Whitby Chronicle, 11 Apr 1878, p. 4

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NEW PREMI$E 8, r LJUS l tl4 . i iatutp a parto4, and, wth à,louA rcer, Iaek ild yolow beas4ii;al>d b4r i* ayhjhe.J n ge nam StAle a l a rôm fae ai> )teespParhluÈgr*on re- perèceplpturs of mad COn- mlM lbave ever ceeu. km no v.?Ptc1ab18 danger, foi- erm wus nerly fifteon foot oe groUn4id and nea tigar ose Atl icight. Stili, my znerves llngi,,,r adit wae an ImphLaseivo for I Ur pthe ocreeduzor ýeoh».7 ami rod, wtdui draw. ýgta very fine. Tho shot tock wo'-ver,' for -wbon, ie moue - , as thetfier ahupet Undor Oroit, wth tlb. beav3r buuht lis pin@, frtithi# co-0nvuüloivo. wuslp 0n l- the orc arflain, and a bellot ighhlals'hok. 'A hudder ian IltY limabet, l'head drap., ho great beaut -wae debd. l safe ta dooond, Aaidlb.e ne up. Tho dead tigr was iy the centre cf an adairing f 1commenite on' hiicaiea, &c., etIy.ý Ho wae a fine beset, l4o air, aoutiuî oarl ee about ]lis nock, and Woll. . ripse on a gioued cf deop, ~ ieh yellow. Thero wae a ut 91 hauling and, shoutiug i vae Mlung on poloseand star$. I pli te lt vllageë. Arved 1 ly mueaaured Iimu, snd from or tait lie provod te bo an baif over ton foot., Thon eBk, cf skincng. Thi a lrfonally, for thé Mallaja C sud opt t ta cth1e kie. tilaatoperaîlon, but aIJet m ntshed, the carcsa givon 0 tho vnltuipom âu <I jaokals, o n oarefu1lIy. igdouotunu- with soeerai uaî?lvocserapîing rabbiing it witlb-ooaubs1 L. freu vaizr .' Z R SALE .1 IN TUEi O F VICTORIA.~ g landseila the township of a- uty ai Victoria, fare offered ýwns,,i NTY oliovine Ille, Coil The Wast j of Lot s; lu tlia 151h conoos- ien, aausiitiflu 100 acres..Yilteen acres isAared anaI feaood,.ÀA uver-failiiog trosin rossas tho lut, on whlch la a Mill site, nirt tho Bidle 0 a gooti rand.'Thxe propsrtyi onyJ'famie nrmP railway staion ou illageo0 ci Kmuoura?'su lifoî h Lot?7, lua lb. 141h concession, consttn f 900 acres, The iulanJ eiaittimbarseî liaingon t alotof valuxable odai. A tho lot, vhich ie but oxxsand-a-halfmffes Ufnom a allay station on the Victoria Bail. My. Thecocuntry attend il e sttofi. Misue-. John Goodiman sud Daniel Siyez, near Kinnionni, wiii show tha propcrty. - Por Terme# of Sale, appiy te- ±IVOMBY. IATOH R O ., Whitby. Farm toà fien t 121R , 'eli ccn.,! lbu Mr N. »L Ray, Lot2ôg ï=,Wjitlbyý. Con- alMs 100 acres-5 lSDcoait, and uez- fivation.-Good ln,â cd buildilngs, eri Orchard,: . EfgBit y pittitatd, imu. CaeI ol utsofiraià1t i the ecopra. r'.F . EGIBBS, 'tp. 90187. (tf-4O) Oshawa, ont. LÉVI STON'E,ý WU.ildeee»Blocok, dieetiy, North c Johanston's F 4ut o tre, OUtI BROOK-ST., ' WHITBY, gsl6ibDnoànîe té fla lulxaitants o1 PLOIJR & F-EED STORE, In coxxectioa wlh hic Butcher Shop, nveo haouil alwayi have ou baud A LAIIGH SSTOCK OP "holce Fleur, Cracked Wheàî,' Oseal, Oais, pois, - horts, &ci IRDERS IiELIVERD IN ANT PART OF TUE TOWN i AF A Callili eS6licited. LEVI STONE) Vllkluson Blook, . - Wlitby. Max-oh 111h> 1878, (fi rIC Et Ifollowlng valiable pro.