Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1878, p. 4

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PubW,î 12athe et.SLarn. sutdmSfurtlarInfesmatlon apply -v. Tel. Ose# MIlt 1h, 1878. ýNITOBA 1I LOW ]RÂTES!1 U(11 TICYTOS, by tivedifferent sanhas ero1a Mllwdankee a two R Il . nes from Chîcago. ;b Tielets sise fer Buffalo Lou- la, port Huron, Detroit, Cbiîcao, ~estera nd fiSouth-westeru Shabon; oceneter, by steamer "gorseman,", ti% Ba&lti More< sud Wasinezo, to, anifurtiier information, Sp. (iîaud Ir" lâTieeýL A 8. (Express ofie,) VLl b CJ Il E Ai? SASLANDSI M sud centrel the. Raiway lands ITRIAde COUNTY, KANSAS, lly didefibythe Kanasa Paci- 'Y, wbleh we are selllng at au #a2 Per &areon easy terres ef ~tetseetious of Goveru. eaub hotaken as houeteadi by IÊro. i île l lhiegreat Liniestoue eutrs] Rouss, the-best wnter luclng .distriet cf th. United, lisp hrt 20 te 85 flushoesper Tiie average yeeriy raintail Lu thi. eounty foi arly 83 luches pur enurem, ous-third aeelr Iban lArt1h.enuh.extclled Arkansas Valley, wiiclî lias a yearly rainfal cf1lsao thon 23 lnches pier ennureln'tahe sensa longitude., 1ttu'iIoJaîiug andl Wùol._3rowlng are rery îeiurtv.Tho W, tesare short andti o, stock wil live Il lice ye«'Yar ou grass i Living Streanis andl Springe are 111um116aus. Pure water Asla onud lu wella fr0m 20 tae160 foot dleop. Thi. Henîtheet Clnate Iluti,,Worlu 1 Na foyer and aque besîtiseas of Northecu' dLa by iele 111OVIMeeiîts now beliig reae as te mais tholr urehalle et preecut price oneo0ofthe vsiry ?etslnvesîmenta thal eau bie made, sa4las tram ltcpreSteta b. clrivefrntra thoir euivation. Merubars ut aur firni r.- aide An WA-KItIINiiT, antd vil show landis ah anyUtie. A paphet, glvlng tfull ln- formation lit re ardto - sili, climate, waher ouppiyÀ&C, wilibe ment troc an rcqlucst. Trego Ca., Kansas, (16.oni Fresh Garden Seeds -I %LKINDSO0F flest Verlely,_(Warranted.) A largo î tock of oarly plants. W. w.woop. Gr0acniioc, Asli-s.s, Wliitby. Manda 111hb, 1878,.u !AIIP O~P FÉES TO DE W AE J CONSITABILES.. (unudor Order lu Cotnýouudfi211h day Jnly, 1874.) -Arceat ut eeelt luiividital uluon a warrat, ...,.... 1 . i. 150 tiarvlîtgoumiàntso eh 0ît.O25 O.Mleaga la serve sonmmiions, sulo. ~ tenu or wsauh ....O10 d4 leagoie î'r Rerv e anaIb upon prçof ofutdite gilligoc.... 0 10 11111,y11 eîlà t oir con. Voyancre ........... 10 Attenuiîî<ç luiot t silo i xamitihoia atpri. sooeetagdwltl crime, for eacb dny neconsciily emlayot li agie or muore cases, wliuet a eîîgaffî mare titan tour boucsf.. 00 7. Doe . , vlîauou ügotimore titan four heurse................. 8AlonçIlng Asises orSeins catit 4 1ay .g. g... ,, ,04.0.. .. g 0. hleage raveling ta attend An. i slsoSclaus, orbofara Justices 1îelhoiuie-11î0v11 euee feu bd abei, aîiy readoae1od.lsburae.. mote ttabeoalo0el... .. 1 lu1. Stnntoîln Jryfor Coroners' inI'quetlta iatending ah liluesl, anti aIl services Au ces. - 1tct hlierea f alOU saine day ait Jury sotreonei ........... 00 Il# Alleîing eeeb adjonrnrnent tlîmreafi,- ifDutal engagafi mora fouir boucs........ ......b..1W 1.Do. do.,Ilenge omra tlcai fot orotr ................ go li.ServIng ettIJIMmausor subpaa h ataînuqlocifaro Coroner (egujecl - Na. l10)...-.................025 14. Mileege sorvlîug asé........... l1t 10. iixhutmlng body tuf or Coraner'@ Warrant- 2,.,,,,,,~, 0 111. Rs.-bnrylug saine.,..... ......2o 17 Ssrviig disîres warrant, , nd rs. taiiîiigsaie.. .i...... 50 lit. Advertlsling une decesvr. *cu....'......... .......... 0 19, Traîvelliig ta maie îIlltteos, or ta soarci Tor gaods ta maisdis. Iras,, vice no guade ara funa., D 0ié 20. Appratounta, iof ther by ans or mare, 2 cantoain the. dollar, u hevalue of gootie i.alaalo e sale sud commison and i lvary of gaods, à et,. n tbe 0, ton nel produe.etfgaods., 22 Roeulinearcibwarrat.1.. 0.j g 28. Brvlng notices on tanstables, - wluen persanally servod ...... 50 Puboliatiby arder, E'.&'1tEWBLLO * Csiol Pae, C.c0. NOTICE!1 SALES li olwgvlcepro. ly 100 acres mare or lacs, Illthie Sottdara, &<4%OntOtario hen5 ealtoflot 28' u tee Iliacen. wlb8mies of!thc town etD'il. stbil quarter mile oethleerli. Itildîufi way stationi up thlie ) Athsnly ;-sbouî85 acres enre lis a Dew freine baruUx8 fe mci lo.ir, uian. wii .1., s'roai~ NEW PREiimIs E s EVERYTuING NEW ANDFRESHI Having iI safely I vest insu corne out of the Fire Ihave been en bted to re-in- the total aMount of My urance and a large amount of other Capital in the purchase of an en-r tirely new and SFRESH STOCK>~ -0F-' L-I G ROCEIE8, LIQUOIi8,Jo Which having been secured for Cash'on most advantageous tcrms,. 1 ain cnabled te offer at fully 25 Per Cent Beoow Ordinary Priées 1 'M To cash aud prompt Paying zB'uyers at Wholesale and Retail. ,<i I' deem it uunecessary- to en- -umerate the items in detail of my large and Piextensive stock ý. any attempt to do se CI 0 would fil n dozen Clironicles, suf- fq ico to say that it is complete in al z linos and that cu-Istomers will find on the promises every> article that may be enquired for. Hoitds of Famiies rnaking purchasos of, HFR SWill H- ESH GR OCERIES, save Money and secure a good article by calling. EYE RYTUING IN Teas, Coffees, C.ocoas, Choco- lates, &C.,, &C,, My Liquors, as heretofore, are of the best brands and will be found unsurpassed in purity and cheapness. Agent for Cosgrove &L abatt's Aies. Ales ) Best quality, 30 cents per gallon by the Keg. Canned Fruits, Pickles, iBiscuts, cf best quality.' Oysters, Haddies, Bloaters and flsh ýf ail kinds, Horringe, Salmon Treuti &o., i Barrels and haif- B arrels. e w CAR] Great NEW GOODS 1 Jlothing and Gellts Furnishing flouse Is 110w supplied with ail the newest styles cf Englieli, Scotch, and Canadian' Cloths cf aà kinds, the Largest and Best Stook they ever had. OQ-~ Aise an excellent stock of Gente Furnishings, ail tw. A splendlid s3tock of Beady-made Overcoats, Cheap for Cash.Y cMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. NO COMBINATION fias much Pleasure in- announeing that ho has ncwi Stock a Complote AssertmÈent of al kinds of Family Groceries suitable for the Holidays or any time, including the follewing, vi z. :- New Valenhia Raisins, A Choiceslot cf Mette (Jupe and Saucero Layr "for Xnmas. ~Basoket Fancy Toys for Xmas. London Fancy Candies fer