rd, -. Li At- oin (atle- paris L*en-5, W. B. Saitli & Co. - WooI-Llvsrpool Msrk-t. Chancon>' Sale-D. Omnstcasoir Siaulys nev Bok-Wg. A,.I3atehaoiom, cJure for-ougb.- Oesn ,Steanaehlp Tioketo"-E. Slephen. ONLY Si 50 PER AXNNI7M. Whltby, Tbursday, June -6, 1878. The Candidats for Soa$fhr Ontarlo.,ý Tise pnooeodngs çkt hie meetings .behl b>' bai politcl _aprti&, lest mcclk, for te pirpeso cf bnlngiug oui candîdaies,' anse given iu. ciher cotmmue. Thent, vill alae bc founsi tIié'seecheesothlie goutismon seeoctstias 1h.estandard, ,bcareso!flte RVcfori sud Caascor vatlve 'cause, Onafhoe uuteraces the candi' d atossouchloîltle Support 0fr hic leters, an utltesu deofre le b. jutigoi. Oc) the question upt lfeevard gusthicgral Issue' lu the conleet, Protection, lis roader muet forai iis ova judtisct. *Bath favor luci.utal protectio n. Tbe -différenceohtwoo Iloculies u Ib is: Mr, Gtbbs tfavors tie >adoption cf Ila Ilelallahory polIe>' ttwsmde ltetUnitd * Stales, as tar as jullelou-" Mr. Gien thiluk a Prelhbitoey tarif voalti is * lutir-llcs teinteetîmssof ItiaDoiun.a Ion anti aivocals. an 2?e.enisetarif,. Ileie l ase.proparedti laurge, vlasu deiile, s revielon of ithe Iuriff. Tio quîestionor cf Fr.. Trade Vs. Probe-. lIon, se otl>' isAhouleti b>' ignorant, or inlaleidng 4artlzausj, dinesoct, sud *cimuol propely ecurlot- lute contosl. -t iz leeiy tlIon ni) 'ror ý»rly plirpoeee, egartilous siiogtllqr eft lite ntorests cf tie counry,on of au>' chier luenest titantuhiosce t' Party. Mr. Gibbs ex- presses saulalyol>itermînitilon litaItich cotitoat ishah IsticarnieS on inus tieni>' Opiril, anti froc, upon is liparI, frocu sîl pareenalities '. ThiisLe praIsoworýhy, anti Wvoeualonlin no deubl liaI lis ill tig mecbe'r cr111b. motinlu hie uaui spirit b>' Mk. Gien. If theioi zelo!Ic offiieonspanhlusans eau be rouhrainet inl thbs rospeôl, lis cuntifltlo îemlves, me are contltisul, will bp ablo ta mcel slla diseuse thue quilone ab Issue, 5îlm1 lsl itelllgeutiy, viticont des- eeudnlg nulice foui «aa fm)geutle. teintai>" porsniliiosn.' As Mn..-(ibbs f vie-y ropoerly supo, Mr.,Çlen 15le é ciioxen candidate cf tlic'greshIlotormnà :partp Titlis l Y"oc a 4rlbuîto eia abilil>' anti atesqt of lte iwhest cent!- deunce. tls Public spritl .cil pivale mcmii une 'nri-mchit' tnown 'tti lie>'are ainiiredAtianîlsateoneti b>' Ile viole t cumiitiuit>'. To scof ianduil oui aI1 siei a 5tInu, or ho assail hum ili op- 'hiobr-lcuu apibaüts mii thoup,-tiîo cause cf thie Consarvahive candtidate. t Anti kuewing huIt,,allai aeceîiting, as0 ho enusl, Mr.<lien lnc aven'respecPt-C= Mn,'Gib'e dchenminatlea la vise anti' creulllabie, at l andnple0 yul, Il le ta bc hopoti, b. oicvtlb>' nu lmiet whli hil lelIt uiîs cntash. -Meting oftîhe Qucboc Loglehieuro. ce JOrv, OascPl - t) *Tiio firet â8saien et ho feurthiParlia. rueint cf lie Province cf 9qyeboc oeuosi oaa Tnoodap. M. Tureotte, member for a' Thre'Rivers, vas peaposeti se Speaker é b>' lic Gevemuin.nt, ansi' op s division gi vas lcstielulby ua majanil>' cfeue. Mr. Il: 15ricla, an oit Conervaîlve, a18o volei Tý - Pickering Hanboun. W APVOCIcTbltINTcror? IIO S P( At lbe rçnitnl mreeting cf tihe Moiker. b ltîg Herber Co., hel lt nIAmslaong's ci" liobs, i, lctiby, on. tic frt isa., thi - IL r isoFNistoMATsRUIt4., - r Man- co aunuceeeuiîuI liis hondtin l er epheteic, milI bo fountiof i Inhont CIcKE AND McPiuicnaoar, W iaiti x sentence coinuti fa-cm lie I penalty tb Imprlsounulfor Iltc, e takan te. lie ProvincIaà l Ponilon- , Klsigaon, en rts>' momnluîg Icuegra -FORTuaop.-Partlee lu- lug le visit Europe during theoses- vil do Wavll leartagofor passage t'Mr. Jac. Lsmden, Poai-colla, mia soeumotiagene>' oft Donùinle,"o le", 'ant i'nuan" Mimeors c ssai- IL ir Wueemnr DUÀXATIO AbIArEiclu, plaeti 00 cfeelivel>' AiHopis' viii tie Oshava Dnaniatîc Club, ýwo veal nteive seooal Mention, ixooleios e d tlm iraetlug ias.been ieceth lie L ofetgeanal' praiso îui.aU Who mltnesesthhir effec- los on te bourda. eFsrU~UNT Or POLIO& AIiLT L'tg., , be leuappointe lice. letmî fer O"hwa. hb4l. thirdvmeage ho &ou hher th uopo, m4,woro 53. W. B. . tITII & GO. CRiICKET MATCi.-Tio Whitby Cric. Ob Club go to Toronto uext Saurdas to play a cricket match witli Trinjit Co1lege. . . » Pal-ties requiriug Spectacles wili fini P. Taylor'e Correctod Spectacles til besit snd olieapesî lu tho country, ho 4 reelvlug erders froin different plac,, lu tlio Statos and Clanada. 'l'O Mr. P. Taylor, Oçltaiya DiAu Sinc-a Pietase gond Mo anothil Iar of YOur Perfoctoti Speotacies for0 iond of mine.' Thue 1 received fol mY unclo give.- the boat cf satinfactior andi for clearnes are aiircetiby ai] Who ose thecu. T. DANkiJilY, Pasadona, Los Augalos Co'y Celiforuia P. 5.-Tho Party the glosea are in tedo fot- e years of agiý The aboveasînesecau only beo optin id froin Taylor & Bai-nard, Wliitby, and P. Taylor, Oshawa. "TuulOUGI liTflzDAnK CONT£INENT"- TUlE SOURICE OF TUE NiI.E, ÂI{OUND -TUE GIAîT rLAIUOI WD DOWN TiUEtCOxo(o._ Týlie appearanecf Stauley's uew book glviug an account cf )his Travelo and Iivetutures onuiei perilous jourua: tirongli Aficu a ie geriy looketi for. yard to by the public. 'ie copyright fr the Canadilsu odîtion lias boeu se. ureti by the onterprising Canadiai 'ubliolher, Mr. J. B, Maguru, cf Toron. to. -It viii be priuled frei far.8iinile Pilae cf Ithe Englieli edition, giviag ail lie illustratious snd maps, anti is nosi foing Ilirougla the prose. Mr. W. A. Batcholor le the sole agent for Whitby ud Ouliiwa anti Wlitby towulip, and le solicitiug esubscriptions. The 3amPle Of the work whloi lie - produces ivos a good ides of tiua exiaîlleueof rie whole worlcas elo:up lu canada. 'ho volume centaine over niue hundroti ages andi is printeti on beautifîxi white a p or. Fow who eau aflard il nt ail wili he without thie batik, anti il is got Ip in styles aud at prices te suit ail ocketi * LiTTELL'I+Lt IVîtu Auij,.-The uuLm. ire of l'ie Living Aga for the weeire M(11,3 May 18th'anti 2ttlroepeclively, ave tho followiug uoteworthy cois. unts Lccky'o iiflistory cf Englaut ini i'o Eightecutl Century," arel r6e10;Frein the Quirinal te the iatican, Macmnillan; Macod of Dure, )YWilltam Black; Parts VIIL and IX., oem ativance shoots; Popular ]3udhism ecordiug t - he. Chinese Cannon, Vcolmiinater Revicwv The Poaf'cy of )oubt-Arnolti sud Clougli, C/turne isorfierly ; Second siglil, a sltory by udoipl Lindau, tra'nslated foir Thte 'ivjlg Ago ; Thomoas Arnoldi, D. D., SCanon Farraèr, Macmnillaen; The 'met, a etory by Marie Orn, A rgo8y; 10 01iua.Clay Industry cf Coruwall id DJevou, by J. a1. Colline, F. 0. S., croaei3 cf tloe]Royal Institution of POnfll -opular Science Revient îow Apollo Jeivetie, Neto Quarterly;. cwr f Anglo-Inetiau Literaturo, t. Jeme'e Magazine ; Canossa, Corn. Il; The Luxury cf IReadinug Old. Fvels, Spectator; Courtes ynaIHome, cf urdat, Review Thoe Chineso lie. uqut c f Eseorn Turkestan, Spec. fior ; and*ll o uue select poetry andi Fo c;0ftytwo uinher, of sixty.four trgo Pages eaeh (or more than 301) "9g0e'a year), tint subsription price w) le iow ; or for $10.150 auy oeeOf se Amorican 84 noonthlies or weeklies sent with T/ce Li ving ge for a yoar, oth oot er. 1ttl & Gay, Boston, WILiE COLINs