Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1878, p. 1

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Business fJireco tory. TUOMAU Dow~ ATORNK, :sou~ Notles Proue, Isud Onvqy. J AMES RUTLEDGE, B. A. <onty Owrown 4&lorm..ta BRIB IRkATTOMRIEY.T.LAW, N Fo5yr~u QiSc-Ovm6r MrAd. soilr oi)k Streut, Whltby, Ont. A TTORNEY-AT.LA.W, SOLIITOl INl Ch 0ance ~onvoymwurýkc., Canning. LYRAN ENÇLlâti, L L. B., ýB ARESTER AT LAWT, O101TOB IN .ohancory, oanvqàance, &o., ko. flma. go$0Street, Oshawa. oLt reonwom o< moMlan.) ARB1TEBATTONEY;SOIO. ge@.-Byron Street, South of ?ast O0ce, Whitlby, Ontario. tueOIIfSON4, MNT, B ABST384SAT-LAW, A TTO RN Offic.~a1Aîuance &c Court Stre et,- Toronto. Bidns * ?YOUNGUODITUIYleLeL. fl - BÂIIIBTED.&c. &.-Moueay to T».an Oucs-vo DolnlpBank, Whitby. hnn. 22,1878.(t. AFO EYsoùaltorand Oonvoeyner. dold. Agent for ge'dlLaanýCos. Offie., *over Wightmane Store, Ring Street' Oebbwa.- y1 B RRISBES, Afhanoyi.aLv, muS * ..> oitebam l i anoey, No. *4 Toronuto 1* a treet4 Toronto. HECTOS CANIESO, Q.C. (ly49) R. 8. APPELE. THOMAS 1HUNTÃ"N, TONOLBRK AND TIIEASURER, a ., J. . iNt4, la. P., SUROIION TO TEE COVNTY GAOL, s Beyon Street, Nihy * Dr. W. J. BURý<S. Onnîe-Net door ta CM Nccu Offics.. U' lesdeneë, at fr. Lavisanck'u. lBYRON FIELD, . .pTy4{cLN, SURIGEON, Ire.,> Dallas' WVm. McliRIEN, il.D., Mf.,. GUY' OPIALONDO, XNG,, cA1ID. Dit.. BOGART, -, sTor ,? ~zq, (opposteGT . TRIhtIou,) Whlbyl IaryeonurnedailéuferaleaÉ,ncuI eth bo. GedSaluencloseS yar dsMd at$el. OARwEKETo ONT. YAMES DXWAB'I' rz&uPiRIETOR., 05i4 sud 5invsireTrne JOUE à1MBRE, .P PI2o tio bout 01o.0no l).ousbu timCiol hate t, andke$ i7sîjiaes bs ben nwl TEAfPERANCE HOUgE, DUNDA.STRBET, WITBY. GoaS aooammadatlan ut reaeauabli terme. Baurdets 02.50pr yek i..4 (LAT qMzZrA, TAYLOR & McCN, PRÃ"pMITORS. The unnervigne&desir. to Inmo*m their iends andihé he lo liaI key have taken the abovo well kown hotol, whloh th.y have newly fitteA up aud îenovaited, anid put Imo h lbs bof aorder -for tliacoommoda. tiohof guesta. The Bâr,wichist h. hand- momeet lu the Oonnty, f luol unpl ied tlh thé ftnet brande 01 vines, Uquars, ana ci. grAm loe ucou.d hedroomand migoad îotSb1in,8 iz sGflî,, .Detacbe&'ÃŽoa for ,om~Iltraveîli. 3. P. AYLOR PIU COAIN. HA OTEL, WRITE Y. Ti.larg'eit ad nStilommodlone iotel ln tia lavis ; has largo sannple roame tfon - commercial travellemi. Table vall supplieS vith lie bessîlu seacon. EeuhbrsnSs Uq4uors ;sudclart. 'EncloseS yard sud siedi-can; atteutive osalens. liai-ge os uit lie N.B-leyattacied. 27 ROSSIN HIOUE,:TORONqTO, ONT. Tie Palace Hahel af Canada RedîtteS, Refuriaisec, suddtYuivalleS. Nov Pasion- gem Elevatoz-, ratuslonguit sud.day. The ou0 rstef.lau Hl.&lu nada viti grain. ohod pries, vis:-02, .80, anS #8per day. Memben aof Clubs anS otions, deoilmug réolo, viiant boardS1 ta S2 perda,. MARK 8M. 1315E, lob. 27thi, 1878. Proprietan. JOHNÊON IHOUSE, HAST MAHEET SQUARE, TORONTO,. W.G. JOHNSON, --PEOIRIETOR. Teane, #1.00 por Day. Stablioîg on cou. nection. 