sale of! bAuzke, Anct sale >of f thbe properi ob No. 20, ou fiaturday Ponoip,, Au QNLY 1 Whltby, Th ACCOUr wfn-c UU.unueri. Ibwsfeara a maya bainmgab*- go. 18i*pTUeraIsses-ed Saithe trm i bchvas vomit te 0<1% Smith, - come 1yi water, wvila lie- enceumous "Idoe'd-Davlon d&Cc.- fantity o! vealle anS restorod te 9 0,ax.-iown Wbllly, tlItepurpcssa af csltiveion viiile corthi ril-,.WO-hsd thousands cf dollars ta lihe coauxy every loie,- joer. Whou thé waters e01 u~ pmn & iAsAppelle. bave bcu dsavmiff thte drainage "et e1 , .-BSl. .-groat Nemqaon weaa, vilii léa simple s11 Msotel-Iu.NQ Malas, asd ceisp preeuis; anSdb.s-. again 'OremItl -J. A. OGvady. mauy tiomnsd acres o! valuehuie, <uit- î~Salon-J. MoConnal. fnlhanS mlii. rodesemeilamid remie-e -Perter Boltled-Fuaaeu 4 a souce of mrudl profit te the aoaatj' 1' e- an - sd .ill- boncorned ; tha. dvaistages, atcbes, clocka - sud jemlry- oflsuhulà aos-k are elipoat Incalculable, )ohitoli, vliilstaitfse aa-tilcIseil wëmoiSSdd ta Pd matchs. anS geode-GolS- lie sslnbrity ofluhe climt. oi lie an- ce"SUU, lire locaaiiy. Ut tc lake lue dra*n L slio.-Wm. Bura., off an tle appreacis o! lie fis-t frcei cf 300. Smith.- - viahter and tùus being :xrosad ta liteý chiluestock cf Guoaena- pUninin cesof a g win*lt.r's a Fuases. --erot milpravea amy ijury arlsng -MEatchAs )Bro. frain otselarge axbant o! muddy hang aand) leil stcck-WValkos- & eing exposeS hoe ovaparation -la ifs aemly vealaemed anS met coadithan. o-Walk.u & S'ons. Tise pusI ing inflqences tif a mliner'â %-Zarry Pipe r. irait mauld teae large exteuf if nef on- aS Parrs--ars-y Piper. , tiroly obviate any injurians effeot&, e-sMcBrlde As-Ca, mli mgit otherwise arIserm an sd- . 14-TownohlpsLiiorccl. dênîy expasiug sa large a surface cf ýv Buttaqs-MeaI3nde & Cc. suait iaud te thce apcratiag influences Porr-Thos.,Davies 4e Sans.of a marnxatamospisee disa, Detrlf-T, lXennedy. The soîjeci, la-cos-hsily ans ia every 'at.ii-W. R. Rase As Co. y elwth puieaeno. 0O-HablAs Bs-ro.vymol osti pale teno. on.u-WAlktr As Sons. Ti. recîalmmg -cf, snob a large, Ireet Qrocr --8lmdu Frser. moulid add gs-ety ta thse valne cf lie U Momey aM lie DominionSouzty misS ouldle ofo! n espoclal came-emesAs Poell. benefit ta lie localitios mes-e immedi- UCTION SALES. connecteS mithle artificiel sisal. hem pend designaeldà a a laite. stock, implemento, &s., thei Tiers bas beau1 notiligiroe n uha r MrIs. Mens-y Francis, un lot Officia Gaettle ly Mr. Robes-I Armons-, isb concsson a! Whitby, on Nov. lOtis, 1877-L. Fair, cf an applcation te Parliement for the tiossee. 1 - formation o! a Compaisy te cas-ny aj u>'z stoek, Implemeoî, A&o., sdisomo for lie draInageo lis S60090g Iy cf M-f. Ira Sisarsd, on ite effect. But,ci. hepusseut vril- ia tb. Oti eau. Pickering, ing, vo bave Deo atlsactry infor-ma. ~, Nov. 2411, 1877-Tlsamas tion aste aay special lgîts or imteseste ander vhlel Mv. Armour sud hsie ,-.ti'v rioaS. aim ths priviloge. Ws s@halh vel umn la tict subjeet. -..-- - - - Tus OitcAWA POST Oc-îm.ICiMr. Jas, 91 je PER ANNLJM. Carmiceal hae-eeeiad lie appoint-h ment cf postmshr cf Oshawa, render-r llIrdaf, Nv 8, 1877. cd vacant by tise dacease of Mr. DaviS t z_ *ý ->-- - Smith. TIens wenc a lest of appii. i lITS I ACCOUNTS1I Icsnto. Mn. Cermielîal luis bsen a a Tîiiweek we lau-e sent out s large srugiacwrsgpryaa,5d uncumber of accouais. Those receivin g au party grounfis, few men iu tie -iheucn wlll oblige by remittîug; amaunni lcclily, perhaps, hlaibotter dlaims tg fi thisu- udebt.dlou ansd gave cotMî the herh. Hlie ais ale gentleman and trouble. wcll qaalified to disdharge the laties efficieîctly, whicli cannaI be said o! ail Arc Unfîir Statement. tise appointmeuta niade býV tue pressien A 90goerauenl. A petition, very numner- (. lîcicasofi [In. Msr. Jilak'i speech ously cand respactuslly sigced by the a, seewsîfer ws ll recfad t A e oîecîar. principal citizessof Oshawa Was for.- leucs1ai tIe 4Loeil4 for cantlngesacies lu wardeil ta bend u icivor of lire. He partuiorct witil tise expacîshture cf Kelly, msr Smilla datiîter, Who lied Sir Jalin A'. Macloscll, whljeMite long discllarged tle dufies as lier Of' Justice.' tls alflue pltuusibility fftlr', assistent witlî ncnelsatisfaction four %Y11011 e i holnorale, gonflauan lA ta tise public. But 1h. goverumeut, as rurkblcwlueu n makugh'à loint le ticeir wont, thooglit cf their perty &isqaiust an cîîpoue'ît, flic figures cre fionde firet-the publie intersef aftar. given cas fllows .Cantiligeccis cfthue- wards-aud actuially made the appoint- flep:irtssiiunt cio Justico uncler Sir ment an Saturday balere Mr. Smith'e John- intermeut, no eagar wera they te serve oaxisesce" f the Departmaut -ca frienJ. Ijow pleasant jft would le of Jusatice ws'ee #, 470.89, wliîls fcr Itue i otofo far eeaw ted yoar 1875-761 (lu Mr. Blako's tehaure) i otofc far vr lry ted tley-Were rcdaced to $4,99>687, and ici ec la witlî so mach promptitude. -Bat 187di.77 ta $2,'27878, or for tIhe lest the publie muet wait in patience, whule year naci opared wiLlc 11sf of 187L.78 flue pcrizan'ainterasts arc elloweci hg c i nv hllesben effocee f $ 6.082, eifrn olc rdly hti h -very in'arîy the sslcsry cf- tIseMjnisfer wsOf-ler oinet or la Tnt las fi ofJustice. IefnrtIiýifr meacusus thatwya"Ieoc"gvruuflsea ilu sttiticicty, pninsg, advertising and doiu8g busies suibseritciug le nawapapers, le wunelt ibI fle 111110111reilucOtion, but in DISAÀrccaUS k'ccîAT BOMANILLI.- tclogrcipling, cab-lire, travelling ci- At a lite bour onu hrsday mgit (Ofli pvirless anud postage flicexpeuditure ie. ieboeoti h hpo w1lis grcctly curtailecl. In 1872-73 tlhet. iaIasotl ieecpo counthry pais! for Sir Jolsu A. Meedon. lMr. ilcekin, Bomisuvillea,u spread. sld tfIes fllowing sumo :-Telegrrap ing ing btIcshestores cijoiniug ,on cccli ide 14,871.88 ; cal-lire #1,085500; trav6-ef fif, destroyed Mr. Prowera' furuiture ing. axpeuses1,281 a ud postagewrro@o h wsau r rw $1498.77. In 1870-77uder Mr. 1lale wreolauîewstsd .Caw the charges for the seule were,-Tel. farde fleur sud ied store an fiaeeuiet. igcapling '1880> ; ceblrire $14,17 ; The lusses arc, lMr. Hosicin on stock &o., travelling expapses 151,5; andi poet.-#1500 ;ineured in Tîta Quecn's, 000 cuge S125.191, aitbough tlie cerraspan- Mr. Prewei, ou stock &o., $1500; in- denue lias greatly incrstssed. To prove tîcis flic flmber of, laîttars writlçn 1y sured ; Mir. Crawfords' lace in coveredi tle loparicusnt lu vains yaars were hy ineurance. 