Great aota. MAiL-. car sunts llev . 0 . Buoiwi, "Brookla, Ont. »eYsy wiaaîé,>ry 19williLung disego,andi givesi up lierbonà sIèolen i bongigt a'b'oltle "-ai ha -8 hoonqsss llemdy,5215~o4UI'enS ef two dayai #h aseessuMuahbotter. By-oatiiluqg the resuedy se won pecetly 'r48taroâ.i Price ofllha Bemody lu ptbattis el; Pille 96 08,014 à box, ,ald by aIl metteý oino dealersL - in thét er o onspt.lonatisra ta pfobably no kuoma idie equai ta -tise SyrU.p aofUypopsplllt.s prepereà -by Mr. James 1. , ev, obonit, St. john,N, B. A numbbr of cases bave camue under aur notice tise paît year - mantlsreult. bbio,haIve iolldwad - t $15usa bave beesoi stoiig. We i~iteth~ uteletei y Ihy 'tés, and E4,so iseHsOE "(IOLONALL FASSiESt," * Âs,îesl.Lusea BÂLBassexcites oxpea. taration, anti Causeas e bungs ta tlrow' 00 the DblogUl erum uu;o &ane* i. gecre tskorss and P1ufiés 5thsa 100, d hee is e Initai Peasigive$ soingtb t- the. digestive angens ,;,: brings tise ~alresgth tg tise misai.e Rt Su.Soit by bTepublic are cautioriet against (su. -ltâtonecf-,tise PtLh.Killer,ianti te, be sUspicIons 1etprdons emioa roodmmend any allier article as'"lust sas Goat"';, many of theae tisey make a' 11111. more profil upon,,but mhlis have no qualities -in cesmain wt th s eu.le A 8SgIà aNGi W& I-har I .patient l a J3llevua Hospital, New York, misa remaluedifor Ibre tisys lu aun un=' (clouscandition. Ti. policeman-found b%~ on tbeestreet standing imprigist anti lalkfug le himncei. H. 106k lise man totbe station, misere - sU effortc 10 re. vive hlm proviug nnavaililug, -lie mas talion 1t e sos pil. Wison piacistion Eb col-be roinineti inent for #com re but snddouly rose ta biesteal t ewll- aS te the. door cf lise meni, misera is ramitned standing.ltke a statue. *H. Wasou tan b"stlathe cet, malclsg ne reslate.noo, but soon afr aracuroe agaîn fronlise recumbenit-positioaindtre. pested lisi previaus penfçiintnce. IL -wac then deieut prudent te astiap Sun, dcltiste bo..Ro mas Led mitis caup, for ced damu hie throet, andl wbis Se1smallme t narliy.Tise- patient mac elidisuiiy lu s cateleptia claie, 'but <ho symptoras diflired so graatly irons tiose of ordiuary cacas of osalapsy s tepuzzle tise pisscienas misose attention-taeulboin celedt te A CipesousWo sustrý.-À curionse ffaîr rocontly ceue nS aFrenklin, Mass. AI u e iagp1etye eutam ame muà l i mpresseti. A numben of ganses meneapiy.ed durtng flic eaveuing, Whoui -- tise lady suggeste at tisI ioy sisouiti piay for e wagon. Tisegentlemen as- sauted,, s inae di scussion as te . mIat tiestalie aisoula be, lie selaS- "MY, bandS-for yeurs i i in ; or et yonr. diapasal for any young lady af respaat.ý ablWy (lier consent bing first obtasuati) if 1 i lace." -The lady esseuteti, anti -tie --gamê.