42 ,Pinysîlan, Suirgeon, Accoicher, &C., &C BITISE AMZRICA- HOTEL, Wioihtby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 40B R A Y S ,W.ADAMS, OU~S OVIR iR. H. JAMEISON'S p0c hoirsfro mi.te 12 nm., and tram 130 te , p. =un. iiîenvo-Cor. of Byron siGllberftrocts.t O-ý N. VARS, L. -D. S. EEII H nsertod on al he. lalet prlnciplos .f the art, si çce Pest-&n asgoSes the. bss T..eeth fillel 'Ith Gela and Silver. Toth entrac tewhhnh pain, ]ny producing local aaothesla..,Dental loms--in oy. ansa new block, over Ahkinson'is Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. S JOIE RiODilfSON'u 1JADRESSING AND SEIAVING .LX Sîaloon, Brook St., Whltby.- JOUF< WOLFENDEN, POUN F11TEE CELEBRÂTED Sohmh GrAnto. -At Marlile Works TrUMii EII R ANT, QABPENTER J suda Joluer Green Stroet, Witby. A large quantit>r ci &L kinde of lumber cou- stauhly on baud. *JAMES W. EBEALL, TOQWNSIIIP CLrlTIT (Eait vWhlhby), C0MMSSINEECOtyITèP QUEEN'S BqNCII, CON VI3YANING AN» ENE AiL I8U4Ok GENT. * rie Clork -ilU bo luhic omeeLc ltho Town Hall, Colunit, on Mondays and Frldaye, fur Tonsnhi p business. Olice. hqturi, I A.nM. te ôDp. ru. Matc 97h, 177.14 WmLLI'An COOPER, rueOSITr BB .3OUGHAM, j(Suceasor t4 hmn Idag, l1sohooinig and &UIlkinîs ai genexal work. , y8 UIIWNIÀ TOXIACCO AGLNCY VTronoetrchToronto. (ly.1lS T 1. & ODELL, Clerk Division Court, Tpr Clerk,i OommlssIoernrlB. lLndAet,&. &o., &helyCocty Omolmlo.Agnh, Abhly 5mlv o. 2nd, 1872, *-FAUCHERS -RESTAURANT,- AIDAMS' BLOCKW KILNT STREk T, -LI NISA Y, , Oîuýpealie- Miossroal Tel-gcmoph Ofle R ENTS ailbonmc-.o.yslem. i- *KG BOTHERSo WHIITBY, ONTARIO, busFcrog, Dalem an Muac-u. l ail a -Kin&lsaosu LE HRAND, FINDIN68, * Cash pal ici-rUldic, Bonis, sud Lsaliî..e .Rn M-O3TINO, MAME TO OCiDie CW£ (LATU i1.o5ozn OUsz.) WRV'TBY, 0N2'ARIO. Hanse uovly rangated and -fnrnishsd throughont, aud put 1Ont-claos. erdor'for lie receptian of gueits. An omnibus ta and rom a&U trains. Plrst-laua simple roomp. S H AKE SPE ABFIHOT E L Cor. King & Yorkist,., Toronto, Ont. J. A. 09 OADY, -PROPRIETOR. Tzniet, $1.60 van DAy. ly.47) MA JeÃ"R M['LLS- PLagia AND PE», P*61 -wtu &a ebbeepbooasbtanfly aaha Whlo al,, ha o a e. - mNotice t h Pb/ NÉW , OA~L, YARD Wî arc sefl haiwmIxlKEE3à I a"S or viti . .Ar th,éble . a Secure i laenandCs.Ya« vi tion tes1Wly, as ail chers vie iave useat thst Is àIl AINLD & F-AREWELLi, Ian.92,178. Part Wblfby.- Tii.undesneiluohsanyiamount ai Mon. eylia Lend upon Pui- or Tevu.Praperty, s =unsul7Lav Rates ai lutereet. U&LoinD isb. e pal i u «nn la cuit bei-i, lAMES IOLDEN, BplPli. 1972. 19 MOUlE,, 81514 AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. A finu uicortment cf lie very lateif style of HALL AND R OOM PAPER 1 Freica Sesigua oxocuûteo n lie ciort notice. MARTIN dzWARAM, Tva oarsuarlb a!fRings' Tanner>', Brook Street, WInihby. -{yl FRASER & CLARK, eOTTLERS 0F ALES -AND 'PORTER, WALT'Z LAGER*ktEER, &C. M ILLICHAMPS BUILDINGS, 20. 