1M. Diagman, Wlio oc-i Ite fOllawe '-In 1800, 1,008 , in 1872, cupiedi the upper part aof3Mr. Craw-i 1,9171 luI 1875, 8,820 ; in - 1886, ï,844 iard's; store as dwelling, lait 1100 ; noi aud la 1877, 5,642. Mr. BIaisa aiseaisrne h uldnsocpe yi alîi Istai wlcea lietook oilice thfu e- lsrne u alig cuid tingeucimis sud saai paid by thse De. Mfr. Iloaikin aud Mr. Cr awford wsrc pariment of Justice wiae $26,500, while ownsd by Messrs. D. Glever anai T. wlcsn ho loft it lest Juno complctcly re- Tapseix ; fIel occupiesl hy Mr. Frouer, crgauizesl and tîlestaef! redcd, the aîtlay wcss but 118,588, e sivicig of $18,.« was -ownasi ly Mn. R. S. Manning aufi 0010 ta île people, ansd 111 Wall effetedl insured for $1000, vaînefi nt $1500. hns'twtlisaudlug a great increese oft worl." SWINDLINQ TIP, 1FAltuin. - Everyc Thifs le tIse way ici wIieli Mr. Blake ivaek we read ceucufs of farmers le-o * lilul he orgauneof the Gavernmeaî put ing swindled lîraugl purcbaaing goode the ocase. Butt iley forget ici add tliat frein parties travelling tîitrugl. lie %vi-ile Sirjalin wae Minieter ofJueticelho country. When ans cf thes&e.travelllng wss aIea Premier, sud that. the eoaiug. pediers oflers ta givo two dollars for ouelece Put dewcs ta Ils, Departmont af anselie eau safely bc pritcdown seaao - Justice alis envier thse oantiugeaeles of swindler. There can l'e .1111e Commis.b 81v Join A. Macdonald s Premier. Mfr. seration.for thoe as. iciu, as every 1 ' lale'e contingenaie wore only fer hjo week some oi Ihese swincllcs are ex- OPC ial slePartinent. Tîcome of Sir posed aud the public wavned tîrougli John uneftocly cevemefi hase oa il e.o-the press. Farmdre sud oteoWho p artitnnt lte Miiister oi JUstice, but would boy, and bey te &dvantage, * U8 01s0t8e0 cf, 1Premuier ani Leader cf would do Weil te permse tIeaunc- -1'11i Goyeru "nmnt, 4lTism nfeir iu, it ,meulemuacde by maerchants tîreugli the c wili be really asean, le Mvr. illaic's ecin.s- C icipcLî,Tfle moii wlmaadvertcseea parison, Lot un lhave tise figures fur are tIse real live business men o! thse Ur tconcle'd centingences. spre- place; Tlsey ire fIe mon whluincou- mieadsled ta tîsose of Mr. Blake,, sud seclucuco a! tîcir lergen salas ai inlu e dIion tIseOcompavîsan weuld be a fair thse boit position la ciTer bcrgins ta D une. Va venturesthe assertion tficst t thse genes-cel publie.w mîili hbu d UILthcat i-tîsesuo! SirJoin Si huavec sea mocîs las§ tlat'tlîoso o! lis Nsew Gnoc'sîiy STossc.-Mv. SiimonG mauwnfisslr. Thosi tatemeut as aow put Ftraser, for nou1nauy yaers employes! as forth 10le dc eptivss. If le bath un-.cmanager in tIe -store of Messrs. Camp. fair sud- untrihful, sudascc aanulion. belli, sud wluo lepersonally so well and arable ' Mau lilc Mn. Blaksoelc ousl e favorably kuouvn ta thc peopleaofiel esisacude iluice, wîtîîout tise explari. Whitby and this section ai country, lias ct ctifon wc liaic given. epeaed business in thcr Ontario Block, Broi3ock ttept. Hl as on lisaud a eplen. li TIc Mayoreîîcy. disi aew stockofcehice irceli gro ,ceries, ansi ilose !avorieg lise witli thair eus. A rocîisiitiun, signcd by fthc pninci. to m ill fiunithatt lhey will gel gacd ve palsmin cfflithe wn, lein nscurse cf vaine sfer thoir nsoney irocu "houeait12 signature cskiug lMr. Jiame Ilulden ta Sitîsa)n." 10 ciccopt fIe clIce cf Mayer fer thc su- sulutg yaar. WC used ouly Bay liens, DoxiNIoN I3ANK ;AT LVcIFcI'OOL lAit- tIsaI tle eemplimnuîlaweill legarvcd. E.-TliheDonminion lBank have astab-.o Wliltby lias lied fow bencfacefsr@suanelliliéd ua independleuf - geuey at Livar- e ai Mr- 11lcJ0hs, 11e8lia givan pr-oi cof pool Markset, with Mn. R. D. Gambie hiiie oliabllity as 'a publie inuasd pri- in charge aen Vitte citizen *iiail li. Ouidstklage ANONYMOUS CaUmUUNboATIONes cannaI sud hlls ever bea faremastinlu urwara. ble iueertedi in the CHRONWOLE. Tise Al iag cvery essirprise clclated ho pr.5F writer's names le roqaired with every nioto tiseprosperity cf the tcswu, -Tiih amuoeln net assanily for Tc Ilalway ..o Dmlx$on..~U5;îlepuîblieation but as a guirentes of gaod W( ýsaùdQ8' Colloge, ie ail euterprides r L&eýTtesrenl ecvf i iBroya moul/S b. enly tee Pdte si tb. exMlnlster of Tuîlceeisposeil o! tbis veY. IL seoins as if seme afnan1 tataîlty baS decread ths rd niev&l o! ai: abhetmen fsosa us polidlal atne tust vas-y moment mien, beving mc 1fcscne sud paver- afler a long sis-uggig lite accompliehmentg,-cf vas-hy -dca-ni labai at laah- ome vifiu their, s-sud 1It mas tins tisaI Ms-.Dorion saumnl: OS, anS mhy shOuld net Mr.- Bisk yielS ta-lie inexorable destiny cf th Canadia i tiieumen ? Il Is true lihe tle c'ctlremonl o! the Presidentaifth Concilfronpoliticu mwoulA leavc midligap lanflic miaisteriaI zanke ani tiaI fIhelise af.laîtie mould lie ser-icns ly meaisenod; lot is le juet possible ih, lhis eentinueS presence la tihe party s Reiovm mousiSlle a stili greate- coureý ci meaenesa lu the inmediate future Ta ilsose mia match dlosai7 -fie signe e tle icmes tierses-re very plain inceu lions oiea mavsmeut tlasas-e ivisio of farces in lise ministenial renis-th gncwiuap, in lact, cf l i tline pas-tie, mIls eperats aime sud *aspitý atiaus., vicise long eontiuued onias mil become a muaiter of lmpossibihily, lus à easy tonderlaud liai -tle rvo sasoval.of Mv.. Blaisa maulsi leave the "Naiional"-tie progressive wlng of 1h. Beorsm party-atagther deefituts cf aven an ucleel chief as-ound uhaI they inigît railyl inhult andi politi- csl faney; whiie lime culer viag-tsa "Refcrmeraewmus uatliug ta reforcu,' as iiey are somemmes dslatngnished- vonid ramis in unsdisputed possession o! thé Zdmils Mr. George Bs-omisas diotati uof is policy. Possx[bly mien Mu. Mackeuzie, conselhed union as a Source cf powiev, allihe recet ban quet in 111e city, le sd tlii gromhng dang- er lu lisi miad's yo ; aud tlerc le a- coinaideuce in the speech ai tle Premier en-J fIe Teeswatev a1lsrescf Mn. Blae, ihic shsows liat fIa thougîle of lotIs ave fixeS on tise future, Mn. Masckenzie, la apaaking aifie policy cf reicvm, saiSflues-e might le importat tiieu ilile proposeSi o-de, bat fa vîsicli lus couici net attend, the mmcd- ie duties el -bis offie taîîiug up ail lis attention ; but, adSeS lea, eLime ill aonue wiin Iaise moasures oi roforcu widl le pot info letinile sisape taSd cr- ri flîrougi nder tise guidance ai laderuslunuluonaftie Libers] party have unbounded confidence. Mn? Blaike et Teesmaler coacSthe cme sntiment. The Lime liad- nef yet