;U ............. . ......... ........... aby, - &Oi. Llm Iu hereby giveutha4 the fijouîned Anoual .CenerW Meci of tb. BHRMEHOLDERS of thl Whitý,p jU'6pu t -WLU b. h.ld attb. Office of Oomip TOWN op w:fIT] BÂTUBDÂY, gladMÂBOH lN1 At th. boir 01 Tvelve o'clook, ncc $tie eloon of Dlroctoruj and for @psi. Th. tmataer books. vil!b. clceed 141 3annary ntl aller thb. nid nmuat ..J. ROSE Wbitby, Feb. 7tJi, 1878. Connly o ntalo lTS berebyfiven COURT 0F ASSI2 NISI PRIU8, OYER & TERMINER, AN QENERAL GAOL. DELIVEj vil!b. bolden in and for the COUNTY 0 F ONqTARiJ in the COURT BOUSE, in the TOWN-Or WHIITB' TuesdeYt March 19t' - At EmRous op 12 o'CLOCz, NoON. 01 wl*b SU Ooronox, justiues ci Pneu', and al otheru çonc.rned wlU notice and govaru theinselven accordingi: NELSON G. REYNOLDs, Bi 3n. (2in o th; a!, ly. élu. P-4 du $yi y .Z plu. rm 9.1 r AU Ai Wiby, Fib, 111h, 1878. 8 -TO BIILOERS AND CONIRACTORS1 vil!RS Mb. receivea, b t1he un- BRICK STORE, 72 x 28, on Brock-Sîreet, lu lie -TOWN 0FWKITBy. plauLad upefiatons con b. accu on sud aller Thurn"y,141h mml aI lb. Store 01 Melnr. LAINMI& 5TEWA T, or on ap. plicaticu b 1the undurulgned. Thle lsta or any tonder nut neceaiarily acceptud. Feb 1,17. J.70.WATSON, Pu. 9 'I. -84) Port Witbby. INTt FI TDIVISION COURT GUO. DAILT.) I. 1ls ae Z. BAlLT. or iPair New Heavy Bobsleighs, a quantity of Iron, for cashi, ou SÂTUINDÂX, 1TEs FEBBUARY, Ail o'clock p mo. lu ront o teci i ien Court Oîdo.;w'hltS li. lvi J. B. ADDISON, 134111allolt Dlv. Court Cc, Ont. Raglan, cb, lt,# 8. . CLEARING SALE I The ubciber ban Znen nstrncted by th, Dircctcru cf the MUDDGE & YAEWOoD -MA«NTe, COMPAZ4y le usonby PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Orgu ancstor ~ b ocf Wednesday, Fibruary M 4t, '8, AUlthe goodi sudchattel. cf lb. Cou. ZP înesi of 10 ORGANS d MELO. M SN ORGÂnSod 0Second hQui Mao. deona, Firu-ol dîiel (by Taylor), dry Wal. l'ut' 0.1,sanA Maple Lumbor, Cabinet. lnaerm,'ork.bincbem, cramp, haudore, tels, voi wth Iron urevu beuch ccw;Bo od ad Walauu mear, k Wlnnî W"lnxt mouldingu plaed dry lnch P1kn. ad n ch. WslnuI,0udifférent lengthbusud mlmeuand vaious quanliies ci Orgîn roateral- Fret Ig a foot pawer, ring9 machine, baud paverboing Mi. c uti.Ãakdbox~es, aei ao, 'truck, Ppe$u, elbovs sud drum ; brasa butta, white nutteloch., hep pin.sLvalve pius, glue,1 tound.bead; d acauvu, uat.hoaded ucrewa; Pedal cazoeuug lu patterns, carpetlng lu langîb,Can n idaunel cnvers; gSevlug machine ron, paint uilU, vsanluh cana, pot. boucub iar nhe., acie furullure, nA a, s su ther articles uued lu LOrasu uanufact Dg. b e ocommence at On.ecndock, P. u. Traies or SALE-§l0 aud undur cash - 110 ta $25, lhie zmenîha' credit; î25 aud 0>er, elght roonthh' credit, on lurniahing lipproved notes.; SL. FAIRBANKS, Auctloneer. Whilby Pib. 12, 1878. (2in-8u IMPROVED FARM FOR BALE, NEO H EST 1M4 ME CQUSTT '0 uthOpar!Li Coutslnlng 100 sPa..: Souh arotLo'à 22,sud 24, l inte 111h Con. ofJIEACE, about 110 acres o v0 c are ululer cultivatien and nonry 0 efroro eituzupu. The land lutendd for crop neul 'Prlng bas 0a11 been ploved Ivice sonce bar- "Ot#uaidla resdy for aaed. There uou the MseslaumlrfetwombrjDvelllngRRouge, ,eô i attshO& Stable 0and 2A.