7 go, ath eiavtiniý. ,Business8 Direa0 to0ry1 ONTARIO BANK# WIHITIgY RNH THQMAS DOW, FAIBW ELL & JUTEDE,OI O fic rst door soutli o!1the Royal RoelmW me RUTLIIDOE, B. A. Coulty cOe- kttorney. 48 JAMES KET GORDON, B ABEITER d& 'TTOIWET.AT.llA.W -BScbolor lu. Ohuoory, Oonvseamr 30tarPublicesc. OmS:ies- rl.. m aà store, Br', treeot, Whutby, Ontý.> ClIARLES C. KERLLE]R, TTORNE4TL1'W. SOLTI TOR1% ÀBITBAT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .D Chancery, onveysnoer, &c.,ke. Sizn- .coe Street, O ea. - A. Q. rMoHILLjAN, <Lote Gsoeeuwocd h&MoMifia.) D ÂBETSTiRi ATTORNET, BOUIC. ..ltor, Nota yPublic, Con\vy amer. Of. fIce-Byron 8treet, South oilOffâmi, * Whltby, Otarlo, -> ROBiqSON & KENT, AssuDooe 0ranesoj)ng 'Court treet, Toronto. AI.. ur G. VOUNG SXIiTi9L, L41, Orrnen-Over Dominlon IBank, 1Mlzlby, Jen. 22 1878.- (tl.5 -UICÃ". nt. JOHN HALLXX, ATTORNEY SoUlitor sud Con4yaucer. .CMouey toeend. Mortgages bosght snd sold. Agent for several Loin Goo, Offie, over Wlghtnm'a Store, King Street CAXERON & &PPELUE, B RITE1S Attarneyo.st-Lir, ana strict, Torot. HECTOR CAMERN, Q.O. gY-db R.O.JPPELBE. TUNA IUSTON, TOCLEX NDewAU1R, n. j. GUNN, M. iD., SUIIGEON TO THEE OUNTY MÂOL, S Byron Street, WhItby. *Dr. W. ..BURNS. Oprncu-Next door tg CnMoxrouI Office. os Iolsdence, et Mr. Lewis lronokaK BYRON FIELD, M. a. Croek. Wsa. MDIREN, M.D., R.,, G17TS HOSPITAL LONDON, ES(>., CI he ye R. O. IH. ., Oshawa, Ontrio. ÀAR D. - -DR@ BDOGART, hsaaSurgeon. A-encnsbr, 11>, et Bls,1874. fW. -ADAMSY r '00&S OV~ER IL1l. JM 'Jfo oursi'Ama9 o s. ta o c., ai 1tAnO, lp ni. esiudonce-Co su ilberlotreats C, N. VARS.- L. D.à C!!rEETH lusertîsi or 'Cff- s-laiesî pinciples cf au ,oies thé chespeit, sn'a sge beat. 'ech illef i vIIbGolsI aud Testb exîracted vithout pain, b>'i local anstheuia, Denta Roomi- au»s uev bock, aven Atkinison'a Dru Rlng Street, Oshwa. JOHN ROHIYNSON'S H AMR DRESSING AND SHAVING . B. allon, Brook St., Whlthy. JOhTN. WOLFENDEN, A GENT FORl TEE CPLPBIIATED Scottieli Granite. At Marble Workî cf enathan Wolendon,Duudai St., Whithy. GEORGE CORMIACK, L UMBER MEnCHANT, CARPENTER and Jalner, (IroanO~treet, Wbithy. A urge ,qnsntlty af al kindeaiinuber con. esît..y-un hand. WILLIAM ICOOPER, DLAOKSMITH, - - DBROUGEAM, * (Susiaciior ta Thomas Mlddaugh,) Hans îlholng, sud all knde .of ganîral wark. - y.02 C. CMAEO VMIGIN1A TOBACCO AGÊNCY Torauta.itraet, Toronto. <yu HB1. ODELL, Clerk DivisionL Côurt, Tp. Clerk, ComnaIPsIoner lu B. R., Landi Agenit, &., &o., Atharly, Caunty Ontarlo. Athanly Bsêpt. Cud, 1872. 86 il10 p R I NiS' NEW MUSIC HALL, MVI UIIHED WIDINDESIRNU. seallng Capaclly, One Thousaud. Whithy, Oct. 2i, 1877.GO.HPU . 'fA ND'8ALT AND 'PLASTE)? - FOR SALE, CHIEAP AT LIVE ePOOL MARKET. - .H. MAcCLELLAN, LivrpalMa>ke, pril,!78. 10.1! FAUCHERS Rf8TAURANT, ADAMS'BBLOCK, ICENT STREET, L'I N D S AY, Opoil rdonieai TelegrapiaOffie. * EFESMENTS aailUhouri-pters RBs alwaes fraîi. GOus& altefi upon * aeproptitude sud attenllio. WHITZY, ONTARIO, 4mportefs, Dealens and mIanufacturers c Ul Kinds o! LEATHER ANDO -FINDING8, Oseh pald for Bides, Er. sud Leatier. Leather stretheL' gîr ELTXNG MMDE TO ORDR ON GRA*D E IRAILWAY HOTEL, WM. O'NEILL ..PROPERTOR. ing camiortbee alry Riedrocs, Moablseai&U 'brandi e! Liqno' e eIruis iae ho. Eveny n0 $May directiongiTan th trsvallart. Good SBtabling, auclesefi yard, sud atten- tive ostlars. 48 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, C*XTWEIGET, ONT. Gocd acommodation 11.12 c OMMERIAL HOTXL and STABLES, 54 sud 58 Jarvis-otret, Toronto. - JONMOBAB, .. - --PROP19ETOR. (succuiioii TO JOUX EELL,) Thie beit $1.00 a MsyRouges luthie City, only 1 wo boceketram the Northero Depert andfclose bthe IXarket. The Hongeo abo ee nonaly -~Itted 0 t, andeverythiog Plrst.c1ss. ey4d7 MRS. WALKEY'i; TEMPERANGE HO USE, DMNDAS.STREEBT, WHITBY.. dood accommcdatlon et reasoîgable termi. Boardera $60 par yack.,. 4 T'm. QuEEN' ITEL TAYLOR L 4MccCA3N, PROPTET S. The iýdersgned desl.