- mai or r ilas,lunthe t, oun t »$rlp being lt 28 SI iith lxan alliséa o f xt of On. *rtur miiie cfthe ,North. NEW' z z o AND -1FRESij Hlaving corne out of the F ire safély I have been enabled te re-in- vest the total amouùt ef my insurance and a large ameunt cof ether Capital in the purchase cf an en- tirelynew aud FFESH STOCK -OF- GIIROCEIIES, LIQUORS, d, Which having been secured fer Cash ona most advantageous terus, 1 ara enakled ti- offer at~ 25 Per Cent Be/low Oral,,.. n~s To cash -and. prompt Paying Buyers ai Wholesale and Itetail, I deem it unnecessary toen umerate the items in detail cf my large aud extensive stock ; any attempt 'te do 50 weuld £Il1 a dozen Clironicle8, fice te say that it je complete in all hunes aud tbat custoiners -wiil find on the prquises every article that May bco nquired for. lleade of Familles makùlig N i~ nm ljete .Msortment >o() - I£ý h onoÈiniz.Jé fr'V UH*dys o tune, uoludig îLefoilowles"I t,' , ,lp 196 0 aps anA1 Saucer di Lemon Pool, Zr4"nWi*~Pib "Citro 1n Pool, PainHTvma Q-ysters. rooeived AUl Kinds of sp ices. daily. Nota, al KXinds. Pie.,Tobacoos, Combe, Extmata cf ailmuaus. , Babs uvs e A PULL ÂSSOBT T-N flVERY ÃŽUNE. Have you seeÊithe-New Illunae. eChner- quired. 1 i dht ta 8ogjf the old kind, once triedalwaye used. sole CahPaid for PePtteBteEgge and 1>oultry. Cas AplsPoatos Bttr, PETER SMýTE, Whitby, Dec. 111h, 1877. Oddfellowii' Buildings. 91 King Street, - - - Toron THE LARGE ST STOCK 0F FURS -ËID EVER OWN IN CANADA, ,FINE FR8. A S ECIALTY. m FUR 'TRIMMINGS OUT TO "ORDER. ~ BIAItROBES. ASTRACRAN SACQUES, BWOL ROBES, RUS81AN LAMB SACQUES, IRACOON ROBES, S. S. flEAL SACQUE S, YAK ROBES, * PRSxjz, LAMB SACQUES, ~1 BUFFALO 'ROBES. MOOK R EMINE SACAUES, S. S.xEAL'CAPSMINE SETTS,. S. a §BL CPO . . f-SBAL BETTSt OTTER AND SEIt 5ETTS, ERMINgBTTSJ PERIAN LAMP 'CAPS, PEESIAZi LAMF SETTS, BALTIO SEAL CAPS, ASTBAGHAN SETTS CONEY CAPS, BLACE *ý SABLE SEThI, GREY LAME CAPS, CONEY SETTS, 'GERMAI4 blR CAPS, GREY LAME SETTS, 1 ' l LDmTRE>IS SETTS. Particular attention given te al erders. Alterations Toronto, Dee. 8, 1877. specially attended to. ly.50 go totie, p#lues se TH asaE olullyledey o mpEL t,-Aon. 6 lug 01. ~ Ule OD@rctaon of oipr achines, d ogcf cdmliand prcfiçiezaey thon 'w Ilee ;d 0introdueo mr addiuka net oil-Y-Jo the Pc ap1i iepsaded ncsayin a volîl -ýÀ I le no o sel knovuas a Single Boaper, Shah a Word of commènd*tien wV aimait sBoom suporfinous, but sas thiiorae muy' laiming to manufacture" machine who have adheîed $0 tbe old eriginal hno'msnvibuh in'p el. provoinento; Ibàiat ustio oureolves -natràosreë'quire c Ã" bo stato thal vo bave znodified il lu alm betqeory esseitial parbt, and for etren -td -dunbhily qat,Of- 0 vzykidadcpdte fgrain ;»ightuos dz-af4~na