Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jul 1878, p. 2

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haewi ot day. -flooth for fampeMIw20 8d1aHo, fo k trawbergies, &o., were bc*tWQod Ihroeibout the aroi P51455500 iLA.thO shokels, vsti I twul.,"f noyelnofo wli1Otblaob nitrmiedta "en teA1 TOflfl-Miss Tornbliui, 2 M it *w4.-Go.ýB. Yale, agent. w 1 a tnootre l,-o ago~ tnta vis sufford by the. mon, banale'ginoral imagnificence oterînne attire, M g ftna~ S li PVrs- of!oclefuuredetin; he raingfo, -heabseace of iolnes in a great mea. WaS qathered vosterda.. fternoon at MENTAL AND 140RAL 15O=IEtC. Th8 deio .T AL Pcue; ioslesznyc; uawn o.g rf010mnOl a gba eort- thle Loiretto ÂAby, Welington Place, Mental Phlosophy...1 Miss Shierin,2 roduati<on, fuThe noe tear, of fiften of lwebloisng axesos h~Ii e<o A a ti n s a le Io ~ f B w P r n r iloll~p t e wl o il e w t c z s d t ô . 1 U 0 3 0 1 0 n a n ot hIev. g îi a n n u l i d is tr i uii tio n , o f M i ss S a n d e r s o n . p r e t i a i h r o o r u i s a - 7 5 - .I i n t h s b I 2 6 t g a l y 4~q ~lo ! w ar lira shop erybig ir ie xotensutite ithe bêpnups of that eainar. Moral iliosopliy....îMiss Tombli, Cndi»5 the wholo year ' v regard as a'ly aru $bok AUsooftion. ralsod vas the élection for the locket'The régiment â.1 11-80 A. nm..va a cng ladleg, ss uIly attirod in 2 Misa Phillips. roasonable, concosio afÃ"ing ho thêentaflns ,'o, betwon fie ~lnrrliof hlty ~ msrchod b tathe parade ground, 'hors white dresss, bine stsbes sud wrsaths, Evidence-1 Miss Tomblin, 2 Misa Monts of thbnos~~ npo» oiidosstoo~omc tGog' otonMies Harll, of Ohwa. liit esan Col. Dm1. vau regeived by general looked oxcoodingly. protty, auid gron aPhilhpi. sIen ear s a b i ortatuoChurci lat TSoo s'ug o in Mise M i llet fOaa- Min s alute.,after whfoh, ranka, wero opaned togethor on the prooeniun of the ilelt Scipur-1MiI onbln,2 w àii rdspaig tehgetclueCuai u lie suocasful cwpo~f. ud 1h. CLilory lnut.lyln-p.Itoiseaojaed S ?07 p2es.ti herosaitof additional numbesthe. excellent roerigo h ls (~L~tuuc1, Bpurriîprcvcd ront prosliv thoa inhoros lUl*h.opopoodinnd2nthecCoture-lsyMissestlollistorponsidogegnted a ver y plsohool. sp.ectacle.reMingions. an _________ tors. Tihe vote standing fer Misa all by conioanies, ho taklng the frontacle. Miss MaGes. cfinh.he nghtora cf cir land. exorcises by the ppisfMesLw r' ONI¶Y Si 5o PER At3M pnrril880; for Mies ,MInnio alan d Col. Doison the rorrtanks. Dur ta aIfao~ h. audience, who aud Phillipsg, 2 Mis S. McGee. stand vwh 0 egi Lai~ ol~ ageidt.iaolpr fIi 19. is aloîva ftrarspr.ing tfs inspection the, excellent baud voro voll roiusld for bhefr attendasioe bas ~.alroa<~ aknvo oiie4 rgaii,1àhvclndnsumn 90MieHl'ot' a feadspi.ployaid soine beautlful ,places. The.b b.he nstrufnintal mmfuslirihd'by. oa~ mseoy.Misc.Wî. entltylonvih 1$ enarwuacomnmothe p ro né, btcal edrd u lVhilby, Thursday, JUIy 4e'1878. 'sontd wii a cake. Au loctionfrarusbigcooLet o.W1*etedacduis n oraig isD onnttr.a<isno Sn4 lû@tê5sod Lient..Col. Wallaceogho care SD4 hMiiingln oloMistiL. vers _____cake bolwecn Mr. Gibbs sud Mr. G0e«, vas ordored ta 'bave th ii. regiint _pHcnb as, anGerm r, sd Engol.à is'D nt. l ie oci(ev onfu-Iconfliadnce. f tath tearopan ri k-frnle The. "Irisi Canadian" in Arma 5for "theTic vfrrot h fbdadfotdoý( won :bY Mr. Ge» by 482 voteçq. "marcfi Ias.» 1hva ho novd lish by young l1adies cf varions ageos, rnol' <leoeral's oal,2 Misses eu Mc. e ndthe pubi.' latl fJoy Freedont of the Pho lofI, iiafttdeuduetonno.,Ion[rom thc 'blte Mios cf ton or Ivolve D Mo a da l, 8Ms umt n iihdp Prudoi f he rea. Th pc ie ason o homct o~eeof the. aides cf the, oblong. "Q"-ckastomaesta thé dlgnlllod maidon cf Dwi sdndL isn ie ~ Ov ep Ily asb . .fna~ ppl oh ptol 1 ceesîn t i ethld and viii aid maerially woî " bing givon, tho ioosopd oemtroer.Ms d laFraser. oiud)W Jms .D f "Lithole m,"aidto stbat W. arc grleved te find or able aud _lu roducing the churait dola. off with soldierly rogularihy. At he ocf Ivoîve y cars or thoroabonts, vas con- Foi pnnluAIily-Miss 8. MXéoesB. B. HABPEB, M. A. flysdfaigyt1~soy TI pahloho eencrîlosr, tc nsu(In. EOLA» ~* &rt vhsoling peint, aud, vh.n tho ccl- pincsfor the manner'lu viichsc eh. W. H. WiTiKnow, M. A. Cnrfev saalneo igT-ngl"b umn was carofuhly snperlnlouded by dei eeevral recitations, c truc inl Drawing-1 MiesVandonson, 2'Miss ltomsosftnsomraryate a»e, takig up a position cf lieetlllty .The grand-pic-nle, hala in, Coriant'a Majors O'Donovan atnd Patterson, a geahnro, look and actionl au te excite THE e,8MssSild.rS TAVJ 0F ONÇTAIO LADIRÉ CLEG. lrlworthy cfmeto.Nlti lovorda s of0tlie bout and ableut cf driving park,unuderthie 'patronage cf WvisaIt h loIft vas nMade, aud SI- the vaniaplau. fhm rsn. Paintiff-n igCmis is Tkn lcoloCefvrbs es. n, ithe inros va anane the Qislîlo lorgy flu iithovn e h Sons cf- EnglanJ as arg5y t.hhongh théegroun u asrougi. 