[NDIAN mae mlisses4 en r opgs1. 'opollas 4atiW men and tCwo ributed 1o th. nonefileuey of A ocrtn-of I. lo1 etae.0ofe miseatnfageocf matie, Lit %~oipurod et Corne, Itely, A bO/li0 êf VMAd& w n aIly. pnobebly fromua fiOolent tom- éf*§Ad lisaedvïncern, and avold.d p Ieelo ver ,pur. her vîlli uulllîin higenoe, Luzngano, as. e- ti -yofu&a-d Cc a foild#Whuii', il*tabbe hon taO 4tt. ItÈought béfoii tue Aîie le nn.. cf hi$.passion, vhioh net à 1p>y, lie Qort >tp regard anseibekg. FOTION SALE ruabte Proîperty IN TUE NN 0F -WHITBY. Mit 'l'id by vît,;.10 t a Power of 4l. Contncned ini a cetiu Morîginge cull b. prodnmcnd et tinnle of sale, an,1 lnilh du!aulClincyneutlise boeen hers v-il b. rold, ab the ROYAL T'EL, ln h. Tes-n ot Whitlny, ai, fRDA Y, the Second day of' farch next, A, QP, 1878, *At Cime hour0et i 0'ck, >p1M., th a followlug valuable land and remises, hat la ta , ay: AII M-1unimgiar that cornula parcol or tract 01 land aud Prn.les, la Chie Town et Whit- "Y fil A the. Couuty sud province of Omtnrio, eau belag compnoe of part cf lthe Narth liait cf Lot Nunuinermgo, iluthe. lot concessilon If the.'aiToeshU -ofWhitby, baller mowu <md eelu4bsihasgo IOWB-CeOMmeuc. lin t the l4orth-weet angle efthie calA Lot N rNeaber U2, hou North sevouîy-fomr degees 4Jat ttwo chalut i cxty.thvealinka Ce the îâ< of poinmenceumet; thoen South six. Ceeu A11ýegroeuaý Eset eeventeeu chaîna;- then i1~rl evqt-tofrdegrees East two chsius; thron xt en4 e t c, roventoen chetns) more er Ilo, 0e i e roIoad; thon South reventy.tour, igesest eeCtwo olosuf, moreo« lses"10'ie phce of beglu. nioig-oontalniug TleQ goacra nd four. Imannrelîima ot auacre, maoi peo. Terme mcdo Inova et ime o! sale.,-For ItorCher particuhare, aplhy te LETS n& PEARSON, Barnlster,4, Toronto. Tonanto, Janîiary 251h, 1878. (Id-O IM1PORTAN'r NOTICE, WVe beg te callth /e uttenii tioîx of t/me iîhabitaîîts nj JV/dtby, O8acur,, Lindeay anid vici'nity~, ta aur DÂRPET Dà FP.?-tr' NT' l* - c/ iM i Sthi son aime of ;me i imprtant featulrea of/ aur /iouaé, Our preeîmt)t ýStocke amonmt aovnwr$4O,OOO, «,îi rompr/acs egBnis8els Tape8try aalll sdewinfster Uarpees, Mcmatt ins, Matie F, ngliiJfloor e9llo/sea. Pcrson#7reqndr. iqg Carpets -aMciîfting to - Tvetyj/./f m' 1a anod 1cp. cvardail save tmare t4lia tlf/e/r/anmd have t/me farjeat stuc/c fain ûuda tn c/os rom, Note1 the adctrnv. PEýYtula'? cill -Nl Y,Cst (jpItr lest, Maern-t Stmae)Toronto~. Nov. 11)11, 1877.11 8m-47 15\D STILL ALIVE, A CNlaukitil ter pact faora, sclcits a..ceontlnuAtils o!thé cama. LYNDER'rAK ING DONS AS USUAL. W' Dundu~ Street, Wbltby, nearn Wl;., P. P. A' LR..ny.. Chntiton. Wlitliy, Jaîiy. 011, 478. 