Whitby Chronicle, 4 Apr 1878, p. 1

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UNE !STREET, WiT ATorIni - $1 5, -AU Afi IL imo mmm in l Ad'w a tbe ttf Pt a ouP âm lai un asai ps Iln * tcoot0% n* aynbu 1=0.nWU f . BusiessDireco BABRISTERS. ATTORNEYS, oltor,> Notariés Public, sud Coi MoS.. rié door uouth of thée Hotél, *hiby. JAMES RUTLEDGE,: J. X. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Oonniy croira Attorney. JAMES KEITH GORDON BARRISTER h ATTOENNT.AT.L Bolier in Ohanony, Conv lu tPhUâ &a. OffleA-Over qrl M,,o'rock Soti, Whtby, a CHARLES C. WW'v" A A Ohm Y.T.TLAW, ~L0T toBook; OnvyaO5 .,Oa LYMAN ENGLuE81, L L. I ABISTUB AT LAW, SOLICITo:R A. G. EcEILLAN, (Lts Grunwood h Moufil.a.) B3 ABBIBBR, ATTORNEY, Soi Ditor, Notary Public, OCuoac. doce-Byron Street, Solth ofrPeutO Whitby, Ontario. ]ROBINSON & KENT, (LàiE DuOOÂN hEàn:olsx.) B AEISTERS.AT-LAW, A TTOI B * 4,Slictors, onvencr 0rovincilA suranc rsI& Vout Street, Toronto. LO, RBoulxuox, V. A, HzawnT vA. B. K Go G.YOUNG SMITH, , LL, as, Orxlc-Over Dominion Banks Wbiil J a. 22,1878. Gros St. 'JOurgH ALLEN, A TTORNEY ýsonictortud Oonveyanc .LI.MonytbO nd. Mortgaeosbonghto soid. Ageont fori mmrra Loan Oc,0. Og, ovriWightman'. Store, King Stre Oshawa. y CAMEKON & APPJELBL'r 13A1IISTERS. Attortoy,.gLt.Lsw, a] - actor1etioo to HECTOS CAMERDN, Q.C, (IY.45) R. S.APPELE TIIOMAS HIUSTON, R. Ji GUNN, M. D., tYRGEON TO THE OOUNTY GAO] s yrore, Whitby. Dr. W. J. IIURNe. OPPzCI-Next door te Cnnfcna OMO REidence, At Mr,. Lewis sonak'd. BYRON FIELD, M. B. sHSOIN bURGEON, ho., Duffli CLrek. Win~. JicURIENz, i.D., iLR.CS., (lUT'S HOSPITAL LONDONý ENo %.x thé oye R, O. H. t., Qshawa, Outaric DR.- BOGART, physicians SUrgoOn, Accoucher., [ige1 iffum,1 4 Mdt miAm SOLI. B.A. >t Laing. -J §et S lu >NT. Mi thi hW he LE. int o ml t etm ni' ô Wu. Iao BEzli do Boi BlAMR DBE SING AND SHAVINI Balon, Broo St., Wbitby. Jouit WOïïLFEDENq, A GENT FOR TREE ELEBRATED Saottloh Granits. At Marbie Works ci Jonathan Wolieuden, Dundas St,Whitby. GEORGE CORMACK, L UUBER MERRIANT, CARPENTBR anJ d Jeinor, Green Street, WVhitïy. À4 large quantity of aIl kinds ci lumber cou. Wtantly on hand, JASES W.'DEALL, T OWNSIIIP OLER (Bot Whitby), OOMMIBSIoz.ER CO IJET 0F QUEN'S BENCE, CONVEYANcING AND GENER. AL INSU7L4NCE AGENT. Thé Cisrk viii ho in hi, oios lu the Town HallColumbus, on Mondayo and Fridays, for Township business. Office hours, 9 a. in. to ôSp. m. Maroh 7tb, 1877. 1U WILLIADI COOPER, 13LACK8MITH, - - B3ROUGHAM, .(Succosor te Thomas Middaugh,> Hors. ohoolng maUankinde cf general vork. iy.59 C. C. SCALES, VTIEGINIA TOBACCO AGENOT VTrontotreet, Toroto. (y11$ A T HE R L Y, CIe»k'Divieion Court, Tp. Clark, ComMissooer lu B. B., Land Agent, &o., ho, therly, ountýty Ontario. Atheîly Spt. Sud, 187à. 86 Houee, 81gn,, d Carniage Painter, ERTU US hie incer. thauks te the E citleuo 01 W itby "aoisdcinity, for pasyear. ~ls nov rrePared tedoRot Bgh snd Var lage Paiuting, Eue KasmnnPAy '4 &o.. with n«tneu %t d Wpio, ise s aokry pliae.. SPECIAL ATTENTION TOIGOU NTRY ORDERS 1 6BEO-P?1inidoor veut e e th àéodlat ç4flwh .B BL VOL. XI 1TH- 1 ; USE DUNDÂS-ST., WHITBY. (WEsi OV-PuOo£,.)'. This houséha. mnbeaa lu lars su c mf Itau uira olsiyard; attentiveilr. (opposite G. T. E. Station,) Whiib Wu. OINIL- ..PROPRIEý Every accounodation for pue, ib lng cmOtable, air)'bedroomao M"il boues là-' The Bar tly snppli.dvtb brande of Liquors, Wlnee randles 0C &c. EveYMnomoary ietngv Good Stabiing, enoiosed yard, ani tive ostlers. O IMEECIAL HOTEL, OARTWEIOI, ONT. rMMES DBWAWO -- mron, sccommodation c OXUBBOIAL HOTrEL and STAB' Ã"t an d 50 Jarvis-atret, Toronto. 'aRN VMORlE, . -. .plqopBrz2 (IVOUESOoTe OUXO aKl"lY, Tho bot 1.00 a DrMrncssin theCity, twobicokehfrm tho ciothera Depott, tthe Market. The Rouse@bau bea vitted out, and oey'(jl's.ias is. WALKEY'g rIEMPEJL4NOE HOUS DUNDAS-STIlEET, WHITBY. Good accommodatIon ai îeaeoumble tei 3oaideru 42.50 pet veek. P EN QUEEN'S IIOTBL, -(LATU c GQNEIAL,) BEOCI-STET, WRITZ!, AYLOR h MoOANN, PEOPBIETC The uudersigned deoire te inform tj endo and the Public that they have ta eo aber.ve el -kuovu holel, vhich I &vs newlYliltted up sud te4ovated, and at th. hast of eider for th., acoommc n ai gueule. The Bar, which lae ho mnst in 1he Oouuty, le vel! Aupplle'q se fineot brande et vines, liquors, mud u-. AmplIe eaciosed ohed room andg abling, bx qtalia, &o. Detachsd roc P. TAYLOR, IPHILIP McCAL lite of Toronto. I OYAL HOTEL, W131TUY, 4S. PRINGLE, .PROPRIET( Ths largeet An nmot commodlano h.c the tewn; han large ample rooms irnercltravellors. Table WOU! eupp] th thebest lu eaicu. Beotbrondoiliqu Icigars. Nncioocd yard sud obsdrooi teniv. hootiero. Charges te suit1 N. B.