-8éà of bagtello-begau. Tise ust be mes cool ntdi lfuX, endsuo mas a match fon, liif4ir oppaucut. Thé ha l'corecl cony 198 pointe la tise gen. tlen's 8. A deconon, applause folowo.thtie aniaunoisment,; ant itise lsaateasc Sow advanced,' toal tise feebly resistlng baud ai tise fuir midom euS placeS il ln tisaI af tise 'inning gentle. man. Itla siit iaItihs letten cere. many je ta is ropeaieti mliimono * solepsnity Borné, f¶v umenthe houa., due notice.,atofueS ic ii be 'publisiseti SAIOnLs' ALi.--Tioasaa3bor et tise Britishisosqadnci isn the Sesof, aiMr. mors rasi vedti ta urroada'.n oaadinner e weekta tise tarviug refugees miso lina tise sh6rs of thse Bosphorus. Ad- mirai Uapuby maulti mot perit is is 1Dut las oiened- tisttise Snoba via' -tisle iisbagiventb tise starv- ig retocises, antibas tlîureby mon - n auyisaty but nat very patent fiendi TUE SSULTAN-Tlse Sultan noyer leaveciete palace, aveu on tis a sortt expedition, unuIseslha is acmpauistl by e maggcss ladlen mils rel'eshmrne. Tis Wnt cf moauy doea o trouble hlm estly. TsistPancon pWALEs.-The p'ince ofciwales haq mon mania ptaise froraiel Ssdea ta Eungianti- by tise aner«y anti taot mbiis lie hlsdispleyod lunlie cap. OT5TECRSI Sr.sAsB 4cad-F r- mur itew Brunsvije lvig near lise asaI betweaesShedéiaé anS .Bnct- Ouache, ara nsls tise oystfsr chalie mbioi ire idepositedtui abuatance au ts shr.. sometilmes te tise oxtent>ai tmenî y I-feet, as iflasnra for their fleltis, hauling à severl miles. In P. E. ",,Int,tic subasin - Io ianled twenity, miles, goe ocpaisIl te regardeS as menune. Tise TekIgrapik 0f St, John mue& ithe. ug. gsin tshe shelila M&a ebe antd bý riat'P en ich n eid cunques #4 i 0 r «8. Lz~6rr. U 8 50, .r.t.... 160aQ00 lsiakns, erpeli........ 25 a400 .m8k .. L% 00o Clovei Seed.. .$875 0000 PO TPeRfRY 2MABKBTS. P~ort Par,X iie7 15tb, 1878. Wli4terlig . 100 172 Wheetéfal . - . i 0 W1 y ..... -0500 eu. ..... 0 5 0 0104 *. . . . ..... D o56 Cl ee ...........800 850 ......ub..... 020 025 400 .400 Pattr............ 0 o ois ............... al0'e 0 Io Bey.....2200 14 00 ..........45 .Bw i, Eppoli Cocoa.-Gap un Âcsi'Co vosRTaw-<'By à thorough knawledge of the aauturillaiws wiab gaovera the ,opérations -of4 tian sur _0 ~j rekfee ables-witb edelloeteFy davônred7 beverage whicb may cave las many beavy atrs i1,le lthe. judciaus use 6a' sch a"tios of ietètt anttIinLe begrdlYbuiltzLlu=Dntil pron ,nug tii ree1tterytenedy ta u4. las drouolaioubt0emaladies axe 1Soating aroundý un ready to attack wheraver thora fs d weak Intwe My esapeMany a fatal sheftý kpi ore ve Wl a1 *d itbý prss'bloaG sd a r yrl.nauri0hed1rame."