Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1878, p. 2

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77, ý"1 7ýprem» 6-modgý'ind yarwood. (ýOMpDi last week W@ wer, 7 0 Quable tô VU a of the arird Pali,,. op risquait Ou gmýtuldect of Te 110 per cent do fair Justice toits ueriw,-nn account do là& lie S liâ ÉýY -J.,U. Addison. 01 the Itmited épaco thon ait Our du. &Ad, là .ýOpued ait Oetawato. Iioru Wu. aà au Wfté tome one - hundrea G naienie. --'The 0 0u#dý0 Shaw, À home inutualiulumut»Com. SPPrfestive a ningykil -."q t mombers, présent. The M"till«-Wlaitby pï-nyl of tho solvenoy and talion by Jas. Hoideu, Esq., ar-,6f là = ,,!eM tbronged with "Mn 00 gars. .91" to u ili ti of bnkn"egil,> uto, port pi;ýj &,Liuâaày R-Y. Co. Character of May samMons from Black Bod calle 10 of counirv, t Mn try 11re a the that not, ta the Ontario Famera', deur,,,, mon Filà; thu swen- -heu of thî CI ré of thé GO, bufidéra and "Ubactors-Joh Whitbywho, more "bu arW'tý' nt over mgmbers ta Ille aej]st#. -odthqenourdinarybuoi. refurid W* on. , ont ta his 10 Ibo si -,Ialhasi" le turez paid à Complici, 11% "- -1 1 _[W 19116 thân a pusi0RýnO14ôe, and thé special. - '0 41 1 . lire va lad '0 port ý uitY, foü -etri'natf toit and tel& Ov" taxé oommend il chaula bc W nouenoe ab Tfis lârië me_ rs 1 e 1 1 abilities and apoke warmly of hie praisi. arl Y,, sembleil; SLr'WiRË&Mý Buell Rio a orderfor 1 the Gave en a d ubt ýèaý,the ýThrone.-ýThe 0«-Wtn. tsa a whiob re orthy efforts in the good issue Io e-ill My de un = dâ Be noldo. made botter known ta the *hala People Revid vather Fitafford, for a fuu bour Gd ili th -thé iý,.Pàe bave 1 01 the lianes 01 Comm ef vis .90 ofileigh, &O-Ï. Addluon. 01 the ocuiaty, tion Religion bi 'Wiliuî oüûijtieo, 1 a Service& for the Dece eiüË Assembi 0 bar. vince OlfduMriannitoba ;lIa a portion tuuticu sale of Orfans, U-mudge à - According ta the Met aunual report "a >hW'@Dg&g@d ý the raPt &II of* . 6 Z 1 ý ïlýutunin. il îhichýh#à ail Ais -Outoide territolîeé;, W leb v or. 00 poPe-ý 'YU'Wôod Mont Mr. Mow. Tb& premident, Hou. a vàýut4io of- Vidu UP ta 8189. Décaniller, 1877,.-the 01411 preeentin à way In *hich One la thodral was du Cri Cam- ensoeutomd ta find tempérance lac.' fiL Michaalla us- everv Province in Mr. wanta(J-joun ýï&tNQIII pany, notwithotataieg the generà a6. in black "a white on Sand the Dominion durk if Com- 'rOOthàche aum-Tnoo. G.- Whitâeld. tarare sway the sympathies of thoir log ont the a ýy gý eivýe AVU , re:4 PW=ô la Er ou. G. Wilitde P»uton affecting *11 cloues of bugneü, 1 - Buell efehordoi Deptity 1 am a and pointî epeois? 0 homro. Thore was no attempt st Thà (Wed" avenins Rov. Pathoi Governor. daba - not see fit La dealare Li yrup-Th id. 0 respect ta the décazy pon«.' the cause ppy be able 'oty'that Ille rate wsols eh we ýà very favorable balance Rho@t, arbi OP of the:ûoher laims nuder sérip foi, sale--chronue 01500. As Wall as au eillicient and eoonomicai Lempemnoe spocitint-nome Of the, Berriganwill de),vor au éu1cSyýon the for calling this Parlianient of the te & Of the ' as lngton Treaty thau in 18 CAR and examino--Wm. Burnol tricks of Ibo temperance ranter-bal a 1 thé Dominion of Onas until the bas been. - concluded. An &w&rd bu lion. M management of Its &«Rirs, Thfà &te P-OPe' and 01" ýThtàd&-V Ûtara'ng Speàkèr -of the nouge of Commong been had mate] choai ôdè at Goldamitfi4l ZWI-JAM. Oom- Weil nasalisa temporale. dioôourse, oup. et niDe 014100k & grand rdguliom mm 1» ohm - - din 'w 0 by the Commission of 85,600'. and for IWIW&y %II au;e 0 0 hu iàade ille U %ccor ta, ahowel Caton. P"Y noue" deposit aiin will be celèbrated ÃœL BL àtièh"llt the ý bult ai compensation to Canada and Agent la oks" lp with thé provltais, Tr@muert sud Ialac ported by thé logie of futo, Ippe 9 -cathéamL A"hW@h,4ý Le;»b 'lm W thras 010100 $ewfOuudliud for the use of their fiah. ýnot hj9k_ý'&1 Staven ta =an'& dober oommon "on "a bot", gued & putond ut, - - a -bc do. te 'a fofth g parfiament ïhau ories a son. pald for a lloen» %c, do budne«, thuo lth@"-tum of th@ Présent additionsi Mourity, ta ta nature on bohaltof himoolf. Thoire fuineu and the ý U" aÙ& The' treaty %T amout je muelà. lis AUCTION SALE., wu no segning after effect; thé Of the", Pope, Md oalun n au mombersof the Commouthon Ciainiqd by, My - Gavera of valcable fam policy-holders. Thé Cýom 29tUrned tolhe CoMM0=ýChaMber. Gýb"v!9mmez ai cooperle bote, pany W, at language wu calin, but lit wu au the the priesta and POO 09 ale Aroh- l'ovins " ated ý40 * the., Seàtio*n, of Claremont, où Thoraday, ?ab. the date of the report, riska under the- diooào ta reci-le rosé:7 of the zuffllax orý,01piAup» - r thé Seth, mort éloquent and convincing Path. bimal 10 détermination Of'their îat one ù'olook P. M., !be prq»rt CASE BYSTIX Bluaed Virgin, and »y & ýfoîàlèftniôn After the,, mombors had taken their valle WO Are bc t6l 'tO of for the repose of und W all - usant f, )Ir. BObL Garland 4ontiiiiiii, or Stafford did not condom ail hie -soul "dming th» »*t'O, -Patêiol4 thé*olerksýprèèeeded Ibi'dëcWon gilveM ýexmbitiOU 0 ý -& ý &ores, being lot No. la tho 91 100 1pollel" 1"00111 1877, pSperty happened ta take a glus of liquor m Dîne days whieh will dapu befo th' the re , thoir socani 0000 ré 0, to'réad turas ta vacant ocaite ýd an MAUU actures-' And pio4iiý' Sumber of petiotes In force lut innero ; nor did ha, as dose the Conclave Mette ; then ta oser up là th ' race». Sydney, New South waleoi Was aile- ...... ... wo intemperate temperance -an ors, imploring the Almighty la obooàe" «John AI sfacdo n-ald interposed cesduilly carried ont. I trust that the L"rini property te with a protest thMýthe Clark co rasait will bc Mâle boir amomt ôt... u4w that loba abatainière, becanu of thoir a worthy successor, uld bot the openig ùp-ëf à' new TOW number o policles in being total abstainers, pouumd ail the let moka »Y 601nSunications ta the market forcmuuuin goodes aveu in 60 oral importl force ...... .............. m wiffrgar ExcàxnmxT No. 18, I.ý O.