-Livery attmched. iOSSIN HOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT- The Palace Hotel ai Canada Ucltt iuruisd, sud Unrivailed. Nev Pesoc SPrices, vin :-02, 09.50, and 8S perdi erbore et Clubs sud othero, deoiri ims, witheuit board, $1 to9 eda é. 27tb, 1878. Proprieli OHNBON flOUSE, EAST MARXET SQUABE, TORONTO. G- JOHNSON, --PEROPRETOI vsmo 81.00 pet Day. Stabiing lu ce ton. RITISH AMERICAN HO TEL, R'A y a il - (LAiE EOERMioitBUsE.) HITBY, 0N2'ARIO. ruse navi> eaovated and fuislbai ughout, sud put lu firaelîmo eder fer ecaption ai guesti. An omnibus te axi il trains. Firot-eais sampie roomo. NTAR10 HOTEL. WEITEY, FONTARIO. [S. MASON, PROPRIETOR. 2paer m ccemadaîiox. Table, suppliod h est lu samien. Genuino liqueis. nsa, est brando. Billard reeni. Eceni aes and sheds. 40-tf 1IÂKESPEABE HOTEL, Cor. Ring &i Yark-sis., Terenta, 0Ont. 1.0'GR'D Y, - PROPBRETOR. naUS, 81.60 r'ru DAY. (iy-47) DST OFFICE SALOON, ToBnTov. rccONNELL .. . EOR FTEE BEET ACCOMMODATION -I ueoto. <147) 'NSORIAL ARTIST, Practicai Hair. Cutter hc Prnke .0d;ato Heusinone,> naw ok temWl ono ZL> Toronto, the boit artist lu bislinoe anaca. Ho invites Lis fionde sud the oc te give hlm a cmli. eonta, Maroh 7th, 1878. (1>-iS IMBER 1_LUMBER1 JOHaNeSON, rMBER MERCHANTe W HI TBEY, TO: inCal -public Tor LUI C. LUI Damn and S Laif * Dool hand. Wbltb Import LEA7 arBi May, I Vet S TA( W H Lesmi P. m. Fare Winl residor thé hol BcvM, ladPol Dn biand a lange supply cf aIl klnds et Lumber BoardsandmImiineiasss.y ing Lumfor. Poncing, Savu Tumber, 8cantling, aàlrge Uantit> on hand. ge ariens 1er Lonu i!Stfle tul At shortnotice. us&, Saihas and Blinis miwmyo on t>', Mmay 71h, 1877. 1>-20 NG BROTHERS, WkIracra, mONTARIOA., rters, Desars and Manufactur-ers ofil FilER Rinds cf AND FINDINtG81 e paid for Rmues, Bai. saiLeather. Ibher stretced. RULTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 1872. 22 J. IIINMAN, U 5 MAWv At,, terinary Surgeon, m at Armslnong'm hotl, Whltby,sqvory a>', tram i te 4 e'ceck, Pi. - Pr11 25, 1877. -1 LGE BETWEEN ITBY * OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY 1 vos OshawaaIst8-80eaiM., and 1, P. m. Y£s 'Witb At 10.50, a. ni., aid 4.80, 025 pents anaL vi>. c au! nt aul the ooidlu t pivmts uf0l (Whou endorsan loft mtsuy of tesConnec3ti vth Oshawa and 7alieslgél,"Tmh'wj> WHITBY, I N8URANCE., Assurance, .Company. INC*RPOATD :833. AS SETS, *0, oi,79. Inu eas feotaa ai thé. lot aunet Agent 'hby. Whity, AnIIlîh, 877,17 1 Il y4. Feu t Tlon. .4",1 10E lt-M 'as and. heuh pte th ms ,du. 27 vili N FI) i Wli [las r. B. BIELL, ZORN WILL1S, President. Vice-Preoident. O. NOUBSE, SECUETAILY. Rates af Inenrance Ilo 1e that 25 Ceuta i ues0100/for tweive montha 1 uithy, Oct. lot, 1877. -41 [ORTEIIBRITISUH& MERCANTILE IRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Je, and rellble, charges moderato, prompt ternent of daims. GEO. YULE, Agent. itby, .Yune 2, 875. 28 1AJOR MILLS. -- T. P. WHITE Lreewned control of the Major Mille and le prepared te pmy lIE HIGIIEST PRICE!1 l'OR ANT QUANTITI i FARM-eFOR.8 anod.Brick hÃ"tieLu bimastble,; vuth lan Meotva n Aotfour acres Mith ooc ri ne.S .7. W. ]POWl ý,ak otobor 15,'77 0-HItN AH1 slIGEor TEaz 1170 G(21 71 KING-ST, EABT 74 Faocy Breakfat and Tais f acyDinei sud Dessert I Fano> Bed.ioaaiSets. 'ýFaucy Jngsand Teapels. Sillvr Plated Knlve,Foria siIver Piate Cruel.sudm But SOver Plated OCab BÙidLuU. Rodg!r Kcives and Forks, White Stone vai, $TMr>ïkin i. -3ma- F. VON 1IAYE 0 PF ROCESTER, bas latel> 'JWbitby, and le puparei te Blepsl lanas, Orguandmi eli Mcirate charges, being a masidei b>L he adnc2 <tle price ofitiu To Tunig square Planes "Grand oi Tricerd Ail eiders lait at Mn. J. Joirnstc r>' store, Goldsmith&' IEaU, wvIlbe attondei te. satisfaction givenc N. B.-Aloe agent fur Pianos ai c H O I O E A P DLE TRE ABO U T 75,000, -AiT TUE- HOME NURSE Pram tva te four yoari ci age, mml the best Vmietlao. SETH O. WILSON, Loi No. 8, 2nd Con. Pickering, ou Roami, astOffice, Wbithy. L IST OF TEE DIVISION CO or iER COUNTY 0F ONTi FOR TEE TEÂR 1878. Wbitby.. 