atl te rh Mefrwardl ntppli. ZEV. E. SANDERSON.-K. A. WhtbY, JuIy.Snd, 1878& -~I4 AYERS HOTEL, 82 184 IMIL.ST,- ROCEESTHER, N. y. Price. rduoed-tofo " OaDay. This IHetel bas wede<u pe. ota he -"hi OULU Publie ta 18 prdy.11 lev= Cr Sulli), sud lasreqently bie . fiUsd sud redfurnishd. Open lghi sd day. The huain t ut-a lu every re- spct, sud crnadi peo le vii v.Monsy by g6ing ta thà yîea l, Roceheer, N. Y. July S,1878. (Oz-i Important Notice 1 T T0CATTLE DBALEBE GBAZIRSO' il 10 Iheir adysutage te comae temo, rallier tbhonoto Chicago, to buy'caIlle.. I have tbrestft Durhamos, li fer amake tlhey vil leSueid ilCarent rates l. n4 mn -who 1mev.âtheig vortli. I have brae. tva. yer ld steeru 1ht1WI l zo b. solant rheir vanltb, an& a -niumbit of bialern sud MYOuugcava, bath pare blaod s"a grades, vehi vortlh. attenion et auoy peron vha- vinhes ta have catti. that vIl psyar iawir ep. ALEXA2NDER WMMKN, S Lot N. 1, 11h cou. Plakernn, L1VERPOOQL, LONDONDERRY, OLA800W. Every Bit iud fin ýQuebeo1 ounarrvaI eft Iitrin iiavlng Whitby 0. 810 à . m eveOry Fridsy. 518' Ciai tresreducesdte $81, #01. tBiRtura ticketi w0o 15060o, sccerding aPsion o, aIe nerzaîdlaîe, 040 -retnm,#92, Sterage Sas 10y anthe loeat. Meravisu, train Quebea, Jnly Oth, 1878. -eraviau, fi x . #d, 151h, l Bardlinln, .8i0e1h,, Polynelan, di " id271h, SÉtprAgepgissensero are forvarded te Lon. dOdl7 eliait, Glasgav, Queeutavn, Bristl, 7 bdif, audLondeniat sainerate i 1 tnîrpeemol. ' ' - j Parties vis 6 10 cod for Iheir inonds ian obtain ticketp at 1ev ratço. Theaisgis mà "edurng the Sumuiner eiof2trafrm land te land,. aveuge about ýFé1-dyfff 0lie iwhleh sme spent lu lhe Smcolb Waters af th. St. Lawrence. Par tickets sud fnrther infenastian apply EXp. sud Tel. Office, ~Whtby, Jiily Qe, 187à .1.8 NE.W YORK SINGER--SEWING ýMACHINE l The bast family sîving Maciai made. BEWING MACRI11E SALES FOR 1875; THE 81MOER M"G O.SO0LD 202816 MAI1NE8 - Eonwo nf0.hx-, Company.,o 0029 IVbce ird l .Cmpany.. aweù Aiereu . *S.e..........70 Wlhc7ietox* Glh- IC e27018 ompsny1.........o1 s À FEW SQLID, BBÂSONS Whte(el.Ncw Yerk Singer Sevlns Mahn e .vry Bout sudabTovry OHEAPE8TSE W/NS MACHINE TE LT CAR DE PROCURED.,j i.-.lba ,rs been oe eIepblie fe1r avenr il-tisgnaantedoeutvear any tva ma- In-lu1675 thera n-ena mate sud colt 14IMei lucreinger Xrsebuac aay thar laie af 5-4 parefoansutsimplesuds6 cit O.-The fc ta 51then tanlecrs InCanada e» aînmachines the inger, sud tharohy tytpas, them'off au the publcaies1h. Sneprovea lt.e(re41 upiorily eaitlb. * , 3.Oe reveagied po s ooent hnm, on. go e xt f r coi isp. (27 LPPEPANENTRK tEaPlaendet pr viiofe thelBrdgbte 9- ndniguo u te12oclcnen AIlows -aeRedi of Goods« TU ýbouight at This is -a straightforwi i Lioensed AucltIoneer S ALES promptlystandcd, sud.conduct. edouLibei T =. 