'o veli issAneMya n Ei Hg ool sM Cthe 41&4 atans a e ulshgtsldegre. hhrou&h 0asec8c9 i, coar p 0crow god oi mibleProsh tnde, bou fur liuad oope e. ashoeniovemoent exscuted lhlt one gins arc se vel .deserving of special Vlvet Painting-1 Mile Cutumips, 2 crdtbet eheisrcinp i.peared aud cenci td l rbe.pr R ~ cd solieron he grond xclanisd ne tioût le l ould b. unjuet ta pas@ Miss MctJullodis. lion hO théprogramm.MesLve -'PlirMeEnîe, lime not cven ing on tile grounêls, vorytilîiug po .Weldu;tha coud net be beatenthem, silcnhly. la râclhing;thein anh, Water Coor-Mfss Englisil. pincftiColo andth le Tutors is to bO mml atiî bnoutîaedo osoapoil tho sceac four ccnam orgsrY'scdexIoceedlngly suooeeftil, thic culy yrgiasalr tbie.moulo' drill 1" sud German exorcises tudr aoutie»oLICn undU 111rvi i my~f Tie rglenAt wsli maor pu vspefc sdacet omndbe.05cateful geye instruction la lier aucoas, and 19, ol~vsc obé pe. davaokbaig tc ntese îca. ilcolomn»sd quarter coum» .by Ce Thero il@mâ ne nsnime on the pro- iding-1 Mises Cmmins, 2 Miss iy roef b cologlue intItuIon Aqcucosiuocfthe managseentcf elle.foloving prizes wveoavarded ril Cols. Durie sud Denien ah the gràmme, howaer, viicije net-ont8le.W8sIng- is relse 2 M iser a uaesssidr aenut eof bie re *aoo lni y im opraoSooo ioI lub huesu ig F lyan; sutngpint. Severail imes the. D. tc, notice, aud it is tao be regretted thath C- -Traistea s of Toî-onto lu the occasion that second, Fi. W. oWa. A. G.1vll companies vare passiog thilaei net sufficient space te allow o4 lf »ills. Vreyo ujcotult ayhr h.. givla nec bttub orogrettal stalte cf ' est arnage su usai, 11. I9. hn-hiM, Caîbod out "WOl doue Numbe-" a more detailed report. Tho p D a Use *cf Clubs-I Miss Martin, 2 Miss ey fsbeestugimnyhr or Prs things. Tie rrinl&,£'Cssadiogs lias lin ; second, F. W. Oien.i. men arhnloftpasteded, taonepoy. voepre rsenhed iiy hie Grace Araibiehop - Bun3& t5awrking soceesfultahes r eof M.TP.W t w ct 0 ielef vs rdred tenqun.Lyncli sud Mime MacDonald, and after TIlIV CONCERT. brciels hnhi ne f M.T .Wihc htvlPc cagaI tihebtr it1h m i ' pors otcletias(ayadqnl-trcolumu ou the rigit sud loft corn- tie distribution vas conlnded, the air, vae given ou iWedtîy'avcuingvsenlpdafso Uonsd niswaagcuonî,or h leet nu), Major Ibodgson and vila. parties, respectively. Lino ou the rean for a lime, vasredolent cf congratulat- the Music hall was dehs9ely puced'a and The Principal, il sppears, devotes is Circaasia, ,ou Saludy fenQui thoiIDthe infsrence srawn froue its ah- lHuraî lssRce-Ituddgeil, Tenonte sudlafroýnt companica sud several olbey ory kisses frein lady friandsetate ic uy outside. Tiie fulluwing pro. attention cîiefly, sud witl muchl sue- Ho intonda visitiug hePrsEhbto taeko. Andthticchargç, lu eue shape second, lberly.' Ottawa. novomont e eoremankably veli ex. happy rocipienîs. Hie Orâce, onbe' grammenhwaseffectivoly rendarsd, aud cas, le natural science sud higier sud nakiog a short erhruiIe ccutedl. Lin. being again forncd, hae f of the audience, lisuked 1he lîniils seîdom, if evje htacs Mr. Tordo or autior, lii been pensislcd lunq e. Girls', Bacc-Miss Huldalo Lick; Major O'Donovan put*tb. men hhreugh for the oxertieus mado ta provide au and hie pnpils %voni À Pr or More de- Eî aggeniltrhraIsfelegnrlecoi. wliatandlug tiche ronsînances cf the ccoîLd, Misas tarali Sielarock. tic manual, sud Major Pallerson the enjoyable afternoou ;sud after n fow servaci 'praisc. as. Mldau, Hsq.. nls agaeadltrtri ls-fr h eea i Prieutil ou lie boàrd, aniti lutihe face cf -One )Mile PFoot Iaco-Ilnitddoll; sec-fiicg exorcises. T a ccommand vas vords cifrfnlndly council, concluded biy Msyun, brsidig.. les, mental aud moral philosophy ; Mr. Laing, (o!lfir cfLin' Y a cnadpUibhd hîy bie glace Arci. oude, AlberV.copn y, gvilquic v a on teigh i sudr poetvcain usxt gian, quh artr oldou te gl ihngte spesa ain. PIlOCRÂîOFîîîWNSMis Wilson has proved a faitiul sud Stewart,) sud vife as aldl i bluep Lynali ..anyng te "llgaions. oyas ioe uldrLeOyae-Wl;twoewer îth n rnedKîaîf AAWA.RDIesfil ouhe orte enorROWIh <raai., onie cof tisa pnests, Cousidering theiseu ilcui aneton! econds, Goe. Martyn;t to lie loft, wvi e ti s ut Gradnating *clase, Englisi, ehîually Part sonn, "Ilie lu Cool Grot," Mui. classie;wiue Mise Jarvig, ftic gold Mr. Arthur Jeinte» fPeeig c ci f Or0lutmp ry nkeaping. urC trit.General briefly addreesed hie cificere maeriteli by h issIign n iL/01Coa lm -Ii IeCneto,dtiîeotful wri otBrs atIPr.Hope Bndnoncooxnissioncd ediacre, sud men, Nourso, obtainad by Miss Nourae 6111 8 -ong, Il Mçrry Zingaîra," BDaZJa-Miss rxisdalisî cf last year, bas beau equslly Mn. O. Y. Smnith, bneocfW1hy ltho ccutessîs'iOand', lltd t 4tow Jhl3rs lal-o adoepiih ahlou lia esps o.clansEngiili, equaly ierited Miss 1ÃŽilno Quartette, Marri do Conertihls suo csue.Ms xel esi ix e lieAroîbsliiî ud caauîte legiv lGtl lattalion) ; second, Tos.onegrcee lit aIidbeeu, madle durn uitirFord sud Miss Georgie O'Neil, obtsined Wicsp.M.soGibs, Fraser, D:»Crowla sud miss Ker have îaiently scandai, l have, lisons la ensrata holi. Field J.istîry lind ; thlirdIII sne.sotss nPr en.H pcs by MiessFord; Div. 5liicltis, Englisil, neit,ns alir. ali scccefuly cAopeator w Mn liot, e xp)rssedosot imsîlves,. lint, ville Blit.particulanized Ivo ociel e copn sies on avardad te Miesa Tva; 41h elases,Eng- Song, '1,011inaop 0 ird" Abl.-Mio oriu'lo s, o AT asoouqt -hccihbil oxeptlaoxresigRu individiîl OP-.'Qnioits-Firsî.ciass, D, Purdy, Sou.