Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1878, p. 3

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lt., se sci ae ai lra, , bqs 1 ole, 01 Orwua. à Lon1 * .ýu b' thonmu i hve â*ai1Y j.. Bepford, Tbameuville, -i'tes e -- 1 1I -eor ioOVau t t! i gel &r vu j ni àfurther supplywýitbotO eloy.", signaur.e fB. N. Th/omna 1 -m n f. TUE, pur, sud the naoes of NCrtbrop làL& mn aïe blowuz luthe bgatti rahl a Hn eo. ilrice 26 ôte. NORTHBOPl & T' f,& Troptl,, bu., Proprietorý for And th. Do inion. 'aa~~.themoi (,mie -à"aiy e owe llie a lifre4ma ihnd whistlers. Salai ie noye lanaw a whitling laborer b fendi fal wfth sfqçd,bii h ýQfoni P nof sfoi 1i mn a MWsgenera1ly lin4 $0 cbildien and tbtho IlIlmala u ,i on tounu sncb a msan more oarefnl abofati . cloing gales, putting np the bars, anS luLthe tu he oli Hecevil knew a whist- ."t l1n08lafred msate boit or kick a cow, or 4rve lie onaou innte, tire stsbIe. oane ao yâ a a tlere around Pot- ?qe <pvad -î 'uhiotar wlio w~ oct nebtfmisai eonomîoal. *ab Indien' ACLEIO L oDL.-A YOnng WO cf the Li ilnwgot on 4 ri.llwod train at Harrison, dlasrfar Li., At rnldnight. ,It w>arobserveS cf pris» thatté, emmr l! 1hciler- passon. tient'cf guru were napping or sleeping sonndly, Admis ahaK&sai npvitbê sud -opme.yed. - Àt teai h. Bey. 0. W. arr, a Metho. ditpi ter noei thç aaime car, groat. IN .4t&yuég wcmaÉ ecùrdialiy, andS TAr4 teck a %eat by ber aide. The conuu. tor baya tisaI theY coarversed, awblle 'VIVaOIOusly, thit Ihey seou crowded PROORi cloue , c hlaotiser Iba lb.he at ns o-ý Crn Di o.ss1taïo, th4t slw restoS i boaS on Canoeo, bis shotdeér, "bM ii. arlh anoroled lber anako Do anSdltat lie kissed ber ollevon 'times bo-m. r fore tb. train reaclied Chicaigo. The o'clock. firsI two kisos wore on ber forelisad, soents ;' I the fonsIli on ber pb.ek,, 4nd lb.e rosI PO on lier lips. An account cf this ride seicheS fihe 11ev. Mr. Carr's congroga. tionail 4uesslF gest Seal fcoin. Men ,> t; bil meeai a~on tIsaI occa- slOndeb. POPPea lite matrimonial c>aes. teaa the b.kiesing onlj followed OTI theYone OMLn, #$ abN wi tis yangwoiaans Y.." 0Sethere LetAr . was nothlug wickod iu bis con2duct, ai- List yt thpugh thb lime and place weîO Dot iny Wll ohoset. TÃ"WNs Jolis p0xnna, et Ripley, Ohio, wriles:- -I have gîven tihe Poie Rilier te PO Uff IlOrses for Colle, and found it IlFo bost YOMOOq~Y IÏoves'trical. It givea ýtiteusTo boai ,se quckestitan auy ocher remody 1 Plaints et ever -nsl, I give for a dore half of a Vi 2Oe~2ptl~pIinpint hotu. of I bave ajWjsYç curcS tise nworet cases T-O W I There are cîlumnies îgnliosî *hicb aven inn9ocence roses courage. 