18 1188 TO DIX TAX BLEB, qunail, date' 941h IndlividusI upen Ia .sinutons, uub- orie aunot b. drua dllc c...( drsntsta ol lburuemet. oe. Sud in Ihoir COU- Iiois on sumiuar ainetion o01 pri =tcrime, for bn yemployed tuanjour hour.. 'gageS mors Iba,, Iseo or Boulon$, lis te, attend Au. or bolore 3usalou okea0 .nnh 401 o. m~i à 8ýmtiout ury 2fer Coroners, iululg attsnding At snuen.ad aul mervesu lu res- pect Ibereot, If hlsiSoutain@e dy se Jury ouuauoosd....,...... 00 l.Attendieg m a sdjbùrnmeot tizecof, il ng eoa mors fotiy hot...... ........ c0 D'. o. do. if engagead Mt)re tno faux heurs. .. s050 Se. atte umrmons or ualpcona te atotu belote Coroner (subject ........025 16ggo saine ..........010 1'5. :Ihumnnbody undor (Joronrsa . warra1t ............. ......20 16, fls.burytog"Mre. .. .ý........2 00 17. Ssrvlog lstrssis warrant, ana re- 8al1 ..............1 5a 1,A lvring under distreswar. rant........................ 50 lu. Travelling te make distresit, or te saarch for gonds te make i. trous whien znegoudd are fond., O01() Md Appralsements, whetlier b y ne Or more, 2 ceuts Ina tho dollar, ou lhe valne ofgWod SI. Catalogcalme sud econnalss}en snadide very 0aI goes, 0Sotsla th 6b. Sou net!Ofeof ut gudsi. 12 xocutitngooerîlr warrant ...... 50. Servlla notices ou constables, when permnnly senveil...... O050 P'ubi; 'sbsd by orter, B. PAIMWZLL, 2 FoPr Sale! ,J éau oupiefi by the late jaines l yn e C e n t r e - îre t. F o r p a r ic u la rs , to H. B T 4!J, Domainion y or t jmos Byrna, roc i'. 181179, E LANDS FOR SALE -Townehlp Of Sômervilllogi COUNTY OF VICTOIIA i*l'olowiug landse-in the townshipc Sanuerville, CoUnty et. Victoria, arc oSfere fer sal- The Wet oflo ,lu lthe th concei âodc ton sttingeof19 ce A. iteen &cri éloaraS anSdfquÃ"sd., Aucer-ffsiil,,gstrear crossiesthe lot, on whlch isa Mill site, uon thide oflee a geod rend. The proprty:i only j f a Mlle frein a rallway station c the Victoria 1lellwâyr araS a miles trein th village cf Kinmount Lot 7, in the 141Concession, cenxistIri cf 200 &cres. The land lu wall limboes aé ir on15a lot et valuable cedar.j veillnstre4an et waterTans Ibrouic ah lot, wbh i ilbut eue-an lleii rein tgil 11ay statien on the Victoria IBai tsThéà aewtry arounud lu ettlsd. emro. John Goodmuan auS Daniel SilvsE nest ininout, wlll show th Ir poerty. For Ta=»infS als, evpiy ta- JAS. WALKIR, Moray P. O. Ontrarlo.;or tu Msusrs. ILATOI! & f110., Whitby Âirg 22nd, 1877. -85 of le ,d s. e I. LEVI ST.ONE, Wllklnson Dllck, airetly North c rousooueFontrire Store, OUTH BROK-T. *- WHITBY, ce %uano ote ie Inhiabitauts cl WL't"Y ld I-Itythat lie bas oliened a PLOUR & FEED STORE, In ceuzretiou wlth l'ins lluter Shop; ?Fber. ha will always hrrve on baudi A LARlGE STOCK OP Cracked Wheeî, Osimeal, Cernmeal, Oct., Peau, * Shorts, &c. iUI)IlRS DIILIVilRED IN ANY PART OP0 TEE TOWN i -e' A Cal is Solicited. ,,j - LEVI STONE, Vilkiosou flich, . . Whitby. Mareh 121, 1878,t.l McEP teilowlng- valoable prc. 0,more or lau, in the ornty Ostarlo. hen, suit lut, ~-flW S N]W OCcx AND -FRESH Having corne out of the lPire afely 1I avýe lieen enabled te re-in- s'est the total amounat of Iny insurance and a larTge amount of other Capital ini the ptirchase of an en- Q ~L' FRESH STOCK p -0OF- - SGROCEJI'ES, LIQUO 11, fC Whieh having been secured - lates, &c., &o., My Liquors, as heretofore, are o! the best brands alid will be Jound unsurpassed hin purity and cheapness. Agent for Cosgrove & Labath's Ales. I 4 z for, Cash on most advantageoius termsq, Eu ci c c P. - am enabled to offer ut flully -25 Per Cent Be/o w Ordinary Pr/ces To cash and prompt Paying Btuyers at Whoiesale. and Retail. -I I deem it uunecessary to en- umerate tho items ini detail of My large snd extensive. stock ; any attempt to do so would fil a dozon Chronicles, su.!