31, & 33 Adelaido Street RuaIt, TORONTO, ONTAIO. Nov. 121h, 1877.,(y.47 L IVBBPDDL MARKET 1 CASH FOR G]RA1Ne To b. SlilvoredaI Frenchrnan's Bay. PLASTER, SALT. AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN, On Rosi Eshate, ah Lan- liatea aofIiterest. J. H. MoCLELLAN. Jauar>' Oti, 1877. tf-à $?7ô, 000., pOST OFFICE SÂLOOX, ToSONTO.IT OA.' M. MoONNL,. .PROPRIETOR. 93r TIE PEST ACCOMMODATION .Ji for Ouests. lIy-17) T'NSRA ITI ST, Pranlical Hair. ..LCuttoer d&c.-Frank Roill.a. lte ai the Rouislu âousej now of athe .WINDSOR HOTEL Toronto, the b.de aislu ini lins In Canada. Re Invitas hais irlends and 1he public ta givo hlm a çaîl. Toronto, March 7h, 1878. (1y418 LUMBER!_LUMBER 1 ce JOHNSON, LUMJ3EIRMERCHAŽTT, W H ITBRY, Ras ou hanS a large cnpply of all kinde of Barn Lumbor Boardosd anilnacossuy Building Luruber. Fenclng, Savn Tiiber, and iScanhlng, a large quanty auband, Lre, orderi for Long BilRu f, fOed fronim Mle t ihort notice. Booms, Sache. anS Blinde alwayo aOn band. > . 1 -1 Whihby, May 7h. 1877. ]y-20 w. :HINMA&N, OSHA w A, Veterinary SurgeonJ Win le ah Armitroug's hatel, Whithy, vi Tnegday, tram 1 to4 o'aloclc, p. mi. April 25,877.1 S TAEETEN WHITBY & OSHAWA- TWICE A DAY I Learea OsliaA t 8.80A, ni., sud 1, P. M. Leovés Whltby At 1080, a. ni., isud 4.0, p. lu. Fane 9m centu scss ah Wl11OZU ai aiU hhe hhole, sud t pnivAle residenaces (vien aMrsnore lob t me of a the batela.) Connecte vii Osibw&ansd Bon-n ile stage- aip& lig WIlib> sud Part POZny Ralfvar, usoStI sBraugln. aa mnolliaf Whltbv. TROU.HOPPE 1 Whitby, Marcin ipti, 1870 14fi 17.OPE"NINGO p NA&VIGATION. 187 ToronolNssglra, & B Enrioe icano - bout Linep mseooig the SWIFT, 1GWCNTSEMR City of Toronto 'andf Rothsay, Inl conoctlon vilnthie Noi r isCOetral BPRitNG -ARRANG'EMENT. ,~feSurCrOFTEem XIo. -1 t6» ON FIISTCLÂSS FARM LANDS, lu 6=8cio 0200 aud upwards, ah 7 per cent. Payable Eulf.ysarly. Apply ta- GEO. S. HALLEN, Solicit r&C', April 17tli, 1877. 17 NOVELTY WORKS, WH!TB6Y ONT. T IM SUBCIME baingpumehased jesone Lmbe fom heMulge anS Yirvood Manufactuo-fng Conupsu>', lenov preparod ho furolsi Baveo, Sines Blndsa Prames, Mouldingu, Bue, Axuditmavos, 'FlorningSheetiug, andS* oeroythAnl, ne. 'olob'l i yte trse, aIthe lovoît lIving WoSlrnn eveu ana Bilucters ta ouder* Lumbor ion cale, beil qualit>', leoît prices. ITo houe. tram long erperieuce sud' b> square deallugta int oa hane ai public patronage. GEO. GILCHRIST, Propuiehar. THE CANADIAN AIR GAS I. Tino CanadlanOas Machineln u u eta- mmtic guss-iklgppamsu. tIbis demigu ed tu emoazis h>' Lcriers, M hohelàuc-ces, Iellingi, on bnildngo af au>'ý )Sudsituaàtel lu" lie Country, or ho- youd lie'reaci af easLpeasmainsofai oties, mi' ho mppilud iti s saise anS ceip gos TMhieme machines ore sample ai construc- tion uatl Hable la gel ont 6f order, require noukil to manage, are rmade lu a .ubitu- Ual sud-durable mannen. Tise>' aopy UtI. spaoo, ors net t p aiuailxpouse, =n4 are uall>' adapteSfor 1llgiùthé ln largeit ,miiitr, publia buU!lg, oantis smallecl lvelling, ai-ena nov or nonlnleS thiog, but hve béeaulu coushàansd so. cesetl use lu ail ports of-theo couto' boli tinter isud sunmor for rers The o nS n> iese h.machinl neulyi>' uascibureod mair g9, boingr oà.noni ahlrefn ated titi gmoll.7t- bu-mu t olla eiic bigitflisme #My ' .susl 10 thal poccet b>' caîl'gag; ?s ecaudu&cl linon g i pipessud0oruainital ixtun-es, titi tho damee cnveniape. and uaiety. no filxais d in uthe prociees af nanulactue, anal nulli lgbted by Il oarsinsured ah heseratei s stlugh 0081 wu vas i. !