- iuu Pu.11,1878. Ie uOfic, Part Pcaay. FARM FORJL BEIINO LOT-81, Sac CON. WHîTBY TOWÉsHip. CON.T INIKG 80 ,ACIs .t onoix. ; C, apt rVI anA a hor mles esséf Wblby. -AprA Feb Ai,186.AI.' SHORTHORN--BU -A FINE TW T EAROLBnÃœ%0DTzo: 80Accr ealaîdM&&e ALAN n u Wbltby. oa o ueand Lo in thévu Glu'-?GEORGE EODGSOZ IN THE COtTE ICOURT 0o? TnCUTY 0F ONTARIO. In 1h.4 maitor of the Cua7d44na1&ip il,. Infam Oliu<r. /O RNE LItT8 SPENCER, doael Notice la hereby givun latmale b.pub. lîcahon hur o r t1«hmee 'ueselve the nderulied wiltype to thé bde1 ù- arr= ourt0 0coun*y "0d, for a&grant t ber of Letteru of G»ai dlanabp, îppoint1l or ber b.Guardianoe Tcaniu Spucu, 'y~RECÂPNE Jixue SPZaxamumad CoInzLu BzxEux. si ex», the infant ; hllren*otbeeCorno B1nx1cia, cf the Tovnship of Wbllby, in théOounty 01ofOno, Yom, daued.ê Dae tW b.Tjanuary80lbý1878. ELEÂNOR BATTY, By Fazzuu & Runo, 7-8in ner soiollor A Bi-lew to aid ande asajal the Ficte,-. ing Hctrbor Compang, (limited by lencing Io Eh. Con wanv the gum Of TwOnt, thoccaou dol. lorg, and 40 «auto he i ue o debmentre for thfrpnurpoae, and to kv a Opec1a rate for. the p~aijment 0ftlwd.bt, and mieet ierelq,, incurrd. Wbereau The Pickering RarborOCop llinlted) lhas expen ed upc» te ohaU ad Improvement of thei wo Il g withln thé Township of Pick.' tesmo but slxîy thonaad "j'y pur. wirk Anid whrasithe sala oerpaniy proposé ta expend fuather conalderabl uoinl eularglug licir Elavator, euteudlng tbu weal Pier, sud ou other Improvument.. And vioreesthe. nid Company under a statuts of Canaa, 401h 'Victoria, cLip. 87, lu aulborlrud t isune bonds or de. beubureu not .zceedln n uthi argte Tventy-Aivethbouand dollari, vhr$ich dubenturei #hall be a fiait charge on the properties tola sud revenues of naid &na whereau th. jnn'Of the. arbe and :12uo 2 4Company lu the Iimprovemeuteu hhoronbave proi éadmrust continue tb proveo0figM adpraetadvantage to the To, wiIf be farher ehacet by the i %ouI expenditure propou.d. Our mal ,est Lncl wareao bl th lu aeapecllug MndbareaP niur lu inte Provlnce of Oulalo, and byliahe ete a mmend phesainsdu lthi by1sevenh. uero e aotl'.reigu cuapterl16. tbe counci ci suy Tovnship miy pau bp.lavu 1cr leueipg rooney tb any lu. corporatcd Coupany lu respect tb sny HarÃŽbour within or ucar roch municl. palily. Lna viereas, lb. uecurlly for as 1cm ci lwenlp lionsandlaît may amply be providedifor by the Issue of debenlureu ci lie snid Compmy sd paftédby the valu, ol lie uompany's prcpezyt ht l expedieul liaI 1hé CorporeIlon or lie _ToiuMbp -of Pichering aboulA mieM An d it ths lmud Company byvwapof boan b lichcuMent oi tvenly touaand dollars.. id vieres,, lb vi require lhe sm ai seveuteen inudred and lorty-four dol. lars ho b. ranrd aunuallp bp apecla raIeoin thé vbol, raleable propartpof the lidcpafly for lhe psymenî c the si au=mmo! Iveuty