YOu 1WNI h« A V<T ber.. -ON- S4Lurday, the of Dec mbÃW,t rTowumshiCerk. a Causibai weep, or 0es Sittig B sud ]ai, i frédio mWgos te heesit.ý conoed t~o psl..fece.d ivilizatlou c NO0TIcE couty cf Ontario, (5HEIRBRgil TO MIT ; J1.,thaî the Couri General Sesnion# of th. Poeansdl Cicunty Court, fl, anC for the COUNTY - F ONTARII ring - The subsarLl4er offers for s$sMe v7s ing l XI o otN7Il Sdt ?l o*l lng C ofSctt- bout fi acres'eloard, on wec irgy i . 0 ree$e bôd sud couvenient -buids ,~ Frpu.IêMlug bose uill stane ouqda» be. Uo ,ïhýutcbonand Woodse#ah We d, ooo ,ral' tMalreoeor elh mil ore~eUpiwe lu 'arcs oS iawà n quarter tram sandtfof% ono- 0V'the desi ma sections of seott. Ternis eas,à ndmde e ";'luibyapply- ing ta tue s O:à rber, ou th sess, or by lrasddressed fan sandfor& l'04 ott. Ivan .DÂNUL DICI. rt-n Nov, lth, 1877. éut the wlfl be hld in the COURIT HOUSB, lau MýAJO'R MILLS. T. P. WHITE' Eas roeumed cotral oftheIi Major Mille sud ThITwnla Wisprepared ta psy Tueeday, Decombor llth, 1877, *ArTItE IC lV1U4 Or 'TWULYi 'Cl.QCK, NQO, of wlidoiz ail Juco f thoe eueCoroners, cooetable, and atiiere cuuuerned, wilil aie votice anId goyero themeelves accoedliRiy. Slerl'oe ofilce, Shorif Co. Ontario. Wltby, Nov. 7ti, 1877. -47 P/aster!P/aster! J US8T IMPOIVUED! JOHN BLOW. Wiijltliy, Nùv. 21, 1977. 48 I:ou8e, 81p, d Carrage Painter, ItETUEtNS M4,in r f h~ o* the LLiiuunri of wiityun« vlciùà tyfor, flic yatronnguu t4toweil on hlm daring the p!t e'rad would lbeg to nraet ybuVrtm tL-1 11o I twoint;i Mi tu - a Kalmomà iioug, Paperng &c.', wiih nveates * ahâdidiopatch,, nt e«Iiotctoryp~rices. 8PEÇ1A. ATTENTION TO tOUNTRY M~ERS:' tý1QP-TeWo doârs narth of Ringa' Tan. "1t>y, BioùcLetreet, Whitby. Nov. tit1877. l.4 $7770l OT HASILT EÀILNEDfI theme urnes, but It eau b. mode in thteemnth% by any one of ebhe uelayprt1 . couatui',who fi willig to work $Gd per weeJk In yoleown town. You uea be tway'fri home ovor ntght. Roli enu give your wloe lime to :the worke or oniy yor epare mloments. Wc have. agents who arè m akin over 0.20 par day. Air who en. rage nt 1%,engage et once ceau naire inouey fast. At tii. prent finie znoney raunot b alue ne siîy alla Midly et any ofher bumingse. Tormoae sdO utfut prer I Address at once IL. HALLETT & CO., 4I.iy -Portland, Maine. NEW YôByK MACHIINES. IF OU WÂANT 'T DUY SA FIIWT.CLASS - SEWIN(i MACHINE, ATTACIIMINTS, NEIDLES, THaZAD, dc., ,F184ING TACKLE, InODS, RtC., L. FArRBA~» -AT ns- Sewiug Machinie-Empoium,ù"" ALE$iAND PORTER, WAI,ýS LAQER ltBRRR, As. MIL&ICH&Kffg IWLtDXNÇGS, - 29, 1&8>AeaseiveUn, ;TOZQONTOQ> NTABTO. Nov, 751h 1877. O-4 - E. TRE HIGHEST PitICE 1 F~OR ANR QUANTITY aire stverv effort te ir. suntire satitifecolo le' t"*4whuÃ" uay patronîsa the Mil vitir tluctr GIIISTING. of thi e et C<Žiitl,,-and at teasonable Pnices, Win, aloo Bkeittntly on lrand Wlutevele, Oct. 10, 1577. 