22 Ambitipu bath but tIto tops-tIse lowest, blôod its. bigliesl, onvy. andDeathaac1ared 50 cents eac; CO Tise I11I F -IiADLE.-On the 71Is COUjý mst., b y tb. Bev. NevÎýtn ;Hilli, Goo. Iri , sq, lulizabith .Ijubdei ail cf ,'Iil mbet, Sl.141h _T0 W' insti., bylise Itev. Newton HtilI, lu lie Meîbodist -Cisurols, Sundcerland, Wm, TURESD. A. ýý Hall Eec La y tn, te Mary E. H dlinelot Saugbter cf John Hos. a D E A THIlS. Cilunty C CAMPB3ELL.'....Ai 'Turcno asl. Whitby lth mast., Wm. -CarupbcU fs-so moichant cf Front'Bt., inàlé40ttsyear.PR( WHUITB'Y- MARIIRTS,. PORT, E- Y- D' ie; Ille )J'ORDRRRyMAIIKTB. hor of "~ ~> * le wor - ~ ~ a Pea .Ms ld, itie 'ible- Li Wiseat, sprng, ..., .#0 95 ix os 'Q".Zp Wheat, fal.U 114 j I f Fleur ..........g, ".0 w lisrlay. ..a............os 000 > srglal ,O0 Fu........................8 08 (Jalsu." .. .. j........ 66 s'- ruttoe ..0. g Apple................s 0sa s(m~S 4pIork ............ . ,...... eo ss Buattar...... 5.ý 0 4 165 moi O 08 'o>t1z "" Pe iot* U& .. ...... i.i1 os 14 os TEHO Eaqt, ~ a ô 60 CO ~ 200 8 00o :h~d i~t: TB~Y~~PERRY AM î;a7~ SDA Y, MA Y .8th INSTI He. 5. C. Wood, lother promiuont mon, wllidem isè.y,ý go broturauuntil 201h magt. ýy. May 22nd, 1878. rage thse National gime cf Canada. Ëý dONN*EST 1 wll tako lace t FIL. airGronde ~O,5f %yon Qunm' t touts will take place :-Plat Race~ e'ett»T oeî«e aeBnn riitte Seë1he tà sii esto th and Oratluion Vthse renownbd fig 'Captain f11. At the conclusa acres.. Match, there will bo an u ight, illnistrating thse indian mode ol jInclasdiug tise capture ana torturé sers, 4Qr-f&1uouos -ise exhibi.i tb tefamons T Jaxu ck- lon ,t ta hegrenS, *15 cents, IAMMB.-Indian War Dansce, Green asaqe, Sçn1f an. Hunting, inr-lg,% rmny,~ocahsutes, acelf~ c, M eMdicinse, ie, &a. iopon, aI 7.80; commence ut 8S BAdmission 25 cents ; Chilairen, 10 tesorved Setis, 80 conte. 0) SAVE THE QU)EE?< I '~~1x '~ *~'~u; t b ~ it t. [CEi i hoby gia-ven, th'it a Court' il b. huiS porsug* têtha"Vters, '"byMo Hie ouasflhe Jndge 0cftlb. Court cf1lise CeunI7 cf Ontario, aI 813IP HALL, B"ROOKLIN, VI DA y 011, JUNE., 18781, if 'Ton 1o'clook, a. Ms., armuS Satdminustlb. gsoral cous- ofEBROBE5and OMISSIONSlu tthe Ãœ)TERS' LIST, taf te MnniclpulIýy cf tisa I4SHIP OI' WHITBY, .iao 2ffas1877. ii2nday cf May,.1878. -- *R; T. HABRISON, Clru cof ltae saiS Menicipaiiy. NTY .