~b.'eabeftlolgas eeual te 0 eomnd t.etafc OUlgai, vai-lesfi-am oe a daller sdMIoieste bye Soils C.A wi &- in XSSTAMPED,~ 0>1 Nine other 1 eru,.1 ABOU .T 75,000,' -ArTaTn-;. HOENURSIERY,, the. beil Vs=ele. - SETH 0. WILSON,- LoI No. 8, Quai con. plckeng, an ZElugmbon OJ F THE DIVSION COURTS COU NTY Of ONTAR10y FOR TEE YEAZ 1878. Broug -,e f 201 2I 1j;818 I2 Par Pory I 112126.s41251427 lhrb 616 . OIh 22j211-1 112 Ci a rln I tB im 2 12018 Atel. 121 1 1181 I1181 ' 17' GoMO. I. DARTNELL, - -Junior JuSge Wwllby Isun,.7&h, 1578. 0 OMECING 914 3MONDA&Y, Ma>' 7li J'77, sud uLntl toi-hier notice, tlnlucvlll LEAVE PORT HOPE for Linsay, Peler. b«o'. LskeOield, anS- lutemediahe Points, At 5.80 A. ni.,10 a. m ni.uS4 80; p. n., asdftle Georgian n ner e ay ITau- Onauhon, su l mete da -,aI Train. arrive ufolw FROM Lindeay, 'Petemboro', and LakecfelS, At u. oM., 12.80 P. rM., snd 8.55 P. ni., unS ram. tie Georgn ay l>, ITuban. sheu nomSlteroneuilie points> at 6.5p. M. Par tqhber Pai-tcuhan sec Pociset Tme Candi, fa be bal ahtail Stations. H. G. tTLOR, A. HUGEL *Superluteudent. Pelgt 18 STILL ALIVE, - A D thanlsinl for past féors, îolicitî IVa contlunuation or!thiescime. UN DE R'FA K ING DONE AS USUAL. -CM" Dundlas Strecet, Whitby, noir Wb., P. P. & Leay. IR'>. Station. Wihby, Jan>'. Ahi, 1878. 54tf GEORtGE B>RITTON, CA RRIAÙE cW A GON MANUACTRER i anov improved' Root Bced end Corn Dri il, Double & Single Turnip Drills, CLATIÏON'S TNTD CIN, Wagon, Buggies, gSigis, côoeatnl>' a REPAIIUNO doue neati>'MoinS vo n tue iiortcitnotoe. ' GEO. BRITTON, «91Twa Sean »cot i lienooHai, Brook Street, -----------b'. Apri llothi, 781"ly4 G DeTWB FOB THE LADIES. À. $SW'eYVELÂTION IN TE SCIENCE OF DRESS-JMKRING. WAIST à 8HOÙiLDEg,,C1eARor. Lieions! mo s. ot WobyAg187, rrr nam a~xt. - Irapply lue. or ta S TORE AND DWBLLfl'G Ah Liverpool Minrket, a'New Store muSi Dvelllng, veli fittea * n muS ti ever>' Apply th. 9Mrci QSh, 1877.1 éAiTER BRO'S W~ti;MERIDENBoct. Fre8h Garden Seed 1 FLOW'ER AMD -YEÛETBLE SEFOS 1 Dem Yricty, (Warrau1od) À large stock of ery plants. W. W.'WOOD. Greenhiouse, -Asil-ot., ývhitby. -Marchf Oti, 1878 1 .1 A Complote Seif-Instruotor ini Plain and Ornamental PENMAN SlIP. VOUNG PEOPLE vixhi ongt acquie a wÂa-spid, easy sud bcmnttfui andu wrihlng, wlhut e teacier, viill ite Gainzao perfect inatuctarr uudreds mmec beconi. Iig beautiful vrr i roughotthli Do- minion muSdlise U4iihed- States b>' ning ih. Il cousilts aif à ceries ai Cary msLnofai cauvorieut i-e faotpraciing, tuiheau- tain copies beg' l'lg iti lie- fnl tprine ciples anS d u I>'progneaing t'ee Most elegaut Vplansd ornamnualvitltig; an OROAOSEOT&L'S MTa, oautalnlug Gemman Teil, OIc! Euglisij sud Ornmeulsl Letter. ilng, Ofimu Tan eu hiug o! BudSi, &o.; À Booe or 50 PAaas trith ilaU onalycisandin- atmuclian, anS s beautifully engraveS case to cotîlu lbhe-mle. *Pie, 01.00, Post PalS. S. G. BEATTY d CO., Ontario Bllnis Colle g e, 99r Agente wauteul. BlvIeO Nov, 14. T H E' WNID SO R. (cor. King and Trees NOW OPEN. ic PER DAY. Fr.. omnibus ho su from aIltrains. Ta- ble aS CIappolutzneut fnls-chies. 