- fce say that i t is complote in al linos aud that customors will find on the prernises overy article that may to enquired for. -I -I ) Ml -i ) ) E-i by the Keg. -"UJ Canned Fruits, Pickles, Biseutse!o best- quality. Oysters, Hladdies, Bloaters and fisli of ail kinds, Herrings, Salmon Trout, &c., in Barrels sud haîf- BarrelIs. 20 20 can afford te soU lbs. of Brown Âmeioa~ ~ Comnmel, Patmeai. 1?## and Srn lia FIour, gWY iIed t watliwi iv ,w.a,, c-i mi Ml 2 Heads of Families makingW purchases of, Holiday Croceries M- a good article by callin g. t EVERYTHIMG INb Great SJai las mucli Pleasure in announcing that lielias now in Stock a Complete Assortment of al kinds of Family Groceries suitable for the Holidays or any Lime, including the following, viz.-1 New Vahenlia Baisins, ÀCoc o fMtoCp n acr "Layert ffo ms Baskedt ac oy o ms "London-diFnyCnisfrXu "Lemon Peel,sadnsWht a, orange Peel, Slo ru, "Citron Peuh, FniuRdisadOseeroie Ail Kinds ci spîcas. 41y Nuts, ahi Kindo.PieTbco Cm , ExtrAcChoies&lot cf MotresCeps sud Saucer. -Ey TEP, 0OiTiNýÂL BU&E TO TEm- NWCASH GROCEIRY STORE Simon fias decided to make a reduotioné'f lots. on the Dollar off hie aiready low.pniced china, Orockery andGls crid cas,to make room fcr Spring Arrivais 1I: EVer7artice lu 1nhe Groéery line, decidedly chesp. Ho would resp &aflyoel h.a&ttentic the Ladies tc varied ascortment cf NwBso es rs iQfr fan # t 80c, 40e, 60o and 7k ciz - L.Ennui Hadies, Whu;teflsh aaTo .scaiedHerringe, Lebrâ or Herrige, Boucleis. Ccfish. aud fresh Oeou eonetautly on~ hand. Oatrueal ocrnmeal, Buckwhest Fleur, Graham Flour alec agent for.Porreat Milse Cho"e.amil rPIeur, OusloMors=#up. plied with a fine arice st lowcst prioe.. met received, Field sud GEprden Sedcs, warretcdresh and -true to their ie, which will b.soêld et a email advance on cdt.i Apples, Potatoes, Btter, and Eggs,;taken in e .xchange for Goode. Oeil, before purchssiug elsewhere, aud seoure gccd bergains at thc New Cash Groeer Store. SIMO'N -FRASER,: Ontario Block, BrouI-St., Whithy. NEW GOODS1 Clothing. and Gent's Furnishing HouE Ia now sUpplied with ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Clothe of ail ldnds, -the Largest ana Best Stock they ever had. Qr0- Also an excellent, stock of, Gents' Furnishings, a new. A Éplendid stock of Ready-niade Overcoats, Cheap for Cash. geMILLÂN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHITB7 N~O COMBINATION P ETERB S MIT H, A FUL ASOM BETusNeKVEs, &cN. Have you seen the New Illwninator. No Chimney re- quired. 1 Ligit equal ho 8 cf the ohd kiud, once tried ahways used. Sole agent for Whihby. Crockery sud Glassware lu great variety, cheap. Cash paid fer Apples, Potatees, Butter, Eggs sud Poulhry. PETER SMITH, Whitiy, Dec. 119b, 1877. OdSfellowms lBnildings. MoCROSSON& l King Street, - - - Pa] Torn jul Fu A Co., ATt N v YV a5nu yrMg.N 'HiE LARGEST STOCK 0F FURS EVER SHOWX IN CANADA. eFINE FURS A SPEC'IALTY. FUR TRIMMINGS CUT BEKU ROBES. ASTRACHAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, BUSSIAN LAMB SACQU~ES, RACOON RBENS, S. S. BEAL SACQUES, TAK ROBES, PEBSILS LAMB- SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOCR ERMMNE ACAUES, "i"E CAPS, CPSMINE SETTS, S. S. SEAL CP S. S. SEAL