ýe taelxform thair friands and the public tht they lhave taken the aboie Ãvelilcuewu isOli, which theY have uewly fittad up npaudranovavted, sud-put into thehait of order for the sccommOdds- tion of qests. The Bar, whlch lethea ad. somaît ln the Oonny, le veil sppliad wlth the finealt brandi>otwines, liquors, and ci- gars. Amnp le enclosad shad room sud gead stshliug, b)ox stals, E&a. Detached roame for commercial travellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP MoCANNi. laite of Toronto. HTL OTEL, WRITBY, JAS. PRINGLE, FROPRIETOR. The largest sud most cominodioni hotel lu the tawu: liai large ssînple roome for commercial trivellers. Table well îupplied with the hoastlu sescu. Bout branudulquors sud igirs. Rnclosid yardasudshedrà om; attentive hostlars.' Charges to suit the limas. N. B.r-LIvery ittachad. 27 HOtTIIIISE.-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Hlotel of Canada Bltlad, Refnrnished, sud Unrivallofi. New Patsen. ger'Eleastor, runuluignight sud day. Thea oui y 8irséclais Hatl il anada with gradu. aladp ces, viz: 82, $2.50, sud 88 par day. Mombeirs*o! Clubs sud othere, deslrifig nooms, vithont board,01t Pib. 27th, 1878. Proprietor. JOHNSON flOUSE, EAST MAUEET SQUARE, TORONTO. W. G, JOHNSON,-- PROPRIETOR. Tisnis, 81.00 per Day. Stahling in cou- noctian. t B. Es. RIT151 AMERICAN HÃ"TEL, * R A Y', (LATZ ROlIOBO susz.> WHITRY, ONTARIO. 11onieuewly reuovsad saa ud friibea thranghout, sud put in fie-cian. ordar for ha ricîption o! guestte. An omnibus t ansd rom &U trains. Flrît..claie sample rooma. S AY HÂE 9P EÂÀ1RE IHOTPL , >Coz. Ring & York-iti., Toronto, Ont., J. A. O'9RADY,. PROPRIETOR. Tzitsosi&l.00 PzuiDÂT. ly-47) P OST OFFICE SALOON,, Tososro. M. MeOONNELL,. - PzR'iE TOli. la- TEE BEST ACCOMMODATION .Fi for Ouest,. (,Y-47) T ONSORIAL ARTIST, Fractical Hair. Cutter &c -Frasnk Emillo, (lita o! the Rosin iasaînaw ai tia WINDSOR HOTEL Torouto, tiesa bai t in hi, lina lu Csaas. na invitei his frIands sud the public ta giva hlm a eall. Toronto, March 11h, 1878. -a(y.18 LUMBER!_ LUMBER 1 c.& JOIlN 8SON , LUMBER MERCHANT, SW H 1 T B Y , Has on baud a large supply of ail kiuds af Barn Lumber Board,,sud al uacesa. Building Lumbaer. Fauctug, Sgwu Timber, sud ffScantllng, a largo quntity on hanfi. Lare ordars tar Long Bill ISatuf, td fram Mille il short uotice. Daarn, Saihes sud Blinda slways on Whltby, May 7h, 1877.lyO W .J. HINMAN, - siHAWA, Veterinary Surgeon, Wlll ha ah Armstrong's hotel, Whitby, eviry Tuaida>', front 1 laI. o'alock, p. M~. April 25, 1877. l8 SnTGE BÊTWEEN WHITBV & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY I Leavas Oibavsata 8.80 a, aM., sud 1, P. rM. Leaves Witby at110.80, a. m., ansi 1.80, Pare 25 cents escb va>'. WIll a s SUlb.ehatls, anS at pivate residences (vheu ondars ara lefý aI an>' e! the batela.) Connects villi Oshava sud Bavananvmula Ige -&IO iîtvils hi by and FortPerry Raifvay, sud vita Brengb. ammllaWbiby THOS. HOPPER. Wlsitby, MerchIgtb, 1878 1-tf 1878. OPIENING 0F NAVIGA&TION. 1878 Toronto, Niagara, &DufIu11slotoein. boseLise,coemprint ha SWIFT. MAONTYICRNT STMÀnsaai C-ty of Toronto and Roth8ay, la onnuetian vilth te Nîv Yark Central andi Canada Soellera Rsliviys. SPRING ARRA « GMENT. The iteamer CITY 0 , TORONTO, or the abooias, Use viS uce 0oTbcrsîly>rAvril 1811,ievug Teuge-streel Vsanad Tronto, 4ualh et 0a. un,1eaclal agara Waï.0ILtu neaciufan. the Pslie. cufa.lug beb iRNev Tank CeibnaTi2là .=4 nssAs t« GIB. YCJ, AgSa- Whltby1 J=ne 2, 875. 98 MAJOR. MILLS. T. P. WHITE Rus rasumefi control of thse a jorx115sudn ae prepirefi ta psy THIE HIGHEST PRICE!1 deliverema stthe MMflin Wht«Aale. He vii miake every effort to glve entlressatiifaction te thosee.vhcmay patroul"ethe MUll ith FLOUE ANDS PEED of tisa BoatlQuaiity, sud a*-eaaonable, PZsa ii lso.bkept coutantly on bond, Whitevale, Oct. 10, 1877.,4 Notice to the- Public! NEW OOAL- YARD AT PORT, WHITBY. We are sslllng t ha WILEEBARRE sud WYOMING GOAL, the boast the A.merlcan manket sftoas. L ein orars vits Mr. J. H. Lovg, or evl]. .Arnoldi, ait isa office -aoftué late C. Draper, Wbilby Harbour. Soeonre the above.numd Cosi. Yen vii then toutiliy, as ail othars vho have nisad 11, thst Iti "The Be8t Goal ever sold in Whitby."y ARINOLD) & FAREWELL, Jan. 22, 1878. Part Wbltby. M ONET -TO LEND. Thanudeoralgua bua uy_ aiount ai Moun- sy taLend upan Farzn or Tovn Proporty,set unusnifly Loy Ratas af Intareat. Laus eau ba repaid in aumoi 10 suit bon. rovari. Saveral improved FermesudnaWild Lanfis for sale cheap. Invailmauts mafia lu Municipal Daban. tures, Bank, sud othar markelatable Steaks. Far furtbar pirticulars apply ta .JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai Assignas, Broer, hi. Epril Otb, 1872. . 