2 1 , 1 1 'l912 hrubm 8 2 j1818 ProteFerry 15à6172126 4 Ux.bnige 15 1221211 5 O a a ' t'n 7 14 3120 1 t GRO. H. DABT: Junii Whtby, Jany. 7th, 1878. iaelireed mi the Mill lu Whiteaae. Re vii make every effert te gtre entire sattiction te these vire mi> patroninee il i lî their GRISTING. FLOUE ANO FEED ai tLe Bail QuaHity, and at Beasoumble Pricas, vii alse ho kept cenîtaaxtly on band uni fer sale. WLltevalo, Oct. 10, 1877. 42 DECIIER & OtLEARY, Butchera, - - Duffln8' Oreek, B3 G TO NOTIFY THE PUBLIC that BL> he> viil iarmcenutantl>' on baud, licol, Lamb, lta,,, Vean, Penltry Sausatgels, &c.9 oi the hast quallty Ant st Pries te suit the limes. A cuni te .il.t id. Di exil lus' Orasi', 1 DERRhOLEARI N-oy. 5, 77. 1-6 1Notice to the Public!1 NEW COAL Y-ARDI ýAT PORT WHITBY. Ws are scUiiug the WILKNS1AIRR aid WYOMING COAL, tir esauthLsAmîrican market affenim. Leave your orders vith Mn. J. H. Long, au with E. W. Arnold, ut tire office aiflthe late C. Draper, Wbitby Harbeur. Secura tire ahove-nameicOeil. Yen vWin lirenrtestlt>', as al ethara vire Laye usmdiIt, that il is "The Beat Coal ever 8o/d 1fin rBi s Whitby." tNOL]) & FAREWELL, n. 22, M88. Porte Witby.1 'RE AN» DWELLING TrO IMlET At Liverpool Mtarket, i, New Store sud Dvelling, vail fittod UP mnd wt vitrya> uecesry accommodation. Ap t J. H. MOCLELLAN. Mario StL,'1877. t.îî m ONEX TO LEN». The-aeudoanas u>'amount et Men- s>' te Lendidupou Fmnm or TovaPrepent>', ai unusual> Loti Bates-ct rat. . noyers. Baverai Improvei Faims sud -Wid Land hune, Bank, a&s mud e makotaiblo Stocka. Fer funthe î partionlars applyto AIMS KOLDEN, pri OqMMENOING ON M9NDAY,1 C 77, and until fuitirer notice, Ira LEÂVE PORT HOPE for Lindsay, bero', Likafiel, aid interi peints,,il 5.80 a. i., 10 a. ni.,a p.n., andfan tire GeorgianB bauibmn,and intermaîaePo: lu a. ni. Trains arivhe as felove PROM Lindsay, Peterbono', sud La: ut 8Sa. ra., 19.80 p. ni., aid6.1 uni ironi tiraGeor-gin Bmy>'W irane, sud intermodiats pe: For tuntirar particularo je Peiki Cards, to e h Lad ail aiiSIons. H. G. TAYLOR, A. HUG: Supeitenimut. Pro IS STILL AÙVE, ND thmnktui Yen p",tfavors, JA a Continuation cf îLe sanie.? UNDERTA-KI] - DONE AS USUAL. w-r Dundis Street, Wltby, nemi P. P. h Loy. R'>'. Station. WLithy, Jany. 4tL, 1878. G OO» NEWS FOR TEE LADIE A NEW RÉiVELATION IN SCIENCE 0F DBESS.MAR COENWALL'S SELF4IITTIN. WAIST & 8HOIiLDEIR CHJ Dresse. itt.d frea mesuemenh vithout changset a stilah. Fer a"I, vltL tue instrutia MISS MoINT YRE (RU FOR-$ALE An A'pol gy for plirtalloti; TEE-. "Ala on arc Se ai' qubme. 07 WIMY.'rWU-ye--itbf kie you mua "But o$bmen yeumu ors; and 84,g la -the-ox iruehaie e -em. 10 temegtth "Bl oie ae rul-o ru! ~ Ij sq S ii h# TyIt "tsruhc e r wth i, el urse sire Uiua au&- o"e09ivolou bée-ni p- .T eboa a1-elua1oi *"o r' i1lt ayo u cul ed, wben m'uddaaly avoa, LL, ~ ~ g -roil. .1 ms-d 00io eotulr, pi acsria te have lmnt yen, te tesjee f o...acet u&oyn- gidoie4idays ss'amîwvmshe inameof ibis voedan t Ghdue "nio muYo clu lanaay li bièh diractiôn wae84 - tdii b, ]Ei , H rg » n y o n r o a g , a h o t , w ob i t no 1t h e k i cw e d g e i hb à t a - Il a d & L, L, « r EPTER-BAUPL, Abc~fs ~ w io>f ', làtoneso m îe tie b oîai .amng-bi oibÃŽ' Ï3~l TNY8ELF! ~~~1l ou en lta it in. rcdui c uhr. (Plt tmirpligitSev ii thdaa), Thmà c o6:ange, nd, si ili i - aud Socus.~ lisUse, And ithey ba sncb e ournigtleyret, Cli ..21spag L eri itorn Coe. ~ e d e toibekani npaoi e niulyaixdseduyut tirs oaoý-W- e t .at.a@ta. tou i lq ordmet ietybd otoc, ireaI &ue 1, 1 .r« bina lu n gens!. f n sets. !rYeIuomls et »ILao id "tsÏ,' adAtoy leiu. e(a>,a h inao o ede ISON, ",eLo< PEA OD M DI AL- ~~t h al es mn t h vespat huai s ma an LeNnAdS5î,B aIa, se. la y'tou e pi. l u l sr uiued otael ie . Iti kt tfTiu a In. enee euîe hwaa enh hnMaa blabvthLhlm." th the S es 'An #W-'eucar do'eluc e lbvas iuhbe st mi e ." Dei fi ai e l sngi trean iaraen Jd I - uIlebettrsiiuma rnu.o"T ate ci -no gangs , i . 141, '7*Ré Th nd v s milu m l iet va leIg annoa!>Tr rpd um Iheagltcfberiic. Moyo ue o AlLu ID F nnyteyugAnhn mnhw nOeeo," id tlnb.lavi eu elks, as ol; e t irafesd br nlena a el nM". i T -iD rrn and il s ot c f yuula e qsti Wen IIn ia I oothe place oniy we fniu afeai cel11 6. 