-OU IL KTY 0OF ONTARIOI tua-muant tfa ,Sjennm 4ta, aI fis. C O U T O U S E, n t aie ') Y, f /aaa4th of J UN-E, 1878, t 2o'clock iliste aflernoon. )JaORN HIE'R, Cennly Clemk. lreksOce, DC LÂMATION!1 UY, MAY 2 4th, IN ST. 11h. Say.nmky b. observeS ast i LCHOLIDAY!0 17. JAMES HOLDENMyr TURE' TOYON A N" 3us Jul abllshed, lunta scaleS BuvelePe. Prie six cents. :Àleoturg"ia 4É4à i 4 T4a cd onre of Sousinul Weaknesa. or oriioei, J» uncod by Self-Abuse, Inu- ýlb)ir lInpotenay, Neivons sad ImpeSimentla -tegnzlg ce, nmst az 2 E2. ïz 2 .. 1.. r.Lti- " AI"~tj~ DOMINION FLOUR'AND'. FED A- odEor E, hton ,,sudHaes CHAS PB NNYLEGION. JiTi3,pOTPERRY ~CURON atrdlia ot, orà& Whitby, 'Y ûill FOt Priy Mutislu, ; ill ~a s5u4rgeonaoit. i AEcrson ri .leave th o Wisiî bStation, on the Mor icfFxlday,'24th ayit 8.80, cafllng aI ailstations, and ai. rlig ai Lindsay at 11.00 dclaeok. Zxcnrsioniste con elhor bave lb. dayil Lindsay or proceol norfhIl by ictoria Bail- way, te Fenelon Falls, d lb once by boat te~Nçôtoo it.8 ü. tlein o tos f nPit. oja.uring oLugsýr, anS arrvig fWtby if 8.15, ev'gf. 4~~~~~by 8PCA ~ANwlIaoLindsay ic fo thaIby-à l Il talon, te sclose of tlo'Mncerair(tta10E6)"' f PBOFtýESSOR TA&NNEY. assisteS by ONE HUNDBED1 AMATEURS of tise 'Town cf Lindsay anS vloinily.à -*-EXCURSION RATES: ",om Wiitby and lrooklu, to Linsdsay mcd velurn.....................1.00 Prom Port Poay mad stations aortbof . 1 lroclWn, te Lndsly a riA .. ...0.75à Prom Manilhs andSstation, nazI t'Port esytoi Lindeiy anS retun.... 0.501 Eurontickets frmLindsay te Pou. eFlu anS Sturgeon Point sud retun.1 ..... ......0.25 Concert tickets; ioroamie*on tho' train.. 0.25t 'EPXCT3BSiOrg TICKE-Tg eau ho obtie ai lise eva i slwty stations unS from speclal agents, namod lu imanl iias 1--g Arranqements for Donc ng, Pl1cnick- Ing Paiang>1'willlle odaS ISargeon Point. - Aise 41athî tise Ioteis, aI Lindsay, :or mils -and acommodation if usuai rat.es 9-2e Tise Committee of Management Win 'sae ne pains te insie Ibisfrpeoo as ceustort, tise lxcùrsion cf 'tise Seaon.1 GOD SAl-E TIIfF QUEEN! Il. B3. TAYLO% . J. E.1»ARBWELL, I Troantirer. Cissirm n.il J. DAVIDSON, Seretary. Wisitby, loi May$ 1678. (2 fr..Noik .1 fadr , ifen wt1 ti a bueinesaiwsiia-eeou clitr ci oxceau mak c atpay au fisc limeB tish TTk rt o st~tlxtÂHL.r a eirtind, Mains(20V nnbsiness yuta ean engage an. Ostos o po a rneb n core f elboer tIcnndsbasplewortbe05 Ires. Impovey or ,~t!etime stt flis isulinoss.A f. dm055SeTiloi- Ca., Portland, Maine. si MANITOBA 1 LOW,1RATES! 