ibegi'ns h,1e0great tory .,:-îîTHE HÂUNTED HOTEL; Mystsry cf Modemn Venio," lunthe ily Number à f RoeSPBEýLFRoi'S GAie. :à .oc MONTIXLY. "1THE YELLOW TIBE 1,11 beantl. &Y illustraled-wiii appear in Rosy. ELFORDto, CÀ?eNAiar MOisNTH.vfor 3Juiy. Da. A. R. SOOvILL, cf Cincinnati ,Y&;....iFcr Coughs ant i ~l tho oariy âgos cf Lung complainte, I beliovo it be a certain cure ; anti if oery fami. woulcl- koep, il by thecu, rcady tu adi. ululter upen the tiret _appearancc cf osse abpit ftic Luugo, Ilie mcwouid i Try fow cassof fatal coasqumption. No pro &ration ot Hypon hesphitos I ro eZ oïau compare wilh Pelows, Nui la i th is bo ami St, AD Aui BE s té' i' dis ho coi for Oys use W. a. HMaiins, B iflo, N. Y. caus r reiimetel riie-o4 b>' t"mnga hsaapuiaful ci Pai>' Daývis' Pain.R$et ~ Iitl ii iita*ad k, '; Ive mufeî tes t' tu W af' * - ' - ýk. Sp t>' le a of tue by.iiv pIifaug the Dualda' Mt lu force. Tht.is -Just vbat w.e epecit<l the DI)pukin Act lu a failurs in the 0 cuntY 01 Ontario, as il ha. proved In Mos mcither places. * eugeg, ilb. Narrows, andi therbridges betweeau Scott andi York, gwallow, upi large al .ounl cf' rnny, frocul wicl 11111e reluru eau be roeîvod frocu lvii by or Oshava, ilcis have-» psy thelr quota. > Tisetcôuty by.laws are. foundlte be in a batil dt and legielallve interierene wlll bé, ioeded to give them valdity * Tiie presentenn of the Grand Jur embociyiug so mauy excellent recoin. iiiondations lia been sent hefore tle proper ommittoeaand iliidoublss ii favcrabiy reporteti upon. One cf the *Ouggesllcus, the appolntment of a short- hénti repevfer for th. courts, voulti, ai the -occumitle. 'eau eau oaeily satisf1y Iheuisoives, resaIt lu a saviug cf maiy huandreti dollars a yoar loe ce oanty, besides 1hé groat saviug cf pubice 'tint sud expenso h te tr. which woul a ht effocleti by the more expediticus de. Patchi of business befera the courte. The absence cfMr. Samuel Green, Ilret Deputy reeve cf Pickering, and] one of the, cucul popular inmeofc the ccunly concil, Ilirougli continueti ilmen., le much regrettoti ou al sides. The other imembers, w. are ploaset t se, look pielures cf goold lieaith, and as if they oould waîl eujoy tho Wardon's auai dinuer, wlich ha to te h posI. poued in aJanuary Ilîrough the War- don'.s utiden indisposition ute .ime, anti from vici, we are gla t teBay, ho lisasucconpatlyrecovoreti. WiOOT&Y L4oaossz CLun.-At a meet- ing hltiaItlihe Royal Hotel, isst Tues- day evonlug, the-foiicwidg ofiem cf 1he Whllby Lacrosse Club were eleet- ad : - B. H. Jameson, Prosidout ; Frank Newborry, Captain ; ColunMe. Glaslian, Fieldi Captain;, Frank Hig- gins, Secrolary andi Troasuror. The club play a match vîi Bomanville on the libli cf June. Tiiir BASiE ]ALL MATCît, played at Pl't Perry, last Salurtiay, betwcen W1hl1tby aud Port Perry, wae won by tha-'Wliiby club by lwo riulp. SîINGLE .ANI), ICOUND V T i cesu steain- slîip tickioesvia Ilirea tiret chas u es. E.- Steplianson, Dominion Tolograpli Oflce, Wlitby. I'ure Paris Uireen wholossale au re. tail. hiSECOND DAY. Wotiussdîy, Jane 6. Tht Wandeu teck lie chair short] p aft toeu *cltick. Ai tIhe menchens preseul, mii a.ilîiin toption et Mn.- Groin. Minuts e Ud pproved. Petitiena nuuaemonay signet in taver Jasitnea by.isw foonthie repaul tifthes Dui Mn. Wholer, anti),Iri*,In M.Chit rFor lie iinpenitli eof Cauingtoin. I Mn. Ameoy, aud againat the tecorponaîiî b>. lis sain.. - B>. Mr. Mteilil, et J. C. Fox anti et] ers pnayiug ton a grant upoîitotemu]lno-bi tween Ontario uniturBami. 0f lie couamissioners oi lie Narroii Brnidge, vîti accnunt ftee neliram cuntir y le e3OOt-Mn. Me flue. 0 f thie cemnisoionens sun bridgea bohvet t 'Ynnlt astdiOutarin, ettlug fthi csent ftiti mwitgenata $174, $207.60, anti $75 repectivt On motion of Mr. Wright, a spécial con fuittue, caeusmteg cf Mesure. BSmih (Rai iWiitb), Wioera-slis hemoyen, vas pinto ettervise lb e tandingrnuits of 1a Councansd report hie session, CeUerv av-LAve. Mn. WIVolar neportcd frouathliaspecis i nonuittete ou ceuni>' by.iava. Tire> fouis a u somaeft lie h-lave luPo ntulomision E and dettets, sud recsuaueded liaI a spe iai cemualttea bc appointait 1e vait upoi lien. Attorney-Generai Meva I anti stvi, wit vii u the cboasf*&ya>' et tyini r tlue dfehîs. Raporh adopteti. 1Suhs;eqssnliy, n on iii Mn. Wieler *secndedbyMUr. Smith (Scott) a remoluile pueseti, appoinîing Mr. Wrigfit, Dr. Ras *andth isecrer Bnci speciai carnuilîse, ti ncjmetascari>. as poiia 'Ibis osssion. lis Wandeun'e came vas tuggeeted onu lb cecucittea l'y Mn. 1St. John anti Mn. Harpti Ibut oi explanatiou ufthtic artien, sudsa bisnoequas,mwas ouahîed. The urgeno>' c lmmediate artiou vas ps'estd by Messrs Whîler, MeUte, sud Smthi (Scot). CAicNINGTOS INCORPORATIO EsttiTITIOltu t On motion et Mr. Wright, sccended b' Mn. Faasby, a seciai nommittas, cessalatin ef Mosans Amoy e>. , P>2Wiuelir, BichaI andthie moven, vas appountedteh report îîp ou ltepetîltua sfer ani agaînet lhicerc ponatien et Canniogloit. nv-LAmS BEFEicRED. 'The hy-haws t ifvch tinoticelhatiitae given yaslamdlay b>. Me. Brute anti Mr Chisie, wva Intredneti, nceived fint and second restituge sud mare reterreti te tii neuaitteo en moads anti bridges. Oit motion oi Mn. SuitIl, <Scett) econdai b>' Mn. lcltae, lis Warddn hait the chair. AthîcujittleAseassinate tho Empeor of Germnany.. W'OUNDti)IN leTIcSFACE AND AigM. Wbiio the EmpeorrWilliami vas tiiviug ont ou Sunda>' aftea-pon lic mss fired upon frein a bole lu inte avenue Unter donu Linden, more fiaet aI hlm. Tic E mperor vas vonjdt1i2 one amui anti nse cietkby buotabot as oali shot. Thtumcild.be-sssasin iaDm. Ncebhiug, ecceupying apartmoeata No. 18 Unter doen Liudleu. Wicu bis dot aen vsftrc- et opon lis iret upen anti vanudet tho hoelkeepoandtitiiedti icomumit sui- cida, buI vas soeureti. .The Empemo's psnsouai attendant jumpedit mb hi c arriageansuaupporteti thie Empaer nutil the carniage reacieti tic palace. Tue Emperor vas couve>'. edto ledctiltisevenal graine cf shol ex- tractait, eaueing greah lame cof blooti. The Emuporor sullemei groal pain, but nover ioel cenaciomeup uosp te tic asat nmoent *The Empenna- le pogresiag suliefuae. toch>'. Noebliuig i1. tali>' ouindqdt. A Remankabia Resuht. .11mas no 'difoercuco heur ins>' l'hysicians, or hem muei medicino paît btave Iied t i l enov au ostublisti faci liaI Gemmuan Syrnp is lie cul> remet>' ýviiehi lins given comploeet sl5tion' in savae cases <)f Lnng Diuesecs. Ih is tue lIces-eare Ypal hoiusuts et persans wio a-e pa-atimpomad te Titroal and Lang AffectIono, Conoumpîlon, noui- orriages, Asîhau,- Sovene Cchda sctti on thie Breasl, Pniumnns, Whoc Pm&g Congi, &o., - via have ne ponsonai tuovietige cf Beselieo's Germncuu ymup. To suai'W mc mult apthat 50,000 doz. en vine aolti ast peux mtiont eue com. piail. Ceouuiptivas try jumt one bot- île., Roear stze 76 coule. Solsi b>' ai Dj~llu4aemca.Forie b>'S W.q h egUS4f'~,U The asînjes o f the. Ocntycun I.sembiedin thas Coaneil charnIer, Wl Le st tva o'clcck to-dzy, and wove -e il en order by Meklm icullespie, Esq., Wai [ino ibe chair.] -Tii. falowlng. vire sent ".. earn. Amoy, Plki 1 Bruce. Christio,' Ounnlnham; Di a Vouby, Umahatu, Ramper, Ro, IL MoPherson, James, mes,* cTad k_ xiler, Motherehl, mewbray', O'Lesi Ir ker, ?raetor, Bu., Rowlandi,li.J Smith, (Sceat) Smith (9. W.) Spiluk.'Y e r, Wright.