8.11 Promotor sud Petteciot cf Am. Refermer snd Vîtlhzen 0f the Praducer andA Invigaratan et and Muscle. Dnilder and Supporter cf Bmain vsu' Cqmpound Syrsmp le campored o! ente loienticcal i hs. elen-bi Herltby Bluod, Muscle sud Noervo rain Substan'i whvilet Lii te cof As AspoUdnelUpon mame of Ciona. a unIOn viCi the blood and 1Cm effect thie musehern, reeclebliehing Che 0onu Ulng thebthen, it lacapableofetaffet. teo ig iaulte n wU aune»D pal bla or inter. a"«on of 0 oeart anA PalpiCtion, tosm etIntellect eanced by gm-ef, ev 1 r ~ nirneeozrhabite,, Bmon. M or 'cou tien o1 the u Dan, epo i 0ng ifernenenous; manA il Mos ornedr. tq hr nelAes ilu.uinlng 4IWpocegSf DipChonla. tôta oivad by remadiese boarng ea Zaa optr ro t en ua ub. DWWS LINIMENT, il yon Vaut to cure OClblainî nu Breown'rn In 4in Lizti4ent l'lie Doctor'. 1e 1 mena lis urnefor ail kind. of Lswheîfeae Spraiuo, Drus«,,]urn, Scaldu, Vrortbtes FOR-HORSES AN~D Ç.TTLZ., Frouta i 1botti. :given ln wasmwÂter wii otre mort internaI derangemmente.1 For eo*4oulsle e"a, =m~on eschbot. tl.. ICia akuov"atc h w cnl what thé people nosA. Ono%«<ettre s follows, and yet wo vant more whrnre w. huve noae,<'wbo il apply ? -MeAleal Hill WlilCby Ont. 3.L Magau'- Dufftiu' reek 44 John Dcv. Irooklln J exah]dIP Myr Jacob Doige, tica -À.D. Wooka Uzbria«e J". MOuflo1ugb Goodvood M. L1 01 Gien Major WMKI trick Greenvodd J. B. Drk Brouga MsoNà b Eros. Claremont BiherA w*an stouffilie " T. W. Pt Roy lame. T ' or Wb=t'Ai Danis MP ec Mns, Wo* herrywood John Qd Ã" Dunbarf on John Gregory MillnsvIU. Daniel Molrsdy Ândley 8. C. BROWN. Seedtiman Proprietor, Whitby, P. 0. ALIBRAL OFFER. i wiliul enAesdollars worth of HRome grown aoedg, by the peoket, poatage aid, sud the Wlitby canon- W1LE, (price. 1.50) for 12 monthi, fret 6f po %gLohfr two doltlrs. se 0. IBROWN. * House to Let. A COMFOIVrABLB, TWO-8T0BEY wul1 finshod. Corner of MMansd Ache atreots. Apply to- ME.DAF0BD, 48-tfOn the premlses. A Complete Self-lnsnu'étdr ini Plain and Ornamenital PENMANSHIP. NTUGPEOPLE wtfi ocur JL rpideaeyandbeamtiful simd wrting, wihout a tcachnr,- will imdl the (iUMr s peerfect instrnntor. Hiundreih arue becoan. ng beautitul writers xlroghout the Do- minion snd lime United States by u'lng it. Il conalte sof a serte. ot Cary Sil'aot CeuVeLiCut cAca for prsctielng, which ' ii. tain copies bnginning witluie irst 'a ciplesanmud grsnlnally progrsingtuC o moal elegant plain ancd ornementalntog, Rn 0,UXÀMENTOL SInEZT, COLItainliug rmau Text, OId En gliai and Ornameutal Letînir. Auj, Offiani ilonrisliing of Brds, &o. 9A BOOx OF 50 PGEus vl;h full analysis sud in. sîruccian, aiid a beauîituliy engraved case tOn contai n tihe vhile. Price, 81.00, post raid. S. G. BEATTY & CO., Ocitanla Business ColOnt. fl- Agents wautenh. evèfi'lot *Nov, 14. THE WINDSOR. - (Cor. Kng sud York-a;ts) NOW OPEN. S2ace PER IDAY. Free omnnibus C aaitram ail mmm.n. Ta. hie aud ,pprln>,.entlccnc P. FINNWIAN, O.Iy Proprietor. T ARtIF!F 0PFEUS TO DB'TAXEN liN CONSTAI3LU8. (Undor Orthor lu; Conucit, dfatea Silla day ef Juiy, 1874) 2.Arroeut o aci lndlvîdual upon a warrant,.................. 6 0 2. Sorving cannaona or snbpoena.... 0>25 8: Mileage te serve slummouns, ouh,- p(alus or Warrant ............. 0î1 -I. !nIcage slieu service cannai bo upen proot o! due diIigence.... 0 lu 8. Misage aklng dniconoru Ite gaoî, exclusive o! diebursements ljec. otsssnlly expouded la hir con- voyance .................... 