1B.,. atd'wo R. 1. lUnes from Chiîcago. a' Through Ticket. &Iso for Buffalo Lon- eon, Sarn1s,, Port EVxon, Detroit, Ciloagoi and the Wstern and South-wetern States; &W. for Rochester, ýy steamer "Norseman," PhIladoIp% B lalttnaze, and Wa.1'ingt' byteLhgiVally-B. R. tu For tickets, and further information, ap. ply t-GRO. B. YLE, Grand Truck Ticket Agene, )(A7lE 187. (Express office,) Wkîby. Whltby and Brtoùgham Mail1 Stage. bcremptly atne e ifaplouves tiseisotol, Wblfby, at O tp, qý/n Coytyof Ontario LLPFermons tounuS volating any cf-lise tiA prevlionsf teTem erance Adc f seue.Anyperupu n 0owl ÀU~o y ym~ ,tions cf thi Law are gnedto'ecommnssl ciste tisëe auo te-.'dsde *inc0 umn -lise dite, namos ef WifneJsas anS f usipar.. Ilenulars cf tise afence. it eamr em nameuo asagarantoeet lie o a -prisgvngtise nféumtion OCOURT OFr, SEISIINL p~ thme Court cf.Revialon, forusthé' oi. B.-TAYLOR. H:âitoon ,nj lu p w fWhtu "T m -1, p 10tio tsbr of May est -ossEsso i~~e1tsÀg ef a Postal csid foer ïillustrated catalogue. 80 oses, 400 illustrations. ff0 State-SI* , Ai- Y. (3m.18 IVTMITBY, POlIT FERRY LI!IfDSAY£ TV RAILWAY. CONDENSED. TIME TABLE. -'asecse lenTs Loto WMiify . .... Wa. m.* 0.40 pu.. Il pt erry ...,9.45 ' 7M8 ArieLindsay.1.OO' .5 Leave Lnmay..-. ..7Ma. M., 5.$D p.m. Moui. .0.14 Fe02ttuse Atactisaions, se. PcekelaTisne. Tabletb bkd on applicatlôn ta any cf tise WKImT X PeBnl-Walb -IteAuer "Çaly cf Mon. trol" (PeOPles Lino>, lea'vingeveay Mbnday and Tissrsdiy ait5.40p. ms, on qrrtvi of aft«ma- àentsi c ý .,tisonorlis. fer Eeehpsvor, 'Sodns, and Oewega. Trains sun lelosuk.nt Ws)raJuscros,-Wllbû Grand Trunka ail- Way for ail oints oa§4 and wse. YOsR B au.- Its itago fer Epsoms, Ulea aud Uxbriace. ssous.'or Baintllslda ntit Ck, - - MlXsruL-Fr Sunderland end Cannington. MABsues..-For Oi4wpcd44Lttle stain, VAi. ls~tais41'rtaoavr. amUWiy.*or Minden, ltallburton, tise Ires Grant Termitory, and tise Englisis LandS Company's FrowrY, wltb. Mi- tand Bailway for omomee, Mubrooka Peter- boroughs Wccdvillio.»oaverton Oril.Wanbe. sisone, Fonetang=iendMi oi'n hay 8ccto-connoe etil rillia wiltaitheNortsor ei" o , Ccllingwood, Ctmavnbnrst Dracob-lgo and tise Frea Frant Lande ef 1'irouph Ticketw -aà tflneabyàll Âgoe, e lise . F. P. &Il B'y, lor Toronto andS by G.T.a.TletAÊto Trntofo Zstations Baggage elsecled t?ýrougb., JAMES HOLDEN1, Wisitby, Ap. S#'78. 'Mpnigmg Dlmtacicr. T2OG STRAYBD.-ý-Cameit the Prom- iies of tise underaigned about lise muiddleocf April, a black and wisite g0W about a year old. Theo owner is re-quiseS te prov proPer ay oxponsos, anS lake if swy ri ZLUKX1oda3orinS o la 1w. (20) Lot 22, 4 con., Whit)ty. Farm for Sale -'ô to Rn EAST I F FLOT 8, C6IICON. or bass, witis largo Stone Houae and Prame Barn. Goed Oa-sberd. Aplla Or an Promises. a insuale P. O., Ont. Ipril làtis, 1878.