--.boeul, Mes. Gilbs Mr. moPhoruon, Who ou a semtlny o Sballot got a majorllofret s ochthe *ooeuped by Mr. MeDertott-lu Junuar Te ae Ifngawa ebilgte ca 9 the r opp icel o oubtba uIe ei nov as fi1 lies pasi. L h. btoe cocuh lnwlth lieroncte iaug n ta e tioh'reatoare pontof i uoTu" parent.outar *te mardIfenc ngUied ated ite .ci that Mrd bobula asnfopno n e ta fui Doo n ies eutce. Rettoe E 1f. nector Cam u oroltlog tha h asedtrq aaao he on t orarece The wison ud thotted ethe eu ~cormecpevor b amon as tftod b hiterReobsiinso rslesreqin bytSher lit eant Jthe, conty AM& nsy sud. obdisonwies, vers ad corIespoae mlii tatl<lruâ oyGn ofies ouate thesb eet. rf t tk gns he Co y Clak eu th o e diomu pnor.ThAtuom gvebm ro gvre r s o Ibfrsupplesmarn by thh the bd os are hep t. ny-ut Alrec poenetst cf (ho rueGn . maie at the aisiest. LTer ou t Cepured.the Mintr a uceaton, itatfugthate chooal mppuet Froua Mr ookanî.r Ieptorc Pi Anlo ireetiens as te ranrafJ Lerm Hie hoe uge Busru ai tho appoluemant cf a short-baud ropoi for the courta. Froua Mr. G. H. Robiusiu, Headi Mai Htgh Sehool, Whitbyh complsinlng cf injustico 4one that seiocol lu the report the comuittea ou aduciatton lest sussioz) Report et the Coiaty Clark ou the c solitation et the coputy by.lawu. PETITIONS FOR IPýAL 0F TUE DUNI BiiYLAW. Petîttous were presentei tom tie reps. the Dunkin by.iaw by Mr. Wright,1 Rowland, 1Mr. Auaey sud 1fr. Grahî iargaiy sîgued by the ratapayora eithI savaral localities. COtflTi' nv-LIWs. On motion of Mr. Wbaier, secondai] Mr. Parker, tii. report et the county ci -reiattug te theceusoiidatlou et the ceni by.ialwo vas referrati te a speeilicommit con.lsting et Mesure. aaby, Wrght, à Rue, Smlit (Scott) Grahamu andthti, oci Mr. Graham pîresaahad the report hauban Stilwmll, eQ.etakem et Scui Bridge, a;ettiiîg forth the unsate atate et bridge sud the neeti et prompt repaire. Dy 1Mr. Chrstie that ho vouition ou t. rew uîeve for baive te tutrodace a by-laii confiina by.iaw 643 cf Raiteh. ]Jy Mr. St. John that haoveniti on morrow tutroduco a by.iaw te repeul by.i 123 et the county. DJy-Mr. Bruce that lie weulti on touam row îztrodauce a by-isw te continua by.lgwv of 1877 cf TheraLli. enECIÂL CiIMITTIC ONt TIL U DOittt EPEÀ *Ou motion et Mn. Blakeli, aeeended Mr. Whoer a sqpeclal ecomamttee, coasieti ot Messrs. Miller, Mothoroilli, 1fcbe, Fai b ,tn t onwn ppointed te eoat, c.petitioris for repeai e the DuniinIB kaw sud report this session. on motion of Mr. Smith. (Scott )seceoud by Mr. Wiialer, ceuncil atijeurnoti. i works heienging te the eennty-ho t] jpsy lie expenses eoflthe Administrationu of Justice-andt e finish lb. public I vorka te vhîieb he outntry lbas pietigetiIE itsait. For these varions purpoass a I vamp large sucu cf mono p is requiroti. Il I bas boeen, sud le,thie policy of lie coun- e5 ir try te raine Ibis cuonsp chiatiyhby a dtntpE upon importa, and t islahi.pelicpcf the E present Govemument, andi cf the. Roforcu Party, lt e go celisct Ibis revenue s le give incitiental protection We Ibose W a industrios Ilutheountrp wblih it le de. 81 o irablo le eslablihanti dsveiope boes;i an sud inisfor Ibisreason liaI I&&p lie bd question of fre. Iratie is net anti caunol 0O b.a practical question lu Ibis conteel. bi t As yen are avare, I have investeti al Mp meoans lu manufaeturiug. Mp eue. te consm lilfe is eoolehytiependent upon lie ai rsucesos f mp manufatotory. As a oc manufacturer 1 amn propax-et lu Ibis 0e contest ho defendth le poiiey cf the pro- e. sent Goverumeut, os being viao, equit- oc aile, anti jettlovari tics. vho are vi tongaged inl manufsctuiing. As yen If 1are aise avare, my suceasa s a manu, facturer insoelipdepsudetie upen thé cc prosperly oet hie agrienitural coin. 1< munity. If tbey prosper I have a meis. til souable hope cf onjeying a miareocf ci tisir presperitp. If hbep ufer I muet hi suifer hepend s douhI. Tbelr interese t h are cuy iuloests--my sucense le enlire- f& ip dépendent upen thoir premperiîtp. I pi eau bave ne motive,. hhenefore, lu aI. tcmpling le, deceive or mielea tii-he lej largesi anti ment Important clansecf ai preducers iu our counutry. When lie <armer prospéra e oaIl prepe-mau c~ facturer sud artisan, as voli as thé Hi merchaul anti shipovuer. When lisp cf suifer vo ail suifer. Auy altempi ou may part ho injure the manufacturer et se agricuiturai produeem voulti le nothin ' ai leu tien suicidai. Mp feelins tevîr~ jol the artisan i lequit. unnecsayfer v me te express, Wieihem or net I have os hbeon jui or unjuel tovardu thscui my seï past 11f. among them vil give sironger i evidtiece fan - or againuit me 1hqu any b mord, liai I eau ulierisore to-.day. 1l ara préparatnetiha sve - hein jusige me do by arecordof mylIde. No tfnlfhioi vui ever bau bien frameti gaye -satire st- coi leaÀtien.to ait classs. Iscuprepareti l vies tii. proper tiùe sirnives, te urge coi aupou telb. oamme4h' if deifabla, a obi révision of h. kresn1"arTgo sis- hi '4r ae n pouhbfe buI6hb ht <40*1taaa1wi Irn, dasy, vas viii at.ndei. -AUl th. dol ) Pr.gales, 182in uber, tfiwemd .têl" Blow, naîmes. The wve .ais esent mauj ofie o!the lufluentlal nmen of lihe ýarp- the lilarge hait beinglu fWtact eR file& , gat Tse rchair wvas eccuplet by 1Mr. Davis , ar Qrculloei, Presiclant o!fithe Bforin As. Wb.1. soclatlon; Mr. A. G. MoMiluan actiing 1anai aseSecrelsry. A ballotvas then taken for ï- andi. date for lh. Houescf Cammons wllb. Othe oni auj naines hiving-. beeu orsi pro. sai poued 10 lis, meeting. The'reunit vui y. ShtaiMi. Y. W: Glen, cf oslaivre. ceivo-d 188 voles oui cf the.ttalIof 182 outl cs. Tise nccin#tlcn u sethon, cn so on motion cf 3Mr. Dryden, secendeti by 1Mr. aury Hden, matie anumeus amiti thé utY vildue ethualasm. lb.r On metien, Il vas unna nai e sm olvedt tpîpa e enea. a e cees- th. Lecial Le»giature ai proesa. 7 1cur On aceipling tho nomination 1fr. unGien osii :-Mr. (Jiairman sud Genile. mmuI eau iardir' give iitterauce le word. wlii which t0 express te yoaa my doep ssee cf th. greai boueur yon bci ave confoerroti upon u melu seescling the mne as your candidate td reproennt en ting inuth. Parliâmeul cf Canad-lie higi. th! est ant itm honourabie position in rm orgi. I eau cnly sap liai I accespi lie t wt sincere detercmation on My pro part le do my utuicet te merit hhe con- fia dence yen have repesetinf me. Iu tho svory country where tis igits cf a&l classes are 4e uoine extent recognizeti lie thoiw exiïst e su t twe distinct politi- &,ocal parties. Tii. lhecry of one party le r"I.s liaI t.agovemnmnuof lie peeplo by the peoploeanti for lhe bouefit cf th. gome. viele peope ; or, la ether vends, liai amer tho peopile th. source cf aIl power ; r lu tiattelis uera are the servants cfthie ury people oc ut tlheirm utesr&. Tbis t. thie thecry, as I take il, of lhe greât Rd. Refrm party cfwvici ve are al ion: Membors. The opposite theery le liai eue, cfa gevernnuint cf the few ever lb. bon. many, for lie benefit cf lhe few ; cr, iu a te îor mertordoiaI lite muiesuare lie rter source ofpovor, that tboy are th. masters -audthie commnon people, au