Xmas. Icrevu -,64Jouie., Marmelade, Curraut l , ickles, Salmon, Lobosters, Leman -Peel, Sardines, White Fish, 'Orange Pasl. Salmion Tient, Citronu!Peel. Finnen Hafidies anal Oysters reroiveti Ail Hindicf Spices..daily. Nule, aIl -Hindi. Pipes$ Tobacces, Combe, obesn ou au n -ii r-u-a-peratianpaiy-aa smor ta o Mmry in putting thomin oeraton y ypemsn cifmodrte mechanicai bilii. Oui maqbàh "l, ibo>beau selactdaSnd canstruceef wit h a speelal riftrence' te b. feu4c oui own mAcinesý-mauY tbah baving been muade for this P"4'rt1 Jrpnrpui saud n6t *dapted for ocher work, aud our warkm@nen aedu. cateddt - ho tii, wants st.àd ioq#irenti of aur manufatue-atMgiùg~ho. à hW' ber degedge of i.co =hqtian af Our machines, sndare thns enabled te eOb. tain~~ ~~ a i, 7 nre d àll ¶~proficiency than -where general manufaeîuring We a'"etherofore enabledlà ntredüoice =nore oreot s>stem. into Mai i de< psa4menlecfreuuaet ,, alonY te lthe perfechian cf the varie, but sal- 00 te the -rSVldity cOfia exoonhin-anfi a cansequent reduction ef cash, M îspftneple lon regaràed e e.saIý. lua - 611 reg late i establi h ip n , u weeaimbleS te tuÈn ont our machines 'witha higier dsgree of perfection, and at prie. e ow s baltl u lfynmplfln THE'JHSTN SL-RÀKING REAPER Mo novýMc viii knavn as a Bingle 'Beaper, that a-word cf COMMendation waulfi _ims qmp er às u sthere are many c tehamanufacture thie maehinqwho bavee aued ta théh-.ld original Johioton machine, without keep. lng up lic lihe Irovements;;, hat justice la aurselves and patrons reqnlre cf us balStetha veavemnadified it iu ammoat every essentiel part, sud for strenglh sudelbility, aitOf cut, in every kund. sudcondition cf 'grain,,Jightnëe.6f draft sud ea&90cf01anagmenthi, "Joinston," as manufactured. hy us-stands proeeninently aiiead cf aUl cher reapers. In preof cf tuis position we; have only te Muit tathe many First 1rizes ewarded ns-et tue lmet provincial trial cf Ou. tarte, Snd many eennty trials which have taken place al over Canada, within OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, wlti late improveinents, l i l iaI eu be desired in a Camhined Machine, sud cannaI fail le meet al lie requiremonîs cf purchasors. Our Improved Cayuga Chief Jr,, and ou' Young Canada Mowers are bath firotcleos machines- consîihuîdeilnilrosh wholly cf Ieon andl SteelTii. Cayaga Jr. hasea rear euh, and lie Young Canada a front Ct ; bath strang, dur- ahi, machines, and not excelled by any machines lu' the market fer qnality cf cul, durability, ligiluese cf draft, adaptabilihy, andS case cf Manhagement. As the. country bau become botter adapted ta machinery, sud manj' of our ferm- ers have become skiled. iu the use cf machines, a growing demanfi has sprung up for a Liglit, Durable, First-Class Beaper. Alîve ta the requiremients cf the. day, we have sncceeded lu inventing a nma- chine with a Wrought Iron Frame, with the least possible gearing-with large, broadfacetd drive wheel,-and mococstructefi that the. frarne ana taile tiltst the sainse ime, thereby keeping the pitucan always in lins with the. knife. The- raktes are driven dire-etly fran lhe cmain shaft--hhere belng na