lbouîaud dollar. anA tb. lutereut lierean. id vieres, lbheuniounl of lie viole rate- able proyerty of lie uiA Tovn.ipof Plckerl, according ho 1h. lu.t revfued sund eqallzed msuennî ol! for lie ye%177 lu liree millons auven hun- dd Aforty-one lhousand onehin- dreel sud flily.cv@n dollars,.871,8. id vieresu, lie amount of lb.e laling debt of lhe Tovnship of Plclerlng l leurjicusand dollar, ýatler,8lnoý part of lhe principal or lutereal bieroon I n-aaaeara. id vieres, for paylug tbic denturuu propoued te b, isaned under tIby. 1av, sud lie lulereit hhereon an ellus annual pclalrat, cfiorbp.uve in- drOdli Parti 01 one oi lu lihe dollar vll requiru ta be levied lu each year 8inhn th. ceulinuance cI nd By.la inZI" oho&Uother rates. lb Ihuruiore enacteel 17 -1hMunicipal Councîl c1 the Corporation of the Town. ship 01 Pickering, sud ilbI lu b.aeli n- ated. Tht Itubhal and mi bc lavful for the ald Cc rcailou ov1h. Tovu.blp of Picker7g0o&id and "mitlthesud Hine:eÉbaur Company (Imited), b7 y s a t o tie aoutont ilvnly liocusnd dollars. 2. Thst for lie urpma ci aforensid lie Ilceveolthe uniclpsllîy cf the. Tovu- ohip ci Pickeeriug ihail cause deben- tures cf lie Corporation ci the Tovn. tuahip ci, Pickering ta be made to the arnounb-'el twuuty lionuand dollars, mach debentur, ta b. for no leua. a uro thai» eehundred dollars,wvich snid debunturuusiall b. sciled vili lie ieal, afltie Corporation, and ulgned by lie Beeve ai lie oaid Muulclpaity cr17y suci permen au may be authorlec by theeoïllA Council ta asigu lieisame, ad shah b. couuterslgned by lie Treasurer ni-tie snid Muni,,?,allîy, mid sual ex- hibit ou the face t eroci lie auîiority under wvici Ih.y were iuaued. 0. The snid dubeutuaeu iii!! icar data On lie day iereinalîea appefuted for the eulnuo force cf t"s y-law, sud ual b. &payable ou lie dabai h.e- mvAfter neul rountioned, tLi a oîsay: -00 onth 81t dycf Decerober, 1675 1811.24, Ou bhe 81.1 day ci D.ceý mbe,18. 17.91, ou the ial day of Decombea, 1881. 1'21., an th. Sint day ci Decmbor, 1881 790, Outhie 8181 day cf Deccmbes-, 188. 71.8 On Ihe 81mb dlay cf Decembea, 1884. 117.77, on the Blil dey oci December, 188u, 167.(M, On th. Blet day cf Decembor, 1M8. 9199!# ou lb. 81.1 diai f Deca,..ii. law qi P' Y4 ~a1e?.usuai pril value0en for TiEN 0C9 1, R. E. 8. il 1. B, i. v f NTS. Send for Ostalâgue. I-Uh W Ne '~AND rRESHI1 I ,Forth. puposeOl. tede hereby rill minnus! et au hro i 90=fv mal u aide Cnh. v A 1 V E R T 1 E E ~ elvoa D 0leaindou, ru LONG BEEF BOOTS Tonshipdando lelacby th termi of tlvenhy ymru fhm cea am lnfer a ledfr the c mIng m ONLY $2 00 PEIR PAIR.' 6. Thallimmedlately afterlthe date ber.. German Feits, and Feit Over Slioes, inaîter ayponted for jhhe coming juta force ad7lfe01ie Blua, tll at Maniufactureris prices for every body, at K unicip&Utly, and he ia heroby lntrnct edbotand overtoî he proaldenî of tbe A ndlb.Pickering Harbor Company, M _. told) th. Deboitumeso bi Cror iMio, authorizea tb beisîmn.dunderIbi By-lav ta th. amonunt oi wenty