oau. cf zaisgem.t-the "Johnaton," as manufachured by ns-eha pueéniaontuy ahéâad of ail cher roapors. -lI proof of'thie positien w" baveô éo -point- te ayFrtrzeaeddu-theb.!est provincial tial ofI tz-b, san any cooenty trials vwhlch -have takon place ail ovor Canada, wit th. lait four yoars. OUR TRIUMPH COMBJNED MACHINEE with laie improvemints, is al l ta aIeh desired iu a Conxhxued Machine,à canuot fail t meel aulthoé requiromonle cf purohasors. Our Improved Cayuga Chief Jr., and Our Young Canada Mowi are hoth firet-cluse machiues--coueritxîod alm 'out vhoily cf Iran sund Steel.1 Cayega Jr. bas a rear cut, and tbé Young Canada a front Cut ; boi trong, d able machines, aud net exoeiled by uyi machines in tho market for quality out, dnrability, lightuoss cf draft, adaptability, sud case cf management. of th. work, but owof coiSt. ,ý-1, *oEhAhlihmn iAs lb.cocuntry bas boemo botter adapted te machinez-y, andaxnany of our faim. ors bave bucm. okiiled in Iho use- o! machines, a groviug demaud bas spiuxxg up fer a Liglit, Durable, Plust-Claie Boaper. Alivô ot ie roquiremenîs, cf thoý day, ws bave succeeded in invenling a ma- chine with a Wrought iron Prame, wilb the laset possible gearing-with largo, brcad-faed drive wheel,-aud se conatrnctedi hat fixe frame and table tilt aI' the saine lime, lhereby keeping th. pitman always in lino with the huife. The. rakes are driven direatly frain the main ahaàft-tbore bemug no perceptible aide draft, aud no veight upon the herses niche. 'We are confideznt that vo have euccweded la ninveuting the aucet perfect Reaper, tsking il in ail its parts, that base avor beau piodueod. We have applied fer lettons patent, and shall hcld aur invention, for aur owu exclusive manufacture, and vo respeetfully suggest lu in- tending purchasers, tli they should sos Ibis machine balaie giving tfuefr eiders for thecoming avest. The "Whitby Hlazvester" weiglie, al laiod, 000 pcunds, but eingmadepriucipaily cf thé hast quaiity cf iren aud steal, sud fremi i n- geiusbi cm at osre fully oruis the sirength sud durability cf the Ml f or mchies re ull srrantd. With thi. liet of machines, vo feel coufident that voe au meet every ro- quirement, sud vo i-espectfülly solicit a, trial of 'our machines, believiug that wo eau furnisb a botter machine for the mouoy than eau bhobotained eleewheie. eau- cring ana Aa g p'nIl fons ithin S) ana 'er8 The dur- yof B -ROWN& PATTERSON MF'G. CO- Whithy, Onario, February, 1877. 75 & 77 YONGE-ST., TORONTO. OUN W ST R I 50 Large Size ]Box Stoves Goods of Ail Kinds, Cheap and Good. 0LEAIflNG OUT AT HALF-PRICE. MICHAiEL GLEESON (late with F. Méen), Greenwood, vhere lie vil ohappy Io sec ail frieuds, The stock is solscted vili a freŽ 1'& f (ànaièsandParotsview te xneet the anta cf ail. Home trade is our especial aim, sud vo lotef ànaioê an Pviii Mdcfy competition i eveîy lino of thobsies Cheaip Goodesud jus recee d. gS(oodGo, vil demand oustoiners. Nothig vaned by old or nov eus- jugt eeeived.toinoîs, but shall be furnishod un short notice. A spocialty iu GOAL OIL, gallons for $1. C>- Produce cf ail kinda will ho paid for in CASH, or geods givon for tic saine aitbsht rate. -1~A-.., Q-4-~-~1>. ,~' OBEEN-voon, Navexuber 101h, 1877. 