'IAN1O FORISALM, OEAp.. A gtoe scudhand, Collage Plana Forte l ili'rofer cash' or approved note At zroomonhé.Apphy 'te CARL GORTSZIC 2) PlanUaMnufature, 1%hlby. AUCTION 0F VÀLuABLE, FARM SALE PROPER TY., IN TEE TOWNTSHIP 0F RAOH, IN TES* COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. There viii le seid, au Tutesday, 28rd July, 1878, aI one o'clock lu the atternoan, AT THE M"WÂLKRR H OUS" VILLiAGE 0F PORT 'PERRY, ]By vicIue. of paveri of sale contelusd in the lesgt Wil sud. Testament cl WILIAM MUNRO, late of the Village of Eirkdeid, lu tbe Cauuty 0t Victoia, deceaeed, 1h. ol iowlug properly, vis. The <Centré par'ai lot 22, lu th. 111h Concession oft1he Tavuih P ci Beach, con- tsluing 74J acres, vlth l' a folowing li. pnveme1t-,A tnî60 acres a0eared sud miter cultlvatlan.-ha remainder bsrdwoad buh. Gootdveillun-nd anîbulldiagi. TERMS :-$2000 cd purchare monety 10 beO pila on day of sals. The balance 10ch Socmed y mortgage aI S par cent, par an. nuin for a lina ai pears. Par turther partieulans, appîy 1- R. ARMSTRONG, h ctoo ALRI. MoKNZflii, xctas Eirkeld P. 0., Ont. Ktrkfield, 201hJuai, 1878, .- (dIa-27) "HO I FOR EUROPE.1r" 'CHE&PE1ATES' Spealal attention lôu cla t lethi "Roya Ma, ocsuSteauiblpflues, viz: AMERICAN ÃLED _STAR sud B vhich cary t0i United otates sud Begu ma e.Sirg rata, Whithy te Paris sud naue i NvYork or PhilaMephie vllb dirst clasi aiivay fane frjui Whltby ta Pbiladelphla gr Nev Yark asud rateru auly 075.00. Cahlu sud lutermediato aà 1ev ratas. E. STEPHENSON, TEACHEES. The exmiation for pulIe sahool teschers fer the. Connty af Ontalo wvu be held in 1h. Hgh Schopl, In th. ýown of Whitby, oommencing fer second clans oertiftoates on MONDAY, JULY STi INBT., ab 2 p.m. 1 t islndlUspniable that candidates should net th.e1Cny IurioCor net later than lit of Juno,-next oai er intention to pro. sent therneelven ïer ezarninati on. JAS. McBRIPN, Conuty Inspecter. Oshawa; May 101h, 1878. (22 frTbsnew yon eau engage in. esitoml N.Ipar day mde bLany verter ther ULI E zTEright luthse wuloa0te. Par. tieua d smples Worth $5 frei. Irnproveymi sparer tme ut Ibis bustiness. Ail- âeSzxsO, &,Co., P0etland. Nfaine. (20 A vie"Irnof yecthfal mprdeces. aunj.j tir2odesy,,nervou e s sinpîssef cr AUC7'ION .SALE Dollar wo r .Y-ELow~'FA a," plan, ,where the eustomer g N ~ Av IîvRri sE 1p4,n'H. Lth PAS ONTA Rq.'o iA DIE8*' C1 OL LEÈGE W1ffK~Y OITARom ---o-- - -- 1874. F0 UNDED 1874- OFFRS THE FOLLOWING ADVAiTAGES: lut. The dunesî buidin gsua dgroundslu Canada devatad t101h. blgher educatic Young ladies. À I .