thon.. sddlarsudandiabl.a mot Old No. 1, Brock.et., Wh[tby. mal l as bov AUrote Goods Cheap for Cash, for cf bisMuncipllt a coate thal10das lier. baî b..» depouiled vill lie smd 0da. Tresaurer b17cr on bali oflie mid the PlckeringUarboromrpany (111nied) C i n Debenlurmu of tbe snid Comyany tbth lb. ndexamine. fol! amount of lwoty4fve lhoumund dollars, bearlng the corteporaeal of th. aid cmpany, tua 91e tae u aMount of bonds and debenture. vblch the Company lu authorlzed tb Issue, and whlch delbntures uball be mnade pay. ableata the Branch or Àgnyc i Dominion fBank, Whitby, lIgveuoonl .fve eqaa nui ntalrnntci one fionu. s C O T C H egbtaen hundrd ma seventy .:sfMAhMA ADE the yea nineteen bundred and Ivo lu. clusive, Ihal lhe debenlureu oi the mid MRA A E Comn>ay tb lb. culnt 01 lwenlylbhouu. &acLu,ma l g tlu h.yearu, 1 a à ad meety elghl, ho elgbleeu bundred and nlnely bevun, inclusive gual!have in"cr 5 IL. rsD nd e "' aad ,sod n coupons attached 1 garrDun eepayabrleau, sod i ly ou hemlbtni lhly.5rla'i ily in euch pea, .uring lbaecurrenoy cf Ibis EY.Wla, at-lb. rate of ix per centum pe nm c rn hed nh~~ihths k at 15 cents per lb., single Bnk ai ama ylbs., 18 cents. 7. Il la further enacled, Ihat beicre lie sadla si flwenty Ibousunddollars of 00 lhe debenture. ci the Corporation, ahal! bê,handed over ta thé Preuldent ai the mI salite PickeringHaburComp1any .f~ ..~. ~ v ~ ~ ~ N ,uhusi oay oi a clullon of the council ocibtis Mupa.. il ul . copld s lactory FAMILY G O ER "cnder wllb. niheeo"d Comp any hl zetamlor cause b b. e-pnd. urigooxpend egleeunddWhitby, Pcb. 2nd, 1878. .7 ana Ut1.15~, a$mr ont lia. Ibm -Ave tosaddollar., upon dredglng iad barbaur, extmnsionadeùe meoloithe salA Coampan'a ensre._______________________________ sud vorkiand uhal! r nsure ad&ac I0ue 9e ci l ita by.lawagin f.rac firebte building saud propertiet of the Mafompantea.imounbofai dile» thousad dolrar in each carand that LA I GS E A T lhe palicy or pol!cleî of lniurance 00I G T W A T effectud, uhal! coan the condition, Ibal any lous or lausas recoverabla tierefroiroai! be mideiybet h said, Corporation of the Townshpouaig eihdSOktkig n idn Coman 0 m ounetheprpotio i- ueie88 n Oflt W7.ole ha8 been profit- injured ordeutroyed 17lire uhal! bu rpreorreconalructed mc thil lb. ,,n hl! be roolored Iothie smre able, will, for a few weeks, give their CU8- capaclbp sud au good condition au il proent. tomers decided bargains, and would only asic 9. This by.law ual! corne inta force and ak.e efeot ou the Ond day of Mri ieradF EN n Utmr h one lhousud elghl hundred md u-o. ofterld RIN Sadciomate enty-elght. The ueveulb day of February, elgb. favour af tieîr vre8ence at their earlie8i con- leon buudred snd mvuty-elght, iltlthe cffce f th. Tovnship Clrk, lu thewl n L. . wll d ai ca Township cf Pickering, aI the ur oi venience, wtnL .wl oalte a eleven o'clock-lu the lorenoon lu hereby te trinlued autbu lime sud plac, for t a apntotby lbe eeve of thc (oon u le8eilbrang saadféwnship, of personau ho atteud aI the varions poig places, anA lie - 1 dal uuuung up ci the votes on be. ug eyre8pe t'"ly hallo cithe persce u luerest.d lu, sud Yu8ÃvrÉC,,I precvln ropoig b y.ar.LAI NG & STEWART. I g Mu Thu egnweutn dayciY raylh amg< houranmd place, la hereby appoint. ed ouathe lime sud Place, for tlie rom- mlng np 17 h. Clerk cf lie uaid Tovn- îhlpcf lie number ai vote. given for and agalualtle By-Lav repeccivclp. 