as-ivcd, hie saiS, for certain vs- fermis, but il mould sunely comae "have. %fer." Timar ilailuthe eimilienity cf ,ho e sthod puraned by lise fie Minis- ýes oi fIe Crow.n, a certain niyaterions- sa micis cesï sta point f0 a presant 'eut cf perfect usccord ou sore im- enrtant questionsu ef pchiey. Presseaf csttivify us-ulS nahuraliy rsnlh iocu eaut cf a paniect undenatanding sud mIl manild lacis ta flic fuhure as likaly livbing a change fIat miglut poeeily &ia may cut of exisflng dificultlea. Cl feet that Mn. Biaise saccusd ta solaf e hlmiself fmcm he rass cifIte ,abinet ln lis Teeswater speech tonmds i confis-ilutis riwcf tIse ainistenlal fuation. If tIsse inferenees arc net togethier laseless, fIshecieth cf Chiai- ustice Draper may le an avent et rester palihicai aiguifleauca flan ut xsf visir eppeered ble hpossible ; sud hus wue anu e naiiild lIaisoi-ns men ae estincd fa exercice influenceonc eo stf-iso f flair country by ficein eaIhlan uuel as Iy lie* achiaus-of tuai- as. y, fio al r u lc te TI le te git t i fI Li dei TicciBFscsvPxico üADVucRTîSENZNSc ave fhocse inserted ila spaper leviug a ide circulat ion. TUE CîîuOcICLE va comamendisheliin tiesesct la every ehrwd business mna ha wlshes bis auneoncemnaste ta reasd lal classes of renders in titis se'ction ai country. MFSSmts. PETLEY &k DiiE, N iag Sftreet, Toronto (opposite the City hall) aller grert inducetoanhta humow aud conutny Inycîs. Tliey lave sa ipeciti- ify in tfhe carpéf lina, snd, as ivill bc ceeu by tîair auouacemneaf jux-ohier columas, in staples andifaucy goodesun ready-made clotliing are preparùd fc, dpty al Compefition. Monday naanning, a mani eccoinpauicd by lis mus, sud Ilinealittle chilslren (oneunable la wacil,) pcissed tuirongli temu ou fIe tvuîmup. A ciliais fanily au thetramp is rmIlauciiinusual oc- currence, sud a sad spectaele et f lis season cf tle year. SUICIDE OY AN O0W MA.N.-AU 0111 men naaed Thas. Clarkse, cf Oshawa, commitfsd suicida on Sumtdcy merning Nov. 2ad, by drcwcîing Isiasilf in s mail lu Biorclon'a bnickysrd. Tccz OeuAwA couneil rsfused et ils [st meeting t0 remit the taxas on tle catholio Couvent cit Oshawaasupotifion- ed. They lemever' abatofi 6 mentis' taxes ou motion of Mr. Perllar second- cd ly Mfr. Gibbs. Mecaes. uteuseuscn and Caxueron oppccses tle motion. AT HOINcuiS' HALL ou Tînreday oveniag, 22ad Nov., (Tlsankogiving Day), amusement for old sud yong will le pvovidad l'y membere of Ali. laints' .Congregatiozi. Tickets 25 cents. Go, sud pasq a pleasant eveuipag. Menssss.s. Lomces & 1'outssi., Dociniu Wereroames, adventice uew godel ihcapar thîs y allier louso cinthe aonufy. SALE 0F ORtAÂN.-We aie pleascd tb aarn thet the. anefion sale aiflise Mudge &Ysrweod ongama, on Tussdey, was -eny suceessini. Tisy ana now effen- ug ieafri-ucents of fIe Lest msnniaclure lower tisan 5ev.1 ýVerraatsd matches at Goldemitli's lIl. Mn. James Jaoshen lias a splcîcclid steak cf. uew jsivslry goode ft pnice fa suit île limas.- TiE ALAsSEA F URci ousr.-Messrs. V. J. Hiekie & Ca. lia-,c aspaciuslly ia Alaska fore. Tas GOLDEx LION, King, .Street, I'cranta. Seo anaeuncenaenh *Of the wcil-kaowu firin of .WltrSa. TuocmescivixG Dà y.-NexL TLure- sy (22ad fuel.) will -3 oTliankegiving lay. Tac BAND mas ont aun iisereîcading sur last Monday ot-ening. Tumi Ocre INoî.ý.N Tutooaas.-A Ss'p. it on fronu MontraiS wsciteil cea] the linistanof tise Interior uvilluraference c tise Oies trouibles. Mn. Mills pdinted ýut fhia bilify cf the Fedlerni Gov- 'ixient.ta intarfe, but exprsçsud sun i;;u thl he diffieulty naigit lye dis-i >. pigunSf 01a - M5uJenr Ua- 54, 5 -ues 3e se, thal lie jndges foutuS-sanie -die '80 anlty indeaidiug in fayoroth ie mi ners The follolmtag are lie sinoeess ge cozupetitors lu tie 1f#raotasd 88001 at FassîrCa.ass.iOplen -te ail plongiime en mii any kied cf plouI-isIpAu J e, Tmeedîie, ýWhitbY champion Beape1 as pr-eenteS by F. W. Glen, Esq.,c l. Oshawas, vaihs, 8.150. Secondpizt b- j,%bt ., Pà aon,_ Whutby, Sharp'.SBe :e Dnp Baise, extrafinii, -pveseuedb i 5 ie Maseey Miinnfaaimuing Company, fi value, 140, -sud 110 lu csh..Thir le prize, John Mangen, Willcmdie, Stée 5Tootis Raies, preoented y Brmwné td Pattonson, Whtîy*,value, 185.' Fous-] B- pize, Frederik- Waldon, ',Lakefiels t euhli $10. The. Judges unanimous]j ifreeommended Ihuat a fis hprize. i eamanded le George Beatty, Glongrrl' sud tie Managiug Committes amandec f i lan$5. SEC-OND CLASe-Open ta ploogimer t. is have nu a l aisaafirst pnze naI8an 5Provincial or aauufy math îe irez tScotch plongi ta le exclnded.-le1 prize, William Milliken, Hagarmes, n combineS grain drilad brossieas -seeden, pressanteS 4sy tIc ssocn Menu. -factnring Ca., value, $90. Second e pnize, Johns Allen, Clarkse, strai' cutter, ipveeentsd *by Cuamfng A& Mcolilen Port Hope, value, 020, sud 85 aSsied. Tîtidpize, EB. Brysu, Whitby, 015, -Fourfi pnize, James MioLceau, Lindsay, --Meeting aillhe Pire Company. i At a Meeting aifie Fine Company, - elic on Thunedey eveuiug, Navember Sf1, ha ils Fine hlal, aftar routine the follcming resclutione more passeS :- W_ Moved by CIato. Prie, sacouded by 7Tises. Ries,, ilat Bt. H. Jameaca le el- eefed a member oi thelooeansd Lsd. Son Dspartment of Ihis Company. Csnried. blaveS by Jas. Bannes, isacasiced by BaoIt. Hacrdiing, that I. Harper le itp. pointeS laelis. Coal Cerf. Cars-led. Marc-S Iy Chas. Ning, secondeS by H. Garis, sud il is reseived ' "Trimut hie Compay vcry muelu ne- gruf cime sui frown upena îeu ty'cer- tain memnbars ai tle toma cr'aaciî, as te tise rapid apreed of fliseccnflagration oi the 16th Octolar aset, mithouf flair msieing esîficient investigatirn as te ils cause. AnS if is lix. nanisaous opinion oi tls Fine Brigade fIef lad tisa Town Couneil beau mono igi ii auiarciusg fhe by-iaws cf tise Caporahien, it moulsi have beau uaxr7to impossible tîxafsud a cocnflagration elaulS have accurad ilhi fhluimaile ci tle tov. " Movod by Jas. Barnnasecoaded by Thas. Tomns, fluet a vote cf lb-anis be fendoretefa esans. Laing & Stemart ion flair libenal donation ta tle firamea ien Ilii service et thea lais fine. Carnled. MoveS Iby TIcs. HanSiing, cecondefi by J. Tanner, tIsat e vote cfflihauke le famîsered tise Oshawa Fine Compansy for fleir prompt respense taelIse eeil for assistance iu qucslinig-fIe late diseutr- eus fine sud that lise sacreter'y forwerd f lecu e cepy cf thie nesointion. Movod by C. King, secondaS by H. Gavret, chat a qopy cf these minutas le iuri-iSuc-cltise