they de. tata ligittle eau us, their servante, sud beft lia they ruie by Divine riglit. Th" ibe tbeery cf the Tory or 8enservaie ion- party. I, sas pour represoutative iu Parliament-aad I have ne deubt I ricil siailbe-(ehees)-siall always con. slier myseif your servant. I shall go il eithr lirtb carry eut your wisbes .. o ne. Mr. présent penn prinipes-te laite part lu "lm, making sueh Swlavea yen desire te have ir ensceet. At ail times, snd untier al cimcustanees, I shahl consider myseif sicupivypour agent, in duty anti in lb oueur houtiiWteoboyyepur instructions, nty anti I plotige yen IbsI vhienever I lind tte. it impossible for me te carry out vial idc- I heleève Wt h. e yur visies I ver. siail feeai il My dusy te re- fuma We pour kaepiug the sacreti trust ci viici youhave eommiitted. te me. igg Isaol b.preparet iat a future dagyLW the diseuss lu detail witi our opponeuts lie questions vhici vill enter mbt tbis polit"cl ceutest. Pemhapa 1he mr- meet procineul cf ail is that ef te the so-calloti -National Poliey," om te- the question cf a Probibitomy Tariff v. law s Revonue Tariff. As yen are al aval-e, for the p ast few years thoera has er- been great depressien in business r 1 Iîreugieul lie verîti. Wo lu Canada U.have beau most ferlunate, anti, I may by sa'y, bsve sulèeetiloies lu Ibis respect 1. tiaunsnp cther people. The cause cf as§. tuis greal stagnation la business lias der beu, sa ile froely admitti by all non. cy. partisan obuervors, ever-pmoductiou on !be , thparI cf liose who have beau ongageti an mannfacturiug More goodeshavo beeu - matie than ceultilbho usucuct, co-e queutiy wo have haitisece, sithougi comparstivoiy tam, idie manufaclories ansd idie artisans. It lenencessarp con- or sequence of ever-protiuction, anti vas, tb aud le, hopondth le power 'of anp eai Geveument ho Prevent or ovor- cocue by iogisiafaon. Ntiing but lie strîetest ecouomy eau re-eetabisi et su active anti boaltiy rovivai eftrade. wi- 0cr openta propose te maka us ail Je eatoprosporousà , aud happy ip ,b, eimlpi eroasiuig the taxation cf the n country, or, iii otier words, by eaactlig a prohibitory tariff-oee hiieh viii c. heck ratlier thon increso commercial )Je exelianges. Froc trade osnuot snd viii not be a practical question'lu Ibis cou- ttest, for lier. is ne sncb liing as free me Irade under our present commorcial 'g systocu. Se long Bas v o liect tbe noces- eu sary revenue te meet the obligatiens of ae thie Govermceut by a dnty upon li- ra. porto le, h dlofor us ho diseuse tlie n. P sti on o er..Tracte vs. Protection.j ho uestientierefore, beore the un r W..hp vii a Tarif fer Revenue, or aProtetiveora Probibitorp tariff. Ae conceriisd tie question m as a ditlut Due. n. vantotisuci s change libh ov. mucuelut as venît bing peopiele ticth 3untry anti keep them 1homo sud pro- sunt cDir yeung men ieing drivea ava>'. [f ic Johnu Macdeuali'sPacifie Rail- s>' poie>' batbeau carrieti ont,the munir>' moulti he in &aîbotter position o-day., We mere pasiug tirougi a âme o! dangor 4nd thome mas noeon- wuagemeul ho our 's(aiunteers. Hu ad ne intention cf boiiig a candidate- bst ta>' bat passet-ho bad great con- lence lu Mr. Glbbs anti moult sup- mmlt hie cadidaturo. ,Mn. Heur>' Bioèkîs, sp6luking as a mil- or, vauleti protection, tandthe presoul tâte cf, tiuge ciauget. 'Mesers. Gibson, l#iiSaimi, Luka, uvian,; Cummins, Couithurd, Cainoen, larrlsepD, aud Hainhin iretirot in faver îMr. Glis. 'Me. Higglns haviu'g beau, callot upen sit hiregardeti the. preposing hls Âme, undea -t he cfrcâmetane, as a >ke jhe day vouisi(ceaie, pemiape, tlc l o li e pÃŽ'epemed in meal amnet ; i.hotauked- bis mover ani abuone, ansdointei'atapressne. Mn, 'W. ]H. Gibb»splie lu laven cf ~nmaîing le seciejausl luereul's cf p Dotinln, nti ! elecling a candi- à te vlai wouh4 tub. sièha a=cors a ronld ecaiuce telth e nesef the fu traidbiae G r'thfi cfpaver le ii aittaeGl;î vmuâtiaui -bim vith a15,perceOULtai,or icc th leuo. Mi Lalranzia antifre.is re In proceis, f- liai.,thbreughii - armuytiou, an~ extravagance, Sir Jh A. ce donlacdtIdeu. oDl6agueuJk 'theconfidence t>1 theceuniry', antIw hurlei tram o ver, sudth. ovez ment lransfeî sdte lie -Andofi Ho.0 ie.Miekenzie ant ie sc y les. Ansi ti- reait-mofar ast LI manufactureras re mconens-is,'tb me *nov have à tariff o! 17J per cent. 1p laôè of 15 per jeni. Certaîni>, me, mauotclur, have no micasonecoi plai. 'I ahuo !dssiroteireminsi- th prosent Who a i~drecl>'inteneeotid igcitune, lhIas ilas theoGovorum of Sir John A. >aden*4 whvipiai 2 prodnsle, and fi luovesi he 9tnty>I ïlait go le Ottaw if ellectesi, te gi e a genorous sud heur suppot o l>eilademu cf 1h.prose BQoveyobeus aneereiy bolieviug 'tl Stôiey oel 11g earnostiy te -pro er>'ti me11, lof the! .counIry ; Il theirvieh l te oainîsin iha houeri temnfshed ; liahle>'desirelepse is cnoit 'anti ÃevelIcp is monderf naturel nosourire. TZoe are mai c her questions 'ih aI a future ta usal <soel il My ~ty tho iscuase iti tl electors vici i voud!ibcont et puî, te sopeak cf ho- 1y. But allev me mi', the cônteaet in vilci vo are. abo te engage le a hationai ouea afeetil lhe ýùure iveltaro, prompemit>', anti hi ourm et our cuntry. I miall do rnyu ulei le seures icceeso, anti I bave1 d4~ubt se bte h bult. Euh, eaitliemai titue, I 'enireat 1ycu, oeeasd ahl,I cuake $nces$ tisubl; certain b>' Pc esroisysteleatie, anti-persistei ef thie a nvs. W. muet1 Lpireparedta cime t tie atîseke oet t sucu' t sv.ry omint, ho refuIe the viesisders, an t ho cover anti0's ose lie vilîtul 4issttemenm antiut trfihs micie eare nov, ant i ri co)xsbonlp ircnldling againsb cnr leai ore. I shah go h0 Ottava-tfor I mIte le b honsucessfil-lo represeut tI vhoeeRidiug. lt illbocuy tint>'as M> plsseurs te serve ail parts of theo Rii ing aiike-to esolitie interout anti mn teaef eail-ant 1, tiereere, besoeoci p one anti aill ho c.1le boamlanti baudi tbý stmnggle betf1ro as. Anti, fill permimice again $o tiauk peu sincersl fer lie great honuun pou have doue r lu selectiug mn. a4'pour reprosenistiv lu elniament, fer I assume yen tial cofisider pour ne+iuation te-day eqi valent te My:' eleptient sud le sacur Ibis remnît I ple>le mp best allert (Lçmut sud pmelonged cbserng.) Miessrs. Drydeu,, White, Ilelden, ai Sinith, oac icf WBoM hasi necoivet number et ballotsatiMr. G. B. Pal tulle vammiy approvotiocfthe nua tien et Mr. Gieun.autpreulictesi vic*co uit ihe pelle. The foilovlng resolubion vue liii put te tie moetiuk anti cariet, sith muai lihe Convenlion adjouruot, i, b ing finit givon hîeartp eheere otonI Qce, tie Reera» candidate, andti Ivo Goeonmeuhsý:- Movet b>' A. 0.1 McMillsn, bamnist secontéd by Cai. Camnpbell, "'Tiat ti Convention bavicg ciesel>' vatehe t I course cf, anti caretul>'observodti I cueseuros passedth le proeulReferi Governmnents, bcat IOttawa anti To: ento, desire te express our entire con fldeuce lu both lege Govemumeuls, ani especiallin luhaiteladiers, lie Hou Messrs. Maekenzieland Movul." ÈibemaI-Cousem)vative Meeting. HON. T. N. GIBI3S NOMINATED, Tho mass msectlrg, calleti pursuarl te notice, mas lioltiaitltho Masoulo ball Brookiu,on Saturia>. Thero vasa goo4 alteutiance, the hallt ieing vPl filet. The chairw*ms lken