perceptible aide draft, and no weigbt upan the. herses neeke. We are confident that w. have sueceeded lalning, the most perfect Beaper, taklng il iu aIl its parts, that bans ever been produce.W. have appliefi for Jettera patent, and oh 'an hold aur invention, for aur own exclusive manufa9 r, and we respectfully sniggest ta in- tending purchasers, that they should se Cusmachine befare giving their arders for the. comingI et. Tii. "Whitby Harvester" weiglas, ail laid, 600 paunds, but hein g m:fe rnlcpally of tic. best qnality cf iran and steel, andi froni its in. geni ou. hua compact construction, it combines the strength and dnrability cf the heavior machines. All cf aur machines are fnlly warranted. With this îlot cf machine., we feel confident that we cen nmel every re- quirement, and w. respectfaIly solicit a trial of aur machines, believing liaI we can furnioli a botter machine for the money than cen be obtainod elsewhere. RtespectfuUy Yanrs, BROWN& PATTERSON MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontario, February, 1877. FRESH F'RUIT DEPOT !IN EW ST 0FJ NOW ON- HANL' AND FOIR SALE -ÂTý, THE- W HlTBY CHI1NA' T EAÀSTOREl A large >Stock of Choice Grociies, Teas and Coffees. Sugars, from 10 to 14 iba. for $L0. Fîrst-Class, EarlyRoe potatoes, 35c. pef__BiiïjIe1. - Ailkindsofrokr and Glassware, at reduced prices. TIMOTHY' AND OLOVER SEED, P LA 'STER AND WATER-.LIME., Ail cf which 1Will be ol cheaper than, ever for one mnbnth, for Giph. (JeU and Sec W. J. GIBSON, -W.ffITBY CHINA TEA STORE. :0 ý'WANTED AT ONCE,-A quantity -of -goed Apples, Potatoes, Beanls, Butter an-d Eggs, for which the higheit market price Town 'Whtby, 1wai beh 1878. PHOTOGBApHSPHTO9hA F118 GOING TO THE PARIS EXHIBITION- 1 Mr. Barrett is selling out bis entire Stock and is 110W taking pictures at haif-price, pre-vious te. going to the Pari î Exhibition.7 N ow ip the time to get a good picture- cheap. [See Supplement.] Clever Young men who want to learn the business instructed ini a few lebsonff the newest methods. A fine marc, Harness and buggy' for sale., A BARIRE TT, Photographer. C& Opposite Ontarie Bank, Whitby. , NEW STÂTIONERY & BOOK STIORE, S, DEPOT! -KING STREET, OSHIAWA. Evorything in the Unme Fruits, always kept in stock, of thc freshost anS beet in the Market, and SOL]) UNDER TORONTO PRICES. Privato anS public parties supplied et Wholesaie ratcs. Orders by Telegrapli or Letter, supplied at the LOWE ST RATES, wihîi puuctuality. Ail goods delivered to Whitby and Bowrnanville pur- 1Feb. 27th, 1878. (Bm-il) King.Sl., Osheva. W. J. REDMAN,. J. G.'MCDOIJGAL Begs to announce te bis customers and the public - ii gencrai that ho has opcned a Staticnery, §1ohool Buok anS News depot in connection with lis Confectiouery & Bakîng business, m bis ciS stand soutii Brok Street, wioere cverything in tho e e eb aS et very loi, rates. Tho Daily and Weekly Papers always on hand, and de. livered to suhecribers in al parts of thé town. Orders- promptly filUéS fox Periodlicals, Magazines and Mugie. Aloo, a well-assorted lot of Metthes, Berlin «Wools, anSd Faney Goode, -on îiand, et loy prices. The public will find it te their advantage t-o take a peep et aur stock before purchasing ciscyhere. GIV E N -AW Y! with ail orders o'f Potost JG. MoDOUGALL, BEST'S A BEAUTIIFUL CABINET PORT RAIT!,l GALERY Choice ~ HON of Nhe Golw PISs HON.T N.