1.The votes cf lie elector. allihend Towuihip of Pickering, sual!l e take» on Ibis Bylav ounlicesirleenti day of Febrnary, elghbacu mundaed sud sevunty-eigil, il the idllcvlug placea and by. anA belore lie foiloving Re.- turnlugOff srmectiUveyitn No. 1, Orangi Hal-AnuniMcKay, Ra- Iurulng offcer. No. 2, BEstueRuoue, DufinausCrek-.Jas. Lintan, Eetunulg afficer. No. 8, Ià verpool Msrhet-Geo. Parker, Re. l cnlgaffr. No. AUraiarnu Hoel, Bouge-David «I. No. 5, Klinale-HIl-Levl Maclei-, Relurn- lug oificer, No. 6 -jreit Meeu'a stor, Gne.nvod-13. -iReen, Betumningoffce No.7 Agiculluralw laI! Brugham-Wm. lâtibbard, Relurninpgofficea. No. MAuical Hall, Whitevale-Geo. Bur- Returulug.officer. No, 9nge Hal, 8Olicon.-B. Birrel! NO. 100 pub&faHal, Clarerot-Tios. Dunu. Returung efficer. NO. 11, SObool Houié, Alloua-A. Reesor, uuring o2fcer. NOTICE. Talc notice Ibal tb. aboya Ia a Irue copy ci s propoccd By.lav, wvilai .11be lalen IV40ccsdrtlan, bj lie Coaucilofitle ltuwpaéy f te lovnhip ci irng miter me nomtJifroro tbe IraIpulilloni FARM FOR SALE 1 Notice to the Public! lx TEE TO B! omptauiE NEW C - Y R olea., eus gcoupased oflte Nort all L Y R ofLmlini rdconcesionfthe Town- amp of karipoa, And ulluted in the midit AT PORT WRITBY. the 1 astationo it .P.8 ul¶io W.agreseierng theMERSBAE sd oea-t vay, sud 6 mlleo froro Manîlla. The WyOMniG COAL, lie bealthe Americaz mcila of excellent qualty, mind cnlaina market afoada. about W60 sofcigood hardvood lrmba Leveyîour cadeau viti Mar. J. HL Long, sanding. Immedlite pouueaalon givex. o iiE .Anls h fiec h ~u.wo.uputbueForartcnlri PP~ 10late 0C Draper, Whllby EHarbour. JOHN DURN B ocure eabove.nsroed CoalYo vl Jan. sol '78. (6-Ir) BiiEiu hun testipy, as s&U olier vihave Yned lb that Il la hv " t M A NH O O D "The BeBt Cos/ ever 801d in HOW LOST, "1W RESTORED 1 À m W. have r.centl pubIlubed a ne edbon of r. Cuîvur. ANOD TnW lia rad"calmdt'scaeîrmm etiBsaz lLrO.. mediclues) ci Nervou Deblllly Meutl anmd an. 22,1878-. -Port Wbll17. rbdoi aI=m e dlrO&.ni o Marri. &Pt eULi*UeD By readleg and praciielog IKlI w cslned-Ia the butr medical Teboio ___tefelmbl mtaoa Thyelermirlpbsamrbl akemreeuh j-j I. o GIOCERIE8, LIQUOB8, c Which aving been secured fox Cash on maost adlvantageous ternas, Iamn enabled to offeî- at' z fu4y 25 Per Cent Be/o w Ordinary Price8 Having corne out- of the Fire safely I have been enabled to re-in- -vest the total amount of my insurance and a large amount - of Cther Capital in the purohase of an en- ttirelynew and < FRESH STOCK H To casli'and prompt Paying Bqyers at Wholesale and lietail. I, deem ýit .unnecessary to en- uieteste