b>' Mr. J. B. Biokeil, Mm. D. »urns acting a sec. relary. Amcongot hhoose inviteti te seats on the piatemn ore, Hon. T. N. Gibii, M. P., W. H. Glile, M. P., N. W. Brewc, M. P P., WI: F. Cavan, Jobn Comà u, A. P. Camereni, Walter Coul- tliard, John Smnitho, Wou. Smnith, Jehn Miller, D. MeKa>', iG. C. Grose, B. Gibson, Arl'.n Joington, J. B. Coin mie, Dr. MeBria,,Y. Gibsen, John Ililut, R. T. Harison, J. B. Harnis, B. Hainlin, Heur>' J3ckeil,'Dr. Gunu, oi. WVaiaco, W. Huiil, Nelson Cliap. mn, John Hemtien, J. R. Pbillip, Patrsik Wall, &o., &e.' et ofability. Mr. Blake iyas oaidsparty cuan, ho moult net mwaiiom miat Mr.. Mackenzie vonît preposeo; iii ouiti mkulk a vote, sut isu thie tânoe ml tur ies coat-taile. Ho (Mr. G.), veuld ratier givo a bail vote with hi,% pamly than skutk. Anti Mr. Mackenzio, aveu îif he knev ho vas vroog, moti stldk te ilsud figlîhtitont. Ha haticommitt- et blundore, viieb if tiens bp Sir John Macdonald, veuiti drive thie latter eut et power. Tiie banuders et Sir Jebn A. Macdonaldi, multipieti ton lujnes over, mwouici net altegelier equal the enommi- t>' ofIoeematie b>' Mr. Mackenzie. Ho (Mlr. G.) admittti liaI co minucouiçi ho slmaym rigit ; lth heet cf mon maie multakos, andti tathle cenfliitiug in. tereesscf lie diifoérent Provinces matie teglelation dîfficlt.ll h ma eaidtia tioeo aadvocateti protection liaI il mneant building up eue itîterest allihe expense of ochers. lHe deim h4a sncb veuttibhothe recuit ani couteuulèti liaI, lu lie case cf protection ta moniv- ers, i olb ontnet have lis affect of mak- ig these machines moroeoxpansive te ah farmons, for competiticu veniti spring ap, -sud lier. vere bruinesutd capital eoug inluthe ceunir>' te def>'i aIl fame cf a cucopel>'. H. tahesi1 liaI there 'rrene factoriesnlu Oliava te-day% making monep-noio but'o ee;l iho pet others voe, but ho bât gà ond reascu teluelieve thep voe »n.uotHe -1 nefernedta te schangecl position eft Engianti. anti lhe Uniltd Statf.1 Wise sa fev pars agethie lit-, toi finported simeel eventhing frein Enaliai "en taesteel rals.thi., suit someting lu thein -favor. Tii.o rosa ,b th wias ihat,ouit'of malthe supportersi tain thi.gavenmmentithora ees oui>sonc ce t 17 lift visa diii net go for oesrcm sud esO of cthi.several resoîlieus proposei tmp, Ilvas lie duty cfthie Dominion Goi un ennuent ho vaici tie course of 'eveni lest at lie oothr -ide, andiohokiateth ers Unitedi States Govenuient hy ragulai mn- !ngeOurtariftegoAse, -be ableta cop the. vihthtou. -Ho denounoed the "-c Ioie-viaswhel" peiiy sud saidIei.diii fl lie came viataMeunat cf prolectivo dut bat vas pul on,thors vouitibo eufficioîc i n cuipelltlcu ta proeeula uionopiy. asMr. (Joyau spoein laven cf, protec lui, tien anti Mr.Gis. 00 Mr. John Waillor vae a freetrader,i eu cotlhave fretrad bth ay:. ras Librao.nesrvaliv: Refermer, mati Lotan excellent speech, inwhiîcihoe dv Ir.upan lii. vatueseof the Deminion an tie groat-gatue lun utoefofr. Canadiani SIp Mr. Arihur Johusten, urgedti 4 out ocosily cf union lu lbe parly ;,lieri bat vas neyer a lime mien il vas so deair eusas s aI the ?resut, ant i e visiet is bat te give Mr. Gibhs a uniteti support. un- Mr. Broya, M. P P., 'mie espolc ýr, briofly, saidiheovswuvtwenypeasecon <,lù necteti viti maufatures, anti atvocai n a rotection . aesked themaait -ti ho cuoit geeti ven lhe vent te Ot tava. Ù,co Mr. Biekeil, (vioes nomination mel te ocudeti by H on. T.' N. Gis,) ex ont prefeotbis asîculimoul aI being mci ing oti hroleposition hy bis honorabi Ou- frionti, le viw hobaigivnon sncb ut- peocf bis mind aI tie meeting ii noe Wbibthle otisr day. H. meant jus ne vhat b.e saisi tien. Ho b.d ne inten, te tien of supaesding Mit. Gis lu hii ur poiion-neitier hati anp otier momb eut or cf 1h.epat in lie Rlding. Tho; ho ver. unlkleGrils la Ibis respect the viebati bard vork te select tisir min oir The question of Protection vas tho im. ex- portant question cf lie day. Miller n. iiko himmeif feit lie diffleuities cf tlb b poition lanvliiei hep more piaceti 0. rherevas no eiap-hrap in lie 'cep oi ýnd ro teeticu-sefar au ho vas cuncemueti vfeli ouiti go for putting oId John A, cd lu again anti vouitiresigu iu favor ae id. Mm. Gibbis. ,ei- Hon Mr. Gibs, viovas reeeived rou viti ebeers, marmy &bok bands witi lu Mr. Biekeil, aayiug b lieidta do ly, liat bofore lhe veul any furllaer, Hi ly iaulsedth le chiairman fer lie cordial me mauner in vilch, ho batipraseoti blu iv WOlie meeting, ant ibe hiaukatithosi I, prasent for the tiemouebrations lu hie il- favor. Ho aise liauketi Mm. Biekelfoi mea lie bolti anti mauly stand hie hati talion ta. at Whithy, lu teiliug bicu (Mn. G.> cfis esborteominge, anti cnly vishedti at ud ethers of hie frientis wvo eqnaliy ont. a epoken, go asit t give hin lie oppor. t. tuuity cf pntling bimseof rigit. Iu all ,a bis cuntets-audti i. ouiti hei ry seovent-is bati s difféeotloppenent eacIi lime lu Seti Ontario. Anti ho en liatialways viehiedtiabcarry ou lie con- cmr test lu sncb a va>' as liai he coulti ýv. siake hile epponent by the haut] attor ho as voil as beoere tiecoceteet. Il vas ie gc lu tie conteste between hicuseif sud Mr. Farowell. But lu '67, wlien lie, ,en (Mr. Gisb) defeatedth le Hou. George lis Brovn,thie latter teck lus tiefeat ise hosimuei ta beart tiat for yoars ho cui.not oc qpeak ta hlm. Mm. Brovn mas in the in Seate nov, anti ia modifiet i is feel- r-ingese fan as ta condescend ho nod te ~.hum. Mm. Gis veut ou ta say that id lie isti treateti Mm. Brown vitii al î.ccumley vhilm lia latter bail epurnati hlm. But liaIt iti cet mattar much whula lie toîl thaI h. hattua confidence et lb. people cf Seuh ntiuarie atbis bocksud se ho betievoti ho biailte-day. Thîey bail fougit s great macy baIlles >~togelier;thiey nover bitau easy con- test, ant ibe believeti neyer voulti. No il malter vietier il vas Mr. Gîsu, or s 1, muan liat, batinover beau boardti et be- a fore, lie Gril partp veniti support liaI il n on the day et poiliug. The Con- ervativo party more more exaeling r. than the.Gril psrty iu thile respect, sud - ho vas not sorry fom ils becaugo il ta sheveti thep more raading anti îlinking mon. Whan men apoko kindly cf hlm, lu tie manner thep hatidoue to-tiaý'il -affeetei hum ; las fetit1. Hoetii net a tny tuat ieha as ambitions, but vian ho hati ishonedta thle kiudlp senti- nmentS cf Dr. Ounu snd Mr. Cevan, ha Sfait lie couit oit aItith eet et these Gameliols. H. vas desireus tbiat tiîs i- couleet shonîti ho camietion ou a poli- n tient sud net on a poreenal basis. lHe miglit if lho se deireosnulsintithizige et bts oppouent, but lie voulti net do se. Ha vouid emeaubor liaI it op- -ponont hai beau pnb ferward au lie canai date of lie groat Reformo atp butltIb iei.couit nu l ialp eapicg, tuaIt ho couiti netunuderetanti hem it mas Tic Easern Question. The invitations Wtie ngressete ineet aI Brlin ou lie latiinstant ,bnvel fin. aily beau isisuet b>' Garman>' te.he itignateries efthe Ta-caties et 1851 anti 187J, iropobiug a' discussion et tic pro- liminar>' stipuhuttioesf etiaTreat>' cf San Stefano, ant inciuding a gunrautoe b>' Oamac>' cf lia tree diseuuof e lie viole coulants eft tinstrument. Annoncemenlete o hi eaffect more matie peeberda>' b>' liaMarquis