SETTS, OTTER AND SEAt SETTS, ERMINE SETTS, PERSILS LA-MP CAPS, PERSIAIN LAMB SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTBACHAN SETTS CONEY CAPS, BLACK SABLE 5ETýrs, GRIEY LAMB CAPS, CONEY SETTS, GEBMAN MINE CAP& GREY LAMB SETT5, Lrticular attention given te ail orders. roto Dc.8,187.specially attenided te. T - «& R , ;b-3r 75 & 77 YONGE-ST., uer mnaenry ba beon s"I ed and 0otracted wjthi a epqoiail reo a manufacture cf Oui ewn mu"hlet man eluadm enind -i pups, snd not adajtod for other weork, and our worknzen-arc op. te the wants and roqnzreion40 Of Ocar manuWature-.obtaining a1 Inl ege cf the contruction cf cur machine,, andare Qlu'à onabled 1< W.e are thereforo onabled te introduce a nmore perfect siystem into ail tii parta"nts ofunan'ufacturo adding net only t teb. erfection cf the. work, bui »e tà the repidity cf i&s executon-and a consequeut ýoductjon cof cost. Tis principlo in regarded necessary luý a well regulated establishmnent, ,wu onublod te turn ont. Our machines w#,h a higiier degree cf peifeeticu, ani price..se lcw as absclntely te defy competîsîon. is new me well known as a %igla Reaper, that n word cf cominendation wi almeat seem superfucous, but as there, are. many claiuuing to Manufacture machine who have adherod te the old original Johoton machine, without h, ing up te,1hhelmprovomcents ; Ibat justice ta ourselves ana patronsrequire o te slate thet we have modifieS it n lu lost every essentiel par t, sud for streE and durabilily, qualitv of out, in every kinS suddcndition cf grin ; lightneà draf aýnd'easorfmgomoulen-.th, "Jelinston," as manufacture by us-satm pre;egninontly ahead cf ail other reapers. In proof cf this position we have lo-peint te the many Ffrst Prizes ewarded us-at lb.hest Provincial trial cf tari, anfi mauy counly trials which havetaken place ail over Canada, wil OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, witb late imprevemenîs, à leil tat c e ao dsired in a Cembined Machine, eua roueu Odn. thor. o b. tring tai. and id nt this .eep* f us ands loly On. Our Improved Cayvuga C.hief dr., and our Young Canada Mow are bctb first-class machines -constituted alnmest wholly cf Iron ana Steel. Oa uga Jr. has a rear cut, and tho Young C'anada a front Out ; bcth streng,i ab7e machines, sudot excelled, by any machines in the market for qualit. ont, dnrability, ligblness of draft, adaptability, sud case of management. As the country bas become botter -à dapted te macli -nsry, and many cf our farn.' ers have become skilled in the use of machines, a grcwing demand mbs spruug up for a Liglit, Durable, First.Class Reaper. Alive to the requiremenîs cf lhe day, we have succeeded iu inventing a ma- chine with a Wrought Iron Freine, witb the least possible gearing-with large, broad-faced drive wheel,-auci 50 constructed liaI the frae nsd table tilt aI the saie m e, thereby keepiug the pitinan. always in lina with the kuife. The rakes are driven directîy frein the main shiaft--tbere being ne perceptible side draft, and ne. weigit upen the herses necks. We are confident tiat we have sneceeded lu inventing the moot perfect Beaper, taking il lunail iRs parte, that bas ever been prodnced. We have applied for JeItera patent, and shall bolS aur invention, for our own exclusive manufacture, sud wa respectfnhly sugrgest te in- teuding purchesers, that tbey shenld sec tbis machine before givmn thieir orders for the caming liarvest. The "Whitby Harvester"' weiglis, al l000 poundi, but being made principeily