5 . . f IHEEN V G i t ) L B ega hr e sd h m v r~u e n LIs isa ntreo d y g , c r m ui ; b t i e i i " e a r o , a n m u y " s l II s uata9 (onnuful. Fonr nbvi hliving ... M I o; , v, sI bhiuko , agiefthI cfIau. w o i ynaid nicf fe achel Igmptoorofer.y pfnS. wht mIsud Miloeor ie- hvenoeighb my t, uio. il yen t a a rint va0 e n100 ya1on mispm. A la bien? Fr pesr wo -il ee r l t cr ne y stiin' i Md nth vrelahed ersquare W. W.WOOD. dullai of ociates 2 l Baramcii Onin Yue atammer teiloomoil ibthics oemedd The loi ouethe MocTI _M Xobb mito.vsthr tia4al>OeBi unntllg ble te As fonymn R&11Bachl neit hmr erlu theii tbut ut., as1Boutoenneistbe, d Ads, lin, Mosiu 1_e.ual. L Iwyrt dngierttoh meevr IgeNDSAY _________________à_voe elataerouvesslfla "enmosr Ieun itueing en oaI profoW in relief, reedt gom e. bs- - v h o d rnndes "ielino, hec '#ireuHall, md tSora-t diro ýooneis e w overLd hoit onprsu mr 17BLm TehE GardenR UN ,mbli nrviig raa : iai ado. oeana" Srei .i mnl pTebatid odno ie soei Isenoer LtL pleasaut thon yongAuto paiasOeü,tidy hé diit h a prolkRacel, novr et ats l ppaareu jhoa.hfleorof v ud avereaffetions 2 baianoigetap ron he lclup0oons ir are er l omIy,la dmrbe atoEU 1n b gethnoL rmogh frlirpo oreetsreart. er liwdy g,bmue enamer;be if o tr iicepareonet er leney i aît FLO ER00 IGTABIvSE tersat grnting tue leud res e aLd inutteeaasueilfsli m e rang"er w; oeige t unsa kthelyplu aLDEBoutmeoifvho usupai îLedomina ioOfit,onwlItik&ga h I fteWrdp am :of-" ug Dlrecttr me t , n d, ho th ou r , h it ih ma ftlout but t e tici en iLs erwW, v wuoao elIe h maeshi &1NAlages1AMPOf ary pant.idnc opessyuîre mpeatigure ithefttr cpacaaemu auîe lie goradu wsfrenàdhi amu W . ion cfOD. d l uelotsi ad be man niiaion eontcno n; tand ere, valkting oju t asi il oli lie ne llnvon hi oe rnovedto PARKE R B R~'eal s oyf-ihou n l s nFo abi er.tion 9 ircikn et Stox;abuitiren i resufi.ste e si-ar ale r' Ha cnidngl e no t se Grenhouse - As-si Whtbl yaioasmbities rc o r nt audel iel intelibe1h.as roauna- achenutthirnfr leupeilencyit ) MYOf the a i WTh MERIDEN.C T. eveaho Sntfel ilimi hse b o ur gniefnt e adte d ack ptoui i e c no.fo bishnghsand th s of hrdieusofge n the__ ____ ____ ____w u__the ails call e m court es ie bone Sen em; A i e e l lu h n o d n ie t mern n i a e y i t o p ci e uiug hi - -tha, tm viîcl va Le oul, h e ie t hnu , trM offser 1fac Ws mid.th fler ire oot pr ct entoihem 61 5 - Kin-______________ ioe nlite seneLrro ie e ver ir e ai s orvIcoonus l e n aiat slvs i rla *f el v tlc..go ho e. on ae. < hn m ho nî o , boLsatefigureandsoi Le pne erth oy ereaildho vilt r. sec e fa is rmt&a;- icnab;frlatul oe a ie.dsic, rvsii e>tul h treisvepîhror sdiecerou uc ntsI. idýê u e ~ amnof cm etie sslt um irIvrcr to cf gd iame aur? ad vs nthny Tineeg lufrtrI eims ie lit ini THE xi? RKE >R o br" he0 t ha Fmoernbe lesep opl e e cntnis go L ve ui d ao Tre er hil asd , sudch el mlir 291> - _ RacLaomoifforhelovde d Ne afoetonug uni to peirof n be smpdfgAgeboher, egs c amo. looamii luntvihe . frte ors bli ler igt ue tumer rie at eexr reis cran, ore ntL e ly imehbLe Il he:à.Oh madeuan vs sar:d thouglthue lfd oeen iaxi th e rmoreng brodofe scpea. neBu t x caons, cvhay tsqar m c ol a n Y e rd s Yhaenisl .iko ntigbu htbeui vhicsl h o l ui a gin teg oinatio.n ov ihBieeltbfoea eatngvi3m1hi2iilme3tggrn [C . . EATY& o itntg rnd ir; thevendmii, eil.f hd lu aee he poko iesfoai>ahm-estop iere fonnerly isygorau tvo in [n Dreto. c e nctd hoitsrneiairsn voe f so i thneires ni i ror, cftoie rine -ti eelwwoiea irelie gaitea et is E 8 - crime of tha efbaan g eutprss-ho ani ftthe foolsie dciame ot o ths ie àrogl lime andiuio place or iov sis $ENUT Dfl Dh FR IUEQRULAS iardf u nsetlhincsadteon niheilai.on deliac lne i onr llan i.vsom0 dsllo ia Ofes ivmtaestoiobainug rvueehou moalan;acualndu t lese. >' in edas idemtio L d b eanounrem orve- of51 va s u i onhaml nly dngeaci- ieton oas oci l ie a mth aist oniaen spee,,? Tidre tnge o iaigmo lEult a siuionluCKnaa o r îLe in aiotnppigicouevnvee ac aluromthellHl 2" rlued nroada ct t e baisawicif adorth evaisgren Uoi t E STs.