15 MÂRTIN & WARAM, HOUSE, 810H ANDI ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. -FRESCOING A SPEOIALTY., A feue aisortmaul of bbcvary lateit styla of HALL AND ROOM- PAPER!1 Frasco designs exacuted on tiese iorteil notice. - MARTIN Es WARÀM, Tvo doani north of Rings' Tanuary, Brook Street, Wisitby. (ly.18 FRASER & CLARK, BOTTLERS 0F ALES AND PORTER, WALT'Z LAGER BEER, &C. MILLIOHÂMPS BUILDINGS, 29, 31, t33 Adalalida Street1 O'OTO, ONTARIO. Nov. 121h, 1877.- <iy-471 -L vEEPOOL MARKET 1 -CASHI FOR GRAIN, To ba dilivirafi at Frenchman's Bay. PLAS.TER, SALT, AND GOAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN Ou Ilcal BâIste, at La-w Rstes o! Interaît. J. H. McCLELLAN. Jaunary Oth, 1877. t!.8 qp75, 000. TO 'LQ 0AIT ON FliR8T-CLASS FARM LANDS, Iu sumioif 200 sud npvards, at 7 per cent. Payable Hl!-yesely. Appi>' 1- GRO. S. HALLEN, Salicitor, Es., Osbawa. April 171i, 1877. 17 NOVELTY -WORKS, WHI TB Y ONT. T ESBSRB aigparchasad seond umerýrxtra ebaMudga sund Yarvood iaclaaing Comansy, hs nov prapared bu forisi Pons, Sashea Blinds I ramas, Maulsiluga, Bise, Arclitraves, Pl<oonng Sheating, sund evarybhlng ne- quiresi b' tise rade, at lia lovesl living prices.Y Wood tuiaug Navals and Balusteni ta Lumber fan sale, boit qualily, loveil prices. We ho p e mcm long expériene sud by square daallug ta matit a shara o! public patranage. GEO. GILCHRIST, Proprlaton. -'THE CA NA-DIA N AIlR GASI 1 The Canidisu Gao Macbine la su suho- matc 0as-usciagppntns. Il la daîlgu aSa au m= ano byIvblcl factoelasmlii batela, clunehes, sieilinge, or builings oi au>' kiud, situitesi lu the couantry, or ho. yond tbe neach ai caal.gss mains o! cilles, mi>' ha supplieS vitis a salé sud aheap gas uhse machines are simuple ai couetrua. lion set hiable ta gaI eut o! erdor, requize no M~I ita manage, ana mode lu a substan- liansa durable manuer. Tha>' occupy1 ltIle spae, are set Unt elamai expense, sud are aquall>' adaplefo fr ing the lags nifctcry, pubic buildig, or the amillest dvellng, ara none navon untriefi thlugbût hive beau lu constant and sue- ceul usie l in&l partsoaithie country, bath vinteand aummor ionr yesns, The s~s mode t,> thoue machinas la usualy now ascarureeilair Sgaitu c.auniauair lm peuted ils hgaseline. lt honni vils a nch bihtfdama, hall>' equil ta that produaeil b coal'gis, la coaiduatad thronghpipes nurneetal fixtunai, withae"âme onvnineanau salît>'. No fieais useS lunlise prouvas o! manufacture, sun buildings liglitas i 'aIe nsurefi aI zha isme ratas as thaugis ceai ga i s sefi. Thea cout ai Ibis lai fan li6ib, equal ta eue thoususi lest 0ceai gai, varies tram ou doisuaad Zdicnts te tvc olas elgabout eue-hal tbaIrcaoet ooais. onr machinelek« vuCOmmrily ai gasolna, a llght, v olt.cf ptlCaM. Botuua""s iven for igiigaheama buildinigs. Bala, Wiar Cloele Pomp, Gardas Founlalas;Emr nie, Geu Flture, ln Brosse sud CmPtalk4e. 1 Wblte sto an.vr, 0Ter7 kiniLj HotwnasudBar Goole. G LOVER ARRISON, CAUTION.- EÂAOR PLUG OPTITE M rteNavy Tobac'o" IN GILT LETTERS.i 0::- Nons otheris Gonuine. Ço0 Hainilto, Mardi 1U, 1878. (8m.18 MR. F. VON SAYE41, 0 F'ROCHES Bhas lataiy zuovafi ta Wbibby, sud la prepirad ta Tuesud Rer Plins,0'gns 1udMslodaanosat moerateochagrges helga resideutlu Wht. by ha has raducad the pnica of Inng, ho. To Tunlug squar Pianos * 10 et Grand or Tricord 2 00 Au orars loft' AI Mn. J. Johnstou's javal. r7mareGoldsmiîhs'He, nvil Mha pnamptiy ittendc& ta. satisfaction glvan on -no pay. S. B.-Also agaut for Planas sud Organs. 