tems; iny deil o dolrgea 0 woud fil a dozen Chrenicle, suf- pq fice to Bay that it is Complote mn ail linos and that customers wiil find on the premises every article F-1 that- may be enquired for. Heads of tFamüies'makingW - - purchases of, E4Holiday Grooeries u SWill save Money and secure C) a good article by caling. EVERYTHING IN o Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Clioco- DMy Liquors, as lieretofore, D are of the lest brands and'will be found unsurpassed in purity, and cheapness.Q Agent'for Cosgrovo & Labatt's Ales. Ales, Best quality, 80 cents per gallon - by the Keg.t I4 2Canned Fruits, Pickles, Biscats, of best S quality. Oysters, Haddies, Bloaters and a 4 fish of ail kinds, Herrings, Salmon 4Trout, &o., in Barrels and half- 4! 4 Barrels. arnmaig ýSiigars a specialty, and can afford to, sel KIbs of Brown Sugrfor, 1.OO, 20i Ibs. of Valentia ÃŽ~jj~jgjng fniu ~1 <MI cx Io l.ofCurraxits for ¶.P.LaViJ, -I itby. Feb,t EOLR * (JOCKSAN]) ]3ANCY QOODSe PREVIOLJS TO STOCK TAKING :INTENDING PURCHA SERIE INVTED TO INSPECT- GOODS AND PR'1ES, WbVibY, Zan. 101ýh, 1878. Patc1Watcbmiaker, Brookst TREMENDOUS SALF -AT-- W. J HIOI &Cou eAcomMAncE his ornINg oofe flATS, CAPS, TIES AN]). SCARFS. Ladies and Gents Furs at cost, anid ini order to make a speedy clearance before Stook-taking. A fe w :Buffalo ]Robes left to be sold at great bargais-- tue abovcgooels ea hoKI &ogh Coao'ta t uto a . W. J. HIOKIE&Co. Ja». l7th. McMinn's Bloek, Brac~.8t. Have Justreceived a Large Stock of Black and ýColoured Cashmere's, Black- and Coloured Lusters.ý .Ladies four butt-on kid- Gloves andGenleien' Eeig, Kid Glovos, -Eveig AND DRE68 - MAKING 7T41L OR/N G TOre ockEIof A LargCE Stok-o &ROE1- & Whitby, Ian.8'E5R POESL. Begs to retumn thjanks to his old and new customers for the liberal patronage émtenaea to him uluce opcaing business in the new place, sud'bege te eall attention te the followiug list of Fresh G<Izerie, suitable for the holiday scason: FRUIT,-Londen layer Raisins, Looso Muscatel RBaisins, Valenia- best Morcu brand cf stalký; ncw Currants; Turk-ey Figs, 2 lb, boxes for 25 cents ; fresh Lemone and oranges. TEÂS- frosh lot of these superior Black and Green Tae Ihal have given se muci oatisfactotulehoneekeepers. COFFEES, &c.-htcha and Java CDo.s BISCUITS8-goda and Abcrnclhy, beut qnalily. SUGÂRS-JusIte h and, Fine EngUiýhsi iesd, lOîbo. for eno dollar. Canuéel Fruits, Oyslera, Lobslcrs, and SairdInes, daled aud-arrl Fisi, a ALL KINDS 0F BE8T FA MIL Y u*?OCERI>S8 Far= Produce -taken îii Exchange. Butter, Poultry, Eggs, Apples, and Potatees wantedL. Gel your supplies Ohemp', nd eam one.2th 87 J. Ge MoDOUGALI Begse, to announce that lielias eumdbusinéss ini the old stand, *with a large a; assorted stock of CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT, OYSTE$S, SIMON. le for TheoIuAid Debeture, a es1 a nd alter talari« 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 l -OF- Jau. 17th. DOMINiON W--A-BEBOOMS. 'W'bitbY, Jani '78, :E3-r-jOCIý::y - 1 e [m