îe eeruldeprn, Ts ae ltove oi et rf r o therfn et e r. e fougr ealn ih c ana it me s uj adeo ie agalan s cutnccdbinbroghy ametntme, al mvi, ia ncber hlm u t e ireho e. ate ony H o etet b ar anl d oltd, in g ielged, iare rlled ineroe civ, m ni b o. tac ha LlLth>bae erndb>lin u tre avirri oie affecti hs ng innailie ay homleinreLopa ian;'ote Most a .cntetemvm P ineen acue0 b leiexereneandthroar Cn en vo bdren iaI n t ioey ethoe arsmkixgtraI oiycueartrni gliiat frle i nk feegsn îglou ai igto C TE2 PBLCAIS. . EATTYc.COLE e xivstvearye a ifair r gveun e8srfly efor e indmainiremad ofe e a min.e a d tue ittr avev ee ira l ;0oewl n y auir a stgnt pooloa in bfr is tappfigureool epei. ur llyurna t i n iOS couso.gro nganifm at )URT prm T ha"mim Acnmt""on icen or i n heu taie oies ter s tin"H or d idn nwiv a tako a c a ; tmire dfiovoreie r iai been leai P GudeteEngot riin,"et.,ha a oh. ey yo nge îî, f tolif. mc e i f " a r a n d wify S a s cf lny ireirsen fomrties ari ou, radductiensachelt rLew Proinoedfor Ib yofloware thespeliofeatireleLoue. A themifc came C4 Tif bhirl ol. er aiel Otmihev a l ivingse o r co upl fcnuiea gahuner.v hewaynib aseadth t RIIlgvoaediymg eahrv th reat agalu idna a tme huh mel ossead ae oig rne t y Btte laeond e every nc fe t v enimu- "Netyerin t ri Luta ne texo cihormaxg ed t mli Lui aL ie asentee t theirhleaceeir laib Lectureifd anievPr - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ he RomClig aL, u aomn' m ua ve delgtini r.. n owne e t hih peson, sud nliiony, in estre ai -vorit a in a e t agiing f pcimvthte tdet.ngondiabhe ;eaor kve u tlae sil i nierea omptie rosiy.h m aurone aao p per mi e ml tent rane. 1 A S. G.TECUETTYSHORT, ber-net er-e e she n we "Wselofneen d irof e evi ei.femîg tibc .viroleapnaiteno-a. nio-0b BELEILE ON AndpO.op vr enra oentyin rspeyicamelyad l yeu, aaL e. Reloail vAa heeaeiing cea- i E ocnieth crimes sforru& - y tho a n of sig outet ha for,"wt he ihetbls y o axverte.uud lc Po hwwa i tua, ud e aIn ae iar bard t c laine vemf n ;" ide nov eglrt.WhPeirw i imean&loe ing cuntr eity yuL vhe iandte tan so mation c t ON A I 12Es 14L EG 97tebai ,.qetion-siroe vas afi reomved frniîPelayc btni a evte oe."t atation imrou vineiH l l i taivLen n i l 10 - ii CllgeJernlcoxtiangfu! ovesu ayethi msal adsatif airandad "legs. id yen knov il vas a lady 2" done. v leOîI fer atle n .etigsormoi ae auinonobfathelergol aitueiro n.aske aic givlraqik eu- tony mavlused era a irls liM E 18 COeEaR CIt.,An seDClAenetIO n t teda t chtir. irmides foha e asotep"ho bersgtalic e. " o are , rery okubbo ut in a nd tariel ;us Di Srcn a1 7 u ta aip nson tt i o n i Cand lref lna dmevare ; m-irmu Raial Lad ouRae-a Anî itio 1y. 1>, "I Irav t e b auliswie ditiixe wMe igre ai dute Jug Blevl No 14, iS ete1 oil.au____________te______n____ouof______ndleu_ ai f,, t e v as er Ly ourd adea Who_________________________bavetire or helurtite ctin ofitt e il Blirtirus a lag u, ia&R th anghom n a theaslu o uno eoinoslsl esi . g Kigto_____ bsnesxe dc, n teef augbtor oetir So hteieeiatrnyofanner tiaigvast acicie af rm iinfo akcas re pnldwt practically nderstamni admityofa i e inte ti e - l idm gasfl er e "hiat isandliee ad bein l oxe n teittenigr aee viiit Of' Theli fviritun eaeteje. îiu ir tee nwteat tl r ot ;vihe blowing ber cir- eent curied 1 Dparod on - ' Nbe b i> vae a prist> ittie care-2 mIly v iai le knwi av tak nn a i ernet irfi iek ii i Stourcet iremppnychBoocrir, vii an1euesisevenayuL e o. a ft ,lr age o ey es andi cf aidian Guide. largentW itn,"ec. ig it tue ayoe t, ell.sh a edLu i l ie a id ac t e i y sisrî enna ioigu i osknl taineda natonal r have e xre ssive ; a tin, pround, fats face; u l ourpniatis aru" Irri an ona mn'sw e a Li ortemi io eit E. n _____ irte întpsiiv ace; ri ip, 'Wlanirredirta nouitabuhiefra een uln ot0i rcii ll Affl el, wo ar daly ng e, tgete neitîeroetugi u eve ; y gure o manLy.I'Nve ion novh rbumelme mthifue , sncdire eemldmootranmo uaite PH eir escers Inthe 9las ad L c fLoandccesal ave drie mnd vi i a me o fvathe kav D, id S h asno line-re n oury pintanduetcrned ici tomCleeBak n ec m pe seo saLvie rs li.axi ial i oy eylkl niyttrbe andii iad m tt raylirns e porium withthSuaideas. - ao a, ebe var w a l ve ar- ohm e m entresmci ilkeil m i tst t ho e "ecren a rs- la thev's aen tiie ;ui ab aLeYouirai haite oe Lai oh ad e is Lbeiriritn alai. H orel nvvi o luns.No COURSveE kevvit argrffHitpRT,î ie. tin a i er. mac sa yung Gtrte e liaid agpeovle, hun oi re bvat "ngrescaI enarepl aîu n ouedbe pi imgiLv eei yib n beas h tath toog ndPa.b e, ucofic n d te i htaiine o. tr, mngRchl, "ni cryaswritboo. ede a uiuyrvae ~ lue e he hmacer acedig e he hean bnd. tlerel, te ai a mîef Ai U sem theg nover fi e - . vv , n n a n r prD tORa oerne emlg aiiieîe rvoie aveneers en-fr roo ith u bin;the irnsfermiontBm. 