BAB. 71 'It ILÃŽT alir, I.iQr iýb;ý 4ýj J.ý 41 et the City oir undeu. Z el London, Dac ira log TeMple.U&r bar ]&-The work or rémov. 77r. c WU bagua reieterasv. 110,# Tm laxüov,&L -*" DIWÃDZD trw Temple Bar on 01 the Aâc16à t teWayo of the City of 111ýý6 Street tho *Md, bu for mm Y«n base, roffarded as m'obstruction to. Le enormans trîmo of ýëI the Chiai thoronallures >ou 7 the northéril bai of thfF Thaqiëk , ýJt bas as à And SndemneI dangerous, ew weeks âge ottention wu called, to* A huiO Crovice Wbich lud<.appur- cw ad fathe thick atone, Wou ni e»OI throi-, Arches. Yean «0 the aucient ourioslies 7 -&MOI and other which ware ItI in the room over the Centre %rh ONTARIO Wors roulffld, te A, Place 01 safetyo and the ECÉ lu=W 01 the aucient bouking-bouse of MBERI 27, 1877. Chilà & Co., Adjoining it on the 'Fibet strest aide, have bien r= tecuy WAZZI441, 01 ITEme PRoxliolAND. TU19R the PoWbility of a Psos of the auti. y"= usted structure. The removai of the Ob. PM" thah, it weild 1e if ho shbwed gallà ntry bef le _Yv Ibh" hé ou be amighty, #tMgî. 0" ZAitchar and on ft Co , ru., struction wu proposed and serjougly con. The London Globe is a littie marcastie on The Dellember number of the cbnklw- 1701d et - 1thob Sl"Orrio 41 The danger XrXhAL 1 This Wù but fi Occuiéni Won for him, the ià I %id tance bomuse js»I tOmPlibt0d ý wksm the'hon$48 in Serle' lace #Oftie itun of Canadian intelligence ît hm porary Reviitu je introduoed iwhich milm ýýfmm-, ACOOM au «gelé- *O;aà " _Tbe b-eginIl MOYehtent -CW frade frOM the Sultiï. Plonjëd bî ýé sýo- the. est tbat' mur glas bat aura. Oà thé uorth aide of Pleet, gtrcet, an ged pétriot1ouis Kossuth under «not bé.averW& 0 g.Mlled frein thé Ottawa Cilises, and whieh from, thst à th .ýéum" rbm thé Ans- Of "the présent war Dim belI a Th or beau On tho nOrth bille êI Strand ad it te the conclusion that Lord Dufferin the above h" n& xoo«th bc »'b ýJM bc obtained ris Of, trý>ainpri"iýtEmore -,,L *Atlèhinï thé dini -Wbwoefiujùli"lut -of, WlIrO priI dOwD- te make room for la on Optinriât in bis views on Canadian ing It will net bel &" te ventikte à tlu»n froin Brid rt vu 100014,- -but Illiuding, fi, 9elpasly a ope -,P ,the new ýlaw courts. But the anti. affairoi, IlOns apparent dJe4f maya our little the Esiumia question. Net 'as- if I OOUPY>*-OPUOýc M cd ýt" el ruait &Bide ýtO aimait Wei 9 tifty-am oundo;ýbut,'-P quarians have hitherto Proved more po. conte "sa the Social ligarrization could Say auyâà g -newo but beeam h'g-tn7 as!* ViOt«im-= « enoOmtered, Ba ire là lie wià mot mention ité '-will 0' lm "net rosi 'Xmdur>- h*e héI net SI whetà er t ý,0 ý, t4nt thm the rOfOrmOrg, and the barber, Of the roml"inyiý; la the absence Oof a check purified, no" may oomlidate instinctive âftft"80"' mÃœch'ôludedtâ ats ý I? - 1 ý ý -,w. aud ti Who&@ ShOP wu là à reom under the north ripou, frandulent @ho MI ye - t or _pkeepers. lu this colin- Aspirations into conviction# and lonegs b a" lm bmý:spüw,- thst the - iï«dù m Md or Il bis de est et SCI six. ed, five. e br ;Iegged es i N in maà tÃ, CI Juli 31, ho . AS Win their MllýsrChlFtY, COI te enjoy undà turb. trY A fréquent deficiency of two or thrée into purposmIl Kossuth je net, SI grest fr" the titk -of dooh; - 6 to thà I thë 0 ri ra îè Poussés" of bis dangerous, place of huai. 0811110011 ID the quarten lonf would soon bring writeimi one perceiv« immedmtely, but the Positrion th" thé eaud:thW!*M, The viatmi iwil la"I &ad mine Who are- of doublé. en il =SI AtlUt the appearance 01 the crovicur duwn the terrors of the law lapon the ven. even if bu have become lui two or thre purplè= ý 0 le de. POrticiPâte. Twins; triphts qi ecOmit4ted @Omo action, and a décision was dor, buf- the people ci Canada would &I ings enly, aâpd"ph"ow" CI and lut the wili of the People. ', -But ID and Box. 1 , m ever th ores*, ho 2"3c£ 07 ?L'Mjgý' tettes, Or wOffli, W.-Il lie carefu lyl)rovidedý""D finally à rrived et by the Common council pour te lie sometimes detrauded in tiroir certainly bas Convictions, ff Convictions th*-Ilunguim people will -Hys they - wili ThQ;Wond«hù ýwâ lier. An-elty.,wiRbeimimpèréédUalteu 0" ofthe City At A, meeting belli on the 29th «Iread supplies to four times tirait extent. which -are benoît and strong, and ho je by Dot go no for sa their rosi « tien as- ta Coin. t4ii WJretched. B tOwà , aà d the Stilb. J est whlich je dwarfed. It isa 1 yeà r- andoight eh tM' The débats which thon'took place a Il 0 mit suicide for the "0 Tà ny MOI rasa !lorli: clOI Whié ho made, weré detailed menthe old, and, although porfectiyiormed, no meane se CI that ho bu lent bis title te d"c,'L. eliciteil no Mani Peints of inteI respectirrg Another objeutionable festure in Canadien bc beard concerning th whà tever, 1. We must! raille, a dixe against la, tI Hgrau of, the lith inist. et suuh weigha 1 ths, 'a stoplier Wren a arrangements is the 1 surprise party.' This question ho uks et the outèet, Il How and At th, Mt. this notable relie of sir Chri cm' In lower te thé the extension Of Rnuim power, and te do 14ngth,ý,u to«Zýend'er'unneSsmary AI ICI eum a seParate cage will lie Ch bm&work thst wu reprint théireport of it constate, wu believe, in the unexpectea visit, whon did the Eastern question become