ý Total argount virilisa and were botter main] aa file Ailstralagiau Es -Civi bars of Rot» until the Speaker hala beau eloot, remote il.regio, - sooiety thm théir noighbors who drank 0- F--Au OPOn ind&U" Of the OfAO- bd. 41016111889, dhipments of Canad" PBXX-IUX NOTE BYSTEU. pro, aisousied lu ONLY Si 5o PER ANNU Suraber of policiez Issu. a littie. -lie contentea himseif with the en of the &bave encampment wu hala The Clirk, conýUý tc, »Ad ille lid; having al.ready beau made. i M& afier Whioh. The' eipeiiàitüie WiR alightl being taken edA M7 ......... argument tbat the humain system dia in the lodge main on Friday evening, y Oxcoed Daugali aný - Iuuring prope;ýï Dot the use of strong liquore at Ur. Mackenzie, seconded by Ron. A. the estimates, but 1 àoubk.ùot thé 008t WhitbYs ThUrARL Feb. 14 1878. mber of policles in force au; = eh beverages did not quench CI by the lissas If A ,amouut IL ...... ....... Feb. 8th, ait 8 oclock. There were G. Smith moved tbat non. Timothy ta CanaU-wïll bas amply re-pai appointmoni proviouidy the thirat, but on the contrary added ta Pre"ent by invitation a hSp - number Warren Xuglin. do take the chair as the extezmieu of her ÃŽrade. Préýâra- slow IL' lieuring property to il, and that, instesd of benofitting il was Of ladies Rad -gentlemen of the town Speaker. tians bavd beeh uninteruptedly carried ment wu 8 etislation. amant or ................ 951,640 48 Io 28. TOtal aumber of policles - absolutely inijùrious ta the a who seemed very inuilà. intensoteil and Sir John lUidongla expremoed 8,,, on, duringthe lut six Monthi, for se- in force ...... ............. lui -token by prise. go- krine at the -01 na - the ul The Auen ystem. Re ouring au ample- but, select exhibition irfie Work of the acajou le the on. Total amouxit insured ...... ýnstncea the course pleaud with the ev»ningIàýp edlu ý if Bpoakenhip. no tario Assembly p . Total nuxnber of policieu In fighten, champioiý okullers, and other rola Domination foNNI 0 0 be héla et 'W»zà uw»cr rogreMeS but 81OWIV. force on both systeme.....1781 athletes Who in going luto training for The following affleura wére installéd by cwtnëd that V was a Étatter filait se th" gra9t exhibition t , -Mr. Farde Are not Our Local Log6lature gpeuding Total amount inmod on telles gave up etrong drink alla- D. D. G. C. P. Carson. Khould bc left ta the Houïe, withont the Paria during the current year. A fur. of Committë tOO mucl' dure avez, the littie actuel both aysteme ...... ...... gether and look la, - cold waters beef,- 0. P. Pat. S. W. B. Smith. Ur. Fruf 81,81s,50 ma interfèrence of the Goyernmont ; but ther e0timate *111 be ieîquired, to meet The Receipts wexe- bread and bord work, Io soeurs muscle, H. P. H. B. Tayior. apart froin thà b> ad that Mr. th expénaiture., HiBROYAI Righnesa work they hava tu do ? lis a question Cash on band ItJan.'Iff7. 613,09 wind and staying power. The greater S. W. D. Vickers. Auglin was not eiiiible-,that, in fact, t1le Prince of wales, ait Chairmau of thatappealadailyllon reading the re. Cash r«etveddvxtngtbe yoIr. 17»2M ho waa not a member of the House thé British Commissioners, bas assign- ad. #1@,14&w power ci endurance posoeoeed by indi. J. W. F. N. W. Brown. On motion Ports, ta eiery Mau Of COMMOU malles. The licisses p&id amountad ta.. viduah and armies of non-drinkera over F. S. J. B. Bryan. until introduceil td- the speaker. He ?a a most prominent place ta Canada, was ordered WC entirely agpee - Wit1à ý 40me or Our Th, ",et« those who indulged in the dram Wu H. S. H. Bous. admitteil that the ýCsndîân. practice 11 One If the main thwers, where a Can. with, the Bel' eontein L of tbe,.Cmpany and the Bagliéb diffèrea in forin, the ada, trophy ý la now - being ereoted. A porbrieg thât If -the indemnity ameunt tu . ................ ....... aloo cited; ka wae, as illiewn by médical Hoyle. former peralitting a member ta be very disaatrbus fire oocurred in June in scr etatea th The liabilities, Incluifing un. exporiencé; the groaterliability of liquor- Ils. W. Wicke. ehown-O wore pliaisit at the per diem allow nos pald Ionises, and billa pay- drinkora who met with accidents Io 0.8. B. nard* swora in before the Clark instead of ha. the City of SI. John, wbich cansed tho Wise Io County Coulloillors instaad of the -able, te ................................. 4'osom auccumb under their wounda than total lot. W. W. Holland. fore the -Speaker. The Hou» ab the e'tructi ery ýlargê portion of log. 'on of a v tracts they là bulk aum of ë8w &Nr the expiration Total "mots over ll&bWtioa ... 018'Sw first session after a general élection ýhe City, including ail the public -build. lowest tend, abstainero undek thé unie oircum- 2nd. W. H. Hannam. information of thirty days, the work th@ ge&gion We doulit if another Mutual Coin- stances. Ioà, Medicine ovenhe was Corail elect one member to the Speaker. ings owned by the Dominion Govern- landsI whio, 01 8ra. W. P. wincoex. ahip without the formal introduction ta lent. My Government deemed il woula bc apit to pivanse m 1 ore rapidly. PanY in the Dominion can abow opposed Io thp prescription of liquar for 4th. W. G. Ham. necýssary ta contribute 20,000 ta as. conourred i ma favorable au exhibit. patients by médical mon, and ho quotied lot. G. T. J. Little. ' -the Speaker, but this wu not the firat # papiers in Il ,le,- médical authorities in procif, thst il did 2na. A. Jeffery. session, and a vaoanoy in the Speaker. aime in relieving the immédiate wante of thon came ii ,eThe Whithy Ma ' illour Bill Reported The great claime and &avantages of more harm thau good, and that, if pro- ship, occurring now; il raioed a point the people, who were rendered destitute Sinclair for t Againist. this Company are il& scribed ait ail, il aboula bis with the After the installation: au excellent not covered by the rules of the nouie, by so appalling a calamity. I also on the enquii Solvoucy saine prec"tions as otlier powerful programme was goue through conaist- and according ta the twolftli rule of the sanctioned the appropriation of morne tion by Ur. Chief JuRtieu lîarrisoii bila Vice. Ing of vocal and instremental muxio by Standing orders of the House the House publie money with which. to commence Chanoellor Proudfoot, the Commission. Low Rates drage which octed violently on the syo- and seeuritiei