ÙBBS, FATce-StM CANN, . A. G. B1cM. (Late Greenwaodd Whitby, Ontario. B(IsTE Rs.ÀTN Court Street, Tarante. 3(1. ROsurs;oN, iL . H II G. YOUNG SMIT. B gurof 'azrae, 0-vcz-Overijemîniau Jeu. 22,1878. 1 sciA. 4enh for severai 1ý vvrWghtmstonSar CAXERB"xA JStreet, Toron IIOW ANESONQ.C. 1y4 THIIMAS BU TPOWN =RK AND J- Rmy. J'. GUlrN CIURGERN TO-TEE 0 B.fyron Street, Wbitby. - Dr. W. J.BI Omcx-Next éfnac te ci M"Rsi&enae, et Mr. Lewi Wm. DiCBRIEN, -M.D * GU.H PITAL, LC (rýl ya .. ]ELL., 0 DR. 130GAR Phyalclau, Surgeon, -Accou 'D 00M5 OVFR IR. IH. .JLt)Grocery Stars, Pnd, - 5Ance ho= a itramcm. tauiL 140 tu 6, P. ni. ResIdence- sud jmîlerh otreets. - Co N- VARS, IL latatst pncip, sscheapsau ts cheapoot, andi Teeth extractie wit o]i &n' nc5 ock oer Atilsor JOHN BOBINai JouxN WOLFENI AGENT POU TE C -A.ScethhGranite, Atil of Jenetlum WelfeuenDmd -T UIBR MEICHANT, C 1.1 sud ainer, CGren Streel large qnantitp.efcial iekidoai ial n youisfi WILALIAM COOP BLAESMTH,- - BR (Suaccesor t hoimis-Mi Herse silog sud ail kindt C. C-.SCALES, V MRGIXIA TOJIÂCCO Vlorontootreot, arant, Clerk DIvieion Court, i [.- Comnssner An B. R., Landj &o., Atheriy, Coanty Ouharia. AtherlY Sep)t. Sud, 1872. IIOPKII<g' MUSIC FURNISHWE Beaiting CaPacity, One Th wib1, Oct. 22, 1877. LAND BALT'AND Pi FOR SALE, CHEAP 1 LIVERPOOL MAI J. H. McCLEI Livorpoal Market, April, '75. FAUCHER&- RE8TAUII ADAMS, BLOÇK, KENT SI LIND SAY, -OpposiLe Iffonîrti-Telegrapl ne oi PE TEIR A FULL ASOBTMENT IN~ EVEBY UNE. Hlave you seen the New Illuminator. No Ohimney re- mired. 1 Light equel te 8 cf the. aid kind, once tried always used. Soie ont for Whitby. Crackery as Glassware in grcat variety, chcap. ash paiS for Apples, Potetoos, Butter, Eggs and Poultry. qui age Oak Wh rilby, Dec. 111h, 1877. PETER SMITHI, Oddfsllevs~ Buildings. MoCROSSON &Coup lKi1ng Street, THUE-LARUGESTV STOCK- 0F FURSI Toronto,1 EVER SBROWN IN CANADA. -00- CzoFINE FURS FUIR TRIMMINGS A SPECIÂ'LTY..&,ý BBA ROBES. ASTRACHAN SACQUES WOLF~ ROBES, RUSSiAN LÂMB sAtcQtýxs, RACOON .RoBâs, S. S. OEAL SACQUES, YAK ROBES, PESA AB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MPERSIN AM ARS MIE APMOCK ERmTSAC s 5.i.5Bi CA APSS.IS. SETLTS, , 5. S E AN CAP5 ETS . ES.NSELTTS, OTER ARD AL SEAPS, ERMINLAMBTSTS PEAIq ELMPCPS, PERANAMB ETTS, lJALTICASA CPBLATACHABLE RTS GREY LABCAPS BC SAESETr GERYAMB XCPS, CGREY LABETT S GERMAIt MINI 0A5P5 GEY LMBbET Particular attention given to ail orders. -specially attenlded te. p Tc 7'o entc, Dec. 8, 1877. Alterations1 Fit SH ONABE TAI0ORIN Go where you eau get a Wcll-fitting (Iarmuent :-To the Tailoring Establishmcnt of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPERIOR O UTTING SHAPE S TE WOIIK 1 A Large Stock cf Fine Clotis ; best Englieli, Scotch and Canadien Tweeds. t>' Excellent Overcoatings and Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guarantecd. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 King Street, Oshawa. NEW STATJ-ONER.y e -AND- 00KTSTORE I u'R -P ~ I~TEERES AD ONTRALTEL. OEFICE, B-ROCKST. 1SJOIINA. MACDONLD, 75 & 77. YONG3E-ST., 1.ORONTO. 50 Large Bize B3ox Stoves j. 1 arn making- Sugars a specialty, and can afford to soUl is Jbs. of Birowù?'-ugar for $.0 20 lbs. of Valenti'a Raisins for $1.00, 1 Very 20.lbs, of Currants. for - 1.00. T.eAJ1R w.C~ Oo~~aOatmeal. FI à CLEARING OUT AT HRALF-P.RICE. st receive4. My Stock of F --z *Tir Is now Complete ini Every Line. E. J.-l JOHNlSON. Speeial Inducernenfts to those STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. Fuil Stock of Caskes,ôY11ns, 'and al the neýesisaries i sUne. Aise, A WELL-ÂPPOINTEJ) hGeorge Yule begs te announce that ie lias rc-openled isStatioery and Bock Store in Whitby, where stationery cf ailkid, cf the best quality, will be. kept on hand ; also Sdcol Books cf every dlescription, Copy Books, Siates, Pencils, Inks, &c., &c., aIthtie lest prices. The Daily and Wcckly Papers always on hand. Sub- ecriptions Solicited. Musical Instruments, including> a fine asscrtment of Violins. Orders are taken for Periodicals, Magazines and Music. GEO YULE. Whitby, Dec. 131h, 1876. 1 WILLIAM FURNITURE WAREROOMs1 THE OLO STAND, BROCK STREET, WHJiTBYI Go whqré you cannot fait to be pleaed maingse ectinsof gCood furniture. --Spled ýId alurY, -Drawvinz Boom and Bedroom Sets, New Dosigua woll-wrthycf inspection, et estonislting low pices. Dmn. iroa I EtninTle àVory muperior article. fflt CaMiee, ite Fr' ninl every style. Same fine Chranios sud Engr4îiugs for sale. lil. DT Z4 X 1IN.-T ý TILL'S BEY. MR. LAIRD, BEST'S, Simcoe-St., Oshaw~ December 241h, 1877. OUTTE R'S, BG A Large Asso rtm ent of Cutters and Buggies FOR. SALE, CHEAP, -AT- TOMS& NWORT'S SADDLEIeY AND IIARNE ...WILLIAM THOMPËON Bege, ta direct attention te hie largo and,5uporier stock, coinpuiuing thinglinthe Saddlery aud Usines. Lino, aima Leathier V àliséîd ' ah à Saratoggp rp A LOT OF i GIES 1 1 1 1 -D 9E3JONSTINUL BUSH TO TE NEW CAH RCERY STORE!f Simp hu deodedtic akea ýeidto f locte. on the Dollar off bis alreedy Iw-priee 1d ChinaCok~ ana ýGiaaewere, for liard Cas, t nihereoi fr pÉnig Ariak, I Eçarferticlo iii the Groeery lino, decidedly cecp. Hoe would rcapéétfully csR-lïoh a$eton of the Ladies*ia *rid asortmeént of No ew n Tesa, 'res21 aiv e<raat , et 80c, 40o1,..dOe a075o e pr ibý Fnnb.n dies, Wbite&sh, lid Trout, ccnstantly ,bn baud. OatmelCrme,.BkwotFeu,(aan Plour., Aký6e 4$FefsOo.êsai*orosôessp plied witlr-ýn ah I-oweot price. 3uot reeesved,Field and' Gardon seledvaoa ràtmsranast e otheir ILÙIdBwhieh willb. sold et e Apls Atpes, Butei, aùâ, .Eggs, -iaken ini exohange for (Casa. iost, beforo purchesing ellsowcr, dseure good bergeins et tic Now Cash Graeery Store. 611 Pab. Pth, 878IMON .FRASER, t Feh.l9h, 178.Ontario Block, flrock.5t., Wbitby.t 1 a 1 r the W. J'.. GIýBSON. HARVESTER.JY ý 1 (am-11) FASHlÃ"NABLE IL O-RINÙ Whitby, March 4th, 1878. CUT TO ORDER. For Oiie ly-50 1 -R - 1 Li 0& Choice of ihe followlug persons or EDWABD CARSWELL. FACITORY OUR NEW "WHITBY X-T 13[1 month, 1 AB'-i N ET ANDI.,

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