a tirait We inuit conserve and upholrithe unity trOâtmënt Dow. Arormd thatnacrous of au rovided for each animal$ sud ý numberëd. as gi and ,,lie indepouriance of thé Tur"h Em. Arruy brought froin the Danubien fortress ýheYOD by the Daily Telegrapi of the 30th of a score or more of people te some bonne Européen question 1" ha says By the i frOlu 8150 to 81, will lie where they imagine they will meut with a crossé of the Ruuian power and mince the pire, for et présent that in the practice Way gathered the Chief strength of the Bulgarlaq awarded by the Vote of visitors., Compétent ' Xr- Bedford having asked lesve (at a cordial réception. We are infomed under time when RuuW-by the diminution ci the te ooutrus -a diko. This view je firmiy Turk,@h canse. armies, and there oentered Ãhe hopen W the aurseil Will bu in Attendanoe, and free re! meeting of the COMMOD Council held in the this hoading thst 'a laIe Party oiýUdies Turkimb Empire and the dismemberment of ever for of dispeused, with Ãmpartial Upheld by, the Rungarian nation, what. Attack aiter attack wu ru. lunches wiii bc Guildhall) tu brin forward a motion in lie. and gentlemen surprised r. Phinip Brady Ppà nd-jacremed te formidablopio itions lie OxPr«don the , ma se ri *" ad effectivenem The gallon among ho ference-to Tom ifie Bar, and with the yiew laist night and spent a pleuant eveni §Zobeleff il I Bd In t competicors. The Taric. Am. ngt a and Que homme dangerou te the = cm tri SI tiroir will; and in this respect t in vain ta Ir ýhe foc Y are many, ând-1eîidésýthe 0 1 prèserving Il Zat time-honored moulorial convincing proof thst the victim must pue- of Europe." ge proccoeds (we quotewhà t 411 the Rungariais are of the Unie mldsirout, -Gourko devmutec-th...... . mentioned tirât. deserve awards, f the City - of London, Il Mr. Rudkig, as mes& a beautifal temper. From another we have space for of bis AI whih OPiDiOn without dif1breme of party. They try in," rear and oompleteI the. Chain of t ere 'W lie riz for the handsonneà t and ýbsimm of the City Lande Committee, paragraph this would &sera te lie a Canadian ahould have more intérést mince the fan. of an of the sanleopinion, for they are Con. Mvestmg Poste. But--drwn, about hîm orne 'est ers and kittens; the mont Bw hOPOd that this would mot bu vinced, thst this ý1s ý a vital interest of our the awful circle of blazi F emnous, mouth U=rouus the at, that' from ap. gétý ,permitted, but characteristic, m it îot reported that, 'mot- Plevna than it did when it wm written tà tberlaul And jus -0emm P In il Pearanog thât they should proceed with the regalar withotanding the violent enow-Storm, tke even): doref Run luh, étood, damant aveu !eu, es, bas more bootjacks thrown cuit, féelà indignation. and ws__ýthe whore babillées 01 the court. The matter hall been Orange social on Monday evening wu a The L vo enta could lm, cet with eus, Eastern Tiestion is à question of tIL t2 g&ry nive. No re.eforcem at him thau any of bis fellowls;,the anaprun nation doeî it-that ira and there soeurs te have been v-a sufficiently disousseil long liciers thora, sud success.' If au Orange social, what it May Ruseian power, f this lino bc strack ont, . moral an littie the Sweetest voice, and Others. wit it hall, been well disoussed over and over bel con réel jolly danng à Canadian @Dow- the Eutern question cou«, ipso facto, te imploistic idsà , thst the Austro-Hunprian e4mest désire âhOwn by the Turkish, Gov. ter à gà W Lot themilull down, this wretched etorm, Mark Taplev muât have taught bis bc a Europeau question. It descends At lonarchyabould beconre on accomplice in ernment te sead, thom. Re WU IcOnquered, LIGHT IND SIIIDE. the and miserable bu' ing. It was &il non. philosophy in the liominion aswell as in the once to tire levoi of interna questions, th oom tionofany'partofTurkeyforthe by the SPI Of blé, Ocuntrymen au by the Uke ci tt enemy or Our bbuttry,@ vit&, a. constant watchfuinons of il ri sonse te talk about removing the Bar in dtates., whose changing phases may be followed, is Demi 0. any other manner thon by carting it gway At a general Court of the Rudsona Bay sympathetically or antipathetioay, accord. ter«I ' Wbosver in-,this war considerls the TRIVE FAXE, upholding ci the Turkish Em . Hm LUT 71011T. [nt. Lowcu.l lm U rubblib, As te the poosibilit ci Company, belli in London, Mr. Goschon, ing te the inspiration of political principles foreigu cause ffl noI & d te bc ()m Monday, the lotil jut., lie made a Ir MaY bc glotions te wriros g re-erected, the thiu« wu Mont M. P., Who presided, said that by the fall or itintinative feelings; but they wil! never union of the esperate agissait the its bein "Ir, te ire% the ex. d, !Pon the Investin Thou ta tkat Ohail glad the two or titrise thej Impossible, although it.was j possible in the prices of furs the profite of the colin. disturb the aleep of any Europium power. EU ust Ruuà n power; for lie in mot -the direction ci g lino in gil son Uke those fair stars tirs, fer from the the Widdin. Re *U P& 1 In wùl that ame.