Economioal Mgriagement. tom. ne strongly inveiglied against 'ev"rai ladies and gentlemen. Cal- wasboundto, follow the Englishpre- the GrectiOn of new buildings for publie no effect.on 1 era of Estate Billes to whom thé bill those who profaned the sacred ocrip. erleya Band and the Odèlfellowe' cédant. He read a numberof instances business, which sels; yon will-be askeil after their isE oi Prompt Payaient of lasse$. turcs by quoting thom. as au authority Praos Band played several places dur- showing how rigid the rule was in Eng- Io confirm in the usual way. During ed anything rempoutiug th Part Wliitby narbour A% to its solvency: The premium for the use of wine. It oould not be ing the evening. Put Grand Cbief laDJ, thst members ohould be:intro- last summer my Commissioners made facto legielat COMPADY was referma have- roporteil Patriarch J. H. Perry, Boq., delivered duced to the Speaker before being en- adverisel r notes amotint to nearly four limes the shown. thât the - wines mentionied, in ri -a members have. anothor treaty with the Blaokfeet, resolution mi y agaluet that Attempted -pioce ocripture were intolicating, and certain. au Rddress showing the work doue and titled ta the p vilegf Blood and Piegan Indians, by which- cases. Mr.] of leýi8latiOv. , actual ludebtednosa and liabilities of ly the manufact:ure of the abominations rogr'ses made b7_the order during the The latest instance was in the case ci the Indian title le ortinguished over opposed the Tile followlug Je the report t- the Company. Bellind this there is called gin, brandy, whisky, &o.' as we foist few years. The meeting closed by Dr. Kenealy, Who, being unable Io ob- a territcrv of 51,000 square miles, west which was ou the additional secuiity required by law boa thein to-day dia Dot exist at the the Oddfellowe' Band - playing -God tain Iwo members in the Roues Io in- cif treaty No. 4 and south of treaty No. and instances ()"goode Hall, Hth 1,'ubruery, 1878. and approved by the Goverument. time of the Scriptural refèrences. The Bave the Quoeu." troduce him, wu ordered Io retire by 6. The treaty bas been made on terme ersons furnii 814,-Wé have the houor to aoknow- Add fnrther that the rieks are 811 firet. sinfulneu of drunkenness, killicg the - ----------- Speaker. The difficulty wagionlv got nearly the saine as those made under einds of railw ledgý the recolpt- of your latter of the OOUI as well as the body, the accu; pro. SLEIGIIING. - AdV&ntagO bals b6en over by the concurrence of the Éonse treaty No. 6. thouggh somewbat less tain paymeut. _17th Instant, referring te Bill (No 48), clams farcit property ; that; the Coin- nounced against the drunkard hereafter, taken of the eleighing, and every in a motion by Disraeli Io omit the cer- onerous- The enfire terriWry west of ground that Il Itugi)"Ung the Port Whilby Harbour pauy itself constats of farmers-all as weH as hie social degrada&ion in this velâcle, whiob can possibly paies by the emony of introduction in thé case of Lake Superior to the Rocky Mountains, as a remedy i Company. Ke4ealy, and the whole Rouge consent. and froni the boundary nearly ta the iller dt8cussioi their own inourers ;-not a apectilating life; the déplorable conséquences te Dame of aleigli or cutter la now in high - ý5th degrés of north latitude, embrac- JBY the Britiglé North Aiiterica Act, hicli the evil of intempérance lad, of ing lie was admitted. Sir John then an amendmer ifectiong 108, the Publie Harbours of Mpïovident habite, boa example, rail 'o a joint stock concern, projected for per. w nisition. Il le a long time mince, the procooded ta review the cireurnatances ing about 45,000 square miles, bas now Mowat vi wi (MÉario were vested in the Dominion, racial advantage and payaient of divi. 1 -me, and insensibility ta the comforts streets of the town prosented an appear- which lad ta Mr. Anglins resionation. been acquired by peaceful nogotiation &[Id the 1)otniclon Logi lature, 81 Vic.. 11011à; but a Puroly inulualassociation, of borne and family, rioting, and the suce so lively, bright and pleasant. He claimed tirât the Governrnant héla with the native tribes, who place ilm' but thoir dis 54, authorized the Miniater of for mutual protection and mutual belle. toc, many instances of actual murder of the Briti@h Crown. Early in et 0 0 him in the office of Speaker after they plicit faith in the bonor and justic f Mr. Mowat's: Publie Warka ta dispose Of thetn ta fit. Founded and cariied on' ou th,,, and of audden and prématuré demis, were Whitûeld'a Tootlisolie gum je pro- knew lie bad ceased to ho a member, lie The Gains local autboritieu, or te compsuies in ail dwelt upon in turn and depicted and tbat they now tried ta force bilu past summer a large body of Indians then came up, Oné(trio, ilicornorated fur the purpose principlea and witil thoge objecta oolely pareil only at the Médical Hall,. Whit. into the chair again at the point of the under Sitting Bull, from the United Mastyn, for a in etore are enableil to with a master band. ý1e aloo appealed by, Ont. -fore lie boa really become a 8tatea, crossedinto British territory to ut couistructiu'g or holding unelà Warka. view, the dire ta the moderate drinker-the man bsyoùet bc escape frein United States troops, and countered st Wù think the Logialiture nf Ontario roduce the rate of premitici to a min. l1who coula take hie glus and let il member. Meurs. Clark l'As to Power- te oeil the Harbour, or imum. alone as lie pleaged"-to Rive up a PaysiciANs baving. Consumption p&- Mr. Mackenzie replied that the Eng- "I'l mince remained on the Canadian Who contendei tO auLbOtigO its sale ; the Legislature Managea by- local inen-no sw practice ma fraugrylit with evil, and not tient@ and having failed ta cure them lih précédant was not applicable to tlie rid,* The United States Government suited io the luny indesd form a Company which' ell Io put temptation in bis brother's way. bc their own prescriptions, aboula not présent case, se &R that was necessary made a frien-11y but uneucoessful at- Province. On inight recoive a trallefer frour 'the Do. board, meetiag weekly in the City and was there, lie a k di, a man or