42 TOusII AND Loir Fd SÀytl OR Ji TOLUIT. A gooil Train.e torcyand.e-half'lýçuuse, 22 m428 and iitchen, together wtb bal? an acre oà land, voîl plasted wtll fruit triee, sltuated onBagloâ-olr 't' we tpart utthe town of Whltby, off Dndae-etrvet. Thene la AIao a gond stable. There le a èood Weil And. uznp, anulthue fruit in of the cheicest kind.Pasvcssiou Cirst November. Apply ta bliB. RICIHABID5ON, ou the premlises, or te the Propriotor. WM. TATE. 81l GIrcenwcod. I«&HE WINDSOR. 1 (Cor. RIngasit ori-os) NOW OPEN. S2.o0 PER DAY. 7ree ômnibus taand fromiail traie. Ta- ble as appointment firet.class. SICULLER & INNIGAN 5-ly Propnietors. TAIF OP RElIS TO BE ZN DTR CONSTABLBS.TAN (Under Ortler Lui Council, datcd S241h day of July, 1874.) 2. Arrest of each tCiIviduaI upon a warrant-..* ...,..... 2. ervingesau oniuuup*a..O 8: Mileage to' lelsu,'moue- , euh- t upon proo ofdIue&iilm«e..;010 5. Mlsetkn 4 rinoer t ;ia vy auce ...................01 6. Attesding ,lusticca ou snmâmary trials, oroen exemuiation nf prî- oners eharged with crime.,f1 esch daynueceaan8ï à yg An oue or more casés, wlren sot each Cay ...... . .....-150 aises eions, on belons Justices umnroun ion1 Co-!n luquest,snlsg altesdnsg at lnuest, sud a&l serviceesinres.- pect Ihereof, if ireld on saure day as Jury au *,-. thereof, il sot engaged more fajir hourg .................100 N.quà forq Çorohuer <ub>c't .0ëlb...... .... 0-U 14. Mileage Remvi u1 saM .e......... 010 15. Exhuming bay under Coronerse ...1,- 2 00 Aeî u li0té di rates mn .ue.. 160 -ç m a' Ãœ d k e s r u " , p r, Ãtà hsý Ar agood th dA isd. O1 r lià pWecab Butter I and Dessert Forks. octr l187. Rat; c0ienced business ini the. Which for quality and price will b. found unurpasséd. CIL CTw 1131 .Ce - I Mdade up in flic Late8t Styles and on S1&oet Notice. à LARGE STOCK 0F OVER-COATS AND :BUFFALO AT BOTTOM PIRICES. DUNDAS fSTBEET, - ROBES, WHITBY.1 NEW GO.ODS1 -00- C1ohi~g nd ýGent's Furshù ~ Hu Iohnow supplied with ail the neet tls i ngib sctékh, âshd Caaiadian Olothé of ailkikds-the Zargest and1 Best Stock the ever had,. excellent stock *of Get? Furniahiig t a , , ' Asptimia à itoe f Reidy-nmae overéoots, Cheap for Csh. XOI=tALN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. WM. ]~RYAN'S ,STOVE, DEROT AND TNHP ---000------ ci 'BOCKS, .I7A TeONER Yi lai iii.loweutpries. His ol ohirna 22,18. t-] *1 ~o give il friendu asti cuutojnoeu LA Diuusdaa-aî. <oppogtq us My: Stock of ~~X. 1D4~w~ Is 110W Completeý in Every Lie. ýVery Special 1nduemeut6i totose STARTING HOUS1~K~IfrING. U N DE RT AKI-'NGé. Full Stock of Caskets, Cns, aud gi, the neeuaries iii Ualns.-Ase A WELL-API>OINWED HEAIR8E- Whitby, botober lUth, 1877. PREPARE FOR.' THE -FAL FOR WIULL-FITTINO, Cii 19-P, AND»0-o 0~ BEST AMERIOAN RUBÉBÉ GOODS ONHAf) Gents' Oisif Boots and Shoes, the flneif sud inoat durable madin p~tOf eonntry. 