~ spaso fherooîinsbi vrs Ms ra; i. P 1ianSol,,Sznynua,, n c Msc l u aiai n" tiofusal;ng linn as e iaîse iue cournîro nsd tifles. Tii. 841h iadoaisese.Englisis, avanded teaIMise Dodids; MiP ilo Sl,"san. e'lrslcc. usclicutho fle College, asu d Beoicln, as etrydb ie ilioulu n his way, w audonol know tiaitbore ;solconi, iBurton, WVlitby ; hhird, ile asid, slvays iad a godreputati " Class French, equshhy menltsd by Sn,"L rinv'M, 'or.Mo iissiBronoucontinues tle win iar laur. Wdsdy alron imt codeodtonofteons o Mise Sog I L rinaea, Tr,.Miscause ocf liraunlcnow hu cniaisntos c he3eu01c1I-sai.SeOOud.lclassg, J. Ripong, To- sud ile iopcd, sud biul ne doube gbut se eorgie O'Neilsud MiusHig-ginsi , raser'. sI by brngiug onthie pupise vory fino- lis Ccu ~a, las xtnuc fr etnte ; 1secondj, J.* Wilsoni ; tisird, Boa. hat evcnv ofilcer, nou-coennisioued obtaiued by Misa Higgins , 4th clase, Plano Dnett Conicertanite, IiitaCtioi," ly n *" In tisa case of /aLier MolIuoe, .Wa ýfrJ.offleer and minu oîsivie viti ssci French, awarded ho Mise Noutea. Wiu.-5îsRoaci and Bristol. lyi rwiug sud painting. Mdlle Tocs INDXAN ANNrsisnv-h » othen in lecrping up liaI reputahicu, O5SADIATINU CLASS. S'/oLk.-Mi"0siovbs lr.,Tuto" ifBchna ndltey ivBr fte1 Soug, "àLobiis inan.,lTulteon, QuIt- Juchauua, sud lalcriy, shoewGullet, nvcasany ! tic Isijans, ! Seugo k s s ur w â s a e , t . T s , e t r c f isa d i s 9 ' 0 "ehw , p n sd g o t » a h i c i b a d b e e n s e e i l n s t a i n g d t a t A w a r d e i d h o M ie s s fi g g i u , l e t p r i z e ; D u o C o c s s n l a ( P ia o a a n sd V i o l l a ) , "W i t h a v a a k e n t h e d e p a t i n e n t co f n o s e r u I s l a n d , o n 'S a t u r da y2n i . a isaer lswaarhlink Oleirwsse endtraction, sarne twenty-five babias, cou- day. Furtier, lie intimatad Ctiseil aise, 1se prizo iu diiiFecicssau li&ni Tell," O tsîrs c Berali'ioÏ.-Mlco lsnigusgns8. witiî thse-xcafiîioii Of a oniy alpartial suocces oecm91.5 sssxt~ ire I 1 auah~cc ipo le telidiug for liriz's. Tise task of thie wasvitthhle range cf poseibiiitY thaï;lu inhilaliase o! instrurmental nusie, îîCnLit as n anauo. Q .freslitancier for Frenci sud German, freedone cfftic,î arcss, snd ticroupon,- jusiis ust Isave provei s] e nui'he eiety-s scTwl o o rs l a rtmstaase Sno srAI,'rsuîg l"Ise lrl è," te'ls.- uc edov al isATacen a sn armes] ville brièsy wordI,',Oaentisfor. -viable. Tht oll()vng wore th ic . sçhtivcservice:. -If mii ore thse case, Division ; 2nd prize for ianp, uie for Chorail nolthCtfitus.mi i terpgis as ektw t waird aslisle clinuijîlon o! lndllnal bniug . whiéi h eopea itilouhi ual, ho von- improvement iu Freuai conversation Oiil.f il rmi hCorpse. a ektoatmpea ncsewr t o t o s ] t h e o p i n i o n t h a ï ; t h er a w o u l d b c a s i n 2 o l O r i na n c îa s s , l i p r i z e i n C l i o r u m , " i v L t r s i t F u o wv - C î î o r l M a o D s n i l y v o u p o e v i i s l I m e . T e c s e g e n e d s o n igit ansI fnee.slis of opinion Against Sinîgle I)aby-Mi-is. Clarke, Oshîawa ; vcry fow Ilstay.al.Iîomes"' in Cie 841hi. 2ud ases Italian, irpovemaut in vocal Claius. bc iii deuiinhi for gymnaîstiess atd rni d c cy. Neitien e! tieptc srra- ahi piestiy ifntocrnui.pe, HOc ie cOU-.etcoud, Mrs. Ihoie, Ooisawa thhù-, Dinnor beiug servcd, parade was magie. IllatssSo, "la 'a cadate," l'aner. -MIisetig;'a dentsny'l'------------------------- pB ristol. in , . O n th ertoa cli rd e ntsy o! Lin dsayd e sUhite iuscî ilîsnpiOu of tise Tais/t, Mna. Lanton, Eîîst Wlîity. Twins- fornad at 8P- -,whvi e b îttalion Âwardsî ho Mies Nonrua. jet primoze s isurisuv "Xsrsste,<>tt" .iilî,o es-sicfti elooani e iaCic'Tzîe,-la ropb, Pn sudthie Trq Irstise editone cf vas Marchl e lie vian! on lake 8&u. d'o, otlet n u4ths Frenchi dues, lu Chs us4,suVaur ii~rs, l".irsisou [ee8 fth alol ni e Ci,4L F ii. whclci joutnsuis lselIlMs yiClmbeeonM.gag vlierothie steamer Lady lida, lot aitîrnetia Case, senior division, ans]d is;,,s.' nd 1-1hcU 1 a h edrs hofao- ensd Lindsay lals opn oIrtit u -Miteile Caruoard, Oshawsa. tirug thie kindups ci Mn. Dyer, vas for Algebta; Isetplize.. for fancy wcrk Ssn-" sig"o ressadu," Vlissohsi lig. 'aisis iîîrisien liat pneu-ails ini rcfest.Ilia suoiane0ie7alYli deniaIs ho tise oco.utrary, hasve bocîî as-. Til,' LYOti ND lL GDI INë. placce ale eservice e! Lienl-1o. Ws!. and for plain soviug ; pinixifer m Rt Jl,'*INst---Mhse W in iis"f7l aac noef nf fitll isy FPthStaffIeiord cf Lindsay. Vctlii, ou lie grounds aise prou-ad ecc frea o! expoese, te hakethie régi- provonu uFoc ovraioi;2d1 mil seeMu'snsgs'Ua.'scuh ieruiyo ciosd01 cmsit fec nni fe edy Itiieas hao a ij~ ssualonbelisîf of livoly 19se h etier ]Mn. bltakeuzio wment e sud i fin c gIsland], prize lu ciiiccisse o! instental isiisie. Son-"Ilriîodssle tsusi-I'nD-le. iiged ot on chafg!else puptaioeltJi.~e sv vibre affodta(shhilatheorSifsginMal iad beau onderes]. Doî nss'îttu"Lii"J) elseeilteircagatsaOaie- se-- - Isi. aientod saclrsu ts r i oh sdqnalhh as lia oe Tha lfthal! '!fIth, battalion, undet issa Gene Mi r, Toriigîss. I;sLa'die ge. CATHOLIC PlC-gî T xsiîs. lisla osi)opulIar,sud alecse nhateviatier Mr. command of Major Patieneon, vas firai ST. ,tOSiPI's cobtvLNxrVosst1 isett, "O'en tisu iiii!, (er ligesni sieAthiir staffaeI-slrade e fna cce tls o raiMM. 