ý -civil sroe Gae4 e-soid only Jlu' Packetg labeiled - "JÀme UErps & CaO, Homeoapathia-CheieLandon, ]lng." A CARD& To aiwhoa re suferliagIr=m the eres abdl indiscrétions af youth, nervaus weak. noix, csrly 4ccay, lais af menhoo4, ka. l wiU seBond a recipe Chat Win cura 704, KE 0F CHARGE. This granit remetiywas dia. caverd b aMielnr tiSnAmerica. Seu asel.adruse evalvetathe BeY, N os, PY I C it . ly 47 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COUILT 0F REVISION. p UIJ3LIU NOTICE in hereby given that .Ltho Court of Révision, for thes Munici. * elt ath. TOWN OP WHITBY,' -for the présent year, wiil be hald inathse opNHLL i Titesday, the 2811& day of May, '78, et the hour ci Ton o'clock inis Ils forenoon. TIIOS. HUSTON. Town Clerk's Office, TownClark, Whity, lOtis May, 1878. (21 N OT IfCE! N OTICE hs heneby given that ail notes,' and accaunte an thée books beretofore k ept by Mn. E. R. B. Hayward, Broaklin, muet be sttfad immedlately. Tisa books are, et My MMil andi anly Mny own or Jas. Walker, my mlller's reccipt, will be-alepi uldisarge af thse saï notas anti accounts. Ilroaln, May 14th, 187. 1in21 Whltby and Brougham Mal Stage. Lb orders andi PArcelqW Sii et Ray'ii A linBitish AsnerlcaunaRtal, Whh.tby, e baj romptly atteuded ta. Stage aves th. hotel, Whitby, atS aoakeeymorning. South R/ding County of Ontario Dunkin Act. ALb Persansi ound vilating sny cf thé £1.provisions ai tisa Tempcrauae Act of 1864, anti ameudmnents tiseneto, will be pro- tsemdte, nme Wnesses ofan mil ar. tueatiis te a ees Al omar aia pa+fieasa.- é.e a te ad aih i AIla'n Line 01 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSAFS. EvarY Sunday- from Quebeo, -on larrivai ai the train leavlng Whitby nt 8.10 a. Ma. every Pnidey. 9Z.t Cabin faes reidusedt ta81, 6991. 11aturn tickets, 9acc, 10.oïearinsg ti position oaietate rotn. IUtermüedhe, otacrge as 10w au tihe loivet. Circusla,, ians ugbe, gay letis, 1878. îoraiInd 49 ~25th, ff" Bstol, LIardl, and Landon e mrt la I;ià nà PARE, à %Mc pf Ratura, 'ONLY W >C STZ Haleaa Po hib. oDlie on adres, neM VasuT' mnsion Telegrepis Ofâe, GG±r'8A THS lZ& FIM DWLLNG, 4R £N ta, o itisO, DeOt c Tserailis Wei1.2A.1Atgo, 0uhweor 21) W. R.,AI'SAM, Whltly. D0MINI$b,, ~FLOTJR &'FEED'STORE. enHfA8 RNLEINl sefling tise %.bétquality ci FLOUR eAN D FEED remerkably CHEAP FOR CASHE. FOR SALE CHEA1P, A-Goond Hore, Photon, antd Hrnais, lnearly neivl. 0H1.GRASPENNYLEPION. Wlsitby, 16jy Otim178e WHIITBY, 'PORT FERRY &LINDSAY R'y. ~QUEN'8BI THDAY'/ EXCURSION By Rail ana IBoat, from Wbit'by, ]3rooklin, Port Perry & Meanuslà , To Lindsay, Penelon FallsKin. mut, ana sturgeon Point. An Excursion Trazmin iilAvo tise Whit- bvStatinon theamornin aof Pniday, 241h 0eyet 8. 0, cilag et SI stations, and an- rifng et Lisey et 11.00 a'clcck. Breursioniets eattiser 'hava the da et Liadsay or procoeinantis by Victoris a il- in tira. for the 580?p. m. train going sontis, andi airiving et Whstbyest 8,15j ev'g. A SPECL&L TRAMN mil bave Lindisay for W atb nd al Stations, alter tise alose I the Conert (st 10.80) ai PROPESSOR TNE asi»eaib y ONE HUNDIRED AMTÉletIRgoithe Town af Lindkay anai vieinlty.