1 t.]>'Proprbaton. Tino Promeger aud Periector of As- Tic Reformer snd Vibalizen o et i BleaS. Tic PradolIerand Imovlgorator of Nerve mud Muscle. 2teBuIder an'IlSuppoerorefBrain sud Bnu thl~ Mpy hi 01'Campouild Syminnola. conmosei ai fIt Identiatti 1tics. Whilhcina.ý iaultiy BIa"tMuslesud.Nare n Sqbmtsn9efvlnisl Lite itufela peot pnsanie ai lien, -n ulanvlin fie blo d ud is coeit rausclaeeslO"bllsing tlie ose ~tbaotit Iocapable ôcieot. & 1 wmeoasîout tuberculous 0hlu a-rou'-?els" v fthu ; Mir~$,lem à iýnÀOURSE i ' - ~ C '- GUBOlWbl 'A8sdranoe Cdmpàn lNGORTQRETD A33 Asanan. Cas Inemns ofechod aI tlo ootei ITilîl i> p rsilwh, 1878.4l F/e caIfIRuoran C' 1Witby, April 9M, 1878. Agent,Wiîby WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 18M1. CAPITAL, - - - oao (Wilh paor tb inenase ta lo0Ot. FIRE AND MARINE Head Office-- Toronto, Ont, President. HON. JOHN McMURRICH. BERNÂT» HALDAN, Masoging Directop J . J.RENET - à flearo tw- Innucus àmted àil thoeloveet ouri reul mates on Buiding., Merehoudles, mu- aUner prapet', igaluet lies on damaege by Agent, ÃŽWitby. Whlhliy, Apnil Oh, 1878. 16 Dopos" itl iiÛomini=-oin ment8#0,. 000.ExpriocedAgçnte thrangiont lhe Fire Rieka wtriifen ai dquate Rage. Agent, Itntby. Wiby, April SUn, 1875. 3 IRA VELE.RS LITE ÂND ACCIDENT In8suranDe Compay 0F HABTFORD, CONN. * tricet Managemnict Libers! Dealing *An UntanaidRec6trd. Wltby, April ob, 1878.'»; e CÂPIoeAIL, #600,000. Hleas Office, Impemial Buingsw, Tarante. NON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. iOICTD -G.D'xe'Boullami- MONRY, TOLWAX ou Ianpra-ed lirns, ut Loy RaBesid intereil . Appvlyla E.H ftBLAND - ainagen Tai-auto., Ç0D- MOlUGAOka BOPIGm., IPUE'"ORG4N. 8i~goiIGAMD SIHiNomiLUS8STAUGiT I- Ii. tÃ"OR Ec ý wrGiN8.-.A. Andhate min tecamst Iv iwlnglqggah »1 bleu on ou*sp eiwr ol bus, SW. buta jaytir tho le landS ue¶ thea,6i Mt, The sioraboe , nl Ven WihThe nhi6ar$'c ivoal:i Dnod;jof :nrfarno mo$ innthloveafime mni tho a 9~vn bud. Tine taindomolnevenlu a atoffi n annp, on lu ( a spt; no l. î c sd a imap umsgy itil efntio-ade* èien on "t'. Au 0 -sh u #Te sno anc cm rosim zudnb t vnero. lba1s ; fe - r bec h binai oneeusans., I ité hoý a- tinrone-lmnat vo lié oomPreinnd I iinb.sGoSfa oea oln ltho tin àe'an b)o G, i thi Isl nee or- e liue 'what tun> eilln 'ieknçdamnof isaven lp, if jou, A&:1 me vinonelpi ýae lb, IiW! bell yen. &hW mc mInu ia lua wat, vina lu table1-*hà, lovea inli'Gddo. visaholoves bisà 1.11ev moto; pbaw *me snba <nais, tîe4 o> brinnbii b ëoreushaniuoi7yslflS. let 9, , ab. bsnmo o0in us )Y his uWiôu, an vbà billocial standing, 18, onvbwin ifinaucial standing, anrvinaI -é be b1ýpdogre, af bie intellectnol md.