10 G. ACie»dAm;g Justice; oui summum-ry IaIs, or on examinstion oet In. menonrs chargcd withi crime, fcr ?acim day neccsarily emphayed lu eue or more caseés, vîmen ual engagea marc ihan four hou r. . 0 7. Do. tio. 'alen engaged more thon) tour hours.......... ........... 50 8. Attoadiug Aaizes on Sessions, eaci day.................... 0 9. Miheage traveling te attend As. sizoa, Sosions, un baeron Justices tainpublie coune sunce can ho = 0111ouY nessotua le dishunce. motnts tCo ho aiowed.) ........... 10 luquesî, lncludlumg attelunhng aI Inquesi, and ail services in nec. pect Choneat, if ichA on sema day sJurysommoned...... oD il. Atondlng oaci e-dlaurnment Cheneot, il aot engagea mare > four houres................. 1 0 12. Do. do. if engagea more tien tour heures.................... 6( 18. Sorvtng sumnmons or subpteus te eleitnu belote Coraner (subject -No. 10) .................... 2 14. Mcage rsorving camne..........o 10 Io: Zxhulung body under Coonemra vannet........... ......... 20X 16. Ito.hnryung canas............. 2 00 17. Serving dietroas warrant, and ne. Cnmiing saine............. '1& 18. -Advortlsinlg umider israse ar rant........................ 60 -19. Travelling te niaIs nistress, or to asenci ton goodu tlu saab dis. tnrus, Wio" no geais are tnui.. 0 40 20. Appraleoments la, ber byue on h. vaâine oftgeout 21. -Ctalogue e410 suA Commission a'nA.Aolvelry otgooa ,5'cisi the 9, on net srogclace o odsn. 92. EXecatingbearcî warrant ....*.. 0 95,4eVlngI nellase on eeusteblern, -whon pennonlhy serveA.,".0 50 yai.~u~ B follo'-10 Curranti " pickles, Salmon, Lobuter, Lenion r e, ari.e,4Vl1%Ih, Orange Puee.,Salmon Trout, citron Peel, Pinuan Haddles and Oyt.u réeisva ÂlI-indn cfSpicu.dally. NutbaU lna..Pipes, Tobacoo, Côomba, ýA FULJL BBI~N4N~2BNM,.- Have you seen the New Illuminator. No 0hmny re- quired. 1 Light equal to 8 of the. Old kind, once tried alwaye uad. Soe agent for' Whitlýj$ 'Crookery aflOs<aré ein gr -Aaf~ cash paid for Âppleos Potatoes, 13ttb. EOj sid Pnéyï~ 4e PETER SMITH9 ýVbfiby, Dec. lCb, 1877. Oddlilo« um'Dlldlga MoCROSSON #cCo., 91 King Street, - - - ororto, TUE LAIIGEST STOKS 0F F'J*1J1ýo EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. Do-00 8IaeFINE FU RS FUR TRIMMINGS CUT A PEOLALTY. .01 TO OBDER. BBAB ROBES. ASTRACHAN SACQUES WOLF ROBES, RUSSiAN LAM SACQ 35,, RACOON EnEBES, 8S. S. GEAL S8CMES. YAK, ROBES, PERSIAN LAME AUQISb BUFFALO ROBES, MOCI ERMINE .SAjT MINE CAP$, MINI ETT, S. S. OZAL CAPS S. 'S. $BAL SETTB, OTTER AND SE'At SETTS, URMINE SETTS, PEBSIAN LAMP> CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB SETT8, BALTICO SAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN BETTS, CONEY CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETTS, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONET SEITTS, GERMAN MINI -CAPS, GREY LAMEB iT=% CRILDRENIS SETTE. PaxticmIar attentionl given to- ail rders. specially attended to. lToronto, De, 1877. ,1-A 1; 1RP 'y 75 & 77 YONGE-ST., 000- Aller4tiona lmIF 1> TORONTO. 