à lte sua efficient stafflof lnt*cton,. Provision lu made fory thorough gmno n hJZngUh,ane the trus fanudatian for a guiihedi edecation. Te sImplest elementAny subjects are ueloverlooked, sa Ihal pu nil msyenter"vlth adystaI su a eBarly spa, sud lu=mvstae of advasu.ant. Speml~ties o rfurdedfor à cqenga ment MfdH GrigoEqoauro b PCIh-nneScay ITnuo ,l h.hit se oi PehsdGreartugîbsucon vhospasbt agaesdvoms aseisago uveg iEgih iea 8Snd Weill eguelidexercice lu walking cahisthenlcs sud rknldu, vhaleiaze and nutritions detCamifartablé-n esu ii y len reama, &a. 4th. À- lrge number ai houons 10 be campeted for. Tvo medal tram Hio Excellcncy Lard Duferzin. -ueone InmJ'm. Pattenin, Esq'Ao Toronto; a schola>ihp tram Aibi Teskey, cf ÂAppilîn, sud more than 0150.00 ;vorti tPrires. - ah. iftMigr cw.psy by Ithe Whferusaud in a aItt er ndya voapircud an lUln.To psbteduct rnfaoies . cjfa t.. .1&fwoe o e ercen, off aIl billi; fer third erin, lin per cent. off; sud fer teurth lina, dIleen per cent. *iii b. deduted, TUITION FEES. Prepsrstary Dcpartuoit, par tlina.... 4 G Acadsuiia '0e0 Calleglali 8 OS Saheal l4ooui aed lucltenlal oxponsci - ler toua ..........................10 Use ofLbr ... ........... 2 EXTRAS. Pruch. German, Daan (Latin and Grock, frus) Wsx-vork, Pancy Neotis «%wrk, aud rawng, sch prlier.-.. 8 4 W Palntnln lu o1r ater colmn, ver tora 800 Rusile, privaI. lassons hy Mr. Tarrlng. tip, par terni,.....c......10 Rosie, nstru n uclassas, hy Mr. Torinugtan, par ln ......... ...... e. Musie, Vocal, ln choral clasa, ly Mr. Tarrington, per lina ................ 2 W Use et Plana, eue heur daily, par lina. 2WG Board, with fnrnlbd rooui, pin voile.... $275 vue 4 iandashig ack .a..05 singi id o ain u 2ndorey, extra, par vowe. ..... ..............a 25 TO TES 1w.olPAY INADVANCE PEU Iu Picparstery Dopar $aî . 12800 Iu Acadleui.o Dpariont......- lua Ce Iu Cahieglalo DePfArent- ...... ltO Additiozuaicharésai'ill deont ùONtho nuber ofataitaeuuc s dne, traw. iualuTlug. «0', tram aiai ofvhch 15paui cent 0 ibtaken, if paymant ho made lu advanco for a vhoeayoar. t CALENDAR. The C-Uleglato yoar la tlvided into four terme, eftoln voileseasch; eue tlinsuantahalf bc- fana Chrialmai, sudtwvansd s-hait &fier. FIaiT Traie, Stembor ith te Noveuihor ith. SEzcoND T£aie, leouier 141h ta Pohruary 11h. VACArTION, fremn Decembar ifitb te Jan. 2na. TRIRu Traie, Pabrusry 11h10e Apnil inul. Pecri m wAril 201h ta Juna 211h. For hurtiler partioulars, sec Calendar, fnrnished on applica'tion to Rzv. J. B. SANDEBSON, M. A., Whiitby, July Srd, 1878. BaiG or, Bav, . iJ. HARE, B. A *Priucipû 28-tf. BAR G AINS BIG BARGAINS JUST RECEl VED-A Grey Lù.stres at 12je. Blaùk- do. at 120. Fast Colored Frints at 5c. White Cottons at 50. Kid Gloves at 25c. White Cotton Hose at ôc. 2 Regatta Shirts for $1.50 Merino Shirts at 80e. Hais, Caps, Ties, Collars, at Cost. JOB LOI wortl ci h 25c. 200. 100. 100. 