CuaONOscLte ioninsertion ia thîe usît issue. Cul tisi Out--lt May Save Tour L11e. TIsane la no persan living but miaf enlisai-s miore or lae mliithLunng isasse, s e i. e f CoaglIs, Colde, on Ccnscumpîion, p soma moulu! dia raiser flan psy 7 cenits for e bottie cf medicine fIat woul cuira flic-m. Dr. A. lloscliee's Germa Synup lies Iafely beau iufroducad i fhIs couuny iracu Germauy, sud it woudnous cures astoniel eviry anc the hry il. If you doubt wliat me SayL pnt, eut lis ont sud take iftato yon Dnuggisf, S. W. B. Scuifli & Ce., ani gef a sampla bof fie for 10 ceufs am any o a ragalar size fer 75 cents. The Situation in France. ef 75 Ii su te i ýun ia ida j Pnceiclcnt Iîlclialioabas clecliued le secepîtisae nesignation ai hie Ministans, alogiug as lis reasson fer ce doiug. Ihat fIe accusation aiflice Chîsmîs-n ci Dep. ufies effact tise enhire Cabinet. Great t nnxicty as tsi tîte resuit f a'theopreseut -criaseis mauiifed inl'anis, ansi flic fovesiscaCabisiets arc- nrgiug ticMs lia ta ashalt a poliey ofci ociliation. Tite second ballatsoaithIe Concils-Geueral give tic- ltcpubiicansns ajevifiea cf 49 Dopant seautuq, tinu tle Couseneatives isi 88p laaviag tflues clcparieats édenîfful. lu liae hsîuhen yeaterdsy a lively cie- bate oie plaeaou thIe repont cf tht- Cuasmitte ou thcs motion et cii inqtsiry lîcto eloctanissi abuses, wlieli vioWntly aflacise the Govennment's policy. Wiatan'a Bainana ai Wild Cherry. Tise grent ncciedy ion Cousutmption. TItis well-lesaawo rsmsdy is aflerecl fa fIs publie, cauetiuueil by tfIa experi. suce of oscar issi-y yc-ns ; sud uluen re- sorttd taeii cefscn, soldow a iils te si- faciréi a poecly cure ai Cougîs, Colas, Croup , Broucluijes, Inflouza, Whioap- icsg cossghî, Iloarenees, pains oci sons- na sii fsc.Cluet anSida, londein- at fha Lungs,,, Liver Cossilaîsiat, (te. Be- wars cf Countenfeitiils Rmeiauîc tîcat fIe gccUaiuo WusiTAttiBALSA31t ai' WiLD Ciscssssv lins on t le oufasie uraîrer lice Signature cf "I1 lI1Ts,'5 anS fIe print- ed numa cillhe propniatons, "Sucrur W. FOWLEs & SOiNS, BOSTONc." Al eth-Ce. sa lie iitlations. Examine flic wrsîlllcr aarefutlly laicre pancsi rng. e W coutc aud eue dollar a botle, . SoId l'y deniers gsueaclly. Wcuo se Mcis C.snc.?-Wltl île pan- tienlars cf tIcs Shurdy-Carr-Gow abdac.t lion chi;a, trieS ai fIe Guelph Arsiîas,o tisa publie are nom fully acquaintad, co P far ise icevicenceaddced iti conceru- a cd ; -and if le aise kne"tr thet Sturdy c sud bie daughter lave been aceardeda sentences in fhe Penihenisry. luit or t -uniush, tisenstences are questions wifis mhiol ws lave neoglut tc do, but about flue mIhe affaîr thene is a mystery, se fer et Ilast sf cta who Miss Car la. SIc f swsars Site is e daugliter o! Mr. Cern, r efatianer. of Tborolci. Mr. Carr denias Ihs parenhagcu, claiming that Miss "Cern" is a is Satifli As fer as Mn. Carr, ai Tisonoîcdi leconcarnnd, t tmay bca sai]i itl Irutlithat lue lias, sintecittise deîsoucncît oaI tise affair, no conerm A wbstaver with if-a position saiSonst faisan Iy a ftien ofai edaugltifn a cci Mite Carn?a Toc GREAT FÂcMIIABTY.-Too great 0 famiLlsnity ansi tee avideaf pleasure in t fhs Socicety ai ycung mon anae orors igta mLiii nu dolicafe sud porca-ini-T cd girl a;lîcunlS l , if tlicsy desiro ta e-e- tain thIe resectf cilaeoposite tex. C J{IrIP Busy -The man misa ls ne.- I tlsing te la is fixe mesi nailrnhle cf le- cs iij-s. If yen lisvesno regulimarieor, dosic odi jobs as farmers do whusuIf reins 1 tse lard ta work in tfluelbd. lu ce h cupsin vie forgot aur troublas, sud qc gtaf sreepite froîî s trroir. 1- It la hie honest,, "ploddilug" mark- 16 mouIn w1xs 150a W alev.îed Pc-itioci in île mov.lci-Won- 1e - -- -lrum1eas thse fatatokf fos-a ouh Miiecar iasha telegnapuse onmS ua- thesslvé in the rýlgbrhcd-of Deve fil Boyau. Aocomsiag te intelligence up te île fbartl, the. farce investlng Kmp ni i unoie "numerous. TIse principal su frt 1-0ofdheee aeapparently di- J. Inithe Westtheiamonlenegrinu bave ir, met miii a sucese l in eniglsbour- o! baod O! Antivari, wiici li il enable ctienta commenice mare vigorous op- el! pereitians- againstt ualtaion, Great byý preparatians ara being miad. by lhe, P J Ses-iaso. Fr-euhladoiies cf ts-oops ara rd sonlantly on lie meve towars-dthei ýel frcntier, ambulanes are behug foumasi, & sud'mos-k is going ensslgbl anS day lt th lie arsenal ai Bragujevaiz. y Dipstiieris send hem te pilvent ils se eps-aid. eý The Massachusetts Bcard ocI ealti neeently issuesi s circular, argiug upcn )n the local autharities tIs-oughoul lthe 'y Stahe lie neeessity cf mare Ilorcugi. nu attempte ta contrai diplîleria. They et say.* s, Ip tise finit place, as dlpiflieria in a cf contagions dissage, ansi under certain c. iromelanaes ualentirely kno*n very Aj iighly no, il la important tlat ail prao- r, ticebîe imae asoulS l etnl'e spas- ce thîe niaisfrom, the meil. :As i111e aiea infections, moolen dalle, sýcarpefe, aurteins, hangiugs, etc., shoulsi lie aveided lunîleesNis raom, and ouly snais matenial useS as eau l' e sodlly isalsh. AI l alaIes, mien removed, frocu tIse patient, shoulsi le aI once. piaces iniiboit mater. Poaket landiser-j rciifs eleulu le lsid aside, anSdluinlseir r ctead sef piece",,cf linen or cottan dol h aeluonld le used, saset once burnee. Disinfecianta slsould aimayi le placeS -in tise veueel oaouîening thue expeatora- tioflansd imay le need somevliat-freeiy -in the sicis rcam, tiose beiug espeeially - meful whici dcstroy lad oîors mifiionti causing others (nitrate o a a, oalasid. ci zinc.) lanselsoola thore should le1 F espeelal supervision, as tle Susease lau -oftsu es-o mill i's esrly stages asualt te atts-cet cammea attention; enS no 1 rchild saulcl b, lced te attend select freinanauiniseted bcuseutil slamwed fa de se by a compeisuf plysicisu.,laIn the case ai yong ehihirenalal resson- elle canea hould la taken ho pravent t andue expocure te tise colS. Pave t mater for dnlnking ebanîd lie usaei, avoicliog confaminatedl sources cf sup. ply; ventilation sîcutd blaniasis on, c aSdlocal drainage muai le earefnly c atfeuded ta. la countvy tomse nve anS ceaspoals seolon ib. freqlueut'i' i emptied aSddisifeeted; slop mater b ehealsi not le sllomej te soal ia îlhe a surfaescif te greunaS ear dmeiliagc banses, sud tise cellare shonid b. keplt dry aSd smoet. Iacilie,especially cin' tiSaI districtie, basin,latin, etc., as b nom cunnected itmilidraina, should E neyer aommuicate Sirectly mil h sleep. ti ing ipertmeuts. ci Iu ail cases cf 'ipîtieria, falîy as c, grocit cane sliouid le tfensain disiafeet- E ing fle ic aiecruo,sites- use, as in ai scarlet lever. Ater e deafli irom sliph- dl thevie, the clolhiag die seonld le bi borneS on exposed f0 ucîvly or qutce s lest of boiling mater ; tise lady sisal la placeSas ecanly as practieshle l is e a caila ifî dieiniectaute, anS île cafflu ol sloulS le tfgitly cdosaS. Cisildeva t oa lesef, uaSd betfen adulte un mont cases, te ghould net sattend a faneraI inom a tli -boue in ulsidl a decifl frona Siplifleria su lise occa-esi. But witls suif elle preeao. MI tiens if in ual uscesssry fIat tise fanerai hi sîculci be pvivshs, providad tIce cnpse te l et alhaany msy axposeed. su Iu flic opinion cf the Board, île ire- as quent visihation cf tisis diseasa, and se.