ý vaucezuent;Iil pointnMy flug er' ut ii.s n'o d bresît sud uy: "Thorame wilinu iaI mman breaut in tha king- *dam cf ineaveii."1 If yon aik me again la show janlie kingdorn0 e neven, I Wülusy: "Bringmetwvamnhntis. 0. pure, tiat le isfeotionehe, Unît lu lôy.. ha lier sesaf dnty, binat- il;sym hoi'. tic and charitable.luneoo, b b i. poiens, viocs an s (n. idi colve fot the Divine Beiug eul for tbiaif aiher' à=atb ilnwbom-îhle lu bxougbb lu con. tachit, -yen, - bting tisatI vennhbrs, stand lier hem. b.y iii'aide ; and I cire net whaher sle ho Coauian or A&fi., eau, vinether. si cofai blge nation ort finat, cirs notlning AboutlnerinheUeotualt Pr devdlopmesit, sud I vii teil 1you inalât r.wemn'i fun1 ' yo, vibinn ui luausandsud is.won.le. a ingar ,y bonaloi n itent, perphc ni4 ie x- proesiono f power, mbjs'etio ln u ils p.ý perauco, indelotigoblfr in ltsenoqery, 4ine.uis qsoaljy-a kog of,o w vibcis timeré cm na butonq ig n - liat ( p- Ilulnifgle oe1 igul>' ofvlnioe honr. le but eue bçing fitteS-e.iniunite Spirit.. Andi bis WI Iunderatand lb, lu bina glory of sud the glory af venin, fIna««l ' fiatn le areatofinaaicet>'. oifafi9t cf seuse, of aspiration,, of sont' etb: sa fine, se noble, se majeufsud olym inaI its king is influite IveL itv W. I. H. Mumray. f Th .ero a afellov once steppeS outa cf'a door of a taveru on lie Miublippl,>1 moîuing ta walk a mile opoen eemisonsi ta, lie neat tuverin.- Juel at tthe landi.f lng binersIay a -big nuit, on.eaifino reg., ular aid vbeelers-a* raft a mile ie1g Well, th. fellaw board lii. 1 >labrdý Bay thiaIthie'raft vaadmile' long, ansi he ési untoe inmmef, "I 'villi go 1for-bit aud ine fiisgreab vouder, sud letbunlue eyes bebold-lie limbir wvic bie bainS of mn bath belvu." Se hegelot o:i tiolôverens&ct, aud bogan te, lusbhnate - ver the e oo ina poîl" ami'. asho vralkedlpo, =sensi ked-dSovu atthlithiusmeh. WIleuho gelta bi-th euS cf th6e sioSu, Se 'found bine>' vers 0 usinof ahaver ;uiêiso landeS d aS baS gene eut af. Tino genétal saine.W fnis cf tin g s oak hlm a Uittle îinsék, -O hé loýoked thé minswutadil, Lu tbbeýfac., l andiebhlod tbelattilet lu lis ownw&y_ý l' Lasssmla id favois, ly -iï Loi taio yonrn. Nov, I Icuov my avu iss ei~ au" l'm ust ilau goad for ziysolf as for &SO hnou,sud botter faxIbm shu>ana u*you «I amrdld suo.- 1Iulvayu volk a Daléi ect!> ient>'inutes a s oed road lis *earing hun, ,depining ever thecté bls am g at i L ?ePSy,*;,what is -ta rbo ab - hsttp, tohee ýf&-mici"Pdeod uci mbdu eete1 ~'Pebap," uid- le iMayer -L-wioo wteniS a âgaan iao1ed 'dmeva."Yar ~oidarrange- MalIens bebvet -,yn& selves if yen vwotl'e-li laise. ,Ti Woetit viiishow vn os vo oo ivute nooln biic~ ? "Te, onieur!le Moire,"-,ex. clîn1ed Ii fliogrooms At'ouc. oiln,- then I ùnsy pna-cetid iti bine c4- emony ' ' "Tes, Monsieur le" Maiire butbut" Wel~1At is it.2f" !IWO (have eëfiptaA, chàïug., Mpsioni- 'l lebe?". "fAndage Io adtMose brdgroom a aStakpu thc jealous bid q&t fin, youug lady, of q 11ie-Astaisbed Mayor, Icoked Atet ii in-silegl mazuezntlbxaponno fvop,nf lne>'metl his leok unàabosiel,' helâ iln-tgod b1i shoiùlders'àna coiS, "1Weil, luyenamartïifd,- il lu ne bus;- loess oi mjà-Ine. li icaceedvitih te, ceremopn>'.', And marrie tic>' vireý, Dancing in Her Sirond., A short limé ago Mm.. Hhihtz; a inigi. 