52.1>' C 1 AP P-LE T RE ES, A O U T 15,000, -AT TE- HOME NURSERY, Prom tvo to fouLr yaari of age, embraclug ail tihe hast Varlaties, SRTH C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, Qufi Cou. Pickering, on,'iugston iaosd, est Office, Wbilby. L IST 0F TEE DIVISION COURTS OF TE£ COUNTY 0F, ONTARIO, FOR TE TER 18. - Wbithy.. 2 1 1 1l 22î1 î1 orery 51 817,21124 412114 27 Ubrdg. 815 22 21 - 5 il11120 Cangt'n I 1f7141 28 201 1à . gr B vert'u I~ 8i 1 9 - 9- l a 1 Âbry.II112 I1181 I 8117 4BEO. Il. DÂETNELL, Junior Jndge Wbitby, etsny. 7th, 1878. 18 BTILIL AdivE, A ND tanldnlfor paîst fvrslc acontinuation o! the fvoisoi. l UNDERTAKING DONE AS USUAL. te Dundas Street, Wbilby, near Wh., P. P. & Lsy. R'y. Station. Whitby, Jany. kth, 1878. a-tf aEORGE BRITTON, PRACTICAL KNOW MALas STORE LAD DWELLING rzO LE'22! At Liverpool Market, a New Store sud Dwelling«, wafl fttad up sud villi avcry necessary accommodation. A l t-J. H. McCLELLAN. Maroh 251h, 1877. t1.14 THE PARKER CUN. $END STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRÃ"' WEST MERIDEI1,QT. Fresh Garden Seeds-I ALL KINDS 0F FLOW~ER AND VEGEJABLE SIEEUS Bail Varicty, (Warrauted.) A large stock of early plants. W. W. WOOD. Greenhouse, . Aeh-st., Whitby. Mardi liii, 1878.(fi A Com plote SefInstrretor in Plain idnd Ornamental PEN MANSIIP. 7OUNG PEOPLE wlicbiuig toa scquiro s y.rapidy eas u beautiful hrsud writing, wlthot a t=ahr will fiud the Gusut sa perfect luatructor.Ilndredsarseabscom. mg~ besutiful wriers throughocut tise Do. minion sud the United States by uciug it.1 It coudaiStOa01a ecrieS o1 COPY SLIPS Of &cuVeLieul size for prsectising, which cou. t in copias begluuiug with the lîret prin. ci les aud grseduslly prolgrctinglu tofise =ost elegant plain aud ornameutal w-riting; an OSNAMSrrAL SHcErT, eontaiuing Gersessn Text, Old Englisi sud Orusemeutc.l Lottssr. iuOffhaud lourisbiuua Bro Ec xoo or 50 1PauoE wlth full suslysisansd lu- struction, sud se beautifnlly eugraved case te coutaùe thse whole. Price. $1.00, Poil Pseid. Asidre8s S. G. BEATTY ê. CO., Ontario Busiuess CoUcete, Belcile, Ont. t9- Agents wanetd. 0IA iRI4CE c& WAGONI-1-Y'" MANUFACTURER of s nev Improvad SRdot Seed and Corn Drill, Doub le & Single Turnfip Drills. CLATTONS PÂTVENTED CHUENS, (Icuproved.) wa1ans, Buggies, Sîcighos, coustantly on REPAIRING dlonc neati>' sud vallon tise shortlailuotice. GRO. BRITTON, -'eTwo faons îouthh eis Quaen's Rotai, Broek Streel,............b>. Apnil lti, 1878. ly-44 000OD NEWS FOR TEE LADIÈS. À NEW RE VELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F PRE SS-MAKING. CORNWALL'S SRLF-kITTING WAIST &s SHOULDER CHART. Pressas fltteafi ram messureaet alona vltbant change of s stilcis. For sale, vili frac inîtruetioni',at M1ISS MoINT YRE'8 DRESS-MARzINOROMS, Wvmzz. Agents veuleS. Liberal lnucacuents ta the trado. Whlthy, Aug. 18, 1874. 84 Farm to Rent. T lm PÂRM label>'occupiei b>' Mn. N. Bay', Lot 26, Srd cou., Whitby. Cou. talus 190 aso-SO cleanafi, sua ne auitivatia.-Good Hansoe andi bultaings, Wage Orchara, &-o. Eligibi>' îtnatedl,fian- medlatel>' otitS the Bruits cf the corpora- tion. Appi>' te- F. B. GIBBS, Sept. 26, 1M7. (t-« Oshava, ont. LEVI STON E; Wilkinson BlocS, diecîl>' Narth o Jcliestcn'a Furnitare Store, SOUTH BROOK-ST.,- - HITBY, 13oga te ansnuci te ihi inhahutents o1 Whtby ana vlcinit>', that hi bapisepea 1a FLOUR & FEED STORE, In cannaction vils bis Bitaher Shop, whcra heovii slvayi have on hai A LARGE STOCR 0F Choice Pleur, Cackafi Wha, Oatmal Come OaCi, Pose, MRERS DELIVeRD :IN A"Y iARTj 0F THE TOWN 1 nome-uîrown oeeas! ALL THO.9EWISHInG Good, BeIiabIB Cardon Seeds I PETER SMITH, on SIMON FIlASE.R, Wiso are avenressi>' ta ASSIS T HOME INDUSTRY I Aid b>' ialplug atisensliselp themsecve cauei1f llýc dB.eail ta feel plcascd witi Home- TRY BROWN'S Indian Liniment, S. C. BROWN Scedaman, - Mardi 14th, 1878. Wbitby (1-18 Tise Premotar and Perfoir loi As- simulation. Tho Reformen sud Vitalizcn cf tic Blood.1 Tisa Producan aud Invigonator cf Nanve sud »Muscle. TeBidrand Supporter cf Braini Pellowa' Compauns1 Syrplacmposaf a OÙstiae Hoaltli>'BIsaS, MuscleanMd Nervi sud Drain Substance, vhilal Lfit u s dinactly depcudenl nsoaciothac. B>' ils