- EXCURSION RATES: Prom Witby and Brooklil, ta Lindsay eud raturn ....... ...........8.. l00 From Part Pctryandi stations nortis af Brooklil, ta Lindsay an& retur. ... 0.75 Promt Manille. anti stations nort oi Port Perry, ta Liudseyand neturn. ...0.0 Excursion tickets from jindsey ta l'en. alan Falls,'andi Sturgean, Point anti ratura.' .......................&25 Concert tiaceto,-ior sale on tho train..- 0.25 EXCURSION TICKETS en au eotaiaai et tihe several Railwa ttosanti fror spatial agents, namat su amali buis. !te'Arrengcmsnts fort1anciugf, Picaick- ing anti Fishing, miil h adé's, aStungaan Point. Ab iea mSthe. Noa tLindsay, :or mosais and accommodation at usuel rates. 1-49,Tise Canmittea ai Manaement miii spare no pains ta maie -Ibis, for plesura sat comiont, tisa Excursion oi the Seasn. GOD SAVE! THE QUEENJ N. 3 jAYLORL, J. E. FAREWELL, Traeurer. Chairmen. J. DAVIDSON, Secretary. Wiitby, lst May, 1878. (20 eWeslcInyourowntawn. Oioutilt $4Gfra.. No rsk. iteeter, ilyouwiant s.6B, 1siness at which persans oai attier sez can malta groat pay ai tise tiras tisy mrk, w ri nparticuiera ta,&..HÂLLETT AuC. ortiatMan.(20 u au malta rny fston t mrk for ne tisan et anyting ea. Capital aot ne- reti; wa vil stant you. $12 per tlayat oremadie by the inaustrious. ïoen, mama, bya atiis manteti evarymisare ta makios.Niri tiseuie, CosCly ontfit anlà tr tera re.. Atiras. Taug Au C., Auguste, Mains. (20 fflbusinass, yo eau engage lu. C$5 ta 20 14I ]par day ruade by any rkar ai eltissr alisx,njl.tintbsirown iacalltce. Par- siuloa ati amplas martEs SES free. Iuspove your lsoeatume at hiub ius.isses. &(I- inseU STNsoN &' Co., Portiatid, Mains. (W F OR SALE; AT THE GLEN MAJOR MILLS!1 [ Dei. 16th, 1878. B. MAJOR, Praprietor. 't B OR S ALE. A IIANDSOME MODERN BRICK lonu ansd 'Grounts, Beautillly platot iS hoice Fruit alud Onm tsiTreeos, situai. la WHIT.BY, TUE COUIITY TOWN , 1 0F -e ONTARIO, 'Thiirly raies euat ai Toronto, on ýhe <Irand Tise sonso ts susiantaiy builî, andtigl 0atful Scrteti n iperfect orden. and boaroomsllrary&0u., p 1te glass Wtdas ath, eS vet mdear coovealaa c ersie nlo bniks<a bleo anS Coacisoose. la TIsageountie comprise abot six res-oi lsvu, lrubbMr,-aro imd e u n. Tiha misai. torming anaeaI t loisite ani dehasil aeniy rocidaucee i A F vince, and suais sa cm soldons be obt9eiue ])ress Goddsi Mourning Goo9de, Mantiés, Feathers,~ Bon.nets-, A i~ifr~i 0W, pnîfo -Good marked in plain iués DWAIRDFROSTI' OflLr]OWS CÊM 'rt[~ B9M 0 state st., Alsay, X. Y. HOTE L FO Ê SALEORaTO 'ÉATI .Inw aopiesi lhy <. and S. Ray. lctoin19Towa -of Wlsiti y. M lwU- e 6cve or aboya b7 the Pacs n t pu 2 th lmetnext. JAMS ~LMO~D1Executos OHANCEFnY 8-ALE VALUABLE FARM,,I. p Purcuant ta an orde" oftCh. Court af ChÉncery linlise suit Bickeli vs. Cesie, tise 210t