wornan Élam. t bas cured cases wh to their réservations. It is to be hoped heoitat ta proserfbe Allen'a Lung Bal. to comply with the Canadian law on tempt to induce these Inàan*to return Mowat, the E luilliou Goverumon 8 a î ýre ail oth. the aubject was for the inember to take Concludin- the 4 but un privâte in- drawing four dollars a day, each, for Amonget the audience-ho boa never er remedies have failed. Il la harmiess arrangements may yet bc. dividuàl could exisicise the powerp or a 52 days iu the ysar-but. by plain, coins across a person anywhere who the oath before the Clerk, sign the roll th't 'ne" Io the Most delionte Child. and take bis seat in the House. Mr. inde as may leà to their permanent t country gentlemen of Rood wlieu the question was put to him, did and peaceful settlement and thus relieve comrany in regard ta Harbouris, and practical, Anglin bail fulfilled these requirements The voters'l rtiouive tranifer front the Dominion buoinesi; habits, deeply interested thein- had Dot Borne near relative or dear and was therefore qualifled for any offi- Câlad' of a source of uneasiness andwëti a nul ils entitled ta purchase, or not answer in the affirmative-Who OSHAWA is agitating Io be incorporât- lengtli by Mr Goyerument; if a sale could ha atithor. selvea in the encoces of -the Company filend ruined by ad as a town. ce the Hou- ýoint hiril te. heavy expenditure. The surveys of the time. The intemperance 2 Let se chose to app Pacifie Railway have been pressed to Wed bY tbe Provincial -Legiolature, il -wlib on the spot look into ail the each then say to, hiruself, "Il je not If the position talien by Sir John was carried by a in Ought $0 ha lialitotUto à @ale to a coin. minutant dotails of expenditure'- right thst I aboula partake of that JosEpa A. Emmis, at Clinton, N. B., tire correct one, then Sir John himelf completion during the past sea8on. A Monck's Bill tc liany tqrmed or existing fur the pur. and which May il . arm my brother." Re thus writes Io Mr. Follows -II be. was not a member, and liad no right tri- Complets instrumental survey of the dence over 1.31 -polfe. iaence, that Mr. bis méat' route by the valley8 of the North contenting themaelves witil a doi. concluded with a brief exhortation on lieve, under kina Prov, nor to address us, for lie bad Thompson and Lower Fraser, Bivers was lost by 88 Unler those cireurnatancesassurning Inr eacli, to oovei expenseà for the beauty as Weil au the duty 01 Fellow'sCompound Syrup of Hypop- never been introduced ta the Speaker, bas been made, with a view to' asoer- ed bis order rý thu 9110KAtious in the preamble te. ha 'attendance' at board meetings onoe a brotherly love amongst men of ail na- hosphites bas beau tÉe means of ré- and when the question of the introduo- tain deflaitely whether that route pre- pupils, and sev PrOvOtt tu the 096116factign of the Hourse, Month-the cost of manacement i, tionalities sud allereed8 and wasÇ,ehem- etoring both my wife and daughter. lion was raised, ha declared il uunec- favorable features thau tire vanced a stag The latter from Tubercular Consump- eesary, and lie would not have il doue. "'il 'Ir' rned. we do not -think il roajîqa&bie tilst- til ntly cheered et the conclusion of hie routes erevédy surveyeçl to Dean Inlet Je' l3ill sbould pau lnto a law. 0 brouglit to the lowest point of economy à1dmirable discourse. tien, and I hope the afflicteil will avail Following bis own construction of con- 8OBT. A. HABRiSON, 0. J. consistant w1t'l t'le efllo'cut COuduct Of A vote of thacke, moved by Mr.R. thomselves of 'te use'-" - aritutional law, the rigbt; bon. gentlé. respectively. Il is believed thaV the W. PROUDFOOT, V. 0. the Company'& affaira. As a matter of H. Lawder, Postmaster; seocuded by man bad no right ta address the Roues "dl'tional information now obtained Mr. Mawat il chai. T. Gillmor, Biq.. fact the Cost of the directors during the Mr. 3. B. Farewell-, County Attorney ; Whitfiold'o Toothache Gum la bighly Or vote until lie had beau introduced to lill enable my Goyernment to acier. the Brewers' 1 In ,, very complimentary speeches, was recommended. by ail who nu il. -ýMr. Speaker. mine which. route is the most advanta- carried ta the Clark Lekielàtivé Jésembly. pastyear âmounted to $235.99. Récris from Tetes Jeune Cache to the the privy Con, 3@01, thAtý Our Other compenies tire saine item je Carried nuanimonaly, ail prosent rieing Sir John-It was not nocessary ; the sea. Full information will bc laid be- From this il will bc to their fast to Rive greater o phas PAIN Izyt-t-En la à purély Vegetable ch=motanoeo were diffé.rent. -il borne ont-thst the 8wOllOd 10 thOus&uds Of dollars. AU thiR m jo Io -Sul"X uà. vue twog la certain, no private inaivi. and eh - b "au i è airmau, the meeting broke u ers were being called in 1 bencon ý_ i-ed--for your consijeration ferai th loi duAl will bc able ta obotain iieitliize pjj&,lrment of olaime whi r 1 and th SMOT11FRED Te DEATH.-'â Esid 80- about 1180, P. m., all'féeling they h&ý whon Mr. Masson raised a point of ýo es ain the registration of titlee, to be mentWned !bloc order thât the House could not divide poooosolon Meud thom to - nor Marits te recom' oidoî2t'oeurred et Port Whitby, laut & 900d t'Me. on the election of Speaker where cul the enactmeut of a homestesti law and theu gave a long their conoideration. ONE WHO WAS THE y the promotion of railway enterprise in emptions. My Anà control nt tue ilarbour. Lot the 1 Tliumday, through whielà Mrs. Jas. RE. one candidate wag nominated. The districts not touched by the Canada gentleman is utl repregantatives-éf the town Dow 10 0 insurers aboula bear in mina the Smithlosther life. Having occasion Front A Physicien. point was overruled and the vote taken Pacific Railway. Your attention will- meaning of the W tiM0 in aPPOS11rou ta the Dominion orence, toc, between deuling With ta go dow with the followingresults: Yeas,116; ýe called ta a measure for better soeur- means anything (lovercingut, on the subjocti strangers at a distance, mon of Whom thing for lier daughter who vas ailing. Mesors. Seth W. Fowle &Sous, Boston: nays, 53. 