union vils bbc bloofi sud ils efaect upon the muscles, reeslahliahing thaeue- adta n heohri scapahia ai affect. t' illdislae o wah ut tubanculau malter, amdthus cura Couiptian. B' increasing Narroun su Mlar Vi., sor .it ill curePyppsi&, faablc an inter. ru ild action oetis eta e nsd Palpitation, we kusofaIntellect osusei by f, vea>', overtax or irreguler habits chitis, Acte .on Clroula,(ccuestiof t ha lugs ven l ite most a----og tages; l cures Anthma,Loscvo ee.l'a,,a. A eBCY'ET&BLB'BE INCANA- AUtestokholders, snaudarge >erve Ionds. Moderato ratasi opÃŽrcmim. * C. NOURSE, ýWbltby, April OMi, 1878. Aet R A88urance C- ompany. [NCORPORATED 139 ri. Â. BALL, M2anaaer. Insursences effected at the lcweit onrrass rates ou Buildings, Marchandise, sud ollis property, againat loisor damage b>' dre, C. NOURSE Agont, Wbitby. Wistby, April 9Oui, 1878. 10 T IRE HARTFORD Fite -Insurance HIARTFORP, ÇIONN. (JASýIl CAP'ITAL, $1,25,00,00, Icashi Assets, dan. 1, 168, (IXTY-EIGIITi# ANNUAL EXHIBITMil $ 3;292,913,49 ManagodhyslilîUnderwniter,asid fe Sixt7-Rigit Teans oua ai thi icafi- ang Pluancial Institutions aillae country. Cash Iad-emnity Disbursesi te Patrons Over 21,000,000.00O1 rir Anl bueinss Tranactesi on Pninciplei cf Commercial fanon. C. NOUhI.9l, Agenit, Whitby Wiby, Aprll Oh, 1878., ' if WES~TERN ASSURANCECOMPANY. INCORPOIIATED 1851. CAPITAL, - - - Soa (Witi power ta increase le 01,000,00.1 FIRE AND MARINE. Head Office -Toronto. Ont, HON. JOHN McMURRICH. BEIINARD HALDAN, Mscnagisig Director J. J. RENNY, . . . dccrefo-y. JAMES PINGLE, - - Gecrsl Agoni. te Insurancas effecteel aI the lovait car. reul rates on Buildingp, Merclsaudisa, sud oîher p'roperty, agaiust losa on damage hi fine. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whihby. 'Whitby, April 8tiî, 1878. 10 Depoall vith Daminion Gavernceut 50,- ON.0. Experieucad Agents tbrougbont the Dominion. Pire Ri8ka u'ritieu ai Adeqcaate Rates. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whitby. Wisitby, April 11h, 1878. la IRA VELERSY LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insurance Company, 0F HARTFORD, CONN, Csish Assets, i $4,316,O0 Cash Surplus, - 1,214,000 Bail of Secunit>'. Loy Cash Ratas. Strict Management. *Liberal Dcaling. Au Uutamniahed Record. Soîid as a Reck. lfe and Vîdsîwment PoU*clemç, 0f ailcafe tocl seusLùI e iibformes, oublia Loy- Rate Cadi Pl'hîiCui st eplain snd Sdf- nite, assi vahsluuzucise. ,l hur Wlsitby, Apnul 1h, 1878. Aet hty JMPERIAL LOAN AND INVEST- MEINT COMPANY., CAPITAL, 8000,000. HieaS Office, Impanial Buildings, Tarante. H0Ni ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. -souacXTos :-G. D'Arc>' Bailtan. 3»~NEY'TO LOAN on Improvesi Parmi, st.IAov Rates oainltinait. Appiy te- Whtby, dut. OR TO oôoib MORTGAGE9 BOUGHT!. April 9th,1578. * 10 TNSTRUCTION' ON THE PIANO. PORTE Am 1 ORGAR. 81NINGOANDI 81NOINOCLASSES TAUONT!l vid mn>' libîle tee, 'long c' sqnacziug ou al pain0'Suda>'ssoe, seamasizif I conflnt stan'it nolaov,»Pearosi like dab tl 111e didu'I balong dn, nOoev;1 vas clan iu de'.va>'ob da oSer mean- bers i' laid etzalepped rigliloft. Ballezmisa vhea1ItakesoOff dem Sod> ie ne eelia', I lid doue A--re- Sllta---baen r, Thatlivc'aanathar name norn mone>s o! WNhera h the namess grace o! aid, re ý The spolIaisesul, bisa pure compassion ? Àlasis au the virg*iugoa UntaLIru ishafibyfleduetoffasbiou? Ans isa oity ssu'i helio pou lves alla suitur sha'iiLhave pisul>', m ndcariyiliber vorîi gais vail, * "Just Se."1 IishateaAunt Mareny'e pannaI. Ils sceaamiug, e:roskiugvoies, *its gnrglin'g asias roonea se il sat ou ils pencha. stinned Up sousaîhiug vitisin me evil and vindietive. ,Ponisapsi I ad ne r.satural inclination ta pats. Often ,b ivhen I1usad beau overan.van t tsa er olsi bomo fanm.Sonse, the sigist of cuy cuotisar's lieusnesaei-crstclîlg fon a living bac! irritated Me vilS a sente cf ~overwork. But tlie>' ai last came Lo honasîl> b>' thair living.' I respectaS -thean; but Ihi pamperosi, ovanlad tbing moade my flash crawl as il elnng ogllug ta its paroi, or droppea sziily dovu to pick up a pioce