cf Salis. bury ant irStafferlnt etl, lu the Rouge of Gommons eut Hanse et Lords a-aspctivehy, hegelian viti a elatamnu tht Boa-i Bescensfit, ,he Marquis cf Salisbury', anti Lord Odo Russelt bat been soiectet as lie lBritish represenha. tives. The rtrproenlutivee eft he etie Poeveme re saidti e ho Bismarck anti Von BnoIom for Gorman>'; Sciconvalff sud M. Denthil ton Raierla ; Aadras>' anti Von Rapinons tor Anetris ; Wad- dington sud St. Valuîer fer France; Counte Cea-I anti Do Launay for Itsly; anti Satveh Patha aud anothea-probai- - 1>' a Christian -ton Turto>'. Collision cf GerminuIrn-Clads r FBUIGRTLLOLeS O.nIviE. Two cf the Gaeman iroucluts vici left Wllielmshsveu fer th. faedton raneau, cihidet lu lhe Engih Clan. nel. Onewovpu en pthlie llomatlly dlamageti. Mua>' lises are repented ,loft. Tii. collision nesuite inlu lb.meet. teanful los of lifo. Tise vessais vero lie Zoneer Wiifieim, sud lbemomeer' Kns-fursh. The weher authIe Iiine:of lb.e collsionvas flue ansi calin.' The. causei lu nexphslneti ----ic ,Liua.ea. orWau*aytitg eue, ashoi.umaavisei, Qa&lerevenueût i. ufficieut te psy interesi. Mn. Mac- i. kenzie tien al thtis if se, a difomoent ýv atâmeul ai beaumatie ho hlm, de Wbatheho(Mn. G0.) titi> a>' as, tliaihh' he vas0 spoei bt .granlt oomall hanbero t- oei>' p rvale 00!mpanies ; hiafive Po hicuesut dollrs isisi een hrel upon, a- thein uOshawa, liaI Darlingbon gel ut five iibeusantsud Noeastle liv. tien- 1>' saut-lt he voas oppesesi le sncb ul geints upon principIe, sud. liaI at ail evenîs Pickering mas nef ouhitledti h 0- an>'cumoeItan lih&coe. Periase .bioniti havesaid notig about lie if LmItter, andt l ii l oulti ho s goodti t leI il paso. Hoetii net opposethe a grant cf five hosneat dollars. These oe wsre lie facts. If 1h. barbon vare the ft propeorfhe tihovnsip, cf Pickering, td ho sionJd have lalcen a tifforènh course. s. Býut 0 oit El.L v1) n on&g ria le cpcupany stioui gel moe.h an iner re anai ho desiredti l place tbem ail upon r- ar pan., H. conchudeti b>'exproselng bis jl gratlffcation aItih. number preseul, anti istine deuil 1h.eineetince vouiti oe have heen largeo eh>'for lhe ?orogono . concliusion losving heen arivet ut aI t. tic meeting at Wiitbythiat ho mas le O ho themin. Ho sheulti, as lu past le eleeticus, hoit publie meeting, sud cul>' bepedth le eleehion veuit be brongisi on l nan suesml>'day. Ho vas in icpss liaI iu lia course et s tom duaslie vrils vociti be issucti. le Mn. Gibbs's nomination vos thon aentieetibythie meeting. nA reeclution vas passet fui!>' endors. i ig the pelle>' et Sir JohnA. Macdon- ait ou' protection. A vole cf tianke vs as teudemedthle ciaimman, anti viti )_cioers for thie Quen, Gluse, Browa Y anti lickell, lie meoting bmoka up. Town Council. Council Chambers, Toma Hall, Whillby, Mondsy Eventng, .Tnoe rd, 1878. ýe Ile iir meeting oethlIe erunclthi eveninq. Ituen"ro smoent, Rme Worshlp, Mayor Hoiden I lu the ohair), iteero Ramper, Depuby ieee .tw nd sud enehions Naunsa, Burns, Cainv- behll, Hopkins, Ring, Bay, Oflonovan sud Dcv- oeU. minutas cf lait meeting raid sud ap- -proved. omscTxà Frein Goe. B. Yute, aoklng permistsion le idelivan teograph messages wlth a veloolpoda. i cînWM. Murphy askiog thut Meon fSt. ba P rom Messrs, McGtee aniJoes§,u onhlah 1 of n. tnlci.iand, dsmandlog the deePentug et a dltch peur hlm promises., i rom .. MGireauvood asklng le ho appoint-t a ed stlpcadiary imaglstrate.1 Froua James Walljace encloslue accealut fer4 ent agaluet Armstrong faînhiy, ah hie timeOC a iei em novaL. rEOviite A BUtILINGi.t tMn.iay. soaitded by Mr. Hopins movadt tlitlpemission ho granted Messrs. Touas&il Newport,eec useDodase strict Cuir lieme- tmoral ot thair carrisce ahop. Mn, Blow wanteti a clause ombeItotI Clu lie resolin linîg Rosons. Teis nsud Newport, nesponsîble fon su .damacas resuline throngh the reiuorsl etfthtbuilding vhich h)mtaira M t bc ealIed on tq pay. e auonsaevouanet deatre le0qat clause litteied on le the reseiulbii, wmclii r wouldlocuoper peuple La tlir ondea vers let buiduphotwiLThaic>. ild recuîre every encouragement. Mm. Ramper thongit bMesars. Temi N 1ew- i part,rnîight ha requoaled te nie aven>. peePOrn precaullen te preveuit accIdentef durlul lieo remoaaioetthe building.t Mr. U«y3 etaled tuaIt te reînovai cfthue builinc ould oui v ecnY about tw 3 hours. Mn. Dlug tought permilsion sloouii h gnnted. her parties had, eniy tue ùchera day. uoved s buiding tIvîc luis diatancO ucthlng vas 8111(d about 1h.V Tiie. ott,ýu 4 ~îcarrhed- Mef. Harper tucýongbtItluha e eot ettht cemualîtea on Fineinca, recorncînuitig a gre'nt ef $Mllte tht baud; lu regard te the retond et taLxe. tor 1875 assied by 11ev. tC. Van D,,seî, 8 the ceomîittet venid necommeudth ltIthey be net paid bath, as thene 'iras ucthingtle 8r Siiev tiaI Lhey had bcote iaid unden proeta s Cialued. Ret aîo dpted. JIIIRUCeaacuTO itrLîIi'1. On .motion et Mr. Uanan iseeoeded b>.Mr.0 Caucîbell tho communication et un. WIallace vas ncfrred ttRelief touiiatte. 8 STtPEtOIiAitT MÂOI5TOATE. ti Mr. Bloev gave uetlce tîlat ah the nezt iiieel- hIg of tise cuncil ho wenld more a resoiutitin, t fonric t uh e a ef dîsonsmlat thea upiLtnetPl tifsPD e glisrat ton ho tewn. n-Picano ro sTI-auE.ns AND r n.oo-zMtncr. tC On motion utf Mn. Blow, uucnd0d b> Me, at Marier, lta o Cmniclations of MCKgns. i Marpthv snd Strleaiiawr ennilic te to'ulittea on Stniete anti Inpnoviiiuele. tc OPENiINGtOA Densime. Mn. OLienovan, seconudd ly Mn. Klugt, imoved Ihat Mr. LeereeU bc ina,îlîî peris-cc în le e-te pn s drain deve Dunîlas strect. l TevWN DnAINiÀiîiin Mn. King seceîcded us vMn. ODonovan inoved nc tisattha ceLmunucallen oC Mn. Biler bo re- b3 fennod le tue ctmiînatttO on Finance, vîti tamltrucllons te conter whhh Mr. Siher as-te the a hasit location et drains; aie te obtcile turthen tE leCommnatlen as te Itie ceaI et obtalccteg a snp. in pi>.11 et a, as runlltoucd lu the iash clause et th. rel ort, sud te report te thec, eail. 112 Mn. iiigoghtiglt hlig w's a tinguuiar vav (a te trtat a replort, le rater il te a commiîtlect baes., the creei uad coneltteeed ILMe1q would cira e nismuendunt thal the councire ge inte commîttee C of viiwole on tho report dc et Mr. Shlen. Mrn. King hhought Ils c!irtst vs>. thobest Wl vaF. At pnosat, ho cenhcnded lice counci vera net Ilu sio tledîstus e soreport. DIm. Siar haul nepentedijmn tlree dtffereîtt t'l limas. Hoe ddnDt hucuset!uudemstaud saiout au shuint. Il ivas net higbusiness. Mo lied to îccorod te have thoeinatenr rCerred te lie Fwinance Cecumilleu, as' il vas tie langeai fil maefet matercfwaéi. anti ofe imme nd ,hontesçciîe fa tpos.pTet ii u te TER otrc tn os.Te ' tli irc IL irc Le ouf th( mas lie objacl cf attention, ant inluIls différent upartinenha ve more abown s vut aumber et dillérent pattens cf aIl deseriptions, rapnesonling tie inveal- ment etfthousands et dollars. Tiose patternAS~re lic very tepotone oethie business, as frein hein al lie mouii-' ingearsae cait. OnteideocfliIs liuilintg oua- attention maas tireetedti lasu imn- menue trop, 85 f tin hicigl. tor breatung oit mron, ant inl au stjcining building, six largo cîeanicg mille, for cleaning lie ame. Betone ieuvlng lie yard saimmense saut beuse -filiati miti sanS brengit froua the Slalom, Caugil oua- oye. Wo then cîcaieâthlIe s-oaS le lte stoee oomu on lie opposite 'aide et tic rat. Iuneueetftics. buildi- ings there l etIsharet s I4ngo qucanti- t>' et the dillurçun paie oft lie ilupie- monts. ah! se ammaget ant iimberod as te he ossil>' procnrtti. Fa-cmlie as. Isilishehnultdifeérent piocos cfthesoev. eri mnacines manufActurei b>' ltae Compaiîy are coaetll eing sent te differont parte cf lb. country, te ropsir smie breakton replace gme oin lauhie ovuer af a madimo. Tiss ieWsietiour, leur 'et inspection anti . ehurna, te eoffice-where me *gain met 1,fr. Ol ho inla a u inter-' Beiùg ý but brie!