daty ai Marais, A. D. IMi r Mbe soldbypublia auctian, IL oge.DuertIslBquira, Mater ai the si Court Kt VmÃtbyet the GLOBE HOTEL, IN' PRO5OKLUZ, au -Priday, the l7th'Ms.y, 1878, S at tise isour ofi2 clock, p. m. Tisa SanuÉWest quarter af lot number Thirty-frva, in henuinth Concession af tise Township of Witty,'ei l ciere& andt to Miles met Oi Asisbdmrn I.lhe purchisser, ettlise lime ai sale, phall pay tiom a a epasitlaintise praportion ai $10 for Of y10 itise parc hase Mooy ta tise Vendor orhie Saliitor, ad chah pay tise balance of tise purcisme money mitii one monts from thse dayyofcale, without intarest. Tis aSnti wiIl b. solti subjacita.o tmo mortgages for $800anti 96W0 neciative., 1particuao whereot mill be praTd cd t Tise "tendon miii only ha bouni ta 1furnisis a Ragistra Abstract araà copy thaefot anti will not b. bounSta furnisi sany title 9ed ual la ispssesb - Thespursissiar miii ein bpossesion on tie'lira* tay ci Novèsnber neit, mith permission ta plough insraediatcly alter isarvast. Tise atisencon. ditiono of tisale are tis tanding ords of Court ai Chancery. For tsrther particulers anti conditions of cal a0 l ta W. N. 'llng aviS Ormis- ton, Jmes K. Gardont . Y Smiths, Es. otrs, anti the Master a tise "id Court et isity R. N.DARTNELL; W.1H. BIIELINGS, Master. Vendons Solicitor. Wisitby, April 27th, 1878. Oin.19 Piano and Singin'. 1 M.{ 8. ROBEET CAMPBELL begs Ca anisaussca t s is praparedt ta e- caive a limiteS aumben of pupile forInsstruc- lion. Special attention pai vocal inotra. thon. Terras on application et ber motiser's resideisas, Dulo Street. 'Wiitby, Apnil 23nd. 1878. olas-iS THE ALBANY SUED- STORE, Estabilised 1881. PRICE & KNICKERBOCKE R, Successore Ca W JHTBI, FORT PEBRY & LINDSAY CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Taking affect on Wsdnesday, May lot, 1878. Leave Wstb . .30 Ia. Mra. 6Â5p. Port Ferry.9. .40 " 7.5 Manille. 10.20 ' 55 Arrive Liutisay :*s.1.00 9-U TRAMNS OOINtiSOUTI. boive Lradsay....-..7.80 e. ns., 'SuWpr. ma 51 ... . 8.8 .14 E Port Ferry . . 81 ' 7.0 Arriva Wisftby.....945 8.05 For tiraa otiser stations, ses racket Viras. Tabla, ta bbed on application ta eny ci tisa Corapanva Agents. CONNECTIONS. WmITB (PORT)-WitisSteamer "City af Mon. -treal" (Paopie's Lins), lsavbng every Moisday anti Thurstay et 5&45 P.zns., on arrivi of ater- noon train foi tise nantis. ion Rochser, Satins autitlsmego. Trains rua alose along- sida à iaarer.-e WUiTBk JuuscTioN.-Witis Grand Trunit Rail- way for ail pointe is.e ao&nst. FONT PEaRR.-Witi staige for Epsoma, Utice anti Uxbridge, 1- Snsaaà ni-Yor SainiNli anti Wisk, MAaLLA-For Sunderlaund anti Cannissgtoa. MÂm&UPoRL-For Oeiuwooti, Little Bitain, Va- lentia anti Part Hoover. Li>Dsà .