nf cnsckcn, niha. j bling lisereal vilS an uncany>' lator. Noa; I dud net lise pets. Launt Mar- gary diS. Tis ngly foreigu favorite basd absorbesi ai honraffuctians, I thougisl ta myself bite.nly, as I valSreS in tisaI maruiug. Slia caneseitisa creture ; ase poke laoil onuicaringly ; but for ber uwu leithans i km sa baS notising but avanlssting faulh.finding sud ceasalesaexactions. A few tsanadreppesi on =y bandsea Ia Iaatteý. Tis a rrdt, hlinkiug davu upon mie, drew up anesekiny clsew, scnalcised ils ecral bondean suacreatu. rd aS, juss l o pet phrnase viicis senvail le oexpress tise mas i ibîe, aucaninga, upparnul>, sud withlxwhiclî lb appeand ta oaenat my>' oeion.. Thsis was tisa thir4 morning 1 bail volteS for Diva cf Pick-paon Pick, rgihisoartad, bigh-spfribad Pick - ?a vis a ilsiaken up bis cap sud lsft afler ilaIst verd-battla vilS Aunt Mar- *gary. Thise blav Sac! taken tiesacu- china tee uttani>' ont cf mn> life, aud tiseraas I sat sel he wixasow, I sisoal -my> flaItsetIbis gibbaning lhing, go aliel. taresi aud favoe iwSiie Se vae adrift -wisara?2 Whal vonîsi ecome cf Pick ? eh, visaI voulsi bocome of Dicla? Tise lad bad always bails! mne business lu thse oit>' tiasa seblagiîl> upon hlm, comiug and coing aI bis eure ; but nov for Ibnea .nrbole deys his lace ibaei ual ligistonesitise gloom>' hanse. -TSe louging la kuov af bis velfara, tise yearnung la aee hlm, bil gravu intene sudintolerable. And now, rnodensiirritable sud dulseagisl hy my auxiet>', I baS quarrellesi -with Annul .Mlargery mysef-Iba io hnr invalfil eate ale baSitisénhaexcused so- muais, cviso asi beau bar patient nure rsa long, sud tise sokuovladged pencewý *maker bebeean isarsaîf ansi lie ouI- *spakan, impolite Pick. I isai fahicu *frocumn>' iigi s asate ; I vas uoulcast fnom favon-not wvanhsosemuc in luAunt * barger>"s cyca as Ibis leerng oRsI er.I ws fee to o aay.Oh, how ueelesc, boy nieen asuddegnssliug, seemed ail tisat I baSl subiuittcsi toansd auffoi 1ItIlcoulc! ienafit Pick no more aud, in bis absence, droppea itis splen- did apparul of scîf-sacrifece, aud raveai- ad ilsaîf s bdggarhy aud sondisi lama. nasa sf it. dulside of Ibis naravwgroovo visera I baS ocrubliansd vagatate-i lisera vas a tisniliug spleudi'l reait>'of existence. A sort of vingasi feeling tank possession of me asIl aontamplatcd tie possibihitias of tisa future. Tisa Parnet pnt np bis elfin dlay blinked aI me fnom tise cerner cf bis aya, aud criaS, "Juise R" V'as ha floppyS bsck loto 1hie opon cage. Fnom lise 'sindovwbera thstcagebung I coulsi see tisa gloving gardons andi plessant lawus stretching baby, sund lu tise vistful isazy distance tise City semesi ta sbadev Ibraugis-tha bright bus>' Cilty, viere evar>'oee as astir andi st vork. Pick vas tisane teecansavisene. D ick did "ebusiness" essil>' sud innas- ponîibly asea bird. Wl>' Shpulsi not I *do business 2 I bagan ta bake accaunt cf stock-bo mako a mental ostimata of m>'îalf. Il is snrpnlsin, lu -ibtis com- mercial vatualion cf ees self boy par. cealagaishrink. A& uttle isaz>'knov. ledge cf listor>'. a 11111e nebulns a- quaintanca with genonal lilaralure, a light toucb upan tisa piano, all thasa thinga look paifunly tbreasbara on ex- aminalian, like stage preperties seen b>' sisyligisI. I Conîsi ual ettle upon an>' spaciall>'ilu viici I vas tpro-ecuinent. 1 muetîleave mn> future te fats, aud I diS sa withh e dahigisîful insouciance of the s. arl>' davu fouud me ahtlthe gardan gala, face ho face vilS tise kin- Sling moruing, bhe, gardon quiet aud odor --Fce a1fc_,ais, -vth1oic taon ound it- e tM annesi it-la tereit' for me. Thbe gay' icene diiaued fora amnoment, aud for a muoment I leiL a chilI of isolation, as the crowd awept by. I vonderafi was Pick as louaI>', as wisiful as I. The question vas an- awoned by a sucddin heant thnill, for .tsae, luit>' sud ruddy, stood Pick be. fore me. 1 I fear I alaspcd hie hâa d itsn. neceissry fanvon ai I said, "IOh, Pick, whene ôid you.come from 2"1 liara difi posecoma from ?', ne. îpondad Pick,-ihbarply "II-Wel, RIchard, I an'l ýstand Aunt Marger>' any louger-I cean't 1 