0 n coller ta procure some. 1 in- the îndependence of Parliament. and that discoure b know üothing, répresenting coin. Mriq. Smith touk a light and won Gents-You may perhaps remember Yeas-Appleby, Archibald, Aylwer, Experience bas shown that certain Il ni 8 la as mi " 'y es t tu changes insy advantageoualy ho made tionCoýhe* plain 1 Pickering Hasbour 13,Y.Law. pani of whos's rosi standing lheY the cellar. After- a short tim that 1 wrote yen several weeks aga in Bain, Barthe, Bechard, Bernier, Ber. il the departmental arrangements ex- the shoe waepinc titi e, ers- regard ta the une of the Picauvux tram, Biggar, Blackburn. Blaiu, Blake, The voting takes place ou* kno;leso, and the mou at the hesd of Smith not returning, anil lier daughter Bolduc, Borden, Borron, --Bourassa, isting at present. A bdl will ho pressa- friend« too much. Sattirday. t "Y My wifé, Who was sufféring toit ta you for secômlishing this pur- us understand tLm There ta littio ý to &avance in ad(litiôn la om Company. The latter Are emelling fire called in the tieighbora, who ral debility, the sequence of Bowman, Aoyer, Brouse, Brown, Buell, pose, without incaeasing the emperidi- sure and the othE fro Burk. Burpee (St. John), Burpee (SUD. ta what lins alroady been gala in those thoir moighbouro, and thoir circum. on investigation foula a fire in thé TY Dysentery. I had triait the tures of the number of departwents. him lie ig sadl 814110sit and charactsr are well known. most noted physicians in this State, bury), Cartwright, Casey, Caggrain, Th cellar, and from whioù smoke Bo dense and Ciiiýsl, îe, Church, Cookburn, it is very deoirable thst 'there bath open ques oclumua in favor of thp measure. The oy are ta aise in Canada, without relief. At Christ should ho nniform legislation in all driftea hither and people of Pickering Lave now ail the bc fOUDd everY day in the came fortlo, that it vas impossible ta Ob. your recommendation alite commenced Coffin, Cook, Coupal, Dawson, Daces : the provinces respecting the trafic gans, but party là proii. aud con8' b0f6re thonfandrequire week-always on hand ta bc adviaed or tain an outrance. Ilowever, after litron. the use of the Syrnp ; the ffrît four bat. mois, Delorme, ',De St. Georges, Devlin spirituons liquors. Hitherto Protection and Frd ruLuOustrateil with, and ready ta tend a nous exertiong, the les made but little impression, but Dymond, Ferris, Fiset, Fleming, Flynn 1 . - fire was put out, while taking the fifth she began ta im- Forbes, Galbraith, Geoffrin, Gibson, that irade bas beau regulated hy pro- ed in this Young a 110 mavice an tu tholr conroe,- Noth'ng willing car ta ail that bave an thing ta whon addow, vincial laws or laws existing before the layiug this ail ta a cal lie lotA and much gOoî1ý' inay lie y the dead body of Mrs. Smith wu provo rapidly, and now, after using six G'll'es, G'l'mor, Greenway, Il conféderation of provinces, although sent. I would lik secured by giving th . a scheme a belping adviiice for or against the * manage. tonna with the bande badly of the dollar bottles, she h Hagar', Hall. nettoie, Horton. Runting- ment. They have aloo necessarily a 1 a regaiued ton, Irving, Jette, Jones (Halifftl), Kerr, tliere lias been lately a conflict of Grange society is hand, Ileoipecting Ur. , Mcelell&ug burued. It is surmised, that on the lier stiength, and is able Ir do mont of authority as to the jurisdiction of the endeavour ta rec latter, in another place, we néojnot personal knowledge of overy risk and poor woman entering the ccl!ar, the the work about the bouge; and I fout Killam, Kîrk. Laflamme, Lauci, Land- P that 1 cannot speak toc highly inpraise erkin, Lazfgloio, Laurier, Macdonald local authorities. A bfll makinq the under whieh the3 wëaken its force bY &DY commenta on of the character of the insurer. flic jiýiIt abc carried in her "na, set fire ta Ofýhe PERUVIAN SYRUP. I bavapre. (Cornwall), Macdonald (Toronto), Mac- neoessary provision will be submitted Anit what fa there prenant gentlemen composing the board a" donnell (Inverness), MacDougall (El- for pur consideration. Variant; mer to-day more th the hOistilO Attitude of the porion whoae of directors-Mr. J. B. Bickell,' Pregi. otue ruarali hay which covered saine scribed it te several of My patients, and . messures founil nocessary for the am. tection ? I do net t polition is no volt known. Opposition tient ; Ur. John Willig, Vice.progitlent; Potatoes, that she attempted ta amother bave procured the sale of several dozeu glu), MoDougall (Renfrew), MeKay end[nent of existing laws will aiso when I say that fi fromiuch'a melfiah 'quaiter àhouldso- m j- the fire, but was overcome by the of ie hors. Yen cal make any use of (Cape Briton) Mackenzie, ecrane ho subtuitteil for your approval. eline in Canada MaIsaac, MeNab, y cure, as wo are quite certain it wili r. clin Stnith, Mr. George Hicking. 6moko. The deceased vas a sister of dois letter yon &se fit, MoGregor, aluoin: Gentlemen of the Hotue of Cominono : tarff. We bave 1 "" bottOm, Mr. George MoGillivray, Mr. Mr. rhomas Moojy, abc lesves a la Yours very traly, Metcalfe, Mitla, Norris, Oliver, Pater. icereased majority for the by-law. rge H. D. BELDEN, If. D. qon, Perry, Petero, Pickard, Pope The estimates for the enouing year cents, per bu8hel, oi Arthur Jolinston, Mr. Androw Aunis, fainily ; she was well likod and will SON by ail dealers generally. (Queen's P. E. I.), Pouliot, Powerm, wili ho laid before you at an early day. leg,, of growing it, MlLiTAuy DitiLt CLAfia.-Many of our Mr. John Davy, and Ur. X. B. Goula, long be misseil ait the Bay. Roy, Babillard, Rose (Durham), ilogg They have been prepared with un anxi. Still the AmAricani You mon have embracéd the op have Lacet of them held office iince the Rernember This. (Middlesex), Rose (Price Edward) ous desire ta provide for ail the bran. in their corn fies o: tuait of gatting a knowlocige 0 par, formation of the company. They bave E. STEvz-;soii, AGzNT Dominion Tel- Ryan, Rymal, Scatcherd, Shibley. Sin. ches of the publie service, and tbe e PtirPOse that We gr, f Mill- Now fa the time of year for Pneu. clair, Skinner, Smith (Peel), Smith soutien of pressing publie works withl7' in, te make into i béon re-eloctea antonai meeting after egraPh COMPanY at Whitby, Bello tick. (Selkirk), Smith (Westmorciaud), Sni. the âmits'of the expected revenue with- WiJl OnIY givB us A lai-Y OxOrC1800, bY JOIDiug thié aises, and ànnUal meeting, and at the lait &Zmusl ets for the Great Western and Northern monia, Lang Foyer, Coughe, Coldsand out incressing the burden of taxation. bel for our whest, m many more we are told, would join, meeting by au unanimous vote-ghg.. Central Railways. Atmo fa . 