- conversaltin aeU saIton tue abjeot cf the' visit vas e plailiedsud anti vii cactnlstic pnemp uss, the, genenal foreman cf lie mera Mn. Gea, K. muarc-e, v uled, Inrg tineot, ansi inslmucte ta hoconduot Il vnllsm over lie' onlir o vrks. TI hnüitiaqocu.j'npau entire squa 1re,' an iu , d Zic ler. are. sevomal marc neeme, tic offices ant imtaisalaiou es onhg ma~oit saite cf lie sire. The engh ô hà ainbuildinîg la 4e fsi ani a eare sixsdiferoent Oio oipoying 200 sileti artizans. TI îvwtrk la haut fer tlisoson le 1M Champion Tireshing Machines, oi pepula- l Cana;da ; 1600 Moers an Resaes.; 50 Choyer Mile sud a iarg aintof nmieelaneous mont. On or lenig the establisiament a ver>' bus mseausleprosentet te ispeelalen, an ait final eue le almesi bevitiorei'bt cqsiles amnig c hehs, helhini Il il o insu>' m achines Enlerlug lie rigit viag, muihi O0X50 feo, is efia-st abject cf inheres tial mas peinteti ont te us, is an ian manies ateain bolet b>'vhich, lie Inuit an lu naleedtialethe tifféent Sapant monts, aeutIhe machines iovcrod frou the liuisuing ebope. Turniug frein lis anti vhevung lie counîleas mechiasi inventions, msuy oet hein peculisa- t liseemorks, but vhiab me have n epace te tesonibe lu dolail ; indeet i veulia tako a velum. e de im jnstie Those spaciai>' expluineatialeus, hiot ovor, more anulimmense gang dm1111l haies ait onco, hmc largo paches, ma chines for msking nuls, vasions, un différent iron vomit, improvtil bohi cal tors, ant i egit largoela-on istios, feu iren planers fer drilling- steel cutter bars, viihià de hisir vont ia a mcm salistactery, effective anti specti'min uier. Frein hie mecum e enteresi ti uEeGnex BOOM. viiero me vievoti a mammoth ongur 80 te 90 horse poera, cylinden 18 bore b>' 86 sîroke, anti mupplied-b>' Ivo larg belicre. The main vbceieloft Iis pou tenons affair is 144 fee1 lu diamoter To lie tevai et D'ndus belonge lhe dis tinelion et building hie engiuq. Il au pies motive. power te tie engre eos a hmihsmment; a'main siiafhing sIrotai, ing lie entire ienghofethe -bilding Eutering frein bere lieheIî'vlcg eF fthe sainelaI, 182z40 foot, mhiei'ris de voteti entireiy te lie manufacture o. lie Champion Reaper sud Moyen The lIrstthing filat alînacîs oun allen. tien is a circulai sam, ton cuttiag oui the kaite guartis cf th.neupars. Titi le a Mest iageuies affar, ieing csp abi cf cting 400 gusa-ts per diem Il toe its vent in a mosh finiehed Manner, anti b>'s pecuuluar mecianical conînivanco Ibreve itseif cul cf gear ai tie propon lime. Suihis the friction ou lie sav li hlias thobho sarpenei hmico a day. Il le chaimedti lai these guards atter ucdErgcing a casc-iîarden- ing precesu sa-o tic mosl durable, snd strengeat in lie verld. Iu Ibis rccul thoe. le aImeý a machin. for makiug boite, s circular Isîho for turnicg Pit- -mnu boite, (ich are also ciao-burton- et), threc o eilg lsthem, aiÙd s milling machine for ccttiug keyveys, anti olier parts of theiempiameuts. 'Pa-oceetiing firhrei boao te i rth i mof, mhieb in 100x,5uO feet me ses penleel tates -cf d1riving mjateais, ati-steel ,bones for mower, anai reapers, fonder boards, et seet inen, ,immense quaniitiesoe tseel sprngs ton lie trivers seats, and vani- ont ethen parts oetfhie machines. TUE TOOL ROOM. _ Tht reoota le almaps kopt loclced, ne ont boing alloeail leenter wiîbout upecial permission. Ib is-lu charge et tire rehiabte mecn, sud centains patterns if ail thet tels netinluthe tacher>', a turning istie sud emory miset, ton lie purpesaeto makiug anti repairlng th. toIes, antisuela le lie perteethy systein- ticai arrangemnt, liaI the mon eau imasiatel>' placo tieir bande on an>' toil requireil. Here is aise kept record- ing boartis, upon viich le amprinteti the nummer et each machine as iltais icopleteti, nom muuuing tsar raaelthe theusands, sud iearieg lie record cf su immne business. Atter ieaving tuis emn vo scend ta te esecond floor by a second sud smaiier steain bolat, utd nake a tour of lie paini anti caeÃ_ penter eliops. lunlice former me vere inîtnoouta M1r. Farevell fie fore- inan. vioso artietie mark ianuatul- tai painting, mas, dispiapet inlularke qusuhitites. 1h la amosl impossible le cualitaI Ibis fiue cisas et menk as euec se mapitil>'b>' onemn. lu thol wooi-morkieshop vo sav aillhe mcii *pproveti maeliiu r ondoinig mapitiiy tie moot-vemk oethe reapers, novera and lîrselire. lu lie room devoea oa tie manufacture et mootien paterne mo nouldinga ou the Ihirti teor, oeeoe Tienras Eclectric-0il, I ua nesrly eut notbing equa.. il. 111e higil>' recoin- nuti tib'hosa vie bhavea set il." J. Beptent, Tiamoaville, vnites, "Sentil at once a fuehior snpply of> Eclactrîe 011, I have cul>' eue beli left. I nov- car sav anyfiing slso selailsd give sncb genersi satisfaction." J. Thomp- son, Wocdfort, mmhlas, -Scntme some .-aisroe lechri 01. I bave soltientiro- 1>' ont. Nohlg laites hike it." Miller & Roit, Ulvea-ton. P. Q., vnitss, "ITie Eclecnle 0111e gehtiug. a greut reputa- lion bore, ant is ale ii calet fer, Sent'iI ns a furbiesa- siipp>'iticul delsy." BEWÂIIE Or IITATiON.-Aek <cm Dr. Thoas'Echeetnieo S.Seo tinatthe signature et S. N. T/cernas eou mmap- peu-, anthe naines et Northrop & Ly- man sa-e blavu in the behîla, anti Tace ne el/eer. SoiS b7 ail medicine deal- ens. Ps-lac, 25 ets., NORTURO? &a LYMAN, Toiente, Ont., Proprietos on he Dominion. NOTE .-7Eltecfrie-SelcIed sud El ectrizet. Levz, Muitita, PA5xTT Pstou -At ,Walhalla Court Houas, lu Senti Cas-o- lins, an citiminuof 70 pm, *uiamed' Col. Buic, s Repulican cC-vealth anti môe socIalposition, feu la love lh ite bantisome taugilen cf a armer liv- ing near. Si. vu oui>' 20 peane ait, tL mtq.. taioA s attacehtf. Ris- 100.$ -7o #160 M- Tbe hart Soaema, (Japt. iH. m. New- t-bur>', fremin Lverpou, bas arriveil viti e, secondilmate ad di ote c o ro- thoesiip H. B. Aueilue '(lest la Feb- ha rua-y near Cape Rama), picteti ap in to the StraitsoofLe'Maire. Tii. rami cf cd, hocrew huaS been mosceesiproviens!>' e-, boug he fuel mas uanoma tte m- p emeons savesi y hyle 1onomi. Tise t. ululement of lie master cf lie Sonoma 62 alludes te au appalling -tusceve>' matie s hée ueei sailersofa!tle bodies of teher shipmmecteti marine r wo baS 50 penlisedilu a cave. Capi. Nembury's Sstatement t.s <loms-- Sl On March 4, ilatheStrit oflie eo Marie, nuiseti a ' ship's boa ailat; vhea a- up, taer hve sauk ant toien on yà bo1as-t. 