- persan might lie found in the pany hall been materially roduced. It wu On the oontrary, the Eutern question lies _ught ýOf Sharing With t e Successfül, et firs world te îÎtempt un reconstruction. Such hoped at that time that the fall would have the t Ruuime in the Tarkish booty. tp but rashed, and ce Wall eV y ce Tja Century. aboli in &0 uai aituatiou. Every aggression, Since the be 1 the complications mpeiled to marron 1 permons would certainly bc endowed with boeu but temporary, but the prices bad either on the integrity, of the Turkish 01 or. A &e hOI t at the bayonetla po* t 1 In But botter far it la te Speak thon more boldnest and public spirit thau lie had. been further reduced. The condition of the Empire or on lier 8overeignty, we have board Ca, =mot , ig se emphatioaliy an this, bis lut fight, os p , wu 0120 simple Word, which, now and thon Agaïa, ft would cent more. te remove the fur market was cwing te the loir state of threaten the police of Eure Win always the conièderacy of the three Em $hall wâken thoir free nature In the weak pe, because whicil wa 10 perOrO, wounded in the tout. lie structure and ruerect it than te remoye the trade generally, and the uneettled state of every direct or indirect increue of Ruséjam a ralerly-Styled, 4- a frien was Compara. And friendiess Bons of mon. derotanding aji un- tively a Young man-a ut -2even. in old Bar and build a new one. lie sincerely affaini in the Eaât, as Rusbia bail been one preponderance in Europe will be a step te One of those three ce eder. forby Write &orne earnest Verso or lino, infau trusted thât the committec would lie ahowed of their best customers. Seeing that the the fulfilment of that prophecy of Napoléon, at« je the CZIM MY dur fatherlandi the, un APPEA"NCIL Which meeking not the Praise of art, PI te complote the denfolition ut once. Deputy causes were but temporary, there was avery tirait "Europe will become CeauCkl' Th art indeed in grealf or from that un. OEIMAU Paella wu neither tail lier oho 8 Clearer faith and muhood maille roun, Lowmau 17aylor considered it a most unwise reaion to believe that prices would cerné speak of humanity. Good God 1 where ýýt - ey trallimelled, attitude w ich operateg in stature, with broïd, shoulde straight te k et aside tiroir paper of business te iouad again, and when the time came la friendly relations with Rnui& Hitherto it Muscular leils and aitogether 0 ra' Re that doeth th in verse or prose, thin they the Christian power in Lampe thst hm bu actéd in that way. iwhesd Wou Superb, 1 m athlelic MAY bu fer au-19 azy plomber tu ventilate it I could cite many build, 1181. new muât lie prepared to taire advantage of by mot ulisempulonaly disowned humain ]lîs features ButourelfBba bOolowoodat lest witilthOI îdee Mt.' Bedford was mot a new puttingthoirbuisineânoussisatisfactovaf testimonies; 1 will 01 quOI a min$16 one. Were regalar and betokened eamestueu and , Who ive and Spaak fur ive. inember, but there could be no doubt as they possibly could. The commioct yï, quiet décision. ilà uniform OCI unuail tteu tf ecerleientgoo'wt;rncoctonocenrlynedwbheutn voirtys oloewauf ronm. TWhhe Cý0v0rumcI il; bu Do CI At 1 nu; it net enter Ion. Y LITTE ILILFY Il LON(;$ Fort ICUT AND -U to the Object of the motion, which was ha looked carefully into ad m Of 6jacketwith broadiacings Of t i lut the way in whioh mere revenge? But it je impossible net te te au cap ,te javoive the corporation in considérable they could economise and expedite t ment te lot a Rge. dark cloth, a- ho réel indignation in our Iranien besoins when Ournania bc occupied by no. 129 ýwaitte0at of the Loilis XV. style ad (11ETS IT. rana lexponse, and thât with the view of remov. trait port of foira, and'with thst view they we sea that the very maille power which, rose miel Who unfurled. the boulier of lé the 818. tight fittiag trousers, Over which, knee bouts [Pittoburg imsder.1 go th, ing, the Old dilafidated building te some had anctioned the construction of a train- br trampling down the freedom of ita pue. Veille CAUU," and SO te couvert this pro. are dr4wul drffly therofOre, ho pré. , For a Ion tune past little Rfley Il had is con favoritu reaort v the El aut Li ri i vince int;O à Place for lier military o Dot been wel. Re cm -d-Upping way et tire Grand Rapids te convey the p e, from. the Vistula te the Behring Strait, tion@l notwigatanding that Sented & Otrà mg contredît te the other Turk. la' 1 of a pain in Ways Corest or West Ilain l'ark. Mr. [Grover gouda to the Saskatchewan steamer. The front the Enzine te the gracial mm, oovers- the umtmiity joli generab, m there was nothing- jeune hie bruant and of e iis out weae]12=elbut ho stuck "id they liad a private individual bringing cost of this would bc About £4,000, an ita dangerous schemes with the veil of bu- of that countryim been guaranteed by the about hie Costume, lu camp he nover wore 4nanfullY te hiswork, Oe 1ýO Europee POI under whose profactorste a sword, but invariabiy had . 1 rning late17 aisé over (,'Iot)patra'ti Nouille mit a cost of £lu, (m, amount which would be éprend - over à manity. and incresses continually the lie said te one of bis ougtouwn J giant 91"«&, alung over hi ýPaw Of field. black your bue : - I eau t with but this wu far lune inivresting in hi@ eyes period of years, and during the period it stature of its power, by such oys£ematie con. 