0. AO .LYLy tJ5uLcb Y71 T I R *T Ie A H6 OAL ed H4 oliday Crooorio. u SWilI sa ve' Money and,, secure O a good article by calhing'. E- EYEIIYTHING le Tegs, Coffees, Cocoas, Choé&Y: lates, &C., &C., My - Liquors, as heretofore, are cf the best brauds aud will be feund uusurpassed in purity and eheapness. Agent for Cosgrove & Labatt's Aies. AiMes, Besi quality, '30 cents peu gallon by the Keg. Canned Fruits,, Pickles' Bisouts, cf best qualty. Qysters, Haddies, Bloaters sud - fieli cf ail kinds, Herringe, Salmon 'Tront, &c., in Barrele -and hlf- * Barrels. I an nakngSuigars 'a specialty, and là lbs. 2Q- lbs,, 20 lbS. of Brown Sugar for $1.00,I oe Is now Complete ini ]4very.'L'@blue. E. J. JoHâNS9lx. Very Special STARTLNG .HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAK4ING. Full Stock.. of Caskets, Coffi ns, and al thie ùëneter8sà t bi's lle. Ai'e, A WELL--AýPPOf114TED ~EW Whiey, oWýÉ lýHEAiBRSE.4 eO ô S D FE;ý cïGLEms- Clothing andGetsYrnlig House Is 110w supplied with ail the newent ityles of English, Scotch, and Canadien Clothe of AtIlinde, the Largest and Beet Stock they evei had.' 00- ~Aise an excellent stock of Gents' FurniAbings, al new., A aplandidsetock of Ready-made, Overcoats, Chesp for Cash. McMILLAN'8 BLOCK, BBOOK STREET, WHJTBY. OLDSMITHRS' ElAL L 0:0- ELEC TRO PL A TE, JE WELR Y, *W14 TOI(E8, of Valeptia Raisis o0'.UPEVOJST of -Curraù,ts for e - $100. TLAWLER. Coria l)C ornmea)> Osimeal. Fail and.Br~~ INTENDING I.PURCHASERilS INVI:D -TO IN5PflCT GOODSAND PRICES. Go where pou eau get a Weil-fitting Garment :-To Taloring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. X 1a«goi Stock of Fine Cloths ; best Engliei, Scotch, and Canadian Twee de. bm Excellent Overcoatin gs and 1Spendid Vest Patterns. jA goodjýý.Gua= eed.GEORGE GUBLEY, Ring Street, Oshawa. NEW STATIONERY -AND-- ;BOO0K S T0 R E 1 AT THE EiXEESS ANDI MONTBEAL TEL. OEFICE, BROCK-ST. PH"OToGRAPFH8, POPRA'8, d~O1NG 7TO T "'PARIS E1IBO Mr. -Barrett is seË 0ng ut h ttr StoR ~ ~pw taking pictures at half-piee, previ6oi e going te the Parnàlii-à i1.- Now is the time to get a good picture, cheap. [See Supplement.] Clevery'oung rnej Who Want to learn- the business iistrneted in , a' few lessons in the newest, method. Afine marene -1ies and buggyfer sale. A ]BAIRETT, Photog8rapher., £~Opposite Ontario Bank, Whitby.