-Wilis Victoria Raflwey foi Mindien, Halilsurton, tise Frais Grant Ternltary, andth ie Englisis Landi Campauy's Fnopsnty, wvus Sud. lenti- Rallvay fon omemea, MliltraaltPeter- borougis Wootilie eavantonarillii, Weube. siseie, Penetengussie eanti Geordsn Bey pats--connsciteg et onlJlUKe mistise oan 11aSlwy for Berne, Co itgwood, Gre-ranhurst Brasebnitige. anti the Pise Front Lande af Muekaka. Through Ticets are isset by ail Agents ai tisa W. P. P. &u b. E'y. ion Toronto, andti 0. T. il. Ticket A gente, Toronto, for al Station$ on W. P. P. & L.MRlv.No ranter chargs.- Baggege ciseaketi Chi. JAMES HOLDIN, Wiltby, Ap. Stis'78. Senaging Directe?. Removal B. B AR 'R'ET T i mavng ta is On coulisaide o a DuaStreet, . ooite 1he aid place. Prima joints fonre s t the aisw promiseas an Seturtiey. Spning Lambo,,tbeSn#rt of tsesouslm 'April 17ié 178 H GIG STEÂTED.-ýC-Onapt se pneus. 1- lees ai thé undensigne& i cant tise Middile ai Aprîl, -à ablaek nS ishýwite. sum about a e aa ISTisa ownep ierequnti dta pnoveprapart y 'e-xpensue andti lai-i amay, or it mwi 0ecoiSa Z;rélg t.Is . --- LUKE EOBMBN "I/ 2, l4 on Wlby. Farrn for Sale or to Rent, r)' .1 ~,' ~i. -2T>~thvseS 5V S-.- CtnIUUtAZIna, p.ýi Toel Ready.made Clothing. X~EWA"P VER rIS'WM i~rs"," J2J4~~ -D I.R,. ¼. i UNDER. CITY PRICES. Ca1"andfsée oui Im- portations! Splendid, variety to choose'romý. NO STALE STOCK. AH, Goods'Fresh 1and Seasonable.- HAMILTON & HARROWER. Wîiliby, May, 1878. LAINO AND' STEWART W il onand after I'-- i4dlýay" the 24th'of May, 87, ffrthe Nwbol' Th ,i Stock at etel low prices. ,gad ine Ha4ing rented onè of the best stores. in Towni, (inito .which they expect bo move et auerlf date),, wigh to seoU as mucli of their prosontistock as they eau, in order to enter thcir new store with 518w goode. Hâving stim soins of the goode that wae saved frora tie FTIB of lest Octobor, will with thera offer thîe whole of' their prosont Stock at ex. tremely low pricos, The Stock consists of Milliery . and, Manties, Tweeds, Clothes and Clothing, and GENTS FURNISHI.NGS. With a splondid of Gon eral- ID ;, Y c-ooID8S -.W e employ *First-class Tailors and MiRliners, whç9se aim ià to give satisfaction to our custom- ers and honor to the Establishmîent.1 May iti, 1878. ~GNERAL SESSIONS. Notice le hereby given tisaI the Court ai Canerai Sassions anS tisé OOUNTY COURT for tise Conxtycf Ontanlo, i i e helt inl tise C OURT BIOUSE, in the T N ---OF - WHT Y ON Tusay helitho-Jn,68 eit tiheur af tmel",e 'alcck noan, a ofWisis ail Cononsrfl, Junofa, ati Canstabies are ToUS quiredt t ake notice. - -. - N. G. REYNOLDS9. j t li l. Siafl'ofie, itby, MaYi, 5i7 Home-Grown Seéds!1 PLEASE CA"L ON PETER SMITH, on SIMON PBASEB, 'Who are ever ready le ""ARftd bie ispiug otisers ielp -Iismnellrac castsing n u ilta led plee wltbHaIonse. Crm eTis. DOWN'î S. C. BROWN %edmn, - Wbly Sirisis14ti1ls,17. ît.a Fresh Gfrde 8éd8 s AMNL"~S 0F FLOWERAIRVCJALSXEU LAING &STEWART, l Hopkinis'MuiHal hty DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTERI, Commaencing on or aibout MONDAY the 8th APIRIL. TUE STEAMER ;*N OS -E M-A ýN"ý -(W. Sharmooti, Master.