ne ansd I've laft, Richard."; *"Loft I' acbaed Diak,, thruiting bis biat back.from liiforahaad, sund pluug. ing bis lwo isanda dep auto ie os ranen poakala. Thero wau noue: of that abeny jingle of imail change inu tbem with whicb Dick wau vont le play fully esalube ny -cans. Tis silence vas omin os. "Were 10 go te 2" added Dick, after s long, porteutona panse. "IGoing ta look for business. "Pickr, iow you «talk 1 Put' your bat on straigil, sud wslk &long. Every body'a looking aI us." "iMy dean," ays Dickr faoatiously, sud laugbing now sud sbowiugý bis whsit to s, tisatremank cof mine to wbiab'yon take exception vas ýromot ed bfy the faut (bal l'an ont of a lob ny. sl.Suppose I vas lu quaralsoma moosi aftar leaving the od lady's, for vison Lawyen Gusigr et a upon Ine about uiglaotiug the correspoudnce, copyag, And tisa lika ilaviah businos,I turnad upou tie old brute, sud va hda blov. up. l'uouI ounIbahenrd duar, vith a ospilal of -twentyflve cents te hegin Por tva iome- loeawaifa that'snnÂ6 wai ual exteniive. I laok my, panse ont of my pookat, neyer s bîsvy ouiat auy lima ; but nov-O fate I O cvii,_ carclees fate 1-a hale ravealed itsaîf lu tisa alken tissue, throngb *wisich had slipped niaisaly s uulng of a golsi pieco vhioli I bird chaniihcd tisane, lwrsppcd lunse bit of papen, for- a visola I lochlesilu my frisnd's fà èe blankly. I vus no princasa, il seemesi, coming bo hie resala. with golden gifts, but au ads weight about bis uack. "Pick," I faltarad, uieely, "l'm n .- toudiug ta work for ae living." *0f Course," vas the suswen., "'Might .I luqulne whst at 2" "Yu hknow Ic,: au ou'm oa auay tbing, Dinhc." .* 46Jounny, clailsi, saisi my> compaion, lookirsg dovu saupon me beniguantly sud eloppiuig ashort lu bis valk !(Pick alwnys seaoJmewvionlie asîumaedIbis elhler-brotlior aspoct)-«"Jauuy, chic!, it'e s hsend-driven sort of se vorci.yen've -put your lin>' self imb-s placc vbara il's a v'eny isard mater la gel a f9oting, sud wiare, il your foot .slips, 'en're cure le be cariai euot imb deap vater." Dick'e face dserksued s lie leoked--et tisa tida of lise people. "Wbatev,3r's a f0low te do ?" Vindiugi up his'dia., oounec ie uabrupt>', My 'frind prlled lhis faît liaI down over bis eyes, aud glowored froasa udcr il like s bighway. man. I listenuas t his talk cf Pioks, hu- miliatesi andi iMlab casa. Was I, thon, a mare ulculees waif-a marc bit of dnift-wooi eoset lu tiishumutorrent? Even Aunt Mrgaery's cissfing -and chid- ing vere better than lii nothingueis. I bagan le fel van>' way. ý A remem- braucu of my quiet roocu andi 6f tbe! bloeaioming seppla bongi tisaI bang ovar. tise window came le me vision.ike. î Wa stood befora tbe vindow of na pielna îhop visera a ccp>' of tome E a el Madonna smiiod down upoUW ns hanignantly. Han fait vane ou theýz clense, stars eucircled lber head ; fan away vene tise mseuget, snd lise miser>'. yel panhapa ase remembenesithean ai. Ilagal ilibonazura roba, sise floatesi aboya Ibis aordid wviil, cnown-ed and trinuphaut afbar bail aud travail. A faw hean orept te a>' y yeas-I lookesi. I wipad theiu aviftly avay lait Pick îhould sec tisar; but ho asd ainasi forgollen bis surinais, absorbed lu con- lemupîstion of some gorgeoue comoas. A iousathiug 11k. cuotharl>' pity flaS my iseart as I contamplali bisbiglil face, se caneless ana unurrowa luthe cuist cf bis troublas, sa;a oggaitîi camaeane me then, parhapa from the banaficaut MaISon beaxmug devu upon "s:Dick," sasi I, abrupt>',. "l'augoing ba1ck"' "IAil nighb, lilîle oue," palting me patrnizingiy ounlise shouiden: tsa very bail thîng yen eau do." "Not ta stay, Pick," ai!I, vexhdaIn bbc alaonily vils which ha accaptei the propoiton. "No ; I've an ides in My !,Look se," reapeuddi Pik, santon. 1 il sîave-mnyseif; but il aunouned >hatI;- vas trappeS, a isen-er, mnarain uiny> own net ;,f~onteed,)or cloea ith : sprin, s aisi IhbaShaft the ley 'on tha outalda. vu hèews no pes le égress nov ex- oept through Anl Iargeryse zoom, vithS vici Smine vas connectesi by a iuarnov passage. Hov coula I hope te .pasa throngh vilSont vaking ber? For iJnst eue instant I falî liko despaiz. Hov v 'az I toeh'p Pick nov ? 