9IrLadiea' aue rrgooda in Pj=1aKdsu eaapeà I Wheu durability and eheapuese are roqufreil, nil ou LD NÉo4 Large Arrivais I Cheap for. Cash I "-Wbitby, 1Sept. 4tb, 1877. I PAIR C OMPECTITIOX WITHOýtJ? T -00- MB.R JOHN Y 41~ IS NOW Ili TEE MÂREET W~ I DZ ru..avuOR lAý TpwSnto, Nov. 12th,0 1877. cuire .uie~ R. tbouble Bede ith iveaou,>Double Celeste Beeda with si opTtipleCeleste ,Beedls with six stops, and other sud witou Crings, at very L -OW E'E~IaEs ý-Lo'wer lihan everbfre offred- New -Organs from $75 and upwards. Second-hand Melodeons at $2 5, $ÃÃ" sd$60 eaoh- Cali ,,nd examine oup instruments at,..,the Organ Factory, Whitby. and'compare, prices, beforêbueng THE MUDGE& YARWOOD M'FG. 00. Whltby, Nov. 14th. 1877. WILLIAM IMcKITTIRICK, RAS OPENED A GENERAL STORE AT GREENWOOD, Has bought a Splendid Stock IN ALL LINES, fer cash, and wrn sell at> 1' to Customers. Cail and see him. iD- Will -pay Highest Cash Price for Procuce. ,, GaEmcrwoou, November 1M1, 1877. 6me.48 OUR NEW -STORE 1 Goods of Ail Kinds, Cheap and Good. MICHAEL. GLBE SON (late with F. Meei) , Greenwood, viiere h. -willbe happy tc se. ta friena. 'The stock jes èeetédwt1aa ýýs0ew to meet thie wauts of ail. Home trade je ou especial aim, and we :d~f.~" ~uf ii vdili é f t tuins.CuepaM gdGoods wiIdemnad customers. Nothing wanted by old or new eus- ta~er, bt hs~ bfprnished kn short jiee. . *e'alty iii CO V e gI1ô~fe$i ~ Prodiucïeto auia ~s llbe à pa dfor id CASÉ, èor go"d given for the amarnt that rate. GmzruwoouNebegýr 10h,157,lem.4 TpA IL ORING Go where yon ,caui et Wl-iti~~i~ent :--.To tile ýTailoring HstabliébûeIiüt of- GEORGE ýGURLEY, . 08HAW-A. BtFPERIOR CUTTING SHAPE S THE WORK 1 À Large Stocir of Fine Cloha; best Englialu, scotch -ana Canadien TWeedis. "» Excellent Overcoatinga and Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guaranteed. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 Ring Street, Oshawn. N EW S T ATION E RY BOOK STORE AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BROOK-ST. George;Yule beg to annucunce that h -h as ro-opened ,rda Statiaupiymrd'Book Store in'Witywhere stationery of .11llI=ids, -cf1h bet ~aity, will. be kept o iu;aieo. Sehoal BookWao! very descrpti6n,,Cp Books, Sietes, Penois,Iiks, f&e., &-e., et thelorest --The. Daily and Weekly Papeus always onU hand. Sub- eqrptions solicitea. Musical Instruments, including a. fine, assoutment cf ,Violins. Orders arc teken for Periodjels, Magaziucs ânà Musie. Whitby, 1e lh11876. WILLIAM" yariety, having &R tire nmodem impfro!eerts o! theis. orl S Iwithou.t Ovea attacý»WheSi.teîewest and best stove iu tire inaket, EO TN, BRO K STREET, W#IITBY. . 0 0ohh vesiep, as -am. eafdleau pies.. My eours o da la inquai. ' el . yOQu cannot âltô e ily. andprIce. Corne atud iuape~te.tla'tm1Skn eeein fgo uEtu W. T pu a ~lveized Iraun-. Eaïretrough8 s BY> Nil r13-'p14 --)a RqiriBçloj ;e Uoldf#st erl irs host f for roof ci baldle-4t é E Dnew irÃœry of inspection.,tatuihn o nte.