> W ITL make lien negular tripeas t lis route, leavmg Cobourg every*monn- ingat 7f8 ni Port Hope et 9 a0clok, on arviaG. T. R. Trains irons-Hast anti Wes< cancting fet Roohester is tise ýqrkpn &l,. Northeff Centtrl d Rstltilays,âiX Àka n sboio risn ~Diiiin t' i,&i~i.. WaenomnduOg- denebngis sui', lio' al paots East, West anti ESuths. -RETUENING.-Will -Ieà ve Charlotte (port ai Rochsater) daily, et 9 p. ms., except ESaturdlays iran -phe mwill leavea ah83p. ra. là r Port 1146-4iect.. -DealeTs iun etýiîk S'wmiiiind"ýthis tise cheapest ani a oýl 'oxpeditions- ro tC Boston, A11,ahay' o ek, Il - For isntisar information apply ta W. SIMRWOOD' . - .F. GILDERSLEVE, Part Hope. Kingston. 14iew Stage Line .li -h k hie roee tweeù Ois ave sud Witby a coiontablo coverod !- e andoo I he patronage of traveiers o ém,-vr'atcla i hePa pet t tise Ã"amfontend'eourvmeae a i aengera madtathe sucuuity and prompt tielh'ery ai parceis cormiflttetia =y charge. Tisane Wm b. tva stages per &d aecis vy, vis.: Lisavlng Osaaeecis marais gln tinse ta, moaIe.close, canneclianes -lh e Wiitsy da LtndaaMF maandset 8Go'oiock each aflernoosi;anti ea dn sitA t 11ia ns anS o#t,âô esfcisday. Tiecgeli Parea ntlehapges oderats. J. R. ADAMR, Propniatan. MareS 211h 187$. (1 N-9 W If UÉ-1(CI.9 T LTL MO NF N0NW NED'A LIAUIE L Rciu SPRI NG GOOD.S EngIish &, Sotch and -Canada" eds, Htats & Caps ingreat vrey~ d1oth ing,",inade to order iithe Thâtest Sstyles on Short' Notice >A", isetiinvited bofore purohasî# ew,,lwerýJ En- courgo H~ne~~4e#JOHN FER(C+UPO«w-V Du'ndstroit,:Wldthy. WE HAVE JTJST ~ R- EO EIVEDi ,TH,6>;IIDAY Two more cases of ;,the 5Oç,.I and0. ~women's Prunel Gaiters. Also,> Ladies' fine Kid Gaiters, al #C CHEAP FOR, CAISH.: ." Mai 711s, 1-878.W DOMINION WARERÉ WIVI JLUI(Nse Dr Book Streat, Wisitby.. OÃ"MS, 4 4, '78. Wibèg to advise ltaving rieceived ourl Sp og- Ytock. We are well as8orted wt thte mo8t aseaon- -able. and rnost durable goeintt arJtand at t/us L OWEST PRICJL9ý .- Weinvite'- PýéCiat at- tention to outr stock of DRESS GOODS,*w/tic/t is attractive by its great extent, Variety and- O-ur GLOTH DLPARTMENT excella -any former season in style and Variety. Our Millin. ery Stocke is conzplete and attractive. We- havc a first-class C'utter, styli8h Milline D;ess 'and Mantle 1akelrs, ready to execute- all - orders entrusted to tiemn. -,T 'hankinti Yom for pasi favors, ive solicit a ;Con- tinuance of your patronage. Yours 'respeetfully, - LOWES & POWELL,.