1 fâtAl restlits of predisposition ta Con. der, St. Jean, Taschereau, Thompson r the Ameri. (Haldimand) Thomson (Welland) 1 have directed that the public ac- ta take that, why 1 Wera ft net from a fear thit, they miglit aumptîou and other Throst and Lang >catinta of the past fiDancial yeu shali the other aide. Bi be- calle ing the thorough confidence repogea In coin and Red Star European steamship Disease. Boscimzs Gxuxàr; Syaup Trov, Wallace (Albert), Wood, Yen: the woret festure i il UPOn At AÙY tiMi ta serve ne se, 116. lie laid before yen. thom by the mombors. Ait these gent. lines, whieh carry the Belgiau and bas been used in this neighborbood for youlg'-Ye 1 We are alt avare oý bVolunWrjt. W@ eau &saura thooe who lemen are, au we have aiready remark- United States mails. Steamers sail the past two or three yearo without a Nayo-Baby, Benoit, Blanchet, Bo- Monday Febry. 11th. cana eau food cattle utertain enoh fésra tbat they are quite ed, Weil known reepentable, gentlemen front Philadelphia and New York week. 6"g e fin ta - If Caron, Cimon, Colby, Cuthbert, Daoust, moved the address in reply to Of ihis what do 'W 1 fa re cure yen bave net well, Brooks, Camerçon, Campbell, After routine busines Mr. De St. in this country. eafe on thât gratina. 80 long as they used this medicine yonreelf, go ta your Desjardins@, Donabue, Farrow, 'Flesh. dgn no rega and thoir collection wità any compicy ly. Sterage passage from Whitby ta George lar roll, or 'tako the Druggist, S. - W. B. Smith& Co., and the ýpeeoh from the Throue, sud the treal market full )Ath ta setve Hor U'sjoe ru ta no a saillaient guarantee of ite solvency Liverpool, Londonderry, Queenstown, -ask him of fils wondedul suceuse; among or, GibbB (Ontario North), Gibbs (On- mot-on was S oonded by Mr. Charlton. selling at frora 8* t( y, ' th.e and standing. Glasgow, London, Bristol Au tario South), Gill, Roggwit, Horteau, power in the Dominion thst eau cati a Cardiff bis cautômers. Three doses wül relieve Joues (Leeds), Kizkpatrick, Langovir., The debate then became gencral. Sir Cou va as farm6rs 1 is $88. the vont eue. a bave no faith Lanthier, Little, Xacd John A. Macdonald spolie At a noider. nt the price 2 1 kno àem out au Volunteort. The Instruct. WE13T NOIcTilUMBEaL,&,XD. Ron. juste buy a Sa nie able length and with much fo 0 in any Medicine, If y m Onald (Kingston), ree u a your readers ffl g! )Miufarmuathatth - ý-- _ -_ MoDougall (Three Rivera), MoKay ey . The report of the Bottle of Boscanste for and 1 eau imagine a an James Cockbura bu beau BowmabviLLIi GEFXAN SyRup (Colchester), MoCallum, McCarthy, Me- the gencral want of a etateuman of rilling one linua"d mon as,, essily UnaclmollslY Bowmanville polîcy on the part Police Magistrats shows 10 cents and try it. Beaular elze bat. Quade, Maison, Monteith, Montlialier, et, the Goverriment, th 8 in a grain 00 40, Wu thorerore &gAin cal] ropon nominated as the Liberal Conoervative i le 7§ culte. Don't noglect a cough to Masseau, Ouimet, , Pinsonneaul, Plait, and ho wâs followeil by Mr. Masson grow grain. Yen 1 1 *. Our candidate for titis ridiug. total roceipte, 8572.43. Baturnea ta save 75 cents. 'and 'Mr. Langevffi, each of whom crop car lande ye il ta Attend at the Drill Shej -------- PoZe (Compton), Rouleau, the Town trenoury, $248,81. This la Titâ DUY&ULTING QUI' Tazàsuuus. pelbitalille, abîmer, -Rouleau. IROV, Raverely adticicied- the action ýof the have no maulire tc Tqo:,y and Prilay'@v#ning& in runuiuR the polive Maitigtr4te buoinesa BEC ci -ù Gne#mment,*nl rpforréd in, "n'ou gnon ilive out. It if il are welcomq. 3-4TFNCÉD--L*ot Thiu-edoy Hio -Tlip ex -Trositure-r of Qtzelýec Sepheuson, Tlàomp*n (Carrihoo), eh ,Q-1 mek, h, bonor judges 1jaruhata sellteliced jag. with a pubéitatitial profit. ýr vered iu 21« ta the îrreat. ' 1 ail 111, p4Y Gf clarès the de-fiait recontly distec ty de. Tropper. Wallace (Norfolk). White ton rý,èptigýu ýwiji- hl oricanized body Moomber tc, si a Police léngitirrace in townit uaier hig amonots haël eximtec, six yeurs, and th44ý î riýhtit Htoting4), White (RenrreW)ý Wright takfu plao.. in the Provinée et Qnebëo. W ka and Jas. Carter Ont or ninetpen elect in - i' = 9 irtght,.#-i sale go« bravely on 00 ; 6000infiabitmu!s la 8250. W.,uld net, oinne of the Corporation Were sware ai (OttiLorA-). Total, 88. _pît. a née the gën- Thq %%fidwýut@r go quemontli iDJtil, Wharil 1-[Ïor, fv The r-tiult wà recoiveil with ellépre ýX. ProgVq. Byorý" PurOilgoerpieus. Prffle book früm Urg. S, Whithy lie bentifited bY a qliarijze ii, Ur. Anirlin W&A tb@n onnallptM'to juallywon onlv two gpato, Ti came. batiarés tho roilitier *t setting .4ii, refundect- ou &jàèý this directiov 2 Wilat does lb' 'nýînt in df-bate that the COýt_ of th@ ý gUr riiëtiff4l4l;, Utifil th* ci 2,&Ot-whitb.v. Town Dltfs4V na -rnc KàFPult9,-,& tele the chair by the Premier and Hon. A. PO fhat the societyf eh ïo il , ai ýu Our cils. Coqueil 84Y grain (rom Cape Town antionnes 1% gen. J. Smith, ând fit the Pitaine-Bailwi un me ý, _ 0 10% evil eV after'vigéti thilukeol* thý. Vfys - y haël slrmrlv - tom , 'or any I*roon rqurs %re nôr bas& ildiv« bY 4W ]iW$lr QIVEN Te ALrý apew Wae Magie-on the 15t'h 011. MMlxq* fur the bonor onnftrred - apon arnO"!ýt*#l in the ai*rmiùgr> cum of > $à, 'F' ilittlc-tY TwicuTy PiusoxLêe, -nt der sentence tl ie lînffron, Whn vere oomplose. him;, ed. 400,000.,ý The debuta wito.attjnurn 'a, th$# *fond# of the oe# phosp brv&ýqjpgj ni4oiderg of &ile.ohg#t Brongbatu.,Jýsnv., 81 ýcd swilitlug trial km Dow fil m IF ifiteated VÀJ#h heRvy lOR@ý Thé, Boum, at 4.80 P. M,, adjourned. Tuesdavi Ft-b. 12.