'Oibbs vss aua more penn. siîipped le tia Island, tIre t take np MilsMinnie Joliushou (daugilero!f ," is rd-jueMsoelastTs ay2(hhoJatPine, ah xrigmus ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s lhiNw ck'bcaIai], linho an addt nSeti Ontario. lie a d efonaive position, On raturau-of Mn. James Jolinston, Oolsmlis Iigsl> 1 îîsPianoILETTO CONVENT, LIaDSA Thedaymii ou ea, s caic ucc ils respeelabie esllior (My,. J. C. Curlin, resoît vas asefollovs steamer, lia riglit ialf, 'ondor Major obtaico es]tiilu-an modal ah the exalusi- Pouautiss" *Oj;r-Mse los os. Tis eoxasinatiieuslih Loretho Con. expusec, viii bc u ien îilbrîo fcrsmrity of lisiiidsy). Irae mii netac lien. In. ............ -129 O'Danou'an, veeosent on as tise attack. nation cf the pupils cf thie institution, r NIun6e,rswist, and 'Tonshsliss. vn idry eocnuts yts 20 worih.sgclnsî l 'riInca Wlieds.Ha milt Jeisu Macdl ............ 63 inparty. Tîîsy îs»ded about a&mile ands cveral Ciller primes. Chra1,g .Snir 1 gh Sîoo I$p20roD..c ~ Sdisinoct sBay tise Aliier ofthei, IqCa?&. blo thie gronnd cocupiefi by lie loftIeirHgiSlolIsetr r ile attialb vas aisl lianl. Uc gail isoon. Mitjciy fornr. Mackaimie-......66 bal! and nraDop oven Soine Vary R~P;ssQsîttosvtoars;, Ssnsertin eiln, hîe dspeassinhls aainie. SnDowss Agstr- yu ducc owuards lthe id cjf tise Caliolia Mn. F ...li ..-----------.,.06 roken grenus]te leisiosige tIson. Skir- ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE, ss ];"î,,us îr btsallga bachso!mti-on !Mn. J. i1.,llic!iil o onyasc Chiutai lu Ontario Wàias iîupiy infaursoua Mn.r. .N. Cie'.............2,8il) nissiets vere thlin ont uhfor attack in 'Tise eosing exercises began l"ias] Sn'd e C Q" "ais aondsinlugrammrsr sudlitorattîre. lige, was tirswns wiealsnluIiis anid vîggeIscuiilailte bis sCathidaexcellent crder, sud wieu hhey liad h rzsfriu]e i bvwr r aauir. l disodsi Ibi inet ho glu-e Maj î o n-----8 7 palisses] sboit cf Wvou dietoveras] Major idiug andi caliiatienicsi, ou Monda3 ialsie orinj, sasveesAtthie close Dr. McLs'llan brily ris]. fp-lbr's Mill pou, usarBrolunnoi ivenithé 'rua spctatera 'sera libîfort- While jority for Gieng ......i....s....Tis..d8e7susstriipupiie.dursnsai]hliervassoit the p.upiestuHnssafuielyeuag isey ri ieI'seCtîtùtfnawsi A~~.Patîcreon ready la receiu-e ihia.iran. PTespcaos ,- ciiroctsoriîslsîiîsfren ieEx oxce dighy pisses] viti ith wsmr la ire, te sen If lviohi tuon fs t s-y Alc-o usi licte as tien op-ened froin both lfauke and d e] iihu e ikilli unaniafulseisl by auverai crulvtg u 1I iss lesueis, oulier slccise- ansid-hsoiîi wiîsisaI leyisal dons ani hie *ftiî3' bave lie 3ussts1 Ho s ais]etla Citisolias o! Taranteocugi A a e>ssî i 1aeiwits payfd es on vas briskly returuci iy Major PSt ou aie nnsnigthsi înr uhosss'info ieiissivursI ugnsuitas niioi.Ts iccuucuneu î utatda tc) kisp thait gî'levas ta ho atîîîuves tlîa Acîne, tof Toronsto, sns]ftle Muplo sou, altilough i hallsdte reinforce andsssîoss s a u 'oasatse i fiasn n]s tti iabtblorne, as ie îL nt !Cliicb, cfrOshawa. AfLer wîuniàg rolieto eskirmisîsers sevenail inom nia u iananu tcfipîiinsosur ssr> aîi nis.as ii~ saiiolepsrAti'ausscia, là e ssid Uait ne gatibe n lipuatinesud hie lait ibail le relire ou hieissupports. On lie caddie. A soties o! gymnasîse 9-leo ryus sssîisab! lte sUsissio. cuon a i he sc hbto ie ine we feu-cor ni csipue ,r~ oeeuevr he oeiiougits hssaI- lin mal cotiriî;utesîprimas fer able. li ucoutof!lne institotion' hsey thi issu jran srscnsg onthe lipa itsns tlced ic tîemies clniu.iug lie ont aud severail lanking sîhempte al i gr a rcisian ansi te ltsedeligiht st'ssuw'eI»Esscrlieucy thei>' l:s.any iglîl te ouiy. He' hiey' I. .B Su1 &~ a 8 .chole, at. h-Tarante, a' thon *Catsollo vcoty son lise grounilâtisIhie7 ere bptk aides,thie rigit l! vf ellseradu ufsalpect aorDanlyoi ,,ý-nrGna,îw ilaits ltMr. coul>] gel liie higiesi education they Dn lc,!ic'slyBiklc l %vusîflisoeak siress lu Et masnntnet te Psroeanssil la procoes] vii tie match. ally drive» back le Iliain boat, ait sougu cf ail presoS2..Maor Deannally cvIl Gossecoa.Gens railied bring scaàndai ýgn lise cîsorcs. 11c cbstinataly fighiug cvery ic f isuhly trains te gees] effect. .ro5 $M.20bo Be , M. ril coonl ory, ans] lera as onsqgein then tb isu I ilr.Kls i would net tr.Výèoý' trilml)lý he livad Of srcoso 52, lr sn Tle 1, M . ontnrys, ond tuahey w'sconhiunl nlfloGatFyKle vauli nt ly ti laîsssleliaIsesi ! iJssi ihi~LMirir.greuns. This grounci vas voîl fittcd On Tnesday geveang a goosi sudieuc$10, 'Mr. Barnas-d $10, ans] suniryoccasgion frlepepeo indsay audfieluatoluI hrstncns lis cilunahis ith isa isî iadfornisii A isase bail match vwas playes] on lie for sucli an engagenenh-n numbor e! assembles]-nCo1genoidisiilugnt pinibylieDis eaaniMenr.vbiîiî e en]tici asgitnsswî vnîivii il ot iemore 10D istoof toe is noniies liaIt pieFeiair grouîride, Wlitby, in lia aflarnioon ravines parsllaeu e nsuotisen ans] nn nClaeMschl awt"przýk h ictis n Mý1é-vent esn h Wtsrdcu.O'r! Ties a ii nlsfouhe aegv ue i itiuto !pierîisgJoisoîon, lhas, Farcu-eli, Ilulbosiga, frein lise towu. lIe as deîigihed vitii uarho i ae frsl yS .B se asenics ofcu(lscaLtion, Ti o us hli' n Pr onng Stulîhi angesrfronGliesaki ,i M"BoCrtaelesr&butilise pelsiritailifgsel-ftln MhiaucesoudV ccli'w a Wur- of uî sap&fCr- is, in substanice, ou-iaIFablier Stlforsîbtvaî li-- ns ar 'rry, rasait- ingoexcellentsgâchter for ekirmisiers. of doays, and] graduation. M~s ur anbaînmsarc a. teliien ofs by the pupilo.nd Tlfer- ---a-s.