- Wlistby, April tt, 1878t. FRESH SEEIDS Vick's Flower and Vegetable Seeds,- Lawn Grass Seed, Tuberose Bù1bé,' Oxalis, Gladiolus, &o., &. NEW CANNED FIRUITS. Califorinia ,Plumbs,- Lima- Beans,-, sApricQts, -StringBeans, Pe aches, Tomatoes, Pears,' Corn, Pears,.,,. Turkish-Prune's, FrenchTens ', Maple Sugar,- Maple Syrup.ý ý'Whitby, April Bî'd, 1878. . JAJVESON.I- W. J. HIOK'I*E & '00. Beg to ýreturn their sincere thanùks. to. the public, for ýthe - kind. patronagà e' entended to théem,' for theý past five years, and hoping by strict ýatten-, tidùnto business to nierit a share inthie ftrlà ýre. W.,J. H.. &.Co. have great pleaume in - P RI-N G,,,,GOO0:D! CONSIST1NG OF,, - th sd ,1- Nw Brown and Whimte Cotton, from-- 50., to 1'ac. er yard; Phsil, 44Prilts-sp1endid va1ue-5c.- to 15q. rpel 3TSF<I e.. BlakrédsGeyfrom 10e.-to 25é. per yard., ceiori Cotton Hosieiy, a great job, ut- 10o porpair. . Esy4 - eGloves <C orsets and collars ,i- reat vrey cnnS 55 New Ready-mae Cothing t -had. -ontheaph Ties,'Seorfs, ýHÉakecuhiefo, Collars, and fiSelt Hats ý = for Gentlemen, (the largeat stock in Town. ma"55 THE GROCERY 'STOCK WIELL ASSOIITED 1 gmFarme' Produc-e taken in xéhango. --E - ~~J - ~HIPQK!IE--& Pa0 Msrch 4thi 1878. .meMilan'i Block, - OR. WM. -tnéa sires. IsIathe Baw=ue1nt&omiy flouheS. -Tise bell,-tan let sqaxe, is l miw aii ln d.oherry On-tise uigisî cfthsahaltis theis tlor, 24%16 sud aoit1th leaitiettinËg aca xi, ~hre are tv -igita ggotisa buidin 2, lx, and 24x17, re- spctne.The aultsldni are good anti ln akelgVill. t 8 raistence.'Tisera i im a d lf crès of bind alttched ta' tis& hne.. . Tmsscs-The property wmliba saiS ton 640W.. Ountisapuroisasr saakisg a mali- peysmnt dama, any lehois iIse muilbe gkrenier tise balance. Apy te E]_LE'iCHAEDSONf, 01 the promises. Whiiby, Apnil 20, 1878. (i1 F ABM FOR BALEý-Come9ning bO acres of a goati land#, part of Xot 24, Brokean Frontonu. Townsisip aifWNITY, Cooti flarns and tiatble. Pontuzther iasztitsslars, aippîy ta JOHN STEXO 11]) Oshawa; on ta D. ORMIBTOnl, Soihitor, Wlsitby. Mercis 20&h5,171.(-1.3 L-AND SALT JAND~ PLASTER .FOR sAL/Il , CEEA? AT LJVERPO L - MARIKET. J.H. lI'1cCLELLAN.1 Livorpool Market, April, '78. -t1.1 la iseroby givan tiset tisa COURT- 0FlIE VISION fon tise Municipality aif tls TOWNSHIP 0OP WHliTB.Y, for thisoent yeai5 1878,'wil Sold sefah - aitting in tise' .. TOWNSIIIP HALL, -BROOXTAIN, et tan o'clbelc is tise tarenca aotis F/rst Monday>' in dune next, R. T. HAERIS0Ni Clork. looinAil23, 1078. -(51 N OTIC0E-- TS HIEREIIT CIVN tiaItishe Counisiofa .LtisaCorporationoaitise TOWNSIHIP 0F WHFIITBY inteniS elt s sitimg, ta h e ltiaon tise F/rat Monda>' in dune nUt; apil ay-snn7, m he Villge onstruoou.,i th Pin- 15 T. HanaRRISeOdeN, ak llnool, nii 2,188 (d. MURSONPTEIAON. CMerGr>. Fan MdGJln t eetWjl rtcpeonttui enanca tit a"atior $0 Ppilshosidenes. - -t MAH O0D: UOST, H-OW RESTORRO 2wç hae rebéutX pubisis aa FIESH -F'RIJIYDE?6 Eyearything ini the jIFULJ~a&e~n~o,- 1