50 Large Size Box Stovega CLEA,,i-r'N OUT AT HALF-PRIOE. A fresh lot of Canaries and Parrots] just received. My Stock of Is now Complete i Every Line. celn opre.l.mot.no.a a r-~s a~$xnelID-ifa i Our maoblneyho&.beaun sehocted and countruoted vith a special reference Ptueas, and not ada td for other wark, and aur wonkmen are sdn. !Sjjl1j!ýlà l un n3ý anufature-obtaloing a thon. o And are Chus enabled Cco o. o igir dome.of ekili'and profiieacn qnessnfatul W. thonfor@ onabled te Introduce a mon rfeepao ~ tâmon ufacture, addiug nat only tCo 0 efe th~eXC.vlc but al- fmýt h. oisexecution-aud aaoouaq euonfoo0 la à regarded nooeumin ws *te4 e ab'i1npC n prleoolow". abo 1oytodéfyqlýpe n.- "" T0 Ell"O S* W S a KIG REAPER le,now go WOU a Beaper, tha*-ta voxi4 0 Ccimendation vonl atancaC oedm n' cw o but a lera <ste many Clal*g td,'Manufactue Chie machine Who ha" d d t- Id o0lWal ~hsoi ciivtotko mUP te i, Un e ;IluptmcQoo0 ves ax&Datreni'ýgrequire cf ne Feo4ov sentillïfaC, and for atrnrgth sud dure Cy, lpof J ernykilid an"" udiCiou"n ai hltuesa cf die _, 17ofmuffment-,t4o *"Johnoton,' as manufatured by us-stands te point Cc h. m&ny Firat Prizes à varded u-af the',aÇro e4 alCÇâMý O. tarie, and mauy couinty trials whlih ave. Cý nplaeSaU Vn Canada1 wlthin tiý. lust fov pears. M le OUR TRtUMPIOMIEDMAHNS wïtli laCe Improvemeni.,les&cIl Chat eau be deaired iu a Combineci Machine, anA cannot feil te meot al the requirements cf purchasers. ~rnpoye~a~1ga hie ~n aurYoung Canada My wra are botli first-olass machiues-constituted almost wIhly cf Iran andA Steel. The ,eaga Jr. lia a rear cut, and he.'Young ÇCanada a front Cut ; bath stncng, dur- lab e machines, and not erdelled by,, an. machines lu Che market for quality of cut, durability, liglituesa of draft, adaptability, and ceeaI management. dUR NEW " iWHITBY Arn the couutry harn become botter adapted bt machinery, and many of our farm. lors have beo i Ue ie -ns'neé 6f ichnesë, a grcw«ià g dý,çand 'lise rung 1up for s Lig <Durbé,Frt.Csrâ pr Alivo to the nequirements of the day, vo have succeeded in inventing a ma- chine with a Wrought Irons Frame, with the lesat possible gearing-with large, broad.faced'drive wheel,-à nd rno conatnuetedl that the framo and table tilt ae. the rnimiý ime, theneli> keeping the pitman. always in lino with the krzife. The *iraf, u n ih u h ase ek.Weaecn iden C a ide v eucceded n iuentig 8t mo t retIper, aii 1i alita pe, ha t.dn ucasern Cattey soulds C ti mcine befone givingtheronr for~ ~ a th coighnet he "Witby Hneter"weighs, aIll. o pud, ~ ~buC ~ ~ X aen mae0 mialyc Ch tult r de el, a estfronr isin- he a uie macîn rnm'. - - h r aniv hir ule t ahe s ogfec W r onfident tht a eetvene quireent, sud ve resectul lctha trial of urmahines, toing atshat w Roapeatau0ly Youre, h. .bg, Onar T aFeborwegary, 1877.0poud E. J. JOUNSONIoUR NEW Very Special STARTING Indcemntsto hos IGoods of Al Rinds, Cheap and Good. HOUSEKEEPieG. UN'DERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, ,Coffins, and ait' the necossarios in this Uine. Also, A* WELL-APIPOINTEID ELEARSE Whitby, October lOthi, 1 877. 