- Os= Na M fi thp i D lis- lep iq VIII TUr« -Date I»en" p M'baisa et ordoli toi &pare no ifflnÉe in ryiài. It yuterdây *t th4 sian EmbÃœiy ait Paris thst the Bi Ambaàudor-tû the, -Porte h",,al swomp by &,un&U detatchmedt of troop'o.' othoi 1 d«pïtch-"frbm, Vi'euïa-.ï ïhëýxuw",ir ' "for,, dry 't"ay. li oyant of the pu!-" of the ý Dard& by " British fleet; it is où ted'the Greek troopa who bava', evýw Thoualy and Epirus - will si one, occupy thaot terntory.; -Grest ind tien bas beeu arroused et Athen reports of mafflorenby -Bashi-Bam ý77u4ieýoS OU the fiôntier. The Éiitiirý-CM. - TO tu Editor of the. Whffly Ch cle : 'DicAu Sia #In your "boue '01 24th ulto.,, we find we find an -ai hesded BaxWe conviétim revie Whon I £rat saw the '"ele I coni ed te treat it withélent conteux itt Isaringthat; some might be' inc ini believe he waa,,wrongly dealt by, I Rive a veri short 'account of the 1 He wu Fummoned, on & obargt beating a pupil on the head. The i plainant gave evidence tbai his oame home froin sohool crying W'i gain in the bead, and said the mi ad struck him on the head, witl knuckles. On examining the bo3 found a lump or ridge on his boa large as bis thumb. The boy, aw said the master struck him firot on bead with bis taws, anil thon eti Ilim, three or four time with hie kn les on the Bide of the bead. Bai sworn, said as follows * I struok boy firat on the head with the ti after which I 8truck bim thrae or ý times on the hesa with My open; hi Bo we thought the complaint; was pl Y 1 roven. We will leave the publi ecide which was most te blâme ; àne that committed the si3sàult or justices thât convicted. But 'no,% 3tates in his letter to the Caum ffiat he wab net sware thaï ho WaS ti 'or snob a charge. Theu in bis zi )reath ho state8 that he fully antici] 0 the decision before à witneSS 1 Wled or an osth given. No do ýhat is the case in most criminal. cai Phe guilty party, knowing the âme, of hie guilt, eau forla a pretty con des, of the probable. decision of ýourt in the matter. But -he think io disgrece to be oonvicted by si 'emales of justice, nor - would ho ci ider it any honor to receive an acqx al. We bave tee, mach respect for 1 ýignity of the profession te whieh elongs te think there are manyw rould not think it honorable te rece: n acquittal from such a charge. ' 1 me uly wish kind Providence *ci ut it intio the thoughts of our Minia f ducation te corapel all those 10 olding Provincial certificates te, sta a examination for renewal, we belie lors would be great plucking, but make teschers scarcp. I Youis &o. JOHN PIIILLIÈS, J. P. Pickering Harbour Ry-law. - LETTER FROM %fit. M CLELLAN. 9 the Editar of ihe Whilby Cltroniel MAR sin - One of your towneman-that rath markable gentleman, Mr. Jam, ýmpbelI, (of the firm of R. & J.-) hi en making himulf very buey in o] sing the Pickering Harbour by-la w before file ratepayers. ne tel me who will listen toi him a cock-anc Il tory about bis having offored 1 tain the loson provided the securit a satisfactory. Mr. Editor, 1 wis e publie to knov through yoilr co: LUS thaï 8U Mr. Campbell'a talk abou ý offer la simply bosh. He is a ver likely man indeed to elther advanii obtain money for the purpose of im oving Pickering Harbour--4speciallý en bc la moving heaven ànd earth ti ýort Whitboy Harbour. into hie pos Sion. It is with the latter object ii wand inorder to reciate thi ne of Pickering Harbour, thaï Mr nos Campbell is doing the under id work ho is noir ait in refèrence t( loan. l'em qMite couffilent it onlj aires thaï " jabould be kuoývn ir or te defest Mr. Campbell'a Uttb ie, sud te encrease the vote for the kering Harbour by-law. 1 respect. y ask my friande and the friends ol cering not te, allow themsolves to'le mo, one Sabine, sixteen Tuscans, )aImatiane, four Sieilique, sixteen olitans, three Sardinians, four iards, seven Vecetians, eight Mil. fitteen French, six Germaus, one Lorraine, one Burgundian, five Dutch, twelve Eýý other i elonging te the Holy Seo. ILE STEALERS CÀÏYGgt- à» WUlp. -Mr. Nighswander,' of lot 85, 7th Pick'éiingwïiteo:-Havi,àg noticed ýples inmy apple barrels difap. 19 in a somewhat my6ten*ono Brî I côneluded to net a watch to ie SéveÈsIýyoung mon iéighbýibo6il - -ý,Ïýl"ered to théni and. have someý fun, having elvés providéd with géni horge. and àid wait for the intruderg. had !lot long t-O wait until the Arriveil and lôàded - themeelves 'P'ng' Thp watehmnn Ponn bê. 1'l thr-fr wlsips ingood t-arti-pat wheny the aiueitu[4 starteil to rultw druck @-verio few -jampi fir àbnur ôdgj, ýhe lip'pleft markille th& rom". mcà-làtib« d.- ' I thtr;k li wII)'iýach them a !ýfôr the ýfntc« not euily Icr- i wlahes »Istive to fîmem ' ý 1 oàrai" ýPietro V!91 govem iliï-,Pleotion ýof PC bélig in Rome are vicei Win be lield but thai at st. Pa pectéd W be veï-y ain wM be toit th8 ChOir chapel c of the SRÀM WhiMA Port adilway WM be bela at th, TOWN 01 SATURDAY, 21 At the hour of T the election of Direc P'M. tr .fer b.1 M JanUM7 nutil a Monj -1 Zmem Rhokil De pubue. Mue P4 ý2 onnee of bis and the pensions of- their. r the, wiclown. rticle The official declaration of the phy- =$de siciane wh6 "Stwndéd the Pope auring clud. Ida lest inueu in publisbea. It etateo F, 'Bute the immediste , einse of death was sa, to pawyds of the, lungs. 1 Wili The ', itaan profecta &na Md iry trial. authorities have been ordered -to pay é'for the late Pope sovere bonours, - but com- swait an eadlosiutiýeinvitation before son attending the funeral. ith a The Iwie Baya the congregation ý of aster C" iiale have decided only by a major- b hie_ ity of three to hold the Conclave in V, he Rome. It will wait for the arrival of d as foreigu Cardinale before taitilig a final rom, resolution. l the Ail t1W Cardinale In Rome, exeept rack Mgr. Amat and panebianco, who are ýuck- unwell, attended the preliminazy Co n--; irter, gregation in-the hall of the Consistory ý the to-day. Theydecided the Pope Ébould aws, lie in state three aAýà in the Sixtine four chapel, and three days in the Bainica and. of St. Peter. The ceremonies wM last âin. altogether. nine days, after.which the ic to Conclave meets. the the - REM Tms Tivics.