2a 17tb ahsuetinEiulya el-a atecl "fin wo*n ; 1erno, o uni sMsntîtigair.hi en coleo;ai theL n ouite 8 2 varions csetepronlaeinf or. ac edin h t e eli lun o ut dso . the ne cusgoucîndI evl; at letao î tenvastonis m irs i e ia i o.uvn t dRing14sudthecrkc.sto.)tedinh apyasTfesuit ven rt heiy aiîag-o uvm nls" Aniuysrugfulb irtlmeoeui.ir i r)ia5 0tE r h Cle. oralc P R A Y. B u cllvei rul ig;fuirie ds im el ba- viilumui agiton k vwiren ladpkeV cqudtnc auo wui.erior 1d 190 ineeormtihon et n rme nailtn.T.ure fbe nebyttalro blt it ie aos ihioendbree. ualîe tira n y be s re i lr eet bisn lte Spa y, W 18- couie, badaponten t-c. ad s. Noîy Blairovire, by steay, vas -ti e d Rs e l ougbi rer it e qikus.g (C aouthi i mple l esue rstiti ons ii oits u P FNNGA, n y irl o bs o gu nité cond hvea i i ini iinie lnceîbi t ae uoni 5-W P ropaior. vt bn r a cuiti aetral ubrt u L otitf ly,'IFaonve Teen epoî <ibsAMuièur H rkedeldSG BATY CO, Les oosi n uore foutu av n pRhdo- s o ad evu spont irs i- M.Dnl ueezs tnlI el t r5p.L ni.,eville p Ont. or m va mrcnc Satod. Fe i b r -'Whatf i se n o Sha n înaeî uoning h ileB1mnot rdgaa is s i est vheis O ' [o Jdnh .Belvile-N ,i4 eiLovat as ncîetilngle icelyBretbu.hal uviandy, utn iil oing ousI fot oring adcani rboardlie iandt lui, h Y~ U Uut rn anilis, er vaste topeer, ha onagie -m eîrid er tw s fa bl an tr i neeU De e. 0f iho a s 3iio o lyb vi n im ga mi ue"'5~s 1 ei a o i lo nyoi u he, se rnu i Nly Bar otr I. b r d esma, muas de u t, t e amAMflfthi an aie d rtion o tiraI hticlse api uni unrnemiag, i ii tire s. ost i n glxe iriprsi la o et. eslâenb ~ liri c feulidespse lire enus ofalb.n etusk i n ut e t ofaco lutenan mmfithe s area udblon ie00 ur e i lesa i ~WTI U~T ~W oher.irsîci l îLesinglarl nneoning T o raI rnlierfaes d i 0 f a Le- a £.~wu.e ei, ari ii .'-l'e et l- Bt, ed iri s t ie e o l in, anti v i n etsfr e M Len'nl aie hlHnia L oamenai veil au to liiiseiorovw, the the etfthsm, divorce ehegance uni ci Bei Cirannel, virich bailunProues tov ~ ~~~ ~deai-veigiri wls net iiftri-ifrai bis trivalily ahonmootleses fflimie een blokai p vith sani. Il pin, solicits lieut, nôr iLs shuiov on bis 111e iglit- Noliy effeîed snob a puinful contrait wus propaoi dta re-open thie channel Hemi ~~~ ~~enei. Hoevas mot happier than ho toe Le butiful strauger Le Lui just an d lire sesvll el oe a vas liefore, uni feltn a greai demi mors mot, liai Anthony felI lii'. eue blini, lire poat area aboya ioscribei and on- BN The Premeoter and Pertector etAu. borei, liacainso ieoo alone. For tho or crazeî, virose oesesa ero that mo-aLla commerce ta lie carried on vILh simullatIon. roîi, Rachrel vas grimiymtisfied, and -ment îestorei. HiLvvr eiypaces lklinteniTerumielrin fe et A TheRefrme an Vialier f te -Neli> temperntely coulent; smiling loeaiNeily, tLenghb lier lovely, or ovar ion lu.of l a olm en cfaîereu Tie efrmrsu Vtaiioftie in lier innisonie lover motionr, andi baud ber lovablo ? Was tiraItira pr; ttebai tE Jtvn pupa sr ofod.sniiliag juet me PlacldlY vhon Llai t tianwvinai lite Lad matai ont ta hlm? navigable highvay ton the commerce bretl Tira Producer aud Invigorater etber ; smiling if sha sai, 4"Wbma along and vus Le le uccept il vibli lîxnktul. o e r ndte îLhe ut fAficsanifor I *Narve und Muscle. timo aimas I have seau youun i i.msSueyi a alad andpresont an oxteneive field for thé in. bas,i NG G pieE ehu uprere ri a apeiaî h iecre n ideous dmmmi, frein vbicb bis ilnena.etfcivibzatian.-Eiailb Pa1per. eni' ower deplth fdimples if sire sai inotemi, gumudian mugel bai uvubenei hlm bl ie- "ovnicoly hie cern 1op," saii a- vira - "~~~IWbt bore again se acon 1" Iu foie tee laIe, by tire goldon goes nîeyugniuvx ingihiat! Falve emeniSru-n Bomoai short, Nsly vwsu lvays liesaie. Sho Leeci-vooc pso. Neliy vas net son- iveetirt bafoue iLe lins. "Tas," sohe ET Ligielnts identicilvwguil ow ih cen- lirsdinluber smallvould fccobt-vork situve, iaid irihbutgave ber ne rave- nespoud;dmi rely,Ib's tegel aven Le- ansý' sh aiunte HeuJL> yBii,od, Muscle and Nenve uni beasebli dallas, of janis and halions. Sire sirok hanr lovr's band jjgen"Te"usin uteet- an WLma rain Subitace,"wvilst llitîeliitg