4 -PB-EPARBE FOR THE FALLI AND GO TO lOR WIILL-FITTINO,. CHEAP, AND OOOD B.EST AMXIICAN RUBBER GOODS ON HAND. Gents' tJnlf Boottsand Shoos, Chie finest anid Most durable made in the' country. I:Eý» Ladies' auperion goada in Prunella, Kid and Goal, a speciality. Wlien dunability su-d clieapnepoi aro nequired, ccli on OLD No. 1. Large Arrivais 1 Whitby, Sept. 4Ch, 1877. Cheap for Cash I WM. BURNS. - 28-12mi NEW GOODS 1 Clothinig and Gent's Furnishing bâus e Is 10W supplied with ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Cloths of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they ever had. 00'- Also an excellent stock of Gents' Furnishings, call neiv. A splendid stock of Ready-imado Ovencoats, Cheap for Cash." McMILLAN'S ]LOCK, BROOK STREET, - WHITBY,' PAIR C OMPETITION WIT'HOUT PROTCETION."- --00 MR. JOHN FERG1JSON IS NOW INi THE MARKlET WITE JIs W]îidh for quality ana price wil ho fouuzd unsurpaesed. Maîde up zn t lW Lateat> .Styles and on iSiorteat Notice. à LARGE STOCK 01? -OVER-OOATS AND BUFFALO ROBES, MICHAEL GLEESON (late with F. Meen),, Greenwood, *whera lie will ,be-happy ta see all frieuds. The,4tock is aelegted witha nvi ta m1eet *the"'ýwsnts' f-ail. -1aE e rade is"Our epeial iiiw wil dy compeiton in e ery meino f tho 'business. Choap Goodg and ,good Goode wil demauid çogtoiners. Nothing wanUted by old or new eus- 'tomers, but shail bc funrnislied un short notice. A'specialty in COAL OIL, '5 gallons for $1. 0 Produce of ail ]d.nds will ho paid for in; CASH, or goods given for the same at thot rate. GIMxNWOOD, November IOth, 1877. GOme-48 FA $111ONABLE TrA IL ORINUT Go iwhere you eau get a Weil-fitting Garment :-To the Tailoriug Establishmeut of GEORGE SUPERIOR GURLEY, CUTTING SHAPES THE WO1IK!1 A Large Stock cf Fine Clots ; bcst English, Scotch and Canadian Tveeds. 0-> Excellent Overcoatingsansd Splendlid Voat Piatterns. A good fit Guaranteed.1 GEORGE GURLEY, King Street, Oshava. NEW STA TJONERY -AND- B. 0 0 K S T O--R E 1 AT THE EXPRESS AND MONT1IEAL TEL. OEFICE, BROCK-ST. George 'Yulo lbegs to annnounce that ho has ro-openled his Stationcry aud Book Store un Whitby, where stationery of al kiuuds, cf thc beat quality, will bc e kpt on hand ; also Sehool Books of every deocription, Copy Books, Slates, Peneils, Inks, &c., &c., at the loweat The Daily and Weekiy Papers always on hand. Suib- ecriptione Soicited. Musical Instruments, including a fine assortment cf Violine. Ordlers arc taken for Periodicals, Magazines and Musie. GEO YULE. Whitby, Dec. iSth, 1876. 5 WILLIAM TILL'S' FURNITURE .WAREROOMS, 1 TIIE OLD STAND,,BROCK STREETJ HIBY Gowhere you' canuot fail to be pleaed ii ~kig.sele oons ofgood fuà rnituire. *8p1ndidPrOur, ]?rawing IUoom an~d Bedroo es ffl, v -. 