'Tbi>' provedté te lie esecond S etacer, sud six mon frein lie ehip ]EL B. ho Razelline, cf Bolfsi, -Main., viaica' «, mas losI bu Fehruary 1@,juhiking *,rockt to l tic northvari'cf Wollaston liitisd iaving aeotdin acof t ia sut i aa' 4'5at.lisi veston>' gaes off liae is cape. ,Mn. ilt repos-led hiie fuier anti moîhen (Capi. - a. Henimn antu i mit), mii Ithinteen of b he cmev, vero inhe long lboat ; isu ,.nol meen hen since lthe a>'lie ahipi m mas hosl. Lamissm lihe mate, mi fourr t li te crev, in lie elien hoat, on Fsh- il rusa-y 24., {AU lie aheve 'bave sinco' to reporiI heuiselves mBate.) Thte boal'en 20ca-avthe Scoma pieotiup wmre la w. ît dasîltute conditicn, iaving cal>' lie a.alties lie'. slcoina'at Ioanti a -huait tezen eueaetfcitk, opales., clame tg sud lomaloess-nol a- pounti cf moud. - Rat been living cn mussle, ce., sica g Id lie shore' Reporleti seeing he de 'ad t.bodies of a boal'.ccv a uiere la a cave - a- -tobsoco anti cloliing iuyini b>' lion, su ad lie romains cf- a boit anti cana ou the bèeoi coeby. Tn bosîin* .n..ua -Cape RemIt ve (Sonom> stootinu e ho lie rock until> about tmenity-fi.vo or- hhir>' miles 'West cf lie Cape, but coulti s00 aothiag cf ocher bouts. I HL M. Nzmaunv, ~Master i art Senemu. Po rom h jcurnial tept b>' CarlesS. a- Remrnian, second mate cf t hi IL r. . Hazeitino (son of lie capîsin vs- 8- makte ofollovingexnach :-- IL Thuneda>', 28ti-Thil ferencon me 5- restait a lite anti coolea mussols, anti 1- lu lie sthemnoeu me sianleil rowiug -again. ToWunils nigit I vas tbinking iori looling ont for s gooti camping plae -anthbougit Ilbait fontia5 Tm>'gooti )f eue, sitiongi abovethbe-beacc na il thr lIoe e. mo bute, but , he>' bolet -desorteti; 'se I au fie boit fate lie cave, anti me commenceS tohoiaul hon La np. I aa is-g c cave aI lie headeof thle beach Ihat loeeà agond selten, se L sont John--on "Johnson,"se I ol hlm a -up inte l it i tite cimonometen. IHo d vent up anti hookotin, anticamrneaun- ýt nlng hast, viti a very wvila face, anti 1sicnting OutI- "Cocue saa>'1como avsy I Mn. Hermnu; pleut>' mon i plenly men 1 I ticught ah final he uatiseeo$mo nslfves, 8so1I bld tier *beys ho bave lic boul neadti> hsove cff, muie I had sà lok labo lic cave. I tiacughit lqibe*it heobaseen Indiaus FOe o o Mot ai' e-volve r anti iclo ti din, 9ani s ioro horrible aigil I cau'I imua- r gine. The cave mus a verY largeOna, anuthle male re As-hîblasnapossible a-icukei as tiiongi tiey mene blacten- Ifet b>'lIre. Rîgil allieé enirance hbereu rlu>' tmo stolens cf mon, lying laI on fIboir bacta uanidltob>'aide. Tholiesh 1appenret haif ahrippoti off oetIhoi; nd lie boues baSl ne elotblag miateven on then. The flash mas dccayiog. -I coultil s ee a icI ot 2re'bonea stremeti' arounti, andtiocf cioties cf ell sorito, boots anti capi anti cil cicube, anti about hait a bcx cf lobacce ; aise lihe barrot et a eoip'e compoa, viti lie canti gono -lie box ete compase leote bnigit anthé vaisli aise-Ise a hea f et, naulicai simause. I misi I hasi pictesi il up, as il mugit hav. tels nei dte ; but I tIid nolt tint. I burriedi as tasI as I ceulti, sud bot ail theii l clelie aut boots and shoos, iihlie lebacea (&hout 'fifteon pouts). Tieii more sio p rts cf a boit lplag on tic boel, . iiti soeinscars. Wo teck tvo cane viti us. The cil ciolie.anti boots mare ver>'aephable, as ve bat neue, sud thelesî slemn ouli met tas haongi. I bot sa pair et lange ses, hectosuad a long -cil coul, muihisi probblbupeonge ote e ffcen efthe boul, anti teilt mcli more epinfortable. Il le a myshan>yhote m.The hodies muet bave been outon ,b>' lie nalives, elsethoeboues mouiti have hbat som8 ehothing on thema; but Ihore vas noh 'a particie. But if lie IndiansabIdlet anti 'aIe hem, by ti t le>' nelhale the claties andti lbacco?2 1 can't uctiar- stand il. I tliut froz theo ltflifte boat anti oars liat it-ainsI have heen tic crem cf s »ueh vassal. NOTICE! T AXE OUCO tat theave is a T 0 yo he yIson., t e talion into adr tr'nlieMunicipal Concil ef Townsip cfMars, at Uhem naxh mitlin, ý b. heid ah hic owan Hall, Mia 0oc Saturdayý the Sixth d of Julrnext, cf vhici iii parties .intenestea iii WPI tale notice. - Clark, Tawnship etfiM Ž Paharaip linortomoe sxislin, Ivesue n dOraigned as Pannons, la Villageof Brooklin, i teCeunI>. at ;7 e tanioa sn iaS ed n ner lie stylo ffbWuAI conse{nt-. M . tawî,R~ à slie euetuers fli id tirai liai IM couInus l1-is aet asironesesIemci nehi an uneat. Ih Wtes a SRW CFTT. F.A.RS 5F01? BALjCEj lino. à , ;* 1 .lîr, lem j -Civil Seraice Garette.-soiad Packoeslabeileti - t<JmxsREPPs Ha0mutpahio Cheiit, Londion, Bi AAR D. I iimagnti a reoeJi tiaiWMr ERRE OP HÂRG ".%a sgrasl vas dliscovaetib>'a nisuionar>' j AmnaSenti a sclf-atdrs-sed i to lie Rzv. Joszon T. lImai., St, BsibidHmoe, 2e-eueYocnity4. NEW ADVERTISEM OH-ANOERY SA OF VALUÀBLE MILL PROPER pDUBSUÂIITtesu Ortler et-lie r . Chtaueory ia-lihe suit et Rn ZBODIR, bcas-ng date-tic Fifleent %a>, AD., 1I70 liera wMlii holit lice.&uctlen' midilite approbation ei H. Duxtnol, Esquire, Master ef i Courthallvblty, at the QUEEN'S IE 'VILLAGE of CANNING - ON TUESDAT, The 25th day of June, A;D. IAT=iri oux 1ON EDItc'LOCKeo. b>' M-Samuel iairstAuctioneer, 1 An t c n part of Lot Numb - i ho lenti conressionuoethlieTomi- Ha-adi, as doseribot in utheo morlga Isam innin. acres, oc viici liera is Mil, à b>'26, Ivo aloneye, coulalol mune cf atone anti a usi.>'MMiinesr' altleet; sacsamal log dva4ng uh Tfii.above properl>' la mitusteai f frin Csonlugten, anai sunt saine a trop Sundeorlad.r n The purebamea- viii b. equincte lie c&Y>'oetsais tacsuoiar on ever I dollars eithle purceane mono>' ai balance eue nanthranfrein !Le sal ie. ot iintemesf. -1 ïl; endea-vhiinet lb outte p sny hihie doneat inletspossession, abstract oxeopt a cep> cf the Reg Possession can ho givon enlihe day ras sotin as lie purciase rnney lsj #_Thre M li alserveS biai 1h0 asuter. The othen conditiozi aeathe aI pontions oftheosrst et chancer>'. sinEq,8 t y , PP>'tchJ itic, Esq., SehUc 0a,0Tniue; W. E zugot Esq., Seilcitr ihbp; or Master a Witbyv. D. ORMSTON, GE . DAXTI 'Vondor SOIT. Dated t liJue, 1878. À Dy-law for t/ci purpose of CI Opft regpà e a-ed m-anin 1tOM ln/oot rntber tw'ety.' and i twnty-oigic lt/ tte l/ cestion, andtArn-oý;g7e Lot -nu twsvi411-seVe, and -»acgrer q o niumber tmecnly-sa-, in lte il, cnuession of -t/te Toicus/tî Mara. intMf/to Ceiyof ouf - es-tenciing fu-om lte Ccoti-ç' lrort/t to the fioelfl/î cajner Uine, andi vneting the 8ane /et Vart1es8w/cosc lanels an/foin sarid Roaef. WicxSIt;Il ppears b>'Pelihion0 nais ofthe parties vbc meide -dl galairoati atiare intereselthteii, lia maid Ircsasa moitiIs no langer *nu 'fer public tnaffic on. conveouiWce# anti deerned desufriLçIe teclame up lie «esme Theio oaron of t ho Tevnshi ft b>' is Conne*t arcby eaode, antidi -' acteSb>' enlit>ofethle saine, liai andi af'thle date et lic pasig oet Iis Iav, liat pao-lien nallia-Irespase moati lie Centre Roati tmi 1ii~r ith qencai lina anti ruonmcg igA la!in Lets nul ;ï tvonhy-mevean atleîity-eight inathect eccesmion, an t lrengi Lot numben t ty-sae an antsCorner ef LoI num a t tp-silu lie els-renli 'concession ci Tovnil cf Mar, ite Cônniy 0t tus-li oeby closeS up. Ani haait lier enceetlaI the saune ie- banals> vi in the Partis vosa landsa stjela the s lu coosideraticu ot an amonilte b. aý uIpon by lie sait parties sud hie cor, lion.