75c. $2.00 600. W. -J. HICKIE & Co., IIIcMILILIA' B JLOCK, [ WM. BURNSY BROOK STREET, 0F LARDS AND Has just reeeiVed, direct from the Manufactnre-rs, a good I MPROVED FARMS, assotment of Ladies and Gontiamen's Marsard, AT TEE Empress, and Anieniean TOWN or ORILLI&, . W é On Thursday, lSth jaIy 1878. Tho escoiher vii aýffc~ici-orsale, Attheo AioBas ORILLIA HOUSB, Ã"rill#,oo Thuritay. >eO ieBg, Cheap for Cash, Four mor cae lmthofJuI At188,2 0 0clacle, a. Mn., the Of 500o 55e, 75o and $1,00 Prunella Boots. r ae foll cls ba intheTownships of RAMA-iarlh liit15, 1 con, 100 ac sres. 4othu-lot 41, cou., 100 acres. 'South A PIST-CLASS BRICK'STORBE TO haule,4 on. 10 ares £L LT oansuble terme lu the For Sale. hallag 18,4 con., 1orterns acreir. MARA-Narth hbalh2, il coula 10 Ars. lae ci Âhurn ntoui uAfnier UTIEQAUeR OFLOT No, 19, North haIt4, 18 Cee., 100 Acres. Lot 8, 18 nM ARET ]I8oN, ti Concession et the Tovnshlp cocres SWsI cl t 19, 12 co, 100 r taBR WLON uoeprilsf Plckening, Couuîy cf Ontaiol. aceu. 0 WceEsat h22, 121cen, 100 or ontheproise. Par particulars, a -M E Sol al112 cou., 100 sooi. spplrte - TERUS-Ten por coulai perchas. mona>. . ida Toiunio tae hi paid Kt th. e e as ateo more w0 mile. ep rpan coul. 013 bAe p i efare icI Canner>., 1871, Th. balneuF lufour , nVoal iustalinente vîwth l- iun.5~ T N teres onUnupilel balance, AI the ratae 0 seveu pin cent. *GLEN MAJOR, MILLS I AIse, cI hie sanielime andD 50,OplueIn Lthei- vl)fal-nil Teimhîlp ci Mmr-w ,ît L ot ncLBa mbrdi, "oe Cou., air adi,, 0 ne MMENOING ON MONDAY, May 111h Pielg froiec but t a - 7, Andutil farthor notice, Irii viii ooi x 4 fro Becbat ounou mitisae PORT HOPE 1e.r-Llamsay, Piler. Raiua, PsstsiulIOoo .158. ,... .en. ors-- Peter-P)fl our fait and wnter. purchases, we hâvej B O O T- deeided to mark down our entire stock to sueli prices as will effeet -a speedy clearance. SPECIAÀL BARGAINS---IFA 8H10 NIA BL 'E ý,ýTA ïL OR1ýiNG.,lIl -VERY eldom ýwest possible prices. offered) G1 ood8 cf procuriuïg Presh, Dry Goods, at- the1 will b RESER IX Whiiby, Suai 7*1 TTNDE Ra ee emvd oNDBoStr0e oD HaB boo -een f remoetronBroôtel, reet to aI1 the IGE FIreT o ArisrND'RmHfthe ie sleslias a tuloes GHmT TAD AE sttaa t ofepsetl dou.: 1C00 g D fundlas Street, first store West. of A rmstrongos gotel. Bemember the place. la, ri Whitby, Joue 121h, 1878. MATTHEW COLLINS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, LADIES' SILIC TIE S, DIIESS GOODSe LINEN COSTUMES, AMERIOAN &ENGLISH STEAM LOOM AND FACTOIiY, SHIRTING, TWEEDS, SAND) PRINTS. thi (S( an A 1 r WIITHO UT, SILK & ALPACA PAIIASOLS, CORiSETS AND SKfITS, EMBIROIDEHIES & INSERTIONS, FRILLINGS, FANS, &e., &o., ý&e., As ail our Goods liave been ibought tarkets, this will be an opportunity RAB NOW ON IIAND A LARGE ASSOIiTMENT 0F. SPRIN-G Eniglish, Scotch and Canadain Tweeds,, Hats & Caps in great variety., Clothing mIade to