-eai Peciaily ils continuaS prevalcace, naay fh lc a fesa sesafficiccut evidenes' ci un- bh eanifsny surraundinga, anS ai seurcesSi ef sicinsaet a certain axteit ps-event- ve Sharthorn Breeders, Convention at Lexington. lu ths Shotiora Conventiou held et Lexing'-to, Ky., on the firet met., tIc racomimeadations ia ths presidenî's addness, ta memeoralize Coagrese for tha abolition cf hariff duties on live stock and tIse establishment cf a com- mission of tîrce ta lava charge o! tise stock intereescithie cennuiewere nsponted p on favorally by M11, Pick- avell, cf Illnois, mcm tls cammittea, sud ccecpfed unaninaously. Soe raies were ashopted lu relation ta fhe admission cf sîorthcrns on record in tise American hersf book, but thse raIe allawing any animal willi seven short- liera crsse.s, ne matter %whisthefcisegin ta ha recreid ul, sdafeestesi by s vote ai flîirty-thîrse ta nine. flu aelt i ae neaineo, therehsîre, neqoimiamg a pedigree ho tracs ho su importanct dam anS sire Isiorc e cing asîmittedl ta record. Au inhenestiug cdicussicn on tle enîject cf color n luslorthsonns devalopesi a decisi- efi judgmsat agzaiosh tise fasalionable colon (rail) sud in fayon o! iglter ce- lons. The icllcwing was adopteduaen- imoualy Rc8elvcd, fIat colon in shortboras te inerely a malter ci teste, faucy sud fans- IJuan, cuof affehlug tIte qualily cf ment or milk.. Rasa/ccd, That fhs publiaef asie in preiarzing red ase a celer, ta thse exclu- clon of cfher cclocs, is injuons ta tIc ehortonrnterest. Tise convenhiona asjenrnad ta meet uaxf ]-esr et Nashvile, Tenu. Pravidsng for the Indiana. SITTINGi BULL CAUTIONESi. The Dominion anflonities anre trouble eS about providing e future lame fa- tIse Sioux mitisout, ersaling trouble among flie Canadien Indiana wluc, are vary jesaus o<iflahir resarves. Col. MiaLoeod atînibufea tisa consfant Inidian fressîles in tle United States ta dishon. oit âeaercthcsr tissutfacou Indian- pohicy. Rls adeises flic dnoppieg cf an alsoluhe suilitany geveramaul cofInl- élisas, aci ifonly axasspensfcs sud lar- tiens tisen. He favori iseeping tIhe fnibes as fer spart as passible, viug seh a comionhable resserve, sud au e- cauragsug it ho engage lu agriculture scader lianeet supsninfcuideuee. Tise fugitive Nez Perces ana suffening se Ian- ribly fr0111 ment ci provisions lIat mny.are, slipping lacs overthi ou- tier. fiitiuig Bull nover lires oif alk- ing cf hi-, intention ta stnike Ile Amer- icauiea et fiiref eppartumify. He seyi lus kueme îlee cuntry sa veil tiat lie cuill kaep Miles aud Terny dancing thons aillsmmer. Since his, interview -witis tle Comnaiscioners le lias becôme, a lnsggarl. Major Walihtecok hlm, alacs tisee fieneley by Ielin.- if lhe at- tempted la aI fac e sAtnaniesa troops or traders inocu Cenadicau soei lhe police mouIS shoot hlm on tle spot. CAu A MAN lIRSE OcT-r 13e9Wîrz luE Là w mIN NORTmI CA&RoLztN.-NIS-L1 CaroIiua's .1laal learaing le mrestling wili tise probîccu viether a man can lire ouf ta lis ow -n mile. Oue Sîsit, of Aiqls.ville. mas saut fa jail, sud, as lhe Snw allows cooviet laben te la lot ta thua publie or ta ladividuaL, Sîsit mas; ciraS fa lis owa vifs., sud macesi hi% quartens tu lis cia domicile. Tise suilize deiel fitat the pvs'eeading maç a violation of tic sapirit ai tise li&, and Oudrced 811ssit 18l'eCenmitte Si as1au sseapaol conusiet, but tis at4iai;a beau Appeali ta' th e Suprema Court. --MA.xoa cF locns.The new - or Imendon, Riglut Hou. --rnau for Bîahcps, ýroMuuaspwjns ofvzew; aantepuent tie oblliviosi laoklag the elementaoo ~panne-o pare fuflesi i cf fresdom aud respciusily wbich be. longe ta us as Mlaow.eubjects to thos Britons who lnhibi thé 'United Ring dom.g The Flshery Commission., Mr. Dans, for the, United States, fin- iehed hie 'argument b.farîýthe. Fisbary Commission on Baturdà y. -The case foithee United stat6si. inbw eloed The American - agument is thnt the Maritine --Provinces are *ntitlea ta Do award, the ,dvantage,-from tii.FMIei ery clauses cf the Wiashiington Treety being mutual. 7%e Commission hec adjourned until Thnraday, wlieu the- Britishi argument will be eacnmenel. Il je expectefi liaI au award will be made hefare lb. end of the month. The People Whom Russie is Fightieg For. A letter ia the Neul Wiener Tagblaf from lbe Bassini ladquarters cf the arxny cf lhe Danube raye liaI tie Czar in very indignant st the condcluothelx Bulgariaus. It was expected tiiet after the Ruasiane iad croesed 1the Danube theywould have been able ta organize1 a Bulgfan army, the cadres cf whicli bad a reedy heen prepared in Bes- arabia. This projeot bas provsd quit. impraoticable. A levy cf 20,000 B ni. gariane wae ardered sa>ne lime ago, but Litherto il lias net -Won founci possible oe collect more Maen 1,000 recruite iu thie country, for tli6 able-bodied Bul- garians have ail fleï ta -the districts oecupied by tlie Turkis. The collection of taxes from the. Bitgerians lias prov- ed almost equally passible for the Buesinas authorities te obtain pay- mcent ci taxes from a Bulgarisu except >y seizing bis goode. But what mont liegnete the isjans with the cauduct of the. Bulgarians le lIat these people take every opportunity cf serving the Turkiah generals. They e. constantly betrayiag their "lliberators," ena thxe lussiauss aribe many cf their reverses to the treechery of Bulgarian inform-. era. The Czar is seid ta have exciaini. ed, on hearing cf several instances cf BIgarian faithîssees, "'TIsse men are withont feeling or ctonecience, and .o uasdeervie thil we eianld shed car blooci for lhem." A MAnvzLous DzscovEzY.