cf tha best qnality cf iron Jand steel, aud frein its iu- genions ud ompact construction, il combines the streugth and durabiiity cf tha beavier machines. Al of anr Machines are fally warranteS. With li list cf machines, wo feal confident that w.e à meet every re- quirement, sud wo respeetfülly solicit a trial cf oar machines, bolioving that we enu furuish a botter machine for the moucy Ihan can ha obteined alcewiare. Feb. l9th, 1878. Aterations1 ly-50 The dur- ýy of BROWN & PATTEIISON MFG. C( reoeived 1 Whitby, Ontario, February, 1877T. OUR NEW Goods of Ail Kinds, Cheap and Goo' zl ig Il Ty FAHJONBL TAIL OBIN Go where you can get a Well-fltting Garment :-To thi Tailoring Establishment of EORGETTN GURLEY, A Large Stock of Fine Chothe;; hast Eruglisi, Scqtch sud Caniadia] Tweeds. O> Excellent Overcoatiîîgesud Splendid IVcsh Patterns.J OHPESTHEAW. GEORGE GURLEY, King Street, Oishawà 'ed de ,P. wl ,-Wi go toi 51 go si Tmà pu AT ci t des( prie 5 scri] Viol Whi OP Th NEW STATIONEIRY BAD- i~M IPEIZZ, AT THIE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BOCK-ST. TORONTO. O Large Size Box Stovesi CLEARING OUT AT HALF-PRICE. A fresh lot of Cana~ries and Parrots .st received. My Stock of STARTING HOUSE-KEEPING. UND E RTARINO. uni Stock 6f Caskets, Coflins, ai the necessaries lu ths line. Aise, PHO TOC fAJ Mr. Barrett is selling out his entii'e Stock and is no>w t-aking pictures at half-price, previous to goini to thtJe s Exhibitionu. Now is the time to get a good picture cheap., [See Supplement.] Clever Young- meùn who want to learu the business inýtructed,-in a fe W.%lessons i the newest methods. A fine mare, Harness a nd-buggy for sale. A BARBRETT, Photographer. to Opposite Ontario-Bank, Whitby. . T E.,PARSEHBTO NEW STATIONIERY. -&,BOOK SOE AT THE WHIITBY SOHIOOL BOOK AND NEWS DE POT J. G. a MCDe o isouGtmsandtepulei general thiat he has opaned a Stationery, Schcol Buok ad News dapot in conneetin with hie Confechionery & Baldng business, in hie cld stand rats. k tee, re evrerything in the lina eau ba had a t very lew The Daily aud Weekly Papers always on band'- ad de- liverad te subecribers in ail parts of hehown. Ordere prompthy fled for Paiodical, Magazines and Musi. Aise, a wdil-aesorted lot cf Mettees, The public will flnd it to their advantage to take a peep at eur stock before purcliasing elsawiiere. J. G. MODOUGALL, Whitby, March 4th, 1878. Souti Brook Street. O. aL, or 16 C e nV DU fsta] nOV Georg Yule begs to annnouinco that ho lias re-opened hie Shaioery sud Bock Store in 'Wiby, wiere stationcry of ail kinde, of thie beet quality, wih hoc kaph on lîand ; aIea School Books of every description, Copy Bocks, Shatas, ]?encihs, Inks, &c., &o., ah the lowesl The Daily and Weeldy Papors always on hand. Sub- Musical Instruments, including a fine assortmont of Vielins. Orders are talcan for Pariodicals, Magazines and Music. Wliitby, Dec. l8hh, 1876. GEO YULE. WILLIAM TILL'S WAREROOMS Go where you cannot fail to be pleased in making selections o! good furnilture. Splendid iParlour, Dra-wing RIoom sud Bedroom Sets; New Desigas weil werthy cf inspection, at astcnisiing low prilces. Dm.- inrg.room Extension Tables-avery superior article. 011 Comnices, Picture Framiug in every style. Some flueéÇirmes sud Enýgr&vige for sale. 7u:tzD s fu]l supplied, A4 stock cf elegant osket with ail orders of Photo's, at- B E S T'S' ~BEAUTIFUL CABINE T PORTRAIT! Choiceý of 1lie following persons: )IR JOHN A. MACDONALD, HON. T. N. GIBBS, GALLERyý 11EV. MRl. LAIRD, Deeeînter 24th,'1877. or EDWABD CARSWELL. e%UTTERS, LLarge Assortment of Cutters -and Buggies -AT- TOMS A-T THE OLD STAND 1 ýoots & Shoes Cheaper than- Ever!