ordèr in, the latest. styles on Short Notice. An înà pection invited before purohbasing elsewheîe., En- cuageHoeTde JOHN FERGUJSON, DuidseStreet, Wliltby. DOMINION WA REROOMS, We beg to advise having received our pig stock.., We are well assoried wîtl& 7emat.ean able and moat durable 900dB in ti'mark et,and at tie LOWEST PRIGES. We invite8p~ecial at- fention tuo oir 8tock, of DRESS GOODS, wkzol4r is attractive by its great extent, Variety -and ClteapvneBa. Our OLOTH DER4RTMENT excells any former 8ea8on in Style and -Variety. OutrMillin ery Stock is eonmplete and attractive. We have a fir8t-clas utter, stylisir Milliner, Dress and Mantie Maker.,, reacly to execute ail order8 entru8ted to tlrem. Tlianki'ngajqou for :past /avors, W& 80licit a Con- 'tinitance of your patronage. -Your8 respectfullj, LOWEIS cPOWELL. Whitby, April 8th, 1878. MoCin SrOSÃ"NetC. 91AB Kig tee, - - -WIN THE LAIRGEST STOCK 0F FIJRS J E. 81 Occan steani Great Wester na si5 Agent, Douii 22) s TANDRD MÂNi Nailca lu hei'eby give tbrce par cent., belng s -cou. pon ounun, upani t ibtiis uitietian far. lb. cernent hailqeéa aets 12 Gw0ock nom- By forderoft1he Boa J. L. BRODIE, Caidaix. Teronta, 21 et Msy, 1878. * 2 Notice, ALL NOTES AND ACOOUISTS dlus - onBi R-B- HaYvsrd'u Baoks, ual motUsd aI J. B. BlckaWs affi l iLateîy, .wil ho plecad ln court for coloetion. iiivg, coite sud eM t l Ionce. Breolelin, June 111h, 1878. 52n THE WHITBY HIGH-BCHOOL. E xtExaminaton for a mIsson v9iiho ed ou Tee andi Weduies. *day, theoSth and 101 Sly, 1878, aI 9Sa. m. GRO. U. lROBINSON, M. A, Head Master. Hlgh soheoiWliiby, May 27th, '78. (i Second Seaion-eSummr 187. BTMGIEON POINT 1HOTEL. ta-0 0alo titt1able, show dapartureof baatcsud trains. J.. B. ~ DUIE FURS A,SPEOýIALiTY.- PU1L.,TRIMMINGS CT TO 011DE1R. BEAB 'OBES. AsTACHA1N SACQUES .WOLF ROBES, USSL&N LAME sacQ18, ACOON ROBES, 8. S. EAL SACQUES - A K R O B E S, P8SA I L A E S C~ , BUFFALO ROBES, >MOCK ERMINESCA , M- i N E C A P S , M l E S T S . . S . B E A L C A P S S . S E L S T S OTTZBHR ND, SEL SETTS,, -RUMIE SBTT1, 7 PERSIAN ýLAMP CAPS, PBBSWfAMLAME SETTS, BA TCSAL CAS, ASTACHAN SETTG *CON Y CAPS, BLACK SABL E SET3 !, - GREY LrAM CAPS, CONBY SETTS, *GERMAN 7411K CAPS,' GREY LAIM 'SETTS, - CILDREN'S SETTS. Particular attenti on'gliv-èn toail Uodero., Alterati speciaily.attended. to., Tôoento, Dec. 5,17. W I LLIAMÀ *.TLL'"S CABINIET F'OR SALE "A LEOT Di THE OLD STAND, BROOK Sý G ôo where you cai -0:0----- lis year, and, in the, best. OR of Before leaving for,-Europe, tô make whttbyl juùe 12th, 1878. :000: ýFER'GUSO]N el COMPRISING BOARDING EXPENSP-8. Fe-r1.ý Toronto,'ýl j=.=ý : au une pue desùm(f, T the comb ý Car F 1 'N"E ý iLr-it#Tr -r ir à BÈOOK STrtriFT, --ooo- WHITBY, ad -Seaspnable Fa A rm.CTC ïýz 1 -1 dN«.*ý ýMR. JOHN