-A Northi German newspaper gives an aceouut Df a diseovery aud invention, by menus ýf whidli it le renderedl possible wliolly ýovercamne the farce of gravitation sa Jiat a, man in the last stages of cou- ;mption will, by emplcyiug it, ho able e lift e body cf auy assiguable weight ; ie cauld, fer instance, eesily draw np ýthe surface ýn iron-clard thet lad =nk to the battom cf a river, provided uly the apparetus, whiah consiste cf a endc.r wire, coula bc* made ta girle se ship'so that its ends eould be )rouglit juta contact wii.h sscI cther. atisfactory expérmente witlî the in- metion are said ta have been 'made in ce presence cf German army cificere, id as tie pricescf divnlging lis secret .ethod of accomplishing thie unheard. d reenîts, the inventor-who le, hy the 1SELLING IN'<ENTIOSS.-A vevy aur- ions ancliou sale taak place in Newr iYork City a ewis cays ega-a sale ci inventions. Anaong tlie novelfies offer- ed were fhe follawsag :-à arrengesi far sifiug tise dis-t frcm pots. toes ile liarveeting, e double pockst, dlvidad by a dcacptive flap, for the pur- pose cf delodinùg pickspocets ; an ima. provefi dieli-washer ; au almosphsnic cdam dasher, marranteS ta brng but- ter in tluref minutas ; au instrumment for maielesig postage efampesud thce gommeS cuisae cf auvelopas. A ma- chine for shsrpening shahe-peneils lvooglit 11,000 ; au improved aven-ceat p ocketafofr fhe jrofecficu cf a Ia.lyc lîand wmli.wsllcing wifl a gentlemnan mas soîsi for 1850 ; a balt lor lockiuxg upper sund lower wiulhow acnhes by e c4ingle operatien ment for $425, whila su "adjuster" for cpsniug the blinde whenthIe window as elîsesi, mifixut 1 atsin,, tl'Jiu sa1athlA fi ir j.. ,lea COUNTERI'EIT $10%5 0P THE OmNTAix .1AN.-A fcm Couaterfeit ton dellar bills.ocille Ontanio Bank, afllie Bo- manyvlle issus, mare circulated iui Monîreal. They are about one ineh eborter flan fhe genuine issue, fie en- gnaviag mach infanior la executian, sud the green finting of Ilgîfer lueo. It is supposeS thaftîtey mers maaufactured la the Stasîand are nom leiug diefnil. lufcd by parties lciking a llyiug four Psy ne attention fa siandercesasd gcseip-mongeris. Neep etsaiglil on in your eouros,, sud lot tbeir baekbiting die flue deatflainegief. Wlssf is tise ose cf iyig cimaise at nigît, broodiug cver the nemaris of sema fads &ieui, tIal vans tbrougl ypur Imnin lise'ligîl- EseLemi MAsLS.-The arraug-ement for laSing sud embsriig Englial - mails atf Rimousiihave elosesi for tise season. Tha onhgoing male rmm Qiiebe, Moulrosi, sud the wmet for tIse steamers cf the l7th sud 241h Novecu- ber are tb le put ou board ah Quec, sud muat isave the offlices making up mails for England as under the minter arrangement, eoming dama fiera tle meet by LnLidsy's marning train froux Too blucH FOR THE YAssxEin.-Dur. ing a vacnt Chiasse banquet et San Francisco au cruge mai laid aethlie plste ci seel guest. The fru, ou le- iug cnt epen mas fonS hto ontaiu flue isinde oi Selicata jellis. Colourec cggs cvrsealea serveS la the luside ai mhidli mene fouasi nais, jellies, maetesud eau- feciiene. Whea cae cf the Amricas sked tis interprafar fa explain - hIe legerdemain cf aockery, lhe laugies arily, cseaoklis baed sud replieS, 6M6 ienmn lssp esmart-wlsy le net fiadee aut'20 BaWDY ANDs WAÈRz.-Neal Domms catliS mbtiste Portland poie, station laheiy ta counent ci hipsy bois agmsct mIma insistaS fIaItîshy drans brandy ansi mdcv togethe- ou a Sound boni reeeatly. Wheu thea mataapostîs ai temeveue gel flore, lise fellai ex. pleineS tufi ha dranis tIi brandy sud' Dom fise mater. A Soicozeus Volcc.-"I lape, 3fr,. Gîleé, s,"cii s lady mIme mes esevasaing for"& clair at a Yankee villagze cisorch, "yvou wll persuade yonr Iusband c ji-s ns!1 Il atu telS -ealins sa-v soeou voie."-"A ssonsstu,, vamee. cearcu 2" a-il ira. Gias ais. yenu eihou[d lave lhear-1itil emiag ouf et is la hse raet f 4e mid as cf: til ,InandlitélY 'dptetrred.-'ut lie aà ked Y, lIir,ÃŽ6buo mehie bousekeeper, which * she'dia. The avowed objeet of thie f manSeuvre was tlat.his frieas would la ýCese their opposition to the 'msar'üge. le, Mary kept house'for John al suenmer, >-ad gi eÃœd toý-be going on withi possible. In the latte r part of Aüuot, Mary wenit toLilwood, to: visit lier friends, 'in the erfidiaus lover, taking edvan. taà ge of lier tensporary. abseucé, lied himesf dowu ta Garafraxa, where a, * sliglit gel of 17 wha lied formerly beau y hie housekeeper, resided. John forgot o' ha was 42 years oldl and that she 'was è. a ycning lady of 17, and lis up aud 5married lier off biand. -But Mary didn't give up the slip -thus; eaeily. She followed him per ssv- y eringly aiglit ana day, the great love of ilier great woman's heart-although now an illicit love; madle e0 by am est o f parliaxuent and preacher, carrying lier on in the furliering of lier obj@ct. The grand resn.t of Mary'% determine. tion, pereeverance and ilîliot love for John, was flue: On Saturday morning, 20tli inet., John and Mary pecked their Saratbgas; lie.bade a tender adieu to hie Young, sliglitly bujît, lis Seveni ohldren, hie fine farm, whioh la well etooked and clear cf debt; elie folding lier four childreu ta lier wowenly boeom for the. laet time, ani they were Off ou the morning train- This eloping twaiu Nover, neyer, neyer, neyer, Neyer ta cames back again, Detroit, Michigan, in thxe land cf the free and-the home cf tlie brave, was the destination of the rneway pair, and ou erriving there John wrote ta bis father to eay thet lie lad left for gooci; but gave not the reasou wly. Hie le probably et Detroit etili, eujaying the eociety cf the remarkable wamau who sednced hini into the fatal step, whicli will bliglit the happinescf bath for a hife Urne. Joliu Barkwell was a procinent chnrch member, ana lied, through hie conduct and deportmnent, won the ree- pect aud confidenice cf hie bretîren in the churcli, He wae mnch reepected by the neiglibors, and hie rash set lies thrawu a large circle cf frieude into the deepcst cistress. 1. Hie conduct, ini respect cf the elope. meut, je moet nuecountablo. The prevailiug, opinion je that Mary exer. cieed aver hlmu a pheycliologicel influ- ence whichreuderedhbien uuaccontable for hie own actions. IMPoRTATioN 0F EuRo PEAN OATTLE Ta TILE U. S. PRuamurrz.