't boa béée, Pisoed 1 Y08 the have en- a Shoulder. He aime ta any more. 1 >have no teriai thau Temple Bar. The permismion requerit- wils connidered thât they would bu able te sistency and pitiless cmelty As stand un. gagod, theinsolves, and bý a ÃCI bar. alwaya carried. à penofl, which projectedi atrength left, and the doctor "I I Inust flonne cd was aucorded by 71 votes agaimit 6t recou p the whole of the outlay by tire groater equalled in history. There iâ no questinn of 94114 bmuethey have exprosal stiplilatod, net fromr bellind. hie ear, but from under. give It up;" and subsequently lie was orteil the Pc Mi-Bedford thon, in proposing hia motion- economy and rapidity of transit in brin - a reward, that the cýmr si mot foirce 0 ry tom ging hÙ mamity here, but simplv of the moreme of Sibérie to w&r. Death hie lez. Osman -Paoli& wu a Turk bserved Sitting in morne doorway, Wea 01 That it bc referred to the City 1,an(i. their gouda te market. There Wu no truth Russian propouderance. -The one in oui This fatal obUggition in th, among Turks; lied nolespécial love for the &md Pale, With his unsold newapapers under ekirt 1 y source of all the evilà which Tarkey, and could mot endure Committeu to reniove Temple Bar, but that in tire statement that the company was ilust thrown into the eyes of mankind that have happened "Ire an" in Jje arm, fagged out. It was évident that POI0118 F truc. oorrowiu ey on debentures, lier wore they MAY mot see the other. the a COrrý.POndent alliées the 1fore disposing of the Bar, it ho au ins nion and et &11 ý was wùfing ta hicherto and which WW happen horeafter, latter ght of Riley wu dying in tire haraces. PAI Of Plâl tien te tire committe to considerwh ther the trading with borrowed money. They And tirey speak of freedom of self-govern. Ire thât thr"tea Our 90 under fire and Parents nOticed it, perbaps they did Ilot, PloYed %ome apot caunot bu found, cither withie etuith=e does noI hors, Sketch. the haz got £20,000 East ladin Bond&. which ment. But the thing standa tiras, thât The world à ' ad with amiiety lest aveu LIKE STONEWALL ;AeFjoy. hou colin but Riley peddled n6w8PaPers almost te the city boundaries or on moine beautifui portion were equivalent te euh, and they could while Russian power presses ripou the à à r that the silver cord was loosed. Sun. aPpeai (if the laud hold by th Orporation in trust Ilafely say they did mot owe a single shil. aoutbeaitern part of Europe the Christian t St.pu t' ehouldýbe omitted, and lest Osman Pashawas net a fanatic, but lie !&Y laat was a weary day for him. Re wu aise W, for the 07,10, on whiéhe that time-honored ling. The position of the Government had nationalities of the Turkah Empire will, th lenueile Cabinet shoald. net try te wu very pions. Il I have never Seoir him nearing the end of bis earthly journey. Re toilett inemorialy 0 tire city of London may be pre. not changtd. in respect tu the Hudbon'a Bay nover lie reconciled to the suzerainty of the $On$ in the orthodox Mahom. prevent the Czar frein taking Siberis into perforai, bis cri was Weil known at the MOJOnjgahela Ilouse, '4irt ierved fur the respeut and admiration of Company. «TlieCanadianGovernmontwere or lier can they becorne free and jade. action. Le 1 beûnase the Turkish lion bas medan fashion, but I know that lie praysn and oftcu, through the kindans of the ait. on in c future genomtîons"-.ý-utgocl that if bis propo. convineud of the expediency of acquiring en eut, They can ouly lie instraments of taches, t bis muais there. on the Chi or etruck theCzar over the fingers the great maya a correspondent. He spoke little, Sunday to ceived sition wore carried out the renieval of the the proprietary rights of the Hudion'a Bay usai olicy ometimer; by forcé, nome- Czaris in want.01 the perjury of little neverentering intoconveraationwith any. ing 0 wçnt into the build- Bar would lie facilitated, and il; - might bc Company, and if no stelin hall been taken t es W, ingl , ut always serviociable i Siberia, te . whom, 37arkey the other day one. Bis Officers watched bis movementjl, of Co and was seized with a severe fit The icarted st clins to the Thames Embankment in the matter it was mot bocause of any struments. et Serbis England m* U=tedý«givOnm- Tà lWthonntiaynmelled reccived a brief order and executed it, or ulghinie. Mr. Fishherne entered iritn triniant The atones oguld lié numbered and the Bar change of policy, but it was owing te the powerful. $lie eau/defend is Illibitudo Ivan» si conversation with brin and uked juin how have bg Constantinople -gala towardè Rusaimi. mowered a short question and retired again ru-erected upon morne spot afterwards t je«th Vietps should any 1 fier', %Vith regard and 8weep the Rusoan 0 dv n Jadiem. ag from the Seu. 1! 