'lWOrthy -fi»-speetc-n. a soisig9w nea 34 e, ùsai~i vrtylçq, ome fineChbcnios, Lu a&H its branohea; funor&hu-fu11y auppliod, À stock of elegant coaeq. QPoffLwi alwaya en-hà ad, timdto'I usoee aAavl abin Sae,n ýible Gq,,od CIAGE.S' AND BUGGIES!1 -000-- ~ ~~A3~!"T ; D OST OOMPLEJ T OCK 0F Orr iags S/e hsand Ctters, M. ~'0OV-A N' VEft~OHAP. bf#l&SE THEM.- G with, ail orders of Photos, at BEST'S For One Month, A BEAUTIFUL CABINET PORTRAIT! . --:000: - Choice of the following persons SIR1 JOHN A. MACDONALD, ItEV.. It;R. LAIRD, December 24th, 1877. HON. T. N. GIBBS, or EDWARD CABSWELL. WHITBY CHINA TEk STORE, A fuil assortmeut of ail kinds of New choice F amily Gro- ceries. China, Glass Ware, Crockery and Family Christ- mas goods,- ail of 'which wull be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. A large assortmeut of Choice Candies purchased express- ly for Sauta Clause. Choîce Mixedl Candies 2Octs per lb. Good Roll Butter l6ets per lb. 20 MEDIUM SIZE LAMP CHIMINEYS FOR $1 (00. Corne one corne ail1 botli Young atnd old before purchasing elsewhere 'and examine our Stock yourself. Ilemember the place Whitoy China o Store. WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Poultry Dressed, Apples, Potatoes, Bene, Butter, Eggs, for wvhieh the higlicît barket price wil l e paid, either in Cash or ini Exchange for Goods. W. J. GIBSON. OUTTERS, AND CAJIlITAGES. A Large Assort-ment of Cutters and Buggies FOR SALE, CHEAF,' Carriage -AT- & NEWPORT'S AT TH-E OLD STANDI Boots & Shoos Cheaper-than E ver! JOH.N SAJJNDEIRS lias resumed lis business at the old stand (Chequered Store), BroclÂ-st., Whitby, where he is niow enabled ta give good value to ail customers oId and new. lis stock of BOOTS- AND SHOEIS, is replete for Faîl and Winter wcar, and ho is detormined tç4sell off at the lowest profit. Caîl and see lis Stock aAId Prices. JOHN SAUNDERS., P.S. Parties iudebted to me, wiil please -cail and settle immcdiatelzj.J.. WhitLy, Octoher 22nd, 1877. riFacto ry, SAJDLI B3ega, ta direct atteni Leath er Va Witby, Jà RHetrsnluentn ai ail hmnirs.L4tersC ai. veya freeh. Ouests 'elted upon wlth promptitude ana attention,, TrTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO LET.'. M28 suad ieu,' teher tt ,~Y~ adreoà land, well plsimecd viti frui reen, situated on Raghan-sCreet, verni part ofte ievn of Whîtby, off Dundaz-istr.net. Thon. la mioo & good stable. - Tiere, la a gfold well aA pump, nA th. ttlÃt i iofthe hieït cin. Poceernien raiNovember. Applyto MR. RICHARDSON, on Cie p1femxrern, or toe t le r 2Mo P o n c . ..', W M ý T .A ' R . . 81 Cf *-qreenwood. FOR SALE, a - GLEN'MAJTOR MILLS 1- 600,000 tr.C PimW nmber1.vell sousoned.. mndi Doarde, Flooring, x 4 ScaiDg; 2-lihPhlc, PSenIg Boards 100,000 feet et Oak, Maphe ferParis, isi qnafty,ý * asodSquareTimber,, Ail o! whch villne sold eheapfor ocsai. Re would alo beg toteay Chat Cihe Gnit Milis lanning,sn dGmdigflMrc-elsscvwPk- Chop~i.ilg amne 6 days in tie veek, tor every GEORGEBITO. PRAcTGtf CAR nA Eerx A GON MANUFACTUIIER cf the Double anA Single Ternp Drihi. mproaemcont PA TE NTE D-CHURN-8, Wago, Buggies, Oligis, consatl1-on m. RE