--'W C sid. Woa lligsil LalpleinRa ifair.' ing iarcunably for Vhitby. After about Iobusfihighu A rm ssyo loomy 'sas raay olr'edr azI a5ît. cd l- tisai isced Instaepi'icpiscfThi ng Tishosw- nerto Âic..Ts0V- 13ntl)o cJitýrof te iril, caalia CORRT'S PINT.parties rtlonnaed ltsePort Penny r i7 byMiss Tomblin, of Cauuaingleî, Thuins hlie Collae anscacusoffi aies.os- revsiidnteistttotbl 91080 u't cusisler surahs a course fait ta- &<A rInrumbn:ner of eurtlowuiieshnoreanouvres, suad roaisathircamp 5 na1 sctel nouradiîcqu intnc ë 'otii-,rsitU teasiyrr,(10hsagi da tanlacisredio sl and isi is efr i seticewusti@eicn] e licou mvitires andgrand subcmpaîl. ntotileri osit qal tday îy Cia vanls hils paper. lie sîlfi persins t tîsat vhhiraitfnmileos, put lu azucosl an- 7-W i)p. uin. wt ogadaddfiutasbet 1 la l h ecl(r i ogt sitdyb he utc n"aurst 1Ih), but connýidairtng Iia tiseca, ticus iin self education, and tisaI conusi ]l sUfo l psrnc hls s lu0 Istis beoa an riffrsproftaellc. AnsI, wujoyabio day nt CorbIot's loint, lion- Duriug lise igit Lt.-Colg. Doris, Mies Phullipe, of Covanvihîs, Q., atisislano- causes for diAcosinagesnsnt. >îuînîy tise popils voohîl bceioh ta- n.ext assszes-irn selfin 40,su ragelteha hlgsd h aîyit, il lohs 011911y canjoyiug tfisa fresis lako bte DDnssnsc AgnsCa u ot ziappeares witîi a vorthy sketchs cf Witli thial'; ans] nuits-i ei7ý-t, nov tiat hy sîpon lthorovu mindisud exertione py'Prywharf.canniog nannowiyîbhr.ugî srh i.Tceatashiiy ie new huiliings are abonîlniliîes], lu cquîiigaprîredocalion. Dr.tvereicin200ac. agi f clpersatiluiub iîsidefna!hieoe>] uh l ýat, ii al steltte on hie Iîus ud va Lmo e ts] Cfol. plaTIiidTedsa wshihyap . fho'hrglcesensnosddsrib ca5ncnidas]by shating Iial - _imblsi_000_c laI ovetyinovemonaperferun of tli prove11. edon theIsMandlaadcf bPardCoc.fol-yoingaisasclVia tIse hEoplssiiasiwha, teis Tsrruntobolit heeEpaaid' "fredl f th isa Tise f ., -'-.'.-.-nsa .-""compliment "-".'ColWallaceo Ms ioriuii otnînsso, , o" auy otiscr iissahtioiiinlise countr'y, conil do lie vousleehi lcfonvats]teci s ityensacarieonssligsîisfosare a 'lii t ri i a , o s î n si o n o 1), l Le h u n o foi n t ho e ne x - th c a i c e rse n dal l e r p e i m ,a n s ] c uii n Cahlulans fhe ues a.dr aida-aîhCeîhn.TieeaisinOfnltiegnsauyvî lioturinsfheisghePeai agae u cet..o tteaahes aIusrfippl.grlfeio'ihvsIis a eubtlacoi rihvecvstua ettamaua a v.-e.-g- cîlO 1e 0omi1 t rbet-are.----------- Miss Cael. sn o rtsaipb isia exst ar]cona.e>a.i flinerenu vsai îsce' Oin55130elcf. iînsint-isukn-ato -----158Ib ................ 2Faho Staffor nide j hie deing se. wila W is lher ui? ana Jl»Knedy, Portlandi, Me., aS lsen]M.Snn isAnsses u urps ikigbliea liietHiOeu-oc.,lad tle abslo thata fliitpsrty krswn as 1he. "Baooao usd -vo vihi 55v-aunhAeTACII. AND 13 20 '..g t 188Ibo .z-n-cinca tise institution lied opeoc ers esCIs. - iad lia obllgu soe ecuasu Tie Easten Question, a lister n AO ETE 5' aii 88Ii------a d M.giioi ns sam M m'~ O pIh s ors hng luing ai col year. ia]nlhc lge fml n ot tes] ans ioas] tmusi) ufu ut tr'ADuaiistMn-w opcia, vaiglit 1l ramr01Missa hleyar 1acenh Ibs etoi triuedt ane u ndle Jam iuiiNMn-woplc e H. lilleybSanatoga,..age. 82, 4Nevlon 2 MiseLngilsson- Withs suchs raîuction o! empennes sud soogt i. uieor liesent11ion elcnsl i ion flm B>ii raîshi u h. ae 2, u-eigl 10 ls--------Hohishe, 8Mie L.Otenwod. -p eartment, vs oufidantiy loche for tuluaisrgeîy le liseexcellent vantiiaion ci - &0 rpi pofildbeoro 1h h.ie'av-ay Qussnearoaybrs ual Satae.A ehiio.hweTolctoa 140 , uigi ....c...p..y..Mis 5ati n, 2efciec-prtinc9nmrn i ts iebiîiga atrta slBeau - m uYsnns, '7.B.io Mis e ora - is 2 Canference mBuntulssnisg un institution - ro'ac uy2n,'7.n nà lttla opooes] ho itucis l theconclus: rtets isave-beon m atie. 152 ibsi-------------------....... 6 2nd Oeogap îy- l M is a M oter, 2 ideuiifc l hsand a rter ilus urli se d îc lîad arefulîy ti ui os]e la i ica n citou.nur ,,i u Xjp) sl~of a defluiho hresîy oî pesas. Tic ~ -il. Luhesr, Pituurg, age 89 veiglil lsses Oncenvoos] sud Englias. eoar,» fl itlntisplen]avnneiulFimrs' Wse questi-------f----------- iisd rihisiHisîoy-l Mss liirpînrautoi' fo tiseiseaiOsCsu TluctiontppBritish ppuînry suposas]hosbocUron>] byoil moungreou-usiha.aileas sign qu~~~ Wle fEeinidinh acce rceANe îuo OCR.AN. MaKen, Toronto, age 29, vaiglît 42 Misses Esntwoe]sut.h.e',- f ongldis lanult ana5concomihant o!fIsard - pan, e1TYP W+ oa ikil oncucert, tic procoede iouhieS vilI lie 1536 Iboe.....................'8a nu rqocet Ila COîsforancO tO 'e- uinciy, bol ovicli vas lun s i nina Iu. A usrc, eio !le ts devotîs]hoiAilaaints' h.roisviii onyNb olaciaiilieon son [No2 offdciruieS HisloSo-. Miss Mere apoint thie lIa. J. E. susîerseu, eracîaaîis% dc, fer ]sard dus]3- vas con- Chitairs Ena, writes " aeue]n f deitodteAilSaitsami ot wll n ud rMisHs rvoo iss ' M. A., as Goanuor ands] hiat tisaeBRe. duaive te goos] icaisi. The palenes Davis' Pain-fifien for mn ytsunans alsîsti loNlbrt(akne oic Hl1el. Del, iinR2 