111, - Fetersburgand iÙtO the background. A tatitura man, lie 'le felt;_ Il 1 don't-want te live bc financial situation of Canada' I rags of the tom Turkish Empire bad i ilaid Riley; Il i long fer r Z oý and nu -docided upon. It was- a rnost undignified tu the Red River lusses, ho said that they But elle in mot a Qontinental power. She twenty-five yearo would elapec before the Occupied, and slop WB wieh was soon fulfilled. At 4 oclock long ini thia :to put the Bar up to public teudtir, liad been in communication with the Cana- s1une cannot &end au army of nome hundred _t little. Energetic, "'Ç that afternoon littie loyed, 19 0 an iron WW, self-reliant, .)a ÃýtJtji&na, th - Prussiens and the ltalians Rilcy was noticed, more and. se a member of the corporation, lie dian Glovernineut, and Jad mad pro al thousand men tu Roum « never «king for pale And wcak than usual, il u a a begins would divide-'AU-stýïs and : Hungary 'amour dvice, lie wâa nevertheless extremely mod. oldinir te a lamp 'Ire w4), ,was, ambamed of the proposition. The Bar 'te the effect that the question 'boulâ lie France is still maimed ; allé thomselves, P*-hapri leaving Il a pont, and with Borne unsold papers. No. for tra hall boïar where it stood 230 yearq, and bore referred to tire Judicial Committee of the te recover, but elle milliers frour lier past something: o est, undervaluing both himoeir and bis bc theybaditsuggested by Mr. Ilndkin that Privy Couricil te arbitrate upon the -matter ICI If elle were mot maimeil Itussis the booty te' W&Iluhi&, M the illeward, of aChiBVemelits. He never wrote despatches, ill dY knOw8 how ho got home, but ire wu. subserviency te - gfflia. This in as true m bis reporte to Constant* ople, consisting of 92 Dight. His father a deck-hand, wu thim verierable Structure ehould be broken as a friendly nuit. The report was adopted would mot dare, what abc dures mule, tirait theré ii a -Cgd., Woli, 1 feel no can te a few worde, in whi In te start Out in the mO;ýin9 te make a t » The un up and cartied away. He wai olorry to huar Un. QOLDWIN SMITH ON THF DEPRUSION IN The German Impérial Goverument hall eh the rusait of bis rip if is if$ bc &I -about,' the dismemberment ci opérations were lawnicijIy related. The down the river, and.Johnny, sick as lie Was, Bleeves tli&t<hin colleagues agreed with him. The TRADE. polite words for every one, but Austria, il froc mations might step, jnt» her détails, miceurd -Iè afraid of diaturbing his fat tordaae work was erecteà by Sir Christopher Wren, Pelley mot te aHow alliance of any European ing te hie idéal belonged te ' hurle Sloop. '£bis nie In the course of a speech in connection place; but 1 do lesi it my daty te " lu the niorving, Il said his father Il ha power with Turkey against Ru" in order lie te the put and ho busied himaelf ouly with the architect, of 8t. Paul'a Cathedra], and with the presentation of prizes to the nue- a à bdat'â'disfioll;tion by which Rus- present circunistmin ca-e dOwn staire, ait 6 O'clock te ý at_ bis high W. ha was uhanwd of the -cortioration of the ît t" lacalize the war. If this succeeds it *iII ces. T L- of London thst thev condpReptldpd M . - cossful stu-dointe of the Oxford School of Sian Dower anit.Rýanian ma-.- "ria roc% 01 we ou UWN 14 , upon i >-ýxdle - ht. Al» ie IL-Ulnëy Md ýfQf, - I.-Pnmim to wxbwom& re. eýfftt+xýd a4k. Ù4 ifie 4y, cimapa"d ýj ilk the, fëit iam la ?t fofr - u le plice It in re, exod. bro" Ob watisi ïï Ot4r ýt with la 'e, the tra unibn. m lu 0 .0 ther e, 0 tips, the e et là trà ilà d Leple,âl iht 'Of itlý: Ofý soda for nioe in, rie usto ZLOIU.' ý Ion M P. Bit the by an- ex. 1 one of the ýYol Who and n t6o to me lir ppeae That cket at ü6 hà blOO& and ly,,aM L'fowýni:i -Qmk, 99 Mg, fie Y »n.' acOOuubý esch ear 'It wu conimba ýd camp.,ý x befOre âme be. r brore wè ýsumlu&4&uF"u"UY' ý%OT5 0111Y 80e butthe feront Slavonie nations into 0 d'aller there will blue aii 1çlJ,ý fuuibu&%*Uu D t te thae h a il e w.Otb OtYhs' of-- - ne single race. ochoolis âïý WhiÇh th p &nu ConwAnea hie surrender, y 4ýev. -Latlier Rebaerdaônv.&=Attt eâken-hok reinoval and re-crection of the Bar will au sti u es Mes for il mgrines of the'r own. They went It it t ationalit'v. Power oued hie early' pare',aqt,%s wPe',rre hesd Of the table, draPPd, in mournin a r For ýhe door c cent nu £20,000. Ta opend sucli a sum upon round asking thom ta alter thoir tariffé no as of race for liberty. At prenant it a the people in the, middle rýnks a life, and con. THE RAGE FOR 811OW8. y Jn yenre ilo Who was bee4 Occupied mg th" w ta enable thein ta rocaver their markets, Turkish Empire that is the anvil upon siderAble 4M woqld awayý voir flouse, ang snob au abject is perfectly abourd, I and almost all of thant refusedi About the tg have been Fram elle, Ne-w"#Ywork Jýr1bune- the t of 0 or in ce qquen de. gardon, c move as au amendaient the previous ques. only door they had succeeded in gatti4g which Russia strikes with lier Panalavïtic takea with bit early training, fa . an utive Bige. ce of hie bedecked tion. Mr. Fulton seconded thie. Deputy liggmer. Her firec abject in the country OSMAN MFFB"4 Thompson street w4s agitated lastweekal ne was in bis 1 ta them was that of France, 'where fifteenth y r. h been a newsboy for rich crime suagested that tke committee should, 0 w1ilch forme Ait angle betwixt the vital air. From lip ta lip, baomrnonagatlhoonggatthheartesd acholaodro en yean. the pretty itpew"ullopenad, net by the natives, but by He begau bit clusical education et Con. ed about empowared by the resolution ta the Autocrat, who bad diplomatie purposes tery of our fatherland and Austria - the stantinople about IMS under the care of the news was bold in th, Cy baby show would lie opened at Gilmore's ' AU'iT 'LIZA WINS THE GOO11) FiGiffT, 3nove the Bar forthwith; and Mr. Rudkiir, Danube, and ber estuary on the cout of the hie brother, the late Hussein Effendi, Pro. rden, Docember 17. Manager Hamilton a conseieu that it ehould be talion either ta E ppin of bis own. British manufacturera were Euxine. Thst after the Turks we and femrofArabi>o.