[«1 -For Sale 'T rpnu, HOUSEAiS PHEmisES fopus TdL eIyoccsptod by the lite James Conte - tret. Fr p ictalars, tpl o H. B. Taylt Bsqr omluion Çamlstby or te id0. Jassea Iyrno, cm Dr.'Mason,'Ilrantfom4. Fois. 28r5, 1878. 10 For Sale F for ot, n Poery set, l ise. tewn oe. wlitby. - IJWohlig)cenfluy-ve oeskitcison, pàntry, *o. lliemi-eaise w llar; sàoofhar% 18x24. ÀA<ocl 21) W. . AI< 'M Witsby, 'i Evcry SuuS4y hem Qneboc', Lý' CabinXÙars reaincd to8814 . '~u ~ <~il fr7i N'EW A YbÉERi iS hlP4.4TS. "7.. +2 [<T ~I 37 a/v. to I.,~ a tt Çallandsee F pdrtatiôiî edi NO STM~-STOCK. Ail Go-rods Fresh and -Seasonable. RýÀMILTON & HARROWER'. WbIitby, MaAY, 1878. Ma 1828, offer the whole of their Epig$,&Siùe Stock at extremly low p4eu.prg .Havinq rented ona of - te . he;t,storegi4 Tqw4j- iptLO whiioh they expeà ate oi e sA an'eirly'ia+é,' wsh td M~i 4>b.iudoh eir 'promeut stock as they caus, in order taS ,enter their ncw store witis naw goode. Having stili sema of the goode thtiai wassv ed from tise MIE of laot October, wil with tlîem offer tisa wliole of thiai proeut Stock st ex. tremoly low pricca. 'l-h Stck'consjfsta'ofa l iliier a,>d' ÃœanÛW,1 Twedsj Cloîlias andi Clothing, and GENTS FURNISHING8. With a spienaida OfrtI a t assortnîeat o! General IDI~r 'We m lo Irst-ls Taor ad Milliners, woear is to itaestisfactxon to 0u u~m ers and honor to the Eàtabl:ent. ,:-',1 May 14th, 1878. -LAJNG & STEWR F 011 SAL EDAILY: - AT T1M, O GLEN MAJOR -MILLS'I: MON)JD Inchs Boards. '-£zx4 Bciuaisg, - 2-is hPlansl, îOffi-feebotfOak, ~ ~ ' -Maple for Pailes, luet qusaUly, > Eastwood,ILx 15<,OOOfI. square >msbr, W.< >L I West cons He wguldaa og te say tttisaI ld111Now Yorka Mil is rnnnugAndis eig Z! Blqwr. %mlW Ch dot f Bo TTcn Maliemousy faefer aI ina-k for uni forwPort H bison tt anyitn ls.Capi tale e- Dsesi ia; wo wli tlr c. p Rv-t wenoucboysanSdgilswantad cvrywlare tIBeston -Ali womk filer N. e1tetis l,,Cdotly aqatfit and-terme free. Addces els ,A% st n . HE Â'A~DSOME MODERN BRICK llatltfully planteS wlith choie. Frud it sudiiaS STr"e iuI ~ W~I~~HE ~tlTY 'TOWN'thie eir OP ONTÂliO, und la lii a pareels o=r Ilirt y miles oist cf Toronto, on thse 4rmual' yu be twoi Trnnk 4ailway. - Leint où caS ~ ~ ~ ~ Ml 0. esll~'e 4 *1 is WNE TO ROCHESTER,- )AY the 8th 4PIIL (W. Sberwood, Maater) mae, ber regulat tripe stti. ýteobosvvar0 tedn t Robheaer witi tise Centratl, Norlism Centraland a tek tO., wili 1usnd Ibis lis oan . New Yorka, &0. le"D O CP. GILDEBOLEVE, Port kope. Knaea vge4ftne e' SA$ 1<0W ON xEU» A LAindrA880E, SPJUNG 'G( 0'4 o PRISIN G Engflish-';coeteh ~i anad f~ats &Cp l àsi vr Clc4ý9:-,$ade to ôrder i*1 .