1i must b. doue, Sowvea. I -gathored uap any cannage ; I nemembenesi the indignitiea I baS berne, the neda of my friand, the, absolute zigbtfuness of vhat I vas Seing, sud, ihrcng iu resoluticu, glided: âseishea. all-sildently, siovi>', lest bbc ghosl cf a feot-îfail hoald reniestse vigilant aleapens viliu. Thora vis somotising ýà raffUl:lu thia, sftar ai. Tis straugIe asivent among famillar tiuinga liat lqk on lise intruder viii siniser eyea la nol a daslrabla expir.- lance Tra., I vis en a-Mission cf Marcy'; but , tis fait faileilte support me a I stoosi paoisan aay aunt's door- ,pill. *-A weak-mincled -doubtfnlneis creepiag lu for Ea moment paralyzisi n>' îactivity'. This bauhie basiheen iriAunt' Mangeny'i possession for yeart. Wua il mina? vas -it 'hors TSie'"sscned nuglila of propizt>"; I abos sard baikasi of so often : vere My, mothei ioesi, or my aunt's? Ais5! vht vouli ha- coma of ai tsa proepa n thIa enrd if nightfÙuly dividasi? Wauld tlisn Pick go- ont eaavinik 'aud lonsalesa froan A-tnt Mirgry's surplus of luxur>' 2 Paugarous ipecationa, but b)$af. I swepl bhem ah aide liSe eobwebi. Neyer saboulai I disert PieS iu bis tubeè of n'eesi.>Stepplug on tiphoolu anu- iseSd fieli, I essayaS te couva>' ià y bal-- ing heart; as fan ai possible from tbis bigs olS-fashioniesi h adis. It slmaîb seemasi 4&u'uk Marger>' mightlhan Ilin i han sleep. ¶Ibe e lgis liamp iqut a- thm tisrëassi f ligist acres bbcfleen ; it nestesi du th:é haavy alrapat>' feshoonasi ta the cailing,wvilSgave tis aouah an avful diguit>' lun y aId childiss siys. Anitisae juil epposile il, I stoosi -transfixed. , Tisera--Ula nt Manger>', vils eyes wide epen, loakiug cltai me. I raturueitise gaze steadil>',- froealv. I knonov ualiscsroug.vo mighissvbu r'- gardoil acIi ohen lisps, but tse parroI, in ils ovena&Scage vîbisîn, crosaS n- casi>'. Aut; Marger>' turuasi iloapi> cublen pilov.ý "'Yen ar~e lata, hntny," ashe Raid, qonael>'. "Wisa kepI you so, child 2 .thsi e sclsphi so n eden ; an> lacasilaches Srea!fpyaly 1 I.haudos lie campiser silsotly, ansi of babil pnacocdéiý te batse ber, bands nfana h caS aisùnaatud hosn came thse nascal lununienible cndera. A -1511e wancu waten frcmIthe a sh-raom, s litîli mixture frais tise andiclue choit. lian pihieva iceted adjueiig, lier lump neoeeStiflmmiug, andi tsss waî I clsaieed toison aidea seprisonoi, vlistb h( daubîfil ticue-piece luan>' posikît sud au> braie dizzy witb saisîmes Ã!1n os- cape, Ois, vhat, voulsi PIck thiailiof vas, nioreant thal I Wus lubis lime of tri-al ?-poon Pick, vstohinp vailul'aill this liane ahlRate Catanhba scabin, on vaudenizig on tisa aoaS. aap aIllthc long niighl.fail, nsiediiatisg on tisa faibis- ledsnais cf wemau; then in tise mornn- d i~ isceuragos d nd opless, lchonisil iift ava>' somewhare euh of M>'resala. I hard>' daresi think cf tIs contlng. enc>. To lut go an>' olS ou Pialtvwu to givO up cuy Saisiou 11f.. UllanI>' axhanstai vilS the 1aujÃŽ watchieg, I- r 4i. aslcoetaIles, th5eheavy *.sloep cf youis aud veanesa. I vas aroused fnom.Ibid dreamlesa'- siomban b>' s suSSen louai crashs, a-rap- piag su *d tianug at tse vidow. A-unI -Mangar>' atarbeai p aghst. 16"Rekbans R" aise ezohaimed, clching- m>'arc. Bot tiare nevor coulsi bava beau se bugling -a robban as tisis. I shood iup sud faced, he intruden vwitS vide-slarieg eyai. " IAilnigist 1" saisi s iouS, chiez>' voici, "The ceufndei saish1" Ansi tharo shops Pick. "Wliy, blasa any hsart, antie, I bag -J'our pardon-l1'il pomneil ols iesan lu tha m6rning fer puttiug me lunsel the vrong vlndo. Bol, Janu>', girl, l'y. beau walkiug the- raid 1h11 I couldn'i stand it Àau>' Ier. Tboagist you'd belan jolbed, on vaylai!, or soeaIS Proppei up on bar elbev amoug -t.he pillava. A-unI Marger>' lqped -out sus- Jaibicai>' sud iileniptedIl hs'tinsd. "Rtichard," saisi ahi, "are yon a feel V" "cuidu't Oexiatl>' latetal-zaigiî, auntia. Havon't lima ta analyze. I an>' cama le look after .Tenny. Sboes aIl riglit,it seras, se 1VII bld 'yengood- isiglit." "0fcnin e sub8i,"sii ik' ei