* 'th Ga certainly under the impression tb4tthey Austris would next be @truck upon in quite MI e-prefflutOrY gchaal bad advertised for 2,QW ebony cherubim, Missouri Branffloker.] tact-, '240 p Forest direct or ta soma -place ta be wanted markets, and the Ions of the in the Turkieh »tel 11 Doctor, is 1 got ta go r wool-work selocted by thom (the committe.) Mr. Bed- olgar. Net to ses thà is blindness. Ta ses es 1 Admit- He in oaid ta desire especiany consigninents ford acceptied bath theoe suggestions. Mir. great Ame'n'eau market seemed ta thom and iot io provegt 't ie suicide. This ted to this tabac]? &und.. okuiffleweanstaloyopnrepared froja the Carolinas Georga and Virginis. Anut 'Liza, there is no hope for you.,, ber leieure a special matter of concern. But ho plulosophy of Il 'a the by hi& brother Osman 'f woon rose eGreatMuterto Colla said nearly every atone of the etrue. the 8 tnülo». 1 yeung entered It is thought Ãhat bain street éL yIý r bie gooduest and no or4 doubted whother that market would lie They say - Il The Czar bas given là Word the mi4ta soi, 1, whence, sitar a brilliant and 8 Ilivan street will divest them. TI of converi Jure wae patched witli cernent. Its le. restored ta thelu by an alteration of examiÃŽtiati0% boooleft with the ' k le d6oter gare a few directions ta the erCetiOn would involve a large ex onze, and that ho will net oocupy; and ÃŽhe Czar is an ýr 0%. of li64' soir« of their uà M gloom Thé cool in the great Intelligent And labo and settle colored women that sat around 'Lizaps bed yar net Worth half the outlay. TEcy might the tariff. honnît man" (Brutus in au honorable man) - tllt» s ho wu down iii inky darkness upen the Gar. and started ta leave, whon ho waa recalle l ae xb Po fati jal a d 1 .erect js, fîc.oimilo of the Bar et a leso cent. Amaricau coal fields wu much nearer the let him thon man 1 ve no4r, ' always foromost in -hie clans while At the don. The infimte and the drftng d It had be, -Sir Charles %ed deprecated the Bar, with surface, aud, consequent , more cheaply wrote mismanage) 1 'in the iant. 1ýhe pre. $oqth and otherparts of the do -âge Il y milit4ry 894001, ]gis 90minission as Lieu- 'ý motherl Who by the old, woman, who was ont upon, yet worked than the Poal in Pungland; iron was tenant #tatos thst ha nation out grat in the coma frora the with the tide its interesting historical uliociationi, being sent vocation of the Austro-Hanganm mon - country, will ho tramported both ways free A ç as pientiful, and ileartbé goal; labor, which final examinationt. Osmants entrâncO'i'2tO of cliarge, and thoir expenses will lie paid Marne John, étay wid me till it9g ober. designateil I'rubbishý" Mr. Buck did net hy a Io remain in readiness Il (and of 1 w-te ta talk ob de old times 1 kirowed The coi( -object to t racture, or il a only Ong had been much dearer tberç wu gow arc in the South, where we cou do the ârmy tooliplace, in 1853 and coincided whil, hors. 01 the prime, the Jargest sumo -ho removal of the et falling ta its Engliab level, ýarfJf or no the Turks, but in nô imneinable oeil war, He wW be paid for twins and triplets, but with the beginiing of the Crilmý you when a boy, 1 Ifýoig yqq went and fubioned'l- ta its baing dons with funeral honore, if tariff, America would, probably, keep ber ' týýf ta (f he scarcely donnait hid uniform Whou, with been a doctor. 1 call y6li- Mares john prenant con they liked, but ta its reautrection. Deputy ýe ý the Aueiians and cul ta $te éther novelties wiU be remernbered. It is den-, 1 call ô& de nome now, Tak neautifui ai n market for the heavier and coarser i4to actio b1gar abc qýk hy nome of hâkhciolmýà t«, ha wu appointe' expect-edtbatb&biçoof d étant hues will cle inammy'e rand, honey and ÃoId it. a "w have, Lowman Taylor and Mr. Surr and others ow a. But there was still a kind of goode word and want te oc on the staff anil Ãent to Shumla. Qn the vie for the p" joinodin the discussion, and, the amend- a e peace of blackn . s.. Élthongh nice Iiý,d , long, long time. e0ad câpy k L! in, a acier ;ment being withdrawn, Mr. Bedford'a M negotiations lut. Oh 1 then we ah the, ichool- deà k, . tgr 4nd, cils in the production of whieh the old country haute fielif, à à Wolf aie At dations of tint may' require 1 experts ta one ;Ulequn 0- all draw gra minus ha ý w - Malinfactur tien, with the additions suggected by would long have a great advantage, He ont the sword froin the scabbard, And then Osman Effândi wu ý'remarkéd . by bis chief draw the color-line suoceaefuUy. Tafry- from de of ' PL ore, And de cliillui crâving fer meant the lighter, finer, and more elegant for bis oÃ"olgëW,4ndýMilitar a -Depufy Fry and Mr. Rudkin, was agreed te we 9411 do ý this and ,vcapacity, which aolored liglet *4abi", t 0 b4nily- ce la scattered ober de world. vanced in -the products of cultivated tante sud that." The a Il veý7 