-. as resurned . lis business at the'old Ind (Chequered Store), l3rock-st., Whitby, where he is; ow enabled to gi've good value to ail customners, old and & NiaeW'PcOIRT.' CaTRage$FactorY,ONW- BOOTS AND -SHýOES, is replete for Falsud Winter wear, sud ho is determined JOHN SAUNDEBS. '..Parties indebted to me, svi]1please cail and settie nedialely. J. S. Whitby, Outober 22nd, 1877. imîr CAKERON & A aftieet, Toro HECTOR CAMEIION, Q0.- 'Y S THOMAS ln RW. J. GUNN, Dr. W. J7. 131 Ocxye-Nezl Suer te C 9ýresidencej at Mr. Lew 13VRON FIEL] ]pHYSICIAN ',TBE Creek. Wr. EcBRIEN, J n«Y'S HOSPITAL, L %-Tthee ye B. 0 H. L., i c AB D . OGA Physician, Surgeon, Acco Wbilby, Sept. 50th, 1874. W. AD.A RDOOV~EIRB. B Office houri frein9 a.m. te: 1.80 tle6, P. M. esideuce sud Gilbert streeýts. C, Pi. VARS, -J T EETH inser gosChoapas the cheapest, an bést.,Teeth dilod with. jG Teethi extiscled witho0ut plau lodSi ano3slhesia.Dental E an's ncw bloek,-oever Atirine, Ring Streel, Oshawa, JOHN ROBINI HT.I DRESSING A» Jour; WOLPE] AGENT FOR TËË C A1Sottxah Granite- At of Jonahin WolfandeuDuni 'GEORGE CORX lautly on baud. JAMESý W. Bi ONHPCLERE( COMmSIitýuCOURT BENCH, OONVEYANCING ÂN AL INBURANC.E The. Ohcrk will ba lu hii Tovu Hall, Columubus, ou Prida, for Townrabip bu hours, 9Sa. m. te 5p. lu.- Mareh 211h, 1877. WILLIAk cool BLACKSAUTH, - - Bi (Succeser le Thomas 1M Hlors. hoeelu" sud allkidni work. * C. C. SCALEI ~IRGINIA TOBACCO eoronto-street, Toroul A T H E R L-' *Clerk Division Cour t, Ocuimissioner lu B. IR.4.ant &o., Atheriy, Cleuuty Ontario. Atheriy EtpI. Sud, 1872. FALIOHERS RESTA, ADAMS' BLOCK, KENT LI-N»SA Y, O»pomate Roarreal Telegui WILLIAM .THOMPS'ON Begs to direct attention: te hie large and euperior stock, ccmprising V thing * à th.Saddlery u ane ielo Leather Valises and Saratoga Trun7ks A LOT OF UHILDBN'TS (L4RRL4GE$, Ne~w P1REMISES, Will save Money -and secure Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Choco- 1 1'u b m ci K tË -1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 rr mi Vit TO MICHAEL GLEE SON (late with F."Meât), Green, wherae owlIi be happy ho seca ai friends. Tie stock is selected viaw ho mach hie wauhs cf ail. Home trade je aur especial ain,i -wi.il defy campehihion in every ina of the business. Chaap Goo good Goode will demand customare. Notlîiug wauted by old or nei tomiere, but ehaîl be furnisied un short notice. A speciaity in CO0k 5i gallons for $1. 0:> Produce of ahi kinds wil ho aid for ini CAE goods given for tie saine ah hirît rate. HARVESTER.Ji tirolyiiew and À Choice lot of Motto cups and Saucers for Xmae. Fancy Toya for Xmas. Fanoy Candies for Xmu. jouies, Mamalade, - Ilickleu, Salmon, Lobesters, sardil, White Fiah, Salmon Trout,' Fi-han Haddies and Oystere reoeived Pipes, Tabaccos, Combe, Brushes, Knives, &o. J- -G. MODOUGALL, South BrockStreet. whithv. marAh afli- lRr7R Whitby, March 4th, 1878. For One ARE NOW SHOWING 6ms-ý FATHER McCANN, ý FA SH1 ON- ABLE qý'AjLO-RjNG ý iL GEORGE OSHAWA. Heads of Families making TO ORDER. -AND- ly-50 1 UNDAS 1 Whitby. (tf-il Alese Best quality, 80 cents per gallon by the Keg. ro. 1 ý'GOING GREENWOOD, Navember lOti, 1877. Oms- THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAIÇING REAPER OUR NEW "WHITBY G. McDOUGALL'- [las much Whieh having been G 1 A-W A Y STORE Month, 3E ST'S3 .. B QGGIESý AND CAIRIRIAGES.-