dluectly iapendeut upon some cftlrem. pickles, and bead.parnand unninrg juil ae s unai; boekedintlaiel ae face n ting en"Tirs qu petin" as ndo oo B tUnnvith the hlood sund ae eact économies, vIi a caimeasand eqtn vith lier ixanal amile; cangirlhe rirrsoe roandIJ - A Luontire muscles, reaelmbli.biug th.eue Imity t atlikoei liber tei a memotanous 'naît pieroing eyee upon bLroi evai jneas " i.er"emi'Suire Jouesi- iu su d9tn é îe tirar, il le capable of effect. plainw vlut tixern, Wods, Or fiovere; plmciîîy as lever ; tntirxirineite achelaarigjdm t,"luamanac y I wlm l h.teioving rsai t.: ube or ta a vîvelees laie benontir a celer- a mi nd-brusiei bier coik-scre oav o ery The court hua me-up suai' iaa a uve nut tuo.rculoas lees gray sky, tousai by me passion manx aieaby, tafakies. 9 erl dwis l t i e' olier ta . 011, rami Ny lncreaimg Naroun s uselarvU beantiged. by ne rodlection. Doubîleu iy0j, the Hall is lake atalat," cii aner min ileishout t r i araoo. TE gem, ivil! cur Dpopisa, fible or Inter. shé vas Tery geai; baltiOeévas ber. Naiiy, aittiug devu in a fat îilîle î,xnîhle aiioingrmieblWasno iraI fi ru edaction oft rire eartsud Palpitation, nubly uinteraaiing. sud'unfaîtening ber bonnet. "Queai, 5h10. -Oet lui UN.Wesknu o utJnt ase lei Anthony a- ngywlLb hinaslit bunble-dovu, cii placeé1I ana sureo 1 A celer, once sai tint ho ceuli AI-; T vex-, overLax on Irregulun habite, ~o iWaNuhe cu - cliAtaoCnocCnatCSr e t vasnet alors oetetei; fer veiner aI ara>' living thens.; do't via tell vie vas ivxeng*i n 1 - uI ill G lumps, aveu in the mcii alaurTi;g of vas b. noitnny, veaU>', devýobeil>lyeino, Raobel P2"argumentoeovafh elic u i. Ib cures Astlama, LosaofVie Nrnarua loveIlBachel sali h.évas, amiBachel 'Wiro bastaken i112" meaked Anhry en> staani vhwat eibher Contesenti vas ýART. St. Vitus Demie, Epiheptia Fito., hI knev:every ihlg;ani !hy vasual- ýqulokly. oyu.H ne# i0amae àv W C=h9 nvY aes' i amà<g onda. sfeiadv@uaiibebo that if ha bail. "Oh*,'n fereigu veomun;th lb. Coasnd eesr c, aïîtmj*bnêwmihaienty biàv ani' uplIli alon tai t eter emeieslu uatln Tona evath Ismmlesa atieln à Melus, eor somae-suol'iàca. Whe théx 'was Lmani sg0ts 01 flte i the procee ipi heenela. n r gmI, .t. -,4 it." Do De arebe deceved yneeanii., a va sid youg -la, Wb"eai - -o' uv, e ni' ut-a.. s sua!!s d.w.;. k owi , aau : lo - -bîT_ Ils i. ni luducemenbs WliltlmyAug.l8,1S'l'd, 64 npéav mrue agreemet i -ePl(. thr oaeaMls h~atnsnsh iunrlbo rypeepi. 4eril thein oui>' Lai îfonirroq tirautemivos ta b. - Depesît vt eamc canetP 000. ExparienceiAget hiOughOuý the Dominion. Fi-e Bisk#e ws-itti ai Adequage Rat. - O, pa 7h,17. NO . uESE 7ý pHoeNIx TIE INSURAC 0 J'embuaist. sud Chmnlng Cross, London. ESTABLIaEBin1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & Co., sach wonia naau boula"i vahen ftal resulte feliowin2g ihm. The îiy is simple :-It le ouly ho amoke w'ouu' i ny veand ts irain - ie vlth burrimg yood or veolen b. Tworaty nuates in tire sineke take tLe pain ont efthe vora ciaose sfamnliou arisiuig em au>' vouni. wH TBr, PORT PEBRY à 1 AILWAY. CONDENSE» TIME T Taking sfeit on Wedmlosiay, N( TuaI!. OOIxNo nrv Leare Wbltlny-...10.05 a. Mi Port Ferr.11,95 ' manila-........z p.ro Arriva Liudaaj. 1. 110IMi Lemys Lidsmy - .1o a. n0 Arriva hiby... 8. .40" TFo rne atocher tations. meep Table, te bc Lad on application te Cempmnv's Agents. conectlug etainldsy itir i l&ay a>loi Toualcn uil, Beba menati lclnuie albntc, u h. Teritery, an'lire Bailivi>fer Bairerton OrtliWubnnsheue vitir yN cm beru bmuirà Brscebridgethd ,us gok, su tahe Gran Tbiough Tickets are ilsed m i tire W. -P. & L.Ry. toi Teo= G. T. E. Ticket nt, é"e t, o On W. P. P.* L'lNTornodex JAMES MH Wbilby, Non. O, 1577. managl 1 0 1 1 J 1 1- ýl %TIM A 0 M ad n4utiah 0F ONTi : VALUABLE -on w u e e 1 , Oa m n n m i g u a e . t a e n -. - H a vouli ay nmaIla inst Mr. BateLa.. lor boirag ueanvi, if itwva canaidered aivlaiàble b>' the majerity oethe ei b eirsboard tedo seo. -Il v&a pit> if vs ii net gel m proper relumu fon.Le ]losanouni cf money opep by iLs board. -Il van double sahm as vo aio vneting tlie-2peeples' monoy, sud iiechildren'i tirno as veil. Mu. Povell moeai icenici b>' liit lirte Sacreux-y notif>' Mi. Nthlor, Ial hie engagemient yuLh ths board, as toacher, ternaa eus moubli freinibtis notice. Tira morrsaid L conideditu