-le NEW STATIONXERY & BOOK STOREJ AT THE-I -H0B TCOLBOKA NE-W-S -MDEPOTGLL Begs to anneunce te LIS customers ani. the puùbijo 'mu general that ho has opened a Stationery, Sehol Buok andà New s dpot In connection, vill hie Confectionery & Baking business, ais. 90-OId stand soulli rook Stroot, whero oveiything iu the liuo eau be had ai ve'y 'le* rates. ThgeDaily sud Week]y Papers always on baud, Q de- livered b subseuiberslin al par-ts of thc tovu. Oidersoptiiy fflle&for Periodicils, agazines sud Music. Also, a wel-assorted lot ofMôttoe, The publie will find'it te their advntage te take a peep at our stock before purcliasing elsewhere. r 4 J. G. MODOUGALL7 Vhitby, Mardi 4th, 1878. SeuIL BroekStreet. -with ail orders of Pho?--tos a BEST'ýS Gor ALLER Yth À BEAUTý$UL CABINET PORTRAIT SI t JE e (Jheice cf the follewing persens: JR JOHN A. MACDONALDi,' HON. T. N. GIBBS, 1EV. MRt. LAIRD, Geor~ge Yule bege te aunneounce that lielias re-opened r bis Stationery aud Book Store in 'Wbitby, wiere statiouory of ail kinda, of tihe stquaiy. ai ho kept on han&d; ase Shool Boks of very description, Copy Books, Siats, ecils, Iks, &c., &o., at the loet pTe adel apr lasonhn.Sb The aionsly sd Wel aesawaso i .Sb Musical Instruments, inclnding a. fine assortment of Violin. Orers are taken for Periodlicals, Magazines and Msi. 1Wbit4y, lice. 18th, 1876. WILLIAM I CABINET FAOTR N THE OLD STAND, BRIOCK STREET, WHITB Y. Go where you cannot fail to be pleased ilu making- seleciions cf geed fùuniiure.' Splendýcid Paleur, D raw-ing loom 's-ud Bedreem Sets, Nov Designas#,oUwothy'cf inspecton, 'ai astoishiglow 'price. Di. inigroom Extension Tables--& vry àuperior article. 'ýGit-Coices, Pitue Frauing iii eévery style. Some fie Chromos âa dE graigfor sale. in alits branches ; fanerah' uf4y snppiled,, A stock cf dJýgat *GEO YULE.ý 51 TILL 'S December 24tli, 1877. or EDWARD CARSWELL. OUTTE RR BGGIES A Large Assortme*nt. Of Cteand FOR SALE, CHEA.Pi [OMAS E' DU ~AT STET, OID WITBZOTÀxu Carriage Factory AT TH OLD TAND BotsdShesCeaertanEvr lias resumed his'business ý,at the - oldl stagd (Chequered Store), Brook-et., Whitby, where he ie 110W enabled te give geed -value to &U 'l custefl2ers, old aud new. His steek ef BOOTS AND Sà'HOES, is replete fer Fail and Winter ,wear, -and ho is deIiermined te seil off at lheé lowest Profit. P.S. Parties indebted te me, will please irnmeitey. cob22nd, *18,77. -JOHN~J ANES Whitby, October SADDLE-RY 'A'ND".-IA WILLIA.M --H OMPS Begs to direct attcuto te is large, sud 'superi toel Leather- Valises and -ALOT JRl-. s s CHL -Very 1 1 JILORING -07L ZJL SU-GG-tESý 1 ýi . 1 il - lm" 1 I, il 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 low 1 itoý ARE -NOW BIELOWING AT TRE WHITBY SCHOOL BÃ"OK ANDý HARVESTER.)y J. Ci. M6DOUý3ALLF ý Whitby, Maroli 4th, 1878. G si suf- PATHER XýGANNf 3EST'S3 SUPERIOR CUTTING SFIAPES THE WORK Inducements to those 1 ISEAIR.SE.1 T 0 M S E w P'O""'R- FACTORY AND --JOEN SÀUNDERS, WAREROOMS STOCK, oet, Ibo vuýFrË,F-E -Ë, OUR NEW "WHITBY 1 GALLER 0 T UT ER

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