-Ds Galvéurisd b~on beJV pr-room Extension Tables-a verysuperior atce morçýdurole, ansd vil,! eot arpanildnbekbrtc. p«,aïà ai e, ictue Prmin every sty orne fine Chromos 1@ - - ' -tock w ý,îû s a e stof '! légan' asakets. 1i~~ieULAa anS (usamarg. andi a unli enesintasi -GEO VUL-Y E.1 ý il% !ý ýý 51 T-IL L 1 vl R N V- - A%.mnov'tIAm Aie ana Pottsron .drat, 60Oèpý r galaon; Purp i G*1r p~gýeL y ;'éBelfast GÃŽP ge'r aï, M~Iin Soda, ete aer. f. es, duoo, IMargaux. 8SEýrOrdinaire C(1o lmii-NatFreneh Wh'iW Wn,-'dyT.ýà ,aï-4,re H.eani, spiçeo Baeon, S. C. TnnelBe!u a7~rieil eef,&o M.Hams, Tozugue, à n, Strasburg Meet, -finuaxi Uaddie, Bloater, Anehory., Oz a1~etige ee ~1keO~he,&o. Mac., aud Jeé, o steS and Gree'n. Whitby, Auguet 7th, 1877.. 21, -000-- TUE LARIGE STAND MOST COMPLETE STTOCK ýO' Capriages, Sleighs ý and.Ctr8 M. O'DO0NOVAN'>1S. CARRIAGE FACTORY BRO'CK- ST., YERY CEEA?. WHITBY'.- CALL & SEE THEM.- JIIST A1IRIVED AND FOIR SALE AT THSE WHITBY CHIN'A TEA STO-ýRE,. Achoice lot- of Green. and Black Teas, that cau.not be beat in >thé,' Dominion, both for quality and cheapness, prce, froôn 50 to 80 cents per pound. Co:ffees frQm 25 to 40 cents per pound. Sugars of ail kinds, IW 8lbs. of Tihite Sugar for $1. <Iood Valencia Raisins, rz1y16lbs for $1. tar A full assortment of Choice Family Groceries, of 'aul kindei at equaily Low Prices. iMAPLE* MOLASSES $1 25 PER GALLON. House and Garden Flower Plants. Gree . eeables in thei'r"' à pn. , X eSý efH TQMATOE8 JUST,]eOEIVEgD. AfZilassôrtmeént -of China, Glass and Orockery Ware, Tee.Dii±er au± TolétSetson audandfor sale- cheap. Ail k~d, ofFied u~IGaxenSeeds, Clover and Timo- hyS~, c uni edo fkna direct from Ss3otIand, tare; At. WM. J. GIBSON'S.' Whitby China Tee Store. WANTED.-Any quantîty of Good Butter, Eggs 'and' Feethers, for which the Mbghest cash prie will be puald Wv. J. GIBSON. BUGO For Sale, at very iLeasonâble Pics Several Open Buggies 'with child's seat, Lady's Open - Phoetoxis latest style and veuy liglit, Oovered' Phm>tonswith Roflipg 'Seat, also Light Top and Open Buggies of -Super- - ior Style and Finish. 1A-,Il made ofth best Material andi TOMS &NEWPOBT,, l Witby. July fi: FI N,,E ARTS G-iALLEIRY, BEST'S O SHAWA. ----lace;---- -- - NDJD, LieLk--taken in a mi PICITURES, MBost hati securedl the servi ces of onà e the best z tive, retôuciere ithre United stetes. .j feel- confidernt thet -I cen tut -work equvl,(it-not aipenior,) ta anythi7xgee r before, mode in hhià ; Mi 13r CAL AN» SBE i OX Ailarewelomo to-1nspeot the: Galle ~'ine Ph tosc heLaIn4#g tatosà men cf théejYwini RiglitHonI. SiX, John M-slione. -T. N.Gibba,î-&c, - Èmdof Rether MeCà un, R. ~,Mr.Li#4d, sud là isg. Citieus, for salent fETS' GÂLýLERiY