I'd like ta son lem 'fore I starts on de jour. began ta provo no, eminéint t4t the r4nk of lagged An -emon-eyed, the abe with 9M. con. goodo nation should bc on its juard against this ïï the P. ney to-night. My die -manq xPodern of train.ed skill m»'desigu-every kind of lastwork. Itisavery aangeroqs 4etwork. cieptain, and selon aiter adjattut, was éon- the sweetest expression and the baba with the Quo, and 411 mm. de ehillun 1 iqnsued 4t dis bre4st Uas . gone extreme pu,, The satire maso of: tobscoo which is an. goodu, in âhort, -the character of which Firetly, 1 say if the Czar abould coins out ferred upon h* The campaign over, Os- ugliest, will all come in for prime. A prize tao. Pey's ivaitihl f or dore Inudder on de are often in nually consumed in smoking, enufling and tllese schools of art were specially intended - ta - ual from, this war, thon the Vienna t mm Qiý 4W7otnm ta Constantinople, in scaoupeed &ho fg a den ehore. 1 brun de Lord, Marne John, tine freshii in chezi earth in 4 OM millions of ýO improve. (Applause.) Industry and vie rio y entered, with the rank of oà ptain, 14 the ùlfSýt. Cabinet wftl net draw the sword -ta impede This wW proba ly lie the bardât ta or takin' me ta meet em, dar which had 1 invention the New World had in as the Ogar in hie occupatiozz, but only that it ImperW Guard, deteimine. 'An artificiel, aroma, net a natural . Ise fought look& sadjy unds = y tao high, an catimate for ineasure as the Old-inven. de good fight, and lac net frAid, to ruent de îýu-1m twolve ta tif tenu handred millions of "mP'e a maj particîpate in t4@ WtZ. Tim RANK OF COMMANDANT. fragranM is ionghtlor. Ykinky-bairod çhil. stari blue tien in 6till ampler mueure, for the a and the infant witb Saviotir. 1qd ma' wolk for poor cle Sammy, ng inhilbitant», Let uni take tlw lialf as the dly, 1 say, aveu il the Viengue .4t AU ti dren WiR complote, no ma' trials hues ver w ffl And in every cirennutance ha and tribulatio inore probable, and let no nupposti the ta- Ainericann were a nation Of invcmtOrs; Cabienont would impéda at snob a time the the grest-eet vermicillar twirl to'the square hand tiqhter, no-- hold my low we Boa j but cultivated taste and its special products constantly sucoeeded in obtaining týs inch, will t4kç A prize. The show will mares John-fadder, mudder bagne Jasvu traasformed, îate roll toix=t), Ruui4a occupation, it would net find a min, marater - a tobaeec, serpent in created whicli, lvith a would lonibe the acanage of old courâtries. esteani and approval of hi It gle ally te assint it tô overthrow au accom. Co Id la BUP"r»l probably lie held where hy and Bons minous ---children -*!lie gwine was the sofk woqld e long dore anything of th il net fait to notice hfin. Withoutwaîtý en" home," k apui diamoter of two inches, and f(illowing the 1 plisked fact, snob as it aould soeurs et pires, Imm. now appeler. À ticket ta the çirenswill direction of the equator, could wind itrielf kind would, pus eurrent in the New World ici; long Wobtaîned the rank of coni Indiau qÎý'd ont if it wisbed it, for the far euier tuk of . admit the holder ta bath entertainments, fli Il World stamp. Adapt your will nover without the 01 diut of a battalion of the -Impe" Guard, 1 glhhte tsnou"l' while Plum:ýg it, wbgo for its -round tke carth thirty tintez. Let un aup. preventing Ruaiau occupation froin becom. with whieh be including the menagene. The Imm- - -e Great Beyond, rested on the jpose thât the tobacco la formed intô industry in soma degrae t.Q changed re- mg an accomplished fact. Prueds would insurrection of wu sent ta Crite durm*g the ber Of each, chilil dusky face of the olceper, and the watchers, and grand Ubleti similar ta the chocolatc tablet., quirements-acquire those finér fà 0ulties net holp hor oqt of this difficulby with ]Rus. that Island in 1867. Pront by pasted with bowed butin, wept silently. She wae wondrous land whîuh, îadeed, je the ohape which wh'ch the achoole of design ailla ait cultivat. the firet te thé lut moment-hé, P'teoeïi écinsplortous pIaoeý sa thât dead. colore; it is - sin; France would net belp herl jt4lywould - wlg&*4 visitors may . roeortî thoir billots with- the chewiixg tobacco of sailors and ing. but wbich in the lucrative production in qvery movement of thé çaffins, =4à ýù1t WHAT KIRSING REALLY IS. of the cela have a colommal pile of thG coarâe goode had hitherto been com. no, 'M", lier. The VienÃŽÃ Cabinet vould the insurgeats. Boue boinii rès in out anydigoulty. The bÃ"6ka are now open chiefly du]]; Yankee takes, and we then va, net An ally more, but a qgghty vorthy of being placed the third largeut of paratively noglected and they might recevoir Crote ho cAlpe baçk ta Cmtantinoplaý this for entriei, which may lie made frea of A Denver ýCoL) Mrror, j Yellowish o: Ally leu, one who under given airannutinaes chuge by persans of any, éclat. The show He wu fresh £rom aller the range, and Thiz may bc the, eyramids of Gizeh, that of Mykerineo the groat American market; it was doubt- would provo botter' than any other, and time with the âp4ulote of colonel W04 Aiter wili lut one week, an will be open every hâd just stapped in ta get the latent news, pet or show] and-a,,-,m4uive and as high a,§ that old regai lui whether they would in any other way. this à the Turk. We should loue bint b two years of dônotint Oghting. 