istructed in a ie~ esn , the newet methods. A flue mare, Harness and'buggy for s ale. A BAIRRETT, Photographer. - Ig' Opposite Ontario Bank, Wihitby. .j,< NEW STATIONERY & BOOK STORE, AT THE WHITBY SCHOOL BOOK 1"D, iding of Ontario, North Riding of IN . E I W SMunicipalities in the latter. E V IUNICIPALITY. Uxbridge, Brook, S. tiding, Beach, Scott, N.Riding, Mars, N. & S. Riding. Umbridg, IPteacb, U xbridge, lrock, Ubridge, N. Rithheg, Brook, Non-Pieeldenl, Town Whithy, Tharal, 1 herse, FEXPI]iATION. April o11, 187a. June lst, d July 911, d Il2811, I Àug. 201h, Sept. lot," 1211, 1211, 2011e, « 218t, 22na, S 18t, d Dee. ara, istI, 9 2113t, Jan. 511e, 1879. Fa.2811, ONTARIO. April 25th, 1878. Jue 26t1, d COMBINATION fias miucli Pleasure ini announcing that ho lias now in Stock a Complete Assortment of ail kind.s of Family Groceries suitable for the Hoidays or aùy time, including the followlug, viz.: New Valentia Raisins,* A, choice lot cf Motta Cups and Saucera "Layer " for Xmas.,* Basket " Fancy Toa for Xmas. London Fancy Candies for Xpias. Crown " Jeliés, Marmalade,' Currants" Pickles, Salmon, Lobeelers, Lomon Pool, Sardines, White Fiel, Orange PeeL Salmon Troul, Citron Peel, Ffinnan Haddies aud Oysters reecivea Ai Kinde cf Spices. dcily. Nuls, ail Kinds. Pips, Tobacces, Cembs, Extracte cf ail Kinde. Brusles, Kuives, »c. A FULL ASSOMIMENT IN EVERY UNE. -Have you see0n the NeW Illurrinator. No Chimne0y re- qeired. 1 Light equal te B8of the aid kinS, once triedalwaye useS. Sole agent fer Whitby. crockory sud Glasswar«o in great variety, cîeap. Cash paid for Apples,.Potatoos, Dutter, Eggs and Poultry. ~Vhitby, Dec. 1111, 1877. Vick's Flower and V egetable, Seeds, Lawn Grass'Seed, T ubero$te l3 ulbs, Oxalis,Gadou,&,&c NEW CANNED FRUITIS. Cali.fornia Plurnbs, ;Lima Beaus, PETEIR SMITH, Oddfelloes'Buildings. -Peaches, pears, Twrldsh,-Prune's, Výl J. G. MCDOJJGAL Degs, to announce to his customers -aud the public uM general that hoeflas openad a Stationery, rSohool Buok and Newo depet ina counection with his Confectionery & J3aking business, in his aid st'and souili Brook Street, where cverything in the lime a eau i da very loy rates. The Daily aud Weekly'Papers always ou hande aud de- livered te, subseribers iu ail parts cf thc town. Orders premnptly fWed four Periodicale, Magazines sud Musi. Aise, s well.assorted lotof Mottees, Berin Woois, aud Fancy Good5, on hand, unt low-prices.- The public wiil find. At to thei r advantage to tak e a peep' at our stock before purchasing eisewhere. ~Vhitby, Marcle 4th, 1878. - SeuIl Brook Sîreeh. G J. G. MoDOUGAL*L,., With ail orders of Photos, at A BEAUTIFUL CABINET PORTRAVÀ! Choice of the foilowiug persorýs : SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, 11EV. MR. LAIRD, or EDWAPD CAI December 24bh, 1877. HON.T.N.R GciNE,, FATER CCNN -.1 RSWELL. ] BAU MBTES, Atterieys-at au ianomi N tretýTblany. iOm 9 -N 1xc'dcor OeN J-elehnc, a NMr M. 1He BYRON FIELD, M. - HYSICIAN ' SURGEON, & Wnc. RCBRIEN; M.»., 1-1 PsS-OSPITAL, LONDO % ilsth eye B. O. ILL., Oshaw QAR-BD. - DL BOGART, Physician, 'surgeon, Âccoucher, 'Wbltby, Sept. 80th1, 1874. W. ADAMýc ID -T:! lW T ri S. 000M5 OVER EB.H. JAI It recery Store, Dnndas.st., Offce hours frm 9a.m. to 12m., 1.80-to 6, P. M. Reaideuco-O-or. anS Gilbert streets. C, N. TARI,ý L. D. 340abeaetshe chapjeet, sas mgi bit.8ëth fiDed with GelSi T,»>îh Cxtu5dSwiIionuilJ-fl-byj 5ianwblock over Akmldeao'Di JOUX ROHIN8ON11 fl\R MDRESSING AîN S ilon, Brook St., Whltby. j;9HN WOLFEND»El A GEIZ. won TM CELE] s LhGranite. At mÂiri ofWuthNenden,DunftssSt GEO RE ÇQRDIACI TDMBEE CHÂNT, CAI anS 1ol0iýer, 'Gréén SIreh, W largequanttrofail lanOs of lui -BLAOKHaTkf, --BROE (Succeosor te rh Mitoida :erse shoelng ana sU lkinag C. C. OçC.LES, Y eot-treet, Tcronto. E. O!DELTJ, A T MHE9 L Y-, AND CAIRRIAGES. A Large Assortment oëf Cuttersan - Buggies FOR -SALE,'-CHEAP, -AT--P-OI eWPR' --VTY Factiry, TOMS& * Carriag' SADDLERY ,AND HA1RXESS. WILLIAM THOMPSO'N Bege te diretAttention to, hie large an& superior stodck m ,life Y Maple et* g.i Which having been FRESH I. i - TRE- CHII'NA TEý , 00 Ëd 1 SUPEIRIL)R CUTTING SEIA-PES THE, WORK Whitby, Maroli 4th, 1878. -par an., RON. T. N. GIBBS, TORONTO. 1 ESTeSe_ Whitby, Dec. lltb, 1877. ýi . 1 ýGOING Plà T 1- -.1 1 AY ý.B S JS -7 GALLERY., P E T E R S M 1 T E[ý Mn-ni-h OUTTERS, ý S E F R E SH 1 -