Pol RING - 1Doue- ou Cie iomtectnotice. e GEO. JIRITTON, S TAGBE BETWBEIc., WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE'A DAY. !. Leaves Oshawa at 8.80 a, m.,.snd L P. m- Leaves Whitby ai 10.8, a. m., sand' £80, Fare 25 cents oach way. Wull cail at ail the hotels, and at privir& reuidences (when orders are loft at any of' the hotels.) Connecta vith- Oshawa ana Bowmanvillo stage; suci with Che. VWhtby, and Port Ferry Railway, sand viti Brougih- ana mail at WhitbY- HS OPR Whitby, Mardi l9ti, -1875 - - THOS. PEATE,, CILOTHES CLEANBD AND-IFPPADED %-J brougil to Choir natursi color.- Feathers, liA Glovea, n&C., ceeaaed ana dyed an ycaban. Ailorders loftit W. P. Wllacic, Confeotioner, Wbitby, or sent by ail, vili ho prampthy attenided te. [21-ly rz70,n000 ON FIBST-CLAS FAR-M. LANDS, In sunas ot 0200 anAduparda,. at 7 Ver cent. Paable rHa-yeny Appiy te- GEO. S. HALLEN, Apnil l7Cb, 1877. 17 BRoTUGAM CAILBIAGE WORK. .WEBB nospeiullyinforma has Patrone sud the Pu bcAtha a bac purchaced Cie Iigit fer Pickering, te> Manufacture Conboy's Patent Seat for BUGGIES, CUTTERS &c. AI parties ail d eIl to Seo Our fBugmr su tatera, before giving their, endors e11e- 'wiere. Brougham, juhy lOCh, 1876 r_30 DR. WM. ORAY'8 SPECIFIC MEDICINE. .1 nd simde * ey case ut Before Taldng.NervousDe. AtfT]I excesses or ovemrvork ofthe b-manA noi- vans Ãystem,-; -lapemloctly harmlesz, actif like mugie anAa hae extencivehy used for ovnnr tluity 'ysarc itia great aucceas. le' Price, Si penpackage,- or six packages fuor, $5,by >mail freeo o ostage. Pol par. ticuhare in car pamphlet, wblch ve deuiro- i.sn fe yaimA te very n.. Addef 8, 1 WM. GRAT &i CO., Windsor, Ontario, Can- ada. £ a»SolA bv all Drureista fi Whltbi' Dr. W. J. 1 Qyrro-Noxitdoor Cc oeaoadaenc., st r. Le BYRON FIEI P RYOICI, SURGI Wm. . cERIEN, m d-1UYS HOSPITAL, 'X.J the eye R,3. Q. L AD. BOGJ Phycln, Surgen, Ac Wiby, Sept. SOth i 4 W I. AM Off ceho=2110e9 -zai 1»80 teo p.-zm. Rouiden anA GUI;epit rtr.eirn. fiie wft Tethe xroe.wCot lal auuaimtï.< rnl an'. nov bled,.anar Athe Ring Streot, Osiawa. BUIILDER AND il - anaAS ST., '1 -. AUleores promptIl * JOHN ROBE] L X S l o ,B ro o k -S t., 1 Joux WOLF] ei Jenatha Woiiendan,m GEORGE cou TF E MERCHMAy L- aaoie, Orson St Oun o il b JAMES W. ah TONH CLERX OOIMSSIONER COUR BENCH, OONVEyANCI'G A. AL INST1i.NCR Tho Clerk wm bo in i Town rai Ciolumbus, c Prday, for Townhp h heure, 9e. M. t o DP. rM ' --March 27th, 1877,- WIILLIA]k roi BLAOKRMITH, -- <Smccemar to Thomn" Rerm. hoeing ianA&Uci BE. . O'DELL, CIork Division Coure Oomisionar in B. 1î., La &ae., Athorly, Oounty Oniari -con -- LIA-M 'THO M P SON Aion ta hie large and superior stock, co;nprisingevery..p ig is the Sacidleéyn arasLnera alises and Saratoga 'l runks' I . A LOT OF-Ri tVERY -S'PECIAL RkR Propriator. BR OCK- ST, -HARVESTER.'l' bec. 1 Otb, 1878. 1 . 1 ESTeS, JUST ARRIVED AT THE, OSHAWA. 1 *q FACTORY AND ý'CA-'ReIAGE FÂCTORY ,We ITBY. ý r , ", , 1 E,,N Yý, A, W A^ GIAL-LERýY STORE EUGýGi-ES .1- ý.1-- ý .. 0 J-CABINET