-The imupar- tetion ino the United States of bides aud cattle from Europe will be prohibi. ted after the lot prox., except in casesC where cal'goes are accacnpanied hycou. ] sular e rtificetes cf non.infectiou. SrrTINc BULL AoAi-Jtut as pre- paretians hatl boea cornpleted for Sitt- ing Bull'e transfer ta the Red River country. the Dominion Goverumeut ordered hicu toi renain et hie pressai V location. The Gaverument, doubtless, B feered trouble with the Blcsckfeet. Sit. p tiug Bull expresieed obedience, aud pro. C mise'i ta keep hie braves frocu the fron- E tiA FINiaATFAmnni AonH DusncianAei.-A man naciu mIn th. duga stoefightnefasfiliq on tîsdrg tored cftnihtr Ja alse, II. retrd afta lie sto iseSeter aS g fliroogi dek vindo eotnd etkeg o! pofmde an crel tund e fIe lw hn ie oai rnlste sudstcpe.lAercaifins ap f[mptsd arrescpe. A tyerrolfic xpîL sug socure, nirslyun deonishiag te ugtrs, irisg au alOdani resU ir, aelma aaalso destroyucn. au dbaly088 sly$ urag00ncn.. J] soi -dis fie( lat ett aitl dru stol pro APPEAL aN OERALF OF THE BosNiANs. -A Roman Catlolie mevemeat in aid airth fIstcifufe Bosinians uta liaeesuf- fed ici tle insurrection lias beau imi- tiafesi ly Lady Georgiaila Fullerton, whIaluse issaed au appeal ho ta Etsglieh Ranuan Cetixolses, sccempanied l'y a statemnent 0,8 ta tise painfilposition ai thueir c-neligiauiots in BasaIs, and ai the sistere cf clarihy ilo efnive lu tIse niidist ofthue general micary te save tle peur orplianseof Cethalia parants." - Betten Timea. ed 'Je- >W, le a [o- à e )ry na Co- The evideucesfluaI thehslavdLimeés Sisave speaf flair force sud tfIefa sfeady 'ilprevamneut lu aIl branclis of busi- ness lias bagua, are nom taa plainly la be secu ou overy lsaad, ion tise meet dapodent th o <bhfuein existence. l'elst- buglear of île farmans, tise fear'that the carn woiîld le ruined by the iroet, lias nom ceessd fa alarcu, as ior blI mmet part thie crop is hoo fan aidvacced ta le aaiousîy injuri, even if cola weiflmer sionil met la et once, as le net ai alluprobable. As te tise bar- veste gauerally, f huy have peraipe nov- bafono bae squaleS ; 50 thlaI tle fer. mars are ananred a goosi noturu for tîsir labors, lise morising masses ans atTrend food et moderato prices, and tle great avenue ofi trapsportation are cramneS mitl the cash marS flow ci tise iirvêeefeandI fIe refuu nflow cfthIe camiorts andsInlxiînias usuel are snf in exolauge. As ne rauI oncoursgemeuî wc may mention aIe ise nefc thal ans- national eurraey lias neaclad flie higli- cccL figure il lies kuoma-the différence lctweea it-end golfi hcviug besa quot- aS the oflar day ntilese flan 8Opaencent. -so fIat fiera lîhlitîlb isar cf lie ter- rible resulle Wlieh lave beau prediced by semae ia case ai specie nesumptieun. One cf Ithe very bastféiatursaifIe f holscuieIeak is tle fuset that ils rail. ways have ceaseS ta cnt escis utlc's tîroats, ad are ahi cîarging reasea- ebly renumerafive ratas for tise im- mense business uýhich is ponniug in upon tisecuAs. e eansaqouce, their sarniaga are chawing ci mariesiim- pravememtinsd afford tisa chserng lap tat the companias mii l Otnly b e e o ýlirteremployee living wages but a hy mili gradually le- cocue pnofitable fa flair praprietos.- A TavNs ie infairailuvny- te about ta le eomsfructed in thie United States ai CPUmBLCWnC I z.hVeClet PUBanstLC mssue mNheznu ave c Ier a elaeil tcsis ahsc Huy DIPHTUIEI is very prevalent ia fNova Scotis, sud lias proveS extnomeîy fatal lanceins districts. U-.19. MIc.ISTEa TO ENGiLAND-Tla United States Senafo las confirmeS flue appolant cri f Joishn luîias A iIiety 11sf casta pale gives double oaufeat.- N'tuirsilZ but a good hife a fit mcn leva botte r osse. tran4ya f mînsi. i prc ai TI>era hinendeever lkw of attre tu delieately fdavored bevazage, mblèh ma' se ve us Imy heavy doctoas' bille»" 1* fm lýyhe judiclaus use 0cf suasatcles cf diel b a cesituflinma vbiegreduslly bull Up unfil etrang snoucgio ress every ton. deady ta dise, undreoctubtIemaWa dies ave flaatlng avound, uszesdy. to altacl uiierevar ilere la a meak point 'W. mtay escape mny a fatal ehatt ly keeplug >cour- salves well fertilieS miti pure bloocI' andSa pvcperiy neurlahed ten -ie1-oae Gazette. SaiS ouly lu Pets, labellesi,- "4James Eppe c2 Ce., Honaoecpaîhie Chesu- loae, 48, Thranaecile Stree, sud 170, Plccadiily London. WHI2'BY MARICETS. CisecEoriez, Nov. 141h, 1877. ]Plour, per lrl.......... 8700 @17560 Fan 'Wheaî ...... .....1 10 01Il20 Spring Wieat .... .. . .$. 1 O05@61 10 Barley......... fo50 @ 0 60 Rias.................60Go 63 Pes, hlck-eyed......90 @ou Oats ..t .............. 88 @850 Cern.................. 70 9 75o RaY................. 12@ $là Apples................. 400 @ 60a Patates.............. 85 @ do Eiggs ................. 17a le-0e0 Butter........... e.... 180 @ 22o Wead...............4 0 @6500 woel .......--........ 28 @c. W0C Beet, hiad quarter ....# 50 @ #j 00 Beet, lore' quarter ...15 00 @ #5 50 Sheepskins .............80 o5 @ 30 75 Hlides ................5 60@016 00 Park, par eut.......... 05 50 @ 40 00 Lamba ..............p. Calves ................ $4 @ 85 Onicas ................. D0e te 00 WVHITEVALE MARKE TS. Reýpcrt ed sud correctei wesly, by T. P. Whitevale, Ncvesnler 14t1, 1877. White Wheat ...... 10f l@ &1.25 Rad Witr....1.00 @ 1.12 Sprig..........1.0 @1.08 Shorts prtan..... 014 @ 1$20 Bran............ ....12 TORONTO MARKETS. Wheat, falU, par bush...l.. 2 $1 2 l Wleat, spring, de...... 05 1 10 Barley, perbush......... 045 0 67 Oato, di.... ... 083 0 ?6 Pas, i ...... 0 62 0 70 Rye i ........ 060 000 Drasîsef hegs, par 100 I .6505 6 25 Ohiokens, par pair .......... o 85 O 45 Dueks, per brace...........0 60 0430 Gesse, sachb.............. 0 45 0 60 Turkeys..................0 60 1 25 Butter, lb rails ............0 21 0 24 .9 large rails ..........O 18 019 id tub dary ........... 16 O020 Eggs, f rasb, par dez . O...018 020 dipaei ............... nons tp p epr brL ............2 00 2 75 "'tsteepr bag ..........( 60 0 65 Onions, par bush. .........0 75 0 80 Eay, Per ton .............. 1000 2000o lYcel, per lb............... o 290-080 -PORT PERRY mAREE TS. Wet Port Perry, Nov. 14t1, 1877. 1htpriug ..........Il1e Il 02 Wheat, fia* «.*.*.*.*.-.*.*.nominal Barley.................. 040 O 53 .es... :» .......0 5 5 0 60 .as.............080 001 tidas. ,................... ( (0 O0(00 Pork..................... 500 5 50 lutter .............. .....0 17 0 18 Eggs .................... 