-Five to thirty v he drops of Tsoxàsl ECLEC-T-Ric CIL, Wm rcLE cure common Sore Throst. It never ried fails in Croup. It Win cure a cola, or ieit congh in tkenty-four to forty;eight pat. heure. One botÙé bas cared Bronchitis was of eig-hi year8' sianding; recent cases )ubt are cared in threa-to six days. It bas ses. restored the voice whire.the person had ,unt not spoken above a whisper in five rect years. As au Outward application izt thé all cases of pain or- lameness, nothina: :8 it like it has ever been known. One boi- uch tle will cure any caseof lame Back-,or- ýon. Crick in the Back. ', For disesses of the- ait. spine and Contraction of it; the is unequalled. In Rheurnatie or any , he other pain tlie firet application dose- Pho - You good ' It s!ope-Bar'Ache and the, ýive pain of a Buru -lu three minutes, and is 3ut altog6ther the best and cheàpest medi- nid cine ever offéred to the, people-the- iter obeapest, beeause it takes no Uhle to do )Dg you good. It is oomposed of six of the ýud béist oils known, and nothing'but oils* 3ve le worth-its weight in gold. Why not b t bvy it to-day B. Dxs Rocazu, assistant po6t-master, AitlàabvàkaviU, P. A., writes :-"Thirt«n years affo I waa siezed--by à severe attack of Èheu. matisin in the bead, froip whieh I have nearly constantly sufféred. Alter hâv- ineused 'Thomas' Eclectric Oil, for rc- nine days, bathing the forebead, I have been complotaly cured, and -baye only - udeil hall a bottle. This I eau ce ýc: uÈder oath if you wish."-Bev. J.- a lory, of Wyoming, N. Y.,- writes, "Dr.- er Thomas' Eôlectric Oil eured me of ès Bronchitis in oNE wEmIl ne BpwAnz OF I3MATIbliS.-Aek for Dr. p- Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Se& that the, îw signature of S. N. ThSna8 is-on, the [le wrapper,,and-tbe, names of Nbrthrop & a- Lyman aré blown in the'bott.e, and to Takeno 1 other. Sold by au Medicine, ty dealers. Price 25 ets. NORTHROP di & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., Px;o-pïietor& 1- for the Dominion. -7 it NOTE.- ECIeCtrie - SeleCUd- an& Electrized. 1. D"Tit op & NoT» TumpzR«cr y MàN.-Th Cork papers announce thé ,0 death of er. Davia oweara. In early e- life he had'been the oonodený_sec»tary n ofFather Mithow, and in P ity. e he - took part, in the j* rue and wide of the Apostle ci emperance. These extended to nearly every put of oý Great Britain and Ireland, and- during FI swo years to the United'S-tates- and 2 and British America. All î ' he arrange. 9 monte connected with the mission of 9 bis beloved master passed- thmugh hïé i- bande, and it is needleu to point out f, thât these required no meau organiz. eý ing powers. Mr. O'M e&iý% enjoye& y Father Mathews unbounded confideuce and weU ho deserved it, -as regarde the attachment he felt for him. It follow. ed him to hie *prolongea and weaiy ill. ness, and among the last he bèheld in this hïé was bis trustworthy secretary, Mr. OMeara. à WlcxBD FRAUD.-The records shew thât wheu the steamer Stars and Stripes *as lengthened and her name changea to the Metropolis, her owners surrendered her papers, ana declared she had been broken up. Pieces of the wreck show the vessel to have been vM rotten. Tj34TINDuNBumouit.-M orWalsh, ofthe CanadianMounted aolicesays tha #1-4- "L- 1 ---- ------ Vhitby, Feb. 7th, IE 0 T County of Ontario TO wrr; J COURT C NISI PRIUS, OYER GENERAL CzAi wM be holden COUNTY 0.- in-ýffie COURT T 0 W N'OP ----c Tuesday, lý AT Mm notra ci, 1 -of WËiCh ail Coroi CâCe, antl ail others Ce and govern thm NMSON Sheriff Office whâby, il. 12til, 1 TO DUILOHS AM T NDERS will- be .Eders d, tili je DAY. 22-,Flebruary, BRICK $TOI on ]ýrock-St TOWN or Plus and specifteati and alter Thunday, 14 of Messn- LAING & Plicatlon to, t a unam Tc lowestr Sny te accepte Feb. 12; 76. (td-8) N TUE 'EMST 1 CO., OxTABIO. ZUTCH VI. 1 Pair New laeaN quamtity of Iroli At 2-c'eloa P. M., in Rion Court oiicelwhK RAM let Raglan. Feb. là, 1878. CLEAR IN( The subscriber -has bee Di»Ctors of tb» MUDM M"TG.--COMPA P.-UBLIC A At the-Orgaý&lg Wed#7esday, Fàbri Au the goods and elu istin eF,ýlýconOEBUG.g.of 10, Ci deoDE4 F#e-proof gafe (b Onk, -and--Maple exs'Work-benches, ci trOB", as with il screws ; sewood and YValnuýj Wainut moul inch Pine an&incil «% lengths and xizesý, and v Orçan materiai; Fret -- ap!ing machine, h,'J"] ne, packing boxes, wheelbarrow. Wood and Lpes, elbows and drum s, locks, key pins round-headed screws, Pedai Ca eting in patt iengthsp 7anton efanne machine iron, peint rag and brushes, bar benchl lumber, rules,- and othe Orffl M»MnfacturiUL. salé to commence at 0 Tzaus Or SALE--110 $10 to $25, three ment] QV-, eight maontbal Cred approved notes.*, L. FAIRB2 Whitby, Feb. 12,1878. IMPROVEb FARM 0 NF, 01? TIR BjjT-j Of Out-io. Conte Scuth part ciLoà.22 ani ,IGD*OfREACH. about tue rumour that the sioux have croBsec the lines is probably due to the foc that a -fow bucks crosseil the lino in pur suit of buflalo in November. A part3 of Crows killed two of them, and - the remainder returned to camp aniUdeter. mined to, follow the Crows Majoi Walsh thinks they May still hght the Crows. OPEN WEATHER IN THE HIGHLANDS OF SCÃ"TLAND.-Iu the nei-ghborbood of Cupar there are many thoiv;ýnds of last year's lamba from the Perthshire High- langli, and they an, on account o f the- open nature of the season, gotting à very good green bite. C»ox=Lm Oryzcz, Feb .18th, IM8. Flour, per bil ............ #j W@ #5 00 F&U Wheat ............... #1 15 e 81 20 Spring Wliest. a .......... $100 @ il 02 Barley, .... i ... 00 55 @ 10-W Pë&lî* ................ e ... 60 à es Pose, black-eyed .......... 01 00 @ #1 05 OatIs ..ý ................. B5ý @ 87 CUIM ............. 60 000 llay . .......... $15 ffl ' ........... sot @ ii, oo .................. 850"@,doc ........... 150 to 17 B r ............ lia-, a m wood .............. .. .58 60 @ 48 75 wool-.ý ....... - ......... 280. @ 800 Litmi, hmd, qPmr ..... 16 60 e t7 00 Ll"elý fore quamr .... 60 ih«pdduft ............ si 25 etidoi ..................... 14) tu OU îlork, POT ewt .......... l4ý W 86 W 4MW .................. 08 Cllvto .................... tt 80 1 OUouài ........ ............ 00 ...... 100 ..............

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