nnecmsssny te sa>'machëh a n mater. The sali- jeal wau véli umiroci by the beard. Thiongr .'BntcbeIoeus iai manage. moral anumnberbcfthe'puple bai been tak:ua&Waj.frenthILs choel. Asa - tse 'h ltiIthbis dnty tomaetinluthe maltai. Ha mraumtaoodlbtat lire an- guage usadinuthe acheol vas iniproer for a plia.eofthat-kind ; Ibathoe chili- rn do jusu asi tey lika tint, Domeofc the icluolarai l, iiuc, e last Jauay, Ladi a aspel!iug or ioading Imoson. ieid rosohution et ceu-se vas mot betore tho heird untilit Lad a seconder aidb-" vouli like onsmonibo f Iths NoaN ta do go. Du. Carsen LbaargLtt Ial if tLe beaud vould -lot Mu. Nateirelor knov tiey vere mot sitielied wiÃŽt im Lineiaouil rifig-, He thaught a iepaluulon suci as w;r.coll'e vouli bail Mn. Butai- eler. Mn. Camipbell, outeide tire Sirool, liai mot Mn. Batuieler, sevonail imes uni likai hin ver>' mach. Ha e wuid preter the birui onli instucltLe chsirmmn to ask Mgr. Nateimler te baud iu Ise resignation. -Mn. Batoireloi, La tirougil, bai lest the good vilef tire pupals, uni Lie conidriedai ven aItcam6 t at iaI uso, il vonli Le tar- i s ov food m a li is liat et his pupils ta bave hmnout. Mm, Powell foîl muxiaus about tha malter. A largo nunibeorf. paientame kmepig timir ahlhiren iome fran schoel Lecmtmse et Mi. Butciralor's treitimn, aunnleasie vi ws gaI ni of et once il vouli min tLe sool for. ire summer. The Leani Lui ne rigirl eo pay ouItirhe peopleamey wiren Loey wore reaeîmnom vaine fou it. Du. Careon vas sulisiai-if Mu. Pow- el venuldlot Lie resehution standi er, Mri. Balcialer venu labndi u ii mresi"- natien. Mr. Farevwe luai dMr. Powell if lae pokeaudvisedly viren ireraid ithe- 0riliren-Lad naibirer ucîding 6-r spulling ussons since lait Jmxuary 2 Mr. Powell bai ,heen- laid se liy tva tf iis evu cirea, a b>' tiose oet-a alady vie Lad beau utteniing thre Booair Mi. Kinxg kncw bui ilmambout Mn. Batnibalor. -Ho_ voui, howvvir, be or0 taSeo a roseinion snoL s Mr. oii'e ,paes, if mairies couli ha teund witiacul il. Ha dii ual kaxevif il vms itaioars fut. Saine lnfenmalitiee, ie though iedLaicrept inta tine -scirool stfore Mr. Batceiror Lad lakan hLd of t.Ha veali, tiongr, hasorry te saa 6>' officer or teacirer farami ou lue _ 'vu vire vas mot vuntmi. Ihis Laid a conviat a pereon -cix1viat pupile tl!, me shouli Lave sonie tacts. Ho venul- ka tire sciooile ohave a _tioraug inla- j etigatiou, lie sacaxer tiralimtair, and it ne knov ail about it. Mi. Powell'vue preparai ta prove I ho said. He veuld iki hinvosti- atoi by a cammittea', if action cotild a iakon aI once. Dr.,Ciunn thougii -Mu. King's aug- estieu vas tha boit vay etfnnanaging [o malter. Alle?-ioeo axitr- e- iai.. Dr.'êarson îecondcd hy Mu. Klug iovai tbatancemmuttee of 5 or 3bLe ppointei te, muka enquires mirent fenry St. Scirool uni uny etftire alLer 3reole in tire tavu, and report attre exl meeting ethe board. 1 Mm. Powell conipiminai ofthtie delay venu auie te vait ii the ntt eiting efthe Loird. Ho voali lika )me opoci>' vaudepted. Ho avno Bcasi>' fou tie re nugininofethe ýer choole inrîhe nesolulion; Dr. Carsen euh complaints Lad been ide cf tha tmiliug off af pupils udmitt- 1ie îLeheHig i iaool, tirerafere make r investigation comploe. Mfr. Kiug thengbt steps mugit Le kon te hava a meeting calîsi for tie icial, cormmuttee tareport- bafore lie it meetingqofttiehenniar. Mrn. McGillivray'bai ne fanltetfini. eLuil nernved Idachili tu IYamu ýScaol lsoama.hLetirongr sire aild gaititrougi quiakor. The latter portion et Du. Ourson'., otien.refeinxmg te lire otior scoele et Agents lor Canada. B. W. TIRE, Manager, Montres!. EEC STABLISEDIN CANA- A DAin 8N. numtealiability of ail the Stcckholders, sud laige Reservo Funde, Moderate rates et preruium. O. NOURSE. Agent, Wbitby. Whitby, April 17th, 1877. 17 NTRIL LOAN AND INVEST- METOOMPANqY. PRESIDENT BANNERS: MON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. BOLICITO :--G. D'Arcy Boulton. MONET TO LOAN an Improved Ferme, at Low Rates of intereet. Apply te-- OR TO E. H. KEBTLAND, Manager, Toronto. 000» MOBTGAGES BOUGHT. Aprfi 18th, 1877. 17 ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Ca'>, HEA» OFFICE, BROOK-Si., WHITNY. s those cf an>' vell-esImb£iÃŽbed Company ia Canda. JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PID,

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