aîîn u Pe Penny.J. J. Mare, B. A.,bc siiocu-asita romain sus] hinunes of nanny sth(ts e Mytc my!nily vitîsmuCh satisato. Y >Y-21 irtnmbrà ficcnelIr g,i CCi 1 IlO- Tise egatt a tPi er. Acet Rsoy 1 Ms t,2as iri-c-pe!.iVe sisso qucîte Sp- due ratiar lte tebai air aud chiot ou- moie&H.eMrarssee- - Mies Horrtman.ponaeto iio2 o aexmn hesmcodtosoth siu-Iûahpiletbi' >aosQ1g frJ'l , tolcttlitog5so bSt a es aledaSp. h egta èuldwil he- e E gihLangua- -1 ll e Phil i ipis o thuen a,.e0a1,copevits jfere-iw E'leîiSus lite Vlii o iensytusiandetiesineo t eitius ! ile insttri l.alsaopilyrupiîidf hi o p.mruee UsIc " vltIse ovcif@ renmte, assistes] by forsigu aud local tl- cf the 84thiBathalion, .atractas] a large aud Scott, O2 Mies Teushî, lu. s rt o ii, )2o!tinliolio as]lis invoi e'ntaldo.es] han o Clîs esilov rta'vialu cro! yohs nz eutnc tloswll h nefaot, viii mairo up su excellent pro-. oadtho Port Penny o mno n Dy.EuglihsLitetatun-'l Mis s hipuis, dnyrpnIt haCu'iea.ecsieîona ao.Ts en usylrtr ia esesho,.leI - ~ ~ ~ r ro ols, et esIpectable gramme. utr. r-partielata net Tise folioiuo ae isnprtcuar o le ieMMiessSin>siaJxeoInLs> la-ndat. lais pescî ir 55 > itiyiOSp cssoivauuar mscis povr usuTs l ooklng., .Théc octunîs arc 11111 licIterovethebonIs venmeune îshhehetotio-1 Miss Hethensu -l o iscae Oilasgbotter îes ~ uo onA.Adlîlt e u eea u Prise Essaye-Missges Sin, Teîunb- JOHSN hsCI1, Secreîary. tpeeaacueYaas ou-fstlsy- aelotl0, ise liey aaers lisae argaipansh r]s aandalIn.fh e-nt, ah vkici, il vili bc esen, Whitby lin, Phillipe, ans] Saudprson. - WIiii(by, Jiis4t]), 1878. sahiy'n aneotennt cisubyaItchitsetrlo.I a]o themoelvou Tho and onts werc îuccouforinkcar-elo s]etoise1pMovs neonc'e ceufrnie- acusaqrîenprlys ooe'o oaes Cieoovandeifulossdosas; - .~us:l apearuc cclisg ud e!asing cvu-so. rying o! mont o! tise primes: MiessScott. - 5i'5 O ui lsc T Ai na nco. Dr. MAiLeisan, tic Saniotigs proporîy e! r'uioxu.itJaltiiisssje lisal, ~il sli uanc anondeu uiationse he8* W. B. aa rfrsinni ovrkCYacurge. 1hJu."Vnio',2rd Blieoi-o- MisesTonuâblu, 2 LSlus'COiLicEG. saSloo Inspecter cf tise Province, lias] _- 1 - -ie- sr ~p4uqlcsî u' Cnadis liheaî~r~~ - ..-.. FiYAoHTWihby; 2t n I/erg o, o Vititorsýapîoinied ay thic Con. beon present ai lie oxsrniualia s A scsPcouaLMSINlce !lr bpeeasse] Fin fWib n uyo otfareuca te vieil Ontnsnio Lades' Collage, coupleocf daya aset waek, ans]las] tels] Court,' fon thedaîryojugeuslbs'1 ofte aoasa-a tiotoull A ho'-tue CBeoxrx...Caasi.Peny Laeatisa lornoy ta report tisiithie col- the pupile that themrange cf ehssdy sud ouly, vil cha Ld n aI ts-celseSt osî ~~lzs. Ouadiua iiouîi hao * ans vlsiing-Ilolîost0r vill findit t hoiîr SINGLEI SCULL BACE.-loî A. Smith, 8 Lin- MssSoî,W i essDa.ieli inyuTiesinuibuaca egadcf hii catiseOitirttins intulscountryebal c!Oc teber tlngxof;anissaeni usanaapsl MissWilon. lliaena. Tc Drectrs egarlitailoatiusiirsîiteions; ie OusClinsf.nlieilestin c! sucs, ci le 4s o!155 cl 'jt"mso.Odr thîrgu . advanlage ta pot pp na his vaîl i»s>, DITUNTCWhithy;ia 2ndte rsttCionas.- ndha>onryale, Wlsltby. lIme- Nveaýle in aba. brlo rlrdt ng J B coiuforta blé, air. s]op lîclel. Tic Doussi SOU tra.r . lo-tIA. Smith MTHMTsIlt , n A Ogeetitolino-e tur ise ns olihn- , ans]i L eelis Ieoxprcand he griel- Nv sr QP*1510K n, 0onece ndsntine. and Clinst. S, Is aere hi tcentinhsîWhitb ; 2usd iW. la Aithimetie-lPlse lsns. uiodgii aiijeii i'shao mt sel-seaosgnr se fien aqisa oneit ans]Tecrcuhne,o tke adauclr- 1 ola rpitr r pauadM.Spars a'l'J TeipsnViiby. îaactwoocd, 2 MiseWoadreffe. moeieî n]ua- su pns zsuac lîi cuntoi.Ts ntniof ur 1h htandes s dra» diesc aas sdc 2nd Aniimsuti-I Misss Braila iu tenrurs Icrieurs luahi ulepantnsutonlis]rbacutqoal a liaI ! mosIcf corusesut ud librabeauvu, sud s asîn prapf of 0 15da liras lbas» assidueus bîis' orateuttions le theu' IN SPi'îriop' hAn» Tixss.-Owissg tleans] Boss, 2 Mies Matcez. si-siist hlbfses]frtheoir vond ThI x.Lagbtin ol ern, iiuhe texcin- a!ciamauieonlec!Lie éio t apeaun. cxcuonsîute -Cpdintehh Sesdl1 le suceoïseattendant rupou thoir inhro. tii-i Atlinti-lsl Mise Isabel San. pceasl is)ainsch o! i rpisuelsaiLatn smtofs] Geur,», o ch lie t c ûon f cv iv t-e-le da tznts li i i T~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fsaiugeti[e av.-dmn2MaýMni adro. lctcry cyldence of tho fls]dity o! tLe lan gsagas vouis] be sdddte Ils io! thei. 'tzen's vif.sasys sE h, tieTi ipnq dollar, go.lag sd Ueo Whltfli'éToctiacle Oum. Sale, ah hie lime vien meons or. en so, 2 Mi-eseSudnon rfcc Armsatroniesai-nngato.is e cnCoeIv o s yo n-li oavtrli 7l ca.Tc 'p'---dciu faGelSme Cern tlAihetclhMee ett iur aItaces u tedS5nt ideTcaedm a eufin issaais heas. ---d imanco lacir p ý0 e ) ranIs ci' tice a!ety aud atie- p aroen ns dnning hie past yer,snd hLe - PWI isnsec ael Ur. loleesa fuar.. eWfifýeda tbrbd tt o! bow ufendu, oMeur.aaction W .tWheo.- vlbvici tioy May conl.de ni o doubt as oosus ishe"hans r atu-nns fgvni ld iee M4yl"etemngmeeh, aud hi& Syrlsp. aei _odh.rG'oinoety-1 Miess lierin, 2 -Missî asyert e1 ue-eveTu,-roi.celi iNràsclNG LAit81 b~~large Geotheand McDoveUanoSenderooo. Iarger attelhlafl e theensint t Iani.spros- 'Olýa-o doltbl im to xur, u ih .zW84E fSik. lre em1ic o .s do adioé pSieI nnt naOW st,,ock cfttinsnj e ad et Dsseda wL 'e nTovd$1w Pagahîil .