SIMCQE-ST.,1;OB9AWA., SADDLERYAN :00 -O >9 s" eectattentioh -W uhiè luue auid superic ~~ t~siîj1 ,S ý .Bddlery end I[rneeu Let~ Vlsesai Sr ORI S, :a Çuy !loa o.10th, 1877. fXXNTorc PUBLIC BCHOOL Second-Oas. Cei irli bo heM -lFu ho,4'rOô MONDA Y, 1711c of, J wA W15, " 1ies xuvmeo$,Irnteuntion lu present themiseliveforei stioà . LAS,OBBnt Oct.. P. S.18770. nt 0755 000. ON, FIST-OLAS FA RM LANDS; -in sures of #2W0s parna Kt-7per Cent. Payable = Y.l.yer Appiy lu- ISEO. S. HSLLE, X LANDS FOR SALE!1 ni TEE Townà hlp" of 8omervlllei COUNTY 0ýF C0îI.ï Tho followiug lande inlthe townsluip ot, for sale--Cunyo ae TheWest-i- of Lot 1,lutir 5h conces- sion, consistisg et 100 acres.-Piflean acres cleared sud fescecia ael M1çsra croisas lie lot, on whidhlsi a mi;lste, nier, thre aide,-nof s gaod.road. Tirh rpryu only j of a ile fton a tà g yml ttino th ictoHiw a ana sBmus frourthe C7 L, eQulceaslencéuonamtio cà fw0 20erm Tis Ossinfa eU'tlunbere, havlng onA a ld 'u'luabla sedar. A nevor-filn5eaun im fwat,« ras thrgir lh. lot, wlrich fi butoaana-ltuis f romn a rLmg"y stto onlthe Vicoroia Mail- wa -Tirse ontry &sinrli ûetied. Msr.Jéhu Gioadâm a DAslelsilvea For Terup-S i la, 1apply, t-- JAS. WALKEE, Moray P. O. Osntaro, Meurns. HÂTCH>E& BO, Wlitby. Aug 22nd, 1877.-5 CARRB EWORK5. S. WB B - informe0 bis ePatros a adthre Pub * tirehiras p rchase the Rigirt for Pickeriug, tb Manufacture Conb'oy's' Patent Seat- for '13Oîz, CU6TTÉRS AUl parties villulo oel tose. aur Bgries sud Cutters, before givng teiordehe where. Broughaa, luly IBtu, 1mg r-80 CA UTI-0N. BACH., :PLUG F OFTHE "Myrie avyTobacco" - à e 18 mTMD I-GTT LETTERS. j~.Noeeother Is Geunde., Hamuil, sePt. 29, 1877. -s DR W.IRY!.SPECIFIO 'MICINE. Thie Great ___ Atem'e4y "fwflprompt- 17 sud ra&.i- excesses og or -erwork of t: brain snd ner. Voï s-" , 'à ; le hiarmuss, sets magntie ;anhd benextensi,ïely uaed 'o vrâiy slte ve rst mdress, anC ~ W ail daler lu nad V PAR SAL1(OeTO RElIT. PorscIaor tolovent, Golden Gyroesunur , Coslsniug m00acres; 196 aeem tder.cuii- atlon5,b=-$ýLpû,o.O5 lutire <tirCon. 01 Pick«eHèf; rviIls asI frà m boise, nov brus 8U , v, ith sIgna foundations Undethe. lmeu'u*&'lvllestreaunrus- ni trsLgthearF thr par- - APEX. MCLAIlEN, cire~ui Jty ~ On tire promises ARNE SSý. ok, comp4asng every- t (Lat, fice--Byroz Wbitby, Ou Court Sirce J.G. Rýosor - C A M HECTOR CA14EI TE -- Di f pHYSICU wuu. ÀC1 Physicien, S, Wluitby, Sept Graduate (wvt Qneen's Couj 'Univ. of Medi Umiv. of Pennl Pennaylvania of the Unir.c onerfor the 1 Coldwater St., Anguat 2th0- W. 1.30 b 8, p. nu. sud Gilbert st, CIN ,,- -r a eethasfi Teeth extraetec local anuathesi au'ss-ew block, RingStreet 0 BUILDE5r te'AUl order of Jenathau Wi> istantly ou hand. TO~S CONZ.YAN< AL LVS E The Cîcrk-r: ri t Arustrs from, i tc 25, 1",7. .I~LL wîr~~~ -OOSFitSHI ONABLE 4 : ý 1 . .ÃŽ.w 0 sud LONDON. E"Sý Ys CARRIAeÈS