1> opc ab n sd vosit>' German. lady,~ ~ ~~J vaoso:U ul rden tu ne- geive prapornnrslng sud hroihmeli, Was nennamved te lihe. Hospital 'Of lie Little fiohoîs cf-the Paon, in lie vestern parI ni lie ait>'. Bine vasver' * plar vau thin nnaloc of hhataushitntor, an& during bhon day masSe nan>'friende. About, Ivo veek asinoe Mis. Hillitz,' via bai boss in ba iealti, grev sud.- denl>' quit. ii. Dnming brit dîns sohé receivod evemy teutiosen bbc thegoba Oc9tets, nonS AUlthat m'edical aid conl' do faalvae e ufnng a oe Sino gmew vomie, inavvr, ànd geine of ie physicians cieth liécocielusion liaI sue icainiti not -Uv. iu loi lngr. List Siuti>' xi5lt'-ibedlsSd; âanS v,.i laid oet SuSa' ngt. -Thése Woy vas,- according tq tinsopslautn, sirudean d laid, ont ilinÏepaxrla i siuin lier bodîde 'on frilly, e0 ainra by -thse siao- a eofpà i ni iit, ý ine 01e0lcc st'. k oIe Te Sitm. ,diS netpcv wcwany lu tineir fîliful valci overhe dedOmS lter.' SudSoenly, as the>" boèeS upon 'ber ,face sill lu .eatin, tno unI-en 070 sp. aoreS te flash, tno bloqd.icame, baok ta, liefded lneesud astloan imbg<I* vitn supe nnipUenne ghdi!bdy ros np frin its neshmug placetrucShi moo ni nourniug, anS spoke ltinthé- i. frigntef vilcnars, saying, 'I I am net desdgt ' ' b I ll i 'i i ea." Theeia lady tn danoIS aoutidhhe taonù, sang anS siontod alo Iu uad n'ingg robce. :Tê nîates cfhe hospihal *ene anvdesruksd -pamlz - As soan as bine nurses mecovered crm thm f,,ieie 'lmnoeedaI ld aboutin oa > lcbse apsnuty'diiiTne affain bias:. Mîted, Une mpcl (stanceecx- Citent, AnS la-day lienandus f pair- sons visiteS thc hespimil. Thc Hanlam-Plaisted 'Boat Race.' ,4 ',na alle sn auWsd-e-dYi lut., Tevprd four o'clock * i ip wuab me osý as ceointS poislblY ento .ei, bûtthin r. i-'slg heMida04u1. in au ;wdrepiecaejnsýt«Qe ooi»ig bo -' so, au il vas ual fU118 tiinutesti x pjq It â lt vas- effeetid. 'Beui, %»àî. cAme ehoat 11.1* iat-nbuso ibout tié!iinhlinie,'auS týusulypnii. #aulothe sIartfn«Clt. Alen lis. w ýraho t fin l, I p o o k ,bte leal, r-ev Ing ahenb28 îleeaannlnute te hi$ oipanol'8t, - Afhoev nga&boult ta lude ards, RlIM#Wd wac Melite b. pu. . up, sud Iokoin a fuir va>' là glelwaTetnto'uasinsth 'goa -lobo't tho )Id"4gbékeping lisliberate 'MItaie, suS noever qukkeomig as steo s0on ne-f ag ' but sure!>' drc à àw nr4 SioS as naigfor aU lie vsvibm muglnssna froa bnaSpoint to, lie ull Jat au i& oi wnva i npig: lbiell a>' lrouba b a bvenhr4= .