~ ~8tys on Short Notice. mvited! befiore purohasfri JO.HN FEI« - Duu ViMWhtby. «Il V IRAVEJ Orý ~WomoeCS~ sf tersO. AI q'CHEAP FORCASH. «IJ 17.Brook SIre. WlQ . foth D9INg<WAREROMS. t"'59 Ë 'a'-") e ~ gtoacÃŽvi.c Jhaving . reiqe qi u' ri st~c~.' areweZZ à88ad 4b<Zilith the ýoi' eèî oz able £4n t4rasegodsin ýthe mar4et9da tention to Our, tock of P 8 DJES ODRhi/ ' is attractive by iéte great -ezient, Variety-an ' Outr CLOTH DEPARTMENTýexceZl1 any; lLh iiSe andT arie4,ýzM n We have a firat-clas 'Ctter, stylislt Milliner, ,h cf *ï antfr4W9,reg4'y 4. pXc41ei~ or1e ;eîr ùr8tedZto ti m Thanng~ufûraatjavora, e i a con- iinuance of your patronage. Your reecfull~ Wh jb, pril 8th, 1878,~ F~EHS EEb'DS!' Vick's Flower and! Vegetab1e See'% Oxali$, QG1adîpo1uý &,&c. NEW- CA-ýîNNEDFRUITS, I>ifornia,.Pl.,umb*s, Limft Beans, Apriot, ..String Beans? Turkish PrunesFrnhP co~ 3Map1e Sugar, Map:le syrup 'B. H. -JAMESO. '"TCby, Aprui Br, 1878. WUJ. HI OKI r Beg to ireturn ter sinceti -hajç i~ for l th , ~ v , e s z 4 . p g y ~ ~ o tten - -.tiontouslèet-,nerftashàre tTé uture W:H.Cshmeg1ea"peotie-l lùM te. kGO Q Dl B~ro'~n« -,9t,",o M ~ ta.41si1 ~1o'IMM 1&ý. per'Iýd Cotton. lsi ,a a "tjp. t'lO rpalr. Glves, Côée OôIr,'n'aI*iiety. New Beady-made Olothing4o hand. Ties, Soàrfa, Handkerobjefra, Collaro, and Feit Rate,1 -- -i ~~HE ~ 4 GUOEYSTC yAa ari 4th, 1878 re 1j 1 ' IWisibY,.4pt s, 178. (455 Proa e~ . o W LUT3V . - Gond î"îýIfit9« er f~ihartalulas, Sp1"t JH TRICKLÂSDOahawa orteÃŽ]D.OEIBSTON, Solicitoir, '*biby. a XýteWé, 1878.(.13 AND 8ALT AND PLA8TEI? P _OR SALE, CHISAP AT LIVE LPO O ~'ARKET.- J. . McCLELLAN. Liverpool Market, Aprl, '78. 16I Isisherby gvetbat the ÇOU1RT 0F IREVISION - for, thq Municipslily cf taie. Si uttngin the - -TOW2<SI MiHALL, BWOIN, ito nee o utise Erenoon ci thea 'FkEtt'Moniday f1h dune - lxt. B. T. IUÀRdSbNClerk. thé CoY#iV«nofeNbIbCuni ,TOWNSHII OF WHI.TRY intesiaaalltusitting, t abc luei.Seh 3reokis, April 2s,18e78. (13 MUel1O TE-ACHING. MR-." FRED MUDGE rpeluy înn unaee.Uuta, en AnS alter April, On, 8,'be'wiI give'liBzhuetoà aon ,0 inofre, guand MvIoSeoiý(st Çlomnur reen anS John gtetaWlh, mêleSein. té Rent AIt§LOO or i 1mi, Home eds! Good, edsI1 'PETER I In CD ID S

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