îrnô.~1 KOEE~ed, sud'lueLéDircetera, auhiiorized by -periy cf' tise.country. --If liads. s an- la' yO - -~.iol o unh Ï'.* oneo i - PlIe Saîoiou.,69111e1gn 2 eeiu, merooek ltee céation of ad. n eb i dçho e~vdl viuîTi rhiio lk gold On #h0'spý l. ý È . o!At t etostorôoîdews au salouonsouAu- MiesaBe riman 2xpeetitg,* ' ans]doubt theeti ytcstn renei eltni 'an erniniauealàeiopIverTit ail. tv]r "0«'e M105 bargaine ditionai bldngs. Your Vsteaare Wsasuc f0tiatO u On for oaM ( - vas a source o! sahlsfàWwtheldosuPurein. oftià--------.rdes].en. amy srel uk hat ne.", la, Cos us lu, ttcuiely c arl e sha n early bour on àZ-----------0 w tiat; nioning sie recoived lie last-min. Choyer Ses- . .-....800 i MerhOnE o! lie Chunoh. Qocen Mer. Potatees-------------o ...... - codés vaa adauhhcr cf th- Dakc o! Àle....... .......-00 t Montpensier. Sia campletad on-Mon- ok---------~- day ~ ~ ~ a làlhnsgbcl sa~v~ Butter-----------... . i 008.a mais],vitli groat;eptendor, b ber - ggs-----------------o......c09' hosi, ieKing o! Spain, onthe LSnd Hay-------------------...1000 1 o! JanuaQry. lest. Hermàmaniage .ov...af------------- s60 amcunts] tae euy-flve million francs.-------------....' 'Al'szxia'Woser~Pou-oînispresinen tse 'Ep'Cca;hATiO DO Graunge Piect Btoôliin. tie*e 5 ?- - a tia h o n o f th u fn e p o e r h l s . f Bnaclloy's Grave, vosi o! - tie villagc e Ced coc&,Mlr Epps hà rcl a o! lie village cf Broeklin, presente] & breaksfast table ileaelett ylac livoly appeaanceono Wedueedsy, on bevenage vich =y ave snayh doctos-s'bll, Ib bý alv' en a hu lie~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~a ecsîuc i nulpeuco siarticles cf dietL s&s cngtitton = Ontario Divisioni Grau'ge.. Fully Ibtes bc gnnduniy bult rip ountil stnenoe thousaud paople vers prasent. Twcnty. te reebet evory ludency Ce dises.Hl lirea sub.Orangers cf this couuîy voe dredie alemaladiesaxe:oeai~n r-er""ehtsbeing thictotal n- Usr'adY t attackvhnvrIo~a ba-o ragspntc onyl dd- int. W msy escapenany a fatal sah mn fGa0;i1ebrso! D nladi Y keePisîg O vd Wil forhlfil wi tion le vueS mer o Drhm pure blead and*&a prycusëdrm Division sus] Rase Valley Division, of -Civil Bei-vice Gcetààm-ohd only Victiaaceunty, wve re presenh. The Packetgs Isbailed-a 5aa.-0-s s&k0 la-go cenounso rogaleul tiemsevcesHme ar-C9sitsnen n ."I during the ucon lu troc rural fasiion, A C A4 R D- viii the paon swni's for a table ans] tie oci oliagc for a roof, sftcr viici r 0o&Hvlie re suffening frmenie en tiay assemble] in front o! a covered r nddindiserétions of yonth, ineryt - resknOs, eanly dacass cfnliood,5 pîsîforin vhiei has] beaen acata, to I vill seni aa rcelle ttIaI miauray, letn b speecuhes frein promnialFlBE 0F CHARGE. 211iis grsah rameï mmneesa!ftIse onder. TIse chair vas vas ds]icoveri-dby a mionary lu Ss occupies] by Mn. E. W. Hlilhbunn,- e.ac- ni5 Seus] a self-addressea* suvea te liaellxv. lasses T. Iies.x, Stations Iter o! theDosminion Orange. Speech. Bibie Houe,Newe YorC-itys. as upc» lie tiseandi oniarful pragneesa_______________ cf hiGrange, ans] cxplsualony o! ils objects sud nmodc o! operatien, vene N W A V R IE E " mado by Mn. Page, Dominion Grangc Secnetary, Mn. Doyle, o! Ovcu Souns], su aager o!flise Grange tueursuce Cern- pysny, S. Parsone, sud Jas. Daly, mnom- bore of the i-couhive Comrsuiltes- cf Dominion Grange, Mots. Gels], of' Plak. csting, N. W. lJi-ev», M. P. Po, ans] othais. lu addbition t hoie nusines gii.eu, iMesrs. Bancail BonI, Majter, -riW.Forrtasi, ex-Master o! Ontrnic PhiibuGo range, occupicl sucais ou the r!s-tfoni. Excellent music suas fhunisil- sd by Wiuitby ansd Claranqs bande. hos euliai. pisscefluge %erea ùcrelit te thecoardesr sud tio5c repousibla e forlie - Lj jw neenaguouiut, ansilis Iange numben Rov' stitution liad alneudy Cake» upon th surinons o!flisis counhy aud tIse Pro- T his D i sco)very, villas. Ia lis result cf a soi-las of lientille Expen! maenus basea pe tse tseery tsai "fet th, Moithcrt chenld use Freasma Warni soacesaOlil cure ci Wsshlu Diee, th, cou-cers for tissir ahidranm. nai-veos system must ha mas ylgaous si ARcouarkable Reuit, One o1eftie -t syrn1toma cf usasse al. - - - ectingelîhar lLver, Isunsig, ea-I - Stenscs, or Génital Organe, la a6 Ions e1 It wakes uo diffareuce owov nuy nocow cer. This s a fefloefby Mus. Ihsicians, oonawmoci modiaine yen cplar relaxaion, veaneas, sud emaeiation lai-a lias, il is nov an ashablisîse] !act eofail the organe whicis depenil faorlcait ual Gorman Syrup la tic only ncnody soffnng lnsh.Mscratin h lich bsas giron complais uahisfacIion Nov, as lia Muscles sud nue-vos depend t savane irios o! Lung Diseses. lu is se era eais otier for eUoilssi ceu tiasoyuL tieusauis o! pensons strnnhisuns'Jctin, sud as Ché organe lici hc are preiüuposes] ho Tmnosatnsd oatlrhdépend on bath, Il becomes an seg. ,U.) AfectinsConslupionJI . lus]aesscoily te tat tse nerves sud- Mua- islg bm 8fehoCusu tuin em-acl irclly, li nier te peednL sud pst- irgAiins, tiavere Celdesailles] nisely ou-e dises ses c isaa ve-nami sl 111c Breasl, Iudurnonia, Wioapig etu.. surl, etc., %fhso issue ne pensonal sheiuventi-, ainsg upon tisse ide", socolasigeocf Bocisaa's, Germais Syrup.