'buring his tat as grind &Il the tobacco ilit 1 stay At thé ciapitel Qsùm Puha vu cion- Therefore, ho repeated, ta *tint the ut Bd y - day and eveuing. à 'ý cake walk" will He hâtened attentively te Jim while rejet. criminating edifice. ý 0 yon, Cetwork policy; we sho hùh noëted, with viùiéuo Military round off the week. ing the experience the enuff, and la%,' ",roture ta ourselves the nad science schooh would seom bad policy. ffithout replacaig ut. _nu duties and in. right previnus with demoralizoa A cat show in mised at the New Amer. bis solid girl 1" ait a ki8oing fray whenl marketBlý 7&1ù Applause.) him by any éther. we whiob, obtained eue thst an vrý «juinoctial wind aile flue should lois him, *hgthey the Czar o=pW trusted w1th SeMILà , 1,1.r opened bis 'ransà ck tlipr, .iWurà . mftum'a treauver, Benja- with a sneer of derision, ho morning blows the o-ýuffOver the Oosauf and Mr. (1, J. Goscheu, M. P., Firat Lord of territory or not. But there is à still ma" for him a. promption, iô the grade of Briga. min Fà h, went ta England lut month with mouth and said Oh ! talk Abolît kié, more difficu thowers ft oh one of th, Gorman $tates, we the Admiralty in the tâte Governmont, de- deaisive view for ne. This in, thât the mon. dier Gýouer4 and lastly au Appointiment &end avoir the rarest Go sway ! 1 have friand in the N' Stag are certain more than one,,'# the Lilliputian livered the prizes at the Liverpool Inati. "ing dan or for the Auttro-a on the stà ff of the Fifth Ar1iýý CWpo as etiens zt ort4 ; unarisa Em. ment 01 cite tbat ho conld find. In a have kissed in the Soqth*, 1 have 'or'h the French statu would have mnh du. MMY in re- and met with a cordial reception ira gen«al'of divioïïn. la tirait position, u in roolived ho says W u Cti, tute ru pire woull net lie remoived aveu if the Czar just that ha bas been va the soul-stirring 2peration East andaeut 'beigimm kwoo 'tu an oýercrowded audience. The the previous ones, Osman -Y pd est@ have been :7 1 have kienied in l'exu and a;wav do coverm*g ité existence by ehoveii.II 9 8W,%Y right l'Ou ka t hi$ worel and did not occupy; for even ]Pîùha'o activit "Ceufut A-tholais wn in peau dyeu, the enuff.-Cope'à Il l'obaècô Plapte. gentleman devoted hie address on the occa. if E did net occupy, but terminited the did net re1«ý, and 4,,&«YiSo baume d&Uy a , ýh ý lu - cy of a Judicious culture of victori ly, the tact that ho had con ortant. and -valuable. 'WhÃœ@ ho - The number of entries in at the Golden Gate-in Sta sion to advoca Wà r more . M iveruw for. à a $1,000 in premium will Main ; I havé kiued at Long Branch and ïheer » quered be4 swârded. fAcP, In erer -y State Soon y M fine ew ehip named " Star of France Il Ve imagination: He depecated, the study would atues wu th' ehzf, of î3îaff cf th. - 1 00 tO cure for him, the power of leader. l"surth - AM limIted ta ZOW, and aiready over 1,WO of the Union ; in avery lanêi&90 and accord. bad ones, aul bu boen launched at Belfast, the ceremony &-.-alliances, which, simply gave (I@t&gg of ship-thât dictatorial influence Cýar in comm which in bis ps ho wu laced and of the di. &va been promiseil 1rom, diffërent parti for theul. designed sim, and in written C' Il f ing ta the -onners and cu»t«» Of ýevery frona the Z ýof chrîijtening having been performed by the el-,ýryday life which they saw on bis banner Violon at WidL the country.> It in proposed, ta, exhibit nation; 1 have kissel on the Miftluip - AS fer IW - Miss Corry. Mr, J. P. Corry, M, P. for selves, an4 argued for tire bonefits ta the As $'the Slavonie cause. Il As for the Ans. A. XARSXAI, a Angola and all its tribatmies - , e Belfast, imhoad of the firin ta which thio line imagination .1onferred by resding bijtéry tro.Huc&uisn moumh, the daisger je net At the ffl dng ai the 80rvioin war Osman cati wM be est@, trick and gond, son".L.ku% ' Ipve me a U-tiedà éd -Tao mauch Of vestels bélouga. and othn nolid wrykot Pester from the Czar extending-hà power wu »ntý ta quel], -the ineurruem Mem pWorming este, -and puoies of ail Caribou gù en you lui the Pâââ gloà jli or *11 1 1 ', betom kt« 9ïýiýr - lilida - the- poet the de., Iowa !$ive nt ý .,jý - and soit n in and vith -in be. Aw een of rem mw Mr ïd. lkyo t'ab we, L--j usual aqq over the' thing bul oomotiou old fello to many hi& laid c tree ami open wi roadi Wei Chants ai sales affoi we bave i mon is a t weather, has not, Country ýV it hu ite couctérba, for fuel 1 on the v rapidly 1 rigorou» ' prospects yearf Ta thé wish &il t We béat Monde fo, tended ta ftilé doi hithèri doue upo, L'ulwuguL 8ttpled titi dai Thfi ddntinûe j éý@Ir ih tipolî the fn*y rend Liftle Bri grave, M 'Lindsay Lèteers Brockliu. ciné Wolt* the aboya ý lle pub], sn'f *soi Post osoi curing th, Toronto The vot bouue latter City law wu 4 large M44 Deceat of Wl 25, To Id um, _ex El WE -Teâ are u Ageni E-1 b, cannE qua mie, ENTAI 0 chi 14601 NE -The Pli 0 20,000 -lit majority c and we 1 utataiuotel opoken min vote tg bo would be 4 jority. M At thé han éring, fûý, ao mueh Il cottbliohim wà j reaIlyý' , ing HO on where the undoubwd affor -lb s. ( Ibs. oi Ibsb oi Amïèrican