- îulosù i a a s fue sd it. ti bise Besraue. Tic amugemienta, Woeba sete'Po "*Y >conld bi."Be. Maloi-bthe fau t .i$poo luvese kept -siting fu'a er.fe.le a ,ma n éi hubenmote;Ï rrié w saikof vbiieofb io ef le lia ne nv.d fer lt onuluù dWàtiau, but t' ma n heeýonbord. euow4dd audedcs. " lime Qnintana l.i Hill; the ttai a q. W.openîd fa,üO iglnstirugn tins gil sd -rauof thi 6yrt-ur ItFido. HoI pciundenracÃŽket playe Ahlongtlio naud li w.'inad dniVentbem b hot psqrsnoq_ e mg s mounng., Thue s'. A. 5iad M. P. (anS Camingglcca-LIdgit Iliae follaveil tbnem abount IÈvo mlec, but bincy vould ÃŽnýt stand o-xcipt in Ivo cosos, uin o of;inicin elit 6f C. L. H. came up wlto i ununhrofaiGaelu,vneho ugit Jikg,mn., Caplain, Rahertuan'e cal- urn, 200 otroig.* onup ,dnniug thne euey'sretait an fied Most efflo. tua!>"Bose i ihüt.inblsd aeip. oesne, We whe,ou igi authori>', luit bqeBouhidili pAnS Kreli vers valci- ini - tno bgit. ,,Theo Uaikas have hbecu: drivon ouI-cf Aine Colon>', ana clmaesg detiiclimeuts ofiimnfoutry, viti Palciai Langors-aud CàMnnghonlc LigilHtRo are vatechiugtno KRel d&t&,anal 50 oi No. 7 F-A. M. P. ara il Teoio-vili 1,00,FPligois aI uliffâroulpoints. We chaI snot be ibisehoteaU ltiSu an finishi- oS tiI! Ma>' cm lune as theo earliest, as týie,,Kuffirs have pliaI'ntai-f fodS ai. TraS. !n the, colosny viii lieb ýver>' lI for nnohir year cmrbn-c. 1 < '-"Thmis Iveko is na greal Seot non; r iersamP over ÇO inilocs waggonson lié outpmnaon, 1o-nia boont,-900 emoin cf lie 24th. anSd158h megimonhe, 150, F., Iinroe gun. 80, Nsa1 Brigade, sud.50 - CsralnoLglHomse ; sa vehave ua large campý, asoin aer' proît>'camp il (a, as ont tenta ana' pitelhed oau hmoo hué rasroundBariett's Hanse, iu rear of- whiiclirs largo fort lhue beon built, as it Je swa'1hegenenal intenuls l mile luis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n othraolmllt*yps idle A.Trmiemsu,lving coccasion le vieil, Fraudne, vas beMIdlered on ruâ'ci- içê, (jplails eb f* inStI venybol>' ipoel TFrench.-lu th e igltOlf tic pomplex. y.> vloich t bci oootcl Ina e'rtroated in,-b> 1he cock cmc-ving, whgreppon Joes ivos alvayu c'ompÏlaiuiing of hie vîfel à memoryi "ine eau nover i- niosmben anyhng;" soi& poor loues ; "'savinul V" " !>' vue vWàjutt- s baS, aiS !rcvu, "1(1 I -ionýud ont n caial rèécIPo?.' "Wh'aI lu' itls caid loes sg 'y "Ilny," saiS' BrZwn; -vienevitere-'auytning. particulsi- I' vant; ine -mostgho ee er> Ivrite l sdown a .1ip P&m asdgum il on in lakng-"0s.- See?" lonesis Abod,wcight'flfty pnd, -vas re- cmli>' mountn>' expriess aver tlino oked nuilva' routes ocf Penusylv-nia. "ilu vies necossas>' for ,hlbm-7toakie saeoal cbangea, is friens oa cluded linat t-hic 'vs esa!foit Me'tnod for-ubo fniake Ilo ,P o>. lia a-bug vil lb, proper- ioé -*hcepgv,ènt~ is parehu,-anl 'ln Uv akg i mi'delvemed"4 ;A-langé nîmnobercCininiatii làSSes' are groally, ased iaving permllt- - md lammielcute 'be bgnill4 ,by a tMdaly luinbhétlit els, prinded lae bi a"célâlnvcyaul, galned'the confidenie of hlW dupes; emptieil-Alhir,-puruie, and A o vemusu in, sauex-aotmty. . . bavisoa lnggp aâLt*ked'tywitn lookjav, lier buuhmi4 mn~zarant, iu4 lbrutl ept- Pt S kcl gr'ujumW ur lovsr jav' 'dpl-oooeter- -be- picture leai rOBE, ) puibîià :ii .cwii dopel in Lis~ eld stand all ut Vérny 0w id, and de- etly filUcd for t cf Maloces, ako -a peep iALLY Brook Streà,- It UÂIT' I 8

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