- afterzmentis ef expéruence, s]uriug-'wrisli i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tm suihauoos 5-Ca 0,0 o-î liedsýzn1::pportnnity fer tzylag 0 suh W wold Sy tat 0,00 do* te efectf hs 'Iete-y bocamsaconvluc- ouaote sols] met ycar viishont oie coin -eos laI ne ohùr préaraion knewn con tint. teasutnpti-as Cy jus one bat- laineS se pateni sud direct su effeat upc» eReagbscime 75 cents. Sois] hy ailitheuarveus systenslua oggbetie lu Aunai-on For sale by S. CoM 7. B.Smith& Co.ound Syriup of Hypo- trisV]ooac Hy'opusisnrx ace - phosphites an] axcept in cases cf actusl organ bas, ce majia, rapidly reosioning tice troêugti lis t il voul] resiene patiente sufbig fItem i appetiho, prcncling 'oouda and n.- Ciese maladies. .- osing sloop, ans] lssparting Taie, Âmeugst lthe disoasea ovecme by- tise- ;on ans] Enangy le lie viole system. use of this remedy are tli ollevug Dr Consoimption, Wrk Lunge an] Chirel Constipation, ash, sud Thncal Diseasee, it ln thcCénoies epsie 4 sudndnsvrost remody kuowo. For Cinonia Breucitia, e by ahi dealers. Cousu=ptian El0Ecsiîory 1 TiaacAs' ExcEeLSOusCicne s-nl r.RacraiC Ou.I 1Wousru Ti ti Ts s ' Melanciohy, Wsîcar ce Gea.-Pcn cauot ervens 'Debiblty tym-here it is ussl. Ilt is tis e aep- FELLV WS' brniedicise e-rer madé. One dose ~ n ~ a ses cons larioaý. 'sOne baIlle vrCeompoud' yrup Of rYPP- Scure] broncitis. Flfty cents' Sli lis eaureas] anahl Etanding coogi. phosphites, nositivély aurasesîsatWI, asthma, ans]TIse poa o f atesting diseese disphsvea sp. : Fifhy ceints ventS inas coi-ciby Ibis pre amatie»nu n onaby&a ~vw. k in'lie back, anu-thtisaneequsun Ic>IgOs]by-lIe imeai51 !acult,-ilu venys'sc.- lame tacli cf eigil yosrs' standing. onargenae jilhbe utma__ ed; asu, the ic flibvieare extracifrein afew ange sale la tie igorithepo!Ceasi lia matsylbotti-rs Ilatliste beenne. TisSyrup viRcura p nouy ,CeL- vpd fretu différent parts o! Canada, s-uptien in tic fint sud secondestages -in ic, vo tiin, chorus] lusufrneucut ho me -~gro trelief and oog bite ii lie isfy tlie mach reptical :J.CoUlard tie-. v iE cure ýhmBrenciis Sprîn, Onti., wnihac, !'Sen] me o xygiin sud Coîrgis. Iu viii cure sU 6 ifases ,onri %uaatng freni vaut cf -Muncular sun Dr. Thoaas' EclealtricOul, have Actien fsud Nen-oua Forco. lh I usd froun'n 3sdwasuCmore Do not be deive] y reneies beansg e vils cures ars tnuiy vondnfuel." similà r "'nooLhpreparation 5lassi. Melio !Fankllu vnitee, 11-Tsitute for etis er n 1ursac. u-las nUTtcaget it. ,sel ooki oetieor lise naneanu adau i3.1. arnIl nas lw tacfirat, bt vna OWs', St. jolîs, N. B., on tic yeilev .lara-I wa r-lw n fist 'but wrpparn u wtermarkwvichais le eau by es epianîidly nov."- H. Colo, ci hldlsighéuopaer beforehe iliht. r 1. e le s] 1. t-s t, s u E - R I W A . D E N S Eî D T IM T A B L E . svirag esushio c lisIlicnshot Tkin «cetou Mondsy, Jely Sel, 1878. globo lu lbinly.lhree year;.1 - ,l ta attain hieR9g, mauy aseccmpoîl. TRlx tIs 00550 sauses stashicele lave cf healtshi tuste Leave Wlslib -.5ti. Mpi Zfenahes,Wvisaraie 's ort Z - p Mlù 11jcaê to Wicis A-riva Liuula-i l i' 55 515Oasenva U le intsouuî1y grCat - LÏ 0N BUS y, suis] If cissun limae v'-ls pevu eve Lindsay-.. 1 1 .0 n.m, dlcp.Uii s. fligha's diaçaae, ans] aildei'auge. s. . ........ af Cta sury -argaus. ols] pepCî o rtt-etc is ...s' -.5 O" 50?m -liy wîlI d1mb-e great lbe i iotm tic For"Cle atiier sahn, e olile Liii n -lîine.Tablie, te be hues on application te any of lia cnipaav's Agent$. 'Aart.SciiCsee.-Mc MMoraày, wntsrssv JtOTsaIOz.-WîVth Graund Tuk Rl- ahton o! 'lie -%fomlrirsLy Huse , IY fml ponta st and vesL e- oelslo capr-on, audÀ lic OSbe ORaTilitn]g. Cjs abme for Epeeu, Utic$ bote], stoeôscnicusly sabbei by 5s.avs-o aiutfesl sandW1ck > barber Whco vas refusai liquer. landor an sd caun5umeenl ooso< theitar vs ooîs - Ps o dLIttle Dritain,Va ci viii le tai- ?.3J. ESAN] RS H( 1L-ST., ROC! as] ho &1.-OIa I Lias rediices] j ai to te01.50 N. y. Centra rh), sani ias i -furnlies]. ( ose la fie-t-cIa 000N SPBÂG YeurobdsEteens, tbah vin e thisseswartb, aM a noimber ycung cave, botis pure -bis vehi vorth lia attention c! j viises te have catCi h tisW -keep. ALEXANDEB Lot No. I, mliC Jue 2Z,178.- l7:âl)- -LIVERPOOL, LLÃŽND -GILASGOW Allan -- 0F ROYAL IfA H, ST]E Evee-y Salue-day fr< on se-rval of lise traiu les et.O..veryî LI' Cabin laires nedoses] 1 ReCur» tickets, 1161.0, bli te position of ilote moons. 8413; raluru, $92. - - Stacg as loy as thse 1ev Moravhsu, fram Quabse, Penaviau, -d Barisian, 91i , 'pohynesaan, i 5- Stecnagepaaasgmrsarc for dOnisrM elBahfa, Gleagov Bristol, Cardiff, ans]Leicuo sato Livenroh Parties 1onug ta sanS foi eu ebtalntickets ati v atq TIse assges maie dun Of l877 rm-,iaud ho lad, eeighi t aystva cf viai ae sinoti valen cf tise St. L For tickeana sudtetier' c te- 030. B. YUL Exp. au -Witlby, JuIy lus],1078. -NEW YO SINGER SEWIiIG- Tisa bail fanily Sewing ms SEWIIIG MACHIN SALI THE SINGER M'OGOO.SOLD 262 r8.d J. Coealasiea PEW SOLED R-E se ganulue Nav York E -1neelanlise very Blest as IPE$T 6EWING i H ÃŽT CAII BE PILOC r,... fl 1.--s. Ath us] eipl le mal=s gSa encer fon sai, ceeap. TENDE SALED Tendonrs iii leorecel uneindup 1012 o'cie SATUIRDAY, Gtli

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