018 014 îflw ADVERTISEMENTS. à E i 4 Raclasse ten cents extra ta prspay postage. CENTENNIAL .AWARD The RUISSELL WAJCH 1- i' 1e8mac'lnaail sAe sscItable jfer iTe, suà ad <lents, bath ce aomd sc accualr. Bott Ie sai apreper praponflacDuo THE $26 RUSSEL HUNTINGr LEVER WATOH. Inseln lvrcase asud 901d oint, hWJewdlod, warranteil fan ftvee- toetefun itîsa gallëplted Albart Chain-whass vil b. poeit te a'lnp atoaCanada 1 an receipt et 05,corCD par express. W. F. Ross& Co. 83N ccit - t.E ast. k' - Toronto, Ont. Aies &Porteýr.. FIRST-C LASS ALES AIR PORTER I ciaiphia mae taken fi-omu,&A av ry steak.' Cotosr sa Is pn oia eneanhy. May liaratorerelyupo algfiret-diss Ais sud Porte-r framl ThomasDay/es &.,Bro,, -BBWEES AND BOTTLElIg, TORONTO IvA oi e By.lsw WMl Ilheeoat 9,9 tobe rhel1d A C l wo ar ufrD. rm-temr sud ludiserahions cf youtl, acre-cas weak- neany deay, lcas ai mnanitou, ce1 mI aSa recipe tiaf will cure ycu, FHIE 0F CHAIIGE. This great rsmedv vas dis-- coveredb anisoau laSenti Amenies- - Send self-aaclressed emvlove tei the 15v. t Joszpme T. IzimtiN, Statiois D; Bible Haiisc,l New York City. - y-47 Ceaafy ef Ontario, R E11EBY givan ne vîT : 1-ISthaf lie Conrtof Genanal Sesions ef the Peace sud lbhe Conty Court, lu sud, fer tisa .,COUiNTY 0F O T 3O wmlI lea in lutie COURT HMUSE, in The Town of Whitby, Tue8day,.December llth, 1877, AT TRE lIeus osF Tvx.vE O'CLOCX, Shah, af whichlei iflesies of the Peace Coronars, Ceestaîle, ansi chiens centeas, yul tek notice sud geventiemsaelveesardiugly. ' - NELSON G. RtEYNOLDS,' ShcniD'i-oflca, Shiff Ca. Ontario. Whihby, Nov. 7th, 18-j7..7 - A DU ~~?PT r à ai I 41 5U . 17, lintoC PiaoelaiYor Staine 5 ect -xtra te mepay Pastege. IT-ITL FRILCHsEN W an sid 15U, a.5mIt IoPis Cancer' of.Part Strei, DETRIOIT, MICHIIGAM. -T. KRNKEBnY, histe cf ls ss Hosa", Toront,) 11o-ieto. E MPRROOUS 4TTAED. 3 sra c'o id eonveii à ue %uith ian spd uc la 3669 au 's algao 6 ase roi ao ths prenais withiln om lard, ona madeku ier, aCD île Sandford] of lI 1 -- SATURDAY, TEE 15TIl DAY 0P DECEMBER, A. D). 1877. Thorli ov. - TeiraWhP 'Clerk 101h Nv.I, 1877. 4n4 FARM FOR~ SALE. loam; 'good hase, brn, stables, straw sud root; hou»,; 2 Zwell, 2 cisterns; apple orchard. . Pour mules from Macehester sta- tion W. P. P. L. y, and one foxu pro. pxeýdToronto & Ottawa &.<>Price, 5,00. .sy ermuceap.famÂuA 1 47-tf) Utica P. 0. CÂJIRON &APPELDE, B)ABRISTERS, Attorneyoi-al-Law, sudi So8liiors in Chancery, No.,4 Toronto street, Toronto. HECTOR CAMNERON 9-0, (1y-Oj JB. 8- APPELUL. c. c. SCALES, yIB GInI& TOBAVOO AGENC Y V Torouo-street, Toronto. (l-' OMMERClAL HOTEL aud STABLES, Si sud 56 Isrvis-stxee, Taronte. JOHN MeRiE,.--PORIT . CsDczswu M0 o uaixzn"y. The best $1Me a Day-Hause lu thse City, culy tua bloeke frei om 0torthera Depotaudeloie te the Market.PA e Hot» han beau nswly- Yltted out sud eIery-thlgp'rstelass. ly,41> Q HARESP -ARE HOTEL, . 'Cor. King &YOrk.sts,Toron, Ont. J À. O'GR4D Y, -PROPRIEZ'oB. Txsx, 1150.ris DY. (y47) ][OST OFFICE SALOON, ToBoxxo. J. MCONNLL,.. PRP- II'-? eo u'TlTBE iBE5T ACCOMMODATION 1cr Ousts. fy47 FRASER &CLAIRK> ALES AND PORTER,i WALZ'S LAGER BEER, &C. MILLICHAMPS BUILDINGS, 29Y 31 & 33 Adelaude Street Encst, TORIONTO, ONTIO. Nov. 121h,1877. (ly-47 DOMINION BANK.- LIVEIRPOOL MARKET AGENCY. te" Interst alleweil on Deposits. . 47- B.D. GÂMBLE,- 17. Agent. ENSOLVENT ACT 0 F 187 .5, A&ND AMIENDING ACTS. ru the' Maler of JOHN LIT TLE, ke Insolvent. rHEM CREDITORS ARE, NOTIFIRD to -& meet aItithe Law Offiaeeto G. young Smith, lu the Town et Whitby on Thurs. LaY,. the 27th day ot NavembeUr, linstant, at 100 'cek lu tle torenaon, or the rpe tacnantlngtaîîe niposal efthe re es 0:e and oer thié erderiug et the esIate generslly' >ated at Whitby tii 15h day of Nqov. 1877. ROBERT MILLER, 7-lin)Assignes. IM1PORTANT NOTICE. Ws bey ta call thce atlen. liffl of lihe iicabitaicîs of WhiitbY, Os/taira, Liccdsey and viùcfty, ta our Capets thiicit/cti.Seasoe o f th4a -importanct featursa cf Our houcse. 0'ctr present Stock ancou nîs ta ecer $4,000, and comprises Brcsselg Tapsryi and Kiddermiisjter Uapeîs, ai/îlotc., dc.Personsrequir ing carji t. anounticg ta- T.uzenîy.firi dol/ors ancd up. Imards cri/i save mors t/can titei;fare ancd hars thec larb'sl stock -in Canadla tccooste fr-ont. Note tcs addreis PLIlE Y t I .,DVEI,,Y Grolden Greffl, 128 t-1812 Loast, (Opposie Iest arket SquaPe,)uTorônto. 1 t 1 ' FOIL CANADIAN 1 1 - 1 l 1 1 1 >UBLIO0 NOTICE la herr-l nder sud by Nirtua of B OF HE T-OWN~ of W NsymexLL cf ail or dny part tes iot less tlina <iLs-a]l heWlhereesf, May e nmade tes- vifion t a-ny addition <i lime con or cûebei day of Dec' Thto l.rany part on ili . . lanpaid, tram sail d IlIbars chray f cJanuaniy LUb hria percesatg iua, permaouL - bhat ou t5ê lst day cf linu ianin n-hait cf theais anal dunsd payable, sud e I cof ssld taxas -tIen raai n sud afiar sad data, ths rged sn additional par cas Sceatera., par naonth, outIl i >saidtaxes sud pereenTug ft theret le tfly paid sad E liaI; lia celleec i laauciiori bres lia provisions ef raid 1 to-vided elwsys, tîntnti itaîsed shah affect or dinaini aeCia toe aoy ime, .as uudr u y virtne o ffat lehaif. THOMAS 1MtSTOi Tieansurer, Tew itbY, 6th Nov., 1877. =1T, PORT.PEICP.Y. AILWAY. TIlE TABLE . lung affect o enWducîsyâ, _N TORONTO TIMI TERS cGira c-nORs outo,'via G.T.It. 02 ac. whester-....1-)2> rPerry-........ grave......11.58 ..............t" ..aa .. -.iv..00 Y11...... ..... 8c ) gravec.......s1 1 p e r r y - 4 0 imît-.....904 le ........... 1 *un ..9.27 tby,......... 942 fly Jon.G.T.R. 0.50 ltu,via G. T. il. ve ....1107 efastices-racas csf p uci i - f Telegraph stîtwuÃs. -CONNECTIONS (TIVYJUlM'TION mît] rouk lïriusseatcsr acciti tî- rest. No. 1 ExÃŽrees mi; enm uvliG. T.RIL Express r PEIRF witlistage dr an~d VUxbrisrge., - o'r--lcr jSsiutfleid sand wic te-x-Fer Sîdnais1dCer, cs-For OslcuveasI, Little mentiasand Part lHoover. )SAV-Wiîth Victoriarai easlssn Fi Kisinisacît, Mmi anrtan, tic Fre Gratît Terri a-EtîgishLï .ccdCsmny 1h MilîsctidlhnIay for, V eavartou, illia,, Wgsuli± sun- lty-wuicli cansetcc ifs lice Ea'rthcrn Itailwsy fo cnet, 'Brscelridga, sud tle 1! 6nde cf Muskaka - sCia the caly direct Reute frc ae Victoria, Raîlway ia L itan suhîe NVest. ouglIP T icket sare isseZ 1,y - P.. * & L. Il'y, for-Turenît ac Gf . T. B., Tern te, for ai - P. P. & : ' W. Tlrsug,,I frn tiea East as.- ,is,.ne Lay, Msripass, anSdl3dlssviile 3tonl, Brachviih', Mnesui ns ratesas vcaPl'rt Hcpe. 1argea. Baggnge cla cSth bY, Nv. 9fh1877 8s, Bign, c Carrnage T U R I S bii* 4 . s c t n Citizen. 'cf a1u~ndl x nuul lcg to tlit ýkika lie tpircus-dp, ]Ii :1étca1'ater tram 1N.w Y, prpy d I 7r.SE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'l. 1 1 - 1 1 1